A performer of Russian folk songs has died. Folk singer Lyudmila Ryumina dies


The cause of death of Lyudmila Ryumina was an oncological disease, TASS reports citing a representative of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center, which the singer headed for many years. The center is also going to hold a farewell to Ryumina - according to preliminary data, it will take place on Monday, September 4, and the funeral will take place at the Vostryakovskoye cemetery.

The Moscow Cultural Folklore Center was created by Lyudmila Ryumina in 1999 with the participation of the Moscow government and Mayor Yuri Luzhkov.

By this time, she had already passed a big - and, in principle, standard for artists of her generation - creative way. As a child, she studied at an art school, worked as a graphic designer, at the age of 18 she was invited to the ensemble "Voronezh Girls". Ryumina performed in this ensemble for several years, then in three years she graduated from the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College in Moscow (now an institute) as an external student. Graduates of this school, in which in 1961 the first department in the USSR was opened folk singing, there were other celebrities - Zhanna Aguzarova, Lyudmila Zykina, Nadezhda Kadysheva. During her studies, the singer became a laureate of the III Moscow Youth Festival of Russian Folk and Soviet Music.

After graduation, Ryumin worked as the head of the children's folk choir in Fryazino near Moscow, and in 1977 she was accepted into the Mosconcert as a soloist, thus giving her official status.

In this status, she becomes a laureate of several festivals --

youth and students in Havana in 1978, a year later she received the second prize at the All-Union Variety Artists Competition, received the Lenin Komsomol Prize and the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. True, Ryumin does not abandon her studies either - she studies at the Gnessin Institute at the Department of Folk Singing, then, already in the 90s, at GITIS, at stage direction.

Ryumina created a cultural folklore center in Moscow and became the founder of the Moscow state ensemble"Rus". The folklore center in Moscow was opened in 1999 in the building of the former cinema "Ukraine". Much later, eight years later, the center acquired a new building of its own, but it has been engaged in creativity all these years. Ryumina staged theatrical performances in the Hall of Church Cathedrals of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - a whole series of concerts "Russia is Destined to be Reborn", in the same place she created New Year's performances.

In her center, Ryumina was both the artistic director and the main director - education allowed.

She made up many solo programs - among them "Slavic Soul", "In Defense of Childhood and Kindness", "Beloved Russia", "Moscow Beauty", "Palekh Patterns". In 2002, Ryumina received her own star on the Square of Stars.

Lyudmila Ryumina generally worked in the same direction as most famous performers folk (and so-called "pseudo-folk") songs of that time - almost all of them eventually came to the idea of ​​creating own theater folk song. Ryumina, in addition to collecting folklore, collaborated with Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov, Robert Rozhdestvensky and Vladimir Miguley, other composers and songwriters. So, of course, the repertoire of singers and singers who worked in the same genre was not limited to folk songs alone, but such a form of supporting the heritage is worth a lot.

“We are running out of a list of Russian singers, there are practically no more of them. Ryumina fought for the purity of the Russian song, she always went out in Russian outfits. I am sincerely sorry, ”TASS quotes the words of singer Iosif Kobzon. But, one must think, the center created by it will remain - in contrast to the fragile theatrical collective organisms, in folklore, collectives often outlive their creators.

The famous woman died at the age of 68 Russian performer folk songs. The cause of death of Lyudmila Ryumina was announced by her concert director on the official website of the singer on August 31, 2017. According to her, oncology did not give the famous woman any the slightest chance. Details about the illness of Lyudmila Ryumina in open sources there is no information - apparently, the permanent leader of the Rosy ensemble did not want to disclose intimate details treatment and diagnosis.

The singer died in the Botkin hospital, the disease, according to relatives, undermined her health famous woman many years. After the farewell ceremony, which took place at the Moscow Folklore Center, established many years ago by Ryumina herself, the artist was buried with honors at the Troekurovsky cemetery, next to the grave of her mother on September 4, 2017.

Beloved boss and talented leader

Companions of Lyudmila Ryumina, who did not know anything about the cause of her illness and death, remember the artist as a person who was unusually strong and demanding of herself and others. The talented woman faced cruel trials - both a hungry, cold post-war childhood, and a cruel car accident that deprived the singer of the joy of motherhood.

Having gathered all her will into a fist, she began to do what is close to her in spirit - the popularization of the national musical creativity. For the sake of this, she changed her profession, having an art education, she graduated from the Gnessin Music College as an external student.

Driven by the idea of ​​reviving the interest of young people in folk art, graduated from GITIS in the class of variety direction - the show should be bright, eye-catching, professional.

She did not go on about the popularity, giving all her best to create original projects festivities and holidays. Possessing a uniquely subtle sense of proportion, she created and designed costumes for her team and herself - bright, but not flashy, catchy, but not vulgar.

The idea of ​​creating the Moscow Folklore Center belongs to her - in a huge metropolis, the capital of the Motherland, there are a lot of national cultural centers which are supported by both the diaspora and the governments of other countries. Paradoxically, there is no center for the development of Russian folk art, not in any big city Russia. On such a patriotic wave, the singer managed to interest the mighty of the world this - and the mayor of the capital gave the building of the former cinema "Ukraine" at the disposal of the assertive woman.

The artist paid special attention to the upbringing of the younger generation - according to her, she felt like a mother of many children - all the worries for the preparation of children's groups folk art organized at the center fell on her shoulders. And the children reciprocated her, unaware of the causes of the illness and death of their beloved mentor - with them, the singer Lyudmila Ryumina was invariably friendly and cheerful.

She taught her students that popular singer for one day anyone, even the most voiceless performer, can become, good modern technologies allow to turn into ringing voice even goose hiss. "Populists", as she called herself and her colleagues, are required to be professionals and give everything 200% in order to stay on the crest of popularity and captivate people who came to a concert or show program.

The People's Artist of Russia, in an interview with a Moscow publication, reproaches himself for callousness and inattention towards Lyudmila Ryumina - they often intersected by occupation, but he also did not know anything about the causes of illness and death of a colleague of the singer. Under him, Ryumina looked cheerful, energetic - a real Russian lady, capable of entering a burning hut and stopping a galloping horse.

Not a single complaint from her was heard at numerous rehearsals. solo performances artists.

According to the artist, the death of Ryumina made a huge gap in creativity country - she was so strong in her desire to give folk songs eternal life and universal love. She had a lot on her. a strong character The artist allowed her to go on tour, despite her devastating illness, and to deal with the affairs of the center.

It is difficult to find an appropriate deputy for her position, so there is a great fear that the Moscow Folklore Center may be disbanded and such a good undertaking will sink into oblivion. But Ryumina gave him all of herself without a trace, rightly believing that a healthy popularization of the people's idea strengthens the spirit of patriotism and is the best cure for heartlessness and the desire to indulge other people's values.

Died at the age of 68 Russian singer Ludmila Ryumina. The cause of death was cancer.

A well-known Soviet and Russian singer died in Moscow at the age of 69. People's Artist RSFSR, founder and leader of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rusy" Lyudmila Georgievna Ryumina.

Lyudmila Ryumina passed away in the Botkin hospital in Moscow. IN last years she fought with serious illness- the artist had oncology, which led to death.

Since 1999, she has headed the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center.

Farewell to the singer will take place on September 4 at the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center. The singer will be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Her childhood and youth were spent in the village of Vyazovoe, Dolgorukovsky district. Lipetsk region which she considered her home. The family lived modestly, in a small house, in which there was not enough space for a separate bed, so the newborn Lyudmila slept in a trough on the stove.

But the poor childhood did not spoil, but only tempered the character of the girl: she grew up brisk, always achieved what she wanted.

After graduating from art school, Lyudmila Georgievna worked at the plant as a graphic designer. Mastering this specialty later came in handy for the singer to create concert costumes.

At the age of 18, Lyudmila received an invitation to work in the Voronezh Girls ensemble. With this group, Ryumina began to develop as a singer, performer of folk songs.

Later, Lyudmila enters the music school. Ippolitova-Ivanov for the course of the Honored Artist of Russia, laureate State Prize Valentina Efimovna Klodnina. After 3 years (instead of 4 prescribed) he graduated from college as an external student. Having received a referral to the Fryazino music school, for the next 2 years the singer works as the head of the children's folk choir.

Further, Lyudmila Ryumina becomes a soloist of the Mosconcert. In parallel, she decides to continue musical education and in 1978 he entered the Institute. Gnesins to the Department of Folk Singing to Professor, People's Artist Soviet Union, laureate of the State Prize Nina Konstantinovna Meshko. Graduated from the institute Lyudmila Ryumina in 1983.

Being already a well-deserved artist, Lyudmila Ryumina comes to the conclusion that the performance of a folk song also implies action, competent directorial and acting presentation of the material. And he enters GITIS at the department of "variety direction" to the teacher, People's Artist of Russia Vyacheslav Shalevich.

Lyudmila Ryumina owned not only folk, but also academic voice. This gave her the opportunity to make vocalizations in high tessitura when performing songs. owning classical school singing, Lyudmila Ryumina also performed romances, chamber and classical works, opera arias.

Many songs and compositions were born in the collaboration of Lyudmila Ryumina with famous poets and composers such as: A. Pakhmutova, N. Dobronravov, V. Titov, S. Bersenev, V. Vovchenko, G. Georgiev, E. Ptichkin, V. Butenko, A. Babadzhanyan, R. Rozhdestvensky, M. Slutsky, V. Migulya, A. Kovalevsky, Yu. Garin, M. Nozhkin, A. Sevashova, A. Dementiev, E. Martynov, V. Belyaev, M. Fradkin.

Lyudmila Ryumina - Ah, Samara, the town

In 1982 and 1986, she reached the final of the Song of the Year festival with the songs Flowers of Russia (music by Evgeny Ptichkin - art. Veniamin Butenko) and Your Beauty (the authors are the same), and in 1987 - You are still silent "(music by Evgeny Ptichkin - art. Mikhail Plyatskovsky).

The singer gave great importance propaganda folk art, education and training of talented youth working in the genre of folk songs.

A large number of theatrical performances were held in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior from the cycle "Russia is Destined to Revive". As part of this program, concerts were held: “Angels flew over Russia”, “Moscow-Phoenix-bird”, “In Holy Rus'”, “Oh, Maslenitsa!”, “ Holy holiday”, “Swan”, “Seagull”, “Faith, Hope, Love”, “Katyusha”. Lyudmila Ryumina worked on children's theatrical programs. She was the organizer of New Year's performances in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (2001-2002) and (2002-2003).

In June 1999, the Moscow Government approved the project of Lyudmila Ryumina on the opening State institution culture of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center under the direction of Lyudmila Ryumina, the artistic director of whom the singer has been for more than 10 years.

Lyudmila Ryumina - Golden-domed Moscow

On June 4, 1999, with the support of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and Vice Mayor Valery Shantsev, Lyudmila Ryumina created the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center, which is located in the former Ukraina cinema. The center plans to hold multinational festivals, concerts of professional creative folk groups.

On December 22, 2007, the Folklore Center was opened under the leadership of Lyudmila Ryumina. During the reconstruction of the building, a team led by Lyudmila Ryumina did a great creative work, which was expressed in solo programs, recording 16 albums of Lyudmila Ryumina, participation in many government and other important events.

Already in the new building took place a large number of solo programs: "Rusachka", "Moscow Troechka", "Spark", "Slavic Soul", "Bright Holiday", "Apple Trees in Blossom", "In Defense of Childhood and Kindness", "Beloved Russia", "Moscow Beauty", "Faith Hope Love", " School years”,“ Palekh Patterns ”from December 28, 2007 to January 7, 2008, children's New Year's performances“ That's how Emelya!

She died on August 31, 2017 at the 69th year of her life in the Botkin hospital in Moscow from an oncological disease.

Personal life of Lyudmila Ryumina:

She was never officially married and had no children.

As she said, her personal life is creativity. She never connected her life with any of the men - the profession forced her to devote all her time to tours, preparing for concerts and rehearsals.

An accident that occurred at the beginning of the singer's career took away her ability to have children. Crossing the road of a familiar street for several days, Lyudmila fell under the wheels of a car, which literally dragged her along the asphalt for several meters. The traumatologist then said that the woman was born in a shirt, since she remained alive, but numerous internal injuries forever deprived her of the opportunity to become a mother.

But in return for this, fate gave Lyudmila Georgievna hundreds of young talented artists, who every year join the ranks of her students. It was they, her pupils, striving to be like Ryumina, who made her go forward and gave her the strength to create something new and good every day.

After the death of the singer, the niece and goddaughter of the artist Larisa in the program "You won't believe it!" told that Ryumina had a husband who would get her apartments and jewelry. “She has a husband, but no children. But it's better not to talk about it. This is personal, if no one knew about it, then it was necessary, ”said Larisa.

Discography of Lyudmila Ryumina:

2003 - "Oh, Maslenitsa"
2003 - "Mom, mommy, mommy"
2003 - "Village Tango"
2003 - "Red Sundress"
2003 - Nightingale stray
2004 - "Lubo!"
2004 - "Live, Russia"
2004 - “You are my dear”
2005 - "Moscow - Beauty"
2005 - "Where does the Motherland begin"
2005 - "We need one Victory!"
2005 - "Flowers of Russia"
2005 - "My fire"
2005 - "Evening bells"
2006 - "Slavic Soul"
2007 - "White Lilac"

The famous Russian singer Lyudmila Ryumina died on August 31 in Moscow at the age of 69. The cause of the death of the famous performer was an oncological disease. This was told by the representative of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center Ryumina Elena Orlova.

"Lyudmila Georgievna died tonight in the hospital from cancer," Orlova said. At the same time, she added that farewell to the people's artist is scheduled for September 4. Those wishing to say goodbye to Ryumina will be able to do so at the Folklore Center.

The press service of the Moscow Department of Culture reported that the department would assist in organizing the funeral, as well as the farewell ceremony for Lyudmila Romina.

Many singers and other cultural figures of our country regret the death of Lyudmila Ryumina and remember her, finding many warm and sincere words. Yes, according to People's Artist and the policy of Joseph Kobzon, it was last artist, which promoted the genre of folk songs with such dedication, took care of its purity, and concert outfits have always been primordially Russian. He recalled several joint tours when they were in Africa and Latin America, Afghanistan, emphasizing that this time was very good.

spoke out regarding great singer and Mikhail Shvydkoy, who is special representative President of the Russian Federation in the field of international cultural cooperation. In his opinion, Lyudmila Ryumina had a very groovy and cheerful character, showed wit and knew how to create a holiday. It was bright and very live singer and her passing is a huge loss. When other people, like Lyudmila Ryumina, go into the world, each time an "unfillable void" appears.

In turn, according to the Azerbaijani actor and singer Polad Bul-Bul oglu, the Russian artist was very open, and what she did was real heroism. The folk song lost a lot with the death of Lyudmila Ryumina - a hospitable and always friendly person, a personality really with a capital letter.

Lyudmila Ryumina was born in 1949 in Voronezh and became famous for performing Russian folk songs. From the age of 18, Ryumina performed in the ensemble "Voronezh Girls", where her formation as a singer began. Ryumina graduated from the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College and the Gnessin Institute as an external student.

Lyudmila Ryumina is the founder and permanent leader of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rusy". Since 1999, Ryumina has held the post artistic director Moscow cultural folklore center.

Ryumina, People's Artist of Russia, was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, and the Order of Friendship.

In contact with


Soviet and Russian singer, performer of Russian folk songs. The permanent leader of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rusy". People's Artist of the RSFSR (1991).

Lyudmila Ryumina - biography

Lyudmila Georgievna Ryumina was born in Voronezh on August 28, 1949. Childhood and youth future singer took place in the village of Vyazovoe (Dolgorukovsky district of the Lipetsk region). It was Vyazovoe that Ryumina always called her small homeland. The family lived modestly, but a poor childhood only tempered Lyudmila's character. After graduation art school Lyudmila Georgievna worked as a graphic designer. Later, becoming an artist, her skills came in handy when creating stage costumes.

At the age of 18, Lyudmila was invited to the Voronezh Girls ensemble. She later entered School of Music named after Ippolitov-Ivanov, where she studied with the Honored Artist of Russia Valentina Efimovna Klodnina. Ryumin graduated from the school as an external student and for two years worked as the head of the children's folk choir in the Fryazino music school. Then Lyudmila Ryumina became a soloist of the Mosconcert. In parallel, in 1978, she entered the Gnessin Institute, her teacher was Professor Nina Konstantinovna Meshko. Romina graduated from Gnesinka in 1983. However, Lyudmila decided not to stop studying there: being sure that for a folk song performer, it is also important acting skills, she entered GITIS at the Department of Variety Directing, where she studied with the People's Artist of Russia Vyacheslav Shalevich.

Possessing not only a folk, but also an academic voice, Lyudmila Ryumina, when performing songs, could make vocalizations in high tessitura. The singer performed romances, chamber and classical works, opera arias.

In the collaboration of Lyudmila Ryumina with famous poets and composers, many compositions were born. Ryumina has worked with such celebrities as Alexandra Pakhmutova, Nikita Dobronravov, Arno Babadzhanyan, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Vladimir Migulya, Yuri Garin, Andrey Dementiev, Evgeny Martynov, Mark Fradkin and others.

In 1982 and 1986, Lyudmila Ryumina became the finalist of the Song of the Year festival with the songs Flowers of Russia and Your Beauty, and in 1987 - You are still silent.

In the summer of 1999, the Government of Moscow approved the project of Lyudmila Ryumina on the opening of the State Cultural Institution of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center under the direction of Lyudmila Ryumina. The singer was the artistic director of the center for more than ten years.

Lyudmila Ryumina - Personal life

Lyudmila Ryumina has never been married, saying that her personal life is her work. Due to constant touring, preparation for concerts, she did not connect her life with any of the men. In addition, at the beginning of her career, Ryumina had an accident (Lyudmila was hit by a car wheel), because of which she could not become a mother. The doctors said it was good that she was alive.

Lyudmila Ryumina died in Moscow on August 31, 2017 at the age of 69. After years of living, she struggled with cancer.

People's Artist of the USSR Iosif Kobzon commented on the death of Lyudmila Georgievna, saying that she was one of the few domestic artists who tried to develop Russian culture: “We are running out of a list of Russian singers, there are practically no more. Ryumina fought for the purity of the Russian song, she always went out in Russian outfits. She grew before my eyes. Sincerely sorry."

Ludmila Ryumina. Discography

  • 2003 - "Oh, Maslenitsa"
  • 2003 - "Mom, mommy, mommy"
  • 2003 - "Village Tango"
  • 2003 - "Red Sundress"
  • 2003 - "Nightingale stray"
  • 2004 - "Lubo!"
  • 2004 - "Live, Russia"
  • 2004 - “You are my dear”
  • 2005 - "Moscow - Beauty"
  • 2005 - "Where does the Motherland begin"
  • 2005 - "We need one Victory!"
  • 2005 - "Flowers of Russia"
  • 2005 - "My fire"
  • 2005 - "Evening bells"
  • 2006 - "Slavic Soul"
  • 2007 - "White Lilac"

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