Leading TV channel life news. Former LifeNews employee on how the publications of the News Media holding work


Tornado in USA - Photo

Every year in the United States, tornadoes claim the lives of dozens, and sometimes hundreds of people, leaving behind monstrous destruction and causing billions of dollars in damage. Scientists still have not been able to fully understand the nature of the formation of tornadoes, however, it is known that tornadoes are formed when warm air masses saturated with water vapor come into contact with dry and cold air.

Tornado translated from Spanish as a tornado. This violent force of nature, sweeping away everything in its path, looks like a whirlwind or a cloud sleeve, the diameter of the funnel of which, at the bottom, ranges from 20 meters to 3 kilometers. A tornado, rotating at a tremendous speed, draws in everything that it can carry away.

Tornadoes can form anywhere on our planet, but most often they occur in the United States. If you do not count, then almost 80% of the United States is prone to tornadoes.

Of particular note is the zone of increased danger of a tornado, the so-called. " tornado alley". The alley includes the territories of the central and southern states - Minnesota, Indiana, Missouri, Texas, Kansas, and South Dakota. The state of Texas is the leader in the number of tornadoes in the United States.

In 1971, Theodore Fujita, an American scientist of Japanese origin, introduced the so-called. Fujita scale for classifying tornadoes. The scale, consisting of 13 categories, is based on the degree of damage caused by a tornado.

Usually tornadoes arise in a thundercloud and stretch to the ground itself, in the form of a trunk or a cloudy sleeve.

After the United States, the second largest tornado is Europe.

In total, throughout the year, scientists register at least a thousand tornadoes in the United States.

However, tornadoes rage not only in the region " tornado alleys". So, in 2012, two tornadoes were observed in New York at once. It is worth noting that these tornadoes were rather weak, and were limited only to fallen trees. However, the possibility of a truly devastating tornado in New York exists.

The deadliest tornado in US history was a tornado that hit three states at once (Indiana, Illinois and Missouri). Its victims were 747 people. The tornado of 2011, which struck the southern states of the United States, was recognized as the second in the number of human casualties. He claimed about 550 lives.

The most powerful tornadoes in the history of observations were recorded at the end of May 2013 in Oklahoma. Basically, Oklahoma was hit by two tornadoes; the first tornado swept over the state on May 20, the second on May 31. The first tornado, which formed on May 20 near the city of Moore, is considered one of the most powerful on record. The diameter of its funnel reached several kilometers, and the wind speed inside the funnel reached 337 km/h. But the real monster tornado hit Oklahoma eleven days later, on May 31, 2011. The wind speed inside the funnel reached 480 km/h, the diameter of the funnel was more than 4 km. This tornado was the last "prey" of the famous tornado hunter in the United States, Tim Samaras. Together with Tim, his 24-year-old son Paul and his partner Carl Young died. The May tornadoes in Oklahoma killed 51 people and caused $3 billion in damage to the state.

  • The most powerful tornado on record, Moore, Oklahoma
  • Tim Samaras is a famous tornado hunter. Died May 31, 2011 while chasing the most powerful tornado on record in Oklahoma
  • Flimsy buildings don't stand a chance.
  • Even strong brick buildings cannot withstand the pressure of the elements.
  • After the tornado begins to "run out of steam", its funnel, narrowing and breaking away from the ground, gradually rises back into the cloud.

Tornado(Spanish for "tornado") is, perhaps, the most unpredictable force of nature that can destroy everything in its path. A tornado occurs when certain atmospheric conditions and looks like trunk with a diameter of tens and hundreds of meters, rotating at great speed and drawing in everything that can be carried away.

Although tornadoes can occur anywhere in the world, they are most common in the United States. As a result of the latest tornado that hit the states of Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio, 28 people have already died.

The strength of a tornado is measured on the Fujita-Pearson scale, developed by Dr. Theodore Fujita to classify tornadoes based on the degree of damage caused by the wind.

The word "tornado" comes from Spanish and represents a turn. A tornado occurs under certain atmospheric conditions, in an area low pressure during a severe thunderstorm.

A tornado usually arises in a thundercloud and stretches down, often to the very surface of the earth, in the form of a trunk with a diameter of several tens to hundreds of meters:

Most often, tornadoes occur in the United States. The second "most popular" region where tornadoes occur is Europe. As a result of the last tornado that hit America, 28 people have already died. The city of Harrisburg, Illinois, was hit hardest. Until recently, there was a house on this site, and on February 29, 2012, it was completely destroyed by a tornado. (Photo by Jim Young | Reuters):

The average diameter of a tornado funnel is 300-400 meters, although it can reach several kilometers.

Inside the tornado there is an area of ​​highly rarefied air, and closed objects filled with gas or air, including structures and buildings, can explode from the inside due to pressure differences.

The power of a tornado is enormous. It is calculated that the energy of a tornado with a diameter of 2 km and average speed wind 70 m/s comparable to energy atomic bomb , which was blown up in the USA during tests called "" in 1945.

Tornadoes in Oklahoma:

In 2011, about 550 people became victims of tornadoes, which was the highest number since 1936.

Tornado in Kansas:

Back to the last tornado in the US, which destroyed hundreds of homes in several states, February 29, 2012. (Photo by Dave Kaup | Reuters):

After the passage of the tornado, the flimsy American houses turned into such ruins. City of Branson, Missouri, February 29, 2012. (Photo by Sarah Conard | Reuters):

However, brick buildings could not stand it, Illinois, February 29, 2012. (Photo by Whitney Curtis | Getty Images):

City of Harrisburg, Illinois, February 29, 2012. Winds hit the city at speeds up to 320 km/h! (Photo by Whitney Curtis | Getty Images):

Most of the dead in the states did not hear the tornado warning sirens because they were sleeping. This photo above shows how the tornado was moving through the city of Harrisburg on February 29, 2012. (Photo by Steve Jahnke | The Southern | AP):

In total, more than 60 tornadoes were recorded in the southern United States, some of which reached 800 meters in diameter. According to eyewitnesses, tornadoes lifted entire houses, cars and heavy trucks into the air. City of Harrisburg, Illinois, February 29, 2012. (Photo by Scott Olson | Getty Images):

The reasons for the formation of tornadoes have not yet been studied. At the initial stage of tornado formation, from thunder cloud a funnel hanging in the air appears, which then "sprouts" to the ground.

When the tornado ends, the funnel narrows and breaks away from the surface of the earth, gradually rising back into the cloud.

In Russia, the first mention of a tornado is found as early as 1406.

"Silver Rain". In 1940 in the village of Meshchery Nizhny Novgorod region it started raining silver coins. During a thunderstorm, a treasure with coins was washed away, and a passing tornado lifted the coins into the air and dropped them near the village of Meshchery.

In continuation of the topic “Natural Phenomena of America”, which can be found here, I want to dwell in more detail on such a natural phenomenon as a tornado. Every year, about a thousand tornadoes occur in the United States. It is difficult to say for sure, since some tornadoes occur in sparsely populated areas and therefore are not recorded. America is definitely the leading country in terms of the number of tornadoes, far ahead of other countries in the world.

A tornado is an atmospheric vortex that occurs in a cumulonimbus cloud and spreads down, often to the very surface of the earth, in the form of a cloud sleeve or trunk with a diameter of tens and hundreds of meters. The energy of a tornado with a radius of 1 km and an average speed of 70 m/s is comparable to the energy of a standard atomic bomb. A vortex formed over the sea is called a tornado, and on land - a tornado.

Huge in size, these atmospheric vortices destroy everything in their path. There is a lot of reliable evidence when tornadoes lift people and animals high into the air, even small houses. When a tornado walks along the ground, it resembles a huge vacuum cleaner - everything that meets on the way is pulled into its womb. When the vortex passes through water bodies, the bottom is often exposed.

Reasons for frequent tornadoes

The reason for frequent tornadoes in the United States is the collision of air masses with very different temperatures. Warm humid air Gulf of Mexico collides in the United States with cold air from Canada and dry air from the Rocky Mountains. Under such conditions, there is a large number of thunderstorms that carry the threat of a tornado. The most destructive and deadly tornadoes form under huge cumulonimbus clouds. These clouds often bring large hail, squally winds, severe thunderstorms and showers, as well as tornadoes.

Although tornadoes in the United States occur in the most different regions- both in the flat regions of America, and on the east coast of the United States and on the Florida peninsula, the most frequent and strongest tornadoes occur in the so-called Tornado Alley, the conditional boundaries of which capture the 13 central states of the country. In the cities of these states, there are special sirens warning of the appearance of a tornado, and houses are supplied with anti-tornado shelters even during construction.

Tornadoes in America

In the south, in the Florida Keys, tornadoes appear from the sea almost every day, from May to mid-October, for which the area has received the nickname "the land of waterspouts." In 1969, 395 such eddies were recorded here.

According to statistics, a tornado can last from several minutes to an hour or more. But most of of which there are no more than ten minutes. The record for the lifetime of a tornado can be considered the Mattoon tornado, which on May 26, 1917, passed 500 km across the United States in 7 hours and 20 minutes, killing 110 people. Another famous case of a tornado is the tornado of the Three States (Tristate tornado), which on March 18, 1925 passed through the states of Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, traveling 350 km in 3.5 hours, killing 695 people.

The largest number of tornadoes during a short period of time was observed on April 3 and 4, 1974 / After 11 American states 147 tornadoes swept at once and one more - in Canada. Seven tornadoes were classified as F5 and another 23 were rated F4 on the Fujita scale.

The Fujita scale is a classification system for tornado strength developed by Japanese American Theodore Fujita. It was first introduced in 1971 and relatively recently, in 2006, modified. Has six degrees - from F0 to F5. Tornadoes, classified by power as F5, occur rarely and cause total destruction.

Here is what the American newspaper Readers Digest wrote about the 1974 tornado.

« On that terrible day, April 3, 1974, at 3:55 p.m., the Louisville Weather Teletypes blared out a bulletin warning Kentuckians of the danger: . It's moving in a northwesterly direction at about 50 miles per hour.«.

However, it was a small tornado, seen by several observers. And the most terrible tornado described an arc, bypassing Irvington, and, rapidly picking up speed, hit Brandenberg with all its might. Few of the seventeen hundred inhabitants of this quiet town heard the warning broadcast on radio and television.

Some even from a distance noticed the approach of a black funnel-shaped cloud. Others were startled by the rumble, reminiscent of the noise of a train, when trouble was already a few minutes away. At 4:10 a.m., a tornado hit the city, swept away almost half of its residential buildings, administrative and commercial buildings crushing cars like grapes.

Tornadoes are the brainchild of hurricanes

It was one of more than a hundred tornadoes, spawned by hurricanes, that raged through eleven states of the American South and Midwest that gray, rainy day and evening. Moving at a speed of one hundred or three hundred miles per hour, whirlwinds of unprecedented strength carried away 329 people and injured more than four thousand. Twenty-four thousand families were affected in one way or another, and the damage was estimated at seven hundred million dollars.

The town of Guin, Alabama was literally swept off the face of the earth, killing twenty-three people - one for every hundred inhabitants. In Monticello, Indiana, a tornado hit downtown. He roared across Lake Freeman. He ripped four sections of the railroad bridge from the concrete supports, lifted them into the air, dragged them about forty feet, and threw them into the lake. Each weighed one hundred and fifteen tons!

On the outskirts of Hanover, Indiana, Sylvia Humes saw "three funnels" fifteen feet above the ground. “They roared like a huge coffee grinder. The largest tornado blew a caravan nearby. I hid in a closet, expecting death every second, she later said. He was already over me. I heard a deep roar and a smacking sound. The house seemed to breathe, the walls of the closet caved in, then out, then in, then out.

Elsewhere, a whirlwind lifted a house with three of its inhabitants into the air, turned it 360 degrees and lowered it to the ground safe and sound. Then the same tornado swept along the river, lifting huge columns of water and spinning tree trunks in the water like a giant washing machine. Along the way, he hit a power plant, twisting thousands of feet of pipes into knots.

The most furious tornadoes

The tornado passed through the village of Bear Branch, Indiana. Looking out the window, Halbert Walston saw a black cloud and shouted to his wife: “Everyone to the bathroom!” Alice and four children rushed to the bathroom. Walston made a huge leap in the same direction. Tornado knocked down the wall of the bathroom, dragging Walston through it, and blew his wife and children out into the street. Walston flew a good forty feet. Falling on his back, he saw his five-year-old daughter Amy hovering over an apple tree seventy-five feet from the house.

In Xenia, a city of twenty-seven thousand people, local radio and television stations were able to warn residents of the danger in just fifteen minutes. The tornado that hit Xenia was the most violent. About half of the city was destroyed or seriously damaged. Thirty-four people died, more than one thousand six hundred were injured.

“During the lesson,” says a teacher from one of the American schools, “I heard a deafening roar. The wind blew suddenly with tremendous force. Before I could get the kids to safety, all the glass in the classroom shattered. The children rushed towards me. But then, as if invisible wings picked them up and miscellaneous items who were in the class. We all took to the air. Children and the rubble of the school swirled around me. I lost consciousness"

Evening, cold and rainy, covered the ruins of the city. People wandered among them. Some phones, deep under piles of rubbish, continued to work. Homeless dogs howled. In the school building, hastily turned into a shelter for the victims, silently, in a daze, old people sat, having at once lost everything for which they had worked all their lives. They didn't want to eat, they didn't want to sleep, they didn't want to start all over again."

The record for the number of victims (545 people) from a tornado over the past 75 years was 2011. This video contains a selection of the terrifying tornadoes of 2011.

Yes, nature is not to be trifled with.

The USA is a prosperous country. In which many would like to live or just visit. However, just as there is no evil without good, so there is no ideal places for living. Natural disasters often occur in America: it is regularly flooded with heavy rains, strong tornadoes and tornadoes often sweep over it. These natural phenomena are so strong that they can literally sweep away a small town.

But perhaps the most misfortunes are brought by tornadoes in the United States. Every year they leave residents homeless, and also take the lives of hundreds of people.

Of particular interest is a natural phenomenon presents for lovers thrill. There is hardly a person who has not heard of tornado hunters. They explore it from the inside, they know how this force will behave and what to expect from it.

Birth of a tornado

This natural disaster appears when two atmospheric fronts meet - cold and warm. It is a very strong vortex. A tornado appears in the USA from the so-called parent cloud. This is the usual dark cloud, which is full before a thunderstorm. That is why ordinary residents can rarely predict trouble, because outwardly it looks the same as an ordinary one.

A funnel forms in this cloud, as cold air tends to sink lower and warmer rises. The rapid movement of the atmosphere in a spiral leads to the fact that the vortex can descend to the ground or remain suspended in the air.

As already noted, a tornado is an atmospheric vortex of terrible destructive power, which is born on the border of warm and cold atmospheric fronts. Birth is a fairly accurate term, because it appears from the "mother cloud" - a thundercloud, which at the first stage is completely harmless and does not arouse any suspicion among civilians.

When the tornado reaches the ground, it begins to "crawl" on it. A tornado hurricane moves chaotically, it is impossible to predict the trajectory of its path. This makes the whirlwind particularly dangerous, since there is never anything to do and where to run if a person is in an open area.

The time of a tornado rampage in the United States is also difficult to predict - from a few seconds to hours.

A person caught in the epicenter of a whirlwind can die not only from a fall from high altitude, but also from collisions with other objects that the hurricane sweeps away in its path.

tornado hunters

Not all people are taken by surprise by the elements. Some extreme scientists are deliberately looking for an encounter with destructive power in order to study this natural monster, understand the principles of its behavior and learn how to tame the whirlwinds. Some seek to get inside for the sake of thrills and vivid impressions, others want to make discoveries that will help to avoid destruction in the future.

Such people are called nothing more than tornado hunters.

The murderous phenomenon is pursued in vehicles equipped with a variety of devices and video equipment. Such a hobby, although extremely dangerous, is gaining more and more fans every year who are ready to risk their lives for priceless shots and measurements.

Looking for danger

Most tornadoes in the world are found in the United States of America. There is even a term - Alley. It is located in such South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri. This is a conditional line, on which the probability of a deadly whirlwind is especially high, since it is here that cold and warm atmospheric fronts meet. The largest number tornadoes occur in Texas.

Statistics show that along this line, tornadoes in the United States occur about a thousand times in one year. And although since the middle of the last century all tornadoes have been carefully recorded, it is almost impossible to trace the beginning of each, since small objects are difficult to notice, and their appearance is unpredictable.

Tornado Alley is located between the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains. This area is characterized by dry, frequent droughts, and it is on it that the meeting point of hot air with moist air is located.

A peculiar "coven" of whirlwinds was also recorded here, when 37 tornadoes of different power broke out simultaneously. This happened in 1965. Then many settlements suffered greatly.

What happens in the heart of the storm

The pressure inside the funnel is very low, therefore a difference is formed between the center and the extreme zones. The focus is also called the zone of calm, or the eye.

This phenomenon was discovered by a journalist from France, Maulin, when he dared to fly through the whole horror of a tornado to see what was happening inside this monster.

This was later confirmed by witnesses. natural disaster in one of the states. The whirlwind flew over their heads without touching the ground, so they could see its "innards".

The pressure drop causes objects that get inside to simply tear apart. A case is known when a tornado in America "plucked" chickens. Having captured the birds, after a while he freed them, but left them without feathers. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that at the base of the feathers there is an air cushion that broke and separated them from the skin of the birds.

Types of tornado

There are several types of vortices, which depend on the place of occurrence, the material (sand, water, air), intensity and even shape.

The most common are whip-like, or whip tornadoes. In the world, such tornadoes are found almost everywhere where atmospheric fronts collide.

Such objects are thin, straight or sinuous, "sprout" from the cloud to the ground.

The so-called vague specimens appear a little less often. A large coverage radius and similarity to a simple cloud that has descended to the ground are the main danger of such a tornado. A photo of this option can easily be confused with a low thundercloud, but its power is enough to destroy a house and lift a car.

Most of all, you need to be wary of the components. These are several small eddies that are united by one common funnel. In appearance, they look like scabies, but they pose a serious danger.

The shape of a tornado may resemble hourglass, cascade, glass, etc.

Where to go in search of a tornado

A win-win place is the flat states between the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains. This is the territory of modern Illinois, Oklahoma, Kansas and others located on this strip. If there is not much time, then you should immediately go to Texas, because there, due to its geographical location, the elements are most often rampant.

Many tornadoes in the US affect several states at once, so one can only imagine the destructive power of such a tornado.

Disasters do not go unnoticed in states such as Indiana and Florida. They are less likely to encounter strong whirlwinds, but they increasingly visit this area than other places in the world.

In any case, before you go in pursuit of this natural phenomenon, you should carefully prepare for the rampage of the tornado. Photos don't have to cost a life.

Some statistics

Hundreds of people become victims of deadly tornadoes every year. Among all the features of a hurricane, the greatest danger is the strength and unpredictability of the funnel. There are no laws, except for chaos, according to which it would be possible to predict the trajectory of movement.

The speed of a tornado is simply stunning. Sometimes the vortex wind can overcome over 400 kilometers in one hour on the surface, in the heart - from 20 meters per second and even up to 1300 kilometers per hour. Such a tornado can demolish from the face of the earth not only small private houses, but also brick buildings of a decent size.

Walking away from a tornado column is unrealistic. Firstly, the speed of movement on the surface ranges from 30 km / h to 70. In this case, the diameter of the vortex can exceed 300 meters. Plus the unpredictability of movement.

Official studies made it possible to create a scale for assessing the destructive power of the vortex - Fujita. According to her testimony, there are 5 degrees of tornado intensity.

Terrible tornadoes of the first half of the last century

Officially, records of the appearance of tornadoes, their power, and the territory of movement began to be kept in America only in 1950. Before that, however, data on the largest eddies can also be found.

The earliest documented mention is of the Mattun tornado in the United States, which swept over the country on May 26, 1917. Then the elements claimed hundreds of lives.

Perhaps the most famous is the tornado, which walked through three states - Illinois, Indiana and Missouri. It was a blurry hurricane with a radius of over a kilometer and a half. At that time, the Fujita scale did not yet exist, but modern scientists are confident that the strength of the storm can be estimated no lower than F5, and this highest degree danger. Then the number of deaths reached almost 700, and the number of survivors but injured people was about 2,000.

Legendary tornadoes of the century before last

In May 1840, the state of Mississippi shuddered from the strongest tornado that raged in the city of Natchez. This is the first and so far the only tornado in which the number of deaths exceeded the number of victims.

This paradox is explained by the unexpectedness and unprecedented power of the funnel. In addition, official data do not present a reliable picture. The height of the trade in black slaves and their merciless exploitation led to the fact that no one simply considered the labor force.

Modern scientists estimate the strength of the hurricane at 5 points.

The loss brought by the tornado at that time amounted to more than a million dollars. The amount for those times is almost cosmic.

The most expensive tornado

Another tragedy was brought by the 1986 tornado that destroyed everything in St. Louis, Missouri. Then he claimed the lives of 255 people (this is only official statistics). However, it is not possible to calculate the exact number of victims, since many bodies were simply washed away into the river. And only a few of them were later discovered.

More than 1,000 people turned to doctors for help. More than 9,000 buildings remained destroyed or partially damaged.

The total value of the loss in terms of today's exchange rate is more than $3 billion. Approximately this amount of money was required to reconstruct the city of Joplin in 2011 after a similar tornado.

But even such a monster is not the most powerful. Its mark is F4.

Sudden tornadoes that prevented the game

As you know, the elements do not tolerate and do not take into account a person. This was once again confirmed by the whirlwind of 2012, which swept through the United States during the Open Tennis Tournament. One of America's most prestigious competitions was in jeopardy due to a tornado raging in New York. Eyewitnesses say that the noise from the funnel resembled an approaching train. Fortunately, this whirlwind did not lead to the death of people.

In parallel, a surfing competition was taking place on the coast, which also had to be hastily interrupted.

Tornado warning

Areas of increased tornado activity are the United States and Australia. The hurricane season starts in June and ends in December. And the peak occurs from August to October. The sinkholes that occur in this area can reach a couple of kilometers, and this is enough to wipe out a small town or village from the face of the earth.

That is why predicting the appearance of a tornado in this territory is not just important, but vital.

It is noteworthy that even houses on the line of special riots of the elements are built according to a special plan - each of them must have a basement anti-tornado room, durable and resistant to the effects of water and fire, so that the inhabitants of the dwelling can quickly and reliably hide.

A vortex reporting system has also been established. In such places there are special sirens that warn residents of their appearance. But today it is possible to inform about the approach of danger no earlier than 15 minutes.

Going in pursuit of the unknown

Honor and praise to the fearless who decided to try their luck and chased the tornado. If you also want to repeat their feat, then the first thing you need to know is that this activity does not tolerate loneliness, you must have at least one partner with you.

Test your technique hundreds of times. The camera, car, must work properly and be as resistant to moisture and dust as possible.

And take care of yourself, that's the most important thing. Indeed, in pursuit of successful shots, you can lose the most valuable thing - life. Tornadoes and tornadoes are ruthless, do not expose yourself to unjustified risk.

About a year and a half ago, Bigpiccha visited the media Holding News media. Then the guys had just moved to a new large open space and had such a huge amount of plans that, to be honest, they didn’t believe in everything. But very little time passed, and on September 2, 2013, the information channel LifeNews, which beat all kinds of ratings and in February 2014 took 1st place in terms of citation among all TV channels, overtaking such mastodons as First, NTV and Rossiya. And quite recently, the state-of-the-art radio studio of the Russian News Service began broadcasting as part of the holding.

Naturally, Bigpikcha did not miss the opportunity to drop in with a check on perhaps the fastest growing media holding in Russia and spent several hours in a state of slight amazement at the scale of what was happening around.

(Total 67 photos)

1. A showed us how the company works, the executive director of the media holding News Media, CEO TV channel LifeNews Ashot Gabrelyanov.

2. The first thing guests see in the LifeNews office is a huge sign and chairs that were made especially for the Kylie Minogue show! We talked about them in.

3. Then we go straight to the TV studio. The On Air lamp is lit above the entrance. This means it's live. Checking everything Cell phones- turn off the sound of the call. Otherwise, a very awkward situation can turn out 🙂

4. This is what the TV channel looks like “behind the scenes” at the time when the live broadcast is on. Several cameras, presenter, guest of the program.

5. Depending on the director's commands, the studio is filmed in turn from one or the other camera. With this design, the camera can fly around the host, and you get a very beautiful video.

6. These are additional places for other programs, apparently not in the news format.

7. Look at the studio from the other side. If you look at the background- you can see the back of the presenter 🙂 And this means that the cameras are looking at us and we are in live filming a live broadcast!

9. All the time people are sitting in the background behind the leader. These are not specially selected actors-extras. These are the same employees of the holding who do their job.

10. And this is a memo for employees who are sitting behind the presenters and who are shown by the camera.

11. One of the technical rooms without which it is impossible to broadcast. Its name is rather complicated. Something like hardware. From here, at the command of the director, the videos go on the air.

13. Ashot shows a very cool device - LiveU. It allows you to broadcast from anywhere where there is a mobile connection. Several SIM cards provide a fairly reliable channel for transmitting video and sound in real time.

14. Of course, we immediately decided to try it on.

15. With these backpacks, LifeNews correspondents can be in the thick of things and broadcast.

16. Local humor 🙂

19. Another room in which the "magic" of the live broadcast is created.

21. Passing along the corridors, we notice two blue booths outside the window. These are diesel generators that allow you to provide the building and all equipment with electricity in a matter of minutes in case of an emergency. They can work “infinitely”, the main thing is to add fuel on time.

22. And this is the room where special effects are created - computer graphics are superimposed on the footage.

24. "Secret" messages from employees to each other 🙂

25. An example of a very cool video, where a tank "leaves" right on the host! 🙂

26. Live broadcast control center.

27. The director and his assistants give commands to cameramen and other employees what to do (for example, point the camera at a guest or broadcast a pre-prepared video).

28. This is a very difficult and responsible job - everything happens in real time. You can't go wrong.

30. And this huge hall, which can accommodate 350 people, is a place where news is collected, processed and formalized.

31. Famous round table, after which they decide what will become the agenda today and what each of the holding's publications will write, talk about and show.

32. All employees work as a single organism.

33. Regular workplace LifeNews employee - phone, computer and social networks.

36. The legendary bell, by the sound of which morning and evening planning meetings begin. The general director of the holding, Aram Ashotovich Gabrelyanov, is ringing the bell himself.

37. Negotiation, where all the most important editorial meetings take place.

38. Cafeteria. A place to grab a quick bite to eat…

39. ... and back to work!

40. Just imagine the scope.

41. These racks store various things that journalists bring and take with them. Literally before our arrival, there were bulletproof vests that had left for Kyiv. Only a shot through helmet from Syria remained. Her former owner- a Syrian rebel, and it looks like he won't need her anymore 🙁

43. Some of the holding's awards, including the recently received TV channel LifeNews"Golden Ray" in the nomination "Best Information Channel".

44. Another product of the holding is the Russian News Service, a radio station.

45. Radio control panel.

46. ​​The director can bring the call to the studio, put on music or turn on a previously recorded program.

47. Main studio - we tried ourselves as radio presenters 🙂

48. Additional studio - usually programs are recorded in it, which then go on the air without participants in the recording.

51. You must have heard of the app from LifeNews that allows you to send them photos and videos for a fee.

52. Whole primary material viewed by only two people (and this is several thousand sent photos and videos a day!). They make a decision - to pass it on to journalists, or, for example, they call an eyewitness and ask to take a few additional shots. Well, or send material to marriage.

53. While we were filming - someone sent a video with a burning KAMAZ - the news is literally first hand. Almost everyone has a phone these days. And anyone can become a reporter by getting paid by LifeNews.

54. Then we went into the studio, where journalists write down the text for their stories. This is very interesting process. For example, the video is exactly 1 minute 20 seconds long. And you must read the text during this time. Not a second more or less. Try it yourself - make the right pauses, maintain the pace, and so on.

59. Absolutely all streams of news information flock here. Right there they are stored, processed and prepared for further transmission in various formats - live on TV, in a format for Internet broadcasting, for transmission via satellite. It takes a lot of power to do this kind of work.

60. The center meets all modern requirements for speed, fault tolerance, security and is a source of pride for LifeNews.

63. At any moment, a journalist can run in, take right tool and rush for a new plot without the slightest delay.

64. Finally, we looked into another division of the holding, which does not produce news, but draws the first comics in Russia about Bubble superheroes.

66. Project Bubble is a very interesting and unusual series of Russian comics. Happy to read a few fresh numbers about Red Fury and Besoboy 🙂

67. And finally, they tested their superpowers in a special machine. Someone showed the power to find a free place in the subway, and a special company certificate was issued about it!

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