Literary courses.


Most authors learn to write on their own. But self-education takes a lot of time, too much, and there is nothing more precious than time in a person's life. It is wiser to spend some money and study at a School specialized in writing, and get your own editor (developing and stylistic) and a literary mentor there. Aspiring self-taught writers have a personal editor, knowing creativity and the ability of the author, as a rule, is not there, and this has a deplorable effect on the quality of the work of a beginner, plunges many authors into a chronic state of uncertainty, etc.

The oldest in Russia private school writing skill Likhachev, existing since 2010, offers busy people distance learning writing skills. Anyone who has no time to rummage on the Internet for years, who does not want to buy expensive textbooks and stew in his own juice outside the writing and editorial environment, who wants to find a developing editor and literary mentor, he can turn to the editors from Likhachev's group. Mostly adult employed people, entrepreneurs, administrators, retirees study at our School, there are also talented housewives and students, and, of course, Russian immigrants now living in the USA, Canada, Germany, Denmark, China, Australia and other countries. Russians living on the territory of other states, as well as citizens of the CIS countries who want to improve their Russian literary language, study at our school.

Sign up for the first course and start studying immediately so that you can master writing tools in the fall-winter and start your own in the spring big project, and under the supervision of a developing editor, write it according to all the rules, using the original methodology developed at the Likhachev School of Writing. Without study, the quality of the work of a novice writer remains at one - very low - level, not changing for decades, this is a waste of time, that is, life. But there are more interesting things to do than fill millions of signs of epistolary rubbish for years.

The Likhachev School of Writing is aimed at the practical development of the techniques of writing for beginners. At the School, students study not for 5 years full-time or 6 years in absentia, as in Literary Institute them. Gorky in Moscow (this pleasure costs a lot of money), and not 2 years, as at the Higher Literary Courses, but 6 months remotely and 6-12 months they study individually with a mentor on the project of their own new work. For 1 year of mentoring at the exit, a novice author can write, for example, a 500,000-character novel or, at least, an episode or scene-by-scene plan of the novel, which will only be completed and sent to us for editing and proofreading.

How I studied at the same time in three literary courses and what it led to

Text: Marina Bezuglova
Drawing by Charles D. Gibson from
Photo of Marina Bezuglova from her Facebook page

A new one is coming academic year, 2017/2018 . Which has a chance to go down in the history of Russian literature as the year of a breakthrough in the field of professional writing education - which, according to the editors of publishing houses, sometimes our talents are sorely lacking. The Institute of Culture opened the admission of students in the specialty " children's writer». graduate School Economics for the first time began admission to the master's program - and, according to the assurances of those involved, the competition for budget places exceeded ten people per seat.
And this, of course, not counting, which quietly and systematically continues its work. And the incalculable offline and online literature courses that have sprung up over the past few years.
A direct participant in the process shares her live impressions about the latter.

... I rewind time and think: why did I need literature courses at all? I have no philological education. I am the head of a small workshop for the production of mirrors. Interest in writing grew out of a love of reading. But I didn't know how to approach own work. I needed to test my strength and give myself the right to write.
I live in Rostov-on-Don, and literary education concentrated in the capital. Therefore, I could not study in person, only online. Then I organized an intensive with full immersion on the subject: for four months I studied in parallel in three writing schools and as a result received a triple blessing from the masters of the world of literature.
I’ll say right away: all the courses do a great job of inspiring.
Now more about educational process. This is not an advertisement, so I will not name the courses themselves, but I will explain a little. In my school years it was so wonderful concept, as a class "with a bias". In relation to courses, this word is also appropriate. So, I chose: courses with a bias in genre commercial literature (these are books that are published in series in publishing houses), courses for beginners with a bias in the so-called big literature (works from the lists of big prizes) and courses with a slight bias in Western literature. In addition, there are courses in poetry, screenwriting, non-fiction courses, and so on. Prices vary from several thousand to several tens of thousands of rubles. Many schools provide discounts, hold raffles free places and contests. (Thanks to this, I had the opportunity to try three options at once.)

But if you're not as extreme of literature as I am,

When choosing a direction, ask yourself the question: “What does it mean to me to be a writer? Be the author of a paper book? Publish posts on social networks and collect likes? Win competitions? An honest answer will help a lot.

In addition, before training, it is very important to read special textbooks, as well as take advantage of free resources - there are a lot of articles and videos on the Internet. And if you find that you're ripe for professional courses, these are the parameters by which I advise you to choose an online school.

1. First parameter- the same "deviation". However, in reality, the "deviation" was very conditional. All of my courses dealt with literary skill quite broadly, while the information was practically not duplicated.
2. Number and duration of classes- Calculate your strength. As a rule, these are weekly lectures lasting from 30 minutes to 1 hour. But there are courses that will require 3 hours 3 times a week.
3. Homework. Each lesson consists of a theoretical lecture and a creative task. Courses that require peer review written works, that is, feedback from teachers, many times more useful. Discussing your texts only with students like you is not particularly effective.
4. Number and volume of creative tasks performed during the course. The more text you write, the more responses you get, the better.
5. Teaching Staff. Perhaps the most important point. Of course, it's nice when mentors are popular writers. But the level of their fame should not be decisive. After all, writing and teaching it to others are two different things. Their pedagogical talent is more important to you. Read the work of your future teachers, search the Internet for videos with them, and finally look at their social media profiles. If these people have captivated you, then the training will be interesting.
6.Feedback. How can you ask questions to teachers? In the format of a webinar, in a special group in social networks, by e-mail Or is there no such option at all?
7. further fate. What are the chances that student work will be published? Let on a competitive basis, even if not in the most popular publications, but the very existence of such an opportunity is a big plus.
8. Video. With online learning, you will receive recorded lectures. Most of us perceive information best visually, so having a video sequence helps.
9. Full-time/correspondence form. If you have the opportunity of full-time training, use it. This form, of course, is preferable to correspondence.

These points can be compared. Now I will briefly tell you what I personally learned from my training.

Firstly, happened small miracle: for the first time I got a coherent finished work - a story. Then another, and another… The first reviews of the texts give an unforgettable experience.
Secondly, the courses gave a holistic view of how the plot and images of the characters should be built in order to keep the reader's attention. Many aspiring authors would save themselves and others time by learning these simple principles. In fact, works written on the basis of these laws compare favorably with those written at random.
Third sharpened my reading comprehension. I see how the text is "made". But that doesn't stop you from enjoying it. good work- against. Strong texts (the assessment is subjective, of course) give even more joy, weak ones annoy even more.
The training required more time and commitment from me than I expected. (I didn't even complete one of the courses because my situation had changed and time was running out.) I also needed to better prepare my household for my new hobby. Wouldn't you be on your guard if a person mutters under his breath, looking at one point? And he, by the way, selects words for his text. Or he sits at the computer at night, and he needs to hand over his work in an hour. By the way, that's how I found out great power deadline, when with its approach inspiration simply covers you in waves.
After graduation, there was some kind of “withdrawal syndrome”. Now there are no deadlines, no one praises, criticizes, or sets tricky tasks. Then everything depends only on me. After all, literary courses are not a factory of literary stars. Of those who have been trained, only a few will write something, only a part of it will be published, and only a few will become successful authors.
But what about the rest? Well,

expressively and accurately formulate their thoughts has not prevented anyone, not only writers or bloggers.

I don't know how my creative destiny. In my understanding, being a writer means having at your disposal a certain amount of texts that you are not ashamed to show to professionals and ordinary readers. I can't call myself a writer yet. Now I am writing a novel, there are several short stories. Short creative distances were closer to me. Published my reviews of two pretty famous novel. There was a victory in a small literary competition. I try to enjoy life, and literature is part of it.

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The first in Russia and abroad Andrey Vorontsov's Literary Mastery Courses, which have been successfully operating on the basis of the Moodle training system for the seventh year, announce a new enrollment of students for April - September 2019. The workshop is headed by the Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia, a teacher of literary mastery of the Moscow State Regional University, for many years he led prose seminars at the Literary Institute. Gorky..

Forms of study - remote (passing through the Internet in on-line mode, with access 24 hours 7 days a week) and full-time(with classroom lessons on Saturdays).

Beginning of distance learning courses -April 3, 2019 Enrollment has been extended until April 12. Training period - 6 months. Short-term Introductory classes on working in the Moodle learning system of DO-Courses will be held from March 22.

Beginning of full-time courses - April 6, 2019 . Training period - 3 months .

The courses accept authors writing in Russian (from 18 years old), regardless of their social status, place of residence and citizenship. There are no entrance exams. Candidates for admission pass creative competition, for which you need to send to email address, indicated in the questionnaire their works in the genre of prose, poetry, dramaturgy, criticism, journalism with a volume of not more than 80 thousand printed characters with spaces, typed in 14 size, with an interval of 1.5. For those with no experience in creating literary works, allowed after a written interview admission as volunteers. A volunteer may, unlike other listeners, not present his works for discussion, but he performs theoretical and practical tasks on an equal footing with everyone else and participates in discussions.

For admission to the Courses, the following documents are also provided:

1) an application addressed to the head (indicate the chosen form of training) ;
2) a copy (scan) of the document on education (optional);
3) autobiography;
4) application form
(download) ;
5) photograph (any format).

Documents are sent by e-mail to the address indicated in the questionnaire (download) .

After students are enrolled in distance courses, before class starts , free Introductory classes on working in the Moodle training system are held.

The program of the Literary Excellence Course is aimed at improving the artistic, theoretical and practical level of novice writers. Specificity literary process requires from the writer constant creative improvement, with which novice writers are far from always able to cope alone. Interactive classes are divided into theoretical (lectures, answers to questions from the master) and practical. Practical - these are creative seminars, which are a general discussion of the author's work with a final analysis of the master. Thus, creative volume, continuity and versatility of the process of improving literary skills are ensured. The listeners will also have to perform the creative tasks of the master, which are also submitted for interactive discussion. For each theoretical topic, practical discussion or creative task a week is given.

In ideological and spiritual terms, education is designed to promote an in-depth understanding of Russian literature as one of the main world literature. literary schools, the very belonging to which is a natural advantage of any novice Russian-speaking writer. At the same time, of course, the heritage of other world literary schools will not be ignored.

With us you can study at the lowest prices among courses of this kind and at any convenient for you (at DO-Courses) time. Minimum size tuition fees (including prepaid discounts) for distance courses is 3500 rub. per month , on full-time - 5400 rub. per month . We invite everyone! Details and R / s for payment will be announced later. Other aspects of interest in the conditions of admission and training can be clarified by correspondence at the address indicated in the questionnaire.

The form of the final control is attestation. Upon completion of the courses an appropriate certificate is issued. The best works listeners will be published in the almanac on the site and recommended by the master to the central literary publications.

Graduates of DO-Courses have the right to participate literary association"Points" at the Prose Council of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Good afternoon.

I would like to make a gift by presenting your certificate.
If a person is on a business trip and cannot get to one lecture, will it somehow be possible to reschedule or come to a lesson with another group?


Good afternoon, Vladimir!
You can purchase a gift certificate at Punctum on any of our working days from 12 to 21.
We can record the missed lesson on a voice recorder and send it by e-mail (only, of course, you need to warn about this in advance). But you can also come to the same lesson with another group in the next set.


Who is this course for? First of all, it is aimed at people who want to develop their writing skills. However, I myself went to the course with the exact opposite goal - to become a more literate reader. To see how the work is arranged, to better understand the author's intention, to feel what exactly is the difference between one writer and another. This course will give you a language in which you can comprehend your own works and the works of other authors, identify errors, and understand the reasons for success. You will also learn about ways to get out of creative impasses, exercises for developing out-of-the-box thinking and much more.
And a few words about the author of the course. I know from experience that it is much more important not what you learn, but from whom. Therefore, I am always looking for people who love their work, deeply understand it, live it. Elizabeth is just such a person. In addition, she has a rich experience in parsing texts of just beginning writers. You will get acquainted with some of their works on the course.
I think I will express the general feeling of the course participants by saying that at the end of the last seminar I did not want to leave at all. But I wanted to write something, analyze, discuss. Even for me, the average reader. Though it's not so common now.)
Thank you, Elizabeth!

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