Pass us more. Bypass us more than all sorrows and lordly anger, and lordly love ...


Bypass us more than all sorrows / And master's wrath and master's love
From the comedy Woe from Wit (1824) by A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829). The words of the maid Liza (action 1, appearance 2):
Ah, away from the masters;
They have troubles for themselves every time prepare,
Bypass us more than all sorrows
And the lord's anger, and the lord's love.

Allegorically: it is better to stay away from the special attention of people on whom you depend, because from their love to their hatred is one step.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "Bypass us more than all sorrows / And the lord's anger and the lord's love" in other dictionaries:

    Wed Gone: Ah! away from the gentlemen! Bypass us more than all sorrows And the lord's anger, and the lord's love. Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 2. Lisa. Wed Mit grossen Herrn ist schlecht Kirschen essen … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    A; m. Feeling of strong indignation, indignation; state of irritation, anger. Tantrum. Do not remember yourself from anger. Bring on someone. d. Burn, boil, pour with anger. With anger in the eyes, in the voice to speak. Who l. terrible in anger. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Aya, oh. 1. to Barin (1 sign) and Lady (1 sign). B aya estate. That's his free will. From the master's shoulder (about clothes donated by a master, a wealthy or high-ranking person). Grand lady (senior maid at the landowner, housekeeper). * Bypass us more ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Griboyedov A.S. Griboyedov Alexander Sergeevich (1790 or 1795-1829) Russian writer, poet, playwright, diplomat. 1826 was under investigation in the case of the Decembrists. 1828 appointed ambassador to Persia, where he was killed by Persian fanatics. Aphorisms, quotes ...

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    - (1795 1829) writer and poet, playwright, diplomat And by the way, he will reach the known levels, After all, now they love the dumb. And who are the judges? Oh! if someone loves whom, Why go crazy and search so far? Oh! gossips scarier than a gun. Blessed... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

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Moscow opera houses increasingly began to turn to the modern repertoire. Previously, Onegins and La Traviata dominated the scenes, and the works new era forlornly showed up once a decade, if not less often. True, he was in the capital Chamber musical Boris Pokrovsky, who was known as the "laboratory of modern opera" and regularly worked with living composers. Now newfangled opuses - good tone at the best opera houses. There are those in Stasik and in New Opera”, even the stronghold of conservatism - the Bolshoi - descends not only to Shostakovich and Britten, who are still among us in the modern department, but also to Weinberg and Banevich. The restless "Helikon" does not lag behind colleagues. Not so long ago, he only sometimes diluted the mainstream poster with new products (as a rule, they did not stay for a long time), and proven classic masterpieces. Now, however, cooperation with contemporary composers looks like one of the strategic directions of Dmitry Bertman's multi-vector activity.

The librettists (Manotskov and his partner, artist Pavel Kaplevich, the author of the project idea) took Griboedov's immortal comedy Woe from Wit as a basis. The plot, dramaturgy, characters and roles, and the lion's share of the aphoristic text - all from the textbook classics, known to everyone since school. But, in order not to bind themselves with the need to strictly follow Griboedov, the directors came up with a clever move - they combined Chatsky, the “superfluous person” of Russian literature, with Chaadaev, “ an extra person"Russian reality of the XIX century, supplementing the text of the comedy with excerpts from the latter's "Philosophical Letters" and modifying the name of the protagonist. The result was a significant symbiosis, allowing us to talk about Russia and its timeless problems.

The idea, frankly, is not fresh: Griboedov’s contemporaries “read” Chaadaev in Chatsky, and Pyotr Yakovlevich is still called one of the “prototypes” of the main character of “Woe from Wit” (the author himself did not leave any indications on this).

The no less fashionable Kirill Serebrennikov was called to direct the world premiere. The situation around the Gogol Center headed by him attracted additional attention to the production. For PR - just a gift, especially considering that modern opera, as a rule, scares the public. Serebrennikov remained true to himself, although this production of his does not differ in particular radicalism. The action begins with a crowd of naked men. To the sounds of Griboedov's waltz in E-minor, the guys of athletic build change their costumes in order to take up their usual work - knead clay with their feet or, more precisely, stomp black, scorched earth and carry huge platforms on their hands, where, in fact, it lives elite. Idea social inequality, segregation, presented more than intelligibly, if not to say - on the forehead, there is little novelty in it, it is read at a time. Everything else worked out on “recognition”: conversations on mobile phones (including the sacramental “Carriage to me, carriage!”), Olympic costumes with the inscription “RUSSIA” on the inhabitants famus house, soulless bureaucracy in business office deuces and a secular ball a la russe in kokoshniks (with a hint of the famous Romanov costumed masquerade of 1903).

Signs of the present time are scattered throughout the performance, strung like beads on each stage - they cause the audience to giggle approvingly, where at the premiere shows, of course, there are a fair number of admirers of the director's talent. He speaks in his usual language, the satisfied audience understands this, which is inexpressibly glad. There were also some small obscenities. The maid of the Famusovs, Liza, for matters of the heart, chooses for herself a textured cavalier from the people (the bartender Petrusha), an “atlant” supporting the platform, but before taking him to the social top, she strips him naked and washes him of dirt, pouring water from a hose. Lisa, in another picture, is raped by Molchalin - while Famusov makes pathetic speeches, she rhythmically screeches in an ultra-high tessitura. In general, nothing sensational. We regularly see something similar on the stage. drama theater, and not only at Serebrennikov. In a word, put it in any way you like, and everything will be fine, all in a suit, straight into the history of the national scene.

The question, what does Chaadaev have to do with it, remains open.

Let's not forget that we still have an opera in front of us, a work for musical theater, for singers, orchestra and choir, and apart from hot topic and fashionable directing, it would be nice if the score were a phenomenon. Somehow this part didn't work at all. Even in comparison with Manotskov's previous opuses (for example, Guidon and Titius the Impeccable), Chaadsky appears to be the least expressive and striking product. The music is monotonous and boring, does not have its own face, does not captivate or shock, leaving the listener absolutely indifferent. Exploited Griboedov waltzes are the only thing that can "hook on the ear", the rest is a set common places: postmodernist scraping in the bottom of the barrel, that is, in all conceivable musical styles of the past. And the performance leaves much to be desired. Whether it is the fault of the soloists, conductor, composer or sound engineers (the use of subsound is quite obvious), but the singing is poorly audible, and the words cannot be made out - all hope is for your own memory and the running line. Maestro Felix Korobov courageously collects the score of "Chaadsky" into a single canvas, but he does not quite succeed either - it seems that the monotony of the sound context tires even such an experienced interpreter of modern music.

Photo on the announcement: Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS

From the slogan “Down with ten capitalist ministers!”, which appeared (June 14, 1917) in the Bolshevik newspaper Pravda, and on June 18, under this slogan, a large demonstration against the Provisional Government was held, led by supporters of V. I. Lenin.

Ironically: about the ministers and officials who came to the government from big business, and after the end of their careers in the government go to well-paid jobs in banks, large companies, to the creation and prosperity of which they had a hand in their time.

Ministers fall like sandwiches: usually face down

From German: Minister fallen wie Butterbrote: gewonlich auf die gute Seite.

Literally: Ministers fall like sandwiches: usually on the good side(i.e. oil down).

The words of a German critic and publicist-democrat Carla Ludwig Berne(1786-1837), leader of the "Young Germany" writers' association, which ideologically prepared the German revolution of 1848.

Apparently, C. L. Berne paraphrased an old Jewish saying: "The sandwich always falls butter side down."

Ironically: about ministers, high officials dismissed for this or that transgression before the law or morality.

Gone are the golden days of Aranjuez

From the tragedy "Don Carlos, Infante of Spain" (1787) Johann Friedrich Schiller(1759-1805). With these words of Domingo, the king's confessor, this play begins. It's about about the stay of Don Carlos in the pleasure palace of the Spanish king Philip II in Aranjuez near Madrid. in Russia until the beginning of the 20th century. "Aranjuez" was usually pronounced as "Aranjuez". Accordingly, Schiller's phrase was also quoted.

Allegorically: a good, carefree time has passed, it's time for fun and entertainment.

The charm of days gone by

days gone by charm,

Why are you resurrected again?

Who awakened the memory

And silent dreams?

These lines became widely known due to the fact that they were set to music by A. Pleshcheev (1832), P. Bulakhov (1846) and Y. Capri (1879) and thus became the words of a popular romance.

Allegorically: about a happy, carefree time of life.

Bypass us more than all sorrows / And the lord's anger, and the lord's love

From the comedy "Woe from Wit" (1824) A. S. Griboedova(1795-1829). The words of the maid Liza (action 1, appearance 2):

Ah, away from the masters;

Prepare troubles for themselves at every hour,

Bypass us more than all sorrows

And the lord's anger, and the lord's love.

The world belongs to the strong

see by the right of the strong

peaceful coexistence

From the Commissioner's report foreign affairs Soviet government Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin(1872-1936) at a meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (1920): "Our slogan is peaceful coexistence with other governments, whatever they may be."

In the form of “peaceful cohabitation”, the expression was used by V. I. Lenin in his “Answer to the questions of the Berlin correspondent of the Amer. news agency"Universal Service" by Carl Wiegand (1920).

Usually serves to define a loyal, even relationship with someone, without friendship, but without enmity (jokingly ironic).

world sorrow

From German: Weltschmerz.

From the unfinished work Selina, or on Immortality (published 1827) by the German satirist Jean Paul(pseudonym I.-P. Richter, 1763-1825), who used this expression, speaking of "the countless torments of people."

As the Russian poet and translator wrote Petr Isaevich Weinberg(1830-1908) in his article “The Poetry of World Sorrow” (1895), world sorrow is “sorrow for the imperfections of the world, for the disorder in it and for the suffering of mankind.”

The expression became especially popular after the publication of the article “From the exhibition of paintings in 1831.” German poet Heinrich Heine, who, speaking of the painting by the artist Delaroche "Oliver Cromwell at the body of Charles I", wrote: "What a huge world sorrow expressed the master in a few lines!

Playfully ironic: about someone's gloomy appearance, bad mood, despondency, etc.

Mister X

stage name the protagonist of Imre Kalman's operetta "Princess of the Circus" (1926). Libretto Julius Brammer And Arnold Grunwald.

Jokingly-ironically: about someone unknown or about someone who wishes to remain anonymous.



Again, the salvation of the world on a single territory, and even not a military secret to anyone. But what if, in fact, the world does not need this salvation at all, and everyone has their own considerations regarding the personality of the savior? This is how it all turned out.

No, no, Dimochka will sit with me, right, Dimochka? - the touching voice of Zoya Germanovna, our accountant, irritated me to the point of colic in my stomach. Well, think for yourself - the aunt will soon be fifty, she is a dyed blonde with a lush fleece and small eyes brought down by black paint, having what they call modestly "pleasant fullness" and a young guy who part-time plays the role of a system administrator in our office, what can they be common? Dimochka, he is Dimochka - long eyelashes, a girlish blush on her smooth cheeks, naive blue eyes and a youthfully thin figure, but Zoya Germanovna favors him so clearly that doubts creep in about the decency of the venerable lady's intentions. And why do they all like to dye their hair blonde so much?

Now Dimochka was again sitting under Zoya's wing, flapping his long eyelashes, but he managed to carry the hard-smoked sausage quite regularly. The accountant was touched by the "poor boy's" appetite and pretended not to notice how Dima's favorite sausage was disappearing from her plate. Well, yes, he is skinny, he will fit a lot, and Zoya herself would do well to throw off a couple of dozen kege, otherwise unappetizing rolls are visible from the back. I was extremely angry, because the sausage never reached me, I didn’t get the fish either, and Korean salads for today’s gatherings were taken to a minimum. But on the table there was vodka, cognac, champagne and a bottle of dry red. For ten people, of which six are women, it is more than enough to wake up in the morning with a sore head. Pulling cheese, bread and herbs to me, I still grabbed the wine. The rest let their cocktails interfere ... swam, we know what happens to us by the end of such parties. Zoya Germanovna starts with champagne, then dilutes the vodka with juice or cola, gets drunk and flirts intensely with the male part of our stupid company. The male part is Dimochka, Aleksey Stepanych is the chef, Aleksey Dmitrich is the commercial director and Boris Petrovich is the head of the management department. Now it is clear what we are doing? wide Russian word"management" can hide anything under itself, but in our case it is a primitive "bought cheaper - sold more expensive". The first is the boss, the second is Boris Petrovich, and the commercial one is squeezing money out of everyone who gets in his way, because by faith and appearance he belongs to the descendants of the king of the Jews. However, this does not prevent him from being charming and amiable with all the females on whom our existence depends. These persons call us in the office and delicately inquire about the whereabouts of the commercial director, and he habitually waves his hands and hisses that he has gone to the base. I have to put on a serious face and lie recklessly.

I am an unmarried person, twenty-seven years old, of average height for a woman, of normal figure and appearance. Not a written beauty, but not ugly either, and when I put on makeup, I can catch interested looks on the street, which quite adds to the mood. The face is oval, enough big eyes and a slight hump on the nose completes the portrait. Sometimes I don’t like myself, but most of the time I don’t have any complaints about myself. True, for some reason my parents called me Vera, or it was such a girlfriend, or a beloved aunt ... but show me a person who likes him given name? So, my relatives got tired of living together, and divorced mutual consent. My father very quickly acquired a new passion, which at first I hissed like a cat, but then I got tired of it and we restored some neutrality with the contract - I don’t let her hairpins, I don’t grumble and don’t despise her, but she feeds me for the holidays and occasionally on weekdays. The whole joke was that Dasha was from a village, which left its mark on her appearance and attitude towards everyone around her. In general, she was a kindly woman, only very ... rustic, or something, and her indispensable oh and ayushki were somewhat ridiculous. After the divorce, Maman lived alone, citing the fact that she was tired of her father with his earthiness, but then she blossomed very quickly, lost weight and acquired gentlemen. With one of them, she safely dumped into a beautiful foreign country and now only sent me photos of herself and Serge by e-mail. It was expensive to call, and she never liked to write a lot, so it turned out that our correspondence was short and concise. For what I was grateful to her, it was for a kopeck piece in the old fund, which I got at full disposal. The apartment was half empty, I had ridiculously few things, but I had a decent computer, books and a washing machine. IN last year the chief managed to crank a few big deals and I even got a round sum as a bonus. Having collected everything that was, I bought a car, Peugeot 307, which I was very pleased with. I drove decently for a woman, so I could now move around the city with comfort. But even an old woman has a hole in her and the comfort ended when a man in a jeep crashed into me. He was to blame, the insurance was paid to me without question, but the car was to be repaired and then the problems began. As a woman to the marrow of my bones, I did not understand well what had to be done to fix my unfortunate landau, and this was shamelessly used by the locksmith. They cheated me crazy prices, convinced that the repair should be twice as much as fixed under the act and paid for by the damn jeeper, so going to the services became a terrible test for me. Last time I left the workshop, barely holding back tears from resentment, realizing that I was simply being bred, I even noticed the sly grins of the locksmiths, but I could not object to them - there was not enough knowledge in this area. Sitting on the Internet gave little - theoretically, it seemed understandable, but in reality ... I nodded my head in agreement, my locksmith questions, as always, were recognized as insignificant and condescendingly explained that I didn’t understand anything at all this subject... as a result, I sat down on the nearest bench and quietly burst into tears from resentment at the whole world, my own stupidity and inability to communicate with the hegemon. Having rather sniffed, I found next to me just such a hegemon - with the zero of the Baltic in one hand and a cigarette in the other. The hegemon looked at me as if I were a miracle, and then happily announced that he had seen me being bred in the workshop. He was overjoyed at the same time, which made me even more upset. The appearance of the hegemon was the most appropriate - a T-shirt, jeans and slippers on his bare feet. True, he still famously twisted the keys with the key fob from the car and in every possible way showed his awareness in this matter. Probably, I was too tired of everything abstruse in the internet, books and at work, otherwise how can one explain the fact that Vovchik, as the hegemon introduced himself, very soon settled in my house. In some ways it was easy with him - he was never shy about anything, he drove a car well, but rather boorishly and was proud that he could do everything with his own hands. He really did everything that was needed around the house. In a month, he fixed all the taps, locks, sockets, windows, doors, and even the toilet, which Lately I began to look with apprehension. The apartment generally led Vovchik to indescribable delight- he himself was from Belgorod, but had lived in St. Petersburg for six years, having completed courses for locksmiths after the army. I got a job working in a workshop, since there were more and more cars in the city, I received good money and rented a shabby little room. He was a year younger than me, but he treated me a little patronizingly, believing that excessive intelligence is a relic of the past, and one must go through life in such a way as to have time to rake in everything that is on the sidelines. In general, I am a peace-loving person and do not like to conflict, but the first conflicts with Vovchik began because of the TV. Without him, my boyfriend simply could not live ... After a week of coexistence, he brought this "box of fools", as I always called it, and now in the evenings our conversations often came down to my monologues, and Vovchik, not looking up from the screen and sipping beer , answered inappropriately or completely pushed me away

“Woe from Wit” by Alexander Griboyedov is the most unique work in terms of quantity catchphrases. Many began to live separately. People who use them in speech often do not realize that they are quoting classic lines of literature.

Idioms from the comedy "Woe from Wit" you can often hear in a speech in what meaning they were pronounced by the hero of the text. What has changed over time?

Most Quoted Expressions

"Happy Hours Don't Watch". The phrase is pronounced by Sofya Pavlovna, explaining to the maid how quickly the nights pass next to her beloved. The expression has not changed its interpretation. They characterize the state of people who are passionate about each other. For them, time goes into the background, leaving room only for feelings. Lovers are overwhelmed with delight from communication, meetings and positive emotions. They cannot and do not want to keep track of time.

"Mind and heart are not in harmony". The phrase is spoken by Chatsky. He explains his condition to her. The heart of a lover does not hear the mind. A person is not able to analyze what is happening around, does not notice deceit and deceitful deeds. Blinded by feelings, he does not hear the truth in speech. Deludes himself, which subsequently becomes fatal mistake. IN modern life expression finds a place not only in the emotional sphere, describing feelings of mutual affection. The mind does not help those who are blinded by their luck in business, in gambling.

"The Hero of Not My Novel". Sofya Pavlovna used the phrase to explain that one of the contenders for her hand could not be her lover. Today, the expression allows you to remove from the gentlemen those who cannot become a groom according to the individual choice and preferences of either sex.

“I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve”. In Chatsky's speech, the word serve has a direct meaning. IN modern world expression is used much more widely. To serve becomes synonymous with work. Many people want to find a profession in which they do not have to follow the instructions of the upper levels of power in order to advance in career ladder. Most want to be appreciated for their knowledge, skills and experience.

"Day after day, today, like yesterday". This is how Alexei Molchalin describes his life. This is how contemporaries characterize life, if they leave it interesting events, there remains one routine that repeats every day. The state of hopelessness is heard behind the words, melancholy and despondency. I want to get out of this state as soon as possible.

“Bypass us more than all sorrows. And the lord's anger, and the lord's love ". The phrase is put into the mouth of the maid Liza. The girl understands the danger of both love and disfavor. I want to avoid excessive care, anger and hostility. Any feeling on the part of those in power, superiors and leaders often ends negatively for the employee. That is why I want bright manifestations on their part to be bypassed.

"To whom it is appointed, sir, do not escape fate". Wise words are spoken by Lisa. Faith in predestination and fate did not disappear among contemporaries either. An event that occurs in life, often negative, impossible to explain, is reduced to the manifestation of forces from above. Fate is responsible for everything.

"Who is poor is not a couple for you". Sophia's father's speech clearly demarcated her daughter's ability to choose her future husband. It would seem that the century of division into rich and poor has passed. But in fact, the status position not only remained, but is considered one of the main causes of divorces and failed marriages. The expression lives on, expanding its meaning. Any social status that separates the lovers can be explained by a popular expression.

"Who are the judges?". Chatsky's words are heard to this day. The condemnation of people who do not have the right to do so is so common that the expression is considered one of the most popular. The word of the judge is not used in direct meaning, it characterizes any person who tries to present his opinion, often erroneous, as a standard.

All character expressions

Chatsky's quotes:

I'm strange, but who's not strange? The one who looks like all the fools.

A little light on my feet! and I am at your feet.

Tell me to go into the fire: I'll go to dinner.

More in number, cheaper price.

Here are our strict connoisseurs and judges!

All the same sense, and the same verses in the albums.

Singer winter summer weather.

On the forehead is written: Theater and Masquerade.

But if so: mind and heart are not in harmony.

And here is the reward for the feats!

The meanest traits of the past life.

I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve.

Blessed is he who believes - he is warm in the world!

And Guillaume, the Frenchman, knocked out by the breeze?

The fate of love is to play blind man's blind man.

Sophia's quotes:

And grief awaits around the corner.

Happy hours are not observed.

You can share laughter with everyone.

I don't care what's for him, what's in the water.

Think how capricious happiness is!

Will such a mind make a family happy?

The hero is not my novel.

Quick questions and a curious look…

What is my rumor? Who wants to judge.

Went to a room, got into another.

Molchanin quotes:

Oh! evil tongues are worse than a gun.

Outside a mirror, and a mirror inside.

Everyone has their own talent.

There are contradictions, and much is not efficient.

We find patronage where we do not aim.

Day after day, today is like yesterday.

Quotes from Reptilov:

Noise, brother, noise!

About Byron, well, about important mothers.

No place to explain now and lack of time.

He rejected everything: laws! conscience! faith!

And I have an attraction to you, a kind of illness.

Lizanka's quotes:

Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.

Your conversation has gone overnight.

And the golden bag, and marks the generals.

And they hear, they do not want to understand.

To whom it is appointed, sir, do not escape fate.

Bypass us more than all sorrows. And the lord's anger, and the lord's love.

These faces suit you.

And who is in love - ready for anything.

She to him, and he to me, And I ... only I crush love to death, And how not to fall in love with the barman Petrusha!

The girls' morning sleep is so thin.

Quotes from Anfisa Khlestova:

Everyone's calendars lie.

Tea, drank beyond his years.

There are wonderful adventures in the world! In his summer crazy jumped off!

No! three hundred! I don’t know other people’s estates!

Quotes by Platon Mikhailovich:

We are scolded. Everywhere, and everywhere they accept.

I'll tell you the truth about you, which is worse than any lie.

The catchphrases and aphorisms from the comedy "Woe from Wit", describing the life of landowners and their servants during the time of serfdom, find their place in the modern world. Moreover, in most cases, the meaning of catchphrases has become wider.

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