Types of reforms - progressive and regressive: examples


Today, almost every person daily encounters the concept of "reform". This already familiar word sounds from the mouth politicians, radio and TV presenters, as well as constantly appearing in books, media mass media and other sources. What does this concept mean and what are its types?

The essence of the concept

The word "reform" comes from the Latin "reformare", which means "to transform". This concept denotes a change or transformation of some public process or object, depending on the nature of the impact on historical development.

Taking into account the areas to which the changes apply, they divide different kinds reforms. In general, this phenomenon in any of its forms and manifestations is necessary process development of society and the state, even if its consequences are negative. It should also be noted that reform is, as a rule, a process taking place within a particular country, its political, social or economic structure.

Mark on history

According to their influence on the course of history and development of the country, they distinguish the following types reforms:

  • Progressive - these changes entail improvement, improvement of any sphere of life or the whole system. For example, the abolition of serfdom led to a significant improvement in the lives of the broad masses of the population. Progressive reforms have a positive impact on the development of the economy, living standards or social security, as well as other indicators, depending on the scope of their implementation.
  • Regressive - transformations that entail a deterioration in the functioning of systems and structures, a decrease in the standard of living or other negative consequences in society. For example, the introduction high stakes taxation can lead to a reduction in production, the transition of the economy to the so-called "shadow activity", a deterioration in the standard of living of the population.

Regressive reforms can develop into popular unrest, riots, strikes. But, despite all their negative consequences, such measures are sometimes forced and subsequently give a positive result. For example, an increase in fees or taxes in order to strengthen the social protection of the population will initially cause a lot of popular indignation, but when the system is fully operational and the people feel positive sides transformations, the unrest will stop, and the upgrades will positively affect the standard of living of citizens.


The types of reforms in terms of their scope are very extensive. Political ones are aimed at changes in a specific area. For example, the transformation electoral system or the governance structure of the country. Economics bring change economic activity country or foreign economic relations. Social events are held with the aim of making changes in the life of the broad masses.

These are generalized concepts that can include many more specific transformations. Here are some examples:

  • Constitutional reform - amending the most important document of the country, providing for changes in the structure of power or the basic principles of its activities. Relates to the political sphere.

  • Agrarian reform - transformations in the agricultural activities of the country. It may involve state support for this sector of the economy, or vice versa, tightening of requirements and rules. Refers to the economic sphere.
  • Educational reform - changes in the education system. It may concern both the higher structures of the system management (principles of work of the Ministry of Education) and specific areas (children's preschool institutions, schools, universities, colleges, etc.). Refers to the social sphere.

A striking example from national history

Khrushchev's economic reforms carried out in the 50-60s of the last century had a huge impact on further development both the country as a whole and its individual regions. The most important innovation was the division of the entire territory into economic administrative regions with their own local governments, endowed with fairly broad powers.

Also, crushing can be attributed to important changes, which gave impetus to a new look at their country and the whole world as a whole, and also aroused considerable interest in the world community.

But this was only the beginning of changes, followed by other equally significant ones. For example, the agrarian reform was aimed at developing new lands and territories, processing them and adapting them to the needs of Agriculture. These actions gave their important results: an increase in yields, the development of industries related to the agrarian complex, etc.

Economic covered both the development of scientific potential and the expansion production capacity countries and much, much more. They left a very significant mark and significantly raised the standard of living of citizens, although they had not only positive consequences.

Foreign examples

There are dozens of types of social reforms, and there are also a huge number of examples of their implementation. One of the most striking changes in recent history are those that were carried out in Georgia.

In a relatively short period of time, the state apparatus was reduced, the procedures for registering and doing business were simplified, and the social security and healthcare systems were completely rebuilt. As a result of these reforms, Georgia has shown excellent performance in the fight against corruption, showed the growth of the economy and a significant improvement in the standard of living of the population.

special kind

To improve the system, stabilize the exchange rate, or during the implementation of other changes, the state often uses such an event as holding. Using this tool, you can achieve containment of inflation and overcome negative consequences economic downturn.

The most understandable and familiar examples to the general public monetary reform are a denomination (aggregation monetary units without changing their name), nullification (complete "reboot of the system" - the introduction of a new monetary unit to replace the old one) and devaluation (depreciation of the domestic currency relative to the monetary units of other countries).

Next step

Summing up, it is worth noting important point that almost all types of reforms, if their consequences have a negative impact on people's lives, inevitably lead to a more decisive and rapid implementation of change. This phenomenon is called revolution. Since such changes are initiated not by the state, but by the people, and often do not have clear goals, but are only the result of protest, their consequences can be unpredictable.

All components of the activity, with the exception of the actual actions, directly and predominantly affect the development of the personality, its properties (orientation, character traits, abilities); emotional sphere and professionally important qualities(providing the achievement of a certain level and quality of activity). This indicates that the influence of these components of activity on a person has personal character. They, in turn, lead to corresponding changes in a person's manifestations in activity (behavioral changes). In other words, personality changes under the influence of activity components are of a primary nature, while behavioral changes are of a secondary nature.

Actually, the actions for its implementation contribute to certain changes in the knowledge, skills and abilities of a person. Such changes can be called "behavioral" in nature. They stimulate the development of personality traits that cause the inefficiency of its practical activities. The primary influence of a person's practical actions is his behavioral change, and the secondary one is personal.

The foregoing shows that any activity (except monotonous) changes the personality of the performer. The range of such changes is exceptionally wide. They can be progressive (from German pro-gressiv - forward movement, success - gradually increasing, increasing) or regressive (from German regressiv - return, backward movement - decline in the development of something, backward movement, "the opposite of progressive ) character. progressive human change due to professional activity- this is a personal and behavioral qualitative improvement that ensures his ability to effectively perform official duties change positively in relation to oneself, the object of activity, the professional activity itself, its results, and other people. regressive- it is also a personal and behavioral qualitative change of a specialist, which negatively affects his attitude towards himself, the object of activity, the professional activity itself, its effectiveness, and other people.

The influence of activity on a person, his personal and behavioral change is different not only in direction, but also in intensity. The more and more intensively a person is involved in activity, the big changes occur in his personality and behavior. At certain stages, this leads to a qualitative change in personality.

Chapter 6. Activity and its socio-pedagogical characteristics 79

person. He becomes different in terms of the level of professionalism (the ability to perform this activity), attitude towards himself, the object and the activity itself, other people, etc. The nature and intensity of changes depends on the type of activity, attitude and activity in it.

There are professional, pedagogical, socio-pedagogical, social rehabilitation and other activities.

Professional - specially organized and regulated activity of a specialist using certain funds and aimed at achieving a predictable socially important result.

Pedagogical -special kind socially useful activities of adults, consciously aimed at preparing the younger generation for independent actions in accordance with economic, political, moral and aesthetic goals.

Socio-pedagogical - human activity, which has its own goals, means, taking into account social conditions and the problems to be solved, the corresponding result.

Social - This is a special type of professional activity aimed at solving the social problems of the object (client). The social worker is the subject; the object of its activity is a person who has social problems and needing the help of a specialist; means - economic, medical, psychological, socio-pedagogical technologies, methods and pedagogical equipment.

Thus, professional activity, in comparison with activity in general, is more complex, purposeful, organized, regulated. Depending on the appointments the specifics of the organization, regulation and predictability of professional activity, it has a quantitative and qualitative character.


1. What is meant by activity?

2. The main components of activity and their socio-pedagogical characteristics.

3. Components of activity, predominantly influencing the development of the personality itself, its properties.

4. Components of activity, the influence of which is "behavioral" in nature.

5. What is the progressive (developing) or regressive (negatively changing, destructive) nature of activity manifested in?

6. Main activities and their socio-pedagogical nature.

80 Section II. social formation personalities


1. The activity of the child and its impact on the development of the individual.

2. Motivation and its influence on increasing the socio-pedagogical role of activity.


1. Abramova G.S. Introduction to practical psychology. M, 1996.

2. Mardakhaev L.V. Professional activity and personality deformation. M.,

3. Podvoisky V.P. Professional deformation of social work specialists // Social work. 1997. № 3.

4. Professional deformation of the leader. M., 1997.

5. Practical psychology for teachers. M., 1997.

6. Shepel V.M. Management psychology. M., 1984.

Adaptation, disadaptation and readaptation of a person

The social development of a person largely depends on his condition, activity in self-manifestation. The activity of manifestation is largely determined by his feeling, to what extent he is adapted or maladjusted in the environment, feels favorable or unfavorable. The more comfortable (adapted) a person feels in society, the more he is predisposed to self-manifestation, social development. The following questions need to be considered here:

1) human adaptation, its place and role in social development, socialization;

2) human maladaptation, its causes, prevention and

3) the relationship of adaptation and socialization, maladjustment and desocialization, their consideration in work with children and adolescents.

All components of the activity, with the exception of the actual actions, directly and predominantly affect the development of the personality, its properties (orientation, character traits, abilities); emotional sphere and professionally important qualities (providing the achievement of a certain level and quality of activity). This indicates that the influence of these components of activity on a person is of a personal nature. They, in turn, lead to corresponding changes in a person's manifestations in activity (behavioral changes). In other words, personality changes under the influence of activity components are of a primary nature, while behavioral changes are of a secondary nature.
Actually, the actions for its implementation contribute to certain changes in the knowledge, skills and abilities of a person. Such changes can be called "behavioral" in nature. They stimulate the development of personality traits that cause the inefficiency of its practical activities. The primary influence of a person's practical actions is his behavioral change, and the secondary one is personal.
The foregoing shows that any activity (except monotonous) changes the personality of the performer. The range of such changes is exceptionally wide. They can be progressive (from German pro-gressiv - forward movement, success - gradually increasing, increasing) or regressive (from German regressiv - return, backward movement - decline in the development of something, backward movement, "the opposite of progressive) character Progressive change in a person as a result of professional activity is a personal and behavioral qualitative improvement that ensures his ability to effectively perform official duties, change positively in relation to himself, the object of activity, the professional activity itself, its results, other people.Regressive is also personal and a behavioral qualitative change in a specialist that negatively affects his attitude towards himself, the object of activity, the professional activity itself, its effectiveness, and other people.
The influence of activity on a person, his personal and behavioral change is different not only in direction, but also in intensity. The more and more intensively a person is involved in activity, the greater changes occur in his personality and behavior. At certain stages, this leads to a qualitative change in the personality of a person. He becomes different in terms of the level of professionalism (the ability to perform this activity), attitude towards himself, the object and the activity itself, other people, etc. The nature and intensity of changes depends on the type of activity, attitude and activity in it.
Professional, pedagogical, social-pedagogical, social-rehabilitation and other types of activity are distinguished.
Professional - a specially organized and regulated activity of a specialist using certain means and aimed at achieving a predictable socially important result.
Pedagogical - a special kind of socially useful activity of adults, consciously aimed at preparing the younger generation for independent actions in accordance with economic, political, moral and aesthetic goals.
Socio-pedagogical - human activity, which has its own goals, means, taking into account social conditions and problems to be solved, the corresponding result.
Social - this is a special type of professional activity aimed at solving the social problems of the object (client). The social worker is the subject; the object of his activity is a person who has social problems and needs the help of a specialist; means - economic, medical, psychological, socio-pedagogical technologies, methods and pedagogical equipment.
Thus, professional activity, in comparison with activity in general, is more complex, purposeful, organized, regulated. Depending on the purpose of the specifics of the organization, regulation and predictability of professional activity, it has a quantitative and qualitative character.

More on the topic § 2. Types of activity, their progressive and regressive influence on the personality:

  1. Changes in the social situation of development during preschool childhood. Game and other activities. Communication with adults and peers. Development of perception and thinking of the child; development of attention and mediated behavior; memory development; development of the imagination. The development of the personality of a preschooler.

Depending on the variety of needs of a person and society, a variety of specific types of human activity is also formed.

Based on various grounds, there are various types of activities. Depending on the characteristics of a person's relationship to the world around him, activities are divided into practical and spiritual. Practical activity is aimed at the transformation of real objects of nature and society. Spiritual activity is associated with a change in people's consciousness.

When human activity is correlated with the course of history, with social progress, then they distinguish a progressive or reactionary orientation of activity, as well as a creative or destructive one. Based on the material studied in the history course, you can give examples of events in which these activities were manifested.

Depending on the compliance of the activity with existing general cultural values, social norms, legal and illegal, moral and immoral activities are determined.

In connection with social forms associations of people in order to carry out activities distinguish collective, mass, individual activities.

Depending on the presence or absence of novelty of goals, results of activities, methods of its implementation, monotonous, template, monotonous activities are distinguished, which are carried out strictly according to the rules, instructions, new things in such activities are minimized, and most often completely absent, and innovative, inventive activities. , creative. The word "creativity" is used to denote an activity that generates something qualitatively new, previously unknown. Creative activity is distinguished by originality, uniqueness, originality. It is important to emphasize that elements of creativity can find a place in any activity. And the less it is regulated by rules, instructions, the more opportunities for creativity it has.

Depending on the public spheres in which the activity takes place, distinguish between economic, political, social activities, etc. In addition, in each sphere of society, certain types of human activity characteristic of it are distinguished. For example, the economic sphere is characterized by production and consumer activities. Political activities are characterized by state, military, international activities. For the spiritual sphere of society - scientific, educational, leisure.

Considering the process of becoming human personality, domestic psychology identifies the following main activities of people. Firstly, this is a game: subject, plot-role-playing, intellectual, sports. Game activity is focused not so much on a specific result, but on the game process itself - its rules, situation, imaginary environment. She prepares a person for creative activity and life in society.

Secondly, this doctrine- activities aimed at acquiring knowledge and methods of action.

Thirdly, this work- a type of activity aimed at achieving a practically useful result.

Often, along with the game, learning and work, communication is distinguished as the main activity of people - the establishment and development of mutual relations, contacts between people. Communication includes the exchange of information, assessments, feelings and specific actions.

Studying the features of the manifestation of human activity, they distinguish external and internal activity. External activity is manifested in the form of movements, muscle efforts, actions with real objects. The internal occurs through mental actions. In the course of this activity, human activity is manifested not in real movements, but in ideal models created in the process of thinking. There is a close relationship and complex relationship between these two activities. The inner activity, figuratively speaking, plans the outer one. It arises on the basis of the external and is realized through it. It is important to take this into account when considering the connection between activity and consciousness.

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