Larry Allison biography. Success Secrets from Larry Ellison


Studying the stories of successful entrepreneurs, one cannot help but pay attention to some patterns: all these people are extremely ambitious, strict with themselves and others, and most importantly, they have simply brutal instinct and intuition when it comes to money.

A striking example of such a person is the head of a corporation. Today he constantly flickers on the covers periodicals and more than once took a place in the TOP 10 richest people. He is feared, respected and reckoned with. And it all started so prosaically that Larry could have been one of the millions of dreamers-losers, if not for a few fateful decisions.

How it all began

Larry Ellison (Lawrence Ellison) was born in New York in 1944. It is difficult to call his family not only prosperous, but even average: Larry did not know his father, his mother is a 19-year-old Russian emigrant, who almost immediately after birth gave the child to foster parents.

Constant skirmishes with his stepfather on the basis of Larry's independent nature are one of the main reasons why Larry began to think about the aimlessness of life. According to his stepfather, Larry was a stupid, lack of initiative, useless teenager for society, who simply “smokes the sky”.

By the way, Ellison really did not achieve any success at school: he did not study well, but not because he was really stupid, but because of a lack of interest in learning. However, after school one had to enter into adulthood, and an inevitable attribute of such a life is college.

In college, Larry also did not prove himself, and he was expelled after the first semester. Surviving not permanent earnings throughout the next year, Larry decides that this cannot continue, and somehow enters the University of Chicago. But here, too, he was more engaged in self-digging, reading the literature that interested him and looking for opportunities to earn big money.

Even then, he decided for himself: "I will become rich and famous, if only in order to prove to my stepfather how wrong he was."

Becoming "Oracle"

By chance, Larry literally stumbled upon the island of activity that really interested him: these were computers and programming. The young student began to read thematic magazines and periodicals, and spent the lion's share of his small earnings on books. And then it turned out that Ellison was not stupid at all: he just couldn’t fulfill himself before that, and when he found his niche, he became the first in it.

Unlike his peers and friends, he very quickly "absorbed" knowledge of programming, and in just a few months he was already writing rather complex programs. By chance, buyers were found for such software, Larry began to earn money, got a good practice, and, in the end, decided to move to California, where the prospects were very, very impressive.

In the 70s, the programmer got a job in a small computer company Amtex, and literally from the first days struck his colleagues and superiors with the statement: “ I'm not here for long - I'll be a millionaire very soon and I won't have to spend time in this office».

Literally a couple of years later, Allison creates his first "brainchild" - it was an incredibly convenient, multifunctional and almost perfect database. Larry patented his development and created his own company " Oracle”, which at first consisted of him alone.

However, the development of the company was facilitated by the fact that users not only appreciated new system and were willing to pay good money for it. Customers needed support and training, and here Larry is making another one. important step: Starts providing IT consulting services.

Of course, the development of the company was not as fast as Larry himself wanted: by 1980, in " Oracle» There were only eight people who did not always have time to cope with the work. Employees of the company had to work from morning to night, as a result, a year later, the system Oracle interested in IBM.

Close and fruitful cooperation ensued, and from that moment on, the company's business rapidly went up. The company's profits reached a new level: in 1981, the annual income " Oracle amounted to almost two million dollars. This made it possible for Ellison to expand the company, increase the number of employees and completely leave his job in the office, taking the chair of the CEO. Since then, every seven years, the company's profit has grown by geometric progression, but managed to prove to himself and others that he was far from being useless and not stupid.

By the way, in 1992, Larry, having spent a million dollars on the services of private detective agencies, found his real mother and was able to say to her eyes: “ Mom, look: I did it».

Success Secrets from Larry Ellison

There are many such stories, and they all have one thing in common: the beginning and the end point, becoming and success - always connect. Another thing is that the paths between these points can be direct and obvious, they can be winding and obscure, or they can be long and heavy, like in .

But we must not forget that everyone chooses his own path to success, and Larry Ellison had his own set of laws and rules, according to which he acted all his life.

1. "Road spoon to dinner"

Larry clearly understood that the main thing in business is to occupy a certain niche in time. "On time" in this case means "first". Working with databases in the 80s was quite complicated and caused many problems. And most importantly, there were no companies on the market that could offer any alternatives, ways to make work easier, or simply create simple and effective solutions. Larry succeeded.

2. "Never give up"

Not everything and not always in " Oracle' went smoothly. It's not even about the fact that certain difficulties always arise in young companies. Already in the 90s, when everything seemed to be settled, the business suddenly began to bring much less profit. It was simply impossible to attribute this to economic difficulties, and Ellison had to deal with the problem personally and literally from the bottom.

The root of the problem was found pretty quickly. Larry just let things take their course when the money began to suffice for pleasures and luxuries. As a result, in the company, which was left to the deputies and heads of departments, "confusion and vacillation" began. I had to almost completely change the management of the company and carry out a “cleansing” in the accounting sector. As a result, the company Oracle”was paralyzed for several months, but the situation was eventually rectified.

3. "The strong eat the weak"

Larry always felt great potential in himself, and when the right moment came for self-realization, he did it and has not stopped since then. Allison is very aggressive, tough and goal-oriented person. He was used to quickly solving any problems, and if he could not do it, he tried again and again. This also affected the internal policy of the company: Larry always forced his subordinates to strive for a goal, especially if it was the goals of the company. And for this in the state Oracle The best ones should always work.

Hard fact: In the 80s, Larry personally interviewed candidates for every position in his company. The first question has always been: Were you the smartest on the course?". If the candidate answered Yes"- he was immediately accepted into the state. In the case of a negative answer, Larry said: “ Then give me the coordinates of the best on your course and called this person.

4. Innovation

Another important point: whatever successful business, he will not be able to stay "afloat" if he is not improved and improved in accordance with the realities of life. In addition, " Oracle Quite quickly there were competitors who were trying their best to do something new and better.

Today, even on the official website " Oracle” you can see the statement that “the company does not intend to stop there and we look to tomorrow today”.

In 2014 co-founder and CEO Oracle Larry Ellison left his post and took over the position of chief technology officer in the company. The site browser studied the history of the largest manufacturer software- overcoming crises, aggressive takeovers and Ellison's debate with Bill Gates.

In the history of every major IT company, there is a person who instilled in his offspring an original culture, which in the future becomes the key to the success of the corporation. A business founder does not just bring a new product to the market - he creates a new style, allows users to feel their own views and dreams. That is why when such a person leaves his own company, many say that it will no longer be the same.

A year ago, Larry Ellison, CEO and co-founder of Oracle Corporation, left his post and took over as chief technology officer. Although he is still involved in many aspects of management, everyone understands that the company is waiting for change, after all Ellison led it for 40 years. During this time, Oracle managed to become one of the industry leaders in software production, becoming the most profitable company after Microsoft and the absolute leader in creating software for large organizations.

Ellison's role in this success can hardly be overestimated, because he is without a doubt one of the brightest personalities in Silicon Valley. The former CEO has been described as both a business rock star and a tough entrepreneur who goes head over heels to achieve his goals. Larry is known as a brilliant negotiator and an amazing image maker.

Allison knows how to live to the fullest, so she loves extreme sports, traveling, expensive houses and original cars. At one time, Larry was friends with many bright personalities who seriously influenced the development of the IT industry. Among them, for example, Steve Jobs, who simply adored the yacht of the creator of Oracle, and Elon Musk, who shares his love of extreme sports.

Before becoming himself, the current Larry, Allison went through long haul, promoting its most important creation - Oracle - from a small company to a huge corporation with a huge number of customers. On the way to becoming a business, he had to overcome both the obstacles typical of a young entrepreneur and his own personal problems.

Larry Ellison's childhood cannot be called happy. His mother was an emigrant from Odessa, who fled to the United States, where her closest relatives lived - her uncle and aunt. Lawrence "Larry" Ellison was born in 1944 in the Bronx. At 9 months old, he became seriously ill with pneumonia, and his mother, who could not provide him with treatment, abandoned the child in favor of his uncle and aunt. Larry did not know his mother's name until adolescence.

The childhood years of the future entrepreneur passed in a difficult atmosphere. His adoptive father was to blame for everything - a bilious pessimist, disillusioned with society, as Larry himself characterizes him. Most of the time, the man who was supposed to instill self-confidence in the boy bullied Ellison and mocked his failures.

Adding fuel to the fire was his stepfather's reaction to every bad grade he considered a failure. However, the success of the future entrepreneur, the foster father also did not like. The boy had a much better relationship with his adoptive mother, whom he still remembers with warmth years later.

In his studies, Larry was not perfect: he was easily given the exact sciences, but he did not show to the rest special interest. While still at school, he began to read a lot and compose various stories, which amazed his peers. The teachers agreed that the boy was talented enough, but unstable. In general, his academic performance fluctuated with focus.

This approach to learning did not prevent Ellison from entering the University of Illinois. The future entrepreneur was enthusiastically waiting for the start of a new life, but he only survived the first course, and there were two reasons for this. Firstly, studying at the university did not differ much from school, so Larry soon got tired of tedious lectures, although he successfully completed his first year of study. Secondly, after the first year, during the exams, the young man's adoptive mother died, and he plunged into a long depression, which affected his desire to study.

For some time, Larry was interrupted by part-time jobs, but later decided to return to the university. After the first semester, Allison was expelled again, for the same reasons: he again read books at lectures or simply skipped classes. Nevertheless, the training period played important role in the life of an entrepreneur: he discovered computers, and new opportunities captured him so much that he seriously thought about creating his own software.

Freed from boring lectures, Ellison became more and more interested in programming and joined several computer clubs. Friends were amazed at how quickly he manages to perceive new information.

In the 1970s, Larry already had enough knowledge to work professionally in his chosen field. A young man who was well versed in database development was taken to Amtex. In this company, in 1977, Larry created one of his brilliant creations - an excellent multifunctional database designed for the CIA, which was encrypted under the name Oracle. Together with Ellison, Bob Miner and Ed Oates worked on this project. Soon, all three programmers realized that the created product was too good for such a company as Amtex, and decided to organize their own company, at the same time getting a customer in the person of the state.

At the beginning of their own business, the guys, according to Ellison, had about $ 1,200, enthusiasm and talent. Their company was founded in 1979 and was named SDL (Software Development Laboratories). The founders set about creating a better version of their own software. The resulting Oracle v2 database was acquired by the US Air Force, the first of many customers: the company's product was extremely competitive due to its high speed and SQL support. It is worth noting that this was the first commercial database on the market, so offers soon poured in.

Then Larry managed to demonstrate his talent as a salesman. It was his idea to call the database Oracle v2, although the first version of the program was not on the market. All in order to give potential customers the impression that SDL is already an experienced company with a proven product. In fact, the founders still had a lot to learn about the business - though it's not like they were slow learners.

The year 1982 will become a new important milestone in the development of the company. It was then that SDL, which consisted of eight people, changed its name to Oracle Corporation. At this time, the team was seriously working on the third version of the program, which was released in 1983. Its main advantage was that it was written using the C language.

In 1984, an already more or less well-known company received the first investment of several million dollars from Sequoia Capital, which significantly accelerated the growth of the corporation and contributed to the emergence of new versions of Oracle v4 and v5, aimed more at business use. So, the fourth version allowed to create high-quality reports based on the data entered in the database, and the fifth is known for the possibility of computing and connecting clients.

One of the most significant milestones in Oracle history was 1986. The staff of the corporation amounted to 400 people. In addition, the company held an IPO, during which it raised $31 million with annual income of $55 million.

Even at the dawn of the founding of the company, Ellison became famous for his amazing energy. Larry plunged headlong into the work, demanding the same from others. People who knew him said that working with him was like having a power generator in your boss. The excessive impulsiveness of the entrepreneur is also spoken of by his ex-wives: from 1967 to 1986, he managed to marry three times. In most cases, they compared him to a nuclear bomb and admitted that they could not withstand the frantic pace of life next to Allison.

Successful IPO and increased attention major publications further strengthened Ellison's temperament. Larry felt like a real king and therefore fell into extremes: he began to require employees to release new products as soon as possible and devote less time to accountants, whom he had previously disrespected, and now he began to avoid altogether.

This soon led to sad consequences. With the product, thanks to the excellent specialists working in the corporation, everything was in order, but in 1990 the company suffered losses due to accounting errors and debts from customers who had previously been forgiven for late payments. During the year, the corporation lost $12.4 million, and the level of capitalization fell by 80%. With the onset of difficulties, even Larry lost his temper, disastrously speaking to the press, which led to a drop in the company's stock.

The entrepreneur began to look for those responsible for the fiasco. Everything pointed to dishonest employees. Ellison gave vent to his anger - and heads flew, both accountants and others objectionable. More than 400 people lost their jobs - despite the fact that the company at that time employed about 4 thousand.

In the end, the sales model in the corporation was changed. Delays in payments for the use of Oracle software were prohibited, and the possibility of prepayment appeared. The changes affected the cost of use, which was significantly reduced in order to retain customers. There have been changes in the management of the company. In the early 1990s, Larry says, he realized the importance of quality recruiting and told the recruiting department to focus on more careful selection of candidates.

All this allowed us to take the management of the company to a new level. Shock therapy had an effect, and in 1992 the corporation practically ceased to incur losses. This was largely helped by the release of Oracle Database 7, which was recognized as one of the best databases on the market.

Having dealt with the troubles, Ellison hastened to drag the company into the war against Microsoft. Larry was seriously angered that Bill Gates made good money on the problems of Oracle, so caustic interviews about the world's richest corporation soon began to appear in the press. In them, Ellison criticized their software, Gates' management style and his approach to doing business.

Things at Oracle were on the mend, and the company gradually began to regain lost ground. With the beginning of a new profitable period, Ellison himself became more active: difficulties allowed him to assess the prospects of his own company from a different perspective, and he became interested in a larger expansion.

This explains Oracle's aggressive takeover of a number of manufacturing companies that began in the 1990s and has continued to this day. various kinds software. When asked by a reporter on this topic, Larry, with his usual smirk, replied that it was time to expand, because he simply could not give so many businessmen to be torn apart by Gates.

It should be noted here that Ellison's interview is one of those things for which he is loved. Oracle CEO just loves to shock the public. For example, at the height of the 2008 crisis, he provided the media with full information about your salary and bonuses. While many companies struggled to stay afloat, Ellison's earnings of $84.6 million were reported in magazines and on television. Even more fun was the end of this story, when in 2010 Larry's registered income stopped at $ 1, to which he ironically noticed that he decided to follow the fashion and save a little.

Another prank in which the indefatigable Ellison was seen was a whole campaign to return Steve Jobs to the company he founded. It was in 1994, Apple shares fell in price, and Larry, without first informing Steve, launched a website where he collected donations for the further acquisition of the giant. In addition, the head of Oracle bought a stake in the corporation to make his position more significant.

This caused a media storm, but Jobs reacted with restraint, although Ellison's direct offer to buy Apple was refused. Subsequently, Steve used the website as one of the tools to pressure the board of directors of the company he founded, returning there as a consultant.

But back to the 1990s. At that time, Larry not only fought to increase the value of the company and bullied Gates, but also announced his vision for the development of the industry, which caused a wave of criticism in his address. In essence, Ellison proposed abandoning the personal computer paradigm, suggesting that more equipment for large corporations would soon be available. He also pointed to the extreme promise of information technology.

In 1994, the company released an improved version of Oracle Database 7.1, which also ran on the IBM PC, in which some bugs were fixed. A new version brought profit and strengthened the position of the corporation. At the same time, the struggle began between Oracle, Sybase and Informix for dominance in the software market. Ellison did not hesitate to put pressure on opponents in a variety of ways, from the media to private detectives.

The first to drop out of the race was Sybase, which decided to develop in cooperation with Microsoft and eventually lost ground. Later, the company's leaders once again tried to achieve success on their own, but they failed. As a result, in 2010 the company was taken over by the German SAP AG.

Informix lasted much longer. The company had great software, but it was destroyed by management errors.

The fight was pretty tough. Companies have gone through litigation due to the theft of intellectual property and the transition of developers to Oracle.

In 1998, Ellison's company improved its position with the help of software. Oracle Database and Oracle Application Server appeared. In these programs, it was possible to carry out any EFR operations directly from the browser.

The latest move in the winning game against Informix was the indictment by the Supreme Court of the head of the company Phil White in the special exaggeration of the company's profits, which is a federal crime. As a result, the competitor ended up in jail, and the company was bought in parts. There is still a rumor on the net that Larry was behind it.

Since then, Oracle began to dominate the software market, destroying direct competitors and surpassing Microsoft. Ensuring leadership was reflected in the level of profits. In 1998, the company's revenue grew by 26% and reached $7.1 billion. further growth profits continued, reaching $10 billion by 2000.

In the early 2000s, during the dot-com crash, Oracle was one of the companies that actually suffered no losses. While everyone was trying to minimize losses, Allison was having fun buying expensive cars and organizing its own sailing team.

Allison Larry (Larry Ellison)

Lawrence Joseph Ellison(Lawrence Joseph Ellison) is the founder and CEO of Oracle Corporation. Also known as Larry Ellison.


1944: Mother's son from Odessa

Lawrence Ellison was not the best happy childhood. Larry Ellison doesn't know his father's name. It is only known for certain that Larry's mother was an unmarried immigrant from Odessa. Shortly after arriving in America, she left him in the care of her uncle and aunt living in New York and disappeared without a trace.

The name of Larry Ellison comes from the name of Ellis Island - a filtration point for emigrants from Europe.

He was brought up by foster parents, but his mother died when he was not yet 18, and his father was sent to prison. Lawrence had to take care of himself, and after saving up some money, he moved from the Bronx to the more promising Berkeley. Over the next eight years, Ellison worked part-time, until he got a job at Ampex as a programmer. There he developed his first serious program, a large database called Oracle.

1977: Founding of Oracle

In 1977, along with Ampex employee Robert Miner, Lawrence founded Software Development Labs, a company focused primarily on consulting corporate clients.

One day Lawrence came across a document written by an IBM employee describing the concept of the Structured Query Language (SQL). IBM did not see the commercial potential of this technology, but Ellison immediately realized how promising the idea was. Together with Miner, they wrote a database program compatible with mainframes and personal computers. Buyers were found quickly and in honor of the same Lawrence database, they decided to rename the company to Oracle. In 1980, only 7 people worked with Lawrence, and the annual income did not exceed a million dollars. After IBM adapted SQL to their computers, Oracle's revenue doubled every year.

1980s: Ellison set the food trend in Silicon Valley

From an interview given by the head of the restaurant company Bon Appetit Management Company Fedele Baucho (Fedele Bauccio) to Business Insider in early November 2014, it became known how Larry Ellison influenced the food system in Silicon Valley.

Founded in 1987, Bon Appetit is engaged in the construction and maintenance of cafes, restaurants and canteens for corporations and educational institutions. The company is based in Palo Alto near the headquarters of major technology companies such as Google and .

“My office was right next to where the VCs started building their companies,” Baucho recalls.

He met Larry Ellison in the late 80s. He asked the head of Bon Appetit to open an Italian coffee shop Paninoteca with cold and hot sandwiches and sandwiches at the headquarters of Oracle in Redwood Shores.

“Being Italian, I said I could do it. However, we were sure that this diner would not last long,” said Fedele Baucho.

Paninoteca was opened, and then as Oracle began to expand, several other concept coffee shops appeared on campus. Now there is a Japanese noodle restaurant, an Indian cafe and even a small market with Mediterranean food.

Larry Ellison in his youth

Similar ideas were adopted by other companies, which at first used huge canteens, but after the initiative of the head of Oracle, they abandoned them. It became obvious that small specialized cafes are much more preferable, since there you can order food to your taste and sit as you like, Bon Appetit CEO emphasized.

Food outlets deployed by Silicon Valley companies have been described by Fedele Baucho as "a place for chance meetings of ideas," where people connect closely with each other, and innovative thoughts are born during conversations. At the same time, employees do not have to leave their companies in order to eat deliciously.

1991: Oracle on the brink of bankruptcy

In 1990, when the company received the status of a leading software manufacturer, the first failures appeared. Accustomed to steady growth, managers failed to anticipate the consequences of new players entering the market, and for the first time in Oracle's history, its costs exceeded revenues. Things only got worse in 1991. Sales of Oracle fell by 80% and the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. Lawrence replaced most of the leaders and managers with the best in the business, and it worked. Thanks to a competent marketing policy and the release of new powerful databases, Oracle managed to return to its previous level. Its products were used by banks, airlines, car companies and supermarkets. And with the spread of e-commerce, Oracle's revenues have increased exponentially.

2009: On the 4th place in the list of the richest people of the world from $22 billion

According to Forbes magazine on March 11, 2009, Ellison is in the top three richest people and in fourth place in the global ranking of the rich. His fortune is estimated at $ 22 billion. At this time, he owns a 22.59% stake in Oracle Corporation.


Plans to buy a sports empire

In October, 2012 it became known that the head of Oracle Larry Ellison intends to acquire Anschutz Entertainment Group, owned by billionaire Phil Anschutz. This was reported by Reuters, citing two sources close to the situation. At the same time, Ellison's interest in buying the media group, whose starting price is $10 billion, is "tentative".

Ellison, the third richest person in , recently made an eccentric purchase by acquiring an island in Hawaii. Buying AEG will allow him to take control of, for example, a National Football League team and move it to Los Angeles.

Auction events for the sale of AEG are just beginning, this week bankers from Blackstone Advisory Partners only sent out the necessary information to potentially interested buyers. An information memorandum containing no financial data was sent to dozens of addresses.

Among the assets of AEG, in particular, a stake in the Los Angeles Lakers NBA basketball club, the LA Kings hockey team, as well as more than 100 entertainment and sports centers around the world and promotion business to promote AEG Live concerts. Interested parties will be able to submit bids for the AEG auction at the end of October 2012.

Accusations of fraud with the purchase of a subsidiary

From documents provided by Oracle to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at the end of September 2017, it follows that in the next five years, Ellison is entitled to a share option in the amount of $103.7 million, or $20.7 million per year. This is 47% less than the previous share awards and corresponds to a 50% reduction in total payments to the former CEO.

The compensation package of Larry Ellison who by October, 2017 holds a post of the technical director of Oracle, includes $17.5 million of options, however Oracle did not explain how this amount is formed. The FT notes that the final share payout could be substantially increased if the company meets the targets set out in the compensation plan.

Oracle halves payments to Larry Ellison under pressure from shareholders

Oracle has not guaranteed that Ellison and other high-ranking employees will not receive more securities payments within five years, although the company says it "does not expect" any additional grants.

According to the publication, there is a risk that within five years Allison will lose all remuneration, except for a symbolic salary of $ 1 per year, if the company does not meet the targets. financial indicators and quotation rates. The goals include increasing the share price to $80 (up 64% from the level of October 6, 2017) and increasing the revenue and profitability of the cloud business to certain levels. This extends not only to Ellison, but to all senior management.

Thus, this can be seen as a victory for the largest institutional investors, who for many years criticized the inflated directors' earnings.

U.S. public companies are required to submit their executive compensation policy to a mandatory shareholder vote and submit executive earnings reports (say-on-pay) for "recommendatory" approval, but there are no legal obligations to do so. For five years in a row, Oracle shareholders disapproved of executive compensation, but until 2017, the company only cut payouts slightly and added new tasks to the salary system.

According to Kirk Hanson, director of the Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University, last years payouts to three top managers of Oracle were very high. While the say-on-pay vote has been effective in drawing attention to inflated salaries, it's too early to tell how Oracle's new financial arrangements will work in practice, he warns.

In SEC filings, Oracle says that dissatisfaction with management compensation was a major topic in shareholder meetings with non-executive directors, but the issue received " positive reviews» under the new agreements.

Shareholder dissatisfaction grew substantially after Oracle paid Larry Ellison about $94.6 million in 2012. Then Ellison took first place among the highest paid directors in American companies and earned by that time about $ 650 million in ten years.

The Board of Directors, led by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, has undertaken a thorough and rigorous process to find new independent directors, looking around the world for candidates with a wide range of skills who, like Tesla, strongly believe in the mission of accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy. Tesla said in a statement.

The SEC ordered Tesla to invite two new independent directors after a scandal when founder and CEO Elon Musk tweeted about Tesla's possible delisting and turning it into a private company. The Securities and Exchange Commission reviewed this claim and announced that Musk misled Tesla investors. As a result, Elon Musk was also forced to leave the post of head of the board of directors of Tesla, and this place was taken by Robin Denholm, formerly one of the directors of the board. At the same time, Musk remained the CEO of the company.

As of the end of 2018, Tesla's board of directors has 11 members, including 3 women. In the fall of 2018, California introduced a requirement for publicly traded companies to have women on boards of directors, becoming the first US state who took such a step.

Lanai are advertised as the most attractive among the Hawaiian Islands. It is known that there is not a single traffic light on the island, but the lack of transport infrastructure is considered to be its advantage. There are two hotels on the island Four Seasons and two golf courses, all of which will go to Allison after the deal.

Son David and daughter Megan

The son of Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has reached the pinnacle of his career in Hollywood. David Ellison works for Skydance Productions while own daughter Ellison, Megan Ellison is also in the film industry and works at Annapurna Pictures.

Over the past few years, David has become one of the most influential producers in Hollywood. Neither more nor less, he acted as a producer of the next film series "Star Trek: Retribution", the original title is "Star Trek Into Darkness" (Eng. star trek Into Darkness). It is the twelfth feature-length science fiction film set in the world of Star Trek.

Larry Ellison's son David turns out to be a Hollywood producer

The film was officially announced by Paramount Pictures in 2010. In early 2010, Paramount Pictures stated that the film would be released on June 29, 2012. The premiere took place in Sydney on April 23, 2013, and the worldwide release began on May 9, 2013.

He has also financed two more blockbuster films to be released in the summer of 2013: original titles"World War Z" (humanity vs zombies) and "G.I. Joe: Retaliation" (action). Allison Jr. also promised to soon release Mission: Impossible 5 and Top Gun 2 on the screens.

Together with his own sister Megan, David is going to produce "Terminator - 5"

David's sister Megan has also been involved in the creation of several films, including "Zero Dark Thirty" and New film Spike Jonze "Her", she's working with David on "True Grit," and together they're going to have a hand in the release of Terminator 5.

Daughter's property

In November 2013, it became known that Megan Ellison, film producer and daughter of Oracle founder Larry Ellison, quietly sold three villas in a prestigious area of ​​Los Angeles, blogger The Real Estalker reports.

Ellison, the 27-year-old heiress of millions, purchased these homes between 2008 and 2011 for total$ 33 million. The girl's net profit from the sale of real estate amounted to $ 14.5 million.

The prestigious area is called "The Birds" (literally - birds), since most of the streets here are corresponding names. It is a favorite haunt of many celebrities, including popular Hollywood actors Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Aniston and George Harrison.

Panoramic view from one of the villas

The most scandalous quotes

Larry Ellison - one of the most outrageous top managers in the IT industry, second only to Steve Jobs - during his tenure at the helm of Oracle Corporation (since 1977), he uttered many phrases that then went down in history. He especially did not spare his competitors, not bothering himself in choosing politically correct epithets. Below are Ellison's most scandalous and memorable quotes, which, however, he never refused.

  • 2007, about Leo Apotheker: “Oracle filed a lawsuit against SAP in 2007, accusing it of illegally downloading Oracle software. The former head of SAP Leo Apotheker at that time was already at the helm of HP. We subpoenaed him in the SAP case, but the HP board of directors sent him to Bolivia to negotiate with customers. Then he was sent to negotiate in Mongolia, just out of the reach of the federal subpoena ... later the council realized that they should have left Leo in Mongolia at all.
  • 2008, on cloud computing: “An interesting note about cloud computing is that we're reinventing cloud computing: we've done it all before… The computer industry is even more trend-driven than women's fashion. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I don't understand at all what is it about in relation to cloud computing in question. What is this? This is complete nonsense. This is madness. When will this insanity stop?"
  • 2008, about cloud computing: “We are preparing announcements of new cloud solutions, because, you know, if orange is the new pink, then we will be sewing orange blouses. I mean, I'm not going to fight it…"
  • 2010, about Mark Heard: At the time of Mark Heard's difficulties as CEO of HP, which ended in his dismissal, Ellison was very supportive of his friend. He sent a letter to The New York Times regarding his dismissal with the following comments: “Are you going to change Mark Heard for Leo? This best idea since the Apple board of directors fired Steve Jobs. Just brilliant." Ellison then hired Heard as president of the corporation.
  • 2011, about Steve Jobs (after death): “Trying to become like Steve Jobs is like saying, “I want to become like Picasso. What should I do? Maybe use more red?
  • 2012, about cloud computing: “I was at the origin of NetSuite, NetSuite was my idea. I called Evan Goldberg and said, "We're going to deliver ERP over the web, software as a service." Six months later, Marc Benioff figured out what NetSuite was planning and copied it completely."
  • 2012, on the purchase of Lanai: "It will be, if you like, a small laboratory of business sustainability on a small scale example."
  • 2012, about SAP competitors: “When SAP, and especially Hasso Plattner, talk about how they are going to build an in-memory database and compete with Oracle, I say: “God, give me the contacts of their pharmacist, they must be under drugs."
  • 2012, on investments: Allison is a big philanthropist, especially when it comes to investing in medical programs and anti-ageing research. He also took part in the creation of NetSuite and years ago, but the latter has become a serious competitor to Oracle. Ellison said: "I will never again participate in any startups in my life." However, more recently, he invested in another startup for computerized drug detection.

Lawrence Joseph Ellison(English) Lawrence Joseph Ellison, Larry Ellison; genus. August 17, 1944, New York, USA) is an American entrepreneur, co-founder and head of Oracle Corporation, the largest shareholder of NetSuite Inc., an initial investor in


Born in New York to Florence Spellman Florence Spellman), a 19-year-old unmarried Jewish woman. His father was an American Air Force pilot of Italian origin. The father was transferred abroad to a new duty station even before Spellman realized that she was pregnant. When nine-month-old Larry fell ill with pneumonia, the mother realized that she could not properly care for her child. At the request of his mother, he was placed in the care of his mother's uncle and aunt in Chicago. Lilia Spelman Allison Lillian Spellman Ellison) and Lewis Ellison (ur. Louis Ellison) adopted Larry when he was 9 months old. Ellison did not know the name of his mother and did not meet her for 48 years.

Ellison grew up in Chicago, attended school there, and began studying at the University of Illinois at Urbana and Champaign. Due to the death of his adoptive mother, he did not take exams after the second year of study. After a summer in northern California with friend Chuck Weiss, he returned to Chicago and spent a semester at the University of Chicago, where he first met computer technology. In 1964, at the age of 20, he moved to northern California.


In the early 1970s, he worked for Amdahl and Ampex. One of his projects at Ampex was the development of a database for the CIA, which he called "Oracle".

Ellison was greatly influenced by Edgar Codd's article "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks", which is considered the first work on the relational data model. He, along with two colleagues at Ampex, founded the company in 1977 under the name Software Development Laboratories (SDL). In 1979, SDL was renamed Relational Software Inc., and a few years later - in 1982 - Oracle, after the name of the main product - Oracle Database. Knowing about the existence of the IBM System R DBMS, which was also based on Codd's ideas, Ellison tried to make the Oracle DBMS compatible with it. However, IBM refused to disclose the source code of the program and it was not possible to ensure the compatibility of the DBMS. The first version released was the Oracle v2 DBMS in 1979, for marketing reasons the first version number was not assigned.

In the 1980s, Oracle was busy releasing new versions of the DBMS. In 1986, Oracle's shares began to be listed on the stock exchange, in three years the company multiplied its sales, which reached $584 million. However, already in 1990, the company ran into difficulties, announcing losses, and was forced to lay off hundreds of its employees.


For the first time the name of Larry Ellison appeared in Forbes magazine in 1986, then his fortune was estimated at $185 million. At the peak of the value of technology companies before the collapse of dot-coms in 2000, his fortune was estimated at $48 billion. As of September 2012, his fortune is estimated at $44 billion - the third in the USA (after the fortunes of Gates and Buffett).

Lawrence Joseph Ellison is an American businessman who founded Oracle Corporation, former CEO, largest shareholder of NetSuite, and initial investor in Human interesting fate and extraordinary abilities.

The beginning of this man's life did not promise him great success. Always a disgruntled father, no special talents, mediocre schooling ...

All this foreshadowed Larry Ellison (born in 1944 in New York) the usual dull life of the layman. And only an incredible fantasy sharply distinguished Larry from his peers.

Especially the tendency to fantasies began to manifest itself after the boy found out that he was an adopted son. In his dreams, he imagined himself the heir to a large fortune, and, as an adult, he continued to tell tall tales about his father’s money and his own higher education which he didn't have.

But quite unexpectedly, Larry showed a talent for programming. The guy quickly understood this and mastered new and incomprehensible knowledge for the majority.

He learned to write programs and then sold them and made good money. However, Ellison did not know how to save banknotes, they disappeared quickly enough. However, this did not upset the young man at all, he believed that he would be rich and successful.

In the 70s, Larry found his gold mine- decided to create and sell unique databases that were able to read the most incredible options. It was then that the Oracle program was created.

Ellison knew how to use his gift of persuasion and rich imagination well. He assured customers that the program was capable of processing a lot of data and producing accurate results. For example, she can answer the question: where can I buy the freshest beer in New York.

Larry argued that his product was suitable for both mainframes and minicomputers. Naturally, the programmers who worked with him did not have time to realize all his fantasies and promises.

Therefore, customers quite often encountered poor-quality work. However, it was not necessary to choose, since there were no analogues of Oracle at that time. Even such serious departments as the CIA and the US Air Force became interested in his developments.

From his subordinates, Larry Ellison always demanded complete dedication. And this tactic paid off: Oracle became the fastest growing company in America.

Incomes increased every day, and employees had every chance to get rich. Inside the team there was a spirit of eternal competition, which Ellison himself asked.

Only the strongest and most aggressive survived. All this was properly encouraged, so the development of Oracle proceeded at a rapid pace. Naturally, Larry dealt with competitors in the most severe way, using all available methods.

However, this could not go on forever. One far from the most beautiful day, thunder broke out over Ellison's head. Everything surfaced: inaccuracies in accounting, deception of customers, theft in the company ...

Several years have passed in litigation and constant layoffs. But, there is no evil without good. Oracle's new developments were much better. The financial position of the company began to improve rapidly.

Ellison decided that databases should function in such a way that they could be easily managed over the Internet. That is, the “client-server” technology should be replaced by “Internet computing”. This will make it possible for everyone to use simple Internet browsers, rather than resorting to complex application software.

All this will greatly facilitate reporting in large corporations and save a significant amount of money. Having given the appropriate instructions to the software developers, Larry went to rest. However, when he arrived, he did not see any special shifts in his work. His idea seemed too extravagant to the employees. After this incident, Ellison did not leave the company for more than two weeks.

All 22 years old management activities Larry Ellison held the reins of power in his hands. In 2000, he was on the second line in the list of the richest people in the world according to Forbes.

The first line was occupied by Bill Gates, for whom Ellison constantly felt a deep dislike. However, unexpectedly for everyone, in 2004 he decided to sell most shares and step down as chairman of the board of directors.

However, the reason turned out to be quite simple: having reached the top in business, Larry Ellison decided to finally improve his personal life and marry for the fourth time.

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