What is the difference between culture and civilization. Temporal and spatial dimension

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Philosophy test

What is the difference between the concept of "culture" and the concept of "civilization"?


1 Culture……………………………………………………………..........3

1.1 What is culture……………………………………………………..3

2 Civilization…………………………………………………………………5

2.1 What is civilization……………………………………………5

3 Culture and civilization…………………………………………….7


I Culture

1.1 What is culture

There are several interpretations of the origin and meaning of the word culture.

In the textbook on philosophy Radugina A.A. the term "culture" is considered from the Latin origin - cultura. According to Radugin, originally this term meant the cultivation of the soil, its cultivation, in order to make the soil suitable for satisfying human needs, so that it could serve man. In this context, the author writes, culture was understood as all changes in a natural object that occur under the influence of man, in contrast to those changes that are caused by natural causes.

According to other sources, culture in figuratively- care, improvement, ennoblement of the body-soul-spiritual inclinations and abilities of a person, respectively, there is a culture of the body, a culture of the soul and a spiritual culture. The German word Kultur also meant high level civilization. In modern scientific literature there are more than 250 definitions of culture.

In a broad sense, culture is a set of manifestations of life, achievements and creativity of a people or a group of peoples (the culture of a nation, states, civilizations - hence the multitude of religions, beliefs, values). Culture, considered from the point of view of content, is divided into various areas, spheres: customs and customs, language and writing, the nature of clothing, settlements, work, perception, economics, the nature of the army, socio-political structure, legal proceedings, science, technology, art , religion, all forms of manifestation of the objective spirit of a given people. cultured man I owe everything to education and upbringing, and this is the content of the culture of all peoples that preserve cultural continuity and traditions as a form of collective experience in their relationship with nature. The modern scientific definition of culture has discarded the aristocratic shades of this concept. It symbolizes the beliefs, values, and expressions (used in literature and art) that are common to a group; they serve to streamline the experience and regulate the behavior of the members of that group. The beliefs and attitudes of a subgroup are often referred to as a subculture.

Specialists in the theory of culture A. Kroeber and K. Klakhon analyzed over a hundred basic definitions and grouped them as follows.

1 Descriptive definitions that are based on the concept of the founder of cultural anthropology E. Taylor. The essence of such definitions: culture is the sum of all activities, customs, beliefs; it, as a treasury of everything created by people, includes books, paintings, etc., knowledge of ways of adapting to the social and natural environment, language, customs, etiquette, ethics, religion, which have evolved over the centuries.

2 Historical definitions emphasizing the role of social heritage and traditions inherited by the modern era from previous stages of human development. Adjacent to them are genetic definitions that assert that culture is the result of historical development. It includes everything that is artificial, that people have produced and that is transmitted from generation to generation - tools, symbols, organizations, common activities, views, beliefs.

3. Normative definitions, emphasizing the meaning of the accepted norms. Culture is the way of life of the individual, determined by the social environment.

4. Value definitions: culture is the material and social values ​​of a group of people, their institutions, customs, behavioral response.

5. Psychological definitions based on the solution of certain problems by a person at the psychological level. Here culture is a special adaptation of people to the natural environment and economic needs, and is made up of all the results of such adaptation.

6. Definitions based on learning theories: culture is the behavior that a person has learned, and not received as a biological inheritance.

7. Structural definitions highlighting the importance of organizing or modeling moments. Here, culture is a system of certain features, interconnected in various ways. Material and non-material cultural features, organized around basic needs, form social institutions that are the core (model) of culture.

8. Ideological definitions: culture is the flow of ideas passing from individual to individual through special actions, i.e. through words or imitations.

9. Symbolic definitions: culture is the organization of various phenomena (material objects, actions, ideas, feelings), consisting in the use of symbols or depending on it.

It is easy to see that each of the listed groups of definitions captures some important features of culture. However, in general, as a complex social phenomenon, it eludes definition. Indeed, culture is the result of people's behavior and the activities of society, it is historical, includes ideas, models and values, selective, studyable, based on symbols, "superorganic", i.e. does not include the biological components of a person and is transmitted by mechanisms other than biological heredity, it is emotionally perceived or rejected by individuals. And yet this list of properties does not give us a sufficiently complete understanding of the complex phenomena that are meant when it comes to the cultures of the Maya or the Aztecs. ancient egypt or Ancient Greece Kievan Rus or Novgorod.

II Civilization

2.1 What is civilization

On the early steps community development a person was merged with that community (genus, community), of which he was a part. The development of this community was at the same time the development of man himself. Under such conditions, the social and cultural aspects of society were practically not separated: social life was at the same time the life of a given culture, and the achievements of a society were the achievements of its culture. Just as the consciousness of primitive society was, in the words of Marx, "woven" into the material activity of people, so cultural aspect society was merged with the social, not separated from it.

Also a feature of primitive sociality was its "natural" character. Tribal, as well as intra- and inter-communal relations "naturally" arose in the process life together and activities of people, in a severe struggle to maintain their existence. The decomposition and disintegration of these relations in the process of transition to a class society was at the same time a profound upheaval in the mechanisms of the functioning and development of society, which meant the formation civilization.

Analyzing the transition from primitive to civilization, F. Engels identifies its main characteristics: the social division of labor and in particular the separation of the city from the countryside, mental labor from physical labor, the emergence of commodity-money relations and commodity production, the split of society into exploiters and exploited, and as a consequence of this -the emergence of the state, the right to inherit property, a profound revolution in the forms of the family, the creation of writing and the development of various forms of spiritual production. Engels is primarily interested in those aspects of civilization that separate it from the primitive state of society. But his analysis also contains the perspective of a more versatile approach to civilization as a global, world-historical phenomenon.

The concept of civilization for a long time remained on the periphery of the interests of Marxists. The problems associated with it did not become the subject of research, since it was believed that the category of socio-economic formation was quite sufficient to characterize the stages of social development. The concept of civilization, on the other hand, was alarming due to its vagueness and ambiguity; it often contains the most varied content.

The term "civilization" comes from the Latin civiliz (civil, state, political). In the literature, this term is identified with the concept of "culture" (a cultured and civilized person - characteristics of the same order), and as something opposing it, for example, as a soulless, material "body" of society, as opposed to culture as a spiritual principle; is a level, a stage in evolution human society who replaced barbarism; is interpreted as something that gives convenience (comfort), provided at our disposal by technology, etc. According to O. Spengler, civilization is a stage in the decline of culture, its aging.

Modern ideas about civilization are considered by thinkers as something One, which is outside the framework of social systems. It is connected with the idea of ​​integrity, the unity of the world. The category of civilization covers the nature and level of development of material and spiritual culture, the results of mankind's activities to create a "second nature", the introduction of elements of a noospheric nature into the existence of modern mankind.

1) in the general philosophical sense - as social form the motion of matter;

2) as a general socio-philosophical characteristic of the world historical process and qualitatively defined stages of its development;

3) as a cultural and historical type that characterizes the regional and traditional features of the development of society;

4) as a designation of civilized societies that preserve their vital integrity for a long time (Maya, Sumerians, Incas, Etruscans).

So, the main idea in the content of the category "civilization" is reduced to the diversity of the historical process, which goes from local, regional stages to the global level.

III Culture and civilization

It is known that there are disputes around the meaning of the words "culture" and "civilization", sometimes acquiring a sharp character, and rarely anyone confuses these words when the context is unambiguous, although sometimes it is quite legitimate to use them as synonyms: they are so closely intertwined. But between them there is not only a similarity, but also a difference, in some aspects reaching even a hostile opposite.

I. Kant was the first to introduce the difference between culture and civilization, which significantly clarified this problem. Previously, culture, in contrast to nature, was understood as everything created by man. So, posed the question, for example, I.G. Herder, although even then it was clear that a person does a lot in his work, not just badly, but even quite badly. Later, views on culture arose that likened it to an ideally functioning system and professional skill, but did not take into account what is professional, i.e. with great skill, others can kill people, but no one will call this atrocity a cultural phenomenon. It was Kant who solved this problem, and it was brilliantly simple. He defined culture as that and only that which serves the good of people or which is humanistic in its essence: there is no true culture outside of humanism and spirituality.

Based on your understanding of the essence of culture. Kant clearly contrasted the "culture of skill" with the "culture of "education", and he called the purely external, "technical" type of culture civilization. The far-sighted genius of the thinker foresaw the rapid development of civilization and perceived this with alarm, speaking of the separation of civilization from forward is much slower than civilization. This obviously pernicious disproportion brings with it many troubles to the peoples of the world: civilization, taken without a spiritual dimension, gives rise to the danger of the technical self-destruction of mankind. There is an amazing similarity between culture and nature: the creations of nature are just as organic in their structure that strikes our imagination, as well as culture.After all, society is a kind of extremely complex kind of organism - meaning the organic unity of the society, which is an amazing similarity, of course, with a clear essential difference.

There is no doubt that one should distinguish between culture and civilization. According to Kant, civilization begins with the establishment by man of the rules of human life and human behavior. A civilized person is a person who will not cause trouble to another person, he necessarily takes him into account. A civilized person is polite, courteous, tactful, amiable, considerate, respects the person in the other. Kant connects culture with the moral categorical imperative, which has practical force and determines human actions not by generally accepted norms, oriented primarily to the mind, but by the moral foundations of the person himself, his conscience.

Description of work

In a broad sense, culture is a set of manifestations of life, achievements and creativity of a people or a group of peoples (the culture of a nation, states, civilizations - hence the multitude of religions, beliefs, values). Culture, considered from the point of view of content, is divided into various areas, spheres: customs and customs, language and writing, the nature of clothing, settlements, work, perception, economics, the nature of the army, socio-political structure, legal proceedings, science, technology, art , religion, all forms of manifestation of the objective spirit given people. A cultured person owes everything to education and upbringing, and this is the content of the culture of all peoples that preserve cultural continuity and traditions as a form of collective experience in their relationship with nature.

culture appears as a “second nature” created by man, built on top of natural nature, as a world created by man, in contrast to virgin nature. Where there is a person, his activity, relations between people, there is also culture.

We can say that for the philosophical understanding of culture, its definition as "second nature" is the initial basic premise. The world of culture is everything that a person distinguishes from natural nature, it is an artificial world of nature transformed by man.

The material objects of culture, so to speak, are spiritualized by human activity, which gave them a certain content, endowed them with certain functions, breathed into them a “soul” in the form of a certain value principle or meaning. Therefore, all material culture in fact, there is a unity of the material and the ideal.

This unity is also inherent in the phenomena belonging to spiritual culture. It includes different types arts - music, painting, fiction, and ethical values and norms, systems philosophical ideas, religious teachings, etc. But in order for these human creations to become available to other people, they must be objectified, that is, materialized in human actions, in language, oral or written, embodied in some other material forms(for example, on the canvas of the artist, on the tape of an audio or video cassette). This means that any cultural phenomena combine the material and the ideal.

works of art, scientific discoveries, technical innovations are all products of creative work. Its specificity lies in the fact that the artist, the scientist relies on all the previous development of culture and, in cooperation with his contemporaries, continues the process of cultural creation. Indeed, in order to create something new in any field of activity, one must master its achievements, that is, be at the height of the culture of one’s time. This circumstance conceals enormous, although historically limited by the achieved level of culture, opportunities for the development of consciously purposeful and free creative activity.

Culture is a measure of the human in a person, a characteristic of the development of a person as a social being. The existence of culture is the existence of a person as a subject, this is his subjective activity, activity, this is the material and spiritual world is their unity and interconnection.

At the early stages of social development, a person was merged with that community (genus, community), of which he was a part. The development of this community was at the same time the development of man himself. Under such conditions, social life was at the same time the life of a given culture, and the achievements of a society were the achievements of its culture.

Another feature of primitive sociality was its "natural" character. Tribal, as well as intra- and inter-communal relations "naturally" arose in the process of joint life and activities of people, in a severe struggle to maintain their existence. The disintegration and disintegration of these relations was at the same time a profound upheaval in the mechanisms of the functioning and development of society, signifying the formation of civilization.

Civilization represents sociocultural education, arising as a way of existence of people in the conditions and on the basis of the social division of labor.

Civilization includes the entire culture created by man, a person who has mastered culture and is able to live and act in the cultivated environment of his habitat (in virgin nature, the existence of civilization is impossible), as well as the totality public relations as forms social organization culture that ensures its existence and continuation. The formational division of society gives civilization social certainty, historical concreteness. Formational differences in European society, after its release from its primitive state, these are the differences within European civilization.

The first civilizations appeared where the development of productive forces, social division of labor, population growth, social stratification made it impossible for a person to exist within the framework of the tribal system.

The formation of civilization is associated with a profound upheaval in culture. There is a separation of mental labor from physical, develop various forms public consciousness, the beginnings of sciences arise. The fundamental civilizational innovation is writing. History practically does not know non-literate civilizations.

The social mechanisms of civilization, no doubt, are in a very complex and contradictory relationship with culture, contributing to its development and hindering it. Moreover, such tendencies can act simultaneously, with the predominance of one or the other. This sometimes serves as the basis for assertions about the hostility of culture and civilization. But it could be more precisely said that civilization characterizes the social being of culture. Another question is that this existence can be contradictory.

The very course of history has led to the fact that now the problem of civilization needs to be considered at two levels - local and global, that we can talk about local and a single world civilization that includes the diversity of cultures, and does not erase their differences.

To the question What is the difference between culture and civilization? given by the author Caucasian the best answer is Civilization can be cultural, and it can be uncivilized. And since culture can be civilized and not very civilized, I dare to assume that these are synonyms.
Source: Hi Sanna!
Danko from Divny Bereznik
Now I know! What about bodybuilding then? What about a civilized person?

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What is the difference between culture and civilization?

Answer from Yonegirek[guru]
Culture (from Latin cultura - cultivation, upbringing, education, development, veneration), a historically determined level of development of society and man, expressed in the types and forms of organization of people's life and activities, as well as in the material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bcreated by them. The concept of Culture is used to characterize the material and spiritual level of development of certain historical eras, socio-economic formations, specific societies, nationalities and nations (for example, ancient culture, socialist Culture, Maya Culture), as well as specific areas of activity or life (Work culture, art culture, Culture of life). In a narrower sense, the term "Culture" refers only to the sphere of people's spiritual life. Civilization (from Latin civilis - civil, state), 1) a synonym for culture. In Marxist literature, it is also used to refer to material culture. 2) Level, stage of social development, material and spiritual culture (ancient Civilization, modern Civilization) . 3) The stage of social development following barbarism (L. Morgan, F. Engels). The concept of "Civilization" appeared in the 18th century. in close connection with the concept of "culture". The French Philosophers of the Enlightenment called a civilized society based on the principles of reason and justice. In the 19th century the concept of "Civilization" was used as a characteristic of capitalism as a whole, but such an idea of ​​civilization was not dominant. Thus, N. Ya. Danilevsky formulated the theory of a general typology of cultures, or Civilization, according to which there is no world history, but there is only the history of civilization data, which have an individual closed character. In the concept of O. Spengler, Civilization is a certain final stage in the development of any culture. Its main features are the development of industry and technology, the degradation of art and literature, the emergence of a huge crowd of people in big cities, the transformation of peoples into faceless "masses". With this understanding, civilization as an era of decline is opposed to the integrity and organic nature of culture. These and other idealistic conceptions do not reveal the nature of civilization, the real essence of its development. The classics of Marxism analyzed driving forces and contradictions in the development of civilization, substantiating the need for a revolutionary transition to its new stage - communist society.

Answer from trace[guru]
In cultural studies, there is a fairly strong current that opposes culture to civilization. The Russian Slavophiles laid the foundation for such opposition, asserting the thesis about the spirituality of culture and the lack of spirituality of civilization as a purely Western phenomenon. Continuing these traditions, N. A. Berdyaev wrote about civilization as "the death of the spirit of culture." Within the framework of his concept, culture is symbolic, but not realistic, meanwhile dynamic movement inside culture with its crystallized forms inevitably leads to going beyond the limits of culture, "to life, to practice, to strength" . On these paths, “the transition of culture to civilization is taking place”, “civilization is trying to realize life”, realizing “the cult of life beyond its meaning, replacing the goal of life with the means of life, the tools of life”. In Western culturology, O. Spengler consistently opposed culture and civilization. In his book The Decline of Europe (1918), he described civilization as the end point in the development of culture, signifying its "decline" or decline. Spengler considered the main features of civilization to be “acute cold rationality”, intellectual hunger, practical rationalism, the change of spiritual being by mental, admiration for money, the development of science, irreligion and similar phenomena. However, in cultural studies there is also an opposite approach, which essentially identifies culture and civilization. In the concept of K. Jaspers, civilization is interpreted as the value of all cultures. Culture is the core of civilization, but with this approach, the question of the specifics of culture and civilization remains unresolved. From our point of view, the problem of the relationship between the concepts of "culture" and "civilization" can find an acceptable solution if civilization is understood as a kind of product of culture, its specific property and component: civilization is created by society in the course of cultural process system of means of its functioning and improvement. The concept of civilization in this interpretation indicates functionality, manufacturability, institutionality. The concept of culture is not only about technology, but also about values ​​and meanings, it is associated with the setting and implementation of human goals. Civilization presupposes the assimilation of patterns of behavior, values, norms, etc., while culture is a way of mastering achievements. Civilization is the realization of a certain type of society in specific historical circumstances, while culture is an attitude towards this type of society based on various spiritual, moral and worldview criteria.

difference between culture and civilization. What are the differences between culture and civilization? Very well, the differences between them were formulated by N. Berdyaev, the main idea from whose work was derived by Professor I.Ya. Levyash He was in solidarity with O. Spengler, who recognized civilization as the fate of any culture.

Culture does not evolve indefinitely. She carries within herself the seed of death. It contains the beginnings that inevitably attract e to civilization. Civilization, on the other hand, is the death of the spirit of culture; dynamic movement within a culture with its crystallized forms inevitably leads to going beyond the limits of culture.

On these paths, the transition of culture to civilization is accomplished. How to explain such a deep metamorphosis Culture noted the thinker is creative activity person. In culture, human creativity receives its objectification. Civilization is a transition from culture, from contemplation, from the creation of values ​​to life itself. And, finally, Culture is religious in its basis, civilization is non-religious. Culture comes from a cult, it is connected with the cult of ancestors, it is impossible without sacred traditions.

Civilization is the will to power, to arrange the surface of the earth. Culture is national. Civilization is international. Culture is organic. Civilization is mechanical. Culture is based on inequality, on qualities. Civilization is imbued with a desire for equality, it wants to settle on quantities. Culture is aristocratic. Civilization is democratic. The differences between culture and civilization are largely due to the need to broaden perspectives historical vision, include in object theoretical research sphere of material life, which did not fit into the traditional framework of the analysis of the philosophy of culture and ignoring which in connection with scientific and technological development would mean discrediting socio-philosophical constructions.

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The teachings of Oswald Spengler about local cultures and their development into civilizations

Only in the 20s. The first volume of this cultural bestseller went through 32 editions in many languages. Unusual creative biography German thinker. The son of a small postal .. He was also considered a classic of the civilizational approach to history, i.e. such a consideration of it, when historical ..

Concepts culture and civilization are closely linked, which allows researchers in some cases to use them as synonyms. Both culture and civilization are value concepts. Any civilization (as well as culture) is a set of values ​​inherent in it.

However, these concepts also have semantic differences laid down in antiquity. Thus, the term "culture", which has Greek origin, originally meant cultivation, cultivation (of soil, plants), and later was extended to the area of ​​upbringing and education. The term "civilization" is of Latin origin and refers to civil, state characteristics(“civilis” means “civil”, “state”).

The term " civilization” means a certain level of development of material and spiritual culture. This means that chronologically, culture and civilization do not always coincide. So, we can talk about primitive culture, but there is no primitive civilization. Only when mental labor begins to separate from physical labor do handicrafts arise, commodity production and exchange appear, does the transition from primitive culture to civilization.

O. Spengler considered the stage of civilization to be the end of the development of any culture. This stage is characterized by a high level of development of science and technology, a decline in the field of literature and art, and the emergence of megacities. At this time, according to Spengler, the people are losing the “soul of culture”, there is a “massification” of all spheres of life and their necrosis, a desire for world domination is formed - the internal source of the death of culture.

In addition, there are a number of phenomena that stand outside of culture and are its antipodes. It is, first of all, wars. Violence and destruction are opposed to the content of culture, creative and humanistic. If civilization suppresses the individual, then culture creates the conditions for its flourishing. Anti-culture can bring to naught all the efforts of culture and sometimes leads to irreversible consequences. Civilization combines culture and lack of culture, values ​​and anti-values, gains and losses of the people.

Culture, therefore, is the basis, the “code” of civilization, but does not completely coincide with it. By famous expression MM. Prishvin, culture is the connection of people, and civilization is the connection of things.

The term "civilization" is used in various senses:

As a historical stage in the development of mankind, following barbarism and characterized by the formation of classes and the state. This definition was used by Morgan and Engels;

As a characteristic of the integrity of all cultures, their universal unity (" world civilization"," to enter things in a civilized way, "etc.). It's about about the most rational and humane way of reproduction of human life and existence;

As a synonym for the term "material culture": that which gives convenience and comfort;

As a characteristic of unity historical process. This concept serves as a criterion for comparing certain stages of history (“civilization”, “high level of civilization development”, “lowest stage of civilization development”).

Culture creates the conditions for the development of civilization, civilization creates the prerequisites for the cultural process, directs it. Many cultures are formed on the basis of the same civilization. Thus, European civilization includes English, French, German, Polish and other cultures.

Civilizations are the most important system-forming beginning public life , creating universal forms of culture and social relations. They are considered by researchers as an external world in relation to a person, influencing him and opposing him, while culture is always an internal property of a person, a free spiritual and material activity in accordance with the norms of civilization.

Comparative analysis concepts of civilizations and cultures made it possible to make important conclusion that not all phenomena of social life can be attributed to culture. If in the last century these concepts were used as synonyms and many philosophers were inclined to blame culture for all the misfortunes of mankind, then the breeding of the concepts of culture and civilization in the twentieth century helped to preserve the idea of ​​culture as a field of creation and free creativity of people.

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