Star hobbies: unusual and strange hobbies of celebrities. Leonardo DiCaprio: biography, photo, personal life, films of the actor


I wonder what celebrities do when they are not in the spotlight? .. It turns out that many of them collect unique collections or are engaged in unusual things, which over time arouse interest and no less than the main activity of the stars. The passion of the stars for their collections sometimes looks like madness, as it actually happens with ordinary people.

Why not? After all, the stars are the same mortals, and they have the same right to a hobby. What distinguishes them is only the fact that they have much more opportunities to realize their passion.

As it turned out, many stars have hobbies. Someone just collects antiques, someone good guitars, someone madly loves movies on videocassettes, while someone does not have enough time for such hobbies. It's amazing how they find time to add to their collections. Some meetings and activities are also quite unusual, which, without exaggeration, simply lead to confusion, and they will be discussed below.

Johnny Depp

The actor became famous all over the world not only for his talent for impersonation, but also for his love of collecting.

He collects guitars, Barbie dolls, fancy hats that he wears to everyone. public events, drawings of psychopathic killers, figurines of clowns, which he is scared to death, collects dried beetles, bats, skeletons and stuffed animals, and this is probably not the whole list of strange hobbies.

And the last celebrity hobby is diving in the pool with sharks, during which one of the sharks bit off his hand. Here, means, the person wanted sharp sensations.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio keeps up with his colleagues and does everything his heart desires. real passion actor - poker for money, where he lowers and wins fortunes in an evening.

He gives himself to this gambling hobby and free time, and during filming, and even trips with charity events.

Leo also enjoys skydiving from various tall buildings. For unauthorized entry into them, DiCaprio was repeatedly detained by the police.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Performer of the role of Cary Bradshaw in the series "Sex in big city"For many years he has not given up dancing, yoga, karate and cycling.

But the actress has a special love for a very outdated hobby, unlike her fellow stars, knitting, and she mostly knits clothes that she herself then wears.

David Lynch

The famous director of the series "Twin Peaks" not only makes mystical films, but he has enough horror in real life. Since childhood, he was attracted by the collection of dead animals and flies, which he continues to collect until now.

And while studying at the university, he visited the morgue, where his acquaintance worked, to observe the corpses, and at night he painted dead people.

Nicole Kidman

Very aristocratic and restrained Nicole Cadman lacks extreme sports in her life. Therefore, from time to time she jumps from an airplane without a parachute. The rest of the time, the actress writes stories and collects ancient Jewish coins, which she can look at for hours in between filming.

Tom Hanks

The actor has a passion for old typewriters. He even published an article for The New York Times, where he wrote: “the sounds from the“ flight ”Smith Corona Skywriter are comparable to the muffled shots of James Bond’s Walter, and the half-century-old Royal is comparable to human voice saying "so-so-so".

He has in his collection machines with Latin, Russian and even Arabic letters. They say that Tom takes one of the cars with him on every trip. Its collection includes more than 200 exhibits.

Elton John

It is hard not to notice that the singer has a special love for glasses, or rather unusual frames for them. Elton John spends a lot of money on such a hobby. His collection contains such unusual specimens that they confuse the public, but the singer is absolutely not shy about putting them on people.

Penelope Cruz

The Spanish actress surprised the world by admitting that she collects ... hangers. On this moment she has about 500 pieces in her wardrobe, according to

Angelina Jolie

The most sexy woman planet since the age of 12 has been collecting very unfeminine things - knives. The actress received the first exhibit of her collection from her mother, and now she herself passed on her passion for edged weapons to her eldest son Madox.

Rod Steward

On the third floor in the house of Rod Steward, a whole museum railway. He recreated the Chicago of the 1940s in it, where there are terminals with trains, and parks, entire warehouses and much more.

The singer spends all his free time with trains, plays with them, and even takes some with him on tour.

On February 28, 2016, after a long 22 years and 6 nominations, Leonardo DiCaprio finally received his first Oscar as best actor for The Revenant. Since his latest triumph was highly anticipated, celebrated by millions of fans and one of the highlights of the 88th awards ceremony, we decided to pay tribute to this phenomenal actor with a list of the most interesting and little-known things that you might not know about Leonardo DiCaprio.

Did you like Leonardo as Jack Dawson in the 1997 epic drama Titanic or Frank William Abagnale in crime drama 2002's Catch Me If You Can, either as Jordan Belfort in the 2013 black comedy The Wolf of Wall Street or Hugh Glass in the 2015 Oscar-winning action western The Revenant, this actor is undoubtedly one of the greatest and famous modern Hollywood actors.

However, apart from his Hollywood fame, Leonardo DiCaprio is also an active advocate environment and a philanthropist. He donated large sums to save tigers, protect the ocean and help those affected by the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. No wonder he made it to the top 50 list. beautiful people planets according to People magazine.

Leonardo DiCaprio is constantly in the spotlight, so we hope you are a little familiar with it. wonderful person. However, we are almost sure that there are quite a few things that you might still not know about Leonardo DiCaprio, despite his fame.

From first screen appearance to unexpected and dangerous encounter with a shark, here are 25 interesting facts you may not know about Leonardo DiCaprio.

25. Leonardo DiCaprio was born in California - an American, but a lot of different blood flows in his veins. His mother Imelin was born in Germany, his father George is half Italian, half German, and one of his grandmothers is Russian. In one of the interviews given during a trip to Russia, the actor even called himself "half Russian".

24. A dedicated environmentalist, Leonardo donated $3 million to save tigers in Nepal in 2013 and another $3 million in 2014 to protect the ocean. He also donated $1 million in 2010 to help the people of Haiti affected by the devastating earthquake.

23. Leonardo was named after the famous Italian polymath and universal genius Leonardo Da Vinci, because he first pushed in his mother’s stomach when she looked at the artist’s work in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, and the artist’s father considered this name successful and appropriate.

22. When Leonardo began his acting career, his agent advised him to change his name to a more euphonious for Americans - Lenny Williams (Lenny Williams). Needless to say, the actor didn't follow his advice.

21. Leo has an adopted daughter. During the filming of Blood Diamond, he worked with 24 orphans from the SOS Children's Village in Mozambique. With one of the orphans, the actor established a close relationship, and he decided to adopt her. The actor sends her money for room and board every month and is said to call her regularly to keep in touch.

20. In 2009, and Kate Winslet helped pay for the cost of living in a nursing home for the last survivor of the Titanic, so she did not have to sell her memorabilia.

19. The actor was offered the role of Patrick Bateman in the movie "American Psycho", but he turned it down, since at that time the vast majority of his fans were teenage girls.

18. In 1997, the actor was offered to play the role of porn star Dirk Diggler in the film "Boogie Nights", but almost at the same time he received an offer to star in "Titanic". The role of Dirk Diggler ultimately went to his friend Mark Wahlberg.

17. Instead of spending money on expensive cars, Leonardo DiCaprio owns only one - eco-friendly car Toyota Prius. Also, unlike other people of the same level of fame and wealth, he always flies commercial flights, not wanting to buy a private jet. This allows you to both save money and protect the environment from unnecessary harmful emissions.

16. Once a journalist of the newspaper "Time" called DiCaprio boring because the actor was able to name 20 endangered species of animals from memory.

15. Leonardo DiCaprio has 11 favorite films: The Bicycle Thieves (1948), The Third Man (1949), Sunset Boulevard (1950), East of Eden (1955), The Bodyguard (1961) ), Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Eight and a Half (1963), 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Taxi Driver (1976), Manhattan (1979) and The Shining (1980).

14. After the filming of the film "Revolutionary Road", which became the second joint film Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, he gave his good friend Golden ring with secret engraving. The actress still keeps a secret what exactly is written on the ring.

13. Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg are now Good friends, but in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter in 2013, Wahlberg admitted that he and Leonardo initially hated each other when they starred in The Basketball Diaries in 1995.

12. In 2006, Leonardo DiCaprio had a close and dangerous encounter with a white shark. While doing cage diving in Cape Town ( South Africa) a great white shark suddenly burst into Leo's cage, which usually does not pay attention to divers. According to the actor, the 6-meter predator climbed almost halfway into the cage and clattered her teeth from a distance. outstretched hand. Luckily, Leo managed to keep enough distance by diving to the bottom of the cage and trying to lie flat, which saved him. Divers who witnessed the scene said they had not seen anything like it in 30 years. The actor did not receive a single scratch.

11. Leo also almost died while skydiving in tandem. When the parachute did not open, the instructor simply cut off the lines, after which he pulled out the second parachute, the lines of which were also tangled. Fortunately, the lines were eventually untangled and both skydivers landed unharmed.

10. For the first time Leonardo DiCaprio appeared on the screen at the age of 5 in the children's TV show "Romper Room", but was fired for unruly behavior.

9. In 1998, Leonardo was named one of the 50 most beautiful people on the planet by People magazine.

8. His favorite actress of all time is Meryl Streep.

7. DiCaprio is a dedicated liberal Democrat who has been both personally and financially involved in the campaigns and elections of Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry and Barack Obama.

6. Leonardo DiCaprio dated a lot of people. famous models including Helena Christensen, Bar Refaeli, Erin Heatherton, Naomi Campbell, Toni Garrn and Gisele Bündchen.

5. Leo is a great athlete: he loves to play basketball, hockey, football, rollerblading and surfing.

4. At the Tiger Summit, held in St. Petersburg in 2010, Vladimir Putin called the actor a real man. “In our country, among the people, they say about such people “a real man.” And if the matter of protecting nature is in such hands, then we are simply doomed to success,” the Russian president said.

3. After the divorce of his parents, he stayed with his mother and German grandmother, who often took him to Germany with her. That's why the actor is fluent in German.

2. In 2009, Leonardo DiCaprio purchased an island off the coast of Belize. The actor plans to build an eco-resort on it.

1. In 2005, Leonardo DiCaprio's face was severely damaged after model Aretha Wilson punched him at a Hollywood party. broken bottle over the head. After pleading guilty in 2010, Wilson was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

Of those actors who are not used to losing. Each of his appearances on the screen becomes a notable event, and it seems that this will continue to be the case. A rare premiere of a film with his participation ends in failure. “I’m a happy little son of a bitch,” says the actor about himself.

On November 11, he turns 44 years old, and we have collected some interesting facts that will show Leo from a new side.

Handbag from Chanel

At a charity auction in Cannes, he outbid Paris Hilton, who was trying to buy herself an expensive Chanel handbag. Then Leonardo gave this handbag to his mother.

IN Uffizi gallery in Florence

Leonardo DiCaprio named after famous artist and inventor Leonardo Da Vinci. The fact is that his mother was just looking at a Da Vinci painting when her son first moved in her stomach.

Bunch of directors

DiCaprio has worked with many legendary directors: Steven Spielberg , Quentin Tarantino , Martin Scorsese , Ridley Scott , Christopher Nolan And James Cameron.

Spare Robin

frame: Warner Bros. pictures co.

His idols

Cinema Live

There are two favorite actors on Leo's list - Robert DeNiro And Jack Nicholson and one actress Meryl Streep.


After the hardest work in the film " The wolf of Wall Street DiCaprio took a two-year hiatus from filming due to nervous exhaustion. Vacation ended with work in the film " survivor". The habit of complete dedication led to the fact that Leo, having received an Oscar for this role, again went on a long vacation. He traveled across different countries and worked on documentary about wildlife and how it should be protected.


DiCaprio completed only the regular high school, higher education he doesn't have. But he can play the organ.

New name

At the beginning acting career, the agent persuaded the ten-year-old Leo to change his name. Lenny Williams, in his opinion, would have sounded more American. But little actor refused.

Sharon Stone

Leonardo was not even eighteen when he met Sharon Stone. She liked Leo so much that she announced that she would pay him royalties from her personal funds if the studio did not want to cast him in Sam Raimi's western " Fast and dead» (1995).


frame: Annie Leibovitz

Leonardo DiCaprio is very passionate about the conservation of the environment. He even flew to St. Petersburg for the International Tiger Forum. And at some point, the flight had to be interrupted, because one of the aircraft's engines caught fire. But the actor still got to the forum and donated a million dollars to the World Wildlife Fund to create a reserve for tigers.

Leo knows everything

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Tom Hardy has a tattoo with the words "Leo knows everything". She appeared after the announcement of the Oscar nominations in 2015. DiCaprio believed that Hardy was nominated for an Oscar for his work in the film " survivor”, and Hardy assured that he was not. They made a bet, and since the nomination did happen, the Briton had to fulfill the conditions of the bet. He put it off for a long time, explaining that Leo has terrible handwriting and all the sketches that he sends are unacceptable. However, in the end he got a tattoo - apparently, they agreed on the last option.

What to see

Leonardo was born to comic book author George DiCaprio and court clerk Irmelin Indenbirken. When the future actor was only a year old, his parents divorced.

Leo graduated primary school Sidd and then studied for four years at the Center for Advanced Sciences in Los Angeles.

Thanks to his father, who took Leo to a TV show, DiCaprio first appeared in front of the camera at two and a half years old. At the age of 14, he finally decided to become an actor and even found himself an agent.

In 1988, Leo received his first small role in the television series Roseanne. She was followed by roles in Santa Barbara and Lassie's New Adventures.

In 1991, he made his debut on the big screen, starring in comedy film horror Critters 3.

In 1993 he received his first leading role in "This Boy's Life". In the same year, the drama What's Eating Gilbert Grape was released. For his role in this film, DiCaprio received the first Golden Globe and Oscar nominations in his career.

In subsequent years, he starred in films such as The Quick and the Dead, Full eclipse"," The diary of a basketball player.

In 1996, the film "Romeo + Juliet" was released, as well as the film "Marvin's Room", where DiCaprio played along with Robert De Niro.

In 1997, the cult film Titanic by James Cameron was released, in which Leo played the main role. For his role in this film, he received a Golden Globe nomination.

In 1998, the actor received the Golden Raspberry anti-award for his role in the film The Man in iron mask”, despite the fact that at the box office the picture paid off.

In 2002, Leonardo starred in Steven Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can. For his role in this film, he received a third Golden Globe nomination. In the same year, he first worked with director Martin Scorsese on the set of Gangs of New York. In 2004, the director and actor continued their collaboration on film set paintings "Aviator". For his role in this film, Leo won his first Golden Globe and his second Oscar nomination.

In 2007, he received another nomination for an Oscar for his role in the film Blood Diamond, but he did not receive an award.

In subsequent years, he starred in such films as Body of Lies, Revolutionary Road, Shutter Island, Inception, J. Edgar, Django Unchained and The Great Gatsby.

In 2014, he received another Golden Globe, as well as an Oscar nomination for his role in The Wolf of Wall Street.

In 2015, the film The Revenant was released, in which Leo played the main role. The acting was highly acclaimed by critics, and DiCaprio received the first Oscar in his career for it.

Currently, Leonardo DiCaprio continues to act in films.

Hobbies : Surfing, charity, collecting contemporary art
Personal life: In the 1990s, Leonardo dated Danish model Helena Christensen.

In 2000, the actor started romantic relationship with Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen. The couple separated in 2005. After that, DiCaprio dated Israeli model Bar Refaeli for three years. The couple broke up in March 2010, but Leo and Bar resumed their relationship in the summer of 2010 and even planned to get married. The final break occurred in May 2011.

In 2011, he dated actress Blake Lively for several months, with whom he managed to maintain friendly relations after breaking up.

In December 2011, the actor began a romantic relationship with model Erin Heatherton, but due to the busy work schedules of both, the couple broke up in November 2012.

From May 2013 to December 2014, he dated model Toni Garrn. Then he had a relationship with model Nina Agdal. The media also attributed to him an affair with model Lorena Ray. In September 2017, tabloids reported that Leo and Toni Garrn had rekindled their relationship.

Scandals\interesting facts\charity

Leonardo's maternal grandmother was a Russian emigrant: after October revolution her parents took her from Russia to Germany, and then with her husband (the grandfather of the actor), she moved to the United States.

In 1998, Leonardo DiCaprio founded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, which works to protect the environment.

In 1998, the actor boycotted the Oscars as a protest over his failure to win the Best Actor nomination for Titanic. More than 200 Leo fans filed complaints with the Academy that year.

In September 2014, Leonardo DiCaprio was appointed as UN Peace Envoy for Climate Change.


The joy of fame passes pretty quickly, and you realize that main award not that every mole suddenly began to recognize you on the street, but that your films will remain after your death

Do you know what I learned playing Gatsby? He had a great gift for hope. I think we all need that - hope. Probably Gatsby did not quite fit into reality, but many, including myself, do not fit into it very much.

You can earn a fortune in two ways: pump oil, chop wood, melt ice. But for some reason, no one thinks what awaits us when Natural resources run out. It's time to stop for a second and think about the harm we're doing to the world.

You can talk a lot about Leonardo, because this is an actor from God. And from birth, because the first shooting took place back in early childhood. After that, he played both a handsome man and a hero lover. DiCaprio's life is full interesting facts, starting from the choice of a name and continuing with iconic film roles and events in his personal life.

Why Leonardo? And the Russian roots of the actor

The future actor was born thanks to the love of two hippies, his mother is German by birth, and his father is a comic book artist. Despite the birth of a child and common hobbies, they were not destined to be together, so Leonardo lived only with his mother in one of the poorest areas of Los Angeles. On his mother's side, he has Russian roots, his grandmother is an emigrant from Russia who moved to permanent place residence in Germany.

First interesting event from the biography of Leonardo DiCaprio is connected with his birth - this is the choice of a name, it was it that always attracted others. The actor's mother, being pregnant, enjoyed the painting by Leonardo Da Vinci, the child at that time pushed for the first time. The touched woman considered that this was a sign, and named the child after the Italian artist.

The actor was born on November 11, 1974, his parents divorced, but they tried to raise their son together so that he had a happy and carefree childhood. The first acquaintance with the camera took place in 1976, when Leonardo was 2.5 years old. His father took him to shoot children's show, where an active and noisy child became a real star of the program.

School years and a frantic desire to become a great actor

Leonardo goes to school at the University of Seeds and immediately begins attending theater courses, dreaming of becoming an actor at this age. Finishing it educational institution, he enters John Marshal Shokla, at this time it’s not enough just to study for him, he longs to act and is looking for an agent who will agree to work with him. At the age of 10, Leonardo had an unsuccessful collaboration experience when he was advised to change his name and hairstyle. But the boy did not go for it, and he was denied roles.

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