Artwork by Taras Bulba illustrations and author. Topic: “The role of illustration in the perception of a work of art


"Taras Bulba" - Sich. "Disappeared, disappeared ingloriously, like a vile dog ...". Steppe. No scream, no moan was heard ... ". Taras Bulba. Andriy. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Svetlitsa - dwelling. "There is no bond more holy than fellowship!" V. G. Belinsky - critic XIX century. "A poem about love for the motherland." This is where the will and Cossacks spill over to the whole Ukraine!

"Gogol writer" - But the main thing is different - in the "two-faced" nose. I drink - I don’t get drunk, I look - I don’t look enough. E.A. Dmitriev-Mamonov. 1839 In the family, in addition to Nikolai, there were five more children. Rome. The nose for others is not a nose at all, but a “civilian general”. Chichikov's proposal, from the point of view of the feudal landowner psychology, is not at all fantastic.

"Dead souls Gogol" - The story of life destiny"plot-forming" hero of the poem - Chichikov. The limit of human fall is Plyushkin. And what kind of unknown power lies in these horses unknown to the light? 2-6 chapters. The happiness of a “decent person” Chichikov is based on money. Sobakevich for food. The image of Nozdrev. The first volume of the poem Dead Souls was published in 1842.

"Taras Bulba lesson" - Taras is a typical Cossack. The story "Taras Bulba". Patriotism Motherland Fatherland. Konstantin Simonov "Taras Bulba". Group task. The Cossacks sailed briskly on narrow two-wheeled canoes and talked about the ataman. Cherki-Grishinskaya high school Gaifullina F.R. Taras over the body of his murdered son P.P. Sokolov 1867. Dictionary work.

"Russian writer Gogol" - By family traditions, the marriage of the writer's parents was blessed Mother of God. Vasily Afanasyevich, father of N.V. Gogol. Philosophical views of N.V. Gogol. Literary work: In a fit of despair, shortly before his death, Gogol burned the manuscript of the 2nd volume of the poem. After the revolution, Gogol's remains were transferred to the Novodevichy cemetery.

"Gogol Taras Bulba" - "Bogatyr Bulba with his mighty sons"(V.G. Belinsky). A Cossack without a horse - ... .. Ostap. Clothing. Saber Arrow Knife Saddle Rider on a horse Cossacks. Food. Leading. Kuren Kramari Chuprina Seim Argamak. Riding on someone else's back, carrying his load. Recognize the hero according to the description.What is the name solemn ceremony(for example, the rite of entry of a Cossack into the Sich)?

Ovcharenko Sergey

There is no bond more holy than fellowship! The father loves his child, the mother loves
his child, the child loves his father and mother. But that's not it, brothers: even the beast loves his
child. But to be related by kinship by soul, and not by blood, can only

No, no one can love like that!
I know that vile things have now begun on our land; they only think that
they had stacks of grain, stacks and their horse herds, so that their sealed honeys would be intact in the cellars ..

They adopt the devil knows what busurman customs; they abhor their tongue; his own does not want to talk to his own; sells his..
But the last one is a scoundrel, whatever he is, even though he was all covered in soot and in worship,
This one, brothers, has a grain of Russian feeling.

His sons had just dismounted from their horses. They were two burly fellows,
looking sullenly, like recently graduated seminarians. Their strong, healthy faces were covered with the first fluff of hair that a razor had not yet touched.
They were very embarrassed by this reception of their father and stood motionless, their eyes downcast on the ground.

Now bless, mother, your children! Bulba said. - Pray to God
so that they fought bravely, they would always defend the knightly honor, so that they would always stand for the faith of Christ, otherwise, it would be better if they perished, so that their spirit would not be in the world! Come, children, to the mother: a mother's prayer saves both on water and on earth

And what is my father, comrades and fatherland to me! - said Andriy, shaking it quickly
head and straightening all straight, like an overhead sedge, stand your own. - So if so, so here's the thing: I don't have anyone! Who said that my homeland is Ukraine? Who gave it to me in the homeland?
The fatherland is what our soul seeks, which is sweeter for it than anything. My motherland is you!

Andriy sped up on his horse and almost overtook Holokoptenok,
when suddenly someone strong hand grabbed the reins of his horse. Andriy looked back.
before him Taras! He was shaking all over and suddenly became pale...

So a schoolboy, inadvertently raising his comrade and receiving for that from
him a blow with a ruler on the forehead, flares up like fire, frantically jumps out of
shops and chases after his frightened comrade, ready to tear him to pieces.
parts; and suddenly runs into a teacher entering the class:
a furious impulse and impotent rage falls. Like him, he disappeared in an instant,
as if it hadn’t happened at all, Andriy’s anger. And he saw before him only one
terrible father.

In vain did they try to occupy and amuse Taras; in vain the bearded, gray-haired bandurists, passing by twos and threes, praised his Cossack exploits. Harsh and
he looked indifferently at everything, and on his motionless face stood an inextinguishable
grief, and, quietly lowering his head, he said: "My son! My Ostap!"

They have already approached place of execution. Ostap stopped. To him
the first had to drink this heavy cup. He looked at his own, raised his hand
up and said loudly:
- Please, God, so that everyone, no matter what heretics stand here, will not hear,
the wicked, how the Christian is tormented! so that none of us say anything
one word!
After that, he approached the scaffold.
- Good, son, good! - Bulba said softly and pointed his
gray head.

In the meantime, a mob suddenly ran up and grabbed him under his mighty shoulders. He was about to move with all his members, but the haiduks who had seized him no longer fell to the ground, as had happened before. "Oh, old age, old age!" he said and cried
stout old Cossack. But old age was not the fault: strength overcame strength. Not enough
thirty people hung from his arms and legs

In the seventies, the artist Viktor Mikhailovich VASNETSOV (1848-1926) created six illustrations for Taras Bulba. “In 1874,” wrote V. STASOV, “a small notebook was published in St. Petersburg under the title “Taras Bulba. People's Edition”, with drawings by Vasnetsov. Engraving work and prints of engravings - very low dignity<...>but despite all this, the illustrations in this book are, in my opinion, the best illustrations for Gogol<...>so much was expressed here by the real Little Russian nationality, picturesqueness, typicality and talent. (V. Stasov. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov and his works. - "Art and Art Industry", 1898, No. 1-2, p. 85.)

The historical heroism of the story "Taras Bulba" attracted the attention of Vasnetsov at the very early stage creativity, when the artist was still studying at the Academy. Drawings for "Taras Bulba" and engravings from them were performed in 1871-1874, that is, simultaneously with Vasnetsov's very first experiments in creating historical compositions, for example, with famous watercolor"Vityaz" ( Tretyakov Gallery), performed in 1871 and being the prototype of " Three heroes". Both of these creative ideas - "Vityaz" and "Taras Bulba" - are close to each other: they have in common an epic, epic beginning, emphasized by the artist.

Vasnetsov's illustrations for "Taras Bulba" are known only in a form distorted by engravers. Three preparatory sketches in pencil have survived (one of them is "The Square in the Sich", dated 1871), they were exhibited at an exhibition of Vasnetsov's works in 1948. (“Catalogue of the exhibition of works by V.M. Vasnetsov (from private collections) dedicated to the centenary of the artist’s birth.” - M .: Soviet artist, 1948. - S. 24).

Illustrations for "Taras Bulba" in the "people's edition" of 1874 were opened new tradition in illustrating the story. In all six works, Vasnetsov sought to depict central, heroic images, to show the free Zaporizhzhya Sich. Unlike other illustrators, he did not pay attention to love episodes. The theme of one of the artist's illustrations - "Taras, riding with his sons across the steppe to the Zaporozhian Sich", will become almost obligatory for all subsequent illustrators of Gogol's story.

Love of freedom, courage, sharp mind and resourcefulness in battle - this is what distinguished the proud Ukrainian soldiers from other armies of the world, and makes them admire more than a dozen generations. Today I will tell you how to draw a Cossack. Such a drawing will be a wonderful decoration for your room, or a cool gift for the holiday, especially since it is just around the corner.

How do you like the idea to draw Taras Bulba? If you don't mind, let's get started!

How to draw a Cossack step by step

1. Imagine that you are a matchstick man, and draw a sketch of a Cossack, as shown in the figure.

2. With smooth lines, lightly pressing on the pencil, outline the contour of the Cossack's body.

3. Erase extra lines with an eraser. Draw the Cossack clothes, a stick and a saber.

4. Now draw the weapon, clearly draw the details around the belt. Take on the drawing of the face, and do not forget about the features of appearance. What is a Cossack without a mustache and a long forelock?

5. With light pencil movements, add folds to the clothes. Fade out the places where you want to show the shadow.

The brave Cossack is ready for battle!

A How draw a cossack easily and quickly, will tell the next video. Funny Face instantly amuse and give a good mood to your friends.

But if the previous video is too simple for you, and you want to draw a warlike Cossack with a luxurious Cossack forelock, pipe and saber, see the next master class. A lot of details, perfection of shapes and shadows, a fiery look and powerful strength in muscular hands - very beautiful drawing got by the artist. Let's try again?

And if you need create a drawing of a brave Cossack going into battle, and you are not averse to listening to a wonderful song about the Cossacks, and even learn a lot of interesting things about these valiant warriors, I invite you to watch the next video. At the same time, you will write an essay on history :) Great work! This is where one can truly say - a real artistic masterpiece ...

I hope you liked the master class, and now you can easily draw the legendary defenders of our home country- Cossacks, and perhaps to transfer their drawings to those who are now defending its independence.

Topic: “The role of illustration in perception artwork. The story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" in the image of E.A. Kibrik.

Subject of study: artistic illustrations E.A. Kibrik to N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba".

Object of study: the originality of illustrating the story of Gogol by the artist Kibrik.

The purpose of the study: to understand the role of illustration in the perception of a work of art, to penetrate the world of Kibrik the illustrator.

Hypothesis: the analysis of the works of an illustrator can help in the perception of the heroes of works of art, contributes to the development of the ability to compare what is read with what is seen in the picture, causes a desire to create oneself.

I really like the lessons of literature, where works of painting are used. Classes are more memorable and interesting. For example, studying "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy, one cannot do without paintings by V.V. Vereshchagin. Getting acquainted with the poetry of S.A. Yesenin, we work with the paintings of V. Polenov and I. Levitan. Reading the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba", great attention attract illustrations different authors. This connection between literature and painting develops the ability to notice, see and appreciate the beautiful. We learn to reason, compare, argue our thoughts. These skills are necessary for us in independent everyday life when we analyze something, express our point of view, give arguments to prove our opinion.

An illustration is a drawing referring to a certain part of the text, explaining the moment and at the same time decorating the book. It is used to convey the emotional atmosphere of a work of art, visualize the characters of the story. Nowadays, there is a growing interest in collecting original illustrations used in books and magazines. Many museum exhibitions and art galleries make room for illustrators of the past. As a result of growing interest in computer games illustrations have become very popular view art. Small images are able to quickly convey the main idea of ​​the text to the reader and act as a visual metaphor.

Illustrators help to understand the work, immerse yourself in its atmosphere. An artist who decides to illustrate a novel, a story, a poem, does not just paint a picture. He reads the work, tries to understand what the writer wants to convey to us, what are the images, the idea of ​​the work of art. Then, on paper, the illustrator conveys his thoughts about what he read: not with words, as a critic would do, not with music, like a composer, but with a drawing. Therefore, illustrations are like a conversation with smart person, will help to understand the meaning of what is read, look at the work with new side, to see some details that we ourselves did not notice. The illustrator is essentially a co-author and presents his concept, his vision of the text. He, possessing a sense of proportion and taste, knows how to unobtrusively, tactfully and accurately present this or that thought in a drawing. Thus, to supplement the text and serve as a kind of decorative arrangement of a particular work. The artists illustrate meaningful and revealing moments in the book. From these episodes, we learn a lot about the characters, they kind of concentrate the idea.

Gogol's works were illustrated by many. These are A. Bubnov, and D. Shmarinov, and S. Gerasimov. The most famous are the works of Yevgeny Adolfovich Kibrik (1906-1978).

famous painter and graphic artist, illustrator, teacher. People's Artist USSR. For 25 years (1953-1978) he was a professor at the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov, head of the workshop easel graphics. He became most famous as an illustrator for "Boris Godunov" by A.S. Pushkin, "Cola Breugnon" by R. Rolland, "Taras Bulba" by N.V. Gogol. According to the artist himself, the boundless love from an early age for reading, books, illustrations later determined the choice of life and creative way.

Kibrik worked on illustrations for Gogol's story from 1943 to 1945. These were the years of the Great Patriotic War. Kibrik's works not only accompanied the plot of the story, but also conveyed the experiences of his contemporaries: the sorrows of war, expectations, losses, feat and betrayal. The first edition appeared in 1948. And almost immediately these works were recognized as classics. book illustration 20th century. Yevgeny Adolfovich Kibrik, like no one else, was able to convey the epic scale of the work.

The artist from the very beginning very carefully approached the work. He always worked from nature and for this he took all the props from museums, right down to the cradle tube. In his workshop there was a block of wood on which sat a sitter dressed as Taras Bulba. Over the image of the main character, Kibrik probably suffered a lot. He put on a Ukrainian kaftan and sat in front of a mirror, trying to find the right pose for the image. By the way, the artist himself was a man of heroic build. There is also a legend that the former circus wrestler Andrey Ignatievich Rudkovsky, who posed for Yevgeny Kibrik for a long time, participated in the creation of the image of Taras Bulba.

We decided to conduct a survey among students in grades 7-11 (35 people), teachers and employees of our school (25 people). 1 question was proposed: “Why do we need illustrations for works?” And 3 answers:

A. - help to understand the meaning of what is read

B. - help to see the verbal image of the hero in detail

V. - help to imagine the place of events

A selection of illustrations was also made different artists to the story

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" (Shmarinova, Gerasimov, Deregus).

The respondents were asked to choose those illustrations that, in their opinion, most accurately convey the essence of Gogol's characters. The answers to question 1 were distributed as follows:

A-15 people (25%),

B-32 people (53.3%),

B-13 people (21.6%).

Kibrik as an illustrator was given the majority of votes (48 out of 60), probably for the reason that most of the respondents remember these works (except for the current seventh graders) school curriculum. And they remained in the memory of former schoolchildren, since for many years only Kibrikov’s heroes accompanied the text of “Taras Bulba

in textbooks. Indeed, the heroes of Kibrik are full-blooded, epicly whole characters. The artist gives them an open, theatrical gesture, active facial expressions (“Taras”, “Ostap”, “Ostap before execution”, “Death of Taras”). He loves a large format that gives scope to natural freedom of movement. If other illustrators create a picture in the smallest detail, with an abundance of details of clothing, weapons, and everyday life (for example, like Gerasimov), then Kibrik is attracted by the characters themselves. Most often, this artist reveals the image in the portrait. The most important thing in artistic manner Kibrika is the disclosure of the psychological depth of the characters' characters. Many illustrations simply amaze me with the power of their influence. For example, let's recall the moment of the execution of Taras Bulba. The hero is depicted at the stake in the last minutes of his life. Looking at the illustration, we seem to hear the words of Taras: “Is there really such torment and such a force on earth that would overpower the Russian force?” And most importantly: the illustration is so inseparable from the text, the characters of the characters are conveyed so accurately that I cannot imagine them in any other way. Or "Ostap before the execution." In the center is Bulba's eldest son. Ostap reminds epic hero. Despite the approaching death, he is shown as a courageous, unbending warrior. “They walked not timidly, not sullenly, but with some kind of quiet pride; their dresses of expensive cloth were worn out and dangled from them in tattered rags; they did not look or bow to the people. Ostap was ahead of everyone. He was the first to drink this heavy cup. He looked at his own, raised his hand and said loudly: “God, grant that all, whatever heretics are here, do not hear, the wicked, how a Christian is tormented! So that not one of us utters a single word! After that, he approached the scaffold." Kibrik managed to convey to the viewer the images of another era as deeply realistic images, with their own inner world, images that have become dear and close to many people. There was a special Kibrikov figurative world of heroes. The ability to very accurately "read" the illustrated work and reveal the emotional overtones, reveal the type of person was manifested. Kibrik's works brought a special novelty to illustrative art. In this graphic-pictorial style, the philosophical and moral context of the work merged.

After studying this or that work of art, the teacher often offers to draw something based on the studied. Of course, it is difficult for us to draw portraits. But everyday sketching with a pencil is not difficult at all. And there is sure to be a person in the class who draws very well. Then the work performed by him also becomes the object of observation and reasoning. The drawings are placed in the school newspaper and they remain in the folders " Best Illustrations schoolchildren to works of art. For example, a student of the 8th grade Angelina Rebrova has a lot of such works. Here are two of them based on the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba": "Cossack" (coal work), "Khutorok" (pencil).

Keeping in mind the complex creative nature of the work of the illustrator, V.A. Favorsky wrote: “... the artist also becomes a co-author who, without distorting original intention, is obliged to make the work more beautiful, harmonious, more accessible more of people".

Another famous illustrator D.M. Shmarinov stated: “ illustrator should have high culture, developed sense fantasy, spiritual wealth and a large supply of life experiences to recreate lofty images classical literature»

These statements fully apply to the work of Evgeny Adolfovich Kibrik. With all his work, he confirmed the right to understand the meaning of illustrations and the tasks of the artist in this way. He really managed to make the masterpieces of the distant past even more beautiful and close to us.

And one more thing comes to mind. When I did this job, all the media were excitedly talking about Crimea, about Ukraine, about the separation of Ukrainians from Russians and vice versa. I involuntarily catch myself thinking: “But what about the legacy of the “great” ones?” After all, it cannot be divided. Kibrik is a Jew by origin, born in Ukraine, who lived in Moscow. Who owns his work? How will we share? But we have always been taught that Pushkin, Tolstoy, and Gogol are the personification of our common culture ..

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