Composition on the topic: “To live means to feel, think, suffer .... “To live means to feel, to think, to suffer…” (In


Human life very amazing and short. Sometimes, while living life, we do not have time to understand the main thing. Each of us has our own destiny, our own purpose. Often people chase money, missing the most important thing - truly rich is not the one who has money, but the one who sensitive heart. Anyone who is able to appreciate the beauty of the northern lights, feel the freshness of the morning dew, enjoy the smell of a fragrant rose, go through all the tests along with the heroes of your favorite book. This is real wealth.

We're chasing material values, missing the most important thing ... We begin to appreciate only after losing, but this is the beauty of life.

To live means to feel, to think, to suffer... We are chasing a career, losing loved ones. Having experienced pain, we begin to suffer and rethink our actions, goals, desires. Only after passing all the tests, we can feel the whole sweet taste victory. We suffer from unrequited love but at the same time she inspires us to great deeds. We live while we feel, think, suffer, because this is what true beauty life.

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Poet and motherland in Akhmatova's lyrics

The work of the unforgettable great poetess Anna Akhmatova is striking in its diversity and depth. She dealt not only with pressing women's topics, which became native to many representatives of the weaker sex, but also addressed eternal problems being.
Also, Anna Akhmatova was not afraid to reflect her attitude to reality, which was not only difficult at the beginning of the 20th century, but, above all, dangerous. Because it was the time of the greatest choice for the country - someone followed the new order, someone stood up for the old one. Representatives of these two camps became worst enemies. And only a few managed to stay in the middle and live their inner unshakable and free life.
Akhmatova did it because she was very strong and purposeful person. So, she has repeatedly stated that she does not support those who emigrated from Russia. Akhmatova claimed that a person's place is where he was born, and under no circumstances did she want to leave her homeland.

Composition based on the story of Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”

main idea Solzhenitsyn in the work “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” becomes one about which it was not customary to speak openly. The fact that the country during the hostilities and after them plunged into lawlessness and a life full of injustice. And about the fact that people would go home, to restore almost from the ashes what was left after the war, instead they went to the tribunal and to the camps. It was necessary to urgently revive the state, providing the population with hospitals, kindergartens, schools, cinemas. But how to do it if there are not enough funds? Very simple! You just need to drive more people to prisons, and with the help of prisoners, practically for a penny to restore the country.

Theory of Rodion Raskolnikov, its failure and collapse

Raskolnikov's idea from its very inception was doomed to failure. Not because it is not true, because in fact the world is divided into “ the mighty of the world this” and “trembling creatures”, but because the consciousness of the protagonist was not able to withstand its dependence on this theory. Raskolnikov, a good theoretician, having thought through all his actions to the smallest detail, did not take into account his own human qualities, he forgot about conscience, shame, natural fear inherent in man. The hero, in fact, decides not to kill, but to a great act of self-knowledge, and now, after what happened, terrible tragedy self-recognition and self-deception. The more he recognizes himself, the more he feels the presence of the human element in himself, the more frightening he becomes, the further he moves away from desired result, the more persistently he tries to deceive himself. Most of all, the hero is tormented by his torment.

Composition on the theme "Singers" Turgenev

One of the most memorable and bright heroes this story is the image of Nikolai Ivanovich. minor character lives his life in an ordinary outback, owns his own tavern, sells wine to visitors.

The author notes that Nikolai Ivanovich is a friendly and very hospitable host. locals they spend their time well in his tavern, as the owner has the ability to attract people to him. Communication with him gives great pleasure to the entire population of the hinterland. Turgenev draws readers' attention to the fact that it is not wine that is the reason for the presence of such a huge number of guests in this institution, it is the owner - the main culprit of such a crowd. The locals respect him very much.

How do I understand the meaning of the title of the novel "War and Peace"

At first glance, it may seem that the novel "War and Peace" is named that way because it reflects two eras in the life of Russian society. early XIX century: the period of wars against Napoleon 1805-1814 and the peace period before and after the war. However, the data of literary criticism and linguistic analysis allow us to make some important clarifications. The fact is that, unlike the modern Russian language, in which the word “peace” is a homonymous pair and denotes, firstly, the state of society opposite to war, and, secondly, human society in general, in Russian XIX century, there were two spellings of the word "peace": "peace" - the state of the absence of war and "peace" - human society, community. The title of the novel in the old spelling included precisely the form "world".

Generation of fathers in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

The main conflict of I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” lies in the ideological clash of two “generations” of Russian society: the noble and the raznochin-democratic.
Representative younger generation in the novel, a commoner Yevgeny Bazarov appears, preaching nihilism - the doctrine of the denial of all principles taken for granted. His ideological opponent in ideological dispute are the Kirsanov brothers, who, according to the author himself, are the best part nobility of that time.
We meet Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov on the first page of the novel. “A gentleman of about forty years old, in a dusty coat and checkered trousers. ”- this is how its author draws. Nikolai Petrovich has an estate of two hundred souls, which he calls a "farm."

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If to words famous critic V.G. Belinsky “to live means to feel, to think, to suffer” add “to love and crave achievement”, they will gain specific image: the most romantic heroine of Gorky - the old woman Izergil.

The story of M.A. Gorky's "Old Woman Izergil" compositionally consists of three parts: the confession of Izergil herself and two legends that amaze with their strength of opposites of the characters of the heroes - Danko and Larra. Danko and Larra are antipodes. One lives and dies in the name of saving people. Larra, on the contrary, lives only for himself and is ready to kill anyone who does not recognize his desires.

Larra, son of a woman and an eagle, handsome, proud, brave; comes into conflict with the tribe and kills the girl only because she did not want to become his concubine. Izergil’s language is simple, she doesn’t even know that when Larra answered the tribe that he “wants to keep himself whole,” he expressed a whole Nietzschean complex: pride, individualism, egocentrism, contempt for common man, detachment, destruction of the morality of the "fathers". According to Izergil, the main thing was the evil that Larra did to people, and the punishment that he suffered. Condemned to loneliness, "outcast", "thrown out", "Larra came to the tribe and stole cattle, girls - whatever he wanted." He could not be killed physically, but he could be destroyed morally. But before comprehending the full severity of the punishment, Larra annoyed people for several decades, creating lawlessness. However, now there is so much longing in his eyes that “it would be possible to poison all the people of the world with it. So from that time on he was left alone, free, waiting for death. In the understanding of Izergil, “he has no life, and death does not smile at him. And there is no place for him among people ... That's how a man was struck for pride!

What is the life position another hero - Danko? The legend of Danko has a biblical parallel - the story of how Moses led the ancient Jews from Egyptian captivity to their homeland. True, Moses led his compatriots for forty years, praying for the salvation of the people, and after the Lord revealed to the prophet the ten commandments of the salvation of the soul, Moses inscribed them on the tablets as the only and immutable plan for the organization of earthly life and humanity, mired in the sins of conceit, envy, gluttony, adultery, hatred. But Danko is not Moses. Danko brought people out of impenetrable forest and a stinking swamp, illuminating their path with their burning heart. However, Danko fell and died as soon as he brought people to free land. But “people, joyful and full of hope, did not notice his death and did not see that his brave heart was still burning with the corpse of Danko.” The old woman Izergil does not condemn people for indifference towards those who were ready to die for them. For Izergil, the main thing in human existence what remains is not the gratitude of neighbors, but the ability of a person to accomplish this or that feat. So, at the age of seventeen, she took revenge on the Romanian for betrayal, destroying his farm, mill and all the bread. She changes countries and lovers, striving to meet trials. Her life path goes through Turkish harem and a Bulgarian monastery. Saving another beloved Arkadek, she had to kill the sentry. But when Arkadek said that he would always be grateful to her, she got bored with him and left. She left because she needed love, not gratitude.

All my long life the old woman Izergil felt, thought, suffered, trying to get to the bottom of it. She does not understand the morality of many: “... I see that people do not live, but everyone tries on, tries on and puts their whole life on it. And when they rob themselves, having wasted time, they will begin to cry at fate, what is fate here? everyone is his own destiny!

You can agree or argue with the old woman Izergil, her approach to life will remain eternal: “To live means to feel, think, suffer.”

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If, to the words of the famous critic V.G. Belinsky “to live means to feel, to think, to suffer” add “to love and crave a feat”, they will acquire a specific image: the most romantic heroine of Gorky is the old woman Izergil.

The story of M.A. Gorky's "Old Woman Izergil" compositionally consists of three parts: the confession of Izergil herself and two legends that amaze with their strength of opposites of the characters of the heroes - Danko and Larra. Danko and Larra are antipodes. One lives and dies in the name of saving people. Larra, on the contrary, lives only for himself and is ready to kill anyone who does not recognize his desires.

Larra, son of a woman and an eagle, handsome, proud, brave; comes into conflict with the tribe and kills the girl only because she did not want to become his concubine. Izergil’s language is simple, she doesn’t even know that when Larra answered the tribe that he “wants to keep himself whole,” he expressed a whole Nietzschean complex: pride, individualism, egocentrism, contempt for the common man, apostasy, the destruction of the morality of the “fathers”. According to Izergil, the main thing was the evil that Larra did to people, and the punishment that he suffered. Condemned to loneliness, "outcast", "thrown out", "Larra came to the tribe and stole cattle, girls - whatever he wanted." He could not be killed physically, but he could be destroyed morally. But before comprehending the full severity of the punishment, Larra annoyed people for several decades, creating lawlessness. However, now there is so much longing in his eyes that “it would be possible to poison all the people of the world with it. So from that time on he was left alone, free, waiting for death. In the understanding of Izergil, “he has no life, and death does not smile at him. And there is no place for him among people ... That's how a man was struck for pride!

What is the life position of another hero - Danko? The legend of Danko has a biblical parallel - the story of how Moses led the ancient Jews from Egyptian captivity to their homeland. True, Moses led his compatriots for forty years, praying for the salvation of the people, and after the Lord revealed to the prophet the ten commandments of the salvation of the soul, Moses inscribed them on the tablets as the only and immutable plan for the organization of earthly life and humanity, mired in the sins of conceit, envy, gluttony, adultery, hatred. But Danko is not Moses. Danko led people out of the impenetrable forest and the stinking swamp, illuminating their path with his burning heart. However, Danko fell and died as soon as he brought people to free land. But “people, joyful and full of hope, did not notice his death and did not see that his brave heart was still burning with the corpse of Danko.” The old woman Izergil does not condemn people for indifference towards those who were ready to die for them. For Izergil, the main thing in human existence is not the gratitude of others, but the ability of a person to accomplish this or that feat. So, at the age of seventeen, she took revenge on the Romanian for betrayal, destroying his farm, mill and all the bread. She changes countries and lovers, striving to meet trials. Her life path passes through the Turkish harem and the Bulgarian monastery. Saving another beloved Arkadek, she had to kill the sentry. But when Arkadek said that he would always be grateful to her, she got bored with him and left. She left because she needed love, not gratitude.

All her long life, the old woman Izergil felt, thought, suffered, trying to get to the bottom of it. She does not understand the morality of many: “... I see that people do not live, but everyone tries on, tries on and puts their whole life on it. And when they rob themselves, having wasted time, they will begin to cry at fate, what is fate here? everyone is his own destiny!

You can agree or argue with the old woman Izergil, her approach to life will remain eternal: “To live means to feel, think, suffer.”

“To live means to feel, think, suffer ...” (V. G. Belinsky)

Yevgeny Ivanovich Nosov is a writer of the military generation. Since childhood, he had to endure many hardships. Complicated fate The writer, of course, could not help but influence his worldview. The writers of the military generation are distinguished by amazing qualities. They sometimes pay attention to what many seem insignificant. The story of Yevgeny Ivanovich Nosov "The Doll" just makes us think about how great a person's responsibility is not only for his own actions, but also for the actions of others. The writer asks questions in the story. moral purity, decency, nobility. Old Akimych, this simple old man, looks like an amazing person.

There is not a drop of indifference in him. But it was not for nothing that it was once said: “Do not be afraid of your enemies, in the worst case they can kill you. Do not be afraid of your friends, in the worst case, they can betray you. Fear the indifferent: they do not kill and do not betray, but it is with their tacit consent and all betrayals and murders are committed on earth.

The hero of the story Akimych, having found a mutilated doll thrown away, decided to dig a grave for the doll. This act characterizes him from the best side. When looking at the mutilated doll, he himself experiences painful feelings. And he wants to save others from this spectacle. But he also wants to fulfill his moral duty - to make sure that there is a little less bad in this world. And the sight of a mutilated doll is proof that there is a lot of evil among people.

After reading the story, one involuntarily feels guilty for the fact that we so often treat everything that surrounds us with indifference. In the story, the writer says about the river: “Often they circle here, wood chips, algae, bottles sticking up with their necks, fragments of the ubiquitous foam plastic cannot escape into the free water.” A person is to blame for all this, or rather, not one person, but people. The same as those who mutilated the doll. There are no moral prohibitions for them, so they easily break, crush, cripple everything in their path.

A new generation of egoists has appeared, and there are more and more of them. This thought involuntarily appears when you read Nosov's story. After all, both children and adults pass by a broken doll. Both of them have long been accustomed to such spectacles. Nothing surprises them anymore. Every time children receive another lesson of indifference.

It will take quite a bit of time, and they will also break and mutilate everything that they consider unnecessary.

But the reader still has the hope that old Akimych will become a moral guide for those who are alien to indifference, indifference, cruelty, malice. And let his example serve as a lesson for all of us. Then there will be a little more goodness in this world.

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