Scenarios of musicals staged on the stage of theaters. Scenario of the musical "Fly-Tsokotuha" for the theater studio


OFFER Script Hip-Hop Musical - Parodies on modern manners for adults "FLY-LUCK".


Musical (for nightclubs) - two parts, with discos, in verses, songs, remixes, phonograms, with games and fun. Time - 2-3 hours.

The cost of the Scenario is 30 thousand rubles.

Hip-Hop Musical - A Parody of Modern Mores

(for nightclubs)

Fairy tale-parody for adults


(host from backstage):

funny parody,

Great tune!

Super show - relax!

Party, mess

Disco and striptease,

Kitchen - for every whim,

"Hot Potion"

And great fun!


A modern fairy tale for adults - a parody of modern mores.

(Performed in the style of rap. Pauses - inserts of disco melodies. The style of the Host is from a cheerful folk style to the dialect of "new Russians")

Host (behind the curtain): In childhood, we all loved birthdays, kind poems and fairy tales of wonderful classics of children's literature. And, of course, a wonderful poem by Korney Chukovsky - “The Fly-Tsokotuha” occupied a special place in this series.

But time passed, we matured, birthdays began to turn into anniversaries, and morals and life itself changed. And along with them, the heroes of our fairy tales have changed, grown up.

And now, for you, a modern cheerful, parody version of this tale:

Musical for adults - "Laughing Fly"!

Beginning: cheerful melody in tempo.

"Flight of the bumblebee" with inserts of buzzing and mosquito squeak.

At the very peak, Fly comes out to applause (she starts clapping herself), and, dancing to the music, passes through the hall.

Fly, Fly-Laughter,

Decorating the belly with a piercing,

Once I went through the city,

I found the money right away.

Song(to the tune of "Genghis Khan"):

Mu-ha, Mu-ha

A fly walks with grandmas,

She scratches the piercing with her paws,


Mu-ha, Mu-ha

manicure with scratches

"Chips" eats armfuls,

Looking for a groom!


I won’t say where the grandmas come from,

Now everyone forges them,

And in furry paws,

Who takes and who gives.

Whether Mukha had a sponsor,

Whether the boss was nice to her,

Or some other monster

Just gave her away...

In a word, Mukha has grandmothers,

With them, she does not care about rumors.

With money is not life, but life!

And the Fly walks in a buzz.

Fly Song (Rap):

Hi all! I am Laughter!

Decorates belly piercing.

And under my belly -

Hot Fire Zone!

Naughty, long-legged,

And I'm not strict with men.

Wherever I want, there I go

What I want, then I buzz.

What I want, I dance

And whoever I want, I kiss.

And besides, with money,

In pearls, and with brains.

Well, think that a Fly!

I am beautiful young woman.

In a word, fly

Hurry up and grab me!

I am rich to anyone

Happiness cart heaped up!

Host: Rap (background music):

The fly sang a song

Immediately bolder in spirit,

Dropped into a restaurant

She froze, as if from a bath.

Insert: Oh oh oh! My God!

With cognac, immediately - into battle!

(Other characters slowly appear in the hall: cockroaches, bugs, butterflies)

Immediately, immediately, with relaxation,

Mukha's blood flared up.

A fly, like a drunken hussar,

Suddenly set up a market.


What kind of restaurants are these?

Where there are only old people

Dirt, unwashed glasses,

And besides, cockroaches

On show-offs they tar the makhra,

And they move their mustaches?


And along the way, our Fly

She stuck Flea in the ear,

And the taper-Blacksmith -

slap in the face

Famously, on the move, soaked.

And then jumped on the table,

Pierced belly - go ahead,

And how to yell at everyone:


Oh, you miserable creatures!

Not fish, not animals.

Insects! Insects!


Aphid shameful and midges,

Not savvy Fleas!

Plus, they're poisonous!


Louse says to her with a grin:

Well, you, Fly, damn it, give!

Apparently, grandmothers appeared! ..

This is where they all split up:


Ah, yes, Laughing Fly!

Beauty, young woman!

Vaughn, and her piercing -

The real redhead!


They climb to the Fly with a pretzel,

Pulling glasses of cognac.

Someone with vodka will rush towards her,

Like, let there be Laughing birthday girl!

Musical insert - rhythm, noise, screams.

Musical insert (phonogram "LIFEISLIFE!" Ensemble "Opium":


And for everyone's birthday -

An absolute celebration!

Day of good and fun

And just wickedness.

Let's walk from the heart

Arrange a wild DRIVE!

Let's roll the fool

After all, one must live, so in full KIFE!



The fly drank a glass,

Spat on the floor three times!

With grandmas, they say, what I want

I twist or twist!

Approached the Fly Flea,

They kissed the fly's feet.

Kissed hands too

Vodka was poured into a glass.

They clapped their hands together,

Offered her boots

To stir up a gift

If there is something to pay.

Flea praised for a whole hour

These same boots:

Like, boots are not simple,

They have gold clasps!

They also have slippers as a gift ...

And they ripped off Mukha's grandmother.

And behind them, next - a fat bee,

She also divorced Tsokotukha for money:

Here for weight loss

Fresh brew.

This is not a throw

Just a treat

Two hundred dollars...

Fly all from flattery

I snatched the swill

Grandma paid.

butterflies nocturnal

flapping their wings,

Near Tsokotukha

The naked ones are dancing.

She dances striptease

Stroking and kissing

Whisper in her ear:

Here, you, Laugh,

Women's Services -

sweet friends,

swarthy butterflies,

Just hooligans.

(Short dance of two butterflies - striptease - topless).


The fly scolded them

Kicked her foot

Even though I was scared away

But, grandmother unfastened.

And then she sat down on a chair,

She sang a drunken song.

Song of the Fly (To the motive of the romance “I remember I was still a young woman):

I remember I was a buzzing youth,

I once bred a spider for grandmas.

Although he was rich, young and not bad,

But I got caught like the last greedy sucker.

He didn't let me out of the cobwebs,

He drooled poisonous everywhere,

Just thought of important view like a turkey:

How and how to stuff your fat tail?

He loved nothing but money

In the web I tangled him

He screamed, he paid off and suffered

Until all the money is given away.

And when she divorced him for grandmas,

I then healed a free Fly,

And even though I haven't been married since then,

But, on the other hand, I'm raising everyone for money.



Fly, Fly, here it gives!

And dancing and singing!

Yes zhu-zhu-zhu,

Anything you want, I'll show you!

Leading shout:

What does a person need here?

Well, of course,



Continued - 24 pages



Musical script for children

senior preschool age:

"There on unknown paths ..."

Explanatory note

Everyone in our country, young and old, knows and loves the works of the great classic of Russian literature, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. From early childhood we love and read his fairy tales. Fine films and cartoons were shot based on his works, performances were staged, thousands of paintings were written by artists, wonderful music was composed by composers. Despite the difficult style and not always clear words, especially for young children, we read his fairy tales with love and interest. The magnificent music of his poems evokes in us some kind of inner awe and reverence. And strangely enough, the lines of his poems are remembered quickly and easily.
I wanted to give students the opportunity to touch literary creativity A.S. Pushkin in all aspects of children's creative activity.

The relevance of this idea is to let preschoolers feel the beauty and richness of the Russian language in the poetry of the great classic. Because in modern society the Russian language is becoming more and more simplified, we really want our children not to forget the beautiful style of verse and the spirit of the works of the great master.

For this, a lot of preliminary work was carried out with children on the project “Pushkin is our everything ...”, in which it became possible to implement this idea. As a result, the project resulted in the musical "There on unknown paths ..."

The musical was based on the scenario of the New Year's holiday

L. Oliferova, supplemented musical material and own text.

Target : To develop in children an interest in the work of A.S. Pushkin, using different kinds artistic and aesthetic activities

Preliminary work:

  • Reading the works of A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel", "At the Lukomorye ..." - an excerpt from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes.
  • Listening musical works composers who used fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin.
  • Consideration of illustrations for the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin.
  • Drawing characters and plot scenes from fairy tales. Exhibition fine arts children based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin
  • Watching films and cartoons based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, puppet shows based on the tales of A.S. Pushkin


A projector with a video image, a player, a piano, an oak tree, a chest, a hut on chicken legs, a tent, a carpet, a "golden chain", costumes and attributes for fairy-tale characters.

scientist cat
Goblin Children


Oriental beauties
Baba Yaga

The screen shows a book with fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, the pages with his fairy tales are turning (music by Rimsky-Korsakov "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

Narrator: Pushkin's fairy tales come to us,
Bright and kind, like dreams,
Words are pouring, words are diamonds,
On the evening velvet of silence.
Magic pages rustle
We all want to know,

Children's eyelashes tremble,
Children's eyes believe in miracles.

Music sounds.
Narrator: Green oak by the seaside
Golden Chain on Oak Vol.
Day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes around in circles.
Scientist cat enters. Sings a song (Word and music by L. Oliferova)
Cat: Meow meow, I'm a learned cat
Meow meow, no big worries
I live here under the oak
I invite you all to visit.
I'll sing you a song

I'll catch fish for you
I'll put you to sleep under an oak tree,
I'll tell you a story at night.

The cat sits under an oak tree with a fishing rod, "catching fish." Mermaids peeking out from behind the curtain, picking up the cat's melody, as if mimicking, they sing.
Mermaids: Meow-meow, he is a scientist cat,
Meow meow, no big worries
Here he lives under an oak tree,
He invites all of us.

Cat: Hush you mermaids! All the fish were spooked.
Mermaids: Meet the guests kindly,
Well, at least make some tea,
Feed us, give us drink,

After all, we protect yours!
Dance of the Little Mermaids (muz."Dancing Flowers")
The cat carries cups of tea on a tray. Turns around and looks at the oak tree.
Cat: I don't know how to tell you:
It's not time for us to drink tea!
Look: there is no golden chain,
And the oak is our orphan.
Mermaids: Let's call the devils
We'll find the golden chain soon.
They know all the paths in the forest
No wonder they are considered scumbags.
Goblin enters to the music of L. Oliferova

Leshy sing and walk: By unknown paths
In Lukomorye we walk,
Miracle berries in baskets
Here and there we collect.
Then we sneak like cats
Then we rush in a crowd,
And it's really, really easy
Lure you!
Dance of mermaids and goblin. (Fragment from Stravinsky's ballet "Petrushka")
Narrator: Where did the golden chain go?
On the mighty oak
Whose evil will has been done,

Nobody knows about him.

Cat: Along paths and forests
We need to get through.
Everyone get up quickly
Have fun following me!
Only, moore! Keep!

Let's go look for the golden chain!
G. Gladkov " New Year's adventures Masha and Viti»

While the children are walking around the hall, a hut on chicken legs is exhibited

Narrator: There on unknown paths

Traces of unseen beasts,

Hut there on chicken legs
It stands without windows, without doors.
Everyone stumbles upon a hut on chicken legs (all actions are accompanied by music)

Goblin: Hut, hut, stand up, as your mother put,
To us in front, to the forest back!

Hut: What else, please? And the magic word!

All in unison: Please!

The hut turns creaking.
Baba Yaga comes out from behind the hut with a broomstick. She "flies" around the entire hall and approaches the Cat with a menacing look.
. (music by M. Mussorgsky “Pictures at an Exhibition”)

Baba Yaga: Yes! It's dark in my hut

And I don't need a window

I don't need a door either.
The main thing is that there is a broom!
Why did you come to visit
Or are bones not dear to you?
Hide quickly from me
Run away whoever!

Baba Yaga dance with a broom!
Mermaids: You, Yagusya, do not shout and do not knock with a broom.
Well, better, if you can, help our grief!
We have trouble on the seashore,
The chain has gone missing!

Baba Yaga: That's the trouble, that's the trouble
Without a golden chain, we are nowhere!
Walks back and forth, thinks.

Baba Yaga: We will now ask the wind if he saw anything?
Wind, wind, you are powerful, you drive clouds of clouds,
Everywhere you blow in the open, and you excite the blue sea ..
Have you seen, tell me, if you can, point out

Where can we look for a golden chain? Who fulfilled the evil will?
Backstage voice:

Yes, of course, I saw, through the forests,
Through the seas the sorcerer of the hero carried.
He is bound by a golden chain,
And in dead dream he is loaded.

(The familiar melody of the Song of the Cat sounds)
Cat: Along paths and forests
We need to get through.
Everyone get up quickly
Have fun following me!
Only, moore!. Keep!

Let's go look for the golden chain!

Children stand behind the cat with a train and snake to the music
leave the hall.At this time, a tent is set up and a carpet is laid.
Witch: The sorcerer sits in a tent on cushions. Oriental beauties dance to the music (oriental music)
All the heroes enter the hall, the dancers hide in the tent.

The music of M. Glinka “March of Chernomor” sounds, the Sorcerer with a long black beard and a shining ring on his finger slowly gets up and addresses the heroes
Ha-ha! Why did you come here?
What did they find in my chambers?

Goblin: Why, you cursed sorcerer, deceived the hero?
From the oak of our native gold, you pulled the chain in vain!
You have silver and gold, and so full chambers. (
shake fists)

Baba Yaga: Give it good
And then I'll grind it into a fine powder! ( Threaten with a broom).

Witch: Okay, okay, don't make noise
And don't sweep here with a broom

I exchanged the chain for gold,

Koschey gave me the ring. (shows how it sparkles)

Now look for him
Just be quiet... go away... (grabs his head like it hurts)

Cat: Along paths and forests
We need to get through.
Everyone get up quickly
Have fun following me!
Only, moore!. Keep!

Let's go look for the golden chain!
Children stand behind the cat with a train and snake to the music
leaving the hall

Koschey: Koschei appears to the music of D. Verdi's "March of the Bullfighter", goes and sings a song:
Day and night, day and night
I count money
Day and night, day and night
I don't know rest
Over your wealth
I'm slowly fading away

I'll look into the chests -

And gasp with happiness!
Dance of Koshchei

Step forward and speak at the same time

Baba Yaga and Cat: Happiness is not a chest of rubles,
Happiness is a circle of friends.
Give us the golden chain,
Get up in the circle of friends!

Koschei brings the chain. All characters take the chain and lift it above them. Hang on oak.
Narrator : Come on, together, come on, together
The stories are very, very necessary.
Lukomortsy smile, and
Get ready for the dance!
Dance and song of all the characters of "Lukomorye" muses. Usacheva Pinegina.

Song: Found the Golden Chain
In the kingdom of Far Far Away.
We came to the seaside
Everything is fine now.
Let the path be hard

We know without a clue
What is good stronger than evil,
Real and in a fairy tale

Narrator: The cat-scientist starts a song,
Stupa with Grandmother - Yozhka wanders.
Mermaids with Leshy are sitting,
They look at the sea from the oak!

Together: We were there, drinking honey,
They said in lisha,
They danced like a mermaid,
Reading Pushkin's fairy tales.

The Bremen Town Musicians. Musical script


  • Jester -
  • King-
  • Princess -
  • Detective -

Princess friends:

  • First friend -
  • Second friend -
  • The third friend
  • Fairy Godmother -

Court ladies:

First court lady:

Second court lady:


  • Boss -
  • Security guard -

The Bremen Town Musicians:

  • Cat -
  • Dog -
  • Donkey -
  • Rooster -
  • Troubadour -


  • Atamansha -
  • The first robber
  • The second robber
  • The third robber

City residents:

  • Pastry shop owner
  • Blacksmith -
  • The seller at the fair

Before the performance, while the audience is gathering.

1 Music

2 Music

Action 1.

1 Slide with city view.

3. Music. Departure of city dwellers.

The inhabitants of the city come out and dance. Some are holding decorations, a poster "Welcome to Bremen". Three dance. Freeze.

4. Music. Fanfare for the exit of the jester. He runs out.

Jester: Ladies and Gentlemen, you have no idea what kind of performance awaits you! I am the Jester of the King and the King of Jokes! There will be a lot of fun in what you will now see: a cheerful young man Troubadour and his friends; there will be many beautiful things: a beautiful Princess; there will be many terrible things: terrible forest robbers; there will even be something brilliant: a brilliant Detective; but also, of course, a lot of good things - our good king, for example.

But while I was speaking, musicians and singers from all over the area came to the square of the city of Bremen. There already underway performance.

5.Music. Perform a song (1st number) "This city."

At the end of the number, the performers bow and leave with the residents of the city.

Jester from behind the scenes…. "Here is His Majesty!"

6. Music. To the exit of the king

The King comes out. The joke pulls him back. Yours, Majesty, in what form you are. (Puts on him a mantle and a crown.) That's better.

King: Listen, the princess went out for a walk a long time ago and still hasn't come back. Probably walks around here somewhere. (dials a number) She always doesn't answer the phone, then it's empty, then the money runs out. Well, when he returns home, he will tear his ears.


7. Music from the film "Girls".A princess appears on the stage with her friends, dressed as a commoner. They sing a song. A blacksmith and the mistress of a confectionery stand up from behind the curtains on the side.

Girlfriends and the princess are looking at each other's outfits.

1st friend: - I don’t understand why such a masquerade. I like my French dresses better.

2nd friend: - Annette, you will not pass a single door in this city in a French dress, the crinoline is too wide.

Princess: dear friends, it's not about the outfit. See how fun! Not like we have in the palace. Here is the city bazaar, on the Main Square there is a concert. Buffoons, troubadours, trained animals!..

A vendor runs past with a basket of goodies.

Salesman: " Containers-bars, rastabars, there are good goods. Not a commodity, but a real treasure, take it apart like hot cakes! Garden apples, honey apples, pears, pineapple - dial in reserve "

The princess and her friends are buying something. Girlfriends put it in baskets. The seller runs away.

Princess: Look, there is a forge. Let's ask the blacksmith to make a horseshoe for good luck. I so want to fall in love, maybe a horseshoe will help me. They approach the blacksmith.

Princess: Dear, I want to order a horseshoe from you. Just tell me, do the horseshoes you make bring happiness?

Blacksmith: It's up to you, Your Highness!

Princess surprised: How do you know that I am Highness?

Blacksmith: The most talkative girl in our kingdom is our Princess

Princess: leaving with a horseshoe in hand thoughtfully ... That's it, I'll be silent.

1st friend: Your Highness - I see a pastry shop, there are such delicious cakes, let's go.

Princess: I must be silent, but I want cakes, let's go.

Girlfriends choose cakes, argue which one they like.

Slide 2. Cakes.

Princess: I will break my vow of silence to say, we take this cake.

Slide 3. Cake(points to screen)

Confectionery Owner: I'll wrap it up, Your Highness!

Princess: But where?....

The owner of the confectionery - everyone knows that the biggest sweet in the kingdom is our Princess.

Princess: That's it, it's time to go on a diet!

Girlfriend 2: Your Highness, let's go to the concert. You will be silent and try not to chew anything.

Princess: well, they persuaded ... (they leave, sit on the steps of the stage and watch the next number)

8.Music. The song "You and I and you and me".

Action two.

Slide 4: Palace.

9 Music. 2nd exit of the king.

The princess and her friends go on one side and the king meets the guards.

King: Daughter!

Princess: Dad!

King: Don't folder! Where was?

Princess: I went to the people.

King: And what do people say?

Princess: Well, they say that Attack on Titan season 3 will come out, that Cristiano Ronaldo will come to Russia to choose a bride for himself, that glaciers are melting, and a lot of things. They also say that AC/DC is coming to Russia with a concert, I have to go, so tickets must be booked now! Oh, and maybe invite them to my sixteenth ...

King: Be quiet! We have what domestic music worse?! Come on, find me musicians! Urgently!

There is a knock on the door.

King: Enter!

The doors open and the Jester announces.

Jester: Your Royal Majesty, the musician Trumpet with the group "Dur" has arrived!

The king immediately assumes a friendly air and greets the guest.

Troubadour: Hello Your Majesty, have you called?

King: Hello, hello, call! It would be necessary to play, will you pull it?

Troubadour, addressing his group: Shall we pull?

Group in unison: Let's pull!

Whisper King: And where are you going?!

Princess: But dad! I want AC/DC!

The musicians begin to tune the instruments, the Troubadour begins to sing.

10. Music. Singing Troubadour.

The princess listens to the song of the Troubadour spellbound and falls in love.

The king is shocked.

King: Come on guard!! Take this Romeo away, he will spoil my daughter!

The guard takes the Troubadour and his friends away.

The princess is crying. Her friend consoles her.

1st girlfriend: Your Highness, don't cry, everything should end well, you will definitely meet with him.

11 Music. The song sounds: “Where the sky ends ...” The princess and her friend leave the stage.

Action three.

Slide 5 - dense forest.

12. Music. Night forest.

The Bremen Town Musicians walk dejectedly through the woods.

Cat: Have gone astray. Lost.

Rooster: Warm up by the fire, eat, but on the side.

Troubadour: I can't sleep right now, friends... I can't forget the beautiful Princess.

Rooster: I see a fire!

All: Hurrah! We are saved!

Cat: I wonder who got into such a wilderness?

Rooster: Why guess? I'll go take a look. And suddenly there ko… ko… ko…

Rooster: Smugglers!

All: Robbers!!

Troubadour: Rather follow me! I seem to have come up with something.

They leave.

Action four.

Slide 6 - a hut in the forest.

13 Music. Ataman's exit. As she speaks, the music plays softly.

Atamansha appears from the hut (behind the door). There are three sleeping robbers under a tree.

Atamansha: Hey, you bastards! Get up, it's already night!

There is a friendly snoring.

Atamansha: Do not want as you want. I will eat alone.

The snoring stops.

Atamansha: For the first - pilaf

The first robber jumps up.

Atamansha: On the second - dumplings

The second robber jumps up.

The third robber awake: What about compote?

14 Music. THE ATAMANSH'S SONG (robbers sing together)

The Bremen town musicians suddenly appear. Robbers are scared.

BM: Everyone stay where you are! We are State Drug Control!

The robbers run away. The Bremen town musicians pick up weapons thrown by the robbers.

Troubadour: Tomorrow the King will pass here, We will be on the alert ...

They confer in whispers.

All: Cool idea! Should work!

They leave.

Action five.

Slide 7 Forest.

15 Music. The king makes a circle around the stage and the music is off

The King, the Jester and the guards appear. The king is riding in a carriage, the guards are dragging the suitcases behind.

They go through the forest.

King: Halt!

Jester: I'll lean on this log!

King: Jester!

Jester: The jester is with you, Your Majesty!

King: Listen, today I dreamed that we were sitting in the forest at the edge of the forest, and suddenly someone whistled. ... What would it be for?

16 Music. Whistling.

A robber whistle is heard.

16.1 King capture music.

Robbers jump out of the bushes. The guards raise their hands and run away. The robbers seize the King and tie him to a tree. The music ends.

King: Let me go now! I am your king!

First Rogue):We are our own kings!

King: What are you going to do with me?

Second robber. Let's cock now!

King: (whispers) Guard! For help! They decided to fuck me!

BM are running out. Troubadour:Do not be this!

17. Music. Battle.

Troubadour and BM get into a fight with the robbers and drive them backstage, freeing the King, he hugs the Troubadour.

Troubadour: Meet Your Majesty, my friends - artists!

King: I ask everyone to the palace!

They leave.

Action six.

Slide 8 - the palace.

Guards, courtiers and the Princess run out.

Princess: Poor daddy!

Throws herself into an embrace.

The Jester and the Troubadour appear.

King: Baby, this is my savior.

The princess notices Troubadour, comes up and takes his hand.

Princess: Thank you!

Troubadour: Princess!

Princess: Brave young man! His Majesty the King is giving a ball in your honor!

King: Daughter?

Princess: Dad!

They start dancing.

18. Music. Country dance.

General dance. The king sits on the throne, next to the jester and court ladies. Dancing: The princess and the troubadour, the princess's friend and the detective, the fairy and the guard. After that, everyone goes to the back wall. The cat passes in front of the audience.

Cat: Ah, friends... Cats are scratching at my heart. It seems to me that our Troubadour has forgotten us. Apparently, love is stronger than friendship. Our free bird caught in a golden cage. Leaves.

19. Music. To the words of the godmother.

Jester : The ball is over. Troubadour with the Princess decided to run away from the palace. The Fairy Godmother gives them parting words.

Fairy Godmother: I don't want to hold you back, but a troubadour could be a prince.

Troubadour: No, dear Godmother! I feel cramped and stuffy here. We'll go on a trip. Only my friends will help us, we need to find them as soon as possible!

The troubadour and the Princess run away from the palace. The dancing couples leave.

Castle. King on the throne. Nearby is a jester and court ladies.

King: I now had a dream. I dreamed that my daughter ran away from the palace with this wandering artist.

Security guard: Your Majesty! Your Majesty! I was now making an evening tour of the palace chambers.

King: So what?

Security guard: There is a note on Her Highness's bed.

The guard passes the note to the Jester.

Jester: (reading) Farewell, forgive me, do not look for me!

20. Music. The king is in a daze.

King to the music:Such and such ran away from the palace! Such, such upset father!

Music off

Gather all the smartest courtiers!

The courtiers come out and start arguing.

King : think, think, how to return my unlucky daughter. You speak:

First court lady:it is necessary to put up announcements around the city: “The princess has disappeared, fair, pretty, capricious. To the one who found it, immediately return it for a decent reward ”And a photo - at the city gates.

King: What-o-o? Princess - at the city gates??? What nonsense. Any other suggestions?

Second Lady of the Court: I suggest calling the program “Wait for me!”, I heard they are looking for missing people there.

The king is interested: I. What do they always find?

Lady: Well, not always...

King: how is that? Maybe I can find it, maybe not? This does not fit! Everything is out of sight. One will think. ABOUT! Invented!

21. Music. from James Bond, the Detective appears.

King: Genius Detective! My Majesty begs you to return Her Highness to the palace. My daughter has fallen into bad company... Beasts, not people!

Detective: Understood. I begin the search, I am sure of success, I hope for a decent reward.


Action seven.

slide 9 (forest)

A troubadour and a princess are walking through the forest

Music 22.

Princess: How scary it is in the forest... and it's cold... I'm tired, Troubadour... I'm hungry, I want to go home to my dad...

Troubadour: My friends must be here somewhere, we will definitely find them .... Your Highness, would you like me to sing you a song?

The princess stamps her footI don't want songs. I want to drink!

Troubadour: Your Highness, I will now fetch water, there is a stream nearby. Leaves. The princess, saddened, sits down on a stump.

Robbers come out from behind the scenes.

Music 23.

Atamansha: Here is a present! Princess!

Grab her, don't sleep...

The robbers grab the princess and go backstage.

Atamansha: I'm already dreaming of getting a ransom, and then I'll go to the Australian Opera and become a singer! (leaves)

Troubadour runs out with a glass of water, looking for the princess. Finding nowhere, he sits on a stump and says in despair: “What have I done!”

Music 24. Here the music of the detective sounds, then it runs across the stage, examining the footprints on the floor ... passing by the Troubadour, he says:

Detective: Why are you sitting, gather a team, let's go rescue the Princess ...

They leave together.

slide 10 - palace

Music 25. The King enters with a guard and a jester. Sits on the throne. The guard reports that the detective has arrived.

The king is excited: Yes, yes, where is he? Let it come...

Detective enters

King: Well, did you find it? Found?

The detective whispers something in his ear.

The King is shocked...

King: How about robbers? Ransom? Give me everything I have, just give me back my daughter.

Detective: Your Majesty, there is a person here who can help you.

King: Who is this? Let's get it here

Troubadour enters with a sad look and lowered head.

King: It is he? How dare you come here. Guards, capture him and send him to prison.

Troubadour: wait, your Majesty. I promise I will find it and you won't lose a stamp..

The king thought: well, okay, go ahead.

Troubadour leaves.

Music 26. The sound of a battle is heard.

At this time, the king is impatient, trying to spy on the course of the battle ...

27. Music. Until the end of the words.

Troubadour with the princess go on stage. BM is with them.

The princess rushes to the King: Daddy!

King: Daughter, my unlucky!

King Troubadour:For the release of my daughter, ask what you want.

Troubadour: I don't want anything but the heart of the Beautiful Princess. (Takes her hand)

Jester in the ear of His Majesty: They love each other ...

King: Wow, never would have thought...

Rooster on the other side:it's time to get married.

King: Yes, of course, I agree, I really want the fairy tale to end happily!

Freeze on stage.

The jester appears on the stage.

Jester: A long time ago, as now, in the world lived good kings, beautiful princesses, terrible forest robbers, cheerful troubadours who lived, fought, suffered, but at all times, always won real love and friendship!

All participants come out and sing the final song.

28. Music. Final song.

There is nothing better in the world

Than friends wander around the wide world,

Those who are friendly are not afraid of anxiety,

Any road is dear to us.

La-la-la-la... (First Rogue hops across the stage)

We will not forget our calling

We bring laughter and joy to people!

Us palaces tempting vaults

Will never replace freedom.

La-la-la-la... (Second Rogue hops across the stage)

Our carpet is a flower meadow,

Our walls are giant pines,

Our roof - the sky is blue,

Our happiness is to live such a destiny.

La-la-la-la... (Third Rogue hops across the stage)

Final bow.

Before you are scenes from the works of E. Schwartz, A. Griboyedov, E. Asadov, A. Exupery. They are given in abbreviation and with some changes, which allows them to be put on the school stage in a fairly short time.




1st presenter

2nd host

Young woman


On the stage scenery of the forest. A goblin sits on a stump. The hosts are either in front of the stage, at the bottom, or along the edges of the stage (it’s better if they are guys, otherwise you will have to redo the text a little at the end).

The characters - a girl and a forester - not only pronounce their lines, but also use pantomime (plastically expressive body movements, gestures, facial expressions.)


On an old aspen in the wilderness of the forest

There lived a goblin, big-eyed and hairy.

(The goblin can make sounds similar to the cry of monkeys, scratch, etc.)

For the goblin he was still young -

Three hundred years, no more. Not at all evil

Thoughtful, quiet and unmarried.

(Leshi sighs.)


Once at the Black Marshes, in the hollow,

He saw a girl over a stream...

(A girl with a basket appears on the stage. She gets lost, looks frightened now to the right, then to the left, then peers into the distance, she can say “ay.” Leshy is shocked. He gets up and looks at the girl in admiration, not daring to approach.)

Beautiful, with a full mushroom basket

And in a bright city dress.

(The girl sits down on another stump and cries bitterly.)

LESHIY (to the side.)

You see, I got lost. How bitterly weep!


And the goblin suddenly seemed to yearn!


Well, how to rescue her? Here's the challenge!


He jumped off the bough and, no longer hiding,

Bowed down to the girl and said...


Do not Cry. You mesmerized me with beauty.

You are joy! And I will help you!


The girl shuddered, jumped back,

But I listened to the speech and suddenly decided ...

GIRL (aside)

OK. I can still do it. I'll run away.


And he held out to her in shaggy paws

Bouquet of violets and chrysanthemums.

And their fresh smell was so beautiful,

That the girl's fear disappeared completely.

And the goblin said ...


So charming

I haven't seen eyes yet...


He softly kissed her hand.


From moss and straw he wove her a hat,

He was affectionate, smiling affably,

And, although he did not have hands, but paws,

But he didn’t even try to “snap”.


He brought mushrooms to her, escorting her through the forest,

Walking ahead in difficult places

bending each branch,

Bypassing each hole.


Saying goodbye to the burnt clearing,

He looked down sadly, hiding a sigh.

And she suddenly thought...

GIRL (aside).

Goblin. Goblin.

And it seems, perhaps, not so bad.


And hiding embarrassment in a bouquet, beauty

Suddenly she said softly as she walked...


I like this forest, you know, very much ...

I'll probably come back tomorrow.

(The girl and the goblin leave the stage together.)


Guys, get excited! Well, who doesn't know

That a girl with a tender soul

A hundred thousand sins will forgive us sometimes,

But he does not forgive inattention.


Let's return to chivalry in a good hour

And to the caress we forgot

So that sometimes our dear ones from us


Didn't start running evil spirits!

(Characters bow out.)




Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, manager in the government house.

Sofia Pavlovna, his daughter.

Lisa, maid.

Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin, Famusov's secretary, who lives in his house.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.

Action in Moscow, in Famusov's house.


(Lisa is sleeping in the middle of the room, hanging from an armchair or chair. Suddenly she wakes up, gets up, looks around.)


It's getting light! Ah!.. How soon the night passed!

Yesterday I asked to sleep - refusal.

"Waiting for a friend." - You need an eye and an eye,

Don't sleep until you roll off your chair.

Now I just took a nap

It's day!.. Tell them...

(Knocking on Sophia.)


Hey, Sofya Pavlovna, trouble.

Your conversation went during the night;

Are you deaf, Alexei Stepanitch?

Madame! .. - And fear does not take them!

What time is it now?


Everything in the house went up.

(Sophia from her room.)

What time is it now?


Seventh, eighth, ninth...

(Sophia from the room.)

Not true!

LIZA (moves away from Sophia's door.)

Oh, damned Cupid!

And they hear, do not want to understand

Well, what would they take away the shutters?

I will translate the clock, even though I know: there will be a race,

I'll make them play.

(Liza gets up on a chair, moves the hand. The clock strikes and plays.)

Famusov enters.


(Liza, Famusov.)

Liza (standing on a chair.)

Oh! Barin!


Barin, yes.

After all, what a naughty girl you are.

I couldn't figure out what the problem was!

Now a flute is heard, then like a piano;

Would it be too early for Sophia? ..


No, sir, I ... just by chance ...


Here's something by chance, take note of you.

(Approaches Lisa, flirts.)

Oh potion! Spoiler!


You are a prankster! Do these faces suit you?!

FAMUSOV (embracing Lisa.)

Modest, but nothing but

Leprosy and the wind on my mind.

Liza (breaking out.)

Let go, windmills yourself,

Remember, old people...




Well, who will come, where are we with you?


Who should come here?

Is Sophia asleep?


Now asleep.


Now! What about the night?


I read all night.


Look at the whims that have been brought up!


All in French, aloud, reading locked up.


Tell her it's not good to spoil her eyes.

And in reading it is not great:

She has no sleep from French books,

And it hurts me to sleep from the Russians.


What will rise. I will report

Feel free to go; wake up, I'm afraid.

It's time, sir, you know, you're not a child:

For girls, the morning dream is so thin,

You creak the door a little, you whisper a little,

Everyone hears.


You are all lying.

Hey Lisa!

FAMUSOV (hastily.)


(Sneaks out of the room on tiptoe.)

Lisa (alone)

Gone... Ah! Away from the gentlemen

Prepare troubles for themselves at every hour,

Bypass us more than all sorrows

AND master's wrath, and lordly love!


(Lisa, Sofya with a candle, followed by Molchalin.)


What, Lisa, attacked you?

You make noise...


Of course, it's hard for you to leave.

Lock yourself up to the light, and it seems that everything is not enough.


Ah, it really is dawn!

(Extinguishes the candle.)


Vali̒t people along the streets for a long time,

And in the house there is a knock, walking, sweeping and cleaning.


Happy hours are not observed.


Go; we'll be bored all day long.



(Liza and Sophia.)

Of my foolish judgment

Never complain...

I kept repeating: in love there will be no use in this.

Like all Moscow ones, your father is like this:

He would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks

And money to live, so that he could give balls.

Here, for example, Colonel Skalozub:

And the golden bag, and marks the generals.


I don't care what's for him, what's in the water.


And Alexander Andreevich Chatsky?!

He is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp!

I remember, poor he, how he parted with you!


The desire to wander attacked him;

Oh! If someone loves someone

Why look for the mind and drive so far?

Who I love is not like this:

Molchalin is ready to forget himself for others,

The enemy of insolence - always shy, timid ...

A whole night with whom you can spend like this!

He takes his hand, shakes his heart,

Breathe from the depths of your soul

Not a free word

And so the whole night passes.

(Lisa chuckles.)

Hand in hand, and the eye does not take my eyes off me.

Laughing! Is it possible? What gave a reason

Do I want this for you?


I wanted this stupid laugh

It could cheer you up a bit.


(Sofya, Lisa, servant.)

Servant enters.

To you Alexander Andreevich Chatsky!



(Chatsky, Sophia, Lisa.)

CHATSKY (almost runs in.)

A little light - already on your feet!

And I'm at your feet!

(Kisses the hand.)

Well, kiss me! Didn't you wait? Speak!

Well, are you happy? No? Look at my face.

Surprised? But only? Here's the welcome!

It's like a week hasn't passed!

As if yesterday together

We're tired of each other!

I'm forty-five hours, my eyes do not screw up in a moment,

More than seven hundred miles swept - wind, storm!

And here is the reward for the feats!


Ah, Chatsky, I am very glad to see you.


You are happy?

Let's assume it is.

Blessed is he who believes: he is warm in the world!

At seventeen you blossomed beautifully,

Incredible and you know it.

Are you in love? Please give me an answer!

Without thought, fullness to be embarrassed.

SOPHIA (loudly, with irritation and resentment.)

Yes, at least someone is embarrassed

Questions quick and curious look!

(Leaves, Chatsky follows her.)


Sofia Pavlovna! Wait!


Well, here's some fun for you!

But no, it's no laughing matter now. (Exits.)


Chatsky comes out.

Chatsky (thoughtfully.)

Oh! Sophia!

Is Molchalin really chosen by her?!

I'll be back here at night, late,

I'll stay here and I won't close my eyes

At least until the morning. If you drink grief,

It's better right now!



(There is twilight on the stage. Chatsky is hidden, Lisa with a candle.)

Liza (knocking on Molchalin.)

Listen, sir. Please wake up.

The young lady is calling you, the young lady is calling you.


(Chatsky behind the column, Lisa, Molchalin yawns and stretches, Sophia hides on the other side of the stage.)


You, sir, are a stone, sir, ice!


Ah, Liza! Are you from yourself?


From the young lady, s.


Do you want to be only on parcels?


And you, the bride-seekers,

Do not bask and do not yawn.

Pretty and sweet, who does not eat

And do not sleep until the wedding.


What wedding? With whom?


And with the young lady?



There is much hope ahead

Let's spend time without a wedding.

I don't see anything in Sofia Pavlovna

Enviable. God grant her a century to live richly,

Loved Chatsky once,

He will stop loving me like him.

My angel, I would like half

Feel the same about her

What I feel for you;

No, no matter how I tell myself

Getting ready to be gentle

And svizhus - and a sheet.

SOPHIA (aside)

What baseness!

Chatsky (aside.)



And you are not ashamed?


My father bequeathed to me:

First, to please all people without exception -

The owner, where you happen to live,

The boss with whom I will serve,

To his servant who cleans dresses,

Doorman, janitor, to avoid evil,

The janitor's dog, so that it was affectionate.


Say, sir, you have a huge guardianship!


And here's the lover I assume

For the sake of the daughter of such a person.


Come on, enough talk.


Let's go love to share our deplorable steal.

Let me hug you from the heart of fullness!

(Liza is not given.)

Why is she not you?!

(Molchalin wants to go, Sophia won't let her.)


Horrible man!

I am ashamed of myself!


How! Sofia Pavlovna...


Not a word, for God's sake

Be quiet! I'm up for everything!

MOLCHALIN (rushes to his knees, Sophia pushes him away.)

Ah, remember! Don't be angry, take a look...


Don't be mean, stand up

I don't want an answer, I know your answer



Have mercy...


No no no!

May I never hear from you again!


As you command.



She herself is pleased that she found out everything at night:

There are no reproachful witnesses in the eyes,

Like daviche, when I fainted,

Here Chatsky was...

CHATSKY (throws between them.)

He's here, pretender!

Sophia and Lisa.

Oh! Oh!


Here is the solution to the puzzle at last!

Here I am donated to whom!

SOPHIA (in tears.)

Don't go on, I blame myself all around

But who would have thought

That he was so insidious!

(Noise offstage.)


Knock! Noise! Oh my god! The whole house runs here!

Let's go quickly!

(Liza and Sofya leave in a hurry. The noise subsides.)


(Chatsky alone.)


Get out of Moscow!

I don't go here anymore!

I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,

Where there is a corner for the offended heart.

Carriage for me! Carriage!


A curtain.


(Abridged and with some modifications.)


The Dragon.

Lancelot, the errant knight.

Charlemagne, archivist.

Elsa, his daughter.




(Lancelot, Cat. Spacious kitchen. Cat is napping on an armchair.)

Lancelot (enters, looks around, calls.)

Mister owner! Mistress mistress! No one ... The house is empty, the doors are open. It's good that I fair man. (Sits down.) Let's wait. Mr. Cat, will your masters return soon? You are silent?


I am silent.


Why, may I ask?


When you are warm and soft, it is wiser to doze off and keep quiet.


Well, where are your masters?


They face great grief. I rest my soul when they leave the yard.


Tell me, cat, what happened? What if I save your masters. It happened to me. What is your name?




I thought you were a cat.


Yes, I am a cat, but sometimes people are so inattentive. My owners are still surprised that I have never calved. They say: what are you, Mashenka? Dear people, poor people...


Who are they, your masters?


Mr. Archivist Charlemagne and his only daughter Elsa, who has such soft paws! .. She is in danger, and, consequently, all of us.


What threatens her?


It has been 400 years since the Dragon settled in our city. Every year he chooses a girl for himself, and we, without meowing, give her to the Dragon. He takes her to a cave and we never see her again. Meow! And so he chose our Elsa.


(Lancelot, Cat, Elsa, Charlemagne, lackey.)

Enter Elsa and Charlemagne.


Hello, kind sir and beautiful young lady!


Hello Young man.


Your house looked at me so kindly, and the gate was open, and the kitchen light was on, and I entered uninvited. Sorry.


You don't have to ask for forgiveness. Our doors are open to everyone.


Sit down please. With us you can have a good rest. Our city is very quiet. Nothing ever happens here.




Never. Indeed, last week was very strong wind. One house almost had its roof blown off. But it's not such a big deal.


And the Dragon?!


Mr passerby.


My name is Lancelot.


Mr. Lancelot, I'm sorry. I beg you: not a word about it.




Because there's nothing you can do about it.


Yes. Tomorrow, as soon as the Dragon takes her away, I will also die.


I want to help you.




How can you help us?


I'll challenge the Dragon to battle!


No no! He will kill you and it will poison last hours of my life.




I'll challenge the Dragon to battle!

(Behind the scenes, noise, roar.)


Easy to remember.

(The footman enters.)


Mr Dragon is here for you. (Exits.)


(Lancelot, Charlemagne, Elsa, Cat, Dragon.)

The Dragon Man enters.

The Dragon.

Hello guys! Elsa, hello baby! Do you have a guest? Who is this?


This is a stranger, a passerby.

The Dragon.

Fine. Wanderer! Why don't you look at me? Why are you staring at the door?


I'm waiting for the Dragon to enter.

The Dragon.

Haha! I am the Dragon!


You?! And they told me that you have three heads, claws, huge growth!

The Dragon.

Today I am simply, without ranks. Elsa, give me a paw. Cheat ... Minx ... What a warm paw! The muzzle is higher. Smile! (To Lancelot.) What are you, a passer-by?


I admire.

The Dragon.

Well done! Admire! And why did you come?


On business.

The Dragon.

For what business? Well, speak! Maybe I can help you. Why did you come here?


To kill you!

The Dragon.



No no! He is joking! Do you want me to give you my hand again, Mr. Dragon?

The Dragon.



I challenge you to a fight! Do you hear, Dragon?

(The dragon is silent, turning purple.)

I challenge you for the third time! Do you hear?!

The Dragon.

Let's fight tomorrow morning! (He leaves. A terrible roar is heard in the distance. Everyone surrounds Lancelot.)


(Lancelot, Charlemagne, Elsa, Cat.)


Why did you start this?


We will pray for you, valiant knight!




I love all of you my friends! I will defeat the Dragon! And all of us, after long worries and torments, will be happy, very happy!

A curtain…


Scenes from a fairy tale

Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Lead storyteller.

A little prince.





(The curtain is closed. The presenter-narrator is in the forefront.)


The Little Prince lived and lived. He lived on a planet that was slightly larger than himself, and he really missed a friend. One day he decided to travel with migratory birds.

Closest to the planet of the Little Prince were asteroids 325, 326, 327, 328, 329 and 330. So he decided to visit them first: you need to find something to do and learn something.

The king lived on the first asteroid.


(The curtain opens. The king sits on the throne.

Suddenly, the Little Prince appears in front of him.)


Ah, here comes the servant! Come, I want to see you!


How did he recognize me? After all, he sees me for the first time!


He did not know that kings look at the world in a very simplified way: for them all people are subjects

(The little prince looks around, wondering where to sit, but the king's robe takes up too much space; he suddenly yawns.)


Etiquette does not permit yawning in the presence of a monarch. I forbid you to yawn!

A little prince.

I accidentally ... I was on the road for a long time and did not sleep at all.


Well, then I command you to yawn. For many years I have not seen anyone yawn. I'm even curious. So, yawn! That is my command.

A little prince.

But I'm shy... I can't take it anymore... May I sit down?

King ( picking up one half of his robe.)

I command: sit down!

THE LITTLE PRINCE (sits down.)

Your Majesty, may I ask you?


I command: ask!

A little prince.

Your Majesty... where is your kingdom?

King (spreading out his hands.)


A little prince.

Everywhere? And is it all yours? (Pointing into the distance.)



A little prince.

And the stars obey you?


Well, of course! The stars obey me instantly. I don't tolerate disobedience.

A little prince.

I would like to see the sunset. Please, do me a favor, command the sun to set...


If I order some general to flutter like a butterfly from flower to flower, or compose a tragedy, or turn around sea ​​gull and the general will not obey the order, who will be to blame for this - he or I?

A little prince.

You, Your Majesty.


Quite right. Everyone should be asked what he can give. Power must first of all be reasonable.

A little prince.

What about sunset?


You will have sunset. I will demand that the sun go down, but first I will wait for favorable conditions, for this is the wisdom of the ruler.

A little prince.

When will conditions be favorable?


Today it will be at seven o'clock forty minutes in the evening. And then you will see how exactly my command will be fulfilled.

A little prince.

But it's time for me.


Stay! I will appoint you minister.

A little prince.

Minister of what?


Well… justice.

THE LITTLE PRINCE (looks around.)

But there is no one here to judge!


Then judge yourself. This is the hardest part. It is much harder to judge oneself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.

A little prince.

I can judge myself anywhere. There is no need for me to stay with you for this. And if it pleases your Majesty that your orders be carried out unquestioningly, you could give a prudent order. For example, order me to hit the road without a moment's hesitation ... It seems to me that the conditions for this are the most favorable.


I command you to go on your way. I appoint you as an ambassador!

(The little prince waves his cloak, steps forward. The curtain closes.)

A little prince.

Strange people these adults. (Exits.)


On the second planet lived an ambitious man.


(The curtain opens. A fashionably dressed ambitious man enters the stage. The Little Prince appears.)


Oh, here comes the admirer!


Vain people imagine that everyone admires them.

A little prince.

Good afternoon. What a funny hat you have!


This is to bow when they greet me. Unfortunately, no one looks here.

A little prince.

That's how!


Clap your hands!

(The little prince claps his hands. The ambitious man lifts his hat and bows.)


It's more fun here than at the old king's.


Are you really my enthusiastic admirer?

A little prince.


A little prince.

Why, there is no one else on your planet!


Well, give me pleasure, still admire me!

A little prince.

I admire, but what do you enjoy from this?


On next planet lived a drunkard. The little prince stayed with him for a very short time, but after that he became very unhappy.


(The curtain opens. A drunkard sits on the stage at a table lined with bottles. The Little Prince appears in front of him.)

A little prince.

What are you doing?

Drunkard (gloomy)


A little prince.

For what?


To forget.

A little prince.

What to forget?

Drunkard (hanging his head.)

I want to forget that I'm ashamed.

A little prince.

Why are you ashamed?


Conscientious to drink. (He drops his head on the table.)

(The curtain closes.)

A little prince.

These adults are a strange people! .. (Exit.)


The next planet was very interesting. She was the smallest. It only fit a lantern and a lamplighter.


(A lamplighter who turns the lantern on and off. It can be a lamp or part of the stage lighting. The Little Prince appears. He watches the lamplighter.)


The little prince could not understand why on a tiny planet lost in the sky, where there are no houses or inhabitants, a lantern and a lamplighter are needed.

(The lamplighter puts out the lantern.)

A little prince.

Good afternoon Why did you turn off the lantern now?


Such an agreement. Good afternoon

A little prince.

And what is this agreement?

Lamplighter (Includes flashlight.)

Extinguish the lantern. Good evening!

A little prince.

Why did you turn it on again?


Such an agreement.

A little prince.

I don't understand.


And there is nothing to understand. A deal is a deal. Good afternoon (Extinguishes the lantern, wipes the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.) My trade is hard. Once it made sense. I put out the lantern in the morning and lit it again in the evening. I had a day to rest and a night to sleep.

A little prince.

And then the deal changed?


The deal hasn't changed. That's the trouble! My planet rotates faster and faster year by year, but the agreement remains the same.

A little prince.

And how now?


Yes, like this. The planet does full turn in one minute, and I don't have a second of respite. Every minute I turn off the lantern and light it again.

A little prince.

That's funny! So your day only lasts one minute!


There is nothing funny here! We've been talking for a whole month!

A little prince.

Whole month?!


Well, yes. Thirty minutes. Thirty days. Good evening! (Lights the lantern.)


Maybe this person is stupid. But he is not as absurd as the king, the ambitious and drunkard. There is a point to his work, though. When he lights his lantern, it is as if another star or flower is being born. And when he extinguishes the lantern, it is as if a star or a flower falls asleep. Great job! It's really useful because it's beautiful. This man is true to his word. Here's someone to make friends with! But his planet is already very tiny. There is no room for two. (To the lamplighter.) Farewell!



(The curtain closes.)


The little prince has visited many planets, including Earth. (The curtain opens. The participants of the performance are on the stage.) Earth is not a simple planet. There are one hundred and eleven kings, seven thousand geographers, nine hundred thousand businessmen, seven and a half million drunkards, three hundred and eleven million ambitious people, four hundred and sixty-two thousand lamplighters - a total of about two billion adults.

You will learn about what happened to the Little Prince on planet Earth by reading amazing fairy tale Antoine de Saint-Exupery(together) "A little prince"!

(They bow, holding hands. The curtain closes.)

There are hundreds of children's performances on the posters of the capital's theaters. But musicals stand apart among them. Bright musical productions always have more chances to win the love of the audience: both piercing music, and the power of live voices, and the dynamics of action, and A New Look to familiar stories.

Information about all the musicals that you can go to with the whole family can be found in our section. In this review, we present to your attention 11 musicals for adults, children and teenagers.

Attention! Before buying tickets, please carefully read the reviews of our readers.

It is also necessary to take into account that not all productions that are positioned as musicals can rightly be called such. Some of them are more like an operetta, while others, on the contrary, can be attributed to musical performances. In general, read the reviews, choose and enjoy your viewing!

Cinderella(Moscow operetta) from 6 years old

schoolchildren lower grades can be reduced to a musical based on the screenplay of the same name by the Soviet playwright Yevgeny Schwartz, which is on the stage of the Moscow operetta.

The musical production by Andrey Semenov is essentially a remake of everyone's favorite film, which for more than half a century can not leave adults or children indifferent. The musical even features music from the movie. But, according to the reviews of the audience, what they saw is more like an operetta.

Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes.

The Snow Queen(Moscow International House of Music) from the age of 6

Another original children's musical for at least famous fairy tale you can watch with the whole family at the Moscow International House of Music or the Central House of Culture of Railway Workers. Dramatic basis served as a play by the same E. Schwartz, inspired by Andersen's fairy tale.

This story is known to everyone: the brave girl Gerda overcomes all obstacles, wanting to save her friend Kai, who was captured by the heartless snow queen. It was this story full of exciting adventures that inspired Stas Namin to write great music. He is also a stage director.

Duration: 1 hour 25 minutes, with intermission.

The Wizard of Oz(Children's Musical Theater named after Sats) from 7 years old

Musical in 2 acts based on fairy tales by L.-F. Baum play within the walls of the Children's Musical Theater. Sats. The performance was created by a Russian composer following a Western model and tells about wonderful adventures in songs and dances. main character fairy tales of the girl Dorothy and her faithful friends: the dog Totoshka, the Tin Woodman and the Straw Man.

In search of the magical Emerald City, they will visit the Blue and Yellow kingdoms, almost die in a fight with an evil sorceress ... but, of course, everything will end well.

Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes, with one intermission.

The Adventures of Oliver Twist(Children's Musical Theater of the Young Actor) from the age of 7

L. Bart's classic musical "Oliver", a favorite of Broadway, is presented on the stages of the Moscow Music Hall and the Musical Theater of the Young Actor. The story of the boy from the workhouse, told a century and a half ago by Charles Dickens, is modern and interesting today.

In the musical, everything looks less tragic than in English writer. Brilliant musical parts - bright, precise - a kind of tuning fork for hearts seeking the right path in life. The main roles are played by very young artists. To make the plot more understandable, it would be better if, before going to the theater, the children read the book itself, on the basis of which the musical was staged.

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes, with intermission.

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