Zakhoder's biography for children 2. Boris Zakhoder's biography


(09/09/1918, Cahul (Moldova) - 11/07/2000, Moscow)

Boris Zakhoder was born in Moldova, where his parents ended up during the First World War: his father volunteered for the army, and his mother cared for the wounded in the hospital. Then the family moved to Odessa, then to Moscow. The family was highly educated, the cult of the book reigned in it unconditionally. Although Boris Zakhoder himself claims that he was a "decent boy", this is probably not entirely true: before he graduated from school, he changed different schools seven times. After leaving school in 1935, he studied at several universities, and in 1938 he entered the Literary Institute, at the same time he began to publish his poems in various periodicals. Participated in the Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic Wars, collaborated in the army press. Demobilized in 1946, he graduated from the Literary Institute. In 1947 in the railway. "Entertainer" published under the pseudonym "Boris West" the first poem for children "Sea Battle", after which it was regularly published in "Murzilka" and "Pionerskaya Pravda". In 1955, the first book of poems “On the back of the desk” was published in Detgiz, followed by poetry collections “Martyshkino tomorrow” (1956), “No one and others” (1958), “Who looks like whom” (1960), “ Comrades for children "(1966), etc.

The main theme of Zakhoder's work as a children's poet is nature and animals. “The animals, birds and fish that densely populated the poetic world of Zakhoder are divided into those that are known to absolutely everyone, those who are known only to the readers of Grzimek and Darrell (okapi, coati, Surinamese pipa), and those who can only be found in Zakhoder, in his fiefdom, in Imagination ”(Rassadin S. Serious games: Notes about Boris Zakhoder // Det. Literature. - 1989. - No. 2. - P. 19).

Zakhoder's poems are dialogical, the author often talks with animal characters, asks them questions (“What is sad, Sparrow?” Or “Why are you, Hedgehog, so prickly?”). Sometimes the author expresses the interests of the characters on his own behalf. Animals and birds in Zakhoder's poems get the right to vote, the opportunity to turn to people with a request, with a complaint, demanding a fair treatment. The “animal” theme continues with the cycle “Pipa of Surinam and other outlandish animals”, which also combines cognition and entertainment, play, dialogism and unobtrusive morality.

Zakhoder's creative individuality was most clearly manifested in the poetic cycle "In My Imagination". The animals that inhabit the country of Imagination are generated by the imagination of the author, who is able to perceive the flow of sounding speech like a child, to divide it into new words. In Zakhoder's poems, the word is primary, it does not always have a specific visual image behind it, but there is only a hint, a hint that stimulates creative perception poetry: imaginary - an unknown modest animal ("More about Imaginary"), rapunok - a frisky, cheerful horse ("Rapuny"). Word, linguistic reality play important role and in other works by Zakhoder. At the core famous poem“The Whale and the Cat”, dedicated to K. I. Chukovsky, contains a mistake, a typo, as a result of which a cheerful confusion arises: not only the letters, but also the animals themselves change places. Magic transformations an evil wolf into a funny toy top, a hedgehog-beast into a brush-hedgehog are explained not by the similarity of objects, but by the homonymity of the words (“Top”, “The Tale of the Hedgehog”). Zakhoder has a cycle of poems about the school and schoolchildren "On the Back Desk". The author does not expose the shortcomings of his heroes, lazy and fighters Petya and Vova, he even to some extent agrees with them. Funny incidents from the life of mischievous people are described from their point of view. The confidential tone of the narration, the ingenuously naive manner of justifying one's essentially harmless misdeeds by external circumstances make these verses close and understandable to the child reader. Warm, a little ironic author's attitude formulated in aphoristic endings, often built on a play on words.

Love for nature, the desire to reveal to the child the secrets of the animal and plant world are manifested in Zakhoder's prose. Majority prose works: "Grey Star" (1963), "The Little Mermaid" (1967), "The Hermit and the Rose" (1969), "The Story of the Caterpillar", "Why the Fish Are Silent", "Ma-Tari-Kari" (1970), "The Tale of all in the world" (1976), "Once upon a time there was Fip" (1977) - united by the author in a cycle called "Tales for People". A distinctive feature of Zakhoder's fairy tales is a combination of scientific accuracy, fabulous fiction and unobtrusive instructiveness. The plot of every story is based on mysterious phenomenon, a miracle of nature: the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly (“The Story of the Caterpillar”), a tadpole into a frog (“The Little Mermaid”), the coexistence of an anemone and a hermit crab (“The Hermit and the Rose”), etc. The main idea of ​​fairy tales is the approval of the harmonious structure of the world, unity ecological and moral laws. According to some of Zakhoder's tales and poems, popular science films were shot using the method of location shooting with live animals: "The Little Mermaid" (1961), "The Gray Star", "Like a Fish Almost Drowned" (1963), "You Can't Spill Water" (based on the fairy tale " The Hermit and the Rose", 1969), "Gymnastics for the Tadpole", "Here's a hare for you!" (1971), "About everyone in the world" (1975), "Yurka-Murka" (1977).

Many classical works foreign children's literature became a phenomenon of Russian literature thanks to Zakhoder, the translator. In his translation, the story-tale of A.A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All" (1960), story-tale P. Travers "Mary Poppins" (1967, w. "Pioneer", excerpts; 1968 - separate ed. translation of 2 of 4 books by Travers about Mary Poppins), a play by J. M. Barrie " Peter Pan"(1967 - stage edition; 1971 - separate ed.). He translated for children L. Carroll's fairy tale "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (1971-72, j. "Pioneer"; ed. ed. 1974). Zakhoder owns translations of "Tales" by K. Chapek (1957), stories by Ya Grabovsky "Reksia and Putsek" (1964) and "Fly with whims" (1968), fairy tales by the Grimm brothers "The daring tailor" (1978), "Grandmother Blizzard" ( 1980), " The Bremen Town Musicians» (1982). He translated J. Brzekhva's poem cycle "On the Horizon Islands" (1961), Y. Tuwim's poem "About Pan Trulyalinsky", V. J. Smith's "Little Raccoon" (1973), "Fun Hour" (19840, L. Kern " A muzzle, a tail and four legs” and Polish folk songs (collection “Grandfather Roch”, 1966) and others. in Russian". Subtly feeling the unique atmosphere fiction, the style of the original, the writer skillfully transfers them into the bosom of another literary tradition. Mine creative method he defines translation as a retelling, thereby emphasizing the right to freer handling of the original text. “... What Zakhoder did, translating my poems, or rather, writing them in Russian, is a rare phenomenon in the field of translated literature. It is difficult to believe in the possibility of such virtuosity in mastering someone else's poem, verse, idea, versification joke, ”in these words of Jan Brzekhva (see: Rassadin S. Preface // Zakhoder B. Selected: Poems, fairy tales, translations, retellings. - M., 1989. - P. 15) one can characterize all the work of Zakhoder-translator.

From his pen came several plays for children's theater: "Rostik in the Dark Forest" (1976), "Mary Poppins" (1976, co-authored with V. Klimovsky), "Thumbelina's Wings" (1978, co-authored with V. Klimovsky), "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (1982 ). He is the author of the libretto of the opera "Lopushok by the Sea" (1977) and the musical "Winnie the Pooh Again", plays for puppet theater: "Highly smart toys"(1976)," Little Mermaid "(1977)," Song about everyone in the world "(1982). According to his scripts, the cartoons "Once Upon a Time Fip", "Tari the Bird", "Fantik", "Topchumba" and others were shot.

Zakhoder also wrote poems for adult readers (“Leaflets: A Poem in Poems”, “Small Zakhoderzosti”, “Poems”). His poems and fairy tales have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and published in England, the USA, Australia, Germany, Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. For the translation into Russian of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Zakhoder was awarded an honorary diploma as a translator by the International Council for Children's Books (IBBY) (1978). He is the first laureate of the Prize "For Contribution to Literature for Children", established by the Association of Children's Writers, the Russian National Section of the International Council on Children's Books, the Golden Key Association, the Brocus Agency (1993).

List works of art by the author from the collection of our library.

Zakhoder, B.V. Gymnastics for the tadpole [Text]: fairy tale / Boris Zakhoder; artistic L. Shulgin. - Moscow: Children's literature, 1990. – 17 s.

This book will introduce you to a little tadpole who decided that he could do without gymnastics and get fat indefinitely. About whether gymnastics is necessary for a tadpole, you will find out by reading this witty book. Designed by the artist L. Shulgina.

Zakhoder, B. V. Good rhinoceros [Text] / Boris Zakhoder; artistic V. Shvarov, E. Almazova. - Nazran: AST Astrel, 1999. – 39 c.

The book contains poems and fairy tales by the famous children's writer Boris Zakhoder (1918-2000). For junior school age.

Zakhoder, B. V. Holes in cheese [Text]: poetry: for primary school age / Boris Zakhoder; artistic Ekaterina Silina. - Moscow: Machaon: Azbuka-Atticus, 2012. – 34 s.

Famous children's poet and translator Boris Zakhoder needs no introduction. From early childhood, we know by heart his "Kiskino grief", "Kit and the Cat", "Shaggy ABC", "Merry Day" and other favorite poems that have long become textbooks. Bear cub Winnie the Pooh and his friend Piglet in the popular cartoon sing songs composed by Boris Zakhoder. And we met the world's best nanny Mary Poppins thanks to the excellent translation of Boris Zakhoder. His contribution to children's literature cannot be overestimated. The verses you will read in this book are illustrated famous artist Ekaterina Silina.

Zakhoder, B. V. Kiskino grief [Text] / B. V. Zakhoder; rice. S. Islands. - Tver: Polina, 1998. – 79 p.

The author describes in his poem a pussy that is going through great sorrow- the evil owners do not give her the opportunity to steal the sausage from the table. Kitty feels miserable as she has been kicked out into the hallway where she can't get to the dining table.

However, don't you think that the pussy exaggerates her grief? If you have a cat at home, then you know well how cunning they are and how sometimes they strive to steal Tasty food from the dining table.

Who knows, maybe thanks to her cunning, she will eventually get a treat?

Zakhoder, B.V. Who visits in the morning... [Text] / B. V. Zakhoder; artistic U. Shalina. - Moscow: Samovar, 1999. – 114 p.

The writer's book includes famous cycles of poems for children of primary school age, such as "School for Chicks", " fluffy alphabet", "Songs of Winnie the Pooh", "On the back desk". Illustrator: Ulyana Shalina.

Zakhoder, B.V. Best Poems for kids [Text] / Boris Zakhoder; artistic Igor Pankov. - Moscow: ROSMEN: ROSMEN-Press, 2011. – 61 p.

This book contains the most kind and funny poems of your favorite children's writer. And detailed funny illustrations will not leave indifferent even the smallest ones.

Zakhoder, B.V. Favorite Pages [Text]: [Selected] / B. V. Zakhoder; artistic M. Durnovo. - Smolensk: Rusich, 1999. – 290 p.

Everyone knows the name of Boris Zakhoder for sure. He is the author of many poems, fairy tales and plays for children. It is thanks to him that we can read books in Russian about funny Winnie the Pooh and his friends, Alice and her adventures in Wonderland, about Peter Pan and Mary Poppins. The book you are holding in your hands includes the author's own poems, as well as works by other poets, translated by Boris Zakhoder.

Zakhoder, B. V. Martyshkin House [Text] / Boris Zakhoder; ill. Vladimir Vinokur. - Moscow: Melik - Pashaev, 2012. – 30 s.

Cheerful, clever, ironic fairy tale by Boris Zakhoder. Readers will meet the extremely sociable but lazy monkey, as well as the sluggish turtle aunt, hard-working termites and other inhabitants of the rainforest. Each animal in the jungle has its own home: big or small, mink or hollow. Only little Monkey has no roof over his head. But if there is no house, then you need to build it! "Martyshkin House" came out with illustrations by Vladimir Vinokur, one of the best illustrators who worked fruitfully in the 1960s-1990s. He has created realistic and lively animal portraits that adorn the pages...

Zakhoder, B.V. Martyshkino tomorrow [Text] / Boris Zakhoder; rice. V. Losina. - Moscow: NIGMA, 2015. – 20 s.

Young readers will get to know the sociable but very frivolous Monkey, as well as the Hippo, Elephant, Zebra and other inhabitants of the rainforest. Every animal in Africa has its own home. Who has houses. Who has houses ... Will Monkey ever have a house?

Zakhoder, B. V. Ma-Tari-Kari [Text] / Boris Zakhoder; artistic Gennady Kalinovsky. - Moscow: Nigma, 2015. – 32 s.

Even a small defenseless bird can make friends with a large and formidable crocodile, which has TERRIBLE teeth! Who never said a GOOD WORD to anyone! But if you help a crocodile in trouble, he will repay with sincere affection and even give his new friend an honorary name - Ma-Tari-Kari, which in crocodile language means: "A little bird that does great good deeds." Thanks to the artist Gennady Kalinovsky, animals, birds and fish can not only be heard, but also seen. Sympathize with a crocodile suffering from a toothache. Laugh at the monkeys making faces. Admire the courage of a bird jumping into a crocodile's mouth. Gennady Kalinovsky came up with the images of the characters...

Zakhoder, B.V. Shaggy alphabet [Text] / B. V. Zakhoder; artistic U. Shalina, O. Gorbushin. - Moscow: Samovar, 2003. – 47 p.

The main theme of Zakhoder's children's poetry is the world of animals, among which, with their convincing and vivid, individualized characters and habits, they appear as well famous characters(kangaroos, antelopes, camels, ferrets, ostriches), causing not only affection, but also irritation with such traits as savagery, ignorance, narcissism, stupidity (these are wild boars, rhinos, peacocks, parrots), and unprecedented animals known only to readers D. Darrell and other classics of world children's animalistic literature, incl. Zakhoder himself (Kavot, Kamut, Mnim, Rapunok, Southern Ktototam, Pipa of Surinam).

Zakhoder, B. V. My imagination [Text] / Boris Zakhoder; [ill. A. B. Shelmanov]. - Moscow: Egmont: Egmont Russia Ltd., 2007. - 79 p.

"My Imaginations" is a book that includes poetic works author: "Sea Battle", "Shaggy ABC", "My Imagination" and many others. Playful, ironic, bright, these poems will please the child.

"My Imagination" is a bright and unusual world in which objects appear as only a child can see them. Such vivid children's poetry cannot be imagined without worthy illustrations. Boris Zakhoder created Magic world fantasy, and the illustrators drew it on paper. So the book is interesting selection bright illustrations inspired by the unique images of classic children's poetry.

The book will be of interest to children of preschool and primary school age and their parents.

Zakhoder, B.V. About the flying cow [Text]: poems / B. V. Zakhoder; artistic A. A. Guriev. - Moscow: Bustard-Plus, 2005. – 62 p.

The book includes wonderful translations of poems by J. Brzekhva, Y. Twim, V. Smith, D. Wallace and other foreign poets, created by Boris Zakhoder. Illustrator: A. Guryev.

Zakhoder, B. V. Rusachok [Text] / Boris Zakhoder; ill. Viktor Chizhikov. - Moscow: Labyrinth Press, 2012. – 46 p.

You have in your hands an unusual collection of fairy tales by the famous children's writer Boris Zakhoder. It includes the fairy tales "The Little Mermaid" and "The Gray Star", as well as interesting and cautionary tales created based on folk tales.

Throughout short story The little mermaid grows up and learns the world that surrounds him, running through the forest and arguing who he would become from the animal world. And everything ended very kindly: "The Little Rusachok looked into the water when the circles calmed down. He sees - and it's true: he became big, beautiful Hare. Just like dad: fluffy fur, strong paws, big eyes, and ears - neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen! And he drummed with his paws. From happiness."

Very cute and good fairy tale with wonderful illustrations.

Zakhoder, B.V. Grass-everywhere-growing [Text]: poems and fairy tales / B.V. Zakhoder; artistic L. Shulgin. - Moscow: Children's Literature, 1994. - 126 p.

In addition to well-known poems, the book contains lesser-known and first-published poems by B. Zakhoder. Lidia Mikhailovna Shulgina - Russian artist, sculptor and book illustrator. She created wonderful color illustrations for this book. It contains many full-page and spread drawings.

Zakhoder, B.V. Grass-everywhere-growing [Text]: poems: / Boris Zakhoder; rice. L. Tokmakov. - St. Petersburg; Moscow: Speech, 2016. - 95 p.

In the sonorous poems of Boris Zakhoder, glue escapes from the kitchen and glues everything around, in the Bird School they learn the poem "Chizhik-Pyzhik", and on the Horizontsky Islands everyone walks on their heads. After reading the poems, we will find out how the Seal became the Seal, where the tadpoles rush to, why the Hedgehog is so prickly, and the letter I is the last in the alphabet. This book will please both children and their parents. Illustrations famous graphic Lev Tokmakov create an atmosphere of magic and celebration on every page.


Boris Zakhoder skillfully conveyed in Russian the style and nuances of the works of foreign authors, which soon many publishing houses considered it a blessing to cooperate with a talented translator. Zakhoder translated from Polish and from English and other European languages ​​the works of children's writers.

Barry, J. Peter Pan [Text]: fairy tale / J. Barry; retelling by I. P. Tokmakova, B. V. Zakhoder; artistic T. Yu. Nikitina. Mary Poppins: a fairy tale / P. Travers; to Sat. in general: retelling by I. P. Tokmakova, B. V. Zakhoder. - Moscow: Drofa-Plus, 2004. - 464 p.

Peter Pan is magic story about a flying boy who did not want to grow up at all. One day, Peter Pan flew into the window of the children's room where the girl Wendy and her two brothers, John and Michael, lived. The fairy-tale boy made friends with the guys, and together they went to a far, far away island. There they met mermaids, fairies, Indians and even pirates with their insidious leader Hook!

White house and black cat [Text]: funny poems of Polish poets / retold by B. Zakhoder; rice. A. Poret. - Moscow: Melik-Pashaev, 2013. - 19 p.

The inimitable talent of Boris Zakhoder turned the kind and funny poems of Polish poets - R. Pisarsky, Y. Tuwim and J. Brzekhva - into real masterpieces. The lyrical, mysteriously contrasting poem about a black-black cat, which gave the name to this collection, reads as if a multi-layered world is gradually opening up - from large to small - a white field, a white house, white room, white bed ... And a black cat - a small but significant point in a vast space. The marvelous poem "About Pan Trulyalinsky" is read easily and naturally. Fervent and cheerful, it is fraught with two important pedagogical meanings: firstly, it is an excellent training for speed and clarity of pronunciation (try to practice with your child: "All drivers are Tweedlers, / Postmen are Tweedledees, / Football players are Tweedledees, / Saleswomen - Trulyalitsy", etc.); secondly, this is the morphological law of word formation, witty embodied in the seemingly frivolous content of the poem (of course, all these various suffixes are designed for children older than preschool age). "Glue" is a small story - "shifter", in which everything seems to be turned upside down. Indeed, how can a cat stick to a dog, and a truck to a tram! But such a technique allows the author to focus on things that often do not fall into the usual field of view (nonsense: glue - main character works!). According to the memoirs of the artist Alisa Poret, who had an incredible capacity for work and speed, she read these wonderful poems and immediately drew. The word just read instantly turned into a picture. That is why the verses and illustrations in this book form a single whole. The main advantage of the book "The White House and the Black Cat" is that it is very interesting to read. And as experience shows, it is interesting for both children and adults. And this is the first and indispensable condition for the existence of real children's literature.

Grabovsky, Ya. A. Fly with whims [Text] / Jan Grabowski; [per. from the floor Boris Zakhoder; ill. T. Kapustina]. - Moscow: Melik-Pashaev, 2015. - 119 p.

Stories and stories about the dachshund Fly, Mark the sheep, Purr the cat, Malgos the goose, Rex and Pucik puppies, etc. are built on the principle of "humanization" of animals. Them " internal monologues" and "dialogues" are funny and touching, and actions and even pranks are humane and kind, especially towards children. And Grabovsky's people, to be honest, are also interesting! Especially the very reasonable adult on whose behalf the story is being told He is simple, calm, measured, patient and open. a wise man: where necessary - he will laugh, where necessary - he will give advice, prompted by his own worldly experience. And all this is accompanied by friendly jokes understandable to children, especially since the author always treats his little friends with respect and deep understanding.

Grabovsky, Ya. A. Acey, Red and guests [Text] / Jan Grabowski: [transl. from the floor Boris Zakhoder; ill. Anna Vlasova]. - Moscow: Melik - Pashaev, 2015. - 111 p.

Jan Grabowski (1882-1950) - Polish writer, teacher, mathematician, ethnographer - wrote magnificent books about pets, full of light humor and a deep understanding of the habits, characters and moods of their characters. The story "Tuzik, Ryzhiy and guests" is built on the principle of "humanization" of animals. Her heroes - dogs and other domestic animals - talk to each other all the time: they joke, argue, quarrel, scold. It is impossible to read about the tricks and pranks of four-legged friends without laughter and a kind smile. The works of Jan Grabowski are real textbooks for children of senior preschool and primary school age. This book will delight adult readers as well. For senior preschool and primary school age.

Carroll, L. Alice in Wonderland [Text] / Lewis Carroll; [retelling of B. V. Zakhoder]; artistic : I. Oleinikov, G. Ticker. - Moscow: NF Pushkin Library": AST, 2004. - 238 p.

In this book, you will meet the girl Alice and get with her into the amazing, mysterious world of wonders of Lewis Carroll. fairy tale in the retelling of Boris Zakhoder

We have no doubt that you are already familiar with the most funny teddy bear in the world - with Winnie the Pooh. And, of course, love his funny puff songs. From these and some other books, in the retelling of B. V. Zakhoder, you will learn stories about Winnie the Pooh and his friends: Piglet, Eeyore, Kanga, Little Roo and others retold by Boris Zakhoder.

Milne, A. A. Winnie the Pooh and all [Text] / A. A. Milne; retelling by B. V. Zakhoder; artistic V. I. Polunin. - Moscow: Omega, 2004. – 47 p.

Milne, A. Pyrgoroy Winnie the Pooh [Text] / A. Milne, B. Zakhoder; artistic E. Antonenkov. - Moscow: ROSMEN, 1997. - 71 p.

Milne, A. Pooh and Piglet [Text] / A. Milne, B. Zakhoder; artistic E. Antonenkov. - Moscow: ROSMEN, 1997. - 78 p.

Travers, P. L. Mary Poppins [Text] / P. Travers; [per. from English. B. V. Zakhoder; artistic A. Kalinichenko]. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2000. - 347 p.

Are you familiar with Mary Poppins? Not? Very, very strange! After all, she is extremely famous! Not one, not two, or even three, but FOUR books have been written about her! And remember - even about such celebrities as Robinson Crusoe or Pinocchio, only one book has been written! About Mary Poppins, it must first be said that ... However, here, in the preface, it is not worth talking about her. You have a whole book in front of you, and what is not said in the book cannot be told on one page. I will only note that if Mary Poppins seems at first too strict and even harsh to you, do not be alarmed. It is easy to understand that if she had only been strict, these mischievous Jane and Michael Banks would hardly have loved her so much, and after them, without exception, all the guys who managed to get to know Mary ...

A fantastic fairy tale story by an English children's writer about a wonderful nanny who appears as a kind sorceress in families where children require her care and attention.

Chapek, K. Fairy tales and funny stories [Text] / Karel Capek; per. from Czech. B. Zakhoder; artistic N. Bugoslavskaya. - Moscow: Machaon: Azbuka-Atticus, 2012. – 206 p.

Karel Capek (1890–1938) is one of the most famous Czech writers of the 20th century. He is the author of novels, short stories, plays, feuilletons addressed to adults, and for children he has written many wonderful fairy tales and funny stories. His inexhaustible fantasy, brilliant humor forever won the hearts of young readers in many countries of the world. The heroes of Čapek's fairy tales are not only robbers, princesses, watermen and mermaids, but also characters that are not at all usual for fairy tales - drivers, postmen, doctors. Yes, yes, miracles happen to them too, and not in a distant kingdom-state, but here, next to us! And now open the book as soon as possible - and welcome to the extraordinary fairy world, created good magician Karel Chapek.

Literature about the work of BV Zakhoder.

1. Arzamastseva, I. N. Zakhoder Boris Vladimirovich [Text] / I. N. Arzamastseva, S. A. Nikolaeva // Arzamastseva, I. N. Children's literature / I. N. Arzamastseva, S. A. Nikolaeva. - M., 2001.

2. Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder [Text] // I know the world: Children's Encyclopedia: Literature. - M.: AST, 1997. - S. 186-189.

3. Vladimirova, L. Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder [Text] / L. Vladimirova // Anthology of world children's literature. T. 3. - M.: Avanta +, 2002. - S. 211-213.

4. Glotser, V. Verbal mischief elevated to art: On the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the birth of Boris Zakhoder [Text] / V. Glotser // Book Review. - 1998. - No. 36 (September 8).

5. Golovanova, M. V. In the country of Boris Zakhoder's Imagination [Text] / M. V. Golovanova, O. V. Sharapova // Primary School. - 1999. - No. 1. - S. 7-11.

6. Zakhoder Boris Vladimirovich [Text] // Essays on children's writers: A guide for elementary school teachers. - M.: Balass, 1999. - S. 78-81.

7. Zakhoder Boris Vladimirovich [Text] // Writers of our childhood: 100 names: Biographical dictionary. Part 1. - M., 1998. – S. 189-193.

8. Zakhoder B. "I was not going to become a writer ..." / B. Zakhoder; I. Gracheva talked // Children's Literature. - 1998. - No. 5-6. - S. 36-43.

9. Levin, B. Independent Zakhoder: [Memories of a children's poet] [Text] / B. Levin // Pedology. - 2001. - No. 5. - S. 4-5.

10. Menshov, V. Sverchok, who settled in felt boots [Text] / V. Menshov // Chitaika. - 2006. - No. 12. - S. 24-26.

11. Menshov, V. Imaginations of Boris Zakhoder [Text] / V. Menshov // Chitaika. - 2007. - No. 8. - P.8-11.

12. Nevinskaya, I. N. Zakhoder Boris Vladimirovich [Text] / I. N. Nevinskaya // Russian children's writers of the twentieth century: Biobibliographic dictionary. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 1997. – S. 185-187.

13. Prikhodko, V. Lukomorye Boris Zakhoder [Text] / V. Prikhodko // preschool education. - 2001. - No. 3. - S. 79-83.

14. Sarnov, B. You also chuckled - in response to her ... [Text] / B. Sarnov // Literature (Appendix to the newspaper. "Trans. Sept."). - 2001. - No. 13. - S. 2-4.

15. Tubelskaya, G. N. Zakhoder Boris Vladimirovich (1918-2000) [Text] / G. N. Tubelskaya // Tubelskaya G. N. Russian Children's Writers: One Hundred Names: Bio-Bibliographic Reference. Part 1. A-L. - M., 2002. - S. 120-124. - (Appendix to the "School Library").

16. Boris Zakhoder died: Obituary [Text] // Book Review. - 2000. - No. 46.

17. Khokhlova, M. M. Zakhoder Boris Vladimirovich [Text] // Russian writers of the 20th century: a biographical dictionary / M. M. Khokhlova; Head. ed. and comp. P. A. Nikolaev. - M., 2000. - S. 285-286.

Compiled by: Chernyaeva O. V.,

B. Zakhoder. "Fuzzy alphabet"

Goals: To acquaint with the work of B. Zakhoder; develop skills expressive reading; to cultivate interest in the subject, enriching the speech and knowledge of students; develop a love for animals.

Equipment: books by V. Volina “Learning while playing”, “Entertaining alphabet studies”; I. G. Sukhin "Dunno, Hottabych, Carlson"; animal illustrations.

Librarian. Today we will go on a journey through an amazing country. But what is it called, you will tell yourself, having guessed the riddle:

Letters-badges, like fighters on a parade,
In strict order built in a row.
Everyone is in a designated place.
And everything is called...

Children. Alphabet, alphabet!

Librarian. So, today we will travel along the ABC. And it is amazing in that it is not letters that live in it, but ... But who, you will answer for yourself after reading the poem.

Children are reading.

Who lives in this "ABC"?

Children. Animals.

Librarian. What is her name?

Children. "Fuzzy alphabet".

Children read aloud and analyze.

Librarian. Who are the animals compared to?

Children. With letters.

Librarian. What do these letters look like?


With tails, with mustaches.
The letters are furry
Letters are feathered
Slender letters
And even humpbacked ...

Librarian. Read what they can do.


They know how to run
And fly.
crawl and swim
Bite and grab...

Librarian. These are some amazing letters that live there. And we will read about animals. Boris Zakhoder wrote poems in The Shaggy Alphabet.

Now we have to guess what animals live in it.

This is our old friend
He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-nosed,
Long necked, voiceless
He flies to hunt
For frogs in the swamp.

Children. Stork.

Librarian. And why does the "Shaggy Alphabet" begin with a stork? Let's read what Zakhoder wrote about this.

Children read a poem.

Who else lives there? Look at the illustration.

The librarian shows an illustration.

What is the name of this animal?

Children. Buffalo.

Librarian. And why should we read about the bison now?

Children. Its name begins with the second letter of the alphabet.

Why can't you keep a bison?

Children. Since this is ruminant - rude and gloomy!

Librarian. What letter will the name of the next animal begin with?

Children. For the letter V.

Librarian. What animals do you know with this letter?

Children. Crow, sparrow, wolf, boar...

Librarian. Yes, you can name a lot of animals, we will read about one of them now. Listen and guess who these lines are about. “It's a big ruminant. Can go without food and water for a very long time. Has humps. Lives in the desert.

Children. Camel.

Librarian. So we will read about the camel.

Children read a poem about a camel and analyze it.

How does a camel walk and why?

Children. He lifted his head because he thought he was a giraffe.

Librarian. Explain how you understand the expression: "And he spits on everyone."

Children. Pays no attention to anyone.

Librarian. The name of the next animal I hid on the card. Guess him.

The librarian shows a card.

What is the name of this snake?

Children. Viper.

Children. About the viper.

Children read the poem and analyze it.

Librarian. Explain how you understand the expression: "Take your feet in your hands."

Children. That is, run as fast as you can.

Librarian. But who is next in the Shaggy Alphabet, guess for yourself.

There is an illustration on the board. The librarian reads the riddle.

The hedgehog grew ten times

It turned out ...

Children. Porcupine.

Children read the poem and analyze it.

Librarian. Why was the hedgehog surprised?

Children. That the porcupine is so overgrown.

Librarian. And now the attention game.

The librarian distributes cards with riddles and poems. One of the students is reading a riddle.


Across the sea-ocean
The miracle giant floats,
And he hides his mustache in his mouth.

Librarian. Who is it?

Children. Whale.

On the board is an illustration of a whale.

Who has the beginning of the poem about the whale written on the card?

One of the children is reading.

All life in the water
conducts Keith,
Although he is not a fish.
He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea...

Librarian. Who has a sequel?

The second child is reading.

... For which he - thanks:
It would be crowded on dry land
From such a huge carcass!

Similar work is carried out with a poem about an elephant.

Librarian. Who are these lines about?

He brutally strangled everyone in a row,
dealt with fiercely,
And the rules are bad, they say
Didn't manage things.

Children. About the lion.

Librarian. Who was the lion?

Children. The king of animals.

Librarian. Where is he sitting now?

Children. In a cage.

The librarian shows an illustration.

Librarian. Who is in the illustration?

Children. Rhinoceros.

Children read a poem.

Librarian. What did they know about him?

Children. That he likes to push.

Librarian. Who will give way to the rhino ...

Children. He will surely do the right thing...

Librarian. What is the name of the rhinoceros?

Librarian. What birds did you read about?

Children. About a parrot and a peacock.

Librarian. What is the most beautiful?

Children. Peacock.

Librarian. And which bird will repeat everything after you?

Children. Parrot.

Librarian. Let's read about them again.

The children are doing the task.

These are the animals that still live in the amazing ABC. You will learn about the rest by reading the entire text on your own.

The children are doing the task.

Librarian. Well here we are

We made a trip along the “Shaggy alphabet”, in which living letters live.

I. Egorova
reprint: "Primary School" (Appendix to the newspaper "First of September"). - 2000. - No. 45. - P.10-12.

B.V. Zakhoder

Boris Zakhoder is a children's writer whose name is familiar to each of us since childhood. This is a man who made a lot of efforts to make literature for kids stand on a par with serious works - and he certainly succeeded. However, not everyone knows that creative biography Boris Zakhoder was not limited to writing fairy tales and poems for children: Boris Vladimirovich was also a talented translator and poet.

Childhood and youth

Boris Zakhoder was born on September 9, 1918 in the city of Cahul, in Moldova. Boris's father in 1914 signed up for the army as a volunteer. There the man met fate - a beauty named Polina. The woman worked as a nurse at the front. Soon, the replenished Zakhoder family moved to Odessa, and then, a few years later, to Moscow.

Boris Vladimirovich's father worked as a lawyer and was famous as a competent and competent specialist. The mother, being a well-read and educated woman, was able to find a job as an interpreter.

Since childhood little Boris was distinguished by curiosity: the boy liked biology and natural Sciences in addition, the future translator and writer enjoyed learning foreign languages ​​and visited several sports sections simultaneously. But fiction Boris was not interested, therefore, for close people, the profession chosen by Zakhoder came as a complete surprise.

Young Boris Zakhoder during the Great Patriotic War

As Boris Vladimirovich himself later admitted, initially he was attracted by the path of a scientist. To a young man I liked to explore plants, draw conclusions about the characteristics of certain species and make bold experiments, confirming my own guesses. Therefore, the writer received his first education at Moscow State University in the department of biology.

And only after some time the young man realized what his real calling was, he entered the Literary Institute, which he was able to graduate only in 1947, interrupting his studies due to the Russian-Finnish, and then the Great Patriotic War, in which he participated as a front-line journalist . It is worth noting that in 1944 Boris Vladimirovich was even awarded the medal of honor "For Military Merit".


The first works of Boris Zakhoder were published in 1938. Unfortunately, the circulation of the newspaper turned out to be small, so the first published poems of Zakhoder passed by the reader.

The first failure did not upset Boris Vladimirovich. In 1947, Zakhoder decides to try his luck again: a poem for children called "Sea Battle" will appear in a magazine called "Entertainer". In the same year, Boris Vladimirovich will show the famous children's writer fairy tale poem "Letter "I". But, despite the approval of the great master, the publishers will not like the tale, and for the first time this work will be published only 8 years later.

Such a cold attitude towards own creativity Boris Zakhoder bore it stoically. The poet found himself in translations. Boris Vladimirovich so skillfully conveyed the style and nuances of the language of foreign authors in Russian that soon many publishing houses considered it a pleasure to cooperate with a talented translator.

In 1952, the stories of Anna Zegers, translated by Boris Zakhoder, came out of the printing house. The book was published under the pseudonym B. Volodin. Three years later, together with the published poem "The letter" I ", the first book with poems by Boris Zakhoder," On the Back Desk," was printed. very flattering about this debut. The following years in the career of Boris Vladimirovich were marked by translations " funny stories» Karel Capek, as well as books by Julian Tuwim, Jan Bchzheva and Jan Grabowski.

In 1958, Boris Zakhoder was officially accepted into the ranks of the Writers' Union of the USSR. This meant a lot to Boris Vladimirovich: in those years there was an article in circulation for the so-called parasitism. Each person was obliged to have a place of work, so freelance writers and artists had a hard time. The status of a member of the Writers' Union protected a person from criminal prosecution.

Popularity came to Boris Vladimirovich after the first published book. After some time, the writer became in demand: the children fell in love with the witty heroes of Zakhoder's poems and fairy tales. In 1959, the book "Four-Legged Helpers" was published, the following year the collection "Who looks like whom" appeared.

Until the mid-1990s, Boris Zakhoder will continue to produce own works. Especially worth noting are the books "The Whale and the Cat", "The Furry Alphabet", "The Little Mermaid", "My Imaginations", "The Bird School", "The History of the Caterpillar", the collection "Change", "The Gray Star" and "What is most beautiful of all". These collections and fairy tales were the first self-read works for several generations of children, filling the imagination of young readers. good stories and dreams of adventure.

Translations and literary adaptations stand apart in the work of Boris Vladimirovich foreign fairy tales. "Alice in Wonderland", "Winnie the Pooh and All, All, All", "Peter Pan" and many, many other books that children and adults avidly read are the fruit of Boris Zakhoder's efforts and talent.

In 2000, the writer, poet and translator Boris Zakhoder received a high state award, which has become an honorary recognition of merit - State Prize Russian Federation in the field of art and literature.

Personal life

Boris Vladimirovich married three times. The first chosen one of the writer - Nina Zozulya - met a man in 1934. Unfortunately, Boris Zakhoder made a mistake in his choice. Beautiful wife was cheating on her husband. In 1940, Boris Vladimirovich divorced for the first time. The divorce caused serious depression and apathy, Boris Vladimirovich seemed to break not only with his wife, but also with friends: the writer did not communicate with anyone, led a secluded life.

According to tradition, a man was brought out of this state new love. Kira Smirnova was able to charm Zakhoder and heal the man's heart wound. In 1945, the lovers got married. The second marriage of Boris Vladimirovich turned out to be stronger and happier: the couple spent 21 years together. However, this union also broke up, leaving Zakhoder a bachelor again.

The third wife of Boris Zakhoder in 1966 was Galina Romanova, a writer and photographer. This woman will remain by the side of the writer until last days, and then release a book about the beloved man "Zakhoder and all-all-all". In this book, Galina Sergeevna will try to describe in detail the difficult life ups and downs, as well as the creative ups and downs of the master of the word Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder.


Boris Vladimirovich passed away on November 7, 2000, being in a very old age: The writer was 82 years old. Zakhoder died in a hospital near Moscow Korolyov. The writer was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow. The grave of the writer for many lovers of his work has become a meeting place. Fresh flowers are constantly lying on this grave, which better than loud words shows the attitude of people to what Boris Vladimirovich did.

Books - his own works and translations - left by the great master as a legacy to children of all ages, are still popular with both young readers and those adults who are not averse to returning to a carefree childhood and give themselves a couple of evenings with a book of fairy tales in their hands .


  • 1955 - "On the back desk"
  • 1956 - Monkey's Tomorrow
  • 1959 - "Four-legged helpers"
  • 1960 - "Who looks like whom"
  • 1962 - "Comrade children"
  • 1964 - "The Whale and the Cat"
  • 1967 - "The Little Mermaid"
  • 1970 - "School for Chicks"
  • 1977 - Good Rhino
  • 1979 - "Counting"
  • 1980 - "My Imaginations"
  • 1981 - "If they give me a boat"
  • 1990 - "About everyone in the world"
  • 1994 - "Grass-everywhere-growing"
  • 1995 - "Island Somewhere"



The famous Soviet children's poet and writer, translator and, perhaps, the most famous Moldavian literary figure, was born in the Bessarabian city of Cahul in September 1918. He spent almost all his childhood in Moscow, where he received his secondary education and higher aviation education. In addition to the above education received, Boris also received a diploma from biological and literary institutes. AT war time During the Great Patriotic and Soviet-Finnish wars, he was a special correspondent for Moscow publications.

The debut children's poem "Sea Battle" was published in the magazine "Zateynik" in 1947. Zakhoder's works were regularly published in the popular children's magazine"Murzilka", as well as in the youth journalistic newspaper called "Pionerskaya Pravda". From the mid-50s, he began to actively publish collections of poems: “On the Back Desk”, “Martyshkino Tomorrow”, “To Comrades for Children”, “Counting”, “My Imagination” and many other children's books.

The main theme of Boris, passing through all his works, was the amazing fairy-tale world of animals, in which each of the inhabitants of the fauna was assigned their own traits and individual characters, peculiar only to them. For example, always positive and bright characters there were kangaroos, ferrets, camels, ostriches, which often caused tenderness. negative characters with stupid, ignorant features and pride were wild boars, parrots, peacocks, rhinos. Like most children's writers, Zakhoder also had fictional animal characters, like the Southern Ktototam or the funny Rapunok.

In the stories and poems of the Moldavian writer, the animals perform various acts typical of people: good and bad, good and evil, they communicate and argue, swear and reconcile, ask for protection and justice, betray friends and protect their home. Of course, under the mask of each animal hides a separate typical human personality, which is filled with its features and characters.

All Zakhoder's prose is filled with hidden deep meaning, which becomes clear only with time, as, for example, the transformation of an ugly caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly in reality suggests a metaphorical meaning: the road to finding one's own true "I". And there are many works with such backgrounds: "Monkey's Tomorrow", "Gray Star", "The Story of the Caterpillar", "The Good Rhino", "The Little Mermaid" and others. Even from the title of these fairy tale books, certain conclusions can be drawn.

As for the author's poems, they were filled with warmth, goodwill, "soft" humor, amazing word game, which became the main distinguishing feature of the poet. His collection of poems about classmates Vova and Petya, who were known throughout the school as fidgets and mischievous people, shows by a “bad” example how not to behave and what not to do, behind the humorous quatrains are hidden true lessons and teachings that are understandable even to first graders.

Apart from writing activity, Zakhoder became famous as a translator. It was he who first undertook to translate foreign children's literature: "Winnie the Pooh", "Mary Poppins", "Peter Pan", the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm and many other world masterpieces. In the late 70s, Boris began to write adult satirical poems, distinguished by their sharpness and freshness of thought, as well as scripts for plays for the theater, such as Mary Poppins, Rostik, Thumbelina's Wings and others.

During his life, the writer was widely quoted outside the USSR and became famous abroad as a children's classicist of the "Silver Age".

He died in November 2000 in Moscow.

Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder was born on September 9, 1918 in the Moldavian city of Cahul. Back in 1914, Boris's father volunteered for the Russian army, his mother was at that time a sister of mercy. Here, in Kogul, they met and got married.
The Zakhoder family did not live long in Moldova: first they moved to Odessa, and then moved to Moscow. Father graduated from Moscow University, began to work as a lawyer. Mother, an educated woman who knew several foreign languages, worked as a translator.
In 1935, Boris Zakhoder graduated from high school, went to work at the factory as a turner apprentice, and later went to study at the Moscow aviation institute, then continued his studies at the biological faculties at Moscow and Kazan universities (he was fond of biology since childhood). But the love of literature won out: in 1938 he entered the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky.
Participated in the Soviet-Finnish and the Great Patriotic Wars, where he went as a volunteer. He was an employee of the army press. In the short interval between the two wars, he wrote poems and essays about the construction of VDNKh - the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy.
In 1946, Boris Zakhoder returned to Moscow, the next year he graduated from the Literary Institute. Boris Zakhoder published his first children's poem "Sea Battle" in the same year under the pseudonym Boris West in the magazine "Zateynik". The famous writer Lev Kassil spoke highly of the work of Boris Zakhoder, predicting great fame for the poet. Zakhoder's works were published in the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda", the magazine "Murzilka", Boris Vladimirovich published collections of poems "On the Back Desk" (1955), "Martyshkino Tomorrow" (1956), "Nobody and Others" (1958), "Who is against whom similar" (1960), "To Comrades for Children (1966)", "School for Chicks" (1970), "Reckoning" (1979), "My Imagination" (1980), "If they give me a boat" (1981) and others.
Boris Zakhoder also tried himself in dramaturgy: "Rostik in the Dark Forest", "Mary Poppins" (both 1976), "Thumbelina's Wings" (1978; the last two co-authored with V. Klimovsky), "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (1982 ); Zakhoder is the author of the libretto for the opera Lopushok at Lukomorye (1977), the play for the puppet theater Very Clever Toys (1976).
Zakhoder's works written in prose are deservedly popular: the book of fairy tales "Monkey's Tomorrow" (1956), "The Good Rhino" (1977), "Once Upon a Time Fip" (1977), the fairy tales "The Gray Star" (1963), "The Little Mermaid" (1967), "The Hermit and the Rose" (1969), "The Story of the Caterpillar" (1970), "Why the Fish Are Silent" (1970), "Ma-Tari-Kari" (1970), "The Tale of Everyone in the World" (1976 ) and others.
Great fame Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder brought translations of well-known foreign children's fairy tales: fairy tales by A. A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All" (1960), P. Travers "Mary Poppins" (1968), L. Carroll " Alice's Adventures in Wonderland "(1971-1972), fairy tales by Karel Czapek, the Brothers Grimm ("The Bremen Town Musicians", 1982, etc.), plays by J. M. Barry "Peter Pan" (1967), poems by L. Kern, Y. Tuwim, W. J. Smith, J. Brzehwa and others.
Boris Zakhoder was widely known not only in our country, but also abroad, he is the winner of many literary prizes, including International Prize them. G. H. Andersen.
Boris Zakhoder died on November 7, 2000 in Moscow.

A famous person can be born anywhere. But it is especially pleasant to know that the place where he was born has become famous for something.
Boris Zakhoder was born in the city of Kagul, not far from the places where, one hundred and fifty years before his birth, the Russian army famous battle broke Turkish.
The military biography of Cahul also affected the fate of the Zakhoders. Here his parents met and got married: his father, who volunteered for the Russian army in 1914, and his mother, a sister of mercy, who cared for the wounded in the hospital.
The family did not live long in Moldova. First we moved to Odessa, then to Moscow. His father, having graduated from Moscow University, worked as a lawyer, and his mother, who knew several languages, worked as a translator.
As a child, Boris Zakhoder, own confession, was a very "decent boy". Not only did he not play football, but he hardly even fought. True, several “combat episodes” even managed to remember such a “quiet” one. Once, when he was not even seven, offended by his parents, he ran away from home. They found him and did not scold him. But read aloud the note he left: "Today I'm leaving forever". For a boy who was incredibly proud of his literacy, this was worse than any punishment.
So, he did not like to fight, but he read all the time and also ... he loved animals very much. Therefore, it is not surprising that Boris did not part with Brem's book and, without hesitation, rushed to the defense of a completely unfamiliar cat. This is where his decisiveness comes from:

However, the famous poems and fairy tales were yet to come. And Zakhoder started with translations. As a boy, deciding "wipe Zhukovsky's nose", he translated Goethe's The Forest King.
In 1935, Boris Zakhoder graduated from high school and came to the plant as an apprentice turner. Then he entered the aviation institute. And now he is already a student of the Faculty of Biology, first at Kazan, then at Moscow University. And since Boris did not stop writing poetry, he eventually went to study at the Literary Institute.
In the life of Boris Vladimirovich there were two severe trials, two wars - Finnish, 1939, and the Great Patriotic War. Both times he went to the front as a volunteer. And in a short peaceful period, he wrote poems and essays about the huge construction - about the Exhibition of Achievements National economy(there was such a famous exhibition in Moscow).
In 1946 he returned to Moscow, a year later he graduated from the Literary Institute; in 1947, almost ten years after the first publications, his first poem for children appeared in the magazine "Zateynik". It was called "Sea Battle" and ended with the lines:

Did you choose right "a place to fight" Zakhoder himself, didn't they notice the verses then? Time passed, and it turned out that right. The poet showed famous writer Leo Kassil a fairy tale about the letter "I". And he wrote that soon all the children would know these verses by heart. And he turned out to be almost right. The poems really became very famous, but “soon the fairy tale will tell ...” They were published only eight years later in an adult and respectable magazine “ New world". At the same time, in 1955, the first collection of the poet for the children "On the Back Desk" was published.
Then there were many collections: both very thin, the size of a palm, and weighty volumes. And in each there is a lot of fantasy, a lot of jokes, sometimes the very drop of sadness and bitterness, and an unusual amount of play. In his books

And how the words in his poems can tumble!

In addition to "relatives", Boris Vladimirovich also has "foreign" books.
With his help, the "English" Winnie the Pooh, Peter Pan, Mary Poppins, the girl Alice "learned" the Russian language. And together with them we experienced such exciting adventures as the capture of the Heffalump or the fall into Wonderland. And how happy they were when the song was heard

And we were so sad that it was impossible, together with Peter Pan from the play of the same name, to stay forever on the glorious island of Gdetotam.
Zakhoder did not translate all these books, he retold or rather, as one poet put it, wrote them in Russian .
Among the books of Boris Zakhoder there are also translations and retellings of books by the Czech writer Karel Capek, Polish authors Jan Brzechva and Jan Grabowski. And they are all dear and beloved to us for a long time. So beloved that without them it is difficult to imagine a home library.
In general, it turned out that there were, as it were, several Boris Zakhoders in the literature. Well, how could a poet not write about it!

See for yourself:
Here is, for example,
children's writer
Boris Zakhoder;
There are translators
Adult and children.
He knows English
this one is german...
All of them have
Different interests,
Although they are all one
One Zakhoder
Composes plays -
(His obviously
Excite actresses!).
He writes stories
about different creatures
That strives
Make a script;
There are among them
Even the author of the libretto.
only the poet was missing!

Around the mid-1990s, the poet emphatically stated: "All. I don't write children's poetry anymore.. But we still waited. Wait until the last day...

Hope Ilchuk


FAVORITES: Poems, fairy tales, translations, retellings / Comp. L. Libet; Artistic S. Ostrov, M. Fedorovskaya, L. Shulgina; Rice. on the cover by V. Chizhikov. - M .: Planet of childhood: AST: Astrel, 2005. - 687 p.: ill.

CHILDREN: Poems. - M.: Drofa-Plus, 2006. - 238 p.: ill.

GOOD RHINO: Fairy tales and poems / Khudozh. L.Tokmakov. - M.: Det. lit., 1977. - 191 p.: ill.

RINGING DAY: Poems / Khudozh. G. Valk. - M.: Det. lit., 1984. - 34 p.: ill. - (We read for ourselves).

Voiced poems - mischievous drawings. This is the book I remember...

KISKIN'S GROWTH: Poems and fairy tales / Khudozh. I. Pankov. - M.:
ROSMEN, 2005. - 122 p.: ill. - (Children's writers).

HAIRY ALPHABET: Poems / Khudozh. A. Guriev. - M.: Bustard-Plus, 2005. - 62 p.: ill.

"If you chase two hares, you won't catch one." But Boris Zakhoder succeeded. In one book and the alphabet, and the zoo.

MY IMAGINATION: [Poems and Tales] / Khudozh. V. Pivovarov. - M.: Det. lit., 1980. - 143 p.: ill.

“This book is a bit special. Here, perhaps, it is impossible to do not only without COMING-, but also without GOING-out terms. Thirty years have already passed since the day in the magazine "Zateynik" - now this magazine is no longer there! - My poem "Sea Battle" appeared, - noted in "SUPPLY" himself the author-compiler of this jubilee collection. The book is very well illustrated good artist Viktor Pivovarov. AT recent times it is being reprinted, but without the wonderful drawings by Pivovarov. It's a pity…

MY IMAGINATION / Art. A. Gardian. - M .: Onyx: Center for Human Values, 2005 .: ill. - (B-chka children's classics).

THE HERMIT AND THE ROSE: [Tales] / Fig. G.Kalinovsky. - M.: Rainbow, 1992. - 79 p.: ill.

A collection of small and wise tales about a handsome rooster who lost his tail, about a wolf-leader who suffered for his "kindness", about a lonely Hermit Crab and his only friend - Sea Rose.

ABOUT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD: Poems and fairy tales / Khudozh. L. Shulgina, S. Geraskevich. - M.: Planeta detstva: AST: Astrel, 2005. - 174 p.: ill. - (Chrestomathy of a schoolboy).

"About everyone in the world" - this means about tadpoles who are in a hurry somewhere, and about a walrus who has amazing dreams, and even about Byaku and Buka.

ABOUT FEATHERS AND HAIRY: Poems / Khudozh. A. Yudina. - M.: Martin, 1997. - 175 p.: ill.

Boris Zakhoder loved and understood animals. Therefore, his poems about them turned out to be simply extraordinary.

DIFFERENT ABCs / Khudozh. A. Shelmanov.- M.: Interbuk, 1998.- 12 p.: ill.- ( Miscellaneous differences Boris Zakhoder).

Contents: Shaggy alphabet; Termite Diet.

DIFFERENT WOOKS / Khudozh. I. Oleinikov.- M.: Interbuk, 1998.- 12 p.: ill. - (Different differences of Boris Zakhoder).

Contents: Where are the tadpoles rushing to; Surinam Pipa; The frogs sing; Gray Star.

DIFFERENT CATS / Art. I. Oleinikov. - M.: Interbuk, 1997. - 12 p.: ill. - (Different differences of Boris Zakhoder).

Contents: Cats; View cat; Strange occurrence; fairy tale; Thick-woven.

DIFFERENT BIRDIES / Khudozh. A. Shelmanov.- M.: Interbuk, 1997.- 12 pp.: ill.- (Different differences of Boris Zakhoder).

Contents: Bird School; Owl; Ostrich; Titmouse song; Song about pawed geese.

DIFFERENT FISH / Khudozh. I. Oleinikov.- M.: Interbuk, 1997.- 12 p.: ill.- (Different differences of Boris Zakhoder).

Contents: Nobody and nowhere! About catfish; Eccentric Sudak; Pike; Fish song; About Beluga.

DIFFERENT DOGS / Khudozh. A.Vronskaya.- M.: Interbuk, 1997.- 12 p.: ill.- (Different differences of Boris Zakhoder).

Contents: Muzzle, tail and four legs; Different breeds; Different tempers.

POEMS AND FAIRY TALES / Khudozh. V. Ivanyuk, L. Shulgina. - M.: Det. lit., 1988. - 591 p.: ill.

All the best from Zakhoder - with wonderful, soft, full of love to all actors with drawings by V. Ivanyuk and L. Shulgina.

READING: Poems / [Art. A. Eliseev]. - M.: Malysh, 1979. - 26 p.: ill.


BARRY J. PETER PAN, OR THE BOY WHO DID NOT WANT TO GROW: A play / Retelling from English. B. Zakhoder; Artistic M. Miturich. - M.: Art, 1971. - 127 p.: ill.

GRABOVSKY YA. A FLY WITH WHIM / Per. from the floor B. Zakhoder. - M.: Detgiz, 1959. - 256 p.: ill.

GRABOVSKY J. REKSIA AND PUCEK / Per. from the floor B. Zakhoder. - M.: Det. lit., 1976. - 96 p.: ill.

GRIMM YA. GRIMM V. DELETE TAILOR: Tales / Retelling with him. B. Zakhoder; Artistic E. Monin. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 103 p.: ill. - (Tale by tale).

GRIMM J., GRIMM V. GRANDMA BLIND: Fairy tales / Retelling with him. B. Zakhoder; Artistic M. Mayofis. - M.: Malysh, 1984.- 95 p.: ill.

GRANDFATHER ROCH: Polish people. det. songs / B. Zakhoder retold; Artistic V.Konashevich. - M.: Det. lit., 1958. - 16 p.: ill.

CARROLL L. ALICE IN WONDERLAND: [Fairy tale] / Retelling by B. Zakhoder; Artistic I.Oleynikov, G.Tiker. - M.: Pushkinskaya b-ka: AST, 2004. - 239 p.: ill. - (Extracurricular reading).

MILN A. WINNIE-POOH AND EVERYTHING-ALL-ALL / Retold by B. Zakhoder; Artistic B. Diodorov. - M.: Dom, 1992. - 239 p.: ill.

MILF A. WINNIE THE POOH AND ALL-ALL-ALL AND MUCH MORE / Retelling from English. B. Zakhoder; Artistic E.Antonenkov. - M.: ROSMEN, 2004. - 357 p.: ill. - (The best fairy tales of the world).

MY HOUSE: From modern owls. and abroad. poetry for children. - M.: Det. lit., 1980. - 255 p.: ill.

In the book you will find poems by Polish poets J. Brzekhva, L. E. Kern, Y. Tuwim, V. Khotomskaya in translations and retellings by B. Zakhoder.

TALKING CAVE: [Based on the tales of the peoples of the world] / Khudozh. E. Poznyakova. - M.: Malysh, 1984. - 27 p.: ill.

These stories are five hundred years old, maybe more. But in the retelling of B. Zakhoder they sound very modern.

TRAVERS P. MARY POPPINS / Retelling by B. Zakhoder; Artistic A. Chukavin, V. Chelak. - M.: Pushkinskaya b-ka: AST, 2004. - 415 p.: ill. - (Extracurricular reading).

CHAPEK K. TALES AND FUNNY STORIES / Per. from Czech. B. Zakhoder. - M.: Det. lit., 1985. - 240 p.: ill.

N.Ilchuk, O.Murgina


Zakhoder B.V. The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: (From the history of my publications) // Voprosy Literature. - 2002. - September-October. - S. 197-225.

“I was not going to become a writer…”: [Conversation with B. Zakhoder was conducted by I. Gracheva] // Children's Literature. - 1998. - No. 5-6. - S. 36-43.

Vladimirova L. Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder (1918-2000) // Anthology of world children's literature: In 8 volumes - M .: Avanta +, 2002. - V.3. - S. 211-213.

Zakhoder G. Zakhoder and all-all-all...: Memoirs of Galina Zakhoder. - M.: Zakharov, 2003. - 254 p.: ill.: portr. - (Biographies and memoirs).

Nevinskaya I.N. Boris Zakhoder (1918-2000) // Russian children's writers of the twentieth century: Biobibliogr. dictionary. - M.: Flinta: Science, 1997. - S. 185-187.

Rassadin S. In the country of Imagination // Zakhoder B. Favorites. - M.: Det. lit., 1981. - S. 5-15.

Rassadin S. Serious Games: Notes on Boris Zakhoder // Children's Literature. - 1989. - No. 2. - S. 16-20.

Rassadin S. How many Borisov Zakhoders are there in the world? // Zakhoder B. About everyone in the world. - M.: Det. lit., 1990. - S. 5-16.

Tubelskaya G.N. Zakhoder B.V. // Tubelskaya G.N. Russian Children's Writers: One Hundred Names: Bibliogr. reference book: Part 1. - M.: Shk. b-ka, 2002. - S. 120-124.

N.Ilchuk, O.Murgina



People and mannequins. Scene. A. Raikin. Dir. A. Raikin, V. Khramov. Comp. Gene. Gladkov. Text of songs by B. Zakhoder, Yu. Entin. USSR, 1994.


Winnie the Pooh. Based on the fairy tale by A. Milne. Scene. B. Zakhoder, F. Khitruk. Dir. F. Khitruk. USSR, 1969. Roles were voiced by: V. Osenev, E. Leonov, I. Savvina.

Winnie the Pooh is visiting. Based on the fairy tale by A. Milne. Scene. B. Zakhoder. Dir. F. Khitruk. USSR, 1971. Roles were voiced by: I. Savvina, E. Leonov, A. Shchukin, V. Osenev.

Winnie the Pooh and the day of worries. Based on the fairy tale by A. Milne. Scene. F. Khitruk, B. Zakhoder. Dir. G. Sokolsky, F. Khitruk. USSR, 1972. Roles were voiced by: V. Osenev, E. Leonov, Z. Naryshkina, I. Savvina.

Top. Dir. N.Orlova. Hood. hands F. Khitruk. Comp. V. Belov. USSR, 1985. Text read by R. Bykov.

How the table was carried. Based on the poem by B. Zakhoder "Ant". Dir. and scenes. Ts. Orshansky. USSR, 1979. Text read by K. Rumyanova.

Whale and cat. Scene. B. Zakhoder. Dir. I. Gurvich. USSR, 1969.

"Who are these birds ..." Scene. B. Zakhoder. Dir. Y. Kalisher. Comp. A. Zhurbin. USSR, 1978.

Sea battle. Scene. S.Antonov. Dir. S.Antonov. Russia, 2005.

Hermit and Rose. Scene. B. Zakhoder. Dir. K. Kresnitsky. USSR, 1980.

About everyone in the world. Scene. B. Zakhoder. Dir. E.Pruzhansky. USSR, 1984. Roles were voiced by: G. Kishko, S. Muravitskaya, A. Ignatenko, L. Logiyko, A. Osinskaya, Z. Gerdt, T. Gorobets.

Tari bird. Scene. B. Zakhoder. Dir. G. Sokolsky. Comp. Sh.Kallosh. USSR, 1976. Roles were voiced by: A. Vlasova, L. Kataeva, L. Armor, M. Vinogradova, Z. Naryshkina.

Tale of a good rhinoceros. Scene. B. Zakhoder. Dir. E. Sivokon. USSR, 1970.

Country Counting. Scene. B. Zakhoder, E. Sivokonya. Dir. E. Sivokon. USSR, 1982. Text read by B. Zakhoder.
Topchumba. Scene. B. Zakhoder. Dir. K. Malyantovich. USSR, 1980. Roles were voiced by: S. Harlap, R. Sukhoverko, M. Lobanov, A. Gorbunova, K. Rumyanova, N. Shmelkova, A. Ochertyansky.
Fantik ( primeval history). Scene. B. Zakhoder. Dir. E. Hamburg. Comp. A. Rybnikov. USSR, 1975. Roles were voiced by: E.Leonov, A.Georgievskaya, Z.Naryshkina, S.Kharlap.

N.I., O.M.

Zakhoder B.V. Poems and translations

December 15, 2008

For many readers, the name of Boris Zakhoder has firmly grown together with the names of Alan Milne, Lewis Carroll, James Barry and other famous foreigners who spoke Russian thanks to his brilliant translations. But do not forget the original work of the poet. The inimitable humor, the purity of rhyme, the vivid fantasy of Boris Vladimirovich's children's poems will surely please the kids.
True, it is worth noting that, even when writing his own works, the poet often remained a virtuoso translator. And if some familiar cat or a completely foreign dog told him about their sorrows and joys, he always translated their confessions from the animal language into human. The dog is a little annoying
What a dacha
Fence surrounds.
After all, if not this
nasty fence,
That would be with cats
Another conversation!

upsets her,
What people forgot
Come up with
For dogs
Resentment does not want to endure:
She barks desperately at cars!

    She is sad
    Look at the flower beds:
    They are with the owners
    In such a mess!
    One day
    They dug up nicely -
    And to her, imagine
    Got it for it!

    Does not sit at the table -
    And this, of course,
    She is offended by:
    Not so nice
    decent dog
    Sit on the floor,
    Waiting for handouts!

    But let the dog
    Piece of cookie -
    And immediately
    Will run out
    All grief!

From the latest editions:

Zakhoder B.V. If: Poems for preschool age / Khudozh. E. Sadovnikova. - M.: Egmont Russia, 2007. - 24 p.: ill.

Zakhoder B.V. Once upon a time there was a Dog: Poems for preschool age / Khudozh. E. Sadovnikova. - M.: Egmont Russia, 2007. - 24 p.: ill.

Zakhoder B.V. Ringing day: Poems / Art. E. Sadovnikova. - M.: Egmont Russia, 2007. - 79 p.: ill. - (Gold Classic).

Zakhoder B.V. Kiskin grief / Khudozh. S. Island. - Tver: Polina, 1998. - 79 p.: ill. - (Rainbow-arc).

Zakhoder B.V. Whale and cat / Art. W. Shalina. - M.: Samovar, 2007. - 60 p.: ill. - (Poems for kids).

Zakhoder B.V. Hurry bear: Fairy tale: Toy book with cutting / Khudozh. G.Bedarev. - Balashikha: Astrel: AST, 2003. - 10 p.: ill.

Zakhoder B.V. Shaggy alphabet; Whale and cat: Poems / Art. V. Nagaev. - M.: ONYX 21st century: Center for Human Values, 2004. - 62 p.: ill. - (B-chka children's classics).

Zakhoder B.V. Shaggy alphabet / Khudozh. A. Shelmanov. - M.: Egmont Russia, 2007. - 32 p.: ill.

Zakhoder B.V. My Imagination: Poems / Il. A. Shelmanova. - M.: Egmont Russia, 2007. - 80 p.: ill.

Zakhoder B.V. On the Horizon Islands: Poems / Il. N. Boguslavskaya. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 128 p.: ill.

Zakhoder B.V. Winnie the Pooh Songs: Toy Book / Khudozh. O.Ionaitis. - M.: AST: Astrel: Planet of childhood, 2007. - 8 p.: ill.

Zakhoder B.V. About cats and dogs / Art. E. Sadovnikova. - M.: Egmont Russia, 2007. - 46 p.: ill.

Zakhoder B.V. Different wahs / Khudozh. I. Oleinikov. - M.: Interbuk, 1998. - 13 p.: ill. - (Different differences of Boris Zakhoder).

Zakhoder B.V. Various cats / Art. I. Oleinikov. - M.: Interbuk, 1997. - 12 p.: ill. - (Different differences of Boris Zakhoder).

Zakhoder B.V. Various fishes / Khudozh. I. Oleinikov. - M.: Interbuk, 1997. - 12 p.: ill. - (Different differences of Boris Zakhoder).

Zakhoder B.V. gray star: Fairy tale / Art. K.Borisov. - M.: OLMA-PRESS Bookplate, 2003. - 10 p.: ill. - (My favorite book).

Zakhoder B.V. Fairy tales and poems / Khudozh. I. Pankov. - M.: Rosmen-Press, 2007. - 103 p.: ill.

Zakhoder B.V. Poems / Art. O. Bogolyubov. - M.: Omega-Press: Omega, 2008. - 63 p.: ill. - (Favorite poems).

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