Soviet humorous writers. Really good humor - comedians of the ussr


According to the current intelligentsia, modern humor is not distinguished by the subtlety and originality that was inherent in the humorists of the USSR. It is clear that time dictates its own rules, and always hot topic the conflict of fathers and children should not be written off. But if you look objectively, there is still some truth in this nostalgia for the past. From this article you will learn the names of the humorists of the USSR, who are remembered by many representatives of the older generation, and their speeches have long been disassembled into quotes.

Arkady Raikin

Looking at the photo of the humorist of the USSR Arkady Raikin, you can see the depth in the look, which is characteristic only of people who have experienced a lot. The life of this Soviet artist was far from easy. He was born on October 24, 1911 in a simple Riga family of Jews with many children. His father died early, and his mother alone pulled big family. Young Raikin worked at a chemical plant, and in 1935 he graduated from the Leningrad College performing arts where he entered against the wishes of his family. During the war he performed at the front, his numbers were very popular with the soldiers.

Raikin has several works in cinema, but he is more famous as an entertainer and satirist. His numbers are distinguished by their unique sharpness and causticity, but, nevertheless, he was able to withstand the line at which his work can be called intelligent and correct without a twinge of conscience. Arkady Isaakovich died on December 17, 1987 in Moscow.

The creative path of Gennady Khazanov was thorny. While still at school, he performed various events with parodies of famous people as well as teachers and classmates. He was a fan of the work of Arkady Raikin, tried to copy his manner of performance and facial expressions. One day, fate brought him to an idol, and Raikin gave him the opportunity to attend all his concerts for free. Of course, after graduating from school, Khazanov applied to many theater universities but got rejected. Having entered MISI, he was an active participant in amateur performances at the institute, performed in the KVN team. In 1965, he nevertheless entered the GUTSEI (variety and circus school), where he developed his image of a student at a culinary college, thanks to which, in 1975, all-Union popularity fell upon him. This ridiculous image, according to Khazanov himself, not only brought him all-Union fame, but also periodically created a judgment about him as an artist of one role, from which it was difficult to get out.

From 1997 to currently Gennady Khazanov is artistic director Variety Theatre.

This bright person is calling card sparkling Odessa humor, famous for its originality and originality. Having organized his first theater, while still a student, Zhvanetsky quickly gained fame, it was already difficult to get to his performances even then. For some time he worked in the theater of Arkady Raikin, but, realizing that he could follow his own in a creative way left his mentor.

The humorist's parents had a difficult fate. My father served a term for several years under a political article, at which time he began a correspondence with future wife and mother of Efim. After a while they got married future comedian was the youngest in the family. After leaving school, he entered the philological faculty of the Latvian state university, where he realized that his vocation was the stage. Having taken the documents, he entered the GUTSEI them. Rumyantsev, which he successfully graduated from. Efim Shifrin is the author of monologues and satires, plays in theater and cinema. At the age of 40, he became interested in sports, now he is in a great physical form.

The figure of no less significant closes our list of comedians of the USSR. Semyon Teodorovich Altov was born in Sverdlovsk, where his parents were evacuated during the war. Oddly enough, Altov studied to be a chemist, and then even worked in the profession. The starting point for choosing a profession was a set of a young chemist presented for his 8th birthday. As for humorous texts, he began to write them after 25 years. hallmark the artist is a recognizable monotonous voice with which he reads his monologues. It makes his performances even funnier. Altov's texts were performed by such famous comedians as Gennady Khazanov, Elena Stepanenko and many others.

Made in USSR

Looking at the names of humorists of the USSR, we recognize each of them. This is not surprising, because every evening our parents sat down at the TV screen in the evening and watched these wonderful performances. Jokes were remembered for a long time, passed from mouth to mouth, until now everyone knows the names of these artists. And this suggests that they made the Soviet stage really unusual and original. Comedians of the USSR left an indelible mark on the history of the era of socialism.

In the USSR, there was humor, both legal and illegal. In favor in those days were the satirical magazine "Crocodile" and last page"Literary Gazette". On the stage for a long time the duet of Tarapunka and Shtepsel shone, as well as great Arkady Raikin. The newsreel "Wick" reigned on the screen, and later - the TV show "Around Laughter". However, far from everything could be said from the screen ...

Censorship did not allow any thought, except for the party, so that in Soviet society flourished specific genre oral folk and creativity - a political anecdote. Even in the kitchens, these jokes were told in whispers, and only to the most reliable people.

Still would! After all, if about such a "liberty" Soviet man recognized by the "competent authorities", punishment could be inevitable. For an indefatigable sense of humor, they could be expelled from the university, turned away from work, and certainly deprived of a party card ...

And yet they told jokes. For every absurdity in political life country people reacted immediately, aptly and cheerfully. For example, this is what it looked like soviet history oral folk art times of the USSR:


In Leningrad near the winter are shooting a film about October revolution. The Bolsheviks are advancing, the junkers are firing back. From the staring crowd shout:

Dear ones! Hold on to the last!

Dzerzhinsky calls Lenin:
- Vladimir Ilyich, when to shoot - before or after dinner?
- Definitely before lunch! And give lunches to children - children
the workers are starving!

F. E. Dzerzhinsky and Lenin.

The Americans, after a fair bargain, bought the Mausoleum from the USSR and put it on the roof of a skyscraper.
Lenin woke up, looked down and said:
- That's how I imagined everything!


Stalin makes a report. Suddenly, someone sneezed in the hall.
- Who sneezed? (silence.)
- First row, get up. Shoot! (Stormy applause.)
- Who sneezed? (silence.)
- Second row, get up. Shoot! (stormy ovation from the whole hall, everyone stands up, exclamations: “Glory to the great Stalin!)
- Who sneezed?
- I! I sneezed (sobs).
- Be healthy, comrade!

Archaeologists have unearthed a Stone Age cave with a slogan above the entrance: « Long live the slave system - the bright future of all mankind! ».

Felix Dzerzhinsky and Joseph Stalin.

One old Bolshevik to another:

No, dear, you and I will not live to see communism, but children ...

Pity the kids!

1937 Two judges meet in the courthouse.
“What are you smiling at?” one asks the other.
- Now I heard such an anecdote, you will die of laughter ...
- Tell me, - asks the second judge.
- Not! I can’t, I myself just gave 10 years for him ...

Joseph Stalin and Lavrenty Beria.

Who is in this cell?
- Those who told political jokes!
- And in this one?
- Those who listened to them!

Alexander the Great, Caesar and Napoleon, as guests of honor, are watching the parade of troops on Red Square.

If I had Soviet tanks, - says Alexander, - I would be invincible!

If I had Soviet planes, - says Caesar, - I would conquer the whole world!

If I had the newspaper Pravda, says Napoleon, the world would still not know about Waterloo!


Grandma, was Lenin good?

Good, granddaughter, good.

Grandma, was Stalin bad?

Bad, granddaughter, bad.

Grandmother, what about Khrushchev?

When he dies, then we'll know.

A man is late for a party meeting, he comes, and there everyone is in freckles. He sits down and asks his neighbor:
Why does everyone have freckles? Has the ruling come out?
- No, it's some kind of non-partisan fan pooped.

There are two issues on the agenda of the collective-farm party meeting: the construction of a barn and the construction of communism.
Due to the lack of boards, we immediately moved on to the second question.

Khrushchev, after his dismissal, was offered to head the cancer center.
“I don’t understand any of this,” he said.
But you were in charge agriculture- and there was no bread!

After the death of Khrushchev, he went to heaven.

I met Marx, Lenin and Stalin there.
All of them, like one, have the “TK” brand on their foreheads.
Khrushchev looked in the mirror - the same thing. Suitable for God
- Father! And what is this mark on Marx's forehead?
- TK, - answers God, - it means that he is a theoretician of communism.
What about Lenin then?
- Lenin means the creator of communism.
- Well, then who is Stalin?
Stalin is the tyrant of communism.
- Well, what do I have on my forehead then? Who am I?!
- And you - yap corn!

In 1965, the inhabitants of Odessa turned to the Central Committee with a request to return Khrushchev: ten years without bread is better than a year without jokes.


What is the difference between Pravda and Izvestia?

There is no news in Pravda, and there is no truth in Izvestia.

Brezhnev says goodbye at the airport to one of the US politicians. They hug and kiss for a long time. Finally, the politician gets on the plane and flies away. Brezhnev is crying. Suslov approaches him:
- Well, Leonid Ilyich, stop it. After all, as a politician, he means nothing.
- As a politician, he does not mean anything, but how he kisses!

Chairman of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR Nikolai Viktorovich Podgorny presents Secretary General The Central Committee of the CPSU to Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, the military insignia of the army general "Marshal's Star", 1975. Photo: Vladimir Musaelyan / TASS

Brezhnev arrived at the Kremlin on the first day of Easter. Ustinov meets him:

Brezhnev nodded and moved on. Towards Chernenko and sycophantly smiling:
- Christ is risen, Leonid Ilyich!
- Thank you comrade, I have already reported.

Dear Leonid Ilyich, on behalf of the people and leadership of Libya, I would like to thank you for the supply of surface-to-air missiles for the needs of our army. Could you also supply us with surface-to-air missiles next time?

Once Brezhnev gathered the cosmonauts, he says:
- Comrades, it turns out that the Americans flew to the moon! So here it is! My comrades and I conferred here and decided that you would fly to the Sun!
- So Leonid Ilyich, it's very hot there, the temperatures are high, we'll burn down after all!
- Do you think there are fools in the Central Committee? Fly at night!

Brezhnev: “Comrade Gromyko has completely fallen into childhood.
Yesterday he took a rubber donkey from my table and still hasn't given it back!

Brezhnev, speaking on the radio, says:
- I was recently informed (pause) that everyone thinks (pause) that a scarecrow is driving in a car instead of me ...
So I officially declare (pause) that instead of a stuffed animal, I drive in a car.

Is it true that Brezhnev is going to be awarded the title of Generalissimo?
- That's for sure. And if he manages to pronounce this word, then they will give him a people's artist.

Under Lenin, it was like being in a tunnel: darkness all around, light ahead. Under Stalin, it's like in a bus: one is driving, half is sitting, the rest are shaking. Under Khrushchev, it's like in a circus: one speaks, everyone laughs. Under Brezhnev - like in the movies: everyone is waiting for the end of the session.

Andropov is sitting at the bedside of the dying Brezhnev. Leonid Ilyich asks:
- Yura, that's for whom people will go after I die?
“Follow me,” Andropov answers.
- But if the people do not want to follow you?
- Then he will follow you, Leonid Ilyich ...


Brezhnev died. The Politburo is discussing a new candidate for the post of the great leader of all peoples. Andropov's candidacy is proposed. Enter Andropov. With an automatic.
- Hands up. Drop one. Unanimously.

Have you heard the news? Andropov broke his arm.
- To whom?
- Yury Vladimirovich, to you the Polish ambassador.
- Enter.

Question to Armenian radio:
- What is Andropov fighting for?
- For peace and state security throughout the world!

Comrade, believe! She will pass
The so-called publicity
And then the state security,
Remember our names...

See also:

"began to appear on Soviet movie screens in June 1962. It was shown, as a rule, in cinemas before the film was shown. The purpose of creating a film magazine is to combat negative phenomena in the life of the country: bribery, sloppiness, bureaucracy and theft of state property and the like. As said Chief Editor"Wick" Sergei Mikhalkov: "Each shot-plot" Wick "was one hundred percent sniper."

In total, 420 issues have appeared in the 45 years of the film magazine's existence. This compilation contains 10 of the most popular "Fitilevsky" short films.

1. "Victim", 1962

In this issue, with the participation of Yuri Nikulin, the director of a textile factory shields a burglar who has entered his apartment and stole the stolen goods. And of course, last phrase the director could only trust Nikulin.

2. “I won’t go”, 1965

The incomparable Faina Ranevskaya starred in this issue of "Wick". States disappear from the map, times change, but problems remain.

3. "We think for three", 1965

The most famous comedians of the Soviet cinema Rolan Antonovich Bykov, Mikhail Ivanovich Pugovkin and Savely Viktorovich Kramarov demonstrate what “cultural recreation” means in the understanding of many citizens.

4. Empty, 1969

The short film "Empty" is still worth watching today for both business leaders and middle managers. Such situations are not uncommon to this day.

5. Irresponsible, 1970

A satirical short film on safety and labor productivity in the USSR.

6. "Sober approach", 1974

In this satirical short film, Yevgeny Leonov, who has become accustomed to the role of a drunkard, talks about useful properties alcoholic drinks.

7. Man and Law, 1975

“Who guards what, he has it. You protect nothing, you have nothing, ”the legendary quote of Zhvanetsky became the leitmotif of this issue of Wick.

8. "Exam", 1978

There was no USE in 1978, but the problem raised by the creators of the video is still relevant today. And yes, Vladimir Etush, as always, will not be reflected.

9. "Without reciprocity", 1979

The story of what happened when the people of socialism faced market relations.

According to the current intelligentsia, modern humor is not distinguished by the subtlety and originality that was inherent in the humorists of the USSR. It is clear that time dictates its own rules, and the always topical issue of the conflict between fathers and children should not be written off. But if you look objectively, there is still some truth in this nostalgia for the past. From this article you will learn the names of the humorists of the USSR, who are remembered by many representatives of the older generation, and their speeches have long been disassembled into quotes.

Arkady Raikin

Looking at the photo of the humorist of the USSR Arkady Raikin, you can see the depth in the look, which is characteristic only of people who have experienced a lot. The life of this Soviet artist was far from the easiest. He was born on October 24, 1911 in a simple Riga family of Jews with many children. His father died early, and his mother alone pulled a large family. Young Raikin worked at a chemical plant, and in 1935 he graduated from the Leningrad College of Performing Arts, where he entered against the will of his family. During the war he performed at the front, his numbers were very popular with the soldiers.

Raikin has several works in cinema, but he is more famous as an entertainer and satirist. His numbers are distinguished by their unique sharpness and causticity, but, nevertheless, he was able to withstand the line at which his work can be called intelligent and correct without a twinge of conscience. Arkady Isaakovich died on December 17, 1987 in Moscow.

The creative path of Gennady Khazanov was thorny. Even at school, he performed at various events with parodies of famous personalities, as well as teachers and classmates. He was a fan of the work of Arkady Raikin, tried to copy his manner of performance and facial expressions. One day, fate brought him to an idol, and Raikin gave him the opportunity to attend all his concerts for free. Of course, after graduating from school, Khazanov applied to many theater universities, but was refused. Having entered MISI, he was an active participant in amateur performances at the institute, performed in the KVN team. In 1965, he nevertheless entered the GUTSEI (variety and circus school), where he developed his image of a student at a culinary college, thanks to which, in 1975, all-Union popularity fell upon him. This ridiculous image, according to Khazanov himself, not only brought him all-Union fame, but also periodically created a judgment about him as an artist of one role, from which it was difficult to get out.

From 1997 to the present, Gennady Khazanov has been the artistic director of the Variety Theater.

This bright person is the hallmark of the sparkling Odessa humor, famous for its originality and originality. Having organized his first theater, while still a student, Zhvanetsky quickly gained fame, it was already difficult to get to his performances even then. For some time he worked in the theater of Arkady Raikin, but, realizing that he could follow his own creative path, he left his mentor.

The humorist's parents had a difficult fate. My father served a term for several years under a political article, at which time he began a correspondence with his future wife and mother of Yefim. After a while they got married, the future comedian was the youngest in the family. After leaving school, he entered the philological faculty of the Latvian State University, where he realized that his vocation was the stage. Having taken the documents, he entered the GUTSEI them. Rumyantsev, which he successfully graduated from. Efim Shifrin is the author of monologues and satires, plays in theater and cinema. At the age of 40, he became interested in sports, now he is in excellent physical shape.

The figure of no less significant closes our list of comedians of the USSR. Semyon Teodorovich Altov was born in Sverdlovsk, where his parents were evacuated during the war. Oddly enough, Altov studied to be a chemist, and then even worked in the profession. The starting point for choosing a profession was a set of a young chemist presented for his 8th birthday. As for humorous texts, he began to write them after 25 years. A distinctive feature of the artist is a recognizable monotonous voice with which he reads his monologues. It makes his performances even funnier. Altov's texts were performed by such famous comedians as Efim Shifrin, Gennady Khazanov, Elena Stepanenko and many others.

Made in USSR

Looking at the names of humorists of the USSR, we recognize each of them. This is not surprising, because every evening our parents sat down at the TV screen in the evening and watched these wonderful performances. Jokes were remembered for a long time, passed from mouth to mouth, until now everyone knows the names of these artists. And this suggests that they made the Soviet stage really unusual and original. Comedians of the USSR left an indelible mark on the history of the era of socialism.

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