Summary of the story Prishvin my homeland. My motherland


This is a very emotional story by Prishvin, in which the author understands and beautiful words describes what the Motherland is, that natural resources must be protected. A short and capacious story is saturated with sincere love for the native land.

Download story My homeland:

The story My homeland read

My mother got up early, before the sun. Once I also got up before the sun to set snares for quails at dawn. My mother treated me to tea with milk. This milk was boiled in an earthenware pot and covered with a ruddy foam on top, and under that foam it was unusually tasty, and tea from it became excellent.

This treat decided my life in good side: I started getting up before the sun to drink delicious tea with my mother. Little by little, I got so used to this morning rising that I could no longer sleep through the sunrise.

Then I got up early in the city, and now I always write early, when the whole animal and vegetable world awakens and also begins to work in its own way.

And often, often I think: what if we rose with the sun for our work! How much health, joy, life and happiness would then come to people!

After tea, I went hunting for quails, starlings, nightingales, grasshoppers, turtledoves, butterflies. I didn’t have a gun then, and even now a gun is not necessary in my hunting.

My hunting was then and now - in the finds. It was necessary to find in nature something that I had not yet seen, and, perhaps, no one had ever met with this in their lives.

The female quail had to be caught with snares so that she would call the male best of all, and the male with the most vociferous one should be caught with a net. The young nightingale had to be fed with ant eggs, so that later he would sing the best. And go and find such an anthill and manage to stuff a bag with these eggs, and then lure the ants onto the branches from your precious testicles.

My farm was large, the paths were countless.

My young friends! We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. Not only do these treasures need to be protected - they must be opened and shown.

Needed for fish pure water Let's protect our waters. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains.

Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a home. And to protect nature means to protect the homeland.

Municipal educational institution

"Pomrinskaya Basic School"


literary reading

M. Prishvin "My Motherland"

4th grade

EMC "School of Russia"

Teacher primary school

Kalinina Elena Alexandrovna

During the classes.

Organizing time.

What are we going to do with you today?

At the beginning of the lesson we will check homework, then we will continue to work on the topic that we started in the last lesson

Let's remember what topic we worked on in the last lesson?

I have a native
Amazing house.
Not a single wall
In this house of mine.
Only there is a ceiling -
blue - blue,
Only many roads -
Know, walk on any!
My house is very huge -
From sands to ice floes!
It's good that I'm in the house
I don't live alone.

Questions.1. What kind of house is the poem talking about?

2. As you understand the lines, it’s good that I don’t live alone in the house.

Teacher.,. But we live not just on Earth, but also in the country. What is it called? (Russia)

What else do we call our country? (RODINA)

Teacher. This was the topic of the last lesson.

1 .Checking homework.

Chain reading. 1 Why is this work called an article?

2. What is its main idea?

3. What is a small Motherland.

4. What is for you and me .. a small Motherland ..

5. What is. the great Motherland ..


Small homeland

mom, dad city. village street house

6. How else does the author call great Motherland?

And how does the Motherland treat its people?

Conclusion: The great motherland is a country, a state in which one happened to be born. But each person has another place where he was born, native home, the family - the so-called " small homeland»,

2.New material.

Today we will continue talking about the Motherland, about nature native land,

Let's remember the writer in whose work there is a theme of the Motherland.

A man walks through a silver-winter forest. Snowdrifts all around,, heavy snow caps on the trees. But the trees stand straight, strong spruce paws hold snow. And the birches bent in an arc under the weight of the snow, burying their heads in a snowdrift. Yes, they stand so low that they can’t get through, only a hare can run under them.

But this man knows "one simple magical remedy" to help the birches. He broke off a heavy stick, hit the snow-covered branches, the snow fell from the top, the birch rose up, straightened up and stands, raising its head, on a par with the whole forest. So this man goes and releases one tree after another.

It goes with magic stick writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin.

Teacher : Today in the lesson we will continue to work on the works of Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin.
Our children prepared an autobiographical story about this wonderful writer.

1 student: Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin was born in 1873 V Oryol province, near the city of Yeletsin an impoverished merchant family. As a child, he was convinced that all people are in the power of the evil Kashchei, so he wanted to grow up faster and save people from Kashchei's captivity

2 student: From the first grade of the gymnasium, the boy runs away to the sunny and "golden" country of Asia to find a place where there is no Kashchei's power. Of course, he is found and returned to his family, but the dreams of traveling do not leave the future writer.

Student 3: With a travel bag and a hunting rifle, he studies first northern lands, then the Asian steppes. And soon his first books about nature were born: “In the land of fearless birds”, “Behind the magic bun”.

4 student: Mikhail Prishvin went to Germany in 1900, where he received higher economic Education at the University of Leipzig.
5 student: In 1906 he returned to his homeland. Worked as a journalist. During the First World War he was at the front, was a nurse, a correspondent. Then he worked as a teacher, local historian, journalist. He has written many books for adults.
6 student: Prishvin's books - an example Great love to all life on earth. He could write only when he lived among forests and fields. For children, his books were published: “Matryoshka in Potatoes”, “Yarik”, “Hedgehog”, “Lugovka”, “Fox Bread”, “In the Land of Grandfather Mazai”, “Pantry of the Sun”, “The Chipmunk Beast”, “Zhurka ”,“ Guys and ducklings ”,“ Golden Meadow ”,“ old mushroom"," Conversation of birds and animals.

V).Remember what stories you read ?

D) Work in groups.

Working on the shorthand.

Teacher: Today we will meet another Prishvin's work,

Each of his works is a living communication with nature, its secrets.

but first, let's prepare our articulatory apparatus.
Calmly: "Daria gives Dina melons."
Surprise: "Daria gives Dina melons?".
Disappointment: "Daria gives Dina melons."
Joy: "Daria gives Dina melons!".

3. Acquaintance with the text.

vocabulary work

In the story of M. Prishvin there will be words, read with your eyes.

What words, similar in meaning, can replace the words: treasures and awakens?

Reading by the teacher text in textbook

My mother got up early

Most of all I loved hunting

- What is the peculiarity of M. Prishvin's hunting?

What is this story about? (About our Motherland with you. As shown and sung by M. Prishvin)

vocabulary work

Work with hard-to-read words (reading by syllables, spelling reading, reading with stress)



getting up

Reading in a chain

On whose behalf the story is being told.

Teacher: How did the Motherland begin for little Prishvin?
Students: For little Prishvin, the Motherland began with the mother.
Teacher: What did the mother of the future writer treat to?
Students: "Mother treated me to tea with milk."
Teacher: Why did tea with milk decide Prishvin's life in a good way?
Students: I learned to get up early, before the sun.

Teacher: Did Prishvin always live in the village?
Teacher: In the city, people usually get up later than in the countryside. Has Prishvin retained the habit of getting up early? Read.
Students: “Then I got up early in the city, and now I always write early, when the whole animal and plant world wakes up and also begins to work in its own way.)
Teacher: He woke up along with the animal and plant world. What does it say?
Student: He was very fond of nature.
Teacher: What importance does he attach to getting up early?
Students: “How much health, joy of life and happiness would then come to people!

Teacher: Where did Prishvin go after tea?
Student: "After tea I went hunting."
Teacher: What was the writer's hunt?
Students: "My hunt was then and now - in the finds."
Teacher: What are these finds?
Students: “I tried to find in nature what I had never seen before.”

Teacher: To whom is the writer addressing?
Students: The writer addresses children who read his books.
Teacher: What does "pantry of the sun" mean?
Students: So figuratively Prishvin calls nature. It is the sun that is the source of life, and its "pantry" - nature - allows all living things to exist.
Teacher: What does Prishvin call "treasures of life"?
Students: "Treasures of life" Prishvin calls plants and animals

Teacher: What is Prishvin calling for?
Students: Prishvin calls to protect the Motherland.
Teacher: What does it mean to "preserve nature"?

Teacher: We have talked with you more than once that life on Earth is not possible without plants and animals.
Teacher: What are the main words in this work? What is the main idea?
Pupils: "To protect nature means to protect the Motherland."

Think and tell me, can this appeal be considered an appeal? How can children protect and preserve nature?

Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

"To protect nature means to protect the Motherland."

Name the main words in your opinion in this sentence.

How are the words “nature” and “Motherland” connected together for M.M. Prishvin?

Teacher summary:

M. Prishvin's essay is an example of great love for all life on Earth. It makes you take a closer look at the natural world, think about the attitude towards the beast, bird, tree and grass. Will flicker school years, and you will read many more works about the Motherland, about the nature of the native land. I really want each such meeting to leave a deep imprint on your soul.

If every person on a piece of his land would do everything he can, how beautiful would

The land is ours.

A.P. Chekhov

.Teacher's story

Valeria Dmitrievna Prishvina ensured that the writer's house was preserved in Dunino. Now it is a house-museum

Outcome .

M. Prishvin died in Moscow. He was given unusual monument chosen by his wife. Why is he unusual? Why was such a monument erected to Prishvin?

What does it teach this work?

. Conclusion.
Teacher: What do you think is the most important part of this essay? Let's read it out loud. This passage will be your homework. It must be learned by heart. In your notebook, complete the tasks for this work.

. Summary of the lesson.
Teacher: Did you like the lesson?
Today you received the following grades

There is no sweeter home in the world,
Where other azure skies
The sun is brighter, the stars are brighter,
Where groves and forests are encouraging;
Where in the rivers are swift waters.
Blue like turquoise
Where, when the weather comes,
All the people come out like a thunderstorm!
There is no dearer Motherland in the world.
We all need to do for her
So that the day that we live
Made her happy every time.
Everywhere everything in its expanses is ours.
Let's give her thoughts and deeds.
And around we will gird ourselves with gardens,
So that the Motherland forever blooms!

My mother got up early, before the sun. Once I also got up before the sun, in order to place snares on quails at dawn. My mother treated me to tea with milk. This milk was boiled in an earthenware pot and was always covered with a ruddy froth on top, and under this froth it was unusually tasty, and tea from it became excellent.

This treat decided my life in a good way: I started getting up before the sun to drink delicious tea with my mother. Little by little, I got so used to this morning rising that I could no longer sleep through the sunrise.

Then I got up early in the city, and now I always write early, when the whole animal and plant world wakes up and also begins to work in its own way. And often, often I think: what if we rose with the sun for our work! How much health, joy, life and happiness would then come to people!

After tea, I went hunting for quails, starlings, nightingales, grasshoppers, turtledoves, butterflies. I didn’t have a gun then, and even now a gun is not necessary in my hunting.

My hunting was then and now - in the finds. It was necessary to find in nature something that I had not yet seen, and maybe no one else had ever met with this in their life ...

My farm was large, the paths were countless.

My young friends! We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. Not only do these treasures need to be protected - they must be opened and shown.

Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs.

There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains.

Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a home. And to protect nature means to protect the homeland.

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Mikhail Prishvin

My motherland

(From childhood memories)

My mother got up early, before the sun. Once I also got up before the sun to set snares for quails at dawn. My mother treated me to tea with milk. This milk was boiled in an earthenware pot and covered with a ruddy foam on top, and under that foam it was unusually tasty, and tea from it became excellent.

This treat decided my life in a good way: I started getting up before the sun to drink delicious tea with my mother. Little by little, I got so used to this morning rising that I could no longer sleep through the sunrise.

Then I got up early in the city, and now I always write early, when the whole animal and plant world wakes up and also begins to work in its own way.

And often, often I think: what if we rose with the sun for our work! How much health, joy, life and happiness would then come to people!

After tea, I went hunting for quails, starlings, nightingales, grasshoppers, turtledoves, butterflies. I didn’t have a gun then, and even now a gun is not necessary in my hunting.

My hunting was then and now - in the finds. It was necessary to find in nature something that I had not yet seen, and, perhaps, no one had ever met with this in their lives.

The female quail had to be caught with snares so that she would call the male best of all, and the male with the most vociferous one should be caught with a net. The young nightingale had to be fed with ant eggs, so that later he would sing the best. And go and find such an anthill and manage to stuff a bag with these eggs, and then lure the ants onto the branches from your precious testicles.

My farm was large, the paths were countless.

My young friends! We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. Not only do these treasures need to be protected - they must be opened and shown.

Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains.


1. Introduce the story of M. Prishvin "My Motherland"; help the children analyze the story.

2. Develop reading skills: fluent, conscious, expressive through a variety of tasks and exercises.

3. Develop speech, the ability to work with text.

4. Broaden your horizons and lexicon children.

5. Raise love for the motherland. To teach children, based on the text, reason, draw conclusions about what the characters feel and experience.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average comprehensive school№2"



M. Prishvin "My Motherland"

UMK "Harmony"

Prepared by:

Primary school teacher

Litvinova A.Z.

February, 2013

S. Alexandria

Subject: M. Prishvin. "My Motherland" (from memoirs)


1. Introduce the storyM. Prishvin "My Motherland"; help the children analyze the story.

2. Develop reading skills: fluent, conscious, expressive through a variety of tasks and exercises.

3. Develop speech, the ability to work with text.

4. Expand the horizons and vocabulary of children.

5. Raise love for the motherland. To teach children, based on the text, reason, draw conclusions about what the characters feel and experience.

Equipment: 1.Kubasova O.V. Favorite pages.

4th grade textbook on literary reading.

Part 3. - Smolensk: Association XXIvek, 2006

2.Printed card with text - story about life


3. Test on the product.

4. Presentation.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment. Slide screensaver

Hello. Today we have guests at the lesson. Let's mentally wish everyone good mood.

Breathe in... It's good that we are together. We are all happy and healthy. We help each other. We complement each other. We need each other. May this day bring us joy from communication, fill our hearts with noble feelings. Smile to each other. With this mood, we will begin our lesson in literary reading.

II. Definition of the topic of the lesson. Statement of educational tasks.

1 Self-determination to activity. Slide

  1. And I want to start it with the words of one French writer- philosopher Denis Diderot: ."People stop thinking when they stop reading"

- Do you agree with this statement?

Indeed, people who read a lot, know a lot, know how to think and reason.

Why do you think we need literary reading lessons?

What would you like to get from today's lesson? (Meet a new writer, work, get a good mark.

What will be required of you to complete your tasks? (attention, ingenuity, activity,desire to acquire new knowledge.)

In today's lesson, I wish you good spirits, creative daring, full attention, good, thoughtful answers and only excellent grades.

2. Actualization of knowledge. Slide

Guys, the motto for today's lesson is the words of A.P. Chekhov. Read. Explain the meaning.

“If every person on a piece of his land would do everything he can, how beautiful our Earth would be.” A.P. Chekhov

What piece of land are we talking about?

What is the name of the land we live on?

What is Motherland? Name the associations that have arisen.(drawing up a cluster together with the teacher: children call orally, the teacher writes on the board)

Choose the most beautiful words in your opinion and read(teacher underlines)

Slide. -Ozhegov's dictionary gives such an explanation of this word. Read to yourself and try to remember.


What does "I would do my best" mean?

And if a person does everything he can for someone or for something, then he ... ... ... complete my sentence. (LIKE)

So, let's conclude: for our planet - the Earth to be beautiful ... ... ... ... (everyone should love and take care of their homeland)

What is the name of our Motherland with you? Russia,

Each person has his own small homeland, the place where he was born. What is the name of our small homeland? Slide: from Alexandria

III Statement of the learning task

Guys, can you already guess what we will talk about in the lesson?

1.-You had creative homework (Drawings)

- Look what beautiful exhibition we got it. But here it is interesting, the theme was the same, but the drawings are different. Why? But if you look from the other side, what do they have in common?

How can you call everything that you depicted in the drawings in one word? (Homeland, nature native land). What will we conclude? (Nature and Motherland are very closely interconnected).

Many poets and writers, just like you children, love nature and always notice something unusual and interesting in it. Today we will get to know amazing person, passionately loving nature. He described her as if he were singing a solemn song in her honor. You will learn his last name by solving the cipher.

Slide: f pri z w h n

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 code 3457859

The name of this writer is M. Prishvin and his work, very close to the topic of our conversation: “My MOTHERLAND” Slide

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Slide Konstantin Paustovsky wrote.

“If nature could feel gratitude to a person for having penetrated into her life and sang it, then first of all this gratitude would fall to the lot of Mikhail Prishvin.”

What can you already say about this person after reading these lines. (Loved nature)

2. Independent work

To better understand the work, you need to get to know the author better. And now I suggest you do it, but on your own. (Work in groups.)

Text for group 1:

What did you learn about Prishvin's life?

Text for group 2:

Text for group 3

Where did Prishvin M. go?


Mikhail Mikhailovich loved hunting since childhood, but his hunting was special.

What was her specialty? You will learn more about this hunt from the work" My motherland"

  1. Vocabulary work. Practicing reading skills.

We will meet long and difficult words. To read them correctly, let's practice.

Read smoothly, syllable by syllable, then whole words.

So-kro-vi-sha- treasures



Wake-yes-et-sya-wakes up

Read in full: covered, boiled, getting up.

  1. Work on the work.

Listen carefully, follow.

Checking the primary perception of the text.

What is the peculiarity of M. Prishvin's hunting?

On whose behalf is the story being told?

What is the genre of the work? Prove it.

This type of story is an essay. What does this word mean, read in the explanatory dictionary.

Slide: "Essay is a small documentary story about life, people, Motherland, nature, art, music, etc."

PHYSMINUTKA (Slide) Look at the slide. What work of M. Prishvin does it remind you of? ( golden meadow)

Imagine that you are sitting on the lawn. The warm gentle sun warms you. We sunbathe. Lift your chin, breathe exactly - exactly. The sun is so bright that even through closed eyelids you can see bright light. Close your eyes tightly, repeat several times. Turn your nose to the sun. A butterfly flies past, chooses whose nose to sit on. Wrinkle your nose, hold your breath. The butterfly has flown away. The muscles of the face are relaxed, take a deep breath - exhale. Look, listen, what kind of sounds, smell, what kind of smell. Flowers, what they are - color, shape, large - small - smell.

Go, go through the meadow. You are walking on a road, what kind of road is it - narrow - wide, winding - straight? Everyone imagines their own. Well, now they opened their eyes, looked at each other, smiled and sat down quietly. What kind of meadow did you imagine?

VII Secondary fastening

Teacher: How did the Motherland begin for little Prishvin?
Students: For little Prishvin, the Motherland began with the mother.
Teacher: What did the mother of the future writer treat to?
Students: "Mother treated me to tea with milk."
Teacher: Why did tea with milk decide Prishvin's life in a good way?
Students: I learned to get up early, before the sun.
Teacher: What is the name of the first part of the essay?
1. "Delicious tea."

Teacher: Did Prishvin always live in the village?
Teacher: In the city, people usually get up later than in the countryside.

Has Prishvin retained the habit of getting up early? Read.
Students: “Then in the city I got up early, and now I always write early, when

The entire animal and plant world is awakening and also

Starts to work.)
Teacher: He woke up along with the animal and plant world.

What does it say?
Student: He was very fond of nature.
Teacher: What importance does he attach to getting up early?
Students: “How much health would then come to people,

Joy of life and happiness!”
Teacher: How can you name the second part?
2. "Sunrise".

Teacher: Where did Prishvin go after tea?
Student: "After tea I went hunting."
Teacher: What was the writer's hunt?
Students: "My hunt was then and now - in the finds."
Teacher: What are these finds?
Students: “I tried to find in nature what I had never seen before.”
Teacher: How can you title this part?
3. "Finds".

Teacher: What does it mean to "preserve nature"?
Pupils: "To protect nature means to protect the Motherland."
Teacher: We have talked with you more than once that life on Earth is not possible without plants and animals.
How can you title a section?

4. Appeal to young friends.

Teacher: To whom is the writer addressing?
Students: The writer addresses children who read his books.
Teacher: What does "pantry of the sun" mean?
Students: yes figuratively Prishvin names nature. It is the sun that is the source of life, and its "pantry" - nature - allows all living things to exist.
Teacher: What does Prishvin call "treasures of life"?
Students: "Treasures of life" Prishvin calls plants and animals.
Teacher: What is Prishvin calling for?
Students: Prishvin calls to protect the Motherland.

Teacher: What are the main words in this work? What is the main idea?
Pupils: "To protect nature means to protect the Motherland."

Guys, how do you understand the word "protect", let's pick up synonyms for it. slide: protect

Observe, cherish, care for, help, enrich, love.

What can each of you do to protect nature?

It is necessary to protect the surrounding nature: flowers, bushes, trees, birds, animals, plants and animals.
Conclusion: The writer not only shows the beauty and originality of nature, he encourages us to carefully study it and protect all living things. For, protecting nature, living things, we save our Motherland.

Notice how he very accurately describes and names nature. How well you need to know nature, to be very attentive, observant. (Nature on Latin- nature). Such writers who studied nature, that is, nature, are called naturalists.


What tasks were set for the study?

(- Biography of Prishvin - Artworks - Genre work to be studied.)

We have achieved their implementation (yes).

Test execution.

Independent work.

Subject: Prishvin M.M. Testing. (Given to each child)

Testing will show how accurately you remember some phrases and figurative expressions that occurred in the text.

1. Mother treated me to ...

a) tea

b) coffee with milk;

c) tea with milk.

2. Then in the city ...

a) I got up at dawn;

c) I got up early.

3. After tea…

a) I went hunting

b) I went to work;

c) I went to bed.

a) with precious stones;

c) with great wealth.

5. I have read...

a) a fairy tale

b) story;

c) essay.

6. Essay...

a) Prishvina M.M.;

b) Paustovsky K.G.;

c) Charushina E.I.

  1. Check your work with the answers on the screen.

Homework. Slide

  1. On "3" Read expressively.
  1. On "4" Read expressively, answer the questions in the textbook.
  1. On "5". Retell the text, learn the last paragraph.
  2. Guys, now in the essay we got acquainted with the author's position. And now you have the opportunity to express in your own words your position, your idea of ​​your small homeland.


The teacher reads, the students walk, and then perform the movements.

  1. In the hands of man, and therefore in your hands, the beauty and wealth of our native land - our Motherland. remember this! "Stop! Sit down! Bend over! And look under your feet! Surprised alive alive, they are akin to you ... "

- Before you "target", evaluate your work in the lesson.

Subject: Prishvin M.M. Test.

Testing will show how accurately you remember some phrases and figurative expressions that occurred in the text.

1. Mother treated me to ...

a) tea

b) coffee with milk;

c) tea with milk.

2. Then in the city ...

a) I got up at dawn;

b) I got up with the first roosters;

c) I got up early.

3. After tea…

a) I went hunting

b) I went to work;

c) I went to bed.

4. We are the masters of our nature, and it is the pantry of the sun for us ...

a) with precious stones;

b) with the great treasures of life;

c) with great wealth.

5. I have read...

a) a fairy tale

b) story;

c) essay.

6. Essay...

a) Prishvina M.M.;

b) Paustovsky K.G.;

c) Charushina E.I.

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