Master and margarita arguments. About the history of the creation of the novel


The Master and Margarita is a masterpiece of Russian literature, where the present and the past are intertwined. The author worked on his creation most life and as a result gave readers a grandiose and unique work full of colors. A variety of characters that attract attention with their fantastic and unusual. This is Bulgakov's novel, where they rise different topics with all its problems, about which we will write ours.

Master and Margarita problems

As we have already said, in his novel Bulgakov raises various problems, which, with the help of his characters, their images and actions, the writer reveals them and looks for solutions. Thus, in the novel The Master and Margarita reveals such problems as the problem of choice, the problems of good and evil, the problems of love and loneliness, the problems of creativity and morality. Let's consider everything in more detail.

Reading Bulgakov's work, we notice the first problem that the writer raises and this is the problem of choice. Bulgakov constructs the plot in such a way that his fate depends on each character and according to what laws life will develop. The writer gives each of his characters the opportunity to change lives for the better, but not every one of them uses this chance. After all, everyone is faced with a choice. This is Margarita, who needs to choose life with her husband in wealth, or live with a poor Master. This is also the choice that Pontius Pilate had to make. The choice that Riukhin and Homeless had to make. Having finished reading Bulgakov's work, we saw that each of the heroes nevertheless made his personal choice, and he was right for everyone in his own way.

The key element in the novel is moral problem when each person must determine for himself what is good and what is bad, take the path of betrayal or remain true to his ideals, be a coward or take the right path. All heroes at some point in their lives decide for themselves moral questions choosing one path or the other. So Pontius must decide for himself whether to acquit the innocent or to pass a death sentence. The master must make a choice either to abandon his work, submitting to censorship, or to defend own novel. Margarita needs to decide to be with her husband or share her fate with her beloved Master. At the same time, all the characters are faced with the moral side of the problem.

Another one of eternal problems what Bulgakov revealed was the problem of good and evil. This topic interested many writers and was relevant at all times. Bulgakov also did not stay away from the problem of good and evil and revealed it in his own way, using the life and choice of his characters. Two different forces that should be in balance and cannot exist one without the other, the author embodies in the images of Yeshua from Yershalaim and Woland. We have seen that the two forces are equal and stand on the same level. Woland and Yeshua do not rule the world, but only coexist and oppose, arranging disputes. At the same time, we can safely say that the struggle between good and evil is eternal, since there is not a single person in the world who would not commit a sin, just like there is no one who would never do good in his life. The main thing is to be able to recognize these two forces and choose the right path. Just the novel helps readers understand what is good and what is evil.

The author did not stand aside from the problem of creativity either. Already from the first pages we notice the raised problem of false and true creativity. This topic also worried and was painful for Bulgakov. Apparently, therefore, many readers and literary critics see Bulgakov himself in the image of the Master.

Reading the work, we see the members of MASSOLIT who care not about what to write, but how to fill their pockets. The author depicts writers for whom the restaurant, which is located on the ground floor, has always been a temple of culture and its attraction at all times. But the true writer is the Master, in his image is depicted real artist pen that wrote truly Good work. But the mediocre massites did not appreciate her, moreover, they drove the character to madness. However, the author says that the time will come and hack-work will be punished, higher powers will reward everyone for their deeds. The work focuses on the fact that manuscripts do not burn, which means that every person who has associated himself with literature should treat creativity responsibly. Justice was restored thanks to Woland and his retinue. The whole hotbed of lies and hack-work was on fire. And let the new building be rebuilt, new hacks will come, but for a while the truth has triumphed. And real talents have a little time to bring their masterpieces to the world.

Love is a feeling that excites everyone, and the problem of love was also revealed in the novel The Master and Margarita. Love is truly strong feeling that pushes people to do different things. Bulgakov reveals the theme of love with the help of images of two heroes: Margarita and the Master. But there are obstacles in the way of their common happiness. Firstly, the marriage of the heroine, secondly, the finding of the Master in psychiatric hospital. But the love of the characters is so strong that Margarita decides to make a deal with the devil. She sells her soul to him, if only he would return her loved one. How do we see love in the novel? First of all, this is love, which does not make the characters worse or better, it just makes them different. The writer's love is selfless, disinterested, merciful, eternal and faithful.

There are writers whose world of books you enter easily, "without an invitation." Among such artists of the word, Pushkin, Yesenin, Turgenev can be distinguished. And there are those whose books are not at all easy to read, they need a special mood and even preliminary preparation. For me, such a writer was M.A. Bulgakov.

The novel The Master and Margarita, written by Bulgakov, has become one of the true masterpieces of Russian literature. Mikhail Afanasyevich wrote The Master and Margarita as a historically and psychologically reliable book about his time and its people, and therefore the novel became a unique human document of that remarkable era. And at the same time, this ambiguous narrative is turned to the future, it is a book for all time, which is facilitated by the highest artistry.

Among our writers of the post-war era, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov is most closely associated with the search for truth.

Truth... What a deep and capacious word! Trying to comprehend it, we say " true love true generosity, true kindness". Every person, at least a little attached to the spiritual experience of previous generations, is characterized by the search for and awareness of this truth. Conscientious people, who consider themselves responsible for everything that happens on earth, have tried all their lives to find the truth, thanks to which you can change yourself and the world.

In search of truth, Leo Tolstoy spent his life, analyzing every hour he lived. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky suffered and suffered, searching for ways in truth to perfect the human soul.

For Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, religion became the main source of truth. He was convinced that only through communion with God does a person acquire spiritual shelter, faith, without which it is impossible to live. Spiritual and religious quest for creative people is a sign that marks their creations. For the writer, the bearers of this sign are the heroes of his books.

The heroes of Mikhail Bulgakov's works are realistic and modern. They help the reader to understand the position of the author, his attitude to good and evil, his deep conviction that a person must make decisions and be responsible for his actions. The problem of moral choice, responsibility and punishment becomes main problem novel.

The novel "The Master and Margarita" begins with a dispute between two writers Berlioz and Bezdomny - with a stranger they met on Patriarch's Ponds. They argue about whether there is a God or not. To Berlioz's statement about the impossibility of the existence of God, Woland objects: "Who governs human life and all order on earth?" Ivan Bezdomny managed to answer this question: “The man himself manages”

But the development of the plot of the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov refutes this thesis, reveals the dependence of a person on a thousand accidents. For example, the absurd death of Berlioz. And if a person's life depends on a thousand accidents, is it possible to vouch for the future? What is the truth in this chaotic world? This question becomes the main one in the novel. The reader finds the answer to it in the "gospel" chapters, where the author reflects on the responsibility of man for all the good and evil that happens on earth, for his own choice of human paths leading either to truth and freedom, or to slavery and inhumanity.

“In a white cloak, with a bloody lining,” the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, appears. He has a difficult task ahead of him. He must decide the fate of another person. In his heart, Pontius Pilate realizes that Yeshua is innocent. Ho Mikhail Bulgakov shows the dependence of the procurator on the state, he has no right to be guided moral principles. His image is dramatic: he is both the accuser and the victim. By sending Yeshua to death, he destroys his soul. Passing the verdict, he exclaims: "We perished!". This means that he perishes with Yeshua, perishes as a free person. But in the dispute between Pontius Pilate and Yeshua about truth and goodness, the latter wins, because he goes to his death, but does not give up his convictions, remaining truly free.

Bulgakov's Yeshua is an ordinary mortal man, shrewd and naive, wise and simple-hearted. Ho he is the embodiment pure idea. Neither fear nor punishment can force one to change the idea of ​​goodness and mercy. He affirms "the kingdom of truth and justice", where there will be "neither power, nor Caesars, nor any other power." Yeshua believes in the predominance of a good beginning in any person and that the “kingdom of truth” will surely come.

In the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov, Yeshua is a prototype of Christ, but this is not a God-man, but the one who knows and bears the truth. He is a preacher, the bearer of the eternal ideal, the pinnacle of the endless ascent of humanity on the path to goodness, love, and mercy.

But in the world of Bulgakov's novel, Satan - Boland - appears with his retinue, to whom the world around him is open without embellishment, and this ironic view of Boland on the environment is close to the author. Boland and his retinue stay in Moscow for only three days, but the cover of gray everyday life falls off, and the man appears before us in his nakedness: “They are people like people. They love money, but it has always been... Mankind loves money.”

Woland determines the measure of evil, vice and self-interest by the measure of truth, beauty and goodness. He restores the balance between good and evil and thereby serves good. All-seeing Woland claims that no course of history changes human nature. It is these pages of the novel that make the reader think about the question: is a person completely dependent on chance and everything in him is predictable? What can resist the elements of life, and is it possible to change this world? The author answers these questions by telling us romantic story Masters and Margaritas.

Behavior romantic heroes determines not the coincidence of circumstances, but following one's own moral choice. The master establishes historical truth by writing a novel about Yeshua and Pontius Pilate. Reading this Master's novel, we understand why "manuscripts don't burn." The master in his novel returned to man faith in lofty ideals and in the ability to restore the truth, in spite of those who do not want to reckon with it. Ho Master is not a hero, he is only a servant of the truth. Like the Roman procurator, under the conditions totalitarian state, from which it is impossible to escape, he loses heart, refuses the novel, burns it.

The feat is accomplished by Margarita, she knows how to fight. She overcomes fear in the name of life own fear in the name of faith in the Master's talent: "I'm dying with you." She goes to self-sacrifice, pawning her soul to the devil. So Margarita herself creates her own destiny, guided by high moral principles.

After reading the novel, I thought for a long time about the fact that human destiny and myself historical process determine the continuous search for truth, following the high ideals of goodness and beauty.

So what is truth, according to Bulgakov? Truth is a person's responsibility for all the good and evil that is done on earth, this is one's own choice life paths. Truth is all-conquering force love and creativity, elevating the soul to the heights of true humanity.

General introduction to the direction "Art and craft".

The theme of art and craftsmanship has always excited M.A. Bulgakov, but in the novel "The Master and Margarita" This is one of the central, key themes. What should be works of art (of any genre, in this case, literature)? What is the value of this or that creation? How to distinguish art from ordinary craft? The author reflects on these questions. Let's try to understand what exactly the writer appreciates in creativity. What, in his opinion, should be a literary figure?

The novel shows several characters engaged in literary activity. Among them is a writer, chairman of MASSOLIT (a fictitious organization by the writer), editor of the magazine Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz. The surname of the hero is associated with another - the surname famous composer 19th century - G. Berlioz. However, the hero seems to be opposed to his namesake, since he has no talent. He holds a high position in literary circles, one of the heroes calls him that - "general" in the world of literature. Berlioz, although a well-read person, often demonstrating his erudition, citing examples from history in his speech, is far from understanding the truth of art. It can be assumed what level of the magazine, the editor of which is the hero. He perfectly enjoys all the privileges that he is entitled to by his position: he has an elite dacha in a literary village, dine at a prestigious restaurant on Griboedov Street. This is a typical bureaucrat, not giving the opportunity to advance in literature true talent. Not without his support, the Master was literally hounded by criticism. Such incompetent people as Berlioz cannot accept the talent of another, the desire to truthfully express their thoughts, to be honest with readers. The fate of the hero is tragic - he dies under the wheels of a tram (his death was predicted by Woland, as if this was a punishment for disbelief in God and the devil). Yes, and the Griboedov restaurant burns down at the end of the novel, which seems to symbolize the rejection of hack work, envy, and lack of talent in literature. By this, the author expresses his attitude towards people for whom writing has become only a "craft", a way to get along well in this life. You can often judge the organization by its leader. Berlioz is surrounded by similar people.

Unfortunately, Berlioz is not alone in the novel. How many more mediocre people showed the author! This is the poet Ivan Homeless, who nevertheless, under the influence of the Master, realized the lack of talent in himself, stopped writing "rhymes" and took up another type of activity. He becomes a professor of history and philosophy. By the way, the hero and his pseudonym changed to real name- Ponyrev. The pseudonym Bezdomny was also a tribute to fashion, a desire to emphasize his closeness with the people (even this was a flirtation with readers).

This is the critic brass, who spoke so sharply about the Master's novel that literally the persecution of the author began, which led him to crazy house. His article "The Militant Old Believer" was written in the spirit of atheism, it condemned the Master's thoughts about God. Latunsky lives in luxury home in Moscow. It is her apartment that Margarita will destroy, turning into a witch.

And “mediocrity Sasha” is a poet Alexander Ryukhin! Everyone understands the lack of talent in him, however, he also settles well in the literary environment. He also disguises himself as a proletarian, although he has nothing to do with the working class. Untalented himself, Ryukhin allows himself to criticize Pushkin himself, believing that there is nothing special in his poetry and that he was only accidentally lucky. Envy and malice, spiritual emptiness - this is the essence of the character of this person.

Completes the "gallery" Deputy Berlioz - Zheldybin, which can only deal with organizational issues, such as funerals. Nothing is said about his work.

And this is the “color” of literature! What freedom of creativity, what talent can we talk about when the "elite" of the literary environment is so limited and mediocre!

It is difficult for real talent to break through in such an environment. The master is a true creator who creates a real work of art. Having accidentally won money in the lottery, he quits his previous job at the museum, rents a small apartment, buys the necessary books and writes a novel about the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, and the wandering philosopher Yeshua Ha-Nozri. it philosophical work, in which the author reflects on lies and truth, on truth, on fear and cowardice, on the death of an innocent person and the pangs of conscience. Of course, the members of MASSOLIT simply could neither understand nor appreciate such a work. They have long forgotten how to write truthfully, sincerely, and they don’t want to, fearing to lose their privileges and honor. The new creation even frightens them, and they decide to “lime” the author with criticism full of malice and accusations, driving the hero to madness. The master simply could not resist this injustice. The author turned out to be weaker than his hero. If Yeshua did not renounce his ideas, having gone through inhuman torments, then he decided to burn the novel that brought him so much suffering. But ... "manuscripts do not burn!" This phrase, which has become an aphorism, emphasizes that true creation will always find its reader, outlive its time, and will excite the souls and hearts of people. At the end of the novel, the Master and Margarita find their long-awaited freedom.

Thus, the problem of true art, which brings truth to people, created by talented craftsmen, and craft, opposed to art by its mediocrity, mediocrity, desire to please the crowd and have honor and glory, is one of the main ones in the novel The Master and Margarita. The author is sure that a person who has dedicated himself writing, must be aware of the importance of his work, responsibility for the created works. Only the presence of talent, high moral qualities can allow the creation of highly artistic works. And if it doesn't, then it's better not to do it. literary work(as Ivan Bezdomny did), and in another area to bring the craft to perfection, to art.

The material was prepared by: Melnikova Vera Alexandrovna.

“Revenge and generosity” is one of the most profitable directions, because we are all familiar with these concepts and remember many examples from literature that can reveal each of them. Therefore, it is important to stock up on several arguments for each case.

  1. In Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, Satan's revenge, at first glance, seems to be justice. The writer Mikhail Berlioz and the poet Ivan Bezdomny walked in Moscow. They discussed an anti-religious poem. They were joined by an unknown, seemingly foreigner, who was amused and even, it seems, offended by the assertion that there is no god and devil, and that a person controls his own life. The stranger told them a story about how Pontius Pilate sent Yeshua Ha-Nozri to death because he spoke out against the authorities. Then the foreigner predicted that Berlioz would lose his head. Soon the man was hit by a tram, and the prophecy came true. Ivan Bezdomny suspected a foreigner of everything, tried to catch him and his retinue, but ended up in a mental hospital, where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. So, Woland took revenge on people who doubted his existence, and we do not feel sorry for them, because they really deserved punishment for turning creativity into political propaganda. But justice is when all the perpetrators are punished, and not just those who were rude to the judge.
  2. Revenge, which can be fully justified, is described by M. A. Bulgakov in the novel The Master and Margarita. The stranger, who introduced himself as Woland, settled in Berlioz's apartment, sending to Yalta a roommate named Likhodeev, who was the director of the Variety Theater. The chairman of the housing association of the house where they lived, Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy, began to besieged by citizens who wanted to get the room of the deceased. The man went to the apartment, took a bribe in rubles from the translator Volond Koroviev and left. Then Koroviev called the police and said that Nikanor Ivanovich was speculating in currency. The man was found with dollars instead of rubles and he was arrested. Satan took revenge on the hero for arrogance and greed, and it's high time, because Nicanor always used his official position for the sake of gain, and at the same time managed to despise his petitioners who did the same. This lesson went to the benefit of the chairman, so in this case, revenge can be justified.
  3. Revenge can take a person by surprise, even if he did not think that he gave her a reason to appear. In the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" just a similar case is described. Stepan Likhodeev, whom Satan sent to the other end of the USSR, began to send telegrams from Yalta to the theater asking him to confirm that it was him, but financial director Rimsky and assistant Varenukha considered this a joke, since that person had been in Moscow a few hours ago. Varenukha wanted to go to the police, but they called him and told him not to. The man promised, but did not obey, then they grabbed him and dragged him to a “bad apartment”, where a naked woman tried to kiss him. As a result, he was turned into a vampire, and he was forced to wander with Woland's gang. This example proves that it is impossible to avoid revenge by all sorts of tricks. It may strike even in connection with the fact that it cannot be considered a sufficient reason for a counterattack. The only way to avoid retribution is not to do what may entail it.
  4. In the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" an example of an imaginary show of magnanimity is demonstrated, in which people nevertheless willingly believe. Woland began a session of black magic. He said that people had changed outwardly and wanted to see if they had remained the same inwardly. First, he conjured a rain of money, then the cat tore off the head of the entertainer, who called what was happening a trick, and returned it back. Further, Woland organized a store where one could leave old clothes and take a new, moreover, expensive foreign new thing. Under the commotion and the sound of the march, the magician and his retinue disappeared, and then beautiful clothes evaporated right on the well-dressed ladies. Money, over time, also turned into something that can hardly be like a gold piece. Late citizens realized that true generosity does not bow from the stage, does not look for hundreds of curious eyes. It is presented modestly and inconspicuously so that the person who receives it does not feel embarrassed and obligated.
  5. True generosity is tested in trouble. So, in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, the hero ends up in a lunatic asylum, and his friends and colleagues accuse him of insanity and rush to get rid of him as soon as possible. None of them, comrades and acquaintances, doubted the correctness of such measures. No one extended a helping hand. However, there was one stranger whose soul can be called great. While Ivan Bezdomny was talking to himself, a man entered his window who introduced himself as a foreman and said that he had stolen the keys from the paramedic, but did not run away from the hospital, because he did not have a home. The poet told him his story. The master said that Ivan met with Satan. He also spoke about himself: he wrote a novel about that procurator and loved married woman. In a conversation with another person, understanding and polite, Bezdomny somehow felt better at heart, he was no longer so afraid of his imprisonment. The master was not afraid to come and help the new victim come to his senses. Such actions are examples of true generosity.
  6. People don't always appreciate true generosity. Often a person suffers undeservedly because of it. For example, in the book of M. A. Bulgakov, the procurator sentenced to death penalty a young philosopher who helped him recover from a headache. He owed this terrible fate to his statements about God, who, in his understanding, stood above Caesar. Pontius Pilate understood that Yeshua was not guilty, but he was afraid to go against the local clergy and allowed injustice to happen. The crowd eagerly watched the execution of Yeshua and the two robbers on Bald Mountain. But Yeshua did nothing to these people, moreover, he even helped someone. However, people enjoyed mocking him and watching him bleed to death. Only one faithful disciple of Ga-Notsri, Levi Matvey, stole the body of the teacher, at the same time untied the rest. Unfortunately, generosity sometimes disarms a person, and he cannot even defend himself. And the crowd is deaf and blind to true virtue.
  7. Often generosity wakes up in a person under the influence of love. For example, M. A. Bulgakov described a similar case in his famous novel. The heroine lost her loved one and most of all wanted to get him back, but did not know where to look for him. Azazello met Margarita, hinting that he knows where to look for the Master, and invited her to an appointment with Woland, giving her a magic cream. Of course, she was very scared, but she bravely overcame her hesitation for the sake of love. She smeared herself, became weightless, and flew on a broom to Woland. Margarita held a ball there, and Satan returned the Master to her with his apartment and the whole novel, which the author had previously burned. But what did this ball cost her? Pain, fear, disgust and pity - these are the feelings that almost broke her heart. She even gave up her desire to make it easier afterlife Frida. Now the heroine who killed her child was no longer offered a handkerchief - the murder weapon. Woland appreciated the generosity of the guest and rewarded the queen of his ball. Thus, love for the Master revealed in a woman her virtues.
  8. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

The work "Master and Margarita" can rightly be called the final in the life of Bulgakov. The author has been working on it for 12 years. It is no coincidence that this novel is a favorite book of many people. It combines the author's ideas about good and evil, justice and love. However, of course, the theme of creativity in the novel "The Master and Margarita" is the main one.

Beginning of the novel. Acquaintance with representatives of the writing fraternity

At the very beginning of his work, the author introduces us to the head of the association of writers MASSOLIT, Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, and the poet. The theme of creativity in Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita rises already on the first pages of the novel. The author shows the reader his ironic attitude towards Berlioz, the one-sidedness of his education and the narrowness of his outlook. It is he main adversary editions of the novel created by the Master.

True and False Creativity

The theme of creativity in the novel "The Master and Margarita" (an essay with this name is often written by schoolchildren) is one of the most important. The work contains a conflict of true and false creativity. The author took this issue very painfully. It is no coincidence that researchers believe that the Master is the prototype of Bulgakov himself.

The main attraction of Moscow was a huge restaurant that served pike perch, sterlet, cocotte eggs. The members of MASSOLIT cared mainly about their satiety, and not about the quality of spiritual food.

The theme of creativity in the novel "The Master and Margarita". The image of the master

The master is depicted by the author as a true creator who, as is usually the case, cannot find understanding among ordinary writers, poets and editors. The work of the Master is very psychological, it shows the subtleties of the relationship between the punishing side and the convicted person who is innocent, the procurator. The ingenious novel of the Master did not meet with support from MASSOLIT. The persecutors of the author, driven by envy, write accusatory articles. Criticism drives the Master to a madhouse.

The intervention of higher powers in the fate of the Master

The theme of creativity in the novel "The Master and Margarita", or to be more precise, the theme of true creativity, is associated with the image of the Master. The work created by him finds support and helps to restore justice. They deal with Berlioz, at the end of the work Griboyedov's house is on fire.

Love and creativity

The theme of creativity in the novel "The Master and Margarita" is connected with the theme of love. The feeling of Margarita helps to overcome disappointment in life, gives strength. She believes that the Master's novel is truly a brilliant creation.

The meeting with Woland turns Margarita into a witch. To save the Master, she flies to the ball of Satan, who appears before the readers as a fair judge. He helps Margarita return her lover and does everything to life's troubles last days did not worry them: the Master is no longer listed in the clinic, their nest, the basement, again free, five burnt copies of the manuscript are now in his hands.

In addition, upstairs, it was decided to give the lovers eternal peace and the opportunity to enjoy life.

Completion of the novel

The theme of creativity in the novel "The Master and Margarita" permeates the entire work. The book ends very happily for the Master and his beloved. Genuine creativity triumphs over false creativity. The Master and Margarita leave the time in which they lived and find eternal peace. The master finds what is very important for a true artist - freedom, not limited by the political system.

So, the theme of creativity in the novel "The Master and Margarita" is covered. Briefly in this article, we have already described how it can be traced in this work. Now let's turn to the history of the creation of the novel.

About the history of the creation of the novel

The famous was published only in the sixties. The time of the beginning of work on the novel should be considered 1928-1929, since the author himself dated the first manuscripts from one year to another. Initially, the work received several variants of names: "Engineer's Hoof", "Black Magician", "Juggler with a Hoof", "Tour".

Bulgakov burned his novel in the spring of 1930, announcing when he received the news that the play "The Cabal of the Saints" was banned. Work on the work was resumed in 1931. It was then that Margarita and her companion appeared in the book, who was later called the Master. Woland has a retinue. The 1936 edition, the second in a row, was entitled "A Fantastic Novel".

The third edition was originally called "The Prince of Darkness". The work was titled The Master and Margarita in 1937. At the beginning of the summer of 1938, the text of the novel was first printed in full, which was edited almost until the last days of the writer's life.

The hero of the Master is very autobiographical, which is once again confirmed by the information about his age reported in the novel. According to the text of the work, the Master was a man of about thirty-eight years of age. Bulgakov had the same number when he started working on this book.

It is believed that the creation of the image of Satan was inspired by the opera of Charles Gounod, which greatly impressed him as a child, as well as the poem by I.V. Goethe Faust. I wonder what Bulgakov produced strong impression novel by Chayanov A.V., main character whose last name is Bulgakov. On the pages of the book, he encounters devilish power. The coincidence of surnames greatly excited the writer.

It is noteworthy that in the first editions Woland bore the name Astaroth, but later this name was changed.

According to the writer's widow, last words Bulgakov about the work "The Master and Margarita" were: "To know ..."

Now in Moscow on Bolshaya Sadovaya there is a "Bulgakov's House". This is a museum that tells about the work and life of the writer. Quite often there are small theatrical performances, improvisations on the works of the writer.

The theme of creativity in the novel "The Master and Margarita" (the arguments for this were given above) is the main one. In addition, the author originally planned to raise many public problems, among them is the question of the difficulties of the work of Russian writers in Russia, who were subjected to real persecution by the state. In the edition known to us, the author writes about the fate of a gifted person under the rule of tyranny, which, however, strongly echoes the original idea.

The theme of creativity in the novel "The Master and Margarita" is a key, leading one. It is closely intertwined with the theme of the love of the heroes of this magnificent work. Margarita's feeling saves the Master. The creation created by Bulgakov impresses contemporaries like no other. Roman enjoys bad reputation among filmmakers, however, there are daredevils in whom the desire to make a film based on this work overcomes superstitious fear. The last adaptation of the novel in 2005 shocked the viewer with its detail, the number of special effects, and the skill of the cast.

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