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Lesson #3

"Line and her expressive possibilities. Rhythm of lines" Grade 6. ART.

The purpose of the lesson: Track the expressive properties of the line, the types and nature of the line; show the conventionality and figurativeness of a linear image, the role of rhythm in creating artistic image; to form the skills of conveying mood in a drawing using color and lines. To develop an emotional perception of nature through the nature of the lines, to show the variety of lines in nature; develop students' research skills, the ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions.

Equipment and materials: visual material , graphic materials, textbook.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Organization of the workplace and checking the readiness of children for the lesson.

2. Oral survey.

What are the types of plastic art? (into pictorial and non-pictorial). What is the fine and non-fine arts? Fine arts include painting, sculpture, graphics, photography, computer graphics.

The non-pictorial ones are: architecture, decorative arts and design. - What is a drawing? Drawing is the structural basis of any image in the visual arts.

-Name the main types of drawing. sketch,sketch from nature, study, sketch.

sketch - a work of graphics, painting or sculpture of small size, fluently and quickly executed.Sketch can be performed from nature, from memory or imagination zheniya.

Sketch from nature - short-term drawing.

Sketch - in fine artspreparatory sketch for a larger work.

Etude - in fine artArt is a work of an auxiliary nature and of a limited size, performed from nature.

3. Conversation about the expressive properties of lines, about the types and nature of lines.

The line is a sign, it is conditional, invented by us as a way of designation.
Line actively used in sketches, sketches, drawings, caricature, cartoons, poster, painting, architecture and design projects.
linesas such, does not exist in nature, it is always conditional and is only a boundary of certain planes of form.
Using the line, the artist defines the form and outlines its contours, reveals the volume and space, changing the tone, conveys the aerial perspective.
Line May be smooth, calm, melodious, vertical and horizontal, solid and intermittent, straight and wavy, intersecting and parallel, light and heavy, etc. A person has his own handwriting - his own way of drawing a line, outlining the outline of an object.

And this handwriting can be very different: strict, laid-back, resilient, energetic. The character of the line expresses the emotions, feelings of the artist!
IN piece of music- this is a consistent movement of sounds that form a melodic line.
For drawings apply tough line, for drawings and sketches - light, picturesque, melodious.
A drawing or drawing surrounded by a line of the same thickness creates an unpleasant impression.

Vertical construction of lines evokes a sense of stability diagonal - dynamics, horizontal - peace. Curved lines convey an impression isolation or fluidity. Line plasticity in fine arts, architecture and design reveals above all style features depicted object.
Rhythm- this is the alternation of any elements in a certain sequence. If we have a fence of stripes in front of us, this is also a rhythm - measured rhythm.

4.Practical work . Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4: (pp. 32-33) in the textbook.

Task 1: Write on a white sheet of paper, without rulers, large several times the word "HELLO!" By handwriting, you can tell about the character and mood of a person. And you write this word in different ways: 1) neatly, 2) restrainedly, 3) hurrying somewhere, 4) in fast-flying letters, then 5) neatly and sparingly, 6) firmly and write 7) timidly.

Task 2: Draw anger on one sheet of paper with any convenient graphic material, and joy on the other. At the same time, do not draw any objects, nothing specific. Draw only lines, strokes, strokes, and draw quickly without thinking.

Task 3: On one sheet of paper, draw a gust of wind with a diverse line, and calmness on the other.

Task 4: On one sheet of paper, using all its space, depict the swaying of grasses in the wind with graphic material. Arrange the lines so that you can feel the wind blowing through the grass. And you can vice versa, show calmness in nature and make a beautiful graphic drawing with herbal patterns.

5. Summing up the lesson. 6. Homework. Bring graphic materials, gouache: white, black .

Lesson #3

Integrated lesson in fine arts + literature + music on the topic "Line and its expressive possibilities. Rhythm of lines" Presentations for the lesson

The purpose of the lesson.


  • Track the expressive properties of the line, the types and nature of the line.
  • Show the conventionality and figurativeness of a linear image, the role of rhythm in creating an artistic image.
  • To form skills for conveying mood in a drawing using color and lines.


  • To develop an emotional perception of nature through the nature of the lines, to show the diversity of lines in nature.
  • To develop students' research skills, the ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions.

Educational .

  • To instill in students the ability to see the beauty of nature, love for their native nature.

Lesson equipment.

  • Line drawings by A. Matisse, V. Serov, N. Kuzmin and others.
  • Musical series: Tchaikovsky "The Seasons", "Sentimental Waltz", Chopin "Nocturnes".
  • literary works: A. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, A. Fet, R. Rolzhdestvensky.
  • Computer, multimedia projector, screen.
  • Computer slides of nature. Autumn.

Materials: gouache or watercolor, pastel, colored pencils, tinted paper.

Lesson type: Integrated lesson (fine arts, literature, music). Lesson-study.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Organization of the workplace and checking the readiness of children for the lesson. (2 minutes.)

II. The stage of updating knowledge and motivating students.

Setting the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Drawing attention to beauty native nature. Revealing the rhythms of music and poems .

You can learn about how beautiful and diverse the world is from poems, stories, listening to music, peering into paintings.

Listen to excerpts from music and poetry, listen to their rhythms.

Sounds like an excerpt from Tchaikovsky's "The Seasons"

A.S. Pushkin was very fond of autumn time. He wrote:

... Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less
The day was getting shorter
Forests mysterious canopy
She stripped naked with a sad noise.
Fog fell on the fields
Noisy geese caravan
Stretched to the south: approaching
Pretty boring time;
November was already at the yard.

Compare how the rhythms of the music and the poem echo each other. (Sounds shimmer, flow faster or slower, verses are in tune with music)


Remember what rhythm is, its meaning in the visual arts.

What other means of artistic expression do you know (the rhythm of spots, colors).

Imagine that you are in an autumn forest.

Let's read our favorite poems about the autumn season.

What do we see, what do we hear, what do we imagine in the forest?

III. Stage of formation of knowledge and skills of students.

1. The teacher's story about the rhythm of lines and colors.

Everyone in his own way imagines this or that phenomenon of nature. So autumn, depending on the mood and fine days, seems different to everyone. In sunny autumn days"Indian summer" a person often thinks about nature, sadly remembering the passing summer, at the same time, he rejoices in the last warm days. On rainy days, sad in anticipation of the coming winter.

Raindrops, the flow of a river - the rapid or smooth movement of water, the movement of grass or tree branches in the wind is conveyed by the rhythm of lines: long or short, creating an alarming or joyful mood cloudy or sunny weather. Matching the rhythm of lines and colors creates a mood. Rhythms can be fast and smooth, calm and disturbing.

Sounds "Sentimental Waltz" by Tchaikovsky. To the music, the teacher demonstrates his sketches on the topic of the lesson.

2. Practical work (preparatory stage).

Prepare an underpainting of the autumn sky and earth using watercolor or gouache. Make an image of grass swaying in the wind, pouring rain, a flowing river.

The teacher divides the class into two parts: one part draws a cloudy, rainy autumn, and the other part - sunny and dry, depending on the prepared underpaintings.

Exercise. Compare the rhythmic arrangement of lines on the sheet. ( Smooth lines- a breath of the breeze, the movement of water, dashed lines - a hurricane, an element, an anxious mood).

3. Research task. Identification of artistic means in poetry and fine arts.

You know that a person is sometimes angry and good character, soft and hard. Listening to a poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky (under the reading of the poem there is a slide show with photographs various trees and works of artists), identify:

IN earthly way, changing nomads,
Dwellings, meetings, faces and lands,
I am talking to you, trees.
Friends who have never changed.
And how could I not relate to you,
greeted my homeland,
When alive images and faces
I recognize in your outlines!
Here is the old oak- foliage from ringing copper.
Mighty camp in the convolutions of the crust.
He is buzzing all over, roaring about victory,
As once on the strings of the harp.
Here pines, straight and elastic,
Prickly - the winds do not break,
Standing in their scaly mail,
Calm, like Igor's army.
AND Christmas trees immobile and harsh
Dropping low sleeves of branches,
Waiting, grieving, mothers and widows,
Silencers in headscarves up to the eyebrows.
And next to fearful aspen,
And completely innocent alder
Looks over the bushes, as if from behind,
On a path that is shady and deaf.
But all the sweeter to me is a girl birch,
Coming from fairy tales and epics,
Snow Maiden, favorite of the frost,
Alyonushka hills and plains.
She loves our dawns, hayfields,
Daisies in dew, sonorous swifts,
Green she shakes braids
Above the waves of rye running with the wind.

- What do you think, is there a character in the branches? Consider the branches, compare. (Oak branches are thick, gnarled, birches are thin, flexible, tender, hawthorn are prickly, hard, willows are flexible, smooth, long, etc.)

4. Illustrated explanation of the teacher: the nature of the lines.

So, you know that trees are powerful and strong, but they are gentle and affectionate. Trees can also have character. Trees, depending on the species, climate and place where they grow, are different. Watching this painting trees artists use their specific means - different lines, strokes - thin and thick, sinuous and straight(the teacher draws trees of various species on the blackboard with chalk, using different lines, you can comment on the drawing with poetry and music).

IV. The stage of consolidating the knowledge and skills of students.

1. Consolidation of students' skills to see the consonance of music, poetry and images.

As you listen to music and poetry, imagine pictures of nature being described. - What artistic means composers show the nature of the trees in the autumn forest.

Show the consonance of music, poetry and pictures of nature.

Sounds like one of Chopin's nocturnes

Good tree, old branches!
Noisy winds tangled in the leaves.
How many chicks under dense foliage
You sheltered from the cold and heat! ..

One of Chopin's nocturnes sounds.

F. Tyutchev:

What are you bending over the waters
Willow, the top of your head?
And trembling leaves
Like thirsty lips
Do you catch a running stream? ..

2. Continued practical work .

We continue to work on the same drawings. Using the acquired skills and acquired knowledge about rhythms and the nature of the lines, add graphic image trees and bushes using pastels and colored pencils.

V. Summing up the lesson.


See how you managed to enhance the mood with lines!

What did your lines say?

Which of the works did you like best?

We have seen the beauty of the rhythms of lines in nature, their expressiveness. I believe that the goal of the lesson has been achieved . I managed to draw your attention to the beauty of nature in autumn. To love and protect this beauty is our task!

There is no bad weather…
Every weather is a blessing:
Is it snowing, raining...
Any time of the year
We must be grateful!

Grading students.


Observe the state of nature in different time days.

The line, like the melody, was presented to our hero as a trace of a moving point. Erokha knew that the artist’s intention was expressed in this way, and imagined bizarre patterns ... he remembered that he knew about them ...

The line can be:

  • Contour (straight or wavy, as well as broken).
  • Turn into a stroke.
  • Create a spot (silhouette). A silhouette is a planar image of an object, its shadow side, when details are not visible.

At the very beginning, it is very important to remember that, at the very first stages of the drawing, the line determines the size of the image on the sheet, its composition. The same object depicted by a different line (soft wavy or hard - broken line) is visually perceived differently, acquiring a special artistic expressiveness. Look at these graphic fantasies:

Examples of drawings with decorative texture are presented.

Once, in the autumn, a hedgehog walks through the forest and plays the balalaika. And Erokha went out into the forest with one single idea: how could he get himself a warm quilted blanket for the winter. So that it warms in severe January frosts and does not interfere with sleep.

And Erokh did not yet know that he carries everything he needs behind his back. That the balalaika does not just respond with strings to every gust of wind. And that she begins to weave a wondrous melody from the autumn wind, fallen leaves and Eroha's wishes. And every sound is reflected in the sky in myriads bright colors and semitones.

On the way, Erokha decided to visit his friends, who always, always helped him. He was not alone, but with a magic balalaika! And the wind continued to rustle in the foliage, among the branches and in the grass, filling the surrounding nature with harmony and euphony.

The lively line of the drawing now thickens, emphasizing the form, then, lost, immerses it in space. So the line at the same time sculpts both the characteristic volume and space.

- Guys, let's try to depict the gusts of the autumn wind with different lines

The nature and shape of the lines:

  • sharp or smooth
  • sweeping or collected
  • incoherent or orderly
  • thick and thin
  • straight and curved
  • zigzag and wave
  • spiral and curl
  • continuous and intermittent.

Opposite the tall oak grew a young pine. And Erokhin's friends lived on it: a spider - Erokhin's friend - many-legged and many-armed. And everyone in the forest called the spider Composer, because he knew how to turn sounds into lines.

The squirrel lived. Everyone called her in the Fesha forest, because Fesha had a valuable bag. Over the years, a lot of forest wealth has accumulated in the bag: wool, hay, and moss.

And an owl girlfriend flew to that pine tree, and everyone in the forest called her Sophia.

When friends saw Erokha, they were very happy and asked him to play the balalaika for them. Erokha sat down on a stump and rattled. While Eroha was playing, the spider wove a magic web out of the hedgehog's melody, such as the hedgehog had never seen in his life. He finished playing Erokh, looked at the web, marveled at the beauty of spider work. He yawned and said - it's already late, I'll go to bed.

Then the owl flew in, tilted its head, sits on the web and looks.


- great Eroha! Are you going to sleep?

-Yes. Perhaps I’ll go ... winter is coming soon ...

- yes, ... but I don’t have a warm blanket ... it’s just a disaster ... okay Sophia, good night to you.

-Sleep well Eroha, see you tomorrow.

-Listen Fesha, said the owl, Eroha should be helped with a blanket, otherwise it might freeze ...

-That's right, answered Fesha, it is necessary!

The owl owl looked sternly at her squirrel friend Fesha and asked:

-Where can we find "suitable for a blanket" material now? After all, deep autumn is already ... now, now the snow will fall!

Fesha smiled coquettishly and answered:

- All summer I store food for the winter: cones, nuts, acorns, berries, dried mushrooms; and also ... bugs are different there ..., I think we will not be useful, right?

I don't sleep in winter. I still have a lot of supplies all over the forest: in moss or in hollows. I dry mushrooms myself! I string the hats on sharp dry knots, and hang the mushrooms fused with legs on twigs.

- What do you have in this bag? Sophia asked

- Ripe nuts, wool, yes hay. Fesha answered. Eat yourself, owl...

-The guys helped me to decompose all the material into 3 colors, like Eroha's strings.

Guys, help Fesha select the right material from what she has collected. Let's take a look and divide all this wealth into colors that Erohi's balalaika suggested to us.

The guys are invited to find a mistake (something is in the wrong color)!

And I have weaving experience! I made my nest out of branches. It has the shape of a ball with a side entrance. So, with a blanket for Eroha, we will definitely cope with you ... And the spider, our friend, will help us!

Forest girlfriends "with dryers" hurried to their friend. And it turned out that he was just waiting for them.

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Total in the topic 23 presentations

It can outline a contour, like an elastic wire, revealing an image on paper, or be a line - a stroke that leaves a free trace of impressions on paper. It can outline a contour, like an elastic wire, revealing an image on paper, or be a line - a stroke that leaves a free trace of impressions on paper.

In nature, lines are very rare, in a sense, they do not exist at all. In nature, lines are very rare, in a sense, they do not exist at all. At the same time, we see them. At the same time, we see them. With a line we designate the contour of an object, its edge, but in life this feature does not exist. With a line we designate the contour of an object, its edge, but in life this feature does not exist.

Expressiveness of the line Only we strive to write letters neatly, correctly, but in the image the approach is different: here the interest in the expressiveness of the line comes to the fore. Only we strive to write letters neatly, correctly, but in the image the approach is different: here the interest in the expressiveness of the line comes to the fore.

TASK 1 Write on a white, without rulers, sheet of paper large several times the word "Hello!" Write on a white, without rulers, sheet of paper large several times the word "Hello!" It is known that handwriting can tell a lot about the character and mood of a person. It is known that handwriting can tell a lot about the character and mood of a person.

When writing the same word, its meaning did not change, but the nature of the greeting, the intonation of the statement, expressed in handwriting, turned out to be different. When writing the same word, its meaning did not change, but the nature of the greeting, the intonation of the statement, expressed in handwriting, turned out to be different. Here we are already in space visual arts. Here we already find ourselves in the space of fine art.

TASK 2 In this case, do not draw any objects, nothing specific. In this case, do not draw any objects, nothing specific. Draw only lines, strokes, strokes, and draw quickly without thinking. Draw only lines, strokes, strokes, and draw quickly without thinking.

TASK 4 Absolutely exactly, as in nature, you do not need to draw all the leaves and twigs here, because in the wind you have no time to look at them

In these tasks, we not only changed the nature of the line to express the mood of the line, then thickened, then rarefied, like sounds in music, then bypassed empty place while pausing. In these tasks, we not only changed the nature of the line to express the mood, the lines either thickened or rarefied, like sounds in music, or bypassed an empty space, making a pause.

On the front line, this maneuver occurs when there is dire necessity, and when operating as part of a reconnaissance group, this is a common occurrence. Such a movement is carried out very secretly, along ditches, funnels, all possible depressions. When advancing during the day, try to be in the shade and often look back: the way you see the landscape behind you is the way it is seen from the enemy. Try not to stand out against this background. With such an extension in a plastunsky way, one cannot wear camouflage with a very magnificent "shaggy" - it greatly enlarges the silhouette and makes it more noticeable. A few rare camouflage rags on your uniform will be enough to blur the straightness of the silhouette, because there are no straight lines in nature.

Try not to touch tall grass or bushes when driving. Their swaying (especially in the absence of wind) is very noticeable and obvious from the side of the enemy. In dense vegetation, with gusts of wind, it is possible, with the movement of branches or grass, almost imperceptibly for the enemy to advance by the amount of this "swaying", along with him. Wait for a new gust of wind and still move along with the swaying branches. This is an old and proven method of Siberian shooters. Try not to take a lot of junk with you. But if there is such a need, cut out a kind of drag boat from the car chamber, put everything you need there, swaddle it well, tie it and pull it on a cord, rope, etc. behind you, attaching it to your belt.

Advancing to positions close to the enemy (sometimes 200-250 m and closer to the enemy's front line) and equipping them is best done when weather conditions change. Snowfall is very valuable for snipers. A closed position equipped in the snow during a snowfall is covered with snow from above in the most natural way and organically merges with the landscape.

No matter how unpleasant the rain is, the sniper will definitely use it to covertly advance closer to the enemy. In addition, rain hides the noise from entrenching work when equipping a position. A wall or veil of rain nullifies the enemy's observation of the no man's land. Moreover, people have psychological feature- after any change in the weather, vigilance is weakened, I want to look outside and admire the landscape. This is where the soldiers get a bullet in the head.

The Germans said that after heavy rain, gale-force winds, or snowfall, Russian sniper positions sprang up like mushrooms in the cheeky proximity of the German front line. Military statistics have always shown that after changes in the weather, the effectiveness of sniper fire was unusually high. In any case, advancement to a position is carried out covertly, crawling. Siberian shooters clearly adopted the principle of the Far Eastern Asian hunters (Nanai, Tungus, etc.): to feel the ground near you and everything that grows on it and moves along it; do not harm everything that is nearby; turn into what is next. In the postulates of Eastern philosophies, this was called unity with the environment.

Skilled hunters taught the Siberian shooters to move unnoticed in an open area under "shaggy" camouflage. Once upon a time, while still a boy, the author saw such training of snipers near Leningrad: the instructor, completely covered with "shaggy" camouflage, waited for gusts of wind and, with each swaying of the grass, slightly moved the camouflage above him, in time with the movement of vegetation. Then, in time with the movements of the grass, he himself moved under a motionless camouflage. Then he again moved the camouflage over him and repeated the cycle of movements. Yes, it was slow - about 30-35 meters per hour, but completely unnoticeable! To move the camouflage, the sniper used a spear cut right there in the forest.

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