Accompany the movements with words. All familiar characters


Dancing in our country is gaining popularity every year. No matter how much they say that dancing is useful for children, because it helps to develop plasticity, teaches the ability to control one's own body and communicate with peers, many parents still doubt whether it is worth sending their child to dance training. What can these activities do? How to choose the right dance school? Such questions often concern many fathers and mothers. We asked the choreographer of TSK Alfa Svetlana Medvedeva to answer them.

- Svetlana, at what age is it best to send a child to a dance school?

- There are practically no "starting" age restrictions in this matter. Although in Lately the position has become fashionable: the sooner parents give their child into the hands of a coach, the better. This extreme is sometimes manifested in the fact that the baby is brought to the dance class as soon as he turns two years old. I think this is wrong. At 2-3 years old, the child is just beginning to walk, to master the floor. And he is not always able to understand the explanations of the teacher.

If your kid is very active, it is probably worth giving him to dancing from the age of three, provided that the group of children in which he will be engaged will be his age, so that the teacher pays attention to him on an equal basis with the rest.

But still, the optimal age at which it is best to start teaching a child to dance is five years old. At this time, the child easily navigates where left and right, owns his own body. And most importantly, he will understand what the choreographer explains.

What are the criteria for choosing a dance school?

- First you need to decide what dances the child wants to do. There are many various kinds: sports (ballroom and hip-hop), Russian folk, pop, etc. If it is important for you that the baby achieve outstanding results and take part in competitions and concerts, respectively, you need to choose a school where the organization of education implies this. Well, if parents just want to improve their child's health, then it is better to choose sports school or fitness center. With such requirements, the main selection criterion should be comfortable conditions for classes and the ability of the choreographer to find individual approach.

- RThe baby comes to the dance school for the first time. Where does training start?

- From the simplest - from the choreography. In the first lessons, the child should feel how his neck moves, his shoulders rise and fall. Children at this stage should understand: they can perfectly control their body. As a rule, modern children slouch due to the fact that they have a weak spine. To eliminate this lack of development, the coach gives the children simple sets of exercises that strengthen the back.

- Many parents are afraid to send their child to a dance school, because they think that this can interfere with the proper formation of the child's health.

If parents have doubts that dancing will be useful for the child, then you can ask to attend classes and talk with the teacher. It is better to do this repeatedly in order to exclude the human factor - the teacher may have different level inspiration, and with it efforts.

And in order for the child to adequately perceive your presence in the classroom, he needs to be prepared. You can say, “Today I will be attending your class, but don't pay any attention to me. Behave the way you normally do." Such a conversation will help to avoid excessive stiffness or, conversely, the activity of the child.

- Is it worth bringing a complete or, conversely, too weak child to a dance class?

- Most perfect option in this situation, show the baby to a good choreographer, preferably to a friend, or at least famous master so that he can see what data your child is naturally endowed with. The specialist will assess what kind of plasticity the baby has, how he hears music, and advise the direction of dancing. It will tell you what will be difficult for your child to do, and what will be given to him easily.

For example, the fullness of a child is not yet a reason to ban him from ballroom dancing. The desire to dance sometimes leads to the fact that after several years of training, the child will be able to make this or that figure much better than the one who was originally slimmer.

- What clothes are better to buy for a child to dance?

- Ordinary cotton items are best: T-shirts, shorts, swimwear and skirts for girls. From shoes - Czechs. Be sure to pin up the hair so that it does not interfere, does not distract, and so that the child's neck does not sweat.

Parents often wonder why sneakers are not suitable for dancing?

- Sneakers - a thing that is comfortable when exercising exercise but not dancing. These are rigid, rubber-soled shoes that do not allow you to extend your foot and drag it across the floor.

- Recently, sports dancing has become fashionable. Isn't it harmful for the baby?

- Let's start with the fact that parents should not follow fashion, but the child. Dance Sport subdivided into ballroom and hip-hop. The first type of classes allows you to achieve discipline in posture, contribute to increased self-confidence. This is good for shy kids. They become more liberated and make better contact with peers.

If the child is initially mobile, does not sit still, tries to do some tricks, then it is possible to give him to hip-hop. Don't be afraid to be active. these dances. The main thing is that in the home space where he works out there are no piercing objects and sharp corners.

However, in my opinion, hip-hop is not exactly a feminine sport.

- What is the best way to build a diet for a child who is engaged in dancing? After all, such activities are an additional burden on the child's body.

- Nutrition of the child must be systematic. There are no strict restrictions here. It is best to feed the child an hour before the start of classes and after them, when he returns home. Usually, children spend a lot of energy on dancing, so you should not limit your child in eating. Children will eat as much as their body requires. I also note that at the age of 4-5, a child begins a period when the body is “stretched”. It is desirable at this time to include cottage cheese, kefir and cheese in the diet, which will make the baby grow better.

In conclusion, I would like to say. Dear parents, do not be afraid to send your children to dance school. Such activities will only strengthen his physical condition, allow him to be liberated, help to gain self-confidence. For any questions you may have, please contact me at: 8-902-35-31-793 .

Elena Kozlova

Harem - (from Arabic - "forbidden place") - the habitat or, simply speaking, the dwelling of women, slaves and children of the Sultan. It was called Dar-us-saadet - "House of Happiness". The most famous are the harems of the Ottoman sultans, but the Abbasids and Seljukids also had "Houses of Happiness".

At first, the harem was intended for the maintenance of slaves, because the daughters of Christian rulers from neighboring states were taken as wives. But after the reign of Bayezid II (1481-1512), this tradition changed, and the sultans began to choose wives from the inhabitants of the harem.
Of course, the main guests of the harem were the sultans themselves. After them - the mother of the Sultan (valide). When her son ascended the throne, the valide, accompanied by a magnificent procession, moved from the old palace to the new one and settled in special chambers. Following the valide, finally, came the wives of the Sultan - kadyn-efendi. Without a doubt, the most colorful inhabitants of the harem were slaves (jariye). Responsible for the security of the harem were: the heads of the Islamic hierarchy (sheikh-ul-Islam), the grand vizier (sadrazam), the head of the harem security (dar-us-saadet agasy), and, of course, a special class of harem servants - eunuchs (harem-agalars).

Where did the slaves come from? Sultan's harem? Very simply - the eastern princes themselves sent their daughters to the Ottoman harem in the hope that they would become the chosen ones of the Sultan. Slaves were bought at 5-6 years of age and brought up to full physical development. Girls were taught dance, music, playing the musical instruments, etiquette, the art of giving pleasure to a man. Already in adolescence the girl was previously shown to the Grand Vizier. If she was found to have physical defects, bad manners, or any other defects, her price dropped sharply, and her father, accordingly, received less money than he expected. By the way, when selling their daughter, her parents signed documents indicating that they no longer have any rights to her.
The most beautiful slaves that the Sultan could choose to marry had to study very carefully. The first point was the mandatory adoption of Islam, unless of course the girl was of a different faith. Then the slaves were taught to read the Koran, to pray together or separately. Having received the status of a wife, they founded charitable institutions and built mosques, somehow provided Muslim traditions. The surviving letters of the Sultan's wives testify to their education.
In addition, the slaves received a daily salary, the amount of which changed with each new sultan. They were given gifts and money on the occasion of various festivities and celebrations. The slaves were well taken care of, but the Sultan severely punished those who deviated from the established rules.

If a slave lived in the harem for 9 years and was never chosen as a wife, she had the right to leave the harem. The Sultan gave her a dowry, a house and helped her find a husband. The slave received a document signed by the Sultan, confirming her status as a free person.


Slaves lived in a common or lower harem. Favorites lived in the upper harem, and wives usually lived in palaces. Usually, if the Sultan was going to spend the night with a concubine, he would send her a gift. Then the chosen one of the Sultan was sent to the bath. After the bath, she was dressed in loose and clean clothes and escorted to the Sultan's chambers. There she had to wait at the door until the Sultan got into bed. Entering the bedroom, she crawled on her knees to the bed and only then got up and lay down next to the Sultan. In the morning, the sultan took a bath, changed clothes and sent gifts to the concubine if he liked the night spent with her. This concubine could then become his favorite.
If the favorite became pregnant, she was instantly transferred to the category of “happy” (ikbal), but if there were several of them, then they were assigned ranks: first (main), second, third, fourth, and so on. Having given birth to a child, the ikbal could after some time receive the status of the wife of the Sultan, but this tradition was not always observed.
Each ikbal had a separate room in the upper harem. Their menu consisted of fifteen dishes: beef, chicken, fruit, yogurt, compote, butter, etc. In the summer, ice was served to cool drinks.

Sultans' wives

The new wife of the Sultan (kadyn-efendi) after the wedding received a written certificate, she was presented with new fabrics, jewelry, outfits, and, of course, from the lower harem she was settled in a specially allocated for her private room on the upper floors. The head guardian and her assistants taught her the imperial ways. In the XVI-XVIII centuries. Kadyn-efendi, who had children, began to be called Haseki. Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent was the first to bestow this title on his wife Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska (also known as Roksolana).

The night from Friday to Saturday, the sultans were required to spend only with one of their wives, the rest of the nights were spent with whomever they wanted. Such was the order consecrated by the tradition of Islam. If a wife was not with her husband for three consecutive Fridays, she had the right to appeal to a judge (qadi). By the way, the same guardian followed the sequence of meetings of the wives with the Sultan.
Kadyn-efendi necessarily called their sons "your highness"; when they came to visit them, they had to stand up and say: “My brave young man!” Regardless of age, the princes kissed the hand of the kadyn-efendi as a sign of respect. The women of the harem, in order to demonstrate their respect, kissed the hem of the kadyn-efendi skirt. In relations with each other, the sultan's wives observed a number of formalities. When one of the wives wanted to talk to another, she sent a maid to her to get consent. The Sultan's wife, riding in a palanquin, was accompanied by eunuchs on foot. If all the wives left at once, then their palanquins lined up according to the seniority of the owners.

The first eunuchs appeared in the Ottoman harem during the reign of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror. At first, the protection of the harem was entrusted to white eunuchs, but in 1582 Murad III appointed the Abyssinian Mehmed Aga as the eunuch. Since then, Abyssinians (Ethiopians) have almost always been selected as eunuchs.
It was believed that white boys endure the operation more difficult and often die after castration, while blacks survived much more. Therefore, the Arab slave traders began to kidnap children from Africa and take them for castration to places known to them.

As the eunuchs became more and more, they organized a kind of guild. Boys accepted into this guild were brought up by adult eunuchs. Young eunuchs were given the names of flowers as names. Trained eunuchs usually served the valida, sultan's wives and princesses. Eunuchs guarded the entrance to the harem.
Already after 1852, the entire management of the harem was completely transferred to the eunuchs. The chief eunuch of the harem bought slaves for his sultan and informed him about the situation - the behavior of his wives and concubines, gave advice on punishments and promotions in the harem hierarchy. At the same time, the terms of reference of the chief eunuch were very extensive - he even had the right to prepare the Sultan for wedding ceremony. When the chief eunuch retired, he was given a pension. The new sultan usually appointed another chief eunuch, but this was not always the case. Despite the fact that some of the chief eunuchs were completely illiterate, they actively took part in public policy, because they always received the support of the Sultan himself and his wives.

Mothers of Sultans

The rooms of the Sultan's mother (valide) were the second largest after the rooms of the Sultan. Slave maids lived on the lower floor.

Valide, despite their status, had enormous power. Sultans always revered their mothers and treated them with special respect.

Sunset of the harems

Mehmed VI Wahid ed-Din (1918-1924) was destined to become the last sultan Ottoman Empire. Defeated in the First World War, Turkey was defeated as an ally of Germany and was occupied by the allied states.

A video recording of a lesson in one of the Russian schools, where five-year-old girls are taught to pole dance, caused an uproar among opponents of this ambiguous sports, - the British Daily Mail shares with its readers.

In one of the schools in the Russian city of Naberezhnye Chelny, in physical education classes, girls are taught pole dancing from the age of five.

In the video, a little girl can be seen learning to climb up and spin around a shiny metal pole.

The learning process is monitored by a teacher in a T-shirt with the inscription Winner ("winner"), which tells the girl how to maintain balance and perform complex movements.

"Children and a pole, or whatever you call it, are completely incompatible things. It's vulgar and vulgar," says one of the parents.

However, not everyone shares her outrage. Alexandra Pronina, mother of student Kira Pronina, is proud of her daughter's talent. Pole dance teacher Victoria also highly appreciates the effectiveness of these classes.

"No Gym won't give you a workout like pole dancing. All the muscles of the body are involved here," Victoria is convinced.

Despite the rejection of such lessons, pole dancing has become very popular in Russia. For example, in Kazan, pole dancing competitions among children have been held for several years.

The published video is not the first of its kind. A couple of years ago, similar videos also angered netizens who claimed the sport could "incite sex crimes" against children.

Here's how Daily Mail readers reacted to the news:

- Where are the safety mats? One wrong move and the girl could be maimed with brain damage.

- They also say that schools do not instill skills that can be useful in real life...

Some guy:
- The sexualization of children must be stopped!

“Well, how else can they then attract a rich foreigner to buy them for himself as a wife?” Poor country!

- School of striptease! Wow!

- Quite a normal sport, many people do it. Engages all major muscle groups, develops strength and endurance. And in circus programs it was shown long before it appeared in strip clubs.

- It's just that some people think that Russia can spend as much money on children's sports as other countries. And the truth is that Russia's GDP is about the same as in Mexico, and the climate in Russia is much colder...

- Well, at least Russia will have one more product for export.

Name Pending:

I don't see anything wrong with that. Pilon sport is one of the most difficult. And the skin on the legs and in the middle of the body must be open to provide the necessary grip on the pole when performing many elements.

- Soon it will become an Olympic sport, and then Russia will win all the gold medals in it!

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What sections my son and I did not have time to try until we went to school, and karate, and drawing, and swimming, we even managed to master skiing and snowboarding. But I never noticed his craving or predisposition for dancing, the boy is all the same. Probably because the question of at what age to send a child to dance was never asked.

And here, for the second week now, the son has been nagging that he wants to go learn to dance, apparently communication in the school team is taking its toll. And he wants to go not just to dance, but to hip hop, it's fashionable now. And despite his age, his desire is quite conscious, even on the Internet I found the address of the club -, where this dance is taught. But isn't it too early?

At what age should a child start dancing?

Well, actually, the age at which they begin to accept in one or another dance group will differ from the type and direction of dances.

But in general, in children's groups for learning ordinary dances, they begin to accept from the age of 3.

Of course, at this age one should not expect any special results from the child, and even more so to expect that the baby will be able to learn how to dance salsa, hip hop or break dance, but dancing at this age can be very useful. After such classes, you will begin to notice that the child has a stretch, and coordination of movements has improved. So, as far as the base is concerned, the best thing to start with.

Well, to the choice dance studio for older children, it already makes sense to take it more seriously and choose one of several of the most popular areas of children's dances:

  • Ballroom

Do not confuse ballroom dancing with ballet. Ballroom dancing can be started from the age of 5, but it is worth considering that this direction implies the presence of a couple, and there are always not enough boys in ballroom dancing groups. So, if you have a son, then in ballroom dancing he will be popular, and if a daughter, then it may be difficult to find a couple, and you should ask about this in advance.

  • Ballet

Most suitable age to start ballet classes is 4-5 years. Of course, in this case we are not talking about professional ballet, but already at this age, children learn to stand at the barre and feel their body, train stretching and learn basic dance moves.

  • Folk

The basis of folk dances is round dances, mass, bright and spectacular. Learning Russian folk dances, the child learns not only to dance, but also to work, to interact with the team. Suitable for children from 5-7 years old, as they require a certain physical fitness.

  • street

Very popular dance direction among children school age. These include hip hop, break dance, funk and others. Many elements of these dances are on the verge of acrobatic stunts, require long training, strength, endurance and preparation. You can try to start practicing any type of street dance starting from the age of 5, but if you ask the teacher at what age to send the child to Street dance, then most likely you will be advised not to rush and start no earlier than 7 years.

  • Oriental

Only girls are engaged in oriental dances, and of course, for children, these dances are taught in a simplified form, all seductive movements are excluded, so to speak, the light version. Therefore, dear mothers, do not worry, you can start practicing oriental dances from the age of 5.

Fully, Eastern dance and it will be possible to try to learn belly dancing only at an older age, well, not earlier than 15 years old.

Harem - (from Arabic - "forbidden place") - the habitat or, simply speaking, the dwelling of women, slaves and children of the Sultan. It was called Dar-us-saadet - "House of Happiness". The harems of the Ottoman sultans are best known, but the Abbasids (the second dynasty of Arab caliphs (750-1258), descended from Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib (d. 653), the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad) and the Seljukids (a branch of Oghuz, from the Kynyk tribe, belonging to the Western Turks.The name was received from the main leader of his horde, Seljuk, who, according to legend, settled in 955 in Dzhend on the Syr Darya).

At first, the harem was intended for the maintenance of slaves, because the daughters of Christian rulers from neighboring states were taken as wives. But after the reign of Bayezid II (1481-1512), this tradition changed, and the sultans began to choose wives from the inhabitants of the harem.

Of course, the main guests of the harem were the sultans themselves. After them - the mother of the Sultan (valide). When her son ascended the throne, the valide, accompanied by a magnificent procession, moved from the old palace to the new one and settled in special chambers. Following the valide, finally, came the wives of the Sultan - kadyn-efendi. Without a doubt, the most colorful inhabitants of the harem were slaves (jariye). Responsible for the security of the harem were: the heads of the Islamic hierarchy (sheikh-ul-Islam), the grand vizier (sadrazam), the head of the harem security (dar-us-saadet agasy), and, of course, a special class of harem servants - eunuchs (harem-agalars).


Where did the slaves in the Sultan's harem come from? Very simply - the eastern princes themselves sent their daughters to the Ottoman harem in the hope that they would become the chosen ones of the Sultan. Slaves were bought at the age of 5-6 and brought up to full physical development. Girls were taught dancing, music, playing musical instruments, etiquette, and the art of pleasing a man. Already in adolescence, the girl was previously shown to the Grand Vizier. If she was found to have physical defects, bad manners, or any other defects, her price dropped sharply, and her father, accordingly, received less money than he expected. By the way, when selling their daughter, her parents signed documents indicating that they no longer have any rights to her.

The most beautiful slaves that the Sultan could choose to marry had to study very carefully. The first point was the mandatory adoption of Islam, unless of course the girl was of a different faith. Then the slaves were taught to read the Koran, to pray together or separately. Having received the status of a wife, they founded charitable institutions and built mosques, somehow provided for Muslim traditions. The surviving letters of the Sultan's wives testify to their education.

In addition, the slaves received a daily salary, the amount of which changed with each new sultan. They were given gifts and money on the occasion of various festivities and celebrations. The slaves were well taken care of, but the Sultan severely punished those who deviated from the established rules.

If a slave lived in the harem for 9 years and was never chosen as a wife, she had the right to leave the harem. The Sultan gave her a dowry, a house and helped her find a husband. The slave received a document signed by the Sultan, confirming her status as a free person.


Slaves lived in a common or lower harem. Favorites lived in the upper harem, and wives usually lived in palaces. Usually, if the Sultan was going to spend the night with a concubine, he would send her a gift. Then the chosen one of the Sultan was sent to the bath. After the bath, she was dressed in loose and clean clothes and escorted to the Sultan's chambers. There she had to wait at the door until the Sultan got into bed. Entering the bedroom, she crawled on her knees to the bed and only then got up and lay down next to the Sultan. In the morning, the sultan took a bath, changed clothes and sent gifts to the concubine if he liked the night spent with her. This concubine could then become his favorite.

If the favorite became pregnant, she was instantly transferred to the category of “happy” (ikbal), but if there were several of them, then they were assigned ranks: first (main), second, third, fourth, and so on. Having given birth to a child, the ikbal could after some time receive the status of the wife of the Sultan, but this tradition was not always observed.

Each ikbal had a separate room in the upper harem. Their menu consisted of fifteen dishes: beef, chicken, fruit, yogurt, compote, butter, etc. In the summer, ice was served to cool drinks.

Sultans' wives.

The new wife of the Sultan (kadyn-efendi) after the wedding received a written certificate, she was presented with new fabrics, jewelry, outfits, and, of course, from the lower harem she was settled in a separate room specially allocated for her on the upper floors. The head guardian and her assistants taught her the imperial ways. In the XVI-XVIII centuries. Kadyn-efendi, who had children, began to be called Haseki. Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent was the first to bestow this title on his wife Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska (also known as Roksolana).

The night from Friday to Saturday, the sultans were required to spend only with one of their wives, the rest of the nights were spent with whomever they wanted. Such was the order consecrated by the tradition of Islam. If a wife was not with her husband for three consecutive Fridays, she had the right to appeal to a judge (qadi). By the way, the same guardian followed the sequence of meetings of the wives with the Sultan.

Kadyn-efendi necessarily called their sons "your highness"; when they came to visit them, they had to stand up and say: “My brave young man!” Regardless of age, the princes kissed the hand of the kadyn-efendi as a sign of respect. The women of the harem, in order to demonstrate their respect, kissed the hem of the kadyn-efendi skirt. In relations with each other, the sultan's wives observed a number of formalities. When one of the wives wanted to talk to another, she sent a maid to her to get consent. The Sultan's wife, riding in a palanquin, was accompanied by eunuchs on foot. If all the wives left at once, then their palanquins lined up according to the seniority of the owners.


The first eunuchs appeared in the Ottoman harem during the reign of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror. At first, the protection of the harem was entrusted to white eunuchs, but in 1582 Murad III appointed the Abyssinian Mehmed Aga as the eunuch. Since then, Abyssinians (Ethiopians) have almost always been selected as eunuchs.

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