Oriental tales: belly dance - history and modernity. Belly dance


What is belly dance?

This term is called a dance, in the movements of which it is mainly used middle part body. Its origins lead to the countries that are now called the "Middle East". Like the concept of "pop music", dancing covers a wide range of styles and types, from cabaret styles used in restaurants in highly skilled dance performances, to folk and personal, energetic and wild gypsy styles, but all of them are united by free movements of the middle part of the body, different from other dance styles. Like "pop music" belly dance became " folk culture", and therefore can be said to be more "natural" and "free" than many other dance forms.

Where did belly dance come from?

Starting point - Middle East, extensive collection exotic countries: Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, then Egypt and the Gulf states, then Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. And also Iraq, a large grouping of countries around Iran. And finally, Türkiye and various neighboring countries.

Where does the name come from?

No one knows this for sure, but the vast majority agree on the version that this term was introduced by Mr. Bloom Sol. He was the first popularizer of oriental dance in the United States of America, brought oriental music and oriental dancers in 1893 to Chicago for the World's Fair and used the term "belly dance". This term added popularity to oriental dances, but not respectability.

Is it necessary to have big belly to do a belly dance?

Not at all, in fact, the main elements in the dance are the hips and the lower back. The size of the belly doesn't really matter.

What are the benefits of belly dancing?

All styles of dance have significant health benefits, as do any activity that involves movement. However, belly dancing focuses on those parts of the body that create many health problems, in the areas of the lower back and hips. In addition, dance can accommodate a wider range of fitness and age ranges than many other styles.

Who can do belly dancing?

For dance, neither age nor figure matters. There are so many in belly dancing different styles and types so you can find a style just for you, regardless of your shape, age or experience.

Is it only for women?

In the Middle East, men dance as much as women, but separately, of course. Quite a few well-known male oriental dancers have come from Iran. In the West, as you know, these dances are performed by women, but men can also dance it.

What kind of people come to belly dancing classes?

Completely different. Quite a wide range of people of various professions: lawyer, consultant anesthetist, various doctors, pilots, and many other professionals in their field. As well as many young people, students, pensioners and those who have simple working professions. What unites these people is a love for the unusual.

A real oriental dance includes multi-level "eights", "keys", shaking and hitting, horizontal and vertical "waves", turns and numerous penetrations. And then: unlike spinning a hoop at the waist, belly dancing is not so much fitness as art. Although the benefits of it are no less than those of simple exercise: from the belly dance, blood circulation in the pelvis increases, the muscles of the "bottom" are strengthened, all tissues are actively supplied with oxygen. You can forget about what premenstrual syndrome is once and for all. Even breathing, which accompanies the dance, relieves uterine spasms, and the balanced work of the spine relaxes the muscle "clamps" that cause headaches.

Expert comment

As soon as oriental dance gained popularity in most cities of Russia, literally everyone began to get involved in it. Any exercise stress is only beneficial when you remember the precautions. If your back hurts during and after classes, this is an alarming symptom. It may indicate the presence of intervertebral hernias, in which sudden movements are strictly contraindicated. Be sure to check with your doctor before going to your first session.

Dmitry Shirokov, manual therapist

In addition, it is believed that bellydance significantly increases the chances of carrying and giving birth to a healthy baby. In dance, a woman actively trains those muscle groups that are little involved in Everyday life, but are extremely necessary in an "interesting position".

Your movements will soon become smooth

Since belly dancing has appeared with us relatively recently, many myths have arisen about what dance will give us.

Some argue that belly dancing is only possible when there is a belly. I mean, it's a BBW thing that won't lead to gaining perfect figure. In fact, it is difficult to find a more harmonious and feminine form of fitness than belly dance. Judge for yourself: "eights" with hips form a flexible, graceful waist, "shaking" not only breaks the "orange peel", but also improves bowel function, which immediately affects the condition of your skin. Wave-like arm movements and shoulder strikes strengthen pectoral muscles and "stretch" the spine, giving your posture a regal look. Others will certainly notice how your gait has changed. By the way, there is no justified risk of “pumping over” here in principle.

Others are stopped by the fact that the belly dance in their performance may not be a spectacle for the faint of heart: plastics - zero, in last time danced at the school disco. Well, what can I say. There is a proverb: "Love yourself, and the whole world will love you." Dancing an oriental dance, you will comprehend a difficult but priceless science - love for your own body. It absolutely does not matter how much you weigh, how tall you are and whether your hips are sufficiently elastic. After all, the key point in the performance of bellydance is individuality. Even standard set Every woman's basic movements look different.

Expert comment

Many ladies ask me a very strange question: why go to classes in a club if the store shelves are full of all sorts of "tutorials"? I will answer briefly: professional training and home exercises carry different semantic load. If you want to lose some weight and pump up muscles, you can get by with a training disk. To master the art of bellydance is possible only under the guidance of those who have been doing this for years. The atmosphere that reigns in group classes, the energy that all those present share with each other cannot be compared with any video viewing. We regularly arrange various competitions, go to various thematic events. You will always get advice on where to buy a good suit, how to choose music, and find new friends. This is a real club of interests, where they relax not only with the body, but also with the soul.

Sharida, Belidance teacher

Nothing to wear again So, the first step is done. You signed up for dance club or, finally, they got a video tutorial off the shelf. It's time to think about clothes. Perfect Outfit beginners: sports trousers, open top and ballet flats (Czech shoes). You will dance barefoot a little later, when you “deal with” your own body, a barefoot beginner is not far from injury. Already in the third or fourth lesson, you can put on an oriental costume. If funds allow, do not be too lazy to go to a special store. In general, a long, light wrap skirt and the same short top will do. Required element- a special scarf trimmed with jingling coins. Rhythmic ringing will help to "catch" the necessary rhythm, and in itself it perfectly cheers up. Any lesson begins with a warm-up. The instructor will show you how to properly warm up the muscles and ligaments, stretch the spine. After that, you can proceed directly to the dance. After you learn the basic movements, learn to separate the “bottom and top” technique, that is, dance with your hands in a completely different rhythm and at a different speed than with your stomach or hips, the instructor will show you how to put everything together in a single composition. You can stop there, remembering everything you have covered, so that later you can train on your own.

Equipment dance

Did you know that belly dance is danced with..

... with a veil or handkerchief. The weightless fabric can be used in many spectacular movements, such as the Andromeda Veil, Indian Hood or Storm.

... with a candelabra (shamadan). This dance is traditionally performed in Egypt at weddings. The lit candelabrum on the head of the dancer personifies the cleansing element of fire. If you master shamadan, you can consider yourself a true professional.

... with a cane. The dance with a cane symbolizes the secret power of a woman over a man. The bamboo stick is sheathed with beads and tassels, so it does not slip in your hand, but on the contrary, it helps you to make more precise movements.

...and even with a saber. This style of belly dancing is called "Sword" and represents defiance bordering on extraordinary sexuality.

We all, regardless of age, want to be liked. opposite sex. Oriental dances are a kind of art of light seduction. Looking at how belly dance is performed, you involuntarily remember oriental harems where female beauty was highly valued. Graceful bodies of beauties, beautiful alluring movements of the hips, long black eyelashes, a mysterious look - the bewitching dances of oriental beauties can charm anyone!

But in order to make an impression, it is not necessary to be a super beauty, it is enough to feel like one. After all, everyone has different tastes in female beauty, but the ability to control your body, to be plastic gives odds to their owners.

A woman performing an oriental belly dance becomes a real sorceress. She will captivate those around her with her magic, dipping them in fairy tale. Belly dancing is hypnosis with the body. It is impossible to remain indifferent!


In addition to moral satisfaction from their attractiveness, oriental dance lessons will bring considerable benefits to your health.

Oriental dance classes will strengthen the muscles of the abdominal pelvis, which is very useful for those who are going to give birth or have already given birth.

The general well-being of those attending belly dancing classes also improves, since all muscle groups are trained, especially the muscles that contribute to better digestion. The whole body is kept in good shape.

For those who would like to learn more about the benefits of belly dancing, we have written a separate article "Belly dancing and its health benefits for women".


Oriental dance can be learned at any age.

In our dance school you will find belly dancing lessons for beginners, where we will teach you the most basic movements, we will help you create a certain “alphabet”, with the help of which you can easily dance in the future. After all, dance is improvisation, though well prepared. Our oriental dance school will help you create your own improvisation! You will discover your own style, highlight your strengths create your own fairy tale.

By attending oriental dance lessons for beginners, you will get a good mood, a more perfect figure and better health.

For those who have already practiced and have basic training, our oriental dance studio will offer groups different levels training, from which you can choose the one that suits your level.

Belly dancing in Moscow is a way to relieve the stress of a business day, relax your soul and work your body. If you are looking for Eastern dance in Moscow - come to us, we will give you the magic of an oriental fairy tale!

To sign up for oriental dance classes (belly dances), fill out the registration form or leave a request by phone: 8-926-497-03-21.






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Among all the variety women's styles dance, there is one, which will be useful for everyone to master, regardless of age.

Belly dance ( belly dance) is that magical dance style, which allows you to know the secrets of femininity, to show creative potential, light a fire from the inside, this is a way to strengthen your health, become free, beautiful and self-confident!

Belly dance - colorful and oriental - has many varieties and branches, but all of them are based on rhythmic swaying and shaking of the hips, the play of the abdominal muscles. This is what makes Belly Dance an indispensable guardian female beauty and health. Indeed, in the process of dancing, those muscles that will be involved in childbirth are strengthened.

“Belly” is life”, we read: “Belly dance is the dance of life”. With whom and with what is the very concept of "life" associated? Naturally, with a woman - a mother and with the earth. Indeed, the Belly Dance is directly related to the development of the cult of the Goddess of Fertility, the Mother Goddess.

What do belly dance classes do?

For most people, belly dancing is just an exotic oriental dance, very beautiful and erotic. But it is not only aesthetic and spiritual, but also very useful for healing and strengthening female body, normalizing his work, solving many specific women's problems. There is no doubt that oriental dances have the strongest energy.

The skin also becomes elastic and beautiful and elastic, cellulite disappears. With the help of Belly Dance, you can lose weight without dieting, or, on the contrary, get better, harmonize your weight, if there is a certain imbalance. Belly dancing helps to form excellent coordination and improves posture. active work hips trains the muscles of the abdomen and strengthens the abdominal press, and smooth rotation straightens the spine and strengthens the joints. Thanks to seductive shaking, the skin becomes elastic and beautiful. It is also important for many that the practice of belly dancing also increases the sexual capabilities of a woman.

In the process of learning Belly Dance, a woman will be able to learn a lot about herself, hidden psychological problems. Not even a few lessons will pass and you will “straighten up”, open up, stop slouching. That is why - pain in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine will decrease. Constant headaches will disappear, joints will become stronger.

Where did belly dance come from?

Belly dancing has won the hearts of a huge number of women around the world. The history of this graceful and sensual dance stretches from ancient times. Belly dance or belly dance was danced in Egypt, Greece and Turkey. His homeland is the wise and mysterious East.

The main movements originated from ritual dances fertilization and religious worship. Centuries passed, and the amazing Belly Dance acquired new and various movements, borrowed from different countries. In our time, Belly dancing is extremely popular not only in the East, but also in the West. Today it is a fully formed modern dance style. But as everyone has heard, "the East is a delicate matter."

The main difference between oriental dance and traditional western dance is that all parts of the body take part in it. Smooth, iridescent movements relieve the stiffness and tension of the muscles, stretch them, make them plastic. Oriental dance suggests ligature, smoothness, flexibility, grace of a snake. He teaches to respect and love the body, given to us by nature, not at all for endless suffering.

History of belly dance

It is possible that belly dancing originated in prehistoric times in North Africa, as evidenced by rock frescoes in African caves and buildings. These drawings show dancing people performing movements that are just characteristic of belly dancing. The age of these drawings is more than 7 thousand years.

In ancient Egypt, belly dancing was already danced in 4000 BC. foreigners began to be invited to dance - Asians and Nubias. In Egypt, not a single holiday was complete without music and dancing. Belly dancing was danced even at funerals, in which case it was a religious ritual.

Belly dance became widespread in Egypt, perhaps because the Egyptian woman was free and had equal rights with men. But in Ancient Greece the woman had an enslaved status, and therefore women danced less.

But in ancient Rome, belly dance became popular again, only it was considered sexy and defiant.

In the Arab world, belly dance has been known since the 7th century, it was danced everywhere in harems, at holidays, weddings, and also just on the streets. This went on for almost a millennium, and in 1843 an order was issued in Egypt forbidding belly dancing in the streets. Gradually, this innovation spread throughout the Arab world, for example, in Algeria, a former French colony, similar dances banned by the governor due to moral considerations. AND for a long time belly dancing could only be seen in military garrisons French colonies Africa, and even there dancing was allowed only until 9 pm.

Gradually, belly dance was rehabilitated; in North Africa it was danced with some ritual rites accompanying, for example, weddings or the birth of a child. Now belly dance has spread all over the world and has considerable popularity.

Belly dancing is a symbol of femininity! He gives beauty, vitality, health to every woman!

Belly dancing is one of the oldest forms of exercise in the world. Created by women and for women - it strengthens the body from the inside and beautifies the outside:

* fast shaking perfectly train the cardiovascular system;
* dance relieves mental tension and relaxes the whole body, as it inclines towards relaxation and like meditation in motion;
* exercises help to get rid of "female" problems;
* healthy joints and elastic muscles will make your posture majestic and graceful gait!

Belly dance gives health and prolongs youth

Oriental dance is often referred to as a belly dance, although it is more of a spinal dance. During it, all parts of the spine are developed, from the back of the head to the coccyx. Neither exercises nor other dances give such an effect. This dance gives not only aesthetic pleasure, but also health.

* It makes all the abdominal muscles work, making them strong and elastic. This eliminates the imbalance between the lumbar and abdominal muscles (excessive flexion of the spine and compression of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region).
* Deep massage of the internal organs in the abdomen restores proper bowel function.
* Increased blood circulation in the pelvic area serves as a prevention of gynecological diseases.
* Movements called "shaking" improve the appearance of skin affected by cellulite, it becomes elastic and beautiful.
* "Shaking" relieves muscle clamps and restores the correct symmetry of the body.
* The alternation of plastic movements, "bumps" and "shaking" makes muscles and ligaments more flexible and mobile.
* The muscles of the perineum are strengthened, which improves the quality sexual life.
* Dance movements involve all muscle groups associated with the spine, even the deepest muscles, which cannot be achieved by any gymnastics systems. This makes the spine more flexible, improves circulation and through the nerves that extend from the spinal cord to the internal organs, has a positive effect on the entire body.
* Many diseases associated with the spine recede: scoliosis of the first and second degree, osteochondrosis, pathological types of kyphosis and lordosis.
* With the help of belly dancing, you can lose weight or, on the contrary, get better if the weight is insufficient.

In contact with

Arabic dance, oriental dance, belly dance - there are a lot of synonyms for this dance. In terms of beauty and femininity, this dance surpasses any dance in the world. Where did the history of this dance come from? Where and under what circumstances did it originate? Why does it carry such a sacred meaning?

Oriental belly dance has many roots. Its origins can be traced on the frescoes of the ancient temples of Mesopotamia, which was located on the territory of Western Asia. The frescoes have been preserved beautiful images dancing people.

The first evidence of the prehistoric existence of dance, possibly belly dancing, in North Africa is the Tassili-Adjir rock paintings in Central Africa. It depicts a variety of scenes from people's lives, including scenes of dances that played important role in people's lives at that time.

There are many frescoes depicting dances in Tassili-Adjir, which are approximately 7000 years old. Similar frescoes, whose age dates back to about 1000 years before the birth of Christ, are also found in ancient Egyptian temples.

Oriental dances appeared in the Hittida civilization, in Tibet, about 11 thousand years ago, at the end of this civilization. Hittida was a warlike civilization, and at first these dances were part of the male warrior dances. In this - male and military - form, these dances came to Pacifida, where they were picked up by women.

Women radically changed the pattern of movement, made the dance mesmerizing and bewitching men. In this form, in fact, he appeared in Japan in the 5th millennium BC. Soon, in a somewhat simplified form, the dance began its journey around the world (about 4.5 thousand years BC). It has passed Vietnam, Korea, China, Turkey, Arabia, Africa, South America and came to the ancient Slavs (3.5 thousand years BC). About 2.3 thousand years BC the "Arabic" dance modified by the priests becomes ritual for the first time. It is performed only in evening time(18-20 hours), outdoors or indoors, and is danced by the wife for her husband on the day of their wedding anniversary. sacred meaning this dance was something like this: "Darling! We lived together for another year, but I'm just as beautiful and desirable."

Approximately 300 years before the advent of Christianity, the Slavic (ritual) version of this dance began its journey back to Asia (they were brought there by Slavic girls during the resettlement of Slavic tribes to the south). In this form, Türkiye and the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula recognized him. They were able to keep it unchanged for almost 400 years (until the 1st century AD), but then some dancers began to perform it for money.

So the ritual version of the dance began to lose its esoteric and ritual meaning, to be performed by everyone with or without reason, and over the next 350 years (until about the 5th century AD) it became known in all countries of the East, including India, Ceylon , Japan, Afghanistan, as well as in Africa (Egypt, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Botswana, Nigeria), Europe (Spain, Italy), in the Far Eastern lands.

In the 7th century AD the name “Arabic” took root almost everywhere behind the dance, and all good dancers came to Arab countries to improve their professionalism. It was not by chance that belly dance received such a juicy name. “Belly” is life. So this is the dance of life. With whom and with what is the very concept of "life" associated? Of course, with a woman - a mother and with the earth.

Indeed, belly dance is directly related to the development of the cult of the Goddess of Fertility, the Mother Goddess. At different peoples this goddess was called differently: Anahita, Isis, Ishtar, Aphrodite. This cult was widespread in many ancient states, since agriculture was the basis of their economic life. In the mythology of many ancient peoples of the East, the sky was associated with a male god, and the earth with a female goddess. As a result of their union, all living things appeared, as well as other gods. Rituals in honor of the gods were often accompanied by music and dances, which not only glorified, but also reflected the functions of these gods.

Dance is the most means of expression to depict any activity. If we talk about the belly dance, then it reflects the process of conception, gestation and, finally, birth. That is why the dance contains erotic elements. As ancient civilizations developed, the dance changed and went beyond the bounds of a religious cult. A second direction appeared in its use - secular, that is, the dance becomes entertainment element V everyday culture eastern people.

Until now, some Bedouin tribes have a custom when women gather in a large tent and dance around a woman in labor, thus helping her in childbirth, and meeting the birth of a child with joy so that his life is happy. In Turkey, Arab countries and the Caucasus, belly dancers are often invited to weddings, wishing the newlyweds well-being and happiness.

And what family happiness can be without children? In the East, large families are considered the happiest, and their parents enjoy special respect. Almost any modern Eastern woman knows how to perform the basic elements of belly dancing, because it helps to create harmony in relationships with her husband, maintains health, and is also a good preparation for childbirth.

It depends on the performer how the dance will be perceived by the public: play, seduction, freedom of expression, reaching the point of obscenity. Probably because of some street performers who are ready to attract the attention of the audience to themselves in any way, belly dancing has gained the fame of an indecent, dirty dance. It is this opinion that is widespread about him now. And it is also reinforced by the fact of performing belly dance in harems, as well as the half-naked appearance of the dancer. Well, the bare belly in such a dance is a tradition that is no longer strictly adhered to. Currently, some dancers perform in closed dresses and shoes, while others, on the contrary, mislead the public by completely undressing, thus replacing belly dance with a striptease.

Unlike striptease, belly dancing is complex and subtle. This is, first of all, a game - a game of soul and body. The dancer does not just flirt with the audience, she shows herself - a woman, demonstrating her personality. Agree, it is difficult to “uncover” your insides in public, and even effortlessly Belly Dance is a laudatory hymn to Woman, Sensuality, Motherhood. This is a dance of Life filled with deep feelings that accompany the birth of a new soul.

Having survived through the millennia, Belly Dance is reborn in modern world along with the need of every woman to realize her true nature, her mystical role in the Creation of the World. And this coincidence is not accidental, because it is through this dance that one can fully realize and manifest the Love that flows from the heart of a Woman.

This is how a Woman ignites the fire of admiration in the eyes of a man, inspiring him to accomplish. The Dance of the Soul through the Body as a way of self-expression makes you feel full and delightful. A false sense of shame in relation to one's body and a desire inspired by prejudices to hide, pump out one's stomach is gradually replaced by a sacred awe to the place where Life itself is born.

The art of this dance, which has its roots in the depths of centuries, reflects the ancient cults of fertility, abundance and love. It is with the rites of worship of the Egyptian Isis, the Greek Aphrodite, the Babylonian-Assyrian Ishtar, embodying the image of the Great Mother Goddess, that the emergence of this ritual dance is associated.

Belly dance is the oldest dance of the Earth. Therefore, it has many directions, styles, types. Many peoples of the world have influenced and still influence the development of this dance.

Ancient Egypt is considered the birthplace of belly dance. Geographical position Ancient Egypt was such that it was a rather isolated state, so for a long time the dance was formed only by the Egyptians and other peoples did not influence it. In ancient Egypt, the art of dance was highly valued. There were many different types of dances in it: ritual, harem, military dances and dances that were danced just for fun. The images of dancers and dancers that have survived to our time testify to how the dances were performed. In ancient Egypt, the dance was quite diverse, there were much more movements than in the "traditional" belly dance. Dancers performed various pirouettes and even some acrobatic elements. Hands, as a rule, were "soft", smooth, open, but there were also characteristic jerky , geometric movements with clenched fists.

Over time, Ancient Egypt became more influenced neighboring countries: Syria, Palestine, Nubia, Sudan, Ethiopia. Around 1500 B.C. The Egyptians brought bayadères from India to the court, who brought elegance, flexibility, and sophistication to the Egyptian dance. Women in Egypt showed their openness: it didn't matter if she was married or not. She had full rights and the ability to enforce legal acts. Just like a man, she owned all the subsidies that completely determined her property. The slender and graceful figure of a woman of the New State contributed to the emergence of a new dance costume, more open: a short skirt with stripes crossed on the chest or a long, transparent robe, which significantly increased the very feeling of the dance. They wore a rich collar around the neck, earrings, a wig with a wide band on the forehead, and a thin pearl band on the thigh. This meant that due to the belly dance, body culture and care were overly important for the Egyptians.

Not a single holiday in Egypt was complete without dancing and music. Religious and ritual dance, which was present in ancient era at funerals and cast out an evil spirit, improved as an independent direction of skillful pleasure. After the period of the New Kingdom, Egyptian civilization began to fade, more and more to be subjected to invasions by neighboring countries, and in 30 BC. e. Egypt became part of the Roman Empire.

The merit of the gypsies is that they were a kind of connecting link between different cultures. Wandering around the world, they left traces of their culture and absorbed the flavor of the culture of the country through which their path lay. The Gypsies left India around 420 AD. and proceeded through the countries of the East to Europe, stopped in Andalusia, where they found people close to their liking. In Andalusia, the flamenco style was born - a mixture of Arabic, gypsy, Jewish, Spanish and other dances. Gypsies used many rhythms in the dance, gypsy dance characterized by passion, amazing energy.

Nawar, which means "gypsies" in Hindi, traveled through India, the Middle East and Europe, temporarily settling in Spain. Many researchers believe that the Navar are the ancestors of the Ghazi (more on them below).

In ancient Greece, there were many religious ceremonies during which people danced. Dance was an obligatory part of the worship of such gods and goddesses as Dionysus, Bacchus, Artemis, Aphrodite, Demeter and many others.

Greek dance was characterized by energy, even some fury, often accompanied by screams, rather loud musical accompaniment. Dance was considered a means of healing from various ailments of the body and spirit. There were also professional dancers and musicians who were invited to symposiums and dinner parties for entertainment. Dancers, as a rule, danced practically naked. The movements were predominantly hips. Among the ancient Greek manuscripts, one can also find a description of the Nile dancers, who used various types of shaking and vibrations in their dance. Despite the fact that the dance was considered the erotic and Dionysian talent of Terpsichore (one of the nine muses of the Greek pantheon), it was in the center of attention Greek culture as an expression of fertility, happiness and an intoxicating sensation of the body. But because of the enslaved status of women in classical Greece, both feminine and self dance he had no future.

In Rome it was different. Marble relief (dated to the time of Kaiser Chandrias 120 AD, located today in the public bath museum ancient rome) represents the African-Egyptian belly dance in the form of a cult ceremony for the memorial service of the Romans in the regions of Egypt. At that time in Rome, belly dancing was not a sexy and provocative dance.

IX-X centuries in India are associated with the heyday of temple architecture. At the temples, ritual dancers necessarily existed, who were considered very revered people, had houses in the best quarters of the city and did not pay taxes on land. Each dancer had an excellent musical, choreographic and linguistic education. It was believed that the dancer was married to a temple deity, so she would never be a widow. For Indian dance hand movements are very characteristic, each gesture has a certain meaning, so the dancer does not hold the cymbals in her hands during the dance, the cymbals are attached to various parts of the body.

To understand the nature of Turkish dance, one has to look into history. The Turks settled on the Central Anatolian Plateau, then they began to conquer nearby lands, move further into Europe, Africa, and Asia. The Ottoman Empire was formed, which for a long time united representatives of various civilizations and peoples. Therefore, there were several thousand folk dances that intertwined with each other, and it is impossible to say that there was a purely Turkish dance.

In Turkey there were religious dances, folk dances and even put on very spectacular performances.

Türkiye has made a great contribution to the art of dance in the form of the invention of complex and interesting rhythms. Islam's bans on dance affected mostly dancers in major cities, settlements, but practically did not affect folk dances in isolated villages, so even now in remote villages you can see the dance as it was many hundreds of years ago.

It is interesting to note that there were different castes of dancers. Gavazi, which means strangers, in the translation of the Egyptian dialect, and the gypsies performed on the streets, and, as a rule, did not differ in education. The Avalim were dancers of a completely different level. Alma (singular from Avalim) was a dancer who received a special dance and musical education. As a rule, Avalim knew how to play various musical instruments. In addition, Avalim were well versed in poetry, they could perform poems and songs own composition like a geisha in medieval Japan. Anyone who wanted to have one of the Avalim had to pay for this pleasure, which was by no means cheap. The dance styles of Ghawazi and Avalim were quite different. It is also interesting that the use of the veil in dance dates back to the pre-Islamic period.

At a time when Egypt was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, there was a large Turkish army in the country. The Gavazi dancers, of course, could not miss the opportunity to earn money by dancing for the Ottoman warriors. All this caused discontent on the part of the Turkish pasha, and the Gavazi were expelled to the south of Egypt in Esna. Numerous Egyptian, Moroccan and Tunisian drawings of that time depict scenes from the life of dancers, as well as women from harems.

It should be said that due to the fact that artists were usually not allowed into the harem, their drawings for the most part are the fruit of their own imagination and are unlikely to depict real events. Have you heard of women who spend whole days naked smoking hashish? Such scenes were often found in drawings depicting life in a harem.

IN Turkish harem dance entered as a means to give the impression of the benevolence of the lord and master. The belly dance was heavily modified by the Turks in the Ottoman state. Under Turkish influence, along with the Egyptian movements of the pelvis, hips, upper body and arms, the role of the abdomen was added. This meant that throughout the Mediterranean, where the Ottoman state had influence, almost the same styles of dance were performed. Outside of Turkey, Ottoman dominance persisted far into the Middle East.

Napoleon opened Egypt to Europe. In addition to many archaeological values, Europeans, along with Egyptian culture, generally saw a belly dance.

In the 80s of the 19th century, belly dance, then called the dance of Salome, became widespread in Europe. This was partly due to Mata Hari, who declared herself to be a belly dancer, although she was much more successful in striptease. At that time, it was considered unacceptable to mention the words “female thighs” and “belly” in polite society, since other things could come to mind. And the dancers of that time dressed quite differently than they do now. As a rule, they performed in long dresses, the hips were emphasized by a scarf.

In 1893 Saul Bloom brought oriental dance to America. Since at that time there were rather tough morals and everything that was connected with the body was considered indecent, Saul Bloom managed to shock the audience with a perverted presentation of oriental dance, which he called belly dance. Since then, the name, as well as the association of this dance with striptease, unfortunately, has stuck.

In fact, it is more correct to call this dance as follows: in English - Oriental Dance, in Arabic - Raks Sharki, in French - Danse du Venture, in Russian - Oriental Dance. But on the other hand, since the time of Saul Bloom, numerous schools and studios of Arabic dance with its true content have appeared in America.

It is interesting to note that the change in the dance image began much later, with Hollywood. Dance costumes, like everything related to Hollywood, received a touch of glamour. For the first time in Hollywood films dancers appeared with an open stomach, an embroidered bodice and a belt at the waist. Egyptian dancers partially copied this image by lowering the belt from the waist to the hips below the navel. All this made it possible to see the movements of the dance much better. In the 20s of the 20th century, Egypt again followed America, began to make films in which dancers also participated. Thus, this was the beginning of the choreography in the Middle East. Before that, the whole dance was improvisation from beginning to end.

At this time, Islamic sentiments intensified in Egypt, which led to a tougher attitude towards belly dancing. However, in the Middle East, two new dance centers managed to form - one of them was Bahrain, where there were no strict rules regarding belly dancing.

Libya became the second dance center. At the same time, in Turkey, belly dance developed more in the cabaret style, the costumes of the dancers were more open and seductive than in other styles.

It should be said that although many of the famous dancers influenced the style of belly dancing, using a veil, a sword or snakes as accessories, they could not have a decisive influence on this. ancient art, basic styles and directions.

Saidi is a cane dance. It originated in an area of ​​Egypt called Said, where shepherds and warriors lived, who used bamboo canes as weapons. Women, on the other hand, reborn these militant movements into a beautiful energetic dance.

The headscarf dance is one of the most theatrical dances requiring acting skills. A scarf is also a background to emphasize the beauty of the body and movement. This is what hides, then to open. It is very important for the dancer to feel the scarf not as part of the costume, but as part of her body.

The Gulf dance (khaliji) is performed by the peoples of the Persian Gulf countries. Khaliji is an incredibly subtle, lyrical dance. Costumes for this dance open only part of the face and hands. The basic step of this dance imitates a camel ride.

The cymbal dance is one of the oldest musical instruments in the form of two pairs of wooden or metal plates. The dancer uses their sound as musical accompaniment to your dance.

The sword dance is quite a complex dance. It is said that in ancient times, when seeing off their husbands to war, women carried a saber on their heads - this is how this dance originated. And they say that dancing with a saber, a woman demonstrates her defiance.

Dance with fire. Continuation of the cult of fire.

Some modern trends at present, oriental dances are mixed with various styles and directions: with jazz, with flamenco, with latino, with classics, etc. Belly dance has also appeared as a fitness direction.

Belly dance is a set of movements of the shoulders, hips and abdominal muscles, symbolically emphasizing the sacred source of divine fertility. Combining the powerful life-affirming energy of body movements and the bewitching magic of the rhythm of oriental music, even today this dance is able to give the performer and the audience not only aesthetic pleasure, but also health. The specific movements of the dance make all the abdominal muscles work to the maximum, making them strong and elastic. Thus, the characteristic imbalance between the lumbar and abdominal muscles (excessive bending of the spine and compression of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region) is eliminated. Increased blood circulation in the pelvic area will serve as an excellent prevention of gynecological diseases. A series of movements called "shaking" improves appearance skin affected by cellulite, and also helps to relieve muscle clamps. Movements aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum will prepare a woman for childbirth, improve the quality of her sexual life, or speed up the postpartum recovery period. During the dance, there is an awakening of healing vital energy, a surge of strength and positive emotions. Dance!

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