In fact, who sits in the experts. "Actually": the background of creation


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Sabina Ramp: biography and personal life

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girl with so much exotic name and surname appeared in the information space of Russian TV viewers not so long ago. Correctly, her last name, by the way, is spelled exactly Pantus. The first popularity came to her after the broadcast of the program “Actually”. What interesting things do we know about Sabina, and what facts and gossip may be of interest to you? Add in the comments.

Biography of Sabina Pantus

Sabina was born in Russian capital July 26, 1982 Some sources claim that she was born in Azerbaijan, in Baku. After that, she lived in Novosibirsk and only then came to Moscow. If you have verified information about this - write in the comments, we will add.

It is known that our heroine has more than one higher education. So, she was a student at Moscow State University, International Academy lie research and the Center for Applied Psychophysiology.

Sabina is constantly developing and improving her skills. She received amazing results at the NLP Center and the Polygraph Institute in the USA.

Her specialization is profiler and polygraph examiner. If plain language, she is a specialist who develops psychological portraits of people. In addition, Sabina performs the selection of employees and evaluation of candidates, and teaches other people to do this - at her speeches in a training format. Recruiting is a direction that is in dire need of specialists like Sabina. Her huge practical experience And high level training allow you to determine an honest person and a liar, without even using additional technical support. It is estimated that at the time of writing this biography (2018), our heroine has conducted more than 3,000 psychological examinations for private enterprises and law enforcement agencies.

But these are not all areas of activity that Sabina Pantus was able to cover in her biography. An important area of ​​her work is helping women with low self-esteem and problematic relationships.

Sabina Pantus on TV

Further, Sabina's biography brings us to the moment of the invitation to shoot the program “Actually”, with the famous presenter Dmitry Shepelev. In this program, our heroine plays the role of an expert who determines the sincerity of the stories and behavior of the participants in the show.

This is a project for short period attracted the attention of the audience, and has already gathered a couple of high-profile scandals. Both the presenter and Sabina withstand the enormous pressure of criticism from viewers. In particular, our heroine is reproached for excessive temperament and subjectivity.

Personal life of Sabina Pantus

But Sabina Pantus does not like to devote the public to her personal life. Up to the point that it is difficult to unequivocally state whether she has this moment partner. If you know something - write in the comments!

From 100% of the facts, it can be noted that Sabina already has two wonderful sons - Nikita and Danila.

At the same time, rumors about her personal affairs walks impatiently. Quite predictably, the yellow press was full of headlines more than once about the alleged romance of our heroine with Dmitry Shepelev.

As Sabina herself states, her profession leaves a certain imprint on her personal life, complicating any relationship. Just imagine how difficult it is to live, instantly recognizing even the smallest deception ... Such an ability leads to various troubles.

The bright blonde Sabina Pantus became famous after she began to take part in the filming of the popular project of the First Channel “Actually”, where she acts as a co-host of Dmitry Shepelev and a psychologist, although her main activity is a polygraph examiner, profiler and author of trainings and master classes to improve self-esteem and other psychological components.

Sabina Nikolaevna Pantus was born in 1982 in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. When she was a child, her parents moved to Novosibirsk, where she lived until moving to Moscow in 2004.

The 35-year-old leading polygraph examiner has her own, non-fictional surname, inherited from her husband, but she is not Latvian, but Russian, which she herself declared. She devoted and continues to devote a lot of time to education, currently she has certificates and diplomas on completion of the following educational institutions:

  • business security academy
  • Center for Applied Psychophysiology
  • Moscow humanitarian university
  • international academy of lies
  • center for linguistic neuroprogramming
  • American International Printing Institute

Sabina is married, but she tries to hide all the information about her husband, she has two children: 13-year-old Nikita and 8-year-old Danila, she posts photos of children from time to time on her Instagram page or mentions them.

At the same time, there are rumors that a lover of finding out the truth and exposing the most stubborn liars has an affair with Dmitry Shepelev, but rather this is not true.

Publication from Sabina Pantus(@sabinapantus) Jan 24, 2018 at 10:28 AM PST

Despite its successful career on television and employment, the stylish and smart blonde continues to work as a trainer for the International Academy of Lie Research, conducts various trainings for those who will have to pass the Energia polygraph, which, by the way, she helped to develop and optimize.

Sabina Pantus, in addition, is the head of the Central Research Bureau of Psychotechnologies, a member of the European Association of Polygraph Examiners, teaches at the Korovin School of Printing, conducts various courses, master classes, webinars to normalize relations in the family, business environment, improve self-esteem, develop self-confidence strengths and opportunities.

When does she get it right?

Sabina Pantus teaches not to fall for lies:

Name: Sabina Pantus

Date of Birth: 26.07.1982

Age: 36 years

Place of Birth: Moscow city, Russia

Activity: polygraph examiner, profiler, coach

Family status: Single

Polygraph examiner, coach and business coach Sabina Pantus became famous after filming in the program "Actually". There, together with Dmitry Shepelev, she lifts the veil of secrecy over the secrets of domestic celebrities. What is known about the biography and personal life of Sabina Pantus, read our article.

Curriculum vitae

Biographical information about Sabine Pantus, available to Internet users, raises some doubts about its veracity. Sources available for viewing indicate different age girls. Only a few resources agree that Sabina Pantus was born in 1982 in Baku. Some sources indicate that she was born in the Baltics. Sabina has a rather unusual first and last name. Pantus is an atypical surname for Russia, most likely a foreign one.

The girl does not look like an Azerbaijani. Many find something Estonian in her appearance. According to some sources, Sabina Pantus is still Russian by nationality, but perhaps not purebred.

Recently, the girl radically changed her image - repainted in a different color. Viewers are sure that this is how Sabina began to look much younger.

The popularity of Sabina Pantus was brought by shooting in the program "Actually". It is known that before the girl received an invitation to take part as a co-host of Dmitry Shepelev, she conducted more than three thousand polygraphic checks.

In addition, she has experience as a recruiter. The girl helped various companies to search for employees based on the requirements they described. Sabina Pantus has helped various organizations lead official investigations regarding their employees.


Special attention in the biography of Sabina Pantus deserves her education (look for information about the girl’s personal life below). It is not known in what year Sabina received her first diploma. If she was born in 1982, then most likely she graduated from high school in the early 2000s.

Sabina Pantus improved her skills in the following areas:

  • in neuro-linguistic programming;
  • profiling;
  • psychodiagnostics and polygraphology.

Sabina Pantus professional polygraph examiner

Among the educational institutions where Pantus received certificates confirming her qualification level, it is worth noting such as:

  1. Business Security Academy.
  2. Center for Applied Psychophysiology.
  3. Moscow Humanitarian University.
  4. International Lie Academy.
  5. Center for Linguistic Neuroprogramming.
  6. American international institute polygraphy.

Certificates issued by renowned institutes and universities helped Sabina find herself as a polygraph profiler, as well as a business coach and personal coach.

Sabina at her workplace

The personal life of a famous polygraph examiner

The personal life of the polygraph examiner Sabina Pantus is kept by the girl herself in the strictest confidence, as well as her biography.

She is known to have two sons. The eldest is 12 years old, the youngest is 7 years old (separate sources indicate that younger child Sabina 8 years old). The guys' names are Nikita and Daniel.

Sabina claims that her ability to "read" a person has a detrimental effect on relationships with children. She always guesses when the boys are lying and when they are telling the truth. Sons never manage to hide something from her. Sabina always takes them to clean water. Of course, she does not use a polygraph at home. It is enough for her to observe the verbal and non-verbal communication guys to make sure they are honest or, conversely, in a lie.

Sabina hides her personal life from everyone

As regards the presence of a husband or young man in the life of Sabina Pantus, the girl is silent about this. It is unknown if she is currently dating anyone. Perhaps, once in Sabina's personal life there was a loved one, the result of a relationship with which is the birth of children. It is possible that the boys have different fathers. The press failed to recognize even hints of those men who could be the fathers (fathers) of the sons of Sabina Pantus.

Having become a recognizable person, Sabina does not want to be at the center of a scandal and therefore prefers not to disclose facts from her personal life. Seeing how the public reacts to the secrets of the stars in the show "Actually", a well-known polygraph examiner on Russian television is in no hurry to reveal himself to the public.

Viewers of the TV show "Actually" are sure that a romantic relationship is developing between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev. Famous TV presenter and the polygraph examiner has not yet confirmed these speculations.

What is known about the professional activities of Sabina Pantus?

ABOUT professional activity Much more is known about Sabina Pantus in her biography than about the personal life of the girl and her husband. Sabina is the head of the Central Research Bureau of Psychotechnologies. In addition, she works as a teacher at the Korovin printing school.

It is also known about the professional activities of Sabina Pantus that she is a member of the European Association of Polygraph Examiners. Do not forget about Pantus and in Russia. Here the name of Sabina is included in Single register polygraph examiners.

With other experts on the set of the program "Actually"

She also offers consultation services at the International Academy of Lie Research, where she also works as a trainer. Sabina invested her knowledge in the field of polygraphy into the development and optimization of the polygraph, released under the name "Energy". For those who have to pass an interview using a polygraph, Pantus has released an effective training.

For those who want to normalize relations with their soulmate and find out if their loved one is right for them, Sabina Pantus conducts courses and master classes. She also conducts webinars, specializing in the formation of self-esteem to the desired level.

Starting in July 2017, Sabina Pantus became the co-host of Dmitry Shepelev in the show "Actually". The girl analyzes the behavior of the participants and gives them professional comments. Thanks to Sabina's participation in the program, viewers have the opportunity to find out if their idol is telling the truth. The polygraph examiner often criticizes those stars who are trying to hide any facts from their personal lives, for which they, in turn, are extremely negative towards her.

Sabina Pantus famous person

Some viewers support their favorites who came to the show and criticize the hosts of the "Actually" program. Some feel that media personalities are under pressure to talk about intimate details from his biography and personal life. Naturally, the pressure on them, first of all, is exerted by Sabina Pantus, who skillfully reveals the secrets of celebrities.

The other part of the viewers, on the contrary, are very impressed with the work of Sabina. They believe that she is really a qualified specialist, helping to restore the truth about the life of popular Russian stars. Some people find it comforting to know that media personalities Russian television not as perfect as they are presented in the press. After all, only on the show "Actually" they are revealed for real.

Scandal around the program "Actually"

During the existence of the show "Actually", the audience managed to criticize it more than once. The participants remain dissatisfied. The heroes of the program believe that Dmitry Shepelev provokes them with his incorrect questions in order to get new facts about their lives. The latter, subsequently, become a scandalous property of the public.

Naturally, the discussion of the show "Actually" is not complete without negative comments about Sabina Pantus, including about her biography and personal life.

Viewers consider unjustified the fact that Sabina is a secretive person who is not ready to frankly tell reporters about his life. At the same time, she herself demands answers to secret questions from the heroes of the “Actually” program.

It is worth recalling that famous people have already commented on their participation in the filming of "Actually" in a negative way. Media personalities are convinced that questions are asked incorrectly. The task of Dmitry Shepelev and Sabina Pantus is to bring them "to clean water", pulling them out of the stars dirty details their personal lives and biographies.

What is the relationship between Pantus and Shepelev

Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev are colleagues and co-hosts of the show "Actually". TV viewers believe that the relationship between celebrities is something more than just cooperation within the same program. Sabina Pantus (see photo) benefits from a discussion of her biography and personal life with the mention of Dmitry Shepelev. The girl is becoming more and more famous in the world of Russian television. It is possible that soon she will be invited to other popular programs.

The audience noted that during the filming of the show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" Dmitry specifically called his colleague "You". The girl decided to answer him "reciprocity". During filming, she tried to touch Dmitry with her shoulder or hands as often as possible.

Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev have a romantic relationship

In addition, Sabina Pantus reacted to Shepelev's scandalous case related to Rusfond and Zhanna Friske's money. The girl managed to write and publish a whole post addressed to her colleague. So, Sabina says the accusations are undeserved. She believes that Dmitry is exclusively fair man, which has nothing to do with Rusfond's money. He is beautiful and loving father. She is sure that all accusations are unfounded. This means that Dmitry is not to blame for anything.

The viewers of the show "Actually" are sure that their colleagues film set- Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev - connects something more than just work. Perhaps the young people managed to make friends and began to communicate closely.

Shepelev's fans do not exclude the fact that romantic feelings are born between colleagues. Dmitry is not condemned by anyone. After the death of Zhanna Friske, a lot of time passed for the man to start thinking about a new relationship.

The name of Sabina Pantus became known when the program "Actually" was released, where she is present as an expert. Pantus is a professional in her field, so it is not difficult for her to evaluate program participants and state some facts from their lives.

It is not surprising that viewers are interested in the biography and personal life of the show's expert.

Biographical information

Sabina does not indicate her nationality, but notes that her homeland is Baku, where she was born and spent several childhood years. Who her parents are and what they do, the polygraph examiner is silent. For some time the family lived in Novosibirsk, and then moved to Moscow. After graduating from school, the girl entered the university, and then received several more diplomas, having studied at the International Academy for the Study of Lies, as well as at the ANO FPE Center for Applied Psychophysiology. During her work, Pantus was also engaged in improving her skills, thanks to which she received certificates from institutions such as the Moscow NLP Center and the American International Polygraph Institute.

By specialty, Sabina is a certified polygraph examiner-profiler, that is, she is a highly qualified specialist who can easily compose psychological picture person by non-verbal signs: gestures, facial expressions, postures and conversation. Currently, she works in the field of lie detection, and also teaches students of the International Center for Lie Detection and Profiling, as well as the Korovin Lie Detection School. Pantus' activities are not limited to this: as a psychologist, she arranges various trainings and webinars, helping those who wish to increase their self-esteem and establish harmonious relationships in the family. Having become a media person, she is often invited to various programs and projects taking place on different TV channels.

Participation in the show "Actually"

In 2017, the polygraph examiner took part in the show project “Actually” on Channel One, where Dmitry Shepelev became its host. Sabina acted as a permanent expert in it. Many people have taken part in this project famous people: the star of the show "Let them talk" - Diana Shurygina, Prokhor Chaliapin, Danko, Alexei Panin, Pierre Narcisse and many others. During the program, viewers learned many family secrets participants.

Pictured is Sabina Pantus.

So, the lie detector confirmed that Panin walks in front of his daughter without clothes, and also took drugs. But Danko, who doubted the fidelity of his common-law wife, made sure that she did not cheat on him, and his daughter was born from him. But the participants are not always satisfied with the actions of Pantus and Shepelev: many of them have already complained that some questions are not correct and provocative.

Personal life

Sabina carefully hides her personal life, however, viewers want to know about the mysterious blonde, whether she has a husband and children. According to some information on the network, she is raising two sons - Nikita and Daniel, who are 12 and 7 years old. According to the expert of the show “Let them talk”, her abilities do not always have a good effect on relations with children, since she immediately sees whether they are telling the truth or lying.

In the photo Sabina Pantus with her son

About our romantic relationship Pantus does not tell, so whether she has a lover - one can only guess. The psychologist admits that her unusual profession is also inconvenient on a personal level, since “seeing a person through and through” sometimes brings unpleasant surprises. She has a page on Instagram, where 13.4 thousand subscribers are already signed. Sabina publishes her positive pictures there, in addition, she has her own channel where you can watch interesting videos.

Talk show on Channel One, in which there is a confrontation between people who were once close.

Air time: weekdays at 18:45.

Leading talk-shock " In fact"became Dmitry Shepelev. In the program he own example tries to show the characters of the show who came to the studio how important it is to openly discuss problems and tell the truth.

About the show Actually

The lie broke the relationship of people who decided to participate in the show "Actually", but could not completely destroy them. There is only one way to change the course of the personal stories that will be told in the project: to tell the truth to each other's eyes. Only truth and honesty can both separate people and unite them again. After all, sometimes even the direct participants in the events themselves do not fully understand what actually happened and how.

The participants of "Actually" were men and women who were once close, but quarreled to the nines. Dmitry Shepelev will try to do everything so that the talk show characters finally hear each other and forgive past grievances.

Dmitry Shepelev told on the eve of the premiere of the project “Actually”: “There are two truths in every dispute. And even if you are sure that you are right, it is important whether you can hear the other. The question is, are you both ready to know the whole truth? And I’ll add: in our studio it’s impossible to lie.”

Dmitry Shepelev was chosen by the creators of the project to host the "Actually" for a reason: he knows exactly what it is - to be in the epicenter of the conflict. After the death of Zhanna Friske, the showman was often accused of lies and hypocrisy, but he managed to defend his right to raise his son Plato.

“A lie can break a person's life, destroy his career, family, his future. I've been covered in this lie for a long time, I know how hard it is to live with. In this program, I want to help other people hear each other, find out the truth and find out what is really happening to them. I always wanted to host a talk show on Channel One. The time has finally come for it to take place. I'm returning home, ”Shepelev commented on his participation in the project.

The very first episode of the show "Actually", aired on Channel One on July 24, became scandalous and was vigorously discussed by the public. The hero of the program became scandalous famous actor Alexey Panin. In the studio, he met face to face with his ex-wife, with whom she is suing for her daughter Anya. Julia Yudintseva, the ex-lover of Panin, from the first minutes of the broadcast began to insult Panin, and as a result, the couple could not reconcile for the sake of their daughter's peace of mind.

The second edition of the show was also loud. This time the singer Danko and his civil wife Natalia Ustyumenko. The couple is raising their daughter Agatha, to whom the doctors made a difficult diagnosis: the girl will never be able to walk, see and hear. Unexpectedly for everyone, the singer began to talk about the fact that his wife Natalya may have given birth to Agatha not from him, but from a certain Swiss millionaire. Danko decided to use a lie detector to find out if the woman he loved was cheating on him. At the end of the program, it turned out with the help of a DNA test that Agatha was still Danko's daughter and the couple left the studio together to the delight of the presenter Dmitry Shepelev.

In addition, descendants came to the studio to find out the truth with the help of a lie detector. Leonid Brezhnev who shared the inheritance; singer Pierre Narcisse with my wife who told how Pierre beat her and how she and her daughter fled. Due to problems in the family, Valeria filed for divorce and moved in with her mother, but Pierre continues to persecute and tyrannize the family to this day.

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