An extraordinary picture. An artist who paints rain


Artists are imaginative and try to create unusual paintings bringing uniqueness and diversity to them. Some canvases fascinate and inspire, and some frighten the depicted images.

Venus with a mirror

The canvas was painted by Diego Velazquez during a trip to Italy. This was done secretly, since in Spain at that time it was strictly forbidden to depict a naked figure.

There are many unpleasant stories associated with the work. The first owner was a merchant from Spain, who, after acquiring the masterpiece, suddenly went bankrupt. At first, trade began to go worse, and then more serious troubles occurred: pirates seized goods, ships sank. The merchant began to sell his property in order to recoup the losses and sold the painting. “Venus with a Mirror” was acquired by another person who was also engaged in trade. Almost immediately, his warehouses burned down from a lightning strike. He also sold the painting.

The third owner was stabbed to death in his own house. After, for a long time nobody wanted to buy Venus with a Mirror. The painting moved from one museum to another until a crazy woman named Mary Richardson vandalized it and cut it with a meat cleaver. The canvas was restored and returned to the London National Gallery, where it is located to this day.


Edvard Munch, the author of the work, had a manic-depressive psychosis. He often suffered from depressive disorders, and at night he was tormented by nightmares. On the canvas Munch flaunts mystical image a hairless creature with an open mouth.

Most critics claim that Edward depicted himself on the canvas. But the artist says something completely different ─ that it's just a "cry of nature." He was walking with friends and saw the sunset, which inspired him to write a strange picture.

If the legend is to be believed, everyone who came into contact with the Scream suffered in one way or another. One museum employee had an accident and another committed suicide.

Rain woman

One of the most unusual paintings in the world was painted by Vinnitsa artist Svetlana Telets in the late 90s of the last century. Before her, she was unknown to anyone. A few months before Tilets began her creation, she began to have visions. Sometimes Svetlana felt that she was being watched from the side. Despite the fact that the artist tried to drive away disturbing thoughts, they appeared again. After some time, Taurus had the idea to paint a portrait mysterious woman. She set to work, her hand guided by some invisible force. The portrait was ready in record time - in just five hours.

Months later, there were rumors in the city that a curse was hanging over the painting. All the customers were in a hurry to return it to the art store without even getting their money back. Each of them claimed that the canvas comes to life at night. People began to suffer from headaches and other ailments, they could not sleep.

“Rain Woman” is a very atmospheric and impressive picture. It perfectly combines the background, angle and proportions. Perhaps it is this fact that influences emotional condition hosts.

The Last Supper

The canvas depicts the last Easter feast of Jesus Christ and his apostle disciples. It is believed that Christ speaks of the future betrayal of one of his associates. The artist tried to depict the reaction of each student to the spoken phrase. The very name of the picture already speaks of its sacred meaning. Hidden symbols and messages are really traced in the work.

The product was asked to be commissioned by the Duke of Milan. It is known that da Vinci for a long time was looking for sitters for his work. Of particular difficulty was the image of Christ. After all, he drew it from a young singer from church choir, which seemed to him the personification of purity and spirituality. The most amazing thing is that after three years, Leonardo found a drunkard in a ditch and painted the image of Judas from him. As it turned out, it was still the same singer. " The Last Supper”was fully completed in 1498.

During World War II, a shell hit the church where the work was located. The building was completely destroyed, but the frescoed wall miraculously survived.

Metamorphoses of Narcissus

One of the strangest paintings by Salvador Dali was painted in 1937. This is a beautiful and symbolic work, for which Dali used special paints and brushes. Also, the artist tried new technology applying smears.

The picture shows a guy who admired his beauty. In the foreground, he sits by a pond and admires his reflection, next to him is an image of a stone hand with an egg. The latter is a symbol of rebirth and new life.

The Metamorphoses of Narcissus is now in London at the Tate Gallery.


A masterpiece has been written Austrian artist Gustav Klimt using real gold leaf. He worked on its creation for a year. The canvas depicts two lovers embracing in a flowery meadow. There is nothing and no one around, only a golden background.

One version says that the painting was commissioned by a certain count. He wanted to be photographed with his beloved. When the girl saw the painting, she liked it so much that she immediately agreed to become the count's wife. According to the second version, on the Kiss there is an image of Gustav himself and his beloved woman Emilia.


The painting was painted by Henri Matisse using only three colors - green, blue and red. It depicts only people frozen in dance, and nature. There are no extra details. The canvas seems to be alive, it conveys vibrations very well.

The dance is distinguished by nobility and fascinates with naturalness. The artist's idea was to capture the moment when a person unites with nature and is overwhelmed with ecstasy.

Water lilies

The landscape is the creation of a talented impressionist of his time, Claude Monet. When he finished working on his work, he decided to celebrate this event with friends. There was a small fire in the artist's studio, which was immediately extinguished. No one attached importance to the incident, but it turned out that the masterpiece carries an invisible fiery phantom.

"Water Lilies" hung in a restaurant located in Montmartre. What is surprising, in just one night the institution burned down. But the picture miraculously survived. It was later bought by art patron Oskar Schmitz. A year after the acquisition, his house also burned down. Moreover, the fire started in the office with the canvas. And again, the masterpiece remained intact and unharmed. The next victim of the landscape is the New York Museum contemporary arts. "Water lilies" were transported to it, and a fire broke out a few months later. The masterpiece was partially charred. After the restoration of the "fire hazardous" properties, the landscape no longer showed.

There are many more interesting pictures written by the most talented artists. There are many in the world creative people who constantly come up with and create new unusual works.

Unusual paintings by artists

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Painting, if you do not take realists into account, has always been, is and will be strange, metaphorical, looking for new forms and means of expression. But there are a number of paintings, the strangeness of which cannot leave anyone indifferent.
Some works of art seem to hit the viewer on the head, dumbfounded and amazing; some - drag in thought and in search of semantic layers, secret symbolism. Some of the paintings are shrouded in mystery and mystical riddles, and some - surprise exorbitant prices.

10 weirdest pictures in the world

1. Edvard Munch "Scream"

1893, cardboard, oil, tempera, pastel. 91×73.5 cm
National Gallery, Oslo

Leaving many people with a very unpleasant aftertaste and even a frightening painting, “The Scream” is perhaps one of the strangest paintings in the world.

"Scream" is considered milestone event expressionism and one of the most famous paintings in the world.
“I was walking along the path with two friends - the sun was setting - suddenly the sky turned blood red, I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned against the fence - I looked at the blood and flames over the bluish-black fjord and the city - my friends went on, and I stood trembling with excitement, feeling the endless scream piercing nature, ”said Edvard Munch about the history of the painting.

2. Paul Gauguin “Where did we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?"
1897-1898, oil on canvas. 139.1×374.6 cm
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Deep philosophical picture post-impressionist Paul Gauguin was painted in Tahiti, where he fled from Paris. At the end of the work, he even wanted to commit suicide, because he believed: "I believe that this canvas is not only superior to all my previous ones, but that I will never create something better or even similar."

3. Pablo Picasso "Guernica"
1937, oil on canvas. 349×776 cm
Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid

You don't have to be an expert in art to see a lot of pain in this not the first sight. strange picture. The huge fresco "Guernica", painted by Picasso in 1937, tells about the raid of the Luftwaffe volunteer unit on the city of Guernica, as a result of which the six thousandth city was completely destroyed. The picture was painted in just a month - the first days of work on the picture, Picasso worked for 10-12 hours, and already in the first sketches one could see main idea. This is one of the best illustrations the nightmare of fascism, as well as human cruelty and grief.

4. Jan van Eyck "Portrait of the Arnolfini"
1434, oil on wood. 81.8×59.7 cm
London National Gallery, London

At first glance, the picture does not give the impression of a strange and incomprehensible work, but it makes the audience freeze and peer.

The portrait supposedly of Giovanni di Nicolao Arnolfini and his wife is one of the most complex works Western school of painting of the Northern Renaissance.
The famous painting is completely filled with symbols, allegories and various references - up to the caption "Jan van Eyck was here", which turned it not just into a work of art, but into historical document, confirming the actual event, which was attended by the artist.

5. Mikhail Vrubel "Seated Demon"
1890, oil on canvas. 114×211 cm
Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The strangeness of this picture lies primarily in in an unexpected way demon. The sad long-haired guy is not at all like the universal ideas of what an evil spirit should look like. The artist himself spoke about his most famous painting: “The demon is not so much an evil spirit as a suffering and mournful one, with all this a domineering, majestic spirit.”

6. Vasily Vereshchagin "The Apotheosis of War"
1871, oil on canvas. 127×197 cm
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Vereshchagin is one of the main Russian battle painters, but he painted wars and battles not because he loved them. On the contrary, he tried to convey to people his negative attitude towards the war. Once Vereshchagin, in the heat of emotion, exclaimed: “More battle paintings I will not write - that's it! I take what I write too close to my heart, cry out (literally) the grief of every wounded and killed. Probably the result of this exclamation was the terrible and strangely bewitching painting "The Apotheosis of War", which depicts a field, crows and a mountain of human skulls.

7. Grant Wood" american gothic»
1930, oil. 74×62 cm
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago

"American Gothic" is one of the most recognizable images in American art XX century, the most famous artistic meme of the XX and XXI centuries. The strangeness of the picture is immediately evident. The picture with a gloomy father and daughter is overflowing with details that indicate the severity, puritanism and retrogradeness of the people depicted. Angry faces, a pitchfork right in the middle of the picture, old-fashioned clothes even by the standards of 1930, an exposed elbow, seams on the farmer's clothes that repeat the shape of the pitchfork, which means a threat that is addressed to anyone who encroaches on them. All these details can be looked at endlessly and cringe from discomfort.

8. Rene Magritte "Lovers"
1928, oil on canvas

The painting "Lovers" ("Lovers") exists in two versions. On one, a man and a woman, whose heads are wrapped in a white cloth, are kissing, and on the other, they “look” at the viewer. The picture surprises and fascinates. With two figures without faces, Magritte conveyed the idea of ​​the blindness of love. About blindness in every sense: lovers do not see anyone, neither do the spectators see their true faces, and besides, lovers are a mystery even to each other.

9. Marc Chagall "Walk"
1917, oil on canvas
State Tretyakov Gallery

Usually extremely serious in his painting, Marc Chagall wrote a delightful manifesto of his own happiness, filled with allegories and love. "Walk" is a self-portrait with his wife Bella. His beloved soars in the sky and looks to be dragged into the flight and Chagall, who is standing on the ground precariously, as if touching her only with the toes of his shoes. Chagall has a tit in his other hand - he is happy, he has a tit in his hands (probably his painting), and a crane in the sky.

10. Hieronymus Bosch"Garden earthly pleasures»
1500-1510, oil on wood. 389×220 cm
Prado, Spain

"The Garden of Earthly Delights" - the most famous triptych of Hieronymus Bosch, which got its name from the theme of the central part, is dedicated to the sin of voluptuousness. To date, none of the available interpretations of the picture has been recognized as the only true one.
The enduring charm and at the same time the strangeness of the triptych lies in the way the artist expresses the main idea through many details.

Art can be anything. Someone sees the beauty of nature and conveys it with a brush or a cutter, someone takes amazing photographs of the human body, and someone finds beauty in a terrible one - Caravaggio and Edvard Munch worked in this style. contemporary artists not far behind the founding fathers.

1. Dado

Yugoslav Dado was born in 1933 and died in 2010. At first glance, his work may seem completely ordinary or even pleasant - this is due to the choice colors: Many horror artists choose black or red, and Dado liked pastel shades.

But look closely at pictures like Big Farm in 1963 or Football Player in 1964 and you'll see grotesque creatures in them. Their faces are full of pain or suffering, tumors or extra organs are visible on their bodies, or bodies are simply irregular in shape. In fact, pictures like "Big Farm" are much more frightening than sheer horror - precisely because at first glance you do not notice anything terrible in them.

2. Keith Thompson

Keith Thompson is more of a commercial artist than an artist. He designed the monsters for Guillermo Del Toro's Pacific Rim and Scott Westerfield's Leviathan. His work is done in a technique you'd rather see on Magic: The Gathering cards than in a museum.

Look at his painting "The Creature from Pripyat": the monster is made of several animals and is terribly ugly, but it gives a great idea of ​​Thompson's technique. The monster even has a story - it is supposedly a product of the Chernobyl disaster. Of course, the monster is somewhat contrived, as if it came straight out of the 1950s, but this does not make it any less creepy.

The SCP Foundation adopted this creature as their mascot, naming it "SCP-682". But in the arsenal of Thompson there are still many such monsters, and there are more terrible ones.

3. Junji Ito

On the subject of commercial artists: some of them draw comics. In the horror comic business, Junji Ito is the champion. His monsters are not just grotesque: the artist carefully draws every wrinkle, every crease on the body of creatures. This is what scares people, and not the irrationality of monsters.

For example, in his comic "The Riddle of Amigara Fault" he undresses people and sends them into a humanoid hole in solid rock - the closer we see this hole, the scarier, but even "from a distance" it seems frightening.

In his Uzumaki (Spiral) comic book series, there is a guy obsessed with spirals. At first, his obsession seems funny, and then scary. Moreover, it becomes scary even before the hero's obsession becomes magic, with the help of which he turns a person into something inhuman, but at the same time alive.

Ito's work stands out among all Japanese manga- his "normal" characters look unusually realistic and even cute, and the monsters in their background seem even more creepy.

4. Zdzisław Beksiński

If an artist says, "I can't imagine what sanity means in painting," chances are he's not painting kittens.

Polish painter Zdzisław Beksiński was born in 1929. For decades, he created nightmarish images in the genre fantastic realism until his horrific death in 2005 (he was stabbed 17 times). The most fruitful period in his work fell on the years 1960 - 1980: then he created highly detailed images, which he himself called "photographs of his dreams."

According to Beksiński, he did not care about the meaning of this or that painting, but some of his works clearly symbolize something. For example, in 1985 he created the painting "Trollforgatok". The artist grew up in a country devastated by the Second World War, so the black figures in the picture can personify Polish citizens, and the head can be a kind of ruthless authority.

The artist himself claimed that he had nothing of the kind in mind. In fact, Beksinsky said about this picture that it should be taken as a joke - that's what really black humor means.

5. Wayne Barlow

Thousands of artists have tried to portray Hell, but Wayne Barlow has clearly succeeded in this. Even if you have not heard his name, you have probably seen the work. He has been involved in such films as James Cameron's Avatar (the director personally praised him), Pacific Rim, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. But one of his most outstanding works can be called a book published in 1998 called "Inferno".

Hell for him is not just dungeons with demonic lords and armies. Barlow said: "Hell is complete indifference to human suffering." His demons often take an interest in human bodies and souls and behave more like experimenters - they ignore someone else's pain. People for his demons are not objects of hatred at all, but simply a means for idle entertainment, nothing more.

6. Tetsuya Ishida

On acrylic paintings Isis people are often turned into objects such as packaging, conveyor belts, urinals, or even hemorrhoid pillows. He also has visually pleasing paintings in which people merge with nature or escape into magical land your imagination. But such works are much dimmer than paintings in which restaurant workers turn into dummies pumping food into customers as if they were servicing cars at a gas station.

Regardless of the opinion about the accuracy and insight of the artist or the vividness of his metaphors, it cannot be denied that the style of his work is eerie. Any humor in Isis goes hand in hand with disgust and fear. His career came to an end in 2005 when 31-year-old Ishida was hit by a train, almost certainly a suicide. His works are valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars.

7. Dariusz Zawadzki

Zavadsky was born in 1958. Like Beksiński, he works in the style of creepy fantastical realism. His teachers in art school told Zavadsky that he did not have much good vision and a bad eye, so he won't become an artist. Well, they obviously jumped to conclusions.

There are elements of steampunk in Zavadsky's works: he often draws creatures similar to robots, under the artificial skin of which working mechanisms are visible. For example, take a look at the 2007 oil painting "The Nest". The poses of the birds are the same as those of the living, but the frame is clearly metallic, barely covered with shreds of skin. The picture may cause disgust, but at the same time it attracts the eye - I want to consider all the details.

8. Joshua Hoffin

Joshua Hoffin was born in 1973 in Emporia, Kansas. He takes terrifying photographs, in which fairy tales familiar from childhood take on terrible features - the story, of course, can be recognized, but at the same time its meaning is greatly distorted.

Many of his works look too staged and unnatural to really scare. But there are also series of photographs like "Pickman's Masterpieces" - this is a tribute to one of Lovecraft's characters, the artist Pickman.

In the photos from 2008, which you can see here, is his daughter Chloe. The girl's face almost does not express emotions, and she almost does not look towards the audience. Scary contrast: family photo on the bedside table, a girl in pink pajamas - and huge cockroaches.

9. Patricia Piccinini

Piccinini's sculptures are sometimes very different from each other: some sculptures are irregularly shaped motorcycles, others are strange balloons with hot air. But mostly she creates sculptures that are very, very uncomfortable to stand in the same room with. They even look creepy in photos.

In the 2004 work Indivisible, a humanoid is pressed against the back of a normal human child. Most disturbing is the element of trust and affection - as if the innocence of the child was cruelly used to harm him.

Of course, Piccinini's work is criticized. They even said about the "Indivisible" that it was not a sculpture, but some kind of real animal. But no - it's just a figment of her imagination, and the artist continues to create her work from fiberglass, silicone, and hair.

10. Mark Powell

The work of the Australian Mark Powell is really shocking. His show of 2012 is a series of compositions in which fantasy creatures evolve, devour and excrete each other from their own bodies, multiply and decay. Creature textures and environment are extremely convincing, and the body language of the figures is precisely chosen to make the situations look as ordinary as possible - and therefore convincing.

Of course, the Internet could not fail to pay tribute to the artist. The aforementioned "SCP Foundation" took the hideous monster from the image above and made it part of a story called "The Flesh That Hates". There are also many horror stories associated with his work.

If you do not take the course of realism seriously, then painting has always differed from other genres of art in its strangeness. metaphorical pictorial images, the search for new forms and original means of expression for artists - all this contributes to a gigantic separation of painting from reality. Write obviously for standing artist creative death like. The picture should have depth and subtext, a leapfrog of meanings. In some work there are more of them, in some less, but there are also those where their number rolls over. These paintings are called strange, their true meaning is known only to the author. Here are 10 of the weirdest ones:

Jan van Eyck "Portrait of the Arnolfinis" - London National Gallery, London

1434, oil on wood. 81.8x59.7 cm

Portrait supposedly of Giovanni di Nicolao Arnolfini and his wife
is one of the most complex works of the Western school of painting
Northern Renaissance.

The famous painting is completely filled with symbols,
allegories and various references - up to the signature "Jan van Eyck
was here”, which turned it not just into a work of art, but into
a historical document confirming a real event, on
which the artist was present.

In Russia recent years the picture gained great popularity due to the portrait resemblance of Arnolfini with Vladimir Putin.

Edvard Munch "The Scream" - National Gallery, Oslo

1893, cardboard, oil, tempera, pastel. 91x73.5 cm

The Scream is considered a landmark expressionist event and one of the most famous paintings in the world.

"I was walking along the path with two friends - the sun was setting - suddenly
the sky turned blood red, I paused, feeling exhausted, and
leaned against the fence - I looked at the blood and flames over the bluish-black
fiord and city - my friends went on, and I stood, trembling from
unrest, feeling the endless cry that pierces nature, ”said Edward
Munch on the history of the painting.

There are two interpretations of what is depicted: it is the hero himself who is seized with horror and
silently screams, pressing his hands to his ears; or the hero closes his ears from
around the cry of peace and nature. Munch wrote 4 versions of The Scream, and
there is a version that this picture is the fruit of a manic-depressive psychosis,
from which the artist suffered. After a course of treatment at the Munch Clinic,
returned to work on the canvas.

Paul Gauguin "Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?" - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

1897-1898, oil on canvas. 139.1x374.6 cm

The deeply philosophical painting of post-impressionist Paul Gauguin was
written by him in Tahiti, where he fled from Paris. Upon completion of his work, he
even wanted to commit suicide, because "I believe that this
canvas not only surpasses all my previous ones, and that I never
I will create something better or even similar.

At the direction of Gauguin himself, the picture should be read from right to left - three
the main groups of figures illustrate the questions posed in the title. Three
women with a child represent the beginning of life; middle group
symbolizes the daily existence of maturity; in the final
group, as conceived by the artist, old woman approaching death
seems reconciled and given over to her reflections", at her feet
"strange White bird…represents the futility of words.”

Pablo Picasso "Guernica" - Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid

1937, oil on canvas. 349x776 cm

A huge fresco painting "Guernica", painted by Picasso in 1937,
talks about the raid of a volunteer unit of the Luftwaffe on the city
Guernica, as a result of which the six thousandth city was completely
destroyed. The picture was painted in just a month - the first days of work
Picasso worked on the painting for 10-12 hours and already in the first sketches
you can see the main idea. This is one of the best nightmare illustrations
fascism, as well as human cruelty and grief.

"Guernica" presents scenes of death, violence, atrocities, suffering and
helplessness, without specifying their immediate causes, but they are obvious.
It is said that in 1940 Pablo Picasso was summoned to the Gestapo in Paris.
The conversation immediately turned to the picture. "Did you do that?" - "No, you did it."

Mikhail Vrubel "Seated Demon" - Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

1890, oil on canvas. 114x211 cm

The painting by Mikhail Vrubel surprises with the image of a demon. Sad
long-haired guy is not at all like the universal ideas about
what an evil spirit should look like. The artist himself spoke of
known for his painting:

“The demon is not so much an evil spirit as suffering and mournful, with
All this is a powerful, majestic spirit. This is an image of the strength of the human spirit,
internal struggle, doubt. Hands clasped tragically, the Demon sits with
sad, huge eyes directed into the distance, surrounded by flowers.
The composition emphasizes the constraint of the figure of the demon, as if squeezed
between the top and bottom of the frame.

Vasily Vereshchagin "The Apotheosis of War" - The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

1871, oil on canvas. 127x197 cm

Vereshchagin is one of the main Russian battle painters, but he
painted wars and battles not because he loved them. On the contrary, he tried
convey to people their negative attitude towards the war. Once Vereshchagin
in the heat of emotion he exclaimed: “I won’t write more battle pictures - that’s enough!
I take what I write too close to my heart, I cry out (literally)
woe to every wounded and killed. Probably the result of this exclamation
became a terrible and bewitching picture "The Apotheosis of War", in which
a field, crows and a mountain of human skulls are depicted.

The picture is written so deeply and emotionally that behind each skull,
lying in this heap, you begin to see people, their fates and the fates of those who
I won't see these people again. Vereshchagin himself with sad sarcasm
called the canvas "still life" - it depicts "dead nature".

All the details of the picture, including the yellow color, symbolize death and
devastation. The clear blue sky emphasizes the deadness of the picture. idea
The "apotheosis of war" is also expressed by the scars from sabers and bullet holes on

Grant Wood "American Gothic" - Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago

1930, oil. 74x62 cm

"American Gothic" is one of the most recognizable images in
American art of the 20th century, the most famous artistic meme of the 20th and 21st

The picture of a gloomy father and daughter is overflowing with details that
indicate the severity, puritanism and retrograde of the depicted people.
Angry faces, pitchforks right in the middle of the picture, old-fashioned even
to the standards of 1930 clothes, exposed elbow, seams on the farmer's clothes,
repeating the shape of a pitchfork, and therefore a threat that is addressed to everyone who
encroach. All these details can be looked at endlessly and cringe from

Interestingly, the judges of the competition at the Art Institute of Chicago
perceived "Gothic" as a "humorous valentine", and the inhabitants of the state
Iowa terribly offended by Wood for the fact that he portrayed them in such
unpleasant light.

Rene Magritte "Lovers" -

1928, oil on canvas

The painting "Lovers" ("Lovers") exists in two versions. On
in one, a man and a woman, whose heads are wrapped in a white cloth, are kissing, and on
the other - "look" at the viewer. The picture surprises and fascinates. two
figures without faces, Magritte conveyed the idea to the blindness of love. About blindness in all
meanings: lovers do not see anyone, we do not see their true faces, and we, but
besides, lovers are a mystery even to each other. But at this
apparent clarity, we still continue to look at Magritte's
lovers and think about them.

Almost all of Magritte's paintings are puzzles that are completely
it is impossible to unravel, since they raise questions about the very essence of being.
Magritte talks all the time about the deceitfulness of the visible, about its hidden
mystery that we usually do not notice.

Marc Chagall "Walk" - State Tretyakov Gallery

1917, oil on canvas

Usually extremely serious in his painting, Marc Chagall wrote
delightful manifesto of his own happiness, filled with allegories and
love. "Walk" is a self-portrait with his wife Bella. His beloved
soars in the sky and that look will be dragged into flight and Chagall, standing on the ground
fragile, as if touching her only with the toes of her shoes. In Chagall's other hand
tit - he is happy, he also has a tit in his hands (probably his
painting), and a crane in the sky.

Hieronymus Bosch "Garden of Earthly Delights" - Prado, Spain

1500-1510, oil on wood. 389x220 cm

The Garden of Earthly Delights is Hieronymus Bosch's most famous triptych,
named after the theme of the central part, dedicated to sin
sensuality. To date, none of the available interpretations
pictures are not recognized as the only true.

The enduring charm and at the same time the strangeness of the triptych
lies in how the artist expresses the main idea through the set
details. The picture is overflowing with transparent figurines, fantastic
structures, monsters, hallucinations made flesh, hellish
caricatures of the reality at which he looks probing, extremely
with a sharp look. Some scientists wanted to see in the triptych an image
human life through the prism of its vanity and images earthly love, other -
a celebration of sweetness. However, innocence and some detachment, with
which interpreted individual figures, as well as a favorable attitude towards
this work by the ecclesiastical authorities is forced to doubt whether
that its content could be the glorification of bodily pleasures.

Among the peaceful pastorals, noble portraits and other works of art that evoke only positive emotions, there are strange and shocking canvases. We have collected 15 pictures that make the audience horrified. Moreover, all of them belong to the brushes of world famous artists.


One of the most famous works Pablo Picasso "Guernica" - a story about the tragedy of war and the suffering of innocent people. This work received worldwide recognition and became a reminder of the horrors of war.

"Losing mind over matter"

Losing Mind Before Matter is a 1973 painting by the Austrian artist Otto Rapp. He depicted a decaying human head, put on a bird cage, in which lies a piece of flesh.

"Dante and Virgil in Hell"

Adolphe William Bouguereau's painting Dante and Virgil in Hell was inspired by a short scene about a battle between two damned souls from Dante's Inferno.

"Suspended living Negro"

This gruesome creation by William Blake depicts a Negro slave who was hung from the gallows with a hook threaded through his ribs. The work is based on the story of the Dutch soldier Steadman - an eyewitness to such a cruel massacre.


Painting "Hell" German artist Hans Memling, written in 1485, is one of the most terrible artistic creations of his time. She was supposed to push people towards virtue. Memling heightened the scene's horrifying effect by adding the caption, "There is no redemption in hell."

water spirit

The artist Alfred Kubin is considered the largest representative symbolism and expressionism and is known for his dark symbolic fantasies. "The Spirit of Water" is one of such works, depicting the impotence of man in the face of the sea.

"Necronom IV"

This is a terrible creation. famous artist Hans Rudolf Giger was inspired famous movie"Stranger". Giger suffered from nightmares and all his paintings were inspired by these visions.

"Flaying Marsyas"

Created by an artist of times Italian Renaissance Titian's painting "The Flaying of Marsyas" is currently in National Museum in Kroměříž in the Czech Republic. Piece of art depicts a scene from Greek mythology, where the satyr Marsyas is flayed for daring to challenge the god Apollo.


The cry is famous painting Norwegian expressionist Edvard Munch. The picture depicts a desperately screaming man against the background of a blood-colored sky. It is known that "The Scream" was inspired by a serene evening walk, during which Munch witnessed the blood-red setting sun.

"Gallowgate Lard"

This painting is nothing more than a self-portrait by Scottish author Ken Currie, who specializes in dark, socially realistic paintings. Curry's favorite theme is dark city ​​life Scottish working class.

"Saturn Devouring His Son"

One of the most famous and sinister works Spanish artist Francisco Goya was painted on his house wall in 1820 - 1823. "Saturn devouring his son" is based on Greek myth about the titan Chronos (in Rome - Saturn), who feared that he would be overthrown by one of his children and ate them immediately after birth.

"Judith Killing Holofernes"

The execution of Holofernes was portrayed by such great artists as Donatello, Sandro Botticelli, Giorgione, Gentileschi, Lucas Cranach the Elder and many others. On painting by Caravaggio, written in 1599, depicts the most dramatic moment of this story - the decapitation.


The painting The Nightmare by the Swiss painter Heinrich Fuseli was first shown at the annual exhibition of the Royal Academy in London in 1782, where it shocked both visitors and critics.

"Massacre of the innocents"

This outstanding work art by Peter Paul Rubens, consisting of two paintings, was created in 1612, believed to have been influenced by the works of the famous Italian artist Caravaggio.

If the paintings seemed too gloomy to hang them at home, you can use one of them.

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