Who played the best Bruce Wayne? Batman comics: where to start reading.


When it comes to Batman, we tend to think of Batman himself. Which is quite logical. He has a cool suit, tons of gadgets, the best fictional car (not counting ECTO-1), and he is also great at cracking down on bad guys, coming up with more and more inventive ways over and over again. Bruce Wayne? He just flashes on the screen in boring scenes, right? Not really. Although he is rarely shown as a truly interesting character (because in practice it is more difficult than it seems), in theory, Bruce Wayne is an important component of the image of Batman.

And in order to portray him correctly, it is necessary to make Bruce's character convincingly combine many facets, and only then try to connect him with Batman. First, it's a carefully crafted mix of intelligence, arrogance, and talent, as well as carefully concealed self-doubt and guilt.

Added to this is the defiant and sometimes daring behavior characteristic of a person who understands that he is much smarter than those with whom he communicates, as well as the feeling of loneliness associated with this. And rage. And uncompromising adherence to their own moral code. So, we have already seen more than one Bruce Wayne (the last of which was Ben Affleck in the "Justice League"), and therefore it's time to determine who best managed to portray Dark Knight in his human form.

Let's start with the image that showed us ...

Clooney-Wayne, we really didn't get to know each other. And this is very disappointing, because George Clooney himself is just the spitting image of Bruce Wayne. He is smart, charismatic, does not go into his pocket for a word and radiates the necessary amount of charm. Given a normal script, Clooney could have easily portrayed the perfect Bruce Wayne. Unfortunately, the script was written, apparently, for two days at the most, trying to come up with as many puns with the word "ice" as possible.

No wonder Batman & Robin is such a mess. Before us is a completely mediocre movie, naively believing that the absurdly shown Gotham will be able to divert our attention from the problems with the narrative, visual design, the integrity of the plot, the motivation of the characters and the overall tone of the story. Because comedy makes everything better, right? Hey Joel...

But in short, George did everything that was required of him; he even had a couple of scenes showing his potential, which would have been revealed to the fullest if it was a serious Batman movie. But it was all overlaid with dreadful bat credit card moments, aerial snowboarding, and the fact that Arnold "the terrible miscast" Schwarzenegger received more than the salary of the actor who played Batman for his role.

Clooney eventually got used to how disastrous the film turned out to be, and now treats superhero films with noticeable caution.

Thought that Adam West was the very first Bruce Wayne shown on the screen? Nothing like that, he was ahead of him by as much as 20 years. It is possible that you have not even heard of Lewis Wilson, but this is one of the most important people in the history of becoming a hero. Wilson was the first actor to play Batman, and it happened in 1943 in a series that actually launched a 70-year marathon of attempts to bring the comic book character to the big screen.

Moreover, it was in this version of Batman (and not in the comics, as we mistakenly believed earlier) that a number of familiar clichés appeared. A thin Alfred with a mustache, for example, is just a serial find, and later the comic book authors copied the character from the actor William Austin. The same goes for the Batcave. Prior to the series, there was only a secret tunnel in the comics that connected the Wayne Mansion and the barn where the Batmobile was hidden.

But enough historical facts. How does Wilson's Bruce compare to all the other characters? It's actually pretty good, considering the release date. Do you remember the bombast Christian Bale's character in the Nolan trilogy had to put on to keep everyone at arm's length?

So, Wilson went a completely different way - his Bruce turned out to be more good-natured and less pretentious. Of course, it's worth acknowledging that the character was desperately lacking in depth, but given general mood series, you could close your eyes to it.

However, this Bruce Wayne had other disadvantages. Despite the fact that the 1943 series introduced us to a lot of details that are now considered canon, there were some things that he absolutely could not forgive. Bat-racism and Japanese villains. In 1943. Moving on…

Okay, Batman v Superman is disgusting. It's not just the worst Batman movie (at least Batman and Robin was fun), it's one of the most unfortunate, overly pathetic and just plain stupid summer blockbusters in history. Lately.

Among his problems are excessive posturing, inappropriate gloominess, a complete lack of irony, as if a story pieced together with a lot of illogical twists and unnecessary characters, as well as a lack of character development. And, of course, the dubious performance of Jesse Eisenberg. But you know what? All this did not affect the excellent performance of Ben Affleck. Before us a prime example the beautiful Bruce Wayne in the hands of a bad director.

Affleck, who responsibly approached the image of the gloomy 40-year-old Wayne, thoroughly battered by life (we, by the way, have not yet seen this on the big screen), became a hostage to a terrible script, which makes it seem that this image was torn out of some really good film adaptation, which, alas, we will never see. This image combined everything you need: mind and intelligence, rage and despair, a mask of charm that feels like a mask, and all the versatility of the hero in all its glory.

If Affleck got a movie that didn't fall apart, his Wayne would easily be at the top of our list. But, alas, "Justice League" is not that movie at all.

The Lego Batman Movie version, being a kaleidoscopic collection of all the main character traits of Bruce Wayne, despite all its exaggerations, looks surprisingly good (as well as the 1966 version, but more on that later). On the contrary, exaggeration here is only beneficial. Because this is the secret of competent work with abstract humor.

You need to take the most striking character traits or features specific situation, and then inflate them to the maximum to get a comical cartoon version that will concentrate all the recognizable elements. Adam West understood this, Joel Schumacher did not, and Will Arnett, unlike the latter, is well aware of this, which allowed him to create a great image.

Of course, his Bruce is a kind of parody of all the previous ones (there is no smell of a deeply thought-out character here), but this image captivates just with its ironic look at the character. And for all of Batman's longtime fans, he's also an ingenious deconstruction of the hero.

Lego Wayne, who is shown through the prism of all the obviously negative facets that are somehow ignored in other Batman stories (a self-confident rich loner decides to take the fate of the city into his own hands, completely forgetting about the law enforcement system, simply because he is strong, wealthy and smart) , is presented to us as an arrogant and arrogant upstart who considers himself an unwitting victim (but denies this), which prevents him from being happy.

As such, it's a wonderful parody of the character, while elegantly bringing up topics of discussion that should have been brought up long ago. And, by the way, the local history that shows that redemption can be achieved through humanity is much better at reimagining the classic Batman stories than the authors of Batman and Robin tried to do.

5. Christian Bale - The Dark Knight Trilogy (2005 - 2012)

Bale is pretty hard to judge. On the one hand, his Wayne appeared on the big screen more often than others, and also received the most interesting and, most importantly, completed story arc. And, of course, the trilogy itself is, without a doubt, the best Batman movies. However, I'm not convinced that Bale is that good as Bruce Wayne. Moreover, it always seemed to me that the genius of the Nolan trilogy lies in the thoughtful world and living minor characters and not in the main character himself.

That doesn't mean Bale doesn't have great scenes. The young Bruce in his performance adds the right emotional weight to the development of the superhero in Batman Begins, and in the other two films he portrays melancholy quite convincingly. In addition, he was the only Wayne who deliberately created a reputation for himself as a pompous boor to keep people at a distance, and for this the actor cannot but be commended. But the problem is that Bale's Wayne is not 100% convincing.

Of course, the Nolan trilogy doesn't claim to be a faithful adaptation of the comics, but rather a more realistic reimagining. Nevertheless, the local Bruce is very difficult to love, and therefore all his shortcomings are more striking. Yes, there is a good person behind the mask (however you feel about his voice), but if you take Batman out of the equation, then Bruce's personality turns out to be not as interesting as we would like.

Perhaps the most charismatic of all the Bruce Waynes. Although the 1960s series was not at all shy about its absurd style (after all, it was conceived as a parody of the 1943 series, which was re-aired in 1965), it would not have been half as good if not for the jokes in the performance West, who served them with an impenetrable face. West did not try to show Bruce Wayne as a dramatic character, but with pleasure parodied the hero already known at that time.

At the same time, as in Arnett's version, Wayne's key character traits were present in this image (he is a strong, quick-witted, witty and more than self-confident hero), but they were all moderately exaggerated, which reflected the mood of the series. And, oddly enough, West's character fit perfectly with his era. There was no noticeable emphasis on psychological trauma and its consequences, but the same genius, billionaire and playboy familiar from comics was excellently shown.

Another example of a "potentially good Bruce Wayne ended up in a bad movie because, my God, that Joel Schumacher again." Of all the Waynes that fall into this category, Val Kilmer's character is perhaps the most interesting. And not only because there are really good and funny moments in the movie with his Batman, in contrast to the abyss of terrible jokes in which Batman and Robin drowned.

Firstly, Kilmer tops the list of actors who can perfectly play either Batman or Bruce, but not both. The thing is, when you're looking for an actor to play Batman, you're actually looking for someone who can play two roles at the same time, connected to each other with the help of a competent script. That is why casting for this role is quite difficult. And speaking of Val, he showed us the posh and grossly underestimated Bruce Wayne, as well as the rather faded Batman. And since the article is about Wayne, we will focus on him.

Despite all the riot of colors in Batman Forever, Wayne, played by Kilmer, remains a fairly mundane hero. He is thoughtful and sullen, but not too gloomy. He is restrained, but not insensitive. He is charming, but does not go too far with his charm.

He is the focused and businesslike Bruce Wayne, who is perfectly human about it. And he's so good that Batman co-creator Bob Kane declared him his favorite movie version of Wayne of all time. If Kilmer hadn't had to don a superhero costume yet, he would probably be at the top of our list.

But, alas, he did not manage to surpass the image that showed us ...

I, perhaps, will immediately declare that Michael Keaton is the most underestimated Bruce Wayne of all. After a wave of fan outcry over Tim Burton's casting of a comedian as Batman, many of us were amazed at how seamlessly he fit into the role. And Keaton's Wayne is amazing. His detachment, emphasizing that the hero is constantly thinking about something more important than the current situation, gives the impression that he can at any moment break out on someone who will knock him out of his thoughts, and this works perfectly.

Let's not forget that scene from the 1989 movie where Wayne practically reveals his identity to the Joker in a verbal duel that has never been shown on screen before. As we remember, Bruce has already tracked down the clown, knows about his past and can deal with him. But the only problem is that he is not in his superhero costume, and therefore he has to keep a low profile.

And at this moment, an internal struggle between Bruce and Batman occurs, which ends in a burst of rage from Bruce - partly due to the complexity of the situation, partly in order to distract the Joker from Vicki Vale, thus protecting her. It's a stunning depiction of hero dualism that even Burton himself couldn't replicate in a similar scene from the Batman Returns sequel.

The best of the best. King of all screen Bruce Wayne and Batman. The one and only. I apologize for all this pathos, but I simply cannot imagine Kevin otherwise. The fact is that Conroy easily caught all the versatility of Bruce and conveyed it in the animated series "Batman", and remaining behind the scenes.

Darkness, restraint and concentration? They are in place. sharp feeling humor underlined by the aforementioned restraint? Present. When Conroy's Bruce experiences weakness and uncertainty, his voice always sounds like the voice of a person in control of this weakness. And, most importantly, he manages to highlight a fundamental character trait of Bruce Wayne that many performers forget about. His nobility.

Forget the evil, psychopathic, short-tempered version of Batman from the 80s comics. This is not Batman. This, as Grant Morrison emphasizes in the Arkham Asylum graphic novel add-ons, is what he could have become if he had not adhered to his unshakable moral code and had not learned to control his anger. Conroy, on the other hand, shows us the canonical Batman, whose words and deeds are always noble, no matter what difficulties he encounters.

One day, a talented artist named Bob Kane made a sketch of a character called Batman (in other variations - Batman, Batman, Batman, Batman). It was a superhero whose costume resembled wings bat. From English, the name Batman is translated as “Man-Bat”. The sketch of the character was seen by writer Bill Finger, who helped Kane bring his idea to fruition. The creators of Batman had no idea that soon the new comic book hero would be as popular as Superman.

Batman was conceived as a highly moral superhero, an ardent fighter against crime, endowed with many talents. The source of inspiration for creating his image was the popular culture of the 30s of the last century, including films, magazines and comics of that time. In his interviews, Kane said that in the decoration of the hero, he was guided by the films "The Sign of Zorro" and "Whisper of the Bat." Finger also noted that Batman, his appearance and character were formed under the influence of pulp magazines, the image of a hero named Shadow from the magazine of the same name, and detective stories about Sherlock Holmes.

Batman's biography has been repeatedly corrected, but in all variations the following can be distinguished common places. IN ordinary life Batman's name is Bruce Wayne, outwardly he looks like a frivolous reveler, an enviable groom and a playboy. Bruce Wayne has a decent fortune - he is the owner of a corporation that he inherited from his deceased parents.

The most important point in Batman's biography is the violent death of his parents at the hands of the unscrupulous robber Joe Chill. Bruce Wayne is shocked by the death of his loved ones, he dreams of fighting crime in the city of Gotham. To do this, the young hero acquires many skills: he improves his physical form, studies martial arts, acquires the skills of a detective.

Bob Kane and his creation

At a young age, Bruce Wayne becomes a regular at Cambridge, Sorbonne and other European scientific centers, but the training framework burdens him. In his travels, he learns 127 disciplines of combat, including ninjutsu, aikido, etc. Wayne learns from specialists in stealth pursuit, hunting, the art of healing, and even ventriloquism. Affect the mental abilities of the hero. Batman's IQ is 192, he studies mathematics, biology, mythology, physics, history, geography, chemistry, computer science and criminology with the same zeal. Thanks to the acquired knowledge and skills, Batman was able to become a dangerous and unpredictable opponent. It is also worth noting that, unlike other superheroes, Batman is not endowed with any superpowers. To fight rivals, he uses only his intellect and physical strength.

After first appearing in comics in 1939, Batman quickly gained popularity. On this moment The franchise includes an innumerable number of comics, animated series, a huge number of toys and other products that feature Batman. The filmography with the participation of this character has over 20 feature films, and new films continue to be released.

Movies and series

"Batman" ("Batman 1", 1943)

It's only been four years since Batman debuted in comics, and a series starring the character is already out. The Batman of the 1st film is a secret agent of the American government. Action Time - Second World War. On the side of evil in this series, the Japanese agent Doctor Daka, it is against him that Batman will act. 1 film about the superhero Bat was met with great interest. It is believed that this series "Batman" is 1 part of the general film history of the hero named Batman. The first film was released in 15 episodes.

"Batman and Robin" (Batman and Robin serial, 1949)

A few years after the audience found out who Batman is, they decided to continue the series about this superhero. This time, the fighter for justice enlists the support of his partner Robin. The 15-episode television project Batman & Robin received little funding, which affected the quality of the story and visual design. However, outright second-rateness did not diminish the people's love for a brave man named Batman. The film only fueled public interest in this character.

Batman and his partner and friend Robin in the 1949 film adaptation

"Batman" ("Batman 2", 1966)

The 1966 Batman series is an unshakable classic. The series and the film "Batman 2" (Batman 2), released between seasons of the series, not only influenced the popular culture of the time, but also became the basis for the plots of subsequent issues of Batman comics. Adam West starred in the 1966 Batman TV series and film, making for a funny, comedic Batman. The television series was a success, with a total of 120 episodes shown. "Batman 2" is not as serious a film as subsequent films about this character. Batman of the 60s is not the Dark Knight yet. Therefore, for those who like the modern Batman, the 1966 film may seem like a farce and absurdity. In part, such people will be right, since the movie "Batman 2" in terms of genre is more like family comedy. However, Batman films are evolving in the future.

Cheerful Batman and Robin

Batman by Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher

"Batman" ("Batman 3", 1989)

"Batman" in 1989 became a cult and launched a new understanding of the hero. The film "Batman 3" (Batman 3) was the fruit of the work of the then novice director Tim Burton. Stars such as Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson and Kim Basinger starred in the big-budget film. Moreover, Batman performed by Michael Keaton for the first time became a dramatic figure, and Jack Nicholson's Joker appeared as a real insane villain who is not afraid of Batman. The 1989 film ended up proving that superhero stories can be serious. "Batman 3" was a huge success, the film is still considered one of the highest grossing among DC comics films. After the release of the 3rd part of the Batman movie, the character gained fans around the world.

Batman Returns (Batman 4, 1992)

"Batman Returns" 1992 (Batman Returns) is a sequel to the first picture of Tim Burton about the Dark Knight. The film "Batman Returns" turned out to be rather gloomy - noir finally makes itself felt. The city of Gotham is truly mired in darkness, new sinister plans are being prepared in its depths. Batman 1992 is just as dramatic as the previous installment. This time he will have to fight the villain Penguin, played by Danny DeVito. A new romantic intrigue appears - Batman and Catwoman. The film received such a gloomy coloring that critics could not remain silent about this. Nevertheless, Batman 4 is a successful film, and he will not be without a sequel.

Catwoman became one of the main characters of the 4th part

Batman Forever (1995)

Batman Forever was directed by Joel Schumacher while Tim Burton left to produce. Along with this, the style of the picture also changes. Schumacher decided that the previous films were too dark, so he wanted to make Batman Forever bright and friendly, devoid of hopeless darkness. As a result, Batman 1995 turned out to be glossy, for which it was criticized by some fans. According to the creators of the film "Batman Forever," such an atmosphere was supposed to attract more people to the cinemas.

It is also worth noting that Batman's partner appears in this part - the acrobat Robin, the villains Two-Face and the Riddler, performed by Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carrey. The love line of the film is connected with Dr. Chase Meridian, played by Nicole Kidman.

Tim Burton exaggerates

"Batman and Robin" (1997)

Wanting to repeat his success in two years, Joel Schumacher releases another tape called Batman and Robin. The film received a low rating, despite the superstar cast: George Clooney played the role of Batman, Arnold Schwarzenegger reincarnated as the villain Freeze, and Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy. The film "Batman and Robin" is criticized for the fact that the brightness that Schumacher wanted to achieve becomes vulgar, and the abundance of characters does not contribute to a clear and precise design of the action. As a result, "Batman" in 1997 did not repeat the success of previous tapes. After Batman & Robin, The Dark Knight fans are in for a long break.

Batman: Dead End (2003)

Between the landmark works of Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan, there have been and have been many small projects related to a character like Batman. Movies about the Gotham hero tried to shoot more than once, or rather at least nine times, but the projects turned into long-term construction. In addition to feature films, some directors take on short films about Batman. One of the most famous is Batman: Dead End: a crossover between the DC Universe and the Alien/Predator universe. This short film stands out for the great and truly frightening performance of the Joker, as well as an unusual combination of characters from different fantasy universes.

Batman: The Christopher Nolan Trilogy

Batman Begins (2005)

After eight years of cinematic lull, Christopher Nolan is taking on the resurrection of the Batman story. For Batman: Begins, he draws inspiration from the Batman: Year One and Batman: The Long Halloween comics, as well as Bob Kane's classic portrayal of the superhero. "Batman" in 2005 was conceived as the beginning of a trilogy. In the tape "Batman Begins" the viewer learns about the youth of the hero. After a tragedy in his family, Bruce Wayne travels the world and improves, then to return to Gotham, create his famous image of a man-bat and eradicate crime.

The return of Batman to the screens in 2005 was a great success.

"Batman Begins" is remembered for its seasoned noir style in a modern context. Critics enthusiastically responded to the appearance of the film "Batman Begins" and the general return to the screens of Batman. Nolan's "Batman" was a great success, and the director took on the second part of the trilogy.

Batman: The Dark Knight (2008)

Batman: The Dark Knight is the second installment in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. Main character Batman: The Dark Knight sees the district attorney - the White Knight of Gotham - as his replacement as the defender of the city, and dreams of finally reuniting with the girl he loves since childhood. But superheroes, as you know, only dream of peace. Batman, the Black Knight of Gotham, is forced to continue the fight against crime, because the defenseless inhabitants of the city are threatened by the Joker, a dangerous psychopath who wants only one thing: that the world be on fire. Two equal opponents come together in a fight - Batman and the Joker, and the film turns from a fantastic action movie into a thriller. The slogan of the 2008 Batman movie is: "Welcome to the world of chaos."

The film "Batman: The Dark Knight" received warm reviews from critics and audiences. According to the IMDb rating, he is recognized as the fourth among best films planets. The second part of the trilogy was remembered by the audience not only for the way Batman is embodied in it, the film impressed the audience with the role of the Joker. As a result, the tape became one of the highest-grossing film incarnations of comics in their history.

Batman Christopher Nolan surrounded by enemies

Batman: The Legend Rises (2012)

The film "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns", or in other versions - "Batman: The Return of the Dark Knight", "Batman: The Return of the Legend", "Batman. The Dark Knight Rises is the final installment of Christopher Nolan's trilogy. Batman of 2012 is still the same hero without fear and reproach, but due to the death of prosecutor Harvey Dent, described in the previous part, he becomes a forced exile. He spends eight years in the shadows until a new villain named Bane appears in town, ready to expose Harvey Dent's story, which Batman doesn't want. The return of the hero took place, but the forces are not equal, and Batman risks dying, but suddenly a mysterious thief Catwoman appears.

Batman: The Legend Rises received mixed reviews, with overwhelmingly positive reviews. Critics note the performance of Tom Hardy, reincarnated as a villain, and a strong climax, but are dissatisfied with the ornate plot.

Expanded DC Universe

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

In the film "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice), director Zack Snyder decided to show the confrontation between two iconic superheroes. The idea of ​​the film made a lot of noise, fans were waiting for the film "Batman v Superman", the release date of the film became a red day in the calendar for all fans of the DC Universe. But when Batman v Superman comes out, audiences and critics won't be so sympathetic.

Speaking about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the actors said that they did not have a goal to compete with Christopher Nolan. However, Ben Affleck, who played the role of Batman, noted that "Batman v Superman" in 2016 is a more meaningful version of the comic book movie. The 2015 Batman movie is based on the Batman v Superman conflict. When creating the plot of the film "Batman v Superman", the scriptwriters focused on the comics "The Death of Superman" and "Batman. Return of the Dark Knight. Batman and Superman have become enemies. In the 2015 Batman movie, Superman, the god-like hero, is now a danger to humanity. Batman vs Superman is expected, but the heroes of the 2016 Batman movie will have to unite to protect the planet.

Critics hit on the "Batman" in 2015, the film seemed to them too long and ill-conceived. There is a lack of logic in the plot, pseudo-philosophical ideas and a blurry ending.

"Batman": new films

Among the latest films featuring Batman is Suicide Squad (2016), where the Dark Knight appears at the end of the picture and voices his desire to deal with the Suicide Squad project. In 2017, Zack Snyder's film "Justice League: Part 1" is scheduled to be shot, which will also feature Batman. A new Batman is planned for 2018. The final part of the Dark Knight movie is in development with Ben Affleck, who is set to direct and star as Batman. Last film look forward to the fall of 2018.


Throughout the existence of the franchise, the famous Bat costume has been tried on by many famous actors. The first truly memorable Batman came from Adam West, who played the role of a superhero in a soft and comedic way. West is a lamp family Batman. The actors of subsequent films focused on West, among them Christian Bale, who played the role of the Dark Knight in Batman Begins. Christian Bale has managed to bring to life a truly serious and dramatic character. Christian Bale - Batman with a heavy burden in the form of a burden of responsibility to humanity.

However, Bale's gloominess was surpassed by Michael Keaton from Batman in 1989. In the film "Batman Forever" the actors changed, and instead of Keaton, Batman was played by Val Kilmer. One of the most failed Batmans is Batman from the movie "Batman and Robin". The actors of this tape, of course, were distinguished by stardom, and leading role George Clooney performed in it, but critics unanimously note that Clooney turned out to be an inexpressive and glamorous Dark Knight. Ben Affleck will star in the new Batman movie. Batman performed by this actor, fans of the Dark Knight expect with a grain of salt.

The evolution of the image of Batman

Batman was never able to decide on his girlfriend, so there are enough female characters in Batman. Among the most vivid images noteworthy journalist Vicki Vale, played by Kim Basinger, Catwoman, played by Michelle Pfeiffer and Anne Hathaway, and Dr. Chase Meridian, played by Nicole Kidman. Also in various films, the heroines played by Katie Holmes, Elle MacPherson and Maggie Gyllenhaal became Batman girls.

However, the audience remembered not only Batman himself - the actors and the roles of the magnificent villains of the DC Universe are also worth attention. So, in the film "Batman Returns" actors Danny DeVito and Christopher Walken reincarnated as the memorable Penguin and Max Shrek. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Mister Freeze, Jim Carrey's The Riddler, and Tom Hardy's Bane. In the film "Batman Begins" the actors were also chosen well, especially Kilian Murphy in the role of Scarecrow. But the main revelation among Batman's adversaries was, of course, the terrifying Joker played by Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight.

Cartoons and animated series

Cartoons 60-70s

After the release of the cult series about the Dark Knight in the 60s, the first ideas for an animated incarnation of the story about a superhero named Batman appeared. The Batman Adventures cartoon is the first of its kind, released in 1968 and includes 34 episodes. The Batman/Superman Hour and Batman and Robin Wonderboy follow. In the 70s, cartoons about Batman are released one by one. Among them are The New Batman Adventures, Batman & Tarzan Adventure Hour crossovers, Scooby-Doo Meets Batman, and Super Friends.

First animated incarnation

90s cartoons

In 1992, the first official Batman animated series was created by Warner Bros. Animation, which entered the DC Animated Universe. The Batman cartoons featured in the series were inspired by Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and the films of Tim Burton. The gloomy style of the latter played in the development of the project big role: An animated series with grotesque images and a vintage noir palette appeared on the screens. Batman appeared before the audience as dangerous and at times cruel to opponents - the 1992 animated series was clearly intended for an older audience than previous ones.

The Batman animated series was a success, it ran for three years and was embodied in the form of the first full-length cartoon about a man-bat, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm. In the 90s, sequels to the series "Batman" appeared under the name "The New Adventures of Batman" and "Batman of the Future". The animated series "Batman of the Future" is interesting because it describes the events of the future, where Terry McGinnis replaced Bruce Wayne as a crime fighter. Based on these series, the full-length films "Batman and Mr. Freeze" and "Batman of the Future: Return of the Joker" were created.

The famous intro of the animated series "Batman" of the 90s

2000s cartoons

Meanwhile, the new millennium is coming, which has not diminished the popularity of such a popular favorite as Batman. The Justice League cartoon, where Batman is a member of a team of superheroes, was released in 2001 and has been released for five whole years. The team of fighters against evil included Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, and of course, Batman and Superman. The cartoon was replaced by a new re-release of the story of the Dark Knight. In the early 2000s, Warner Bros. makes a new project "Batman". The 2004 animated series is a remake of the 1992-1994 series. The story, told in a new way, appealed to critics, for which "Batman" in 2004 won six Emmy awards.

Based on the plot of the cartoon about Batman from the 90s, in 2003, the full-length film “Batman: The Mystery of Batwoman” (“Batman and the Secret of the Bat Woman”) appears, which tells about the acquaintance of the Dark Knight with a new superheroine named Batwoman. After the release of the next continuation of the animated series called "Batman: The Brave and the Bold." Batman: The Brave and the Bold is about how Batman teamed up with Blue Beetle, Green Arrow and Aquaman to fight the insidious villains. In parallel with the cartoon "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" on the screens is an extraordinary animated series "Batman: Black and White", made in a monochrome comic style. In the 2000s, a large number of full-length cartoons about Batman are released. Among them is Batman vs. Dracula, where the Dark Knight meets a character whose symbol is also a bat. Between the heroes, a bloody confrontation is unleashed in the literal sense.

Animated original films of the DC Universe

There are among the feature films where "Batman" appears, cartoons that are original animated films of the DC universe. In 2008, the full-length cartoon "Justice League: The New Frontier", based on the DC comics, and six combined shorts "Batman: Gotham Knight" based on the films of Christopher Nolan were released. Next up is Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, based on the Superman/Batman comic book, about Lex Luthor's conspiracy against two of the world's greatest superheroes. After all, from people's favorites, heroes can very quickly become enemies of society.

In 2010, three original cartoons based on the comics of the DC universe were released at once: Justice League: Crisis of Two Worlds, Batman: Under the Red Hood and Superman / Batman: Apocalypse. Among them stands out by no means a children's cartoon "Batman: Under the Hood", made in a gloomy depressive style with scenes of cruelty. According to the plot of the animated film, Batman meets with the villain nicknamed the Red Hood. The audience will be very surprised when they find out who is really hiding under the mask of the Red Cap. In parallel with the original cartoons based on the comics of the DC universe, animated series continue to be released. Batman is one of the heroes of the Young Justice animated series about teenage superheroes and the main character of the animated series Beware: Batman.

Eternal confrontation between Batman and the Joker

The past decade has been a fruitful one for cartoonists creating cartoons based on DC comics. So, in 2011, at Comic-Con, the premiere of the animated project "Batman: Year One" thundered. The cartoon is the epitome of nostalgia for the times when Batman just started his superhero career. Batman: Year One allows you to go back in time once again to find out how Bruce Wayne became Batman and what inspired him to do so. Next comes the cartoon "Justice League: Doom", which tells about the theft of secret information about the members of the Justice League by the supervillain Vandal Savage. His goal is to destroy the heroes using their weak sides. In 2012 and 2013, two parts of the cartoon "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" are released. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 focuses on Batman's return from self-imposed retirement. In the absence of a hero, the streets of Gotham were filled with mutants and villains. The new Robin goes in search of the Dark Knight, because without him the inhabitants of the city cannot resist crime. Cartoon "Batman: The Return of the Dark Knight", part 2 - the continuation of the story. Batman is objectionable to the US government and it wants to eliminate the hero with the help of Superman. At this time, the Bat is busy catching the Joker, because of which many people die. Batman finally manages to put an end to the Joker, but at the end of the cartoon, he dies himself. The secret of Bruce Wayne is revealed. At the end of the picture, the viewer gets a hint that Batman is actually alive.

At the same time, several cartoons dedicated to the Justice League are being released: Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox and Justice League: War. The first tells about the alternative history of Batman, and the second about the acquaintance of superheroes who teamed up to save the planet. In 2014, fans of the Dark Knight were able to get acquainted with the cartoon "Son of Batman", created on the basis of the comic book of the same name. It is about Batman's son Damien, raised by Talia al Ghul and grandfather, the villain Ra's al Ghul. Of course, Batman will want his son to take the path of good. In the same year, the cartoon "Batman: Assault on Arkham" appeared, based on the computer game Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. In this cartoon, the Dark Knight will face the Suicide Squad.

Recently released Batman cartoons include Justice League: Throne of Atlantis based on the story of the superhero Aquaman, Justice League: Gods and Monsters, where the story of superheroes takes place in an alternate universe, Justice League vs. Teen Titans, Batman: The Killing Joke . The continuation of the cartoon "Son of Batman" is the animated superhero film "Batman vs. Robin" in 2015. Is it possible to imagine a confrontation between Batman and Robin? The cartoon gives a positive answer to this question, because Batman's son Damien, who has not yet decided on his moral position, has become the new Robin. In Batman v Robin, Damien will have to decide which side he is on, and Batman will have to defeat the Masonic organization Court of Owls.

The new Robin - Damian - looks menacing

One of the most anticipated feature films modern cartoons about the Dark Knight - "Batman: Bad Blood" 2016 (Batman: Bad blood), in other versions of the translation of "Batman: Bad Blood". The full-length cartoons "Son of Batman" and "Batman vs. Robin" logically precede the plot of "Batman: Bad Blood". The release date of the cartoon was actively discussed in all interested circles. The feature film appeared in 2016 and earned great popularity among the audience. Batman: Bad Blood is centered around the assassination of Batman by a certain heretic. Now the Dark Knight team will have to deal with the incident and defend the city from evil. In addition to the cartoon "Batman: Bad Blood", in 2016 the full-length films "Justice League vs. Teen Titans" and "Batman: The Killing Joke" are released. Also to this day, there are issues of the animated series Justice League: Chronicles of Gods and Monsters, which started in 2015.

"Batman Limitless" (toy line cartoons)

There is a series of Batman cartoons based on the toy line. It includes the cartoons "Batman Limitless: Mayhem", "Batman Limitless: Animal Instincts", "Batman Limitless: Monstrous Mayhem" and "Batman Limitless: Robots vs. Mutants". The series tells about the Gotham of the future, where gothic architecture has given way to neon and acid colors. However, the villains in the city did not hatch - Batman and Robin have enough work. Cartoons received low marks from critics due to the inexpressive plot, predictability and secondary character.

Cartoons in the LEGO universe

In 2013, the first Lego project was released. Batman" - a cartoon dedicated to the "Lego" universe. Cartoon LEGO. Batman: DC Super Heroes Unite is based on the video game of the same name. In it and other "Lego" projects, the roles of the main characters are played by "Lego" figures. It is also worth noting that in the Lego. Batman" cartoons have a comedy plot with elements of parody.

This is what characters look like in the LEGO animated universe

In addition to the cartoon "Lego. Batman: Superheroes Unite, Lego. Batman: The Movie, Lego. Batman: Under Siege, Lego. Batman v Superman" - a cartoon in two parts, "Lego DC Super Heroes: Justice League Vs Bizarro League", "Lego DC Super Heroes: Justice League: Attack of the Legion of Doom", "Lego DC Super Heroes: Justice League: Space Battle". Lego is expected to be released in 2017. Batman in the movies.


Batman is a superhero whose goal is to fight crime in the world and the city of Gotham in particular. Under the mask of Batman, Bruce Wayne is hiding, the inhabitants of Gotham know him as a very rich young man who leads an idle lifestyle and does charity work. As a child, Bruce Wayne suffered psychological trauma when he witnessed the death of his parents. Having received a solid self-education, Bruce Wayne went on the warpath using a man-bat suit. Batman is very demanding of himself and others. Researchers of his image note an anankastic personality disorder, in which a person completely goes into doubt, the study of details and perfectionism. Batman is afraid to get attached to someone, so as not to experience the pain he received as a child again. Therefore, he has few close friends, among them are his partner Robin, butler Alfred and Commissioner James Gordon. The hero does not have a constant companion, but from time to time Batman has novels. Some of them even led to the birth of a child. Batman is pessimistic and tends to be in control (see LSA comic: tower of babel). Often he blames himself for what he could not do.

Robin is Batman's partner, playing an important role in the life of a superhero. He was taken into personal custody by Batman after the murder of Robin's parents. Robin is a young man from a circus family. He has acrobatic skills, agility and agility. When Robin found out that Bruce Wayne was Batman, he decided to become his assistant. Robin has a relationship with Batman that is close to that of a father and son. Subsequently, the role of Batman's assistant - Robin - will be occupied by other characters.

Art dedicated to Batman's associates

Alfred is the butler of the Wayne family and Batman's confidant. After the death of Bruce Wayne's parents, it was Alfred who took custody of the boy. Batman became like a son to him. He is sarcastic and likes to joke around with Batman. He is devoted to Batman, helps him in every possible way and protects his secret. Appears in all adaptations of the Dark Knight story.

James Gordon is Gotham's police commissioner and Batman's friend and ally. Traditionally portrayed as one of the city's few honest and incorruptible police officers. Helps Batman in the fight against villains.

Batwoman and Batgirl are the constant heroes of "Batman", the female component of the team. Batwoman, in real life Kathy Kane, is Batman's assistant. She decided to help the Dark Knight fight evil in order to realize her altruistic urges and try to win the heart of a superhero. By the way, the romance between Batwoman and Batman did not work out. Batgirl is Batwoman's assistant, like Robin is to Batman. Batty Kane, Batwoman's niece, Barbara Gordon, has worn the Bategrl mantle at various times. stepdaughter Commissioner Gordon, Helena Bertinelli, Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown.

Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. The grandson of Batman's most dangerous enemy, Ra's al Ghul. Raised to be a killing machine, Damian is given the chance to make a moral choice between good and evil. As a result, Damien becomes the next Robin.

Catwoman is a clever thief who hunts on the streets of Gotham, a mercenary. Possesses acrobatic skills, knows martial arts. Initially a supervillain and Batman's enemy, Batman and Catwoman later become friends and fight together against common enemies. In some interpretations of the story, a romantic connection develops between the characters. The Joker is perhaps Batman's most famous enemy. A very dangerous killer mental disorders. The Joker from "Batman" has become entrenched in popular culture as a recognizable image: a disfigured face with clown makeup, a frozen grin, a purple suit. Incredibly cruel to everyone without exception. He personifies irrationality and everything that Batman fights. Batman vs Joker is a classic intrigue that has no end, since the Joker does not have a goal to kill Batman, and it is not at all possible to kill the Joker.

Bane is a villain famous for being able to defeat Batman. In a brutal fight, Bane broke Batman's spine. According to the plot of the comics, he was in prison for his father, in the films he is presented as a serial killer. Bane from "Batman" does not feel pain thanks to the drug entering his body through a special mask that looks quite threatening on the outside. The most memorable Bane in the film was played by Tom Hardy. Batman recovered from the fracture and took revenge on Bane.

Penguin is a villain aristocratic bloodlines. He got his nickname because of his small stature, obese physique and bird's nose. Penguin from "Batman" is the most famous gangster and a prominent figure in the criminal world. Always acts in their own interests. Often acts as an informant for both the Dark Knight and his enemies.

Scarecrow - negative character having an ugly appearance. He has a psychological education and uses this knowledge against his enemies. He also uses narcotic substances in order to evoke the fears of opponents in reality, so it is the Scarecrow who is to blame for the embodiment of the nightmares of the inhabitants of Gotham. Batman helped get the Scarecrow incarcerated in Arkham Asylum.

Azrael is a character known as the hero who managed to replace Batman while the Dark Knight was incapacitated due to a broken spine. Azrael - Batman is cruel and merciless, with criminal inclinations. When the real Batman recovered, he stopped Azrael's atrocities.

Two-Face is a former Gotham District Attorney Harvey Dent, a crime fighter. After his face was mutilated with acid, Harvey Dent's mental health deteriorated. He becomes a criminal with schizophrenic personality disorder, nicknamed Two-Face. Batman tries in vain to bring him back to normal, but Harvey Dent's "evil" half defeats the "good" one. Poison Ivy is a supervillain who gained unusual abilities after contact with a deadly poison. The charming beauty knows everything about toxins and poisons, so it was not for nothing that she chose the nickname “Poison Ivy” for herself. She is repeatedly confronted by Batman as she attempts to carry out dangerous plans to protect the environment.

Ra's al Ghul is a villain from the East. Head of the League of Assassins and the Demon criminal organization. Uses the Lazarus Pit, which heals any wounds, so is immortal. He has a huge influence in the world, which he uses for his own purposes. He dreams of creating a paradise on Earth, having previously arranged the selection of people according to the principle of genocide.

Music and songs

The music of "Batman" was remembered by many and not in vain, because in different years Talented modern composers were involved in the creation of Batmaniana. Among them is Danny Elfman, who wrote the famous title theme for Tim Burton films. He enhanced the decadent gothic movies with dreamlike atmospheric melodies that every Dark Knight fan will recognize. Many of his melodies have been used in cartoons, so the Batman song we heard as kids is also written by Danny Elfman.

The films of Christopher Nolan were marked by no less remarkable musical accompaniment by the authorship of the famous composer Hans Zimmer. He brought epic, soulful compositions with ethnic elements to the franchise.

video games

Batman video games have been released since 1989. In the 90s, games for consoles and PC called Batman, Batman: Return of the Joker, Batman Returns and Batman Forever were popular. Various games about the Dark Knight continue to come out and in the zero, but the game Batman: Vengeance and a series of games, starting with Batman: Arkham Asylum ("Batman: Arkham Asylum") have become truly successful. It was followed in 2011 by Batman: Arkham City ("Batman: Arkham City") and Batman: Arkham City Lockdown. Another popular series started in 2013 with Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. Then came Batman: Arkham Origins (“Batman: Arkham Origin”, “Batman: Arkham Origins”) and Batman: Arkham Knight (“Batman: Arkham Knight”, “Batman: Arkham Knight”). The 2015 Batman: Arkham Knight game is especially popular as it's made by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and is recognized as one of the best Batman games.

Screenshot from Batman: Arkham Knight

Also worth noting is the LEGO version of the Batman games, which appeared in 2008. Among these games are Lego Batman: The Videogame (“Lego Batman 1”), Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (“Lego Batman 2”), Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (Lego Batman 3, “Lego Batman 3: Leaving Gotham "") and Lego Dimensions ("Lego Batman 4").

As for flash games, look out for platform arcades such as Night Escape, Batman 2 - Gotham City Chase, Scarecrow's Revenge, Batman: Arkham Asylum racing, Joker Chase, Super Racing, puzzles "Mysterious Labyrinth" and "Memory Balls".


Movies, cartoons and animated series about Batman are incredibly popular, but do not forget that they are all adaptations of hundreds of comics. It is comics that are the primary source of all storylines about the Dark Knight. They tell the public information about who Batman is. Bat comics have been and are being released as series regulars, limited series, and various graphic novels. All series are overseen by DC Comics editors.

The first Batman comic was called The Case of the Chemical Syndicate, published in 1939 as part of the Detective Comics series. The hero quickly gained popularity, and already in the 40s a separate series of comics about Batman was released. In it, the creators of the Dark Knight - Bob Kane and Bill Finger - work out the details of the character's biography, reveal the past that Batman hides, including the death of his family, and introduce characters from his environment. So, Batman has his own "Watson" - Robin. Batman DC Comics has enduring popularity, comics continue to come out even during the Second World War.

The first Batman comics

In the 50s, Batman comics became an exception - they were not removed from publication, unlike many others. The co-author of the creators of Batman becomes a prominent screenwriter Jerry Robinson. In those years, a well-known storyline appears that tells about the union of Batman and Superman in the fight against crime.

In the 1960s, comic book sales skyrocketed with the release of the Batman series. At the end of the decade, artist Neil Adams and writer Dennis O'Neill took on the series, who decided to return Batman to his dark roots. In the 80s, comics by Frank Miller are noticeable, telling about the fifty-year-old Bruce Wayne. modern readers urge to begin acquaintance with comics about Batman with the release of 1987 "Batman: Year One", which tells the story of the origin of the hero. This comic was released as part of the reboot of the DC Comics series. Next, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the famous release called "Batman: The Killing Joke" (Batman: The Killing Joke), dedicated to the Joker. The comic was created by artist Brian Bolland and writer Alan Moore. Among other things, at this time there is a comic book "Batman. The Dark Knight Returns, introducing the Batman v Superman conflict. The comic, like the story of the confrontation between the heroes itself, will be repeatedly exploited in the future.

The indescribable charm of the Joker in comics

In the 1990s, comics were written by screenwriter Jeph Loeb. During these years, the comics "Mad Love" about the Joker's girlfriend Harley Quinn, "Knightfall" about Batman's defeat by Bane, as well as "The Long Halloween" revealing the identity of Harvey Dent are popular. In the 2000s, Batman comics were released: "Justice League of America: Tower of Babel (2000)" about Batman's participation in the Justice League, "Quiet!" about the alliance of Batman's enemies, "The Man Who Laughs" about the Joker, "Batman: Arkham City. End Game (Batman: Endgame) about the Joker's trap, the Frank Miller series "Supernova Batman and Robin", as well as the "Court of Owls", "Batman and Dreams" and the Grant Morrison and Paul Dini "R.I.P. Batman" series, where about the death of Batman. Among modern comics, we note "Batman: Noel" in 2016, authored by the celebrity in the world of comics Lee Bermejo. Interestingly, this comic is inspired by Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.


Batman's costume, like the story of the hero in general, is associated with the character's childhood. As a child, Bruce Wayne accidentally fell into a cave that was located under Wayne Manor - the future Batcave, Batman's headquarters. Despite the happy rescue, the boy was greatly frightened by the bats. Already in adulthood, when Bruce Wayne was defeated in a clash with local criminals, he seriously thought about his purpose in life. During his reflections, a bat broke into the office, breaking the window. The protagonist took this incident as a sign and decided to create a costume in the form of a bat. In his opinion, criminals are cowardly and superstitious people, and the image of a bat should inspire horror in them.

The famous Batman costume

Different artists brought their own take on the Batman costume, but the general features of the hero's attire remained the same. Consistent costume details: Batman mask with bat ears, long batwing cape, gadget and weapon belt, gloves, and Batman emblem on the chest. Batman's badge, a yellow ellipse with a black bat logo, has become the character's trademark, much like the S for Superman. The main colors of the costume: gray, blue-black, dark blue.

Important elements of the image of Batman are the gadgets that he uses. It's about about the Batarang, the Batscanner, the Batradar, etc. Batman's vehicles are the technologically advanced Batmobile, as well as the Batplane, Batboat, and Batcycle.


Batman is among the most requested characters to create various toys. Collectible figurines DC Batman has been out since 1940. The number of official figurine collections exceeds 30 series. In addition to figurines, Lego Batman sets are very popular. LEGO Batman toys are building sets and figurines inspired by the Dark Knight cartoons and movies. Lego Batman sets include not only the characters themselves, but also the Batcave, Batmobile, weapons, etc. In addition to Lego Batman, Batman coloring pages, Batman's car in various variations, Batman's mask are also popular. and other Bat-related gaming and collectible items.

Constructor "Psychiatric Hospital Arkham" with its inhabitants

Batman is a recognized icon mass culture in the world. The popularity of the Dark Knight has spread far beyond the realm of comics. Batman is a sought-after character even in countries where reading comics is not a frequent occurrence. Batman is admired by children and adults, he is imitated. There are several secrets to the Bat's success. According to critics, Batman is closer to the public, as he does not have any superpowers. The audience well received the Dark Knight as a tragic person whose problems are understandable. ordinary person. Therefore, the viewer can easily identify with the Bat. This moment was aptly captured by the Green Lantern, who told Batman the following phrase: "Don't tell me you're just a guy in a bat suit?" The public likes Batman's mission - the fight for justice. In addition, like many good guys, the Dark Knight is lonely and persecuted, which invariably arouses sympathy in people. It is worth noting that Batman differs from the same lonely Superman and Spider-Man in that he is successful in real life, and he can by no means be called a loser.

The success of the franchise is also recognized by numerous media outlets. So, Entertainment Weekly included Batman in the top twenty heroes of popular culture. Some items related to the creation of Batman are highly collectible. For example, Batman's first issue of Detective Comics #27 was valued at a million dollars and is considered one of the most valuable comics in history.

The cover of one of the most expensive comics in the world

However, there are other opinions about Batman. As a rule, negative critical reviews are somehow related to the evaluation of comics in general. There is a widespread judgment of comics and graphic novels about Batman in particular as a shallow and mediocre phenomenon that does not serve any purpose. A number of critics even note the harm from such reading. Psychologist Frederick Wertham's article "The Corruption of the Innocent" caused the widest public outcry, where he expressed a judgment about the danger posed by Batman comics. In his opinion, children and teenagers imitate what they see in such comics. The psychologist linked this to the rising crime rate among teenagers. In addition, some young criminals admitted to reading comics, and the author of the article attacked graphic novels with indignation.

  • Batman Comics has received a huge number of awards for best release, best graphic album, best story, best artists and writers, etc.
  • In honor of Batman, several amusement parks have been created in the United States, Australia, Spain, Germany and other countries.
  • Zorro is the character that inspired the creation of Batman. Just like Zorro, Batman is a masked hero who comes to the rescue of people in trouble. By the way, before his death, Bruce Wayne's parents watch the movie "The Sign of Zorro".
  • Everyone knows the name of Batman in real life, but few know that Bruce Wayne is a compilation of the names of famous freedom fighters - the Scotsman Robert I Bruce and the American Revolutionary War hero Anthony "Mad" Wayne.
  • There is a city of Batman in Turkey that Warner Brothers tried to sue for using the trademark. If you wish, you can also find Gotham on the map, this is a village in the UK. English folklore tells about the real Gotham as a habitat for fools and insane people.
  • Who hasn't Batman partnered with? The Dark Knight is a resident of the DC Universe, but he can be seen in some Marvel comics. One limited series of comics features the collaboration of Batman and Wolverine in the Dark Claw Squad, and there is also a Spider-Man-Batman crossover comic. At various times, Batman fought against Dracula ("Batman vs. Dracula") and helped Scooby Doo ("Scooby-Doo Meets Batman").

Batman and Wolverine

  • Batman: Arkham Knight is considered the most difficult Batman game. "The Riddler's Riddles" ("The Riddler's Revenge") - a tricky mission from this game, replete with puzzles and dangers, is of great interest to gamers.
  • The look of Batman is also a compilation. The Dark Knight's cape is inspired by the radio show Shadow, the mask is from Zorro, the costume is inspired by the Bat-movies and drawings by Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Batman v Superman is the first 3D movie to feature Batman and Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg together.
  • The longest-serving Batman was Kevin Conroy, who voiced the Bat for 12 years. Batman speaks in his voice in three TV series, seven cartoons and five games.
  • Batman is often compared to characters from other universes. Fans create entire manuals on topics: Batman vs. Spider-Man, Batman vs. Hulk, Wolverine vs. Batman. But they are especially interested in the confrontation Deadpool vs Batman. Based on this confrontation, even the short film "Deadpool vs. Batman" was created, where Deadpool kidnaps Catwoman to meet the Dark Knight.
  • The 1997 film Batman and Robin was recognized as the worst project about Batman, which received 11 Golden Raspberry nominations. The film is considered the worst superhero movie of all time.

Who is Batman? A strange question, because, along with Superman, he is one of the most famous fictional characters in the world, on the example of which more than one generation of readers was brought up. In addition, a lot of films are dedicated to Batman. How did the image of this character evolve throughout his "film career"?

Who is Batman: character description

This superhero first appeared on the pages of comics in 1939.

Soon he received a separate series and a team of assistants in the person of Robin, Beegerl, commissioner Gordon and others. Throughout his long "literary career" this character has managed to gain popularity around the world. As soon as they didn’t call a hero named Batman: The Dark Knight, Gotham Guardian, The best detective in the world, etc.

Appearing shortly after the Great Depression, he is the embodiment of the hopes of ordinary citizens for an all-powerful and incorruptible defender of the weak from ruthless criminals and corrupt authorities. A special feature of Batman, which distinguished him from other superheroes, was that he did not possess any superhuman powers and fought evil using his mind, physical dexterity and technical devices. In other words, every reader was aware that theoretically he, too, could become Batman.

No less attractive to Americans in the late 1930s was the hero's alter ego. While for most of the characters it was a mystery who Batman was (photo below), readers knew that under the guise of a valiant crime fighter was a billionaire and playboy - Bruce Wayne. Impoverished after the Great Depression, Americans madly wanted to believe in the existence of a noble rich man who was ready to help poor people, like Wayne was.

As time went on, and stories about Batman appeared more and more. In addition, DC has periodically restarted the franchise. Despite this, The Dark Knight continued to be loved by more and more new generations of readers.

The appearance of the character on television in 1943 and 1949

The popularity of the hero was so great that 4 years after his debut on the pages of comics, a whole television series of 15 episodes was dedicated to Batman. The role of the Dark Knight was first played by Lewis Wilson.

In fact, it was a spy series about the confrontation between the United States and Japan, in which, to attract viewers, the main character was made a popular comic book hero, Batman. Despite the fact that he was very far from canon, thanks to the television series, the character received a batcave. And the devoted keeper of the secret of who Batman really is, the butler Alfred Pennyworth, has turned from a well-fed Bavarian into a stiff Briton.

Mindful of the success of the first television series, after the end of the war, it was decided to shoot its sequel - "Batman and Robin". This time the role of Batman was given to Robert Laurie. Expecting that viewers will watch this television series out of habit, its producers did not particularly bother with the script and budget. The result was a very mediocre spectacle.

as Batman

After the failure of the series in 1949, films and series were not made about this hero for almost 17 years. However, after updating the comic, as well as the invention of the Dark Knight logo in the mid-60s, it was decided to make a new television series.

Adam West, who has a strong-willed chin and a heroic voice, was invited to the main role. The 1966 project was incredibly successful. He managed to stay on the air for season 3, in addition, a full-length tape based on him was shot with the same cast - "Batman". The film received audience recognition, and for the next 20 years was the best in its series.

Unlike the rather gloomy atmosphere of the comics, the television series and the film with Adam West were more like a light comedy, where good always triumphs over evil and does it spectacularly and cheerfully. Despite such a clear contradiction to the canon, West is still considered one of the the best incarnations Batman on screen.

By the way, after the project was closed, this artist voiced most of the cartoons dedicated to the Defender of Gotham for many years.

Films with Michael Keaton

For more than 20 years, directors have not risked releasing a new project about the Dark Knight. Since each viewer is asked: "Who is Batman?" - invariably answered - "Adam West", no one believed that it was possible to somehow outshine the 1966 movie.

However, Tim Burton was not afraid of difficulties and in 1989 released the film "Batman", in which the Knight of Gotham was played by Michael Keaton.

This project was truly a turning point in Batman's biography, because for the first time on the screen he was shown not in a comic way, as it was before, but as a tragic character, tormented by deep feelings.

Keaton's dark knight has lost West's gloss and pathos, he has become more humane and close to the audience, it is not surprising that Burton's picture grossed more than $ 400 million at the box office and held the brand of the best of its kind for almost 20 years.

Thanks to the success of the first film, after 3 years the second one was shot with the same Michael Keaton - "Batman: The Return". Despite the stellar cast (Danny DeVito and at the box office, she collected less than the first picture. Many believed that this was due to the overly gloomy atmosphere in the film, but true comic book fans, on the contrary, were delighted with this film adaptation.

"Batman Forever"

Despite the decline in audience interest in the Dark Knight, in 1995 it was decided to dedicate another movie to him. This time, Burton was replaced by Joel Schumacher in the director's chair, and instead of Keaton, Val Kilmer was invited to the main role.

The new director made the project bright and colorful - to match the Hollywood standards of the 90s. At the same time, the atmosphere of Burton was lost, and the picture, despite the excellent box office, was the weakest in this trilogy.

The audience's attention to the project was attracted by the presence of a huge number of stars: Jim Carrey, Tommy Lee Jones, Chris O "Donnell and Drew Barrymore. It is worth noting that Val Kilmer looked faded against their background and was recognized at that time as one of the worst performers of this role.

"Batman and Robin"

Although the tapes about the Knight of Gotham got worse with each new one, the audience was still interested in his fate. Therefore, in 1997, Schumacher shot another movie in the series. Since Val Kilmer's performance was weak, it was decided to take another performer. They became only gaining popularity George Clooney.

Despite his charm, the new artist played even worse than the previous one, creating on the screen instead of the noble Batman a puppet Ken with a rubber smile. In addition, the project itself began to resemble a hackneyed television series, rather than a movie.

Neither the charming Uma Thurman, nor Arnold Schwarzenegger, nor young painting received negative feedback, because of which, over the next 8 years, no one believed that the franchise could still find success.

The Christopher Nolan Trilogy

However, in 2005, aspiring Hollywood director Christopher Nolan, who became famous thanks to the film "Remember", decides to try to revive the cycle. According to his own script, based on the comics "Year One" and "The Long Halloween", he shoots the film "Batman Begins". Christian Bale was cast in the lead role.

The picture was incredibly successful, reaching the level of "Batman" in 1989. In addition, it served as the beginning new wave batmenomania.

The reason for this success was that for the first time in the history of film adaptations of the Dark Knight comics, the film was able to convey the dark spirit of the graphic novels of the cycle. In addition, the characters and motivations of characters such as Commissioner Gordon (Gary Oldman), Rachel Dawes Carmine Falcone (Tom Wilkinson), Ra's al Ghul (Liam Neeson) and others were carefully developed in the film. In addition, the screen was first told about the years spent by Bruce Wayne away from his native Gotham.

After the huge success of the picture, Batman Knight reappeared on the screen after 3 years in Nolan's The Dark Knight. This picture became the most successful in the entire film history of the Dark Knight and collected over a billion at the box office. In it, Christian Bale again played the role of the Knight of Gotham, opposing the cunning Joker. It is worth noting that in this motion picture, for the first time, the neck became mobile.

The last film in the trilogy was the 2012 film The Dark Knight Rises. In her in last time the audience meets their favorite performer - Christian Bale.

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"

The fantastic box office success of the Nolan trilogy proved that in the new millennium, the audience still remains indifferent to the Knight of Gotham. That's why we didn't finish filming The Dark Knight Rises, how negotiations began on the film adaptation of the abandoned Batman v Superman project in 2001. The script of the project was based on the comic book of the same name, but its plot was simplified.

Initially, the role of the Dark Knight was offered to re-perform Bale, but he refused and the choice of producers fell on Ben Affleck, who previously played the superhero Daredevil.

Despite the lavish advertising campaign for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the audience was very skeptical about it. However, this did not prevent the tape from collecting more than 850 million at the box office. Such a grandiose financial success, however, did not soften the attitude of critics towards the film - it was recognized as very mediocre. In particular, because of the metamorphosis that occurred with Batman. The brave and independent hero, whom viewers and readers have known Bruce Wayne for many years, in the new film adaptation turns into an envious paranoid. In addition, Ben Affleck, who is pretty well-grown, despite his muscles, looks like a fat boar against the background of a fit Henry Cavill.

The irony is that, despite the indignation of some viewers who believe that Affleck, for all his virtues, is not suitable for this role, the actor was not only not removed from the project, but also made the director of the upcoming solo film about the Dark Knight.

"Justice League: Part 1"

Competing with Marvel, DC also actively took up the creation of their own cinematic universe.

Therefore, they simultaneously shoot several projects at once, in which the Dark Knight appears. For example, the movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice became a prequel to the project Justice League: Part 1, which should be released in the fall of 2017.

It is known that Batman, performed by Ben Affleck, will play a leading role in it. It is also possible that the writers in this picture will work out the character's character better than it was done in the previous project.

Among other DC projects in recent years in which the Dark Knight appeared is the Suicide Squad film. It is also possible that a superhero would appear in episodes of Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Aquaman.

Ben Affleck's film "Batman" 2018

Next year, the shooting of a new movie about the Knight of Gotham will start. Ben Affleck will not only play Batman again in it, but will also direct and co-write the picture.

It's hard to imagine how the new Batman will appear before the audience, but fans believe in the best.

TV series "Gotham"

In addition to numerous movies, there is also the television series "Gotham", dedicated to who Batman is and how he became the Dark Knight.

Since, according to the plot, Bruce is still a teenager, the main character is Detective Gordon, Batman's future ally. At the same time, the hero himself rarely participates in events due to his young age. The role of the Dark Knight in the television series "Gotham" is played by David Mazouz.

Over the course of more than seventy years of "film career" Batman has evolved from a comic character to the defender of the Earth from an alien threat. What surprises await the fans of this superhero in the future - will become known with the exhalation of the "Justice League" and the new "Batman".

There are a number of characters that Marvel has stolen from DC, but we'll only list the most important and well-known ones. By the way, DC is also not sinless in this matter, but this is a topic for another article.

DC Comics | marvel comics

Green Arrow / Hawkeye

The main weapon of both characters is a bow. They are known for their sense of humor and incredible courage (not everyone dares to go against equipped opponents with nothing but a bow and arrows). Green Arrow is designed like a modern-day Robin Hood and is dressed in the same green color, while Hawkeye prefers purple clothes. Green Arrow fired the first arrow in 1941 and Hawkeye in 1964.


DC Comics | marvel comics

Brainiac / Ultron

These two characters have an immeasurable, ever-improving artificial intelligence and are among the deadliest enemies of the good guys in Marvel and DC Comics. Because of their incredible knowledge and skills, they are very hard to beat. Even if they are defeated, they will come back stronger than ever. DC Brainiac was created in 1958, and Marvel's Ultron debuted ten years later in 1968.


DC Comics | marvel comics

Deathstroke / Deadpool

One of them is named Slade Wilson, the other is Wade Wilson. Both are mercenaries with an incredible skill set and healing factor. The creation of Deathstroke dates back to 1981, while Deadpool appeared in the pages of comics in 1991.


DC Comics | marvel comics

Solomon Grundy / Hulk

Both are incredibly powerful beings that have a healing factor, an incredible level of strength, speed, stamina, and so on. Few people know that the first time the Hulk was gray color(as did Solomon Grundy). Solomon Grundy was created in 1944 and Hulk was created in 1962.


DC Comics | marvel comics

Flash / Mercury

The characters wear costumes of different colors and have a completely different history, but they have the most important similarity - the ability to move and think at exorbitant speeds. The Flash was created in 1940 and the Quicksilver first appeared in 1964.


DC Comics | marvel comics

Darkseid / Thanos

Darkseid and Thanos are all-powerful alien demigods with large bodies and purple skin, but one of them became the prototype of the other. Artist Jim Starlin, who created Thanos, openly admitted that he was heavily influenced by Darkseid when creating the character. Both supervillains have almost unlimited strength, speed, stamina, invulnerability, incredible intelligence, and are masters in the art of war. They are among the most powerful beings in their respective universes. Darkseid was created in 1970, Thanos appeared three years later in 1973.


DC Comics | marvel comics

Atom / Ant-Man

You won't be able to see them. You won't be able to hear them. Bang and you're knocked out. This is how you can simply describe these two characters. Atom (Atom) and Ant-Man (Ant-Man) thanks to special suits, they can be reduced to microscopic sizes. The DC Atom was published in 1940 and Ant-Man was released in 1962.


DC Comics | marvel comics

Clayface / Sandman

clay-faced (clay face) is a well-known supervillain in the DC Universe who most of the time fights none other than the Dark Knight himself. Sandman (Sandman) was Spider-Man's nemesis for a long time, but later became his ally. They both have similar powers and abilities, such as the ability to shape-shift (because they are made of clay and sand, respectively), increased durability, the ability to transform into weapons, and so on. Clayface was created in 1940, Sandman in 1963.10

DC Comics | marvel comics

Batman / Iron Man

You probably think that these characters have nothing in common. On the one hand, you are right and this is their appearance, because they are complete opposites in this regard. On the other hand, they are incredibly similar in many other ways. They are very intellectually developed and do not have any superpowers. They are both billionaires and playboys, in addition to designing and making their own costumes, gadgets and weapons. The Dark Knight first appeared in 1939, and iron Man– in 1963.

Character characteristics

Batman Man Bat is a fictional character in the DC Universe. His first appearance was in Detective Comics #27 in May 1939, almost at the same time as Superman, and they've been side by side ever since! Batman was created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger. Until 2015, Bob Kane was considered the father and creator, but after everything was sorted out, it was discovered that his contribution to the creation of the hero was scanty. Bill Finger, this man has made a huge contribution to the creation of such a wonderful hero as Batman.

In the original, Batman is the alter ego of Bruce Wayne, as a child, little Bruce witnessed the death of his parents, after which he swore to fight crime. He trained hard, achieved perfection in tactics, deduction, erudition, manners (practically no girl could resist him), he seriously approached the creation of his costume, and later on the creation of other costumes with a narrow specialization, he is armed with a lot of technology. But with all this, Batman has never killed anyone, he can masterfully neutralize the enemy. Although if he started killing, then one issue of comics would be enough in which he would kill all his enemies. His main enemies are known to everyone, and they are worthy of Batman, they are very good (Joker, Penguin, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow)

From the first moment of the appearance of Batman, his popularity has grown at a wild rate, a year later he has already acquired his own comic book series of the same name! In 1966, the Batman series was filmed, the main character was played by Adam West, his image was used in comics for several more years. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns was released in 1986 by Frank Miller. The new look of Batman became the basis for Tim Burton's 1989 film Batman and Christopher Nolan's 2005 reboot of Batman Begins, a more brutal and sinister take on Batman that took his popularity with audiences to new heights! He was adapted as a cultural icon, Batman was everywhere, on clothes, in comics, in movies, in games, in the form of toys and so on.

The Dark Knight is ranked #2 behind Superman in IGN's "Top 100 Comic Book Heroes" list. But my personal opinion is that Bats should be in 1st place, because he personifies an ideally prepared person in all directions, he is always one step ahead, even without his costume he remains the best fighter, brilliant tactician and detective!


At the beginning of '39, Superman was gaining immense popularity, which of course prompted the publishers of DC comics (formerly National Publications) to create new characters! Bob Kane came up with a new character, Finger, who worked with him, described it as

« I looked at his sketches, there was a character very similar to Superman, in red tights, no gloves, with two hard wings like a bat»

Finger, in turn, suggested making the hero in a closed mask, removed the red tights, added gloves and a cloak, because the rigid wings rather hampered the character’s movements, it was decided to take gray tones in order to add more gloom to the character! Finger also named this character "Bruce Wayne" which he borrowed from Irish Monarch Robert the Bruce.

First publications

Batman first appeared in Detective Comics #27 in The Case of the Chemical Syndicate in 1939. Initially, Batman stories were written in the style of cheap literary magazines, this was noticeable by the design, by the style of the hero, who was not harsh and cold-blooded, but soft and humane, remorseful for injuring criminals.

Batman has been in the top three most popular heroes such as Superman and Wonder Woman. He began appearing in the World's Most Significant Comics series ( World's Finest Comics

Over the course of the year, the character was honed and calibrated, his elements of clothing and character traits changed, a powerful, expressive chin appeared, an integral part of the image of the belt, appeared in the 29th issue of Detective cimics, in the 31st issue he got gadgets such as a betarang and hooks, as well as a betaplane. Also in the 33rd issue, the biography of the hero was written, and in general the concept of the character.

Golden age

Since its inception in 1939, Batman has been positioned as a crime fighter. With a difficult fate, he was born into a family of wealthy industrialists Thomas and Martha Wayne, his parents were engaged in charity work, the boy grew up on the Wayne family estate, but at the age of 8 he witnessed the death of his parents at the hands of a street robber. At the funeral, he swore to fight crime, after which he began to train hard, learn martial arts and the basics of tactics. Bruce was a smart enough guy and understood that you couldn’t take the enemy by force alone, it was necessary to create a suit to demoralize and intimidate the enemy. Wayne thought for a long time what to take as the basis for the costume, but suddenly a bat flew into his room, this moment became decisive in the future concept of the costume, at that moment Bruce firmly decided that now he would be called Batman.

silver Age

The Silver Age is considered to be 1956 and the moment the new Flash Barry Allen appeared. The style of Batman's storytelling changed from 1956 to 1960s towards science fiction, with aliens and science experiments appearing in harsh life Bruce. But from the beginning of the 60s, everything returned to normal, and the detective story of the Man-Bat resumed.

The authors decided that such changes are not particularly noticeable, and decided to turn everything around. As a result, since 1960, with the introduction of the multiverse, it turns out that all the heroes of the Golden Age are inhabitants of Earth 2. The originals have become alternative copies. The biography of Batman, of course, changed and was added. in Superman Family #211, they described the fact that Bruce married Selina Kyle (Catwoman of Earth 2), they had a daughter, Helena Wayne, who became the Huntress in the future. Huntress began to cooperate with Dick Grayson (Robin of Earth 2) and together they stood up for the defense of Gotham. Now this biography can be considered alternative. Now the main story of Earth 2's Batman is also undergoing some changes, such as a meeting in his youth with Superman, as well as the appearance of Bruce's uncle Philip Wayne, who raised the boy.

Throughout the period, Batman worked with new heroes, most notably with Superman, who teamed up in 1954, their union lasted until 1968 as part of the series. World's Finest Comics. Batman and Superman were often portrayed as close friends who knew who was behind the masks. Together they create the Justice League of America.

In 1969, Bruce moved from his mansion to the penthouse of the Wayne Enterprises skyscraper, in order to always be in the thick of things. The building was in the center of the city, so he could respond more quickly. Since the mid-70s and early 80s, Batman has acted in his own way, which everyone loved. He is gloomy, often working alone, only occasionally teaming up with Robin and Batgirl. During this period, new villains appear, as well as old ones, such as the Joker and Ra's al Ghul.

In the final issue of Brave and the Bold #200 in the second decade of 1983, Batman leaves the Justice League and forms a new squad, the Outsiders. Until 1986, Batman is their leader, until the cancellation of the series.

modern age

After the limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths, it was decided to make changes in the character so that the young and sophisticated viewer could be truly interested in him. IN Once again the origin of Batman was rewritten, the emphasis was on gloominess, firmness of character, composure. The author was Frank Miller (Batman #404-407). Batman from Earth 2 ceased to exist at all, and after the cancellation of the multiverses, such a concept as Earth 1 also lost its relevance. The honest police force of Gotham has been replaced by a corrupt, weak, gang-controlled city. From now on, Batman had no support from the police, on the contrary, they wanted to take him out of the game. Also in the history of Bruce, references to his uncle, Philip Wayne, were erased, instead of him, our beloved Alfred appeared. Lest audiences resent such changes in history, DC launches the Legends of the Dark Knight series in 1989. Such a hardening of Batman's fate seemed not enough to the authors, so in issues Batman #426-429, Jason Todd (Robin 2) dies at the hands of the Joker. This fact finishes off Batman, making him even darker, more violent and less cautious.

Again, Batman begins to work alone, in the best traditions of the Dark Knight, but in the early 90s he finds himself a new Robin (Tim Drake). Apparently, the authors decided to finally finish off the moral foundations of Bruce, and in 2005 they brazenly resurrect Jason Todd, who already plays for the opposite team than his mentor.

The 90s turned out to be difficult for heroes, in 1993 DC publishes Death of Superman and Knightfall. In Knightfall, Bane breaks Bruce's back, taking him out of the game for a long time. Bruce hands over his post to Azrael for a while. And here, as they say, there are two ways out: after the completion of the Knightfall series, the storyline is divided into two directions, one is the story of Azrael as Batman, and the second is the story of Bruce Wayne, his attempts to regain the status of Batman. The Knight's End series combines these two directions and puts everything in its place. Azrael becomes overwhelmed with hatred and becomes overly violent, and is defeated by Bruce Wayne. Bruce reclaims the mantle of Batman. Do you think everything will be great? No! He gives this mantle to Nightwing, explaining that he is not yet ready to become Batman again.

The nineties somehow strongly influenced the DC editors and their mental state, because in the year 94 they release the Zero Hour: Crisis in Time storyline, in which everything changes again, and poor Batman again suffers changes in his destiny. Now Batman has become a scary tale for criminals, he has become just an urban legend. The meeting with the killer of his parents was removed from the timeline, and the Year Two storyline, published earlier, was declared non-canon.

In 1996, Batman returns to the Justice League, but it gradually fades into the background. In 1998, Gotham collapses under the influence of an earthquake, thereby cutting it off from the rest of the country. There are no resources, no power, gangs begin to show their strength, but Batman does not let them rise, giving a fitting rebuff to 1999 Batman: No Man's Land.

Zero years continue to be a crisis for Bruce Wayne, in 2005 in the Identity Crisis crossover, Zatana (a member of the Justice League) erases part of Batman's memory in order to avoid his revenge on Doctor Light for raping Sue Dibny, who was the wife of the Elongated Man. Naturally, this was the beginning of mistrust between Bruce and the members of the Justice League. And finally, Batman’s tower is demolished, his nervous system can’t stand it after everything that happened to him (Mark Waid’s Tower of Babel storyline as part of the JLA Batman series) and he creates a satellite tracking system for superheroes and the possibility of their destruction. Our hero Teams up with Lord Maxwell, who in turn kills super hero Blue Beetle to keep him from telling the Justice League who's behind the killings. Batman's responsibility for the Blue Beetle's death becomes one of the main themes for DC's next series, Infinite Crisis, after which DC replays the plot again.

In Infinite Crisis #7, Lex Luthor Jr. becomes the culprit behind the unification of three universes into one - new land and, of course, history is being rewritten. The killer of Bruce's parents is still Joe Chill, but he is taken into custody. This fact cancels the plot twist in Zero Hour: Crisis in Time. When Nightwing is badly wounded by Luthor, Batman grabs a gun in hopes of getting even, but it misfires.

After all these battles, Batman, along with Robin and Nightwing, returns to Gotham. Bruce learns to deal with his emotions, goes through a ritual of meditation. This moment becomes a very important part of the formation and transformation of Batman, he becomes more prudent, cold-blooded, loses the fear that has haunted him lately.

After extreme events, Bruce accepts Tim Drake as his adopted son. Also in the plot of Batman & Son, he has a son from Talia al Ghul. The Justice League is reborn under the auspices of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, as well as resurrecting outsiders.

In the 2008 Batman R.I.P. storyline, the "black glove" organization takes advantage of Batman's mental instability, practically causing him to lose his sanity and amnesia. The finale is that Bruce Wayne disappears after the destruction of the Batcave and the mansion as a whole, everyone, of course, decides that he is dead. Later, the publishing house changed its mind and decided that such a move was not entirely successful and DC released the Last Rites series, where Batman is alive and, as if nothing had happened, goes to the headquarters of the Justice League to investigate the murder of Orion. At the end of the Crisis, Batman encounters Darkseid, who strikes him with a power that can move him through time and space. Batman travels to the Polyolithic Age, while his corpse remains in the present.

At the beginning of the Blackest Night crossover, the supervillain Black Hand, who is one of the leaders of the Black Fanar Corps, digs up the remains of Bruce and takes his skull, from which he creates a black ring and begins to resurrect dead heroes in the form of zombies, also resurrects Nekron, an analogue of the god of death and the embodiment of the power of the body. Batman was also resurrected in the form of a black lantern, but since his body was not real, Nekron's plans failed a little, and the skull itself was returned to the grave. It was later revealed that Bruce's body was just a clone created by Darkseid during his failed attempt to create an army of Batmans.

In the Batman: The Return of Bruce storyline, Batman returns after a long journey through worlds and history, learning that Darkseid wanted to make him powerful weapon, forcing to accumulate omega energy. Thanks to members of the Justice League, he returns to modern times.

After all these events, Bruce again becomes the Dark Knight, but this time he is in the Batman, Incorporated series, he leaves Gotham under the protection of Nightwing and Damien Wayne and decides to create a "Batman" in every country in the world, and publicly declares that Wayne Enterprises will help him in that.

Bruce Wayne

In life, Bruce was an ordinary rich man for people, a lover of women and alcohol, living on the money he inherited. But this image was specifically created in order to avert any suspicion that he could be Batman. Although, in reproach to all debauchery, he was also a patron of the arts and donated large sums of money to charity. In particular, he was the owner of the Wayne Foundation charitable fund, this money was allocated to people who suffered at the hands of criminals.

Many often compare Batman and Superman, they both hide their identity, creating a false impression of themselves, except that Bruce was the very fake mask for Batman and Superman for Clark.

Strengths and opportunities

Batman is one of the heroes without super powers. He uses everything that any person has. Bruce is the best martial artist, best detective, a man whose IQ reaches 192, has the highest analytical abilities.

Superman called him the most dangerous person on earth, because. Batman alone could deal with a crowd of aliens with super powers.

Suit and equipment

The Batman suit was created to intimidate opponents, its main colors were gray, dark blue and more recently completely black, only shades differed from matte and closer to gloss. Invariable details, such as a hood mask and a cloak, only changed their shape, depending on the artist, the Bat logo, (a bat in an ellipse), a necessary attribute of the costume, also changed its color and shape more than once, but from for its functionality, forever settled on the hips of the hero. Over time, sharp combs appeared on his gloves, initially Batman wore gloves similar to ordinary ones. Recently, these scallops have become more functional than decorative.

Over time, the arsenal was also replenished with new, modern Wayne inventions. Initially, he had only betorangs and hooks, later he got hold of various light-noise grenades, smoke bombs, optical instruments, and everything that a modern special forces soldier would quietly envy. Progress has not left untouched the means of transportation of our hero, from the initial model of the Batmobile, created on the basis of the Lincoln Futura, to modern hypercars armed with light armored vehicles. The Batplane has also turned into something like a Stealth Fighter, it's hard to describe the Batcycle as something like a motorcycle. If Batman gets bored, he can easily capture the Vatican in 15 minutes!

Naturally, the Bat prefix was added to each gadget of the superhero: batmobile, batorang, batcomputer, batvisor, batcheese, batmilk ... Of course, it sounds vulgar, but again, this prefix is ​​​​used mainly by everyone except Batman himself. He, of course, also uses similar names, but not with such fanaticism as the others.

An integral part of the image of Batman are also Batsignal and Batcave. The Batsignal is a huge bat-shaped searchlight mounted on the roof of the Gotham City Police Department. In the 50s, there was still a separate telephone line through which Gordon contacted Batman via a battelephone.

The Batcave is essentially his headquarters, where all of Batman's equipment is stored and created, schemes and plans are worked out, and it was also the command center for the Justice League. The cave is located under the foundation of the Wayne mansion, according to the Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne storyline (Russian Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne) was built by his ancestors back in late XIX century

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