Death of the Dyatlov group new posts. Unsolved story


Then the story about the Dyatlov Pass, of course, should be familiar to you. In this article, we will consider in detail all the facts related to the mysterious death of the Dyatlov group.

Despite the fact that the death of individual tourists and entire tourist groups is not a unique phenomenon (at least 111 people died in ski trips alone from 1975 to 2004), the death of the Dyatlov group continues to attract the attention of researchers, journalists and politicians - up to the coverage of events more than half a century ago on the central TV channels of Russia.

So, before you is the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass.

The secret of the Dyatlov pass

On the border of Komi and the Sverdlovsk region, in the north of the Urals, Mount Holatchakhl is located. Until 1959, in translation from Mansi, its name was translated as "Dead Peak", but in more late time it became known as the "Mountain of the Dead".

For unknown reasons, many people died on it under a variety of mystical circumstances. One of the most mysterious and mysterious tragedies occurred on the night of February 1, 1959.

Expedition Dyatlov

On this frosty and clear day, a group of tourists consisting of 10 people set off to conquer Kholatchakhl. Despite the fact that the skiers were still students, they already had sufficient experience in climbing mountain peaks.

The group leader was Igor Dyatlov.

Igor Dyatlov and two students from the tourist group - Zina Kolmogorova and Lyudmila Dubinina

An interesting fact is that one of the participants, Yuri Yudin, was forced to return home at the start of the ascent.

His leg hurt a lot, so he would simply not physically be able to overcome a long distance with his comrades. As it turns out later, this sudden illness will save his life.

Dyatlov group

So, the expedition set off on a journey in the amount of 9 people. With the onset of darkness, on one of the slopes of the mountain, the Dyatlov group made a pass and set up tents. After that, the guys had dinner and went to bed.

It is worth noting here that according to the criminal case, the tent was set up correctly and with an acceptable degree of inclination. This suggests that no natural factors threatened the lives of the expedition members.

After studying the photographs subsequently discovered by the investigation team, it turned out that the tent was set up at approximately 6 pm.

The tent of the Dyatlov group, partially excavated from the snow

And already at night something happened that led to the terrible death of the entire group, consisting of 9 people.

When it became clear that the expedition was gone, the search began.

mountain of the dead

In the third week of the search, pilot Gennady Patrushev noticed the Dyatlov Pass and the dead tourists from the cockpit. An interesting fact is that, by some chance, the pilot met the guys from the Dyatlov group on the eve of their fatal ascent.

This acquaintance happened in one of the local hotels. Patrushev knew and understood perfectly well the dangers fraught with the famous "Mountain of the Dead". That is why he repeatedly dissuaded climbers from climbing it.

Igor Dyatlov's group on the eve of the tragedy

He even tried to interest them in other peaks, doing everything possible so that they abandoned the planned trip. However, all the efforts of Gennady were in vain, since the goal of the tourists was the "Mountain of the Dead".

When the rescue team ended up at the pass where the tragedy occurred, a terrible picture opened up before them. Two people were lying near the entrance to the tent, and another was inside it.

The tent itself was cut from the inside. Apparently, the students, driven by some kind of fear, were forced to cut it with a knife, and then run away half-naked up the side of the mountain.

Mystery of the pass

Special attention deserves the study of footprints that the dead guys left on the pass. When studying them, it turned out that for some unknown reason, the members of the Dyatlov group ran around the pass in zigzags for some time, but then again gathered in one place.

One got the impression that some supernatural force did not allow them to scatter in different directions from the threatening danger.

Dyatlov Pass

No foreign objects or alien traces were found on the pass. There were also no signs of a hurricane or avalanches.

Traces of the Dyatlov group are lost on the border with the forest.

Also, the investigation found that two students tried to make a fire near the pass. At the same time, for some reason, they were in the same underwear and, most likely, died from frostbite.

1.5 kilometers from the tent and 280 m down the slope, near a high cedar, the bodies of Yuri Doroshenko and Yuri Krivonischenko were found

Igor Dyatlov himself lay in visible proximity to them. According to experts, he probably tried to crawl to the tent, but he did not have enough strength.

But this is not all the mysteries of the tragedy at the Dyatlov Pass.

The death of the Dyatlov group

No injuries were found on the bodies of 6 students, but the situation was different with the other three participants. They died as a result of multiple wounds with numerous hemorrhages.

Their heads were pierced through, some of the ribs were broken, and one of the girls had her tongue brutally torn out. An interesting fact is that the investigation team did not find any hematomas or even abrasions on the bodies of the dead.

The results of the autopsy raised even more questions. Cracks were found on the skull of one of the tourists, but the skin remained intact and intact, which, in principle, cannot be the case with such injuries.


Since the death of the Dyatlov tourist group caused a serious commotion in society, forensic prosecutors arrived at the site of the tragic pass. They managed to discover some more inexplicable phenomena.

They noticed burnt marks on the trunks of fir trees growing on the outskirts of the forest, but no sources of ignition were identified. The experts concluded that some kind of heat beam was probably directed at the trees, damaging the fir trees in such a mysterious way.

This conclusion was also made because the rest of the trees remained intact, and the snow at their base had not even melted.

As a result of a detailed analysis of all the events that occurred that night at the pass, the following picture emerged. After the tourists overcame about 500 m barefoot, they were overtaken and destroyed by some unknown force.


During the investigation into the death of Dyatlov and his companions, the internal organs and belongings of the dead were examined for the presence of radioactive substances in them.

Here, too, an inexplicable mystery awaited the investigators. The fact is that experts found radioactive substances on the surface of the skin and directly on the things themselves, the appearance of which was impossible to explain.

After all, no nuclear tests were conducted on the territory of the Soviet Union at that time.


There was even a version put forward that UFO was guilty of the death of the Dyatlov tourist group. Perhaps this assumption was due to the fact that during the search operation, the rescuers saw some fireballs flying over their heads. Nobody could explain this phenomenon.

Moreover, on the last day of March 1959, for 20 minutes, local residents observed a terrible picture in the sky. A huge fiery ring was moving along it, which then disappeared behind the slope of one of the mountains.

Witnesses also said that a star suddenly appeared from the center of the ring, which slowly moved down until it completely disappeared from sight.

This mysterious incident left the already frightened locals in disarray. People turned to the authorities to involve scientists for a thorough study mysterious phenomenon and explanations of its nature.

Who killed the Dyatlov group

For some time, the investigation team assumed that representatives of the local Mansi people, who had already committed crimes of a similar nature, were guilty of the murder of the skiers.

Many suspects were detained and questioned by police officers, however, in the end, all of them had to be released due to lack of evidence.

The criminal case on the fact of the death of Dyatlov's tourists at the tragic pass was closed.

Photo of members of the tour group on the monument (the initials and surname of Zolotarev are embossed with errors)

The official wording was quite abstract and vague. It stated that the students died due to "a natural force that the tourists could not overcome".

The true cause of the death of the tour group on the "Mountain of the Dead" was never established.

Latest news about the Dyatlov group

From the moment of the tragedy and up to the present day, many different versions of the death of the Dyatlov group have been put forward. There are more than 60 of them in total.

Some believed that the cause of death of tourists was, others suggested that a man-made disaster was to blame.

The protocol stated that the skin of the dead was orange or purple, and, as mentioned earlier, a background radiation was found on the clothes.

The body of Igor Dyatlov with his right arm raised

An interesting fact is that absolutely all the dead students from the Dyatlov group turned out to be gray-haired. This is possible only when people experience extremely strong fear or panic horror.

There is a version that the students died as a result of a rocket fall. This assumption appeared due to the fact that a ring belonging to one of the Soviet missiles was found near the site of the tragedy.

Explosion of a radioactive bomb

There is an opinion that the Dyatlov tour group died due to the “Vacuum Weapon”, which was allegedly tested in 1944. This is largely due to the fact that the skin of the dead had a reddish tint, and internal bleeding was also found.

Similar signs can be observed due to a vacuum explosion. But even in this case, everything is not so clear.

The fact is that the development of vacuum weapons began only at the end of the 60s of the last century, as a result of which this version cannot be taken seriously.

The Dyatlov group in 1959

On the film of the dead students, the investigators found the last frame, causing a lot of heated debate among the researchers. It depicts incomprehensible light spots on a dark background.

Some say that the picture was taken at the moment when the film was removed from the camera. According to another version, this shot was taken by one of the dead at the moment when they felt the approach of danger.

The Dyatlov group shortly before their tragic death

Currently, there are 9 main versions of the death of the members of the Dyatlov expedition:

  • avalanche;
  • spy version about "controlled delivery";
  • man-made disaster or weapons test;
  • the killing of a group by the military;
  • sound impact;
  • conflict between skiers;
  • attack by escaped prisoners;
  • murder by robbers Mansi;
  • paranormal activity.

Unfortunately, none of the nine assumptions can fully explain the cause of the terrible tragedy that occurred at the Mountain of the Dead Pass in 1959.

And although this terrible story happened more than half a century ago, it is still shrouded in secrets and mysteries. Perhaps in the future, more advanced equipment will help experts solve the case of the terrible death of the Dyatlov tour group on the Mountain of the Dead.

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Contributing to the publication of the book. This, of course, is just not most of the whole book. But this is convenient for those who do not want or are not able to order the entire book in print. In addition to contributing to the publication of the book, doing a good deed to develop the history of your region, you will also receive a block of photographs from the films of tourists for the version. The first pages of the version are provided by the author to our portal.

Version-reconstruction of the death of the Dyatlov group based on the materials of the investigation in a criminal case, after studying the main versions of the death of the group, as well as studying other factual data that are important and are direct or indirect confirmation of the version.

In 1959, a group of students and graduates of the UPI Sverdlovsk went on a hike of the highest category of difficulty in the mountains of the Northern Urals. Their route is completely unexplored. Tourists go on it for the first time. The leader of the campaign, Igor Dyatlov, planned to complete the campaign in 20 days, but no one was destined to return alive from the campaign. With the exception of one who left the group citing ill health. Having decided to spend the night on the mountain with a mark of 1079, tourists find themselves in conditions that stop their last trip. However, according to the itinerary of the trip, the group should not have stopped at this mountain at all. The search will be long and difficult. The finds will baffle everyone. It is no coincidence that the local Mansi people called this mountain Halatchakhl or "Mountain of the Dead". But is everything as mysterious and inexplicable as some people think? After studying the materials of the criminal case and other factual data that are relevant to the essence of the tragedy, the author creates a version-reconstruction of the death of tourists, which he presents to readers, based on facts, captivating the reader and offering to become a participant in the search and study of this difficult story.

1. Hike to Otorten

A trip to the Ural Mountains, to one of the peaks of the Poyasovoi Kamen ridge of the Northern Urals, to Mount Otorten was conceived by tourists from the tourism section of the sports club of the Sergey Kirov Ural Polytechnic Institute in the city of Sverdlovsk back in the fall of 1958. From the very beginning, Luda Dubinina, a 3rd year student and several other guys, were determined to go on a hike. But nothing worked until an experienced tourist, who already had experience in leading groups, 5th year student Igor Dyatlov, took up the organization of the trip.

Initially, the group was formed in the amount of 13 people. In this form, the composition of the group ended up in the route project, which Dyatlov submitted to the route commission:

But later Vishnevsky, Popov, Bienko and Verkhoturov dropped out. However, shortly before the trip, the instructor of the Kourovskaya camp site on the Chusovaya River, Alexander Zolotarev, known almost exclusively to Igor Dyatlov, was included in the group. As Alexander, he introduced himself to the guys.

The tourists were going to take personal equipment and some equipment from the UPI sports club with them. The campaign was timed to coincide with the beginning of the 21st Congress of the CPSU, for which they even received a ticket from the trade union committee of the UPI. She subsequently helped to move to the starting point of the route - the village of Vizhay and beyond, gave the official status to tourists as participants in an organized event, and not a wild hike, when a group appeared in any public place where an overnight stay or passing transport was required.

The route that Igor Dyatlov was going to take with the group was new, so still none of the UPI tourists and even the whole of Sverdlovsk did not go. Being the pioneers of the route, the tourists intended to reach the village of Vizhay by train and by car, from the village of Vizhay to get to the village of Vtoroy Severny, then go northwest along the valley of the Auspiya River and along the tributaries of the Lozva River to Mount Otorten. After climbing this peak, it was planned to turn south and go along the Poyasovyi Kamen ridge along the headwaters of the sources of the rivers Unya, Vishera and Niols to Mount Oiko-Chakur (Oykachahl). From Oiko-Chakur in an easterly direction along the valleys of the Malaya Toshemka or Bolshaya Toshemka rivers, to their confluence into the North Toshemka, then to the highway and again to the village of Vizhay.

According to the Project of the campaign, which was approved by the Chairman of the route commission Korolev and a member of the march commission Novikov, Dyatlov expected to spend 20 or 21 days on the campaign.

This hike was assigned the highest third category of difficulty according to the then existing system for determining the categories of hikes in sports tourism. According to the instructions in force at that time, the "troika" was assigned if the trip lasts at least 16 days, at least 350 km will be covered, of which 8 days in sparsely populated areas, and if at least 6 overnight stays are made in the field. Dyatlov had twice as many such overnight stays.

The release was scheduled for January 23, 1959. Igor Dyatlov intended to return with the group to Sverdlovsk on February 12-13. And earlier, from the village of Vizhay, the UPI sports club and the city sports club of Sverdlovsk should have received a telegram from him that the route was successfully completed. It was the usual practice of hiking and the requirement for instructions to report to the sports club. It was originally planned to return to Vizhay and give a telegram about the return on February 10th. However, Igor Dyatlov postponed the return to Vizhay to February 12. The precise engineering calculation of Igor Dyatlov underwent a change in schedule due to one emergency, which was the first failure in a group event. At the first stage of the campaign, Yuri Yudin left the route.

On January 23, 1959, the Dyatlov group began a trip to Otorten from the railway station in Sverdlovsk, consisting of 10 people: Igor Dyatlov, Zina Kolmogorova, Rustem Slobodin, Yuri Doroshenko, Yuri Krivonischenko, Nikolai Thibault-Brignolles, Lyudmila Dubinina, Alexander Zolotarev, Alexander Kolevatov and Yuri Yudin. However, on the 5th day of the campaign on January 28, Yuri Yudin leaves the group for health reasons. He left with a group from the last settlement on the route - the village of the 41st quarter and went to the non-residential village of Second Severny, when he had a problem with his legs. He obviously would have delayed the group, as he moved slowly even without a backpack. He lagged behind. Lost formation. However, in that transition between these villages, 41 quarter-Second North tourists got lucky. In the village, tourists going on a hike towards the 21st Congress of the CPSU were given a horse. Backpacks of tourists from the village of 41 quarters to the village of Second Severny were carried by a horse with a driver on a sleigh. Ill Yuri Yudin returns to Sverdlovsk.

The equipment at that time of the development of tourism was very heavy and not perfect. Backpacks of an old design, very heavy in themselves, a bulky tent made of heavy tarpaulin, a stove weighing about 4 kilograms, several axes, a saw. An additional increase in the load in the form of a mass of backpacks and the departure of Yury Yudin from the group itself prompted them to postpone the control time of the group's arrival back to Vizhay for two days. Dyatlov asked Yudin to warn the UPI sports club about the postponement of the return telegram from February 10 to February 12.

The description of this reconstruction version contains a possible presumption of responsibility and seriousness of the intentions of the participants in the campaign to return alive and unharmed. Speculation regarding the unsportsmanlike behavior of the participants in the campaign, which caused the death of the group, is excluded.

  • Dyatlov Igor Alekseevich born on 13.01.36 just turned 23 years old
  • Kolmogorova Zinaida Alekseevna born on 01/12/37, recently turned 22 years old,
  • Doroshenko Yuri Nikolaevich born on 01/29/38, on the 6th day of the campaign he turns 21 years old
  • Krivonischenko Georgy (Yura) Alekseevich born February 7, 1935, 23 years old, he should have turned 24 years old on the campaign,
  • Dubinina Lyudmila Alexandrovna born on May 12, 1938 20 years,
  • Kolevatov Alexander Sergeevich Born 11/16/1934 24 years,
  • Slobodin Rustem Vladimirovich born on 01/11/1936, recently turned 23 years old,
  • Thibaut-Brignolle Nikolai Vasilievich born 06/05/1935 23 years old
  • Zolotarev Alexander Alekseevich born 02.02.1921 37 years.

There is no contact with tourists. No one in Sverdlovsk knows how the campaign goes. There are no radios for tourists. There are no intermediate points on the route from where tourists would contact the city. On February 12, the sports club UPI does not receive the agreed telegram about the end of the trip. Tourists do not return to Sverdlovsk either on February 12, or on February 15, or on February 16. But the chairman of the UPI sports club, Lev Gordo, sees no reason for concern. Then the relatives of the tourists sounded the alarm. At that time, there were no structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, sports committees, trade union committees, city committees, with the support of internal troops and the armed forces, were engaged in the search for missing tourists. The search began on February 20, 1959. Great help UPI students, the sports community of Sverdlovsk, and military personnel took part in the search. In total, several groups of search engines were recruited. The groups of search engines necessarily included UPI students. The groups were delivered to the areas that the Dyatlov group should pass along its route. The accident and its consequences were to be discovered by Dyatlov's classmates. The organizers of the search hardly doubted that the irreparable had happened. But the search was wide-ranging. Military and civil aviation was involved from the Ivdel airport. The search for students was given great attention due to the fact that two participants in the campaign, graduates of the UPI, Rustem Slobodin and Yura Krivonischenko, were engineers from secret defense mailboxes. Slobodin worked at the research institute. Krivonischenko at the factory where the first atomic weapon was created. Now this production association "Mayak" is located in the city of Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region.

Several search groups searched for the tourists of the Dyatlov group at various supposed points along the route. After the discovery of the first corpses of tourists, the prosecutor's office initiated a criminal case, which began to be investigated by the prosecutor of the city of Ivdel, closest to the site of the tragedy, Junior Counselor of Justice V.I. Tempalov. Then the preliminary investigation was continued and completed by the forensic prosecutor of the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region, Junior Counselor of Justice LN Ivanov.

The search engines Boris Slobtsov and Misha Sharavin, UPI students, were the first to find the Dyatlov group's tent. It turned out to be installed on the eastern slope of peak 1096. Otherwise, this peak was called Mount Halatchakhl. Halatchahl This is a Mansi name. Several legends are associated with this mountain. The indigenous Mansi people preferred not to go to this mountain. There was a belief that on this mountain a certain spirit killed 9 Mansi hunters, and since then everyone who climbs the mountain will be cursed by shamans. Halatchakhl in the Mansi language sounds like this - the mountain of the Dead.

How they found the tent, Boris Slobtsov told on April 15, 1959, under the protocol to prosecutor Ivanov:

“I flew to the scene by helicopter on February 23, 1959. I led the search party. The tent of the Dyatlov group was discovered by our group on the afternoon of February 26, 1959.

When they approached the tent, they found that the entrance of the tent protruded from under the snow, and the rest of the tent was under the snow. Around the tent in the snow stood ski poles and spare skis - 1 pair. The snow on the tent was 15-20 cm thick, it was clear that the snow was inflated on the tent, it was hard.

Near the tent, near the entrance to the snow, an ice ax was stuck; on the tent, on the snow, lay a Chinese pocket lantern, which, as it was later established, belonged to Dyatlov. It was not clear that under the lantern there was snow about 5-10 cm thick, there was no snow above the lantern, it was a little sprinkled with snow on the sides.

Below you will often find extracts from interrogation protocols and other materials of a criminal case, often the only factual documents that shed light on the tragedy. During the investigation, search engines and other witnesses were interrogated, who informed the investigation of certain factual data. It should be noted that the lines of the protocols in this case were not always “dry” or “clerical”, sometimes even lengthy discussions about the state of tourism and the level of organization of tourist searches were found in the protocols. But sometimes some data surfaced later in the memoirs of search engines or eyewitnesses of searches.

Boris Slobtsov, who discovered the tent, later clarified the details of the find of the tent in one of the articles in the All-Russian magazine of extreme travel and adventures:

“Our path with Sharavin and the hunter Ivan lay on the pass in the valley of the Lozva River and further on to the ridge, from which we hoped to see Mount Otorten with binoculars. On the Sharavin pass, looking through the eastern slope of the ridge through binoculars, I saw something in the snow that looked like a littered tent. We decided to go up there, but without Ivan. He said that he was not feeling well and would wait for us at the pass (we realized that he had just "fell"). As we approached the tent, the slope became steeper, and the ice became denser, and we had to leave the skis and walk the last tens of meters without skis, but with sticks.

Finally, we hit the tent, we stand, we are silent and we don’t know what to do: the slope of the tent in the center is torn, there is snow inside, some things, skis stick out, an ice ax is stuck in the snow at the entrance, people are not visible, it’s scary, already horror!. ."

(“Rescue work in the Northern Urals, February 1959, Dyatlov Pass”, EKS magazine, No. 46, 2007).

On February 26, 1959, a tent was discovered. After the discovery of the tent, the search for tourists was organized.

The prosecutor of Ivdel was summoned to the scene. Inspection of the tent by prosecutor Tempalov is dated February 28, 1959. But the first investigative action was an inspection of the first discovered corpses, which was carried out on February 27, 1959. The corpse of Yura Krivonischenko and the corpse of Yura Doroshenko (he was first mistaken for the corpse of A. Zolotarev) were found below in a hollow, between Mount Halatchakhl and a height of 880, where there was a stream bed flowing into the fourth tributary of the Lozva. Their bodies lay near a tall cedar, at a distance of about 1500 meters from the tent, on a hillock at the base of height 880, at the base of the pass, which would later be called in their memory the “Dyatlov Group Pass”. A bonfire was found next to the cedar. The corpses of two Yurs were found in their underwear without shoes.

Then, with the help of dogs, under a thin layer of snow 10 cm along the line from the tent to the cedar, the corpses of Igor Dyatlov and Zina Kolmogorova were found. They were also without outerwear and without shoes, but still they were better dressed. Igor Dyatlov was at a distance of about 1200 meters from the tent and about 300 meters from the cedar, and Zina Kolmogorova at a distance of about 750 meters from the tent and about 750 meters from the cedar. Igor Dyatlov's hand peeked out from under the snow, leaning on a birch. He froze in such a position, as if ready to get up and go in search of comrades again.

From the protocol of inspection of the first found corpses, which became the protocol of inspection of the scene, the active phase of the investigation of the criminal case began on the death of tourists from the Dyatlov group. After the discovery of the first corpses, and the discovery of a tent torn in several places, the corpse of Rustem Slobodin will soon be found under the snow. It was under a layer of snow of 15-20 centimeters on a slope conditionally between the corpse of Dyatlov and Kolmogorova, about 1000 meters from the tent and about 500 meters from the cedar. Slobodina also did not have better clothes, one leg was shod in felt boots. As the forensic medical examination will later show, all the tourists found died from frostbite. Rustem Slobodin's autopsy will reveal a 6 cm long crack in the skull, which he received during his lifetime. Rustem Slobodin was discovered by search engines in the classic “corpse bed”, which is observed in frozen people if the body cooled down directly on the snow. Then began a long search for the remaining tourists Nikolai Thibault-Brignolles, Lyudmila Dubinina, Alexander Kolevatov, Alexander Zolotarev. The snow cover of the slope, light forest zones and the forest area around the cedar were combed by search engines with dogs, probed by avalanche probes. They no longer believed in the salvation of the Dyatlovites. The search went on throughout February, March and April. And now, on May 5, after exhausting, long and difficult prospecting work, when excavating snow in a ravine, they found a flooring.

Next to the flooring, 6 meters from it, in the bed of a stream flowing along the bottom of the ravine, they found the last four corpses of tourists. The flooring and tourists were dug out from under a large layer of snow. In May, the fir twigs and parts of the Dyatlovites’ clothes that had just melted out from under the snow were pointed to the excavation site. On May 6, the bodies in the ravine and the flooring were examined.

The location of the discovery of the flooring and the corpses "in the ravine" can be established with authenticity based on the materials of the criminal case.

In the protocol of the inspection of the scene dated May 6, 1959, made by the prosecutor Tempalov, the location of the last corpses is described as follows:

“On the slope of the western side of height 880 from the famous cedar, 50 meters in the stream, 4 corpses were found, including three men and one woman. The body of the woman has been identified - this is Lyudmila Dubinina. It is impossible to identify the bodies of men without raising them.
All corpses are in the water. They were excavated from under the snow with a depth of 2.5 meters to 2 meters. Two men and a third lie with their heads to the north along the stream. The corpse of Dubinina was lying in the opposite direction with its head against the current of the stream.

(from the materials of the criminal case)

In the Resolution on the termination of the criminal case, issued by the forensic prosecutor Ivanov on May 28, 1959, the location of the flooring and the corpses is more precisely defined:

“75 meters from the fire, towards the valley of the fourth tributary of the Lozva, i.e. perpendicular to the path of movement of tourists from the tent, under a layer of snow 4-4.5 meters away, the bodies of Dubinina, Zolotarev, Thibault-Brignolles and Kolevatov were found.

(from the materials of the criminal case)

This perpendicular can be seen in the scheme from the criminal case.

(from the materials of the criminal case)

70 meters from the cedar. "To the river Lozva" - this means from the cedar to the north-west. The stream flows past the cedar from south to north towards Lozva. It flows into the 4th tributary of the Lozva.

Schematically, the location of the flooring and the last four corpses can be depicted as follows:

The location of the ravine on the map:

The ravine was covered with snow in February and from March to April until May 6, 1959. The ravine was also covered with snow in April 2001, when M. Sharavin was there as part of the Popov-Nazarov expedition ...

Between the tent and the cedar there was a ravine, along the bottom of which a stream flows. The ravine stretches from south to north in the direction of a stream flowing along its bottom to the 4th tributary of the Lozva. But by February 26, the ravine was already covered with snow. It is not even noticeable that until recently there was a ravine. You can only see the slope, the right eastern bank of the stream, which rose to a height of about 5-7 meters. This was shown by the search engine Yuri Koptelov.

“On the edge (further the slope was steeper) we saw paired tracks of several pairs, deep, on firn snow. They walked perpendicular to the slope of the tent in the valley of the tributary of the river. Lozva. We crossed from the left bank of the valley to the right bank and after about 1.5 km we ran into a wall, 5-7 meters high, where the stream made a turn to the left. In front of us was a height of 880, and on the right was a pass, which was later called lane. Dyatlov. We climbed the ladder (head-on) to this wall. I'm on the left, Mikhail is to the right of me. In front of us were rare low birches and fir trees, and then a large tree towered - a cedar.

(from the materials of the criminal case)

It seems quite reliable that Yuri Koptelov described the place of the alleged fall of the tourists Zolotarev, Dubinina and Thibaut-Brignolle. With certainty, it can be assumed that the place from which the fir and birch for flooring were cut off are those very “rare low birches and fir trees” from Koptelov’s description. And Yury Koptelov and Misha Sharavin climbed a little to the right of the wall, where the wall is not so high and flatter, which makes it more possible to climb the ladder on skis in the forehead. It's just about opposite the cedar.

The bodies of the last 4 tourists were found in a ravine under a layer of snow 2-2.5 meters thick.

Considering that the bottom of the ravine was not yet covered with snow on February 1, because It was after February 1 that witnesses noted heavy snowfalls and snowstorms in the area of ​​​​the Poyasovy Kamen ridge (their testimonies are below), then a fall on a rocky bottom from a steep 5-7 meters high seems very dangerous. But more on that below.

“January 31, 1959. Today the weather is a little worse - wind (west), snow (apparently with firs) because the sky is completely clear. We left relatively early (about 10 am). We go along the beaten Mansi ski trail. (Until now, we have been walking along the Mansi path, along which a hunter rode a reindeer not very long ago.) Yesterday we met, apparently, his overnight stay, the deer did not go further, the hunter himself did not go along the notches of the old path, we are following his trail now . Today was a surprisingly good overnight stay, warm and dry, despite the low temperature (-18° -24°). Walking today is especially difficult. The trail is not visible, we often stray from it or grope. Thus, we pass 1.5-2 km per hour. We develop new methods of more productive walking. The first one drops the backpack and walks for 5 minutes, then returns, rests for 10-15 minutes, then catches up with the rest of the group. This is how the non-stop way of laying tracks was born. It is especially difficult for the second one, who goes along the ski track, the first one, with a backpack. We are gradually separating from Auspiya, the ascent is continuous, but rather smooth. And now the spruces ran out, a rare birch forest went. We came to the edge of the forest. The wind is from the west, warm and piercing, the wind speed is similar to the air speed when the plane rises. Nast, naked places. You don’t even have to think about the device of the lobaza. About 4 hours. You have to choose accommodation. We descend to the south - to the valley of Auspiya. This is probably the snowiest place. The wind is light on snow 1.2-2 m thick. Tired, exhausted, they set about arranging an overnight stay. Firewood is scarce. Sickly raw spruce. The fire was built on logs, reluctance to dig a hole. We dine right in the tent. Warm. It is difficult to imagine such comfort somewhere on the ridge, with a piercing howl of the wind, a hundred kilometers from settlements.

(from the materials of the criminal case)

There are no more entries in the general diary, so far no entries have been found for other dates after January 31 in the personal diaries of the group members. The date of the last overnight stay is determined in the Resolution known to us on the termination of the criminal case, signed by the forensic prosecutor Ivanov as follows:

“In one of the cameras, a frame (taken last) was preserved, which shows the moment of excavation of snow to set up a tent. Considering that this shot was taken at a shutter speed of 1/25 sec., at an aperture of 5.6 with a film sensitivity of 65 units. GOST, and also taking into account the density of the frame, we can assume that the tourists started setting up the tent at about 5 pm on January 1, 1959. A similar picture was taken with another camera. After this time, not a single record and not a single photograph was found ... "

(from the materials of the criminal case)

Until now, no one has seen these pictures of setting up a tent in a criminal case. And this is the biggest mystery of the case...

Stanislav Ivlev

The continuation can be found in Stanislav Ivlev's book "The campaign of the Dyatlov group. In the footsteps of the Atomic Project." The whole book, or a separate full text of the reconstruction, can be ordered on the "Planet", contributing to the release of the book.

Over the years, interest in this event has not weakened. Evidence of this is the American-Russian film "The Mystery of the Dyatlov Pass", released in February 2013. It’s just not worth taking the directors’ fantasies at face value. It is better to arm yourself with historical facts.

The campaign of nine tourists led by Igor Dyatlov was dedicated to the XXI Congress of the CPSU. The group faced a difficult task. The total length of the distance that the expedition members had to overcome on skis was almost 350 km. The path of the group lay through the forests and mountains of the Northern Urals. The final part of the trip was to be climbing the Otorten and Oiko-Chakur mountains.

The group initially consisted of ten people: Igor Dyatlov, Yuri Doroshenko, Nikolai Thibault-Brignoles, Yuri Krivonischenko, Zinaida Kolmogorova, Semyon Zolotarev, Alexander Kolevatov, Rustem Slobodin, Lyudmila Dubinina and Yuri Yudin. The latter, by the way, is the only survivor of the entire company. Yudin was saved by the disease. He simply could not take part in the campaign because of an attack of sciatica that began in him.

The leader of the group was Igor Alekseevich Dyatlov, a 5th year student at the Ural Polytechnic Institute. In general, the composition of the expedition participants could be called youth (five students, three graduates and one tourist inspector - the oldest of all). But this did not speak of their inexperience at all. The Dyatlov group was a close-knit and well-trained team. Almost all members of the expedition had gone through fire, water and copper pipes: more than once fought with the elements, overcame the hardships and deprivations of camp life.

The group set off on a hike on January 23, 1959, when its members left Sverdlovsk by train for Serov, from where they went to Ivdel. The next destination was the village of the 41st quarter - the place of life of loggers. After spending the night, the group moved to the village of the Second Northern Mine. Here it is worth mentioning one important point. Completely abandoned by the end of the 1950s, the village of the Second Northern Mine was part of the Stalinist camp system. In this part of the Urals, they were everywhere. At the time of the group's arrival in the village, there was not a single stranger on its territory, except ... their fellow traveler, the cab driver Velikiavichus, with the help of which the group arrived at their destination. Lithuanian Velikiavichus was sentenced to camps in 1949 and released in 1956. It must be assumed that Velikiavichus was not the only inmate of IvdelLAG (that was the name of the system of the Ural camps). A large number of former prisoners lived in those places.

According to the official version of events, the expedition said goodbye to Velikiavichus on January 28, when he took Yury Yudin, who fell ill, back to the village of the 41st quarter. It was then that the tourists were seen alive for the last time.

From this moment begins the period of the group's journey. The first time the tourists moved without complications, according to the plan. The path of the group lay along the Lozva River and along its tributary Auspiya. They went skiing. On the evening of February 1, the group decided to set up camp for the night on the eastern slope of Mount Kholatchakhl. Interestingly, from the language of one of the indigenous peoples of the region - the Mansi, Kholatchakhl literally translates as "mountain of the dead." True, in accordance with the grammar of the Mansi, the name of the mountain would be more correct to translate as "a mountain on which nothing grows." But we will return to the question of the possible involvement of the Mansi in the death of the group.

According to the plans of the participants, on February 12 it was supposed to reach the village of Vizzhay, which served as the final point of the trip. On the same day, the group planned to send a telegram to the institute's sports club about the successful completion of the task. But neither on the 12th nor on the following days did the group arrive in the village.

According to the classification of hiking trips, the hike of the Dyatlov group belongs to the highest category of difficulty. In total, by that time, there were three categories of complexity in mountain tourism.

Very soon the loss of the expedition caused concern. Three groups of volunteer rescuers went in search of tourists - students and employees of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. In tourism, everyone was grated rolls.
The camp of the missing was discovered on 26 February. The tent was covered with snow, but there was no serious damage to it. There were no people in the tent. Down the slope of the hill from her were traces of nine people.

Soon, two bodies belonging to Yury Krivonischenko and Yury Doroshenko were found at a distance of one and a half kilometers from the tent. They had neither shoes nor outerwear. Burn marks were visible on the feet and palms. Here you could see the remains of a fire. Nearby was a large cedar with recently broken branches.

Then three more bodies were found. The bodies of Rustem Slobodin, Zina Kolmogorova and the head of the group, Igor Dyatlov, were found at different distances between the fire and the tent. The bodies of the rest of the expedition members were found two months later. Lyudmila Dubinina, Nikolai Thibault-Brignolles, Alexander Kolevatov and Alexander Zolotarev were found in one of the forest ravines. Their bodies were buried under many meters of snow. They were dressed noticeably warmer than the rest.

Tortured bodies

At first, investigators suggested that the tourists were attacked. But no signs of a struggle were found at the scene. Soon, only one thing became obvious - something made people jump out of the tent in a panic at night into the bitter cold. At the same time, they did not even have time to put on warm clothes and shoes. The tracks of the group members diverged and converged again, as if something was forcing them to run down the mountainside, as far as possible from their place of parking. Investigators found cuts on the tent, but they were made from the inside by one of the expedition members. The guys wanted to leave the tent as soon as possible and tried to cut it with everything that fell into their hands.

According to the autopsy results, most of the expedition members died as a result of hypothermia. Most of all, the investigators were interested in the injury of Rustem Slobodin. A crack 6 cm long and 0.5 cm wide was found in his skull. Such an injury could only be the result of an incredibly large blow. It is unlikely that a person could get it by simply falling and hitting his head on the snow. And here's the mystery - the cause of Slobodin's death was hypothermia. The rest of the expedition members died as a result of severe injuries. Experts found numerous bruises and fractures on their bodies, and Dubinina had no tongue at all. Those who happened to see the corpses of the participants in the campaign noted their unnatural orange-brown tint. The bodies and belongings of tourists were checked for radiation. But its level was not much higher than the average for the region.

The case was quickly covered up. Even in our time, despite the removal of the secrecy stamp, not everyone can freely get acquainted with the materials. In the documents of the investigation themselves, a well-disguised uncertainty shows through. Everyone who was engaged in their own investigation, did not leave the feeling that the authorities wanted to hush up the incident as soon as possible.

As mentioned above, the first version of the death of the group was an attack strangers. Local residents, belonging to the small Mansi people, were suspected of the crime. There was an opinion that Mount Holatchakhl was a sacred place for them. This allegedly became the reason for the murder of tourists. But, as it turned out, the mountain did not have a cult significance among the Mansi at all. Another similar reason is the attack of IvdelLAG prisoners. And some claimed that they liquidated the group because the guys witnessed the testing of some secret weapon. Among the versions of the death of the expedition, there are frankly delusional ones. For example, this: the group was destroyed by foreign intelligence services, and the participants in the campaign themselves were KGB officers. All these theories have one weak component. After studying all the details of what happened, the experts were unequivocal in their assessment - except for the group itself, that fateful night, there was no one else on the mountainside. In the snow, the investigators managed to find only traces of nine people - members of the expedition.

Mansi is the indigenous population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. They are one of the smallest peoples of Russia. Today, about 12 thousand representatives of this nationality live in our country. Mansi have their own language, but most of them consider Russian as their native language.

Of course, the cause of the tragedy could be a quarrel between the participants in the campaign themselves. We know that Igor Dyatlov had a certain sympathy for Zina Kolmogorova. The sympathy was mutual. But at one time Zina was courted by another participant in the campaign - Yuri Doroshenko. For some reason, their relationship didn't work out. Could this be the cause of the conflict? Theoretically, yes. But people who knew the guys claimed that the relationship between the leader of the group and Kolmogorova was purely platonic. And after an unsuccessful attempt to start a romance, the relationship between Yuri and Zina could be called friendly. In general, experienced climbers and skiers consider the version of the conflict as one of the least likely. In the mountains, everyday problems and love vicissitudes fade into the background.

Among the various theories of the death of the group, fantastic versions occupy not the last place. Oddly enough, they have a certain basis. According to one of the investigators, Lev Ivanov, in February and March 1959, some “flying spheres” were noticed in the area where the group died. Witnesses say that these objects emitted an incredibly strong glow. Something similar is described by the members of the rescue expedition. According to them, in addition to bright light, the phenomenon was accompanied by a sound effect similar to explosions or thunder.

Another mysterious circumstance testifies in favor of this version. Among the photographs taken by a member of the campaign, Yuri Krivonischenko, there is one frame that shows a cluster of lights of unknown origin. Perhaps it was the 33rd frame of Krivonischenko that captured the mysterious lights in the sky. However, with the same success, this "paranormal phenomenon" could turn out to be an ordinary film defect or a slightly less mysterious ball lightning.

One often hears a version about the death of the group as a result of testing some secret weapon. Allegedly, this can explain the unnatural skin color of the dead, as well as their terrible injuries. Even if this version is true - we will hardly ever be able to find out. After the tragedy, the military stated that no tests were carried out in the area where the tourists died.

There is another theory regarding the origin of the photo frame, supposedly capturing the mysterious lights in the sky. The 33rd photo frame could have been taken by the investigator pressing the shutter of the camera before removing the film from it. The fact is that the Zorki model camera of the 50s of the last century did not have the option to determine the position of the shutter. Thus, wanting to check the latter, the investigator could click on it himself.

It is necessary to consider one of the most popular options for the development of events. As you know, the main danger in the mountains is an avalanche. But this seemingly most reasonable version leads to a dead end. In fact, Mount Holatchakhl can hardly be called a mountain in the usual sense of the word. Her slopes are very gentle. Therefore, the likelihood of an avalanche is extremely small. And as a result of an avalanche, the tent and equipment of tourists would have received much more serious damage. Ski poles, stuck next to the tent even before the tragedy, remained standing in the same place. Strange avalanche, isn't it? And one moment. According to safety precautions, in the event of an avalanche, you need to go sideways from the parking lot. The group, for some reason, went down the slope. Due to the experience of the expedition, it is unlikely that all of its participants could make the same and so obvious mistake.

Our version

Of all the available theories, the most plausible, in our opinion, is the version that is often mentioned by experienced climbers and skiers. During the installation of the tent, tourists could cut the snow, which subsequently rolled down on them. The layer of snow that “ran over” the tent did not lead to its complete collapse, but sowed panic among the expedition members. Fearing to be buried under a pile of snow, the tourists ran out of the tent and tried to find shelter outside it. Do not forget that on that fateful night the air temperature dropped to -30°C. Possibly blew strong wind. Restoring the picture of the tragedy, experienced specialists believe that the guys went down in an organized manner. But then the first misfortune happened. Apparently, during the descent, Rustem Slobodin fell and hit his head on a stone. The rest did not have time to notice this, since it was at night, and the weather did not allow them to see beyond the outstretched hand. Probably Slobodin lost consciousness. After consciousness returned to him, he was unable to navigate in space and, after unsuccessful attempts to find his comrades, froze.

After the disappearance of Slobodin, the group broke up. When Zina Kolmogorova discovered his absence, she went in search of him. Her body was found 600 meters from the place where the tourists then lit a fire. Her death was also due to hypothermia. For some reason, Zolotarev, Dubinina and Thibaut-Brignoles left the group. Apparently, they tried to reach the forest as quickly as possible and find shelter there. The guys could not notice the steep cliff and fall from a great height. It is likely that this was the cause of severe injuries that led to death. When the injured members of the campaign were still alive, the remaining members of the expedition came to their aid. But they failed to drag the seriously wounded comrades to the fire. The seriously injured people were doomed. Together with them, Alexander Kolevatov, who came to the rescue, also froze.

At the same time, Igor Dyatlov went back to the tent to take warm clothes. But he was very tired or simply lost his way, as a result of which he died of cold, before reaching the tent for about a kilometer. Rescuers found the bodies of Yury Doroshenko and Yury Krivonischenko near the fire. They also froze. Wanting to keep warm and not fall asleep, Doroshenko and Krivonischenko probably brought their hands and feet to the fire. This can explain the numerous burns found on them. Dubinina's lack of language can be justified in another way. After death, the soft tissues of the body often become food for all kinds of living creatures.

For a comment on our version, we turned to the famous mountaineer and skier, a man with the title of "Snow Leopard", Nikolai Mishchenko. “The story of the death of the Dyatlovites is not unique,” ​​says Nikolai Akimovich. – When someone asks me about that unfortunate incident, another tragedy immediately comes to mind that happened in the Pamirs – one of the highest peaks of the USSR. In 1974, the entire female expedition led by Elvira Shataeva, the wife of the famous Soviet climber Vladimir Shataev, perished on Lenin Peak. As in the case of the Dyatlov group, when Shataeva's expedition was discovered, there were no signs that the group had been covered by an avalanche or some other disaster had occurred. And yet, all members of the expedition died. In an unforeseen situation, they were unable to orient themselves in time. The participants of the campaign went in different directions, lost sight of each other and died. Why did it happen? I think it's a psychological issue. In mountainous conditions, a person is not always able to adequately assess the situation and make the right decisions. The death of the Dyatlov group is another vivid example of this. It is quite obvious to me that when something unforeseen happened (the version about the collapse of the snow is quite plausible), the young people, being in a state of stress, panicked and made a number of mistakes that they would never have made in their normal state. The experience of the group members turned out to be powerless in such a situation. People were driven by fear. I want to tell you about one more very important detail. From my many years of experience, I know that when hiking in the mountains, there must be a leader in the group. We need a person to whom the rest of the expedition members would obey implicitly. I'm not sure that Igor Dyatlov was just such a leader. After all, it must be remembered that at the time of the tragedy he was still a very young man. Most likely, when a force majeure situation occurred, some participants in the campaign decided to act independently. As a result, as in the case of Shataeva’s expedition, they dispersed in different directions, got lost and froze.”

The highest title in Soviet mountaineering is "Snow Leopard". It is worn by climbers who have visited the tops of the highest mountains located on the territory of the USSR. The official name of the token is: "Conqueror highest mountains THE USSR".

Thus, the picture of the incident begins to acquire more expressive shades. But what is the root cause of the horror that gripped the participants of the campaign? In this situation, we can only apply the principle of "Occam's razor". Most likely, the group left the tent under the influence of reasons that are quite natural in nature. And there were hardly any anomalies here. However, we will probably never know the truth about this tragedy.

Our expert: Nikolai Mishchenko, a well-known mountaineer and skier with the title of "Snow Leopard".

06.03.2018 25.02.2019 by papar@zzi

Nothing on Earth passes without a trace ... N. Dobronravov


January 23, 1959 a group of tourists in the amount of 10 people led by Igor Dyatlov went to the mountains of the Northern Urals. This trip was organized with the support of the tourism section of the Ural Polytechnic Institute and was dedicated to the XXI Congress of the CPSU. The group faced a difficult task. The total length of the distance that the expedition members had to overcome on skis was almost 350 km. The path of the group lay through the forests and mountains of the Northern Urals. The final part of the trip was to be climbing the Otorten and Oiko-Chakur mountains. The category of difficulty of the route is the third (highest).
At the initial stage of the campaign, one person fell ill and therefore left the group (Yuri Yudin). The tourists continued their journey in nine people: Igor Dyatlov, Yuri Doroshenko, Lyudmila Dubinina, Semyon (Alexander) Zolotarev, Alexander Kolevatov, Zinaida Kolmogorova, Georgy (Yuri) Krivonischenko, Rustem Slobodin, Nikolay Thibault-Brignolles.

At the scheduled time, the group did not appear at the declared end point of the route, but the organizers of the trip did not worry at first - delays in tourist groups on the routes are common. When all the deadlines for waiting for the arrival of the guys passed, it became clear that something had happened to them. A large-scale search was organized, during which the group was found, but all of its members were found dead.
The tragedy occurred on the snow-covered slope of Mount Kholatchakhl (Kholat-Syahyl). The last entry in the group's travel diary was made on January 31st. In a tent abandoned by tourists, a humorous wall newspaper called "Evening Otorten" was found, written by participants in the campaign and dated February 1. After the first of February, no records were found. Therefore, it is believed that the tragedy occurred on the night from the first to the second of February.

Various versions of their death were put forward, but, to date, none of them gives an exhaustive answer to the main question - what, after all, actually happened there. But it is necessary to find the answer, and therefore research into the causes of the death of the Dyatlov group continues. Every year, detachments of enthusiasts leave for the area of ​​the tragedy, which is now officially called the Dyatlov Pass. Based on the results of their search work, new versions are put forward, old ones are supplemented and refined.

Trying to understand the series of events that became fatal for tourists, the author gradually formed his own vision of the development of the tragic situation on Mount Holatchakhl. This was facilitated by the study of the materials of the criminal case, materials of search and research work Askinadzi, Buyanov, Ivlev, Koskin, Rakitin, Slobtsov and many other researchers, as well as the study large volume materials presented on the Internet on sites and forums on this topic.
The storyline of the story, in general, does not claim to be new. The main aspect of the study of tragic events undertaken is the reconstruction of the most likely actions of the members of the group at key moments in the development of this human drama. In addition, the author tentatively determined the time of the occurrence of two catastrophic events that ultimately killed the entire group of tourists.

The afterword contains the results of an analysis of some mysterious facts related to the campaign and members of the Dyatlov group, and also briefly considers the inconsistency of some versions of the death of the group for other reasons.
The author foresaw the possibility of interest in this topic from a wide range of readers, including those who do not have any information about the tragedy of the Dyatlov group, and therefore he tried to tell about the dramatic events that took place in a way that was understandable to anyone.


On January 31, at about 4 p.m. Ural time, the Dyatlov group went to the foot of small mountain Holatchakhl, to the top of which it was planned to climb. By the time they reached the approaches to the mountain, the members of the group were certainly tired. In addition, in two hours, in the conditions of this area, twilight was expected. Yes, and the mountain met tourists unfriendly - a blizzard. There was no question of taking the summit on the move. The group was forced to retreat under the protection of the forest adjacent to the mountain. There was a camp for rest and overnight stay. Before going to bed, the guys developed a plan for subsequent actions that would maximally provide them with significant savings in physical strength and time for the assault on Mount Holatchakhl. According to this plan, the members of the group were to:
- during the first of February:
a) build a storehouse in which the main part of the group’s hiking equipment, unnecessary for climbing, should have been left (discovered by search engines);
b) after the construction of the storehouse, rest;
c) after resting before dusk, make an exit from the forest and climb the mountainside as high as possible, then stop there for the night.
- during the second of February:
a) in the morning, after spending the night on the slope, climb to the top of Mount Holatchakhl;
b) after conquering the summit, return to the storehouse before dark.


Having built a storehouse and having a rest, the group left the base camp and headed to Mount Kholatchakhl. The movement of the group along its slope is captured in photographs.

The pictures clearly show that the blizzard on the side of the mountain continued to rule its ball. Because of this, the tourists did not move very far up the slope. Pretty tired, we decided to settle down for the night. The tent was set up on a slope in difficult weather conditions. This is confirmed by the latest photographs taken by the participants of the campaign (their cameras were found, the films were developed). Later, experts from these photographs determined the time when the site for the tent was formed - about 17 hours (Ural time).

Daylight was waning very quickly, and the guys had to hurry in order to have time to put up a tent before dark. Due to strong snow whirlwinds, due to the fatigue of people, due to the haste, the site for the tent turned out to be undercut under the snowy slope. None of the group members noticed this. In order to protect the old tent from gusts of wind that could tear its patched and patched canvas, the guys had to go a little deeper relative to the upper edge of the snow massif of the slope. In the tent set in such a position, the Dyatlov group settled for the night.
The tourists had a camping stove for heating the tent, but it was not installed in the last overnight stay. Maybe the guys were tired and did not want to bother with installing the stove. Perhaps Dyatlov was afraid that the heat from the heated tent could adversely affect the snowy slope located close to it. In any case, Dyatlov decided to spend the night cold, with which everyone agreed. Such cold overnight stays were practiced by the Dyatlov group (they are mentioned in the travel diary of the tourist detachment).
The guys were tired and cold, but they were in a good mood. This is indicated by a camp wall newspaper written by them with humor called “Evening Otorten. No. 1". The search engines found it - it was fixed on the inner side wall of the tent.
Members of the tourist group had dinner in the time interval from 20-00 to 22-00 hours (the time is approximately determined by the results of the pathoanatomical examination of the children's corpses). After dinner, they went to bed. The wake-up time of the group was set by Dyatlov early, most likely at 6-00 (the group was already behind schedule, and the weather conditions and short daylight hours did not allow to cool down).


Early morning on the second of February. The tent duty officer was going to cook breakfast (the search engines found in the tent: a knife, a piece of loin, a piece of its skin - obviously, the duty officer could not resist and tried it).
The guys were already waking up: someone else was lying and dozing, catching the last minutes of sleep, someone began to get dressed half asleep. Zolotarev and Thibaut-Brignoles managed to almost fully dress and prepare for the ascent - this can be judged by the equipment of their corpses, which were later found, including the presence of a camera on the remains of Zolotarev.
At the time of the disaster, the entire group was inside the tent.


At night, the blizzard was replaced by a heavy snowfall, and in the morning the first tragic event occurred - a partial collapse of the snowy slope near the tent. It was due to the following reasons:
- when forming a platform for a tent, cracks formed in the undercut part of the snow massif of the slope;
- from the fallen snow, the load on the snow mass, at the edge of which the tent was located, began to increase;
- this load caused spontaneous growth of cracks already existing in it in all directions in the snow massif;
- the undercut part of the snow massif of the slope could not withstand the load, broke along the cracks and collapsed.

The collapse was localized. The main part of the snow mass fell next to the tent, close to it, slightly propping up its side canvas. The falling snow almost did not hit the upper part of the tent (slopes). Thanks to this, people were not injured with loss of movement, no one was crushed to death.
The tent from the piled snow was deformed, but resisted, did not develop completely. The material of the tent, basically, withstood. Only in one place, on the side of the collapse, it was slightly torn. Through this gap, snow began to pour into the tent, and Dyatlov plugged it with the first jacket that came to hand, thereby preventing further snow from entering (this jacket was found by search engines in the tent and belonged to Dyatlov).


The approximate time when the snow mass collapsed in the tent area allows us to determine the Dyatlov watch, which was later found on the hand of his corpse. They stopped at 5:31.
The reason for stopping his watch is damage to its movement. Damage to the clock mechanism could occur: either when Dyatlov, in order to prevent snow from entering through a slight damage to the canvas of the tent, tried to plug the gust with his jacket; or in the process of inflicting indiscriminate blows on the canvas of the tent in order to tear it and get out; or it happened during or after Dyatlov left the tent - from a blow, for example, to a stretch, a ski pole, or from a blow to something while helping his comrades.
But the clock of Thibault-Brignolles and Slobodin worked after the first disaster. Their clocks will stop later for another reason.


When something unexpectedly fell on the tent, there was a turmoil with elements of panic. The members of the waking group could not understand anything. The tent is dark. Dyatlov gave the command to leave the tent. But it was not possible to do this through its “entrance”: the tent was skewed from the fallen snow, its canvas sagged; in the limited space because of this, the people inside the tent only interfered with each other. Then the command was given - to exit the tent, cut or tear its canvas; who can and what can. Someone tried to cut the sagging canvas of the tent horizontally, someone struck the canvas in the vertical direction. Dyatlov may have used the flatness of his slippers as a chopping tool and struck with them. When he managed to leave the tent, he threw away these slippers not far from it, as unnecessary (these slippers were later found by the search engines).
Examination of the tent established: the group's exit from it occurred through vertical cuts-ruptures in the canvas of the tent, made on the side opposite to the collapse; cuts-ruptures of the canvas of the tent were made by people inside it. A photograph of the torn tent and a diagram of its damage are present in the criminal case.

All members of the group left the tent, as indicated by the discovery of the bodies of the dead guys outside it. The people who left the tent were able to move on their own; their actions were conscious. This is confirmed by subsequent finds by searchers.
We can make an unambiguous conclusion - during the collapse of the snow mass on the tent, none of the guys received fatal or serious injuries.


Subsequently, during an external examination of the found corpses of tourists, it was established: the guys got out of the tent, for the most part, without warm jackets, pants and hats, without shoes and mittens; each participant in the campaign was dressed in what he managed to put on just before the start of the disaster.
The guys who left the tent, of course, were in a state of passion. As a result of stress, adrenaline released into the blood temporarily blocked the body's reaction to weather conditions. They had not yet felt the wind blowing from the top of the slope. Subzero temperature environment at the first moment of the tragedy also did not bother me much yet. But all members of the Dyatlov group will feel the fatal power of cold very soon.

After leaving the tent, the guys assessed the situation correctly: the tent was seriously damaged and significantly deformed, especially in the place where the warm clothes were located. Trying to get them out of there immediately - the members of the group considered it a dangerous business. Will their attempts to get to warm things cause a new snowfall and, as a result of this, the death of people or their serious injuries? The only thing they managed to pull out was a light cloak like a plaid. The cape was almost half sticking out of the cut tent, so it was not dangerous to get it (this cape was later discovered by the search engines).

The excited state of the group members began to pass, it was replaced by a feeling of terrible cold, and each tourist of the group understood that further stay near the tent in such a practically defenseless form threatens them all with inevitable death from hypothermia.

The group made a decision - to move away from the tent in the direction of a high cedar, visible below the slope. This cedar still exists, and the distance from it to the location of the tent of the Dyatlov detachment was then 1500 meters. At the cedar, the guys planned to make a fire and warm themselves; From there, it was possible to quite safely control the development of the situation in the tent area, then, based on the observations, take adequate rescue actions.


The Dyatlov group began to move away from the tent down the slope, focusing on a high cedar. In the predawn twilight, the position of the cedar was discernible. For the time being, a weak wind from the top of the ill-fated slope blew the guys in the back, thereby facilitating their movement over rough terrain, and a small snowstorm raised by this wind did not prevent them from adhering to the chosen direction. Subsequently, the search engines found on the surface of the slope traces of people walking towards the cedar. The tracks were located on the ground almost parallel, close enough to each other, and were left by a retreating group of people, numbering nine people.

Based on this, the following conclusions can be drawn:
- the guys went to the cedar with a frontal chain; perhaps they held each other's hands so that no one would get lost during the retreat, and if necessary, it would be possible to provide timely assistance to a weakened comrade;
- when retreating from the tent to the cedar, the members of the Dyatlov group did not support anyone, did not carry anyone, that is, all the guys were able to move independently. Otherwise, the traces of retreating people would sometimes have the character of “staggering from side to side”, as if they were carrying or supporting the injured member of the group, there would be traces of people falling, inevitable in such cases on snowy and rough terrain. But the search engines did not find such traces.
To mark the position of the tent on the slope to make it easier to observe it from the side of the cedar, Dyatlov placed a lit flashlight on its upper part (the search engines later found it there, of course, extinct). However, someone had another flashlight, which will illuminate the path when the group departs. The retreat from the tent began and passed largely uneventfully; but the group still had to throw the second flashlight at the third ridge (the search engines found it there) - it went out, most likely, the battery failed in it. But the cedar was no longer far away. In general, we got there.

The obvious solution - you need a fire. Who has matches? Everyone starts looking for them, unbuttoning their pockets on their clothes. The matches were found, but the guys, perhaps, tried to fasten the pockets of their clothes back, but could not. And in order to better understand that situation, try in the cold, and even with the wind, with frozen or already partially frostbitten fingers, fasten a pocket or other part of the clothing with a button, while it shakes from the cold so that the tooth does not hit the tooth. Well, did it work? The guys didn't make it. This is the answer to the question “Why were the pockets and elements of the clothes of the dead unbuttoned, and who did it?”, Which arose from the search engines when they discovered and examined the corpses of the guys.
The fire was kindled (search engines discovered its location). Judging by the size of the extinct fire, it was at first large enough to provide heat for a tourist group.

It was found that cedar branches were used for the fire. Traces of their breaks on the trunk of a cedar were found by search engines at a height of up to 5 meters.

Along with cedar branches, bushes and small trees growing near the cedar were also used as firewood.

Breaking off branches on a cedar did not do without the guys getting various injuries and gusts of their clothes. The icy branches and trunks of bushes and small trees collected for the fire lashed the faces of the children, inflicted wounds on the skin of their bare hands, and tore their clothes. And the snow cover of the area, both when moving from the tent to the cedar, and when collecting firewood near it, injured his legs.
This explains the presence of a large number of various injuries on the corpses of the guys - scratches, abrasions, bruises, minor wounds, as well as the deplorable state of the clothes of the dead.
The weather was getting worse. The temperature began to drop, the wind increased significantly, a blizzard began. Because of the blizzard, there was a decrease in visibility, and it became impossible to control the situation in the tent area. Due to the fatigue of the guys, the provision of firewood with firewood became irregular, so the fire became unstable, and the heat from it was no longer enough to warm the entire group of people. Everyone felt that they were starting to freeze. An experienced tourist Dyatlov noticed the first signs of depression in several members of the group.
The worsened weather conditions and the apathetic state of some of the guys forced Dyatlov to decide to split the group into two squads:
- the first group - two people. They stay by the fire. Their tasks are to maintain the fire, observe the tent and the events around it, and wait for the arrival of comrades from the second detachment. The guys who were the most hardy and physically strong were supposed to enter the first detachment. Its composition was formed from Doroshenko and Krivonischenko. As an additional protection from the cold, they left a cape like a plaid (the same one that they managed to pull out of the tent);
- the second detachment, in the amount of seven people, should go in search of a place where it will be possible to make a cave-type shelter in the snow (this is a well-known way to save from bad weather in winter camping conditions). The second detachment was supposed to include guys dressed tolerably enough to be able to work in the snow. The detachment included: Dyatlov, Kolmogorova, Thibaut-Brignoles, Zolotarev, Dubinina, Slobodin and Kolevatov.


Krivonischenko and Doroshenko carry out the tasks assigned to them by Dyatlov. The guys are doing everything to ensure the life of the fire, and therefore to save their lives. Doroshenko, inflating the fading fire, even scorched the hair on his head (found on his corpse). We need firewood all the time. They decided among themselves: while one follows the fire and warms himself, the other goes for firewood; who brought firewood, replaces his comrade at the fire, - it is his turn to go for wood fuel.
Exhausted Krivonischenko and Doroshenko could no longer produce cedar branches. Therefore, branches of shrubs and small trees growing in the undergrowth closest to the cedar were used as firewood for the fire. Anything that could burn and give heat was good. But in order to get to the fuel, the guys each time had to move further and further into the forest, overcoming fairly deep snow. In one of these trips for firewood, Doroshenko lost strength and fell. I couldn't get up or call for help. Tentacles of cold seized Doroshenko with a stranglehold. Trying to somehow protect himself from their deadly embrace, he tried to group himself, pressing his hands to his chest. This did not help much, Doroshenko felt that the cold was slowly but surely overcoming.
At this time, Krivonischenko was at the fire. He used firewood sparingly to support it, but their supply was inexorably decreasing. In this regard, he became concerned, and more and more often the question began to arise in his thoughts - “Where is Doroshenko? It is high time for him to return with firewood.” Gradually, the feeling of concern grew into a premonition of something unkind. It forced Krivonischenko to go looking for his comrade, and he found him in the forest, lying on his back. There was no time to figure out what happened (the fire was left unattended), and the place was not suitable for this. Grabbing Doroshenko by the legs, Krivonischenko, backing away, dragged his comrade to the fire. Moving in this way, poorly oriented in space, he stepped on a fire (this is where the burn marks on Krivonischenko's left foot came from). He did not even feel it, because his frostbitten legs no longer felt anything. Leaving Doroshenko at the fire and throwing the last stocks of firewood into the fading fire, Krivonishnko was forced to immediately go for their replenishment.
Extremely tired, frozen to the marrow of his bones, Yura Krivonischenko returns to the cedar with firewood. He called out to a comrade who was lying motionless - there was no answer (the thought that his comrade was already dead did not even arise in Yura). Then Krivonischenko's gaze stops at the fire - uncontrolled by anyone, it almost went out.

Clearly realizing that all hope for salvation from the cold was only on the fire, Yura rushed to him. All the firewood brought, in a desperate attempt to save the fire, was sacrificed to him. And a weak flame pounced on them and gradually spread over them in numerous fiery streams. The buzzing and hissing flame of a flaring fire, accompanied by a cheerful crackle of firewood, has a calming effect on Krivonishenka. Enchanted by the reflections of the fire, captivated by its warmth, freezing Yura, unconsciously, sits down by the fire. Almost immediately, sleep began to take over his mind.
But finally the fire did not let him fall asleep. The unbearable heat of its flame brought Krivonischenko back to reality. Moving away from the fire, he saw with horror that the raging, devouring, merciless fire crept close to the feet of the motionless Doroshenko (this was the reason for the charring of his socks and legs). And quite obviously, Krivonischenko made an attempt to drag his comrade away from the fire to a safe distance. Dragging him, Krivonischenko fell with a collapse on his side. During this fall, he involuntarily turned Doroshenko's body into a position on his stomach. In this position, Doroshenko's body was found by search engines.
Subsequently, after the pathoanatomical examination of the corpse of Doroshenko, questions arose that baffled many researchers and caused them bewilderment: “After all, it is known that by cadaveric spots on the body of a deceased person it is possible to reliably determine in what position a person died. Cadaverous spots on Doroshenko's neck and back clearly indicated that he had died lying on his back. However, the corpse of Doroshenko was found lying on his stomach, respectively, the cadaveric spots were in the upper position. Who and why turned the dead tourist after his death from his back to his stomach? And where could Doroshenko die?
The answer is obvious. The coup of Doroshenko's body did not take place without the help of Yura Krivonischenko under circumstances now known to the reader. And Doroshenko really died on his back. And it happened either in the forest, where Doroshenko went for firewood and where he, exhausted, fell on his back and froze; or he died at the fire, to which he was dragged from the forest by Krivonischenko (the latter then left for firewood).

No matter where Doroshenko's death occurred, Krivonischenko found out about his death only after he dragged his comrade from the blazing fire and examined him. Sitting near the deceased, Yura was quite clearly aware that if one of the guys from the second detachment does not come in the near future, then this is the end. Because the fire will very soon begin to fade away, and there is no more firewood (he threw all the firewood he brought into the fire to reanimate it); again to go for firewood into the forest - he no longer has enough strength for this. Yura Krivonischenko could only wait for either the arrival of the guys, or the arrival of death. Who would be the first in this waiting race, he did not know. In the meantime, the cold very soon completely paralyzed Krivonischenko's will, then he fell into a state of deep apathy.
Inevitably freezing, Yura rolled over onto his back uncontrollably. In his fading consciousness, the last faint messages to the struggle for life arose, but he could no longer rise; I barely had enough strength to somehow cover myself and my comrade lying next to me with a cape, which became their last protection from the cold - for the living and the dead, and then with a common funeral shroud for them. At the completely freezing Krivonischenko, his left leg, in agony, stretches out and falls into the fading embers of the fire: the underpants in the lower part of the leg smolder, and the part of the lower leg under them in this place gets burned (found by search engines when examining the corpse). Soon Yura Krivonischenko freezes.
They were found just like that - lying nearby, covered with a cape. Krivonischenko froze, lying on his back, his right arm was bent at the elbow and thrown up, almost under his head, like that of a peacefully sleeping person. Doroshenko's body was found in the prone position, his hands were pressed to the body in the chest area.


The second detachment decided on the place where the shelter will be located. It was found seventy meters from the cedar, on the snow-covered slope of the ravine, but this place was not visible from the side of the cedar. The guys selflessly dig a cave, make a flooring inside it from trees collected in the nearest undergrowth. Lay things at the corners of the flooring to fix it.
The search engines found traces of dragging small trees and leaves and needles falling from their branches. According to these traces, the searchers found the location of the cave. During the excavation of the cave, the searchers found the flooring and things fixing it.

Later, not far from where the cave was, they found eerie human remains. They were located in a stream flowing along the bottom of a ravine and belonged to Dubinina, Thibaut-Brignolle, Zolotarev and Kolevatov. The condition of the dead children's bodies was terrible.

But this will be discovered later, but for now we will continue our story and return to the then still living guys working on the slope of the ravine.
The work on the construction of the shelter was close to completion, and therefore, leaving Zolotarev, Dubinin, Kolevatov and Thibaut-Brignolle to finish the cave, Dyatlov, together with Kolmogorova and Slobodin, went to the cedar for Krivonischenko and Doroshenko.


At the cedar, a sad picture appeared before the eyes of the children: the fire went out, frozen Krivonischenko and Doroshenko lay under the cape. The situation on the slope in the area of ​​the tent did not cause concern, it gave hope for the possibility of returning to the tent for clothes, food, tools (all this was in the tent and was found there by the search engines).

The circumstances forced Dyatlov, Slobodin and Kolmogorova to make a tough decision: to remove outerwear from the dead guys for additional protection from the cold of the surviving members of the group. However, in order to remove the already frozen clothing from the frozen bodies, they had to cut it.
Before leaving, Dyatlov, Slobodin and Kolmogorova said goodbye to their dead comrades, asked their forgiveness and, covering the undressed corpses of the guys with a cape, headed back to the cave.
On the way back, someone dropped a piece of cut clothing, which was then found by the search engines. This find helped them to take the right direction to search for the location of the cave shelter.

Dyatlov, Slobodin and Kolmogorova returned to the cave and told their comrades the tragic news of the death of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko. When distributing clothes, it turned out that Doronina and Kolevatov needed additional insulation more than others. Therefore, they were given almost all the fragments of the cut clothes of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko.
Then the guys discussed the current situation. The members of the group made a decision: to complete the arrangement of the cave shelter, to rest, warm up and go to the tent. Take warm clothes, food, tools, skis and ski poles in it. After that, return to the cave again to rest, gain strength, and then get out to the people, to the "mainland".


No doubt each was busy with a business that ensured their overall survival. There were four people in the shelter: Zolotarev, Kolevatov, Dubinina, Thibaut-Brignolles. They completed the interior of the cave. Dyatlov, Kolmogorova, Slobodin - outside the cave. They went for firewood, then to make a fire in the shelter. Quite by accident, this trio of guys was above the arch of the cave. And then the cave collapsed.
Most likely, when digging the cave, its upper part was weakened. Dyatlov, Slobodin and Kolmogorova became the load that the vault could not withstand and from which it collapsed.


Zolotaryov, Kolevatov, Dubinin, Thibeaux-Brignolles, who were in the cave, were blown away by the collapsed snow mass to a stream flowing in a ravine next to the dug cave, about 4–5 meters from the flooring (determined by the search engines). Naturally, the guys fell hard. On the rocky bottom of the Thibault-Brignoles stream, he receives a severe head injury (local depressed fracture of the skull). Zolotarev and Dubinina receive multiple fractures of the ribs of the chest. Kolevatov on the bottom of the stream is not injured; but he turned out to be pressed against the body of Zolotarev by a mass of snow so hard that he simply suffocated (this was later found out during the post-mortem examination).
The examination also showed that after the collapse, all four guys were still alive for some time. However, very soon, they died under the rubble from cold, injuries and pressure from the snow mass.

The flooring, possibly as a result of its small thickness, and even fixed with things in the corners, remained in place. Or maybe the sliding vector of the collapsed snow mass, randomly, developed in such a way that the flooring remained unaffected by the landslide snow flow.
Dyatlov, Kolmogorova, Slobodin, being at the top of the snowy slope, collapsed along with the collapsed vault. They also filled up, but relatively shallow. They survived and were able to get out. As a result of the collapse, abrasions and bruises formed under the clothes on the bodies of the guys, which were found during the post-mortem examination. It was during the collapse of the arch of the cave as a result of the fall that Slobodin received a skull injury (crack), compatible with life.
Dyatlov, Slobodin and Kolmogorova, who with difficulty got out of the snow blockade, were physically unable to look for the rest of the overwhelmed members of the group. And where to look for comrades in this snowy mass? There are no sounds like a human groan, no calls for help. Only a continuous, eerie howl of the wind is heard, reminiscent of the howl of a wolf starving in winter.


Judging by the first watch found on the hand of the corpse of Thibault-Brignolles, the time of the collapse is 8 hours and 14 minutes. They stopped at the collapse of the snow vault of the cave, at the moment the clock hit the rocky bottom of the ravine stream. His second watch stopped at 8:39 a.m. as a result of the pressure of the collapsed snow mass.
Slobodin, under a snow blockage, due to a crack in his skull, groaned loudly in pain, perhaps even screamed. Focusing on the sounds he made, they dug it up and pulled out Dyatlov and Kolmogorov. And while the guys were digging to Slobodin, his watch, under the pressure of the fallen snow mass, also stopped, but at 8 hours 45 minutes.


The surviving guys made a decision - until they froze, we must quickly get to the tent. But first they went to the cedar. At the cedar, it was planned to take a short rest before the last throw to the tent, and also to assess the situation on the slope; if you have enough strength - kindle a fire. Slobodin had matches for lighting a fire. The search engines found in the pocket of the jacket of the corpse of Slobodin a matchbox with unused matches in the amount of 48 pieces.
Based on the fact that Slobodin’s clock stopped at 8 hours 45 minutes, adding the time for his release from the rubble and for overcoming a distance of 70-75 meters from the collapse site of the cave to the cedar, it turns out that Dyatlov, Slobodin and Kolmogorova were at the cedar for about 10 hours of the morning. For local conditions, it was already quite light at this time, and the location of the tent was visible. The guys did not manage to kindle a fire: firstly, there was no firewood near the extinct fire; secondly, they no longer had the strength or time to collect firewood for the fire. Therefore, the two guys and the girl had only one way out - after a little rest, move towards the tent.
A strong, gusty wind blew across the open slope. The weakened guys could no longer go against such a headwind; they decided to crawl towards the tent. The guys planned to get to it according to the following scheme. The crawling movement begins with the whole group. Dyatlov crawls first, followed by Slobodin, who closes Kolmogorov. Dyatlov, tired, lets Slobodin and Kolmogorova go forward, takes a break and catches up. Slobodin should do the same when he gets tired: let Kolmogorov and Dyatlov go ahead, and then, after resting, catch up with his comrades. Then it was the turn of a short rest for Kolmogorova: Dyatlov was crawling forward, followed by Slobodin, who had caught up with him after rest. Before the start of the movement, they agreed among themselves - a conditional signal for "overtaking" a tired wave of his left hand.


The group started moving. The last round of the fight for life has begun.
After 300 meters, Dyatlov rolls over onto his back, waves his left hand, signaling Slobodin "to overtake." Having given a signal, Dyatlov's left hand, descending, caught on a branch of a tree or bush, she remained in this position (clearly visible in the photograph taken by the search engines).

Having let his comrades go ahead, Dyatlov is resting; his consciousness gradually sinks into sleep - as a result, he freezes. Slobodin and Kolmogorova crawl forward, they do not know that Dyatlov will never catch up with them.
After "overtaking" Dyatlov, after 150 meters, Slobodin's forces abruptly surrender. He is on the verge of losing consciousness (due to a crack in the skull, obtained during the collapse of the cave). He still managed to signal Kolmogorova "to overtake" - the position of his left hand is visible in the photograph. And then Slobodin freezes.

Kolmogorova, having overtaken Slobodin, crawls further towards the tent. Her arms are bent and located under the body, like a soldier crawling in a plastunsky way - thereby reducing the resistance to movement, reducing the cost of physical energy. However, after 300 meters, the forces leave the girl. The arms bent at the elbows are stiff from the cold and do not unbend (this is clearly seen in the photograph taken in the morgue, where the girl's corpse was placed for thawing).

Therefore, she failed to give the agreed signal to “overtake”. Kolmogorova in this situation had only one thing to do - to wait for the guys to catch up with her, and she had no doubt that Dyatlov and Slobodin were crawling after her. And she waited for the approach of her comrades until she froze. Her expectations were in vain. Zina Kolmogorova never found out that there was no one to advance to the tent after her.
The search engines found the frozen bodies of Dyatlov, Slobodin and Kolmogorova. Their corpses were located in the listed sequence, practically on the same straight line of movement from the cedar to the tent.
And at this last distance to life, they have overcome half of the way. From the place of death of Kolmogorova to the tent remained 750 meters.


According to this scenario, the Dyatlov group could die. The conclusion of the investigating authorities on the fact of the death of the Dyatlov group is correct: death from the irresistible force of the elements, although it requires a significant addition. Taking into account the addition, the author formulates the cause of the death of the Dyatlov group in the following form: death from the irresistible force of the elements, due to two random tragic events that deprived the tourists of their means of life support.
From the beginning of the tragedy (the collapse of the snow mass of the slope on the tent at 5 hours 31 minutes) and until its end (the death of Kolmogorova), no more than five hours passed. Without warm clothing and food, without stable sources of heat and reliable shelter, the Dyatlov group was doomed. Only a miracle could save her, but the miracle did not happen.
And here there is no place for versions of the death of the Dyatlov group from a UFO, Bigfoot or other animals; from special forces, criminals, Mansi hunters, foreign saboteurs; there was no controlled delivery under the cover of the state security agencies; the tragedy that occurred is not the result of testing the latest, top-secret Soviet weapons.



About traces of radiation.

The general radiation background of the area in the area of ​​the tragedy, as it was in 1959, and now, remains within the natural natural level. Researchers-specialists found that the bodies of the dead members of the group and their clothes did not have traces of exposure to external radioactive radiation. However, fragments of clothing were found, on which places with a local distribution of particles of a radioactive substance, which is a source of "beta" radiation, were identified. These fragments of clothing were found on the corpses of Dubinina and Kolevatov.
It was established that the discovered fragments used to be parts of clothing belonging to Yuri Krivonischenko, and he worked at the secret enterprise of the Mayak Production Association, Chelyabinsk Region. It is quite possible that the appearance of places of radioactive "contamination" on Krivonischenko's clothes was associated with his production activities.

The origin of radioactive sites on clothing fragments.

Probably, Krivonischenko was involved in the instrumental support of laboratory and field nuclear research conducted by the Mayak Production Association. Most likely, he worked at installations for checking beta-radiation sources on solid substrates, beta-radiometers and other dosimetric and radiometric instruments.
It is possible that he traveled as part of research expeditions to the places of the “radioactive trace” formed after the accident at the Mayak Production Association in 1957. For carrying out research work in the field, the verification equipment was placed in a special vehicle (mobile laboratory).
And then one day, during such an expedition, shortly before Krivonischenko left for a mountain hike in the winter of 1959, due to his violation of safety precautions during verification work, a substance emitting "beta" particles (for example, an isotope of calcium - 45).
It is possible that during the verification work, Krivonischenko dropped a Geiger counter of the MST - 17 brand. The calcium isotope - 45 was used in the design of the device and it was placed in a special capsule. Upon impact from the fall of the counter, the capsule and the body of the device were damaged. When examining the fallen device, the substance spilled out and got on the clothes. This or a substance similar to it could get on clothes in another way: it fell off a solid substrate of a source of "beta" radiation.
In such situations, it was required, according to the instructions, the immediate implementation of the appropriate decontamination of clothing. And without a doubt, this would have been accompanied by a very meticulous clarification of the circumstances of the "pollution", both by the expedition leadership and by the state security agencies. Knowing the severity of these bodies, the special status of the secrecy of the research being carried out, and, perhaps, feeling his direct guilt for the violation of safety regulations when working with radioactive materials, Krivonischenko was very frightened.
Out of fear of being severely punished, a young guy (23 years old) decided to hide the incident that happened to him, especially since there were no other employees in the laboratory at the time of the incident. And after returning from the expedition to the MAYAK PA, Krivonischenko, all the more, could no longer tell anyone anything about what had happened. He understood: for untimely reporting and concealing the fact of “pollution”, his guilt is even more aggravated and, accordingly, the severity of the punishment increases.

"Contaminated" clothes, stored at the workplace in a personal special closet, did not give him peace of mind. The constant fear of exposure did not leave Krivonischenko: what if, during his absence for the period of already permitted participation in the camping trip, some planned or unscheduled inspections of workplaces and clothing of employees admitted to especially secret research will be carried out by the relevant regulatory bodies of the enterprise. And then, for sure, the fact of “contamination” of overalls will be revealed, and for him, Krivonischenko, the concealment of this fact will end very, very badly. He decided to insure himself in this case.
At home, Krivonischenko had an accidental, decommissioned, but still in good condition overalls, identical to the one in which he was currently working. He decided to replace the "contaminated" overalls with his old overalls. I knew from my own experience that the security at the entrance of the enterprise did not attach much importance or did not pay any attention to who was wearing what when going to work or leaving it after the shift. The main thing for security is that the photo on the pass must match the face of the owner of the pass. And the conceived plan for the replacement of overalls was successfully implemented. After that, Krivonischenko went to Sverdlovsk in the clothes taken out, where the Dyatlov group was formed at the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Krivonischenko, as a specialist, reasonably believed that during the campaign, as a result of the natural decay of a radioactive substance, the “beta” radiation emitted by it should disappear. After the end of the campaign, the overalls taken out, already without radioactive contamination, Krivonischenko was going to return to the workplace. On that he calmed down.
There has always been a lot of tension in the tourism section at the Ural Polytechnic Institute with the equipment of the participants of any tourist groups. Each participant of the campaign, basically, took care of his own hiking equipment. Therefore, the clothes taken out from the enterprise, quite even suitable for a winter trip to the mountains, came in handy. In it, he went to storm Otorten. Subsequently, radioactive fragments of Krivonischenko's clothes were found on the corpses of Dubinina and Kolevatov.
It was these fragments of clothing that contributed to the emergence of a version about the supply of radiation data to foreign special services from the MAYAK software under the control of state security agencies. Authors and adherents of this version usually call it briefly - "controlled delivery".

Version "controlled delivery"

According to this version, it is assumed that Krivonischenko was the direct executor of the delivery operation, and the operation itself took place under the control of state security agencies. His organs were preliminarily subjected to planned radioactive contamination for transfer to enemy agents. After transferring the "contaminated" clothes to the spies, they would be under the "hood" of our counterintelligence.
Only now the American spies did not need such bulky radioactive things (pants, jacket): drag them from the mountains, from the center of Russia to your homeland, and even across the border. Surely the US intelligence services understood that the transfer of saboteurs for radioactive things into the mountains of the Northern Urals, especially in winter, had a great risk of failure due to the complexity of its organization and conduct, due to the large number of unpredictable accidents. That is why, instead of a primitive campaign of spies in the mountains, US intelligence planned in 1959 and carried out on May 1, 1960, the flight of the U-2 spy plane to the area where the MAYAK facilities were located. The missiles of the air defense forces of the Soviet Union, as was officially announced by the leadership of the country of the Soviets, the plane was shot down near Sverdlovsk.
If we assume that the Soviet security agencies would nevertheless decide on such a “controlled delivery” and involve Krivonischenko in it, then it would be more logical and easier to “contaminate” with radiation not clothes, but, for example, a handkerchief or a piece of cloth, and then transfer this contaminated material under control to foreign emissaries. And it would be much easier and more imperceptible for others in Sverdlovsk, for example, at the station, to convey it. And then, in the same place, track down and, if necessary, destroy enemy agents.
By the way, Krivonischenko could also transfer his radioactive clothes to foreign agents in Sverdlovsk, and not go to the mountains for this. And the mountains are not the place to catch spies.

Further, the state security leadership would not risk involving young tourists from the Dyatlov group in a special operation without appropriate training. Because of the inexperience of the guys, there would be a high probability of the failure of the operation, and the consequences of the failure for the leaders of the operation are easily predictable - an enemy of the people, an accomplice of American intelligence, a German-English spy, a Turkish terrorist; in the end - a shooting article.
Now about Zolotarev. He is the oldest in the Dyatlov group, besides - a front-line soldier, had military awards. At the front, as some researchers suggest, Zolotarev could be associated with representatives of the NKVD, being their informant about the mood in the ranks of the Red Army and their commanders.
During the war, such fighters-informers were probably in various active units of the Red Army. But after the end of the war, the need for them decreased quantitatively due to the reduction in the size of the armed forces. Most of these informant fighters were demobilized, and the NKVD was not interested in their further fate - these people completely lacked promising intelligence skills, including Zolotarev. Otherwise, for Zolotarev, as a budding agent, the possibility of continuing a military career would not be closed: even if the two military schools where he studied were abolished, the security authorities would have found for him the third, fourth, and fifth and even tenth military school. But that did not happen.

So, after the war, Zolotarev was not in the field of view of the state security agencies, he was not their “canned” agent. He could not be involved in the "controlled delivery" operation due to unpreparedness and due to the specificity of the special operation being carried out (the informant's skills were clearly not enough here).
And there was no “controlled delivery” itself, because there was nothing to deliver. There were no traces of uranium or plutonium isotopes, the main components of nuclear charges of that time, on Krivonischenko's clothes; clothes could not provide information about the technologies for their production or information about the technologies for processing radioactive waste; It was impossible to get an idea of ​​the production capacity and industrial potential of the Mayak Production Association by clothing. It was this information that, in the first place, was of interest to foreign intelligence centers.
Some information about the activities of the Mayak Production Association, which is of interest to foreign intelligence services, could have been obtained by America and the West even before the campaign of the Dyatlov group and in a completely different way. For example, Colonel O. V. Penkovsky, a high-ranking, well-informed official recruited by British and American intelligence services, served and worked in the Main Intelligence Directorate for a long time. He was exposed and arrested in 1962. By the nature of his official activity, being the deputy head of a department in the Department of Foreign Relations of the State Committee for Research Works, Penkovsky, of course, owned state secrets that he sold. Along with Penkovsky, there could be other traitors.
Therefore, the imperialists, in part, were aware of the activities of the Mayak Production Association and had some idea of ​​the research being carried out there. In this regard, the supply of “contaminated” clothes of Krivonischenko in order to misinform enemy intelligence would not have been successful. And to “contaminate” clothes, just for the sake of catching foreign scouts in the mountains, is absurd. The Soviet secret services had a large and rich arsenal of more effective methods and means of dealing with spies than Krivonischenko's pants and jacket.

Travel Dyatlov or on a trip as a business trip.

There is information about Igor Dyatlov receiving travel money for the trip, although any hiking trips of that time were carried out on "naked" enthusiasm. The question arises - "By whom, for what purpose was the travel money issued?"
The campaign was timed to the next congress of the CPSU. The group even planned to report to the first leaders of the party and the country almost from the top of Otorten. The party organization of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, in order not to stay away from such an important event dedicated to the native and dearly beloved Communist Party, suggested that the institute leadership support the youth initiative and provide financial assistance to the Dyatlov group, issuing it under the guise of travel expenses in the name of the group leader. The party committee did not even hint at the allocation of money from the party fund to support the event.
But the leadership of the Ural Polytechnic Institute had its own plans for the upcoming trip of tourists, not related to strengthening the prestige of the Communist Party, but called upon to solve scientific problems in the interests of the country. Perhaps, the military department of the Soviet state, during the period of the nuclear confrontation that had already begun, urgently demanded that the Ural scientists urgently provide updated information on the topography of the Ural Mountains (for use in strategic military purposes). In order to fulfill this requirement as soon as possible, the leadership of the institute decided to use the campaign of the Dyatlov group to obtain some preliminary data that lay the foundation for further thorough topographic research in the area.
In the campaign, Dyatlov had to complete the assigned work along the way. It is possible that in order to somehow interest Dyatlov, the work was linked to the topic of his diploma or to his subsequent work at the institute (the latter was offered to him). And although due to the tragedy that happened, it was not possible to do the planned work on that campaign, the institute nevertheless fulfilled the order of the Motherland.
According to the newly obtained data, the height of Mount Holatchakhl was 1096 meters, but in 1959 its height was considered to be 1076 meters. On the snow-covered slope of this mountain, in a littered tourist tent, a tripod for a camera was found in the group's belongings. The thing is quite large and weighty, you can’t call it a necessary accessory on a hike. But if Dyatlov planned to take a snapshot of the area on the route of the group, then the presence of a tripod becomes completely understandable. You can't do without it. This means that Dyatlov’s accompanying work was precisely in the performance of such photography, and for its material support, the institute’s management allocated him money, with which he bought a tripod and a camera for it.
Dyatlov instructed Zolotarev to take photographs, as the most experienced tourist. On the corpse of Zolotarev in the stream, a camera was found that did not belong to him, and which became Zolotarev's mysterious second camera for search engines and researchers of the tragedy.

However, there is no mystery here. This is the same camera for a tripod, bought by Dyatlov, like the tripod itself, with institute money.

Zolotarev's second camera.

A former military man, a front-line soldier, on whom the head of the group assigned responsibility for performing photographic work, of course, he never used this second camera in his field life. This is mentioned in the personal travel diaries of some members of the group. To photograph the scenes of camp life as a keepsake, Zolotarev used his personal camera (this first, Zolotarev's personal camera and a cassette with camping pictures were found by the search engines in a tent). Since the Dyatlovs had appointed a specific time for the start of the ascent to the top of Kholatchakhl, and therefore the implementation of the planned photographs there, the second camera on that tragic morning was on Zolotarev - no doubt, it was securely and conveniently fixed in the right place so as not to interfere with the assault on the mountain.
But suddenly tragedy struck. Despite this - and this did not happen in the war - the former front-line soldier Zolotarev hoped that everything would work out, the summit would be conquered and important pictures would be taken. Therefore, the camera did not leave; he remained on Zolotarev until the end of his life. After the discovery of the corpse of Zolotarev in the creek of the ravine, the camera was removed from his remains and sent for technical examination. Most likely, the seizure and sending for examination of the camera, along with radioactive fragments of clothing from the corpses of Dubinina and Kolevatov, were formalized in secret acts. For this reason, there are no such acts of seizure in the criminal case.
According to the results of the examination, the camera was recognized as uninformative investigative material, since it was not used at all throughout the entire trip; there were no photographs. In addition, it is possible that by the time the corpses were discovered in the stream, “beta” radiation from clothing fragments on the remains of Kolevatov’s body could illuminate the film in the camera: after all, the corpses of Zolotarev and Kolevatov were located very close to each other, literally one on top of the other (this clearly visible in the photo).

And if the first personal camera of Zolotarev, found in a littered tent, was handed over to his relatives after the investigation was completed, then the second camera, given the secrecy of the examination, was simply destroyed with the preparation of the corresponding act. However, in the criminal case there is no act on the destruction of the camera, and there are no acts on the destruction of radioactive fragments of clothing either. But somewhere these secret acts of destruction should be now, unless they were also destroyed due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

The secret of Zolotarev's tattoos.

Tattoo "Gene".
In those distant pre-war and post-war years, a man often tattooed either his own name or the name of his girlfriend or woman. Zolotarev had a tattoo named after Gene. However, at birth they called him Semyon, and when he met Dyatlov and the guys from the tourist group, for some reason he called himself Alexander. Then who is Gena? The question is certainly interesting.

Tattoo "G + S".
For most men, a tattoo from the initial letter of the name of a beloved girl or woman + the initial letter of their name (or, conversely, the sequence is not essential) thus perpetuated their mutual love and fidelity to the relationship between them. Then, based on the “Gene” tattoo, the “G + S” tattoo can be deciphered as Gena + Semyon. Maybe Zolotarev had special feelings for a person who definitely did not have the female name Gena?

Tattoo "G + S + P \u003d D"
It can be deciphered as Gena + Semyon + some other “P” (Pavel, Peter, Prokhor? ..) = FRIENDSHIP. Apparently, it perpetuated the commonality of their interests, the peculiarity and originality of their relationship, the so-called FRIENDSHIP.

similar in semantic meaning with tattoos "G+S", "G+S+P=D". Perhaps the mysterious tattoo is a sequence of the initial letters of the names of people to whom Zolotarev had a special, personal affection at different periods of his life. Obviously, the tattoo was not formed immediately, but sequentially over time, like a memory of meetings. In this case, one of the options for deciphering the DAERMMUAZUAYA tattoo is quite possible in the following form: “Dmitry, Andrey, Evgeny, Roman, Mikhail, Mikael, Umar, Alexander, Zakhar, Ulyan, Alexei, Yakov.” But there may be other names.
Considering the foregoing, it can be assumed that the presented transcripts of Zolotarev's tattoos recreate before us his image as a person with a non-standard attitude towards a certain half of the human race. Perhaps, somewhere, under some circumstances, rumors about the non-standard behavior of Zolotarev became known to some of the people around him. This, of course, should have somehow affected the fate of Zolotarev.

The fate of Zolotarev from Minsk to Otorten. The clue to his middle name.

Minsk. In one of his pedagogical universities studies Zolotarev. First practice. Brilliant performance after its completion.
Second practice. Some scandal. The characterization of the trainee Zolotarev is very restrained, almost at the level of an unsatisfactory grade. After the second practice, Zolotarev becomes isolated, loses interest in the future profession of a physical education teacher.
Maybe during the second practice, Zolotarev showed signs of non-standard behavior in relation to someone, and this caused a scandal. Society rejected such behavior and punished people for it. However, there was, of course, no clear evidence. Therefore, the leadership of the organization where Zolotarev underwent his second practice, taking care of his reputation, the incident was “hushed up”. However, nevertheless, the leadership of the higher educational institution where Zolotarev studied was “whispered” about him.
Perhaps that is why, after graduating from the university, Zolotarev did not receive the mandatory assignment at that time to work in an educational institution. Having higher education, Zolotarev leaves first for Krasnodar region, then to the Caucasus and gets a job there as a simple tourism instructor. In the mid-fifties, he left for Altai and worked there for almost two years, in the same capacity, at the Artybash camp site.
Why did Zolotarev leave the warm, fertile region almost to the other end of the country, 3,500 km away, to the harsh climate of Altai? Most likely, in the Caucasus, at the place of work, there were vague, hard-to-proven rumors about Zolotarev's inappropriate behavior during some Caucasian hikes. Rumors reached employees and management at the place of work. Zolotarev was given to understand - it is desirable to quit and leave.
Zolotarev went to Altai, got a job at the Artybash camp site. However, tourists and climbers are a special, restless people (“better mountains can only be mountains that have not been yet” - V. Vysotsky). Someone, just one of these fidgets, who "walked around" earlier in the Caucasus, now ended up in Altai. I found out, by chance, that Semyon Zolotarev, who came from the Caucasus, works as an instructor at the Artybash camp site. This fidget, most likely, had heard a lot about his Caucasian faults. And they went to "walk" around the camp sites of Altai retelling, talk, gossip. They also reached the leadership of the tourist center "Artybash". Zolotarev, for obvious reasons, was forced to leave.

Semyon settled in the Ural Mountains, and it was there that the "transformation" of Semyon Zolotarev into Alexander Zolotarev took place. He met the new year, 1959, at the Kourovskaya camp site, at the place of his work. Perhaps, purely by chance, or perhaps traditionally, several tourists from the Ural Polytechnic Institute gathered at this camp site to celebrate the New Year. Igor Dyatlov was also there. Of course, we met, however, Zolotarev introduced himself to Dyatlov under the name Alexander. Certainly we talked. Zolotarev liked this young man, and, it seems, very much. Almost immediately after the New Year holiday, Zolotarev left the Kourovskaya camp site, arrived in Sverdlovsk and achieved admission to the Dyatlov group, going to conquer Otorten.
And what about Dyatlov? From communication at the Kaurovsky camp site, I understood: Zolotarev is not a beginner, he has extensive experience in hiking of various categories of difficulty. In addition, the initial size of the group decreased: 12 people were supposed to go, 9 remained. “The tenth will go,” perhaps Igor decided so. And Zolotarev was in the group. Getting acquainted with the members of the Dyatlov group, Zolotarev also called himself Alexander.
Why did Zolotarev hide his real name from both Dyatlov and other members of the tourist group? Because he reasoned like this: if, suddenly, some rumors about Semyon Zolotarev reach the Urals, then Zolotarev, who called himself Alexander, can always tell his comrades on the campaign - these rumors refer to his namesake.

Georgy Krivonischenko, aka Yura Krivonischenko.

Another riddle of the double name? No. Krivonischenko did not hide his name given to him at birth. Not in front of his fellow students at the institute, or in front of the participants in the campaign against Otorten, and even more so, in front of the team, working at the secret enterprise of the Mayak Production Association.
Everyone knew that his real name was George. Perhaps he stopped liking the name given by his parents during the period of maturity. George is somehow pompous for his youthful years. And just Zhora - it sounded, as it seemed to him, childish, and even frivolous for a growing young man. Therefore, he asked close friends and comrades to call him Yura.
The history of mankind knows many examples of changing names while maintaining a surname. Russian composer Georgy Sviridov - his real name is Yuri Sviridov, American writer Jack London - in fact it is John London, Russian poet Velimir Khlebnikov - Viktor Khlebnikov, modern writer, publicist Zakhar Prilepin - his real name is Evgeny Prilepin. There are enough examples.
Each of these people had their own, purely personal reason to change the name, as, indeed, did Krivonischenko too.

Kolevatov's notebook.

During the campaign, a general travel diary of the group was kept, which was found in a tent after the tragedy. In the diary there is a mention of Kolevatov's notebook. About this there are entries in the personal diaries of some members of the group. Kolevatov never parted with his notebook and wrote down something in it every day. Nobody knew about the contents of the records.
What entries did the notebook contain? The authors of the “controlled delivery” version consider Kolevatov to be Krivonischenko’s assistant, and in his notebook Kolevatov made secret notes related to the ongoing special operation. But there is no evidence for this.
Was this notebook ever found? Some researchers refer to a photograph where, as they think, its vague outlines are guessed. In the photograph, Colonel Ortyukov, who is part of the search group, is indeed holding something in his right hand while extracting the remains of Kolevatov from the stream.

But what exactly he holds is completely unclear. In the materials of the criminal case on the fact of the death of the Dyatlov group, there is no mention of the discovery of Kolevatov's notebook.
If we assume that notebook Kolevatov was nevertheless found, then, most likely, like the radioactive fragments of clothing and Zolotarev’s second camera, she was seized for an examination with the execution of classified acts of seizure. It can be assumed, with a very high degree of certainty, that there were no secret entries in the notebook. Most likely, the notes were related to one of the girls of the campaign; Kolevatov could have feelings for her. These feelings, of course, he hid from everyone and confided them only to paper. In this case, for the investigation, the contents of the notebook were of no interest. After the completion of the examination and the closure of the case on the fact of the death of the Dyatlov group, the notebook, together with radioactive fragments of clothing and Zolotarev's second camera, was destroyed with the preparation of the corresponding secret acts of destruction.

Version of the impact of the infrasonic wave.

It has been established and proven that exposure to a sound wave in the frequency range from 6 Hz to 9 Hz can lead a person into a state of panic, clouding of reason, up to suicide, or death from cardiac arrest. Signs of a person's death from exposure to infrasound of this frequency range are externally manifested in the form of the appearance and fixation of convulsive grimaces on the face of the deceased, called in the scientific world "mask of fear" or "mask of death". Such a deadly wave of sound can be generated at sea, in deserts, in mountains.
There is no posthumous “mask of fear” on the faces of the dead tourists. There was no panic in the behavior of the group, the actions of the group members were of a conscious nature throughout the entire time period of the tragedy. This is indicated by traces of an organized retreat from the tent to the cedar, traces of a fire and collecting firewood for it, the division of the tourist group into two groups, the construction of a cave, as well as the location of the corpses of Dyatlov, Slobodin and Kolmogorova, which unequivocally suggests an attempt by the guys to get to the tent .
Infrasound is not the cause of the death of the Dyatlov group.

UFO version.

Extraterrestrial aliens had no reason to destroy a group of tourists. For them, it would be preferable to take all the guys aboard their intergalactic apparatus and, in order to study human beings, fly away to where they come from.
Like highly advanced civilizations from other galaxies, aliens certainly have high technology. For them, it was not difficult, firstly, to detect earthlings (Dyatlov's group) in a timely manner on the slope of Mount Holatchakhl, where the aliens themselves, perhaps, wanted to explore something. Secondly, so that people do not interfere, erase their memory and teleport all members of the group to a place where they would soon be found, although they did not remember anything, but alive.
It should be noted that during the investigation into the circumstances of the death of the Dyatlov group, information was received about the appearance of mysterious fireballs in the sky of the Northern Urals, and even eyewitnesses who observed them were identified. It is established that the flights of these fireballs were observed on February 17 and 25, 1959. It is quite obvious that these celestial phenomena have nothing to do with the death of tourists that occurred on the night of February 1 to February 2. On that fateful night, no fireballs were observed in the entire foreseeable space of the Ural Mountains.
UFOs were not involved in the death of the Dyatlov group.

version of the attack.

Some researchers of the tragedy suggest that the Dyatlov group died as a result of an unexpected attack on them during the night stop. The following are considered for the role of the attackers: animals (bear, rassomahi and even Bigfoot), Mansi hunters (due to religious beliefs, this place is sacred for the Mansi people, there should not be strangers here) and, finally, a group of prisoners who escaped from the penitentiary labor camp (there were a sufficient number of such camps in the Urals at that time).
The search engines found that there are no traces of the presence of prisoners who fled from the camp or traces of animals, and there are also no traces of skis of Mansi hunters (without them, a hunter will not go to the taiga in winter). The tent was damaged but not looted.

If the beast attacked, then everything that was in the tent and she herself would be randomly scattered, torn apart. A hungry beast would thoroughly take care of it. And for sure, a piece of loin found in the tent by searchers would not have survived. It is quite obvious that this piece of loin would represent a large nutritional value and for the equally hungry runaway prisoners. By the way, the dog of the searchers, who discovered a piece of loin, was subsequently rewarded with it and quickly found an appropriate use for it (this was told by the searchers themselves). In addition, a tool, knives, a flashlight, warm clothes, alcohol, skis and ski poles were found in the tent. Money and documents of the dead guys were found. For runaway prisoners, and for the Mansi hunter too, this is the Klondike, El Dorado. But nothing is touched.
Because there were no escaped prisoners at all, and this is confirmed by researchers who studied the lists of reports on escapes from camps in that region in the period before the campaign and during the campaign of the Dyatlov group; and the Mansi people living in those places did not experience hostility towards anyone. People they are timid, quiet; Soviet power and its laws were very respected, because they were very afraid of them. And, as it turned out later, there was no sacred place for the Mansi where the Dyatlov group died; in fact, it is located in a completely different area, far removed from the site of the tragedy.
Versions of the attack on tourists are not consistent for one simple reason - at the site of the tragedy, the search engines found traces and things that belonged only to members of the Dyatlov group.

Version of the cleansing operation.

The version is based on the fact that the members of the Dyatlov group became unwitting witnesses to the secret tests of military equipment and, in this regard, were destroyed during the cleansing operation.
Various authors of this version suggest that the tourists witnessed the fleeting flight of either a new secret aircraft, or a rocket in distress (the authors themselves do not really know what was flying there). They believe that the state security authorities are making a decision to physically destroy the members of the Dyatlov group, as unwanted witnesses to the tests in this area. It’s just not clear: when, how and from whom the USSR state security organs received information that tourists really saw something forbidden at night; who reported the exact coordinates of the last location of the Dyatlov group.
According to the cleansing version, a specialized group of military men was sent to the place of their overnight stay on the slope of Mount Kholatchakhl in order to eliminate the tourist group. And how many traces from the members of the special forces group should have remained while they were chasing at night, over snowy and rough terrain, after the guys of the tourist group: from the tent to the cedar, from the cedar to the ravine and back. And where are these tracks? They are not there, just as there are no traces indicating where the specialized military group came from and where it went after the special operation.
This does not bother the authors of the purge version. They refer to one single photo taken by the search engines, where it allegedly shows a vague outline of a single incomplete trace from the heel of army shoes next to the footprint of one of the members of the Dyatlov group. However, the picture does not give an unambiguous understanding. But a plausible explanation for the appearance of a bizarre fragment can be given.

By the time it was discovered and photographed, the fragment had acquired a shape resembling the heel of a commando's shoe as a result of banal wind erosion. In addition, photography was carried out by a search engine from an arbitrarily chosen angle, and, quite possibly, in the picture, due to the “play” of reflected light and shadow, the captured fragment was even more distorted. The rest was done by the imagination of the authors of the purge version. But most importantly, the photographer who was filming the footprints at that moment did not arouse any associations and suspicions. And in general, if there were traces of army shoes there, then there would be much more of them, and they would not have remained unnoticed by the search engines. Accordingly, there would be clear photographs.
Some researchers of the purge version suggest that they got rid of the guys by shooting them with top-secret, special bullets that leave no traces of defeat. Other researchers suggest that secret poison gases were used to destroy these guys. There are other fantasies too. To substantiate each of the proposed methods of killing members of the Dyatlov group, the most important thing is missing - factual confirmation, irrefutable material evidence.

To justify the presence of a punitive detachment that dealt with members of the Dyatlov group, some authors of the cleansing version cite the following arguments: the presence of bruises, bruises, abrasions on the bodies of the dead are traces of beatings, and burns on the legs of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko are traces of their torture by bonfire fire. But why, for what purpose, to beat and torture the guys, when it’s easier, “without bazaars”, in strict accordance with the task clearly set for the punishers, to immediately destroy them.
Torture, beatings, bullying are used to obtain some information. But it is quite obvious that, in and of themselves, observations of the flight of even a secret aircraft or a rocket collapsing in flight, and, finally, even a UFO do not carry any significant information. These visual observations cannot reveal any technical secrets or secret characteristics of the observed object.
Search engines and subsequent researchers of the causes of death of tourists no trace man-made disaster, relating to January - February 1959, were not found in this area. No debris from a crashed rocket, no traces of the components of its rocket fuel on the soil, no broken or fallen trees and shrubs from the shock wave allegedly initiated by a flying secret supersonic plane and hit tourists at the same time (there is such a version of the death of the group).
In the found hiking diary, there are no records of extraordinary events and phenomena along the entire route of the tourist group. It was established that on that fateful night the tourists were in a tent, sleeping. Even if we assume that the guys were awakened in the middle of the night by the light phenomena and sounds that accompanied the flight of the aircraft, it would take them some time to finally wake up and gain mental clarity, then at least put on something out of their clothes and get out from the tent. By this time, the events associated with the fleeting flight of an unknown object would have ended long ago, and before the eyes of tourists there would be only an empty, dark, cloudy sky, and snow falling from it.
From the foregoing, it follows that there was no mopping up operation due to the lack of a motive.

About traces of blood on the faces of some of the dead.

On the faces of Kolmogorova, Dyatlov, Slobodin, the search engines found frozen traces of bleeding around the mouth and nose. To the chagrin of the authors of the “cleansing” version, these traces of bleeding are not the result of beatings of the guys by the perpetrators of the punitive operation. Their appearance on the faces of two guys and one girl became possible due to the severe physical overstrain of the body of the guys struggling with the elements in the conditions of the strongest stressful situations and difficult weather conditions.
Dyatlov, Slobodin and Kolmogorova crawled to the tent at the limits of their last physical capabilities. They bit their lips so as not to lose consciousness and not let their comrades down. They crawled, damaging their faces on a fairly hard surface layer of snow. We crawled, periodically raising our heads so as not to miss the agreed signal to overtake, to make sure that the direction to the tent was maintained. They crawled to survive. And the burning wind, as if protecting the torn tent, threw charges of snow dust at the brave tourists, which blinded the guys, stung their faces with thousands of snow needles. Injured and frostbitten capillaries of the circulatory system of the face, unable to withstand the cold and physical exertion, burst. The blood oozing from the lips and nose, already extremely chilled in the bodies of the freezing guys, froze on their faces almost instantly.

About the color of the skin of the dead.

Some search engines really noted the unusual color of the skin of the face and hands of the victims. Subsequently, various versions of the explanation of this phenomenon appeared, for example, the vaporous or droplet-like, dispersed components of the fuel of a flying and crashing ballistic missile getting on the skin; the use of poisonous substances against the Dyatlov group during the cleansing operation; the impact on the corpses of microorganisms and protozoan algae living on the slope where the tragedy occurred.
An examination of the corpses showed that no traces of alcohol were found in their bodies. Residual traces of exposure to any substances used in the manufacture of rocket fuel or poisonous gases were not found on the skin of the bodies of the dead, on their clothes, as well as on the territory of the unfolding tragedy.
Anyone who has been frostbitten in winter knows that frostbitten skin of areas of the face, such as the tip of the nose, areas of the cheeks of the face, earlobes or areas of the auricles, darken over time. Depending on the duration of exposure to cold air, the magnitude of its temperature, frostbite areas of the skin can subsequently acquire a wide color range: from a slightly pronounced brown tint to dark brown, and even black inclusive. And it must be assumed that the guys from the Dyatlov group received very severe frostbite. This explains the intravital change in the color of the skin of their faces and hands.
And after the death of tourists, the uneven distribution and different contrast of color shades of the skin of the face and hands is the result of the decomposition of organic tissue, which proceeds at different speeds. The rate of tissue decomposition depends on the ambient temperature, skin type, and the state of its surface. On the faces and hands of the victims there were abrasions, scratches, minor wounds received during their lifetime in the fight against the elements. The process of decomposition in places of damaged skin is faster than in undamaged skin.
After the discovery of the dead, their corpses were sent for post-mortem examination. The corpses were placed in the premises of the village hospital for thawing to a state suitable for forensic examination; the process of decomposition of cadaveric tissue accelerated. After the completion of the examination, when sending the bodies to the place of their burial, the conditions for storing and transporting corpses could not be observed - and who will comply with these conditions, who needs it. It is not surprising that after such an attitude towards the dead, some of those present at the funeral in the city of Sverdlovsk also noted the unusual color of the skin on the face and hands of the deceased children.
There is nothing strange and mysterious in the change in the color of the skin of the dead.

On the forensic medical examination of corpses.

The results of the examination were approved by higher supervisory authorities, there were no complaints about the actions of the pathologists and the results they received. This means that the qualifications of pathologists did not raise doubts and corresponded to the current procedural norms and requirements of that time.
But some modern researchers of this tragedy arose dissatisfaction with the results of the examination; there were even accusations of professional unsuitability of the experts who conducted the pathoanatomical examination. Such researchers began to involve modern medical specialists and criminologists in the analysis of the materials of the criminal case on the fact of the death of the Dyatlov group.
These involved specialists, no doubt professionals in their field of activity, tried to analyze the results of the pathoanatomical examination on the yellowed sheets of that criminal case. However, their conclusions, unfortunately, do not clarify the reasons for the death of the members of the Dyatlov group, and sometimes even more fog the circumstances of this difficult case.

As it was in reality, perhaps no one will ever know. Much has been lost in time. The first search engines, the first researchers of that tragedy, are gradually dying out. Time blurs the memory of the details of those events among the surviving first participants in the search and research work. But the most important and most important thing remains - the memory of the Dyatlov group, attempts to get to the bottom of the truth. The older generation of researchers of the tragedy of the Dyatlov group is being replaced by a new, young replenishment. And maybe these new young researchers full of energy will still establish the true cause of the death of the group. And God help them in this righteous cause.

Two different people based on the same

facts will write two stories of completely different merit

DI. Pisarev.


Currently, absolutely all authors writing on the topic of the death of the Dyatlov group support the version of the investigation that the death of students occurred on the night of February 1-2, 1959. Until a certain point, I also adhered to this version. After all, three of the four stopped clocks found in the hands of the dead students showed the time interval between 8 and 9 o'clock.

Therefore, with light hand investigators, in the materials of the investigation, official documents, fiction, and later on the Internet, the opinion was established for a long time that the death of the group occurred between 20 and 21 hours on February 1, 1959, at night. However, after careful analysis of all information available to me, I did not find a single fact that could unequivocally testify that the Dyatlov group died on the evening of February 1, or on the night of February 1-2, 1959, as the investigation suggested. It was especially annoying that the analysis of student behavior showed absolutely clearly that all their actions were conscious and sighted, that is, tragic events could not have happened at night. And this led to the assumption that the students' clocks stopped from 8 to 9 am on February 2.

But until a certain time, I did not have absolute evidence that the death of students occurred precisely on the morning of February 2, during daylight hours, and therefore, like everyone else, I was forced to adhere to the official point of view. However, later, having made a request to the archive of the Sverdlovsk seismic station, and after analyzing and deciphering the seismograms, we received absolute and irrefutable evidence that the death of the Dyatlov tourist group occurred at 8:41 am, February 2, 1959. Moreover, it was possible to discover new facts that clearly testified in favor of the space version of the death of students, and even almost minute by minute to reconstruct the events that took place in the area Mount Kholat Syahyl. In this regard, I was forced to edit the text for the new book, which I propose to the reader.

Chapter 1. What caused the death of the Dyatlov group?

"It is not necessary to multiply entities unnecessarily."

Okama's law.

The reason for this tragedy, which resulted in the complete death of a student tourist group led by Igor Dyatlov, is still a mystery that neither the investigators who had this criminal case in hand, nor numerous subsequent researchers, could uncover. repeatedly covering the events of this incident over the fifty years that have passed since the tragedy. Meanwhile, a retrospective study of the events that took place in the mountains of the Northern Urals on February 1, 1959, allows us to confidently assert that the mysterious death of the members of the Dyatlov group was associated with airborne electric discharge explosions of fragments of a small comet.

All this deserves to be told about this case in more detail, and only on the basis of the materials of the investigation and documented facts.

Most full information about this incident was collected and summarized by M.B. Gershtein in his book "Secrets of UFOs and Aliens" (M-SPb 2006, ed. "Owl"), although he, as well as other researchers, could not understand the reason for the death of the Dyatlov group.

In fairness, it should be said that numerous versions of the mysterious death of a group of tourists led by Igor Dyatlov in the mountains of the Northern Urals have been repeatedly published in the periodical press before. with many conflicting details. About this case, with the most fantastic additions, I was also told in the city of Serov, Sverdlovsk Region.

Unfortunately, all modern versions created by semi-literate researchers, for the most part, do not agree with the facts at all, and are mediocre fantasies of the authors who created them.

Let me remind you that as a result of the investigation, based on the revealed facts and numerous eyewitness accounts, prosecutor Ivanov came to an unequivocal and completely fair conclusion about the involvement of mysterious luminous fireballs in the death of students.

But, failing to understand the true nature of these mysterious space objects, prosecutor Ivanov, who was in charge of this criminal case, thought they were mysterious UFOs. This point of view, which the investigator Ivanov reported to the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional party committee, and which he defended with sincere conviction many years after the tragedy, gave the death of students a mystical coloring. As a result of this circumstance, the criminal case was ordered to be closed, all the testimonies of witnesses about the "glowing balls" were withdrawn from the case, and the case itself was classified as "secret" and archived. All this was immediately implemented, but later, this decision caused a lot of questions and comments from modern researchers, who considered that they still "Fool in full."

Meanwhile, in this extraordinary story there is nothing mysterious and mysterious at all, because the “glowing balls” that caused the death of the Dyatlov group were not mystical UFOs, but a chain of fragments of a small comet that invaded the Earth’s atmosphere in February - March 1959.

And now let's restore the facts and the chronology of events morning February 2 1959, the tragic date of the death of the Dyatlov group, and for this we use all the information available to us. And in the course of the story, we will accompany the story of the events that took place with our own small commentary.

Start of the hike.

This organized group of tourists included ten young people: the head of the group Igor Dyatlov, 23 years old, the youngest member of the group Lyudmila Dubinina, 20 years old, Alexander Kolevatov, Zinaida Kolmogorova, Rustem Slobodin, Yuri Krivonischenko, Nikolai Thibault-Brignolles, Yuri Doroshenko, as well as the oldest member of the tourist group Alexander Zolotarev - 37 years old, and Yuri Yudin , the only surviving member of this group.

The purpose of the journey of the Dyatlov group was to climb the mountain Otorten(lit. with Mansi - "do not go there" ), located at the intersection of the northern edge of the Sverdlovsk region with the borders of the Komi Republic and the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug.

And the death of students occurred at the foot of the mountain Holotsakhl, (Kholat Syahyl)(lit. "mountain of the dead" ). According to the Vogul legend, the name of the mountain was given long before the death of the Dyatlov group, because of the Mansi group that died here, which also included 9 people.

The Dyatlov group left by train from Sverdlovsk to Serov, from there to Ivdel, then to Vizhay, from which the group reached the 2nd Northern settlement on foot. In this village, due to an attack of sciatica, Yuri Yudin lagged behind the group, and this, ultimately, saved his life. However, he was not a participant in the tragic events and therefore could not help solve the mystery of the death of the rest of the guys from the Dyatlov group.

The last entry in the diary of the tourist group, made by Dyatlov on January 31: “We are developing new methods of more productive walking. ... We are gradually separating from Auspiya, the ascent is continuous, but rather smooth. And now the spruces ran out, we went to the border of the forest. West wind, warm, piercing... Nast, bare places. You don’t even have to think about the device of the storehouse. About 4 hours. You have to choose accommodation. We descend to the south - to the valley of Auspiya. This is apparently the snowiest place. The wind is light, the snow is 1.2 - 2 meters thick. Tired, exhausted, they set about arranging an overnight stay. Firewood is scarce. Weak, raw spruce. The fire was lit on logs, reluctance to dig a hole. We dine right in the tent. Warm. It is hard to imagine such comfort somewhere on a ridge, with a piercing howl of the wind, a hundred kilometers from settlements.

We can draw a preliminary conclusion, and highlight the most important information for us, based on this record. The Dyatlov group is literate. This is evidenced by the fact that the members of the Dyatlov group, as experienced taiga people, in deep snow conditions, made a fire on logs. (Otherwise, having flared up, it will simply drown in deep snow and go out.) Already at 4 o'clock, without waiting for the end of daylight hours, the Dyatlov group began to choose a place to spend the night. This also testifies to the maturity of the group leader Igor Dyatlov. Note the maximum thickness of snow in the forest is 1.2 - 2 meters, and on the slope of the mountain - crust. The next day, February 1, 1959, the group built a storehouse, and, leaving some of their things and food in it, went light to Mount Otorten.

Last night.

On their last night, the Dyatlov group settled down approximately three hundred meters from the top of Mount Holat Syahyl, digging a hole and pitching a tent on an open mountain slope. Here is what the decision to dismiss the criminal case says about this: “In one of the cameras, a photo frame (taken last) was preserved, which shows the moment of excavation of snow to set up a tent . Considering that this shot was taken with a shutter speed of 1/25 second at aperture 5.6, with a film sensitivity of 65 units. GOST, and also taking into account the density of the frame, we can assume that the installation of the tent has begun around 5 p.m. on February 1, 1959. A similar picture was taken with another camera. After that time, not a single record and not a single photograph was found.”

We can specify the time of setting up the tent. Given that people's behavior always standard, and there was no reason to break the usual daily routine, the group, like the day before started setting up the tent about 16 hours evenings.

Setting up a tent.

The tent was set up soundly and was believed to be in an absolutely safe place. A little later, the search engine S. Sorgin will confirm - the tent was set up according to all the rules of mountaineering art: “On March 4, I, Axelrod, Korolev and three Muscovites went up to the place where Dyatlov’s tent was. All of us here came to a unanimous opinion, the tent was set up in accordance with all tourist and mountaineering rules. The slope on which the tent stood does not pose any danger ... ". And here is the testimony of Evgeny Polikarpovich Maslennikov, one of the leaders of the search: The tent was stretched out on skis and poles crammed into the snow , its entrance was facing the south side, and on this side the stretch marks were intact, and the stretch marks on the north side (from the side of the mountain) ripped off therefore, the entire second half of the tent was littered with snow. There was little snow, what is poured by snowstorms during the February period.

Why did the stretch marks of the tent break?

I emphasize streamers torn from the side of the mountain. And we note one inaccuracy. Throughout February, according to weather reports, snow and blizzards were not observed. And looking ahead, we will immediately reveal the secret. The stretching of the tent was torn off by an explosive wave of a fragment of a comet that exploded over the mountain, as a result of which a little snow blew into the torn tent. Here is the weather report for the Ivdel region on the day of the death of the group: “Precipitation was less than 0.5 mm. Wind north-northwest, 1-3 meters per second. Snowstorms, hurricanes, snowstorms were not observed. That is, a weak wind, the maximum speed of which was less than 11 kilometers per hour, could not damage the stretching of the tent, which, moreover, was in a conscientiously dug snow hole, and had practically no windage. But some, and, moreover, a considerable force, nevertheless tore the stretch marks of the tent. Anyone who has seen such tents knows that the hemp stretching ropes on them, in terms of strength, can replace the tow rope. passenger car. And the energy of an electric-discharge cosmic explosion should have considerable force, to cut off all the stretch marks at once.

The beginning of the search.

The search for the Dyatlov group began February 21, and the tent abandoned by tourists was found only on the fifth day of the search, February 26 1959. Here is what the head of one of the search groups, Boris Efimovich, a third-year student at the Ural Polytechnic Institute, writes about this: Among the search engines, our group was the youngest. ... I remember that we were the first to arrive in Ivdel. Then we were thrown by helicopter into the mountains, but not to Otorten, as planned, but south. We had a radio operator and a hunter with us. Local people, older than us. They assumed that nothing good was expected at the end of this epic. We young people were completely convinced that nothing terrible had happened. Well, someone broke his leg - they built a shelter, they sit, they wait. There were three of us that day: the local forester Ivan, me and Misha Sharavin. … We went from the pass obliquely to the north-west, until we saw ... The tent stands, the middle of it is failed, but it stands. Imagine the state of 19-year-old boys. It's scary to look into the tent. And yet we begin to stir with a stick - a lot of snow has accumulated into the tent through the open entrance and the cut. There was a windbreaker at the entrance to the tent. As it turned out, Dyatlovskaya. There is a metal box in his pocket ... There is money, tickets in it. We were pumped up: Ivdellag, bandits all around. And the money is in place. So it's not so scary anymore. They dug a deep trench in the snow near the tent, but found no one there. Terribly happy. We took a few items with us so that we wouldn’t get hit by the guys for “fantasies” ... We reported the discovery by radio. We were told that all groups would be transferred here…”

As a comment, it should be said that concentration camps for prisoners of the famous Ivdellag were densely located in these places. Therefore, before the discovery of the missing group, it was assumed that the Dyatlov group could become a victim of fleeing prisoners.

Versions about the murder of students are false.

“The location and presence of items in the tent (almost all shoes, all outer clothing, personal items and diaries) indicated that the tent was left suddenly and at the same time by all the tourists, and, as established in the subsequent forensic examination, lee side of the tent, where the tourists had their heads, turned out to be cut from the inside in two places, in areas that ensure the free exit of a person through these cuts.

Below the tent throughout up to 500 meters traces of people walking from the tent to the valley and into the forest were preserved in the snow ... Examination of the tracks showed that some of them were left almost bare foot(for example, in one cotton sock), others had a typical display of felt boots, feet shod in a soft sock, etc. The paths of the tracks were located close to each other, converged and again diverged not far from one another. Closer to the border of the forest, the tracks ... turned out to be covered with snow. Neither in the tent nor near it were found signs of a struggle or the presence of other people.

And this extract from the criminal case is absolute documentary evidence that the Dyatlov group left the tent almost instantly, due to some real threat to life. But Pay special attention to the fact that ".. Neither in the tent nor near it were found signs of a struggle or the presence of other people. That is, all versions about the murder of students by outsiders are false.. And the authors of all the criminal versions just sucked them out of their fingers. After all, none of these authors relied on facts, but colorfully, with breathtaking details, expounded only their own fantasies.

The location of the bodies of the dead and a description of the injuries.

Later, the rescuers who were walking down to the northeast traces, found the bodies of the dead. IN 850 meters from the tent they found the body of Kolmogorova, sprinkled with ten centimeters layer of snow, Slobodin's body lay behind 1000 meters, Dyatlova for 1180 meters, and in 1.5 km from the tent, they found the bodies of Doroshenko and Krivonischenko stripped to their underwear, which were lying slightly powdered with snow by the fire, bred under the cedar. Witnesses noticed a small puddle of blood near Kolmogorova's head, which was running down her throat.

The rest of the bodies were discovered much later, in a hollow near a stream. All the bodies of the dead students were practically on the same straight line, and this is very important for our reconstruction of the events that took place. And according to the position of the bodies of Slobodin, Dyatlov and Kolmogorova, it could be assumed that they died trying to return to the tent. Later, an autopsy will show Slobodin has a six-centimeter crack in the skull, 0.1 cm wide. Dyatlov lay on his back, head towards the tent, grabbing a birch trunk with his hand.

The remaining four: Dubinina, Zolotarev, Thibault-Brignolles and Kolevatov were found after the hardest persistent search, May 4 only. They lay 75 meters from the fire, by the stream, perpendicular to the path from the tent, under 4.5 meters of snow.

From the materials of the criminal case: “A forensic medical examination established that Dyatlov, Doroshenko, Krivonischenko and Kolmogorova died from the effects of low temperature (frozen), none of them had any injuries, apart from minor scratches and abrasions. Slobodin had a skull fracture, 6 cm long, which spread to 0.1 cm, but Slobodin died of hypothermia.

May 4th 1959, 75 meters from the fire, towards the valley of the fourth tributary of the river. Lozva, that is, perpendicular to the path of movement of tourists from the tent, under a layer of snow of 4 - 4.5 meters, the bodies of Dubinina, Zolotarev, Thibault-Brignolles and Kolevatov were found. Krivonischenko and Doroshenko's clothes - trousers, sweaters - were found on the corpses, as well as a few meters from them. All clothes have traces of even cuts, as they were already removed from the corpses of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko. The dead Thibault-Brignoles and Zolotarev were found well-dressed, Dubinina was worse dressed - her faux fur jacket and cap were on Zolotarev, Dubinina's unbowed leg was wrapped in Krivonischenko's woolen trousers. Krivonischenko's knife was found near the corpses, with which young firs were cut near the fires.

Two watches were found on Thibaut's hand - one of them shows 8 hours 14 minutes, the second - 8 hours 39 minutes. A forensic autopsy established that Kolevatov's death was caused by low temperature (frost). Kolevatov has no injuries. Dubinina has a symmetrical rib fracture: 2,3,4,5 on the right and 2,3,4,5,6,7 on the left. In addition, extensive hemorrhage in the heart. Thibaut-Brignoles has an extensive hemorrhage in the right temporal muscle, corresponding to him - a depressed fracture of the skull bones measuring 3-7 cm ... Zolotarev has a fracture of the ribs on the right 2,3,4,5 and 6 ..., which led to his death.

The strange color of the skin of the dead.

All search engines and forensic experts note strange skin color dead members of the Dyatlov group. Here is what the search engine Boris Slobtsov said about this: “When we climbed through the pass to the others, Doroshenko and Krivonischenko had already been found. We now confidently call names. And then Yura Doroshenko was mistaken for Zolotarev. I knew Yura, but I didn't recognize him here. Even his mother didn't recognize him. And they also wondered about the fifth corpse - is it Slobodin or Kolevatov. They were completely unrecognizable.,skin of some strange color ... "

Search engine Ivan Pashin told his nephew, V.V. Plotnikov that the color of the exposed areas of the head and hands of the dead was orange red. But at that time, few people paid attention to this, believing that this was the result of a monthly exposure to the sun and snow. In the documents of the forensic medical examination, the color of the skin of the dead is recorded as reddish purple.

As another commentary, it should be said that the changed color of the open skin areas, members of the Dyatlov group, unequivocally testified to a burn with light-thermal radiation from an electric discharge explosion of a meteorite and the investigators were obliged to pay attention to it. However, the strange skin color of the students was thought to be the result of too long a search, and during this time the corpses were allegedly exposed to prolonged exposure to sun and frost. In addition, autopsies were performed on thawed bodies than was possible at the time and explained the strange discoloration of the skin.

The students left the tent without any injuries.

And here is how prosecutor Lev Nikitovich Ivanov covers the events: “As a forensic prosecutor, I had to be involved in the investigation or lead the investigation in the most difficult cases. … So I ended up in the impenetrable Ural taiga in a canvas tent ... Inspection of the tent showed that the outer clothing of tourists was preserved intact in it - jackets, trousers, backpacks with all their contents. It is known that tourists even in winter, settling down for the night in a tent, take off their outer clothing ..... . From the tent from the mountain to the valley there were sometimes 8, sometimes 9 paths of tracks. In conditions of mountains with supercooled snow, the tracks are not swept up, but on the contrary, they look like columns, since the snow under the tracks is compacted and blown around the track.

Let's break the quote for another comment. I would like to draw the reader's attention to the fact that L.N. Ivanov directly writes that "... There was not a single drop of blood in the tent and near it, which indicated that all tourists left the tent without injuries... .»

That is, the authors of the versions, who claim that the students were injured in the tent as a result of an avalanche or a murder, did not read the materials of the criminal case well, and in their versions they state their own fantasies. In addition, L.N. Ivanov considered it necessary to point out that « The presence of nine paths of footprints confirmed that all the tourists walked on their own, no one was carrying anyone. However, there are a lot of authors on the Internet who continue, contrary to the facts, to claim that one of the students was carrying the victim. And this lie still continues to be actively replicated in numerous forums.

Autopsy results: fatal injuries received from exposure to an air blast wave.

But let’s continue Ivanov’s quote: “ And then there was a mystery. 1.5 km from the tent, in the river valley, near the old cedar, after escaping from the tent, the tourists lit a fire and began to die here, one by one ... When investigating cases, there are no minor details - investigators have a motto: attention to detail! Near the tent, a natural trace was found that one man went out for small needs. He went out barefoot, wearing only woolen socks (“for a moment”). Then this trace of unshod feet is traced down into the valley. There was every reason to build a version that it was this person who gave the alarm, and he didn't have time to put on his shoes.

So, there was some kind of terrible force that frightened not only him, but also all the others, forcing them to leave the tent in an emergency and seek shelter below, in the taiga. Finding this force, or at least approaching it, was the task of the investigation. February 26, 1959 below, at the edge of the taiga, we found the remains of a small fire and here we found the bodies of the tourists Doroshenko and Krivonischenko, stripped to their underwear. Then a body was found in the direction of the tent Igor Dyatlov, not far from him two more - Slobodin and Kolmogorova. Without detailing, I will say that the last three were the most strong and strong-willed personalities, they crawled from the fire to the tent for clothes - this is quite obvious from their postures. Subsequent autopsy showed that these three courageous people died from hypothermia - they froze, although they were better dressed than others. Already in May, near the fire, under five meters of snow we found dead Dubinina, Zolotarev, Thibault-Brignolles and Kolevatov. Externally, there are no injuries on their bodies. The sensation came when, in the conditions of the Sverdlovsk morgue, we performed an autopsy of these corpses. Dubinina, Thibaut-Brignolles and Zolotarev had extensive, completely incompatible with life bodily internal injuries. Luda Dubinina, for example, has 2,3,4,5 broken ribs on the right and 2,3,4,5,6,7 on the left. One piece of a rib even penetrated the heart. Zolotarev has 2,3,4,5,6 broken ribs. Note that this is without visible bodily harm.

Such damage, as I have described, usually occurs when a large directed force acts on a person, for example, a car at high speed. But such damage cannot be received from falling from a height of one's own height. In the vicinity of the mountain ... there were boulders and stones of various configurations covered with snow, but they were not in the way of tourists (remember the footprints), and, of course, no one threw these stones ... There are no external bruises. Therefore, there was a directional force that selectively acted on individuals ... "

Let's pause for another explanation.

Here is the response of the forensic expert Dr. Vozrozhdenny to the investigator's request about the cause of the injuries: “I believe that the nature of the injuries in Dubinina and Zolotarev is a multiple fracture of the ribs: in Dubinina it is bilateral and symmetrical, in Zolotarev it is unilateral, as well as hemorrhage into the heart muscle in both Dubinina and Zolotarev with hemorrhage into the pleural cavities indicate their survival and are the result of a great force, approximately the same as that which was applied to Thibaut. These injuries ... are very similar to the injury caused by an air blast wave..

Indeed, the nature of the injuries of all members of the Dyatlov group suggests that these injuries were obtained from exposure extremely powerful air blast wave. And here is what is typical. At the moment of exposure to force, which caused death and injury, all the dead members of the Dyatlov group were not only in different places, but also at a fairly significant distance from each other. That is, it really was the impact of a powerful blast wave.

On the selectivity of the thermal effect of a cosmic explosion.

We continue the quotation of L.N. Ivanova: “When already in May E.P. Maslennikov examined the scene, they found that some young fir trees on the border of the forest have a burnt mark, but these traces were not concentric or otherwise systemic. There is no epicenter. This once again confirmed the directionality of a kind of thermal ray or a strong, but completely unknown, in any case, to us, energy acting selectively, - the snow was not melted, the trees were not damaged.

Let's break the quote again for one more little comment.

A radiant explosion and the selectivity of its action is a characteristic feature of electric-discharge cosmic explosions. This phenomenon has not been observed in any other explosions.

I repeat, the selectivity of a powerful light effect is a typical and natural characteristic of the propagation of thermal energy only for a cosmic electric discharge explosion.

This was not understood not only by the investigation team that studied the consequences of a cosmic explosion in the vicinity of Mount Kholat Syakhyl, but also by numerous researchers who also drew attention to a similar mysterious phenomenon of the electric discharge explosion of the Tunguska meteorite.

Here is a short quote from Radika Mann's book "The Punishment of Heaven, or the Truth About the Tunguska Disaster" ": "Another incomprehensible feature of the effects of radiation ( Tunguska explosion ) on the vegetation the selectivity of this effect. Trees almost unaffected by the heat could be located almost next to badly burned ones. And such an incomprehensible alternation was observed over the entire area of ​​the burn. Researchers could not understand the regularity of this phenomenon and despaired. How should a flash shine if one tree is burned, and the rest nearby are not touched?

This question is answered in detail in my article on Tunguska disaster, but for now let's try to determine the power of the explosion that killed the students of the Dyatlov group.

Estimated power of space electric discharge explosion.

As you know, air atomic explosions over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the power of which was 12 and 20 kilotons of TNT, ignited wood from a distance of up to 1.5 kilometers and charred her at a distance of 3 kilometers. And it can be assumed that power air electric discharge space explosion in the area of ​​Mount Kholat Syahyl, was comparable to a small nuclear explosion.

It must be said that academic scientists try to determine the power of cosmic electric discharge explosions in different ways, which is why their estimates of the power of such explosions differ by thousands of times (!!!). Some scientists estimate the power of a cosmic explosion by the volume of the funnel left at the site of the explosion (the volume of the funnel is considered approximately equal to the amount of explosive in TNT equivalent). Others estimate the power of an air blast by the amount of damage that remains around the epicenter of the explosion. Therefore, the power of the Tunguska explosion, some academic scientists have determined only ten kilotons of TNT, while others, focusing on the area of ​​forest fall at the site of the Tunguska disaster, estimate the power of the Tunguska explosion at hundreds of megatons of TNT.

The distance from the epicenter of the cosmic explosion to the tent.

It should also be recalled that the amount of light radiation is directly proportional power explosion And back proportional square distances to the epicenter explosion. There are no traces of thermal exposure on the tent, but all students received burns - sunburn of exposed skin. According to the Ivdel prosecutor Tempalova, flying around the area of ​​the death of students in a helicopter, he saw numerous craters on the back slope of Mount Kholat Syahyl, that is relatively close to the tent.

Why were the materials of the investigation classified?

And now we will again give the floor to the prosecutor L.N. Ivanov, who quite clearly explains by whom and why the criminal case was classified: “It seemed that when the tourists on their feet passed 500 meters down the mountain then someone dealt with some of them in a directed way ... When, together with the regional prosecutor, I reported the initial data to the first secretary of the regional party committee, L.P. Kirilenko, he gave a clear command - to classify all work, and not a single word of information should leak out. Kirilenko ordered to bury the tourists in closed coffins and tell their relatives that the tourists died from hypothermia... When the investigation was underway, a tiny note appeared in the Tagil Rabochiy newspaper: "... This luminous object moved silently towards the northern peaks of the Ural Mountains." The author of the note asked what it could be? For the publication of such a note, the editor of the newspaper was fined, and in the regional committee they suggested that I not develop this topic. A.F. Eshtokin, the second secretary of the regional party committee, took over the leadership of the investigation in my case. At that time, we still knew very little about unidentified flying objects, we did not know about radiation either. The ban on these topics was caused by the possibility of even accidentally deciphering information about rocket and nuclear technology, the development of which at that time was really just beginning, and there was a period in the world that was called the period of the Cold War.

The investigation ruled out all versions of the death of the Dyatlov group, except for fireballs.

We continue to quote the revelations of L.N. Ivanova: " And the investigation must be carried out, I'm a professional forensic specialist and must find a clue. I nevertheless decided, despite the ban, to work on this topic with the utmost secrecy, since other versions, including the attack of people, animals, a fall during a hurricane, etc., were excluded by the materials obtained. It was clear to me who died and in what sequence - all this was given by a thorough examination of the corpses, their clothes and other data. Only the sky and its filling remained - an energy unknown to us, which turned out to be higher than human strength.

From the foregoing, it clearly follows that the investigation, having consistently considered all the versions, rejected them and came to the unequivocal conclusion that “fireballs” were to blame for the deaths of students.

To our deep regret, the conclusion suggests itself that modern researchers either did not read the materials of the investigation, or deliberately lie. For, without burdening themselves with facts, they composed dozens of their own versions that contradicted the reasonable conclusions of the investigation, replacing them with their own fantasies.

Is a UFO to blame for the deaths of students?

L.N. Ivanov tried to sincerely understand the cause of the death of the students, and based on the materials of the investigation put forward his own hypothesis of the death of the students of the Dyatlov group: “ … As a prosecutor, who at that time already had to deal with some secret defense matters, I discarded the version of an atomic weapon test in this zone. It was then that I began to closely engage in "fireballs". I interrogated many eyewitnesses of the flight, hovering and, simply speaking, visiting by unidentified flying objects of the Subpolar Urals. By the way, when aliens are necessarily associated with UFOs, that is, unidentified flying objects, I do not agree with this. UFOs must be deciphered as unidentified flying objects, and only in this way. Many data suggest that these may be bundles of energy that are not understood by modern people and are not explained by modern data of science and technology, affecting living and inanimate nature encountered on their way. Apparently, we met with one of them ... It was already a matter of technology - to find other people who, at night and in the evenings in January-February 1959, did not sleep on duty, but were on duty in the open. Now it's no secret to anyone that the Ivdel zone at that time was a continuous "archipelago" of camp points that formed Ivdellag, which was guarded around the clock. ... The study of the case is now completely convincing, and even then I adhered to the version of the death of student tourists from the impact of an unknown flying object. Based on the collected evidence, the role of UFOs in this tragedy was quite obvious ...

If I used to think that the ball exploded, releasing unknown to us, but radioactive energy, now I believe that the action of energy from the ball was electoral, it was directed at only three people. When I reported to A.F. Eshtokin about his findings - fireballs, radioactivity, he gave a completely categorical instruction: to classify absolutely everything, seal it up, hand it over to the special unit and forget about it. Is it necessary to say that all this was exactly done? … And one more time about fireballs. They were and are. It is only necessary not to hush up their appearance, but to deeply understand their nature. The vast majority of informants who met with them speak of the peaceful nature of their behavior, but as you can see, there are also tragic cases. Someone had to intimidate, or punish people, or show their strength, and they did this by killing three people. I know all the details of this incident and I can say that only those who were in these balls (!?) know more about these circumstances than I do. But were there "people" and whether they are always there - no one knows yet ... "

Unfortunately, these words indicate that prosecutor Ivanov did not quite correctly understand the essence of what happened and inadequately assessed the events that had taken place. On the whole, however, his reasoning was not far from the truth. At the same time, one should not forget that it was 1959, and L.N. Ivanov simply did not have enough knowledge to understand that what he took for a UFO, in fact, was "string of pearls" of a small comet.

Suspecting that fireballs were the cause of the tourists' deaths, investigators, including prosecutor L.N. Ivanov, for whom the exact time of the death of the Dyatlov group was important, were obliged to send a request to the archive of the seismic station of the city of Yekaterinburg, which in 1959 was located on the territory of the Sverdlovsk weather station, because an explosion of such power should have been recorded by seismographs. And in this case, with the help of seismograms, even then it was possible to absolutely accurately determine the time, and the power, and the location of the air explosion. (By the way, they should have done the same and specialists who investigated the explosion in Sasovo(see the article "The mystery of the explosion in Sasovo" on the site), which, using a seismogram from the nearest weather station, could reliably determine the power of the Sasovo explosion.

The reason for the death of the Dyatlov group was a comet.

Thus, the materials of the criminal case unequivocally testified that the cause of the death of the Dyatlov group was the “fireballs” that L.N. Ivanov identified with UFOs. Modern scientific knowledge allows us to confidently assert that these were not UFOs, but fragments of a small comet. And all other versions of the death of students were excluded by investigators at the stage of investigation, as completely untenable. And strained attempts contemporary authors create something original are simply meaningless. And now we can absolutely reliably and scientifically tell about this extraordinary incident that occurred in the mountains of the Subpolar Urals.

Numerous witnesses observed fireballs in the sky of the subpolar Urals for approximately two months, and the flash of a cosmic explosion was seen in Serov on the morning of February 2, on the day of the death of the Dyatlov group.

Therefore, it is necessary to say a few words about the written testimonies of people who personally observed these fireballs.

Chapter 2

Investigator Karataev's version.

First, let's give the floor to Vladimir Ivanovich Karataev, a former investigator of the Ivdel prosecutor's office, who began an investigation into the death of the Dyatlov group: “I was one of the first at the crash site. Quite quickly identified about a dozen witnesses who said that on the day of the murder of students, a balloon flew by. Witnesses: Mansi Anyamov, Sanbindalov, Kurikov- not only described it, but also drew it (these drawings were later withdrawn from the file). All these materials were soon demanded by Moscow... I handed them over to the prosecutor Ivdel Tempalov, he took to Sverdlovsk. Then the first secretary of the city party committee, Prodanov, invites me to his place, and transparently hints: there is, they say, an offer - stop the case. Clearly, not his personal, nothing more than an instruction "from above" ... Literally a day or two later, I found out that Ivanov had taken it into his own hands, who quickly turned it off. … Of course, it's not his fault. They also put pressure on him. After all Everything was done in the utmost secrecy.. Some generals, colonels came and sternly warned us not to loosen our tongues in vain. Journalists were generally not allowed to take a cannon shot ...» Later, Karataev supplemented his testimony: “... I said so to the first secretary: there is a murder here! Because he himself dug up the corpses and laid out the insides of the guys in boxes. Two died under a cedar, three froze to death on a slope, and four more near a stream. They were killed by something that fell from the sky, I have no doubt. Apparently, there were two blast waves. One covered Dubinina, Zolotarev, Kolevatov and Thibault. They died first. (???)"

But here again an explanation is needed.

In this case, a professional investigator Karataev incorrectly assesses the available information. Doroshenko and Krivonischenko were the first from the Dyatlov group to die. After all, warm clothes cut off from them were later found on Dubinina, Zolotarev, Kolevatovo and Thibaut-Brignole, found under a 4.5-meter layer of snow.)

Let's continue the quote. “The second wave caught up with the rest . Apparently, she turned out to be weaker, or the guys, running away, were able to hide. At least they remained conscious."

And again a small comment.

WITH Investigator Karataev, as well as prosecutor Ivanov, was absolutely convinced that there were two blast waves. And it really was a cosmic tandem explosion. Explosions occurred at intervals of approximately half an hour. The first explosion caught the guys on the slope, 500 meters from the tent, when they were descending from the mountain. AND the victims of this blast wave were Doroshenko and Krivonischenko. Watch Krivonischenko stopped at 8 hours 14 minutes , And the second explosion, which killed the remaining seven members of the Dyatlov group, according to the seismogram of the Sverdlovsk seismic station, occurred at 8 hours 41 minutes, after 27 minutes (plus or minus the error of Krivonischenko's clock).

So how did events develop at the cedar, according to Karataev?

Again, let's give the floor to Karataev himself : “The first thing they began to make a fire. They broke such thick branches of cedar that we, healthy peasants, could not even bend. Apparently, not only the instinct of self-preservation worked, but a deep emotional shock. The most dressed, went to the tent. But no one got there: may have been blinded by the flash. Zina Kolmogorova got closest to the camp. She was found 400 meters away. (??? This is an inaccuracy, because the materials of the investigation indicate at 850 meters). Below Igor Dyatlov and Rustem Slobodin ... I refused to write off the death of tourists for hypothermia. And that's exactly how reported to Khrushchev. I was removed for intractability, and after 20 days the case was closed. When I found it in the archive, there was no longer any forensic medical examination data, nor eyewitness accounts who repeatedly observed the appearance of strange, flying, luminous objects in the sky ... "

N.S. Khrushchev was indeed informed about the strange incident, and he was interested in the progress of the investigation. And this led to additional nervousness and secrecy in the investigation of this case.

However, information about an unknown celestial body that flew by February 1, 1959 preserved. Here is a radiogram from E.P. Maslennikov dated March 2, 1959: “... The main mystery of the tragedy remains the exit of the entire group from the tent. The only thing other than an ice ax found outside the tent, a Chinese lantern on its roof, confirms the possibility of one person going outside, which gave some reason for everyone else to hastily abandon the tent. The reason could be some extraordinary natural phenomenon, meteorological rocket flight (!?) seen on 1.02. in Ivdel, and saw a group of Karelin. We will continue our search tomorrow. …

However P no missiles were fired at the indicated time. Here is the answer from the Baikonur cosmodrome to the request of the search engine V. Lebedev, who knew all the guys from the Dyatlov group well: “In the period you are interested in (from January 25 to February 5, 1959), no ballistic missiles and space rockets were launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome ... We unequivocally affirm that the fall of a rocket or its fragments into the area indicated by you is impossible.

As you can see, the official answer is categorical: “… the fall of a rocket or its fragments into the specified area is impossible.”

And this should be known to supporters of the rocket version, who unsubstantiatedly claim that the rocket was the cause of the students' deaths. And depending on their own hallucinations, they declare this missile to be chemical, meteorological, ballistic, etc. , depending on the strength of your imagination.

Testimony of Rimma Kolevatova about the "fireball".

But unknown luminous objects were indeed observed on the day of the death of the Dyatlov group. Here is what Rimma Kolevatova, the sister of Alexander Kolevatov, told the investigation at a time when the four missing had not yet been found : “I had to bury each of the dead, found tourists. Why do they have such dark brown hands and faces? How to explain the fact that four of those who were at the fire and remained, according to all assumptions, alive, made no attempt to return to the tent? If they were much warmer dressed (according to those things that are missing among those found in the tent), if it's a natural disaster, of course, having stayed by the fire, the guys would certainly crawl to the tent. The entire group could not have been killed by the blizzard.

Why did they run out of the tent in such a panic? A group of tourists from the Pedagogical Institute, the Faculty of Geography (according to them), which was on Mount Chistop (southeast), I saw these days, in the first days of February, in the region of Mount Otorten some fire ball. The same fireballs were recorded later. What is their origin? Could they have caused the death of the guys? After all, experienced and hardy people gathered in the group. Dyatlov was in these places for the third time. Luda Dubinina herself led a group to the town of Chistop in the winter of 1958, many of the guys (Kolevatov, Dubinina, Doroshenko) were on campaigns in the Sayans. They could not die only from a raging storm"

Unfortunately, the investigation did not give an answer to these natural questions of Rimma Kolevatova.

Testimony of Luda Dubinina's father about the explosion.

An excerpt from the interrogation of Alexander Dubinin, the father of Luda Dubinina, is also curious: “I heard conversations of UPI students that the flight of undressed people from the tent was caused by an explosion and large radiation ... The statement of the head The administrative department of the regional committee of the CPSU comrade Yermash, made to the sister of the deceased comrade Kolevatova, that the rest not found now 4 people could live after the death of those found no more than 1.5 - 2 hours, makes you think that forced, sudden flight from the tent due to the explosion of a shell (?!) and radiation... "stuffing" which forced ... to run away from it further and, presumably, affected the life of people, in particular, vision ".

That is the investigation was reliably aware of two outbreaks and explosions that killed the Dyatlov group.

In addition, the investigation knew for sure that the analyzes carried out on some of the clothing samples taken by the forensic expert Dr. showed excessive amounts of radioactive substances. And to the question of the investigator: Is it possible to consider that this clothing is contaminated with radioactive dust?”, expert replied: “Yes, the clothes are contaminated or radioactive dust has fallen from the atmosphere, or clothing has been contaminated by handling radioactive materials... this pollution exceeds ... the norm for persons working with radioactive substances.

Based on this, believing that the incident could somehow be accidentally connected with ballistic missile crash and, being afraid to accidentally light up top-secret information, as well as believing that this It is no coincidence that Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev is interested in the case, the Sverdlovsk regional party committee decided to play it safe and destroy the materials of the investigation.

As a result, just in case, all evidence regarding "fireballs", a blinding flash and a mysterious radioactive contamination of the area were destroyed. Accordingly, the results of the forensic medical examination were also classified.

The verbose justification of prosecutor Ivanov about his unseemly role in the illegal destruction of investigation materials becomes clear. : “So that the current generation does not judge us very strictly for our work, I will say that even today about old cases, when eyewitnesses are still alive, they do not tell the whole truth. … Over 40 years of work in the prosecutor's office, and most of this time I was admitted to super-secret information, I still can not understand why it was necessary to lie to the people? I don't want to justify my actions on classifying events with fireballs and the death of a large group of people. I asked the correspondent to publish my apologies to the relatives of the victims for distorting the truth, hiding the truth from them, and since there was no place for this in four issues of the newspaper, I offer this publication to the families of the victims, especially Dubinina, Thibaut-Brignolle, Zolotarev, my apologies. At one time, I tried to do everything I could, but at that time there was, as lawyers say, an “irresistible force” in the country, it became possible to defeat it only now. Unfortunately, this is a belated but honest confession of the prosecutor L.N. Ivanov about the situation in which the country and all of us lived at that time.

Testimony of M.A. Axelrod about fireballs.

The testimony of the search engine Moses Abramovich Axelrod about fireballs has also been preserved: « Many have watched unnatural glow some celestial objects in the Middle and Northern Urals early 1959. Bright balls flying in those days across the sky , seen, among others, famous tourists G. Karelin, R. Sedov. A pulsating circle moving horizontally, I myself saw ... ".

Thus, without fear of making a mistake, we can assert that at the beginning of February 1959, the Earth collided with a chain of fireballs, which were fragments of the nucleus of a small comet, torn apart by the forces of gravity of our planet.

(Later, after the collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter, astronomers who observed this phenomenon would call it a “string of pearls.”) This chain of “fireballs” burning up in the Earth’s atmosphere was observed by numerous eyewitnesses in February-March 1959. (A detailed description of this phenomenon, which occurs when comets collide with planets, is presented by me in an article devoted to the Tunguska catastrophe. And knowledge of the mechanism of cosmic catastrophes of comets allowed me to logically explain many other historical mysteries of the past.)

In the drop zone two fragments comets that run out flashes of air electric discharge explosions, accidentally turned out to be a group of Dyatlov, unsuccessfully located for the night not far from the top mountains Holat Syakhil.

At the same time, it should also be recalled the place of an electric discharge explosion always has an increased radioactivity of the soil, about which I have repeatedly spoken in my previous works devoted to cosmic explosions.

Other evidence of fireballs in the sky over Otorten.

1st of February.

Several written documents have been preserved, with testimonies of witnesses who observed the flight of "fireballs" in the region of the Otorten and Kholat Syahyl mountains.

From the interrogation of witness Krivonischenko Alexei Konstaninovich (father of the deceased Yuri Krivonischenko) by the prosecutor of the investigative department of the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region Romanov, it follows that at the memorial dinner, students, participants in the search for the missing group, told him that they had observed a strange glow in the sky on the first of February in the evening.

Here is the testimony of father Krivonischenko during interrogation: "After the burial of my son, I had students at lunch, participants in the search for nine students. And those that were south of Mount Otorten in January-February. Participants in two groups said that they observed 1st of February in the evening, a light phenomenon that struck (them) to the north of these groups. Extremely bright glow of some kind of rocket or projectile. The glow was constantly strong…, one of the groups, having already prepared for bed, left the tent and observed this phenomenon. After a while, they heard a sound effect like strong thunder from afar. ... Students said that they observed a similar phenomenon twice: the first and seventh of February 1959."

And here is an excerpt from the protocol of interrogation of Slobodin Vladimir Mikhailovich - the father of Rustem Slobodin: "From him(Chairman of the Ivdel City Council A. I. Delyagin) I first heard that around the time the group had a disaster some residents (local hunters) observed the appearance of a fireball in the sky. That the fireball was observed by other tourists- the students told me E.P. Maslennikov)

Testimony of investigator Ivanov: "... a similar ball was seen on the night of the death of the guys, that is from the first to the second of February students-tourists of the Faculty of Geology of the Pedagogical Institute."

According to the students, R.S. Kolevatova also spoke about the fact that a group of tourists from the Faculty of Geography saw a fireball in the area of ​​Mount Otorten in early February.

Mikhail Vladimirov reports that "that night" (?!) on Chistop they saw "strong light" So what "a flare would hardly have illuminated the area like that".

Fireballs were seen later.

February 17.

In a note by A. Kissel, Deputy. Head of communications Vysokogorsky mine "Unusual celestial phenomenon", dated February 18, 1959, in the newspaper "Tagil worker", it is written:

“At 6:55 local time yesterday in the east-southeast at an altitude of 20 degrees from the horizon, a luminous ball the size of the apparent diameter of the moon appeared. The ball was moving towards the northeast. About seven o'clock there was an outbreak near him., and the very bright core of the ball became visible. He himself began to glow more intensely, a luminous cloud appeared near him, rejected towards the south. The cloud spread over the entire eastern part of the sky. Shortly thereafter, a second outbreak occurred., she looked like a crescent of the moon. Gradually, the cloud increased, a luminous point remained in the center (the glow was variable in magnitude). The ball was advancing in an east-northeast direction. The highest altitude above the horizon - 30 degrees - was reached at about 7:05. Continuing to move, this unusual phenomenon weakened and blurred. Thinking that it was somehow connected with the satellite, they turned on the receiver, but there was no signal reception.

In the first half of April 1959, prosecutor Tempalov sought out and interrogated servicemen of the internal troops, who also observed the flight of "fireballs", at six forty in the morning February 17, 1959 described in the newspaper "Tagil worker". According to the soldiers on guard, the luminous object was clearly visible for eight to fifteen minutes. Surrounded by a cloud of fog, it had a variable brightness, and moved slowly for a very high altitude in a northerly direction, like the object that the search engines observed on March 31.

Here is the testimony of the technician - meteorologist Tokareva given on March 16, 1959 to the head of the Ivdel police department:

"February 17, 1959 6:50 a.m. local time, an unusual phenomenon appeared in the sky. Movement of a star with a tail. The tail looked like dense cirrus clouds. Then this star freed itself from its tail, became brighter than the stars and flew. It began to gradually, as if to swell, a large ball was formed, shrouded in haze. Then a star lit up inside this ball, from which at first a crescent moon was formed, then a small ball was formed, not so bright. The big ball gradually began to fade, became like a blurry spot. At 7:05 a.m. he completely disappeared. The star was moving from south to northeast .

An excerpt from the protocol of the interrogation of a serviceman Alexander Dmitrievich Savkin, conducted by the prosecutor of the city of Ivdel, junior justice adviser Tempalov.
The witness testified: "February 17 1959, at 6 hours 40 minutes in the morning ... a ball of bright white light appeared from the south side, which was periodically shrouded in white thick fog inside this cloud there was a brightly luminous dot the size of an asterisk.
Moving towards the northern direction, the ball was visible for 8-10 minutes.
The protocol of interrogation was filled in with his own hand on April 7, 1959 by Savkin
An excerpt from the protocol of the interrogation of a serviceman of military unit 6602 "V" Malik Igor Nikolaevich, the prosecutor of the city of Ivdel, junior counselor of justice Tempalov.
The witness testified: “On February 17, at 6:40 am, while on duty, I noticed a moving ball of bright white color, which appeared south side. The ball was bright white, in a thick fog of white. The misty cloud grew thicker and lighter, and in the white cloud a brightly white ball shone, which moved north. The ball was visible for 10-15 minutes, after which the ball was not visible in the northern part.
The protocol of interrogation was filled in by hand. April 7, 1959 goal. Malik (signature)

An excerpt from the protocol of the interrogation of the witness Skorykh Georgy Ivanovich, born in 1925, head of the Karaul section of the subsidiary farm of the Bumkombinat, living in the village. Guard of the Novo-Lyalinsky District of the Sverdlovsk Region by the Prosecutor of the Novo-Lyalinsky District, Junior Counselor of Justice Pershin.
" … approximately mid-February 1959 I was in my apartment in the village of Karaul, Novo-Lyalinsky District.
Around 6-7 o'clock in the morning, my wife went outside and immediately knocked on the window and called out to me through the window: “Look. A ball flies and turns. At this cry, I jumped out onto the porch and from the second floor of the house in which I live, from the porch, I saw how a large luminous ball was moving north, the alternation of red and green light was carried out periodically. The ball was removed very quickly, and I only watched it for a few seconds. Then he disappeared over the horizon.
I did not hear any noise from the flight of this balloon. and I believe that the ball flew from us at a very large distance.
This ball, I imagine walked along the Ural ridge from south to north, however, I cannot indicate the exact direction of the flight, it was the size of the Sun or the Moon. I can describe the picture of what I saw, ... this luminous ball was like a bright sun in a fog. The ball moved in a straight line far from us, but I noticed that the light of this ball was constantly changing in a certain alternation of red and green light, around which at the same time a white halo in the form of a ball was constantly preserved.

Hence, the impression was created that the moving ball, changing color, was in a white shell. All this happened instantly within a few seconds, and at what distance this ball was from us, I could not even orient myself, ... "Skorykh (Signed)

Testimony of George Atmanaki from the Karelin group:

"…February 17 Vladimir Shavkunov and I got up at 6:00 am to prepare breakfast for the group. Having lit the fire and having done everything necessary, they began to wait for the food to be ready. The sky was overcast, there were no clouds and clouds, but there was a slight haze, which usually dissipates with the sunrise. Sitting facing north and accidentally turning his head to the east, he saw that in the sky at a height of 30 ° a milky-white blurred spot of about 5-6 lunar diameters and consisting of a series of concentric circles. The shape resembled a halo around the moon in clear frosty weather. I made a remark to my partner that, they say, how the moon was painted. He thought and said that, firstly, there is no moon, and besides, it should be in the other direction. 1-2 minutes have passed since we noticed this phenomenon. I don’t know how long it lasted before and how it looked initially. At that moment, an asterisk flashed in the very center of this spot, which remained the same size for several seconds, and then began to increase sharply in size and move rapidly in a westerly direction. Within a few seconds it grew to the size of the moon, and then, tearing apart the smoke screen, or clouds, appeared as a huge fiery disk of milky color, 2-2.5 lunar diameters in size, surrounded by the same rings of pale color. Then, remaining the same size, the ball began to fade until it merged with the halo surrounding it, which in turn spread across the sky and went out. Dawn began. The clock was 6.57, the phenomenon lasted no more than a minute and a half and made a very unpleasant impression ... ". “... It seemed that some kind of heavenly body. When it grew to enormous proportions, the thought flashed that another planet was coming into contact with the earth, that a collision would now follow.
“... I then had to talk a lot with eyewitnesses, and most describe ... that the light from it was so strong that people in the houses woke up ".

Karelin's testimonial:

« ... I jumped out of the sleeping bag and out of the tent without shoes in only woolen socks and, standing on the branches, I saw a large bright spot. It grew. A small star appeared in the center of it, which also began to increase. All this stain moved from northeast to southwest and fell to the ground. Then it disappeared behind a ridge and forest, leaving a bright streak in the sky. This phenomenon has produced different people different impression: Atmanaki claimed that it seemed to him that now the earth would explode from a collision with some planet; This phenomenon seemed to Shavkunov “not so terrible”, it did not make a special impression on me, - the fall of a large meteorite and nothing more. The whole thing happened in a little over a minute." Fireballs were also seen on March 31st.

March 31.

Memories of Valya Yakimenko:
Camp... A vast clearing in the forest. Army platoon tent 6x6 m. There is a table in the middle of the tent. Near it is an iron stove. A pleasant warmth comes from it and spreads throughout the volume. Backpacks are strewn along the walls. Sleeping bags. Closer to the oven felt boots. Storm coats, quilted jackets, underwear and other wet clothes hang on a rope. And people are everywhere. All frozen, dirty, with red weather-beaten faces.
On the left - we, students of UPI. Right from the entrance, a group of 6 people in black sheepskin coats, black padded jackets. Many have pistols. They are from the group of state security troops. On the right are 9 people in white short fur coats and green quilted jackets. Brushed hair, young faces. These are the guys of military service of the railway troops. They are here instead of sappers. command the military lieutenants Potapov and Avenburg.
Here is one of the typical days: "...Today, like yesterday, and all the previous days, we worked on the slope. We lined up, pierced the snow with long two-meter rods to the stop every 40-50 cm. "We move slowly. And so - for several hours. Then we return to the camp"
. And here is the diary entry of the atypical day: "...Today the same work. Hard, tedious. Suddenly, the probe does not go all the way, as always in this work, but only to the middle. And next to it, it does not go further, but pushes even further to the end.
Full impression - found the body. Feverishly we dig snow. I put the tool. Roam with hands. The snow falls back into the hole. The rest, huddled around, help widen the hole. Here they rested, raked. Ah, damn! Big log. Let's take a breath and move on."
In the evening, radio operator Gosha Nevolin taps out in Morse code: "There is nothing new, we continue the search."
March 31. It was still dark early in the morning. Orderly Viktor Meshcheryakov came out of the tent and saw a luminous ball moving across the sky. Woke everyone up. For 20 minutes we watched the movement of the ball (or disk) until it disappeared behind the mountainside. We saw him in the southeast of the tent. He moved in a northerly direction.
This phenomenon shocked everyone. We were sure that the death of the Dyatlovites had something to do with him. A detailed telegram was sent to Ivdel.

Here is the telegram: “Prodanov, Vishnevsky, 03/31/59, 9.30 local time.
31.3.1959 at 04.00 in the southeast direction orderly Meshcheryakov noticed a large fiery ring, which moved towards us for 20 minutes, then disappearing behind a height of 880.
Before disappearing beyond the horizon from the center of the ring a star appeared, which gradually increased to the size of the moon, began to fall down, separating from the ring.
unusual phenomenon observed the entire personnel raised on alarm.
Please explain this phenomenon and its safety, as in our conditions it produces an alarming impression.
(lieutenants) Avenburg Potapov Sogrin"

Full Member Certificate Geographic Society USSR O. Strauch:
"03/31/59. At 04:10, the following phenomenon was observed: from the southwest to the northeast, a spherical luminous body passed rather quickly over the village. A luminous disk, almost the size of a full moon, of a bluish-white color was surrounded by a large bluish halo. At times this halo flared brightly, resembling flashes of distant lightning.When the body disappeared beyond the horizon , the sky in this place was illuminated with light for several more minutes".

Reconstruction of tragic events.

The investigation, focusing on the exposure of the last pictures in the cameras of the Dyatlov group, determined that at about 17:00 on February 1, 1959, the Dyatlov group began to dig a snow hole under the tent. Given the lack of entrenching tools, the pit was dug for a long time, and it can be assumed that, together with the installation of a rather large tent for ten people, it took 1.5 - 2 hours. (The exact time is not yet of any fundamental importance and serves only to indicate the chronological sequence of events.)

With the onset of darkness, everyone slowly began to settle in the tent, taking off their outer clothing and shoes. Evening and night passed quietly. The tragedy occurred on the morning of February 2, after the group woke up and prepared for breakfast.

And the further events of February 2, 1959, up to the moment of the death of students, we can reproduce almost every minute.

Space explosion.

A fireball appeared in the sky above Mount Holat Syakhil at about half past eight in the morning on February 2, 1959. At that time, there was only one person from the group on the street, who came out "for a minute" from the tent in woolen socks and with flashlight, (according to the investigation, presumably, Thibaut-Brignolles), because it was dark in the tent, which had no windows. He probably managed to see how a fireball was rapidly approaching the top of the mountain from the southwest, the flight of which ended in a bright flash.

Powerful the blast wave covered the mountain, and, raising clouds of snow dust, rushed down. Instantly assessing the situation, he shouted a terrible word for any climber: "Avalanche!!!". But here I must make a very important remark. On the side of the mountain loose there was no snow, there was. And the fine snow dust raised by the explosion, swirling and spreading in a continuous veil from the place of the explosion, only created the illusion of an avalanche. In reality, these were only clouds of snow dust raised by the blast wave. And therefore, none of the search engines and investigators found traces of an avalanche on the slope.

There was no panic.

But there was no particular confusion and panic. Because almost instantly, the side of the tent was ripped open with knives in two places at once to the full height, and everyone quickly jumped out. Everyone instinctively looked in the direction from which came this blinding light, burning the skin and blinding the eyes, the brightness of which far exceeded the brightness of the sun. In principle, a few moments would be enough for one of them to get a retinal burn. But in any case, they still had a margin of time, because in order for retinal edema to develop, and complete or partial blindness to occur, it usually takes at least 30-40 minutes. (Similar phenomena are observed when working with electric welding without protective glasses).

The cut tent testifies to the ability of students to make the right decision in an extreme situation.

About the cause of skin burns.

According to Alexander Nevsky's theory of an electric discharge explosion, at the moment of formation of a column of an electric discharge explosion powerful ultraviolet, infrared, x-ray and neutron radiation. Therefore, on open areas of the skin of the face, neck and hands of the children from the Dyatlov group, an "sunburn-tanning", which so puzzled numerous researchers, and heated clothes burned the body.

To illustrate what has been said, we again cannot do without an explanation based on yet another analogy with the Tunguska explosion. Here is the testimony of a resident of the Vanavara trading post, located 65 kilometers from the epicenter of the Tunguska explosion P.P. Kosolapov, which he told in 1963: “In June 1908, at 8 o’clock in the morning, I was going to hay, and I needed a nail. I went out into the yard and began to pull the nail out of the window casing with tongs, suddenly something severely burned ears.

Grabbing them and thinking that the roof was on fire, I raised my head and immediately ran to the hut. It is useful to cite one more eyewitness account. E.L. Krinov in the book "Messengers of the Universe", published in 1963, cites the testimony of a resident of the Vanavara trading post, S.B. Semenov, who suffered from the Tunguska explosion, located 65 kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion: “I don’t remember the exact time, but it was summer, during the plowing of fallows, at breakfast, I was sitting on the porch of the house, facing north ... a fire appeared that covered the entire northern part of the sky. I felt as hot as if my shirt was on fire. I wanted to break it and throw it off me, but at that moment the sky slammed shut, and a strong blow was heard. I was thrown from the porch three fathoms. (That is, approximately six and a half meters!)

Let's make the necessary comparison.

In the case of the Dyatlov group, the electric discharge explosion was, of course, much less powerful than the similar Tunguska one. But the tent of the Dyatlov group turned out to be very close to the epicenter of the explosion, as a result of which people were subjected to a stronger effect of the cosmic explosion, as evidenced by burns to the face, neck and hands, as well as severe injuries received from the impact of the blast wave by members of the Dyatlov group. Fleeing from the rising cloud of snow dust of the blast wave, which the guys mistook for an avalanche, the whole group of Dyatlov rushed down the slope to the seemingly saving forest, while a blinding light hit them in the back. Footprints in the snow showed the direction to the northeast therefore, the flash of the electric discharge explosion was southwest of the tent. And a little later, about 500 meters from the tent, blast wave caught up and knocked over the fleeing group of Dyatlov to the ground.

Losses and injuries from the first blast wave.

Doroshenko and Krivonischenko died from the impact of this blast wave (the autopsy did not establish the exact cause of their death). It is possible that Rustem Slobodin also received a six-centimeter crack in the skull from the same blast wave. The rest escaped with scratches and abrasions.

The stopped watch of Yuri Krivonischenko recorded the time of his fall and death: 8 hours 14 minutes. The survivors did not yet know that they all have to live about half an hour. Having risen after the fall, they continued to move towards the forest, reaching which, some began to make a fire and prepare firewood, while others carried the dead Doroshenko and Krivonischenko to the fire. Here they cut off their clothes, sweaters and trousers, which were divided among themselves by Dubinina, Zolotarev, Kolevatov and Thibaut-Brignolles, in order to put them on themselves, to try to keep the remnants of their body heat. Then Thibaut-Brignoles took and stopped clock Yuri Krivonischenko to give them to the relatives of the deceased.

The members of the Dyatlov group were well aware that in the conditions hard frost and the wind they had an extremely limited time to save. They were half-dressed, and in order to escape, they urgently needed to bring clothes, equipment and food from the tent. After all, according to the weather report, on that day the temperature was 25-28 degrees below zero. At this temperature, a poorly dressed person is doomed freezing within 1.5-2 hours or even earlier.

Harvest spruce branches, make flooring out of it, dig a snow hole and keep the fire going remained Dubinin, Zolotarev, Kolevatov and Thibault-Brignolles.

Leaving for the spruce branch, the guys filled the fire with firewood, which, as the search engines will later testify, continued burn from one to two hours. Physically stronger ones went to the tent, Zinaida Kolmogorova, Rustem Slobodin, and Igor Dyatlov. Kolmogorova was the first to go to the tent from the fire lit under the cedar, followed by Slobodin a couple of minutes later, and a minute later, after giving the last orders to the remaining ones, Igor Dyatlov.

Second explosion.

And after a while, close to Dubinina, Zolotarev, Kolevatov and Thibault-Brignolle, there was an electric discharge explosion of another fragment of the comet's nucleus, which killed everyone. It was the so-called tandem explosion, a phenomenon absolutely typical for cosmic catastrophes of comets.

This time, the blast wave, dragging an avalanche of snow with it, literally threw the stream into the rocky, tree-covered valley, which had moved away from the fire behind the spruce branches, and were on edge of a cliff Dubinin, Zolotarev, Kolevatov and Thibault-Brignolles, whose stopped clock recorded for us the time of the death of the entire group: 8 hours 39 minutes. Let me remind you that the astronomical time of the explosion according to the seismogram of the Sverdlovsk seismic station is 8 hours 41 minutes. (A slight discrepancy in time is due to the error of the Krivonischenko clock)

At the same time, three of them, during a random fall, hit the trees or stones that were at the bottom of the ravine, after which the entire ravine was covered with a four-five-meter layer of snow.

And Kolmogorov, Slobodin and Dyatlov, lightly dressed and located farther from the epicenter of the explosion, were literally frozen by the second explosive wave of the meteorite, which clogged the lungs and pierced through with icy cold, after passing through which the guys did not find the strength to rise. Let me remind you that the air temperature that day dropped to minus twenty-eight degrees, and the gale-force icy cosmic wind of the blast wave deprived them of their last chance to survive. An hour and a half after the death of the guys from the Dyatlov group, the fire went out.

The fire was the last to go out.

During the investigation, the father of Yuri Krivonischenko, according to the search engines, said: “The guys claim that the fire near the cedar went out not from a lack of fuel, but from the fact that the people who were at the fire did not see what to do, or were blinded. According to the students, there was a dry tree a few meters from the fire, and under it deadwood, which was not used. In the presence of a fire, not using ready-made fuel - it seems to me more than strange ... "

The stored fuel really remained intact. But there was no one to put it on. By this time, the entire Dyatlov group had died. The fire was the last to go out. Investigators noted the presence of traces of burns on single-standing trees. In order for tree trunks to receive thermal burns, the short-term effect of temperature on their surface had to be about 500 degrees. And the temperature of the electric discharge explosion column is at least 1500-2000 degrees. Even if some of the members of the Dyatlov group received light burns of their eyes from the bright flash of the explosion, then blindness did not have time to develop. For until the last minute, all the actions of the members of the Dyatlov group were meaningfully sighted and logical. Only death in youth is always absurd and illogical.

About broken cedar branches.

Not knowing about the electric discharge explosion that killed the guys, the search engines and investigators misinterpreted the most well-known facts.

Here, for example, is what the search engine G. Atamanka writes about the cause of broken thick branches on a cedar: « The side of the cedar facing the slope on which the tent was was cleared of branches at a height of 4-5 meters. But these raw branches were not used and partly rolled on the ground, partly hung on the lower branches of the cedar.

As a comment, it should be noted that the thick branches of cedar, which, according to investigator Karataev, “It was not even under the power to bend healthy men,” broke the air blast wave, from which all the guys died, and therefore there was no one to use them(i.e. put in a fire).

But, not knowing about it, Atamanka's search engine interprets this fact differently: “It looked like people made something like a window so that they could see from a height the direction from which they came and where their tent was.

Later version of G. Atamanka. “About a window for observation” was picked up by all the authors of inadequate criminal versions.

However, G. Atamanka’s further reasoning is already more logical: “ The volume of work done near the cedar, as well as the presence of many things that obviously could not belong to the two comrades found, indicate that most, if not the entire group, gathered around the fire, who, having made a fire, left some of the people with him. Some decided to go back to find a tent and bring warm clothes and equipment., and the remaining comrades were engaged in the manufacture of something like a hole, where the prepared spruce branches were used to wait out the bad weather and wait for the dawn... (?!)"

Here G. Atamanki made another mistake, which was repeated by absolutely all researchers of the death of the Dyatlov group, for, the death of the students did not occur at night, but at 8:41 am on February 2, during daylight hours.

The situation with the death of the Dyatlov group was completely clear to me, and having posted the article on the Internet, I did not plan to return to this topic anymore. For it was an ordinary article, one of many on my site, devoted to extraordinary cosmic electric discharge explosions. However, quite unexpectedly, the article aroused great interest among the general reader and came out on top in the Yandex search engine. The readers had many questions, and they insisted for more detailed coverage of the topic. The result of a deeper immersion in the topic was the writing by me of several new articles devoted to individual episodes of this criminal case.

Chapter 3

Therefore, this, and all subsequent articles, are a logical addition to the previous work. Not being a criminologist, I did not plan to give a detailed analysis of the tragic events that took place on Mount Kholat Syahyl, on the morning of February 2, 1959. And initially, my first article was designed for a Soviet-style reader who is used to thinking about the text and meticulously delving into its content. I regret to state that the modern Internet user differs sharply from the image of the Soviet reader, kind and wise. Indeed, for a smart reader, it was enough just to state the basic scheme of the tragic incident that occurred and the essence of the phenomenon that destroyed the group.

And I expected that, based on the facts presented in the article, any internet user can easily understand the meaning of what is written, and INDEPENDENTLY check the accuracy of the information presented. After all, all the initial data for this are present in the article, and it is not the author’s fault that modern Internet users are too lazy and do not know how to strain their own brains. Alas, as one of the authors rightly noted, “The development of the Internet has far outpaced the development of its users.”

As in all articles published earlier on my website, the author considers it only right, when describing the circumstances of the death of students from the Dyatlov group, to rely only on documented facts and materials of the investigation, without taking any liberties in describing the events that took place.

This article compares favorably with other versions posted on other sites, in which the authors, despite the facts, express the most exotic versions of what happened, although they do not at all agree with the facts of the officially conducted investigation. And I’ll immediately make a reservation that the investigation conducted by professional Soviet investigators was, on the whole, sound and of high quality, despite some incorrect conclusions that were made as a result of force majeure circumstances of this case. In particular, due to the fact that the investigators were faced with a physical phenomenon incomprehensible to them and active opposition to the investigation from the leading party apparatus.

Let's once again, in more detail, examine the events, which occurred on February 2 in the morning, before breakfast, because up to this point, all the events of the camping trip took place, as they say, “normally”. To do this, let's try together, as closely as possible to reconstruct the last half hour of the life of the guys from the Dyatlov group.

The extraordinary power of the air electric discharge explosion that occurred in the area of ​​Mount Kholatchakhl, which I indirectly considered to be approximately comparable to the Sasov explosion, made me think contact the archive of the Sverdlovsk weather station. According to my guess, on the seismograms of this station for 1959, there should have been a record of a cosmic explosion that killed the Dyatlov group. The guess turned out to be correct, and this allowed us to establish the exact astronomical time of the death of the Dyatlov group. The seismogram dispassionately recorded that the cosmic explosion that killed the students of the Dyatlov group in the area of ​​Mount Kholat Syahyl occurred at 8:41 am, February 2, 1959. by local time.

I repeat not on the night from the first to the second of February, as the investigators assumed, and, as absolutely all authors who investigated the circumstances of the death of the Dyatlov group write about it, but on the morning of the second of February. In accordance with these additional data, we can now absolutely reliably restore the sequence of tragic events that occurred in the area of ​​Mount Kholatchakhl.

In the morning, before breakfast, one of the participants in the campaign (according to the investigators, it was Thibaut-Brignolles), who was too lazy to put on outer shoes, wearing only woolen socks, grabbed a Chinese lantern, with which he illuminated himself, getting out of the tightness of the dark tent, leaves small tents. Let's fix this moment as a conditional starting point for further events. Leaving the tent, he sees a flying luminous object in the morning sky, and decides to take a picture of it. Thibaut-Brignoles informs the group about this, asks to give him a camera, after which he puts a flashlight in the fold of the slope of the tent, photographs the object, closes the camera case, passes the camera back, and he himself begins to relieve his small need, continuing to observe the approaching luminous object. And after a short period of time, in the sky, not far from the top of Mount Holat Syahyl, an explosion occurs, similar to the explosion in Sasovo. He must have sounded the alarm after all, even though it was useless.

The fact is that at the time of the electric discharge explosion, the temperature of which reached 1500 degrees, the sides of the tent instantly heated up, and the temperature inside the tent rose to the temperature of the coolest Finnish sauna or higher. The hot air inside the tent mercilessly burned the bodies, and it immediately became difficult to breathe. The photo of the tent shows how many stupid knife blows were inflicted on the sides of the tent and what convulsive cuts-ruptures were made.

That is, when someone managed to cut through the side of the tent, others, grabbing the edges of the cut, helped break the cut tarp. But any fabric is torn more easily in the longitudinal than in the transverse direction. That is why one of the cuts - gaps has an overturned U-shape. These are not clean cuts, but cuts-ruptures.

In addition, it should be said that it was from the high flash point of the explosion that the trees located at the edge of the forest received selective thermal burns.

And now let's pause to comment on the last thirty-third frame taken by Thibaut-Brignolle, preserved on the film loaded into the camera.

Thirty-third frame.

In my first article, I did not cover the issue of the thirty-third frame, due to the fact that now most users are practically unfamiliar with film cameras like "Zorkiy" or "FED", but use digital photo and movie cameras. It is easy to understand that this photograph captures a fast-flying, brightly glowing "fireball", which was taken at an exposure of 25\5.6 or 30\5.6, because in the center of the image there is a flare from the petal aperture window, and the luminous ball is blurred due to the high speed of movement. This object is located in the left corner of the frame, and flies from top to bottom, towards the photographer. It would be clearer if the shutter speed was 60, 125, 250, etc. If the object were less bright and moved very slowly, then there would be no lens flare on the frame, and the object itself would not look blurry. If we assume that it was a rocket, then a dark spot would have been visible in the center of the luminous object, since the rocket nozzle in this case would have been at the back. It is characteristic that slow speed of the camera shutter, showed the position of the object in the form of five positions. In addition, given its distance from the photographer, and the relative size in the frame, as well as the fact that it was shot with a standard Industar-50 or Industar-50U lens, the luminous ball was quite large, and comparable to the size of the full moon, or exceeded it. It is important to note that similar balls in this area were observed for at least two months, as numerous written eyewitness accounts have been preserved, which indicates that it really was a "string of pearls" of a medium-sized comet.

Running away from the blast wave ...

In order to restore as closely as possible the further events of that tragic day, we must consistently answer a number of fundamental questions.

1. Why did the guys leave the tent so hastily?

Let's try to restore the events in the tent, after a meteorite flash and its electric discharge explosion occurred in the sky. A. Nevsky's calculations show that the temperature of the cosmic explosion reaches 1500 - 2000 degrees, which led to almost instantaneous heating of the air inside the tent to 120-160 degrees, or even higher. Due to the unbearable heat, the tourists did not immediately manage to rip open the sides of the tent, as evidenced by numerous stab blows with knives on the sides of the tent. At the same time, it should be noted that most of the blows with knives were made on the side of the tent, facing the foot of the mountain. And the cut made on the side of the tent, facing the top of the mountain, apparently for observing a celestial object, due to the unbearable heat, was immediately stuffed with a fur jacket. For the same reason, the group got out through cuts made in the opposite side of the tent.

2. Did they run or walk from the tent?

There are no trampled tracks near the tent, so it is logical to assume that after getting out of the tent, the guys did not linger at the tent, but only for a moment, looking around, rushed down with all their might, running away from the resulting blast wave and blinding burning light.

The investigation found that the snow remained only traces of students, No traces of outsiders were found at the scene.

The footprints of students leaving the tent showed the direction to the northeast therefore, we can confidently assume that the electric discharge pillar of the cosmic explosion was located behind the students, that is, on the southwestern slope of Mount Kholat Syahyl. Downhill running limits stride length, because you have to run, slightly leaning back, "from the heel." This is slightly different from the usual "toe" running, but does not limit the speed of running. In addition, the sense of danger and additional adrenaline in the blood, forced the group to run with all their might. It was precisely the fact that the students running downhill took shortened steps that allowed some inadequate authors to assert that the group leisurely (?!) moved away from the tent. This primitive misconception is due to the fact that the authors of Internet publications themselves have been sitting at the computer all their conscious lives and have never run from the mountains, and therefore have no idea about it. In addition, for half-dressed members of the group, "slow walking" in twenty-eight degrees of frost was simply impossible, because it threatened with serious frostbite of the legs, already in the very first minutes after leaving the tent.

3. What was the speed of the air blast wave?

Let's determine the speed of the air blast wave of a space explosion by comparing it with the speed of the wind on the Beaufort scale. According to the Beaufort scale, at a speed of 70 km per hour, the wind breaks thick branches of trees, and at speeds over 90 km per hour, the wind already knocks down, turns upside down, or breaks trees. Considering that only thick boughs of cedar, and the tree itself was not affected, it is most logical to assume that the speed of the air blast wave in the cedar area was close to 70 km per hour (20 m/sec)..

4. What was the running speed and how long did it take the students to reach the cedar?

Now let's determine the time during which the guys from the Dyatlov group could theoretically run a distance of 1500 meters, from a tent to a cedar, in conditions of increased danger and stress. Given that it was a mountain run and the guys were running as hard as they could to escape the blast, I guess they were running no more than six minutes (360 sec). This is the standard for teenage football players aged 13 (see The time, of course, is far from champion, given that the guys from the Dyatlov group had excellent physical training. But this is a rather modest and correct time, which will not cause any complaints from the reader. Let's add here another 20-30 seconds that the guys could spend in order to get out of the tent through two cuts. Based on these conditional assumptions, we can calculate that the entire journey from the tent to the cedar took approximately six and a half minutes.

Comparison with Sasovsky explosion.

In order to make our story about the events that took place in the vicinity of Mount Holatchakhl more objective and clear, we will try to find a more or less intelligible analogy for the explosion that killed the Dyatlov group, and very conditionally compare it with the Sasovsky explosion, about which quite a lot of witness testimony has been preserved.

Space explosion in Sasovo.

To do this, we will have to recall the main parameters of the cosmic explosion on the outskirts of Sasovo, which occurred on April 12, 1991 at 1:34 am. This is how the chronology of Sasov events looks like.

First there was a growing rumble, then the ground shook. High-rise buildings swayed, furniture fell, doors and frames were knocked out, people were thrown from their beds. Sewer manhole covers were torn off in the streets, water pipes were torn underground. Before the disaster, numerous witnesses observed a bright white ball, and half an hour before the explosion, some residents living on the outskirts of the city saw two fireballs in the sky.

Luminous balls were also seen in the village of Chuchkovo, located 30 kilometers from Sasovo. Unusual balloons in the sky were seen by police officers, locomotive drivers, train passengers, cadets of the civil aviation school, railway workers, fishermen and bystanders. Residents of the city heard the explosion and saw a pillar of fire, five kilometers high, on the site of which a funnel with a diameter of 28 meters was formed.

Scheme of the explosion in Sasovo.

The shock wave broke windows and opened doors even in the village of Igoshino, located 50 kilometers from Sasov. Luckily, only four people were injured in the explosion. For a long time, until the article by A.P. Nevsky about the explosion in Sasovo, (see the article on the site), no one could understand what exploded in Sasovo. Indeed, some destruction created the impression that the blast wave was directed not only from the funnel, but also towards the funnel. For example, 30 tons of fertilizers lay 70 meters from the epicenter of the explosion, paper bags with which were transferred by an unknown force to the very edge of the funnel

Glass and window frames flew out not only inside the houses, but also outside, and electric poles that stood on the field leaned in the direction of the explosion. Alexander Platonovich Nevsky explains these oddities by the phenomenon of levitation.

Two nights after the explosion, the crater glowed as if it was artificially illuminated from the inside, and an increased level of beta radiation was detected in the crater area.

On the night of June 28, 1992, residents of the village of Frolovskoye, located near Sasovo, heard the roar of another space explosion but no damage was recorded. And only a week later, a funnel from a space alien, 4 meters deep and about 12 meters in diameter, was discovered in the corn field of the Novy Put state farm. Uprooted clods of earth scattered for half a kilometer, but the oak trees that grew a dozen and a half meters away were not affected at all.

Let's note the coincidences of the Sasovo space explosion and the space explosion in the vicinity of Mount Kholtsakhl.

It's powerful blast wave spread over many kilometers electric discharge pillar, several kilometers high and radioactive beta radiation found at the site of the explosion. Well, besides , fireballs, which numerous witnesses observed before the explosion.

Well, now let's go back to the events on Mount Holatchakhl.

Footprints in the snow.

Witnesses of the explosion in Sasovo report that the height of the column of the electric discharge explosion over five kilometers and the power of the explosion was estimated by experts from twenty to three hundred tons of TNT. (See the article "The mystery of the explosion in Sasovo"). We will conditionally assume that in our case, the parameters of the explosion were about the same.

Traces of all members of the group are clearly visible throughout five hundred meters and investigators note that there were no falls in this entire stretch, and no one was carrying anyone. Further, the tracks disappear under the snow, which was swept by the blast wave. And this suggests that the first blast overtook the fleeing students only when they ran five hundred meters from the tent.

5. What were the consequences of the impact of the first blast wave on the fleeing group?

If we assume that the blast wave that caught up with the fleeing group of students had a speed of 72 km/h, and the group's running speed was 15-18 km/h, then the total speed of the students falling down the mountain slope was 90 km/h. Is it a lot or a little?

To understand this, let's compare the collision of an object moving at a speed of 90 km / h with a fixed obstacle, or with a free fall from a certain height. It is easy to calculate that hitting an obstacle at a speed of 90 km / h is equivalent to falling from a height of 31 meters, that is, it is like jumping from the roof of a nine-story building. The chances of surviving a collision with an obstacle at this speed are minimal. And for comparison, let's say that the braking distance of a car at a speed of 90 km / h on a dry section of a horizontal road is 60 meters. On a slippery wet road, it increases to 150 meters or more. On this basis, it can be assumed that the blast wave could drag students along the mountainside. at least 150 meters.
Let me remind you that the fall of the students took place on the side of the mountain with a slope of 15-20 degrees and a speed of 90 kilometers per hour, but in the absence of visible obstacles. As a result of this fall, Doroshenko and Krivonischenko died, and Slobodin was diagnosed with a skull fracture. The remaining members of the group escaped with multiple longitudinal abrasions and scratches, as well as bruises of the body of various localization.

But at that moment, none of the members of the group knew that Krivonischenko and Doroshenko had died, and their death was diagnosed not at the place of the fall, but later, by the cedar, by the kindled fire.

At the cedar.

Footprints left in the snow show that the members of the group ran close enough to each other, and this indicates that everyone felt mortal danger, and the instinct of self-preservation forced them to stick together. At the time of the fall, they were already near the forest, and located on the edge of the ravine and towering over the area of ​​​​the cedar, to which the whole group headed, taking both victims with them.

Reconstruction of further events, it seems to me simple. While four men from the group carried the unconscious Krivonischenko and Doroshenko, the other three went forward, to build a fire in the forest and prepare deadwood and fallen wood for firewood, after all, a quickly made fire was their only chance for salvation. The fire was lit on the leeward side of the cedar, and when the men brought Krivonischenko and Doroshenko to the fire, it had already flared up. Gathering around the fire, they declared the death of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko, and decided to take off the clothes from the dead, and partially use them to warm the rest of the guys, and the rest of the clothes were later found by the searchers on the floor, where they spread them out as seats. Krivonischenko's watch was also removed from the cedar to give it to the relatives of the deceased.

They worked dexterously and quickly, for everyone understood the seriousness of the situation in which they found themselves. After all, a real danger hung over them to freeze stupidly just one and a half kilometers from the saving tent, in which their food and warm clothes remained. Trying to warm their severely frozen hands and feet as quickly as possible, they thrust them directly into the open flame of a fire, as evidenced by the burnt sleeves of sweaters and trousers. Let's take a break.

In order for a fire from dead wood to flare up well, you need only 10 minutes, I know from my own experience. And it was the time that the guys spent by the fire. Apparently, pieces of film helped them quickly kindle a fire, the torn remnants of a roll of which were found by search engines near the tent. For young Internet users, I will inform you that in 1959, photographic and film film was produced flammable, which allowed us in childhood to use it to kindle fires, and various unsafe pyrotechnic entertainments.

Meeting by the fire next to the cedar.

The students were well aware that, barefoot and half-dressed, they would not be able to hold out for a long time in a twenty-eight degree frost, in a cold wind, even by a fire.

They had only a ghostly chance half-dressed, half-shod and hungry , wait out the time by the fire, bred in a snow pit while others, the more enduring, try to reach the tent to fetch as much food, clothes, and shoes as hastily left there. An ax and at least one metal bucket were also desirable to heat water from the snow. And for a more tolerable and almost "comfortable" overnight stay, it would be nice to have a piece of fabric from the tent to arrange a "chipper" for the fire.

But a place for a snow pit still had to be found, and the pit itself had to be equipped, i.e. cover with spruce branches, on top of which lay the clothes of the dead. In addition, everyone understood that dehydration quickly sets in in the cold, and by nighttime the frost can intensify, and everyone will be tormented by hunger and thirst. So the group split in two. At this point, there were approximately 15 minutes. But none of them knew about it and everyone, until the very last moment, fought for their salvation.

The last fifteen minutes of the life of Kolmogorova, Slobodin and Dyatlov.

Zolotarev, Dubinina, Kolevatov and Thibaut-Brignolles, led by Dyatlov, taking the clothes of the dead with them, went to look for a place for a snow pit and prepare spruce branches. Why with Dyatlov? Because it was he, as the commander of the group, who was obliged to determine and approve a safe place for the snow pit. Kolmogorova remained by the fire, and Slobodin, who received a head injury. A little later, Dyatlov was supposed to catch up with them. But why the choice fell on them? I guess it's because they were all shattered. And the guys assumed that having managed to quickly run to the tent, they would be able to immediately put on shoes, and thereby reduce the time spent in socks on the snow, and avoid serious frostbite. After all, if others were sent to the tent, then the time until the shoes were brought would be doubled for them.

Kolmogorova and Slobodin, gaining warmth from the fire, before throwing themselves into the icy cold, did not stay near him for long. Kolmogorova was the first to leave, having stayed by the fire for about five minutes, then, after a couple of minutes, Slobodin, who had a head injury, left the fire. Calculating the time of their departure, with a known error, is quite simple. Kolmogorova's body was found 850 meters from the tent, that is, 650 meters from the cedar and the fire. It is impossible to run uphill through the snow drift left after the blast wave, you can only go quickly, that is, its speed could presumably be about 3.9 km per hour, and it could overcome 650 meters uphill in ten minutes. Slobodin's body was found 1000 meters from the tent, and 150 meters from Kolmogorova, that is, 2-2.5 minutes from Kolmogorova, provided that they were moving at the same speed. And what was Dyatlov doing at that time? Having determined a place for a snow pit, which was located in a ravine 75 meters northeast of the cedar, and ordered to prepare spruce branches before his return and light a fire near the pit, he left to catch up with Kolmogorov and Slobodin who had gone to the tent. At the same time, he also lingered a little by the fire in order to warm himself and put more firewood into the blazing fire. Dyatlov's body was found 180 meters from Slobodin, that is, he left the fire about three minutes after Slobodin. And he managed to go only 320 meters when the blast wave from the second explosion covered everyone.

And now we have to talk about the last fifteen minutes of life Dubinina, Zolotarev, Kolevatov and Thibault-Brignolles.

The last fifteen minutes of the life of Dubinina, Zolotarev, Kolevatov and Thibault-Brignolles.

After the departure of Dyatlov, Dubinin, Zolotarev, Kolevatov and Thibaut-Brignolles, they split into two groups, one of which began to trample the snow pit, cook firewood and kindle a fire, and the second, prepare spruce branches and carry it to the pit. Lapnik was harvested along the edge of the ravine, not far from the snow pit, and immediately laid in the form of the first layer of flooring. Having laid 15 cut trees (14 fir trees and one birch), parallel to each other in the form of a flooring, and covering the trees with spruce branches on top, they put the things taken from Krivonischenko and Doroshenko at the corners of the flooring, thus designating places to sit. And then, having warmed their hands over the blazing fire, they, all together, got out of the ravine and went along its edge to prepare deadwood for the fire, and cut new portions of spruce branches. But they didn't get far. The powerful blast wave of the second explosion threw everyone off the cliff to the very bottom of the ravine. And the whirlwind of snow raised by the blast wave, along the very edges, covered the ravine and their bodies with snow.

And the terrible injuries that the tourists received were due to the fact that the blast wave, which had a speed of at least seventy kilometers per hour, threw them onto the rocky bottom of the ravine. At the same time, each of them flew the distance at least 10-12 meters, and moreover, fell from the edge of the ravine, which had a depth of five meters.

But, allegedly Dubinina's "torn tongue", about which numerous bloggers are still "breaking spears", as I have repeatedly reported, is clearly posthumous in origin. After all, such intravital injuries are accompanied by massive heavy bleeding, including arterial. And in this case, all the clothes and snow around the place of the fall would be literally flooded and saturated with blood, which Internet users stubbornly do not want to pay attention to, defending the right to their fantasies.

However, this is not all the information about the death of the Dyatlov group.

The fact that the flight of the "fireballs" that make up the "pearl string" of the comet, over the course of a month, passed over the same place, forced us to assume that the trajectory of the flying comet almost completely coincided with the axis of rotation of the Earth. And the slow speed of the “fireballs” in the sky indicates that the fragments of the comet were catching up with the Earth in its orbit, and did not fly towards it. My assumptions are consistent with the conclusion of the investigation that the cause of the death of the Dyatlov group was the elemental force emanating from the fireballs, which the students were not able to overcome.

The absolute certainty that the cause of the death of the Dyatlov group was a cosmic explosion made me turn to for help to the archive of the Yekaterinburg seismic station. Such archives have no restrictions on the storage period, and that is why the seismograms of the Tunguska explosion have come down to us. And I was convinced that the answer from the archive of the Sverdlovsk seismic station would allow us to accurately determine the time of the space catastrophe and the death of the students of the Dyatlov group and clarify the circumstances of the death of the students. After a long search for the location of the archive of the Sverdlovsk seismic station, we sent our request there, and soon received a response. And in order to show that it was the explosion in the area of ​​Mount Kholatchakhl that was recorded on these seismograms, we publish this information along with a seismogram and an explanatory note.

Chapter 4

Response and seismogram from the archive of the Sverdlovsk seismic station

Through extremely long searches on the Internet, the administrator of our site, nevertheless, managed to find traces of the archive of the Sverdlovsk seismic station, and on March 19, 2013, we sent a request there, in which the archive staff was asked a single question: Are any explosions recorded on the seismograms of the Sverdlovsk seismic station on February 1 and 2, 1959?

Here is the verbatim answer we received:

Dear Mikhail Dmitrievich!

In response to your request dated March 19, 2013, I inform you that the specialists of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences analyzed the seismograms of the Sverdlovsk seismic station (SVE) for February 1 and 2, 1959. At that time, 2 types of seismometers were installed at the station: Golitsyn (SG, long-period) and Kharin (SH, short-period). Seismograms for analysis were selected taking into account the difference between local time and Greenwich Mean Time, which is used in seismology (for Sverdlovsk, the difference was +5 hours).

No records of seismic events were found on the seismograms of the SG device from 00:00 on February 1 to 24:00 on February 2, 1959 (Greenwich Mean Time). .

When analyzing the seismograms of the CX (EW) device on February 2, 1959 in 04 o'clock 07 min. 54 sec. GMT (09:07:54 local time) a record of a seismic event was noted, expressed in a train of oscillations with a period of the maximum phase T = 1.8 sec.

According to our interpretation these fluctuations are the beginning of the recording of a remote deep earthquake that occurred February 2, 1959 in the Banda Sea region (Indonesia). The seismological bulletin of the USGS (National Earthquake Information Center, U.S.A) published a solution for this earthquake. The epicentral distance from the Sverdlovsk station is =82° (more than 9100 km), and the focal depth is 150 km. On the seismogram, three distinct phases from the indicated earthquake are distinguished - longitudinal wave P at 04:07:54, deep phase sP at 04:08:54, double reflected from the core PP at 04:11:14.

Time of occurrence

(hour, min, sec),

focus depth




h=150 km

6.5°S 126°E

Tp= 04:08:16

Records of other seismic events were not found on the seismograms of the SH for February 1–2, 1959.

An electronic copy of the scanned seismogram of the SH instrument for February 1-2, 1959 is attached.

It should be noted that the Sverdlovsk station is 550 km away from the Kholat-Syakhyl mountain.

Director of the GS RAS

Corresponding Member of the RAS A.A. Malovichko

Use L.S. Chepkunas

This answer was accompanied by a seismogram of the explosion itself:

click on the seismogram to enlarge the image

That is, this answer provides objective evidence of the fact of an explosion of unknown etiology and a subjective human interpretation of this explosion.

Meanwhile, the received answer, in my opinion, is objective and impeccable proof of the fact of a cosmic explosion on Mount Holat Syakhil. But this requires a little further explanation.

On the time of the cosmic explosion on the seismogram of the Sverdlovsk seismic station.

Focusing on the astronomical time of the explosion recorded on the seismogram, we can confidently assert that this seismogram shows air space explosion over Mount Holat Syahyl.

Here is the necessary calculation.

Air shock waves over long distances propagate at an average speed slightly above the speed of sound (approximately 340 m/s). The distance from the seismic station "Sverdlovsk" to Mount Kholat-Syakhyl, reported to us by corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.A. Malovichko in the sent answer is 550 km.

An explosion was recorded on the seismogram of the Sverdlovsk seismic station at 9 o'clock. 07 min. 54 sec. by local time. That is, the explosion over Mount Holat Syahyl occurred 27 minutes earlier, at approximately 8:41 a.m., February 2, 1959, by local time(9 hours 07 minutes 54 seconds - 27 minutes = 8 o'clock 41 min.).

Go ahead. During electric discharge explosions, according to the theory of A.P. Nevsky, exists three well-defined air shock waves. Let's just purely hypothetically, identify them by the time indicated on the seismogram, like air shock waves formed over Mount Holat Syahyl.

1. Ballistic air shock wave, which always accompanies the fall in the atmosphere of a meteorite flying at cosmic speed 9 hours 07 minutes 54 seconds. - 27 min. = 8 o'clock 41 min.

2. Explosive destruction of a meteorite (flash explosion) in the air, which is accompanied by air shock wave. 9 o'clock 08 min. 54 sec. - 27 min. = 8 o'clock 42 min .

3. Cylindrical air shock wave the formed pillar of the electric discharge explosion. (9 hours 11 minutes 14 seconds - 27 minutes = 8 o'clock 44 min. 14 sec.

That is, on the seismogram of the Sverdlovsk seismic station, not deep seismic waves, which are not formed at all during cosmic air explosions, A V air shock waves of a cosmic explosion over Mount Kholat Syahyl.

To verify this, we need to restore the chronology of events in the area of ​​Mount Kholat Syakhyl, according to the stopped clock, which was left in the hands of the dead students of the Dyatlov group.

About the group hours.

There were four hours in the Dyatlov group. According to the investigation, Dyatlov's watch, at the time of the stop, showed 5 hours 31 minutes, Krivonischenko's watch stopped at 8 hours 14 minutes , at Slobodin the clock showed 8 hours 45 minutes, and the clock of Thibault-Brignolles stopped at 8 hours 39 minutes.

In the light of the foregoing, it is easy to understand that the Dyatlov clock stopped spontaneously, after the spring resource was exhausted.

The clock of Krivonischenko, who died on the slope from the first cosmic explosion of small power, not recorded by the weakly powerful seismographs of the Sverdlovsk seismic station at 8:14, gave us the opportunity to determine the time of the beginning of the tragedy.

And Slobodin's watch ( 8 hours 45 minutes) and Thibault Brignoles ( 8 hours 39 minutes), stopped near the astronomical time of the fall of the group under the influence of a cylindrical shock wave of a more powerful second cosmic explosion. (8 hours 44 minutes 14 seconds).

A slight discrepancy between the time on the students' watches and the astronomical time recorded by the seismographs of the Sverdlovsk seismic station can be easily explained by the error of the clock.

About clock accuracy.

The Dyatlov group left Sverdlovsk on January 23 and on the night of January 25 the guys arrived in Ivdel. This was the last settlement where the guys could check the clock based on the radio signal.. January 26 students left Ivdel, and further until the very moment of the space catastrophe on the morning of February 2, within seven and a half days they didn't have a chance to check their watch.

According to the passport, the factory warranty accuracy of the mass-produced wristwatches of that time was plus or minus 45 seconds a day, but in real operating conditions, for mechanical wristwatches, the average daily error was usually plus minus one - one and a half minutes, and much less often, it could be less than plus - minus 30 seconds. (Young readers can easily verify this statement by asking their grandparents.)

That is, the total clock error accumulated over seven and a half days, on average, could be (45 sec x 7.5 days = plus or minus 337 sec (5.5 min), and the real one could be twice as much ( plus - minus 11 minutes).

A simple calculation shows that the astronomical time of the cosmic catastrophe almost coincides with the time on the stopped clocks of Slobodin and Thibault-Brignolles. And a slight discrepancy (+46 seconds for Slobodin's watches, and - 4 minutes 46 seconds for Thibault-Brignolle's watches) is due to the error of the watch, usual for wrist mechanical watches of that time.

My conclusion is logical and quite obvious. The seismogram of the Sverdlovsk seismic station recorded the time of a cosmic explosion over Mount Holat Syahyl, and the interpretation of this airborne cosmic explosion by the employees of the seismic station as an earthquake in Indonesia turned out to be thoughtlessly written off from the American seismological bulletin, only so that this explosion would not turn out to be “nameless”.

Otherwise, we will have to answer a completely inexplicable question. Why did the seismogram “not record” the explosion over the Kholat Syakhyl mountain, which is located only 550 km from the Sverdlovsk seismic station, and confidently recorded "remote deep earthquake", which occurred at a distance of more than 9100 kilometers, simultaneously with the explosion over Kholat Syahyl? What other evidence is required to confirm the cosmic explosion that occurred over Mount Kholat Syahyl? Is it possible that in this case, the supporters of Rakitin's version will argue that the cunning "American Spies" deliberately summed up the clocks of the students they killed in order to combine their readings with the clocks of the Sverdlovsk seismic station, and thus mislead us?

Chapter 5. About the reason for my request to the Sverdlovsk seismic station archive.

Even at the stage of acquaintance with the circumstances of the case of the death of the Dyatlov group in 2010, I drew attention to some inconsistencies between the materials of the investigation and the facts that I managed to discover.

Firstly, I drew attention to the selective burn of trees located at the edge of the forest, which is a feature and a distinctive feature inherent in only electric discharge space explosions. No other known radiant burn explosions form.

In addition, the analysis of the incident showed that space air burst was powerful enough, and, moreover, quite clearly the impact of two blast waves on the dead group was traced. The bodies of students with severe injuries found under a 4.5-meter layer of snow, and the conclusion of a forensic expert that these injuries could only be received from exposure to a powerful air blast wave, as well as the allegations of prosecutor Ivanov, What "the death of students came from the influence of elemental force, which they were unable to overcome", gave reason to believe that we can only talk about cosmic explosions.

And the periodic appearance of fireballs over the same area for two months indicated that we are talking about a “pearl string” of a small comet, the direction of flight of which coincided with the rotation of the Earth.

And the only known, albeit very approximate analogue of such explosions, was Sasovo space explosion, the scientific analysis of which was given by Alexander Platonovich Nevsky. Therefore, I quite consciously used the parameters of this explosion in my article to explain the concept of the events that took place on Mount Holat Syahyl.

Secondly, I noticed on the surprisingly "sighted" behavior of group members, indicating that the space accident happened during daylight hours. But I could not find any absolute evidence of this in the materials of the investigation, except for a number of indirect ones. Therefore, initially, despite my doubts, I had to focus on the assumption of the investigation that the death of the tour group occurred on the evening of February 1, especially since this version was supported by absolutely all authors of books and articles and all Internet users. And I just noted that “until the last minute, all the actions of the members of the Dyatlov group were meaningful and logical» . Somewhat later, analyzing additional facts, I again drew attention to the fact that they do not coincide with the version of the evening explosion. Moreover, circumstantial evidence unequivocally testified that the explosion took place on the morning of February 2, when the students woke up but had not yet had time to get dressed. And I was forced write carefully, What "After analyzing all information available to me, I did not find a single fact that would unequivocally testified that the explosion occurred on the evening of February 1, as suggested by the investigation,(on which I also relied ), and not on the morning of February 2. In addition, the version that the tragedy could have happened on the morning of February 2, V in the light of new facts may turn out to be more consistent».

And sending your request to the archive of the Sverdlovsk seismic station, I was almost convinced that the explosion happened on the morning of the second of February, and not the first evening, and therefore my request was made not only on the first, but also on the second of February. And the hidden logic of the question was that the cosmic explosion over Mount Kholat Syakhil, according to my assumption, must have coincided in time with the time recorded on the stopped clock of the guys.

And the only objective and irrefutable evidence of the time of the explosion that occurred over Mount Kholat Syahyl could only be a seismogram of this explosion. And when I sent the request, I understood very well that only the time of the explosion can be objective on the seismogram, and the explosion itself can be interpreted in any way: both as an industrial, and as a military, and as a technical, and as a nuclear ..., however, I least expected that it is being interpreted as an earthquake in the region of Indonesia.

Let me explain. In principle, modern seismographs make it possible to determine the epicenter of an explosion and, by comparing the readings of several seismographs, at one station. In this case, the most correct amplitude (displacement) of oscillations can be recorded only by the seismograph whose pendulum oscillations coincide with the direction of the seismic beam. Indeed, when recording waves from other directions, “the amplitude of their oscillations will be the smaller, the larger the angle A between the direction of the beam and the swing of the pendulum. This angle is determined by the formula: tg α \u003d X2 / X1, in which X1 and X2 are the amplitudes of the oscillations of longitudinal waves recorded by two mutually perpendicularly located seismographs ".

That is, it is possible to determine the direction of the seismic ray of the longitudinal wave, and by setting aside the epicentral distance on it, determine the place of the explosion. However, we must make one small clarification. Even one seismic station can really show the direction of the seismic beam, but to clarify the location of the explosion from the seismic station in the direction (0 -180 degrees) a second seismic station is required.

And looking ahead a little, I must say that the sensitivity of the 1959 seismographs available at the Sverdlovsk seismic station did not allow recording ultra-small earthquakes located at a distance of 9100 kilometers at all.

Fortunately, we have a great opportunity to clarify the date and time of the explosion and according to testimony.

The date of the death of the group according to the testimony of Luda Dubinina's father.

Now we have to clarify whether the astronomical time of the cosmic explosion over Mount Kholat Syakhyl, accurately recorded on the seismogram of the Sverdlovsk seismic station, corresponds to the testimony of witnesses given by them in 1959?

The materials of the investigation contain a copy of the interrogation of the father of Lyudmila Dubinina, carried out in March 1959, “... I heard the conversations of students of the Ural Polytechnic University (UPI) that the flight of undressed people from the tent was caused by an explosion and large radiation ..., and the statement of by the administrative department of the regional committee of the CPSU comrade Yermash, made to the sister of the deceased comrade Kolevatova, that the remaining 4 people, not found now, could live after the death of those found no more than 2 hours, makes us think that the forced, sudden flight from the tent was due to an explosion projectile and radiation near mountain 1079, the “stuffing” of which forced ... to run further from it and, presumably, affected the life of people, in particular, vision.

The light of a projectile was seen on February 2 at about seven o'clock in the morning in the city of Serov... I am surprised why the tourist routes from the city of Ivdel were not closed. .. If the projectile deviated and did not hit the planned range, in my opinion, the department that fired this projectile should send aerial reconnaissance to the place of its fall and rupture to find out what it could have done there. ...If aerial reconnaissance was done, then it can be assumed that she picked up the other four people. I have not shared my personal opinion with anyone, deeming it undisclosed."

Lyudmila Dubinina's father at that time was a member of the CPSU and a responsible employee of the Sverdlovsk Economic Council, that is, he unconditionally obeyed the strict rules of party discipline that existed at that time, and therefore his testimony cannot be unreliable. And he is the first and only of the witnesses who rightly and reasonably linked the outbreak of an explosion over Mount Kholat Syakhil, on the morning of February 2, with the death of students. And, it must be assumed that in the provincial Serov, located at a distance of 200-250 kilometers from Mount Kholat Syahyl, this outbreak was seen by many residents, that is, the outbreak of the explosion was extremely powerful.

And we have the right to draw the only correct conclusion that the seismogram absolutely accurately recorded the astronomical time of the cosmic electric discharge explosion just above Mount Kholat Syakhil, which occurred at 8:41 am, on the morning of February 2, 1959.

It follows from this that the assumption of the investigation that the tragedy on Mount Kholat Syahyl occurred on the evening of February 1, or on the night of 1 to 2 February, is false.

Accordingly, the assumption of academic scientists that an earthquake was recorded on the seismogram in the Banda Sea region in Indonesia is also is the biggest mistake.

Therefore, the reasoning absolutely all authors, relying in their versions on the fact that the tragedy occurred at night, are unfounded. And, unfortunately, we will have to admit that they are all just the fruit of logical constructions, based on an initially false fact.

Date of death of the group according to Axelrod.

In Nikolai Rundkvist's book "100 Days in the Urals" there is a quote from Axelrod:
“Yes, no doubt, it is their tent that stands on the gloomy slope of Solat-Syakhla. I myself took part in its sewing in the 56th. Under the tent neatly, without haste, skis are laid. The date of the death of the guys was set elementarily simply. In the far corner of the tent was a diary with the date of the last entry - February 2 1959. That is, the tourists just started the route. In the valley of Auspiya, they built a storehouse - laying food and equipment that is unnecessary above the border of the forest.,4404.0.html#sthash.DDfBfTGt.dpuf (Russia Paranormal Forum)

Of course, we can assume that this date was meticulously put down by the students of the Dyatlov group immediately after 00.00. nights, but usually it is customary to set the date of the new day in the morning, after waking up. However, for our study this is not fundamental, because the death of the group, according to the stopped clock, could occur only in period from 20 to 21 pm February 1, or from 8 to 9 am on the second of February.

That is, in this case, we have an impeccable written evidence of the Dyatlovites themselves, that on the morning of February 2, after waking up, the students were still alive. And the seismogram of the Sverdlovsk seismic station perfectly accurately recorded the astronomical time of the death of the Dyatlov group. And the feeling that the flash of this explosion was seen on the morning of February 2 in Serov, makes it quite reasonable to assume that the brightness of the flash was comparable to the flash of a nuclear explosion.

Chapter 6

Investigator L. Ivanov wrote in one of his articles that he had to withdraw from the case file everything that indicated a "fireball" or a UFO, and further: "When E.P. Maslennikov and I were examining the scene in May, we found , What “Some young fir-trees on the border of the forest have a burnt mark, but these marks were not of a concentric shape or other system. There was no epicenter. This once again confirmed the direction of a kind of thermal ray or a strong, but completely unknown - at least to us - energy that acts selectively. " Let's try to determine the epicenter of this outbreak.

Location of the first explosion.

On the Internet, I noticed one message: "South of the Mountain (Kholat Syakhil ) already modern tourists stumbled into several deep craters "obviously from missiles". With great difficulty in the remote taiga, we found two of them and explored as best we could. Under the rocket explosion of the 59th, they obviously did not pull, in the funnel birch grew age 55 (counted by rings), that is, the explosion thundered in the remote taiga rear no later than 1944. Remembering what year it was, one could write it off as bombing drills or something like that, but... funnel, we made an unpleasant discovery using a radiometer, strong background».

I will discuss the causes of radiation at the site of the explosion below, in a separate article, but for now we will give one more message.

According to Novokreshchenov G.V., after the death of the Dyatlov group, the traces of numerous craters on the slope of Mount Kholat Syakhyl, opposite from the location of the tent, were seen by the prosecutor of the Ivdel region Vasily Ivanovich Tempalov, who took part in a helicopter flight over this area. Later, regarding these funnels, he said: "What can I say, there the rockets fell, all around funnels I'm an artilleryman."

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