When will the new season of the battle of psychics come out. Participants, what will happen in the new season


When will the 18th season of "The Battle of Psychics" 2017 be released?

Last season popular mystical project ended on the eve of 2017. Now already full swing there are castings, during which participants are selected. The best will appear in the episodes of the 18th season.

fans of it mystical show, who followed all the episodes of the 17th season, are well aware that Swami Dashi came out the winner in the fight with strong rivals. The world of extrasensory perception, having appeared in the program, this magician literally blew up. He demonstrated to the audience his unusual approach to solving various problems that the organizers of the program set for him. In season 17, the main surprise was the appearance of the sorceress Mary Kerro. And although she showed herself to be a strong participant and was close to victory, she could not reach the coveted prize.

What awaits us in season 18?

As for the castings that the producers have already planned, there is no clarity yet. However, there is no doubt that the project will continue to develop and become more spectacular. The only thing that can be said now is that by the start of the 18th season, the participants will surprise the audience of the popular show.

Fans of this program can only hope that in the new season of this program, love and emotions will be at the center of events. Undoubtedly, many fans are counting on the fact that in the new season there will be a person who will show himself in the same way as the charismatic magician and last season winner Swami Dashi. IN Lately rumors began to circulate that Mary Kerro would reappear in season 18. She still has enough warmth, which she is ready to give to the audience, and also has desire showcase your talents to a TV audience.

If you deviate from latest information, then in September current year starts another season popular project. There is no exact date yet. Fans of this program can only wait for the producers of the project to announce the official start date for season 18. Castings are already in full swing. Therefore, every person who has psychic abilities, may be in the new season if during the castings he can surprise the audience with his abilities.

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Continuation of the popular project. The release date for season 19 of the TV show will tentatively take place on September 1, 2018. Being on the air for more than ten years, the "Battle of Psychics" has acquired huge army fans who watch it regularly. According to some critics, viewers love projects related to mysticism and secrets, which is why this transmission format has taken root on domestic television. Even 18 seasons later, this show is on TNT good ratings, and constant discussion in the press.

The release date of the 19th season of the TV show "Battle of Psychics" will be held on September 1, 2018. While fans of the project are waiting for new releases of the program, tentatively in October.

"The Battle of Psychics", is an analogue of the British program, the format of which was acquired by Russian channel. Currently, the host of the TV project is the actor Marat Basharov. According to him, on film set"Battles" are really amazing things. Whoever does not believe in magic, or some other otherworldly things, will definitely change his mind after what he sees. Despite these statements, there are reports in the press with enviable consistency that this show is a staged performance, where everything is decided in advance, and where there is not a drop of real mystical events. But one way or another, the program has remained a favorite among viewers for many years. Bright members that demonstrate supernatural abilities surprise and amaze the audience. Each season brings stable rating numbers.

Release date of the episodes of the 19th season of the TV show "Battle of Psychics"

Namerelease date
Battle of psychics season 19 episode 1Fall 2018
Battle of psychics 19 season 2 releaseFall 2018
Battle of psychics season 19 episode 3Fall 2018
Battle of psychics 19 season 4 releaseFall 2018
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 5Fall 2018

Literally from day to day, TNT will begin showing the 18th season of the most popular show in the country - the Battle of Psychics.

The most powerful magicians, sorcerers, mediums and witches came together not only from all over Russia, but also from other countries to join the fight for Grand Prize. The contestants will have to prove to convinced skeptics that everything is not so simple in our world, and unexplained phenomena- at least take it easy.

The rules for participants are distinguished by their severity. Each of the participants on the way to the main stage in the battle was waiting for numerous auditions, and the selection itself turned out to be quite cruel. Difficulty of the first qualifying round began to seem to the contestants just flowers in comparison with the complexity of the tasks of the second round television project. At each stage, magicians and sorcerers had to demonstrate what they are capable of.

Battle of Psychics Season 18: Victory Only to the Strongest

This thorny path, by the time the project began, allowed only a dozen psychics to remain, whose abilities are truly stunning and stagger any imagination.

Now television cameras and camera lenses are aimed at all participants, but the struggle continues, and it becomes sharper and fiercer every day, which captivates the viewer. Those who are lucky enough to reach the semi-finals will have to fight in competitions unimaginable in their complexity and complexity. And the victory - it will go to the magician, whose abilities will be inaccessible to other participants.

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In order to pass the selection, the contestant of the mystical show project was looking for one hidden person, who, according to the terms of the assignment, is in the trunk, and there are more than one or two dozen cars in the huge hangar, so I had to try very hard.

Not everyone succeeds in coping with the task, so the ranks of the heroes are thinning out and only twenty people get to the main show. Now they will face more and more intricate and mega complex tasks.

In each new release, the authors of the program come up with more and more tests for the participants, but they are always divided into those that are associated with the mystery of some house or territory and more personal nature. These assignments are usually specific person and his particular problem.

Battle of Psychics Season 18: Watch VIDEO

Paranormal show of the TNT channel about psychics, magicians, clairvoyants, fortune tellers and sorcerers.

"Battle of Psychics Season 18» – continuation of the rating Russian show"Battle of Psychics", which has been released since 2007 on the TNT channel. The creators of the project in the 18th season again prepared meetings for viewers with amazing people with unique abilities. They can read minds, guess what is hidden behind a black screen, learn the secrets of the past and talk with the dead.

Participants of the show Battle of psychics season 18

Long before the start of the 18th season, rumors appeared in the press that the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro decided to reappear in the project. After Mary took second place in the 17th season of "Battle", she stated that she did not rule out the possibility of fighting for victory again, because three times she was one step away from getting the coveted " blue hand". In 2014, she lost to Alexander Sheps, in 2015 to Victoria Radoys, and in 2016 to the mystic Swami Dasha. Information about Kerro's participation in the "Battle of Psychics Season 18" was not confirmed.

In October 2016, information was leaked to the media that the younger brother of the famous medium Alexander Sheps (the winner of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics) took part in the casting for the 18th season of the Battle. Oleg Sheps, like his older brother, got the gift of clairvoyance from his mother. However, the audience did not see Oleg Sheps in the Battle of Psychics, season 18.

13 magicians, clairvoyants, mediums and sorcerers became participants in the show "Battle of Psychics Season 18".

The second episode of the show "The Battle of Psychics", season 18, the audience saw on the air of the TNT channel on September 30. The project participants were waiting for a test that was unique in its scale: psychics were asked to find a person in 600 wards of a huge abandoned hospital. The test was assisted by volunteers and actress Vera Sotnikova.

In the third edition, according to the test results, Konstantin Getzati was recognized as the best. The first participant in the 18th season of the show "Battle of Psychics", who left the project, was Maxim Nikitin.

In the fourth episode, the artist from Khakassia Olesya Molchanova said goodbye to the show, and the charismatic Konstantin Getzati was recognized as the best for the second time in a row.

The fifth edition of the show "Battle of Psychics", season 18, brought Sonya Egorova to the lead. But Zhan Alibekov said that the psychologist Alexander Makarov, who acted as a skeptical observer, prevented him and his sister Dana from working on the site. Rustam Zartdinov said goodbye to fellow mages.

In the sixth issue, Irina Maklakova left the project. Two became the best at once: Konstantin Getzati and a search engine-fortuneteller Alexander Kinzhinov.

17-year-old Nikita Turchin, who left the “Battle of Psychics”, season 18, in the seventh episode, was offended by the organizers of the show. Nikita did not hide that he was upset because of the unfair, in his opinion, decision of the organizers of the show. Moreover, according to own will Irina Volkova left the project.

TNT viewers saw the eighth issue of "Battle" on November 11. The city shaman Ivan Shabanov left the project. For the first time, the white envelope was empty, as the jury council voted for each of the participants.

In the tenth issue, for the first time in the history of the Battle of Psychics show, two photographs appeared in a black envelope at once: the witch Marina Zueva and the fortuneteller Alexander Kinzhinov. However, Zueva left the project of her own free will.

In the 11th edition of the show "Battle of psychics", season 18, was attended by the famous witch Elena Golunova, finalist of the 13th season of the mystical project. She personally decided to test the abilities of the participants in the current "Battle". Most strong impression she was produced by Konstantin Getzati.

Starting from December 9, 2017, the voting of viewers for the winner of the 18th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" started. Voting lasted exactly one week: until December 16, 2017. According to the voting rules, one viewer could send only one SMS for the participant they liked.

Tomorrow, the final episode of the 18th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" will be aired on the TNT channel. For three months, the audience watched with bated breath as 13 magicians, clairvoyants, mediums and sorcerers go through the most difficult tests, proving over and over again the existence of otherworldly forces. According to the results, Konstantin Getzati, Sonya Egorova, Alexander Kinzhinov and Jean and Dana Alibekovs broke out into the leaders. On December 23, it will become known to whom the people awarded the title the strongest psychic countries.

Fans of the rating mystical project have already begun bit by bit to collect any information regarding the new, 19th season of the Battle of Psychics. Despite Vlad Kadoni's hints about the closure of the project, voiced by him on social networks, no one has any doubts that popular show will continue in 2018. Who from the previous seasons will appear on the set? Will the strongest psychics present their students? The secrets of which show business stars will be revealed by clairvoyants, magicians, psychics, sorcerers and witches? Trying to figure out what to expect from next season"Battles".

Return of Marilyn Kerro

After the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro took second place in the 17th season of the Battle of the Psychics, she said that she did not rule out the possibility of fighting for the victory again, because she was literally one step away from getting the Blue Hand three times. In 2014, Marilyn Kerro lost to Alexander Sheps, in 2015 to Victoria Rydos, and in 2016 to the mystic Swami Dasha. Long before the start of the 18th season of The Battle, rumors appeared in the media that Mary would take the place of one of the participants. However, during one of the live broadcasts on Instagram, the Estonian witch announced her intention to skip this year and return to the shooting of the 19th season with renewed vigor. Well, we are waiting for the enchanting return of the red-haired beauty.

Marilyn Cerro

Participation in the project of the younger brother Alexander Sheps

During the qualifying tests for the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics, loud discussions revolved around the appearance on the site of the winner of the 14th season Alexander Sheps. The psychic immediately explained that he was not going to Once again fight for the title of the strongest and came to the casting as a support group. It turned out that Alexander's younger brother, Oleg, expressed a desire to test his abilities. Then there were rumors that Sheps Jr. successfully passed the casting for the Battle of Psychics and became a participant in the 18th season. What was the surprise of the viewers when, neither in the first nor in the second issue, they saw long-awaited hero. But hope, as you know, dies last, so fans of the show do not exclude the possibility of appreciating the strength of Oleg Sheps in the 19th season.

Alexander Sheps with younger brother Oleg

New lineup of skeptics

Since the start of the project, the illusionist brothers Safronov, Andrey, Ilya and Sergey, have acted as skeptics. The day before, Sergey Safronov published an ambiguous post on his microblog on Instagram, which fans regarded as a farewell to the project. " I want to say thank you to the whole team! It was a pleasure to work with you! With some we have become good friends! I will miss everyone! I love! And sorry, if that! - the artist wrote (the spelling and punctuation of the author are given unchanged. - Note. ed.). « Is that all? Will you be no more?", " Even though it is a show to some extent, it was still interesting to watch!!! You are great… Thank you very much to your whole team”, “ Veteran of the Battle, don't leave! – write netizens. Safronov himself refrained from further comment. Does this mean that in the new season we will see new team skeptic is still unknown.

Brothers Safronov

The appearance of the "oldies" of the project

Marilyn Kerro at one time set the trend for revenge. After bold step Estonian witch about their intention to compete again for the title of the country's strongest psychic, and other "old men" of the mystical show. True, in the 18th "Battle", despite early statements, not a single participant from previous seasons appeared. But who knows what the upcoming "Battle of psychics" will bring us. Among the likely candidates for a return, one can safely consider the representatives of the 16th season Nicole Kuznetsova and Georgy Malinovsky, participants in the 17th season Ivan Vlasov, Violetta Polyakova and Margarita Bakhtiyarova. All of them repeatedly spoke about the desire to try their hand again in the most mystical project of the country. Moreover, fans of the show are sure that the youngest participant in the 18th season of the Battle, Nikita Turchin, will still make himself known. Recall that the psychic, positioning himself as the Keymaster, left the show already in the seventh issue. The young man could not hide his emotions: he was extremely upset, because he believes that he was on the project "a weed seed among cereals."

Nicole Kuznetsova, finalist of the 16th season

Georgy Malinovsky, participant of the 16th season

Ivan Vlasov, participant of the 17th season

Violetta Polyakova, participant 17th season

Margarita Bakhtiyarova, contestant of the 17th season

Nikita Turchin, participant of the 17th season

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