Bypass the master's wrath, master's love. Aphorisms from grief from mind


The amusing misdeeds of the heir to the throne sometimes only made him laugh.

To many, they seemed unthinkable even for a 17-year-old undergrowth. And what happened at the door of the royal dining room caused a real commotion, and the august aunt literally tore and threw herself from overflowing hot emotions ...

And we live solemnly and difficultly ...

Entering the Grand Duke's half, the Empress kissed Katya and asked why the beauty was late for mass, caring more about dresses than about serving the Lord God. Elizabeth dryly added that during the time of Anna Ioannovna, she, the princess, happened to live not in winter palace, and at an impressive distance, in the mother's stone house on the Tsaritsyn meadow, near summer garden, not far from which the Promenade walking square has now been laid out. However, this building, like the mansion of the late General Adam Veide standing next door, became the property of Count Alexei Grigoryevich Razumovsky - for services to the Fatherland.

In the same place, by the way, the monarchess explained, once, upon arrival in Russia, His Highness Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein, the husband of my sister Anna Petrovna and the father of your dear, dearest husband, once lodged. Your deceased father-in-law in Bose! “It is from these walls - frosty winter night almost five years ago, surrounded by reliable people, I moved in a sleigh to the barracks of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, to the Peskov region, beyond the Fontanka River, in order, with the help of my valiant guardsmen, to regain the sacred ancestral crown stolen by impostors. But even much earlier, in that difficult time for me, when Anna Ioannovna ruled, I did not violate my duties, did not miss church services in the palace, although for this I had to sacrifice sleep, get up dark, dress by candlelight ... "

Fike timidly lowered her head. Elizabeth, narrowing her eyes, looked at her and ordered to call the court hairdresser. “Timofey,” she affectionately turned to the faithful serf, bowed in bow, “if you continue to comb your hair Grand Duchess at the same slow pace as usual, I will have you out of office in no time. Go!" (Alas, thought Katya, a day of sadness and sorrow awaits everyone.) “Yes,” Elizaveta Petrovna chuckled, as if in tone with her sad thoughts, “but where is your missus?” - "In your chambers, your majesty ..." - "Call him to me. Yearned for her nephew. I want to see!”

Seven swords pierced the heart...

The heir-prince was not long in coming. In a dressing gown and with a nightcap, he cheerfully, slightly frivolously, ran up to the royal hand and froze with an expression as if he was preparing to accept a well-deserved reward. The Empress kissed him on the cheek and asked where and when he mustered up the courage to commit such an unsightly act. Entering the Hermitage room, where the lifting machine for the kitchen is located, the monarch reported, she saw a door drilled like a sieve. All holes were directed to the place that the autocrat usually prefers at the table. How will Pyotr Feodorovich order us to understand all this?

“You must have forgotten what you owe me? Ungrateful youth! My father had, as you know, an adult son, heir to the throne. Ambitious, independent - not like you. He did not fall on his knees even when drunk before the busts and portraits of foreign kings. By the way, your half-uncle - you were born ten years after his death. This man had all legal rights to the crown. All! But he behaved impudently, recklessly, contradicted, contradicted, intrigued, hid with Caesar in Italy, and his father excommunicated him from the sovereign inheritance. Dismissed completely! Mind you, I can change my mind too!”

The Grand Duke started up and objected something, but the empress angrily cut him off and, getting angry in earnest, as often happened to her in moments of discontent and rage, began shouting reproaches and insults in a thunderous voice. “And how dare you? The Empress ... with guests ... in private ... And you? Peep? Spy on? to snuggle? Snotlout boy! What do you allow yourself? Is it in your mind? The scout has been found! I will teach you good manners. Learn once and for all! They would have tried to do this at the court of Anna Ioannovna, my elder cousin ... She is not me: she instantly sent disobedient and troublemakers to the fortress, drove them to Tmutarakan. AND death penalty with her be healthy as used. That's what they were afraid of, that's what they were afraid of. And I, generous nature, canceled. Then, in the dead of night, at the hour of my triumph, I swore in front of witnesses on the Bible that I would not shed anyone's blood. And faithfully fulfilled this vow. I'm sorry everyone. So I find ... gratitude.

Elizabeth took a breath and then noticed tears on Fike's face. “Calm down, baby,” she waved her fan, “all this does not concern you. You didn't peep and didn't try to peep. What are you worried about? The Empress fell silent, as if taking a break from the noisy, heavy stage. Then she closed her eyelashes and, nodding to the frowning couple, went out into the corridor ...

Wandered and bitterly repent ...

Pyotr Feodorovich hurried to his rooms, and Katya to the bedroom, to finally change into her full dress, which had not been taken off after the service. A minute later, the crown prince returned to his wife. He stood for a moment and said - almost in his ear, in some indistinct, embarrassedly mocking tone: "The empress was like a fury, she was not aware of her screams and screams." “Well, not quite like that,” Catherine retorted, “she was just very upset. You shouldn't have done what you did. I warned of inevitable troubles. “You warned too late!” “Oh, I’m still responsible! Your highness, you are an adult family man and are called to be aware of all the consequences of wrong steps and reckless actions ... "

The young couple dined in Katya's apartment, talking in an undertone and keeping their eyes on the doors and windows. When Peter went to his chambers, Frau Maria Kruse came to Fika. Her tirade was prepared "from the doorway" - and, obviously, on instructions from above. “I must admit,” the “scout” breathed out, “that the empress acted like a true mother!” Catherine listened attentively to the uninvited guest. What is the conversation leading to? “The mother gets angry and scolds the children,” the highly experienced lady broadcast with inspiration, “but then the insult passes and the intercessor forgives them for their sins. Both of you should have said: guilty, mother, forgive us! And they would disarm her with meekness and humility ... "

Katya, diligently looking for phrases, squeezed out that, being unusually embarrassed by the wrath of Her Majesty, she considered it good to listen and be silent. Kruse spread her hands and quietly left the room - rushing to high offices with an urgent report. But the science of the wise camera-frau was not in vain. The sacramental combination "guilty, mother" firmly sunk into the head of the judicious Fika. Sunk, like a magical sesame, "opening" any whim of the almighty autocrat. Fike picked up the quote and used it successfully for for long years. Still, Elizaveta Petrovna - by the nature of her character - adored seeing the guilty and repentant in front of her.

... Before Easter, Marshal Karl Sievers (the same one who once met Sophia and Johanna near Moscow, in the village of Vsesvyatsky, and later collapsed with Katya at a masquerade, where he had to dance a polonaise in huge women's panties) told the princess the cherished royal will. She, who limited herself in food in the first week of Great Lent, should fast the same amount more. Fike told her good friend (who had recently married the daughter of Maria Cruz, Benedikta Fedorovna), that she would like to refrain from fasting for the entire month and a half. Soon the nobleman informed Catherine: the empress received extreme pleasure and allowed this spiritual feat. The storm has passed...

Moscow opera houses increasingly began to turn to the modern repertoire. Previously, Onegins and La Traviata dominated the scenes, and the works new era forlornly showed up once a decade, if not less often. True, he was in the capital Chamber musical Boris Pokrovsky, who was known as the "laboratory of modern opera" and regularly worked with living composers. Now newfangled opuses - good tone at the best opera houses. There are those in Stasik and in New Opera”, even the stronghold of conservatism - the Bolshoi - descends not only to Shostakovich and Britten, who are still among us in the modern department, but also to Weinberg and Banevich. The restless "Helikon" does not lag behind colleagues. Not so long ago, he only sometimes diluted the mainstream poster with new products (as a rule, they did not stay for a long time), and proven classic masterpieces. Now, however, cooperation with contemporary composers looks like one of the strategic directions of Dmitry Bertman's multi-vector activity.

The librettists (Manotskov and his partner, artist Pavel Kaplevich, the author of the project idea) took Griboedov's immortal comedy Woe from Wit as a basis. The plot, dramaturgy, characters and roles, and the lion's share of the aphoristic text - all from the textbook classics, known to everyone since school. But, in order not to bind themselves with the need to strictly follow Griboedov, the directors came up with a clever move - they combined Chatsky, the “superfluous person” of Russian literature, with Chaadaev, “ an extra person"Russian reality of the XIX century, supplementing the text of the comedy with excerpts from the latter's "Philosophical Letters" and modifying the name of the protagonist. The result was a significant symbiosis, allowing us to talk about Russia and its timeless problems.

The idea, frankly, is not fresh: Griboedov’s contemporaries “read” Chaadaev in Chatsky, and Pyotr Yakovlevich is still called one of the “prototypes” of the main character of “Woe from Wit” (the author himself did not leave any indications on this).

The no less fashionable Kirill Serebrennikov was called to direct the world premiere. The situation around the Gogol Center headed by him attracted additional attention to the production. For PR - just a gift, especially considering that modern opera, as a rule, scares the public. Serebrennikov remained true to himself, although this production of his does not differ in particular radicalism. The action begins with a crowd of naked men. To the sounds of Griboedov's waltz in E minor, the guys of athletic build change their costumes in order to take up their usual work - kneading clay with their feet or, more precisely, trampling black, scorched earth and carrying huge platforms on their hands, where, in fact, it lives elite. Idea social inequality, segregation, presented more than intelligibly, if not to say - on the forehead, there is little novelty in it, it is read at a time. Everything else worked out on “recognition”: conversations on mobile phones (including the sacramental “Carriage to me, carriage!”), Olympic costumes with the inscription “RUSSIA” on the inhabitants famus house, soulless bureaucracy in business office deuces and a secular ball a la russe in kokoshniks (with a hint of the famous Romanov costumed masquerade of 1903).

Signs of the present time are scattered throughout the performance, strung like beads on each stage - they cause the audience to giggle approvingly, where at the premiere shows, of course, there are a fair number of admirers of the director's talent. He speaks in his usual language, the satisfied audience understands this, which is inexpressibly glad. There were also some small obscenities. The maid of the Famusovs, Liza, for matters of the heart, chooses for herself a textured cavalier from the people (the bartender Petrusha), an “atlant” supporting the platform, but before taking him to the social top, she strips him naked and washes him of dirt, pouring water from a hose. Lisa, in another picture, is raped by Molchalin - while Famusov makes pathetic speeches, she rhythmically screeches in an ultra-high tessitura. In general, nothing sensational. We regularly see something similar on the stage. drama theater, and not only at Serebrennikov. In a word, put it in any way you like, and everything will be fine, all in a suit, straight into the history of the national scene.

The question, what does Chaadaev have to do with it, remains open.

Let's not forget that we still have an opera, a work for musical theater, for singers, orchestra and choir, and apart from hot topic and fashionable directing, it would be nice if the score were a phenomenon. Somehow this part didn't work at all. Even in comparison with Manotskov's previous opuses (for example, Guidon and Titius the Impeccable), Chaadsky appears to be the least expressive and striking product. The music is monotonous and boring, does not have its own face, does not captivate or shock, leaving the listener absolutely indifferent. Exploited Griboedov waltzes are the only thing that can "hook on the ear", the rest is a set common places: postmodernist scraping in the bottom of the barrel, that is, in all conceivable musical styles of the past. And the performance leaves much to be desired. Whether it is the fault of the soloists, conductor, composer or sound engineers (the use of subsound is quite obvious), but the singing is poorly audible, and the words cannot be made out - all hope is for your own memory and the running line. Maestro Felix Korobov courageously collects the score of "Chaadsky" into a single canvas, but he does not quite succeed either - it seems that the monotony of the sound context tires even such an experienced interpreter of modern music.

Photo on the announcement: Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS

From the comedy "Woe from Wit" (1824) A. S. Griboedova(1795-1829). The words of the maid Liza (action 1, appearance 2):

Ah, away from the masters;

Prepare troubles for themselves at every hour,

Pass us beyond all sorrows

AND master's wrath, And master's love.

The world belongs to the strong

see by the right of the strong

peaceful coexistence

From the Commissioner's report foreign affairs Soviet government Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin(1872-1936) at a meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (1920): "Our slogan is peaceful coexistence with other governments, whatever they may be."

In the form of “peaceful cohabitation”, the expression was used by V. I. Lenin in his “Answer to the questions of the Berlin correspondent of the Amer. news agency"Universal Service" by Carl Wiegand (1920).

Usually serves to define a loyal, equal relationship with someone, without friendship, but without enmity (jokingly ironic).

world sorrow

From German: Weltschmerz.

From the unfinished work Selina, or on Immortality (published 1827) by the German satirist Jean Paul(pseudonym I.-P. Richter, 1763-1825), who used this expression, speaking of "the countless torments of people."

As the Russian poet and translator wrote Petr Isaevich Weinberg(1830-1908) in his article "The Poetry of World Sorrow" (1895), world sorrow is "sorrow for the imperfections of the world, for the disorganizations in it and for the suffering of mankind."

The expression became especially popular after the publication of the article “From the exhibition of paintings in 1831.” German poet Heinrich Heine, who, speaking of the painting by the artist Delaroche "Oliver Cromwell at the body of Charles I", wrote: "What a huge world sorrow expressed the master in a few lines!

Playfully ironic: about someone's gloomy appearance, bad mood, despondency, etc.

Mister X

stage name the protagonist of Imre Kalman's operetta "Princess of the Circus" (1926). Libretto Julius Brammer And Arnold Grunwald.

Jokingly-ironically: about someone unknown or about someone who wishes to remain anonymous.


Main character comedy "Undergrowth" (1783) Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin(1745-1792) - spoiled landowner's son, lazy and ignorant. A common noun for young people of this type.

Bear, Bear, where is your smile?

From the song "Bear" (1947), words and music (arranged by V. Nechaev) to which the poet wrote Georgy Alexandrovich Titov (1919-1989):

Bear, Bear, where is your smile,

Full of enthusiasm and fire?

The most ridiculous mistake

That you are leaving me.

Jokingly-ironically: a call to cheer up, shake off sadness, smile.

I'm sad... because you're having fun

From the poem "Why" (1840) M. Yu. Lermontova (1814-1841):

I'm sad because I love you

And I know: your blooming youth

The insidious persecution will not spare the rumor.

For every bright day or sweet moment

You will pay fate with tears and longing.

I'm sad... because you're having fun.

It is used allegorically as an answer to an interlocutor who does not understand the seriousness of the situation around him (the severity of his own misconduct, guilt, etc.) and still maintains a rosy mood.

Your gift is not dear to me, / Your love is dear

From Russian folk song"On the bridge street":

I don't care about your gift,

The road is your love

I don't want to wear a ring

I want to love my friend.

The meaning of the expression: it is not the cost and sophistication of the gift that matters, but the feelings that it is intended to express.

I don't find it funny when the painter is useless / I get dirty Madonna by Raphael

From the tragedy "Mozart and Salieri" (1830) A. S. Pushkin (1799- 1837):

I don't find it funny when the painter is useless

It stains me with Raphael's Madonna,

I don't find it funny when the buffoon is despicable

Parody dishonors Alighieri

Allegorically: about unprofessionalism, carelessly performed work.

I had no time to write shorter

From the book "Letters to a provincial, or Letters of Louis Montalt to a friend in the province and to the Jesuit fathers about the morality and politics of the Jesuits" (1657) by a French scientist, philosopher and writer Blaise Pascal(1623-1662). At the end of the 16th letter of this book, he wrote: "This letter came out longer only because I had no time to write it shorter."

Another famous translation: "I didn't have time to write a shorter letter."

The meaning of the expression: it takes much more time to compile a short, logical and meaningful text (and, accordingly, to think it over) than to simply fix on paper all the thoughts that come to mind on a particular occasion. In the latter case, verbosity is inevitable.

Vengeance is mine, and I will repay

From bible(Church Slavonic text). Translation: Vengeance lies on me, and it will come from me (in the sense: vengeance is not for human judgment).

Found in the Old Testament (Fifth Book of Moses) and the New Testament (The Epistle to the Romans of the Apostle Paul, ch. 12, v. 19): “Do not avenge yourself, beloved, but give place to the wrath of God. For it is written: Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord.

This text L. N. Tolstoy used as an epigraph to the novel "Anna Karenina".

Imaginary sick

From French: Le malade imaginaire.

Russian translation of the title of a comedy (1673) by a French playwright Jean Baptiste Molière(pseudonym of Jean Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673).

Jokingly ironic: oh healthy person who pretends to be sick due to some of his circumstances.

Bypass us more than all sorrows / And the lord's anger, and the lord's love
From the comedy Woe from Wit (1824) by A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829). The words of the maid Liza (action 1, appearance 2):
Ah, away from the masters;
They have troubles for themselves every time prepare,
Pass us beyond all sorrows
And the lord's anger, and the lord's love.

Allegorically: it is better to stay away from the special attention of people on whom you depend, because from their love to their hatred is one step.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "Bypass us more than all sorrows / And the lord's anger and the lord's love" in other dictionaries:

    Wed Gone: Ah! away from the gentlemen! Bypass us more than all sorrows And the lord's anger, and the lord's love. Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 2. Lisa. Wed Mit grossen Herrn ist schlecht Kirschen essen … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    A; m. Feeling of strong indignation, indignation; state of irritation, anger. Tantrum. Do not remember yourself from anger. Bring on someone. d. Burn, boil, pour with anger. With anger in the eyes, in the voice to speak. Who l. terrible in anger. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Aya, oh. 1. to Barin (1 sign) and Lady (1 sign). B aya estate. That's his free will. From the master's shoulder (about clothes donated by a master, a wealthy or high-ranking person). Grand lady (senior maid at the landowner, housekeeper). * Bypass us more ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Griboyedov A.S. Griboyedov Alexander Sergeevich (1790 or 1795-1829) Russian writer, poet, playwright, diplomat. 1826 was under investigation in the case of the Decembrists. 1828 appointed ambassador to Persia, where he was killed by Persian fanatics. Aphorisms, quotes ...

    Aya, oh. adj. to the barin [Lisa:] Bypass us more than all sorrows And master's anger, and master's love. Griboyedov, Woe from Wit. [Belokurov] lived in the garden in an outbuilding, and I lived in an old manor house, in a huge hall with columns. Chekhov, House with a mezzanine. ||… … Small Academic Dictionary

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Aphorisms from grief from mind

Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world! Chatsky

When you wander, you return home, and the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us! Chatsky

Who is poor, he is not a couple for you. Famusov

happy hours are not watching. Sofia

I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve. Chatsky

Bypass us more than all sorrows and lordly anger, and lordly love. Lisa

No other model is needed when the example of a father is in the eyes. Famusov

Fresh legend, but hard to believe. Chatsky

You can share laughter with everyone. Sofia

Signed, so off your shoulders. Famusov

And grief awaits around the corner. Sofia

Are they bothering to recruit teachers for regiments, more in number, at cheaper prices? Chatsky

I don't care what's behind him, what's in the water. Sofia

Terrible age! Don't know what to start! All managed beyond their years. Famusov

Who serves a cause, not individuals... Chatsky

ABOUT! if someone penetrated into people: what is worse in them? soul or language? Chatsky

Read not like a sexton, but with feeling, with sense, with arrangement. Famusov

Like all Moscow ones, your father is like this: he would like a son-in-law with stars, but with ranks. Lisa

Who needs it: for those who are arrogant, they lie in the dust, and for those who are higher, flattery, like lace, was woven. Chatsky

And the golden bag, and marks the generals. Lisa

You, young people, have no other business than to notice girlish beauty. Famusov

Yes, at least someone will be confused by the questions of a quick and curious look ... Sofia

The fools believed, they tell others, the old women instantly sound the alarm - and now public opinion! Chatsky

My father bequeathed to me: firstly, to please all people without exception - the Master, where I happen to live, the Chief, with whom I will serve, his Servant, who cleans dresses, the Doorman, the janitor, to avoid evil, the dog of the janitor, so that he was affectionate. Molchalin

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