What can you talk about with your girlfriend. Topics for conversation with a girl


When a girl is 5 years old, you tell her a story and send her to bed.
At the age of 10, she tells stories to herself as she goes to bed.
At the age of 15, she tells her mother stories about the fact that she did not go to bed with anyone.
At 20, anyone is ready to tell her a story to drag her into bed.
At 25, people tell stories about what she can do in bed.
At 30, she tells stories in bed that she is still 20.
At 35, you tell her stories that you don't get anyone to bed anymore.
At 40, she tells you stories to get you into bed.
At 45, you tell her stories so you don't go to bed.

What to talk about with a girl while dating? How to talk during a pickup truck - loudly or quietly, with a cheerful face or with a serious one? .. You must use all of the above options. If you tell a girl a joke, then tell it lively, loudly. If you are loading, then speak a little quieter to reduce the contact area, but clearly so that she does not have to ask you again. A soft, inspired voice, a slightly defocused look, adjustment (posture and breathing), an interested look, mirroring of gestures ... There are also so-called trance intonations. In general, voice work is the most important part of communication, since we usually communicate with it. Best of all, you will be given a “voice” at an NLP training, and at home, a voice recorder will become your trainer.

Let's move on to the topics of conversation ... You need to talk with a girl about life, about people and attitude towards them, about what is valuable to her, what she likes in men, about love, finally. The greatest confidence in the interlocutor is caused by stories about parents. Here you can connect your fantasy and tell how your dad jumped with a parachute, and he often didn’t open it, or how your mom heroically saved a brood of kittens from a burning house. Start talking about the girl's interests, about her future profession, tell me a story from your life, a little philosophy, a story about some musician that might seem interesting to her. You ask a question - almost any, but while she is thinking, you are preparing the next one, you are considering further conversation. The more questions are ready, the easier it is to think through and direct the conversation in the right direction. Remember Stirlitz - he spoke and thought about completely different things at the same time! Of course, this won’t work right away, but it’s worth training.

Main - in a conversation with a girl, do not get hung up on one topic! After a pause in the conversation, when it begins to seem that everything has already been said about the previous topic, just change the subject. At least pay attention to the weather - but do not overdo it with platitudes! After talking yourself, leave time for her to speak out so that you don’t get the impression that you adore monologues. She is the same person, only with a slightly different way of thinking - try to feel it, understand its value. And the questions “what to talk about with a girl” simply will not arise, since the main reason for their occurrence is that a guy often does not see a personality behind a girl.

Imagine a situation when you are talking with your friends - can you constantly and continuously talk any nonsense with them? Easily! So, the whole problem when communicating with girls depends only on your internal state. Try to communicate more with all the women around you, and sooner or later communication with them will be no different from the other. I recommend listening to the radio, as the DJ constantly has to say different nonsense, and he must say it all the time and never repeat himself, which is very difficult!

Voice your internal monologue! When you sit next to a girl in a bar, bus, office, talking with her about the weather, work or last year's vacation, thoughts are spinning in your head about what a charming smile your companion has, how her hair sparkles in the sun, how wonderfully she smells perfume. Try to let out this conversation that you have with yourself. Voice your thoughts, tell the girl: "I could not help but pay attention to your eyes - they sparkle like diamonds." Tell the girl in your office, "You know, work can sometimes be depressing, but you're so charming, I just need to see you to cheer me up." Option for the bus: "I was just thinking that if it weren't for your smiling face that I see every morning, I would probably quit my job and stay at home."

Think of TV celebrities you've seen on talk shows. They say unexpected, crazy, even outrageous things, intriguing the audience or making them laugh. Think of your friends who are very popular with girls. You have probably noticed that these men are able to talk to a girl without embarrassment on any topic of interest to women, and the weaker sex likes this. These people break the shackles of traditional secular communication, they are liberated, spontaneous, even prone to clowning. They are not afraid to show the girl birthmark in the shape of a heart on their own thigh, fearlessly portray wild duck, luring a drake to her, and when the party gets boring, they start a discussion about what is the best kissing technique. In other words, these men are damn entertaining because they are not afraid to rip off their formal jacket and say or do whatever they want.

Never ask a girl the typical stranger questions “Where do you go to school?”, “Where are you from?”, even “What is your name?” Old friends don't ask that. Why remind her once again that you're a stranger? It is better to ask her such questions: “Where would you go on vacation, what country is your dream?” or "Tell me the story of that ring of yours." More better questions funny stories about yourself. Talk about yourself as if the other person has known you for a long time. Don't tell a girl: “I have a five-year-old niece, when she came yesterday, she arranged something ...” Better to say like this: “My niece, do you know what she arranged yesterday? She took the whipped cream from my fridge…” Avoid introducing the girl to the facts of your life, talk about events and emotions.

Incorrect: “I work for the Horseradish Corporation as a paperclip unfolding manager. They promised to give me a car recently… Can you imagine?…” It’s better to say to a girl: “You know, yesterday was a hard day, and when I got free, I went out to the roof of our office building and looked at the city, at the lit windows and hurrying cars, and you know what was I thinking?… About all these people who dream about something…” Less facts, more emotions. Close people communicate not at the level of facts, but at the level of emotions. Naturally, curiosity will make the girl ask questions. Reward her curiosity with new interesting messages.

- How old is your niece?

- Lenke something? 5 years. You know, the most interesting thing is that she only obeys her grandmother, and they named her after her. You won’t believe it, Baba Lena once danced in ballet ... so when Lenka gets naughty, she starts to perform such things ... we make fun of her that we will give her to a striptease ...

It is necessary to talk with a girl in an interesting way and in the most boring (proposed) topics. Your answers should awaken her imagination and kindle curiosity. In order not to give the impression of hiding something (for example, not to tell that the car broke down a long time ago and there is no money for a vacation), give her more information than she needs, more than she can absorb. Close people share anything when communicating, not dividing information into important and funny.

Well, if you still suffered a failure in the form of a complete stupor and awkward silence, then there is a way out. At such a moment, it is good to observe her eyes, and then say: “You know, it's always interesting to know what people think during such pauses. It seems to me that this could be very good. My friend Vanya recently also met a girl on the street, and they were sitting like we are now. By the way, now they are very happy and they feel good together. And when there was such a pause, he took her hand like this (you take her hand) and said: “I was just thinking about how good it could be for you and me. You are so beautiful, tender and affectionate. Imagine how good it would be if you thought the same thing now and even after for a long time you remembered this day (morning, evening) as the happiest in your life, when you so simply believed your heart, and now we are happy together.

[Maintain long and interesting conversation For many, this is a daunting task. Even understanding the principles of building a successful dialogue, a man is painfully silent already in the second minute of communication. At the practical pick-up trainings of the Dating Academy, you will learn in real conditions not only to talk to a girl, but also to maintain an interesting conversation with any person for many hours. Moreover, the instructor will correct and train you "in hot mode", right in the process of meeting or dating, unnoticed by the girl.]

If you have to talk to a girl who is silent from the very beginning of the acquaintance, you can amuse her with a monologue ... Knock-knock! Are we silent? Well, if you don’t want it, whatever you want ... Will we get to know each other? You're busy? Are you ignoring? Broke down? Don't want to chat? Want something more? Tired of guys? Imposing? Passed out from happiness? Do not be silent, oh beautiful stranger, I cannot bear this murderous silence! Do you love poetry? Let me tell you something! I can use Shakespeare's sonnets, amorous poems, Onegin's letter to Tatyana, excerpts from the orders of the President of the Russian Federation, from the Constitution, I can use the Kalashnikov assault rifle or hypnotic phrases, after reading which you will simply fall in love with me ... Maybe you like philosophical sayings?.. We can talk for life in kind! And we can have highly intellectual disputes about the meaning of life and spiritual values ​​... What do you like more? .. Maybe we'll play a game? I offer a one-question test for knowledge of the Russian language. If you give the correct answer, then I fall off the side and never pester you again! If you can not answer correctly, then you will communicate with me. And if you keep quiet, then I'll think of something else! Do you agree?.. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse! I will apply all my strength of character, seduction, individuality, uniqueness of me as a person, so that you can at least answer something! Well, at least send me away, or what? At least some kind of reaction… Oh! Eat! Invented! Let's play one more game! Come up with three of the most sophisticated ways to send a young man who pesters you. Weak?! Yes, it looks weak ... And you refuse to send me, and you also refuse to answer ... Hmm, a very unusual case! What to do with you?.. What about you? Let's be quiet, okay? Please don't distract me anymore! Don't even try, I won't answer! Oh, how good it is to be silent with you! Just a soul to heaven! There are so few people in the world with whom even if you are silent, you still feel comfortable! I even begin to understand the meaning of life! Here's a little more - and I understand! And nirvana will overtake me! What a pleasure to talk to a girl like you. And all because of you! Thank you! Big and huge! I started talking about something… We were going to be silent… Everything, we need to concentrate… And be quiet… Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… My receptors open to the Great Cosmos… Ommmmmmmmmmmm… How do you feel? I'm so glad I met you! You know how to be silent so beautifully and eloquently ... Just rare girl! It is necessary to protect this! .. Everyone, let's keep silent! .. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! Ask with what? I will answer: You are the most impregnable girl I have ever met. You know, I'm already so used to you. To the fact that I can tell you whatever you want - still do not answer ... Beauty! I know what you're thinking... You're thinking, like, she didn't say a word, but he chatted for half an hour. He will probably tell a whole novel now ... And I'm not going to! It wasn't even in my mind! I think that just a presentation with elements of an essay will be enough. Knock Knock! There-there-there! Bang bang bang! Fuck tibidoh! Can't hear... What a talkative girl...

Every young man at least once in his life has encountered an awkward pause in a conversation, when the previous topic for conversation has exhausted itself, and it has not yet been possible to move on to the next one. And the longer the silence drags on, the more difficult it is to start a lively dialogue again. On the first date, this problem is especially relevant, because the interlocutors have not yet had time to study each other's areas of interest well enough. It is better to think over in advance what to talk about with a girl in order to interest her from the first meeting.

Preparing for Dialogue

Today's young people are in a better position than the generation of their parents, because almost any person can now learn a lot of relevant information from his own profile in one of the social networks on the Internet. If the girl you like keeps up with the times, then she most likely has not even one, but several pages in different communities. By carefully studying what entries a girl publishes on her page, as well as viewing photos, video and audio recordings, you can determine the main areas of her interests. If a potential lover is fond of, for example, horse riding or mountain climbing, then such hobbies are likely to be reflected in her profile. Then it will be much easier to find a topic for a conversation with her even at the first meeting - just mention her hobby.

  1. 1. Knowing in advance the interests of the girl, try to find as much information as possible about her hobbies. The owner of a rare or specific hobby will be pleasantly surprised that the interlocutor is able to maintain a dialogue on a topic of interest to her.
  2. 2. In order to give the impression of a good interlocutor, you need to feel comfortable and confident. A frown and silence will be taken by a girl for rejection or even aggression, especially if the meeting takes place for the first time.
  3. 3. Put the phone on silent mode and try not to be distracted by calls and SMS. Many guys try to show their busyness and relevance by answering all calls on the phone, but in the eyes of a girl, this looks like disrespect for her and lack of interest in conversation.

How to start a conversation with a girl

Possible topics for conversation

Oscar Wilde called talking about the weather "the last refuge of the unimaginative." So that the dialogue does not seem forced, this topic is best avoided. If you need to keep up a conversation with a stranger about whom absolutely nothing is known, then one of the following topics will come in handy during the conversation:

  1. 1. Education. You can ask the interlocutor if she liked studying or remember the funny episodes with her participation from school years. Perhaps in the course of the dialogue it turns out that the interlocutors have completed one educational institution, crossed paths while studying at the institute or had common favorite subjects.
  2. 2. Travel. A girl who prefers long trips and has been to different countries will be happy to talk about it. If she has not been able to go anywhere else, then you can tell yourself about your adventures. If it turns out that both interlocutors are homebodies and have not traveled anywhere, then you can just dream about which places are worth visiting. On a walk, you can discuss which interesting corners of the city the chosen one has not yet visited, and invite her there on the next date.
  3. 3. Cooking. Most women have to practice such a science as cooking. A man who understands cooking and knows how to make something other than scrambled eggs invariably produces pleasant impression to the female gender. Therefore the discussion interesting recipes and new products can diversify the dialogue. Although it also happens that the girl categorically declares her inability and unwillingness to cook. Then you can reduce the conversation to a joke, remembering bad cooking experiences that she probably had, or discussing the menu of popular restaurants.
  4. 4. Cinema, literature. The topic of the last book you read or the latest in cinema can be the beginning of a fascinating conversation. Another significant advantage of such a dialogue is that it may start a future book exchange or allow you to unobtrusively invite a girl to the cinema in order to appreciate another masterpiece of the film industry together.
  5. 5. Relationships. You can lead a woman to an interesting dialogue with the help of a question about how she sees ideal relationship. Such a conversation will allow you to find out the similarities and differences in views on love and family life.
  6. 6. Pets. Such a topic is neutral, because animals can be talked about even completely strangers. To fill a pause, you can say a couple funny stories about their pets and ask what wards were or are at home with the interlocutor.
  7. 7. Holidays. Memories of the holidays that have just passed or preparations for the upcoming ones can revive any dialogue. You can ask the girl about her date of birth and ask about the most unusual and memorable gifts and surprises.
  8. 8. Horoscopes, divination. If a girl answered the question about her date of birth, then it will be easy to find out who she is according to the horoscope. To calculate the sign of the zodiac, there are many mobile applications. But you can, along the way, finding out if she believes in horoscopes.
  9. 9.

    Vulgar topics for discussion also take place in the dialogues of a man and a woman. It is better not to touch on such topics on the first date, as it is easy to shock and frighten the interlocutor. But with a friend who willingly supports any topic, you can take a chance and start a conversation “for adults”. You need to carefully monitor the reaction in order to turn the conversation into a joke in time if the girl does not like the topic

How to surprise a girl

List of interesting questions

In any dialogue, you need to adhere to the "golden mean" - not to be too talkative, but also not to be silent. You can maintain a dialogue and get the necessary information about the interlocutor with the help of skillfully and on time questions asked on various topics. It must be remembered that a girl should not feel like she is being interrogated.

If a guy does not know what to talk about, then a list of questions that will help him get closer to a girl will help him out:

  1. 1. "What are your favorite flowers?"
  2. 2. "Can you swim?"
  3. 3. "What are some things you've done in the past that you regret?"
  4. 4. "Are you interested in such serious topics as politics, economics?"
  5. 5. "Which film do you consider the best in the history of cinema?"
  6. 6. "Did you do well in school?"
  7. 7. "What activities do you try to devote your free time?"
  8. 8. "Are you sad or happy most of the time?"
  9. 9. "What qualities should a man have to please you?"
  10. 10. "Have you ever had a pen pal?"
  11. 11. "What kind of music do you like?"
  12. 12. "What act would you never be able to do?"
  13. 13. "Do you have any fears (darkness, spiders, mice)?"

Any person is most interested in talking about himself - this is one of the basic rules for conducting a conversation.

Too long dialogue on abstract topics will quickly bore the girl. Therefore, the list of prepared questions should not look like a template, and any topic should be gradually translated into a conversation about the personality of the interlocutor, her desires and interests.

Communication at a distance

Some relationships begin with the fact that the guy and the girl begin to communicate without even seeing each other. For example, if young man liked the woman and he was able to find out her phone number. Another variant of the development of events - the person herself reported her number, but has not yet agreed to a full-fledged date. Or the couple communicates through social media in the Internet. In this case, it is necessary to build communication at a distance in such a way as to interest her and achieve consent to a meeting in reality. In doing so, you need to follow a few rules.

  1. 1. Don't force texting or calling a girl who has made it clear she doesn't like courtship. Perhaps she already has a man or she has just experienced a painful break with her beloved - you need to respect other people's feelings and understand when the interest is not mutual.
  2. 2. You need to find out what hours both interlocutors are free. If at the height of the working day you attack a girl with dozens of playful SMS, this can cause her a pronounced negative reaction. It is better not to distract a person when he is busy with work or study, but to find out the most suitable time for flirting.
  3. 3. Long-distance relationships assume that both parties are not too aware of each other. Therefore, you should not be silent for a long time for no apparent reason, otherwise it can give rise to a lot of speculation and arouse suspicions of possible treason.
  4. 4. Girls love to get nice attentions. If every morning and evening you send your beloved SMS with wishes Have a good day and pleasant dreams, she will be interested and want to get to know such a persistent romantic closer. Naturally, it is necessary to observe that messages do not cause a negative reaction from the girl - at some time of the day she may be out of sorts, and then you should not disturb her.
  5. 5. When talking on the phone, you need to show yourself as an interesting interlocutor, but you should not drag out the conversation too much. Any conversation should not last longer than 15-20 minutes, so that mutual interest does not fade away. If you didn’t have time to talk about something, then you can discuss the remaining issues later - this will be a good reason for the next call.
  6. 6. If the topics are over, do not be shy - you can simply invite the girl to decide for herself what to talk about. It happens that the interlocutor wants to ask a question, but does not have time to insert a word, because the guy does not stop talking. It is necessary to give the girl the opportunity to express her opinion, and not “pour” endlessly with jokes and stories about herself.

Many have noticed that talking at a distance with unknown girl much easier than face-to-face contact, as there is always time to come up with an interesting and witty response. But to translate communication with a girl into a plane real life nevertheless necessary, because in reality two interlocutors may turn out to be completely unsuitable for each other, both for love and just for friendship.

A girl and a guy can talk to each other about anything, even adult topics. But in order not to offend the other person, you need to talk about topics that you understand together. So, for example, a guy fumbles in computers or cars and says words to a girl that she doesn’t understand at all. It's unlikely to work here good conversation. Therefore, it is important to find common themes. You can talk about what everyone knows about - about the weather, about work, about relationships. If you have close acquaintances, then you can build on this in a conversation, and then you will find other points of contact. If you have common hobbies, then you can talk about it the whole conversation. In general, the main thing is to start talking with a girl or a guy on some topic and then something will pop up from this topic. new topic for a conversation. It can happen (and this is how it mostly happens) that when you start talking about one topic, you will end up talking about something completely different at the end of the conversation. For example, they started a conversation with the topic of study, and at the end they already talked about travel, about the sea.

Topics of conversation with a girl or a guy can be completely different. As the world is diverse, themes can be different. You need to find topics that will be of interest to both of you. We need to find common ground.

Some topics for communication with a girl (guy):

1. Movie is a universal theme. You can discuss films, cartoons, discuss what films you like, which movie you watched last, when last time were in the cinema.

2. Hobbies. If you are passionate about something, then you can talk about it with enthusiasm in your eyes. Maybe you will be able to infect the interlocutor with this hobby. It's even better if you're both into the same thing.

3. Literature. A topic for conversation for those people who love to read.

4. museum discussion, memorable places . There are many such places in any city.

5. Bad habits. It is better to communicate about the shortcomings of a small "cute" character: for example, the habit of constantly losing hands or finding them, constantly being late. It should be fun.

6. Money. You can talk about the cost of certain things, food, travel in transport. But it is better not to talk about this topic for a long time.

7. Food. You can discuss family dinners, exotic food. After discussing good cafes and restaurants, you can go there. This is a great suggestion for this.

8. Travel, walks. Ask the interlocutor about last trip, about where he likes to go, walk, where he likes to walk.

9. Transport, cars. You can ask about the availability of transport, the ability to drive, about the desired car.

10. Work and study. You can remember cool situations that were at work or school, and talk about them.

11. Rest. Discuss the topic of days off and rest, what a person does at this time.

12. Sport. Tell us about your favorite sports, what sports you do. There are many topics here: football, famous athletes, types of swimming, gyms, sports tourism and others.

13. Health. Just do not read moralizing lectures, from which the interlocutor will fall asleep.

14. Religion. There is a lot to talk about here: about faith in fate, in God, about the history of religions, about faith in chance (which is no coincidence), about faith in predestination from above or in the independent creation of one's own destiny.

15. Relationship. What do you expect from relationships, what are the preferences in men (women)? What can not be tolerated in a relationship: greed, betrayal, tediousness and other things. But, just discussing the topic of relationships, do not think about past girlfriends (if you are a guy) or past boyfriends (if you are a girl).

16. Children. You can condemn kids, younger sisters and brothers, nephews and just other acquaintances. There is sure to be a lot of interesting things here, because the kids are very interesting creatures, they constantly say something funny, act up.

17. Gifts, holidays. What gifts do you prefer? What holiday is your most favorite and long-awaited? What do you like more - giving or receiving gifts?

18. Cloth. You can compliment the interlocutor at his expense appearance. Make fun of your clothes.

19. Pets. Tell about your pets and ask if your interlocutor has pets: a cat, a dog, a parrot, a fish, a hamster, a rat.

20. intimate relationship . It is better to talk about this topic when your relationship is more or less intimate. Do not shock the interlocutor immediately with your intimate questions.

Interesting questions as topics for conversation with a guy (girl) that will help break the ice in communication:

  1. Why are you unique?
  2. What do people misunderstand about you?
  3. Why are you underestimated?
  4. Would you like to become famous? If yes, then what?
  5. What makes you feel like a woman (man)?
  6. What are you heartbroken for? What is sacred to you?
  7. What brings you the greatest pleasure?
  8. What is your biggest wish that has yet to come true?
  9. What do you think is the most important achievement in your life?
  10. What are your strengths/weaknesses?
  11. Do you like pets?
  12. When did you feel the greatest freedom?
  13. The most pleasant event for you last year?
  14. What are your favorite entertainment, holidays, TV shows?
  15. What would you do (-alas) if you had a billion dollars and you could (-la) not work?
  16. What hobbies, games, companies, sports and other activities do you prefer?
  17. How do you usually spend your free time?
  18. Have you ever had an incident in your life that shook you to the core?
  19. You are romantic? If yes, how and in what way is it expressed?
  20. Tell us about your childhood, about interesting childhood moments. Which good qualities in your character you owe (a) family upbringing.
  21. What did you dream of becoming as a child?
  22. What do you expect from loved one? What should (-on) be an ideal (th) man (woman) in your opinion?
  23. What is the main thing in the relationship between a man and a woman in your opinion?
  24. What can make you happy? What can be sad?
  25. What and who do you value most in life?
  26. If you were invited to act in films, what role would you play (s)?
  27. What do you think makes you different from others?
  28. How do you imagine the perfect vacation?

Now you know the topics for conversation with a girl (guy) and you will definitely find something to talk about.

Topics for conversation with a girl on 5+

Topics for conversation with a girl they are very diverse and there are a lot of them ... Everything comes with experience, you can talk with girls on any topic, but at the same time you can’t talk about how her girlfriend can otherwise send her to the DOD or put a tick in front of your last name - a nice guy, but this is not included in pickup plans! What to talk about with a girl or with a woman, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that it should be the most natural and spontaneous.

Whole list


Do you often go to the cinema?
- What films do you like the most?
- What genre? For example, I like ...... (comedies) (then talk about the genre that she
like. Find out which films
- Do you often go alone or with friends?
- Have you ever gone to a night session? And on the night "non-stop"? (this is when you pay once, and
watch 3-4 movies all night)
- Have you ever noticed that when you go outside after a session, at first the surrounding
You perceive the world differently depending on the film. Have you ever had this? (If it was
then ask after what movie and how?)
- Have you ever had strong feeling after watching the film? Which?

If you run out of topics to communicate with a girl- then this is something serious, or it's nerves and you need to understand that girls are the same creatures and even more insidious, or you just don't have contact - she just cuts off any opportunity you have to hook her. And in the latter case, it may also be her joint, she is simply insane or inadequate for you, but she may be quite adequate for another guy, in this case it is better to just remain friends or go off ecologically.

Many themes here are not suitable for many girls, so choose your own taste and just have fun)

ATTENTION: when talking with a girl, do not talk about too primitive things, some especially smart thugs want to see intellectual abilities young guy. Yes, and some mokroschelki also read these posts and fire).

Cafes, bars, discos

Do you often go to discos? where is the last time and why?
- Do you know why some girls go to cafes with their friends so often?
- Do you like sweets? ... For pleasure or to the detriment of the diet? :)
- Have you tried to cook something yourself from what you tried in a cafe?
- You know, very often girls sit in cafes and get bored. Sometimes it lasts more than one hour. What are they waiting for?
- Have you ever dynamite a guy? Well, just be honest;) (regardless of the answer “What a great fellow you are!
:)") Tell..

There are many questions here, but if you constantly ask them, she will feel like she is being interrogated, of course, you can also make a kind of frame out of them, but unfortunately this is not a leader frame. Questions must be asked so you can direct conversation with a girl in the direction you need, but you should not replay:

Parks, street, places of rest

Do you like to walk?
- What is your favorite weather? And why?
- Where do you like to walk the most?
- Have you ever walked in the rain?
- Do you often hang out with your friends?
- Have you ever walked around the city all night?
- Have you been to the zoo for a long time?
- Which place do you remember the most? Why?
- Do you like swimming? Do you bathe often? Where?

By the way, a girl and a guy can also talk about these topics and they are interested in this no less than men.


Do you fall in love often?
- You are romantic? And what is the most?
- How do you feel about the fact that some people say that relationships can be bought with money?
Have you ever had an all night date?
What do you think is the toughest competition? Male or female? Why?
- Did you have competitors? Were they alive? :)
What do you like more, compliments or receiving them?
- And what do you consider worthy of a compliment in yourself? Well, except for a beautiful, intriguing look,

Someone may notice that there are many serious topics for conversation with women, maybe so, that is, you also need to apply intuition. If you choose a serious girl, then she will willingly talk to you not only on these topics, but if you have a woman who is too frivolous, then the man will use tricks and games that are rarely associated with seriousness.

Common topics

Are you afraid of thunderstorms? What are you most afraid of?
- Do you have any collection. Well, fish, for example, or someone else? :)
- Do you have pets? The name of? Are you feeding? :)
- Have you been to the sea? What are the feelings, what did you like the most?
- What kind of music do you like the most? Do you listen often?
- What was your best bright moment in life?
- Can you cook? And what works best?
- Can you play anything? (for a long time? what do you like the most?) Do you like to listen?
- Do you like sunbathing? Topless? ;)
- Do you remember your first love? In the garden there or in primary school? / think about whether you can ask this? the answer is of course not!
- Do you have Brother or sister? Would you like to? (To be alone)
- Which your favorite season? And what do you like the most about it?

How to arrange a woman when meeting, what to talk about?

If you are new to a girl and she is reluctant to answer questions personal nature start a conversation carefully, and only then, having positioned yourself, try to get closer.

What can you talk about in general?

  1. About pets. Ask if she has a favorite pet, if so, discuss it. If not, ask who you would like to have. You can watch funny videos on the Internet with the participation of cats and dogs;
  2. Find out if he's watching series and what. If so, talk about the characters and events, share your impressions. If she hasn't seen one yet, suggest the most interesting options, invite to watch together;
  3. childhood memories- a great way to arrange and relax the interlocutor. If a new acquaintance avoids personal topics for now, talk to her about her childhood, how and where she spent it, remember how you grew up. Tell her what toys and games were, where you went for a walk with your parents, and how you played pranks. This theme is the most neutral, gives a nostalgic mood and relieves tension in a conversation.

At the first meeting, try to stick to general conversations and observe how ready the interlocutor is to communicate. Then proceed according to circumstances.

In this video, psychologist Yegor Sheremetyev will tell you what you can talk about with a girl you recently met:

What to talk about with a girl on a date?

The main rule is a girl shouldn't be bored. You can come on a date without a bouquet of flowers, but if she starts to yawn, being nearby - “write it down”. There are many areas to talk about:

  1. what are you interested in? I do boxing - this is my hobby, but what do you do in your free time?
  2. What were you like as a child?
  3. What cheers you up?
  4. Do you like to travel in comfort or do you prefer to relax like a savage, away from people?
  5. What kind of music do you listen to, why, who is your favorite singer/singer?
  6. Do you like to watch movies, in what genre?
  7. Tell us about the most unforgettable experience in your life;
  8. You have a great figure, what sports do you do?
  9. If you could move to another place, where would you like to move?
  10. What character do you think you have? I know that I can be short-tempered, but I quickly calm down, and you?
  11. What do you like in men? After all, all the girls appreciate different qualities, I wonder what you like?
  12. Does she know how to cook, which dish she considers the most delicious and successful;
  13. What are her favorite perfumes, what fragrances from which brands do you like?
  14. Have you ever done stupid things that you still feel ashamed of?
  15. What do you like more - mountains and nature or noisy, crazy parties?
  16. If you had to choose, which of your five senses would you lose?
  17. Does she believe in fate, that it is predetermined?
  18. Can there be friendship between opposite sexes? (with a small age difference, of course)
  19. What in life is she most embarrassed about, what does she have complexes about?
  20. If she won 10 million rubles in the lottery, how would she manage the money?
  21. What kind of sport did you do and what would you like to do, and is she generally attracted to sports?
  22. What courses would you like to go to (for the soul, not for earnings);
  23. Which bad habits irritate her in others?
  24. Does she like night walks through the sleeping summer city until the morning?
  25. Which favorite time year, what exactly attracts you the most?
  26. Which of the stars or YouTube bloggers would you like to chat with and about what?
  27. Does she like cycling or rollerblading?
  28. What extreme event would you like to experience? (parachute jump, bungee jump, wind tunnel jump, etc.)
  29. What animal did she have, what would she like to have, who do you like more - cats or dogs?
  30. Who does he consider to be the greatest musician of all time?

Such questions and suggestions are endless. But they must be asked tactfully, you can not get into the topic, but fall out of favor.

Sometimes you get lost when talking with a friend, girlfriend, neighbor, colleague or in line to the doctor. This is the very moment when a person wants to communicate, but an uncomfortable pause hangs in the air. How can you smooth it out?

  • Talk about politics. It is believed that it is better to avoid such destinations, but often they are the most beloved. Political issues are of concern to many, it is not necessary to discuss specific individuals or the current situation. You can intelligently talk about what an ideal state should be like, about the role of certain historical events V modern world. The main thing is that your interlocutor be adequate and patient;
  • Discuss various trifles: cooking, technology, favorite writers and problems in the housing and communal services sector;
  • Ask whether a person believes in life after death, discuss composers and poets who dealt with this topic in their works: Alexei Zaev, Nick Drake, etc. Discuss in what form each of you would like to end your existence.

And one more interesting conversation - about dreams and goals, everyone can talk about it. Starting a conversation with the words: “What do you dream about?” - you can be calm that you will not miss.

5 topics to talk to a man

It can be difficult to interest a guy, often they have a prejudiced attitude towards female “chirping”. Many of them believe that women can only collect and dissolve gossip.

You need to be able to dispel this belief:

  • Find out everything about his hobby and show your awareness in this matter. You may not be interested in football, but if you care about this guy, try to sincerely share your favorite hobby with him. Or say: “Oh, I don’t understand anything about this yet, tell me, I’m interested” - and prepare your ears. But listen carefully, an indifferent nod will be quickly recognized;
  • Gadgets - laptops, tablets, phones and other devices. You can ask a question about the intricacies of the operation of a particular equipment and listen to an authoritative opinion, supporting it or denying it. And it doesn’t matter that you yourself know and can do everything, you don’t have to admit it;
  • Art - surprise him with your knowledge in this area. Today, girls, unfortunately, have little interest in painting or music, but you are not like that. From childhood, your mother instilled in you necessary knowledge about composers and poets, and now you are listening and reading famous classics both modern and not so modern.

And of course, be a grateful listener, men do not like to be ignored.

What not to talk about with a guy

Men have their weak points, which do not need to be pressed. They are often more touchy than girls, so try to avoid the following topics:

  • Past partners and your betrayals. If in a previous relationship there were betrayals on your part, do not tell the person who is now opposite about it. Of course, you can tell a friend about your misadventures, but you shouldn’t tell a guy;
  • Don't criticize his body. They love to be praised, even if you already have a beer belly and a crow's nest on your head, never talk about it. It is better to silently correct the shortcomings, offer to visit a familiar hairdresser and go together to Gym so that you don't get bored;
  • Don't say you doubt him. He claims that he will soon fly to the moon - so it will be so. The uncertainty of a close woman unsettles and irritates men;
  • Do not tell that you would like to spend time with that handsome man at the next table - this is a heavy blow to pride. Even if you really liked the guy passing by, the one next to you is always better.

Yes, one must talk to them about the sublime, avoiding many directions. But having managed to interest, pick up desired topics, become for him a precious find.

A few secrets on how to keep the conversation going

Finding the right theme is important, but you also need to be able to apply it. V right place and at the right time so as not to offend anyone, and save yourself.

Here's how to do it:

  1. The main rule is to let your opponent talk. Ask his opinion, be interested in his life;
  2. Communicate with the first people you meet and old acquaintances in different ways. Do not discuss “slippery” topics with strangers: religion, family relationships, money, health. With those whom you know, but have not seen for a long time, talk about work and children, is there an addition to the family, what position is the person in;
  3. Pay attention to how the interlocutor reacts to certain phrases. It is always clear if some words are unpleasant for a person, then leave this conversation;
  4. Give compliments in response to success stories. For example: “I am very interested in how you learned to play the piano like that”, “You have a wonderful physical form How did you manage to achieve such a result?

The main thing is natural attention, do not put on a mask of friendliness on your face, sincerely rejoice at your opponent.

We have described various interesting topics for conversation, about travel, animals and hobbies, for every taste. Remember a few in reserve, as it often happens that at the right moment they fly out of your head.

Video: how to avoid awkward pauses in conversations?

In this video, psychologist Timur Khazanov will tell you about a few tricks that will help you avoid awkward silence in any conversation:

And in this video, psychologist Maria Nosova will tell you how to find interesting topics for conversation:

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