Lesson "Description of the painting "Blue Spring" by V. Baksheev"


Beautiful picture With beautiful name. Why is spring blue and not green? This is the color of green. Typically, spring is always associated with young greenery. I think it’s just that greenery doesn’t appear right away. But the sky is so blue only in spring.

There is just a lot of blue sky in the picture. Of course, there is green grass, and blue streams and young birch trees, which still have almost no leaves at all... And the sky behind them is so bright and high!

The colors of the picture are so light, transparent, but at the same time bright and optimistic. Very beautiful!

The birches seemed to have parted before the spring stream. Surely, every year it flows here - a channel has already been created. Such a small spring river.

On the left you can see the dark green of the permanent fir trees. But there are still very few leaves on the birch trees. It may be that this spring has been cold. And for example, this is the end of May, when everything should already be blooming, be green for a long time, but here only the first leaves appear.

I like the picture very much. It's nice to look at her, she brings up good thoughts. You immediately remember walks in the forest – in the spring too. The main thing is not to freeze, since the spring sun is still very deceptive: neither the air nor the earth have warmed up yet. But it’s very pleasant to walk after a long winter. It’s great to look at the first foliage, grass, snowdrops, and streams. Listen to the first birds. And know that summer is coming - vacation!

But spring break there too. I love them very much too.

I can’t see a single bird or mouse in the picture yet. Of course, there are no people here either. Only trees... Probably still cool - the first nice day that spring. And this spring could have happened this year, or ten years ago, or even a century ago. It’s good that the artist preserved for us this lovely state of transparent air, this freshness, youth of nature...

I imagine this not only as a painting, but also as a subject for photo wallpaper. Why not? A picture is better than just a photograph. The artist put so much skill and effort into it. And it’s not a fact that he saw exactly this landscape, because he could combine all the best that he saw in the spring. I collected all the best things over many years (I even thought of something) and created such a beautiful picture!

I will be happy to show the picture to friends and family, it’s very spring-like.

2nd, 3rd, 8th grade.

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A famous landscape painter is Vasily Baksheev. The artist is in love with the Russian forest and its beauty. He loved to paint nature in different times of the year.

Simple concept

A deciduous forest without birches would be incomplete. The painting "Blue Spring" shows mid-April. The foliage has not yet blossomed, but the air around is saturated with warmth. Nature is gradually coming to life. You can literally smell last year's autumn leaves that remained on the ground. But at the same time, the aroma of young leaves and grass bursts in.

There are no features in the landscape. The author professionally conveyed the beauty of the birch grove. The forest was captured on a fine spring day. The warmth is indicated by the shadows of the trees, which appear due to the sun. Water flows along the ground. These remnants of snow melt and go into the ground. The highlight of the canvas lies in the sky. Only in spring does the horizon have such a rich blue color. This palette says that life goes on, everything around comes to life. Warmth promotes greening of trees. It’s too early for full-fledged leaves, but the first buds have already appeared. Can be seen on the picture is easy a green haze, which indicates that the leaves will soon bloom.

Paint paintings

Vasily Baksheev gave preference to a light palette in his work. The artist practically did not use dark tones. This is what made it possible to convey the onset of spring and create a festive atmosphere. The sky is painted with soft azure, the grass is pleasantly green and against this background the trunks of birch trees turn white. All transitions are as smooth as possible, there is no contrast. The author successfully selected the colors to convey the right atmosphere.

In the background, the trees have merged into a single beige spot. In the foreground the plantings are not so dense. Behind the birch trees you can see several green spruce trees. They successfully complement Russian beauties. The concept of the canvas has no complications. The path goes deep into the forest. It creates the perspective of the painting.

It is not easy to convey emerging life with paint. But Baksheev’s painting managed to show the viewer the spring season, its joy and trepidation. The picture is simple and clear, without complex contrasts and secret meaning. It evokes calm and motivates to do good. Perhaps, between the birch trees, the artist concluded his own love of life and ageless ardor.


Compiling a story based on a painting by V.N. Baksheeva “Blue Spring”

Stepakhina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, teacher-speech therapist, MDOU " Kindergarten No. 24 Ryazan

Outline frontal training on speech development with children of a speech therapy preparatory group for school.


Organize children's activities to develop the ability to construct a monologue statement of a descriptive type.


  • promote the formation of knowledge and ideas about the concepts characterizing natural phenomena in spring, enrich children's speech with new cognitive content;
  • be able to compose short story according to the picture, based on the sample given by the speech therapist;
  • promote interest in speech; introduce children to the basic rules of dialogue (the ability to listen and understand; ask questions and construct an answer) and monologue (the ability to express their impressions of a picture in a grammatically correct, coherent, figurative manner);
  • promote the development of memory and attention;
  • create conditions for the development of speech and thinking activity through special didactic games and exercises;
  • - organize practical activities for preschoolers to master grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;
  • - create conditions for children’s activities to master general concepts on a given topic.

Expected results in the form of targets:

Children know:

  • O structural features text (beginning, middle, end);
  • about the peculiarities of constructing a speech utterance in a situation of expressing one’s thoughts, in the process of communication with a teacher, with peers;
  • about the changes that occur in inanimate and living nature in the spring (snow has melted, rivers have become free of ice, the earth becomes drier; daylight is increasing; the sun is shining brightly, trees and animals are awakening);

Children can:

  • use words and phrases in speech in accordance with the conditions and tasks of communication, speech and cognitive situation, connect them in meaning;
  • use speech to express their thoughts and feelings, conduct dialogue in accordance with certain rules, know how to write descriptive story based on the picture in the form of a monologue statement;
  • establish cause-and-effect relationships, independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena; generalize knowledge, build evidence when describing natural phenomena;
  • use your knowledge about changes in nature when answering questions, in the process of reasoning, when describing a picture.

Equipment: projector, reproduction of V. Baksheev’s painting “Blue Spring”; reference signals; Whatman paper tinted, emoticons; magnetic board (flannelograph)”, “grading tree”.

Preliminary work: replenishment of vocabulary, grammatical forms, organization of observations by the teacher, parents; reading fiction.

Progress of the lesson

Children's activities

Activities of a teacher

1. Org. moment

Game "Why"

I am "Why". Very inquisitive, I like to ask questions. Can you answer my questions?

Why does snow melt in spring?

Why do the buds swell in spring? (Why do insects appear? Why do streams flow?...)

Solving a speech problem. Motivation for cognitive activity.

Questions for children. Involving them in cognitive activities

2. Announcement

Introductory conversation: we will compose a story about spring based on the picture. Perform speech exercises. Paint. Act together, together.


Introductory conversation.

3. Ex. "Choose a word"

By the way, pick up the signs of spring weather (matching nouns with adjectives).

What's spring like?

Joyful, friendly, early, sunny...

What kind of sun is it?

Bright, warm, affectionate

What is the sky like?

Clear, blue, high

What kind of air?

Warm, fragrant

(What are the buds on the trees? - swollen, resinous

What kind of grass is it? - rotten, withered, green in places...)

Speech and mental activity

Questions (3-4) for children


4. Ex. “Let’s paint a spring mood”

Collage about spring from individual drawings of children. Question: “What mood did you get?”

Perform the task while standing. Collective cognitive and productive activity

Joint cognitive and productive activities with children.

5. Display of the painting by V.N. Baksheeva “Blue Spring”

Showing and viewing the painting

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen. Looking at the painting.

Perception of the picture.

Showing a picture through a projector

6. Conversation based on the painting

What do you see in the picture?

What time of year is shown in the picture?

What mood does the painting evoke in you?

Come up with a title for the painting

Cognitive and research activities.

Reasoning, answers, children

Questions for children.


Expressing your attitude towards the picture.

7. Physical exercise “Let’s call on spring!”

Ay-ay, come spring with joy...

Turns left and right.

8. Story-description based on the picture

Painting by Vasily Nikolaevich Baksheev “Blue Spring”. Listen to the story about her: “Spring is joyful in the forest!..”

Listening to a story. Looking at the painting

Story-description based on the picture. Commenting

9. Compilation of stories in groups.

Work in 2 groups (equal in intellectual and speech abilities): collective discussion of the structure of the story based on the painting “Golub. spring" using pictures-symbols (beginning, middle, end of the story).

Help. Questions about story structure. Directions. Explanations.

Ind help.

10. Children's stories based on the painting

Speech by a representative narrator from the group

Cognitive activity. Communication between children and peers.

Ind. help. Verbal instructions, grams. amendments. Performance evaluation

11.Final conversation with conclusions

What picture were we looking at?

How did you compose the story in groups? How did they talk about the picture? Share your impressions, choose an emoticon for yourself.

Analytical activities.

12. Reflective assessment

Children evaluate their activities using the “Rating Tree”


Joint analytical activities.


1. the federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation" - M.: 2013

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard

preschool education" // Russian newspaper. 2013. November 25. The same [electronic resource]. Access mode: http://www.rg.ru/2013/11/25doshk-standart-dok.html

3. Introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education into the practice of preschool educational organizations / comp. N.V. Nishcheva. - SPb.: LLC Publishing House. "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2015.

4. Activities of the speech therapist during implementation educational standards new generation / ed. K.A. Fokina. - M.: Perspective, 2013.

5. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Tumanova T.V. and others. Correction of speech disorders: Preschool programs educational institutions compensatory type for children with speech impairments /auth-comp. G.V. Chirkina. - M., 2010.


Vasily Nikolaevich Baksheev
"Blue Spring"

Joyful spring in the forest! Every day nature awakens more and more from sleep. The forest is filled with warm fragrant air; it smells like rotten leaves, green grass sprouts here and there, swollen buds smell like resin. Birch trees are depicted in the foreground. Their tops are intricately intertwined against the blue sky. Thin, white and pink branches are illuminated by the gentle sun. Bluish-purple shadows stretch across the ground from the trees. A spring stream flows through the wet ground in a hollow. A little further away, among the birches there are cheerful, mischievous Christmas trees. Soon, soon the forest will be covered with leaves, bird cherry trees will bloom on the edges, and vociferous nightingales will begin to click over the streams. The long-tailed cuckoos will crow: “Puk-ku! Cuckoo! Ku-ku! Busy ants run over the hummocks, fly out of their winter shelter, and the first bumblebee buzzes. Blue and white snowdrops will cover the forest clearings. How much joy of life there is in this awakening of nature! ...

Presentation for the lesson in attachment (pptx, 1MB)

Lesson type:Speech development.

Lesson topic: Description of the painting “Blue Spring” by V.N. Baksheeva

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the features of painting as an art form, teach students to collect material based on the painting and present it in the form of an essay.

Methods: teacher's word, conversation, work with illustration.

Equipment: illustration.

During the classes.

    Lesson topic message.

    Conversation about types of art and genres of painting.

Today, guys, we will introduce you to such an art form as painting. But first, let's try to find out what art is and what types of it you know. Art is usually understood as artistic creativity in general - literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics, music, dance, theater, cinema and other types of human activity. As you can see, this is all art. But today we will talk about painting and its genres.

Let's remember what genres of painting exist.

Portrait – an image of a person or group of people, in which the appearance of an individual is recreated, but in addition to the external similarity, the artist tries to capture spiritual world the person depicted.

Still life – image inanimate objects(utensils, fruits, dead game, bouquets of flowers, attributes of any activity).

Scenery - view, image of the area; in painting - this genre in which the main object of the image is nature, sometimes views of cities or architectural complexes.

Marinism – depiction by artists who dedicated their works marine theme, incl. seascape– the marina, the lives of sailors, etc.

Everyday genre image Everyday life.

Battle genre depiction of war and hostilities.

Animal artists depict animals in their paintings.

When an artist paints a picture, he places objects in the foreground, middle and background, and this arrangement is subject to certain intentions. By placing it in the foreground, the artist attaches great importance to it, and the seemingly insufficiently independent details of the background help to better reveal the essence of the main idea.

    Information about the author of the painting “Blue Spring”. So, today we will introduce you to a painting by a Russian painter Vasily Nikolaevich Baksheev (1862-1958). The activities of V. Baksheev left a deep mark on the development of Russian national culture. His works, truthful and expressive, imbued with a genuine sense of nature, are included in the collection of world art.

V.N. lived for almost a hundred years. Baksheev. Born on December 25, 1862 (January 12) in Moscow. In 1887 graduated from the School of Painting, receiving a diploma cool artist and a large silver medal for the sketch “Return from a pilgrimage.” During his stay at the School V.N. Baksheev exhibited his works at student exhibitions, which were immediately purchased by famous art connoisseurs such as P.M. Tretyakov, Gatung and others.

In 1901-1902 exhibited “36 artists” at exhibitions. He took part in exhibitions in Paris and Rome.

1913 – elected honorary member of the Academy of Arts.

In 1956 V.N. Baksheev was awarded the title folk artist THE USSR.

In 1937, 1947, 1957 settled down personal exhibitions in connection with his anniversary dates.

Baksheev’s paintings were sent to exhibitions: America, France, China, Syria, Egypt, New Zealand, Argentina.

Most popular paintings V.N. Baksheeva:

    "Portrait of a Mother" (1887) these paintings are in

    “Birch Grove” (1943) Lviv State Art Gallery

    “Summer Evening” (1935) – Kyiv state museum Russian art

    “Everyday Prose” (1892-1893) these paintings are

    “Girl Feeding Pigeons (Favorites)” (1887) in the Tretyakov Gallery

    "Blue Spring" (1930)

    "Before the Storm" (1949)

    "Spring Day" (1942)

    "The Last Outfit" (1957)

This is what Baksheev says about his work:

“I noticed the content of my paintings, both landscape and genre, in surrounding reality. He loved to walk along country roads among fields and forests. I looked at the clouds, at their shape, at their color in the morning, afternoon, evening. I observed and studied the shape of trees and their character. And when I wrote a sketch, I tried to find the most characteristic in them, I wanted to find a spiritualizing principle in them, so that there was not only an external similarity, but that there was an internal content in them. I painted all my paintings based on what I saw in the life around me.”

"Spring. There is no snow anywhere, the ground is almost dry. Everything is filled with warm fragrant air. It smells like rotten leaves, green grass sprouts here and there; On the sides of the country road along which I was walking, willow bushes were blooming, emitting a sweet, honey-like smell. Birds singing could be heard all around. The openwork tops of birch trees with unblown buds, painted pinkish-yellow, are fancifully drawn against the blue background of the sky; The bluish-purple shadows of the trees stretch, intertwining with each other, across the wet ground. Everything is full warm light spring sun. There is so much joy of life in this awakening of nature. I wrote a sketch and based on it I began to paint the painting “Blue Spring”. In this picture I managed to convey the feeling that captured me of the awakening of life in nature.”

    Collection of material

Now let’s turn to the artist’s painting that I chose to describe and answer questions that will help you write a descriptive essay at home.

    What genre of painting does the painting belong to? Why do you think so?

    How is the birch grove depicted?

    How can we describe the sky?

    What tones predominate in the picture?

    What attracts viewers to the clearing?

    What do you feel and think about when you look at this landscape?

    Vocabulary work

Admire, look closely

The sky is bright blue, light

The air is cool, clean, transparent

The earth is heavy, dense, warmed by the spring sun

Smells spring forest; the smell of rotten leaves comes through here and there

Green grass

The glade is golden-green; bluish-purple shadows

The branches are thin, flexible, like green garlands

The tops of birch trees are pinkish-yellow.


    Information about the creator of the picture.

    Painting genre of the painting “Blue Spring”.

    Image of a birch grove.

    Description of the heavenly heights.

    The mood that the picture conveys.

    What feelings does it evoke?


At home, write a descriptive essay based on the painting by V.N. Baksheev “Blue Spring”, using phrases and a plan written on the board.

Very interesting name The landscape painter Baksheev chose for his painting. And this is Blue Spring. After all, if we think logically, then spring cannot be blue. But when you look at the painting “Blue Spring”, you understand why it is blue. After all, you immediately notice the blue sky, which is clearly visible through the branches that have not yet turned green.

It is so beautiful that you cannot enjoy its pure azureness. There is not a single cloud, but only crystal blue boundless space. And among this blueness the sun is shining somewhere. We don’t see it, but we feel its warmth perfectly when we look at Baksheev’s painting “Blue Spring”, describing it. Its rays illuminate the earth on a beautiful spring day. The sun's rays warm the young grass that emerges from under last year's leaves.

Baksheev's painting BLUE SPRING

In the painting “Blue Spring” Baksheev depicted not early spring, because there is no longer snow on the ground, and only occasionally there are puddles on the grass among the birches. But at the same time, the leaves on the trees have not yet appeared, which means that nature has only just begun to awaken.

In the description of Baksheev’s painting “Blue Spring”, in the foreground the author depicted birch grove. A group of trees in the foreground does not allow you to go deeper into the distance in order to mentally find yourself in the depths of the grove, because the gaze stops at the snow-white trunks of birch trees, which are located at the beginning. I just want to be among the birches, touch their trunks, expose my face to the sun, and breathe in the fresh spring air.

Baksheev’s painting “Blue Spring” is filled with life, warmth, it is bright, there are no strong contrasts. The author managed to convey complete harmony and tranquility, depicting a small world of wildlife on a warm spring day.

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