Nationalism. Quotes, aphorisms, statements about nationalism


Nationalism is a childhood disease. This is the measles of humanity.
Albert Einstein

Nationalism is the last refuge of losers.
Alexander Krasny

Nationalism can be huge. But never great.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Nationalism is a manifestation of a nation's weakness, not its strength. For the most part, weak peoples are infected with nationalism ...
Likhachev Dmitry

IN national character few good traits: after all, its subject is the crowd.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Nationalism is not blood in the veins, it is urine in the head.
Stas Jankowski

Nationalists cannot be satisfied until they find someone to offend them.
Wolfram Weidner

Every nationalist is haunted by the idea that the past can - and must - be changed.
George Orwell

Nationalism is selfishness at the level of the nation.
author unknown

Honoring one's society is a reflex of self-esteem.
Herbert Spencer

In modern questionnaires, in the column "party membership" they write nationality.
Akram Murtazaev

I love nationality as a feeling, but I do not recognize it as a system.
Petr Vyazemsky

A wretched little man, having nothing to be proud of, grabs at the only thing possible and is proud of the nation to which he belongs.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Nationalism .. the worst of the misfortunes of the human race. Like any evil, it hides, lives in darkness and only pretends that it is actually generated by malice, hatred towards other peoples and towards that part of its own people that does not share nationalist views.
Likhachev Dmitry

Nationalism is the same as being proud of being born on a Tuesday.
Galina Starovoitova

It cannot be said for certain that the German people invented gunpowder. The German people consists of thirty million people. Only one of them invented gunpowder. The remaining 29,999,999 Germans did not invent gunpowder.
Ludwig Berne

So what? Do we have an advantage? Not at all; for we have already proved that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin.
Apostle Paul - Epistle to the Romans, 3, 9

When the opponent runs out of arguments, he begins to clarify the nationality.
Arkady Davidovich

The Athenian reproached Anacharsis for being a Scythian; he replied: "I am a disgrace to my homeland, and you are a shame to your homeland."
Diogenes Laertes

OBSERVATION OF KOVAL: A Mongol to a Chinese crest.
Victor Koval

Russified foreigners always overdo it in terms of a truly Russian mood.
Vladimir Lenin on Stalin, Dzerzhinsky and Ordzhonikidze

There are people who are devoid of any kind of national prejudice. They are ready to fight anyone.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Cohesion is organized hatred.
John Jay Chapman

A person who hates another nation does not love his own.
Nikolai Dobrolyubov

REMINDER: A national majority does not mean that an individual member is greater than a member of a national minority.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Zionism is when one person persuades another to give money to send a third to Palestine.
Arthur Koestler

Nationalism in me is so natural that no internationalists will ever eradicate it from me.
Mendeleev Dmitry

Surgeons have learned to change a person's gender, now they have their nationality next in line.
Alexander Botvinnikov

Nationalism is love for the historical appearance and creative act of one's people in all its originality.
Ilyin Ivan

Our true nationality is human.
Herbert George Wells

Respect for the language and culture of other peoples is the first condition for harmony in any multinational society.
Ali Apsheroni

Nationalism is when a person of one nationality sees a face in the face of another nationality.
Valentin Domil

Nationalism is a childhood disease. This is the measles of humanity.
Albert Einstein

Nationalism is the last refuge of losers.
Alexander Krasny

Nationalism can be huge. But never great.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Nationalism is a manifestation of a nation's weakness, not its strength. For the most part, weak peoples are infected with nationalism ...
Likhachev Dmitry

There are few good features in the national character: after all, the crowd is its subject.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Nationalism is not blood in the veins, it is urine in the head.
Stas Jankowski

Nationalists cannot be satisfied until they find someone to offend them.
Wolfram Weidner

Every nationalist is haunted by the idea that the past can—and must—change.
George Orwell

Nationalism is selfishness at the level of the nation.
author unknown

Honoring one's society is a reflex of self-esteem.
Herbert Spencer

In modern questionnaires, in the column "party membership" they write nationality.
Akram Murtazaev

I love nationality as a feeling, but I do not recognize it as a system.
Petr Vyazemsky

A wretched little man, having nothing to be proud of, grabs at the only thing possible and is proud of the nation to which he belongs.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Nationalism .. the worst of the misfortunes of the human race. Like any evil, it hides, lives in darkness and only pretends that it is actually generated by malice, hatred towards other peoples and towards that part of its own people that does not share nationalist views.
Likhachev Dmitry

Nationalism is the same as being proud of being born on a Tuesday.
Galina Starovoitova

It cannot be said for certain that the German people invented gunpowder. The German people consists of thirty million people. Only one of them invented gunpowder. The remaining 29,999,999 Germans did not invent gunpowder.
Ludwig Berne

So what? Do we have an advantage? Not at all; for we have already proved that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin.
Apostle Paul - Epistle to the Romans, 3, 9

When the opponent runs out of arguments, he begins to clarify the nationality.
Arkady Davidovich

The Athenian reproached Anacharsis for being a Scythian; he replied: "I am a disgrace to my homeland, and you are a shame to your homeland."
Diogenes Laertes

OBSERVATION OF KOVAL: A Mongol to a Chinese crest.
Victor Koval

Russified foreigners always overdo it in terms of a truly Russian mood.
Vladimir Lenin on Stalin, Dzerzhinsky and Ordzhonikidze

There are people who are devoid of any kind of national prejudice. They are ready to fight anyone.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Cohesion is organized hatred.
John Jay Chapman

A person who hates another nation does not love his own.
Nikolai Dobrolyubov

REMINDER: A national majority does not mean that an individual member is greater than a member of a national minority.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Zionism is when one person persuades another to give money to send a third to Palestine.
Arthur Koestler

Nationalism in me is so natural that no internationalists will ever eradicate it from me.
Mendeleev Dmitry

Surgeons have learned to change a person's gender, now they have their nationality next in line.
Alexander Botvinnikov

Nationalism is love for the historical appearance and creative act of one's people in all its originality.
Ilyin Ivan

Our true nationality is human.
Herbert George Wells

Respect for the language and culture of other peoples is the first condition for harmony in any multinational society.
Ali Apsheroni

Nationalism is when a person of one nationality sees a face in the face of another nationality.
Valentin Domil

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov
Russian naturalist, encyclopedist, chemist and physicist, one of the creators of the modern Russian language. Historical views Lomonosov were formed in a sharp struggle against Norman theory who denied independent development Russian people. Lomonosov tried to prove Slavic origin Rurik, and the fact that the Slavs were among the peoples who inhabited the plains of southeastern Europe for a millennium before the advent of the Varangians. Lomonosov was able to convincingly show that Miller used exclusively Western concepts and sources for his report and the entire system of evidence, ignoring Russian chronicles, as well as those materials that do not support his point of view. True, Lomonosov also determined the territory of the settlement of the Slavs. Lomonosov developed historical concept, in which he emphasized the decisive role of Orthodoxy, Autocracy and the spiritual and moral values ​​of the Russian people in the formation of the Russian state.
Years of life: 1711 - 1765 (subjected to repression)

Nationality Russian
Proceedings: "A word about the benefits of chemistry", "Theory of electricity, compiled according to mathematical method”, “Russian grammar”, “Ancient Russian”, “A short guide to eloquence”
"The greatness, power and wealth of the entire state lies in the preservation and reproduction of the Russian people"

Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov
The great Russian commander, who did not suffer a single defeat in his military career, one of the founders of Russian military art, holder of all Russian and many foreign military orders.
Years of life: 1729 - 1800
Nationality Russian
"We are Russians! What a delight!
"I'm proud to be Russian"
“We are Russians and therefore we will win”,
“Beat the enemy, sparing neither him nor yourself, the one who spares himself less wins”

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Great Russian poet, playwright and prose writer. Belonged to the so-called "Russian party" (an informal aristocratic group)
Years of life: 1799 - 1837 (subjected to repression, killed by Masons)
Nationality Russian
Proceedings: "Boris Godunov", "Feast during the Plague", "History of Pugachev", "Poltava", " Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “The tale of the priest and his worker Balda”
"And my incorruptible voice was the echo of the Russian people,"
“Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of savagery and immorality. It is not only possible, but also necessary, to be proud of the glory of one's ancestors, not to respect it is shameful cowardice.
“For nothing in the world would I want to change my fatherland, and have a different history than the history of our ancestors,”

"Humiliated Sweden and destroyed Poland, these are Catherine's great rights to the gratitude of the Russian people",
“The awakening of Russia, the development of its power, the move towards unity (toward Russian unity, of course), both Ivans, the majestic drama that began in Uglich and ended in the Ipatiev Monastery - how, is this really not history, but only a pale, half-forgotten dream?” ,
“One cannot forgive those who, in response to Russian affection, are capable of slandering the Russian character, smearing the sacred pages of our annals with mud, vilifying the best fellow citizens and, not content with their contemporaries, mocking the coffins of their fathers,”

"Brothers in a friendly crowd
Going out for a walk
Shoot gray ducks
Amuse the right hand
Sorochina hurry in the field,
Or a head with broad shoulders
Cut off the Tatar
Or etch from the forest
Pyatigorsk Circassian,

"With the story of Moses
I disagree with my story.
He wanted to captivate the Jew with fiction,
He lied importantly, and they listened to him.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev
Russian poet, diplomat, conservative publicist, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Slavophile. Author of the terms "Russophobia" and "Pan-Slavism".
Years of life: 1803 - 1873
Nationality Russian
Proceedings: "Russia and Revolution", "Slavs", "Russia and the West"
"It would be possible to analyze modern phenomenon becoming more and more pathological. This is the Russophobia of some Russian people - by the way, they are very revered, ”
"Confuses them, and to the point of fear,
What is all Slavic family
In the face and foe and friend
For the first time he will say: - It's me!
With persistent remembrance
a long chain of evil insults
Slavic identity,
Like God's punishment, they are frightened!

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
Russian writer, playwright, poet, critic, publicist
Years of life: 1809 - 1852 (died at mysterious circumstances)
Nationality: Little Russian
Proceedings: "Taras Bulba", "Dead Souls", "Inspector", "Viy"
“An incalculable wealth of the Russian spirit will still appear, a husband gifted with divine valor will pass, or a wonderful Russian girl, which cannot be found anywhere in the world, with all the wondrous beauty female soul, all of generous aspiration and selflessness,
“Russian movements will rise up and see how deeply rooted in Slavic nature is that which slipped only through the nature of other peoples,”
“I would not give an advantage to either a Little Russian over a Russian, or a Russian over a Little Russian. Both natures are too generously endowed by God and, as if on purpose, each of them separately contains what is not in the other - a clear sign that they must complete one another. For this, the very stories of their past life are given to them, unlike one another, so that the various forces of their characters are brought up separately, so that later, merging together, they constitute something most perfect in humanity.
“And when it comes to telling a heartfelt word, you see: no, smart people, but not those; the same people, but not the same! No, brothers, love like the Russian soul - love not only with the mind or anything else, but with everything that God has given, whatever is in you - No, no one can love like that! ”(Taras Bulba),
“Yes, are there such fires, torments and such a force in the world that would overpower the Russian force!”,
“Let the Russian land be famous until the end of the century!” (Taras Bulba),
“No, the whole nation has risen, for the patience of the people has overflowed, - it has risen to avenge the mockery of its rights, for the shameful humiliation of its morals, for insulting the faith of their ancestors and holy custom, for the shame of churches, for the outrages of foreign lords, for oppression, for union, for the shameful rule of the Jews on Christian land - for everything that accumulated and ruined the harsh hatred of the Cossacks from ancient times ”(Taras Bulba),
“If there is only one Russian farmstead left, then Russia will be reborn.”

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov
Russian poet, prose writer, playwright, artist, officer.
Years of life: 1814 - 1841 (subjected to repression, killed by freemason Nikolai Solomonovich Martynov)
Nationality Russian
Proceedings: “Death of a Poet”, “Borodino”, “Hero of Our Time”, “Motherland”, “Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov”, “ Last son liberties", "Russian song"
“If I want to go into folk poetry, then, surely, I won’t look for it anywhere else, as in Russian songs,”
“But, apparently, Rus' is so created that everything in it is renewed, except for such absurdities. The most magical of fairy tales we can hardly escape the reproach of attempted insult to the person!
“I was involuntarily struck by the ability of a Russian person to apply himself to the customs of those peoples among whom he happens to live; I don’t know whether this property of the mind is worthy of blame or praise”

“The Terek flows over the stones,
Splashing muddy shaft;
An evil Chechen crawls ashore,
Sharpens his dagger;

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Russian writer, poet, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences
Years of life: 1818 - 1883 (subjected to repression)
Nationality Russian
Proceedings: "Fathers and Sons", "Notes of a hunter"
“Cosmopolitanism is nonsense, cosmopolitanism is zero, worse than zero; outside the nationality there is no art, no truth, no life, nothing,
“In our eyes, he deserves this name, who, whether by a special gift of nature, or due to many disturbing and varied life, as if for the second time he became Russian, imbued with the whole essence of his people, their language, their way of life. To earn a title folk writer, we need not so much a personal, original talent as sympathy for the people, a kindred disposition to them, we need a naive and good-natured observation”,
On Gogol's death: "I repeat, you have to be Russian to understand who we have lost» .

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
Great Russian writer and thinker.
Years of life: 1821 - 1881 (was sentenced to death penalty, went through hard labor)
Nationality Russian
Proceedings: "Crime and Punishment", "The Brothers Karamazov", "Demons", " Jewish question»
"The master of Russia is only one Russian, so it is and always should be",
“If anyone destroys Russia, it will not be communists, not anarchists, but damned liberals,”
"The measure of a people is not what it is, but what it considers beautiful and true"
“For a real Russian, Europe and the lot of the entire great Aryan tribe are as dear as Russia itself, like the lot of its own native land»,
“Will they really not give and allow the Russian organism to develop nationally, with its organic strength, but certainly impersonally, servilely imitating Europe?”
« Meanwhile, a fantasy sometimes entered my head: well, what if there were not three million Jews in Russia, but Russians; and there would be 80 million Jews well, what would the Russians turn into and how would they treat them? Would they let them equal their rights? Would they be allowed to pray among them freely? Wouldn't they turn you into slaves? Worse than that: would they not have completely torn off the skin! Wouldn't they have been beaten to the ground, to the point of final extermination, as they did with foreign nationalities in the old days, in their ancient history? No, sir, I assure you that among the Russian people there is no preconceived hatred of the Jew, but perhaps there is dislike for him, especially locally, and perhaps even very strong. Oh, you can’t do without it, it exists, but it doesn’t happen at all from the fact that he is a Jew, not from tribal, not from some kind of religious hatred, but this happens from other reasons, in which it is no longer the indigenous people who are to blame, but the Jew himself»

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev
Great Russian scientist and public figure. Chemist, physical chemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, teacher, balloonist, instrument maker, encyclopedist, discoverer of the periodic law chemical elements. Member nationalist organization"Union of the Russian people".
Years of life: 1834 - 1907
Nationality Russian
Proceedings: "Fundamentals of Chemistry", "Justification of Protectionism", "To the Knowledge of Russia", "Cherished Thoughts"
“Nationalism in me is so natural that no internationalists will ever eradicate it from me,”
“For peoples like the Russians, the savagery of the doctrine of the dangers of patriotism is so obvious that one should not even mention it,”
« higher purpose policy is most clearly expressed in the development of conditions for human reproduction. D. I. Mendeleev stood on the positions of protecting Russian industry from competition from Western countries. The scientist noted the injustice of the economic order, which allows countries that process raw materials to reap the fruits of the labor of workers in countries supplying raw materials: "Burning oil is the same as heating the stove with banknotes"

Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky
Russian composer, pioneer of Russian music, author famous operas on the topics of Russian history, Slavic mythology as well as to others national themes. He strove to achieve a unique Russian musical identity, often with deliberate disregard for established customs. Western music. Joined the Commonwealth mighty bunch”, whose members saw their goal in the development of Russian national music.
Years of life: 1839 - 1881
Nationality Russian
Proceedings: "Boris Godunov", "Khovanshchina", " Sorochinskaya Fair”,“ Night on Bald Mountain ”
“In general, Moscow forced me to move to another world - the world of antiquity (the world, although dirty, but I don’t know why, pleasantly acting on me) and made me very pleasant impression. You know what, I was a cosmopolitan, and now - some kind of rebirth; everything Russian becomes close to me,
“In this act, and moreover, for the only time in my life, I lied to the Russian people. The bullying of the people over the boyar is not true, this is not a Russian trait. Enraged people kill and execute, but do not mock their victim»,

Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev
Russian military leader and strategist, participant in the Central Asian conquests and Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878.
Years of life: 1843 - 1882
Nationality Russian
“I am ready to write on my banner - Russia for Russians and in Russian, and raise this banner as high as possible”

Alexander Alexandrovich Romanov (Alexander III)
Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke Finnish
Years of life: 1845 - 1894
Nationality: German
"Russia - for Russians and in Russian",
"Russia has only two allies: the army and the navy",
"Europe will wait until the Russian Tsar is fishing",
Upon learning that the father of Emperor Pavel Petrovich was Count Saltykov, he exclaimed: “Glory to you, Lord! So, I have at least a little Russian blood in me..

Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov
Russian thinker, publicist and public figure, one of the ideologists of Russian nationalism. The initiator of the creation of the All-Russian National Union.
Years of life: 1859 - 1918 (shot by Jewish Bolsheviks)
Nationality Russian
Proceedings: “Letters to the Russian Nation”, “Above Freedom”, “ People's defenders"," The cause of the nation "
"It is impossible for a great people to refuse the elementary need to have national power",
“We do not rebel against the coming to us and even against the cohabitation of a certain percentage of foreigners, willingly giving them among ourselves almost all the rights of citizenship. We only rebel against their massive invasion, against their filling our state and cultural positions. We protest against the ongoing settlement of Russia by non-Russian tribes, against the gradual taking away of our land, faith and power ... Russia's misfortune is not only in state positions. No less heavy dominance of foreigners is in the field of public and private labor. Are not the most profitable trades in the hands of strangers? “So they are more talented than the Russians if they get the upper hand,” they say ... What nonsense! That's the trouble, that foreigners do not take talent at all. They are pushed through by less noble, but more persistent qualities - slyness, tenacity, terrible support for each other and a boycott of everything Russian.».

Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin
Russian politician, Minister of Internal Affairs, Prime Minister of Russia, reformer.
Years of life: 1862 - 1911 (killed by a Jewish terrorist)
Nationality Russian
"The people who do not have national consciousness- there is manure on which other nations grow,
“The Russian state grew, developed from its own Russian roots. It is impossible to attach some alien, foreign flower to our Russian roots, to our Russian trunk. Let our native Russian flower bloom,
“There are words that express feelings, from which the hearts of Russian people beat intensely for centuries. These feelings, these words must be imprinted in the thoughts and reflected in the deeds of the rulers. These words: unswerving commitment to the Russian historical beginnings»,
"Power is the guardian of statehood and the integrity of the Russian people",
"Friendly, common work based on mutual trust - this is the motto for all of us, Russians!",
“Our remote, harsh outskirts are at the same time rich, rich in gold, rich in forests, rich in furs, rich in vast expanses of land suitable for cultivation. And under such circumstances, gentlemen, in the presence of a densely populated state neighboring us, this outskirts will not remain deserted. A foreigner will seep into it if a Russian does not come there first, and this seepage, gentlemen, has already begun. If we keep sleeping lethargic sleep, then this region will be saturated with other people's juices, and when we wake up, maybe it will turn out to be Russian only in name "

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin
One of the most popular and famous Russian poets of the 20th century.
Years of life: 1895 - 1925 (subjected to repression, killed on the orders of Trotsky-Bronstein)
Nationality Russian
Proceedings: "Radunitsa", "Rural Book of Hours", "Rus", "Country of Scoundrels", "Pugachev", "Return to the Motherland", "Soviet Rus'"
“The main theme of my poetry is Russia! Without this theme, I would not be a poet. My poems are national,
About US:“What can I tell you about this most terrible kingdom of philistinism, which borders on idiocy? In addition to the foxtrot, there is almost nothing here, they eat and drink here, and again the foxtrot. I have not yet met a man and I do not know where he smells. In a terrible fashion, Mr. Dollar, and the art of sneeze - the highest music hall. I didn't even want to publish books here, despite the cheapness of paper and translations. Nobody here needs it. Even if we are beggars, even if we have hunger, cold, but we have a soul that was rented here as unnecessary for rent under smerdyakovism, ”

“If the holy army shouts:
"Throw you Rus', live in paradise!" -
I will say: “There is no need for paradise,
Give me my country,
“And I need to be hanged first, with my arms crossed behind my back: for the fact that with a hoarse and sick song I prevented my native country from sleeping.”

Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich
Soviet and Russian mathematician, philosopher, publicist and public figure, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Member of the organizing committee "Russian March".
Years of life: 1923 (subjected to repression)
Nationality Russian
Proceedings: “Russophobia”, “From under the rocks”, “Russophobia: ten years later”, “Three-thousand-year-old riddle. Jewish History and Perspectives modern Russia”,“ The Russian Question ”,“ Notes of a Russian Extremist ”,“ The Russian People at the Turn of the Millennium. Race with death”, “Mathematical thinking and nature”, “Fundamentals of algebraic geometry”
“The Russian people now do not have their own state, which would stand guard over their state interests,”
« Surprising fact which should be noted was the massive participation of Jews in the Cheka. ... The fact remains of the very significant personal participation of the Jews in the implementation of terror ...
About the Holocaust: "Such a selection of the suffering endured by the Jews as some very special phenomenon hurts the moral sense"

According to Shafarevich, the Russian incarnation of the phenomenon of the “small people” played big role in the revolution in Russia. The efforts of the "small people" are destroying the "integrating mechanisms" that allow " big people"to feel and act as a single whole. Russian history, faith, historical power, the army are ridiculed and made an object of hatred. A lot of anti-Russian myths are created that are inspired by the people. The people, as it were, are paralyzed, become a defenseless victim of small aggressive groups.
“We are told all the time that the most terrible thingCivil War. But in fact, the last and worst thing is the obedient death of the people.

Igor Vladimirovich Talkov
Russian singer, songwriter, poet, film actor.
Years of life: 1956 - 1991 (killed by Valery Shlyafman)
Nationality Russian
Proceedings: "Russia", "My Motherland", "Sovki", "Satan's Ball", "Gentle Democrats", "Memory"
“The Zionists have always shouted and continue to shout to everyone: “Anti-Semites!” - at the moment when they are grabbed by the hand at the scene of the crime. "Anti-Semitism" is one of the means of defense of the Zionists, invented by them in order to fight their opponents - these are those who do not recognize the anti-divine essence of Zionism. When the monuments of the Russian national culture when burned ancient books and manuscripts, when the Russian people were barbarously torn from their roots, distorting their history, for some reason no one spoke of Russophobia, except for a handful of patriots, and, God forbid, there was something to say about Zionism. The genocide against the Russian people flourished and gained strength without hindrance, but as soon as the Russian people declared that they were Russians, that they had a rich culture and history from which they would not allow a single page to be thrown away, frightened cries immediately rang out about "anti-Semitism", "chauvinism", "nationalism", "anti-Sovietism". This cunning trick is designed for the uninitiated,

"Gentlemen-democrats, hasten to resurrect,
Come out to the court of the fooled masses:
Let Chernyshevsky and Herzen answer for everything,
And the dreamer Belinsky, and the sage Karl Marx.
Let those who came after you answer
Knock out of the people both joy and sadness,
And the free Slavs were turned into slaves,
And they turned Great Rus' into a prison!”

"Live, do not be afraid. The more we are afraid, the longer we will go to normal human life» .

We spoke in the days of Batu
As in the fields of Borodino
Let Russia rise
May our names perish.


Maybe one of the respected readers will be able to report similarly from our contemporaries, corresponding to the quotes of our ancestors?
Government members, vice-premiers, party leaders...poets?
I think everyone will be interested.
P.S. The aphorisms of Viktor Stepanovich and Vladimir Volfovich should not be cited ...

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