Artistic traditions of the Muslim East presentation. Presentation - The artistic culture of the Muslim East: the logic of abstract beauty (2 parts)


Music and architecture of the Muslim East. Music according to Islamic tradition was considered as one of the forms scientific knowledge. Arab music theorists have made a great contribution to the development of musicology. Among them is the outstanding scientist Al-Farabi, the creator of the "Great Treatise on Music", which developed the problems of acoustics, instrumentation, aesthetics and philosophy of musical art.

  • Music according to Islamic tradition was considered as one of the forms of scientific knowledge. Arab music theorists have made a great contribution to the development of musicology. Among them is the outstanding scientist Al-Farabi, the creator of the "Great Treatise on Music", which developed the problems of acoustics, instrumentation, aesthetics and philosophy of musical art.
Musical instruments Arabs were very diverse. These are all kinds of percussion (drums, tambourines, timpani), and oud, the predecessor of the European lute, and bowed rebab. The musical instruments of the Arabs were very diverse. These are all kinds of percussion (drums, tambourines, timpani), and oud, the predecessor of the European lute, and bowed rebab. Professional Arabic music, both vocal and instrumental, was created on the basis of the canonical rules of maqam (maqom, mugham), which determine the modal and rhythmic features of the composition. The Makamat culture, which was born in the Islamic world in ancient times, gave rise to various national offshoots. Music created in the traditions of maqam is often called the "symphony of Islamic peoples."
  • Professional Arabic music, both vocal and instrumental, was created on the basis of the canonical rules of maqam (maqom, mugham), which determine the modal and rhythmic features of the composition. The Makamat culture, which was born in the Islamic world in ancient times, gave rise to various national offshoots. Music created in the traditions of maqam is often called the "symphony of Islamic peoples."
The peoples of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and southern Spain wrote original pages in the history of medieval Muslim culture. The art created by the masters of these countries was called Moorish. Since antiquity, the Moors (from the Greek "dark") were considered North African peoples related to the Arabs. The expansion of these peoples into southern Spain resulted in the formation of a caliphate centered in Cordoba (X century). The Islamic Cordoba state became one of the most powerful and prosperous medieval states in Europe with developed culture and educated population. The city of Cordoba was distinguished by its beauty and civilization. The houses of the nobility were distinguished by the richness and variety of architectural appearance. The palace of the caliph was buried in the greenery of gardens and outlandish flowers; the beauty of the inner chambers of the ruler's house was legendary.
  • The peoples of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and southern Spain wrote original pages in the history of medieval Muslim culture. The art created by the masters of these countries was called Moorish. Since antiquity, the Moors (from the Greek "dark") were considered North African peoples related to the Arabs. The expansion of these peoples into southern Spain resulted in the formation of a caliphate centered in Cordoba (X century). The Islamic Cordoba state became one of the most powerful and prosperous medieval European states with a developed culture and an educated population. The city of Cordoba was distinguished by its beauty and civilization. The houses of the nobility were distinguished by the richness and variety of architectural appearance. The palace of the caliph was buried in the greenery of gardens and outlandish flowers; the beauty of the inner chambers of the ruler's house was legendary.
In 785, a cathedral mosque of striking beauty was founded in Cordoba. Its construction continued until the 10th century. The shape of the mosque corresponds to the column classic style. It was surrounded by a wall of large golden-honey blocks. The main space of the mosque was given to a unique prayer hall: about 850 columns, stretching in 19 rows from north to south and 36 rows from east to west, filled its space from the inside. The columns brought from Africa, France, and Spain itself are made of pink and blue marble, jasper, granite, and porphyry. The central dome of the mosque is decorated with a huge "flower" - an octagonal star formed at the intersection of two squares. The colonnade was illuminated by hundreds of hanging silver lamps, creating a mood of detachment from everyday bustle and tranquility.
  • In 785, a cathedral mosque of striking beauty was founded in Cordoba. Its construction continued until the 10th century. The shape of the mosque corresponds to the columnar classical style. It was surrounded by a wall of large golden-honey blocks. The main space of the mosque was given to a unique prayer hall: about 850 columns, stretching in 19 rows from north to south and 36 rows from east to west, filled its space from the inside. The columns brought from Africa, France, and Spain itself are made of pink and blue marble, jasper, granite, and porphyry. The central dome of the mosque is decorated with a huge "flower" - an octagonal star formed at the intersection of two squares. The colonnade was illuminated by hundreds of hanging silver lamps, creating a mood of detachment from everyday bustle and tranquility.
The Emirate of Granada became the last stronghold of Islamic culture on Spanish soil. “I am a garden that beauty has adorned, you will know my being if you look into my beauty” - these lines of the court poet Ibn Zumruk are preserved on the tiled panel of the Two Sisters Hall from the palace, which is part of the famous architectural ensemble of the Algrambra. Striking sophistication appearance and the artistic perfection of the interiors, the residence of the emir resembles the scenery for magical oriental tales. Its main buildings are grouped around open courtyards - Myrtle and Lion. The mighty ancient tower of Comares dominates the buildings, where the throne of the caliph was located.
  • The Emirate of Granada became the last stronghold of Islamic culture on Spanish soil. “I am a garden that beauty has adorned, you will know my being if you look into my beauty” - these lines of the court poet Ibn Zumruk are preserved on the tiled panel of the Two Sisters Hall from the palace, which is part of the famous architectural ensemble of the Algrambra. Striking with the sophistication of its external appearance and the artistic perfection of its interiors, the emir's residence resembles scenery for magical oriental tales. Its main buildings are grouped around open courtyards - Myrtle and Lion. The mighty ancient tower of Comares dominates the buildings, where the throne of the caliph was located.
translated from Arabic means
"submission, devotion." It arose at the beginning
7th century AD
The followers of Islam were called
"muslims" ("submissive to God"), hence
the name "Muslims" ("betrayed themselves
The founder is Mohammed (570-632).

Islam (Arabic إسلام‎) is a monotheistic world religion.

Islam (arab. - إسالم
monotheistic world
5 pillars of Islam
Deep faith in Allah
Five times a day prayer
Zakat - donation to the poor
Hajj to Mecca
Jihad is any activity in defense

The Quran is the holy book of Muslims


book sacred to
adherents of all Islamic
directions. It serves as the basis
Islamic law as
religious as well as civil.
The Quran consists of 114 suras - chapters. IN
in turn, each sura is divided into
separate statements - verses.

Mecca. Kaaba


The strict laws of Islam have imposed a ban on many forms of art, preference is given only to those that glorify

art crafts


Islamic architecture is a unique phenomenon.
Architects created unknown before
buildings of this time - mosques, madrasahs,
minarets, palaces, caravan-sheds, covered
markets. The earliest type of building is a mosque,
embodying the idea of ​​a Muslim paradise. Here
read aloud the Koran, conduct sermons.
The main mosque of Muslims - the Kaaba - is located in
to whom
pilgrimage - hajj.

A mosque is a complex that consists of
enclosed courtyard,
prayer room under the dome
and tall minarets.

The main architectural elements of the mosque:




Minarets -
tall towers,
who serve
to call the believers
to prayer.


Minaret al-malwiya in samara

Minarets of Suleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul


sayings from
Qur'an on

All mosques
focused on
city ​​of Mecca.
In the wall of the mosque
facing away
Mecca is done
niche - mihrab.
They turn to her
during prayer.

Mihrab in the mosque
the most sacred
And a nice place.

Mihrab, Ivan


altar niche,
turned into
towards Mecca
– arched
large portal

The floor in the mosque is always covered with carpets
and worshipers enter here without shoes.

The Mosque of the Rock - Qubbat-as-Sahra. Jerusalem.

Qubbat al-Sahra Mosque in Jerusalem The mosque is covered with a huge golden dome. Its diameter is 20 m, height is 34 m. Dome

Suleymaniye Mosque (Suleiman the Magnificent). Istanbul.

Umayyad Grand Mosque in Damascus

Moorish art

Cathedral Mosque in Cordoba



This palace is considered the pearl of Mauritania.
Alhambra - an architectural ensemble of the Moorish
period, consisting of a mosque, a palace and a fortress. He
located in southern Spain in the eastern part of the city
Granada. The name Alhambra (translated from Arabic as “red castle”) comes from the color of dried
the sun of the clay or the bricks of which the walls are made
It is located at the top of the hill. in his ensemble
included pavilions, halls, a mosque, a harem and a bathhouse.
The composition of the Alhambra is based on the system
yards located on different levels. Main
of them - Myrtle and Lion.

Myrtle courtyard in the Alhambra Palace.
The middle of the Myrtle Yard is occupied by the mirror surface of the reservoir, along the edges
which rises the crowns of two rows of clipped myrtle bushes.
The courtyard is framed by walls with colored stained glass windows in deep niches,
light arcades on slender low columns. Here in the midst of harmony and
peace, solemnly received ambassadors.

Lion Court in the Alhambra Palace.
The center of the private quarters of the emir is the Lion's Courtyard - "the eighth miracle
Sveta". A gallery runs along the courtyard. 124 graceful thin columns
support a carved stone arcade. Every inch of the walls is covered
finest stone carvings, poetic inscriptions, ornamental
mosaic. The golden color of the stone gives the halls a special, "precious"

Lion's Yard

Mausoleums are similar to mosques in architecture -
tombs of khans and noble people.

Taj Mahal

Tomb of Gur-Emir in Samarkand

Fine art features

extremely varied. It is presented
various types of ornament, calligraphy,
book miniature. The earliest form
art is the arabesque. It's complex linearly

Initially, it included plant motifs,
later inscriptions, images were woven into it
animals, birds.

Outline of the lesson on world artistic culture.

Teacher: Gabdrakhmanova Lilia Anasovna

Educational institution : MOBU secondary school, Chuyunchi village, Davlekanovsky district, Republic of Bashkortostan

Item : World Art.

Lesson topic:
Art culture Muslim East:

the logic of abstract beauty.
Lesson type : learning new material

Goals: develop students' understanding of the historical traditions and values ​​of the artistic culture of the peoples of the East.

motivation of students for further deep independent development of the art and culture of the Arab East;
development of the abstract and figurative thinking;
education of tolerance.

Forms of organizing the work of children:

    Pupils complete tasks ahead of the lesson:

    Prepare reports on the architecture of the East.

    Write out definitions of terms in a notebookMosque, minaret, arabesque.

    Prepare architecture reports using the resources of the Unified Digital Collection ( )

    At the lesson:

    students make up reference abstract on the topic of the lesson;

    participate in the analysis of works of architecture.

Forms of organization of the teacher's work:

    teacher lecture

    Accompanying the lecture with an electronic presentation

    Involving students in the discussion of the architecture of the East

-Used equipment:

    multimedia projector



    electronic presentation on the topic "Art of the Muslim East"

Used resources from other public sources:

materials of the Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources ( )


    Encyclopedia on MHK, Moscow, 2005

    Oistrakh O.G., Demidova T.L. Toolkit course: "World Artistic Culture", Moscow, 2001

    Rapatskaya L.A. Art of the East - M., Enlightenment: "Vlados", 1999

Lesson form: lesson-lecture with elements of dialogue

Lesson structure:

I. Class organization

    Learning new material:

    Lesson topic message

    Statement of problematic tasks and objectives of the lesson

    Teacher Lecture and Listening to Students' Messages (Students' Leading Messages)

II. Consolidation of the studied material.

III. Lesson summary

Introductory part:


Pray to the Creator; he is powerful
he rules the wind, on a hot day
sends clouds to the sky;
Gives the earth a tree canopy
He is merciful; He to Mohammed
Opened the shining Quran,
Yes, flown and we are to the light.
And let the fog fall from the eyes.

A.S. Pushkin.

Main part:

1. Organizational moment. (Slide 1 and 2)
2. Teacher: Guys,today we will get acquainted with the artistic culture of the Muslim East.

The Muslim East is a huge region that united different nations based on the youngest of the world religions - islam. On the lands of modern states - Syria and Egypt, Iran and Iraq, Turkey and Afghanistan, Spain and Israel, Azerbaijan and countries Central Asia numerous monuments of the Middle Ages have been preserved, testifying to a single original artistic tradition. She was born under the influence of worldview through the prism of the doctrine of Allah - almighty and eternal.(Slide 3)

Islam is monotheistic (Abrahamic) world religion. The word "Islam" has several meanings, literally translated as peace. Another meaning of this word is "giving oneself to God" ("submission to God"). In Sharia terminology, Islam is complete, absolute monotheism, subordination to God, His orders and prohibitions, and abstaining from polytheism. People who submit to God are called Muslims in Islam.

From the point of view of the Koran, Islam is the only true religion of mankind; all the prophets were its followers. In its final form, Islam was presented in the sermons of the Prophet Muhammad, who received information about new religion in the form of Divine Revelation.(Slide 4, 5).

Muhammad -genussiltApril 20 (22), 571 (according to some sources 570), on the 12th of the month of Rabiul-avval, on Monday, shortly before sunrise, Mecca - mind. June 8, 632, Medina - Arab preacher of monotheism and the prophet of Islam, the central (after the one God) figure of this religion; according to the teachings of Islam, God sent down to Muhammad Holy Bible- Quran. Also political figure, the founder and head of the Muslim community (ummah), which, in the process of his direct rule, constituted a strong and sufficient large state on the Arabian Peninsula.(Slide 6.7).

Student 1 . The main principles of Islam are stated in the Qur'an. Basic Tenets - Worship one god- Almighty God-Allah and the veneration of Muhammad as a prophet - the messenger of Allah. Muslims believe in the immortality of the soul and afterlife. Islam rests on the "five pillars" - the basic rules that every Muslim must follow. (Slide 7, 8)
1) Shahada - the belief that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah;
2) Namaz - a daily 5-fold (from dawn to dusk) prayer. Women and children read it at home. Boys from 12 years old in the mosque.
3) Zyaket - Charity for the benefit of the poor - 1/40 of the annual income.
4) Fasting in the month of Ramadan (from dawn to dusk)
5) Hajj - a 6-day pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj), performed at least once in a lifetime. (Slide 8)

Koran (Arabic kur "an, lit. - reading), the main sacred book of Muslims, a collection of sermons, ritual and legal regulations, prayers, edifying stories and parables uttered by Muhammad in Mecca and Medina.
Translate from Arabic it is impossible - holiness is lost. The "real" Quran is being printed in one of the cities Saudi Arabia, in a specially consecrated printing house. The Quran has 114 sections - suras, which are divided into verses. The length of the suras tends to decrease towards the end of the book. Most of the Quran is written in non-rhyming prose.
The Koran was supplemented by the Sunnah, written in the 7th-8th centuries. These are 6 volumes of commentary on the Qur'an. The Sunnah served as the basis for the Sharia - a set of Islamic laws
Today, 4 of the most ancient Korans (VII-VIII centuries) have been preserved: in Mecca, Medina, Cairo, Samarkand.

Teacher: The art of the Muslim East, like the art of many peoples in the Middle Ages, was based on canonical principles. These rules developed quite quickly. The leading principle of religious artistic thinking in Islamic culture, a combination of decorativeness and rhythm has become. (slide 9). The beauty of a work of art was seen in the harmony of a strict, logical geometric shape with sophisticated abstract decorative ornaments. For the first time, the most vivid and visible Islamic artistic canon was embodied in architecture. Its prototype was the house of Muhammad in Mecca. Here, on the site of the ancient pagan sanctuary of the Kaaba, where the magical Black Stone (probably a fallen meteorite) was kept, the earliest Muslim shrine arose.

Student 2 . Mosque- "place of worship" - Muslimliturgical architectural structure.(slide 10).

It is a separate building with a gambiz dome, sometimes the mosque has courtyard(Al-Haram Mosque). Tower-minarets are attached to the mosque as an outbuildingnumber from one to nine (the number of minarets should be less than in the al-Haram mosque). The prayer hall is devoid of images, but lines from the Qur'an in Arabic may be inscribed on the walls. The wall facing Mecca is marked by an empty niche, the mihrab. To the right of the mihrab is a pulpit-minbar, from which the preacher imam reads his sermons to believers during Friday prayers. At mosques, as a rule, there are madrasah schools.

Al-Masjid Al-Haram - the main Mosque, in the courtyard of which the Kaaba is located. Located in Mecca in Saudi Arabia. (slide 11).

The construction of the first mosque near the Kaaba dates back to 638. The existing mosque has been known since 1570. During its existence, the mosque was rebuilt several times, so little remains of the original building. At first, the Forbidden Mosque had six minarets, but when six minarets were also built at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, the Imam of Mecca called it sacrilege: no mosque in the world should be equal to the Kaaba. And then Sultan Ahmed ordered the construction of the seventh minaret in the Forbidden Mosque. (Slide 12).

The last reconstruction of the mosque took place in the late 1980s, when a huge building with two minarets was added to it from the southwestern side. It is in this building that the main entrance to the mosque - the gate of King Fahd. Currently, the Haram Mosque is a huge building with an area of ​​​​309 thousand square meters. meters. The mosque has 9 minarets, the height of which reaches 95 m. In addition to 4 gates, there are 44 more entrances to the mosque. There are 7 escalators in the building. The air in the rooms is refreshed by air conditioners. There are special rooms for prayers and ablutions, and these rooms are divided into male and female. Al-Masjid al-Haram accommodates up to 700 thousand people at the same time, although believers are even placed on the roof of the building.(slide 13).

Student 3 . Mosque Kubbat as-Sahra-Dome of the Rock , sometimes translated asDome over the rock - monument (not ) on V , Near .

Kubbat as-Sahra, in addition to its religious significance, is one of the most ancient and the most beautiful monuments early Islamic architecture, having the correct proportional outlines and an internal richly decorated patterned ornament.(slide 14).

By command (65-86 g / 684-705 years n. e.) in Jerusalem on the site destroyed by the Romans in 687-691 two engineers, from And from Jerusalem, appointed , erected the mosque Kubbat as-Sahra ("Dome of the Rock"). Inside the dome there is a rock ledge from which, according to legend, the prophet committed . It is thanks to this ledge that Kubbat as-Sahra got its name.(slide 15).

Very often in the literature architectural monument Islamic history is erroneously identified with (Al-Aqsa). Although the Qubbat as-Sahra (Dome of the Rock) and the Mosque of the Caliph - two completely different Islamic temples, but they form a single architectural complex .

Now this building is used as a "women's" mosque. Although, according to the original plan, this is not a house of prayer, but an architectural monument that protects the stone from which the prophet ascended on which he stood at the time and from which traditions started (cm. ).

Access to the Dome of the Rock is prohibited by Muslims for all "infidels".

On February 15, 2008, an earthquake measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale left its mark on . Near the Dome of the Rock, a noticeable hole appeared in the ground 1 m deep, 1.5 m wide and about 2 m long.

Student 4. Great Mosque of Damascus , also known asMosque , one of the largest and oldest in the world. Located in one of the most sacred places in the old city , is of great architectural value.(slide 16).

The Mosque contains a Treasury which is said to contain the head ( ), revered both Christians and Muslims. The head may have been found during excavations during the construction of the mosque. There is also a tomb in the mosque. located in a small garden adjacent to the northern wall of the mosque.

Shrine of John the Baptist (or Yahya) inside the mosque. The site where the mosque now stands era was occupied by the Temple . Aramaic presence has been attested by the discovery representing and excavated in the northeast corner of the mosque. Later, in the Roman era, the Temple was located on this site. , then, in Byzantine times, dedicated to John the Baptist.(slide 17).

The original Arab conquest of Damascus in did not affect the church, as a building revered by both Muslim and Christian parishioners. This preserved the church and worship services, although the Muslims built an outbuilding from bricks opposite the southern wall of the temple. At caliph however, the church was purchased from Christians before it was destroyed. Between And an existing mosque was built on this site. According to the legend, Al-Walid personally started the destruction of the church by introducing a golden thorn. From that moment on, Damascus became the most important point on and later became the capital of the Umayyad State.

The mosque is separated from the noisy city by powerful walls. The huge courtyard is lined with black and white polished slabs, to the left of the entrance is an impressive wooden cart on hefty wheels. Some say it's a ramming device left behind after the assault , others consider the wagon the war chariot of the times . The floor of the prayer hall is covered with many There are more than five thousand of them here.

Interior plan of the Umayyad Mosque

In the prayer hall there is a tomb with the Head cut off by order of the king . The tomb is made of white , decorated with niches of embossed green glass. Through a special opening, you can throw a memorial note inside, , donate to the prophet Yahya (so called John the Baptist) money. One of the three minarets of the Umayyad Mosque (the one located on the southeast side) bears the name of Isa ben Mariam, that is, " , ". According to the prophecy, it was according to him on the eve descend from heaven to earth . The hands of the Savior, dressed in white clothes, will lie on the wings of two angels, and the hair will appear wet, even if water has not touched it. That is why the imam of the mosque lays a new carpet on the ground under the minaret, where the foot of the Redeemer should set foot.

Relics of John the Baptist (Yahya)

History of relics has not yet been fully elucidated. As Archimandrite Alexander Elisov says (representative of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' under the Patriarch of the Great and the whole East), we can only talk about part of the head of the Baptist. There are three more fragments of the saint's head - one is kept on , the other is in French , the third - in , V .

At the mosque. Parishioners behave relaxedly - they not only pray, but also read, sit, lie down, some even sleep. Every day, except Friday, representatives of any faith are freely allowed into the mosque, and there is no hostility towards guests here.

Student 5. Great Mosque of Hassan II - was built under the rule of the king . She is in on the ocean. The Great Mosque is the second largest mosque after the main Muslim temple located in . It is noteworthy that the architect of the mosque is French was not a Muslim.(slide 18).

Height mosques 200 meters. It is the tallest religious building in the world. The minaret is 30 meters higher than the famous and 40 meters . (slide 19).

At the same time in the mosque 20 thousand believers can pray and another 80 thousand - in the square near it. total cost of this facility amounted to about 800 million dollars. And this is the donations of believers. The Hassan II Mosque is one of the few religious buildings in where non-Muslims are allowed. Inside, the prayer hall is decorated with 78 columns of pink , the floors are covered with slabs of golden and green , in winter the floor is heated, and the central part of the roof can be moved apart. By paying 100 (about 10 US dollars), anyone can get inside and take photos.

Student 6. Alhambra - architectural ensemble mainly period ( ), consisting of , And in the south , located on a hilly terrace in the eastern part of the cityGive it to him, mistress, give it,
For there is no fate more cruel,
Than to be blind in Granada.

This palace was built conquerors. Representatives of the Mauritanian culture, they wished on the conquered lands sunny create a piece of heaven on earth. Thus, among the shady gardens, the Alhambra arose - the administrative center and ».

Student 7. Minaret (Arab.منارة‎‎ , manara , "lighthouse") - in the architecture of Islam, a tower (round, square or multifaceted in section), from which the muezzin calls the faithful to prayer. The minaret is placed next to the mosque or included in its composition. Early minarets often had a spiral staircase or ramp outside (spiral minarets), in later ones - inside the tower. (slide 23).

There are two main types of minarets: tetrahedral (North Africa) and round-barreled (Near and Middle East). The minarets were decorated with patterned brickwork, carvings, glazed ceramics, openwork balconies (sherefe).

Small mosques usually have one minaret (or none at all), medium ones - two; the large sultan mosques in Istanbul had four to six minarets. Most a large number of minarets, nine, at the Al-Haram mosque in Mecca.

Teacher. Arabesque (Arabesque) - type of ornament: a bizarre combination of geometric and stylized plant motifs, sometimes including a stylized inscription (under Arabic script or handwritten). An arabesque is built on the repetition and multiplication of one or more pattern fragments. Infinite flowing in given rhythm the movement of patterns can be stopped or continued at any point without violating the integrity of the pattern. Such an ornament virtually excludes the background, since one pattern fits into another, covering the surface (the Europeans called this "fear of the void"). An arabesque can be placed on a surface of any configuration, flat or convex. There is no fundamental difference between the compositions on the wall or on the carpet, on the binding of the manuscript or on ceramics. (slide 24).

In the art history of many European countries, the term arabesque has a narrower meaning: an ornament of only stylized plant motifs (as opposed to the so-called seascape - an ornament of geometric motifs). (slide 25).

The very idea of ​​an arabesque is consonant with the ideas of Islamic theologians about the "eternally continuing fabric of the Universe."
An arabesque is built on the repetition and multiplication of one or more pattern fragments. The endless movement of patterns flowing in a given rhythm can be stopped or continued at any point without violating the integrity of the pattern. Such an ornament actually eliminates the background, because. one pattern fits into another, covering the surface (the Europeans called this "fear of the void").
(Slide 26) An arabesque can be placed on a surface of any configuration, flat or convex. There is no fundamental difference between the compositions on the wall or on the carpet, on the binding of the manuscript or on ceramics.
Arabesques became widespread in Europe during the Renaissance. Later European art more than once turned to this bizarre and intricate, very complex and exquisitely refined type of painting. Beautiful examples of arabesques were created by modernist artists (late 19th-early 20th centuries), especially Aubrey Beardsley.

Final part:

Arab art as a whole was a bright, original phenomenon in the history of the world artistic culture of the Middle Ages. His influence extended throughout Muslim world and went far beyond.

First level: topic 5, read, answer questions.

Second level:

prepare an essay on the art of the East.

In the artistic culture of mankind, one of important places belongs to the Arab-Muslim culture, which was created Arab tribes(from the word "Arab", that is, a brave rider). Mecca, where the sanctuary of the Kaaba was located

In Arabic, "Islam" means "submission", and the name "Muslims" comes from the word "Muslim" (surrendered to Allah). The founder of Islam was the Arab merchant Mohammed. Mohammed Means of uniting numerous Arab tribes in single state Islam became the new Muslim religion. Islam ISLAM

The basis of Islam's creeds is its so-called "five pillars": belief in the one God Allah and his prophet Muhammad; daily prayer five times a prayer; annual fasting in the month of Ramadan Uraza; obligatory alms, tax in favor of the poor zakat; pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime Hajj. Quran (arab. أَلْقُرآن) is the holy book of Muslims. The word "Quran" comes from the Arabic "reading aloud", "edification"

Sufism (Arabic تصوف)) is a mystical-ascetic trend in Islam, one of the main directions of classical Muslim philosophy. The generally accepted point of view, expressed by medieval Muslim authors, according to which the word Sufism comes from the Arabic "suf" (Arabic صوف wool) Within Islam, such currents arose as: Sunnism - the choice of a ruler from the family of Muhammad; Shiism - the divine nature of power; Sufism is Muslim mysticism.

ARAB ARCHITECTURE Typology of buildings CULTURAL BUILDINGS (Mosque, minaret, madrasah) SECULAR BUILDINGS (caravanserais (roadside hotels) and indoor markets, palaces of rulers and nobility, fortified citadels, city walls with towers and gates, majestic bridges, etc.)

Panegyric - the main genre of Arabic poetry of the 7th-8th centuries. Panegyric - the main genre of Arabic poetry of the 7th-8th centuries. KYTA - a poem from lines with a single content; KYTA - a poem from lines with a single content; RUBAI - a poetic aphorism of four lines; RUBAI - a poetic aphorism of four lines; GAZELLES - lyrical love songs GAZELLES - lyrical love songs Classic genres the poetry of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

The artistic culture of the Muslim East: the logic of abstract beauty

IN VI century AD The Arabian Peninsula was considered "the end of the world." Most The population of the p / o were Bedouin tribes who called themselves Arabs, which meant "dashing riders." Only in Yemen did a culture exist that created a large number of trading cities.

  • The territory included Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, part of Transcaucasia, Central Asia, North Africa, Spain.
  • The first leader is Mohammed.
  • The Arabic language has become the language of international communication, a powerful factor that unites all Arab countries.
  • In the X century AD. disintegrated into separate independent parts - the emirates, but the Arab culture remained united thanks to Islam.

  • Islam translated from Arabic means “submission, devotion.” It arose at the beginning of the 7th century AD.
  • Muslims believe in one God - Allah.
  • The followers of Islam were called “Muslims” (“submissive to God”), hence the name “Muslims” (“devoted to Allah”).
  • The last and main prophet, the founder - a real man- Muhammad (570-632).
  • In 610 the prophet preached for the first time in Mecca, in 622 he moved with his followers to the city of Medina, the city of the prophet.
  • Muslim chronicles begin this year.

  • Muhammad brought the words of Allah to the people. His speeches were recorded by the disciples and collected in the Qur'an. All written sayings are called revelations, all the rest are traditions.
  • The entire Qur'an was collected after the death of Muhammad.
  • The contents of the Quran are suras(chapters) and lines(poetry).
  • Never illustrated.
  • Contents of the Qur'an: After the death of a person, God's judgment awaits, and then his fate will depend on what deeds he did during his lifetime.
  • The second source of Muslim doctrine is the Sunnah, sacred tradition, examples from the life of Muhammad.

  • Mandatory five times daily prayer - prayer, ablution before prayer and in some other cases, an annual fast that is required to be performed from sunrise to sunset, a pilgrimage to Mecca - Hajj, at least once in a lifetime.

Calligraphic inscriptions have become one of the forms of ornament

Calligraphic inscriptions on the walls of mosques are the only decoration, the word and letter of the Koran is the only approximation to God. Allah cannot be seen or touched, the power of influence is in the sacred word. Hence the ban on the image visible world and living beings in religious art.

Architectural monuments.

The building for prayer is a mosque (from the Arabic "masjid" - a place of worship).

  • Umeya Mosque (687-691) in Jerusalem

The huge building, topped with a golden dome, is located in the Old City, where the grandiose temple of King Solomon, destroyed by the Romans, once stood, and where Jesus Christ delivered his sermons. It is called the "Dome of the Rock", the Mosque of Omar.

Minarets are towers from which the muezzin called the faithful to prayer.

The minaret was built next to the mosque.

The shape was round, square, multifaceted.

Madrasahs are Muslim educational institutions.

Artistic creativity Arab world -

  • arts and crafts.

Technique ornament- abstract shapes, bright colors.

The complex weaving of lines and colors, which the artist recreated on the plane, - arabesque.

From the middle VIII V. capital of the caliphate - Baghdad

  • He was famous for the fantastic luxury of the decoration of the caliph's palace and the houses of wealthy people.
  • Caliphs took care of the development of education. In count public libraries accessible to literate people, Baghdad surpassed imperial Rome.


According to Islamic tradition, it was considered as one of the forms of scientific knowledge.

The Arabs highly valued musical improvisation (both vocal and instrumental).

Musical instruments

varied (drums, tambourines), oud

(the forerunner of the European lute) and bowed rebab.

combination of instrumental music,

singing and dancing are not found among the Arabs.

Music was created on the basis of canonical rules - maqama, determining the modal and rhythmic features of the compositions.

Moorish style is an art created by the masters of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Southern Spain.

The Moors (from the Greek "dark") are a North African people related to the Arabs.

X century - the formation of a caliphate with a center in Cordoba (a consequence of the expansion(spreading) these peoples to southern Spain).

In 785 - the cathedral mosque in Cordoba.

Its feature is 850 columns made of pink and blue marble, granite, stretching in 19 rows from north to south and 36 rows from east to west. The colonnade was illuminated by hundreds of silver lamps.

The last stronghold of Islamic culture on Spanish soil was the Emirate of Granada (end of X V.)

The Alhambra is an architectural ensemble: the world's courtyard of the Comares Palace and the Lion's Courtyard.

The peoples of the Iranian group contributed to the development of Islamic medieval artistic culture.

In the 7th-8th centuries formed a single literary languageFarsi.

Art of Iran, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Central Asia - reflection Iranian (Persian) classical poetry.

  • Founder of poetry Rudaki. According to legend, he composed about a million poems. He was a singer-improviser, he sang his poems, accompanying himself on string instrument. The poems are full of bitter thoughts about the injustice of life, as a result of which he was expelled (blinded).
  • Poet Ferdowsi Abulkasime composed the poem "Shahnameh" (revealed the roots of evil leading the country to decline). Three parts: mythological, heroic, historical (about 28 rulers of the royal dynasty). He repeated the fate of Rudaki.

3) Scientist, astronomer, creator of an accurate calendar, mathematician, original poet - Omar Khayyam. The works are imbued with the spirit of freethinking, protested against hypocrisy, hypocrisy. The ideal of the poet is justice, freedom, joy of life, honesty. His only form of poetry was rubaiyat(quatrains).

4) Poet Saadi - a collection of parables in verse and prose "Gulistan" ("Blossoming Garden"). He denounced hypocrisy, hypocrisy, preached eternal values.

5) Poet Hafiz Shamseddin brought gazelles- short love poems

6) Poet Nizami Ganjavi- the poem "Leyli and Majnun" (oriental "Romeo and Juliet").

applied arts Muslim countries Middle East

Products made of glass, metal, wood, fabric, clay, weapons were highly valued in the world market.

It was customary to give brocade, satin, velvet to guests and ambassadors.

The most famous Persian carpet.

Book miniature of the Muslim East

  • Combining the skills of a calligrapher and a professional painter.
  • This is an independent art form, in which real events, fiction and symbolism, decorative images and illustrative stories.

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