Approximate list of literature for reading to children of the nursery group version for the visually impaired.


Municipal budgetary educational institution Kindergarten No. 29

Fiction for
second group early age

Developed by Yu. O. Krasilnikova

Educational area "Reading fiction»
Content educational field"Reading Fiction" is aimed at achieving the goal of forming interest and need for reading (perception) of books through solving the following tasks:
formation complete picture the world, including primary value ideas;
development literary speech;
introduction to verbal art, including the development artistic perception and aesthetic taste.
Formation of interest and need for reading

Encourage them to name familiar objects, show them at the request of the teacher,
to accustom to ask questions: “Who (what) is this?”, “What is he doing?”

Continue to involve children in looking at pictures in books.

Continue to teach children to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, copyright
works. Accompany reading with a display of toys, pictures, desktop characters
theater and other means of visualization, as well as to form the ability to listen
piece of art without visual accompaniment.

Accompany reading small poetry game actions.

Provide children with the opportunity to finish words, phrases when reading by a teacher
familiar poems.

Help children older than 2 years 6 months to play a well-known fairy tale.

Approximate list of literature and texts of works for reading to children of the first junior group (2-3 years old)

Russian folklore
Repetition of songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales read and told to children of the second year of life.
Songs, rhymes, incantations.
Page 3 "Our ducks in the morning"
Page 3 "The cat went to the market"
Page 3 "Egor's Hare"
Page 3 "Our Masha is small"
Page 3 "Chiki, chiki, kitki"
Page 3 “Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! A raven sits on an oak tree ... "
Page 3 "Because of the forest, because of the mountains"
Page 3 "A fox with a box ran through the woods"
Page 4 "Cucumber, cucumber"
Page 4 "Sun, bucket"
Fairy tales.
Page 5 "Kids and the wolf", arr.K.Ushinsky
Page 5 "Teremok", arr. M. Bulatova
Page 6 "Masha and the Bear", arr. M. Bulatova

Folklore of the peoples of the world
Page 10 "Three merry brothers", trans. with him. L. Yakhnina
Page 10 "Boo-boo, I'm horny", lit. arr. Y. Grigorieva
Page 10 "Kotausi and Mausi", eng. arr. K. Chukovsky
Page 10 “Oh, you are a hare-shooter ...”, trans. with mold. I. Tokmakova
Page 10 "You, doggy, do not bark ...", per. with mold. I. Tokmakova
Page 10 "Conversations", Chuvash. per. L. Yakhnina
Page 10 "Snegiryok", per. with him. V. Viktorova
Page 10 Shoemaker, Polish. arr. B. Zakhoder.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Page 11 A. Barto "Bear" (from the series "Toys")
Page 11 A. Barto "Truck" (from the series "Toys")
Page 11 A. Barto "Elephant" (from the series "Toys")
Page 11 A. Barto "Horse" (from the series "Toys")
Page 11 A. Barto "Who is screaming"
Page 11 V. Berestov "Sick Doll"
Page 11 V. Berestov "Kitten"
Page 11 G. Lagzdyn "Cockerel"
Page 12 S. Marshak "The Tale of the Silly Mouse"
Page 13 E. Moshkovskaya "Order" (abbreviated)
Page 13 N. Pikuleva "Fox Tail"
Page 13 N. Pikuleva "The cat was inflating the balloon..."
Page 13 N. Sakonskaya "Where is my finger?"
Page 14 A. Pushkin "The wind walks on the sea ..." (from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan")
Page 14 M. Lermontov "Sleep, baby ..." (from the poem "Cossack lullaby")
Page 14 A. Barto, P. Barto. "The Roaring Girl"
Page 14 A. Vvedensky "Mouse"
Page 15 A. Pleshcheev "Country Song"
Page 15 G. Sapgir "Cat"
Page 15 K. Chukovsky "Fedotka"
Page 15 K. Chukovsky "Confusion"
Page 17 L. Tolstoy "The cat was sleeping on the roof"
Page 17 L. Tolstoy "Petya and Misha had a horse"
Page 17 L. Tolstoy "Three Bears"
Page 18 V. Suteev "Who said "meow"?"
Page 20 V. Bianchi "The Fox and the Mouse"
Page 20 G. Ball "Yeltyachok"
Page 21 N.Pavlova "Strawberry"

Page 22 S. Kaputikyan “Everyone is sleeping”, trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova
Page 22 S. Kaputikyan “Masha is having lunch”, trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova
P. 23 P. Voronko "New clothes", translated from Ukrainian. S. Marshak
Page 23 D. Bisset "Ha-ha-ha!", translated from English. N. Shereshevskaya
Page 24 Ch. Yancharsky "In toy store"(book" The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear "),
per. from the Polish V. Prikhodko
P. 25 Ch. Yancharsky "Friends" (book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from the Polish V. Prikhodko

Russian folklore

Songs, rhymes, incantations.

Our ducks in the morning -
Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!
Our geese by the pond -
Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!
And a turkey in the yard -
Ball-ball-ball! Baldy-balda!
Our gulenki at the top -
Grru-grru-u, grru-u, grru-u!
Our chickens in the window -
Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!
And like Petya the cockerel,
early in the morning
We will sing ku-ka-re-ku!

The cat went to the market,
I bought a cat pie.
The cat went to the street
I bought a bun for a cat.
Do you eat yourself?
Or take down Borenka?
I'll bite myself
Yes, I'll take Borenka too.

Hare Yegorka
Fell into the lake.
Run down the hill
Save Yegorka!

Our Masha is small,
She is wearing a scarlet fur coat,
beaver edge,
Masha is black-browed.

chiki, chiki, kitchki
Chiki, chiki, kitki,
Birch faces.
Two birds flew
By itself small.
How they flew
All the people were watching.
How did they sit down?
Everyone marveled at them.

Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo!
A raven sits on an oak
He plays the trumpet
In silver.
Turned pipe,
The song is fine
The story is complex.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandpa Egor is coming:
Himself on a filly
wife on a cow
children on calves,
Grandchildren on goats.
Moved down from the mountains
lit a fire,
They eat porridge
Listen to the story...

Cucumber, cucumber,
Don't go to that end
The mouse lives there
Your tail will bite off!

sun bucket,
Look out the window!
Sunshine, dress up!
Red, show yourself!

sun bucket,
Look out the window!
your children are crying
They jump over the pebbles.

Fairy tales.

Russian folk tale edited by K.Ushinsky
There lived a goat. The goat made herself a hut in the forest and settled in it with her kids. Every day the goat went to the forest for food. She leaves, and tells the children to lock themselves tightly and not to unlock the doors for anyone. The goat returns home, knocks on the door and sings:
"Kids, kids,
Open up, open up!
Your mother has come
Milk brought.
I, a goat, was in the forest,
Ate silk grass
I drank cold water;
Milk runs along the notch,
From the notch on the hooves,
And from the hooves to the cheese the ground.
The kids will hear their mother and unlock her doors. She will feed them and go out to graze again. The wolf overheard the goat and, when the goat left, he went to the door of the hut and sang in a thick, thick voice:
"You, children, you, fathers,
Open up, open up!
Your mother has come
Milk brought
The hooves of water are full!”
The kids listened to the wolf and say: “We hear, we hear! You don’t sing in a mother’s voice, mother sings thinner and doesn’t lament like that! - and did not open the door to the wolf.
The wolf left without salty slurping. A mother came and praised the children that they obeyed her: “You are clever, children, that you did not open the door to the wolf, otherwise he would have eaten you.”

Russian folk tale in the retelling of M. Bulatov
Stands in the field Teremok. A mouse runs past. I saw the tower, stopped and asked:
Nobody responds. The mouse entered the tower and began to live in it.
A frog jumped up to the tower and asked:
Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
I am a mouse! And who are you?
And I'm a frog!
Come live with me!
The frog jumped into the tower. They began to live together.
Runaway bunny runs past. Stop and ask:
Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
I am a mouse.
I am a frog. And who are you?
And I'm a runaway bunny.
Come live with us!
Hare jump into the tower! They began to live together.
The little fox is coming. She knocked on the window and asked:
Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
I am a mouse.
I am a frog.
I am a runaway bunny. And who are you?
And I'm a fox-sister.
Come live with us!
The fox climbed into the tower. The four of them began to live.
A gray barrel top came running, looked in the door and asked:
Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
I am a mouse.
I am a frog.
I am a runaway bunny.
I am a fox-sister. And who are you?
And I'm a top gray barrel.
Come live with us!
The wolf got into the tower. The five of them began to live.
Here they all live in the tower, they sing songs.
Suddenly, a clumsy bear walks by. The bear saw the teremok, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:
Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
I am a mouse.
I am a frog.
I am a runaway bunny.
I am a fox-sister.
I am a top gray barrel. And who are you?
And I'm a bear.
Come live with us!
The bear climbed into the tower.
Lez-lez, climb-lez could not get in and says:
I'd rather live on your roof.
Yes, you crush us!
No, I won't crush it.
Well, get on it!
The bear climbed onto the roof and just sat down fuck! crushed the teremok. The tower crackled, fell on its side and fell apart. They barely had time to jump out of it: a mouse-louse, a frog-frog, a bunny-runaway, a fox-sister, a top gray barrel are all safe and sound.

They began to carry logs, cut boards to build a new tower.
Built better than before!

Russian folk tale in the processing of M. Bulatov
There lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They had a granddaughter Masha. Once the girlfriends gathered in the forest for mushrooms and berries. They came to call Mashenka with them.
Grandfather, grandmother, says Masha, let me go into the forest with my girlfriends!
Grandparents answer:
Go, just keep an eye on your girlfriends, or you'll get lost.
The girls came to the forest, began to pick mushrooms and berries. Here Masha, tree by tree, bush by bush, and went far, far from her friends. She began to haunt, began to call them. And the girlfriends do not hear, do not respond. Walked, walked Mashenka through the forest completely lost her way. She came to the very wilderness, to the very thicket. Sees there is a hut. Mashenka knocked on the door, no one answered. She pushed the door, the door opened. Mashenka entered the hut, sat down by the window on a bench. Sit down and think:
“Who lives here? Why can't you see anyone?"
And in that hut lived a huge bear. Only he was not at home then: he walked through the forest. The bear returned in the evening, saw Masha, was delighted.
Yeah, he says, now I won't let you go! You will live with me. You will heat the stove, you will cook porridge, feed me porridge.
Masha grieve, grieved, but nothing can be done. She began to live with a bear in a hut. The bear will go into the forest for the whole day, and Mashenka is punished not to leave the hut anywhere without him.
And if you leave, he says, I’ll catch it anyway and then I’ll eat it!
Mashenka began to think how she could escape from the bear. Around the forest, which way to go does not know, there is no one to ask She thought, thought and came up with. Once a bear comes from the forest, and Mashenka says to him:
Bear, bear, let me go to the village for a day: I will bring gifts to my grandmother and grandfather.
No, says the bear, you will get lost in the forest. Give me the gifts, I'll take them myself.
And Mashenka needs it!
She baked pies, took out a big, big box and said to the bear:
Here, look: I will put pies in this box, and you take them to your grandfather and grandmother. Yes, blast it: don’t open the box on the way, don’t take out the pies. I'll climb into the oak tree, I'll follow you!
Okay, the bear answers, let's box!
Mashenka says:
Get out on the porch, see if it's raining?
As soon as the bear came out onto the porch, Mashenka immediately climbed into the box, and put a dish of pies on her head. The bear returned, he sees the box is ready. He put him on his back and went to the village. A bear walks between the fir trees, a bear wanders between birches, descends into ravines, rises to the hillocks. Walked, walked, tired and says:
I sit on a stump
Eat a pie!
And Mashenka from the box:
See see!
Don't sit on a stump
Don't eat the pie!
Take it to grandma
Bring it to grandpa!
Look, what a big-eyed, says the bear, sees everything!
He picked up the box and went on. Walked, walked, walked, stopped, sat down and said:
I sit on a stump
Eat a pie!
And Mashenka from the box again:

See see!
Don't sit on a stump
Don't eat the pie!
Take it to grandma
Bring it to grandpa!
Surprised bear:
What a clever one! Sits high, looks far!
I got up and walked faster. I came to the village, found the house where my grandparents lived, and let's knock on the gate with all our might:
Knock-Knock! Unlock, open! I brought you presents from Mashenka.
And the dogs sensed the bear and rushed at him. From all yards they run, they bark!
The bear was frightened, put the box at the gate and set off into the forest without looking back.
Then grandfather and grandmother came out to the gate. They see the box is worth.
What's in the box? grandmother says.
And grandfather lifted the lid, looks and does not believe his eyes: Masha is in the box, sitting alive and healthy. Grandpa and grandma rejoiced. They began to hug, kiss, and call Mashenka a clever girl.

Folklore of the peoples of the world

translation from German by L. Yakhnin
Three cheerful brothers walked around the yard,
Three cheerful brothers started a game,
They made heads nick-nick-nick,
Dexterous fingers chik-chik-chik.
Clap your hands, clap, clap, clap,
They stomped their feet top-top-top.

BU-BU, I'M HORNY. arr.Yu.Grigorieva
Boo boo, I'm horny
Boo-boo, I'm tailed,
Boo-boo, I'm eared
Boo boo, very scary
Boo-boo, I'm scared
Boo-boo, I gore.

KOTAUSI AND MAUSI. arr.K.Chukovsky
Once upon a time there was a mouse Mausi
And suddenly I saw Kotausi.
Kotausi has evil eyes
And evil, nasty teeth.
Kotausi ran up to Mausi
And waved her tail:
"Oh, Mousey, Mousey, Mousey,
Come to me, dear Mousey!
I'll sing you a song, Mausi
Great song, Mousey!
But clever Mousey answered:
"You can't fool me, Kotausi!
I see your evil eyes
And evil, nasty teeth!”
That's what smart Mousey said
And rather run from Kotausi.

OH, YOU, BUNNY, SHOT translation from Moldavian by I. Tokmakova
Oh you, hare - shot,
An uninvited person sat down at our table.
Sat down, turned his head,
Am! - and ate everything to the crumbs.

translation from Moldavian by I.Tokmakova
Doggy, don't bark!
Don't scare our ducks!
Our ducks are white
Without that, they are not brave.

translation from Chuvash by L. Yakhnin
The cuckoo is chirping:
Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
Dove cooing:
Gu-gu! Gu-gu!
The rooster crows:
Eagle owl screams
Night: Wow!
And the fish is silent
No hoo.

translation from German by V. Viktorov
Sat on a branch snowman
It rained - he got wet.
The wind blew a little
He dried the snowman for us.

SHOEMAKER. arr.B.Zakhoder
Master, master, help
The boots were worn out.
Hammer in the nails harder
We're going to visit today!

works of poets and
Russian writers


BEAR. A. Barto
Dropped the bear on the floor
They cut off the bear's paw.
I won't throw it away anyway.
Because he's good.

TRUCK. A. Barto
No, in vain we decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
Overturned a truck.

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
Lie down in a box on a barrel.
Sleepy bear went to bed
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He sends a bow to the elephant.

HORSE. A. Barto
I love my horse
I will comb her hair smoothly,
I stroke the ponytail with a scallop
And I'll go on horseback to visit.

I guard chickens.
Ran down in the bushes.

Drink, drink, drink!
Drink water.
I'm scared of chickens.
Tomorrow it will rain in the morning.
Moo, moo!
Milk to whom?

SICK DOLL. V. BerestovQuietly. Quiet. Silence. The poor doll is sick. The poor doll is sick, She asks for music. Sing what she likes and she'll get better.

KITTY. V.Berestov
If someone moves,
The kitten will jump on him.
If something rolls
The kitten will grab him.
Jumping gallop! Tsap-scratch!
You won't get out of our paws!

COCKER. G. Lagzdyn Cockerel, cockerel! Give me a comb. Please, please! I'll comb the curls.

The mouse sang at night in a mink:
- Sleep, little mouse, shut up!
I will give you a bread crust
And a candle stub.

The mother mouse ran
I began to call a duck as a nanny:
- Come to us, aunt duck,
Shake our baby.

The mouse duck began to sing:
- Ha-ha-ha, sleep, little one!
After the rain in the garden
I'll find you a worm.

Silly little mouse
Answers her awake:
- No, your voice is not good. -
You sing too loud!

The mother mouse ran
I began to call a toad as a nanny:
- Come to us, aunt toad,
Shake our baby.

The toad became important to croak:
- Kwa-kva-kva, don't cry!
Sleep, little mouse, until the morning,
I'll give you a mosquito.
Silly little mouse
Answers her awake:
- No, your voice is not good. -
You are very boring!

The mother mouse ran
Call aunt horse as a nanny:
- Come to us, aunt horse,
Shake our baby.

- And-go-go - the horse sings. -
Sleep, little mouse, sweet-sweet,
Turn to the right side
I'll give you a sack of oats!

Silly little mouse
Answers her awake:
- No, your voice is not good. -
You sing very scary!

The mother mouse ran
I began to call a pig as a nanny:
- Come to us, aunt pig,
Shake our baby.

The pig began to grunt hoarsely,
To craddle the disobedient:
- Bay-bayushki, oink-oink,
Calm down, I say!

Silly little mouse
Answers her awake:
- No, your voice is not good. -
You sing very rudely!

The mother mouse began to think:
I need to call the chicken.
- Come to us, aunt klusha.
Shake our baby.

The mother hen cackled:
- Where-where! Don't be afraid, baby!
Get under the roof:
It's quiet and warm there.

Silly little mouse
Answers her awake:
- No, your voice is not good. -
You won't fall asleep at all!

The mother mouse ran
I began to call a pike as a nanny:
- Come to us, aunt pike,
Shake our baby.

The pike began to sing the mouse -
He did not hear a sound:
The pike opens its mouth
And you can't hear what's singing...

Silly little mouse
Answers her awake:
- No, your voice is not good. -
You sing too quietly!

The mother mouse ran
I began to call a cat as a nanny:
- Come to us, aunt cat,
Shake our baby.

The cat began to sing to the mouse:
- Meow-meow, sleep, my baby!
Meow meow, let's go to sleep
Meow meow, on the bed.

Silly little mouse
Answers her awake:
- Your voice is so good. -
You sing very sweet!

The mother mouse came running
Looked at the bed
Looking for a stupid mouse
And you can't see the mouse...

MORNING ORDER. E moshkovskaya
Open up!
wash yourself!
14 ^rt
give up!

FOX TAIL. N.Pikuleva
Ran to visit
The bridge fled
The leaf trembled
Came back -
And glad!

N. Pikuleva
The cat inflated the balloon,
And the Kitten interfered with her:
Came up and paw top!
And the Cat's ball - burst!

Masha put on a mitten.
- Oh, where am I doing?
I don't have a finger, I'm gone
Didn't make it to my house!
Masha took off her mitten.
- Look, I found it!
Seek, seek, and you will find.
Hello finger!
How are you?

A Pushkin
The wind walks on the sea
And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
On raised sails
Past the steep island
Past the big city;
Cannons from the pier are firing,
The ship is ordered to stop.

M.Yu. Lermontov
Sleep, my beautiful baby,
Baiushki bye.
Quietly looks at the clear moon
Into your cradle
I will tell fairy tales
I will sing a song;
Well you dozed off, closing your eyes,
Baiushki bye.

A. and P. Barto
What's the howl? What's a roar?
Is there a herd of cows there?
No, there is not a cow -
This is Ganya-roar
The dress wipes off...
There was a roar on the porch,
Reva wrinkled her face.
- I'm not going anywhere!
I don't like being in the garden.
Here Ganya returned to the house,
Tears run like a stream:
- Oh, I'll go back!
It's embarrassing at home!

Gave Ghana milk.
- This mug is great!
I can't do this!
Give me another!

They gave a roar in another,
Reva stamped her foot.
- In this I do not want!
Better have some tea!
They put Ganya to sleep,
The roar is crying again:
- Oh, I won't sleep!
Oh, put on a dress!
Here the people fled.
To find out: who is roaring?
Who cries all the time?
What does all of this mean?
See - girl standing,
Looks very odd:
The nose is swollen like a beetroot
The dress got wet.
- What are you crying, roar,
Howling cow?
On you from dampness
Mold can grow.

MOUSE. A. Vvedensky
The mouse crawled out of the hole
The mouse is very hungry.
Is there a dried crust somewhere?
Maybe there is a crust in the kitchen?
And in the kitchen next to the cabinet
The mouse sees - someone's paw.
paw mottled,
The claws are sharp.
Hey mouse, don't yawn
Run away quickly!
Run away from these places
And the cat will eat it.

RURAL SONG A. Pleshcheev
The grass is green
The sun shines;
Swallow with spring
It flies to us in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful
And spring is sweeter ...
Chirp out of the way
Hello to us soon!
I will give you grains
And you sing a song
What from distant countries
Brought along...

CAT. G.Sapgir- Cat, what's your name? - Meow. - Are you guarding the mouse here? - Meow. - Meow, do you want milk? - Meow.

Poor Fedotka is an orphan.
The unfortunate Fedotka is crying:
He has no one
Who would take pity on him.
Only mom, yes uncle, yes aunt,
Just dad and grandma and grandpa.

Confusion. K. Chukovsky
Kittens meowed:
"We're tired of meowing!
We want, like pigs,

And behind them and ducklings:
"We don't want to scream anymore!
We want, like frogs,

The pigs meowed:
Meow meow!
The cats grunted:
Oink oink oink!
The ducks croaked:
Kwa, kwa, kwa!
The hens quacked:
Quack, quack, quack!

Sparrow galloped
And mooed like a cow:

A bear came running
And let's roar:

Only hare
There was a good boy:
Didn't meow
And did not grunt -
Lying under the cabbage
babbled like a hare
And foolish little animals

"Who is ordered to chirp -
Don't purr!
Who is commanded to purr -
Don't tweet!
Do not be a crow cow
Do not fly frogs under the cloud!"

But funny animals -
Pigs, bear cubs -
More than ever they are naughty,
The hare does not want to listen.
The fish are walking across the field,
Toads fly across the sky

The mice caught the cat
They put me in a mousetrap.

And the chanterelles
They took the matches
Let's go to the blue sea
The blue sea was lit.

The sea is on fire
A whale ran out of the sea:
"Hey firefighters, run!
Help, help!"

Long, long crocodile
The blue sea extinguished
Pies and pancakes
And dried mushrooms.

Two chickens came running
Watered from a barrel.

Two ruffs sailed
Watered from a bucket.

The frogs came running
Watered from a tub.

Extinguish, extinguish - do not extinguish,
Filled - not flooded.

Here comes the butterfly
Waving wings,
The sea began to fade -
And it went out.

The cat was sleeping on the roof, clenched its paws. A bird sat down next to the cat. Don't sit close, birdie, cats are cunning!

Petya and Misha had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse? They began to tear each other's horse.
- Give it to me, my horse!
- No, you give me, the horse is not yours, but mine.
Mom came, took the horse, and nobody's horse became.

One girl left home for the forest. She got lost in the forest and began to look for her way home, but she did not find it, but came to the house in the forest.
The door was open: she looked through the door, saw no one in the house, and entered. Three bears lived in this house. One bear was a father, his name was Mikhail Ivanovich. He was big and shaggy. The other was a bear. She was smaller, and her name was Nastasya Petrovna. The third was a little bear cub, and his name was Mishutka. The bears were not at home, they went for a walk in the forest.
There were two rooms in the house: one dining room, the other bedroom. The girl entered the dining room and saw three cups of stew on the table. The first cup, very large, was Mikhail Ivanychev's. The second cup, smaller, was Nastasya Petrovnina; the third, little blue cup, was Mishutkin. Beside each cup lay a spoon: large, medium and small.
The girl took the biggest spoon and drank from the biggest cup; then she took a medium spoon and sipped from the middle cup, then she took a small spoon and sipped from the little blue cup; and Mishutkin's stew seemed to her the best.
The girl wanted to sit down and saw three chairs at the table: one large, Mikhayla Ivanych's, another smaller one, Nastasya Petrovnin's, and the third, small, with a little blue pillow, Mishutkin. She climbed into a big chair
and fell; then she sat down on the middle chair, it was awkward on it, then she sat down on the small chair and laughed, it was so good. She took the little blue cup on her knees and began to eat. She ate all the stew and began to swing on a chair.
The chair broke and she fell to the floor. She got up, picked up a chair and went to another room. There were three beds: one large Mikhaila Ivanycheva, another medium Nastasya Petrovnina, the third small Mishenkina. The girl lay down in a large one, it was too spacious for her; lay down in the middle was too high; She lay down in the little bed, which suited her just right, and she fell asleep.
And the bears came home hungry and wanted to have dinner. The big bear took his cup, looked and roared scary voice: "Who sipped in my cup!"
Nastasya Petrovna looked at her cup and growled not so loudly: "Who drank in my cup!"
But Mishutka saw his empty cup and squeaked in a thin voice: “Who sipped in my cup and sipped everything!”
Mikhailo Ivanovich looked at his chair and growled in a terrible voice: “Who was sitting on my chair and moved it!”
Nastasya Petrovna looked at her chair and growled not so loudly: "Who was sitting on my chair and moved it!"
Mishutka looked at his broken chair and squeaked: “Who was sitting on my chair and broke it!”
The bears came to another room. "Who lay down in my bed and crushed it!" Mikhailo Ivanovich roared in a terrible voice. "Who lay down in my bed and crushed it!" growled Nastasya Petrovna, not so loudly. And Mishenka put up a bench, climbed into his bed and squeaked in a thin voice: “Who went to bed in my bed!” And suddenly he saw the girl and squealed as if he was being cut: “Here she is! Hold it, hold it! Here she is! Here she is! Ay-yay! Hold on!
He wanted to bite her. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bears and rushed to the window. The window was open, she jumped out the window and ran away. And the bears did not catch up with her.

WHO SAID "MEOW"? V. Suteev The puppy was sleeping on a rug near the sofa. Suddenly, through a dream, he heard someone say: - Meow! The puppy raised his head, looked - no one was there. "I must have dreamed this," he thought, and lay down more comfortably. And then someone said again: - Meow! - Who's there? The Puppy jumped up, ran around the whole room, looked under the bed, under the table - there was nobody! He climbed onto the windowsill, saw - outside the window in the yard a Rooster was walking. "That's who did not let me sleep!" - thought the Puppy and ran into the yard to the Rooster. - Did you say "meow"? - asked the Puppy Rooster. - No, I say ... The rooster flapped its wings and shouted: Ku-ka-re-ku-u-u! - Can't you say anything else? - asked the Puppy, - No, only "crow", - said the Rooster. The puppy scratched his hind paw behind his ear and went home ... Suddenly, at the very porch, someone said: - Meow! "It's here!" - said the Puppy to himself and quickly began to dig under the porch with all four paws. When he dug a big hole, a little gray Mouse jumped out. - Did you say "meow"? - strictly asked his Puppy. “Pee-pee-pee,” the Mouse squeaked. - Who said so? - Someone said "meow"... - Close? - the Mouse got excited. - Right here, very close, - said the Puppy. - I'm scared! Pee-pee-pee! - squeaked the Mouse and darted under the porch. The puppy thought. Suddenly, near the doghouse, someone said loudly: - Meow! The puppy ran around the kennel three times, but did not find anyone. Someone stirred in the kennel... "Here he is!" the Puppy said to himself. "Now I'll catch him..." He crept closer... A huge shaggy dog. - Rrr! - growled the Dog. - I... I wanted to know... - Rrr! - Did you say ... "meow"? - whispered the Puppy, tucking his tail. - I? You're laughing, Puppy! With all his might, the Puppy rushed into the garden and hid there under a bush. And then, right above his ear, someone said: - Meow! The puppy peeked out from under the bush. Directly in front of him, on a flower, sat a furry bee. "That's who said" meow "! - thought the Puppy and wanted to grab it with his teeth. - Z-z-z-z! - the offended Bee buzzed and painfully stung the Puppy on the tip of the nose. The Puppy squealed, ran, and the Bee followed him! Flies and buzzing: "Oh, I'm sorry! Oh, I'm sorry! The Puppy ran up to the pond - and into the water! When he emerged, the Bee was gone. And then again someone said: - Meow! - It was you who said "meow!" "?" Puppy asked the Fish, which swam past him. The fish did not answer, waved its tail and disappeared into the depths of the pond. - Kwa-kva-kva! - laughed the Frog, sitting on a leaf of a lily. Don't you know that fish don't say - Or maybe it was you who said "meow"? - asked the Puppy Frog. - Kwa-kva-kva! - the Frog laughed. - How stupid you are! Frogs only croak. And jumped into the water. The Puppy went home wet, with swollen nose. Sad, he lay down on the rug near the sofa. And suddenly he heard: - Meow! He jumped up - a fluffy striped Cat was sitting on the windowsill. - Meow! - said the Cat. - Aw-aw-aw! - the Puppy barked, then remembered , as the furry Dog growled, and growled: - Rrr! The cat arched, hissed: "Shhh!", snorted: "Fur-fyr!" - and jumped out the window. The Puppy returned to his rug and lay down to sleep. He now knew who said "meow".

Mouse, Mouse, why is your nose dirty?
Digging the earth.
Why did you dig the earth?
Made a mink.
Why did you make a mink?
To hide from you, Fox.
Mouse, Mouse, I'll lie in wait for you!
And I have a bedroom in a mink.
If you want to eat, get out!
And I have a pantry in a mink.
Mouse, Mouse, but I'll tear your mink.
And I from you in otnorochek and was such!

In the chicken coop, someone knocked softly: knock-knock ... And then they heard: crack!
Klusha Redhead flapped her wings. And from the broken eggshell a chick hatched, the first chick. You can say about him - Zheltyachok. Because he was all around yellow.
The chicken shook its head and said:
At this time, the sun peeked out from behind the forest.
And ran on the ground Sun Ray. I swam in the cold river, rolled on the roof of the house and looked into the window. The yellow one closed his eyes and hid. Suddenly Ryzhukha clucked, the dog Nimble barked, the cow mooed loudly:
- Moo! It's time to be free!
And the chicken thought: “So much light and noise. Is that all I did?! Pin! It's all me! It's me! I!" No, don't make fun of Yellowy. After all, it was the very first morning in his life. And how good, how wonderful to see the world early in the morning! How good it is to live on earth!

The sun is shining. A strawberry ripened in the clearing. A mosquito saw her and squeaked: “The berry is ripe: red, fragrant!” Heard a mosquito bird, flew to the clearing. Wants to eat strawberries. The mouse heard a mosquito, ran to the clearing. Wants to eat strawberries. Heard a mosquito frog, jumped into the clearing. Wants to eat strawberries. I heard a mosquito snake, crawled into the clearing. Wants to eat strawberries. A cloud ran into the sun. A mosquito saw her and squeaked: “It will rain: wet, cold!” Heard a mosquito bird, rather on a tree. Heard a mosquito mouse, rather in a mink. I heard a mosquito frog, rather under a leaf. I heard a mosquito snake, rather under the root. And the strawberry berry bathes in the rain and rejoices that no one has touched it.

Works of poets and writers different countries

The bug yapped in a dream,
She wagged her tail.
cat, gray cat
Sleeping at the foot of a chair.
In an easy chair by the window
Grandma fell asleep.
The bear also began to yawn.
Is it time for Masha to sleep?

Dinner time has arrived.
Mashenka sat down at the table.
Woof woof woof!
Who is this to us?
Woof woof woof!
Who is it there?
It's me,
Your faithful dog
Your Arapka, black nose.
Day and night
I guarded the house.
Worked out, chill.
Isn't it time for lunch?
Go, arapka,
My paws.
Meow meow!
Who OK now?
Is scratching at our door?
This is our cat Murka,
Murka gray skin.
I guarded your cellar,
Moved all mice.
Rats chased out of the basement,
Worked out, tired.
Isn't it time for lunch?
Where-where, where-where,
Who else is rushing over here?
Came out chicken pockmarked.
I'm coming to you straight from the barn.
I didn't eat, I didn't drink
I laid an egg for you.
Isn't it time for lunch?
The doors were unlocked and
Masha calls everyone to the table.
Dog Arapka,
Scratchy cat,
Chicken Ryabka.
Nobody no refusal.
Lunch is served to everyone.
Doggy in a bowl
In a saucer pussy
Laying hen
Millet in a skull
And Mashenka is in a bowl.
Deep, not shallow.

UPDATES. P.Voronko
I bought a cat
For the holiday boots.
Combed her mustache
Made new panties.
But how do you put them on?
The tail has nowhere to go!

IN THE TOY STORE. Ch.Yancharsky
It was in a toy store. They sat and stood on the shelves Teddy bears.
There was one bear among them, which had been sitting in its corner for a long time.
Other bears have already got to the guys and went out into the street with a smile. And no one paid attention to this bear, maybe because he was sitting in a corner.
Every day the bear became more and more upset: he had no one to play with. And one ear drooped from grief.
“It doesn’t matter, the bear consoled himself. If a fairy tale flies into one ear now, it won’t fly out of the other ear. The drooping ear won’t let it in.”
One day the bear found a red umbrella on his shelf. He grabbed it in his paws, opened it and bravely jumped down. And then he quietly made his way out of the store. At first he was frightened, there were too many people on the street. But when he met two guys, Zosia and Jacek, his fear passed. The guys smiled at the bear. What a smile it was!
Who are you looking for, little bear? the guys asked.
I'm looking for guys.
Come with us.
Went! the bear was happy.
And they walked together.

There was a courtyard in front of the house where Jacek and Zosia lived. The main dog in this courtyard was Kruchek. And then there still lived a red-haired Cockerel.
When the bear went out for the first time into the yard for a walk, Kruchek immediately jumped up to him. And then came the Rooster.
Hello! said the little bear.
Hello! they said to him in response, We saw how you came with Jacek and Zosia. Why are your ears drooping? Listen, what's your name?
The bear told what happened with the ear. And he was very upset. Because he didn't have a name.
Don't worry, Kruchek told him. And the other ear will droop. We will call you Ushastik. Mishka Ushastik. Agree?
Mishka liked the name very much. He clapped his paws and said:
Now I'm Mishka Ushastik!
Mishka, Mishka, meet, this is our Bunny.
The bunny nibbled on the grass.
But Mishka saw only two long ears. And then a muzzle that moved funny. The bunny was frightened by Mishka, jumped and disappeared behind the fence.
But then he felt ashamed and returned.
You're scared in vain, Bunny, Kruchek told him. Meet our new friend. His name is Mishka Ushastik.
Ushastik looked at the long fluffy ears of the Bunny and sighed, thinking about his drooping ear.
Suddenly the Bunny said:
Bear, what a beautiful ear you have ...

Folklore of the peoples of the world

"Three Merry Brothers", trans. with him. L. Yakhnina;

Three funny brothers

They walked around the yard.

Played a game:

Made heads -


Dexterous fingers -


Three funny brothers

They did it with patties -


Stomped their feet -


"Boo-boo, I'm horny", lit., arr. Yu. Grigorieva;

Boo boo, I'm horny

Boo-boo, I'm tailed,

Boo-boo, I'm eared

Boo boo, very scary

Boo-boo, I'm scared

Boo-boo, I gore.

"Kotausi and Mausi"; English, arr., K. Chukovsky;

Once upon a time there was a mouse Mausi

And suddenly she saw Kotausi.

Kotausi has evil eyes

And evil, nasty teeth.

Kotausi ran up to Mausi

And waved her tail:

"Oh, Mousey, Mousey, Mousey,

Come to me, dear Mousey!

I'll sing you a song, Mausi

Great song, Mousey!"

But clever Mousey answered:

"You can't fool me, Kotausi!

I see your evil eyes

And evil, nasty teeth!"

So answered smart Mausi -

And rather run from Kotausi.

"Oh, you hare-shooter ..."; per. with mold. I. Tokmakova;

Oh you, hare - shot,

An uninvited person sat down at our table.

Sat down, turned his head,

Am! - and ate everything to the crumbs.

"You, doggy, do not bark ...", trans. with mold. I. Tokmakova;

Doggy, don't bark!

Don't scare our ducks!

Our ducks are white

Without that, they are not brave.

"Conversations", Chuvash., Per. L. Yakhnina;

The cuckoo is chirping:

- Ku-ku! Ku-ku!

Dove cooing:

- Gu-gu! Gu-gu!

The rooster crows:

- Ku-ka-re-ku!

Eagle owl screams

In the night: - Uh-huh!

And the fish is silent

- No hoo.

"Snegirek", trans. with him. V. Viktorova;

Sat on a branch snowman

It rained - he got wet.

The wind blew a little

He dried the snowman for us.

"Shoemaker", Polish., Arr. B, Zakhodera.

Master, master, help

The boots were worn out.

Hammer in the nails harder

We're going to visit today!

Works of poets and writers of Russia


A. Barto.


Dropped Mishka on the floor

Mishka's paw was torn off.

I won't throw it away anyway.

Because he's good.


No, in vain we decided

Ride a cat in a car:

The cat is not used to riding -

Overturned a truck.


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

Lie down in a box on a barrel.

Sleepy bear went to bed

Only the elephant does not want to sleep.

The elephant nods its head

He sends a bow to the elephant.

"Horse" (from the cycle "Toys"),

I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

"Who is screaming";


I guard chickens.


Ran down in the bushes.

Drink, drink, drink!

Drink water.


I'm scared of chickens.

Kra, kra, kra!

Tomorrow it will rain in the morning.

Moo, moo!

Milk to whom?

V. Berestov. "Sick Doll"

Quiet. Quiet. Silence.

The poor doll is sick.

The poor doll is sick,

She asks for music.

Sing what she likes

And she will get better.


If someone moves,

The kitten will jump on him.

If something rolls

For him, the kitten will grab.

Jumping gallop! Tsap-scratch!

You won't get out of our paws!

G. Lagzdyn, "Cockerel";

Cockerel, cockerel,

Give me a comb

Well, please, please

I comb my curls

S. Marshak. "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse";

The mouse sang at night in a mink:

Sleep, little mouse, shut up!

I will give you a bread crust

And a candle stub.

The mouse answers her:

Better, mom, not food,

Find me a babysitter!

The mother mouse ran

I began to call a duck as a nanny:

Come to us, aunt duck,

Shake our baby.

The mouse duck began to sing:

Ha-ha-ha, sleep, little one!

After the rain in the garden

I'll find you a worm.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You're singing too loud!

The mother mouse ran

I began to call a toad as a nanny:

Come to us, aunt toad,

Shake our baby.

The toad became important to croak:

Kwa-kva-kva, don't cry!

Sleep, little mouse, until the morning,

I'll give you a mosquito.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You are very boring!

The mother mouse ran

Aunt horse in the nanny call:

Come to us, aunt horse,

Shake our baby.

And-go-go! - the horse sings. -

Sleep, little mouse, sweet-sweet,

Turn to the right side

I'll give you a sack of oats.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You are very scared to eat!

The mother mouse ran

Call aunt pig as a nanny:

Come to us, aunt pig,

Shake our baby.

The pig began to grunt hoarsely,

Naughty cradle:

Bay-bayushki, oink-oink.

Calm down, I say.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You are eating very rudely!

The mother mouse began to think:

I need to call the chicken.

Come to us, aunt klusha,

Shake our baby.

The mother hen cackled:

Where-where! Don't be afraid, baby!

Get under the roof:

It's quiet and warm there.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You won't fall asleep at all!

The mother mouse ran

I began to call a pike as a nanny:

Come to us, aunt pike,

Shake our baby.

The pike began to sing the mouse -

He didn't hear a sound.

The pike opens its mouth

And you can't hear what he's singing...

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You are too quiet!

The mother mouse ran

I began to call a cat as a nanny:

Come to us, aunt cat,

Shake our baby.

The cat began to sing to the mouse:

Meow-meow, sleep, my baby!

Meow meow, let's go to sleep

Meow meow, on the bed.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You are very sweet to eat!

The mother mouse came running

Looked at the bed

Looking for a stupid mouse

And you can't see the mouse...

E. Moshkovskaya. "Order" (abbreviated);

Faucet, open!

Nose, wash up!

Wash right away

Both eyes!

Wash your ears!

Wash your neck!

Neck, wash yourself


Wash, wash,

Get wet!

Dirty, wash off!

Dirty, wash off!

N. Pikuleva.

"Fox Tail"

Fox tail ran to visit.
He ran along the bridge, trembling with a leaf.
Came back and happy.

"The cat inflated the balloon...";

The cat inflated the balloon

And the kitten interfered with her:

Approached and paw - top!

And the cat has a ball - BOP !!!

N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?";

Masha put on a mitten.

Oh, where am I doing my finger?

I don't have a finger, I'm gone

Didn't make it to my house!

Masha took off her mitten.

Look, I found it!

Seek, seek, and you will find.

Hello finger!

How are you?

A. Pushkin. “The wind walks on the sea ...” (from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”);

The wind is blowing on the sea

And the boat is urging;

He runs in waves

On swollen sails.

The sailors marvel

Crowding on the boat

On a familiar island

A miracle is seen in reality:

The new golden-domed city,

Pier with a strong outpost;

Cannons from the pier are firing,

The ship is ordered to stop.

Guests come to the outpost;

Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,

He feeds and waters them

And he orders to keep the answer:

What are you, guests, bargaining

And where are you sailing now?

The sailors replied:

We drove around the whole world,

traded sables,

Silver foxes;

And now we're out of time

We're going straight east

Past the island of Buyana,

To the realm of the glorious Saltan...

The prince then said to them:

Good luck to you, gentlemen,

By sea by Okiya

To the glorious Tsar Saltan;

Kudos to him from me.

The guests are on their way, and Prince Gvidon

From the shore with a sad soul

Accompanies their long-distance run ...

M. Lermontov. "Sleep, baby ..." (from the poem "Cossack lullaby");

Baiushki bye.

Quietly looks at the clear moon

Into your cradle

I will tell fairy tales

I will sing a song;

Well you dozed off, closing your eyes,

Baiushki bye.

The Terek flows over the stones,

Splashing muddy shaft;

An evil Chechen crawls ashore,

Sharpens his dagger;

But your father is an old warrior,

Forged in Battle:

Sleep, baby, be calm

Baiushki bye.

You will know, there will be time

swearing life;

Feel free to put your foot in the stirrup

And take a gun.

I am a fighting saddle

I'll rip it with silk...

Sleep, my dear child,

Baiushki bye.

You will be a hero in appearance

And a Cossack soul.

I will go out to accompany you -

You wave your hand...

How many bitter tears furtively

I will shed that night! ..

Sleep, my angel, quietly, sweetly,

Baiushki bye.

I will languish in melancholy,

Wait inconsolably;

I'll pray all day

Guessing at night;

I'll think you're bored

You are in a foreign land...

Sleep well until you know worries

Baiushki bye.

I will give you on the road

Saint pattern:

You are his, praying to God,

Put in front of you;

Yes, preparing for a dangerous battle,

Remember your mother...

Sleep, my beautiful baby,

Baiushki bye.

A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl-Revushka";

What's the howl? What's a roar?

Is there a herd of cows there?

No, there is not a cow -

This is Ganya-roar



The dress wipes off...


There was a roar on the porch,

Reva wrinkled her face.

I won't go anywhere!

I don't like being in the garden.


Here Ganya returned to the house,

Tears run like a stream:

Oh, I'll go back!

It's embarrassing at home!


Gave Ghana milk.

This mug is big!

I can't do this!

Give me another!


They gave a roar in another,

Reva stamped her foot.

I don't want this one!

Better have some tea!


They put Ganya to sleep,

The roar is crying again:

Oh, I won't sleep!

Oh, put on a dress!


Here the people fled.

To find out: who is roaring?

Who cries all the time?

What does all of this mean?

They see - the girl is standing,

Looks very odd:

The nose is swollen like a beetroot

The dress got wet.



What are you crying, roar,

Howling cow?

On you from dampness

Mold can grow.

A. Vvedensky. "Mouse";

The mouse crawled out of the hole

The mouse is very hungry.

Is there a dried crust somewhere,

Maybe there is a crust in the kitchen?

And in the kitchen near the cupboard

The mouse sees - someone's paw.

paw mottled,

The claws are sharp.

Hey mouse, don't yawn

Run away quickly!

run away from these places

And the cat will eat it.

A. Pleshcheev, in Rural song ";

The grass is green

The sun shines;

Swallow with spring

It flies to us in the canopy.

With her the sun is more beautiful

And spring is sweeter ...

Chirp out of the way

Hello to us soon!

I will give you grains

And you sing a song

What from distant countries

Brought along...

G. Sapgir. "Cat";

Cat, what's your name?


Are you guarding the mouse here?


Meow, do you want some milk?


And in friends - a puppy?


K. Chukovsky.


Poor Fedotka is an orphan.

The unfortunate Fedotka is crying:

He has no one

Who would take pity on him.

Only mom, yes uncle, yes aunt,

Just dad and grandma and grandpa.


Kittens meowed:

We are tired of meowing!

We want, like piglets -


And behind them and ducklings:

We don't want to scream anymore!

We want like frogs -


Pigs meowed -

Meow meow!

The cats grunted -

Oink oink oink!

Ducks croaked -

Kwa, kwa, kwa!

The hens quacked -

Quack, quack, quack!

Sparrow jumped,

And mooed like a cow -


The bear came running

And let's roar -


Only a hare was a good boy,

Didn't meow or grunt

Lying under the cabbage

babbled like a hare

And he persuaded the foolish little animals:

"Who is ordered to chirp -

Don't purr

Who is commanded to purr -

Don't tweet!

Do not be a crow cow

Do not fly frogs under the cloud!"

But funny animals -

Pigs, bear cubs

More than ever they are naughty,

The hare does not want to listen.

The fish are walking across the field,

Toads fly across the sky

Mice caught a cat -

They put me in a mousetrap!

And the chanterelles took the matches,

We went to the blue sea -

The blue sea is lit!

The sea is on fire!

A whale ran out of the sea:

"Hey firefighters, run!

Help, help!"

Two chickens came running -

Watered from a barrel

Two ruffs sailed -

Watered from a bucket

Frogs came running -

Watered from a tub.

Extinguish, extinguish - do not extinguish,

Filled - not flooded ...

Here comes the butterfly

Waving wings,

The sea began to fade -

And it went out.

Here the animals rejoiced -

laughed and sang

The geese started again

Scream like a goose -


The cats purred

Moore, moore, moore!

Birds chirped -


The horses neighed


Flies buzzed -


Frogs croak -


And the ducklings are quacking -


Piglets grunt -

Oink oink oink!

Murochka cradle,

My dear...

Bayushki-byu, bayushki-byu ...


L. Tolstoy.

"The cat was sleeping on the roof ...",

The cat was sleeping on the roof. She clenched her paws. A bird sat down near the cat. Don't sit close, birdie. Cats are very smart.

"Petya and Misha had a horse...";

Petya and Misha had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse? They began to tear each other's horse.

- Give it to me, my horse!

- No, you give me, the horse is not yours, but mine.

Mom came, took the horse, and nobody's horse became.

L. Tolstoy. "Three Bears";

One girl left home for the forest. She got lost in the forest and began to look for her way home, but she did not find it, but came to the house in the forest.

The door was open; she looked at the door, sees: there is no one in the house, and entered. Three bears lived in this house. One bear was a father, his name was Mikhailo Ivanovich. He was big and shaggy. The other was a bear. She was smaller, and her name was Nastasya Petrovna. The third was a little bear cub, and his name was Mishutka. The bears were not at home, they went for a walk in the forest.

There were two rooms in the house: one dining room, the other bedroom. The girl entered the dining room and saw three cups of stew on the table. The first cup, very large, was Mikhail Ivanychev's. The second cup, smaller, was Nastasya Petrovnina; the third, little blue cup, was Mishutkin. Beside each cup lay a spoon: large, medium and small.

The girl took the biggest spoon and drank from the biggest cup; then she took the middle spoon and drank from the middle cup; then she took a small spoon and drank from a little blue cup; and Mishutkin's stew seemed to her the best.

The girl wanted to sit down and sees three chairs at the table: one large one - Mikhail Ivanovich; the other is smaller - Nastasya Petrovnin, and the third, small, with a blue little pillow - Mishutkin. She climbed onto a large chair and fell; then she sat down on the middle chair, it was awkward on it; then she sat down on a small chair and laughed - it was so good. She took the little blue cup on her knees and began to eat. She ate all the stew and began to swing on a chair.

The chair broke and she fell to the floor. She got up, picked up a chair and went to another room. There were three beds: one large - Mikhail Ivanychev; the other middle one is Nastasya Petrovnina; the third is small - Mishenkina. - The girl lay down in a big one, it was too spacious for her; lay down in the middle - it was too high; she lay down in a small one - the bed fit her just right, and she fell asleep.

And the bears came home hungry and wanted to have dinner.

The big bear took the cup, looked and roared in a terrible voice:


Nastasya Petrovna looked at her cup and growled not so loudly:


But Mishutka saw his empty cup and squeaked in a thin voice:


Mikhail Ivanovich looked at his chair and growled in a terrible voice:


Nastasya Petrovna glanced at her chair and growled not so loudly:


Mishutka looked at his broken chair and squeaked:


The bears came to another room.

- WHO GOT IN MY BED AND KRUGGED IT? roared Mikhail Ivanovich in a terrible voice.

- WHO GOT IN MY BED AND KRUGGED IT? Nastasya Petrovna growled, not so loudly.

But Mishenka set up a bench, climbed into his bed and squeaked in a thin voice:


And suddenly he saw the girl and squealed as if he was being cut:

- Here she is! Hold it, hold it! Here she is! Ay-ya-yay! Hold on!

He wanted to bite her.

The girl opened her eyes, saw the bears and rushed to the window. It was open, she jumped out the window and ran away. And the bears did not catch up with her.

V. Suteev. "Who said "meow""

The puppy slept on a rug next to the sofa. Suddenly, through a dream, he heard someone say: - Meow! The puppy raised his head, looked - no one was there. “I must have dreamed this,” he thought, and lay down more comfortably. And then someone said again: - Meow! - Who's there? The Puppy jumped up, ran around the whole room, looked under the bed, under the table - there was nobody! He climbed onto the windowsill, saw - outside the window in the yard a Rooster was walking. "That's who did not let me sleep!" - thought the Puppy and ran into the yard to the Rooster. - Did you say "meow"? - asked the Puppy Rooster. - No, I say ... The rooster flapped its wings and shouted: - Ku-ka-re-ku-u-u! - Can't you say anything else? - asked the Puppy, - No, only the “crow”, - said the Rooster. The puppy scratched his hind paw behind his ear and went home ... Suddenly, at the very porch, someone said: - Meow! "It's here!" - said the Puppy to himself and quickly began to dig under the porch with all four paws. When he dug a big hole, a little gray Mouse jumped out. - Did you say "meow"? - strictly asked his Puppy. “Pee-pee-pee,” the Mouse squeaked. - Who said so? - Someone said "meow" ... - Close? - the Mouse got excited. - Right here, very close, - said the Puppy. - I'm scared! Pee-pee-pee! - squeaked the Mouse and darted under the porch. The puppy thought. Suddenly, near the doghouse, someone said loudly: - Meow! The puppy ran around the kennel three times, but did not find anyone. Someone stirred in the kennel ... “Here he is! - Puppy said to himself. - Now I'll catch him ... "He crept closer ... A huge shaggy Dog jumped out to meet him. - Rrr! - growled the Dog. - I ... I wanted to know ... - Rrr! - Did you say ... "meow"? - whispered the Puppy, tucking his tail. - I? You're laughing, Puppy! With all his might, the Puppy rushed into the garden and hid there under a bush. And then, right above his ear, someone said: - Meow! The puppy peeked out from under the bush. Directly in front of him, on a flower, sat a furry bee. "That's who said "meow"! - thought the Puppy and wanted to grab it with his teeth. - Z-z-z-z! - buzzed the offended Bee and painfully stung the Puppy on the tip of the nose. The Puppy screeched, ran, and the Bee followed him! It flies and buzzes: - I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Puppy ran to the pond - and into the water! When he surfaced, the Bee was gone. And then again someone said: - Meow! - Did you say "meow"? - Puppy asked the Fish, which swam past him. The fish did not answer, waved its tail and disappeared into the depths of the pond. - Qua-qua-qua! laughed the Frog sitting on the leaf of the lily. - Don't you know that fish don't talk? “Maybe it was you who said “meow”? asked Puppy Frog. - Qua-qua-qua! Frog laughed. - How stupid you are! The frogs just croak. And jumped into the water. The Puppy went home wet, with a swollen nose. Sad, he lay down on the rug near the sofa. And suddenly I heard: - Meow! He jumped up - a fluffy tabby cat was sitting on the windowsill. - Meow! - said the cat. - Aw-aw-aw! - the Puppy barked, then remembered how the shaggy Dog growled, and growled: - Rrr! The cat arched, hissed: “Shhh!”, snorted: “Fur-fur!” - and jumped out the window. The Puppy returned to his rug and lay down to sleep. He now knew who said "meow".

W. Bianchi. "The Fox and the Mouse"

- Mouse, mouse, why is your nose dirty?

- Digging the earth.

- Why did you dig the earth?

- Made a mink.

- Why did you make a mink?

- To hide from you, foxes.

- Mouse, mouse, and I'll lie in wait for you!

- And I have a bedroom in a mink.

- If you want to eat - get out!

- And I have a pantry in a mink.

- Little mouse, little mouse, but I'll tear your mink!

- And I'm away from you - and that was it!

G. Ball. "Yeltyachok"

In the chicken coop, someone knocked softly: knock ... knock .... And then I heard: crack!

Klusha Redhead flapped her wings. And out of the broken egg shell hatched a chick, the first chick. You can say about him - Zheltyachok. Because he was all around yellow.

The chicken shook its head and said:

- Pin-pin-pi.

At this time, the sun peeked out from behind the forest. And a ray of sunshine ran across the earth. I swam in a cold river, rolled on the roof of the house and looked into the window. The yellow one closed his eyes and hid. Suddenly Ryzhukha cackled, the dog Nimble barked, the cow bellowed loudly:

- Moo! It's time to be free!

And the chicken thought, “What a lot of light and noise. Is that all I did?! Pin! It's all me! It's me! I!"

No, don't make fun of Yellowy. After all, it was the very first morning in his life. And how good, how wonderful to see the world early in the morning! How good it is to live on earth!

N. Pavlova. "Strawberry".

The sun is shining. A strawberry ripened in the clearing. A mosquito saw her and squealed:

- The berry is ripe: red, fragrant!

Heard a mosquito bird, flew to the clearing. Wants to eat strawberries.

The mouse heard a mosquito, ran to the clearing. Wants to eat strawberries.

A cloud ran into the sun. A mosquito saw her and squealed:

- It will rain: wet, cold!

Heard a mosquito bird - rather on a tree.

Heard a mosquito mouse - rather in a mink.

I heard a mosquito frog - rather under the leaf.

I heard a mosquito snake - rather under the root.

And the strawberry berry bathes in the rain and rejoices that no one has touched it.

Works of poets and writers from different countries

S. Kaputikyan.

"Everybody sleeps"

The bug yapped in a dream,

She wagged her tail.

cat, gray cat

Sleeping at the foot of a chair.

In an easy chair by the window

Grandma fell asleep.

The bear also began to yawn.

Is it time for Masha to sleep?

"Masha has lunch" trans. with arm.

Dinner time has come

Mashenka sat down at the table.

-Woof woof woof!

-Who is this to us?

-Woof woof woof!

-Who is it there?

- It's me, your faithful dog,

Your Arapka is a black nose.

Day and night

I guarded the house

Worked out, chill.


-Meow meow!..

-Who now

Is scratching at our door?

-This is your cat Murka.

Murka -

Gray skin.

I guarded your cellar

Moved all the mice

Rats chased out of the basement,

Worked out, tired.


- Where-where, where-where! ..

Who else is in a hurry to get here?

-Your chicken is pockmarked,

I'm coming to you straight from the barn.

I didn't eat, I didn't drink

- I laid an egg for you.


The doors are open and

Mom calls everyone to the table:

Dog Arapka,

scratchy cat,

Chicken grouse.

No one is denied

Dinner served to everyone:

Doggy - in a bowl,

In a saucer - pussy,

Laying hen -

Millet in a skull

And Mashenka is in a bowl.


P. Voronko. "News", trans. from Ukrainian

I bought a cat

For the holiday boots.

Combed her mustache

Made new panties.

But how do you put them on?

The tail has nowhere to go.

D. Bisset. "Ha-ha-ha!", trans. from English.

There lived a gosling named William. But his mother always called him Willie.

- It's time to go for a walk, Willy! Mom told him. - Call the others, ha-ha-ha!

Willy was very fond of gagging, calling everyone for a walk.

- Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! - and he sang all the way.

Once on a walk he met a kitten. Cute black kitten with white front paws. Willy liked him very much.

- Ha-ha-ha! he said to the kitten. - Ha-ha-ha!

- Meow! - answered the kitten.

Willy was surprised. What does "meow" mean? He always thought that cats, like geese, said "ha-ha-ha!"

He went on. I nibbled on the grass along the way. The day was wonderful. The sun was shining and the birds were singing.

- Ha-ha-ha! Willy sang.

- Bow-wow! - answered the dog running along the road.

- Wow! - said the horse.

- N-but! shouted the milkman to his horse.

Poor Willie didn't understand a word. A farmer passed by and called to Willy:

- Hi, gosling!

- Ha-ha-ha! Willy replied.

Then the children ran. One boy ran up to Willy and shouted:

- Kush!

Willie was upset. He even had a dry throat.

- I know I'm just a gosling. But why shout "shoo" to me?

In the pond he saw goldfish, but for all his "ha-ha-ha" the fish only wagged its tail and did not say a word.

Willy went further and met a herd of cows.

- Mu-u-u! - said the cows. - Mu-u-u-u-u-u!

Then he met chickens.

- Ko-ko-ko, - the chickens cackled. - Ko-ko-ko!

- Ku-ka-re-ku-uuu!

"Well, at least someone would say 'ha-ha-ha' to me," thought Willy. "I don't even have anyone to talk to. It's boring!"

- Zhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh! buzzed the bee.

Pigeons cooed, ducks quacked, and ravens croaked from the tops of the trees. And no one, no one said "ha-ha-ha" to him!

Poor Willy even began to cry, and tears dripped from his beak onto his pretty red paws.

- Ha-ha-ha! cried Willie.

And suddenly, from afar, a native "ha-ha-ha" was heard.

And then a car appeared on the road.

- Ha-ha-ha! the car said. All English cars say "ha-ha-ha", not "b-b-b" at all.

- Ha-ha-ha! Willy rejoiced.

- Ha-ha-ha! - said the car and drove past.

Willie couldn't take his eyes off the car. He felt like the happiest gosling in the world.

- Ha-ha-ha! - repeated the car and disappeared around the corner.

- Ha-ha-ha! Willie called after him.

Ch. Yancharsky. "Toy Store"

It was in a toy store. Teddy bears sat and stood on the shelves.

There was one bear among them, which had been sitting in its corner for a long time.

Other bears have already got to the guys and went out into the street with a smile. And no one paid attention to this bear, maybe because he was sitting in a corner.

Every day the bear became more and more upset: he had no one to play with. And one ear drooped from grief.

“It doesn’t matter,” the bear consoled himself. “If a fairy tale flies into one ear now, it won’t fly out of the other ear.

One day the bear found a red umbrella on his shelf. He grabbed it in his paws, opened it and bravely jumped down. And then he quietly made his way out of the store. At first he was frightened, there were too many people on the street. But when he met two guys, Zosya and Yapek, his fear passed. The guys smiled at the bear. What a smile it was!

- Who are you looking for, little bear? - the guys asked.

- I'm looking for guys.

- Come with us.

- Went! - the bear was delighted.

And they walked together.

"Friends".. ! from the book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik"), trans. from Polish.

There was a courtyard in front of the house where Jacek and Zosia lived. The main dog in this courtyard was Kruchek. And then there still lived a red-haired Cockerel.

When the bear went out for the first time into the yard for a walk, Kruchek immediately jumped up to him. And then came the Rooster.

- Hello! - said the little bear.

- Hello! they said to him in reply. - We saw how you came with Jacek and Zosia. Why are your ears drooping? Listen, what's your name?

The bear told what happened with the ear. And he was very upset. Because he didn't have a name.

- Don't worry, Kruchek told him. - And then the other ear will droop. We will call you Ushastik. Mishka Ushastik. Agree?

Mishka liked the name very much. He clapped his paws and said:

- Now I'm Mishka Ushastik!

- Mishka, Mishka, meet, this is our Bunny.

The bunny nibbled on the grass.

But Mishka saw only two long ears. And then a muzzle that moved funny. The bunny was frightened by Mishka, jumped and disappeared behind the fence.

But then he felt ashamed and returned.

- You're scared in vain, Bunny, - Kruchek told him. - Meet our new friend. His name is Mishka Ushastik.

Ushastik looked at the long fluffy ears of the Bunny and sighed, thinking about his drooping ear.

Suddenly the Bunny said:

- Bear, what a beautiful ear you have ...

Folklore of the peoples of the world

"Three Merry Brothers", trans. with him. L. Yakhnina;

Three funny brothers

They walked around the yard.

Played a game:

Made heads -


Dexterous fingers -


Three funny brothers

They did it with patties -


Stomped their feet -


"Boo-boo, I'm horny", lit., arr. Yu. Grigorieva;

Boo boo, I'm horny

Boo-boo, I'm tailed,

Boo-boo, I'm eared

Boo boo, very scary

Boo-boo, I'm scared

Boo-boo, I gore.

"Kotausi and Mausi"; English, arr., K. Chukovsky;

Once upon a time there was a mouse Mausi

And suddenly she saw Kotausi.

Kotausi has evil eyes

And evil, nasty teeth.

Kotausi ran up to Mausi

And waved her tail:

"Oh, Mousey, Mousey, Mousey,

Come to me, dear Mousey!

I'll sing you a song, Mausi

Great song, Mousey!"

But clever Mousey answered:

"You can't fool me, Kotausi!

I see your evil eyes

And evil, nasty teeth!"

So answered smart Mausi -

And rather run from Kotausi.

"Oh, you hare-shooter ..."; per. with mold. I. Tokmakova;

Oh you, hare - shot,

An uninvited person sat down at our table.

Sat down, turned his head,

Am! - and ate everything to the crumbs.

"You, doggy, do not bark ...", trans. with mold. I. Tokmakova;

Doggy, don't bark!

Don't scare our ducks!

Our ducks are white

Without that, they are not brave.

"Conversations", Chuvash., Per. L. Yakhnina;

The cuckoo is chirping:

- Ku-ku! Ku-ku!

Dove cooing:

- Gu-gu! Gu-gu!

The rooster crows:

- Ku-ka-re-ku!

Eagle owl screams

In the night: - Uh-huh!

And the fish is silent

- No hoo.

"Snegirek", trans. with him. V. Viktorova;

Sat on a branch snowman

It rained - he got wet.

The wind blew a little

He dried the snowman for us.

"Shoemaker", Polish., Arr. B, Zakhodera.

Master, master, help

The boots were worn out.

Hammer in the nails harder

We're going to visit today!

Works of poets and writers of Russia


A. Barto.


Dropped Mishka on the floor

Mishka's paw was torn off.

I won't throw it away anyway.

Because he's good.


No, in vain we decided

Ride a cat in a car:

The cat is not used to riding -

Overturned a truck.


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

Lie down in a box on a barrel.

Sleepy bear went to bed

Only the elephant does not want to sleep.

The elephant nods its head

He sends a bow to the elephant.

"Horse" (from the cycle "Toys"),

I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

"Who is screaming";


I guard chickens.


Ran down in the bushes.

Drink, drink, drink!

Drink water.


I'm scared of chickens.

Kra, kra, kra!

Tomorrow it will rain in the morning.

Moo, moo!

Milk to whom?

V. Berestov. "Sick Doll"

Quiet. Quiet. Silence.

The poor doll is sick.

The poor doll is sick,

She asks for music.

Sing what she likes

And she will get better.


If someone moves,

The kitten will jump on him.

If something rolls

For him, the kitten will grab.

Jumping gallop! Tsap-scratch!

You won't get out of our paws!

G. Lagzdyn, "Cockerel";

Cockerel, cockerel,

Give me a comb

Well, please, please

I comb my curls

S. Marshak. "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse";

The mouse sang at night in a mink:

Sleep, little mouse, shut up!

I will give you a bread crust

And a candle stub.

The mouse answers her:

Better, mom, not food,

Find me a babysitter!

The mother mouse ran

I began to call a duck as a nanny:

Come to us, aunt duck,

Shake our baby.

The mouse duck began to sing:

Ha-ha-ha, sleep, little one!

After the rain in the garden

I'll find you a worm.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You're singing too loud!

The mother mouse ran

I began to call a toad as a nanny:

Come to us, aunt toad,

Shake our baby.

The toad became important to croak:

Kwa-kva-kva, don't cry!

Sleep, little mouse, until the morning,

I'll give you a mosquito.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You are very boring!

The mother mouse ran

Aunt horse in the nanny call:

Come to us, aunt horse,

Shake our baby.

And-go-go! - the horse sings. -

Sleep, little mouse, sweet-sweet,

Turn to the right side

I'll give you a sack of oats.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You are very scared to eat!

The mother mouse ran

Call aunt pig as a nanny:

Come to us, aunt pig,

Shake our baby.

The pig began to grunt hoarsely,

Naughty cradle:

Bay-bayushki, oink-oink.

Calm down, I say.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You are eating very rudely!

The mother mouse began to think:

I need to call the chicken.

Come to us, aunt klusha,

Shake our baby.

The mother hen cackled:

Where-where! Don't be afraid, baby!

Get under the roof:

It's quiet and warm there.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You won't fall asleep at all!

The mother mouse ran

I began to call a pike as a nanny:

Come to us, aunt pike,

Shake our baby.

The pike began to sing the mouse -

He didn't hear a sound.

The pike opens its mouth

And you can't hear what he's singing...

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You are too quiet!

The mother mouse ran

I began to call a cat as a nanny:

Come to us, aunt cat,

Shake our baby.

The cat began to sing to the mouse:

Meow-meow, sleep, my baby!

Meow meow, let's go to sleep

Meow meow, on the bed.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You are very sweet to eat!

The mother mouse came running

Looked at the bed

Looking for a stupid mouse

And you can't see the mouse...

E. Moshkovskaya. "Order" (abbreviated);

Faucet, open!

Nose, wash up!

Wash right away

Both eyes!

Wash your ears!

Wash your neck!

Neck, wash yourself


Wash, wash,

Get wet!

Dirty, wash off!

Dirty, wash off!

N. Pikuleva.

"Fox Tail"

Fox tail ran to visit.
He ran along the bridge, trembling with a leaf.
Came back and happy.

"The cat inflated the balloon...";

The cat inflated the balloon

And the kitten interfered with her:

Approached and paw - top!

And the cat has a ball - BOP !!!

N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?";

Masha put on a mitten.

Oh, where am I doing my finger?

I don't have a finger, I'm gone

Didn't make it to my house!

Masha took off her mitten.

Look, I found it!

Seek, seek, and you will find.

Hello finger!

How are you?

A. Pushkin. “The wind walks on the sea ...” (from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”);

The wind is blowing on the sea

And the boat is urging;

He runs in waves

On swollen sails.

The sailors marvel

Crowding on the boat

On a familiar island

A miracle is seen in reality:

The new golden-domed city,

Pier with a strong outpost;

Cannons from the pier are firing,

The ship is ordered to stop.

Guests come to the outpost;

Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,

He feeds and waters them

And he orders to keep the answer:

What are you, guests, bargaining

And where are you sailing now?

The sailors replied:

We've traveled all over the world

traded sables,

Silver foxes;

And now we're out of time

We're going straight east

Past the island of Buyana,

To the realm of the glorious Saltan...

The prince then said to them:

Good luck to you, gentlemen,

By sea by Okiya

To the glorious Tsar Saltan;

Kudos to him from me.

The guests are on their way, and Prince Gvidon

From the shore with a sad soul

Accompanies their long-distance run ...

M. Lermontov. "Sleep, baby ..." (from the poem "Cossack lullaby");

Baiushki bye.

Quietly looks at the clear moon

Into your cradle

I will tell fairy tales

I will sing a song;

Well you dozed off, closing your eyes,

Baiushki bye.

The Terek flows over the stones,

Splashing muddy shaft;

An evil Chechen crawls ashore,

Sharpens his dagger;

But your father is an old warrior,

Forged in Battle:

Sleep, baby, be calm

Baiushki bye.

You will know, there will be time

swearing life;

Feel free to put your foot in the stirrup

And take a gun.

I am a fighting saddle

I'll rip it with silk...

Sleep, my dear child,

Baiushki bye.

You will be a hero in appearance

And a Cossack soul.

I will go out to accompany you -

You wave your hand...

How many bitter tears furtively

I will shed that night! ..

Sleep, my angel, quietly, sweetly,

Baiushki bye.

I will languish in melancholy,

Wait inconsolably;

I'll pray all day

Guessing at night;

I'll think you're bored

You are in a foreign land...

Sleep well until you know worries

Baiushki bye.

I will give you on the road

Saint pattern:

You are his, praying to God,

Put in front of you;

Yes, preparing for a dangerous battle,

Remember your mother...

Sleep, my beautiful baby,

Baiushki bye.

A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl-Revushka";

What's the howl? What's a roar?

Is there a herd of cows there?

No, there is not a cow -

This is Ganya-roar



The dress wipes off...


There was a roar on the porch,

Reva wrinkled her face.

I won't go anywhere!

I don't like being in the garden.


Here Ganya returned to the house,

Tears run like a stream:

Oh, I'll go back!

It's embarrassing at home!


Gave Ghana milk.

This mug is big!

I can't do this!

Give me another!


They gave a roar in another,

Reva stamped her foot.

I don't want this one!

Better have some tea!


They put Ganya to sleep,

The roar is crying again:

Oh, I won't sleep!

Oh, put on a dress!


Here the people fled.

To find out: who is roaring?

Who cries all the time?

What does all of this mean?

They see - the girl is standing,

Looks very odd:

The nose is swollen like a beetroot

The dress got wet.



What are you crying, roar,

Howling cow?

On you from dampness

Mold can grow.

A. Vvedensky. "Mouse";

The mouse crawled out of the hole

The mouse is very hungry.

Is there a dried crust somewhere,

Maybe there is a crust in the kitchen?

And in the kitchen near the cupboard

The mouse sees - someone's paw.

paw mottled,

The claws are sharp.

Hey mouse, don't yawn

Run away quickly!

run away from these places

And the cat will eat it.

A. Pleshcheev, in Rural song ";

The grass is green

The sun shines;

Swallow with spring

It flies to us in the canopy.

With her the sun is more beautiful

And spring is sweeter ...

Chirp out of the way

Hello to us soon!

I will give you grains

And you sing a song

What from distant countries

Brought along...

G. Sapgir. "Cat";

Cat, what's your name?


Are you guarding the mouse here?


Meow, do you want some milk?


And in friends - a puppy?


K. Chukovsky.


Poor Fedotka is an orphan.

The unfortunate Fedotka is crying:

He has no one

Who would take pity on him.

Only mom, yes uncle, yes aunt,

Just dad and grandma and grandpa.


Kittens meowed:

We are tired of meowing!

We want, like piglets -


And behind them and ducklings:

We don't want to scream anymore!

We want like frogs -


Pigs meowed -

Meow meow!

The cats grunted -

Oink oink oink!

Ducks croaked -

Kwa, kwa, kwa!

The hens quacked -

Quack, quack, quack!

Sparrow jumped,

And mooed like a cow -


The bear came running

And let's roar -


Only a hare was a good boy,

Didn't meow or grunt

Lying under the cabbage

babbled like a hare

And he persuaded the foolish little animals:

"Who is ordered to chirp -

Don't purr

Who is commanded to purr -

Don't tweet!

Do not be a crow cow

Do not fly frogs under the cloud!"

But funny animals -

Pigs, bear cubs

More than ever they are naughty,

The hare does not want to listen.

The fish are walking across the field,

Toads fly across the sky

Mice caught a cat -

They put me in a mousetrap!

And the chanterelles took the matches,

We went to the blue sea -

The blue sea is lit!

The sea is on fire!

A whale ran out of the sea:

"Hey firefighters, run!

Help, help!"

Two chickens came running -

Watered from a barrel

Two ruffs sailed -

Watered from a bucket

Frogs came running -

Watered from a tub.

Extinguish, extinguish - do not extinguish,

Filled - not flooded ...

Here comes the butterfly

Waving wings,

The sea began to fade -

And it went out.

Here the animals rejoiced -

laughed and sang

The geese started again

Scream like a goose -


The cats purred

Moore, moore, moore!

Birds chirped -


The horses neighed


Flies buzzed -


Frogs croak -


And the ducklings are quacking -


Piglets grunt -

Oink oink oink!

Murochka cradle,

My dear...

Bayushki-byu, bayushki-byu ...


L. Tolstoy.

"The cat was sleeping on the roof ...",

The cat was sleeping on the roof. She clenched her paws. A bird sat down near the cat. Don't sit close, birdie. Cats are very smart.

"Petya and Misha had a horse...";

Petya and Misha had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse? They began to tear each other's horse.

- Give it to me, my horse!

- No, you give me, the horse is not yours, but mine.

Mom came, took the horse, and nobody's horse became.

L. Tolstoy. "Three Bears";

One girl left home for the forest. She got lost in the forest and began to look for her way home, but she did not find it, but came to the house in the forest.

The door was open; she looked at the door, sees: there is no one in the house, and entered. Three bears lived in this house. One bear was a father, his name was Mikhailo Ivanovich. He was big and shaggy. The other was a bear. She was smaller, and her name was Nastasya Petrovna. The third was a little bear cub, and his name was Mishutka. The bears were not at home, they went for a walk in the forest.

There were two rooms in the house: one dining room, the other bedroom. The girl entered the dining room and saw three cups of stew on the table. The first cup, very large, was Mikhail Ivanychev's. The second cup, smaller, was Nastasya Petrovnina; the third, little blue cup, was Mishutkin. Beside each cup lay a spoon: large, medium and small.

The girl took the biggest spoon and drank from the biggest cup; then she took the middle spoon and drank from the middle cup; then she took a small spoon and drank from a little blue cup; and Mishutkin's stew seemed to her the best.

The girl wanted to sit down and sees three chairs at the table: one large one - Mikhail Ivanovich; the other is smaller - Nastasya Petrovnin, and the third, small, with a blue little pillow - Mishutkin. She climbed onto a large chair and fell; then she sat down on the middle chair, it was awkward on it; then she sat down on a small chair and laughed - it was so good. She took the little blue cup on her knees and began to eat. She ate all the stew and began to swing on a chair.

The chair broke and she fell to the floor. She got up, picked up a chair and went to another room. There were three beds: one large - Mikhail Ivanychev; the other middle one is Nastasya Petrovnina; the third is small - Mishenkina. - The girl lay down in a big one, it was too spacious for her; lay down in the middle - it was too high; she lay down in a small one - the bed fit her just right, and she fell asleep.

And the bears came home hungry and wanted to have dinner.

The big bear took the cup, looked and roared in a terrible voice:


Nastasya Petrovna looked at her cup and growled not so loudly:


But Mishutka saw his empty cup and squeaked in a thin voice:


Mikhail Ivanovich looked at his chair and growled in a terrible voice:


Nastasya Petrovna glanced at her chair and growled not so loudly:


Mishutka looked at his broken chair and squeaked:


The bears came to another room.

- WHO GOT IN MY BED AND KRUGGED IT? roared Mikhail Ivanovich in a terrible voice.

- WHO GOT IN MY BED AND KRUGGED IT? Nastasya Petrovna growled, not so loudly.

But Mishenka set up a bench, climbed into his bed and squeaked in a thin voice:


And suddenly he saw the girl and squealed as if he was being cut:

- Here she is! Hold it, hold it! Here she is! Ay-ya-yay! Hold on!

He wanted to bite her.

The girl opened her eyes, saw the bears and rushed to the window. It was open, she jumped out the window and ran away. And the bears did not catch up with her.

V. Suteev. "Who said "meow""

The puppy slept on a rug next to the sofa. Suddenly, through a dream, he heard someone say: - Meow! The puppy raised his head, looked - no one was there. “I must have dreamed this,” he thought, and lay down more comfortably. And then someone said again: - Meow! - Who's there? The Puppy jumped up, ran around the whole room, looked under the bed, under the table - there was nobody! He climbed onto the windowsill, saw - outside the window in the yard a Rooster was walking. "That's who did not let me sleep!" - thought the Puppy and ran into the yard to the Rooster. - Did you say "meow"? - asked the Puppy Rooster. - No, I say ... The rooster flapped its wings and shouted: - Ku-ka-re-ku-u-u! - Can't you say anything else? - asked the Puppy, - No, only the “crow”, - said the Rooster. The puppy scratched his hind paw behind his ear and went home ... Suddenly, at the very porch, someone said: - Meow! "It's here!" - said the Puppy to himself and quickly began to dig under the porch with all four paws. When he dug a big hole, a little gray Mouse jumped out. - Did you say "meow"? - strictly asked his Puppy. “Pee-pee-pee,” the Mouse squeaked. - Who said so? - Someone said "meow" ... - Close? - the Mouse got excited. - Right here, very close, - said the Puppy. - I'm scared! Pee-pee-pee! - squeaked the Mouse and darted under the porch. The puppy thought. Suddenly, near the doghouse, someone said loudly: - Meow! The puppy ran around the kennel three times, but did not find anyone. Someone stirred in the kennel ... “Here he is! - Puppy said to himself. - Now I'll catch him ... "He crept closer ... A huge shaggy Dog jumped out to meet him. - Rrr! - growled the Dog. - I ... I wanted to know ... - Rrr! - Did you say ... "meow"? - whispered the Puppy, tucking his tail. - I? You're laughing, Puppy! With all his might, the Puppy rushed into the garden and hid there under a bush. And then, right above his ear, someone said: - Meow! The puppy peeked out from under the bush. Directly in front of him, on a flower, sat a furry bee. "That's who said "meow"! - thought the Puppy and wanted to grab it with his teeth. - Z-z-z-z! - buzzed the offended Bee and painfully stung the Puppy on the tip of the nose. The Puppy screeched, ran, and the Bee followed him! It flies and buzzes: - I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Puppy ran to the pond - and into the water! When he surfaced, the Bee was gone. And then again someone said: - Meow! - Did you say "meow"? - Puppy asked the Fish, which swam past him. The fish did not answer, waved its tail and disappeared into the depths of the pond. - Qua-qua-qua! laughed the Frog sitting on the leaf of the lily. - Don't you know that fish don't talk? “Maybe it was you who said “meow”? asked Puppy Frog. - Qua-qua-qua! Frog laughed. - How stupid you are! The frogs just croak. And jumped into the water. The Puppy went home wet, with a swollen nose. Sad, he lay down on the rug near the sofa. And suddenly I heard: - Meow! He jumped up - a fluffy tabby cat was sitting on the windowsill. - Meow! - said the cat. - Aw-aw-aw! - the Puppy barked, then remembered how the shaggy Dog growled, and growled: - Rrr! The cat arched, hissed: “Shhh!”, snorted: “Fur-fur!” - and jumped out the window. The Puppy returned to his rug and lay down to sleep. He now knew who said "meow".

W. Bianchi. "The Fox and the Mouse"

- Mouse, mouse, why is your nose dirty?

- Digging the earth.

- Why did you dig the earth?

- Made a mink.

- Why did you make a mink?

- To hide from you, foxes.

- Mouse, mouse, and I'll lie in wait for you!

- And I have a bedroom in a mink.

- If you want to eat - get out!

- And I have a pantry in a mink.

- Little mouse, little mouse, but I'll tear your mink!

- And I'm away from you - and that was it!

G. Ball. "Yeltyachok"

In the chicken coop, someone knocked softly: knock ... knock .... And then I heard: crack!

Klusha Redhead flapped her wings. And out of the broken egg shell hatched a chick, the first chick. You can say about him - Zheltyachok. Because he was all around yellow.

The chicken shook its head and said:

- Pin-pin-pi.

At this time, the sun peeked out from behind the forest. And a ray of sunshine ran across the earth. I swam in a cold river, rolled on the roof of the house and looked into the window. The yellow one closed his eyes and hid. Suddenly Ryzhukha cackled, the dog Nimble barked, the cow bellowed loudly:

- Moo! It's time to be free!

And the chicken thought, “What a lot of light and noise. Is that all I did?! Pin! It's all me! It's me! I!"

No, don't make fun of Yellowy. After all, it was the very first morning in his life. And how good, how wonderful to see the world early in the morning! How good it is to live on earth!

N. Pavlova. "Strawberry".

The sun is shining. A strawberry ripened in the clearing. A mosquito saw her and squealed:

- The berry is ripe: red, fragrant!

Heard a mosquito bird, flew to the clearing. Wants to eat strawberries.

The mouse heard a mosquito, ran to the clearing. Wants to eat strawberries.

A cloud ran into the sun. A mosquito saw her and squealed:

- It will rain: wet, cold!

Heard a mosquito bird - rather on a tree.

Heard a mosquito mouse - rather in a mink.

I heard a mosquito frog - rather under the leaf.

I heard a mosquito snake - rather under the root.

And the strawberry berry bathes in the rain and rejoices that no one has touched it.

Works of poets and writers from different countries

S. Kaputikyan.

"Everybody sleeps"

The bug yapped in a dream,

She wagged her tail.

cat, gray cat

Sleeping at the foot of a chair.

In an easy chair by the window

Grandma fell asleep.

The bear also began to yawn.

Is it time for Masha to sleep?

"Masha has lunch" trans. with arm.

Dinner time has come

Mashenka sat down at the table.

-Woof woof woof!

-Who is this to us?

-Woof woof woof!

-Who is it there?

- It's me, your faithful dog,

Your Arapka is a black nose.

Day and night

I guarded the house

Worked out, chill.


-Meow meow!..

-Who now

Is scratching at our door?

-This is your cat Murka.

Murka -

Gray skin.

I guarded your cellar

Moved all the mice

Rats chased out of the basement,

Worked out, tired.


- Where-where, where-where! ..

Who else is in a hurry to get here?

-Your chicken is pockmarked,

I'm coming to you straight from the barn.

I didn't eat, I didn't drink

- I laid an egg for you.


The doors are open and

Mom calls everyone to the table:

Dog Arapka,

scratchy cat,

Chicken grouse.

No one is denied

Dinner served to everyone:

Doggy - in a bowl,

In a saucer - pussy,

Laying hen -

Millet in a skull

And Mashenka is in a bowl.


P. Voronko. "News", trans. from Ukrainian

I bought a cat

For the holiday boots.

Combed her mustache

Made new panties.

But how do you put them on?

The tail has nowhere to go.

D. Bisset. "Ha-ha-ha!", trans. from English.

There lived a gosling named William. But his mother always called him Willie.

- It's time to go for a walk, Willy! Mom told him. - Call the others, ha-ha-ha!

Willy was very fond of gagging, calling everyone for a walk.

- Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! - and he sang all the way.

Once on a walk he met a kitten. Cute black kitten with white front paws. Willy liked him very much.

- Ha-ha-ha! he said to the kitten. - Ha-ha-ha!

- Meow! - answered the kitten.

Willy was surprised. What does "meow" mean? He always thought that cats, like geese, said "ha-ha-ha!"

He went on. I nibbled on the grass along the way. The day was wonderful. The sun was shining and the birds were singing.

- Ha-ha-ha! Willy sang.

- Bow-wow! - answered the dog running along the road.

- Wow! - said the horse.

- N-but! shouted the milkman to his horse.

Poor Willie didn't understand a word. A farmer passed by and called to Willy:

- Hi, gosling!

- Ha-ha-ha! Willy replied.

Then the children ran. One boy ran up to Willy and shouted:

- Kush!

Willie was upset. He even had a dry throat.

- I know I'm just a gosling. But why shout "shoo" to me?

In the pond, he saw a goldfish, but for all his "ha-ha-ha" the fish only wagged its tail and did not say a word.

Willy went further and met a herd of cows.

- Mu-u-u! - said the cows. - Mu-u-u-u-u-u!

Then he met chickens.

- Ko-ko-ko, - the chickens cackled. - Ko-ko-ko!

- Ku-ka-re-ku-uuu!

"Well, at least someone would say 'ha-ha-ha' to me," thought Willy. "I don't even have anyone to talk to. It's boring!"

- Zhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh! buzzed the bee.

Pigeons cooed, ducks quacked, and ravens croaked from the tops of the trees. And no one, no one said "ha-ha-ha" to him!

Poor Willy even began to cry, and tears dripped from his beak onto his pretty red paws.

- Ha-ha-ha! cried Willie.

And suddenly, from afar, a native "ha-ha-ha" was heard.

And then a car appeared on the road.

- Ha-ha-ha! the car said. All English cars say "ha-ha-ha", not "b-b-b" at all.

- Ha-ha-ha! Willy rejoiced.

- Ha-ha-ha! - said the car and drove past.

Willie couldn't take his eyes off the car. He felt like the happiest gosling in the world.

- Ha-ha-ha! - repeated the car and disappeared around the corner.

- Ha-ha-ha! Willie called after him.

Ch. Yancharsky. "Toy Store"

It was in a toy store. Teddy bears sat and stood on the shelves.

There was one bear among them, which had been sitting in its corner for a long time.

Other bears have already got to the guys and went out into the street with a smile. And no one paid attention to this bear, maybe because he was sitting in a corner.

Every day the bear became more and more upset: he had no one to play with. And one ear drooped from grief.

“It doesn’t matter,” the bear consoled himself. “If a fairy tale flies into one ear now, it won’t fly out of the other ear.

One day the bear found a red umbrella on his shelf. He grabbed it in his paws, opened it and bravely jumped down. And then he quietly made his way out of the store. At first he was frightened, there were too many people on the street. But when he met two guys, Zosya and Yapek, his fear passed. The guys smiled at the bear. What a smile it was!

- Who are you looking for, little bear? - the guys asked.

- I'm looking for guys.

- Come with us.

- Went! - the bear was delighted.

And they walked together.

"Friends".. ! from the book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik"), trans. from Polish.

There was a courtyard in front of the house where Jacek and Zosia lived. The main dog in this courtyard was Kruchek. And then there still lived a red-haired Cockerel.

When the bear went out for the first time into the yard for a walk, Kruchek immediately jumped up to him. And then came the Rooster.

- Hello! - said the little bear.

- Hello! they said to him in reply. - We saw how you came with Jacek and Zosia. Why are your ears drooping? Listen, what's your name?

The bear told what happened with the ear. And he was very upset. Because he didn't have a name.

- Don't worry, Kruchek told him. - And then the other ear will droop. We will call you Ushastik. Mishka Ushastik. Agree?

Mishka liked the name very much. He clapped his paws and said:

- Now I'm Mishka Ushastik!

- Mishka, Mishka, meet, this is our Bunny.

The bunny nibbled on the grass.

But Mishka saw only two long ears. And then a muzzle that moved funny. The bunny was frightened by Mishka, jumped and disappeared behind the fence.

But then he felt ashamed and returned.

- You're scared in vain, Bunny, - Kruchek told him. - Meet our new friend. His name is Mishka Ushastik.

Ushastik looked at the long fluffy ears of the Bunny and sighed, thinking about his drooping ear.

Suddenly the Bunny said:

- Bear, what a beautiful ear you have ...

Current page: 3 (total book has 10 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 7 pages]

Lesson plans

Aug. Sept

In many preschool institutions, the first junior groups begin to form in late August - early September.

While the weather is good, it is advisable to walk more with the children. On a walk, there are plenty of opportunities to keep kids busy, introduce them to each other, and help them adapt to the conditions of a preschool institution. Let's give examples.

"Travel" (by section kindergarten, in the group room) introduce children to joint activities.

Traveling around the site


Lesson progress

“Traveling is so exciting! You can learn a lot of new things and even find hidden treasures- the teacher starts a conversation with the children. - Who is ready to go with me to an exciting journey on the beautiful site of our kindergarten?

The educator lists those who wish, emphasizing his sincere joy at the opportunity to go on a trip in such pleasant society. “And Olya is with me… And Nastenka… And Alyosha is with us… We went, went, went,” says the teacher, setting the pace of the movement. - We went to travel.

Look, what a beautiful lilac bush. See him? Tell the lilac bush: "We know you." And tell him we're off travel. Wave your hand to him. Like this! And say: “Goodbye, lilac bush. Goodbye!"

We went, we went, we went. And we saw a birch. You need to say hello to her: “Hello, birch tree, hello, beauty!” You hear, Anya greets you ... And Seryozha ... And Oleg ... (Individual answers.)

Go further and hoops found. good hoops, green, large. How many of them, green hoops? (Two.) That's good! You can jump. Like this. Into the hoop - jump! And they jumped out. Into the hoop - jump! And again they jumped out of the hoop (5-6 repetitions). And now I will put one hoop on the ground and it will be possible to climb through. Shall we try?

We went ahead, went straight to the maple (poplar, linden, etc.) and maple leaves found next to the maple. Maple leaves - what are they? (Large, large, multi-colored.) Show who selected which leaflet. Sasha has a green leaf, Olenka has a red one, Dima has a yellow one. Shall we play? Lift up only green leaflets. Drop them down. Now lift up yellow leaflets. Lift up all the leaves. Throw your leaves up and try to catch them. Like this… (3-4 reps). Blow on the leaves, let them fly, and we will go further.

Let's go far, to the farthest corner of the site. They say that a treasure is hidden there. It would be nice to find him!”

Children carefully examine the playground to which the teacher led them. They find a treasure, for example, a bag with colored funnels through which you can pour sand.

Children return to their site, play with funnels (you can play together: one child holds a funnel, the second one pours sand with a scoop).

Returning to the group, the teacher tells his assistant about the trip (or reminds the children about it), and the kids help him as best they can.

Note. During the next trip, children can find a bell and ring it, find a box of colored crayons and draw something on the pavement or, returning to the veranda, “try the pancakes baked by the teacher”, to the text of a Russian folk song:

Oaks, oak trees,
I bake pancakes
Pancakes are hot
They don't want to sit in the oven.
ruddy pancakes,
With butter, sour cream.

Children choose a pancake with butter or sour cream, express a desire to eat one (two, three) pancakes.

Journey through the room

Target. To teach children to participate in a collective event, to hear and understand the teacher's suggestions, to willingly fulfill them (say something or do something).

Lesson progress

Moving around the group, children remember where what is stored, exercise their powers of observation. For example, they find new book in the book corner; a hidden bear cub (then he drives, and the children hide); mirror with which on a sunny day you can catch sunbeams; pieces of soft colored wire, from which an adult makes a bracelet or ring for each baby, etc.

The game "Who is good with us, who is handsome with us"

This game can be played both outdoors and indoors.

Target. Arouse sympathy for peers in children, help them remember the names of comrades (including those pronounced by adults in different ways (but without lisping): Sasha - Sashenka - Sashulya), overcome shyness.

Game progress

The teacher sits the children on chairs. Using the text of a Russian folk song, he says:

Who is good for us?
Who is handsome?

The teacher leads and hugs the child.

Vanechka is good (Olechka is good),
Vanechka is handsome (Olechka is pretty).

“Vanyusha is fair-haired, with dark eyes, handsome, strong and not a crybaby,” says the teacher. (“Olenka is pretty, cheerful, loves her doll Masha, sings songs to her. Will you sing to the children? I will help you if necessary ...”, “Dima is good, Dima is handsome. Strong, he does not fight. He knows how to build high towers ...”)

Having praised 5-6 children, the teacher invites all the kids to his place. He asks to take a peer who the child especially likes as a couple (this does not work out right away). The children who made up a couple, the teacher offers to hug.

The teacher takes turns hugging children who could not (did not want) to find a mate.

“I have wonderful children,” the teacher concludes communication with the kids, “beautiful, smart, kind, funny. I love you all".

This game is played repeatedly throughout the year.

Game-drafting "About the girl Masha and Bunny - Long Ear"

Target. To help children understand that all babies and all mothers experience the morning parting; exercise in pronouncing phrases that can be said when saying goodbye to mom (dad, grandmother).

Game progress

Offering toys to the attention of the children, the teacher tells them something like this story: “My mother brought Masha to kindergarten. When mother left, Masha sometimes cried.

Once, the Long Ear Bunny came up to the weeping Masha.

- Do you love your mother? Zaika asked.

- Why are you crying?

I don't want my mother to leave.

- Badly! Very bad! Zaika said.

- What is wrong? Why bad? Masha was surprised and stopped crying.

You are crying, your mother is upset. She thinks you've been crying all day. Mom is nervous, she can't work well, she's all about you. Her head starts to hurt, her temperature rises. And mom starts crying too.

- Oh, - Masha was frightened. - What to do?

Tomorrow, when you say goodbye to your mother, tell her: “Goodbye, Mommy. I won't cry" ("Go work, I won't cry").

Little Bear appears. He cries: "Uh-uh" ("Oh-oh-oh"). Children ask: “What happened? Why are you crying?"

“Mom has gone to work,” says Little Bear. She can't stay with me. Mom treats sick cubs. They are waiting for her at work."

The children, as best they can, explain to the Bear cub that you can’t cry and upset your mother. They teach him to say goodbye to his mother.

Note. Next time, the Long Ear Bunny “brings up” a fox cub (tiger cub, duckling, etc.), talks about how children say goodbye to their mothers in the morning (2-3 examples), who until recently cried bitterly, were afraid that mothers will forget to pick them up from kindergarten. Now they don’t cry, and when they part, they say: “Goodbye, mommy (mommy). I don't have time to cry. Friends and toys are waiting for me.”

The children repeat the phrases as best they can. Some kids sometimes call the names of their friends, favorite toys, boast that they do not cry, parting with loved ones in the morning.

At the beginning of the year with children it is recommended repeat works of fiction from the repertoire intended for babies of the second year of life. This must be done because many children first came to preschool, and it is easier for them to perceive and remember small poems and songs.

Stepping for a walk to the text of Russian folk song "Big feet...”, children stomp, depicting steps big feet, and then depict the steps of small legs (2-3 repetitions).

Under the Russian song Bye-bye, bye-bye…” and under the poem "Bainki" by I. Tokmakova, it is easier to fall asleep.

"Bird" by K. Zhukovsky kids not only listen, but also portray (inside a small circle, a bird flies, plays, spins, flies up to the children, sings (chivi-chiv, chivi-chiv) and flies outside the circle).

"Where are you, birdie? Where is the singer? - the children ask together with the teacher.

The teacher explains:

In a distant land
You build a nest:
That's where you eat
My song.

Going on a journey through the kindergarten site, children may find themselves in a zoo where they meet animals from the cycle "Children in a Cage" by S. Marshak: elephant, tiger cub, giraffe, camel (3-4 toys are fenced with slats or harnesses).

Children name animals, and the teacher reads a poem:

Hey, don't get too close -
I'm a tiger cub, not a pussycat.

October November

In October - November, in everyday life and on a walk, children should be introduced to program poems that are easily converted into games. For example, a Lithuanian song ("Boo-boo, I'm horny ..." processed Yu. Grigoriev) can be beaten as follows.

In the hands of the educator, a “horned, tailed” funny creature (calf, kid) appears, mumbling about the fact that he should be afraid:

Boo boo, I'm horny
Boo-boo, I'm tailed,
Boo-boo, I'm eared
Boo boo, very scary
Boo-boo, I'm scared
Boo-boo, I gore.

The “strange” creature tries to “gore” the kids standing near the teacher, who scatter, and then gather again.

If you hug a child who has come running to the teacher and read a poem at the same time "Fox tail" N. Pikuleva, several “fox tails” will appear near the teacher at once.

fox tail
Ran to visit.
The bridge fled
The leaf trembled
Came back -
And glad!

If you pick up and lull the doll, quietly reading a poem "Sick doll» V. Berestova, children will gladly sing songs known to them: "Sing what she likes, and she will get better."

Poem " Order» E. Moshkovsky it is appropriate when, after a walk, it becomes necessary to force the “surrender to the dirt”.

« Fedotka» K. Chukovsky best of all arguments calms the distressed baby.

In order for children to memorize new software poems by A. Barto(“Bear”, “Truck”) and remembered the works with which they were introduced earlier (“Bull”, “Ball”, “Elephant”), enough in different places group room and locker rooms to lay out toys (you need to put a cat in the truck, and make the bull go down the inclined board). Bypassing toys, the teacher will read poems with the active help of children.

Putting the children to bed, you can quietly read them a poem by S. Kaputikyan "Everyone is sleeping"(translated from Armenians. T. Spendiarova), naming babies who fall asleep more slowly than others:

... The bear also began to yawn.
Isn't it time for Masha (Ole, Sasha, Dima) sleep.

memorize a poem G. Lagzdyn "Cockerel» A teaser game will help children, which is carried out as follows. The teacher reads a poem, and the cockerel child, indignant at the ridiculous request to donate his comb so that someone combs his curls with it, angrily says, stepping on the children: “Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko.” The children part, the cockerel crows victoriously. The teacher reads the poem with the help of the children. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

cockerel cockerel,
Give me a comb.
Well, please, please!
I'll comb my curls.

Lesson 1. Reading the German folk song "Three Merry Brothers"

Target. To form in children the ability to listen to a poetic text, pronounce onomatopoeic words, perform the movements that are mentioned in the text of the song.

Lesson progress

The teacher reads to the children the song “Three Merry Brothers” (translated by L. Yakhnina), shows the actions that accompanied the game of the merry brothers.

The teacher repeats the song, encouraging the children to imitate the movements that it says. With the following repetitions of the text, the kids perform movements and agree on some words and sound combinations for adults: nick-nick-nick, chik-chik-chik, clap-clap-clap, top-top-top.

Three funny brothers
Walked around the yard
Three funny brothers
Played a game:
Made heads -
Dexterous fingers -
Made with palms -
Stomped their feet -

The teacher invites three boys to him - three cheerful "brothers". He repeats the song, and the “brothers” perform the corresponding movements to the beat and pronounce the necessary onomatopoeia. Then the teacher invites other children.

Lesson 2. Didactic game "Orders". Didactic exercise "Up - Down"

Target. To improve the ability of children to understand the speech of the educator; encourage children to attempt to independently carry out actions with objects and name them; help children understand the meaning of words up down, learn to pronounce them clearly.

Lesson progress

There are the following toys on the teacher's table: big and small bears, tumbler, nesting doll, red and blue cups, big and small cubes.

Pointing to the toys, the teacher offers to name them, say what size, color they are. Then, in turn, calling the children to him (the child must stand so that the actions he performs are clearly visible to the rest of the children), the teacher offers them one of the following tasks:

- Treat the big bear with tea from a red cup. (If the child is mistaken in something, the teddy bear “growls”, “turns away”, showing his displeasure. Other toys behave similarly.)

- Put the matryoshka on a small cube.

- Put the little bear on the big cube.

- Let's give the roly-poly tea from a blue cup.

- Make the roly-poly rock and tinkle.

Then the teacher complicates the tasks. He calls the child and gives him a toy, for example, a teddy bear: “You can give him tea, introduce him to a matryoshka or tumbler, put him on a high chair, make him dance,” etc.

The child reproduces the action and explains: "I gave honey to the miptka in a blue cup." (4-5 tasks are performed. The child, who willingly went to the teacher’s table, took the toy and fell silent, should be helped: “Ilyusha and I are now ...”)

The teacher removes the toys and builds a ladder from the cubes. A doll rises along it: “Up - up - up ... Difficult!” and descends: “Down - down - down - jump! Easily!" The exercise is repeated 4-5 times, the children pronounce the appropriate words.

Note. In the following days, going up and down the stairs, the children say: "Up - up - up - upstairs, down - down - down - and on the street."

Lesson 3. Repetition of the fairy tale "Turnip". Didactic exercises“Who eats what?”, “Tell "A"»

Target. Remind children of the fairy tale "Turnip"; arouse a desire to tell it together with the teacher; clarify children's ideas about which animal eats what (a mouse gnaws a crust of cheese, a dog a bone, etc.); activate verbs in children's speech to lap, gnaw, eat; learn to pronounce sounds clearly A, small phrases.

Lesson progress

“Grandfather planted a turnip,” says the teacher, “a turnip has grown ... (large-large). Grandfather became a turnip from the ground ... (to pull). Pull, pull, pull... (can not). Grandpa called... (grandmother). Grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip - pull, pull, pull ... (can not). Who else came running to pull the turnip?”

As the children name the characters, the teacher takes out the appropriate toys (figures from the set for table theater). He arranges the figures and invites the children to finish the fairy tale together: “The mouse for ... (cat). Cat for... (Bug)". And so on.

At the end of the fairy tale, the teacher asks what the grandfather and the woman did with the turnip. (They took them home, washed them, cleaned them and began to eat and praise: “Sweet turnip! Sweet!”)

“Grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter,” the teacher says and puts the figures of people separately, “they eat sweet turnip. They eat, praise: “Very, very tasty turnip.” What turnip? (Choral, several individual responses.)

A bug, a cat and a mouse look at people, they don’t eat turnips. Their granddaughter prepared other food for them. For a cat - milk and a piece of sausage: “Lap, pussy, milk! Eat sausage! "(Choral and individual repetition.) Bug - a bone:" Gnaw, Bug, bone! "Mouse - a crust of cheese:" Bring, mouse, cheese to mice! "" (Choral repetitions.)

The teacher hides the toys and dishes from which the Bug and the cat ate. Takes out a doctor doll (Aibolit). The doll “says”: “Hello, children! I kind doctor Aibolit. I came to check if your throats hurt. Valentina Ivanovna, - Aibolit addresses the teacher, - open your mouth wider and say: “Ah-ah-ah-ah.” “Ahhhhhhh,” says the teacher. Then the teacher (together with Aibolit) approaches each child, offers to open his mouth wide and say loudly a-a-a.“Everyone is healthy, and everyone knows how to pronounce the sound A", - says Aibolit and says goodbye to the children.

The second part of this lesson can be done differently. The purpose of this part of the lesson is to revive the fairy tale in the children's memory, to notice the discrepancy between the text and the picture.

Having found out what the grandfather and grandmother did with the turnip, the teacher tells the children that he will show them a funny picture "Grandfather for the turnip".

Children look at the picture, rejoicing at the bright pattern.

“Is everything right here? the teacher is interested. - Grandfather for a turnip, grandmother ... Where is the grandmother? ("No grandmother",- the kids are surprised.)

Look, maybe the artist messed up something else? (Instead of the granddaughter, the grandson pulls the turnip, there is no Bug. And a prickly hedgehog grabbed the tail of the cat.)

Here's what funny picture, confusion-confusion. Even the sun smiles as it watches huge yellow turnip pull-pull grandfather, grandson, cat and hedgehog,” the teacher concludes the lesson.

Lesson 4. Didactic games"Assignments", "Horses"

Target. To teach children to listen to the task to the end, comprehend it and perform appropriate actions; distinguish between actions that are opposite in meaning (climb up - go down); learn to pronounce sounds clearly And.

Lesson progress

On the teacher's table is a ladder of cubes. Matryoshka dolls stand at its base and on the top step. Two differently dressed dolls, a basin, a towel, a cradle, and a truck are placed next to the ladder.

The teacher calls the child and asks: "Help the nesting doll down the ladder." (The child should stand so that the actions he performs are visible to everyone.)

The teacher approves the baby’s actions, if they are correct, asks the children to repeat (show with their hand) how the nesting doll went down from step to step: “Down - down - down ... and down!”

Then the teacher offers the children the following tasks:

Help the matryoshka up the ladder. (The teacher teaches children to accompany the movements of the matryoshka with their hand and the words: “Up - up - up ... and above.”)

- Ask some water to wash the doll in the red dress. (The child finds the doll, washes it with water from the basin (imaginary situation) and says: “Water, water, wash the doll’s face.” Wipes the doll’s face with a towel.)

- a doll in pink dress put in the cradle (crib) and shake. (Children can hum at the same time: “Bayu-bayu-bayu-bye!”)

- Roll the matryoshka, which stands near the ladder, on the truck: "Forward-backward, forward-backward." (Children complete the task and pronounce these words.)

The teacher shows the children a toy horse. Explains how the horse screams: “I-i-i” (2-3 choral repetitions).

The teacher offers to play clockwork horses. He “turns on” the child-horse with a key, and he says: “I-and-and.” If something does not work out for the child, you should not insist, you can tell the children that the toy is broken.

Lesson 5. Reading the story of L. N. Tolstoy "The cat was sleeping on the roof"

First option

Target. Teach children to listen to a story without visual accompaniment; practice the distinct pronunciation of vowels and, a and sound combinations id.

Lesson progress

The teacher reads the story of L. N. Tolstoy to the children. Asks to portray a sleeping cat. Clarifies why a bird should not sit next to a cat, even when she sleeps.

The teacher reads the story two more times, encouraging the children to try to speak last phrase: "Do not sit close, birdie, cats are cunning."

The teacher shows the children a donkey (a toy or a picture). Kids often confuse a donkey with a horse, so the teacher explains: “The donkey is smaller than the horse and has long ears. And the donkey and the horse cry in different ways. The horse is screaming... (and-and-and, and-go-go), and the donkey shouts: "I-a, i-a, i-a."

The teacher turns the children into clockwork donkeys. He winds them up with a "key" and the donkeys shout: "Eeyore."

Second option

Target. Teach children to look at the picture.

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to consider the picture "The cat was sleeping on the roof". The teacher listens to the children's remarks without commenting on them.

“I take it you don’t approve of the bird’s behavior, do you? The teacher starts the conversation. - And why? (The cat does not sleep. She has one eye open. The bird sits close.)

Do you like cat? What is she? (Very big. Striped. Claws out. Cunning.)

Why are the birds perched on the tree disturbed? They are staring at the bird that has come too close to the cat.” (They are afraid for her.)

The teacher reads the story of L. N. Tolstoy twice, and the children, turning to the bird, say: “Do not sit close, bird, cats are cunning.”

formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas;

development of literary speech;

introduction to verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.





for 2016-2017 academic year year

Developed by:


Kasiyadi Tatyana Grigorievna

EDUCATIONAL AREA « Speech development" - fiction

  • formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas;
  • development of literary speech;
  • introduction to verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.

Formation of interest and need for reading

Encourage them to name familiar objects, show them at the request of the teacher, teach them to ask questions: “Who (what) is this?”, “What is he doing?”.

Continue to involve children in looking at pictures in books.

Continue to teach children to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, author's works. Accompany reading with a display of toys, pictures, table theater characters and other visual aids, as well as to form the ability to listen to a work of art without visual accompaniment.

Accompany the reading of small poetic works with game actions.

Provide children with the opportunity to finish words, phrases when the teacher reads familiar poems.

forward planning in reading fiction in the first junior group

Reading nursery rhymes

Reading poems

Reading fairy tales, prose



  1. "Like our cat..."
  2. "Cucumber, cucumber ..."

3. "I'm going to my grandmother, to my grandfather"

4. "There is a horned goat"

  1. A. Barto "Ball"
  2. A. Block "Bunny"
  3. K. Chukovsky "Aibolit and Sparrow"
  4. V. Suteev “Who said “meow”?
  1. "Kolobok"
  2. L. Tolstoy "The cat was sleeping on the roof"
  1. A. Barto "Ball"
  2. "I'm going to my grandmother, to my grandfather"


  1. "Our ducks in the morning..."
  2. "Sunshine, bucket..."
  3. "Ay, rainbow-arc."
  4. "A fox is walking along the bridge"
  1. A. Barto "Truck"
  2. Z. Alexandrova "My Bear"
  3. "Three Merry Brothers" trans. Yakhnina
  4. V. Berestov "Sick Doll"
  1. "Kids and the Wolf" in arr. Ushinsky
  2. V. Bianchi "The Fox and the Mouse"
  1. "Ay, rainbow-arc."
  2. "Three funny brothers"


  1. “The cat went to Torzhok ...”
  2. "Water, water"
  3. "Mice dance"
  4. "Oh, lyuli-lyuli-lyuli!"
  1. A. Barto "Elephant"
  2. A. Barto "Dirty Girl"
  3. "Boo-boo, I'm horny" lit. arr. Y. Grigorieva
  4. N. Pikuleva "Fox Tail"
  1. "Teremok" arr. M. Bulatova
  2. "Golden Scallop Cockerel"
  1. "Water, water"
  2. "Mice dance"


  1. "Hare Yegorka ..."
  2. "Geese, you geese"
  3. "Kison came out on the bridge"

4. "Cockerel, Cockerel, golden comb"

  1. A. Barto "Horse"
  2. Z. Alexandrova "Santa Claus"
  3. E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence"
  1. "Masha and the Bear" arr. M. Bulatova
  2. L. Tolstoy "Petya and Masha had a horse"
  1. A. Barto "Horse"
  2. N. Sakonskaya "Where is my finger?"


  1. "Our Masha is small..."
  2. "Harness the sled"
  3. "A cockerel is coming"
  4. "Masha put on a mitten"
  1. A. Barto "Bear"
  2. Z. Alexandrova "New snow"
  3. K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"
  4. "Cat" G. Sapgir
  1. "Masha and the Bear"
  2. B. Zhitkov "The Brave Duckling".
  1. A. Barto "Bear"
  2. Squirrel sits on a cart


  1. "Because of the forest, because of the mountains..."
  2. "We are on chubby little hands"
  3. "Baba sowed peas."
  4. "Why are they so good"
  1. A. Barto “Who is screaming?”
  2. I. Tokmakova "Where does the fish sleep?"
  3. E. Blaginina "I will teach you to put on shoes and brother"
  1. "Zayushkina's hut"
  2. "Turnip"
  1. A. Barto “Who is screaming?”
  2. Grandma sowed peas


  1. "Chicky, chicky, chicky..."
  2. "Vanya is riding in a red hat"
  3. "Kisonka-purr"
  4. "We went to the market"
  1. A. Barto "Girl revushka"
  2. T. Bokova "Spring Festival"
  3. A. Barto "The bird sat on the window"
  4. A. Pleshcheev "Country song"
  1. "Stubborn Goats"
  2. Ch. Yancharsky "Friends"
  1. G. Ladonshchikov "Spring"
  2. A. Barto "The sun looks out the window"


  1. "Ladybug"
  2. "A bee flew near the brow"
  3. "On the oak tree, on the oak tree"
  1. A. Barto "Ship"
  2. V, Berestov "Bull"
  3. S. Marshak. " April".
  4. K. Chukovsky "Confusion"
  1. "Ryaba Hen".
  2. S. Marshak "The Tale of the Silly Mouse"
  1. “Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! A raven sits on an oak
  2. V, Berestov "Bull"


  1. “A fox with a box ran through the woods ...”
  2. "Early, early in the morning"
  3. "The cat went to the stove"
  4. "Ribushechka"
  1. A. Barto "Kid"
  2. "Kotausi and Mausi" arr. Chukosky
  3. "Mouse" A. Vvedensky
  4. T. Bokova "Hello, summer!"
  1. L. Tolstoy "Three Bears"
  2. Ch. Yancharsky "In the toy store"
  • Like our cat
    The coat is very good
    Like a cat mustache
    amazing beauty,
    bold eyes,
    The teeth are white.
  • Cucumber, cucumber,
    Don't go to that end
    The mouse lives there
    Your tail will bite off!
  • I'm going to my grandmother, to my grandfather
    On a horse, in a red hat,
    On a flat path
    On one leg
    In an old shoe
    On potholes, on bumps,
    Everything is straight and straight
    And then suddenly... into the hole
  • There is a horned goat
    For the little guys.
    Legs top-top,
    Eyes clap-clap.
    Who does not eat porridge
    Who does not drink milk.
    Gore, gore, gore.

L. Tolstoy

The cat was sleeping on the roof, clenched its paws. A bird sat down next to the cat. Don't sit close

birdie, cats are cunning!

  • Our ducks in the morning -
    Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!
    Our geese by the pond -
    Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!
    And a turkey in the yard -
    Ball-ball-ball! Baldy-balda!
    Our gulenki above -
    Our chickens in the window -
    And like a cockerel
    Early-early in the morning
    We will sing ku-ka-re-ku!
  • sun bucket,
    Look out the window!
    Sunshine, dress up!
    Red, show yourself!
  • Hey, rainbow-arc.

Don't let it rain

Come on sunshine

Red bucket -

To us at the window!

  • A fox with a box ran through the woods.
    What's in the box?
    Forest mushrooms.
    Forest mushrooms for the son, for the daughter.
  • Z. Alexandrova

My bear

I sewed a shirt for a bear,

I'll sew him pants.

Gotta put a pocket on them.

And put some candy.

There was porridge on the stove.

Where is our big spoon?

Me to you before eating

I wash my paws with water.

I'll tie you a napkin -

Eat a cutlet, eat a candy,

Drink your milk

And let's go for a walk!

These are chickens, these are ducks,

Black Ball is sleeping by the booth.

We won't call him.

Let's go for a walk together.

A goatling drinks from a trough,

He looks at you angrily.

Don't be afraid - it's a goose

I'm afraid of him myself.

We are on a narrow plank

Let's go swimming in the river

Let's swim, sunbathe,

Wash our panties.

The bear stomped, dabbled,

The light bridge staggered

There are circles on the water...

Sharik, Sharik, help!

The bear is wet like a sponge,

The plush coat dries.

The ball ran ahead.

We get it from mom!



Quiet. Quiet. Silence.

The poor doll is sick.

The poor doll is sick,

She asks for music.

Sing what she likes

And she will get better.

  • THREE Merry Brothers

Translation from German by L. Yakhnin

Three cheerful brothers walked around the yard,

Three cheerful brothers started a game,

They made heads nick-nick-nick,

Dexterous fingers chik-chik-chik.

Clap your hands, clap, clap, clap,

They stomped their feet top-top-top

  • Water, water,
    Wash my face
    To make your eyes sparkle
    To make cheeks blush
    To laugh mouth,
    To bite a tooth.
  • The cat went to the market,

I bought a cat pie

The cat went to the street

I bought a bun for a cat.

Do you have yourself

Or take down Katya?

I'll bite myself

Yes, I'll bring Kate.

  • Oh, lyuli-lyuli-lyuli!
    They came to us with gifts:
    Zainka with cabbage and delicious carrots.
    A whole deck is dragged by a honey bear.
    A squirrel in a cart is carrying nuts to us.
    Even the red fox brought chanterelle mushrooms.
    And in the gift of an evil wolf, there is no sense: in the paws of the wolf, it is empty.
    We won't let him in!
  • Mice lead a round dance,
    A cat is napping on a couch.
    Quiet mouse, don't make noise
    Don't wake the cat Vaska.
    Here Vaska the cat wakes up,
    Will break the whole round dance.
  • grimy girl

Oh you dirty girl

where did you get your hands dirty?

Black palms;

on the elbows - paths.

I'm in the sun


hands up



Oh you dirty girl

where did you get your nose so dirty?

The tip of the nose is black

like sooty.

I'm in the sun


nose up



Oh you dirty girl

legs in stripes


not a girl

a zebra,


Like a black man.

I'm in the sun


heels up



Oh, is it?

Was it so?

Let's wash it all down.

Come on, give me some soap.


The girl screamed loudly

as I saw the washcloth,

biting like a cat

Do not touch


They won't be white

they are tanned.


Wiped the nose with a sponge -

broke down to tears:

Oh my poor


He soap

can't stand it!

It won't be white

he's tanned.


Laundered stripes -

Oh, I'm ticklish!

Remove the brushes!

There will be no white heels,

they are tanned.


Now you are white

Not tanned at all.



Arr. Yu.Grigorieva

Boo boo, I'm horny

Boo-boo, I'm tailed,

Boo-boo, I'm eared

Boo boo, very scary

Boo-boo, I'm scared

Boo-boo, I gore.

  • Why are they so good
    Babies in our house
    scarlet lips,
    white teeth,
    Pink cheeks...
    Yes, we are from the cold!!!
  • On the oak tree, on the oak tree
    There are two doves here.
    They have blue necks
    They have golden feathers
    red coats,
    Blue pockets.
    They sit on the oak
    They say to each other:
    All about Varenka
    All about little...
  • We went to the market
    a lot of pears and persimmons
    eat lemons, oranges
    cherries, plums, tangerines
    but we bought a watermelon-
    the juiciest cargo in the world
  • We are on chubby little hands,
    We put on a shirt.
    Repeat after me the words:
    A pen - one, and a pen - two!
    Fasten the clasps
    On your clothes
    Buttons and buttons
    Various rivets.
    On my baby
    We'll put on pants.
    Repeat after me the words:
    Leg - one, and leg - two!
  • Masha put on a mitten:
    -Oh, where am I doing my finger?
    I don't have a finger, I'm gone
    Didn't make it to my house.
    Masha took off her mitten:
    -Look, I found it!
    Seek, seek, and you will find.
    Hello finger!
    - How are you?
  • A bee flew near the brow
    A wasp flew, near the nose.
    A fly was flying, near the ear.
    A beetle flew, bang on the head
  • - Ryabushka chicken,
    Where did you go?
    - To the river.
    - Ryabushka chicken,
    Why did you go?
    - For some water.
    - Ryabushka chicken,
    Why do you need water?
    - Water the chickens.
    - Ryabushka chicken,
    How do chickens ask for water?
    - Pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi!
  • The cat went to the stove
    Found a pot of porridge
    On the kalachi oven
    Like fire is hot
    Gingerbreads are baked
    The cat's paws are not given
  • - Kitty-purr,
    Where was?
    - At the mill.
    - Kitty-purr,
    What did she do there?
    - I grinded flour.
    - Kitty-purr,
    What was baked from flour?
    - Gingerbread.
    - Kitty-purr,
    Who did you eat gingerbread with?
    - One.
    - Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone!
  • The cockerel is coming
    red scallop,
    tail patterns,
    Boots with spurs
    double beard,
    frequent walking,
    He gets up early in the morning
    Sings red songs.
  • Harness the sled
    Let's go to Ulyanka.
    Ulyanka will be happy
    Pirozhkov will get
  • Vanya is riding in a red hat
    On a silver horse
    The golden bridle rings
    Looks in all directions.
    waving a whip,
    Underneath the horse dances
  • Kitten came out on the bridge
    Four paws, fifth tail.
    velvet back,
    A twig in the paw.
    Kisonka little mouse,
    Where did you come from?
    All day long I'm a kitty
    Herded the geese.
  • Geese, you geese
    Red paws!
    Where have you been
    What did you see?
    - We saw a wolf:
    The wolf took the gosling,
    Yes, the very best
    Yes, the biggest!
    - Geese you, geese,
    Red paws!
    Pinch the wolf -
    Save the gosling!
  • A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts


Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifth,

Mustachioed hare.

  • Early-early in the morning
    Shepherd: "Tu-ru-ru-ru!"
    And the cows are in harmony with him
    Tightened: "Moo-mu-mu!"
    You, Burenushka, go
    Take a walk in the open field
    And come back in the evening
    Give us milk to drink.
  • Ladybug,
    Black head.
    Fly to the sky
    Bring us some bread.
    Black and white
    Just not hot.
  • Mice lead a round dance,
    A cat is napping on a couch,
    Hush, mice, don't make noise,
    Don't wake cat Vaska
    Here Vaska the cat wakes up,
    Will break the whole round dance, the fox is walking along the bridge,
    Carries a bundle of brushwood,
    Why is she sick?
    Heat the oven.
    Why does she need to bake?
    Cook dinner.
    Why lunch?
    Feed guests.
    And who are the guests?
    Bear and wife, yes hedgehog, yes cat
    Yes, we are with you.
    Tili-bom, tili-bom!


  • Ai kachi kachi kachi
    Look, bagels, kalachi.
    Look, bagels, rolls,
    From the heat, from the heat of the oven.
    In the heat of the heat from the oven,
    All blush, hot.
    Rooks flew here
    Picked up rolls.
    We are left with rams
  • Egor's hare fell into the lake.
    Run down the hill! Save Yegorka!
  • Our Masha is small,
    She has a scarlet coat on
    beaver edge,
    Masha black-browed
  • From the forest, from the mountains
    Grandpa Egor is coming
    On my own horse
    wife on a cow
    children on calves,
    Grandchildren on goats
    We drove down from the mountains, lit a fire,
    Eat porridge, listen to a fairy tale
  • Chiki chiki kitchi
    Birch faces.
    Two birds flew
    By themselves small
    As they flew - all the people looked.
    As they sat down - everyone marveled at them.
  • Cockerel, Cockerel, golden comb
    Oil head, silk beard
    Why do you get up so early, sing loudly,
    Don't let the kids sleep.
  • N. Sakonskaya


Masha put on a mitten.

- Oh, where am I doing?

I don't have a finger, I'm gone

Didn't make it to my house!

Masha took off her mitten.

- Look, I found it!

Seek, seek, and you will find.

Hello finger!

How are you?

  • Who is screaming

Agniya Barto


I guard chickens.


Ran down in the bushes.

Drink, drink, drink!

Drink water.


I'm scared of chickens.

Kra, kra, kra!

Tomorrow it will rain in the morning.

Moo, moo!

Milk to whom?

  • Bunny

Blok Alexander

little bunny

On a damp valley

Before the eyes were amused

White flowers...

burst into tears in autumn

thin blades,

Paws are advancing

On yellow leaves.

Gloomy, rainy

Autumn has come,

Removed all the cabbage

Nothing to steal.

The poor bunny is jumping

Near the wet pines

Scary in the paws of the wolf

Gray abyss...

Thinking about summer

presses his ears,

Squinting at the sky -

Can't see the sky...

Just to be warmer

just dry...

Very unpleasant

Walk on water.

  • Father Frost

Santa Claus walked through the forest

Past the maples and birches,

Past the clearings, past the stumps,

Walked through the forest for eight days.

He walked through the forest -

Christmas trees dressed up in beads.

This New Year's Eve

He will take them to the guys.

Silence in the meadows

Shining yellow moon..

All trees are in silver

Hares dance on the mountain

Ice sparkles on the pond

The New Year is coming!

  • new snow

New snow, fluffy, white,

Do whatever you want with him...

Gather more in a handful

Don't lick it furtively

And dig with your shovel

And on a sled from top to bottom

Ride off the white hill.

Make a path in the snow

Ski over a cat

Make a snowman

That's all for now...

  • Irina Tokmakova


Dark at night. Quiet at night.

Fish, fish, where do you sleep?

The fox trail leads to the hole,

Dog's footprint - to the kennel.

Belkin's trail leads to a hollow,

Myshkin - to a hole in the floor.

It is a pity that in the river, on the water,

There are no traces of you anywhere.

Only darkness, only silence.

Fish, fish, where do you sleep?

  • I will teach you to put on shoes and brother

E. Blaginina

I can dress

If I want to.

me and little brother

I will teach you how to dress.

Here are the boots.

This one is on the left foot.

This one is on the right foot.

If it rains,

Let's put on galoshes.

This one is from the right foot

This one is from the left leg.

That's how good!

  • Valentin Berestov


little bull,

yellow barrel,

He steps with his feet,

Shaking his head:

- Where is the herd? Moo!

Boring alone!

  • Let's sit in silence

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...

Well, I didn't play!

I don't start a top

And I sit down and sit.

My toys don't make noise

Quiet in an empty room.

And on my mother's pillow

The beam is stealing golden.

And I said to the beam:

I want to move too!

I would like a lot:

I would sing a song

I could laugh

Whatever I want!

But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,

And then slithered towards me.

"Nothing," he whispered,

Let's sit in silence!

  • T. Bokova

Hello summer!

How much greenery around!

What is this? This summer

Finally hurries to our house.

Fresh smell of juicy herbs,

Ripe ears in the field

And mushrooms in the shade of oak forests.

How many delicious sweet berries

In a clearing in the woods!

Here I am hired for a year

Stock vitamins!

I swim in plenty in the river,

I will sunbathe.

And on grandma's stove

How much you want I will sleep!

How much sun! How much light!

What a beautiful summer heat!

That would make it so summer

Was whole year with me!

  • Spring Festival

Before the sun came up

everything trembled with frost.

With the first sunbeam

the snow gurgled in a stream.


Cap-cap-cap! In the spring choir

icicles echo the stream.

Oh! A big snowdrift sighed -

bakes a snowy forehead.

Ice crunched, melting in the sun.

Suddenly a flock of birds sang.

Snow fell off the branch. Clap!

And the snowdrift sighed again.

Slap! Ice fell from the roof.

Brrr! The bear came out to warm up.

Even sleepyheads are not up to sleep -

SPRING is back!

Every hour sounds louder!

Every hour deeper, louder,


  • Samuil Marshak.

Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields

Puddles on the roads.

Ants coming soon

After the winter cold.

Bear sneaks

Through the woods.

The birds began to sing songs

And the snowdrop blossomed.

  • BIRD. A. Barto

The bird sat on the window.

Sit with us for a while

Wait, don't fly away!

Flew away ... ah!

  • Cat (G. Sapgir)

- Cat, what's your name?

- Meow.

- Are you guarding the mouse here?

- Meow.

- Meow, do you want some milk?

- Meow.

- And in friends - a puppy?

- Frr!

  • Agniya Barto

roar girl

What's the howl? What's a roar?

Is there a herd of cows there?

No, there is not a cow -

This is Ganya-roar



The dress wipes off...


There was a roar on the porch,

Reva wrinkled her face.

- I'm not going anywhere!

I don't like being in the garden.


Here Ganya returned to the house,

Tears run like a stream:

- Oh, I'll go back!

It's embarrassing at home!


Gave Ghana milk.

- This mug is great!

I can't do this!

Give me another!


They gave a roar in another,

Reva stamped her foot.

- In this I do not want!

Better have some tea!


They put Ganya to sleep,

The roar is crying again:

- Oh, I won't sleep!

Oh, put on a dress!


Here the people fled.

To find out: who is roaring?

Who cries all the time?

What does all of this mean?

They see - the girl is standing,

Looks very odd:

The nose is swollen like a beetroot

The dress got wet.



- What are you crying, roar,

Howling cow?

On you from dampness

mold can grow

  • A. Pleshcheev


The grass is green

The sun shines;

Swallow with spring

It flies to us in the canopy.

With her the sun is more beautiful

And spring is sweeter ...

Chirp out of the way

Hello to us soon!

I will give you grains

And you sing a song

What from distant countries

Brought along...

A. Barto

The sun looks out the window

Lights up in our room.

We clap our hands -

Very happy with the sun.

L. Tolstoy "Petya and Masha had a horse"

Petya and Misha had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse? They began to tear each other's horse.

- Give it to me, my horse!

- No, you give me, the horse is not yours, but mine.

Mom came, took the horse, and nobody's horse became.



Once upon a time there was a mouse Mausi

And suddenly I saw Kotausi.

Kotausi has evil eyes

And evil, nasty teeth.

Kotausi ran up to Mausi

And waved her tail:

"Oh, Mousey, Mousey, Mousey,

Come to me, dear Mousey!

I'll sing you a song, Mausi

Great song, Mousey!

But clever Mousey answered:

"You can't fool me, Kotausi!

I see your evil eyes

And evil, nasty teeth!”

So answered smart Mausi -

And rather run from Kotausi.

  • Mouse (A. Vvedensky)

The mouse crawled out of the hole

The mouse is very hungry.

Is there a dried crust somewhere,

Maybe there is a crust in the kitchen?

And in the kitchen near the cupboard

The mouse sees - someone's paw.

paw mottled,

The claws are sharp.

Hey mouse, don't yawn

Run away quickly!

run away from these places

And the cat will eat it.

  • Georgy Ladonshchikov


An evil storm blew up.

The night became shorter than the day.

A warm wind blows from the south

Drops fall, ringing.

The sun warms the earth

Drives ice from our hill.

Snow woman is melting

And tears flow in streams.


Ch. Yancharsky

It was in a toy store. Teddy bears sat and stood on the shelves.

There was one bear among them, which had been sitting in its corner for a long time.

Other bears have already got to the guys and went out into the street with a smile. And no one paid attention to this bear, maybe because he was sitting in a corner.

Every day the bear became more and more upset: he had no one to play with. And one ear drooped from grief.

“It doesn’t matter,” the bear consoled himself. “If a fairy tale flies into one ear now, it won’t fly out of the other ear.

One day the bear found a red umbrella on his shelf. He grabbed it in his paws, opened it and bravely jumped down. And then he quietly made his way out of the store. At first he was frightened, there were too many people on the street. But when he met two guys, Zosya and Yapek, his fear passed. The guys smiled at the bear. What a smile it was!

“Whom are you looking for, little bear?” the guys asked.

- I'm looking for guys.

- Come with us.

- Went! - the bear was delighted.

And they walked together.


There was a courtyard in front of the house where Jacek and Zosia lived. The main dog in this courtyard was Kruchek. And then there still lived a red-haired Cockerel.

When the bear went out for the first time into the yard for a walk, Kruchek immediately jumped up to him. And then came the Rooster.

- Hello! - said the little bear.

- Hello! - they said to him in response, - We saw how you came with Jacek and Zosia. Why are your ears drooping? Listen, what's your name?

The bear told what happened with the ear. And he was very upset. Because he didn't have a name.

"Don't worry," Kruchek told him. We will call you Ushastik. Mishka Ushastik. Agree?

Mishka liked the name very much. He clapped his paws and said:

- Now I'm Mishka Ushastik!

- Mishka, Mishka, meet, this is our Bunny.

The bunny nibbled on the grass.

But Mishka saw only two long ears. And then a muzzle that moved funny. The bunny was frightened by Mishka, jumped and disappeared behind the fence.

But then he felt ashamed and returned.

- In vain you are afraid, Bunny, - Kruchen told him. - Meet our new friend. His name is Mishka Ushastik.

Ushastik looked at the long fluffy ears of the Bunny and sighed, thinking about his drooping ear.

Suddenly the Bunny said:

- Bear, what a beautiful ear you have ..

  • V. Bianchi

"The Fox and the Mouse"

- Mouse, mouse, why is your nose dirty?

- Digging the earth.

Why did you dig the earth?

- Made a mink.

- Why did you make a mink?

- From you, foxes, to hide.

- Mouse, mouse, and I'll lie in wait for you! - And I have a bedroom in a mink.

- If you want to eat - get out!

- And I have a pantry in a mink.

- Little mouse, little mouse, but I'll break your mink!

- And I'm away from you - and was like that!

  • zheltyachok

G. Ball

In the chicken coop, someone knocked softly: knock-knock ... And then they heard: crack!

Klusha Redhead flapped her wings. And out of the broken egg shell hatched a chick, the first chick. You can say about him - Zheltyachok. Because he was all around yellow.

The chicken shook its head and said:


At this time, the sun peeked out from behind the forest.

And a ray of sunshine ran across the earth. I swam in the cold river, rolled on the roof of the house and looked into the window. The yellow one closed his eyes and hid. Suddenly Ryzhukha clucked, the dog Nimble barked, the cow mooed loudly:

- Moo! It's time to be free!

And the chicken thought: “So much light and noise. Is that all I did?! Pin! It's all me! It's me! I!"

No, don't make fun of Yellowy. After all, it was the very first morning in his life. And how good, how wonderful to see the world early in the morning! How good it is to live on earth!

  • Visiting the sun (Slovak fairy tale)

One day a big cloud covered the sky. The sun did not shine for three days. The chickens are bored without sunlight.

-Where did the sun go? - They say. - We need to get him back to heaven as soon as possible.

-Where can you find him? - cackled the mother hen. - Do you know where it lives?

“We don’t know, but we’ll ask who we meet,” the chickens answered.

The mother hen collected them on the road. She gave me a bag and a purse. In the bag - a grain, in the purse - a poppy seed.

The chickens have gone. They walked and walked - and they see: in the garden, behind a head of cabbage, a snail sits. Itself is big, horned, and on the back is a hut.

The chickens stopped and asked:

- Snail, snail, do you know where the sun lives?

-Don't know. There is a magpie sitting on the wattle fence - maybe she knows.

And the magpie did not wait until the chickens approached her.

She flew up to them, chattered, crackled:

- Chickens, where are you going? Where are you chickens going, where?

The chickens answer:

Yes, the sun has gone down. He was gone for three days. Let's go look for him.

-And I'll go with you! And I will go with you! And I will go with you!

- Do you know where the sun lives?

“I don’t know, yes, maybe the hare knows: he lives next door, beyond the boundary,” the magpie crackled.

The hare saw that guests were coming to him, straightened his hat, wiped his mustache and opened the gate wider.

- Hare, hare, - the chickens squealed, the magpie chattered, - do you know where the sun lives? We are looking for him.

- I don’t know, but my neighbor, the duck, probably knows: she lives near the stream, in the reeds.

The hare led everyone to the stream. And near the stream there is a duck house, and the shuttle is tied nearby.

-Hey neighbor, are you home or not? - shouted the hare.

- At home, at home! - the duck quacked. - I still can’t dry out - there was no sun for three days.

And we're just going to look for the sun! - the chickens, the magpie and the hare shouted in response to her. - Do you know where it lives?

- I don’t know, but behind the stream, under a hollow beech, a hedgehog lives - he should know.

They shuttled across the stream and went looking for a hedgehog.

And the hedgehog was sitting under a beech and dozing.

“Hedgehog, hedgehog,” the chickens, magpie, hare and duck shouted in unison, “do you know where the sun lives? He hasn't been in heaven for three days, hasn't he fallen ill?

I thought - the hedgehog thought and said:

-How not to know!

I know where the sun lives. Behind the beech is a big mountain. There is a big cloud on the mountain. Above the cloud - a silvery month, and there the sun is within easy reach!

He took a hedgehog stick, put his hat on and walked ahead, showing everyone the way.

Here they come to the crown high mountain. And there the cloud clung to the top and lies, lies down.

Chickens, a magpie, a hare, a duck and a hedgehog climbed onto the cloud, sat down, and the cloud flew straight to the moon to visit.

- A month, a month, - chickens, a magpie, a hare, a duck and a hedgehog shouted to him, - show us where the sun lives! For three days he was not in heaven, we missed him.

The month brought them right to the gates of the Solntsev house, but it was dark in the house, there was no light: the sun had fallen asleep, apparently, the sun did not want to wake up.

Then the magpie crackled, the chickens squealed, the duck quacked, the hare clapped its ears, and the hedgehog rattled with a stick:

-The sun-bucket, look out, shine it!

- Who's screaming under the window? - asked the sun. Who's stopping me from sleeping?

- This is us, chickens, yes magpie, yes hare, yes duck, yes hedgehog.

They came to wake you up - the morning has come.

- Ox, ox! .. - the sun groaned. - Yes, how can I look at the sky? For three days the clouds hid me, for three days they covered me with themselves, now I can’t even shine ...

Heard about this hare - grabbed a bucket and let's carry water. A duck heard about this - let's wash the sun with water. And forty - wipe with a towel. And let's clean the hedgehog with a prickly bristle. And the chickens - they began to brush off the motes from the sun.

The sun came out into the sky, clear, clear and golden.

And everywhere it became light and warm.

The chicken went out to bask in the sun. She came out, cackled, calls the chickens to her.

And the chickens are right here. They run around the yard, looking for grains, basking in the sun.

Who does not believe, let him look: are chickens running around the yard or not?

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