Tell the children about the theater of their kind. Children about the theater


(older age)

Target: To acquaint children with knowledge of the theater; visit the performance of Ostashkovsky folk theater; introduce the actors, communicate with them; climb the stage, go backstage, visit the dressing room, talk with the director. To instill in children a love for the theater.

Preliminary work: First of all, I read the book "What is the theater" edited by Oganesyan. And then, based on this book, she showed illustrations of the story to the children:

  • What is theater?
  • When and why was theater invented?
  • We talked about how the theater works, what rooms it has, who works in the theater.

Then she showed the children postcards different theaters peace.

In the children's library, together with the children, we took the book "Under the Circus Tent" - they talked about the fact that the circus is also a theater. We examined illustrations and postcards about the circus, named various circus professions: juggler, acrobat, clown, magician, etc.

Reviewed the magazine Funny pictures dedicated to the circus. Read poems and stories with children. Some children have visited circus performances, in Tver. They shared their impressions, showed photos, a ticket, circus accessories: clown noses, pigtails, horns, etc. For myself, I took the book “The ABC of the Theater” by Yuri Dlinsky (50 short stories).

We got acquainted with the book by S. Obraztsov "Puppet Theatre". It is beautifully illustrated, the children learned a lot about the children's puppet theater in Moscow - a theater that was specially built for children. And they saw him, however, only in the photo.

We read Kurchevsky's book "Artists and Dolls".

Then we collected all our dolls and dolls from other kindergarten groups: examined them, played. We made attributes: cash desk, tickets. All this contributed to the emergence of the plot- role play"Theater".

We showed the children performances on the flannelograph “Who said meow”, “Under the fungus”; table theater"Zayushkina hut", finger "Zhiharka". They dramatized the fairy tale "Turnip" with the children and showed it to the younger group.

Children, together with teachers, participated in the creation of puppets, scenery, masks for the theater zone. In addition, we have a special box with beads, glasses, mustaches, crowns and many other accessories to get the desired look.

In the classroom for cognitive development“All works are good - choose according to your taste,” they told about the profession of an actor, a ballerina.

Course of the tour:

1. Guys, look at this building: is it ordinary - like everything around it or is it special, different from others? (Answers of children).

2. Do you know the name of this building, what is in it? (Answers of children).

3. And what is theater, who can explain? Which of you has been to the theatre? What are the names of adults and children who come to the theater?

Today there will be a lot of spectators in the theater - these are children from different kindergartens of our city, as well as schoolchildren. They will also watch a performance - a fairy tale. The name of the fairy tale can be found on the poster. Let's get closer to the poster and read it. What is this? (poster). It says here that the performance is called "Forest Song". Artists participate in it (we read the poster), the director of the play is Tikhonov Sergey Evgenievich. The show starts at 10:00 am. Here's how much information we learned about the upcoming performance. And she helped us find out ... (poster).

To get into the theatre. What every spectator must have (ticket). Where can I buy a ticket? In the theatre, the box office is called the theater box office.

Look carefully, maybe you can guess where the cash register is?

You come to the window

Give him money

And a window in response

Gives you a ticket.

And who works at the box office? We have tickets, let's see what is written on the ticket, what do you think?

Now we will enter the theatre. At the entrance, we will give tickets to the ticket attendant.

The performance will go on for a long time, more than an hour. It will be hot in outerwear, it is not comfortable to sit. Where should viewers go first? In the theater, the locker room is called the cloakroom. (Repeat by children). Everyone undressed, put themselves in order. And it's time for us to go where ...?

Yes, to the auditorium.

1. What do you see in the auditorium?

2. Why are there so many chairs?

3. What else is a lot?

4. What do you see at the top with three parties(this is a balcony, behind it there are also places for spectators).

The largest theater room is ... (auditorium). Do you like him? Take a closer look, what makes an auditorium beautiful? (Walls, lamps). In the center of the ceiling is a large chandelier. Do you have chandeliers at home? Are they the same as this one? The hall is large and the chandelier is huge. When the performance starts, will this chandelier be on? That's right, darkness will come in the auditorium, and these spotlights will illuminate the stage (show). Now let's take our seats.

Watching a performance.

Did you guys like the show? I could not ask you this question. Because I see your happy faces, cheerful eyes. And during the performance I heard your laughter, how you loudly clapped your hands to the artists.

And if you want, now get acquainted with the most important person in the theater. This is the director of the theater - Sergey Evgenievich.

Sergei Evgenievich, why are you called the most important person in the theater? (answer).

Guys, it takes a lot of work for an artist to draw such big, beautiful scenery.

Sergei Evgenievich, we really liked your performance and the costumes of the artists. Who makes such beautiful costumes? (Answer).

Where are we now? What do you see? Whose suit is this? Look, whose suit is this? There are many costumes, because there are many roles and each role needs its own costume. And who sews the costumes? The dressmaker needs to work hard so that both the artists and the audience like the costumes. And he stores all the costumes and gives them to the artists - the dresser. (Repeat by children). The dresser makes sure that all the costumes are in order, washing and ironing them, hanging them on hangers. Guys, do you like to travel around the theater? Do you want to continue your journey?

Sergei Evgenievich, where else would you like to invite us?

Children, did you like visiting the artists? Have you learned a lot about the theater now? What holiday is today? (Answers).

Yes, today is a holiday for everyone who works in the theater. We congratulate you all on the Day of the Theater. We wish you creative success good performances and many, many spectators. The children have prepared gifts for all of you. Thank you all. Happy holiday! Goodbye! It is time.

Ponomareva Valeria Sergeevna

Educator, MBU DS No. 120 "Fabulous", Samara Region, city of Tolyatti

Ponomareva V.S. Summary of classes with older children preschool age on the topic "What is theatre?" // Owl. 2017. N2(8)..02.2019).

Order No. 27747

Target: give children an idea about the theater. To acquaint with the types of theater (dramatic, puppet, artistic)

Program content:

  • talk about the history of the theater
  • to acquaint children with the device of the theater, with the professions of people working in the theater
  • stimulate their interest in theatrical arts
  • develop the ability to distinguish between people's emotions external manifestations improve your ability to manage your emotions
  • enrich lexicon children in theatrical terms.

Equipment: projector, screen, multimedia presentation, Kuzya doll (little brownie), magic chest. "Talking" letter, d / and "Wardrobe", pictures - emotions. For the manufacture of tickets: ready-made templates and blanks, colored pencils, napkins, glue.

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Hello, friends! You are together again, which means that our interesting and exciting journey continues. And today, our old friend, Kuzya, a brownie, will come to visit us. He sent me a letter saying he had a surprise for you.

Crying is heard, Kuzya appears (he is upset, crying)

teacher: Hello, Kuzya! What's happened? Why are you crying?

Kuzya: Hello, I was in such a hurry to meet you today, I prepared such a surprise for you, and now I don’t know what to do?!

Teacher: Maybe you can tell us what happened, and the guys and I will try to help you.

Kuzya: I prepared my chest for our meeting, in which I put a very amazing and an interesting fairy tale to show it to the kids. And when today I opened the chest, it turned out that all my fairy-tale heroes fled. They left me a "talking letter"

Teacher: Come on, rather, your “talking letter”, we will listen to it and find out where our fairy-tale heroes went.

An audio recording is listened to, in which fairy-tale characters tell Kuza and the guys that they went to the theater to see what it is and learn more about it.

teacher: Kuzya, why are you so upset, because nothing terrible happened.

Kuzya: How, no big deal? I've never been to the theater and don't even know what it is?

Teacher: Guys, let's go on a trip with Kuzey to Magic world theater. Who knows what theater is? Why do people go to it? Listens to children's answers and summarizes them. That's right, the theater is a beautiful building where performances are shown, various performances are staged. Draws attention to the screen.

Here is a house, big, beautiful, elegant, old. This is the theater building. Look, in front of him is a colorful bright poster. What is it? (playbill). On it with the help of drawings, photographs and different words contains information about upcoming performances. SLIDE №1-2

Let's enter it and see how the theater works inside. Look, we have a small window in front of us. This - " box office"What is it for? (they sell tickets there) And who does it? (cashier) SLIDE #3

Guys, what have we become, now that we bought a ticket? (by the audience). And what rules should the audience follow in the theatre? ( do not make noise, do not litter, do not talk, etc.). Can someone remember the very first rule of the viewer? Where should viewers go first? (dressing room, wardrobe). In the theater, the locker room is called the cloakroom. SLIDE #4

Taking off our coats, we are heading… (children's answers). That's right, in the auditorium. Having taken our chair, we look at the most important place in the hall (scene) where they will play their roles soon... (actors). In the meantime, the stage is still closed by a theatrical curtain. SLIDE #5

Slideshow using terminology: auditorium, boxes, balconies, stage, curtain, backstage, ramp, backdrop, orchestra pit, etc.

Teacher: Well done boys. Before we continue our journey, I suggest you take a break, and you Kuzya repeat after us.

A physical education session "We're going to the theater"

We are having fun with you

We're going to the theatre!

We walk in place.

And we'll sing a song.

La la la la,

(4 cottons)

We are going to the theatre.

(steps in place)

La la la la,

(4 cottons)

We sing a song.

(steps in place)

Teacher: We got acquainted with you with the internal structure of the theater. But depending on what kind of performance is shown in the theater, it is called that. There are puppet theatres, there are opera and ballet theatres, there are drama theatres, there are theaters of facial expressions and gestures, there are children's theatres, shadow theatres, and many others. Now you look at the slides and determine which, where is the theater?

Showing scenes from various theatrical productions. Children look at the slides, call where - which theater.

Kuzya: Oh, how interesting, how do actors play roles in such theaters?

Teacher: And we will show you now, right, guys? Imagine yourself as artists of different theaters and say hello to a friend if we are artists:

opera theater (children sing the word "Hello")

theater of facial expressions and gestures (greet with gestures)

drama artists playing the role of Mukha-Tsokotukha and Komar

puppet theater (take bi-ba-bo dolls, interact with them)

finger theater (they show how they play with the characters of the finger theater)

Kuzya: Well, now I know everything about the theater and about the artists ...

Teacher: Wait, Kuzya, take your time. Theater is a holiday. Most people go to the theater to relax, have fun, watch a play. But for some people theater is work. After all, not only artists work in the theater, but also many other people, without whom, not a single performance would have taken place! And the professions of these people are very interesting and diverse. Tell me, guys, if I want to play the role of Baba Yaga now, can I go on stage? Why? (children's answers)

Teacher: That's right, guys, because before I go on stage I need to put on a suit and do the appropriate makeup and hair. To do this, the theater has dressers, seamstresses. The hairdresser does the hair of the actors, and the make-up artist puts on the make-up. And we also have to get into a fairy tale, the scenery that the artists will make will help create the atmosphere of a fairy tale. They will also work on making a poster inviting us to the theatre. And, of course, the theater needs musicians. Lighters are working to ensure that everything that happens on the stage is clearly visible. And in the theater there is a sound engineer, props, cashiers, ushers, cloakroom attendants.

slide show theatrical professions, with an explanation.

teacher: And now, guys, I suggest you play a game called "Wardrobe"

Wardrobe game The teacher explains to the children the saying "The theater begins with a hanger", talks about such a theater place as a wardrobe and invites the children to find a thing for each of the theater visitors, for example, pick up a hat for each character: Little Red Riding Hood, Santa Claus, Puss in Boots, postman Pechkin.

Teacher: And one more game that will help us find out what you remember about the theater and the professions of the people who work here.

Word game "Add a word"

Come to the theater soon

Here they are always waiting for you, young ... (viewer)

Skill plus labor, plus mind-

Stitched stage… (costume)

Our honorable and enviable ... (role)

A director cannot live without actors.

And the howl of the wind, and the cry of a child

Voices… (sound engineer)

And the jester, and the king, and the grenadier

And all played alone …(actor).

From plaster - a watermelon, from cardboard - an ax,

Put props on stage... (props)

Teacher: But the main profession in the theater is the director. His task is to choose a play for staging, distribute roles, teach actors to expressively read their role, conduct dialogues, and express their emotions.

Game "Emotions". Purpose: to clarify children's knowledge of emotions, explain the connection between emotions and facial expressions of a person (facial expressions), repeat the names of parts of a person's face, improve skills in depicting activities, develop imagination.

Game progress:

The teacher explains that actors in the theater need to be able to portray various emotions. They do this with facial expressions (facial expressions). The teacher distributes facial templates to the children and offers to portray any emotion (fear, joy, anger, etc.). During the game, children can use mirrors.

Kuzya: As I liked it, I learned so much about the theater. Only we did not do the most important thing, we did not find my friends.

Teacher: Kuzya, who are they, your friends, what do they look like?

Kuzya: They are dolls who know many fairy tales and love to show them to children.

Teacher: Guys, since Kuzi's friends are dolls, then in which theater can they be found? (in puppet) That's right, of course, in the puppet.

Kuzya: But I don't have a ticket to get into the puppet theater.

Teacher: And we guys will help you. Really guys?

The teacher invites the children to the tables and offers them, using templates for tickets, blanks for work, pencils, glue, to make theater tickets for Kuzi. After completing the task, the guys give Kuza tickets.

Kuzya: Thank you very much, why do I need so many tickets.

Teacher: Kuzya, we'll just go with you to puppet show and help you not to get lost in wide world puppet theater and find your friends. And now we will part for a while to meet again and go to the puppet theater.

I encountered the concept of "Theater" in school years, where I enjoyed watching the performances of our guys. It amazed me and still surprises me how a person on stage can change when he enters a role! His gestures change, his image changes, and even his voice becomes different. I always, noticing the changes taking place in a person, thought: “But this is talent! TALENT with a capital letter!

I am a teacher in kindergarten. We often put on theatrical performances. Telling the children that the theater awaits them, I observe the effect of this magic word. And really, it's magical! Why? Yes, because I see how smiles appear on their faces, sparks of fun light up in their eyes. Children may not ask: “What theater?”, “What is it called?”, But they will always ask, “When will it be?” But the most unique thing is the atmosphere of the theater: it is pleasant to watch the curtain as the children enter the hall, sit on chairs, look at the decorated stage and calm down in anticipation of a fairy tale.

I never turn down an offer. With interest I enter the image, I think it out myself the smallest details. I can say theater is my hobby. With the help of the stage I get to know people and their characters, I learn to understand people, with the help of the stage I learn to give children what they lack so much in modern hectic life - warmth, love and happiness. Many people think that theatrical art is an illusory deception that makes people believe that you are someone else. I can say with full confidence that the theater is an opportunity to create images, characters, individual life situations and understand them.

Yes, the theater takes a lot of time and effort. And what work is behind each performance, how much sincere and physical strength invested in every gesture and look of the actor? Instead of watching TV or just surfing the Internet, you have to go to rehearsals, cram the role, think about the missing details of the image (where to get a suit, matching shoes, a wig, how to make a make-up ...) But despite this, I understand that I can't live without creativity. Performing in the theater, I get great pleasure from the fact that my efforts bring results. I am genuinely happy when children appreciate my vision of the image, my performance, my expended energy. How they jump up from their chairs, telling me what to do, how to behave. They sing and dance, cry and laugh, love and worry, grieve and rejoice. It seems to be one minute of playing on stage, but it is more precious than all the sacrifices made for it. Participating in the performance, I feel that I live, that my performance can be interesting to other people in my interpretation. Theater for me is a lot of emotions and an adrenaline rush!
For me personally, theater is an action that captures immediately and remains for a long time.

Theater is the world of living words, live music, living soul. How necessary it is for children in our time filled with technical innovations! For them, it's like a sip clean air. With the help of the theater, we enrich our souls, broaden our horizons. The theater acts as a source of information about the surrounding world, about life, giving rise to the work of thought.

"Hello theater!"

Introductory conversation with children in the area theatrical art. Acquaintance with cultural heritage native land.

To arouse interest in theatrical and gaming activities, to form a sense of success for each individual child. To acquaint with the types of theaters: (dramatic, puppet). Theatrical terminology (Stage, theater curtain, auditorium, dressing room, applause ...). Cultivate a friendly, emotionally positive attitude towards each other. Continue to expand children's knowledge of surrounding reality: to deepen ideas about the structure of the theater from the outside and from the inside. Expanding horizons in the field of musical and theatrical art.


Multimedia projector, computer, speakers, screen, screen with decorations.

The course of the conversation.

Dear children, I invite you on a journey. But our journey is not quite ordinary. I invite you to plunge into the world of theater.

But what is theater?

Theater is one of ancient arts in the world. The theater is diverse and diverse and absorbs many elements like no other art. And today we are admired by their grandiose architecture and scale of the ancient Roman and ancient Greek theaters, captivating with their magical appeal. (slide2)

Tell me, what theaters are there?

Children answer: Puppet, drama, opera and ballet theatre.

That's right, well done.

The theater can be opera or drama, puppet or pantomime theater, the diversity of which unites the art of a person - an actor.

The art of the theater is collective in nature, uniting the work of actors, playwrights, costume designers and various stage workers. Since the 20th century, the theater has been called a director's theater, because the appearance of the director in the theater contributed to the organization of the performance as a whole. (slide 3)

Today I invite you to Astrakhan state theater young spectator.

And now you close your eyes, and a miracle will happen! (music sounds, children open their eyes.)

Sounds like a musical effect.

We open our eyes...

There is a display of illustrations inside the theater.

What do you see on the screen?

(slide 4-5) Astrakhan theater for young spectators.

The first performance at the Astrakhan Theater for Young Spectators took place 11th of March 1933. It was the play "The Long Way" based on the play N. Ya. Shestakova. Then the theater did not yet have its own building and the performance took place on the stage of the Club of Trade Workers on the street. Belogorodskaya (now Lenina street). The theater troupe at that time was unprofessional, it consisted of participants amateur performances and employees of the radio committee.

A year later, the theater troupe was replenished with professional actors, artistic director theater of the young spectator was M. D. Lyubimova. At the same time, the Youth Theater was provided with premises on Chalabyan Street, 16.

September 19 1934 performance based on a play N. V. Gogol « Auditor The first season has already opened professional theater for children.

I invite you to the foyer of the theater (slide 6) .

Foyer - a room in the theater designed for the audience to stay in anticipation of a session, performance, as well as for the public to relax during the intermission. Each theater has : Stage, auditorium, balcony, curtain, backstage, scenery on the stage, actors on the stage, puppets on the stage, dressing room, dressing room.

- (slide 7-8) theater curtain - an element of stage clothing that separates the stage from auditorium, and located closest to the audience, along the border of the stage mirror.
As a rule, the curtain opens at the beginning of the performance, and closes during the intermission and at the end of the performance.

(slide 9-11) - Scene- part of the theater, stage, the place of the main theatrical action. IN ancient Greek theater originally it was a tent in which the actors were preparing for the performance. Contemporary theater usually use scene closed type, which is called box stage. Its main feature is the presence of a closed space, separated from the auditorium by a wall.

(slide 12-14) - Decoration- any artistic decoration of an object or room. . The decoration of the building should correspond to its character and style, not violate its basic forms, but, on the contrary, show them with the greatest possible clarity and beauty. The word "decoration" is most often used to refer to accessories. theater whose purpose is to produce illusion the place in which the action played out on the stage takes place. Therefore, theatrical scenery is for the most part either landscapes, or perspective views of streets, squares and the interior of buildings. They are painted on canvas. The main components of each theatrical scenery - veil And backstage.

(slide 15-17) Auditorium - in the theater - a room for spectators connected to the stage by a portal opening.

Amphitheater - in the theater - seats in the auditorium, located in ascending ledges behind the stalls.

The mezzanine - in the auditorium of the theater - a tier of theatrical boxes above the benoir and the amphitheater.

Gallery - obsolete - the upper tier of the theater with the cheapest spectator seats.

Balcony - in the theater - places for the public, located in several rows in different tiers of the auditorium opposite the stage. In some theaters, balconies are also located on the sides of the hall. Lodge - in the auditorium of the theater - a group of seats separated by partitions or barriers in the form of small rooms. Parterre - in a theater building - the floor plane of the auditorium with seats for spectators. In the modern parterre, seats for spectators are placed in rows, parallel to the orchestra barrier, and are separated by transverse and longitudinal passages leading to the exits from the auditorium. For better visibility, the parquet floor usually rises from the stage to the back rows.

(slide 18-22) - Costume room - a room where clothes are designed for all artists and all episodes in accordance with artistic intent.
Costume designer - ensures the working condition of all costumes under any shooting conditions .. Costume - can mean clothes in general or distinctive clothing style reflecting social, national, regional person's belonging. Costume can also refer to artistic combination accessories in a picture, statue, poem, or play, appropriate to the time, place, or other circumstance. Another possible meaning denotes a certain fashion style, in which a person could portray an unusual role for him, for example, a fancy dress or acting costumes.

Most often, people can see costumes on actors in the theater. In combination with other details, the costume helps the actor to create the image of the character.

Our tour of the theater is coming to an end.

There are a lot of people working in all theaters. Who works in the theatre?

The poem sounds, the children finish the words-definitions.

Put on dances choreographer,

In the orchestra for the selection of talents,

What a conductor, what musicians.

Also, of course, director,

Artist, props, make-up artist;

Show you where everything is

Responsible for props.

In all theaters across the country

Works are important.

But still, no matter how you turn it,

A main manartist .

Do you want to become actors?

Children's answers: We want.

To become an actor, you need to learn a lot, to be able to do a lot of things.

What should an actor be able to do?

Children's answers: Good, understandable, speak clearly; breathe correctly; moving nicely etc.

Today we will become real actors. Let's go to Theatre of Drama. And let's enter the secret door, where not the audience enters, but only the actors and employees of the theater.

Children approach the screen to the music, imitate,

as if they were walking through a front door.

Let's imagine that here workplace actors.

Do you know how the profession of an actor begins?

Children's answers: From breathing.

Of course with proper breathing. Without it, it is impossible to speak beautifully and loudly from the stage.

Let's try to breathe like real actors do. Sit up straight, straighten your back, put your hand on your stomach.

Breathing exercises

We warm the palms, a candle (1,2,5), a ball.

Onomatopoeia ( breathing + purity of sounds)

"Wipers at the car" -sh-sh-sh.

"Mosquito" -z-z-z we are looking for a mosquito, they found it, slammed it.

"Fly" - w-w-w.

Let's play now polite words call.

(Children act out the poem"Polite Words" S. Korotkova.)

To be polite

Need to say "hello"

To everyone you meet,

Children know this.

Say "hello" - and in response

It will sound: "Hello, hello!"

Hello palms! ( Children clap twice.)

Hello boots! ( Stomp twice.)

Hello frogs! ( Pronounced: qua-qua.)

Hello cuckoos! ( Pronunciation: coo-coo

Hello breeze! ( Children blow.)

Hello sleepy crow! ( Pronounced: kar-kar.)

The train is long at the platform! ( Pronounce: tu-tu.)

Good afternoon to the watch (pronounced: tick-tock)

Hello wild river! ( gurgle their tongues.)

Clouds in the blue sky! ( Quietly sing high pitch, depicting clouds with his hands.)

Our lesson has come to an end, I hope you enjoyed it very much. Thank you.

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