Nation and international relations ticket. §15


MOU "Secondary School No. 16"




Lesson topic:

Nations and international relations

History and social studies teacher

Prytkova Svetlana Vyacheslavna


The lesson on the topic "Nations and interethnic relations" is held within the framework of school course"Social Science" in the 11th grade during the study of the chapter " social development”, 2 hours of study time are allotted for the lesson.

The purpose of the lesson: to deepen and systematize students' knowledge of historically established communities of people.

Lesson objectives:

1. To form in students an understanding of the diversity of communities of people living on Earth.

2. Introduce students to development national question and forms of interethnic integration in Russia.

3. Show the positive and negative phenomena of nationalism.

3. To develop a negative attitude of young people towards national and interethnic conflicts. Formation of a tolerant attitude of young people towards people of a different nation, religion, views.

4. Define the main principles national policy V modern Russia.

5. Show students that Chuvashia is a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional region.

Lesson type - combined - elements of a lecture, work with a textbook, heuristic conversation, student performances (advance task), multimedia presentation "Inter-ethnic relations of Chuvashia".


"Human and society". Textbook for 11th grade educational institutions. / L.N. Bogolyubov, A.Yu. Lazebnikova, L.F. Ivanova. - M.: Enlightenment. 2004.

School dictionary of social science.10-11: a guide for students. / Under the editorship of L.N. Bogolyubova, Yu.I. Averyanov. - M.: Enlightenment. 2006.

Brief dictionary of social science terms. / Terentyeva G.G., CHI MGOU. - Cheboksary. 2005.

Lesson support: textbook, dictionaries, handouts, student reports, multimedia presentation "Inter-ethnic relations of Chuvashia".

During the classes:

1. - Updating knowledge.

2. Learning new material.

3. Summing up the lesson. Homework.

Lesson plan:

ethnic communities.

national identity.

Development of interethnic relations in modern world.

Nationalism. Interethnic conflicts and ways to overcome them.

National Policy.

Basic concepts of the lesson: nation, ethnos, national identity, national policy, nationalism, genocide, tolerance.

Updating students' knowledge:

Students are invited to recall from the history course the definitions of "Nation", "interethnic relations", "interethnic conflicts", "nationalism", examples from the history of manifestations of extreme nationalism (fascism, chauvinism, racism, genocide).

Lesson problem: Are there interethnic conflicts in Russia (in Chuvashia) and what are the ways to overcome them.

Question 1. Ethnic communities

In the modern world there are various social communities.

Social communities are a relatively stable set of people, distinguished by more or less the same features of conditions and lifestyle, mass consciousness, to one degree or another by a commonality of social norms, value systems and interests.

Types of communities: family, clan, tribe, classes, social group, nationalities, nations, professional communities, labor collectives.

Let us dwell on the question "Ethnos - its main features and characteristics."

An ethnos is a stable set of people historically established in a certain territory who have common, relatively stable features of language, culture and psyche, as well as a consciousness of their unity and difference from other similar entities.

Tribe Nationality Nation

Ethnos features

Language of the nation, General historical Family-Norms of everyday

nationalities fate everyday behavior


Specific material

and spiritual culture

Nation - a certain form of existence of an ethnic group, characteristic of a certain stage historical development.

A nation is a historically formed community of people, which is characterized by a common economic life, language, territory, certain features of psychology, manifested in the characteristics of its culture, art and way of life.

Signs of a nation.

single race





Task: Read in the textbook on pages 222-223 an excerpt from the work of Ch. Aitmatov "White steamboat" and determine what historical memory why is it necessary for a person, a people? Do you agree with the opinion of the author, prove your point of view.

Question 2. National identity

National identity - a set of social, moral, political, economic, aesthetic, religious, philosophical views characterizing the content, level and features spiritual development nations.

National interest - a set of needs and aspirations of the peoples of a particular state in creating the necessary living conditions for themselves, the consciousness of their sovereignty, the establishment of mutual relations with the peoples of other countries.

Question to the class: Give examples of the national interest of Russians, Chuvashs, Russians in general.

Studying the history of the development of nations and nationalities, they single out such processes as interethnic differentiation and interethnic integration.

International differentiation -

it is a process of separation, separation, confrontation of various nations, ethnic groups, peoples in a variety of ways.

Interethnic integration -

This is a process of gradual unification of various ethnic groups, peoples and nations through the spheres of public life.

Forms of interethnic differentiation

Self-isolation in general

Protectionism in the economy

Religious bigotry

Nationalism in various forms in politics and culture

Forms of interethnic integration

Economic and political unions

Transnational corporations

International cultural and folk centers

Interpenetration of religions and cultures, values

Reasons for interethnic integration

1. The impossibility of states to live in isolation, which is associated with specific changes in the economy of almost all modern countries.

2. Economic and political interconnection of states.

An example of interethnic integration in the modern world is the countries of Europe united in the European Union (EU). More examples can be found in the textbook on pages 225-226.

Question 3. The development of interethnic relations in the modern world

According to the results of the 2002 All-Russian Population Census, 145.2 million people (citizens of the Russian Federation) live in Russia. Russia is a multinational country: Russians - 79.8%, other nationalities - 19.2% (Tatars - 20%, Ukrainians - 10.6%, Bashkirs - 6%, Chuvashs - 5.9%, etc.)

The features of the development of modern relations between the Russian nation and other ethnic groups are built on the basis of:

Loss of the former high status Russian nation.

The growth of separatist tendencies in Russia.

Demographic and migration processes.

Question for reflection: What difficulties, problems connected with the national question, exist now in our country? What is nationalism?

Question 4. Nationalism. Interethnic conflicts and ways to overcome them

Nationalism is an ideology and politics based on ideas national exclusivity and superiority, the desire for national isolation, parochialism, distrust of other nations.

A vivid manifestation of nationalism in the modern world was demonstrated by German fascism, which led the world to the Second World War of 1939-1945. the terms "racism", "Nazism", "chauvinism", "genocide", "Holocaust" became synonymous with fascism.

Question for reflection: Do you think the national question became the reason for the collapse of the USSR?

Interethnic conflict is one of the forms of relations between national communities, characterized by a state of mutual claims, open confrontation of ethnic groups, peoples and nations to each other, which tends to increase confrontation up to armed clashes, open wars.

Task: Give reasons ethnic conflicts.

Causes of interethnic conflicts:

The complication of the socio-economic development of the countries of the world, the existence of backwardness of many of them.

The ill-conceived or deliberately extremist policy of a number of statesmen.

colonial population.

Mistakes and miscalculations by the leadership of a number of countries in solving national issues.

Types of ethnic conflicts:

Regarding the disputed territories.

Because of the expulsion of the people from their territory and the return of the deported people to their historical homeland.

Due to arbitrary change of administrative boundaries.

Due to the forcible inclusion of the territory of the people in a neighboring state.

Between an ethnic majority and a compactly residing minority (indigenous nationality).

Regarding the lack of people national statehood and its dismemberment among other states.

Types of ethnic conflicts:

1. State-legal (dissatisfaction with the legal status of the nation, the desire for their own statehood; conflict with state power structures, which includes the nation).

2. Ethnoterritorial (defining the boundaries of the nation).

3. Ethno-demographic (protection of the rights of indigenous peoples).

4. Socio-psychological (change in lifestyle, violation of human rights).

Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts:

Awareness by all people of the unacceptability of violence, development of respect for the national feelings of all ethnic groups;

pursuing a loyal, well-thought-out policy of taking into account the interests of all peoples and nationalities.

Creation of effective international commissions, councils, and other organizations for the peaceful resolution of national disputes;

Presentation of the national cultural autonomy to all interested national minorities, which will allow them to preserve their language, culture, religion and traditions.

Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts:

Recognition of interethnic problems and their solution by methods of national policy:

Use of economic levers to normalize the situation.

Creation of a cultural infrastructure of consensus, respect for the principle of parity in the appointment of people different nationalities to government positions, support of national culture.

Question 5. National policy

Integral part political activity of the state, designed to regulate interethnic relations in various fields life of society - is a national policy.

Humanistic principles of policy in the field of national relations Basic principles of national policy Conditions for the harmonization of national relations

1. Refusal of violence and coercion.

2. Seeking agreement based on the consensus of all participants.

3. Recognition of human rights and freedoms.

4. Readiness for the peaceful settlement of disputed problems.

5. Implementation of the ideas of humanism, democracy, good neighborliness.

1. Harmonious combination of national and international interests, finding the optimal forms of correlation between national and international.

2. Recognition of the right of every people to self-determination, to form an independent state.

3. Priority of human rights over any interests of national sovereignty and autonomy.

4. Rejection of any form of chauvinism.

1. The presence of the rule of law.

2. Refusal of the national minority from separatism, recognition of all powers in defense as the supreme power, conduct of foreign affairs.

3. Providing compactly settled minorities with wide autonomy and self-government, the right to decide their own local affairs, including local taxes.

4. Recognition of the cultural autonomy of minorities, formation from the central budget, teaching, broadcasting in the language of the ethnic minority.

5. The maximum shift of the center of gravity of making power decisions to the local local level.

Assignment: Having studied the section "National Policy" in paragraph 19, write out in a notebook the main principles of the national policy of the Government of the Russian Federation (pp. 229-230 of the textbook "Man and Society", § 19).

Consolidation of the studied topic.


Arrange the ethnic communities in the order of their historical development:

A). nationality; B). genus; IN). clan; G). tribe;. D). nation.

2. Modern nation can be identified by signs:

A). single territory; B). mutual language; IN). specifics economic activity; G). spiritual unity; D). kinship unity.

3. Historically established groups of people include:

A). nationality; B). classes; IN). states.

Correct answer options (for self-test):

B, C, D, A, D.

Homework: § 19. Terms - learn. Tasks on pages 231-232 No. 3, 5.6.

Viewing a multimedia presentation "Inter-ethnic relations of Chuvashia", prepared by students Grigoriev A, Yudina N., Yakovleva T.

Certificate of attending a social studies lesson in grade 11 A

history teacher - Prytkova S.V.

The lesson was attended by: director for water resources management - Sheveleva I.V., deputy. director for BP - Lysikova Z.M.

Lesson time.

The lesson of social science was held as part of the study of the section "Social development of modern society." The relevance of the topic of the lesson is caused state of the art a society in which nationalism, extremism, armed clashes on national and religious grounds still exist. In the context of the development of ideas and principles of tolerance and the prevention of extremism, the lesson was intended to show, using the example of Chuvashia, that the peoples of Russia can live peacefully, taking into account their national, religious, cultural traditions and interests.

At the lesson, which had a combined nature of activity, various teaching methods were used - a lecture, a conversation, work with a textbook was used, a multimedia presentation of students on the topic "Interethnic relations of Chuvashia" was demonstrated.

The teacher clearly built the structure of the lesson, at the beginning of the lesson, the activation of students' knowledge was carried out with the support of existing knowledge of history; then it sounded clear the main problem lesson and the objectives of the lesson were determined. The teacher methodically competently combined the lecture presentation of the material with a conversation and work on the paragraph test (an independent form of work for students).

Members educational process- students 11A, actively participated in the discussion problematic issues concerning nationalism, the skinhead movement in Russia, expressed their negative attitude towards chauvinism, racism and fascism in all its manifestations.

A group of students 11A demonstrated the result of their work on the project "Interethnic Relations of Chuvashia", prepared in the framework of the city competition "The world in which I live." The multimedia presentation reflected that Chuvashia is a multi-ethnic region, both religiously and culturally. The work of the students was evaluated positively.

At the end of the lesson, students were offered a test to consolidate their knowledge, students could test their knowledge themselves with the help of a “key with answers”.

The psychological mood of the lesson was positive, the activity of students in the lesson is high. The teacher was able, taking into account the psychological and age features high school students to build a lesson and achieve a positive course of the lesson.

Homework was given taking into account a differentiated approach to students.

The lesson deserves a positive assessment.

Deputy Director for Water Management Sheveleva I.V.

Deputy Director for VR Lysikova Z.M.

ethnic groups are historically established large groups people who have a common culture, language, consciousness of the indissolubility of historical destiny.

Nation - this is the historically highest form of the ethno-social community of people, characterized by the unity of the territory, economic life, historical path, language and culture.

A nation is a historically established community of people with statehood. Nations are formed during the period of development of commodity-money relations. They are preceded by tribe and nationality.

A nation is a historically established community of people with statehood.

The main features of the nation:

National cultural language

National culture (music, theater, cinema, etc.)

Unity of social and economic life

Traditions and customs

commonality of territory

national culture - includes all the wealth of the people, the way of its existence, adaptation to the natural-geographical and socio-historical environment in which it lives.

National culture includes:

Language, literature, music

Dress Forms

All kinds of food

design and interior decoration dwellings


Traditions, customs

Forms of etiquette

In the modern world, no nation can live in complete isolation and necessarily enter into interethnic relations, establish economic, political, ideological, cultural, legal, diplomatic and other ties.

They can be stable (permanent) and unstable (periodic), based on rivalry and cooperation, equal and unequal.

Interethnic relations can manifest themselves in the form of economic, political, linguistic, cultural, environmental and other relations between nations. Each of these manifestations of interethnic relations has its own specific content. Let's give brief description some of them.

Economic interethnic relations are aimed at meeting the economic needs of nations (peoples, ethnic groups). They are formed both spontaneously, in the process of developing, say, trade relations between independent states, as well as within the framework of federal states between republics, autonomies, etc. the objective basis of interethnic economic relations is the existing social division of labor between various national entities, economic and economic ties between them.

Political interethnic relations in a multinational state concern, first of all, the participation of all peoples (nations) in the exercise of political power and solving the most important problems of their life at the state level. In this case, the question arises about state structure: whether this state is unitary, in which there are no mechanisms for the representation and implementation of interests at the state level individual nations, or it is a federation that has such mechanisms. Political interethnic relations are directed, in addition, to the implementation civil rights and freedoms of representatives of various nations.

critical role in the life and development of each nation interethnic relations play in the sphere of their spiritual life. They are aimed at the mutual enrichment of peoples in the field of spiritual culture and at the same time at the preservation and development of their national identity. This is facilitated by exchanges in the field of national and professional art, including song, dance, music, applied, as well as cooperation in the field of literature, modern monumental art, painting, architecture, etc. The national spiritual culture, being, as a rule, a very complex, rich and multifaceted phenomenon, develops in the context of the economic, political, moral, religious and other public relations, is influenced by them and to a large extent depends on them. However, it develops in close cooperation national cultures many peoples, in the process of which the world spiritual culture is being formed.

One can point to interethnic ecological relations that arise, in particular, in connection with the protection of nature in the territories where certain peoples have long lived. And not only protection, but also reproduction natural resources, including land, forest, water, etc.

The course of development of interethnic relations depends on many objective and subjective factors.

Interethnic conflicts - this is an extreme aggravation of contradictions between nations (peoples) that arise in the course of solving political, territorial, economic, linguistic, cultural, and religious problems.

Causes of interethnic conflicts:

The dissatisfaction of a nation that does not have its own statehood

Arbitrarily established national-territorial boundaries

The danger of erosion of the ethnic group as a result of the influx of a foreign-speaking population

Usage restrictions national language

Infringement of rights and freedoms nationality

When solving interethnic conflicts, it is necessary to observe the humanistic principles of policy in the field of nat. relations:

Refusal of violence and coercion;

Seeking agreement based on the unanimity of all participants;

Recognition of human rights and freedoms as the most important value;

Willingness to peacefully resolve disputes.

The ability of a multinational society to foresee and resolve interethnic conflicts in a civilized manner is an important indicator of its civic maturity and democracy. It also contributes to legal regulation interethnic relations, which is the most important sphere of activity of the rule of law. Comprehensive development of civil society, democratization political system and the creation of a law-based state are the most important social prerequisites for a civilized solution of the national question in modern conditions.

Family. Legal basis marriage

The family is recognized by scientists as the main carrier of cultural patterns inherited from generation to generation, as well as a necessary condition for the socialization of the individual.

Family - a group consisting of two or more people related to each other by marriage, blood connection or adoption (adoption), leading a joint household, interacting in family roles and preserving the inherited culture, adding to it jointly developed new common features.

Family and society are small and large parts of the same system. The family regulates relations between the sexes, prevents promiscuity. Its main tasks are: the birth of children; formation and education of the younger generation; emotional discharge; physical, economic and psychological protection of family members; establishment of close economic relations.

There are two main forms of family organization - matrimonial and related.

In a married family, the partners are the husband, wife and their children. They live separately, have their own household, and are financially independent enough. Relations with other relatives may be more or less close, but in any case there is no strong dependence on them.

In a related family organization, spouses and their children live together with other relatives and run a common household. This tradition is typical for many eastern peoples.

Marriage - this is a socially recognized union of two adults of different sexes, they become relatives. There is an "open marriage" (civil) - a form of cohabitation, a union of two people without official registration. The main forms of marriage are:

monogamy (monogamy) - at the same time a person can have one wife or one husband;

polygamy (polygamy, group marriage, polygyny or polyandry) - husband or wife
have more than one spouse.

International relations. Nations are developed ethnic formations. Which arose on the basis of cultural, economic, linguistic, territorial and socio-psychological community. The main factors that determine a nation are: common territory, language, economic life, identical features of the mental warehouse (mentality) and national identity. It is not uncommon for national self-consciousness to transform into a radical form of nationalism.

Concept of nation and nationalism

Such concepts should be strictly distinguished. If national self-consciousness is a driving factor in the preservation of national values, traditions and customs, then the essence of nationalism lies in the worldview, the basis of which is the ideology of the exceptional perfection of one's people in comparison with representatives of other nations.

Nationalism not only preaches national values, but also promotes their forcible imposition on other peoples. Nationalism, in turn, also has its radical form - chauvinism. The essence of chauvinistic ideas lies in the open opposition of the interests of one's own ethnos as dominant with the help of methods of inciting national hatred, up to attempts to physically destroy representatives of a "foreign" nationality.

Nationalism often does not arise for no reason. The subjective prerequisites for nationalism are the oppression of the interests of a certain nation in the past. A vivid example is fascist Germany, whose pride of the people was hurt in postwar period(World War I), which became fertile ground for the emergence of radical National Socialist forces in the state.

The following factors influence the emergence of ethnic conflicts: 1. Territorial disputes 2. Historical tensions between individual peoples 3. Discrimination of minorities by the dominant nation in the state 4. The desire of Nars to create their own statehood.

Attitude to the historical past and traditions of the people

When resolving interethnic conflicts, one should be guided by modern democratic principles, in particular: the exclusion of coercion and violence, the search for a mutually beneficial consensus, awareness of the value of human rights, readiness for dialogue.

Rejection from the historical past of its people, its age-old traditions and customs leads to the gradual death of the nation, its cultural decay. In the modern world, national cultural continuity is experiencing a deep crisis. New trends in social and cultural life do not provide for the continuation of traditional values ​​and norms by the new generation in our time.

However, it is on them that the level of the national consciousness of mankind and the feeling of their involvement in the historical past of their people depends, no matter what it was. The main task of educating each generation should be its familiarization with historical cultural and spiritual values ​​and ideals.

A nation is an autonomous political grouping, not limited by territorial boundaries, whose members are committed to common values ​​and institutions. Representatives of one nation no longer have common ancestor And common origin. They do not have to have a common language, religion, but the nationality uniting them was formed thanks to common history and culture.

Nation signs:

  • community of territory;
  • common language;
  • community of economic life;
  • general features of the mental warehouse;
  • national identity.

The nation arises in the period of the birth of capitalism. During this period, classes, the domestic market and a single economic structure are formed, own literature, art. Nations are more numerous than nationalities, and number tens and hundreds of millions. On the basis of a common territory, language and economy, a single national character and mental warehouse. There is a very strong sense of solidarity with one's nation. National patriotic and national liberation movements, ethnic strife, wars and conflicts arise as a sign that a nation has been formed and is fighting for its sovereignty.

Ethnic groups are large groups of people distinguished on the basis of a common culture, language, and consciousness of the indissolubility of historical destiny.

Social communities distinguished by ethnicity are diverse. First of all, these are tribes, nationalities and nations.

Nations are the most developed ethnic formations that have arisen on the basis of a linguistic, territorial, cultural, economic, socio-psychological community. They are most characteristic of the modern world, in which there are at least two thousand different ethnic groups.

Russia is a multinational state. The non-Russian population is about 18% and includes, according to the authors of the 1994 micro-census program, representatives of more than 170 ethnic groups. Ethnographers sometimes count in Russia 1.5 - 2 times more ethnic communities. In terms of its national and state structure, the Russian Federation has no analogues in the world. Among the subjects Russian Federation 32 have the status of national-territorial, for which more than 40 ethnic groups are "indigenous". About 7% of the population, which includes about 130 ethnic groups and ethnic groups, do not have national-territorial formations in Russia.

Interethnic relations have always been distinguished by their contradictory nature - the gravitation towards cooperation and periodic conflicts. Interethnic relations are a particularly delicate matter. Violation or infringement of national interests, discrimination of individual nations give rise to extremely difficult problems and conflicts.

Nationalism is an ideology, the essence of which is the preaching of the peculiarities and / or exclusivity of one's people, the priority of national values, etc.

The extreme form of nationalism is chauvinism, preaching the exclusivity of one's own nation, opposing the interests of one's own nation to the interests of other nations, inciting national enmity and hatred.

Nationalism arises as a reaction of an ethnos to the destructive actions of the external environment. As a political principle, nationalism was formed in the processes of the formation of states, the collapse of empires. On present stage the nationalism of many ethnic communities is a kind of response to the intensifying global process of internationalization.

Causes of interethnic conflicts:

  1. territorial disputes;
  2. historical tensions between peoples;
  3. the policy of discrimination pursued by the dominant nation;
  4. attempts by national political elites to use national feelings for their own popularity;
  5. the desire of peoples to create their own statehood.

When resolving these conflicts, it is necessary to observe the humanistic principles of policy in the field of national relations:

  1. rejection of violence and coercion;
  2. search for consent based on the consensus of all participants;
  3. recognition of human rights and freedoms as the most important value;
  4. willingness to peacefully resolve disputes.

The nature of national relations is determined by two interrelated trends: towards differentiation and towards integration.

Every nation strives for self-development, for the preservation national identity, language, culture. These aspirations are realized in the process of their differentiation, which can take the form of a struggle for national self-determination and the creation of an independent national state.

On the other hand, the self-development of nations in the conditions of the modern world is impossible without their close interaction, cooperation, exchange cultural property, overcoming alienation, maintaining mutually beneficial contacts. The trend towards integration is intensifying due to the need to solve the global problems facing humanity with success scientific and technological revolution. It must be borne in mind that these trends are interrelated: the diversity of national cultures does not lead to their isolation, and the convergence of nations does not mean the disappearance of differences between them.

Interethnic relations are a particularly delicate matter. Violation or infringement of national interests, discrimination of individual nations give rise to extremely complex problems and conflicts.

In the modern world, including in Russia, there are interethnic conflicts caused by various reasons:

  1. territorial disputes;
  2. historical tensions in relations between peoples;
  3. the policy of discrimination pursued by the ruling nation against small nations and peoples;
  4. attempts by national political elites to use national feelings for their own popularity;
  5. desire of peoples to get out of multinational state and to create their own statehood.

It should be borne in mind that the international community, when resolving ethnic conflicts, proceeds from the priority of state integrity, the inviolability of existing borders, the inadmissibility of separatism and the violence associated with it.

When solving interethnic conflicts, it is necessary to observe the humanistic principles of policy in the field of national relations:

  1. rejection of violence and coercion;
  2. seeking agreement based on the consensus of all participants;
  3. recognition of human rights and freedoms as the most important value;
  4. willingness to peacefully resolve disputes.

What is international relations? These are certain relations that arise between ethnic groups, which cover all spheres of public life without exception.

In the modern world, relations between peoples play big role, since the process of globalization causes constant contacts and cultural exchange between ethnic groups. Interethnic integration is taking place. An example of such integration is the EU, where peoples come together culturally, economically and politically.

In addition to the political integration strategy (EU), there are other types of integration process. An example is the United States, the melting pot concept. This expression means that in America people belonging to different ethnic groups are mixed, there is an unification of the peoples that make up the United States into a common ethnic group "Americans". The USA is a country founded by immigrants from all over the world.

Another process is possible, called ethnic mixing (mixing). It occurs when, in the mixture of several ethnic groups, one new one is formed. For example, the tundra peasants in Yakutia are a people who have absorbed both Russian and Yakut national characteristics. The tundra peasants kept Orthodox faith, but entered into marriages with the indigenous peoples of Siberia. There was a mutual exchange of way of life, which led to the formation of a new ethnic group.

There is a phenomenon of assimilation, when the culture of one people is "absorbed" by another. One of the nations is deprived own language, national identity customs, traditions, culture. This process can take place both peacefully (assimilation by Russian settlers of the Finno-Ugric peoples of northeastern Rus': Chud, Merya, all), and violent (Arab conquerors assimilated the Christian population that had lived in the Middle East for a long time).

Scientists single out the process of acculturation, in which two cultures that are different from each other are likened to each other, mixed. Nations can both integrate and differentiate.

On the basis of nationality, states are usually divided into multinational and mononational. The Russian Federation is a vivid example of a multinational state, because almost 200 people live in Russia. various peoples. A mono-national state can be called, for example, Portugal, where the ethnic group of the Portuguese is the vast majority. national problems can arise in almost any country, so the authorities should be aware of the main types of national policies:

  1. Politics of multiculturalism. Its goal is to preserve in the state individual differences in culture between peoples and ensure peaceful coexistence with the preservation of the identity of ethnic groups. The American "melting pot" is the exact opposite of this method, because it does not preserve the uniqueness of peoples in the state, but unites nations into one large ethnic group.
  2. Nationalism. This policy exalts the nation, the people as highest value. Outbursts of nationalism more than once led to negative consequences, populists, demagogues repeatedly appealed to a sense of national greatness, pride, in order to persuade the people to take cruel measures against other peoples. Nationalism is not popular when there are friendly relations between nations in the state, it is activated if hard times. Populists manage to appeal to primitive feeling national pride when the situation in the country is unstable and inter-ethnic conflicts are ripening.
  3. Chauvinism. This policy is named after Chauvin. He was a soldier in the Napoleonic army and vehemently approved of the conquests french emperor. The term "chauvinism" refers to excessive, excessive nationalist politics.
  4. Discrimination. Such a policy deprives people of any nationality of certain rights, puts them in a humiliated position in relation to the "privileged" people. Jews in Russian Empire were subjected to serious discrimination. There was a "Pale of Settlement" - a limited area in which Jews had the right to live.
  5. Apartheid. Extremely severe discriminatory measures are applied to a certain ethnic group. Apartheid was especially widespread in South Africa, where the descendants of the Boer colonists did not perceive indigenous people Africa as equal people. Africans were allocated certain territories, outside of which they were forbidden to live. Their places of residence were called "bantustans".
  6. Segregation. If such a policy is pursued, then a certain ethnic group is deprived of part of its rights due to nationality.
  7. Genocide. The total extermination of an objectionable people. Destruction of the civilian population on ethnic, religious, other grounds. The creation of concentration camps and other measures aimed at the complete, total destruction of the people. The Turks were engaged in genocide during the First World War. The Turks killed Armenians, Pontic Greeks and Assyrians. It is worth noting that Türkiye still refuses to recognize the fact of the genocide.
  8. Holocaust. The policy of Nazi Germany, aimed at the complete destruction of the Jewish people and everything connected with it. More than half of the Jews living on earth died during the Nazi holocaust.
  9. Separatism. Separatists are people who seek to isolate their own people from the state. Separatists modern life you can name the Spanish Basques, who have been seeking independence for many years.

International relations. ethno-social conflicts. Ways to resolve them

Interethnic conflict is a clash of interests of peoples. It can occur for various reasons which are listed below:

  • Religious reasons. Crusades, Reconquista, Arab conquests.
  • economic reasons. A dispute over any resource, property, advantageous territory. France and Germany long years entered the struggle for Alsace and Lorraine, where valuable coal deposits are located.
  • Cultural. Peoples living in the same state and having different life and traditions may come into conflict on cultural grounds.
  • "Clash of Civilizations". When two big people defending two different models of values ​​collide, there is a clash of civilizations. The wars of commercial Carthage and agrarian Rome are a vivid example of such a conflict.
  • historical reasons. Armenia and Azerbaijan have been in conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh for many years.

Types of interethnic conflicts:

  • Stereotype conflict. The people create a negative perception of the neighbor, due to the historical past. This leads to conflict, for example, between Palestinians and Jews.
  • Ideological conflict. A nation puts forward territorial claims to lands that it considers historically its own. Byzantium had such claims to the territory of the former Roman Empire.

Ethnic conflicts must be resolved so that peoples interact normally. There are the following strategies for conflict resolution:

  • Establish what requirements the warring parties have and try to find a compromise solution.
  • Use sanctions. Economic restrictions and military intervention. The latter method is highly controversial. On the one hand, it is possible to destroy the radicals, and on the other hand, this may lead to a further escalation of the conflict.
  • Achieve a temporary break. The parties will calm down and be ready for cooperation.
  • Take preventive measures to prevent conflict.

Nations and interethnic relations are an important topic in modern society.

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