The Georgia Guidestones: One of the Great Mysteries of the USA. Tablets of stone - a new manifesto of the Order of the Rosicrucians


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In the small American town of Elberton, a gigantic granite structure rises on a hill. These are the Georgia Guidestones, stone slabs 19 feet high (over six meters) with a post-apocalyptic message to humanity, the correspondent says.

The monotonous sound of his wooden didgeridoo pipe is enhanced by the reciprocal vibration of granite. "It's not like I know when the end of the world is," he says, lifting his lips from his mouthpiece and pointing to six-meter-high gray slabs a few yards away. "But whenever it comes, I'd rather be right here at that moment."

Anthony and I met at the Georgia Guidestones. This is a mysterious monument of six granite slabs, set on a hilltop in the city of Elberton, Georgia, USA.

Anthony hitchhiked here from North Carolina; the next point of his journey is Coral Castle, another megalithic structure, but already in the state of Florida, in a place called Homestead.

Avoid Petty Lawsuits and Useless Officials From the Georgia Guidestones

And I stopped in Elberton because I am a big hunter for all sorts of unusual sights "on the side of the road", as they say.

"It's no wonder that this particular place was chosen for the Tablets. It's not without reason that Elberton is called the 'Granite Capital of the World'," notes Anthony.

"Right below us are huge deposits of granite - a deposit 35 miles long, six miles wide and three miles deep," he continues. "If an earthquake or any other natural disaster happens, I would like to be in this very place where in six million tons of stone lie in the bowels of the earth. It is here that people could be saved."

It was these granite deposits that attracted a well-dressed gentleman to the city of Elberton in June 1979, who identified himself as Robert Christian.

Image copyright Ajmexico Georgia Guidestones Flickr CC BY 2.0 Image caption Georgia Guidestones

He approached Joe Fendley, Sr., president of construction firm Elberton Granite Finishing Corporation, about the potential cost of building a decent-sized monument.

He said about himself that he was a representative small group Americans (but not from Georgia) who are working on the design of the monument, conceived as a message to future generations.

Fendley promptly set him up with his banker, Wyatt Martin, who was appointed to mediate the project. Both men were sworn to secrecy.

In March 1980, the Georgia Guidestones - four giant rough-edged slabs set around a central slab; one more slab is located on top of these five (total mass of the monument is 119 tons) - were opened for public review.

One aunt arranged a wedding ceremony for herself at the Tablets, and it turned out that she was a witch Cashier from a gas station

About 100 people attended the opening ceremony. One of them, a local priest, immediately declared that the monument resembled Stonehenge, and therefore was built for satanic pagan cults.

On each side of the upper slab were engraved in four ancient languages ​​the following words: "Let these tablets serve as a covenant to the Age of Reason."

The vertical slabs are inscribed in eight modern languages ​​(English, Russian, Chinese (Mandarin), Arabic, Hebrew, Swahili, Spanish and Hindi), representing some commandments to humanity for harmonious development in the post-apocalyptic era.

"Keep the population of the Earth within 500 million people, so that the balance with the natural environment is not disturbed;

Manage fertility wisely, caring for the health and diversity of humanity;

Find a new living language that can bring people together;

Be tolerant in matters of sentiment, faith, tradition, and the like;

Let just laws and an impartial court stand up for the protection of people and peoples;

Let each country decide its own internal affairs, leaving the solution of problems that go beyond the boundaries of one state to an international court;

Avoid petty lawsuits and useless officials;

Maintain a balance between individual rights and social obligations;

Above all, value truth, beauty and love, striving for harmony with the universe;

Do not be a cancerous tumor on the body of the Earth, do not deprive nature of its living space."

After meetings with Fendley and Martin, Christian left the city, and was never seen here again.

Only a stone tablet with a commentary remained, which was installed a few yards from the monument.

The commentary contains information about the location of megaliths from the point of view of astrology: four plates are oriented along the celestial poles; in the central plate at eye level there is a round hole oriented to the North Star, as well as a slot made in accordance with the position of the sun during the periods of solstices and equinoxes.

The upper slab acts as an astronomical calendar: through a hole in it, sunlight enters at noon and, hitting the central tablet with a beam, indicates the day of the year.

Image copyright Counse Georgia Guidestones Flickr CC BY 2.0 Image caption View through a hole that rebuilds the Tablets in accordance with the position of the heavenly bodies

Obviously, the construction and installation of the Tablets was preceded by a huge intellectual and spiritual work. However, the reason for the emergence of this monument and the true meaning of his messages are not understood until now.

“What happens if a person is born in excess of the prescribed 500 million?” asks, laughing, an elderly cashier at a local gas station (the lady is about 70 years old, and she asked me not to use her name in the publication).

The cashier punches me a can of peanuts with spices. She has a tuft of gray hair on her head; strands that have escaped from the bundle fall on the neck, decorated with a pendant in the shape of an American flag; she speaks with a charming southern accent, taking occasional sips of Coca-Cola from a lipstick-stained tin.

"People come here from all over to look at the Tablets. Many people come for emanations: some think that they [emanations] are beneficial; others say they make them creepy. And there are those who don't know what to think."

In my opinion, Christian is one of the ascended masters who has this knowledge, and he shares it with us through these stone tablets Anthony, the hitchhiker

My interlocutor adjusts the chain around her neck. “When I first saw them, I was trembling. They reminded me of Stonehenge. And we all know what happened there, at Stonehenge,” she says, and her pale cheeks, tinted with pink blush, solemnly fall.

I, cracking another nut, wonder: "What are you talking about?" - "Yes, of course, about what - about human sacrifices!"

Although the connection of the megalithic monument in Georgia with the occult and sacrificial rites has not yet been confirmed, a gas station cashier told me about amateur video footage taken by a drone in March 2015; a camera built into it allegedly recorded bruising-like spots on the upper tablet.

“Most of the locals don’t care, but the priests in the district say that these are occult cases. Our sheriff did not start an investigation, but I personally would not be surprised if I find out that such rituals really took place ... ”says the cashier.

“Somehow, a whole group of visitors swooped in and covered the slabs up and down with “ISIS” and all sorts of other inscriptions. And one aunt arranged a wedding ceremony for herself [at the Tablets], and it turned out that she was a witch,” my interlocutor’s face again revives.

"But in a good way a witch," she adds.

Thousands of people come every year to see the Georgia Guidestones. Among skeptics, adherents, conspiracy theorists and just onlookers, there are a number of versions as to who this Christian really is, and what is the true purpose of the monument built under his leadership.

Image copyright Georgia Guidestones Flickr CC BYND 2.0 Image caption The Georgia Guidestones Message to Humanity

Some famous people - Yoko Ono, for example - hailed the Georgia Guidestones as a call to living life intelligently, while others considered the newest covenant to be the words of the Antichrist.

Some have argued that the megalithic monument in Georgia "predicted" its height with its parameters as much as 30 years before this tallest structure in the world was built.

But my casual acquaintance Anthony (and he is not alone) believes that Christian is a member of the Rosicrucian Order, which studies the metaphysical laws of the universe, and that he, Christian, was granted the elixir of immortality.

“In my opinion, the initials “R” and “C” are the first letters of the “Rosy Cross”, which is the symbol of the Rosicrucian order,” he explains. “Their mission is to completely transcend between astral, mental and physical planes and in understanding the essence of all these three states of being.

“But it takes incarnation after incarnation,” Anthony says. “I think Christian is one of the ascended masters who has this knowledge, and he shares it with us through these stone tablets.”

"Do you think he's still here?" I ask.

Anthony brings his pipe to his lips again. "Of course. But who he is and where he is - we are unlikely to ever know."

The lingering didgeridoo is heard. "But will these tablets help us all after the end of the world? It seems to me that we will not know this before it comes - whenever this happens."

The Georgia Guidestones or American Stonehenge is a massive granite structure in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. The monument has a height of more than 6 meters and consists of six granite blocks with a total weight of about 100 tons. But still, the most curious thing is not its truly gigantic size, but the mysterious message engraved on its plates and called the "Ten Commandments of the Age of Enlightenment." The "Commandments" are a list of recommendations for establishing a New World Order on Earth. They are mainly related to such topics as the depopulation of the Earth's population, the creation of a One World Government, the replacement of social and spiritual values. The authors of the "recommendations" wished to remain anonymous - their identities have not been established to this day. However, this group of people left behind an “explanatory note” in the form of “commandments” established by them, information about a full-scale study of which was still not available on the Web. In this article, we will try to clearly explain to the public the purpose of these "recommendations" and leave no room for informational speculation. The Georgia Guidestones fully describe the idea of ​​a "perfect world" from the perspective of members of a secret society. The monument clearly shows that there is a direct connection between the secret occult organizations and the goals of the New World Order.


Carved from hard blue granite, the Tablets stand like a monument, erected to stand the test of time and carrying knowledge on multiple levels: philosophical, political, astronomical, and so on. All of them are contained in the theses inscribed on the plates, called the "List of the Ten Golden Commandments of the Age of Enlightenment." The list is duplicated in eight languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. At the very top of the monument, you can see a brief inscription in four ancient languages: Akkadian, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit and Ancient Egyptian (in the form of hieroglyphs). It is important to note that these languages ​​are of great importance to many secret occult schools, such as Freemasons and Rosicrucians (we will deal with them in more detail a little later).

The four main plates are built in the form of a "big paddle wheel" and are oriented in accordance with the annual cycle of the Sun's movement across the sky. In addition, they indicate the extreme points of the ascent and standing of the luminary during an eighteen-year period. There is a hole in the central slab-column through which the North Star can be seen at any time of the year. And through a hole a little over 2 cm in size in the upper plate-cover, light penetrates every day at exactly noon and, falling on the central stone, indicates the day of the year.

Scheme of the monument (all metric units are converted to familiar to us).

At the base is a stone tablet that tells about the history of the emergence and purpose of the Tablets. It also mentions a certain "Time capsule" (eng. Time capsule), laid at the base of the monument. The contents of the capsule (if it exists in reality) remains a deep mystery.

During the construction of the structure, astronomical calculations were of great importance for the creators. In a relatively young country like the United States of America, monuments oriented towards celestial mechanics are most often the creations of members of secret occult organizations, such as Freemasons, since all of them from time immemorial were followers of secret magical schools. ancient egypt, Greece and the Druidic school, who are known to have put some of the fragments of "sacred knowledge" into their creations.

"Ten Commandments"

English version of the commandments.

The following are the "Ten Commandments of the Age of Enlightenment" in the order in which they are carved in stone:

1. May the earthly population never exceed 500,000,000, being in constant balance with nature.
2. Regulate fertility wisely, appreciating the value of life preparation and human diversity.
3. Find a new living language that can unite humanity.
4. Show tolerance in matters of feelings, faith, traditions and the like.
5. Let just laws and an impartial judiciary stand up for the defense of peoples and nations.
6. Let each nation decide its internal affairs by itself, bringing national problems to the world court.
7. Avoid petty lawsuits and useless bureaucrats.
8. Maintain a balance between individual rights and social obligations.
9. Above all, value truth, beauty, love, striving for harmony with infinity.
10. Do not be a cancerous tumor for the Earth, leave a place for nature too!

Depopulation, family planning and eugenics

The first "commandment" is terrifying in its essence: it makes it clear that 12 of the 13 people now living on Earth, in all likelihood, must be destroyed. This statement means that after some time the world population should be reduced to half the population of today's India. If there are now 7 billion people in the world, then it follows that almost 93% of humanity should be destroyed. These numbers are crazy. Remember the movie 2012 ". How many people survived after the disaster? - Not enough. And who were they? - The rich. What is it, if not intellectual programming?

The last "commandment" reads: Do not be a cancerous tumor for the Earth, leave a place for nature too!". Here we are especially concerned that the creators of the Tablets compare human life with incurable disease. With this in mind, the extermination of almost half of the world's population for the leaders of the New World Order will seem to be an absolutely justified action. In 1998, the British Prince Philip, in order to reduce the population of the Earth, supported the idea of ​​​​creating a special deadly virus, the task of which was to destroy the "surpluses of mankind." In the not so distant past, Bill Gates spoke on this subject as follows: “There are about 6.8 billion people in the world today ... very soon the population of the Earth will reach 9 billion. However, if we create new, revolutionary vaccines and implement appropriate health and reproductive policies, we can reduce this risk by 5-10 percent.” daytime, May 24, 2009

The second "commandment" Manage births wisely, valorizing life preparation and human diversity”- mainly touches on the topic of third-party interference in family affairs. If you read between the lines, it turns out that in the future the number of children in a family should be regulated by law. Under the definition of "human diversity" is nothing more than the Darwinian Theory natural selection. This definition implies the sterilization of unwanted (in genetic terms) members of society. All these goals were previously united under their command by such a science as eugenics, the creators of which were the Nazis.

One World Government

“Some even believe that we are part of a conspiracy against the interests of the United States. They characterize my family and myself as "internationalists" who, in collusion with other forces around the world, are building a tightly integrated global political and economic structure - one world. If this accusation is real, then I plead guilty and proud of it with all my heart.”

— David Rockefeller, The Memoirs of David Rockefeller, p. 405.

Most of the other recommendations inscribed on the slabs of the structure call for the creation of a New World Order Society based on unconditional obedience to a group of people that regulates all aspects human life, including religious, social and economic.

Statement by Anonymous Authors

Since the erection of the Tablets on March 22, 1980, many people have tried to conduct their own research on the subject of inscriptions inscribed on granite slabs. The researchers sought to find out if they really have anything to do with the idea of ​​establishing a New World Order on Earth, or if they are just a set of rules for evacuating the Earth's population in the event of a global catastrophe. The easiest way to answer these and other questions is to ask them directly to the authors of the grandiose structure. But, as we wrote above, this cannot be done for the reason that the creators wished to maintain their complete anonymity. In the end, many researchers did not notice the fact that these people have already given a fairly detailed explanation of the purpose of the structure. The text inscribed on the slabs-columns is noteworthy primarily because it describes in detail all the motives that guided the company responsible for the construction of the monument. From the very beginning it was clear that the authors acted in the interests of the ideologues of the New World Order.
Who really are the members of this “small group of Americans”, whose goal was and is the creation on earth of a “United Global State under the dictates of reason”? Although their identities are completely classified, these people still left behind some evidence that clearly points to the occult nature of their activities. To begin with, let me say that this article puts a black stigma on all occult organizations in the West. We believe that this group of people adhered to the two main principles of occultism in their activities: “The top is equal in all respects to the Bottom” (this concept symbolizes the need for the unity of humanity with Nature and the Universe) and the “Principle of Duality” (“ We are driving force Universe through our manifestation in life of both positive and negative personal qualities. But at the same time, we cannot give free rein only to the forces of hatred, cruelty, indifference and coldness."). We believe that this passage is more than reasonable evidence that the authors of the Tablets are members of the Masonic Order, the Rosicrucian Order and members of other secret occult organizations associated with Hermeticism. In addition, there are several other clues that point to a clear esoteric overtones in the inscriptions on the Tablets. One of the creators and part-time one of the customers of the monument R. C. Christian is a member of a secret occult organization.

R. C. Christian

Unveiling of the Georgia Guidestones. Who knows, maybe one of these people is the mysterious R.C. Christian?

in front of you official history the creation of a granite monument, printed in the official guide "Georgia Guidebook":

“It all started and ended on one unremarkable summer Friday. It was then, under unusual circumstances, that the foundation of one of the most mysterious structures in the world was laid. Joe Fendley, president of Elberton Granite Finishing Company, Elbert County, Georgia, spent Friday June 1979 as he did most all his afternoons, studying weekly reports related to the closing of the company's headquarters for the weekend. Everything happened on that day. The company headed by Fendley entered neatly dressed man and said that he wanted to commission the construction of a monument to the corporation. Since Fendley was still in his office, he decided to speak to the client in person. He said that his company does not cooperate with individuals, but only works with organizations.

A middle-aged man, who introduced himself as Mr. R. C. Christian, said that he wanted to know the real cost of building the structure and immediately after that he began to describe the appearance of the building itself, not forgetting to mention the metric data of the future structure.

Later, Fendley repeatedly admitted that his first impression of Mr. Christian was not very good. But after a 20-minute conversation with this man and after discussing with him the metric data of a massive structure, Fendley accepted Christian's order and began to take this man more than seriously.

The name R.C. Christian is carved on a plaque at the base of the monument. The freebies explicitly state that this is a pseudonym.

If the name of Christian, as they say, is just a meaningless pseudonym, then for what purpose was it engraved by the authors on the granite slabs of the structure? Does it given name any occult meaning? Certainly yes. The name Christians clearly points us to Christian Rosenkreuz, the legendary founder of the Order of the Rose and Cross (Order of the Rosicrucians). You can write it off as mere coincidence, call it far-fetched, but there is plenty of evidence to support this theory. This name is part of an important puzzle.

A man in front of the doors to the Rosicrucian Temple. Please note that the candidate shows the sign of secrecy with his hand, putting his finger to his lips. Also note the letters "RC" on the door, they are the same as in the name R. C. Christian.

The Rosicrucian Order gained wide popularity in the 17th century. These enigmatic writings, shrouded in mystery, introduced the general public to the philosophy of the Rosicrucian Order and openly announced to people the beginning of a great transformation of the political and intellectual landscape of Europe. Soon after this came the so-called Age of Enlightenment, accompanied by the fall of the feudal monarchies. The Georgia Guidestones serve the same function as the Rosicrucian manifestos, calling on the world's population to carry out important world transformations shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery.

On the plates of the Tablets, such a concept as the “Era of Enlightenment” is repeatedly mentioned. Can this definition be related to the name classical work Thomas Paine?

The Age of Enlightenment is a deistic treatise written in the 18th century by British radical and American revolutionary Thomas Paine. The work criticizes official religion and questions the inerrancy of the Bible. The principles expressed in it put the mind at the forefront. This point of view is obviously shared by the authors of the Tablets.

known fact is that at one time Payne was one of the high-ranking members of the American Rosicrucian Order:

“The Rosicrucian Order existed in the USA before the start of the First American Revolution. In 1774, a "Great Council of Three" was convened, attended by Benjamin Franklin, George Clymer, and Thomas Paine."

— Brotherhood of the Rose and Cross,

In Manly Hall's The Secret Destiny of America, Thomas Paine is depicted as one of the high-ranking Rosicrucians openly advocating the promotion of the ideas of the New World Order:

"Thomas Paine has repeatedly said that only a significant reorganization by George Washington of state institutions, religion and education can allow us to directly approach the creation of an ideal state."

- Manly Hall "America's Secret Destiny"

These references to Thomas Paine are part of another Rosicrucian mystery that leads us to believe that the authors of the Tablets are either Freemasons who profess the teachings of the Rosicrucians, or the members of the Order of the Rose and Cross themselves.

Even more obvious evidence that the creators of the Tablets belonged to the occult environment is that Joe Fendley, the president of the contractor building the monument, was a Freemason. (Noted in the official guide to the Georgia Guidestones). I wonder if this fact influenced Christian's choice of Fendley's company?

“Fendley takes an active part in Masonic activity. He is now a member of Philomathea 25 Masonic Lodge in Elbert County, a 32° Scottish Rite Mason, and has been a member of an organization called the Yaraab Shrine Temple in Atlanta since 1969. From 1972 to 1973 he was president of the Savannah Valley Shrine Club. In 1973, the Savannah Valley Shrine Club awarded Fendley the Divan Degree of Distinction Award and named her ambassador in 1975.

— Georgia Guide Guide


The Georgia Guidestones are the Rosicrucian Manifesto of today, advocating revolutionary changes in the face of the current world order. The monument is of great importance in understanding hidden forces that govern the modern world. He is the embodiment of a material connection between secret societies, the world's financial elite and the ideas of the New World Order. Problems of creating a One World Government, population control and protection problems environment already actively discussed by the public. The tablets were erected in 1980. Can we say today that the ideas of the Rosicrucians have made some progress in their implementation?

Many of the theses inscribed on the granite slabs of the monument predict in the long term the changes that must occur in society. The manual also talks about how this policy will be applied to the masses. If you read between the lines this part set of “commandments”, it can be seen that the changes planned in the world will entail such consequences as the loss of personal freedom by citizens, unconditional submission to the highest government at different levels, a reduction in the world population by 93%, without affecting family members of the ruling elite. Democracy, idealized by the founding fathers of the American state, is in fact a temporary illusion and one of the paths leading to the creation of a One World Government. Why don't citizens of democratic states take part in government activities? We believe that it is easier for the elite to communicate with citizens through the media. But this tactic won't last forever...

Some photos from the guide

As mentioned above, immediately after the construction of the Tablets in the United States, the Georgia Guidebook was published in a limited edition, telling about the stages of preparation, construction and purpose of the structure. The brochure contains a large number of photos, here are some of them:

Joe Fendley Sr., chief architect of the Georgia Guidestones and president of the Elbeflon Granite Finishing Company, stands proudly next to the monument's scale model. Upon completion of construction, the model was transferred to the Elberton Granite Museum and exhibited to thousands of tourists from all over the world.

The first of the blocks of the future monument, mined from a 35-meter depth of a granite quarry. Each such block weighs approximately 28 tons.

C.S. The Peck Company developed a special tool for cleaning and leveling the huge blocks of blue granite that became the Tablets' slabs. The photo shows a worker on one of these blocks.

A dedicated team of master stonemasons, led by Joe Davies, work on the granite blocks, shaping them to the exact size and shape of the project.

Using a sandblaster, the craftsman applies the message of R.C. Christian to the granite blocks. This is a complex and painstaking work, hundreds of hours of working time were spent on each of the blocks.

Lead Inspector E.G.A. checks compliance of the work performed with the project specification. Literally every square centimeter of the surface and every sign of text printed on granite blocks was subjected to verification.

Below are photographs that show how the installation of the plates and the "assembly" of the monument took place on the spot, in Elberton County, Georgia, USA, where it stands to this day.

The “final touch” before the opening of the structure is the surface treatment of stone blocks with steam under pressure and an acid solution. This allows you to discover all the beauty of granite stone and preserve its original appearance for a long time.

The opening ceremony of the Tablets was attended by bankers, congressmen and representatives of the district administration. This once again proves that the building itself and the text inscribed on it are not just an act good will"a small group of Americans", but a monument of almost national importance.

An active sponsor of the construction of the monument, banker Wyatt Martin made a speech at the ceremony, emphasizing the importance of such events for all mankind.

Pictured are Congressman Doug Bernard (center), Elberton County Mayor Jack Wheeler (left), and Elberton County Council President Billy Ray Brown (right). As you can see, there is no shortage of officials.

Grand opening of the monument (removal of the opaque film covering it). Pictured are Congressman Doug Bernard, Elberton County Mayor Jack Wheeler, and Elberton County Council Chairman Billy Ray Brown.

The Fendley family attended the opening ceremony almost in full force. It was their family company that designed and built the enigmatic Georgia Guidestones monument, which is a kind of manifesto of the New World Order, carved in granite.

The Georgia Guidestones are the "Ten Commandments" of the New World Order. This is a massive granite structure in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. But still, the most curious thing is not its truly gigantic size, but the message engraved on its plates.

It is likely that humanity this moment has all necessary knowledge to create a One World Government. IN in a certain sense,
the seeds of this knowledge have already been sown in the minds of all mankind.
Very soon the human race will welcome the onset of a new global Era.

Humanity must clearly understand that tragic events,
taking place in the world today, and the unprecedented growth of the world's population
are defects of the former form of government.

We, the creators of the Georgia Guidestones, are a small group of Americans,
wishing to solve all the key problems of modern society as soon as possible.
We convey this message through the present - into the future.
We stand for one religion and one life philosophy.
However, despite all this, our message still has some contradictions.
To avoid fueling unnecessary disputes, we have maintained our complete anonymity.

We are the shepherds of life on earth.

Couples without the necessary financial means and support should not have children,
because in this case they become a burden to their neighbors.
It makes no sense to raise children in a crowded boat of life.


The Georgia Guidestones are the "Ten Commandments" of the New World Order.

The Georgia Guidestones or American Stonehenge is a massive granite structure in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. The monument has a height of more than 6 meters and consists of six granite blocks with a total weight of about 100 tons. But still, the most curious thing is not its truly gigantic size, but the mysterious message engraved on its plates and called the "Ten Commandments of the Age of Enlightenment." The "Commandments" are a list of recommendations for establishing a New World Order on Earth. They are mainly related to such topics as the depopulation of the Earth's population, the creation of a One World Government, the replacement of social and spiritual values. The authors of the "recommendations" wished to remain anonymous - their identities have not been established to this day. However, this group of people left behind an “explanatory note” in the form of “commandments” established by them, information about a full-scale study of which was still not available on the Web. In this article, we will try to clearly explain to the public the purpose of these "recommendations" and leave no room for informational speculation. The Georgia Guidestones fully describe the idea of ​​a "perfect world" from the perspective of members of a secret society. The monument clearly shows that there is a direct connection between the secret occult organizations and the goals of the New World Order.


The tablets, sitting quietly in Elberton County, are likely to become more relevant in the coming years.

Carved from hard blue granite, the Tablets stand like a monument, erected to stand the test of time and carrying knowledge on multiple levels: philosophical, political, astronomical, and so on. All of them are contained in the theses inscribed on the plates, called the "List of the Ten Golden Commandments of the Age of Enlightenment." The list is duplicated in eight languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. At the very top of the monument, you can see a brief inscription in four ancient languages: Akkadian, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit and Ancient Egyptian (in the form of hieroglyphs). It is important to note that these languages ​​are of great importance to many secret occult schools, such as Freemasons and Rosicrucians (we will deal with them in more detail a little later).

The four main plates are built in the form of a "big paddle wheel" and are oriented in accordance with the annual cycle of the Sun's movement across the sky. In addition, they indicate the extreme points of the ascent and standing of the luminary during an eighteen-year period. There is a hole in the central slab-column through which the North Star can be seen at any time of the year. And through a hole a little over 2 cm in size in the upper plate-cover, light penetrates every day at exactly noon and, falling on the central stone, indicates the day of the year.

At the base is a stone tablet that tells about the history of the emergence and purpose of the Tablets. It also mentions a certain "Time capsule" (eng. Time capsule), laid at the base of the monument. The contents of the capsule (if it exists in reality) remains a deep mystery.

Information is inscribed on a stone tablet at the base of the monument
about the building itself and its authors.
There is no information about the opening date of the “time capsule” laid under it.

During the construction of the structure, astronomical calculations were of great importance for the creators. In a relatively young country like the United States of America, monuments oriented towards celestial mechanics are most often the creations of members of secret occult organizations, such as Masons, since all of them from time immemorial were followers of the secret magical schools of Ancient Egypt, Greece and the Druidic school, which, as you know, they put some of the fragments of "sacred knowledge" into their creations.

English version of the commandments.

"Ten Commandments"

1. May the earthly population never exceed 500,000,000, being in constant balance with nature.
2. Regulate fertility wisely, appreciating the value of life preparation and human diversity.
3. Find a new living language that can unite humanity.
4. Show tolerance in matters of feelings, faith, traditions and the like.
5. Let just laws and an impartial judiciary stand up for the defense of peoples and nations.
6. Let each nation decide its internal affairs by itself, bringing national problems to the world court.
7. Avoid petty lawsuits and useless bureaucrats.
8. Maintain a balance between individual rights and social obligations.
9. Above all, value truth, beauty, love, striving for harmony with infinity.
10. Do not be a cancerous tumor for the Earth, leave a place for nature too!

As you can see, the so-called "commandments" clearly indicate to us the "necessity" of a sharp reduction in the world population, the introduction of a "single language that unites peoples", the creation of a One International Court and such a science as eugenics (based on the ideas of the New World Order).
Depopulation, family planning and eugenics

The first "commandment" is terrifying in its essence: it makes it clear that 12 of the 13 people now living on Earth, in all likelihood, must be destroyed. This statement means that after some time the world population should be reduced to half the population of today's India. If there are now 7 billion people in the world, then it follows that almost 93% of humanity should be destroyed. These numbers are crazy. Remember the movie "2012". How many people survived after the disaster? - Not enough. And who were they? - The rich. What is it, if not intellectual programming?

The last "commandment" says: "Do not be a cancerous tumor for the Earth, leave a place for nature too!" Here we are particularly concerned that the creators of the Tablets compare human life to an incurable disease. With this in mind, the extermination of almost half of the world's population for the figures of the New World Order will seem to be an absolutely justified action.

A significant reduction in the population is an openly stated goal of the world ruling and business elite:

In 1998, British Prince Philip, in order to reduce the world's population, supported the idea of ​​​​creating a special deadly virus, the task of which was to destroy the "surpluses of mankind." In the not so distant past, Bill Gates spoke on this subject as follows: “There are about 6.8 billion people in the world today ... very soon the population of the Earth will reach 9 billion. However, if we create new, revolutionary vaccines and implement appropriate health and reproductive policies, we can reduce this risk by 5-10 percent.”

In addition to the topic directly related to the depopulation of the Earth's population, many other "important issues" were also discussed by the ruling elite, such as:

“At one of the secret meetings, American billionaires decided how and most importantly where they could invest their assets for their further use in order to reduce global population growth and accelerate “benign transformations” in education and health.

Microsoft founder and celebrated philanthropist Bill Gates has been discussing the drivers that could lead the world to transcend religious and political boundaries to bring about "a special kind of change."

Also taking part in the discussion were the patriarch of one of America's most powerful aristocratic families, David Rockefeller Jr., financial magnates Warren Buffett and George Soros, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey.

The second "commandment" - "Regulate wisely the birth rate, increasing the value of life preparation and the diversity of mankind" - mainly touches on the topic of third-party interference in the affairs of the family. If you read between the lines, it turns out that in the future the number of children in a family should be regulated by law. Under the definition of "human diversity" is nothing more than the Darwinian Theory of Natural Selection. This definition implies the sterilization of unwanted (in genetic terms) members of society. All these goals were previously united under their command by such a science as eugenics, the creators of which were the Nazis.
United World government

“Some even believe that we are part of a conspiracy against the interests of the United States. They characterize my family and myself as "internationalists" who, in collusion with other forces around the world, are building a tightly integrated global political and economic structure - one world. If this accusation is real, then I plead guilty and proud of it with all my heart.”

- David Rockefeller "The Memoirs of David Rockefeller", p. 405.

Most of the other recommendations inscribed on the slabs of the building call for the creation of a New World Order Society based on unconditional submission to a group of people that regulates all aspects of human life, including religious, social and economic. This idea is not new, it has been expressed by various secret schools for many centuries. Manly Hall wrote in 1917:

“When the crowd rules, ignorance reigns; when the church rules, superstition rules; when the state rules, fear rules in society. Before people begin to live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be turned into wisdom, superstition into the faith of the enlightened, and fear into love. Freemasonry is a religion that strives to achieve the absolute unity of God and man through the development of consciousness, thanks to which, in the future, the individual will be able to get clear ideas about the work of the Great Architect of the Universe. From century to century, humanity will strive with all its might to create an Ideal Civilization. Center Great Civilization will be a powerful storehouse of knowledge about the secret life. Here are some philosophical truths that accompany the achievement of the Ideal: There is no place for creeds and dogmas, everything superficial will be removed, only the essential will remain; The world will be governed by the "spirit of the enlightened" and in this world everyone will occupy the niche to which he is worthy and to which he is most suited.

- Manly Hall "The Secret Teaching of All Ages"

In his work The Secret Destiny of America, Hall added that the idea of ​​a One World Government itself is quite old and has been practiced by all secret societies and mysteries without exception for many centuries:

"Peace and Democracy have always been cherished dream philosophers classical school. On the way to the fulfillment of this great public purpose they have developed many programs in the field of education, religion and social behavior, which, as a result of their application, should lead to the establishment of universal brotherhood on Earth. To achieve their goals, scientists have combined all their efforts together with the mystical brotherhoods. In Egypt, Greece, India and China, the process of creating an ideal Society is coming to its final stage. Philosophers and members of the mystical Order give lectures, consult and directly govern these states.

- Manly Hall "America's Secret Destiny"
Statement by Anonymous Authors

Since the erection of the Tablets on March 22, 1980, many people have tried to conduct their own research on the subject of inscriptions inscribed on granite slabs. The researchers sought to find out if they really have anything to do with the idea of ​​establishing a New World Order on Earth, or if they are just a set of rules for evacuating the Earth's population in the event of a global catastrophe. The easiest way to answer these and other questions is to ask them directly to the authors of the grandiose structure. But, as we wrote above, this cannot be done for the reason that the creators wished to maintain their complete anonymity. In the end, many researchers did not notice the fact that these people have already given a fairly detailed explanation of the purpose of the structure. The text inscribed on the slabs-columns is noteworthy primarily because it describes in detail all the motives that guided the company responsible for the construction of the monument. From the very beginning it was clear that the authors acted in the interests of the ideologues of the New World Order. We will not build any hypotheses related to the conspiracy theory now. The message inscribed on granite slabs speaks for itself and conveys everything clearly and unmistakably. So, we have before us the statement of the anonymous authors of the Ten Commandments of the New World Order:

“It is likely that humanity at the moment has all the necessary knowledge to create a One World Government. In a certain sense, the seeds of this knowledge have already been sown in the minds of all mankind. Very soon the human race will welcome the onset of a new global Era.

group consciousness human race inherently blind, vicious, easily distracted by various kinds of trifles and can not concentrate on fundamental things. We are entering a critical period for all of us. The explosive growth of the world's population will soon lead us to a global political and economic crisis. Faced with the many difficulties inherent in existing system, people will come close to the system of building a global society based on reason.

The first step on this path will be to convince the doubting masses that the creation of the society of the future is already possible today. Let's turn to the human mind, let's provide a solution to all key social problems, let's determine for ourselves the right life priorities. Before we touch heavenly things, we must put things in order on earth.

The human mind must awaken. He is the very force that provides us with life on our planet. We need, to a certain extent, to sensitize the attention of humanity to such extremely important things as compassion and freethinking. But all this should take place within natural boundaries.

Humanity must clearly understand that the tragic events taking place in the world today, and the unprecedented growth of the Earth's population (which also cannot but grieve) are defects in the former form of government. The impending crisis will prompt humanity to create a new legal system that will emphasize the responsible position and duties of each separate nation on the world stage. This way we can ensure unilateral regulation internal problems and peaceful resolution of international security issues.

Thanks to this system, we would be able to prevent a huge number of wars and realize all our goals.

An alternative to Armageddon exists and is achievable. But this will not happen until we coordinate the efforts of millions of dedicated people.

We, the creators of the Georgia Guidestones, are a small group of Americans who want a speedy solution to all the key problems of modern society. We convey this message through the present - into the future. We take this for granted. We stand for a single religion and a single philosophy of life. However, despite all this, our message still has some contradictions. To avoid fueling unnecessary disputes, we have maintained our complete anonymity.

You are entitled to your own point of view. You can stand up for your own beliefs.

In order to materialize all our thoughts, we erected this monument, consisting of a collection of carved stones. Its slabs will stand even when we are no longer in the world. We hope that over time, society will accept our ideas, understand all their expediency and soon turn them into reality.

We believe that every person has his own destiny. Each of us is an incorruptible part of Eternity. Stones symbolize for all mankind the need to live in accordance with external principles, in harmony with Nature and the Universe. We must live in harmony with Eternity.

Ten positions are engraved on the four middle stones. Each plate contains given message written in two languages. The English version is limited to one hundred words. Languages ​​were chosen according to their historical significance and the impact they have had and are having on the modern world. So, at present, there are more than three thousand languages ​​on earth, but for quite specific reasons, many of them do not meet our requirements and therefore cannot be used by us.

The four outer granite slabs mark the annual movement of the Sun and some other celestial objects. These slabs serve to convey our views and beliefs. In the future, they will serve humanity as a kind of reminder of the key problems of today's world and point out the need to solve them jointly, rationally and fairly.

At the moment, we cannot say that humanity is distinguished by spirituality. The Tablets should suggest to humanity the steps that must be taken by society to further achieve a lasting balance with the Universe.

Human beings are special. We are the shepherds of life on earth. In this world, we play a central role in eternal struggle between good and evil, between creation and destruction. Infinity covers everything that exists, even the area of ​​struggle, conflict and change, reflecting the state of chaos in the Divine consciousness.

We humans are endowed with the ability to recognize and act for good or for evil. We must strive to optimize our existence, not only for ourselves, but also for the sake of our descendants. Otherwise, we will not be able to benefit all those whose lives are in our hands.

We are the driving force of this world through our manifestation of positive and negative human qualities. Without us, there would be no such feelings as love, forgiveness and sympathy. But at the same time, we are the creators of hatred, cruelty, indifference and coldness. We can consciously, for centuries, work simply to somehow improve this world. Even this is more than enough. The rational world of the future is the pinnacle.

In 1980, during the construction of the Tablets, one of the most pressing social problems was the problem of reducing the population of the Earth. In past centuries, thanks to technological progress, the population of the Earth has increased several times. It certainly goes beyond what makes our planet sustainable and viable. Now we are facing the inevitable depletion of the world's energy and important raw materials.

For now, we must focus entirely on the issue of human birth control. The solution of this issue will lead to fundamental changes in our worldview and habits. Unfortunately, human behavior is characterized by some inertia. This statement is especially true of those who will take the lead in the process of change, while the uninformed masses do not see the need for any further change.

In our time, in almost every country there is a so-called "overpopulation". Our world today is like a lifeboat full of people, threatening to capsize in a storm. The United States of America took seriously the problem of overpopulation and the welfare of mankind. We are destroying our agricultural land and placing the welfare of the nation dangerously dependent on external sources of raw materials: oil, metal and other non-renewable natural resources. Countries such as Japan, Holland and Haiti are also suffering from overpopulation and are on the brink of disaster as a result.

Under such circumstances, the reproduction of the population is no longer a private matter for everyone. We must learn to regulate this vital area. The desires of the couple undoubtedly play important role, but may not be of paramount importance. The interests of modern society and the welfare of future generations are at the forefront. We must develop and review mechanisms to ensure proper birth control.

Irresponsibility in this matter is simply unacceptable. Couples who do not have the necessary financial resources and support should not have children, as they become a burden on their neighbors. It makes no sense to raise children in a crowded boat of life. This is unfair, first of all, in relation to the child himself. In any case, society should not encourage such behavior with subsidies.

Already, there are technologies that can regulate human reproductive function. The task of political leaders of all countries is to make these technologies available to the public. Currently, this knowledge is actively used in military area to further mitigate the threat.

world population in eternal balance with natural resources will become the basis of a new rational world order. People all over the world must work to achieve this balance.

After the erection of the monument, our little group broke up. We left Elbert County, Georgia.

Over time, due to wind and bad weather, the letters engraved on the plates will fade. We urge you to carve them anew. If people with limited intelligence destroy the stones and bring them to the ground, we urge you to pick them up.

We invite our brethren, representatives of all the nations of the world, to reflect on the meaning of this simple message. If humanity accepts our beliefs, then together we can build a world based on peace and order under the dictates of reason.”
Who are the Authors?

Who really are the members of this “small group of Americans”, whose goal was and is the creation on earth of a “United Global State under the dictates of reason”? Although their identities are completely classified, these people still left behind some evidence that clearly points to the occult nature of their activities. To begin with, let me say that this article puts a black stigma on all occult organizations in the West. We believe that this group of people adhered to the two main principles of occultism in their activities: “Up is in all respects equal to Down” (this concept symbolizes the need for the unity of humanity with Nature and the Universe) and the “Principle of Duality” (“We are the driving force of the Universe through the manifestation us in life, both positive and negative personal qualities. But at the same time, we cannot give free rein only to the forces of hatred, cruelty, indifference and coldness"). We believe that this passage is more than reasonable evidence that the authors of the Tablets are members of the Masonic Order, the Rosicrucian Order and members of other secret occult organizations associated with Hermeticism. In addition, there are several other clues that point to a clear esoteric overtones in the inscriptions on the Tablets. One of the creators and part-time one of the customers of the monument R. C. Christian is a member of a secret occult organization.
R. C. Christian

Unveiling of the Georgia Guidestones.
Who knows if one of these people
and there is a mysterious R. C. Christian?

Here is the official history of the creation of the granite monument, published in the official guidebook "Georgia Guidebook":

“It all started and ended on one unremarkable summer Friday. It was then, under unusual circumstances, that the foundation of one of the most mysterious structures in the world was laid. Joe Fendley, president of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company, Elbert County, Georgia, spent most of his afternoons on a Friday in June 1979 studying weekly reports related to the closing of the company's headquarters for the weekend. Everything happened on that day. A neatly dressed man entered the Fendley-led company and announced that he wanted to commission the corporation to build a monument. Since Fendley was still in his office, he decided to speak to the client in person. He said that his company does not cooperate with individuals, but only with organizations.

A middle-aged man, who introduced himself as Mr. R. C. Christian, said that he wanted to know the real cost of building the structure and immediately after that he began to describe the appearance of the building itself, not forgetting to mention the metric data of the future structure.

Later, Fendley repeatedly admitted that his first impression of Mr. Christian was not very good. But after a 20-minute conversation with this man and after discussing with him the metric data of the massive structure, Fendley accepted Christian's order and began to take this man more than seriously.

The name R.C. Christian is carved on a plaque at the base of the monument.
It is explicitly stated in parentheses that this is a pseudonym.

If the name of Christian, as they say, is just a meaningless pseudonym, then for what purpose was it engraved by the authors on the granite slabs of the structure? Does this name carry any occult meaning? Certainly yes. The name Christians clearly points us to Christian Rosenkreuz, the legendary founder of the Order of the Rose and Cross (Order of the Rosicrucians). You can write it off as mere coincidence, call it far-fetched, but there is plenty of evidence to support this theory. This name is part of an important puzzle.

Rosicrucian Order

A man in front of the doors to the Rosicrucian Temple.
Please note that the candidate shows the sign of secrecy with his hand, putting his finger to his lips.
Also note the letters "RC" on the door,
they are the same as in R. C. Christian.

The Rosicrucian Order became widely known in the 17th century with the publication of three of its Manifestoes:

"Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis" ("Revelation of the Brotherhood of the Most Honorable Order of the Rose and Cross"),
"Confessio Fraternitatis" ("Confessions of the Praiseworthy Brotherhood of the Rose and Cross"),
"Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz" ("The Alchemical Legacy of Christian Rosenkreutz").

These enigmatic writings, shrouded in mystery, introduced the general public to the philosophy of the Rosicrucian Order and openly announced to people the beginning of a great transformation of the political and intellectual landscape of Europe. Soon after this came the so-called Age of Enlightenment, accompanied by the fall of the feudal monarchies. The Georgia Guidestones serve the same function as the Rosicrucian manifestos, calling on the world's population to carry out important world transformations shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery.

Age of Enlightenment

Do the words about the Age of Enlightenment refer to the famous Rosicrucian Thomas Paine?

On the plates of the Tablets, such a concept as the “Era of Enlightenment” is repeatedly mentioned. Could this definition be related to the title of a classic work by Thomas Paine?

Thomas Paine "The Age of Enlightenment"
The Age of Enlightenment is a deistic treatise written in the 18th century by British radical and American revolutionary Thomas Paine. The work criticizes official religion and questions the inerrancy of the Bible. The principles expressed in it put the mind at the forefront. This point of view is obviously shared by the authors of the Tablets.

It is a known fact that at one time Payne was one of the high-ranking members of the American Rosicrucian Order:

“The Rosicrucian Order existed in the USA before the start of the First American Revolution. In 1774, a "Great Council of Three" was convened, attended by Benjamin Franklin, George Clymer, and Thomas Paine."

- Brotherhood of the Rose and Cross,

In Manly Hall's The Secret Destiny of America, Thomas Paine is depicted as one of the high-ranking Rosicrucians openly advocating the promotion of the ideas of the New World Order:

"Thomas Paine has repeatedly said that only a significant reorganization by George Washington of state institutions, religion and education can allow us to directly approach the creation of an ideal state."

- Manly Hall "America's Secret Destiny"

These references to Thomas Paine are part of another Rosicrucian mystery that leads us to believe that the authors of the Tablets are either Freemasons who profess the teachings of the Rosicrucians, or the members of the Order of the Rose and Cross themselves.

Even more obvious evidence that the creators of the Tablets belonged to the occult environment is that Joe Fendley, the president of the contractor building the monument, was a Freemason. (Noted in the official guide to the Georgia Guidestones). I wonder if this fact influenced Christian's choice of Fendley's company?

“Fendley takes an active part in Masonic activity. He is now a member of Philomathea 25 Masonic Lodge in Elbert County, a 32° Scottish Rite Mason, and has been a member of an organization called the Yaraab Shrine Temple in Atlanta since 1969. From 1972 to 1973 he was president of the Savannah Valley Shrine Club. In 1973, the Savannah Valley Shrine Club awarded Fendley the Divan Degree of Distinction Award and named her ambassador in 1975.

- Georgia Guide Guide

The Georgia Guidestones are the modern Rosicrucian Manifesto, promoting revolutionary changes in the face of the current world order. The monument is of great importance in understanding the hidden forces that govern the modern world. He is the embodiment of a material connection between secret societies, the world's financial elite and the ideas of the New World Order. The problems of creating a One World Government, population control and environmental issues are already being actively discussed by the public. The tablets were erected in 1980. Can we say today that the ideas of the Rosicrucians have made some progress in their implementation?

Many of the theses inscribed on the granite slabs of the monument predict in the long term the changes that must occur in society. The manual also talks about how this policy will be applied to the masses. If you read between the lines of this part of the set of "commandments", then you can see that the changes planned in the world will entail such consequences as the loss of personal freedom by citizens, unconditional submission to the highest government at different levels, a reduction in the world population by 93%, without affecting this family members of the ruling elite. Democracy, idealized by the founding fathers of the American state, is in fact a temporary illusion and one of the paths leading to the creation of a One World Government. Why don't citizens of democratic states take part in government activities? We believe that it is easier for the elite to communicate with citizens through the media. But this tactic won't last forever...
Some photos from the guide

As mentioned above, immediately after the construction of the Tablets in the United States, the Georgia Guidebook was published in a limited edition, telling about the stages of preparation, construction and purpose of the structure. The brochure contains a large number of photographs, we offer you some of them:

Joe Fendley, Contractor President and Principal Architect of the Structure
Joe Fendley Sr., chief architect of the Georgia Guidestones and president of the Elbeflon Granite Finishing Company, stands proudly next to the monument's scale model. Upon completion of construction, the model was transferred to the Elberton Granite Museum and exhibited to thousands of tourists from all over the world.

The first of the blocks of the future monument,
mined from a 35-meter depth of a granite quarry.
Each such block weighs approximately 28 tons.

C.S. Peck Company has developed a special cleaning tool
and leveling huge blocks of blue granite,
which later became the plates of the Tablets.
The photo shows a worker on one of these blocks.

A dedicated team of master stonemasons, led by Joe Davies, work on the granite blocks, shaping them to the exact size and shape of the project.

Using a sandblasting machine, the master applies
text of R. C. Christian message on granite blocks.
This is hard and painstaking work.
for each of the blocks were spent
hundreds of hours of work.

Lead Inspector E.G.A. checks the compliance of the work performed
and project specifications.
Literally every square centimeter of the surface was tested
and each sign printed on granite blocks of text.

In the photo, one of the two master stonecutters carefully makes a hole that coincides with the position of the Sun during the winter and summer solstices, as well as on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes.

Below are photographs showing
how the plates were installed
"assembly" of the monument on site, in Elberton County,
Georgia, USA, where it stands to this day.

"The final touch" before the opening of the building - processing
surfaces of stone blocks with steam under pressure and acid solution.
This allows you to discover all the beauty of granite stone
and for a long time to keep its original appearance.

The opening ceremony of the Tablets was attended by bankers, congressmen and representatives of the district administration. This once again proves that the building itself and the text inscribed on it is not just an act of goodwill of a "small group of Americans", but a monument of almost national importance.

Active sponsor of the construction of the monument,
banker Wyatt Martin gave a speech at the ceremony,
emphasizing the importance of such events for all mankind.

Pictured is Congressman Doug Bernard (center),
Elberton County Mayor Jack Wheeler (left) and
Elberton County Council Chairman Billy Ray Brown (right).
As you can see, there is no shortage of officials.

Grand opening of the monument (removal of the opaque film covering it).
Pictured are Congressman Doug Bernard, Elberton County Mayor Jack Wheeler
and Elberton County Council Chairman Billy Ray Brown.

The Fendley family attended the opening ceremony almost in full force.
It was their family company that designed
and built the mysterious Georgia Guidestones monument,
being a kind of manifesto
new world order carved in granite.

In 2008, the monument was vandalized:
its surface was marred by polyurethane paint drawings and inscriptions such as
"Death to the New World Order".

Viewed: 12751


It is likely that humanity at the moment has all the necessary knowledge
for creating One World Government. In a certain sense,
the seeds of this knowledge have already been sown in the minds of all mankind.
Very soon the human race will welcome the advent of a new global Era.

Humanity must clearly understand that the tragic events
taking place in the world today, and the unprecedented growth of the world's population
are defects of the former form of government.

We, the creators of the Georgia Guidestones, are a small group of Americans,
wishing to solve all the key problems of modern society as soon as possible.
We convey this message through the present - into the future.
We stand for a single religion and a single philosophy of life.
However, despite all this, our message still has some contradictions.
To avoid fueling unnecessary disputes, we have maintained our complete anonymity.

We are the shepherds of life on earth.

Couples without the necessary financial means and support should not have children,
because in this case they become a burden to their neighbors.
It makes no sense to raise children in a crowded boat of life..


The Georgia Guidestones are the "Ten Commandments" of the New World Order.

The Georgia Guidestones or American Stonehenge is a massive granite structure in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. The monument has a height of more than 6 meters and consists of six granite blocks with a total weight of about 100 tons. But still, the most curious thing is not its truly gigantic size, but the mysterious message engraved on its plates and called the "Ten Commandments of the Age of Enlightenment." The "Commandments" are a list of recommendations for establishing a New World Order on Earth. They are mainly related to such topics as the depopulation of the Earth's population, the creation of a One World Government, the replacement of social and spiritual values. The authors of the "recommendations" wished to remain anonymous - their identities have not been established to this day. However, this group of people left behind an “explanatory note” in the form of “commandments” established by them, information about a full-scale study of which was still not available on the Web. In this article, we will try to clearly explain to the public the purpose of these "recommendations" and leave no room for informational speculation. The Georgia Guidestones fully describe the idea of ​​a "perfect world" from the perspective of members of a secret society. The monument clearly shows that there is a direct connection between the secret occult organizations and the goals of the New World Order.


The tablets, sitting quietly in Elberton County, are likely to become more relevant in the coming years.

Carved from hard blue granite, the Tablets stand like a monument, erected to stand the test of time and carrying knowledge on multiple levels: philosophical, political, astronomical, and so on. All of them are contained in the theses inscribed on the plates, called the "List of the Ten Golden Commandments of the Age of Enlightenment." The list is duplicated in eight languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. At the very top of the monument, you can see a brief inscription in four ancient languages: Akkadian, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit and Ancient Egyptian (in the form of hieroglyphs). It is important to note that these languages ​​are of great importance to many secret occult schools, such as Freemasons and Rosicrucians (we will deal with them in more detail a little later).

The four main plates are built in the form of a "big paddle wheel" and are oriented in accordance with the annual cycle of the Sun's movement across the sky. In addition, they indicate the extreme points of the ascent and standing of the luminary during an eighteen-year period. There is a hole in the central slab-column through which the North Star can be seen at any time of the year. And through a hole a little over 2 cm in size in the upper plate-cover, light penetrates every day at exactly noon and, falling on the central stone, indicates the day of the year.

At the base is a stone tablet that tells about the history of the emergence and purpose of the Tablets. It also mentions a certain "Time capsule" (eng. Time capsule), laid at the base of the monument. The contents of the capsule (if it exists in reality) remains a deep mystery.

Information is inscribed on a stone tablet at the base of the monument
about the building itself and its authors.
There is no information about the opening date of the “time capsule” laid under it.

During the construction of the structure, astronomical calculations were of great importance for the creators. In a relatively young country like the United States of America, monuments oriented towards celestial mechanics are most often the creations of members of secret occult organizations, such as Masons, since all of them from time immemorial were followers of the secret magical schools of Ancient Egypt, Greece and the Druidic school, which, as you know, they put some of the fragments of "sacred knowledge" into their creations.

English version of the commandments.

"Ten Commandments"

1. May the earthly population never exceed 500,000,000, being in constant balance with nature.
2. Regulate fertility wisely, appreciating the value of life preparation and human diversity.
3. Find a new living language that can unite humanity.
4. Show tolerance in matters of feelings, faith, traditions and the like.
5. Let just laws and an impartial judiciary stand up for the defense of peoples and nations.
6. Let each nation decide its internal affairs by itself, bringing national problems to the world court.
7. Avoid petty lawsuits and useless bureaucrats.
8. Maintain a balance between individual rights and social obligations.
9. Above all, value truth, beauty, love, striving for harmony with infinity.
10. Do not be a cancerous tumor for the Earth, leave a place for nature too!

As you can see, the so-called "commandments" clearly indicate to us the "necessity" of a sharp reduction in the world population, the introduction of a "single language that unites peoples", the creation of a One International Court and such a science as eugenics (based on the ideas of the New World Order).
Depopulation, family planning and eugenics

The first "commandment" is terrifying in its essence: it makes it clear that 12 of the 13 people now living on Earth, in all likelihood, must be destroyed. This statement means that after some time the world population should be reduced to half the population of today's India. If there are now 7 billion people in the world, then it follows that almost 93% of humanity should be destroyed. These numbers are crazy. Remember the movie "2012". How many people survived after the disaster? - Not enough. And who were they? - The rich. What is it, if not intellectual programming?

The last "commandment" says: "Do not be a cancerous tumor for the Earth, leave a place for nature too!" Here we are particularly concerned that the creators of the Tablets compare human life to an incurable disease. With this in mind, the extermination of almost half of the world's population for the figures of the New World Order will seem to be an absolutely justified action.

A significant reduction in the population is an openly stated goal of the world ruling and business elite:

In 1998, British Prince Philip, in order to reduce the world's population, supported the idea of ​​​​creating a special deadly virus, the task of which was to destroy the "surpluses of mankind." In the not so distant past, Bill Gates spoke on this subject as follows: “There are about 6.8 billion people in the world today ... very soon the population of the Earth will reach 9 billion. However, if we create new, revolutionary vaccines and implement appropriate health and reproductive policies, we can reduce this risk by 5-10 percent.”

In addition to the topic directly related to the depopulation of the Earth's population, many other "important issues" were also discussed by the ruling elite, such as:

“At one of the secret meetings, American billionaires decided how and most importantly where they could invest their assets for their further use in order to reduce global population growth and accelerate “benign transformations” in education and health.

Microsoft founder and celebrated philanthropist Bill Gates has been discussing the drivers that could lead the world to transcend religious and political boundaries to bring about "a special kind of change."

Also taking part in the discussion were the patriarch of one of America's most powerful aristocratic families, David Rockefeller Jr., financial magnates Warren Buffett and George Soros, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey.

The second "commandment" - "Regulate wisely the birth rate, increasing the value of life preparation and the diversity of mankind" - mainly touches on the topic of third-party interference in the affairs of the family. If you read between the lines, it turns out that in the future the number of children in a family should be regulated by law. Under the definition of "human diversity" is nothing more than the Darwinian Theory of Natural Selection. This definition implies the sterilization of unwanted (in genetic terms) members of society. All these goals were previously united under their command by such a science as eugenics, the creators of which were the Nazis.
One World Government

“Some even believe that we are part of a conspiracy against the interests of the United States. They characterize my family and myself as "internationalists" who, in collusion with other forces around the world, are building a tightly integrated global political and economic structure - one world. If this accusation is real, then I plead guilty and proud of it with all my heart.”

David Rockefeller "The Memoirs of David Rockefeller", p. 405.

Most of the other recommendations inscribed on the slabs of the building call for the creation of a New World Order Society based on unconditional submission to a group of people that regulates all aspects of human life, including religious, social and economic. This idea is not new, it has been expressed by various secret schools for many centuries. Manly Hall wrote in 1917:

“When the crowd rules, ignorance reigns; when the church rules, superstition rules; when the state rules, fear rules in society. Before people begin to live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be turned into wisdom, superstition into the faith of the enlightened, and fear into love. Freemasonry is a religion that strives to achieve the absolute unity of God and man through the development of consciousness, thanks to which, in the future, the individual will be able to get clear ideas about the work of the Great Architect of the Universe. From century to century, humanity will strive with all its might to create an Ideal Civilization. The Center of the Great Civilization will be a powerful storehouse of knowledge about the secret life. Here are some philosophical truths that accompany the achievement of the Ideal: There is no place for creeds and dogmas, everything superficial will be removed, only the essential will remain; The world will be governed by the "spirit of the enlightened" and in this world everyone will occupy the niche to which he is worthy and to which he is most suited.

Manly Hall "The Secret Teaching of All Ages"

In his work The Secret Destiny of America, Hall added that the idea of ​​a One World Government itself is quite old and has been practiced by all secret societies and mysteries without exception for many centuries:

“Peace and Democracy have always been the cherished dream of philosophers of the classical school. In the pursuit of this great social goal, they have developed many programs in the field of education, religion and social behavior, which, as a result of their application, should lead to the establishment of universal brotherhood on Earth. To achieve their goals, scientists have combined all their efforts together with the mystical brotherhoods. In Egypt, Greece, India and China, the process of creating an ideal Society is coming to its final stage. Philosophers and members of the mystical Order give lectures, consult and directly govern these states.

Statement by Anonymous Authors

Since the erection of the Tablets on March 22, 1980, many people have tried to conduct their own research on the subject of inscriptions inscribed on granite slabs. The researchers sought to find out if they really have anything to do with the idea of ​​establishing a New World Order on Earth, or if they are just a set of rules for evacuating the Earth's population in the event of a global catastrophe. The easiest way to answer these and other questions is to ask them directly to the authors of the grandiose structure. But, as we wrote above, this cannot be done for the reason that the creators wished to maintain their complete anonymity. In the end, many researchers did not notice the fact that these people have already given a fairly detailed explanation of the purpose of the structure. The text inscribed on the slabs-columns is noteworthy primarily because it describes in detail all the motives that guided the company responsible for the construction of the monument. From the very beginning it was clear that the authors acted in the interests of the ideologues of the New World Order. We will not build any hypotheses related to the conspiracy theory now. The message inscribed on granite slabs speaks for itself and conveys everything clearly and unmistakably. So, we have before us the statement of the anonymous authors of the Ten Commandments of the New World Order:

“It is likely that humanity at the moment has all the necessary knowledge to create a One World Government. In a certain sense, the seeds of this knowledge have already been sown in the minds of all mankind. Very soon the human race will welcome the onset of a new global Era.

The group consciousness of the human race is inherently blind, vicious, easily distracted by various kinds of trifles and can never focus on fundamental things. We are entering a critical period for all of us. The explosive growth of the world's population will soon lead us to a global political and economic crisis. Experiencing numerous difficulties inherent in the existing system, people will come close to the system of building a global society based on reason.

The first step on this path will be to convince the doubting masses that the creation of the society of the future is already possible today. Let's turn to the human mind, let's ensure the solution of all key social problems, let's determine for ourselves the right priorities in life. Before we touch heavenly things, we must put things in order on earth.

The human mind must awaken. He is the very force that provides us with life on our planet. We need, to a certain extent, to sensitize the attention of humanity to such extremely important things as compassion and freethinking. But all this should take place within natural boundaries.

Humanity must clearly understand that the tragic events taking place in the world today, and the unprecedented growth of the Earth's population (which also cannot but grieve) are defects in the former form of government. The impending crisis will prompt humanity to create a new legal system that will emphasize the responsible position and duties of each individual nation on the world stage. In this way, we will be able to ensure the unilateral regulation of domestic problems and the peaceful resolution of international security issues.

Thanks to this system, we would be able to prevent a huge number of wars and realize all our goals.

An alternative to Armageddon exists and is achievable. But this will not happen until we coordinate the efforts of millions of dedicated people.

We, the creators of the Georgia Guidestones, are a small group of Americans who want a speedy solution to all the key problems of modern society. We convey this message through the present - into the future. We take this for granted. We stand for a single religion and a single philosophy of life. However, despite all this, our message still has some contradictions. To avoid fueling unnecessary disputes, we have maintained our complete anonymity.

You are entitled to your own point of view. You can stand up for your own beliefs.

In order to materialize all our thoughts, we erected this monument, consisting of a collection of carved stones. Its slabs will stand even when we are no longer in the world. We hope that over time, society will accept our ideas, understand all their expediency and soon turn them into reality.

We believe that every person has his own destiny. Each of us is an incorruptible part of Eternity. Stones symbolize for all mankind the need to live in accordance with external principles, in harmony with Nature and the Universe. We must live in harmony with Eternity.

Ten positions are engraved on the four middle stones. Each of the plates contains this message, written in two languages. The English version is limited to one hundred words. Languages ​​were chosen according to their historical significance and the impact they have had and are having on the modern world. So, at present, there are more than three thousand languages ​​on earth, but for quite specific reasons, many of them do not meet our requirements and therefore cannot be used by us.

The four outer granite slabs mark the annual movement of the Sun and some other celestial objects. These slabs serve to convey our views and beliefs. In the future, they will serve humanity as a kind of reminder of the key problems of today's world and point out the need to solve them jointly, rationally and fairly.

At the moment, we cannot say that humanity is distinguished by spirituality. The Tablets should suggest to humanity the steps that must be taken by society to further achieve a lasting balance with the Universe.

Human beings are special. We are the shepherds of life on earth. In this world, we play a central role in the eternal struggle between good and evil, between creation and destruction. Infinity covers everything that exists, even the area of ​​struggle, conflict and change, reflecting the state of chaos in the Divine consciousness.

We humans are endowed with the ability to recognize and act for good or for evil. We must strive to optimize our existence, not only for ourselves, but also for the sake of our descendants. Otherwise, we will not be able to benefit all those whose lives are in our hands.

We are the driving force of this world through our manifestation of positive and negative human qualities. Without us, there would be no such feelings as love, forgiveness and sympathy. But at the same time, we are the creators of hatred, cruelty, indifference and coldness. We can consciously, for centuries, work simply to somehow improve this world. Even this is more than enough. The rational world of the future is the pinnacle.

In 1980, during the construction of the Tablets, one of the most pressing social problems was the problem of reducing the population of the Earth. In past centuries, thanks to technological progress, the population of the Earth has increased several times. It certainly goes beyond what makes our planet sustainable and viable. Now we are facing the inevitable depletion of the world's energy and important raw materials.

For now, we must focus entirely on the issue of human birth control. The solution of this issue will lead to fundamental changes in our worldview and habits. Unfortunately, human behavior is characterized by some inertia. This statement is especially true of those who will take the lead in the process of change, while the uninformed masses do not see the need for any further change.

In our time, in almost every country there is a so-called "overpopulation". Our world today is like a lifeboat full of people, threatening to capsize in a storm. The United States of America took seriously the problem of overpopulation and the welfare of mankind. We are destroying our agricultural land and placing the welfare of the nation dangerously dependent on external sources of raw materials: oil, metal and other non-renewable natural resources. Countries such as Japan, Holland and Haiti are also suffering from overpopulation and are on the brink of disaster as a result.

Under such circumstances, the reproduction of the population is no longer a private matter for everyone. We must learn to regulate this vital area. The desires of the couple, of course, play an important role, but cannot be of paramount importance. The interests of modern society and the welfare of future generations are at the forefront. We must develop and review mechanisms to ensure proper birth control.

Irresponsibility in this matter is simply unacceptable. Couples who do not have the necessary financial resources and support should not have children, as they become a burden on their neighbors. It makes no sense to raise children in a crowded boat of life. This is unfair, first of all, in relation to the child himself. In any case, society should not encourage such behavior with subsidies.

Already, there are technologies that can regulate human reproductive function. The task of political leaders of all countries is to make these technologies available to the public. Currently, this knowledge is actively used in the military field, in order to further minimize the threat.

The world population in eternal balance with natural resources will become the basis of a new rational world order. People all over the world must work to achieve this balance.

After the erection of the monument, our little group broke up. We left Elbert County, Georgia.

Over time, due to wind and bad weather, the letters engraved on the plates will fade. We urge you to carve them anew. If people with limited intelligence destroy the stones and bring them to the ground, we urge you to pick them up.

We invite our brethren, representatives of all the nations of the world, to reflect on the meaning of this simple message. If humanity accepts our beliefs, then together we can build a world based on peace and order under the dictates of reason.”
Who are the Authors?

Who really are the members of this “small group of Americans”, whose goal was and is the creation on earth of a “United Global State under the dictates of reason”? Although their identities are completely classified, these people still left behind some evidence that clearly points to the occult nature of their activities. To begin with, let me say that this article puts a black stigma on all occult organizations in the West. We believe that this group of people adhered to the two main principles of occultism in their activities: “Up is in all respects equal to Down” (this concept symbolizes the need for the unity of humanity with Nature and the Universe) and the “Principle of Duality” (“We are the driving force of the Universe through the manifestation us in life, both positive and negative personal qualities. But at the same time, we cannot give free rein only to the forces of hatred, cruelty, indifference and coldness"). We believe that this passage is more than reasonable evidence that the authors of the Tablets are members of the Masonic Order, the Rosicrucian Order and members of other secret occult organizations associated with Hermeticism. In addition, there are several other clues that point to a clear esoteric overtones in the inscriptions on the Tablets. One of the creators and part-time one of the customers of the monument R. C. Christian is a member of a secret occult organization.
R. C. Christian

Unveiling of the Georgia Guidestones.
Who knows if one of these people
and there is a mysterious R. C. Christian?

Here is the official history of the creation of the granite monument, published in the official guidebook "Georgia Guidebook":

“It all started and ended on one unremarkable summer Friday. It was then, under unusual circumstances, that the foundation of one of the most mysterious structures in the world was laid. Joe Fendley, president of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company, Elbert County, Georgia, spent most of his afternoons on a Friday in June 1979 studying weekly reports related to the closing of the company's headquarters for the weekend. Everything happened on that day. A neatly dressed man entered the Fendley-led company and announced that he wanted to commission the corporation to build a monument. Since Fendley was still in his office, he decided to speak to the client in person. He said that his company does not cooperate with individuals, but only with organizations.

A middle-aged man, who introduced himself as Mr. R. C. Christian, said that he wanted to know the real cost of building the structure and immediately after that he began to describe the appearance of the building itself, not forgetting to mention the metric data of the future structure.

Later, Fendley repeatedly admitted that his first impression of Mr. Christian was not very good. But after a 20-minute conversation with this man and after discussing with him the metric data of the massive structure, Fendley accepted Christian's order and began to take this man more than seriously.

The name R.C. Christian is carved on a plaque at the base of the monument.
It is explicitly stated in parentheses that this is a pseudonym.

If the name of Christian, as they say, is just a meaningless pseudonym, then for what purpose was it engraved by the authors on the granite slabs of the structure? Does this name carry any occult meaning? Certainly yes. The name Christians clearly points us to Christian Rosenkreuz, the legendary founder of the Order of the Rose and Cross (Order of the Rosicrucians). You can write it off as mere coincidence, call it far-fetched, but there is plenty of evidence to support this theory. This name is part of an important puzzle.

Rosicrucian Order

A man in front of the doors to the Rosicrucian Temple.
Please note that the candidate shows the sign of secrecy with his hand, putting his finger to his lips.
Also note the letters "RC" on the door,
they are the same as in R. C. Christian.

The Rosicrucian Order became widely known in the 17th century with the publication of three of its Manifestoes:

"Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis" ("Revelation of the Brotherhood of the Most Honorable Order of the Rose and Cross"),
"Confessio Fraternitatis" ("Confessions of the Praiseworthy Brotherhood of the Rose and Cross"),
"Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz" ("The Alchemical Legacy of Christian Rosenkreutz").

These enigmatic writings, shrouded in mystery, introduced the general public to the philosophy of the Rosicrucian Order and openly announced to people the beginning of a great transformation of the political and intellectual landscape of Europe. Soon after this came the so-called Age of Enlightenment, accompanied by the fall of the feudal monarchies. The Georgia Guidestones serve the same function as the Rosicrucian manifestos, calling on the world's population to carry out important world transformations shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery.

Age of Enlightenment

Do the words about the Age of Enlightenment refer to the famous Rosicrucian Thomas Paine?

On the plates of the Tablets, such a concept as the “Era of Enlightenment” is repeatedly mentioned. Could this definition be related to the title of a classic work by Thomas Paine?

Thomas Paine "The Age of Enlightenment"
The Age of Enlightenment is a deistic treatise written in the 18th century by British radical and American revolutionary Thomas Paine. The work criticizes official religion and questions the inerrancy of the Bible. The principles expressed in it put the mind at the forefront. This point of view is obviously shared by the authors of the Tablets.

It is a known fact that at one time Payne was one of the high-ranking members of the American Rosicrucian Order:

“The Rosicrucian Order existed in the USA before the start of the First American Revolution. In 1774, a "Great Council of Three" was convened, attended by Benjamin Franklin, George Clymer, and Thomas Paine."

Brotherhood of the Rose and Cross,

In Manly Hall's The Secret Destiny of America, Thomas Paine is depicted as one of the high-ranking Rosicrucians openly advocating the promotion of the ideas of the New World Order:

"Thomas Paine has repeatedly said that only a significant reorganization by George Washington of state institutions, religion and education can allow us to directly approach the creation of an ideal state."

Manly Hall "America's Secret Destiny"

These references to Thomas Paine are part of another Rosicrucian mystery that leads us to believe that the authors of the Tablets are either Freemasons who profess the teachings of the Rosicrucians, or the members of the Order of the Rose and Cross themselves.

Even more obvious evidence that the creators of the Tablets belonged to the occult environment is that Joe Fendley, the president of the contractor building the monument, was a Freemason. (Noted in the official guide to the Georgia Guidestones). I wonder if this fact influenced Christian's choice of Fendley's company?

“Fendley takes an active part in Masonic activity. He is now a member of Philomathea 25 Masonic Lodge in Elbert County, a 32° Scottish Rite Mason, and has been a member of an organization called the Yaraab Shrine Temple in Atlanta since 1969. From 1972 to 1973 he was president of the Savannah Valley Shrine Club. In 1973, the Savannah Valley Shrine Club awarded Fendley the Divan Degree of Distinction Award and named her ambassador in 1975.

Georgia Guide Guide

The Georgia Guidestones are the modern Rosicrucian Manifesto, promoting revolutionary changes in the face of the current world order. The monument is of great importance in understanding the hidden forces that govern the modern world. He is the embodiment of a material connection between secret societies, the world's financial elite and the ideas of the New World Order. The problems of creating a One World Government, population control and environmental issues are already being actively discussed by the public. The tablets were erected in 1980. Can we say today that the ideas of the Rosicrucians have made some progress in their implementation?

Many of the theses inscribed on the granite slabs of the monument predict in the long term the changes that must occur in society. The manual also talks about how this policy will be applied to the masses. If you read between the lines of this part of the set of "commandments", then you can see that the changes planned in the world will entail such consequences as the loss of personal freedom by citizens, unconditional submission to the highest government at different levels, a reduction in the world population by 93%, without affecting this family members of the ruling elite. Democracy, idealized by the founding fathers of the American state, is in fact a temporary illusion and one of the paths leading to the creation of a One World Government. Why don't citizens of democratic states take part in government activities? We believe that it is easier for the elite to communicate with citizens through the media. But this tactic won't last forever...
Some photos from the guide

As mentioned above, immediately after the construction of the Tablets in the United States, the Georgia Guidebook was published in a limited edition, telling about the stages of preparation, construction and purpose of the structure. The brochure contains a large number of photographs, we offer you some of them:

Joe Fendley, Contractor President and Principal Architect of the Structure
Joe Fendley Sr., chief architect of the Georgia Guidestones and president of the Elbeflon Granite Finishing Company, stands proudly next to the monument's scale model. Upon completion of construction, the model was transferred to the Elberton Granite Museum and exhibited to thousands of tourists from all over the world.

The first of the blocks of the future monument,
mined from a 35-meter depth of a granite quarry.
Each such block weighs approximately 28 tons.

C.S. Peck Company has developed a special cleaning tool
and leveling huge blocks of blue granite,
which later became the plates of the Tablets.
The photo shows a worker on one of these blocks.

A dedicated team of master stonemasons, led by Joe Davies, work on the granite blocks, shaping them to the exact size and shape of the project.

Using a sandblasting machine, the master applies
text of R. C. Christian message on granite blocks.
This is hard and painstaking work.
for each of the blocks were spent
hundreds of hours of work.

Lead Inspector E.G.A. checks the compliance of the work performed
and project specifications.
Literally every square centimeter of the surface was tested
and each sign printed on granite blocks of text.

In the photo, one of the two master stonecutters carefully makes a hole that coincides with the position of the Sun during the winter and summer solstices, as well as on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes.

Below are photographs showing
how the plates were installed
"assembly" of the monument on site, in Elberton County,
Georgia, USA, where it stands to this day.

"The final touch" before the opening of the building - processing
surfaces of stone blocks with steam under pressure and acid solution.
This allows you to discover all the beauty of granite stone
and for a long time to keep its original appearance.

The opening ceremony of the Tablets was attended by bankers, congressmen and representatives of the district administration. This once again proves that the building itself and the text inscribed on it is not just an act of goodwill of a "small group of Americans", but a monument of almost national importance.

Active sponsor of the construction of the monument,
banker Wyatt Martin gave a speech at the ceremony,
emphasizing the importance of such events for all mankind.

Pictured is Congressman Doug Bernard (center),
Elberton County Mayor Jack Wheeler (left) and
Elberton County Council Chairman Billy Ray Brown (right).
As you can see, there is no shortage of officials.

Grand opening of the monument (removal of the opaque film covering it).
Pictured are Congressman Doug Bernard, Elberton County Mayor Jack Wheeler
and Elberton County Council Chairman Billy Ray Brown.

The Fendley family attended the opening ceremony almost in full force.
It was their family company that designed
and built the mysterious Georgia Guidestones monument,
being a kind of manifesto
new world order carved in granite.

In 2008, the monument was vandalized:
its surface was marred by polyurethane paint drawings and inscriptions such as

On a rocky hill in the northeast of North American Georgia is one of the strangest monuments created in our time. It is known under the name "Georgia Guidestones", or "Georgia Guidestones"

This structure consists of five twenty-ton polished granite slabs over five meters high. The composition is called Georgia Guidestones, or the Guidestones of Georgia, as in fact it is such a granite “tablet” with prescriptions. The inscription is engraved in 8 modern languages, one language on the front or reverse side 4 vertical plates. The monument is oriented to the cardinal points, in some places there are holes indicating the North Star and the Sun. This whole construction was made by a group of people who still remain unknown. It is only known that in June 1979 an unknown person, hiding under the pseudonym R. C. Christian, ordered the construction of the monument to the Elberton Granite Finishing Company. According to one hypothesis, the pseudonym comes from the name of the legendary (XIV century) founder of the Rosicrucian order, Christian Rosenkreutz. The owner of the monument is also unknown.
According to the Georgia Mountain Travel Association guide: “The Georgia Guidestones are located on the farm of Mildred and Wayne Mullenix….” According to the Elbert County Land Registry, the land was purchased from the county on October 1, 1979. The monument was solemnly opened on March 22, 1980 in the presence of 400 (and according to another source - only 100 people). The height of the monument is almost 6.1 meters, it consists of six granite slabs with a total weight of about 100 tons.
One plate is located in the center, four - around it. The last slab sits on top of these five slabs, aligned according to astronomical events. Not far to the west of the monument, there is a stone tablet on the ground with an inscription about the history of the emergence and purpose of the Tablets.
These stone giants are sometimes even called the “American Stonehenge”, although officially America has its own Stonehenge - archaeological site"Mystery Hill", consisting of a group of large boulders and stone structures scattered over an area of ​​​​about 120 square meters. m. in the city of Salem in the state of New Hampshire in the northeast of the United States. So some people even confuse these two objects that have nothing in common.

I think you are wondering what these 10 commandments are for our descendants?) Let's not beat around the bush for a long time, the Russian text of the Georgia Tablets reads:
1. May the earthly population never exceed 500 million, being in constant balance with nature.
2. Regulate fertility wisely, appreciating the value of life preparation and human diversity.
3. Find a new living language that can unite humanity.
4. Show tolerance in matters of feelings, faith, traditions and the like.
5. Let just laws and an impartial judiciary stand up for the defense of peoples and nations.
6. Let each nation decide its internal affairs by itself, bringing to the world court only nationwide problems.
7. Avoid petty lawsuits and useless bureaucrats.
8. Maintain a balance between individual rights and social obligations.
9. Above all, value truth, beauty, love, striving for harmony with infinity.
10. Do not be a cancer for the earth, leave a place for nature too!

Yoko Ono praised the Tablets, calling them "a call to rational thinking," while opponents called the Tablets "the Ten Commandments of the Antichrist."
The tablets have become a subject of interest among conspiracy theorists. One of the conspiracy theorists, conservative Christian Mark Dice (en: Mark Dice), demanded "to break (the monument) into a million pieces, and then use these fragments to build (something else)",. According to Dice, the Tablets are "essentially of Satanic origin", and the commissioner of the monument, R. K. Christian, refers to "a secret Luciferian society" associated with the idea of ​​a "new world order". At the ceremony grand opening monument, the local priest said that, in his opinion, the monument was ordered by "sun worshipers, idolaters and devil worshipers."
In 2008, the monument was vandalized: its surface was defaced with drawings and inscriptions in polyurethane paint, such as "Death to the New World Order." Wired magazine called the event "the first major act of vandalism in the history of the Tablets." The results of vandalism have not yet been eliminated. krizhali_ili_10_zapovedey_novogo_mirovog o_poryadka/#cut

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