Cowardice is the most terrible vice conclusion. Cowardice is the worst vice...


    There was as much free time as needed, and the thunderstorm would only come in the evening, and cowardice is undoubtedly one of the most terrible vices. This is what Yeshua Ha-Nozri said. No, philosopher, I object to you: this is the most terrible vice.

    Michael Bulgakov. Master and Margarita
    Chapter 26

    All things that are considered in the novel come down to two main ideas:
    1) This is Bulgakov's protest against Stalin's tyranny, a book about love and creativity.

    2) About the imbalance of the forces of good and evil, evil constantly creates good, and good intentions become sources of evil.

    Pilate is the protagonist of the novel, the main events take place around him, being a Jewish procurator and at the same time fulfilling the wishes of the church, he nevertheless does an act for which he will later pay a very long and painful punishment. The forces of good in this novel take the position of an observer, this is well shown in one thing - a smile that does not leave the face of Christ throughout the novel. There is nothing to be afraid of Yeshua - he is immortal, but only Pilate does not understand this yet. The relationship between Pilate and Yeshua is nothing but a game in which it is Pilate who is the victim and not Yeshua. While good takes a passive position, Woland, on the contrary, joins society and studies it. Stupid puppet people can do nothing against him, the same Beria in the end turns out to be powerless. Two characters who can really be called people are the Master and Margarita. It is them that Woland helps. Showing this, Bulgakov emphasizes that good and evil do not exist as such. This is a concept invented by the very same people for themselves.

    In the early sixties, publishing houses began to make timid attempts to publish at least some of Bulgakov's books. Then appeared "Notes of a young doctor", "The life of Monsieur de Molière", " theatrical romance" And… " white guard". It would seem, how could censorship miss such a work as The White Guard? After all, the title already indicates that the book shows the fate of the white officers. But that's why they let it go to print, because it reveals the tragedy of the White Guard, shows its defeat, its rout.
    He describes Kyiv in 1918, the life and fate of one family - the Turbins - and their closest friends. Shows them not as worst enemies revolution (although they really do not accept it), but how ordinary people, good and not so good, with their own shortcomings and virtues, minor weaknesses (and who doesn’t have them!), experiences, suffering because their life, so familiar and measured, suddenly turned upside down, became objectionable and uncomfortable to someone.
    The fate of these people is very tragic. When you read the first pages of the novel, it seems that you are dealing with the Turbin family chronicle.
    The White Guard is a novel of disappointments. Yes, Turbines despise lies, self-interest, adaptation to circumstances. That is why their fate is so hard that they, people of honor, will never be able to give up their faith. It is easier for them to die than to do so.

    Possessing a strong artistic talent and the ability to dispassionately analyze the very recent past of his homeland (after all, the novel was written just six years after the start of civil war), Bulgakov masterfully managed to show that, despite all the hardships of fate, a person always has faith in the best, that peace, tranquility, happiness and prosperity will surely come. Even if for this it is necessary to go through those terrible sufferings that befell the heroes of the "White Guard".

    The novel "The Master and Margarita" was not published during the life of the author. Contemporaries recall that during the reading of the novel, Bulgakov expressed a desire to submit it for consideration, but at that time his intention seemed fantastic and even dangerous to everyone around the writer, and even talking about it could just be a reconciliation of the reaction of acquaintances and close people.
    Before his death, the writer almost lost his speech, only the closest people understood him. Once, when he was especially restless, Elena Sergeevna randomly asked: ““ The Master and Margarita ”?” “He, terribly delighted, made a sign with his head that “yes, this.” And he squeezed out two words: “To know, to know”” It was then that E.S. Bulgakova swore to her husband to publish the novel. In her diary from March 6 to 7, it is written: “... I told him at random ... - I give you honestly that I will rewrite the novel, that I will submit it, they will print you”
    She fulfilled her promise: the novel was retyped by her on a typewriter, taking into account the dying edits in the same 1940 - the year of Bulgakov's death, and later - in 1963.
    The novel was first published in the Moscow magazine in 1966-1967 with numerous censorship and editorial cuts.
    A year later, the Estonian publishing house Eesti Raamat undertook the first separate edition"Masters and Margaritas" in the USSR - in Estonian.
    In 1967 in Paris YMCA-Press published the first uncensored edition of the novel, and in 1969 in Frankfurt am Main the novel was published in an unprecedented way: the banknotes made during its publication in the Moscow magazine were typed in italics (Bulgakov M. Master and Margarita. Frankfurt am Main: Possev-Verlag, V. Gorachek KO, 1969).
    The full text of the novel first appeared before the Soviet reader in 1973., however, in this edition Bulgakov's dying will was violated, which was handed over to E.S. Bulgakova all copyright and editorial rights to the novel. The editor of the publication A. Saakyants created new text, which, according to the researchers, observed over three thousand inconsistencies compared to the text prepared by the writer's widow. And although textual critics believe that, deciphering the dying author's editing, E.S. Bulgakov was not guided in everything by his will and some contradictions remained in the text, nevertheless, no one except her, who had legal and moral grounds for this, could edit the novel.
    The 1989 edition of the year gave another version of the text of the novel, subsequently published in the five-volume collected works of the publishing house "Fiction". It connects the edition of E.S. Bulgakova with the edition of 1973 and still leaves many questions.
    The novel "The Master and Margarita" still does not have a canonical text, and one can agree with the prevailing opinion that the problems of textual criticism of the novel are very serious and can hardly find an unambiguous solution.

    They would not be able to live in this world...

    During the Great Ball at Satan's, not only imaginary poisoners and murderers, but also real villains of all times and peoples pass in front of Margarita. Interestingly, if all the imaginary poisoners at the ball are men, then all the true poisoners are women. The first to speak is "Ms. Tofana". The author of The Master and Margarita got information about this famous Italian woman from the article encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Efron "Aqua Tofana" (this is the name of the poison, in literal translation - the water of Tofana). Extracts from this article have been preserved in the Bulgakov archive. It reported that in 1709 Tofana was arrested, tortured and strangled in prison (this version is reflected in the text of The Master and Margarita). However, in Brockhaus and Efron it was noted that, according to other sources, the Sicilian poisoner was kept in a dungeon as early as 1730 and, most likely, died a natural death there.

    According to one of the existing versions, in 1659 Rome was overwhelmed by a wave of poisoning, and the victims invariably became men - lovers or husbands of some windy ladies. According to another version, the poisoner lived in Naples, and almost legally traded for big money bubbles with a clear liquid called "manna of St. Nicholas of Bari" or "Neapolitan water". The image of the saint was also on the bottle itself, which confused the detectives for quite a long time, making them think that we were talking about some kind of relic. However, the life physician of Charles VI of Austria, having examined the liquid, found arsenic in it.
    Young Italian women went to a certain Mrs. Tofana, where, having parted with a certain amount, they received from her the opportunity to get rid of her husband and live in full pleasure.
    Teofania di Adamo (1653-1719) was the first to make the famous "Aqua Tofana" (Acqueta di Napoli, di Perugia, delle Toffa) - a tasteless and odorless poison that made her famous.
    Mrs. Tofana was the most popular lady among young but wealthy Neapolitans. She handed them a small vial, the contents of which she modestly called her "water." The wife poured the contents of the vial into her husband's soup. The caressed husband happily ate the cooking of his beloved wife, enjoying all the delights family life. After a few hours, he began to be tormented by thirst, then he had stomach pains, he went to bed and a day later he died of illness - a completely "natural" death. His death was explained by old age, food poisoning, apoplexy (in modern terms - a stroke), a heart attack, or whatever. It never occurred to anyone to attribute death to poison! And if the case was conducted by secular authorities, Mrs. Tofana could well get away with all this. But the inquisitors were still those detectives! They would make the dead speak! Lady Tofana was arrested and tortured - in a word, the Holy Inquisition acted according to full program. Both her legs were crushed with the "Spanish boot" - a terrible device made of wood and iron, put on the leg and crushing bones, and Mrs. Tofana spoke. When the jailers found out that the accused was selling poison to the inhabitants of Naples and Palermo, and that thanks to her "water" over 500 husbands left their native Italy forever, going to heaven, she was strangled in prison, right in the cell. Thus ... easing the fate of the poisoner - the Inquisition would undoubtedly send her to the stake.
    Modern scientists are still trying to unravel the secret of the "aqua tofana" poison. But getting it is not so easy: many components are unknown, and in general, Tofana kept the recipe for its preparation in the strictest confidence. It was easy enough - she was an outstanding chemist, and few could repeat her achievements. The only pity is that she directed her scientific talent to evil. The uniqueness of the "aqua tofana" poison is that it completely imitates natural death, and the symptoms can be easily attributed to any disease: intense thirst - fever, stomach pain - typhoid fever, inability to move - stroke. In a word, the perfect hellish potion in order to harm your neighbor, and even get away from justice.

    it sounded there, but I’ll add a little: Do not ask the strong, if you need to give it yourself, but in general achieve the goal yourself! , well, to be honest .. there is no one phrase ... everything is meaningful there

  • I read it three times. As a child, it seemed that the main character was Woland, and it was especially interesting to read about the tricks of his retinue. At the age of 17, Yeshua was seen as the main character - then I was very interested in religion. And a couple of years ago I read it, paying the most attention to the Master and Margarita, since it was these fragments that were especially new to me, but I still don’t consider them the main characters. Main character- Moscow, or rather its inhabitants.

    1. Woland restored him immediately after the ball. He restored the novel from the ashes with the words: "Manuscripts do not burn." Moreover, he did this with the help of some part of the head, which did not have time to burn in the fireplace. So the devil thanked Margarita for her help.
    2. Bulgakovskikh Yeshua belittled. Thus, he exalts Woland. There is a moment where Yeshua asks Pilate not to beat him. Christ would not have asked for this. At the very end of the novel, Levi Matvey intercedes with Woland for the Master and Margarita and says that He asked him. It's also a fantasy thing. The real Lord would have arranged everything himself, without making any arrangements with the devil. Yeshua in the novel is not Jesus Christ (who had 12 disciples), but just a wandering philosopher (under whose auspices there is only 1 disciple).
    In the Bible, Judas received 30 pieces of silver for betrayal and soon hanged himself from remorse. Bulgakovsky Judas was not going to hang himself. He, after what he had done, walked through the forest on a date with his mistress. In the same forest, he was slaughtered on the orders of Pontius Pilate.
    Bulgakov's Pontius Pilate has more significant role than the biblical one. Biblical, even passing the verdict, felt guilty (although he "washed" his hands). Pontius from the novel impartially judged Yeshua, and he realized his act only after he was doomed to eternal torment.
    3. The master is subject to fate. And in general ... he is some kind of deadhead, this master. He is slandered, deprived of housing, and he is patiently silent. Then gets to crazy house waiting for his death all alone. All the variety show workers - the same thing - sat down on their priests to their bread places and cut coupons, not even suspecting what paranormal adventures await them. And then everyone, as one, asks to put them under arrest. It is not even possible to fight 1 on 1 with Woland's gang. Although, I agree, in their case it is unrealistic.
    Margaret is the opposite. She lived in luxury and comfort, and then she went berserk with fat, she wanted thrill. For the sake of her beloved, she was not even afraid to make a deal with Satan, she went through all the torments of hell. And for what? - In order to save this spineless wimp, the Master, who did nothing for her at all. He just sat there for days on end whining that his novel had been criticized by Latunsky.
    Ivan Bezdomny also did not submit to Voladn's antics. And, even when he got to the clinic of Dr. Stravinsky, he continued to defend his position.
    5. Neither. They worship her like a queen who honors them with her look or smile. The sinners who are already burning in hell do not know what virtue is. But one of the sinners, Frida, sees her savior in the face of Margarita and hopes for her mercy.

No matter how long humanity exists, it will always be worried moral issues: honor, duty, conscience. These questions are raised by M.A. Bulgakov at his best philosophical novel"The Master and Margarita", forcing the reader to rethink life and appreciate the importance of the moral aspects of a person, as well as to think about what is more important in life - power, might, money or one's own spiritual freedom, leading to goodness and justice, and a calm conscience. If a person is not free, he is afraid of everything, he has to act contrary to his desires and conscience, that is, the most terrible vice manifests itself in him - cowardice. And cowardice leads to immoral acts, for which the most terrible punishment awaits a person - pangs of conscience. Such pangs of conscience haunted the protagonist of the Master's novel, Pontius Pilate, for almost 2,000 years.

M.A. Bulgakov takes the reader to ancient Yershalaim, to the palace of the fifth procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, to whom they brought a man under investigation from Galilee, who was arrested for inciting the destruction of the Yershalaim temple. His face was smashed and his hands were tied. Despite the tormenting procurator headache, as a person convicted of power, he was forced to interrogate the criminal. Pontius Pilate, a powerful, formidable and domineering man, who did not tolerate objections and was accustomed to the uncomplaining obedience of his subordinates and slaves, was outraged by the appeal of the arrested person to him: “ a kind person, trust me!" Calling Mark Krysoboy (the head of the special county), he ordered the defendant to be taught a lesson. No wonder the procurator himself called himself a "ferocious monster." After the punishment, Pontius Pilate continued the interrogation and found out that the arrested person named Yeshua Ha-Nozri was a literate person who knew Greek, and spoke to him in Greek. Pontius Pilate becomes interested in a wandering philosopher, he understands that he is not faced with a hypocrite, but with a smart and wise man, which also has a wonderful property to relieve headaches. Also, the procurator is convinced that the spiritual position of Ha-Notsri: evil people not in the world” sincere and conscious that Yeshua lives according to his own laws, the laws of goodness and justice. Therefore, he believes that all people are free and equal. He behaves with the procurator as an independent person: “Some new thoughts have come to my mind, which, I believe, might seem interesting to you, and I would gladly share them with you, especially since you make an impression very smart person". The procurator is surprised at how simply and directly Yeshua objects to him, sir, and is not indignant. And the arrested man continued: “The trouble is ... that you are too closed off and have completely lost faith in people. After all, you must admit, you can’t put all your affection in a dog. Your life is meager, hegemon…” Pilate felt that the condemned man was absolutely right about something important, and his spiritual conviction was so strong that even the tax collector, Matthew Levi, despising money, followed his Teacher everywhere. The procurator had a desire to save an innocent doctor and philosopher: he would declare Ha-Notsri mentally ill and send him to an island in the Mediterranean Sea, where his residence is located. But this was not destined to come true, because in the case of Yeshua there is a denunciation of Judas from Kiriath, which reports that the philosopher told a “kind and inquisitive person” that “that any power is violence against people and that the time will come when there will be no the authority of neither the Caesars nor any other authority. A person will pass into the realm of truth and justice, where no power will be needed at all. Thus, having offended the power of Caesar, Yeshua signed his own death warrant. Even for the sake of saving his life, he does not renounce his beliefs, does not try to lie or hide something, since it is “easy and pleasant” for him to tell the truth. Yeshua was taken to execution, and from that moment on Pontius Pilate lost his peace, because he sent an innocent person to execution. It vaguely seemed to him, "that he did not say something with the convict, or maybe he did not listen to something." He felt that there would be no forgiveness for his act, and hated everyone who contributed to the condemnation of the philosopher, and first of all himself, as he quite consciously made a deal with his conscience, frightened by an inner desire to restore justice. He, smart politician and a skilled diplomat, he realized long ago that, living in totalitarian state, you can’t remain yourself, that the need for hypocrisy deprived him of faith in people and made his life meager and meaningless, which Yeshua noticed. The unshakable moral position of Ha-Notsri helped Pilate realize his weakness and insignificance. In order to alleviate his suffering and at least somehow clear his conscience, Pilate orders to kill Judas, who betrayed Yeshua. But the pangs of conscience do not let him go, so in a dream in which the procurator saw that he had not sent a wandering philosopher to be executed, he wept and laughed with joy. And in reality, he executed himself for being afraid to take the side of Yeshua and save him, because to have mercy on Ha-Nozri meant to endanger himself. If there hadn't been an interrogation protocol, he might have let the wandering philosopher go. But career and fear of Caesar turned out to be stronger than the inner voice.

If Pilate had been in harmony with himself and his concept of morality, his conscience would not have tormented him. But he, having sanctioned the execution of Yeshua, acted contrary to “his will and his desires, out of cowardice alone…”, which turns into a two-thousand-year-old torment of repentance for the procurator. According to Bulgakov, people with double standards, like Pontius Pilate, are very dangerous, because because of their cowardice and cowardice, they commit meanness, evil. Thus, the novel undeniably proves the assertion of Yeshua, the bearer of goodness and justice, that “cowardice is the worst vice.”

After the geophysical catastrophe that destroyed the former civilization (Atlantis), the restoration of the lifestyle desirable for its owners and mentors began. Some progress has been made. Magic flourished again, "polytheistic" egregorial religious cults (the basis of social magic). Egypt became the intellectual capital ancient world. It seemed that it was possible to move on to spreading this way of life on a global scale and creating a single global civilization uniting all mankind under the rule of Egypt.

And suddenly a 14-year-old boy, having ascended the Egyptian throne under the name Amenhotep IV, declares: “All your “gods” are fiction. There is no God but the One Most High God, the Gracious Creator and Sustainer.” He takes the new name Akhenaten and proceeds to build a culture in Egypt, based under his leadership on a different morality and worldview of Life, and not a posthumous existence, as it was in Egypt before and after him. The blow was so strong that Akhenaten succeeded for a while.

Then the opponents of Akhenaten recovered from their stupefaction and began to counteract. Akhenaten was poisoned with slow-acting poisons that perverted the physiological structure of his body (this is the reason for the appearance of his effeminate body with age). After his death, they began to destroy his legacy. His name was doomed to oblivion, for what purpose all references to him were scraped out from all papyri in circulation, blotted out from stone statues and wall paintings. And he really was forgotten for thousands of years until archaeologists established that there was a monotheistic pharaoh in history, who preached peace and joy in harmony with God throughout the Earth, refusing to wage wars.

But after the incident, the "secret" masters and mentors of civilization decided that if they could not already prevent the announcement in society ideas of Monotheism and harmony of people with God, then henceforth they should take on the mission of preaching "monotheism", which will allow them to give it a direction that meets their interests. This is how the "Revelation" to Moses and all subsequent "Revelations" given through the so-called prophets, messengers, etc. arose.

Which of the “prophets” himself erroneously or deliberately falsely stated that only through him God broadcasts His truth to other people, and all other people are deprived of direct admonition from Above, or to which of the “prophets” such a view was attributed by the people themselves (companions and descendants), has no significance for the culture of mankind, although it is not easy for many of the "prophets" to survive the Shameful Day. The same applies to the elevation to the rank of gods or God of certain people personally.

What matters is that the cults of monotheism, ascending to the "Revelation" of Moses, are united in intimidation an endless hell of all who do not recognize them divine origin or manifests its will, stepping over their commandments - the norms of life of individuals and society prescribed by them.

In addition, they all hush up a fact that is extremely unpleasant for their “unmanifested” (“secret) owners: the 14-year-old boy Amenhotep, behind whom there was no life experience characteristic of maturity, inspired by the truth from Above, escaped from their captivity, NOT AFRAID no court of Osiris, no hierarchy of cult-holders in Egypt, traditionally referred to as "priesthood" despite the essence of what they did.

And all the cult creeds of "monotheism" deny the truth of that:

- that all people, for all the difference in their physical, intellectual, mental development, in their education, knowledge, skills, always and everywhere in their purpose - Messengers of the Most High God one to another and the vicars of God on Earth;

- that people shy away from missions of governorship and envoy only under the influence of various fears, including and unjustified fear of God. But not these obsessions of fears, but own cowardice stifles conscience and shame in people, as a result of which they do not accept the Truth-Truth, which God gives to everyone directly in his inner world through conscience, through other people's appeals to them, through works and monuments of a common culture;

- That God has not backed down from anyone and will not back down and never deprives anyone of His attention, care and mercy, but out of cowardice, obeying obsessions fears, people prefer to refuse His attention and care for them.

And the thesis about cowardice as the worst vice is repeatedly proclaimed in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov:

"…And cowardice, undoubtedly - one of the most terrible vices. This is what Yeshua Ha-Nozri said. No, philosopher, I object to you: this is the worst vice.

For example, the current procurator of Judea was not cowardly, but the former tribune in the legion, then, in the Valley of the Virgins, when the furious Germans almost killed the Ratslayer the Giant. But, have mercy on me, philosopher! Do you, with your mind, allow the idea that because of a man who has committed a crime against Caesar, the procurator of Judea will ruin his career?

“Yes, yes,” Pilate groaned and sobbed in his sleep.

Of course it will. In the morning I would not have ruined it yet, but now, at night, having weighed everything, I agree to ruin it. He will do anything to save a completely innocent dreamer and doctor from execution!

“Now we will always be together,” a tattered vagabond philosopher told him in a dream, who, no one knows how, stood on the road of a rider with a golden spear.

Pilate in a dream went through shame, rethought everything. And if in the future he lived in accordance with the truth that came to him in a dream, and was able to free himself from everything that prevented him from supporting Providence on the morning of the 14th day of the spring month of Nisan, then what Yeshua said to him in a dream came true: "We'll always be together now".

This is liberation: Pilate came to the realm of truth, in whose coming he did not believe in the morning of the 14th day of the spring month of Nisan, and having come to the realm of truth, he became beyond jurisdiction.

All further stories in the story “about Pilate” about a figure sitting in a chair on a rock under the moon for two thousand years, about the release of Pilate by the master, about the vision of Pilate and Yeshua going to the moon, in a dream by Professor Ponyrev - obsessions from Woland.

What is truth in people's relationship with God? What happened in Jerusalem at the beginning of the era?

Outlined concept religious history of the current global civilization leads to the question:

How to relate to the information contained in the imitations of "Revelations from Above", recorded in the "holy scriptures", if it at least partially stems from the opponents of the Providence of God?

The answer to it is the simplest of all related to the novel:

To treat everything without cowardice according to conscience, since everything that God leads a person to (as well as everything that God brings to a person by grace or allowance) is given to a person as a lesson, and this should not be neglected.

And this is true, because cowardice is the worst vice. Cowardice calls to life lack of will; lack of will - obsession; obsession - despair, which in turn exacerbates cowardice more and more leading man away from God.

In addition, "2x2 = 4" - regardless of whether:

Has man reached this with his mind;

Did the Almighty tell him this in Revelation;

Did the devil teach him this knowledge, pursuing his own interests;

Or an angel of God told, fulfilling Providence.

In other words, information in line with Predestination from Above objective, i.e. has a self-sufficient essence. That's why, what is true is true and what is false is false, regardless of the information relay.

There is only one exception: God does not lie, under any circumstances, but always tells the Truth-Truth to a person in all languages ​​of the all-encompassing Language of Life.

A person himself, in all life circumstances, must sincerely answer in the harmony of his mind and heart to the question “what is truth?” At the same time, gaining experience from his mistakes, a person must correct his moral and ethical standards, in which God helps him.

Note: chapter 5 of analytical work VP of the USSR "The Master and Margarita": a hymn to demonism? or the gospel of selfless faith” (given in abbreviated form). The book can be purchased at the headquarters of the KPE or taken from the website


Cowardice is habitually condemned by society

Many people have heard the phrase of M. Bulgakov that cowardice is the worst vice. Well, that's right. However, it is very bad when, under the pressure of such maxims conscientious person puts an end to himself after a cowardly act.

Still, cats are already scratching at his soul, and in addition, society invisibly repeats to him: “You have reached the most terrible vice!”

But pay attention - after all, Bulgakov hardly condemned anyone. Rather, he was simply stating a fact that was obvious to him. And I will allow myself to add the famous phrase:

Cowardice is the worst of vices if you don't fight it.

It is not cowardice itself that is immoral, but the unwillingness to resist it.

I repeat - for thousands of years, leaders of all stripes cultivated cowardice in people by the most cruel means. She has eaten into our soul, she has literally become a part of it! That is why, when we are threatened, we instinctively strive to comply.

Under these conditions, one cannot blame a person who succumbed to cowardice. It would be more correct to honor the one who was able to overcome it!

There is a vivid episode in the Gospel when the apostle Peter denied Christ. Just before that, he ardently convinced the teacher that he would never leave him. To which he will receive the answer: "... I truly say to you that on this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” And so it happened - under the threat of being captured, Peter denied Christ three times - and immediately the cock crowed. And Peter, gone, weeping bitterly...

So what - do we now consider Peter a scoundrel and a traitor? No. Having overcome his fear, he then became the successor of the work of his teacher - and at the end of his life he also suffered a martyr's death.

And now I will give an excerpt from the book of E. M. Remarque “On western front no change", which describes the shelling:

“Next to us lies a terrified recruit to death ...

He covered his face with his hands. His helmet rolled to the side.

I pull it up and I'm going to put it on his head.

He looks up, pushes his helmet away, and, like a child,

puts his head under my arm, clinging tightly to mine

chest. His narrow shoulders tremble...

Gradually he comes to his senses. Suddenly he blushes like a poppy color,

Confusion is written on his face. He gently touches his hand to

pants and looks at me plaintively. I immediately figure out what's going on:

he has canine disease. I try to console him:

- Nothing to be ashamed of; still not the same as you happened

put in their pants when they first came under fire. Go behind the bush

take off your pants and be done with it...

There is not a drop of censure and condemnation in this episode. Not only gods, but also people are wise, understanding the nature of cowardice and not making a sentence out of it. Cowardice is not bad in itself, but only when you refuse to fight it. In this case, you can safely put an equal sign between cowardice and laziness of the soul ...

Well - but what to do after all, if a shameful cowardly act is committed?

As paradoxical as it may seem, the first thing to do is to perk up a little. Thousands and thousands of people are absolutely not ashamed of their cowardice - their weak consciousness is arranged in such a way that it instantly expels all unpleasant memories from memory.

You are not like that. You have a vigilant watchman in your soul that does not let you relax. And this, on the one hand, is good. But on the other hand, you can soon just overstrain from the endless reproaches of conscience. Especially if you still lack strength to follow her voice…

I suggest you adopt debt theory . If at some point in your life you did not have the courage to act according to your conscience, write this action into your liability. Be sure - fate, seeing the intention to get even with the debts of the past, will certainly provide an opportunity to do this.

One of the most bright episodes in my life - when I didn't stand up for a woman who was robbed on a bus. When we, tightly squeezed in the cabin, drove up to a stop, she became agitated and shouted: “Driver, do not open the door! My wallet was stolen! I know who stole it - this one! And she pointed to the bull next to me, grinning and looking away. And I stood at the very door and could well say: “I am ready to show my pockets. You do the same, or give me the wallet." Moreover, I was so tightly pressed against the door that, if desired, I could make sure that it did not open.

But… The bus pulled up to the stop, the driver, turning his face to the side, opened the door, the bull immediately jumped out into the street - and that was it…

I was utterly ashamed to recall this episode, until I said to myself: “Just tormenting the soul will not help the cause. They only wear me down. So I'm recording this episode on my own. As soon as I again witness a similar situation, I will be ready to intervene in it ... "

Almost every one of us has admitted cowardly in life, shameful deeds. Worrying about this is commendable - but only if the experiences lead to a specific positive result.

Cowardice comes only from a lack of…desire

R. Descartes


Fear has big eyes

What does this proverb mean? Yes, a very simple idea - we tend to exaggerate the scale of the unknown. As Shakespeare once said: "The real horrors are not so terrible as the horrors of the imagination."

The main tool for defeating cowardice is practice. If you are afraid of the dark, go into the dark. If you are afraid of gopniks - make comments to them for mats in a public place.

But, of course, do it wisely. If you go into the dark, then into one where there are no swamps and sharp branches. After all, your task is to return alive, healthy and with the experience of defeating cowardice.

If you make a remark to a gopnik, then in a place where others can help you if something happens. Yes, and the gopnik for the first time should be chosen more rotten - in case of a possible fight.

Starting with small steps, you will gradually find the ground under your feet more and more confidently. And soon you will realize that you can make remarks even drunk company in a train compartment - and instead of a fight, meet embarrassed looks ...

In general, it has long been said - you cannot defeat fear without going through the path that scares you. Moreover, the more often you get into extreme situations the faster your body will adapt to it. It's all about practice!

Human he fears only what he does not know; knowledge conquers all fear.

V. G. Belinsky


Often we do not dare to act only because we have been inspired by the idea of dire consequences act...

Man is a lazy creature. Having found a more or less comfortable corner in life, we prefer not to stick out, so as not to lose even the illusion of well-being. Habit is a terrible thing.

Wife tolerates a drunken husband, because he thinks that it will be harder to be alone.

Employee tolerates a boorish boss, because he is not sure that

find an equally well-paid job

People tolerates power because it assumes that if

disobedience, she will apply the most severe measures to him

So - pay attention: “thinks”, “not sure”, “assumes” ... In general, we live according to the principle of the immortal phrase: “No matter what happens!”. It is difficult for us to even decide on an experiment - what will happen if I still ...

So, let's do it all the same - while in safe, laboratory conditions. Take a pen, a piece of paper and write the name of the situation at the top. And now below in two columns, write the pros and cons as a result of its change.

Work calmly, without rushing. Weigh all options carefully. And it may well turn out that the prospect of being fired from work is no longer so terrible. Or what a dip on public speaking does not threaten disaster. Etc.

A separate issue - fights. To be honest, many of us give in to them. Therefore, take and, for a start, carefully watch the video recordings of fights, which, unfortunately, the Internet offers in a huge volume today. Then summarize: what is typical for fights? How do they go? What result awaits me if I get into a fight?

After that, you should carefully study expert advice about how to behave in a fight. After that, it’s not bad to take a self-defense course without weapons - fortunately, there are a lot of them now. And now you will find how your confidence has now increased - to the point that you have mastered the icy ability to put out a fight before it starts.

Our fears are half unfounded, half simply shameful.

C. Bowie


In conclusion, I would like to say this again

Only those who feel the strength in themselves should dare a bold act. This does not mean that you can enter into a fight with hooligans only by learning kickboxing. But in this case it is not important physical training, but the strength of the spirit.

History has repeatedly shown examples of how bullies and tall men retreated from a weaker enemy just because he was not going to give up. Desperate, purposeful resistance sometimes works wonders. But only internally mature people are capable of such resistance.

So don't rush your time. If you have taken a course on courage - it's already good. Relentlessly and consistently go to the intended goal. Be prepared for failure. Think of them as training and hardening. Rise from your knees - and go forward again.

And at one of the moments a calm inner feeling will come that you are already don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid of gopniks.

Don't be afraid to argue with your boss.

Do not be afraid to openly express your position on the forum.

Don't be afraid to live.

The image of Pontius Pilate is associated with the main moral questions novel, such as the problem of conscience and power, cowardice and mercy. The meeting with Yeshua forever changes the life of the procurator. In the interrogation scene, he is almost motionless, but the external static character sets off even more. As in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" proved the statement: "cowardice is the worst vice"?

Roman M.A. Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" impresses with its depth and inclusiveness. The satirical chapters in which Woland's retinue fools the Moscow inhabitants interfere in the novel with lyrical chapters dedicated to the Master and Margarita. The fantastic in the novel peeps out from behind the everyday, evil spirits roam the streets of Moscow, the beautiful Margarita turns into a witch, and the Variety administrator becomes a vampire. The composition of The Master and Margarita is also unusual: the book consists of two novels: the actual novel about tragic fate Master and four chapters from the Master's novel about Pontius Pilate.

The "Yershalaim" chapters are the content and philosophical center of the novel. The novel about Pilate refers the reader to the text Holy Scripture, but at the same time, Bulgakov creatively rethinks the Gospel. Between his hero Yeshua Ha-Nozri and gospel Jesus there are important differences: Yeshua has no followers, except for the former tax collector Levi Matthew, a man "with goat parchment" who writes down Ha-Notzri's speeches, but "records incorrectly." Yeshua, under interrogation by Pilate, denies that he entered the city on a donkey, and the crowd greeted him with shouts. The crowd, most likely, beat the wandering philosopher - he comes for interrogation with an already disfigured face. Moreover, Yeshua is not the main character of the Master's novel, although his preaching of love and truth is undoubtedly important for the philosophy of the novel. The main character of the "Yershalaim" chapters is the fifth procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate.

The main moral issues of the novel are connected with the image of Pontius Pilate, such as the problem of conscience and power, cowardice and mercy. The meeting with Yeshua forever changes the life of the procurator. In the interrogation scene, he is almost motionless, but the external static character sets it off even more strongly, the fear of public ridicule and the wrath of the Roman emperor is stronger than fear in battle. Too late, Pilate overcomes his fear. He dreams that he is walking next to the philosopher on a moonbeam, arguing, and they "do not agree with each other in anything," which makes their argument especially interesting. And when the philosopher tells Pilate that cowardice is one of the most terrible vices, the procurator objects to him: "this is the most terrible vice." In the dream, the procurator realizes that he now agrees to "ruin his career" for the sake of "an innocent mad dreamer and doctor."

Calling cowardice "the most terrible vice”, the procurator decides his fate. Pontius Pilate's punishment is immortality and "unheard of glory". And 2000 years later, people will still remember and repeat his name as the name of the person who condemned the "wandering philosopher" to death. And the procurator himself has been sitting on a stone platform and sleeping for about two thousand years, and only on the full moon he is tormented by insomnia. His dog Banga shares the punishment of "eternity" with him. As Woland will explain this to Margarita: "... whoever loves must share the fate of the one he loves."

According to the Master's novel, Pilate tries to atone for Yeshua by ordering Judas to be killed. But murder, even under the guise of just revenge, contradicts all life philosophy Yeshua. Perhaps Pilate's thousand-year punishment is connected not only with his betrayal of Ha-Nozri, but also with the fact that he "did not listen to the end" of the philosopher, did not fully understand him.

At the end of the novel, the Master lets his hero run along the moonbeam to Yeshua, who, according to Woland, has read the novel.

How does the motif of cowardice transform in the "Moscow" chapters of the novel? It is hardly possible to accuse the Master of cowardice, who burned his novel, renounced everything and voluntarily went to the asylum for the mentally ill. This is a tragedy of fatigue, unwillingness to live and create. “I have nowhere to run away,” the Master replies to Ivan, who suggested that it is easy to escape from the hospital, having, like the Master, a bunch of all the hospital keys. Perhaps, Moscow writers can be accused of cowardice, because the literary situation in Moscow in the 30s of the 20th century was such that a writer could create only things pleasing to the state, or not write at all. But this motive slips in the novel only as a hint, a guess of the Master. He confesses to Ivan that critical articles in his address it was clear that "the authors of these articles do not say what they want to say, and that this is precisely what causes their rage."

Thus, the motif of cowardice is embodied mainly in the novel about Pontius Pilate. The fact that the Master's novel evokes associations with the biblical text gives the novel a universal significance, saturates it with cultural and historical associations. The problematic of the novel expands endlessly, absorbing all human experience, forcing each reader to think about why cowardice is "the worst vice"

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