Olympics. Nomination "Musical Literature"


Quiz "Entertaining solfeggio" for young musicians

Butorina Elena Ivanovna, teacher of theoretical disciplines.
Place of work: MBU DO "Children's School of Arts", Gornozavodsk, Perm Territory.
Material Description: Dear teachers of theoretical disciplines of Children's music schools and art schools! I bring to your attention a summary of the quiz on subject"Solfeggio" for young musicians. This quiz can be extracurricular activity, and one of the options for conducting a control lesson at the end of the quarter.
Purpose of material: The quiz "Entertaining solfeggio" is intended for students in grades 1-3 of the Children's Art Schools and Children's Music Schools.
Purpose of the event- checking the knowledge of students in the subject "Solfeggio" in a playful way using information and computer technologies.
- to expand students' ideas about the subject "Solfeggio";
- apply acquired knowledge and skills in game situation;
- develop logical thinking, reveal the creative potential of the quiz participants;
- Develop communication skills, including teamwork skills.
- provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their intellectual abilities in a competitive manner.
Equipment: classroom, laptop, multimedia projector, screen, speakers, noise orchestra instruments.
Demo materials: video clips musical works different genres, electronic tests on the subject "Solfeggio".
Participation rules:
Students in grades 1-3 are divided into 3 teams of different ages. Teams participate in all stages of the quiz, gaining points for correctness and speed, originality and creativity when performing tasks.

Quiz steps:

Stage 1 - "Warm-up", in which the participants of the quiz answer the different questions on solfeggio (questions are displayed on the screen):

Question #1:

The correct answer is note.
Question #2:

The correct answer is 7 steps.
Question #3:

The correct answer is three main steps: I, IV, V.
Question #4:

The correct answer is II, IV, VI, VII steps.
Question #5:

The correct answer is the fourth in a row.
Question #6:

The correct answer is flat.
Stage 2 - " Perfect Pitch» , in which the participants of the quiz determine the mode of a piece of music after listening to it. For this step, you need to prepare musical examples, preferably video fragments of musical works of different genres:

- Rauno Lehtinen, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, "Letka-enka" (the correct answer is minor);
- V.Ya. Shainsky, the song "From a smile" from the cartoon "Little Raccoon" (the correct answer is a variable mode);
- R. Pauls, Lullaby from the movie " Long road in the dunes" (correct answer - major);
- V.A. Mozart, 3rd movement of the sonata in A major, "Rondo in the Turkish style" (correct answer is minor);

- Russian folk song“Along and along the river” (the correct answer is a variable mode);

I.S. Bach, "Joke" (the correct answer is minor).
Stage 3 - "Connoisseurs of solfeggio", in which team members, using electronic tests, answer questions on the material covered. At this stage, the speed and correctness of the students' answers are taken into account. I offer you three options for electronic tests: “Easy questions on solfeggio”, “ Musical kaleidoscope” and “Entertaining solfeggio”.
"Easy questions on solfeggio":

Question #1:

The correct answer is Major.
Question #2:

The correct answer is the treble clef.
Question #3:

The correct answer is permission.
Question #4:

The correct answer is interval.
Question #5:

The correct answer is 3 sounds.
Question #6:

The correct answer is flat.
Question #7:

The correct answer is sharp.
Question #8:

The correct answer is "loud".

Presentation on the topic: Easy questions on solfeggio

Slides of electronic tests are projected on the screen "Music Kaleidoscope":

Question #1:

The correct answer is a consonance of three or more sounds.
Question #2:

The correct answer is 5 steps.
Question #3:

The correct answer is tonic.
Question #4:

The correct answer is 0 characters.
Question #5:

The correct answer is B flat.
Question #6:

The correct answer is 2 sounds.
Question #7:

The correct answer is step change.
Question #8:

The correct answer is reprise.

Presentation on the topic: Entertaining solfeggio

Slides of electronic tests are projected on the screen "Entertaining solfeggio":

Question #1:

The correct answer is the distance between two musical sounds.
Question #2:

The correct answer is simple intervals.
Question #3:

The correct answer is by the number of steps and tones (semitones).
Question #4:

The correct answer is letter + number.
Question #5:

The correct answer is appeal.
Question #6:

The correct answer is 4 steps.
Question #7:

The correct answer is 0 tones.

Musicologist, editor-in-chief

The Olympiad in musical-theoretical and musical-historical disciplines is a form of competition in knowledge, abilities, and skills acquired in basic lessons that has been successfully used by teachers for a long time. It allows you to effectively solve many pedagogical problems. This is an opportunity to repeat material within the framework curriculum, it is the need to expand the range of students' knowledge, using the entire information arsenal available today thanks not only to the usual book sources, but also to the Internet. Finally, it is a way to encourage them to self-study, awakening and maintaining interest, curiosity, forming the skills of searching and finding the right materials, the ability to assess their significance and quality.

The form of holding such competitions is quite flexible, involving many options for implementation. creativity the teachers themselves, who form a package of requirements and tasks. The preparation of the Olympiad is an extremely painstaking and responsible business, and the overall success of the creative competition depends on how all the stages of this work are done.

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  • "Pictures of Nature in Music". Materials of the Olympiad in musical literature. Tasks 4 and 6

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  • "Pictures of Nature in Music". Materials of the Olympiad in musical literature. Task 3

    Materials of the VI Interregional Olympiad in Musical Literature named after A.P. Borodin. Teachers Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O., E. A. Sirtsova

  • "Pictures of Nature in Music". Materials of the Olympiad in musical literature. Task 2. Timbre quiz

    Materials of the VI Interregional Olympiad in Musical Literature named after A.P. Borodin. Teachers Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O., E. A. Sirtsova

  • "Pictures of Nature in Music". Materials of the Olympiad in musical literature. Exercise 1

    Materials of the VI Interregional Olympiad in Musical Literature named after A.P. Borodin. Teachers of Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O., E. A. Sirtsova.

  • Operas by Russian composers of the 19th century. Olympiad materials. Quiz. Task 2

  • Operas by Russian composers of the 19th century. Olympiad materials. Quiz. Exercise 1

    materials school olympiad prepared and conducted among graduate students. Teacher Smetanina G.V.

  • Operas by Russian composers of the 19th century. Olympiad materials

    Materials of the school Olympiad, prepared and held among graduate students. Teacher Smetanina G.V.

  • Listening to music. Materials of the Olympiad "Game musical lotto in pictures"

    Materials of the Open City Team Olympiad on the subject "Listening to Music" for students lower grades"Game musical lotto in pictures". The authors of the manual are teachers of the Children's Music School No. 1 named after. M. K. Butakova, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod region Bardina A. F. Dovgalskaya T. A., Tabashina E. A.

  • Materials of the Olympiad "Young erudite" "Through the pages of fairy tales, myths and legends." Action III. "Russian Terpsichore soul filled flight"

    Materials of the annual Olympiad: which is held by the teachers of the city music school Nizhny Novgorod. This Olympiad was held by the teacher of Children's Music School No. 15 G. V. Smetanina

  • Materials of the Olympiad "Young erudite" "Through the pages of fairy tales, myths and legends." Intermission No. 3. Crossword

  • Materials of the Olympiad "Young erudite" "Through the pages of fairy tales, myths and legends." Action two

    Materials of the annual Olympiad, which is held in Nizhny Novgorod by the teachers of the city music school. This Olympiad was conducted by the teacher of Children's Music School No. 15 G. V. Smetanina.

  • Materials of the Olympiad "Young erudite" "Through the pages of fairy tales, myths and legends." Act one

    Materials of the annual Olympiad, which is held in Nizhny Novgorod by the teachers of the city music school. This Olympiad was conducted by the teacher of Children's Music School No. 15 G. V. Smetanina.

  • Materials of the Olympiad "Young erudite" "Through the pages of fairy tales, myths and legends." Prologue

    Materials of the annual Olympiad, which is held in Nizhny Novgorod by the teachers of the city music school. This Olympiad was conducted by the teacher of Children's Music School No. 15 G. V. Smetanina.

  • Materials of the Olympiad in Musical Literature "From Borodin to Tchaikovsky: through the pages of symphonic works"

  • Materials of the Olympiad on musical literature "From Borodin to Tchaikovsky: through the pages of symphonic works". Crossword

    Fragment of the IV Interregional Olympiad in Musical Literature for senior classes of children's music school and children's art school. Teachers of Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O.

  • Materials of the Olympiad on musical literature "From Borodin to Tchaikovsky: through the pages of symphonic works". Genres and forms of symphonic music

    Fragment of the IV Interregional Olympiad in Musical Literature for senior classes of children's music school and children's art school. Teachers of Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O.

  • Materials of the Olympiad on musical literature "From Borodin to Tchaikovsky: through the pages of symphonic works". Tasks 2, 3

    Fragment of the IV Interregional Olympiad in Musical Literature for senior classes of children's music school and children's art school. Teachers of Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O.

  • Materials of the Olympiad on musical literature "From Borodin to Tchaikovsky: through the pages of symphonic works". Biographies in events and facts

    Fragment of the IV Interregional Olympiad in Musical Literature for senior classes of children's music school and children's art school. Teachers of Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O.

  • Materials of the Regional Olympiad in Musical Literature "Young Erudite"

    The materials of the Regional Olympiad in Musical Literature "Young Erudite" -2014 for grades 2–4 of the Children's Music School were prepared by the teachers of the Children's Art School No. 7 of Nizhny Novgorod Ginzburg E. A., Bolshakova E. A., Solovyova O. B., Suvorkina E. A. , Shalina I. A.

  • Materials of the Olympiad in Musical Literature “A. P. Borodin and European romanticism in instrumental music”. Crossword

    Fragment of the III Inter-regional Olympiad in musical literature for senior classes of children's music school and children's art school. Teachers of Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O.

  • Materials of the Olympiad in Musical Literature “A. P. Borodin and European romanticism in instrumental music”. Biographies-riddles

  • Materials of the Olympiad in Musical Literature “A. P. Borodin and European romanticism in instrumental music”. Tasks 4, 5

    Fragments of the III Interregional Olympiad in Musical Literature for senior classes of Children's Music School and Children's Art School. Teachers of Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O.

  • Materials of the Olympiad in Musical Literature “A. P. Borodin and European romanticism in instrumental music”. Tasks 1, 2, 3

    Fragments of the III Interregional Olympiad in Musical Literature for senior classes of Children's Music School and Children's Art School. Teachers of Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O.

  • Materials of the Olympiad in Musical Literature "Fairy Tale in Russian Music". Crossword "Pushkin's Tales".

  • Materials of the Olympiad in Musical Literature "Fairy Tale in Russian Music". Characters.

    Fragments of the II Interregional Olympiad for high school students of children's music schools and children's art schools. Teachers of Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O.

  • Materials of the Olympiad in Musical Literature "Fairy Tale in Russian Music". Famous performers and directors.

    Fragments of the II Interregional Olympiad for high school students of children's music schools and children's art schools. Teachers of Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O.

  • Materials of the Olympiad in Musical Literature "Fairy Tale in Russian Music". Russian artists and painting.

    Fragments of the II Interregional Olympiad for high school students of children's music schools and children's art schools. Teachers of Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O.

  • Materials of the Olympiad in Musical Literature "Fairy Tale in Russian Music". The spell of the fairy Carabosse.

    Fragments of the II Interregional Olympiad for high school students of children's music schools and children's art schools. Teachers of Children's Art School No. 2, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region Yovenko T. B., Vasilyeva N. V., Shaydurova V. O.

Methodical development

Theoretical quiz on the subject "Solfeggio" for students of the 1st grade of the art school

Sedova Vera Olegovna
Description. I offer a quiz on the subject "Solfeggio" for students of the first grade of the art school. The material will be useful to teachers of theoretical disciplines of the Children's School of Art, interested parents and students who are fond of the subject of "Solfeggio". Also, the material of the quiz can be used when conducting musical KVNs, contests, competitions, quizzes for children from seven to nine years old.
Target: checking the assimilation of knowledge by first-grade students in the subject "Solfeggio" of the children's art school.
Tasks: develop thinking, attention, memory; learn to carefully, quickly and accurately fill out control tests; cultivate patience, will, healthy attitude to rivalry, the desire to win.
Didactic material and stationery: theoretical quiz tests for the first grade of the Children's School of Art according to the number of participants in the event, cards with a piano keyboard and a staff according to the number of participants in the quiz, one pencil and colored pencil for each participant, erasers.
The quiz is designed for students who have fully mastered the material of the first grade of the art school.
Event progress
Greeting the participants of the theoretical quiz, explaining the requirements for performing tests.
1. Write your last name, first name, class at the top of the quiz form.
2. Choose the correct answers in each task and color them in with a colored pencil. Assignment options: check the box for the correct answer, circle the letter with the correct answer.
The facilitator announces the time for completing the tasks. Quiz test material is distributed to each participant. Each student should have cards with a musical keyboard and staff on their desks. At the end of the time allotted for completing tasks, tests are handed over to the host of the event. After checking the correctness of the test tasks, the winner (s) is announced, who (s) is (are) awarded with the Diploma (s) of the Winner (s) of the theoretical quiz.

Theoretical quiz on the subject "Solfeggio", Grade 1


a) half
b) a quarter
c) whole
d) eighth
2. In seventh:
a) 6 steps
b) 3 steps
c) 1 step
d) 7 steps

a) upper case
b) in the middle case
c) in the middle and upper registers
d) in lowercase
4. Flat lowers the sound by:
a) tone
b) diton
c) semitone
d) accept

a) craft
b) minor
c) last name
d) a week

a) si, re, fa
b) do, mi, salt
c) si, re, fa, la
d) si, fa, la

a) connected
b) not connected
c) abruptly
d) highlighted

a) domra
b) drop
c) a strong man
d) shrimp

a) introductory steps
b) stable steps
c) unstable steps
d) tonic triad

a) one quarter and two eighths

c) three quarters
d) five eighths

a) two eighths and a quarter
b) quarter and eighth
c) half and eight
d) whole note
12. Eight steps in:
a) none
b) take
c) octave
d) sexte

a) middle and lower case
b) middle case

d) lowercase

a) C major
b) F major
c) in D major
d) G major

a) a mirage
b) fakir
c) cashier
d) guys

a) two quarters
b) three quarters
c) one quarter
d) four quarters

a) 1
b) 7
at 4
d) 6

a) one quarter
b) one kiss
c) one eighth
d) one half
19. Sharp raises the sound to:
a) a second
b) tone
c) semitone
d) accept

a) F-sharp and la
b) si and re
c) before and mi
d) la and do

a) F major
b) C major
c) G major
d) D major

a) dash
b) mixer
c) a martian
d) diver

a) on the first line
b) under the first line
c) between the third and fourth lines of the stave

a) B-flat
b) c-sharp
c) C-sharp
d) before

b) the fifth step in C major
c) the fifth step in D major

26. Mezzo forte means
a) loudly
b) not very loud
c) quiet
d) not very quiet

c) Re-mi-#fa-sol-la-si-#do-re

28. Bekar

b) raises the sound of E-flat by half a tone

29. Bekar
a) lowers the sound to sharp by half a tone

a) f and la
b) mi and salt
c) B-flat and D
d) salt and b-flat
1. A duration equal to two-eighths is called:
a) half
b) a quarter
c) whole
d) eighth
2. In seventh:
a) 6 steps
b) 3 steps
c) 1 step
d) 7 steps
3. Notes of the treble clef are written in:
a) upper case
b) in the middle case
c) in the middle and upper registers
d) in lowercase
4. Flat lowers the sound by:
a) tone
b) diton
c) semitone
d) accept
5. Between the second and third lines in treble clef a note is written, "hidden" in the word:
a) craft
b) minor
c) last name
d) a week
6. Unstable steps in C major:
a) si, re, fa
b) do, mi, salt
c) si, re, fa, la
d) si, fa, la
7. Non legato stroke means
a) connected
b) not connected
c) abruptly
d) highlighted
8. On the third line in bass clef a note is written, "hidden" in the word:
a) domra
b) drop
c) a strong man
d) shrimp
9. In the sequence of sounds of the F major scale - f-la-do-fa - the following are missing:
a) introductory steps
b) stable steps
c) unstable steps
d) tonic triad
10. A half note consists of:
a) one quarter and two eighths
b) two quarters and one eighth
c) three quarters
d) five eighths
11. Two-quarter time indicates that in a measure
a) two eighths and a quarter
b) quarter and eighth
c) half and eight
d) whole note
12. Eight steps in:
a) none
b) take
c) octave
d) sexte
13. Bass clef notes are recorded in:
a) middle and lower case
b) middle case
c) middle and high register
d) lowercase
14. Re, f-sharp, la - stable steps in:
a) C major
b) F major
c) in D major
d) G major
15. On the fourth line in the treble clef, a note is written, “hidden” in the word:
a) a mirage
b) fakir
c) cashier
d) guys
16. A half note, a quarter note, an eighth note and two sixteenth notes are placed in time with the time signature
a) two quarters
b) three quarters
c) one quarter
d) four quarters
17. Sexta is indicated by a number:
a) 1
b) 7
at 4
d) 6
18. Four sixteenths and two eighths add up
a) one quarter
b) one kiss
c) one eighth
d) one half
19. Sharp raises the sound to:
a) a second
b) tone
c) semitone
d) accept
20. The introductory sounds around the third degree in the G major scale are the sounds:
a) F-sharp and la
b) si and re
c) before and mi
d) la and do
21. Do, fa, la are the sounds of the tonic triad in the scale:
a) F major
b) C major
c) G major
d) D major
22. Between the second and third lines in the bass clef, a note is written, “hidden” in the word:
a) dash
b) mixer
c) a martian
d) diver
23. In the word "miracle", a note located in the treble clef "hid"
a) on the first line
b) under the first line
c) between the third and fourth lines of the stave
d) between the second and third lines of the stave
24. If you raise the sound si by a semitone, you get
a) B-flat
b) c-sharp
c) C-sharp
d) before
25. Introductory sounds salt and si sing
a) the first step in G major
b) the fifth step in C major
c) the fifth step in D major
d) third step in G major
26. Mezzo forte means
a) loudly
b) not very loud
c) quiet
d) not very quiet
27. Choose the correct spelling of the D major scale:
a) Re-mi-#fa-sol-la-si-do-re
b) Re-mi-fa-sol-la-si-#do-re
c) Re-mi-#fa-sol-la-si-#do-re
d) Re-mi-#fa-#sol-la-si-#do-re
28. Bekar
a) lowers the sound of e-flat by a semitone
b) raises the sound of E-flat by half a tone
c) lowers the sound e-flat by a tone
d) raises the sound of e-flat by a tone
29. Bekar
a) lowers the sound to sharp by half a tone
b) raises the sound to sharp by half a tone
c) lowers the sound to sharp by a tone
d) raises the sound to sharp by tone
30. The fifth step in F major is sung by sounds
a) f and la
b) mi and salt
c) B-flat and D
d) salt and b-flat
Conclusion. A theoretical quiz can be held among the students of the first grade of music schools in the city, district or region at the end school year or at the beginning of the school year in the second grade. It is important to discuss with the students the planned tasks of the quiz in advance, to give similar tasks for independent work Houses. If the children do not understand any tasks, they can put question marks near them in order to sort out questions with the teacher during the lesson on the subject "Solfeggio" or after school hours.

1. Table of test tasks of the theoretical quiz for the first grade of the art school (according to the number of quiz participants)

Methodical development

Quiz on the subject "Solfeggio" in the 2nd grade of the art school

Sedova Vera Olegovna
Description. I offer a quiz on the subject "Solfeggio" for students of the second grade of the art school. The material will be useful to teachers of theoretical disciplines of the children's school of arts, interested parents and enthusiastic students. Also, the material of the quiz can be used when conducting musical KVN, competitions, competitions, quizzes for children from eight to ten years old.
Target: checking the assimilation of knowledge by students of the second grade in the subject "Solfeggio" of the children's art school.
Tasks: develop thinking, attention, memory; repeat and consolidate the rules of music theory; learn to carefully, quickly and accurately fill out control tests; cultivate patience, will, a healthy attitude towards rivalry, the desire to win.
Didactic material: theoretical quiz tests for the second grade of the Children's School of Art according to the number of participants in the event, cards with a piano keyboard and a staff according to the number of participants in the quiz, one pencil and colored pencil for each participant, erasers.
The quiz is designed for students who have fully mastered the material of the second year of DSHI.
Event progress
Greeting the participants of the theoretical quiz, explaining the requirements for performing tests.
1. Write your last name, first name, class at the top of the quiz form.
2. Choose the correct answers in each task and color them in with a colored pencil. Assignment options: check the box for the correct answer, circle the letter with the correct answer.
The facilitator announces the time for completing the tasks. Quiz test material is distributed to each participant. Each student should have cards with a musical keyboard and staff on their desks. At the end of the time allotted for completing tasks, tests are handed over to the host of the event. After checking the correctness of the test tasks, the winner (s) is announced, who (s) is (are) awarded with the Diploma (s) of the Winner (s) of the theoretical quiz.

Quiz on the subject "Solfeggio", Grade 2


a) major sixth
b) minor sixth
c) pure octave
d) pure fifth
2. Triton is:
a) augmented fifth
b) reduced quart
c) a diminished seventh
d) increased quart

a) D and E-flat
b) A and B-flat
c) D and E-flat, A and B-flat
d) A and B-flat, F and G
4. Flat
a) lowers the tone
b) raises the sound by a semitone
c) lower the sound for a second
d) lowers the sound by a semitone

a) Hermitage
b) rondo
c) peach
d) frigate

a) mi, salt, si
b) re, f-sharp, la, do
c) D-sharp, fa, la. before
d) D-sharp, F-sharp, la, do

a) andante
b) adagio
c) legato
d) piano

a) do and re, fa and salt
b) C-sharp and re, F and salt
c) C-sharp and re, F-sharp and salt
d) do and re, f-sharp and salt
9. In D minor harmonic
a) the sound rises to (to-sharp)

d) sounds do not change

a) diminished fifth
b) increased quart
c) a clean quart
d) pure fifth

a) grapefruit
b) hit
c) capillary
d) mezzanine

a) la, do, mi, salt
b) la, C-sharp, mi, sol
c) A-sharp, C-sharp, mi, sol
d) A-sharp, do, mi, sol

a) G major
b) C major
c) B flat major
d) B minor
14. Sharp
a) raises the tone
b) raises the sound for a second
c) raises the sound by a semitone
d) lowers the sound by a semitone

c) the sounds do and re rise (c-sharp, re-sharp)
d) sounds do not rise

a) buckwheat
b) pickle
c) fantasy
d) anatomy

a) do, mi, salt, si
b) C-sharp, mi, salt, si
c) C-sharp, mi, salt, b-flat
d) do, mi, salt, b-flat

a) si-do
b) b-do-bakar
c) c-c-sharp
d) si-si-flat

a) do-mi-sol
b) la-to-sharp-mi
c) si-re-sharp-f-sharp
d) do-mi-flat-salt
20. In a pure octave
a) 12 tones
b) 11 tones
c) 12 semitones
d) 11 semitones

a) draw
b) a body of water
c) vitamin
d) safari

a) salt, si, re

d) salt, b-flat, re

a) C major
b) F major
c) G major
d) G minor

a) mi-sharp-fa
b) mi-sharp-f-sharp
c) mi-fa
d) E-flat-F-sharp

a) salt and si
b) re and fa
c) si and re
d) sol-sharp and si

a) si-fa
b) C-F-sharp
c) b-mi-sharp
d) B-sol-flat
27. Find a clean fifth:
a) C-sharp-sol-sharp
b) C-sharp G-flat
c) C-sharp salt
d) C-sharp-fa
28. Find a minor sixth:
a) B flat salt
b) b-flat-a-flat
c) B-flat-sol-sharp
d) B-flat-sol-flat

a) re and fa
b) D and F-sharp
c) D-sharp and F
d) D-sharp and F-sharp

a) a cruiser
b) roof
c) telefax
d) speaker
31. Three quarters are:

d) dotted quarter, eighth and quarter
1. Solve the example: a major seventh minus 2 semitones, you get:
a) major sixth
b) minor sixth
c) pure octave
d) pure fifth
2. Triton is:
a) augmented fifth
b) reduced quart
c) a diminished seventh
d) increased quart
3. Semitones in the B-flat major natural scale are formed between sounds:
a) D and E-flat
b) A and B-flat
c) D and E-flat, A and B-flat
d) A and B-flat, F and G
4. Flat
a) lowers the tone
b) raises the sound by a semitone
c) lower the sound for a second
d) lowers the sound by a semitone
5. Between the third and fourth lines in the treble clef, a note is written, “hidden” in the word:
a) Hermitage
b) rondo
c) peach
d) frigate
6. Unstable steps in harmonic E minor:
a) mi, salt, si
b) re, f-sharp, la, do
c) D-sharp, fa, la. before
d) D-sharp, F-sharp, la, do
7. Slow tempo in music is indicated by the word:
a) andante
b) adagio
c) legato
d) piano
8. Semitones in the B minor natural scale are formed between sounds:
a) do and re, fa and salt
b) C-sharp and re, F and salt
c) C-sharp and re, F-sharp and salt
d) do and re, f-sharp and salt
9. In D minor harmonic
a) the sound rises to (to-sharp)
b) the sound of si-flat (si-becar) rises
c) the sounds of b-flat and do rise (si-becar, c-sharp)
d) sounds do not change
10. Solve the example: a big sixth minus-3 semitones, you get:
a) diminished fifth
b) increased quart
c) a clean quart
d) pure fifth
11. Above the fifth line in the treble clef, a note is written, “hidden” in the word:
a) grapefruit
b) hit
c) capillary
d) mezzanine
12. Unstable steps in harmonic B minor:
a) la, do, mi, salt
b) la, C-sharp, mi, sol
c) A-sharp, C-sharp, mi, sol
d) A-sharp, do, mi, sol
13. Parallel tonality G minor:
a) G major
b) C major
c) B flat major
d) B minor
14. Sharp
a) raises the tone
b) raises the sound for a second
c) raises the sound by a semitone
d) lowers the sound by a semitone
15. In E minor melodic:
a) the sound re (re-sharp) rises
b) the sound rises to (to-sharp)
c) the sounds do and re rise (c-sharp, re-sharp)
d) sounds do not rise
16. A note is written on the third line in the bass clef. "hidden" in the word:
a) buckwheat
b) pickle
c) fantasy
d) anatomy
17. Unstable steps in harmonic D minor:
a) do, mi, salt, si
b) C-sharp, mi, salt, si
c) C-sharp, mi, salt, b-flat
d) do, mi, salt, b-flat
18. Turn the big second of C-sharp into a small second, lowering the top sound, and find the correct answer:
a) si-do
b) b-do-bakar
c) c-c-sharp
d) si-si-flat
19. Find a minor triad:
a) do-mi-sol
b) la-to-sharp-mi
c) si-re-sharp-f-sharp
d) do-mi-flat-salt
20. In a pure octave
a) 12 tones
b) 11 tones
c) 12 semitones
d) 11 semitones
21. A note is written under the first line in the bass clef. "hidden" in the word:
a) draw
b) a body of water
c) vitamin
d) safari
22. Steady steps in G minor:
a) salt, si, re
b) salt, b-flat, re, f-sharp
c) F-sharp, la, do, mi-flat
d) salt, b-flat, re
23. Parallel key in E minor:
a) C major
b) F major
c) G major
d) G minor
24. Turn the big second mi-fa-sharp into a small one by raising the lower sound, and find the correct answer:
a) mi-sharp-fa
b) mi-sharp-f-sharp
c) mi-fa
d) E-flat-F-sharp
25. In A minor natural, the fifth step is sung by sounds:
a) salt and si
b) re and fa
c) si and re
d) sol-sharp and si
26. Build a clean fourth from the sound si down and find the correct answer:
a) si-fa
b) C-F-sharp
c) b-mi-sharp
d) B-sol-flat
27. Find a clean fifth:
a) C-sharp-sol-sharp
b) C-sharp G-flat
c) C-sharp salt
d) C-sharp-fa
28. Find a minor sixth:
a) B flat salt
b) b-flat-a-flat
c) B-flat-sol-sharp
d) B-flat-sol-flat
29. In harmonic E minor, the first step is sung by sounds:
a) re and fa
b) D and F-sharp
c) D-sharp and F
d) D-sharp and F-sharp
30. Between the first and second lines in the bass clef, a note is written, “hidden” in the word:
a) a cruiser
b) roof
c) telefax
d) speaker
31. Three quarters are:
a) a quarter with a line and another quarter
b) dotted quarter and eighth
c) dotted quarter and two eighth notes
d) dotted quarter, eighth and quarter
Conclusion. A theoretical quiz can be held among students of the second grades of music schools in the city, district or region at the end of the academic year or at the beginning of the academic year among the third grades. It is important to discuss with the students the planned tasks of the quiz in advance, to give similar tasks for independent work at home. If the children do not understand any tasks, they can put question marks around them in order to sort out questions with the teacher during the lesson on the subject "Solfeggio" or after school hours.
1. Test task of the theoretical quiz for the second grade of the art school (according to the number of quiz participants)

The Olympiad "We love opera" is a review of the achievements of students and teachers of musical and theoretical disciplines of Children's Music Schools in Kazan.

Goals and objectives of the Olympiad:

  • broadening the horizons of students, familiarization with the domestic and world cultural heritage
  • improving the quality of training of students of music departments in solfeggio and musical literature, identifying gifted children for the purpose of their further career guidance;
  • expanding creative contacts between institutions additional education cities, development of forms of creative cooperation
  • determination of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students of music departments of children's music schools and children's art schools in solfeggio and musical literature;
  • stimulation professional growth teachers of children's music school and children's art school
  • exchange of advanced pedagogical experience.

The Olympiad is held in two rounds:

  • I round- Written, individual report.
  • II round- oral, carried out in the form of a team game

I round - written, individual test

Dictation. G. Donizetti. Chorus from the opera "Lucia de Lammermoor"

auditory quiz

I. Specify in what order these works sound

  1. J. Bizet. Habanera (opera "Carmen")
  2. S. Prokofiev. March (opera "The Love for Three Oranges")
  3. Rybnikov. Romance "I'll Never Forget You" (opera "Juno and Avos")
  4. W. Mozart. Overture (opera "The Marriage of Figaro")
  5. M. Glinka. Waltz from Act II (opera "Ivan Susanin")
  6. A. Borodin. Lament of Yaroslavna (opera "Prince Igor")
  7. N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Lel's third song (opera "The Snow Maiden")
  8. P. Tchaikovsky. Waltz (opera "Eugene Onegin")
  9. M. Glinka. Wedding choir of girls (opera "Ivan Susanin")
  10. M. Mussorgsky. Boris' monologue from the Prologue (opera "Boris Godunov")
  11. A. Borodin. Igor's Aria (opera "Prince Igor")
  12. N. Zhiganov. Jika's aria (opera "Altynch?ch")
  13. P. Tchaikovsky. Chorus of Girls (opera "Eugene Onegin")
  14. J. Bizet. March of the Toreador (opera "Carmen")
  15. M. Glinka. Romance of Antonida (opera "Ivan Susanin")

10 numbers are selected for the quiz.

Determine by ear the timbre of the solo instrument from the musical fragment. 4 fragments are proposed for definition.

Definition by musical text given elements musical language: fret, key, intervals, chords:

A. Write out vocal part musical fragment characteristic intervals and resolve in this key.

S. Rachmaninov. Miserly knight

B. Identify and write down tonal plan in this piece of music

B. Define key and sign fret functions of chords in this piece of music

P.I. Chaikovsky. Queen of Spades

D. Find in the above fragment some of the chords indicated below and fill in the corresponding numbers:

M. mazh. 4 3 (D 4 3), M. mazh 7 (D 7), Um.um 7 (UmVII 7), M. mazh 2 (D 2), M. mind 7 (MVII 7)

E. Opera Genre Test

I. Match the hero:

1. Lel 1. Tugzak
2. Varlaam 2. Eroshka
3. Antonida 3. Kupava
4 Gremin 4. Sobinin
5. Cheekbone 5. Tatiana
6. Prince Vladimir 6. Mizgir
7. Snow Maiden 7. Konchakovna
8. Jick 8. Misail
1 3
2 8
3 4
4 5
5 2
6 7
7 6
8 1

III. Define opera genres:

1. "Snow Maiden" 1. Opera is a legend
2. "Prince Igor" 2. Folk musical drama
3. "Ivan Susanin" 3. Opera - buffa
4. "Boris Godunov" 4. Historical-epic opera
5. "The Marriage of Figaro" 5. Lyrical scenes
6. "Altynchech" 6. Opera - a fairy tale
7. "Eugene Onegin"
1 6
2 4
3 2
4 2
5 3
6 1
7 5

IV. Musical part written for bass:

VI. Who owns the words: "Come, my dear friend, into my arms"

1. Yaroslavna
2. Snow Maiden
3. Suzanne
4. Antonida
5. Tatiana
3 +

II round - oral, team game

Blitz tournament. Three teams are invited to answer 10 questions on knowledge of the opera genre. Questions from the blitz tournament are published in Appendix 1.

Performance of a musical number from the opera by the whole team with accompaniment. Teams are offered musical fragments:

  • J. Bizet. Opera Carmen. Habanera,
  • N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Opera "Snow Maiden". The third song of Lelya.
  • P. Tchaikovsky. Opera "The Queen of Spades". Chorus of nannies from 1 picture.

Creative task"If I were composing an opera, then:" (come up with a well-known literary work or fairy tale plot of the opera, the main characters, their voices, characters, instruments). Plots of fairy tales "Turnip", "Gingerbread Man", "Three Little Pigs" are offered.

According to the proposed video clip, determine the operatic work, the author, the scene and the participants in the episode.

Find errors and inaccuracies in the text of the letter. Texts of letters from fairytale heroes presented in Appendix 2.

Travel across countries and opera houses. The participants of the Olympiad make a virtual journey through the world's opera houses. Multimedia tools are used (a screen with a video projector or interactive board). During the tour, participants are asked to answer 3 questions. Team travel presentation is presented in Annex 3

Journey of the I team (slide 1)

Dear friends! We are going to Italy, where the largest opera house is located in the city of Milan. (slide 2) Now we are just near the entrance to this theater. Name it?

We go inside the La Scala Theatre. Portraits of famous opera performers hang in the theater lobby (slide 3): Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti. All these famous singers are united by the same timbre of voice, and we have the opportunity to hear the singing of one of them (slide 4). What is the tone of the voice?

We have a unique opportunity to even enter the auditorium, see the stage (slide 5) on which operas by famous composers were staged: Verdi, Rossini, Mozart (slide 6). Opera on what plot unites two composers: Mozart and Rossini?

Journey II team (slide 7)

Dear friends! We are going to Russia, to Moscow, where main theater our country (slide 8). Name it?

We go inside Bolshoi Theater. Portraits of famous opera performers hang in the theater lobby (slide 9): Galina Vishnevskaya, Anna Netrebko, Antonina Nezhdanova. All these famous singers are united by the same timbre of voice, and we have the opportunity to hear the singing of one of them (slide 10). What is the tone of the voice?

We even have a unique opportunity to enter the auditorium, to see the stage (slide 11) on which operas by famous Russian composers were staged: Glinka, Borodin, Mussorgsky and others. Many of them turned to the theme of Russian history. Arrange the operas (slide 12) "Boris Godunov", "Prince Igor", "Ivan Susanin" according to the chronology of the events taking place in them.

Journey III team (slide 13)

Dear friends! We are going to Tatarstan, to the city of Kazan, to the main theater of our republic (slide 14). Name it?

We go inside the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after M. Jalil. Let's see the portraits famous singers(slide 15): Osip Petrov, Evgeny Nesterenko and Fedor Chaliapin, who was born in Kazan. All these singers are united by the same timbre of voice, and we have the opportunity to hear the singing of one of them (slide 16). What is the tone of the voice?

Surely, you have been to our theater more than once (slide 17). Operas by Tatar composers were staged on the stage of the theater, among which we must name the name of N. G. Zhiganov. You see portraits of Zhiganov and Jalil (slide 18). What unites the life and work of these people?

The results of the Olympiad are summed up. By the number of points scored, the winners of the first round (individual standings) and the team - the winner in the second round are determined. Participants are awarded with diplomas, diplomas and prizes.

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