Leading life news girls. Former LifeNews employee on how the publications of the News Media holding work


Compiled a list of the most sexy Russian women 2015. It included women and girls of various types.

30-year-old Olga Seryabkina, the lead singer of the Silver group, is not shy about revealing outfits and pictures. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for her a large number fans.

Masha Wei, 23 years old. The girl's YouTube channel has two and a half million subscribers, and a fair amount of them are men, while the charming Wei mostly talks about "girl stuff."

The list also included the young Lesya Kafelnikova. The 16-year-old daughter of the famous tennis player recently appeared in the world. But her heart is already taken - the girl has an affair with Nikita Novikov, heir to the restaurant empire.

Many viewers watch the Revizorro program not for the sake of the plot, but because of the strict blonde Elena Letuchaya. A 37-year-old woman, even in the most inappropriate places, manages to look attractive on TV screens.

A 21 year old Alexandra Bortich hit the men frank scene in the film "Duhless".

33-year-old actress Svetlana Ustinova hypnotizes men from the screens blue eyes. She gained wild popularity after filming in the Cold Front. By the way, she is often compared to Brigitte Bardot.

The sexuality of Karina Istomina was largely revealed thanks to a photo shoot by Terry Richardson. The DJ broke the hearts of many men when it became known about her relationship with the soloist Tesla boy Anton Sevidov.

Irina Bezrukova, at the age of 50, has retained a freshness that many can envy. The woman remains desirable and interesting, and her followers on social networks inquire about the secrets of her beauty.

39-year-old Victoria Isakova is a unique example of restrained sexuality. The arrogant and cold image of the actress does not repel hundreds of fans from her.

The wife of Roman Abramovich Dasha Zhukova is an inaccessible dream for many. The 34-year-old beauty excites the imagination with pictures on expensive yachts and resorts.

31-year-old Natalya Yakimchik, professional model, is able to create the most different images on the picture. It is possible that it is her external variability that is so attractive.

Ilona Stolier has never been shy about demonstrating her attractiveness with the most different ways. At the same time, she diligently tried to hide her marriage to United Russia deputy Vitaly Yuzhilin. But when the identity of her husband became known, the beauty did not stop teasing fans with candid pictures on Instagram.

27-year-old mother of three children Maria Pogrebnyak, wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak, is amazing slim figure. She does not hide the secret at all - in her diet there are only raw vegetables and cottage cheese.

Her peer Paulina Andreeva, known for the series "Method" and "Thaw", has already won thousands of fans and continues to become more and more popular not only thanks to her acting talent, but also her fatal appearance.

Burning 23-year-old brunette Miranda Shelia became the lover of football player Fedor Smolov after his breakup with his wife Victoria Lopyreva. The athlete is not so successful on the field, but in matters of the heart he clearly gives all the best.

Matilda, the 29-year-old wife of musician Sergei Shnurov, is wildly popular. The St. Petersburg beauty often appears on the covers of magazines and, it seems, will soon be able to compete with her husband in the number of fans.

Theater and film actress Nastasya Samburskaya is mainly popular with younger generation But she deserves to be on this list.

The wife of Danila Kozlovsky, 30-year-old Olga Zueva, does not appear on the screens too often. But she was remembered for a long time by men main role in an erotic short film by Anna Melikyan.

And finally, LifeNews TV presenter Kadriya Krik. The charming journalist receives weekly compliments from the male part of the audience in the comments to the air.

Former employee Holding News Media anonymously spoke to Buro 24/7 about how publications mine exclusive materials, deal with lawsuits and find mutual language with the stars

Newspapers “Life”, “Izvestia” and “Your Day”, Super.ru website, Internet tabloid, and more recently Life channel News - all these publications are part of the News Media holding, whose president and CEO is Aram Ashotovich Gabrelyanov.

During its existence, the editorial offices of the holding have acquired a huge number of informants who allow News Media publications not only to be the first to publish the most big news, but also to extract exclusive photos and video materials. Against the background of the almost complete absence of competitors, the newspaper "Life", and then the first Internet tabloid LifeNews, became for Russia the personification of "yellow journalism", and for domestic celebrities - permanent defendants in court. On condition of anonymity, one of the former employees of the holding told Buro 24/7 how the work of News Media publications is built, whether there are taboo topics for journalists and who most often acts as agents-informers.

About why journalists go to work in News Media
This good school. And the phrase "good school" hypnotize them. Over the past few years, the journalistic community has been told that lifenews - this is cool, although five years ago, working there was associated with the need to sit in the bushes and catch everyone by the hand. Now it is prestigious and the school is really amazing. Has nothing to do with the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University; I saw a lot of girls shaking their diplomas with honors, but they don't mean anything. It's important that you know how. And "be able" to LifeNews teach.

About cuts in a crisis
Dismissed very politely. A person will never leave with unpaid wages.

About lawsuits againstholding
This is a frequent occurrence. But with LifeNews lawyers in the place of politicians and stars, I would not butt heads. There is T. L., who, in my opinion, has been working with Aram Ashotovich all her life. In case of any problem, immediately send to her. T. L. is rarely beaten, but LifeNews is often sued, for which journalists receive reprimands. For example, the journalist wrote that the singer was divorced, but in fact this is not so. The singer may turn out to be one of those whom you don’t feed with bread - let him sue, and if you have to pay compensation, then, of course, from the pocket of Aram Ashotovich. To prevent this from happening, there should always be audio, video or documentary evidence of any article. And if there is no video in the material, it does not mean that it does not exist. Most likely, it lies with lawyers.

About forbidden topics
Do not write about any religious stories; there will never be articles about the patriarch. Treat very carefully national themes, that is, informational reasons from the category "500 Dagestanis fought at a wedding." There is also friendship with some TV channels. If they ask you very much not to write that the wife of the presenter of this channel is pregnant, they will not write.

"Singer with gay, realizing that they are getting to the bottom of everyone and will get to the bottom of him sooner or later, may come with an offer to tell everything he knows about his colleagues in exchange for silence about his personal life "

About favorite characters
IN different years differently. Once Elena Vaenga was not needed by anyone, and then she became a superstar. Urgant, Navka, and at one time Pevtsov were always interesting. The more insistently a person does not give an interview, the more they will run after him. Celebrities began to understand that if you do not comment, they will write anyway - this is the work of the editor. But they will write in such a way that later they will have to shout from each iron that everyone lied. So now almost everyone is talking.

About celebrities who agree on cooperation
A gay singer, realizing that they are getting to the bottom of everyone and will get to the bottom of him sooner or later, may come with an offer to tell everything he knows about his colleagues in exchange for silence about his personal life. In general, LifeNews is friends with many people, but quarrels against the background of such friendship also happen often. LifeNews needs to be sure that the first thing a celebrity brings to them is a positive wife's pregnancy test, and if it comes out in a rival publication, then war. Artists, of course, say: “Oh, they printed it themselves, they didn’t ask me,” they lie. And LifeNews will no longer pick up someone's informational occasions. In this case, the wording from the authorities is as follows: “do not take on leftovers”, “sprinkle ashes on your head”, “Aram Ashotovich sanatorium”, “pull chestnuts out of the fire”, “guard the corn”. In general, you need to get used to swearing and various epithets in your direction - this does not mean that you are really considered a penguin or a donkey.

“Journalists are the same people, and girls sometimes cry into the pillow at night if some celebrity learned from them about the death of their mother, because the police first called the journalists”

On the moral component of the work
Actors rarely give up theirs, they are great. Their favorite phrase is "Let's talk about my work." True, actors don't have to pick up the phone when they're drunk; they say things that you think to yourself: “I wish I hadn’t heard this.” In this case, everything is determined by the level of cynicism of the journalist. I knew a girl who refused to shoot a drunken musician at Kinotavr, saying: “I like him, I don’t want to.” She was not fired, but she was no longer taken seriously. In general, in LifeNews you have to be a cynic, but not a boor. Journalists are the same people, and girls sometimes cry into the pillow at night if some celebrity learned from them about the death of their mother, because the police first called the journalists. It's good if an actor or singer understands that he has his own job, and the journalist has his own. Then the person gives first-hand information and can filter it. But worse than the phrase "I will not comment on this" there is nothing. If you answer like this, be prepared for the headline "N commented" in the context of someone's pregnancy or divorce, and the article says "I don't want to talk about it."

About privacy laws
I don't know why this law doesn't work. I remember when he was accepted, everyone grabbed their heads and began to think about how to live now. But nothing has changed. Celebrities have a problem when they are filmed with food in their mouths. It would piss me off too. There was a case with one singer when she was photographed on the beach immediately after giving birth, and the text was from the series “look how fat.” She is a living person, she gave birth two weeks ago - what should she be like?! On the other hand, journalists can also be understood. When celebrities say: “Take a picture of me like this, or better like that, and even better against the background of a banner,” well, who needs it?

About the work of paparazzi and informants
As a rule, this is a pair work of a journalist and a photographer. There are exceptions, for example, when the photographer Marat Saichenko went himself, sat on the roof and took the first photos of Khodorkovsky in the colony. Photographers get furious when the task sounds something like this: “We need to shoot a new lover K.S. She will be at such and such an award today, let's go and sit and wait.” You can wait as long as you like. A good option when a journalist is so overgrown with acquaintances that he and K.S. have a common circle of "friends" who merge detailed information. Everything rests on informants: they merge everything to the smallest detail. IN everyone plays the role of informers: waiters, bartenders, stylists, drivers, lawyers. The most talkative are manicurists. Sometimes you can accidentally get on the one that will tell who divorced whom. There are a lot of pretty girls with angel eyes working in the gossip column; you never think that she can someone ... And that's exactly what she does. Some even start relationships with stars, but not for the purpose of merging, but just like that it turns out: they spin in the same circles. TOwhen you really like a person and you understand that if you merge, he will send you, then you don’t want to merge at all. In general, life is in full swing. This is all because people live by work and, in general, at work - they even create families there. Once an experiment was set up: Aram Ashotovich sent everyone home at seven o'clock in the evening. But the experiment turned out to be a failure: people came home and did not understand what to do. But after leaving LifeNews, such employees do not go to HeadHunter, but choose from a variety of offers from other publications. Almost all doors are open.

How are whistleblowers paid?
If necessary, then for some video they can give 300 thousand. large amount offered for a video from the Moscow metro when there were terrorist attacks. Doctors and police are also well paid for reporting deaths.

Interaction with doctors and police
No press services connect - they personally get to know each other, make friends. This is just to start. Moreover, the relationship is not like with prostitutes - money and no feelings, but normal communication. Some become interested, just let me tell you something. Although they themselves are scared, because no one knows about their agency activities. Information can be received in the format "and Vasya said ..."; Of course, you can’t put such a link on the site, but the work of a journalist is to somehow confirm this information.

“There is no need to thump in Mayak, where the entire Sovremennik is registered. No need to sit in the club "Vysotsky". And in general, who wants to, they don’t shoot it ”

How to hide from journalists and paparazzi
No need to choose Pushkin and Soho restaurants for celebrations. No need to behave when they call from unfamiliar numbers, introduce themselves as a cousin and ask where they can come to congratulate. You can say that you are celebrating the tenth, and calmly celebrate the ninth. No need to thump in Mayak, where the entire Sovremennik is registered. No need to sit in the Vysotsky club. And in general, who wants to, they don’t take it off. One couple of actors called themselves and said that they would celebrate the wedding on the ship and would allow them to shoot before sailing. They sent all the journalists to the Kievskaya area, and while they were waiting there, they calmly sailed away from the River Station. Everyone thinks that LifeNews uses super-spy technology, but this happens extremely rarely - most often it's all by acquaintance. Although at the christening of children of one very famous singer they wanted to mount cameras almost on icons. Secular journalism on LifeNews is investigative journalism, not red carpet walking.


“This is a dead horse. You don't have to bet on it."

Life TV channel stops working. What happened to the media empire of Aram Gabrelyanov

Ilya Pitalev/RIA Novosti

Today, August 18, at 17:00 Moscow time on the air TV channel Life the last original newscast came out. Friday is also the last working day of the on-air crews remaining on the channel.

The channel's employees themselves learned the details today at a general editorial meeting. “Ether employees were fired all. Only four operators remain. There was also a question about the closure of the recently launched SHOT project, in addition, the reduction affected several journalists, ”says a source in News Media.

Rumors about the collapse of Aram Gabrelyanov's media empire, the News Media holding, began to appear in the media about a year ago, just after the personnel reshuffle took place in the presidential administration. In October 2016, Vyacheslav Volodin, with whom Gabrelyanov developed a good relationship, Sergey Kiriyenko, who since 2005 held the position of general director of the state corporation Rosatom, was replaced as first deputy head of the presidential administration of Russia.

Our source, close to the Gabrelyanov holding, says that in the new media system that has developed in Russia, “Life (website and TV channel) in the form in which they existed was simply not needed. This is a rather expensive resource, and the tasks facing the authorities can be solved in cheaper ways.”

Another source from the media holding is sure that News Media has problems because for a long time Aram Gabrelyanov's publications fueled, and sometimes even initiated intra-elite conflicts. “Life “wet” whoever he wanted and how he wanted: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, governors, ministers, compromising evidence was published on the most different people. In a media environment cleared of any manifestation of independence editions of News Media were a lump in the throat for many high-ranking people,” the source said.

There are those who are sure: nothing terrible is happening, reforms in the News Media holding, in particular on the TV channel, are a natural necessity and a new starting point for the development of the holding. So, the ex-editor-in-chief of the Life channel, Ilya Melekhin, says that it was "unpromising to invest in the project, knowing that it will die in 3-4 years." “It is better to change the format in advance. Normal companies survive when they change the format before the market forces them to do so,” he says.

Artem Zhitenev/RIA Novosti

Let's remember how a graduate of Moscow State University, who began his career at Ulyanovsk Komsomolets, was able to create a media empire in the middle of the 2000s. And how today it has turned into several specific principalities.

After working in Ulyanovsk, in 1997 in Moscow, the future Russian media magnate began publishing the newspaper Moskovskie Vedomosti, which almost immediately began to appear in many regions of Russia. Three years later, in 2000, Gabrelyanov gave the newspaper a new name - "Life". Already in 2001, he founded the News Media holding, which in ten years turned into a media giant. News Media had newspapers, a TV channel, a website, radio, and even comics. The holding immediately took a position loyal to the authorities, which Gabrelyanov declared openly.

According to Lenta.Ru, in 2006, 50% minus one share of News Media were sold to the investment fund UFG Private Equity Fund. In 2008, UFG Private Equity Fund sold its stake in News Media to the National Media Group (NMG) holding, where Aram Gabrelyanov subsequently took the post of Deputy CEO. He retired from this position in the summer of 2017.

For 10 years, the media at News Media lived up to its slogan - "first in breaking news." Thus, according to Medialogy, in 2014 the newspaper Izvestia, TV channel LifeNews and the RSN radio station became the first in terms of citation among the Russian media. In 2015, LifeNews and RSN retained their leading positions in this rating, while Izvestia dropped to second place, losing to Kommersant. And already in 2016, only the Life.ru portal became the leader in citation, Izvestia was second, and RSN completely dropped out of the rating. Our source explains that the departure from the leading positions of Izvestia and RSN was due to the fact that all the resources of the holding were thrown into reloading the Life website and bringing it to the top in terms of citation.

“We have fraternal relations with Kadyrov”

The peak of Life's popularity came in 2014, when the armed conflict began in the southeast of Ukraine. Then literally the whole world followed the course of hostilities that unfolded on the territory of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine.

In May 2014, Ashot Gabrelyanov (the son of Aram Gabrelyanov, at that time the editor-in-chief of the site) made a statement about the disappearance of two Life News journalists: Oleg Sedyakin and Marat Saichenko, who covered the military events in Ukraine. Both were then detained by the security services of Ukraine due to the fact that during the search they allegedly found an anti-aircraft missile system. Aram Gabrelyanov does not hide the fact that Life News employees were saved by the head Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, with whom he " fraternal relations". “I didn’t even ask him (Kadyrov – Znak), he called me when the guys were in Ukraine and asked if my guys were there,” said the head of NewsMedia in an interview with blogger Amiran Sardarov. "Do not be scared! I will take them,” Gabrelyanov quotes Ramzan Kadyrov. As a result, Oleg Sedyakin and Marat Saichenko were personally rescued by Kadyrov. Both journalists were taken from Ukraine to Grozny at the end of May on a personal plane of the head of Chechnya, and then to Moscow.

According to a site source close to News Media, Aram Gabrelyanov's media became such an influential toy in 2014 that two television screens hung in the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, where Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was staying: “one showed Russia-24 “, and on the other - Life News”.

The triumphant rise of News Media came to a halt in 2016, when, after a reshuffle in the presidential administration, Russia's media map was redrawn.

How the empire collapsed

The NewsMedia media holding ceased publishing Izvestia in August 2016. Then the management of Izvestia again (as it was before 2011) passed to Gazeta Izvestia OJSC (according to SPARK, it belongs to National Media Group CJSC and its subsidiary LLC "Invest-Media").

In December 2016, the Life Sound radio station began to sound at the RSN frequency, and in January 2017 it closed. Now a radio version of the Life channel is playing on the freed frequency. “People complained that Gabrelyanov went crazy,” the source says. - RSN was very popular - there were 100 calls to one line at the same time. But it was a format change. After the closure of the radio, the workers were not expelled anywhere. Some have been transferred to other departments. In general, there were no offended, because everyone was paid off in full, ”added the source.

In September 2016, News Media management held general meeting already with the employees of the Russian News Service (according to SPARK, before its closure, the radio was part of the NMG). “At the meeting, we were told that it was time to change, because it was time for drastic changes. At first, we were told that the RCH would get a double name and become "PCN Life" and we would teach people about Life. Then the radio was supposed to completely become Life, but when it would be, it was not yet known in September, ”the ex-leader of RSN told the site. According to him, the management of the media holding assured its employees that broadcasting will continue. “So we started working on new scheme. In serious news stories, they began to add songs that fit the meaning. In the middle of the discussion of the topic of reducing the demand for foreign tours, the song "Leningrad" "Crying and Crying" was inserted. It's already comical. But Aram Gabrelyanov was pleased. He wanted to rejuvenate the audience, ”said the ex-presenter. He is sure that the media tycoon Gabrelyanov after a while simply lost interest in the RSN, because "mostly adults listened to the radio."

Maxim Blinov/RIA Novosti

The Life.ru portal has undergone many transformations throughout 2016. It was supposed to become the flagship of News Media, combining Super.ru (formerly Life Showbiz) and Life Sport. However, over time, the team of journalists who filled the Life website with exclusive content moved to work in new projects sponsored by Aram Gabrelyanov, such as Mash (simultaneously published on Telegram, VKontakte and YouTube). Now on the site Life.ru more and more materials appear with links to publics controlled by Gabrelyanov. According to Medialogy, the Life.ru website has ceased to be the leader in terms of citation, taking fourth place in the ranking in June 2017 - for the first time in several years.

Employees of the Life News TV channel, which changed its name to Life in April 2016, also expected no less reshuffle. In May 2016, Andrei Mikheev left the post of chief editor, and Ilya Melekhin (former managing editor of Channel 4 in Yekaterinburg) took his place. Prior to this appointment, he directed Life.78, the Life TV channel in St. Petersburg. That's just this channel in the summer of 2017 stopped releasing news. The Life.78 brand has ceased to exist. Now production capacity channels were transferred to the joint editorial office of Channel Five, Ren TV and Izvestia.

In December 2016, Life TV channel management decided to transform the channel according to the Euronews model. As a result, the presenters and correspondents disappeared from the frame. Almost six months later, in May 2017, the staff of the TV channel, according to the source, the site was reduced by a third: editors, correspondents, writers and producers left. Melekhin left with them, who was replaced by Svetlana Levintas.

Out of six on-air crews of six people, only two crews of three people remained on the channel. Melekhin, in a conversation with the site, noted that “the Life channel could exist comfortably for another 5-7 years. Generally no problem. But in the perspective of a decade, this dead horse, and you don't need to bet on it. She won't make it to the finish line. Investing in the channel is a waste of money.”

It is interesting that after News Media began to close old and open new projects, the holding conducted an inventory for the first time since its existence. According to the source, all the equipment and furniture in the holding were counted, some of which (tables, bedside tables and chairs) were simply transferred to the offices of projects controlled by Aram Gabrelyanov. And some furniture and office equipment were simply put up for sale, such as old Apple computers. The source says that the holding's management is preparing to send equipment for mobile live broadcasting to Israel - LiveU backpacks.

Several principalities

From that moment, individual projects began to appear in the media environment, sponsored by Gabrelyanov, but which were not directly related to the Life brand. “In News Media, the management scheme has changed, it has become horizontal. That is creative managers offered Aram Gabrelyanov the idea of ​​their project, he considered it, then, if he liked it, he sponsored it. As a result, the manager has a personal interest in the development of his project. True, so far none of them has reached self-sufficiency, ”the source explains.

Ilya Melekhin told the site that his stream project Black Elepfant Aram Gabrelyanov allocated 30 million rubles. “We must reach self-sufficiency before the end of the year, and we will, I have no doubt. I see numbers that are coming in now. Advertisers are very positive about our format. We really earn,” Melekhin says. According to him, "no one (that is, Gaberelyanov. - Znak) interferes in the project", the work is carried out independently.

Mash- a public created by Nikita Mogutin, ex-head of the news service of the Life.ru portal. Mash now has more than 768 thousand subscribers in social network VKontakte (one post on average gains from 70 to 180 thousand views), more than a thousand on the YouTube channel, and the audience in Telegram is 32 thousand people (each post is viewed on average by 30% to 80% of the audience).

Nikita Mogutin told the site that “at first it was a thrill to work with ordinary news, and then I just got tired of it. People are tired of consuming what journalists feed them in traditional media - this is the Soviet canteen. “Now we work directly with those for whom we write, we tell them what is interesting to us. Who, excuse me, needs news about Donald Trump’s tweets or UN Security Council meetings?” Mogutin explained to our publication. According to him, Mash “has 23 million monthly reach and nearly 70 million views on the Vkontakte social network. And in Telegram, Mash gained 32 thousand subscribers in 3 months. Almost 7 million views per month on Telegram. That's how it's fun."

Izyum LLC is a creative company for the production of native advertising, the idea of ​​​​creating which belongs to the ex-deputy chief editor of Life.ru Darina Yevtushenko Perhaps the most successful project of Izyum was the YouTube channel Druzhko Show, created in April 2017. Today almost 3 million people follow Sergey Druzhko's analysis of Internet trends and memes.

“I don’t do Druzhko Show. Honestly speaking. I'm just an investor. I can say that 30 thousand rubles were spent on the promotion of the Druzhko Show. No more ruble. Yes, a lot of money is invested in content,” said Aram Gabrelyanov in an interview with Amiran Sardarov.

Space- Information and analytical agency of the ex-editor of the portal Life.ru Alexander Potapov. According to RNS, after leaving Life.ru, Potapov wanted to create a project for the production of content for social networks: games, videos, interactives.

Gigarama- a project to create gigapixel panoramas by Marat Saichenko (after a week of captivity in Ukraine in 2014, Saichenko became the head of the Life camera service). This project is located on the web by the hashtag #gigarama, which leads to the Life.ru website. Gigarama LLC, according to SPARK, is also divided between Gabrelyanov and News Media in a ratio of 3:1.

War correspondent Semyon Pegov (“Person of the Year”, according to News Media in 2014) decided to create a crash project WarGonzo. Judging by the description of the WarGonzo YouTube channel, Pegov talks about war in his project, studies weapons, arranges crash tests. Vargonzo LLC is divided between Aram Gabrelyanov, who owns 75% of the company's shares, and News Media, which owns the remaining 25%, SPARK says.

Ex-deputy chief editor of Life.78 Konstantin Prydybailo received investments for development from Aram Gabrelyanov political show for young people "Black mirror". In an interview with RBC, Pridybailo said that the first broadcast of the show will be released in September, there will be no presenter in the Black Mirror, because anyone can become the author of the show. In Black Mirror LLC, 75% is owned by Aram Gabrelyanov, 25% by News Media.

The former deputy editor-in-chief of Izvestia, Anastasia Kashevarova, now owns two media outlets: Daily Storm And This is media. According to our sources, Kashevarova's project was sponsored by Aram Gabrelyanov and Ramzan Kadyrov.

Darina Yevtushenko (9%), Nikita Mogutin (10%), Anatoly Suleimanov (15%), Alexander Potapov (15%) created a joint company LLC "Five Public"(a controlling stake - 51% - belongs to Aram Gabrelyanov's partner Karen Mirzoyan). This company combines VKontakte publics into different cities Russia. For example, "Typical Yekaterinburg" and "Typical Chelyabinsk". Some VKontakte groups are fully redeemed by Five Public shareholders, while others are leased.

“Judging by how actively Aram Ashotovich promoted his new projects at the expense of Life’s, that is, not quite his resource, this looks like some element of a deal,” journalist Oleg Kashin believes. - Deals either with the Kovalchuks, who own Life, or with the Kremlin, which throughout all these years could without exaggeration be called the real shareholder of Life. In general, it is very likely that Vyacheslav Volodin was Gabrelyanov's main counterparty from the Kremlin side - with his arrival at Life, everything flourished, with his departure, everything died out. Telegram channels and public pages are a different market, they have different money and different people. For Gabrelyanov, in any case, this is downshifting, but it’s hard to doubt that he will be able to become the leader of this market, he knows how.”

Media analyst Vasily Gatov does not believe in the success of new projects: “It's like a lottery. This is some experimental work. Sometimes such projects are successful.” “As long as Aram Gabrelyanov had the Life newspaper as the center of his business, which he knew how to monetize, everything was fine,” says Gatov. - As soon as he began to engage in a business unfamiliar to him: the Life website and channel, in which the key is investment assessments, everything changed. Gabrelyanov from the old business culture. He did a massive scam. In America, he would have been in prison, where those who gave him money would put him.

Why does Gabrelyanov need many new projects with young managers? Gatov believes that either "Gabrelyanov's new project managers are much smarter than him," or "Aram Ashotovich himself is simply tired of everything and thus wants to take a break from work." According to Gatov, such transformations in News Media are logical: “At first, traditional media try to adapt to digital format, after some time they realize that there is no investment, then they create Mash-type incubators. It's all cheap attempts to try different models earnings and communications. Small projects, according to Gatov, “are good because they do not create a long response either to the audience or to the people who create it. This is temporary. But for an effective shot, the Russian media market must be three times larger.”

“Although Aram Gabrelyanov knows how to realize non-economic opportunities: selling political influence, receiving indirect subsidies from those who want to please the government, from the government itself,” recalls Gatov. - Now we are watching critical moment in media history, when traditional formats, which include newspapers, radio, TV channels, websites focused on desktop consumption, are balancing on a knife blade. The fact is that their future is less and less certain due to the growing transfer of money to the Internet. It must be understood that all the projects launched by Aram Gabrelyanov, and not only him, in the last 10 years, turned out to be incorrectly calculated. That is, it was necessary to count not on growth, but at least on stagnation or even recession.

“Russian media consumption stands still, like Sevastopol in Crimean War. You can make a local project play in a very narrow market, but scaling it up is a mistake. The Russian media market turned out to be too difficult for Russian entrepreneurs who rely on chance, ”the analyst believes.

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