Lesson topic: "Unofficial national symbols and features." in English with pronunciation


Every country in the world has such national attributes as a flag, an anthem and a seal. And the United States is no exception. Symbols of the USA, Symbols of the USA are the subject of many articles and books. But what are the main facts about them you need to know?

US flag or "stars and stripes"

Government offices, streets decorated with flags in different countries ah is most often seen on holidays or on their eve. In America, flags are always hung, and not only on state institutions, but also on the homes of ordinary citizens. A large number of American flags is the first thing you notice when traveling around the states.

The American flag - the tricolor - is represented by three colors: white, red and blue. These colors have deep meaning: red symbolizes courage and valor, while white symbolizes innocence and purity, and blue symbolizes justice, perseverance and vigilance. The banner is decorated with 13 stripes - 13 British colonies, which formed the state. The asterisks on the flag, there are 50 of them, represent the 50 states included in the this moment into the USA.

The flag has many various interpretations, one of them belongs to J. Washington, and it says the following: “We took the stars from Heaven; red color meant the country from which we sailed; white stripes on red is a symbol that we have separated from it, and the stripes will have to symbolize the freedom of future generations.

The flag of the United States is also called the Stars and Stripes, Old Glory, and The Star-Spangled Banner.

Two sides of the Great Seal of the United States

This seal serves as a tool to verify the authenticity of US government documents. The Great Seal of the United States is depicted on reverse side one dollar bill. On the left side of the banknote you can see the image reverse side print, and on the right - the front side.

Although seals usually have only one side, the Great Seal of the United States has two. The front part is considered the coat of arms of America. The obverse of the US coat of arms is a bald eagle, the symbol of the United States, holding 13 arrows and an olive branch with the same number of leaves and olives. Thus, the eagle announces to the world that the United States calls for peace, but is also ready for war.

The reverse side of the great seal is also fraught with deep meaning. Sometimes it is even called spiritual. It is represented by a pyramid with 13 steps and the year 1776 at the foot, which is written in Roman numerals. Above the top of the pyramid is the Eye of Providence and the motto in Latin "Annuit Coeptis", which means "It is favorable to our undertakings." Beneath the pyramid lies a scroll with the following saying: New order for all ages." This seal is kept by the Secretary of State, and it is placed only on presidential addresses and international agreements.

The word "seal" in English sounds like "stamp, seal", and the Great Seal of the United States is "Great Seal of the United States".

US national anthem

The text for the American anthem was Francis Scott Key's poem "The Defense of Fort McHenry". This poem was written after the writer witnessed the shelling of the fortress during the Anglo-American War of 1812-1815. In their anthem, called "The Star-Spangled Banner," the American people sing about the flag. The song was officially considered an anthem only from 1931, and before that the United States did not have an anthem.

The word "hymn" in English means "church anthem", and the national anthem is "national anthem".

Feathered symbol of America

Among the symbols of the United States there are also representatives of the animal world - an eagle, or rather a bald eagle, which in English is called "bald eagle". This national bird (national bird) is depicted on the coat of arms, banknotes and various official documents. The Great Seal of the United States is also decorated with an eagle.

In America, there are laws that prohibit the killing of a bird without permission.

American mottos

The phrase "In God We Trust", which translates as "In God we trust" is the official motto of the United States (national motto). It is printed on all paper banknotes of the country. Sometimes the phrase becomes the cause of controversy among Americans. The fact is that freedom of religion is very important aspect for every American. It is even mentioned in the US Constitution. One can profess any religion, or profess no religion at all.

Another well-known motto of the American people is “E Pluribus Unum”, which in Latin means “Out of many, one”. This motto is placed on the coat of arms of the United States and the Benfica football club (Lisbon). The quote belongs to Cicero (speech "On virtues"). The phrase consists of 13 letters - the original number of states that at one time formed a union, now known as the United States of America. Today, the motto is interpreted as the unity of the nation, which once consisted of many nationalities that arrived in America. The expression "E pluribus unum" can be seen on all US coins.

Other US symbols

The state symbols of the United States are also the Liberty Bell, which rang at the time of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, a gray-haired man with a beard in a top hat and clothes of national colors - "Uncle Sam", who has become a stable American symbol. For example, the phrase “need something for Uncle Sam” means that something is needed for the United States.

Buildings are symbols of the USA national importance: the well-known Statue of Liberty (the Statue of Liberty), The White house(the White House), like presidential residence, Capitol (United States Capitol) - personifying parliamentary power, the building of the Supreme Court in Washington, the memorials of George Washington, Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson, Independence Hall and Mount Rushmore Arlington National Cemetery.

The peculiar symbols include those beloved by American citizens sport games: baseball and American football, hamburgers and hot dogs, apple pie, bourbon (a type of whiskey), as well as Disneyland, Hollywood movie studios, Las Vegas lights and Niagara Falls.

Words related to national symbols

  • Patriotism - patriotism.
  • National colors - national colors, this phrase is also translated as a national flag.
  • Motherland/Homeland/Native - land.
  • National myths - national myths.
  • Coat of arms, coat of arms - coat of arms.
  • Folk costume - folk costume.
  • Folk dance - folk dance.
  • The national animal is the national animal.
  • National tree - national tree - oak - oak.
  • National flower - national flower - rose - rose.

Anyone who is studying English in depth and plans to further education in the United States or plans to become a citizen of the American state, you need to know all the above facts.

Free Powerpoint Templates Animals National symbols countries of the world MKOU Troitsko-Sungur secondary school

Animals as symbols In most states, representatives of the fauna become national symbols. The fact is that in ancient times, many settlements had their own animal totems, and in our century, old beliefs migrated in a transformed form. There are well-known examples, it is known that most people identify Spain with a bull, Australia with a kangaroo, and Russia with a bear. But not all countries are so simple. For example, which animals belong to Croatia or Venezuela? Let's take a short tour of the zoological map of the world.

The symbol of Russia is the brown bear. The brown bear is one of the largest and most dangerous land predators. As a symbol of Russia, the bear appeared in the West in the 18th century. Western countries, argued that Russia is a "big, clumsy and cruel" country.

The symbol of China is the panda. Literally translated from Chinese, "panda" means "bear-cat", which fully justifies his image. These miracle animals used to inhabit the entire East Asia, but now, their habitat has been significantly reduced., And the species itself has been listed in the Red Book.

The symbol of Australia is the kangaroo. His image today adorns the passports of Australians. According to legend, it was this animal that was first seen by the expedition of Captain Cook, who discovered the continent.

The symbol of France is the rooster. By official version, the rooster became a symbol of France because the French consider themselves descendants of the Gauls, and from Latin "Gauls" and "roosters" sound the same - galli.

The symbol of Canada is the beaver. IN XVII-XVIII centuries Beaver fur hats came into fashion in Europe. And on the territory of Canada lived a huge number of beavers. They began to hunt, and, thanks to this, a large part of Canada was discovered and explored. Here is such a historical incident, because of which the beaver became a symbol of the state.

The symbol of England is the lion. It is one of the oldest and most popular heraldic symbols. In England, even King Henry I (1070-1135) used a lion in the ornament of his shield.

The elephant is the symbol of Thailand. Personifies luck, strength and wisdom. His image is found in Buddhist temples, on coins, royal symbols Previously, the image of a white elephant adorned the Thai national flag.

The symbol of Mongolia is the horse. It is a symbol of courage and grace. One of the main friends and helpers of man. In heraldic symbolism, the horse combines the courage of a lion, the vision of an eagle, the strength of an ox, the speed of a deer and the dexterity of a fox.

Symbol of Norway, Finland, Sweden - elk. For a long time, man worshiped the elk. According to legend, the hero Main, the guardian spirit of the change of day and night, on winged skis bravely rushed in pursuit of a space alien elk that stole the sun, overtook him and returned the day to people.

The symbol of India is the Bengal tiger. He is the hero of myths and legends, but now the question is that he himself does not become a myth and legend. As a result of sport hunting, trophy collecting and tiger skins The tiger has become an endangered species.

The symbol of the United States is the bald eagle. This emblem was selected because this species of eagle is found only in the North. America. The eagle has become a living symbol of US freedoms, spirit and excellence.

The symbol of Columbus II is the Andean condor. It is the largest and most majestic bird of all that crosses the sky of the Andes. He was given the nickname - the eternal bird. Inhabits the highest and most inaccessible heights of the Cordillera Andes.

The symbol of Madagascar is the zebu (humped cow). According to popular beliefs, the image of this animal embodies the dignity of a deity, an indissoluble bond with the ancestors, the fertility of the land and the continuation of the human race.

The symbol of the Congo is the okapi (forest giraffe). Its population is limited, found in a small area. It is endemic to this country.

The symbol of New Zealand is the kiwi. A unique species found only in New Zealand, first seen by Cook. This fluffy "chicken" is depicted on banknotes, a famous fruit is named after her.

Symbol United Arab Emirates- Hawk. It is a symbol of cruelty, assertiveness, viciousness and recklessness, reflects the specifics of this country.

The symbol of Kazakhstan is the snow leopard. The irbis is present in the heraldry of Kazakhstan as a state symbol, embodying the power and greatness of the country.

The symbol of Switzerland is the cow. At the Zurich airport, bells chime and lingering bellows sound - a kind of greeting for guests. And next, of course, cows are the main producers of milk, from which cheeses and chocolate are made, for which Switzerland is so famous.

The symbol of Poland is the bison. The largest population of this endangered species lives on the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. This animal in Polish culture has become so merged with the concept of national self-identification that it is reflected even in the names of people: Zubr, Zubrovsky, Zubritsky.

The symbol of Bolivia is the alpaca, depicted on the coat of arms of the country. These animals live high in the mountains and perfectly endure harsh climatic conditions due to their fur. Alpaca wool is highly valued.

The symbol of Japan is the Japanese pheasant. The reason for choosing a pheasant is that it is characteristic of Japanese landscapes and often appears in folk tales, thus being integral part Japanese culture.

The symbol of Germany is the white-tailed eagle. The German eagle is actually the Roman eagle. It was Charlemagne who, in 800, restored the fundamental symbol of the eagle, making it the emblem of his state.

The symbol of Belarus is the stork. It symbolizes national purity and originality.

The symbol of Lapland is the reindeer. It is a semi-domestic animal living in the northernmost part of Europe. It is an important part of Lapland tourism and the best helper of Santa Claus.


The state symbols of any country include the state emblem, flag and anthem. They are also in our country. They are needed as an embodiment of its history, as well as an expression of the patriotism of its citizens, its designation in the world, its visual and sound image.

That is why the attitude towards the coat of arms, the flag and the anthem is the attitude towards the state itself.

Residents of different countries are rightfully proud of their state symbols.

It is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top one is white, the middle one is blue and the bottom one is red.

The colors of the flag have a deep meaning. White symbolizes peace, purity, truth, purity, imperishable perfection. Blue symbolizes faith and fidelity, constancy. Red is a symbol of energy, strength, blood shed for the Fatherland. Therefore, these colors are both official, state and folk, national.

The national flag of the Russian Federation is constantly raised on the buildings of the authorities of our country. It is hung out on public holidays and solemn ceremonies. It also rises on the buildings of Russian diplomatic missions abroad.

As a stern flag it flies from the masts Russian ships. Three-color images of the flag are applied to the aircraft of the Russian Federation and to its spacecraft.

The flag indicates belonging to Russia, designates its territory, confirms state functions those organs over whose buildings it flies.

The national flag is also raised during official ceremonies and solemn events. Every day it rises at the place of permanent residence of Russian military units.

On days of national mourning, the flag is lowered or a black ribbon is attached to the top of the flagpole. This testifies to the sorrow of the entire state, of the entire people.

The flag is our sacred object, and we must treat it with respect and reverence.

The Presidential Decree established the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation, which is usually celebrated annually on August 22.

Russian anthem

The word anthem is of Greek origin. In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, this word is explained as “a solemn song, adopted as a symbol of state or social unity. Praise song."

The national anthem of Russia to music and words is valid in our country from January 1, 2001.

Russia is our sacred power,

Russia is our beloved country.

Mighty will, great glory -

Yours forever!

Chorus: Be glorified, our free Fatherland,

Fraternal peoples age-old union,

Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!

Hail country! We are proud of you!

From the southern seas to the polar region

Our forests and fields are spread out.

You are the only one in the world! One you are -

Protected by God native land!

Wide scope for dreams and for life

The coming years open up to us.

Our loyalty to the Motherland gives us strength.

It was. So it is and so it will always be!

The procedure for the official use of the national anthem is established by a special law.

The anthem must be performed in strict accordance with the approved musical edition and text.

It sounds on especially solemn occasions: the inauguration of the heads of state, ceremonies of meetings and seeing off representatives of foreign states, conducting military rituals, and so on.

The national anthem is one of the main symbols of the country, so its performance is accompanied by signs of the highest respect - all those present stand up, and the military salute or salute with weapons.

In international life, the performance of the anthem of another country means an expression of respect for its representatives.

Today, the anthem is the same attribute of the state, a reflection of its history and a sign of sovereignty, like the coat of arms and the flag.

The anthem is the official state symbol. He is, as it were, the musical and poetic embodiment of the country and its people, and therefore there should be the most respectful attitude towards him.


The capital is the city of Baku

Population - over 8 million people

The symbol of any state expresses the sovereignty of the country, the unity of the people. He is not only a subject national pride, but also has practical value. The symbol of the state is placed on banknotes, coins, forms, seals and in other places where necessary.

World practice

In every country in one or the other historical period the question of state symbols inevitably arose. The insignia of countries should represent sovereignty, regardless of the change of dynasties and governments. In states where the monarchical form of government has been preserved, the symbols have not changed since ancient times. Such countries, for example, include Spain, Denmark, Luxembourg, Great Britain. A number of republics do the same: Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and so on. However, there are also countries in which monarchical symbols are not used in principle. So, for example, in Italy, France, it was replaced by a new, more modern one.

Names of symbols of the state

In the Russian Federation, there are three main signs:

  • Coat of arms.
  • Hymn.
  • Flag.

The symbol of the state must have an official status. This means that it must be not only publicly known, but also approved at the government level. For example, what is not a symbol of the state on official level? Everyone knows the Volga River. It can act as a symbol of the state, but at the national level. Or, for example, the Kremlin. His image can be found quite often, but it is not used on official documents, international treaties. The same applies to other countries. So, for example, on the coins of France, a female figure is depicted, personifying the state. Another traditional sign of this country is gallic rooster. The clover leaf is a famous symbol of Ireland. The Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum, the Tower Bridge, the Congress building in America are also considered national signs.

Symbol of the formation of a unified Moscow state

After separation Kievan Rus formed a conglomerate of independent principalities. They did not have their own symbols. Nevertheless, the princes used a certain set of images on coins and seals. These signs were designed to exalt their power and authority. Most often these were images of animals: lions, griffins, eagles, and so on. Church symbols were also quite common at that time. Often one could meet images of Christ, various saints, the Mother of God, the cross.

From the end of the 15th century, the active formation of a unified centralized state. In this regard, it became necessary to create a new symbol. First of all, he was supposed to reflect the unity of the country, as well as to personify the power of the great Moscow prince, who from 1547 was called the king. Such a sign at that distant time was the double-headed eagle. It was first used in 1497 and was present on the seal of Ivan the Third. After the reforms of Peter, who first proclaimed himself emperor, other symbols of the Muscovite state appeared. The appearance of the eagle, as well as its color, has been somewhat changed. Subsequently, it was periodically refined. Peter introduced the naval and commercial flags for the first time. They existed until the Revolution of 1917. Before the arrival of the Bolsheviks, the country's coat of arms, the double-headed eagle, also survived.

The Bolsheviks who came to power tried with all their might to emphasize the break with the past, with all the attributes of a monarchical system. This also applies to heraldry. In this regard, in the USSR, not a single symbol of the state had any connection with previous signs. The emblems of labor became distinctive signs: ears of corn, a hammer and a sickle. The flag of the state became red, it depicted a five-pointed star, personifying the victory of communism on all five continents. After the collapse of the Union, the question of the distinctive signs of the country again arose. As a result, the former symbols of the state of Russia returned - a white-blue-red banner and a coat of arms depicting an eagle. The latter only changed colors.

Coat of arms

All symbols of the state of Russia have certain meaning. This also applies to the coat of arms of the country. First of all, it should be said that this identification mark is compiled in accordance with certain heraldic rules. This symbol of the state is a combination of shapes and colors. The coat of arms performs the function of identifying the country with the help of visual means. Simply put, this symbol of the state has the same purpose as the name. Only the latter is speech form, and the emblem is pictorial.

The legislative framework

The main normative document in the Russian Federation is the Constitution. It establishes that there are certain symbols of the Russian state. Among them, in particular, is the coat of arms. The law establishes the rules for the use of this symbol. In pursuance of the norms that are provided for in the constitutional provision on the coat of arms of the country, various legal acts - Federal regulations, Orders and Decrees of the President, decrees of federal bodies regulate and clarify various issues on the use of the coat of arms of the state and its protection. Modern legislation on given character exists since 1993. During the entire period of its existence, it is constantly supplemented and improved.


The state flag is a material sign. It looks like a piece of cloth or other material that can flutter in the wind. The flag has a certain shape and color. In the Russian Federation, a combination of three colors is used - white, blue and red. They are shown as horizontal stripes. hallmark flag is that it is intended for use in open space and must be recognized at a considerable distance.

Historical reference

After elections were held in March 1990 people's deputies, the "Democratic Russia" movement formed the Commission. She drafted proposals for constitutional amendments and a Declaration of Sovereignty. Among the proposed adjustments was the change of the national flag. IN new edition Art. 181 it was assumed that it would be a three-color panel with horizontal stripes of the same width: scarlet - lower, blue - middle, white - upper. However, these amendments were not adopted at the Congress. By a majority vote, the deputies decided to remove the new flags installed on the tables of some people's deputies. In the press at that time they were called "royal symbols".

In November 1990, the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution on the organization of work on the formation of new symbols of the country. This task was entrusted to the Committee for archival affairs. Based on the results of consideration of proposals, it was recommended to restore the tricolor flag. It was decided, however, to postpone the submission of bills to the Supreme Court until the end of the presidential election campaign. Accordingly, during July and August 1991, a proposed description of the flag of Russia - a white-blue-red flag - was included in the draft of the new Constitution.

Regulatory framework

The main legislative acts on the state flag of the Russian Federation are the Constitution and the federal law. They approve it and establish the order of its use. As in the case of the coat of arms, the legislation has existed since 1991, supplemented and improved throughout the entire period.


He is musical symbol states. Melody and words are inextricably linked with the socio-political system of the country. It is designed to identify musical means. In the system of symbols of the country, the anthem occupies a special place. It is considered the most accessible to the public and the most understandable sign. It is not always possible to use the emblem or flag, the name of the country sounds on different languages differently. The anthem is always in the memory of a person, he knows and remembers the melody and words. If it is necessary to demonstrate nationality, a citizen can do this by singing the anthem of his country.


The main regulatory documents that regulate the use and protection of the anthem are the provisions of the Constitution and the relevant Federal Law. Various legal acts, including Decrees and Orders of the President, Government Decrees and other regulations, clarify and regulate all issues related to the anthem, as well as its protection.

I am sure that most of the inhabitants of our country are familiar with most of the state symbols. We will not undertake to check your knowledge - it is better to do it yourself.


The state symbols of any country include the emblem, flag and anthem. This triad did not appear immediately. It was only in the 20th century that an obligatory tradition was established all over the world - each country had its own coat of arms, flag and anthem.

Residents of different countries are rightfully proud of their symbols. The attitude to the coat of arms, the flag and the anthem is the attitude to the state itself. And it must be respectful.

The symbols of our Motherland are more than one hundred years old.

The first state emblem appeared at the end of the 15th century, the first flag - in the 18th century, and the first anthem - in the 19th century. But more on that later.




The Moscow Kremlin is called the heart of Moscow. It is located on the banks of the Moskva River, in the very center of the city. The Kremlin is a symbol of Moscow, a magnificent ensemble that unites architectural monuments different eras, fenced with brick walls, over which rise 20 towers. The Kremlin houses state institutions, ancient palaces and temples. You can walk along the Kremlin walls. By the way, once it was almost blown up - you can find out more



Red Square is the main square in Russia. Military parades and the main celebrations of the country are held here. There are many interesting cultural monuments and sights on Red Square. The most famous of them are the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin Place of execution, St. Basil's Cathedral, as well as the Upper and Middle malls, Kazan Cathedral. In addition, the Moscow Kremlin is located to the west.



Church of the Intercession Mother of God(St. Basil's Cathedral) - the main temple of Red Square and all of Moscow. It was built in the middle of the 16th century by decree of Tsar Ivan the Terrible in honor of the capture of the Kazan Khanate - part of the former Golden Horde. Previously, we have already devoted a large and interesting article Cathedral - read it



The word "coat of arms" came into the Russian language in the 16th - 17th centuries. It is based on the German erbe, which means "inheritance". So already in the word itself one of the important features of the coat of arms is laid - stability, constancy in use.

The state emblem testifies to the sovereignty of the country, the family coat of arms - about the belonging of its owner to a certain class. The coat of arms can indicate land holdings, like many family coats of arms of the Middle Ages, serve as a means of certifying its owner. Therefore, the coat of arms, as a rule, is officially approved by the highest authority.

Where did the emblem of the double-headed eagle come from in Rus'?

Initially, historians thought that Rus' borrowed it from Byzantium. Like a sign imperial court the double-headed eagle adorned fabrics, clothes and shoes of emperors and courtiers. This emblem gained particular popularity under the emperors of the Palaiologos dynasty. Perhaps the double-headed eagle was their family emblem. His image can be seen on the handwritten Gospel that belonged to Dmitry Paleolog.

In Rome, the eagle has been revered since ancient times. According to legend, it was the eagle, this messenger of the gods, who predicted the acquisition of royal power by Tarquinius the Ancient. The prevalence of the emblem of the double-headed eagle in the Balkans led scientists to the idea that it was from this region that the eagle could get to Rus'. But, most interestingly, the double-headed eagle was also found in Rus' itself, and long before 1497. The double-headed eagle was intended to symbolize the power and independence of our country. In this capacity, he continued his history on Russian soil.

In the XVI - XVII centuries. in the Moscow kingdom, two state seals were used - Large and Small. They differed in size, the location of the emblems and inscriptions, but both images of a rider and a double-headed eagle were preserved. On the Great State Seal, the rider was placed on the chest of a double-headed eagle. On the Small Seal, a rider and an eagle were depicted on two sides.

At the end of the 1530s. the double-headed eagle acquired a more warlike appearance, He began to be depicted with open beaks and protruding tongues. In heraldry, such an emblem is called an armed eagle.

armed eagle

On the seal of False Dmitry I, the eagle is depicted with wings raised up, and above its heads there are two crowns, between which there is a third, bigger size. On the seals of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, the wings of the eagle fell, three crowns were placed above the heads of the eagle.

In the first half of the XIX century. the image of the Russian coat of arms has changed again. There were two types of state emblem. On the first, an eagle with spread wings held the Moscow coat of arms on its chest in a shield of an elegant, pointed shape. A crown was placed over the heads of the eagle. This eagle sometimes held in its paws - in one a beam of lightning and a torch, and in the other - Laurel wreath. The second type of coat of arms is an eagle with raised wings, topped with three crowns. The shield with the Moscow coat of arms on its chest was framed by the chain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. And on the wings of the eagle - 6 shields with the emblems of the most important lands, the name of which was included in the imperial title. The last change in the state emblem in the pre-revolutionary period took place in 1882-1883.

Alexander III accepted the Large, Medium and two Small coats of arms, made by the artist A. I. Charlemagne. The presence of three types of the state type of coat of arms is explained by the fact that they were depicted on seals that fastened documents of different significance.

rebirth Russian state led to the inevitable return of the original Russian symbols, so recklessly consigned to oblivion in Soviet period. The history of the creation of the coat of arms is huge. The symbols are nameless, they do not know the authorship, they are created by history itself.

In 1917, the eagle ceased to be the coat of arms of Russia. The return of the double-headed eagle to the emblem of Russia took place in 1993 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 30, 1993. The author of the sketch of the emblem is the artist of the State Heraldry under the President of the Russian Federation E.I. Ukhnalev.



The Russian flag owes its birth to the Russian fleet.

B 1667-1669 in the village of Dedinovo on the Oka, the first flotilla of Russia was built.

We had to choose a flag for the ship. The flag of a particular country showed that the ship belongs to her, is her territory. The flag served as the identification mark of the ship, and the state thus indicated that the ship was under its protection.

By that time, the leading maritime powers already had their own flags. All of them featured uncomplicated images and simple colors, as it was important that they be recognizable from afar. Usually the colors of the flag included two or three stripes. The colors of the stripes corresponded to the colors of the state or dynastic symbols of the country.

It is from maritime flags that many state flags originate.

In April 1668, Russian ships were ordered to issue a large number of matter of white, blue and red, but how exactly these colors were located on the first Russian flags is not known.

Some researchers believe that the flag consisted of four parts. The blue cross divided the cloth vertically and horizontally, while the white and red colors were staggered. There was a red border along the edges of the cloth.

In 1699, Peter I gave the maritime flag the status of the state flag - the main symbol of the country.

In November 1990, the commission, which was to develop a draft of the new flag of the RSFSR, proposed to restore the historical Russian flag - a white-blue-red flag.

On December 11, 1993, on the eve of the adoption of the new Constitution, the President of Russia signed a decree “On the State Flag of the Russian Federation”. In accordance with it, white, blue and red colors of the flag were established.

The Russian tricolor probably originated from the Dutch model. Red, the color of blood, as it were, denoted the earthly world, blue - celestial sphere, white - divine light. Red was considered a symbol of courage and courage, and was also synonymous with beauty. The blue color was the symbol of the Mother of God. White color personified peace, purity, nobility.

August 22 - Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.

The national flag of the Russian Federation is constantly raised on the buildings of the authorities of our country. It is hung out on public holidays and solemn ceremonies. It rises on the buildings of Russian diplomatic missions abroad. The flag is our sacred object, and we must treat it with respect and reverence.



The national anthem of Russia - the official state symbol of Russia - is performed on the most solemn occasions, during official ceremonies state significance. Hymns as solemn cult chants originated in ancient times. In Russia before the 17th century solemn ceremonies accompanied by church hymns.

« Hymn” is a word of Greek origin, it means “a solemn, laudatory song.” The anthem is of great importance for its people both in the past and in the present.

Since the time of Peter I, military marches have occupied a special place. And it has become a common tradition to have a national anthem in the last 200 years. In December 2000, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed adopting the "old" Soviet anthem to Alexandrov's music.

The first official national anthem appeared after the victory of Russian arms over the Napoleonic army.

In 1813, in St. Petersburg, to the tune of the English anthem "God Save the King/Queen!" performed for the first time "Song to the Russian Tsar", the author of which was famous poet, translator, philologist A. Kh. Vostokov. In 1815 appeared new text songs called "Russian Prayer":

God save the king!
Glorious long days
Give it to the earth!….

V.A. Zhukovsky.

After 2 years, Zhukovsky supplemented the text with two stanzas, and the final form of the hymn acquired in 1833, thanks to the officer and composer A.F. Lvov. The anthem of Lvov sounded everywhere - both in the army and during civil celebrations. He became national anthem Russian Empire.

Russia knew a few more melodies that became its unofficial hymns. One of them belongs to the genius of Russian music M.I. Glinka, the author of the opera “Life for the Tsar”:

Glory, glory, our Russian Tsar,
The Lord has given us the king-sovereign!….

In February 1917, along with the monarchy, the old anthem also became a thing of the past. Quite different songs sounded on the streets, and the main place among them was taken by “La Marseillaise”.

The anthem is the official state symbol. He is, as it were, the musical and poetic embodiment of the country and its people, and therefore there should be the most respectful attitude towards him.

These symbols are part of Russian history, the embodiment of its heroic and tragic pages, a reflection of the life of the peoples of our country.

- We all should know the history of the state symbols of Russia well.

- Attitude to the coat of arms, flag and anthem is the attitude to the state itself. It must be respectful.

- Insulting state symbols is akin to insulting the state, and its people, and its history and culture.

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