Why do blacks have large reproductive organs and whites have smaller ones? Life in captivity.


Slavery is a special state of a person when he, having consciousness, intellect and all external manifestations opportunities available to everyone, does not have free will, cannot act as he wants, but must follow the instructions of another person. Isn't it true that we all know this? Each of us was once forced to give up our opinion and submit to someone else's dictate: in the family, at work, at the institute, at school, in kindergarten… Almost always we don't like it, but a free person, as a rule, has a choice - to obey or to act in his own way. Worse, when there is no such choice by law.

Abyss of time

The date of the emergence of slavery as an institution is lost in ancient times. However, already in the Code of Hammurabi (legislative code of the Old Babylonian period, created under King Hammurabi in the 1750s BC), there is mention of slaves among the various property belonging to a free person, and there are a number of rules according to which this “property” need to manage. It is known that, for example, ancient world, in the cradle of civilization between the Tigris and Euphrates, life simple peasant and the slave that belonged to him differed little. They ate from the same bowl, slept under the same roof and suffered the same - from droughts, floods, oppression. local nobility. In the burials of that time, it is often possible to distinguish a slave from his free owner by only one detail - a collar made of wood or copper is found around the slave's neck. Interestingly, according to some researchers, it seems that slaves were not even separated into a separate class at that time. Any farmer could become a slave for a while if he was overtaken by troubles: crop failure, loss of livestock, river floods. Having worked out his own and acquiring, for example, grain for future sowing, the slave returned to the family and again became a free man. In fact, the distance between the slave and the worker was not so great ...

cold iron

However, already in the Iron Age (from about 1200 BC to 340 AD), the situation changed dramatically. Either people have become tougher, or their “appetites” have grown, but slavery in some regions has become not only lifelong, it has spread to the slave’s family and property. Now everything that belonged to the slave (for example, the tools of his labor), his wife and children remained in the full ownership of the owner, either until he repays the debt to the master, or until the owner himself for some reason decides to let the slave go free.

IN Ancient Rome period of the Republic slaves, clients ( dependent people) and freedmen made up big family owner and often even took him generic name. Roman slaves still lived under the same roof as their master, and even defended the house with him if it was threatened by an invasion. In the rigidly structured world of Republican Rome, the slaves had their own rather conspicuous social role. Often it was the slaves, who created the mass of society, although they did not have the right to vote, significantly influenced the alignment of political forces.

Many tribunes of the people, including the brothers Gracchi (the well-established designation of the two famous ancient Roman reformers Tiberius and Gaius), actively enjoyed the support of their own slaves and the slaves of their friends. Even in the Senate, with the growing influence of wealthy plebeian families, slaves began to appear. It was they who were scribes, secretaries, heralds - after all, with the growth of the conquests of Rome, more and more slaves appeared in the Eternal City, who used to be free citizens of civilized and highly developed countries. At one time, the number of slaves in the city was five times the number of free Romans. But the wars never ended, and the flow of slaves never dried up...

Fjord country

In Scandinavia, slaves had a special status. In some years, the Viking Country was empty in the spring: almost all strong men, heads of families and their sons went overseas, on long trips, where rich booty, glory and ... possible death. Wives and mothers remained at home, often in the conditions of the cold north they were in dire need of workers. And the Vikings found a way out. At first, all their campaigns were focused on nearest countries, there they were interested in sheep - breadwinners and an inexhaustible source of warm wool, bread and some valuables that poor northern monasteries could provide them. But then appetites marine predators began to grow, and new territories delighted them not only with riches, but also with many prisoners, who sometimes went to the Vikings almost without a fight.

Very quickly, the savvy northerners realized that they could get the biggest income from the resale of slaves. Getting rich, the Vikings certainly brought home some of the booty. Among the loot, there were often captives - especially valuable, trained, well versed in such exotic crafts for the "people of the sea" as agriculture, winemaking, and even art. Slaves, often being much smarter and more educated than their masters, remained behind them when they left for another raid. These Italians, Greeks, Russians, abducted from their native countries, understood well that it was impossible to get to their homeland without a ship and navigational knowledge, therefore they gave all their strength to strengthen their well-being new homeland. Through the efforts of these nameless Europeans, Scandinavia gradually lost its wild robbery features and became part of a Christian society.

Between Perun and Christ

In the Slavic world, slavery was no less common than among other peoples. But, according to researchers, it had slightly different forms. In the archaic period of the so-called Proto-Slavic unity, slaves or dependent members of the community practically did not stand out from it. The main difference between a slave and a free citizen was the ban on participation in military campaigns. That is, the slaves were protected from dangers, but they lived " common boiler with the host family.

There were also communal slaves. Often they performed important functions for the settlement as a shepherd, miller or blacksmith. Needless to say, these "qualified specialists" soon gained influence in society, which later allowed them to gain freedom and even take a decent social position. Many of them were "newcomers". Through slavery, that is, through service in the families of settled Slavs, they acquired recognition and the necessary social status.


Slavery, massive in the past and now practiced, is already clandestine, but still bringing in high incomes

Slave ships were drawn from Africa to South America in the XVI century after the beginning of the era of the Great geographical discoveries. The Europeans who arrived on the Black Continent encountered a thriving slave market that had existed there since the Middle Ages. Arab traders slaves were transported from here to all countries of the Middle East. Europeans, especially the British, were quick to appreciate the benefits of such trade. Buying ships, hiring a team, the dangers of a long journey - all these expenses were covered by the impressive profits that the merchants of Bristol and Liverpool received by transporting the “black gold” received from Africa to New World. At the same time, the “natural”, or, more correctly, “unnatural”, loss of living goods during transportation was monstrous. On average, out of three to five people leaving Africa, only one made it to their destination. But it was worth it. When selling slaves, an adult healthy Negro cost one and a half to two times more than a healthy adult white.

The scale of the use of slave labor in the colonies was very large. Even after the complete prohibition of slavery throughout the free world, the slave trade for a long time lived underground. During its existence, according to various estimates, almost 13 million blacks ended up in America. This means that almost 65 million people left Africa! Almost the entire black population of the American continent in our time is the descendants of slaves once taken out of Africa. Slave wars, wars for the emancipation of slaves, wars of blacks against whites and mestizos - all this is a terrible product of human trafficking, the consequences of which are felt even in our time.

What is not customary to talk about

Today, the slave trade, officially banned throughout the world, is in third place in terms of profitability after drug trafficking and arms sales. According to the United Nations, organized crime makes billions every year from this business. And these numbers are growing year by year. The worst thing is that the sale of some people by others flourishes in Europe, and in Asia, and in both Americas. This is both sexual slavery and sale work force, and even trade in live surrogacy incubators and potential donors. Few cases of crimes of this kind become known to the general public.

So, in the 1990s, Russia was shocked by the story of Alexander Komin, a monster from Vyatskiye Polyany, who for three years, in absolute secret from everyone around him, kept women abducted by him under a garage, in a bunker nine meters deep. On the basis of this small concentration camp, he organized a thriving enterprise. Like some manufacturer from Barbados, he set up a sewing workshop and earned good money from his prisoners, selling the results of their labors in the local market. He tortured four of his prisoners to death, the rest remained disabled for life.

A decade later, the sleepy town of Amstetten, and then the whole of Austria, was shocked creepy story Joseph Fritzl. Breaking all laws human society and moral standards, this nonhuman kept in the basement for 24 years own house own daughter who was used as a sex slave. During this time, the unfortunate Elizabeth gave birth to seven children from her father, three of whom her own mother raised as grandchildren “tossed by a runaway daughter”.

Hello dear lovers interesting facts. Today we will analyze in detail why blacks have a large reproductive organ. This question is often exaggerated on various Internet resources devoted to topics and medicine. Indeed, why the representatives negroid race can boast more impressive "merits" than their white counterparts?

Where do legs grow from?

The topic of penis size is controversial. The community concerned is divided into two parts. Some gentlemen argue that stories about the "gigantism" inherent in Africans are nothing more than myths. The question is very intriguing. So there is a lot of gossip and fiction, one more fantastic than the other.

lovers films for adults, comparing the parameters of white and black actors, tend to opposite opinion. Europeans are not at all comforted by their relatively modest size, but rather the opposite. Many Europeans were literally devastated by the fact that blacks have more than whites. The same one who was in Asian countries and could contemplate local men "in all their glory", claims that there is absolutely nothing to be sad for white guys.

The hype around penis size did not arise from the heyday of the porn industry, which provided viewers with different countries opportunity to compare. It all started much earlier and for a different reason.

white slavery

Jealous and envious comparison of the genitals arose in the era of the colonization and Christianization of Africa. Arriving at the new shores, the white hidalgos of the Old World were amazed at the picture that opened up. It turned out that the natives living in the thick of the mainland had penises of a very respectable size.

Historians studying the US South before civil war, believe: the physical data of black slaves - which were just taken out of Africa - inspired their owners with genuine horror. This partly explains the cruelty of many slave owners. It is much easier to spread rot on a giant slave than to constantly wait for betrayal with him. native wife(Which happened not so rarely).

The white conquerors of the new continents fell into the slavery of their own stereotypes and the inexorable laws of nature. A hardy black man with great "dignity" is a strong contender in the struggle for the attention of not spoiled by the sexual diversity of southern women. Puritan customs reigned in Europe at that time, and aristocratic girls were brought up very strictly.

With a ruler around the world

One can argue endlessly about whether Africans have especially large members or not. For the sake of truth, it is worth getting acquainted with the statistical data. Many researchers dealt with the issue of the size of penises among representatives of different nations.

In 2005, the well-known Institute of Men's Health (Tomsk) published the results of an unusual survey. It was attended by about 6 thousand men different nationality. The study was conducted in countries that used to be part of the USSR.

Doctors found out that the owners of the largest reproductive organs live in the south of the CIS, in Georgia. The average penis length here is 17.6 cm. In second place are the Russians and Ukrainians with an indicator of 16.2 cm. The Baltics are quite a bit behind them (16 cm).

On a global scale, the study was carried out by different scientists. The data they obtained was collected and systematized by Sujata Gundersen, a Syrian-born researcher. The lady presented the results of this work in the form of a unique penis size map, which was posted on the Target Map platform.

Relentless statistics

The victory in this tacit international competition was won by exceptionally gifted gentlemen Democratic Republic Congo. The average length of the excited penis here is 17.9 cm. At the same time, the owners of 20- Ticentimetric organs are quite common.

In total, the Gabonese and Guineans are inferior to them by 0.1-0.2 cm. In general, nature gave the largest reproductive organs to dark-skinned men in Central America, Brazil and Africa (17.9-16.1 cm). In second place are Canadians, Argentines, Arabs and, oddly enough, the inhabitants of cold Greenland (14.8 cm).

The average parameter of 13.4 cm was recorded in the USA, Russia and Australia. The Indians, Chinese and Indonesian natives (10-11 cm) were not at all lucky. So the rumors about the royal size of the reproductive organs of black men are not fiction at all.

Why are blacks penis larger?

Scientists believe that the reason for the rapid growth of some parts of the body of Africans or African Americans lies in a combination of factors. Influenced by genetics, diet, cultural characteristics and, to a lesser extent, climate.

Referring to the Gundersen map, it is easy to see that men with large penises live closer to the equator. It's warmer here, and the temperament local residents"tougher". The heat causes the blood to boil in the veins and the growth of anything that can grow.

On the other hand, why are Indians and Indonesians - also southerners - so modestly gifted? After all, they live in the same latitudes as the "large-sized" Africans. The conclusion suggests itself: the climate is not a decisive factor when it comes to the penis. Even in the ice-bound Greenland, the penises of the guys are 3-4 cm longer than those of the inhabitants of China, Thailand and India.

Lots of meat - lots of sex

This is precisely the relationship between the described male parameters and the diet. This explains the difference between men from Africa and the same India. The equatorial pagan tribes lived for thousands of years by hunting. You will not meet farmers in the wilds of Africa.

The population here is brought up on the meat of freshly killed game, which, due to the favorable climate, is always full. Quality animal protein - excellent construction material for organs and tissues. So why shouldn't the men here also be gifted in the physical sense?

India and China have a different story. In this part the globe world religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism were born. While Africans hunted macaques, wild pigs and their neighbors, Indians and Tibetans preached love for all living creatures inhabiting the planet.

Tibet is the cradle of humanism, the search for spiritual truth and, of course, vegetarianism. Vegetable food perfectly cleanses the body, promotes spiritual enlightenment and tranquility, but definitely does not give physical strength.

The population of these countries massively switched to a vegetarian diet more than a thousand years ago. During this time, not only men's penises have greatly decreased in size, but people themselves have become undersized. No wonder the Chinese, Japanese and their southern neighbors are considered the smallest inhabitants of the planet.

Hello Darwin!

The decisive word in this matter still remains with genetics. If the father has a “king-size”, then the son will probably not blush for his “well done” in the bedroom. But why are king sizes found among Africans? Here local cultural traditions played a role.

Unburdened by puritanical morality, dark-skinned ladies could always choose the strongest sexual partners. For this, they had all the trump cards in their hands: naked male bodies before the eyes, the cult of fertility, free sexual relations.

Aborigines of Africa from time immemorial profess the cult of the body. They emphasize their dignity with tattoos, painting, jewelry, scars. Only in an atmosphere of such sexual emancipation could a device called “koteka” (a special case for the penis) appear. Real symbol male power!

It is unlikely that under such conditions, guys with tiny members could pass on their genes to their descendants. Women simply did not choose them. So it turned out that from generation to generation, hardy men with large reproductive organs bred in African forests. The law of natural selection.

I hope now you roughly understand why blacks have such a large genital organ, so we don’t think that anyone needs to be complex about this. Size does not play a special role, at least in most cases.

The editors of Webfacts magazines do not use the word "Negro" as a racist statement. We apologize if this word offended anyone.

7816. Two white police officers are walking along the block in which the white population lives. They see - there is a black man, all riddled with bullets. One cop to another:
What a cruel suicide!

7817. Negro bought a black Mercedes with dark windows. Comes home:
- Well, did you buy it?
- Bought.
- What colour?
- Corporal...

Act 7818. Two Negroes met, one says to the other:
- Are you sick?
- Why do you think so?
- Yes, you're kind of pale.

7819. At night in the maternity hospital, two women gave birth to children: a European and a Negress. In the morning, the nurse brings the babies to their mothers for the first feeding. A black woman jumps out of bed:
- Chur, my little white!

7820. One builder worked for three years in Africa. Finally he returns home, his friends meet him at the airport. He comes out thinner, tanned, wearing a pith helmet, and a little monkey on his shoulder.
- Hello, Vasya! Well, what about Africa?
- Tired guys scary.
- Vasya, what about women in Africa?
- With products, guys, it's bad, I bought everything in the market.
- Vasya, tell me how it is with the women?
- The heat during the day is terrible, and at night it is cool.
- Well, what are you talking about the heat, how about the women there?
The monkey pulls Vasya by the ear:
- Dad, and dad, well, tell them about the women.

7821. - On what basis are students from Africa selected to study at Soviet universities?
- Basically, they are selected on three grounds: who speaks better, walks better on two limbs, and who has a shorter tail.

7822. Decided to create OMON in one of the African countries. They selected the healthiest blacks, bought the most modern ammunition, invited the coolest instructors, trained them. Conduct exercises. On alarm, the entire squad gathers in 30 seconds, one is missing. He comes in an hour, he is asked:
Why are you late?!?!?
- Well, I heard the alarm, quickly put on my cool camouflage, my cool boots, my cool body armor, my cool helmet, my cool sunglasses, attached a holster to my belt, a walkie-talkie, a night vision device, everything. I went to the mirror, looked ... and crap myself !!!

7823 – What is the easiest way to get a Negro out of a tree in Alabama?
- Cut the rope.

7824.--Why Negroes are not allowed to drive faster than 60 km/h
"Lower lip swamps to death!"

7825. A black man with a cool parrot on his shoulder walks into a bar. The bartender looks at the parrot in surprise and asks:
- Hey, where did you get it?
- Where where. In Africa. There are millions of them.

7826. A Negro is walking home one evening, and in the lane a crowd of the same Negro is blowing. Black person:
- Why are they beating you?
- Yes, the lipped one got caught.
- Poor thing (pursing his lips).

7827. A Negro lies under a palm tree and waits for a banana to fall on him, and as soon as it falls, he will eat it. A white man walks nearby and says to the negro:
- Listen, why are you lying here under a tree and waiting for bananas? Take a stick, knock down a few pieces, go to the market and sell them...
- Well, what's next?
- Like what!? If you get money, you will hire a dozen more blacks like you, who will knock bananas from palm trees, and you will only have to sell them ...
- Well, what's next?
“Why are you, black, stupid or something!?!?! Do you still have more money if you hire a hundred blacks, plant a thousand palm trees, and you will have a huge banana plantation.
- Well, what's next?
- Well, you're an idiot! You will have a lot of money, you don’t need to work yourself - lie down and eat bananas!
- Well, you are stupid, white! This is what I'm doing now...

7828. Negro addresses God:
- God, why am I so black?
- So because Africa has a very active sun and White skin it just can't stand it!
- God, why is my hair short and curly?
- Duc so that they do not cling to all sorts of thorny bushes, with which Africa is full.
- God, why then do I live in Saratov?

7829. Negro comes to the doctor. I did not have time to say a word, like a doctor:
- Get undressed and stand on all fours.
Pause. Doctor:
- Come to the window.
Pause. Doctor:
- Ah, well... No, not that. Now to the wall.
Pause. Doctor:
- No, not that. To the other wall... No, okay, get up, get dressed.
Black person:
- DOCTOR!!! But I...
- Oh yeah, I forgot. But today they should bring me a leather chair ...

7830. At the University. Patrice Lumumba PE: student eaten! Conducting explanatory work:
- We feed you better than our students!
We miss our homemade food so much!

Republic Act No. 7831 public toilet a small need to cope and looks, and there is a black man and does the same thing. A man stands next to him, unzips his fly, pisses, and then he suddenly notices a member of a black man, about thirty centimeters. A man so crazy asks:
- Hey, friend, can I have the same one, huh?
- Don't do figs, - replies the black man. - You take a brick, tie it to your penis and walk like that for a day or two.
Well, the man decided to check. A couple of days later he meets the same black man and says to him:
- Blah! What the hell did you advise me for - my penis didn’t increase a damn thing, but only turned black !!!
And a black man, so in surprise:
- What did you want?

7832. A student of P. Lumumba University receives a letter from Africa: "Hello, dear son. Our whole family is just happy that you finally got to a country where we, Negroes, are considered people. And your dad was so happy, so rejoiced that he fell from a tree and broke his tail!”

Republican Act 7833 French Ambassador. Naturally, French side a note of protest was sent. They apologize: it just so happened, what to do, well, eat ours too ...

7834 – Why do Mexicans never marry Negro women?
- Because the kids will be too lazy to steal!

7835 – Why do Negroes stink so much?
“So that even the blind can hate them!”

7836 – Why do negroes think only of sex all the time?
Because they have pubic hair on their heads.

7837 – Why don't Negroes become astronauts?
- Because at an altitude of twenty thousand meters their lips burst.

7838. - Why are the blacks not playing the sandbox?
- Because cats bury them in the sand!

In the early 2000s, they even paid money for such verbiage. :) In light of the fact that there is Obama, maybe even relevant.

1. Negroes don't need to spend money on perms and tanning beds.
2. Negro teeth always seem whiter than they really are.
3. Every third woman dreams of making love to a black man.
4. Lean Muscles + Fast Metabolism + No subcutaneous fat= Negroes are the best long jumpers, 100-meter racers and basketball players.
5. Negroes left hemisphere the brain is more developed than that of the pale-faced, so their intuition can be trusted.
6. Only a black man is able to truly "drive" into the delights of rap.
7. Negroes rarely communicate with bears, so they, as a rule, have excellent hearing and a sense of rhythm (see paragraph 6).
8. Blacks look amazing in classic suits (see Men in black).
9. Blacks can wear knitted hats even in the heat and no one will think that they are crazy.
10. A Negro can tell another Negro: "Oh, you are a dirty smelly Niger!" while staying alive and healthy.
11. In a politically correct country, even the laziest black man will get a good education and get a job. Joke on the topic: “Who has the best chances for employment now? One-legged black lesbian."
12. In Negro churches, you can sing and dance.
13. Any Russian clip maker with his hands will tear off a black man, dress him in furs, give dark glasses, put him in a limousine with sexy blondes, because it is considered very cool, stylish and trendy.
14. In Russia, the most ordinary and overwhelmed Negro will use increased attention.
15. In Hollywood, for a black man there will always be the role of a stubborn athlete who made his way through thorns to the stars.

15 reasons why it's not all that pleasant.

1. Alas, it is not known when the last racist will die.
2. Because they say: "It's dark, like in ... a Negro."
3. It must have been very hard to live like that, otherwise why did Michael Jackson become white.
4. Blacks have lower IQs than whites*.
5. Blacks age faster than whites, their skin is drier, so wrinkle creams do not help them.
6. It is very difficult to keep up the good spirits if you are a Negro and at the same time consider the word "Negro" an insult.
7. Negro's hair cannot be straightened without assistance.
8. Blacks are not blondes, and black women are not blondes.
9. Huge black populations are still plagued by famine and infectious disease.
10. South Africa is the center of the AIDS epidemic. Last year, 2 million people died from it.
11. If a black child is born in a white family, then it is useless to nod at the genes.
12. No matter how hard some leaders try to prove that Jesus Christ was a Negro, the Bible does not provide any information on this matter.
13. Negro culture more and more closed in on itself, which does not allow it to develop.
14. You can get rid of African braids only by shaving your head.
15. Skin color matters and always will.

* Numerous IQ measurements for different ethnic groups in the United States showed that the largest and most significant differences are found between the black and white populations of America. If the entire population of America has an average IQ of 100, then it is 85 for blacks and 105 for whites. Belonging to a race with a lower average IQ creates serious problems. Of course, there are also such problems as drug addiction and crime. Among people with low IQ, there are significantly more of those who do not want to find a job. Mostly people with low IQ live on state benefits. The average IQ of blacks enrolled in prestigious universities should be lower than that of whites, since, according to the affirmative action program, they have a markedly lower passing score. Nevertheless, among the black population of the Earth, there are no less talented scientists, doctors, engineers, artists.

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