Prayer for winning cards. Conspiracies for good luck and winning in the lottery and gambling


If there is some important event ahead, or you just want to attract good luck, then you can read special conspiracies. Simple rituals are available to everyone, but the most important thing is to have an unshakable faith in a positive result. It is recommended to use on the growing moon.

Conspiracy to win in court

If there is to be some trial, then as additional support ritual can be done. It is important to use it only if you are innocent and require protection. During the meeting in the hall, you need to look at your opponent and read the conspiracy to win in court three times to yourself:

“As you (the name of the opponent) would have stepped over any dirt (la), so you would have yielded your rightness to me here (la). Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy to win at cards

For gamblers, luck is an important component of success. It is believed that in order to attract fortune, it is necessary to slowly stroke the tail of a black cat nine times. If the animal escaped, then it is not recommended to play on this day, since there is a huge risk of losing a lot of money.

“May the power of the forest grass be with me. Mother Earth raised her, She assigned her to the sacrament for wealth, For my profit and my dream.

Scatter the charmed powder near your feet under the gaming table in this way: one pinch on the left, the second on the right, and the third in front of you.

New moon conspiracy to win

Experts recommend starting work with participation in lotteries with a small prize fund to make it easier to attract good luck and winnings. After that, you can already go to more significant draws. To buy a ticket, you should go on Monday and only on good location spirit. The purchased lottery cannot be shown to anyone. It is recommended to put it in a dark place and cover large bills of different denominations, while you must definitely ask the ticket to bring the winnings. It’s also worth talking mentally with the ticket during the day, but just don’t get it. On the night before the draw, you need to get a ticket and go out onto the balcony or look out the window with it. After that, whisper these words three times:

"I attract luck by the tail."

During this, mentally imagine how the necessary numbers are crossed out, and you become the winner.

Strong conspiracy to win

A ticket for the ritual must be purchased on Monday, but it is best to start the conspiracy on Friday. When buying, ask the seller to choose a ticket for you. During this, the following words should be said:

“Money to money, the choice will help!”

Put the ticket in a secret place and do not show it to anyone. On Wednesday, before dawn, you should go to the nearest body of water with a ticket and, looking at the water, say these words:

“Ticket-ticket for good luck, for luck.

Help me win, attract money to me.

So that there was prosperity, there was plenty of everything,

Yes, there is no need to be in the house.

Money-money come to me, hurry to me,

I hold a winning lottery ticket in my hand,

I call for good luck and luck with wealth!”

Wet your hand with water and spray the ticket while saying:

"Let it be so!"

Then repeat the spray and words three more times.

How to beat slot machine? This question is asked by every gambler who just got acquainted with slots. In this article, we will tell you about five strategies that will help you organize the game of slot machines in order to win. So let's get started.

1. "Play and run"

Before describing this strategy, let's cover a couple of terms.

An empty spin is a normal spin of the reels without a win. For each individual automaton, you need to determine the maximum number of such spins for yourself. Upon reaching this figure, the gambler must transfer to another slot.

Loss limit - the part of the bankroll that can be lost.

Now the strategy itself. First, divide your play money into several equal shares. For example, you have 1000 dollars. Choose 5 slot machines with $200 each. Start the game with minimum rates to determine the number of empty spins. Also mark for yourself the size of the marginal loss. Be realistic about these numbers and stick to strategy strictly. If this is not done, then winnings in slot machines are simply unrealistic. When the limits of empty spins are reached or part of the bankroll is lost, we go to another slot. For example, you set a limit of 20 empty spins for yourself. If this figure is reached and there is no winning, you need to leave the machine. If you win something, you need to withdraw money and restart your gaming session.

2. "One game"

This strategy is quite risky. Its meaning is that you choose any interesting slot and make the maximum bet on the first spin. If luck smiled, then break the amount won into small bets and continue the session. So do all those who know how to beat the slot machine. If you lose the credits received in the first spin, change to another slot. Some gamblers believe that the first spin of the reels is very often winning, and the casino deliberately adjusts this to lure them.

3. "Up the stairs"

First, decide on the threshold of the rate. That is, decide how much you will not bet less than. If the spin of the reels does not bring anything, then the bet does not change. In case of winning, its size must be doubled. Then you act according to the same principle: if you win, double the bet, and if you lose, double it.

If you manage to "catch" the wave, you can earn a decent amount. The main advantage of this strategy is that big bets are already made on the money won. Winning is the amount that is twice the size of the bet. For example, if the bet was one dollar, and you won one and a half, then you should not increase it to two for the next spin. Many experienced gamblers will notice that this strategy is very similar to roulette.

4. "Umbrella"

The essence of this system is that the player raises or lowers the size of the bet gradually. The Umbrella strategy does not have strict rules. It is quite diverse, and everyone can adjust it to their needs. The only thing to consider is three factors:

  • Game time.
  • Style (conservative, moderate or aggressive).
  • Existing bankroll.

How to beat the slot machine using this strategy? Pretty simple. First, think over the template by which you will bet. Decide on a minimum threshold, then increase the amount and then lower it again. Avoid sudden jumps. Change the size of the bet smoothly. Her step does not have to be the same. The sequence should also be thought out in advance, but it is better to write it down. Here are some models:

  • 1122233444455333221;
  • 1224455554332111;
  • 1112333445433311;
  • 11122244455543322211;
  • 11112333335554433222221.

A similar strategy is used by those who know how to beat the Monkey slot machines. It should be noted that it is very common among gamblers.

5. "Bare backs"

The essence of this system is to throw a "non-lucky" slot machine in time. To do this, you need to set a limit for empty spins for yourself, after reaching which you will transfer to another slot. Let's say this limit is ten. In this case, as soon as ten empty spins have passed, you have to leave. If at least a couple of winning ones fell on these ten spins, you can continue the game. It is important to always be positive. Experienced gamblers divide the gaming session into several rounds, in each of which they have from seven to fifteen losing spins. If you make them less, then you will have to change slot machines very often. The secret to winning is just to stick to the specified range of spins in each round. If there are more than fifteen of them, then the risk of losing money is high.

Also note that the bet size in the Naked Spins strategy is always the same. Only the number of spins and rounds in the game session is set. And remember: as soon as you are in the red, immediately change to another slot. With a favorable outcome, you can start a new round.


Now you know how to beat the slot machine. Stick to the strategies above. Good luck!

If roulette has always been considered the queen of the casino, then the place of the crown bearer can be safely given to slot machines. A couple of decades ago, mechanical, now completely switched to electronics - these “guys” entered more than one name on the lists of multimillionaires, however, as they ruined more than one pocket.

For everyone who asked the main question “How to win at slot machines?”, We immediately answer - the best strategy than the choice of slots with the highest percentage of return and the maximum bet (if the latter is required condition to win the jackpot, or guarantee high odds on payments) has not yet been invented. But not everyone can afford the game to the maximum, even more - far from always such an approach to the game is justified. Although, this does not prevent new theories and schemes from appearing with enviable regularity, which many consider more than viable. Such strategies are rarely too complex, simply because the possibilities of gambling house customers in this category of gambling entertainment are limited. And we are not talking about illegal hacks and fraud.

We will not decorate your ears with flour products - the betting systems described in the material will not give you a 100% guarantee of winning, but will help you systematize the game process, manage your bankroll wisely, and the process itself will perhaps become more meaningful and interesting.

  • System "Up the stairs"

The system is very simple and clear, somewhat reminiscent of progressive roulette winning systems. Start by choosing a low bet to start - let it be yours minimum threshold(Less than this amount, your bets should not go down). If after the first spin you have not won anything, do not change your bet, otherwise double it.

The whole game according to this system will take place according to a given algorithm: a win is a signal to raise the bet by 2 times, a loss - to reduce it by the same amount. And yes, you should also have an upper limit (either the system limit or your own). By winning, after which the bet increases, we mean the amount of money that is at least 2 times the bet itself. So if you win $15 after betting $10, you don't need to bet $20 on the next spin.

The "Up the stairs" system is soft pillow for your bankroll because big bets are always made with funds won.

  • “Play and Run” system

This strategy is very speaking name, which literally conveys its essence: if the slot does not live up to your expectations, you switch to another slot machine. “Play and Run” invites you to completely abandon your gut instinct while playing and try to find the best option. From our side, there will be no evaluations of the system, we will simply introduce you to its principles. Whether to use it or not is up to you.

To understand the strategy, you need to know two terms - “limit loss” (“limit loss” - your limit on the funds that you are ready to lose on the 1st slot) and “empty spin” (“empty spin” - spinning reels without cash payments) .

Before starting the game, decide on the number of slot machines, empty spins, after which you simply switch to another slot, and the amount that you are ready to say goodbye to. This scheme is ideal for people with a small bankroll, and small bets are a must. gameplay. Keep in touch with reality - if you have a limit on funds, do not stare at slots with high minimum stakes.

This is not a progressive system and does not provide for the growth or reduction of rates in the process. The rate is always the same. Constantly remember your limits - you have reached one of them, or maybe both - it's time to change the location. In case of luck, the machine can not be changed, but close the current game session (withdraw money and start a new game).

The advantages of the described system include the following:

  1. following the rules, you will not be able to suddenly lose all your money;
  2. the game session will last longer even if you lose;
  3. if you are lucky, you will use your chance to win more, but you will be able to stop in time without doing anything stupid.

  • “Blank back” strategy

The scheme has something in common with the “Play and Run” system already described above, only there is only one limitation in it - the number of rounds played that do not bring money. main idea- refusal to play on a “non-lucky” slot. The system is simple and does not shift the balance of advantage towards the player. But it will perfectly fit into any bankroll management and make the game more streamlined.

Experienced gamblers are advised to set their limit of empty spins within 7-15. A smaller number will make you change slots too briskly, a larger one will increase the risk of losing money. The amount of bets on the system of empty spins does not change. The most convenient game format for this system is an online casino, running between slot machines is another occupation. Top online casinos with an excellent reputation and the best offers can be found in our “Casino online” section. We do not get tired of repeating - the system is not a guarantee of winning, but it copes well with the assigned function of controlling personal funds, makes the game more disciplined, and does not allow you to stay in one place.

  • “One game” system

According to this system, the player chooses an interesting slot for him and bets the maximum from the first spin. If you are lucky, you can continue playing this slot machine with the money you win, or you can collect your winnings. The decision is up to the player, but you can no longer play this slot for your own money. Lost credits from the first spin - change the slot. If the first spin is not played, we go to the next machine in the list. The scheme is suitable for active players with a “healthy” bankroll.

It is difficult to say what logic the creators of the “One game” system were guided by, but most likely there was a superstition about the fact that the casino deliberately makes the first spin winning in order to lure customers into the game. If so, then the One Game system will make someone richer. How safe it is - the question is, when playing any gambling (and slots are no exception), you need to remember that everyone can lose, the main thing in the game is to be able to stop in time.

I would like to draw the players' attention to the fact that the systems can be combined. All of them are tied to the exclusion of a quick loss and provide an opportunity to play with pleasure.

And finally, a short summary useful tips to all slot lovers:

  • do not spend money on buying “tested” winning systems - there are no such legal ones;
  • think in advance about the amount limit, which you can easily say goodbye to, and the time limit for the game;
  • do not play for the latter;
  • choose limits for your bankroll and do not deviate from them;
  • before playing, take some time to get acquainted with the paytables of the slot, it will not be superfluous to try the demo version first;
  • do not do stupid things under emotions;
  • take slot machines as a vacation, not an attempt to improve your financial well-being.

Learn to play effectively and luck will not keep you waiting.

In this article:

Do you want to win the lottery? Love gambling? And in general, you are transformed from an increase in adrenaline in the blood? Then increase it also with positive emotions from the next victory, which will become possible if you read the conspiracy to win.
Such conspiracies and rituals exist a large number of, you just need to choose the most appropriate for your situation or game and follow everything that the ritual prescribes.

The most favorable day is Thursday, the day of Jupiter, the day of profit and cash flow management. It is not bad to perform rituals to attract wealth on Sunday, the day of luck, good luck and a happy occasion.

But the most important thing is not even what time and what day you will read the conspiracy to win, but how much you will believe in what you are doing.

Faith and visualization are the main horses of magic that will quickly drive you to your goal on their strong backs.

Strong conspiracy

For the ritual, you need seven photos of people with a strong energy of luck and wealth. These should be images of people not just once won large sums money, but also successfully invested them, and not drunk to the last coin.

Each of the seven people should have a successful life after winning, there should not be any negativity, because you will attract him to you.

Put your photo in the center of the table, which will become the middle of a visually drawn seven-pointed star, at the ends of which you must place seven photographs of people respectively.

But this is not all you need for the ritual, you should also purchase seven colored candles in advance, placing one over each of the seven photos.

You need to put a white candle on your photo. Colored candles are lit clockwise, at the same time a conspiracy is pronounced:

“Your luck and luck for my winning zeal. You are lucky, and I am seven times more lucky, my luck will find me everywhere. Amen!".

This is an easy way to go to the line where fortune awaits you.

After reading the plot, a white candle is lit, which is on your photo. For seven minutes, you must visualize the moment you win. The ceremony is held for seven days in a row, preferably at the same time.

Speak good luck

This plot is carried out in order to win. Before entering the government house, you need to take hold of the doorknob and read the following plot:

"How is this brace the door opens Thus, all cases will be opened in my favor. Sitting down at the gambling table, gently pull it towards you with your left hand and whisper a little audibly: "All mine, all to me."

Conspiracy for money and good luck

This spell reads big win or to have money in the house. To do this, three new coins are hidden under the threshold, not of a leap year of minting, but a conspiracy is first read on them:

"Gold to gold, silver to silver, Money to money and to this threshold, yes to this house."

Spell for good luck in business

Take a small bag of green fabric, pour into it 10 pinches of basil, 5 pinches of peppermint, 3 pinches of salt, the peel of 3 apples, previously dried and powdered to a powder, 1 white metal coin and 3 copper. After the entire list of components is in the bag, a plot is read on it:

"Deeds in the back, deeds in front, profits in the middle."

Make it a rule to conduct this ritual, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the changes.

The charmed bag is hung in the room in which business is conducted, but so that it is invisible to prying eyes. The beginning of each week should be marked by repeating the plot and kneading the contents of the bag with your fingers without taking it out of the bag.

Attract luck and good luck

To gain additional strength and energy, to attract good luck and luck, you need to pour a slide on a plate of 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, on top 3 tablespoons of sugar, and after 3 tablespoons of rice. After the resulting snow-white slide, pierce with a safety pin from above. All this is left for the night in secluded place, and in the morning the pin is attached to the clothes in which you go about your business, but so that no one notices it.

Laurel of fame and fortune

On Wednesday, you need to buy 3 bay leaves, on each of them write one word in geranium oil: Zaaks, Mufaoks, Kramor. The ends of the leaves are tied with a brown thread, which combines them into a kind of winner's bouquet, which you must always and everywhere carry with you so that success accompanies in all deeds and undertakings, including gambling.

Attracting good luck

A mixture of powdered sugar and yarrow grass helps to attract good luck, some of which is scattered under the threshold of the office and around the circle in the room in which you work.

Fortune, fame and career

Fame, popularity and fame can be acquired not only by the power of talent, but also with the help of magic. Buy a gold or silver marker and start each morning by writing on clean slate paper your full name, visualizing yourself as a rich and successful person.

Luck in gambling

If you are an avid card player, bettor, owner big company, constantly concluding all kinds of contracts, you need to become the owner of good luck. How to do it? Slowly stroke the black cat's tail nine times. If he breaks out and runs away, then you should not play and sign important documents, as you will lose all the money. Alternatively, you can use the following plot, which is read on the powder from the dried fern root:

“May the wisdom and strength of the forest grass be with me. Mother Earth raised her, She assigned her to the sacrament for wealth, For my profit and my dream.

This powder unnoticeably crumbles at one's feet under the gaming or negotiating table. One pinch is thrown to the left, the second - to the right, the third - in front of you.

Speak good luck

If you go to a government house or to another place where your petitions and deeds are decided, then before entering it, grab the doorknob and say a conspiracy for good luck:

How does this bracket open the door,

so all affairs will open in favor of me.

Sitting down at the negotiating table or at the gambling table, pull it slightly towards you with your left hand and say barely audibly or without opening your mouth at all:

All mine, all for me.

If you decide to play in a casino, bet on horse races or enter into contracts and deals, then stroke the tail of a black cat very slowly first. Do this nine times. If the cat breaks free and runs away, do not play, otherwise all the money will be gone from you by morning.

Spell for luck and money

To keep money in your house, hide three new ones under the threshold shiny coins, minted in leap year, and say a plot:

Gold to gold, silver to silver

money to money to this doorstep to this house.

Spell for good luck in business

For good luck in business and business, collect in a small green bag ten pinches of basil, five pinches of mint, three pinches of coarse salt, dried and powdered peel from three apples, three copper coins and one white coin. Write on this bag and hang it in the place where you do business:

Deeds behind, deeds ahead, profit in the middle.

At the beginning of each work week, take this bag in your hands and, kneading its contents with your fingers, repeat the plot.

Attracting good luck and luck

To gain additional strength and energy, to attract good luck and luck, pour three tablespoons of salt on a small plate. On top of it, pour three tablespoons of granulated sugar and the same amount of raw rice. Open the safety pin and stick its needle from above into the contents of the plate. Leave everything as it is all night, and in the morning, before you go about your business, pin a pin to your clothes so that it is invisible to prying eyes.

Laurel for fortune and fame

Buy three bay leaves on Wednesday. On the first sheet, write in geranium oil the word " Zaaks", on the second -" Mufaoks "and on the third -" Kramor ". Fold the sheets together and tie the ends with brown thread. Have this talisman with you for success in gambling and good luck in all matters and business. This is especially effective for men.

Attracting good luck

To attract good luck, mix powdered sugar with yarrow herb. Scatter a few pinches of this compound in front of your office door and around the area where you do business. If you have a competitor, sprinkle powdered motherwort grass mixed with baking soda around his office.

For good luck in any business

To bring good luck to your side, light a large candle. Choose the color of this candle depending on your aspirations: take a green candle to receive money, red - to defeat enemies, pink - for love and passion, yellow - to maintain health, blue - to cure diseases, purple - to acquire new knowledge, brown - for professional success, and white - for the successful completion of any important business for you. Hold the candle between your palms and breathe slowly and deeply as you do so. Look at her flame and mentally imagine your dream. Pass the strength and energy of your desire to the candle through your hands and get in return the confidence and awareness that everything is now in your power and that any of your actions and deeds will be successful.

For fortune, fame and career

To become famous, famous or successful in life, get a marker that writes in gold or silver ink. Every morning, write your first name, middle name and last name on a piece of paper with a golden marker, imagining that success, wealth and money are approaching you. You can also purchase silver or gold glitter and sprinkle it on paper that will have your name written on it in plain ink.

For luck in gambling

If you decide to play cards, bet on horse races, or enter into contracts and deals, then first stroke the tail of the black cat very slowly, do this exactly nine times. If the cat breaks free and runs away, do not play, otherwise all the money will be gone from you by morning.

Conspiracy to win at cards

Planning for the coming days card game, perform the following sorcery. Powder the dried fern root while saying:

May the wisdom and strength of the forest grass be with me.

Mother Earth raised her

assigned her to the sacrament for wealth,

for profit, for my dream.

Sitting at the negotiating table or gambling table, quietly sprinkle three pinches of the powder you have prepared on the floor at your feet, throw one pinch to the right, the other to the left, and the third in front of you.

For good luck in the game and in business

Cut off the lower part of the large goose feather, which does not have hairs, and pour psyllium seeds into its cavity. Seal the exposed part of the feather with white candle wax. Keep this talisman with you when you play cards, bet on the run or buy a lottery ticket, as well as make business transactions and do business, and then you will always be prosperous and profitable.

good luck charm

Write on a piece of paper: Aba + athai + agara + fato + aznax ". All words must be drawn in black ink, and crosses must be drawn with blood taken from four fingers (except the thumb) of the left hand. When the ink and blood are dry, roll the paper into a tube and fill it with poppy seeds, then dip the ends of the tube into the melted candle wax, thus sealing your good luck charm. Have it with you every time you play cards or do chores and business.

For good luck to accompany you

So that luck never leaves you and your financial flows never run out, collect in a green bag all the metal coins that are in circulation on this moment. Also throw three black peppercorns, one bay leaf and a bird feather into the bag. Hang this good luck charm in the room where you do business or spend most of your time.

Good luck magnet

To have good luck in the game, carry in your left pocket a magnetized piece of iron, a cat's eye stone, aquamarine or beryl, angelica root, shark tooth or a piece of alligator skin. In addition to all this, under the insole of the left boot, you can put a tuft of white cat fur.

To win money

In order to win money at the casino or the lottery, write in red ink on a piece of green paper the amount you want to receive. Before going to gambling establishment, burn this paper, and pour the remaining ashes from it under the insole of your left shoe.

Win the lottery

Do you want to win the lottery? Then grind black pepper and cinnamon in a mortar and sprinkle the resulting powder in the corners of your house and around your bed. Pour one pinch of this powder into your wallet.

The magic of winning

Before filling lottery ticket or put chips on the cherished roulette number, light a purple candle and gaze into its flame, trying to discern vague images, symbols and numbers in its swaying. When you see the first number on fire, put it on your ticket. Repeat the same divination for all other numbers, using a new candle each time.

Energy of good luck

To win the lottery or casino, write on a small piece of paper that amount of money, which you want to get in this way. Fold the paper 3 times with the writing inside and place it in a small vessel, which is then half filled with black peppercorns. Before starting the game, shake the vessel in your left hand, imagining that special energy and strength are being transferred to you, attracting good luck and luck.

game mascot

If you are going to play cards, remove the jack of spades from the unplayable deck. Write to reverse side cards the amount of money you want to win. Place the card in a small jar or bag filled with black peppercorns. Keep this good luck charm with you while you play.

Mortar and pestle

In many witchcraft rituals, objects such as a mortar and pestle are used. In the magical sense, they symbolize the female and male genital organs, and any work where they are used means intercourse, the result of which will be new life or development: for example, the promotion of affairs, the development of plans, and so on. In a mortar, you can use a pestle to grind ordinary salt and sprinkle it where you do business, for a more fruitful development of your business. You can also grind various dry herbs in a mortar: lavender, rose petals or jasmine - for the development of love, eucalyptus leaves, pine needles, cinnamon or ginger - for multiplying money, clover grass, dill or chicory - for success and career development. Pour these herbs into a bag and keep it as a good luck charm.

Good luck in any business

Magic Cord

To attract good luck and fulfill your desires, weave a magic cord. To do this, you can use threads of various colors. Red represents passion and physical strength, green - wealth, blue - dream come true. If you have only one goal, take three threads of the same color and weave a small pigtail out of them, connect the ends of which together: so that you get a bracelet. Wear it on the ankle of your left foot. You can also weave a cord of three strands of different colors, which will provide a balance between your sensual and physical desires.

Individual magic training

INdiscovery and development of your hidden abilities

Pdirect transmission of witchcraft power and magical power

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