Statements about artists. Quotes from great artists about art and themselves


Butler S.
Any human creation, be it literature, music or painting, is always a self-portrait.

Goethe I.
Painting- the most accessible and convenient of the arts.

Gauguin P.
Painting the most beautiful of all arts; all sensations are united in her; at the sight of her, everyone can, at the behest of their imagination, create a novel, with the help of just one glance, fill the soul with the deepest memories; Without any effort on the part of memory, everything is captured in an instant.

Guberman I.
Painting outwardly so simple,
that the mind cannot help but be deceived,
but in intimate plastic surgery canvas
You can only touch with feeling.

Salvador Dali
Painting- it's made by hand color photography all possible, super-refined, unusual, super-aesthetic examples of concrete irrationality.

Salvador Dali
Don't be afraid of perfection, you will never achieve it.

Eugene Delacroix
Painting- a silent art, and this, in my opinion, is its considerable merit.

Eugene Delacroix
What a miracle - to admire in painting something you don’t really admire!

Diderot D.
Painter and the sculptor are both poets, but the latter never falls into caricature. The sculpture does not tolerate buffoonery, clowning, or the funny, and rarely even the comic. Marble doesn't laugh.

Diderot D.
Any work of sculpture or painting must be an expression of one big idea, must be instructive for the viewer - without this it will be dumb.

Coleridge S.
Painting- something between a thought and a thing.

Leonardo da Vinci
Painting is poetry that is seen, and poetry is painting which is heard.

Leonardo da Vinci
Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is blind painting.

Leonardo da Vinci
Painting argues and competes with nature.

Leonardo da Vinci
Painter, be careful that the greed for earnings does not overcome the honor of art in you, for the earnings of honor are much more significant than the honor of wealth.

Leonardo da Vinci
Painter, meaninglessly sketching, guided by the practice and judgment of the eye, is like a mirror that reflects all the objects opposed to it, without having knowledge of them.

Leonardo da Vinci
Painter should not try to be universal, since he loses a lot of dignity from the fact that he does one thing well and another poorly...

Lessing G.
Painting depicts the body and with hints - movement. Poetry depicts movement and through it, through hints, the body.

Lam Ch.
Painting too weak to portray a human being.

Painting jealous and demands that the person belong to her entirely.

Gustav Moreau
Painting- this is a passionate silence.

George Moore
It doesn't matter how bad you are at drawing, as long as you draw badly differently than others.

Barnett Newman
Women's clothing - painting, men's clothing- sculpture.

Blaise Pascal
In painting, whoever, having painted a face, adds something else, makes a painting, not a portrait.

Blaise Pascal
How vain painting, surprising similarity to the original, which surprises no one.

Dan Raie
Painting- art that you can look at; sculpture is an art that can be walked around; architecture is an art that you can walk through.

Rodin O.
In essence, there is no beautiful style, no beautiful line, no beautiful color; the only beauty is the truth that becomes visible...

Spencer G.
Architecture, sculpture, painting, music and poetry can rightly be called the color of civilized life.

Frederic Stendhal
Painting- this is an art with the help of which the artist depicts passion through facial features and body position and excites the viewer with his sympathetic and ironic attitude towards the plot.

Fromentin E.
Art painting is nothing more than the art of expressing the invisible through the visible.

E. Fromentin
Art painting is the art of expressing the invisible through the visible.

Zweig S.
There is no more hopeless occupation than drawing emptiness; nothing is more difficult than paint monotony.

Unknown thinker
IN contemporary art It’s easy to figure out what’s hanging on the wall - painting; what can be seen from the back is a sculpture.


Evgeny Malakhov

* Which painting would I save if National Gallery will there be a fire? The one closest to the exit. (Bernard Show)

* Creativity is the difference between someone's happiness and everyone's misfortune. (V. Khlebnikov)

* For those who have experienced the pleasure of creativity, all other pleasures no longer exist. (A. Chekhov)

* The source of our creativity is in weakness; a person creates to compensate for what he lacks. (E. Hoffer)

* Creativity is victory over the lust of life. (N. Berdyaev)

* Current creativity in all fields, with the exception of the sciences, reminds me of electricity - bright light without fire. (A. Rubinstein)

* Creativity- this is when you make mistakes. Art is when you know which one needs to be preserved. (S. Adams)

* Infringement of creativity is a sign of the fall of humanity. (N. Roerich)

*Genuinely good painting enchants us until others begin to praise her. (Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues)

* Creativity is the transition of non-existence into being through an act of freedom. (N. Berdyaev)

* A work of art is a corner of the universe seen through the prism of a certain temperament. (Emile Zola)

* A person can have many different moods, but he has one soul, and he subtly puts this soul into all his creativity. (D. Galsworthy)

* The direct responsibility of the artist is to show, not prove. (Alexander Blok)

* Creativity usually turns the first half of life into the second. (V. Lukyanov)

* If you give a rooster creative freedom, he will still crow. (S. Dovlatov)

* Creation - special kind activity, it brings satisfaction in itself. (S. Maugham)

* The goal of creativity is dedication,
Not hype, not success.
Shameful, meaningless
Be the talk of everyone. (Parsnip)

* Creativity is a passion that dies in form. (M. Prishvin)

* Only the one who creates lives. The rest are shadows wandering the earth, alien to life. All the joys of life are the joys of creativity: love, genius, action - these are discharges of power born in the flame of a single fire. (R. Rolland)

* Painting is a quiet art, and this, in my opinion, is its considerable merit. (Eugene Delacroix)

* Painter, be careful that the greed for earnings does not overcome the honor of art in you, for the earnings of honor are much more significant than the honor of wealth. (Leonardo da Vinci)

* Creativity is always a risk. (A. Ryunosuke)

* To create means to kill death. (Romain Rolland)

* To draw means to see proportions. (Unknown thinker)

* The career of an artist is like the career of a courtesan: first for one's own pleasure, then for someone else's, and finally for money. (Marcel Achard)

* True artists are equally successful in the types of scoundrels and decent people... (Vissarion Belinsky)

* Disadvantages are always where creativity ends and work begins. (Vissarion Belinsky)

* A true artist is devoid of vanity; he understands too well that art is limitless. (L. Beethoven)

* The artist’s job is to restore connections, to clear the horizons from that disorderly pile of insignificant facts that, like a windfall, block all historical perspectives. (Alexander Blok)

* The Lord God lives in the details. (Abi Warburg)

* The brush that the artist moves must be wetted in the mind, just like Aristotle's lead, about which someone said: it gives more to think than to show to the eye. (Johann Joachim Winckelmann)

* If you are a true artist, you will not allow yourself to die during the heyday of your opponent’s talent. (Mikhail Genin)

* Every artist contains a germ of daring, without which no talent is conceivable. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

* Outstanding Artist often cannot judge either his own or others’ works. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

* Every artist who depicts the sky as green and the grass as blue must be sterilized. (Adolf Gitler)

* Don't be afraid of perfection, you will never achieve it. (Salvador Dali)

* The difference between me and a crazy person is that I am not crazy. (Salvador Dali)

* The difference between the surrealists and me is that the surrealist is me. (Salvador Dali)

* One thing is absolutely clear - that I hate simplicity in all its forms. (Salvador Dali)

* The artist thinks with drawings. (Salvador Dali)

* Two qualities are necessary for an artist: a sense of morality and a sense of perspective. (Denis Diderot)

* The moment an artist thinks about money, he loses his sense of beauty. (Denis Diderot)

* Why are the works of ancient artists so majestic? Because they attended philosophy schools. (Denis Diderot)

* When an artist decides to share the fate of everyone, he asserts himself as an individual. ( Albert Camus)

* In the impartial balance of history, Raphael’s brush has the same weight as the sword of Alexander the Great. (Kozma Prutkov)

* Encouragement is also Where the thought does not work together with the hand, there is no artist. (Leonardo da Vinci)

* The highest praise for an artist is when you forget about praise in front of his work. (Gothold Ephraim Lessing)

* In some inspirations, the muses wash their feet. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

* The significance of an artist is measured by the number of new signs that he introduces into plastic language. (A. Matisse)

* An artist, painter, poet or musician satisfies the aesthetic sense with his sublime or beautiful; but this is a barbaric satisfaction, it is akin to the sexual instinct, for it also gives itself to you. ( Somerset Maugham)

* Every artist is an unhappy lover. And star-crossed lovers love to tell their story. (Iris Murdoch)

* For an artist, unless he is distinguished by exceptional conscientiousness, the tendency to waste is dangerous, because then he is unable to resist the temptation and fights for any crafts, as long as they pay well for them. (Andre Maurois)

* The artist is a liar, but art is the truth. (Andre Maurois)

* It doesn't matter how bad you draw, as long as you draw bad in a different way than others. (George Moore)

* The job of an artist is to create joy. (Konstantin Paustovsky)

* Everyone has the right to change, even artists. (Pablo Picasso)

* Only a few people understand a beginning artist. Famous - even less. (Pablo Picasso)

* Artistic movement wins only when it is adopted by window decorators. (Pablo Picasso)

* An artist is a person who paints something that can be sold. A good artist is a person who sells what he writes. (Pablo Picasso)

* When artists become blind to the social trends of their time, then the nature of the ideas they express in their works greatly decreases in their intrinsic value. (Georgi Plekhanov)

* Without a sense of modernity, the artist will remain unrecognized. (Mikhail Prishvin)

* There is an obligatory moment in creativity when the artist judges the whole world by himself. (Mikhail Prishvin)

* In essence, there is no beautiful style, no beautiful line, no beautiful color, the only beauty is the truth that becomes visible. (Auguste Rodin)

* A true artist expresses what he thinks, without fear of facing age-old prejudices. (Auguste Rodin)

* Woe to the artist who seeks to show his talent, and not his painting! (Romain Rolland)

* Every artist deserves applause. The praise of his contemporaries is the most precious part of his reward. (Jean Jacques Rousseau)

* An artist must go to a museum, but only a pedant can live in a museum. (George Santayana)

* great artist- This dead artist. ("Thyssen's Law")

* It seems strange and immoral that an artist, seeing people suffering, does not so much sympathize as observe in order to reproduce this suffering. (Lev Tolstoy)

*Most of our modern portrait painters destined for complete oblivion. They never convey what they see. They convey what the public sees, but the public sees absolutely nothing. (Oscar Wilde)

* Know, artist, that simplicity and unity are needed in everything. (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

* The artist must be present in his work, like God in the universe: to be omnipresent and invisible. (Gustave Flaubert)

* Art was threatened by two monsters: the artist who is not a master, and the master who is not an artist. (Anatole France)

* There is no need to be especially afraid of attributing to the artists of the past an ideal that they never had. Admiration is impossible without an admixture of illusion, and to understand a perfect work of art means, in general, to recreate it in one’s own way. inner world. (Anatole France)

* “Think first, speak later” is the motto of criticism; “Speak first, think later” is the motto of creativity. (Edward Morgan Forster)

* The art of painting is the art of expressing the invisible through the visible. (Fromentin)

* A creation can outlive its creator:
The Creator will leave, defeated by nature,
However, the image he captured
It will warm hearts for centuries. (Michelangelo)

* Painting is jealous and does not tolerate rivals; She replaces my wife and causes quite enough household troubles. My children will be my works. (Michelangelo)

* The brush with which the artist moves must be dipped in the mind: it was said of Aristotle’s lead that he left more to the mind than to the eye. (I. Winkelman)

* How vain is painting, which evokes surprise by its resemblance to the original, which surprises no one. (B. Pascal)

* All colors are good, you just need to know how to write with them. (G. Flaubert)

* A work of art speaks for itself - if there is someone to speak. (S. Lec)

* The artist paints not what he sees, but what others will see. (Paul Valery)

* A painting that is praised by more than ten percent of the public must be burned. (George Bernard Shaw)

* In the phrase: “Picasso’s paintings are daubs,” nothing is said about Picasso, but everything is said about the speaker. (Jean Cocteau)

*Wouldn’t Raphael have been a genius of painting if, unfortunately, he had been born without arms? (Gotthold Lessing)

*Lessing says: “If Raphael’s hands are cut off, he will still remain a painter.” In the same way, we could say: “If the gentleman**’s head was cut off, he would still remain a painter,” he would continue to paint without a head, and no one would notice that he had no head at all. (Heinrich Heine)

*What I hear doesn't matter; What matters is what I see, especially when I close my eyes. (Giorgio di Chirico, surrealist artist)

*A good artist can draw a runner without legs. (Karl Kraus)

* People buy paintings not because they like them; on the contrary, people like the paintings because they buy them. (Georges Feyd)

* Nice portrait not the one that looks like the model, but the one that doesn’t look like anyone else. (Jean Prevost)

* Every time I paint a portrait, I lose a friend. (John Sargent)

* A landscape artist can work calmly - nature never insists on similarity. (Ramon Gomez de la Serna)

* It is easier to go to heaven than to write it. (Jan Tsybis)

* A primitivist artist is an amateur whose paintings sell well. (Ann Moses)

The sculptor must express spiritual activity in appearance. Socrates

To paint a beauty, I need to see a lot of beauties... Raphael

Painting is poetry that is seen, and poetry is painting that is heard. Leonardo da Vinci

The painter argues and competes with nature. Leonardo da Vinci

A painter who sketches senselessly, guided by practice and the judgment of the eye, is like a mirror that reflects all the objects opposed to it, without having knowledge of them. Leonardo da Vinci

Vasari, showing [Michelangelo] one of his paintings, said: “I spent little time on it.” “It’s obvious,” was the answer. Michelangelo

Painting is jealous and demands that a person belong to it, completely. Michelangelo

Painting without innate talent is the same as throwing a seed into the waves. P. Veronese

First of all, the painter must have in his mind good idea about what he intends to do. But what is an idea? ...the idea of ​​a painter is that image which, before taking shape in a drawing or a painting, suddenly arises in the mind in relation to this story. D. Armenini

What is this complex art- painting. I express in one phrase what the artist struggles to sketch over the course of a week, and his grief is that he knows, sees and feels like me, but cannot express it and therefore does not know satisfaction... D. Diderot

Artists, if you are jealous of the glory of your creations, here is my advice to you: stick to pure subjects. Everything that vice preaches to man is doomed to destruction, and the more perfect the creation, the more inevitable it is. Almost none of the obscene and beautiful engravings that Giulio Romano made of the subjects of the shameless Aretino have survived. Honesty, virtue, chastity... petty remorse, prompted by prejudice, early or late, but they will take up arms against immoral works. D. Diderot

Painting also knows flattery; At first glance, this flattery is captivating, but soon becomes boring. D. Diderot

[Ancient artist said] to a student who wrote an overly dressed up Elena: “You didn’t know how to write her beautiful, and therefore you wrote her richly dressed”... G. Lessing

If you want to judge works of art, then first pass by what indicates perseverance and labor, and pay attention to what is created by the mind... An image made with great pains by a painter or sculptor can be compared in this regard to a painstakingly compiled book. Because just like greatest art is not to paint learnedly, and a finely and smoothly painted picture does not indicate a great artist. I. Winkelman

Man is the highest, primordial object of plastic art! V. Goethe

Like a speaker, the gift of prose,

Rhymes are a gift to you, poet, -

Roses of life, young roses

A painter needs color.

Let her stand, sparkling

Incomparable beauty

The thought of life is exciting

Fresh lively charm! V. Goethe

It’s one thing to convey a face in those superficial and external features that the face of a person sitting calmly in front of a portrait painter shows him precisely in this moment, and it’s a completely different matter to be able to depict those true features that represent the expression of the real soul itself this person. For the ideal requires that the outer form itself correspond to the soul. Hegel

Painting is an art through which the artist depicts passion through facial features and body position and moves the viewer with his sympathetic or ironic attitude towards the subject. Stendhal

The point is not to learn to draw, but to learn to think. Stendhal

Style in painting is a special manner of each master, characteristic only of him, of saying the same things. Every great artist searched for techniques that could evoke in the soul that special impression that seemed to him main task painting. The choice of colors, the way they are applied with a brush, the distribution of shadows, some details, etc. enhance the style of the drawing. Stendhal

If an artist, like a photographer, reproduces only external features, if he copies only lines without relating them to the general character, there is no point in talking about him. In facial features, he should look first of all for spiritual similarity: that’s the whole point. In a word, the features must be expressive, i.e. to reveal to us the soul of the model... the artist's task is to separate truth from pretense. O. Rodin

Ugly in art is everything that is insincere, artificial, everything that wants to seem beautiful and beautiful, and not characteristic, everything that is petty, refined, everything that smiles for no reason, pretentious without need, swaggers and puts on airs without reason... everything that lies. When an artist, wanting to “make it more beautiful,” depicts spring as greener, the sunrise as pinker, young lips as scarlet, he creates disgrace because he lies. When he hides the grimace of suffering, the decrepitude of old age, the abomination of depravity, when he smoothes nature, shades it, dresses it up, moderates it, in order to please the public, he creates an outrage because he is afraid of the truth. O. Rodin

Of all artwork bust and portrait require the greatest insight... A good bust is tantamount to a whole biography. Each bust of Houdon, for example, is worth a chapter from some memoir: era, race, rank, individual character - everything is indicated in it. O. Rodin

Painting is quite concrete art, it can only be an image of actually existing things. This is the language of nature, the language of the visible world. What we do not see, non-existent and abstract, does not belong to the field of painting. G. Courbet

In a portrait made by a great painter, a person looks more like himself than even his reflection in a daguerreotype, because great painter in sharp lines he brought out everything that was hidden inside that person and that, perhaps, was a secret for this person himself. V.G. Belinsky

A portrait painter who no longer wants to express character, personal history in a portrait - what kind of portrait painter is this, what kind of artist is this, where is he good for? Will his works be worse than the last most insignificant photograph? V.V. Stasov

In portraits famous people one should stick to the image of how and how he earned his fame. I.N. Kramskoy

It seems fair to me that the artist should be one of the most educated and developed people of its time. He is obliged not only to know at what point development now stands, but to have opinions on all issues of concern best representatives society, opinions that go further and deeper than those that dominate at the moment, and in addition, have certain likes and dislikes for different categories of life phenomena. I.N. Kramskoy

Our task is content. The face, the soul of a person, the drama of life, the impressions of nature, its life and meaning, the spirit of history - these are our themes... our colors are a tool, they must express our thoughts, our coloring is not elegant spots, it must express to us the mood of the picture , her soul, it must position and capture the entire viewer, like a chord in music. I.E. Repin

The portrait must be a picture and a description of the person. I.E. Repin

So you draw a body that resembles a well-worn rag doll, and give it a huge egg-shaped head with approximately human traits and big boobs, and sign something like “Eternity” or “Thoughtfulness.” Of course, many will curse, but there will be sophisticated donkeys who, staring at the ground with their foreheads, will say: “There is still something here.” A.V. Lunacharsky

Woe to the artist who seeks to show his talent and not his painting! Really, it would be funny if the most important thing an artist had was his hand. R. Rolland

When you wander among nature, you see movement in the field, in the forest, in the clouds, everything breathes, everything lives, and how clear, it’s just a manifestation of life! How much bliss and happiness it is to see in the summer how the sun floods the fields, forests, waters and sky with its rays! The smell of the earth, the aroma of the forest - what a charm it all is! There is a passionate desire to convey this on canvas. Convey the manifestation of life, its thrill. This is where you have to experience a series of charms and disappointments. It’s difficult, oh, how difficult it is to convey what you see and what you feel. But what high pleasure the artist experiences when he manages to give a piece of real life! V.N. Baksheev

Works visual arts people live not only in the halls art galleries and museums. How valuable is a silent conversation alone with oneself, when paintings and statues come to life in the heart. You just need to not close the doors to the temple of beauty in front of you, not to rob yourself, but to constantly train your taste, as well as your muscles. S.T. Konenkov

Aphorisms and sayings about artists

Aphorisms and sayings about artists

L. Aragon
Beautiful artist maybe he was a wonderful person.

L. Aragon
Face artist manifests itself in its inconsistency.

If someone smears the best paints in disarray, he cannot give even such pleasure as sketching a drawing with chalk.

V. G. Belinsky
For the true artist- Where there is life, there is poetry.

L. Beethoven
Authentic artist devoid of vanity, he understands too well that art is inexhaustible.

A. A. Blok
Direct responsibility artist- show, not prove.

A. A. Blok
Case artist- to restore connections, to clear horizons from that disorderly pile of insignificant facts that, like a windfall, block all historical perspectives.

Paul Valéry
Artist he writes not what he sees, but what others will see.

We need artist even in the moment of greatest happiness and greatest misfortune.

Outstanding artist often cannot judge either his own or others’ works.

In every artist the germ of boldness has been laid, without which no talent is conceivable.

Salvador Dali
Artist thinks with a picture.

Denis Diderot
Two qualities are needed to the artist: sense of morality and sense of perspective.

Denis Diderot
Why are works of antiquity artists so majestic? Because they attended philosophy schools.

A. Dumas the son
He holds a chisel, pen or brush in his hand, artist really deserves this name only when it instills soul in material objects or gives form to the impulses of the soul, when, in a word, he idealizes the real which he sees and realizes the ideal which he feels.

V. M. Doroshevich
Happy is that artist - writer, painter, actor - in whom his time is reflected, as the sky is reflected in calm water.

A. Camus
Misfortune artist the fact that he lives not quite in a monastery, and not quite in the world, and he is tormented by the temptations of both lives.

A. Camus
When artist decides to share the fate of everyone, he asserts himself as an individual.

A. Camus
Freedom of art is inexpensive when its only meaning is spiritual comfort artist.

I. N. Kramskoy
...artist is a servant of truth. This is its purpose.

I. N. Kramskoy
...the highest court for artist There has always been and will be the impression that thousands of viewers receive from the film.

G. Courbet
Genuine artists are those who begin from the place where their predecessors left off.

Leonardo da Vinci
Where the thought does not work together with the hand, there is no artist.

Leonardo da Vinci
Where the spirit does not move its hand artist, there is no art there.

Leonardo da Vinci
Pitiful is the master whose work is ahead of his judgment; that master advances towards the perfection of art, the works of which are surpassed by judgment.

Artists they write through the eyes of love, and only the eyes of love should judge them.

A. Matisse
Significance artist measured by the number of new signs that he introduces into plastic language.

Somerset Maugham
Artist, artist, a poet or musician satisfies the aesthetic sense with his sublime or beautiful; but this is a barbaric satisfaction, it is akin to the sexual instinct, for it also gives itself to you.

George Moore
It doesn't matter how bad you are at drawing, as long as you draw badly differently than others.

K. Paustovsky
Case artist- give birth to joy.

Pablo Picasso
Everyone has the right to change, even artists.

Pablo Picasso
Beginner artist Only a few people understand. Famous - even less.

Pablo Picasso
Artist is a person who writes what can be sold. A good one artist is a person who sells what he writes.

Mikhail Prishvin
No sense of modernity artist will remain unrecognized.

Mikhail Prishvin
There is an obligatory moment in creativity when artist judges the whole world by itself.

Kozma Prutkov
Encouragement is also necessary to the artist how necessary rosin is for a virtuoso bow.

Auguste Rodin
True artist expresses what he thinks, without fear of facing age-old prejudices.

Ramon Gomez de la Serna
A landscape painter can work calmly—nature never insists on resemblance.

V. V. Stasov

All sorts of things piece of art There is always a faithful mirror of its creator, and no one can disguise his nature in it.

V. V. Stasov

V. V. Stasov
...there's nothing for artist more dangerous than constantly sitting on copies. All independence is killed here, and that’s all one must live by. artist; for its manifestation he only has to work. Most moderate original work more expensive and more important than the most excellent copy. Those who do not intend to do their own thing do not need to touch art.

V. V. Stasov
In the depiction of what is truly known and existing, all the power and meaning of the present artist...

V. V. Stasov
Leave artists in peace from the very beginning, do not touch either their feelings or their thoughts, and each of them will certainly be national. It's too natural and simple, everyone is born with it. Do not touch a flower or a tree, do not bend them in any direction, and they themselves will always turn towards the sun. From there life goes on for them.

"Thyssen's Law"
Great artist- it's dead artist.

O. Wilde
For artist moral life man is just one of the themes of his work. The ethics of art lies in the perfect use of imperfect means.

When excellent abilities in the arts do not remain without reward, then undoubtedly and soon people will appear who will bring them to perfection.

Quintus Horace Flaccus
Know this artist that simplicity and unity are needed in everything.

G. Flaubert
Artist must be present in his work, like God in the Universe: to be omnipresent and invisible.

A. France
Artists have an obligation to show us how good life is. Otherwise we would have doubts.

A. France
Art was threatened by two monsters: artist who is not a master, and a master who is not artist.

A. France
There is no need to be especially afraid to attribute artists past is an ideal that they never had. Admiration is impossible without an admixture of illusion, and to understand a perfect work of art means, in general, to re-create it in one’s inner world.

Edward Morgan Forster
“Think first, speak later” is the motto of criticism; “Speak first, think later” is the motto of creativity.

Stefan Zweig
No one artist can not be artist day after day, all twenty-four hours a day; all the true, enduring things that he manages to create, he creates only in a few and rare moments of inspiration.

F. Schiller
Highest praise to the artist- when we forget him behind his works.

R. Schumann R.
Sending light into the depths human heart- this is the purpose artist.

M. Ebner-Eschenbach
Artist should care not that his work finds recognition, but that it deserves it.

Created March 23, 2011

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A shameless artist is a subject who, pretending to be a seducer, lures a girl into his studio and paints her there.
Karl Kraus.

What I hear doesn't matter; What matters is what I see, especially when I close my eyes.
Giorgio di Chirico, surrealist artist.

One artist took his model apart.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

In the phrase “Picasso’s paintings are daub!” nothing is said about Picasso, but everything is said about the speaker.
Jean Cocteau.

Every time I paint a portrait, I lose a friend.
John Sargent.

Just looking at the museum makes your legs give way from fatigue.
Yanina Ipohorskaya.

Give me a museum and I'll fill it.
Pablo Picasso.

It’s easy to understand modern art: what’s hanging on the wall is painting; what can be seen from the back is a sculpture.

An amateur is a person who is forced to work somewhere in order to be able to paint pictures. And a professional is a person who has the opportunity to paint pictures because he has a working wife.
Ben Shan.

A landscape artist can work calmly - nature never insists on similarity.
Ramon Gomez de la Serna.

Kokoschka painted me: friends won’t recognize me, but strangers will recognize me.
Karl Kraus.

Contemporary painting is when you buy a painting to cover a hole in the wall, and you come to the conclusion that the hole looks better.
Robert Orben.

Museums are cemeteries of art.
Alphonse de Lamartine.

When I paint, I feel crazy. The only difference between me and a crazy person is that I am not crazy.
Salvador Dali.

A primitivist artist is an amateur whose paintings sell well.
Ann Moses.

Museum: Sunday residence of the masses.
Modified Vladislav Lorants.

Every artist who depicts the sky as green and the grass as blue must be sterilized.
Adolf Gitler.

I will write you more similar than you are.
Max Liebermann, German artist.

A good portrait is not one that looks like the model, but one that doesn’t look like anyone else.
Jean Prevost.

The artist paints not what he sees, but what others will see.
Paul Valery.

Nothing reminds me of a brothel more than a museum.
Michelle Leiris.

From a certain point, the painting becomes only a background for the artist’s signature.
Leszek Kumor.

People buy paintings not because they like them; on the contrary, people like the paintings because they buy them.
Georges Feydeau.

Lessing says: “If Raphael’s hands were cut off, he would still remain a painter.” In the same way we could say: “If Mr. “N.” cut off his head, he would still remain a painter,” he would continue to paint without a head, and no one would notice that he had no head at all.
Heinrich Heine.

The rearing horses in the paintings of the old masters resemble kangaroos.
Mark Twain.

A good artist can draw a runner without legs.
Karl Kraus.

It doesn't matter how bad you are at drawing, as long as you draw badly differently than others.
George Moore.

If somewhere in British Museum there was a cozy room with no more than twenty exhibits, with good lighting, comfortable chairs and a sign inviting you to smoke, I think I would not leave the museum.
Joseph Priestley.

I have nothing against non-objective painting, as long as the artist’s subject is visible.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

A fool can paint a picture, but only a smart one can sell it.
Samuel Butler.

A painting in a museum hears more nonsense than anyone else in the world.
Edmond Goncourt.

There are things you have to see to know they're not worth seeing.
Ryszard Podlewski.

It is easier to go to heaven than to write it.
Jan Tsybis.

You ask, dear sir, in which institution it would be most appropriate to place the paintings you painted. May I suggest you a shelter for the blind.
James Whistler.

If people knew as much about painting as I know, they would not buy my paintings.
Edwin Landseer.

A painting that is praised by more than ten percent of the public must be burned.
George Bernard Shaw.

This artist has a wonderful future ahead of him.
A certain French critic.

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