Zaha Hadid and her incredible projects. What is the architecture of Zahi Hadid


Zaha Hadid is the grand dame of modern architecture. She did not immediately achieve recognition and a worthy place in this almost exclusively male profession, but struck me with the softness of the lines, a new approach to organizing space ... with some special feminine look on futuristic architecture. It stands firmly on the ground and, for all its fantastic solutions, is distinguished by a well-thought-out practical approach.

For a football stadium in Qatar (scheduled for construction in 2022), where the concrete will only gain strength over time, she offers one solution, but for the Riverside Transport Museum in Glasgow, where it is still quite cold, it is completely different. There, the broken lines of the facade, however, are adjusted taking into account the snow load.

The Dominion Tower business center in Moscow initially fits into the surrounding industrial "gray buildings", carefully checking with the "bird" and existing buildings, since the main thing is important for an architectural grand lady: that the architecture not only meets the requirements of customers and, sometimes, their unhealthy ambitions , but also made people's lives a little better. And when it is possible, then like a fairy tale.

Of course, it’s more customary for us to entertain ambitions, forgetting about the people around us ... But that’s why there are such truly prominent figures like Zaha Hadid.

Zaha Hadid (arab. زها حديد‎ ; eng. Zaha Mohammad Hadid) is considered one of the most original, unusual and most successful modern architects in the world, calling it "modern Gaudi". She is considered a real genius, and her buildings and structures are the most unusual shapes are located in many countries of the world and still continue to be built according to the crazy plans of a talented creator.

Dame Zaha Mohammad Hadid was born on October 31, 1950 in Baghdad (Iraq). Iraq, at that time, formally, it had been freed from the domination of Great Britain for twenty years, but the country was still under strong influence Western culture. World-famous architects came to Baghdad, museums and universities were built according to their projects. Zaha's father received a good European education at the London School of Economics, and upon returning to his homeland, he became one of the founders of the People's Democratic Party, which advocated the modernization of Iraq. Being a successful entrepreneur, he was able to give his children everything that was required to educate them as free-thinking extraordinary personalities. Thanks to his love and support, Zaha was able to realize herself, climbing to the top of the architectural Olympus and taking a place there corresponding to her talent, diligence and determination.

Zaha Hadid never wore a veil and, unlike the rest of the country's population, was able to travel freely around the world.

There are several versions of why Zaha decided to become an architect. Most likely, this decision matured in her gradually. In one of her many interviews, she told how one day her parents took her for a walk to the ancient Sumerian ruins, and, being impressed by what she had gone away, she decided that she would build amazing, unlike anything else houses. In another interview, Zaha recalled seeing photographs from an exhibition of Frank Lloyd Wright's work in a magazine and asked her parents what they called people who build houses. The parents replied that such people are called architects, and Zaha said that she wanted to become an architect. However, at such a young age, she has not yet decided on the choice future profession and wanted to become a singer, fashion designer or even an astronaut. The final decision came to her at the age of 11 in London. Since then, her whole life has been subordinated to a passionate desire to embody her fantasies in concrete.

After receiving her primary education at a French monastery school in Baghdad, Zaha left Iraq in 1968 (her return to her homeland dragged on for more than forty years). She travels to Lebanon where she studies mathematics at the American University of Beirut.

From 1972 to 1977 she studied at the Architectural Association in London. Starting his career in the OMA office of his teacher, the prominent Dutch architect and deconstructivist theorist Rem Koolhaas, Zaha Hadid founded his own architectural firm Zaha Hadid Architects in 1980.

He currently resides in Britain and is considered both an Arab and a British architect. She has the title of Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. The style of her work refers to deconstructivism. A native of Baghdad, Zaha Hadid became the most famous woman in the architectural environment of Europe and the whole world.

She changed the idea of ​​lines and organization of space, and although her success came rather late, Zaha managed to conquer her opponents and bring new trends to architecture.

Aquatics Centre, London, UK (2005 - 2011)

Deconstructivism is a striking contrast to the polished and carefully planned constructivism. We can say that deconstructivism is surrealism in architecture. Often this is very complex shapes objects with broken and irregular lines. Also, this style is characterized by an invasion of the urban massif in the most aggressive way, that is, a glass building rises among ordinary residential buildings or a low and crooked house suddenly appears among even skyscrapers, which looks like a wad of crumpled paper, and so on, and it is located in such unexpected in places, it seems that this is not the plan of the builders, but the building fell here accidentally and completely by accident.

Zaha Hadid has become one of the brightest figures in modern architecture. She became a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 2012. In 2004, she became the first female architect in history to be awarded the Pritzker Prize, which is equal in value to Nobel Prize or the Pulitzer Prize. Zaha Hadid was awarded in St. Petersburg, in the building of the Hermitage. The architect received both awards when she was already over 50. Her path to fame was long and difficult.

Having received a diploma, Zaha began working at the OMA bureau under the guidance of the same Rem Koolhaas, and three years later founded his own firm, Zaha Hadid Architects, while continuing to teach at the Architectural Association. There are few orders. Clients are frightened by her unusual approach and capricious nature, but Zaha does not get tired of repeating that architecture is not a service, but a form-building discipline. She stubbornly continues to forge her own path, no matter what it costs her. In 1983, her country club project won a competition in Hong Kong, but it remained unrealized. From that moment on, Zaha long years turns into a "paper architect". Her work is admired, she receives many awards, but she cannot build anything. The company is engaged in small orders, and about Zaha they say that her projects, in principle, cannot be realized.

Starting early, almost adolescence, Zaha Hadid constantly fantasizes and works on many projects: both commissioned and on a personal initiative. Over the years, she offers options for building a habitable bridge over the Thames (1966), an inverted skyscraper for the English city of Leicester (1994) and a mountaintop club in Hong Kong (1983). Designs the Cardiff Opera House (1994), Centers contemporary art in Ohio (1988) and Rome (1999) ... These and other projects bring her victory in the prestigious architectural competitions(the first was won in 1983 in Hong Kong), interest, and then popularity among professionals, but remain on paper. In many ways - because of the unwillingness of customers to accept its non-standard and original design.

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

Situation in an unexpected way changed when in 1997, designed by Frank Gehry, was built famous museum Guggenheim in Bilbao. Gaining strength, deconstructivism came into vogue. Zaha was again noticed, and she received a commission to build the Center for Contemporary Art in Cincinnati, which itself turns into a work of art, and two years later, construction of a ski jump in Innsbruck begins according to her project.

Zaha proves in practice that her fantastic ideas can be made real. Gradually, she becomes a sought-after architect. Her policy of creative self-expression, which prevails over the principles of ergonomics and functionality, but does not suppress them, is beginning to bear its first fruits.

She embarks on the construction of the Phaeno Science Center and the central building of the BMW factory (both in Germany), her designs winning competitions and appearing in architectural magazines. Zaha continues to teach and lectures all over the world, always attracting full audiences.

According to Hadid herself, a surge of interest in her work began after (in 1997) the building of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao was built by Frank Gehry. And after participating in the construction of the Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art in Cincinnati, USA, which opened in 2003, the ideas of Zaha Hadid become truly in demand.

Vitra Furniture Company Fire Station, Weil am Rhein, Germany (1990 - 1994)

A decade-long dark streak ends in 1990, when Zaha receives an order to build a fire station for designer furniture company Virta.

This unusual building, similar to a bomber, has become an event in architectural world and forced to talk about Zaha as a master of the deconstructivism trend that was formed in the late 80s.

The station is an acute-angled concrete structure that seems to grow out of the ground. The whole structure symbolizes the dynamics with which firefighters have to work.

The furniture company Vitra's fire station, reminiscent of a Stealth bomber (1993), is one of its first developments.

But the fire department and occasional work in collective projects is very little for a full-fledged career in architecture.

Soon Zaha wins the competition for the construction of the Opera House in Cardiff Bay (Great Britain), however, under pressure from the dissatisfied public, the customer cancels the results of the competition and appoints a new one, in which Zaha again wins, beating total 268 competitors.

Then the customer abandoned the project altogether, and the long-awaited triumph turned into a disaster for Zaha. Her career has hit a low point. There was practically no work, but Zaha did not give up. She decided to go all the way. Gradually, recognition comes to Zaha Hadid.

Cincinnati Contemporary Art Center, USA (1997 - 2003)

In 1997, she was offered her first real order - the project of the Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art. This building in Cincinnati was built in 1997-2003. It was for the project of the Center for Contemporary Art that Mrs. Hadid was awarded the Pritzker Prize, and became the first woman architect in history to receive this high award.

In the appearance of the building, one can trace the characteristic manner of Ms. Hadid to "cut" the space, creating multi-tiered and acute-angled volumes. The facade of the first floor is fully glazed; thanks to this, the concrete floor turns into a continuation of the sidewalk. The massive blocks of the upper floors, lined with concrete and metal, seem to be suspended in the air.

The architect has always tried to destroy the generally accepted canons and "stretch" the boundaries of the usual space, giving it a powerful dynamic impulse. For the same purpose - to increase internal movement and deformation - Zaha Hadid, completely sweeping aside the generally accepted geometry, uses a distorted perspective that reveals sharp corners and curved lines.

In addition to purely architectural work with large forms, Zaha Hadid willingly experiments in the installation genre, and also creates theatrical scenery, exhibition and stage spaces, interiors, shoes, paintings and drawings. Here she perfects new forms in conditions of complete compositional freedom or, on the contrary, in conditions of tough tasks. Her small works are in many museum collections - such as MoMA, the German Museum of Architecture in Frankfurt am Main (DAM) and others. She also gives lectures and arranges master classes around the world, each time gathering full audiences.

Zaha is the author of several experimental furniture collections. In 1990, she designed the interior of the Moonzun Restaurant in Sapporo, Japan, and in 1992, the Great Utopia exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. In 1999, she was entrusted with the design of the Mind Zone under the Millennium Dome in London.

Her most famous furniture design work is the Chandelier Vortexx lamp and the Cristal armchair for Sawaya & Moroni (Sawaya and MoroniB), as well as furniture and silverware designs for the same firm. Design In 2005, she was named Designer of the Year at the first Design Miami Design Show.

Lamp designed by Zaha Hadid for Sawaya & Moroni

Bag by Zaha Hadid for Louis Vuitton

liquid table

Sofa by Zaha Hadid for B&B

Zaha Hadid is engaged in installations, creates theatrical scenery, experimental furniture, shoe design, paints paintings, and is engaged in interior design. In addition to the famous lamp of her design for Sawaya & Moroni, she designs shoes for Lacoste and the Brazilian company Melissa (2008), carries out the project of an ideal home presented at Imm Cologne 2007 (Cologne, Germany). In 1999-2000 she is the one who designed the design for the Pet Shop Boys world tour.

Design helps in the absence of large significant projects. Only in 2001 did Zaha design the Hoenheim-North train station and the car park in Strasbourg (France), and in 2002 the Bergisel ski jump in Innsbruck (Austria).

In May 2004, an event occurs that many were waiting for, but few believed in the possibility of which. Zaha Hadid becomes the first woman to win the Pritzker Prize, the most prestigious in the world of architecture. Since then, her life has changed for the better. Critics no longer call her work crazy and unrealistic, realizing that her unique view will have a great influence on the development of architecture in the 21st century.

From now on, Zaha herself determines the rules of the game, and her amazing original buildings begin to gradually change the face of the world in which we live. Her style is also changing. Zaha moves away from the "classical" deconstructivism, in her work there are more smooth lines and organic forms. Zaha Hadid is emerging as one of the most influential architects of the new century.

The central building of the BMW plant Leipzig, Germany (2001 - 2005)

In 2005, the BMW Central Building was recognized as the best building of the year in Germany by the Federal Chamber of Architects. Zaha literally turned ideas about the organization of the workspace upside down. In her proposed project, the conveyor with cars passing on it was above the administration premises, and not vice versa, as it was until now.

In the same year, Zaha was elected best designer of the year as part of the first Design Miami design show. Zaha's interest in design began as a child. In one interview, she tells how her parents bought an asymmetrical Art Nouveau mirror for her room. It made such a strong impression on Zaha that she immediately redecorated her entire room, and then the rooms of her cousin and aunt, remembering how she created an amazing interior for a restaurant in Sapporo in the late 80s.

Later, she enjoyed designing furniture and interiors, creating theatrical scenery and stage spaces.

In 2005, she designed the Puerto America Hotel, each of whose twelve floors was designed by the same architect. In addition to Zaha, Norman Foster, Ron Arod, Jacques Nouvel, Catherine Findlay and others participated in the project. The hotel has received many awards and has become one of the landmarks of Madrid.

In 2006 passed personal exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum in New York, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of Zaha Hadid's career. A significant part of the projects presented at it already existed not only on paper, but were actually built around the world.

Museum natural sciences Phaeno, Wolfsburg, Germany (2000 - 2005)

The Phaeno Museum of Natural Sciences in Wolfsburg is one of the best architectural structures 2006 and was awarded the Mies van der Rohe and Stirling awards. Zaha lists this project as one of his favorites: "Phaeno is the most complete statement of my search for complexity, dynamics, multi-layered architectural space."

The museum reminds spaceship, floating in the air contrary to all the laws of gravity, and Zaha herself is sometimes called an “alien” and even a “sorceress”. People who have met her personally say that the photographs do not convey her demonic beauty and spiritual strength at all.

She, like all talented people, has many enemies, but even her most implacable opponents admit that many of Zaha's works are truly magnificent. Thirty years ago, hardly anyone dared to say such a thing about a woman architect, but Zaha radically changed the situation.

In 2010, the Pritzker Prize was again awarded to a Japanese woman, Kazuo Sejima. Today, this no longer surprises anyone and does not cause such a stir, as in the case of Zaha, because she was a pioneer.

Zaha has repeatedly visited Russia. On May 31, 2004, the ceremony of presenting Zaha Hadid with the Pritzker Prize took place in the building of the Hermitage Theater (St. Petersburg). In the same 2004, Hadid gave a keynote lecture at the Moscow Central House of Architects (CDA). A year later (in 2005), Zaha Hadid gave a master class as part of the ARCH-Moscow exhibition.

Hadid is a member of the International Trustee Committee for the creation of the Melnikov House Museum in Moscow. Even at the beginning of his dizzying career Zaha set herself the task of continuing the unfinished project of modernism in the experimental spirit of the early avant-garde.

Tectonics of Malevich

In Russian avant-garde artists, she was attracted by the spirit of courage, risk, innovation, striving for everything new and faith in the power of invention. Back in the period of Zaha, he was passionately interested in the Russian avant-garde and in particular the work of the great Russian artist Kazimir Malevich. Many years later, she will say that she dreams of hanging the "Black Square" in her living room. Graduate work Zahi was called "Malevich's Tectonic" and was a project of a habitable bridge over the Thames. Zaha took an original approach to her work, abandoning projections, and began to use painting as a design method. She doesn't like that modern students almost can't draw, preferring to use a computer. Zaha was taught the basics of painting by her mother, and for each of her projects she makes several hundred sketches, from which a new architectural masterpiece is then born.

From the fragmented architecture of their early projects, created under the influence of the works of Malevich and Kandinsky, it gradually moved to complex fluid forms, in which the organic principle is increasingly manifested. Architecture has become an art again, giving birth to new amazing worlds. Freed from the oppression of habitual forms, a person learns to lay his own routes in space and learns to think outside, and not inside himself. For Zaha, creativity is a way of understanding and shaping the world.

In an era when religions and philosophies were powerless in the face of the global problems of the 21st century, architecture comes to the fore as an art capable of uniting people and changing their attitude towards each other. The future is coming today, and its appearance will be determined by such talented and active people as Zaha Hadid.

Boat Z-Boat

Shoes by Zaha Hadid for Lacoste

Shoes by Zaha Hadid for Melissa

Cultural Center, Abu Dhabi, UAE (2007 - ?)

Zaha builds not only in Europe, Asia and the USA. Her architectural projects in demand in the Middle East. Her work for this challenging region includes the Sheikh Saeed Cultural Center and Bridge in Abu Dhabi, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Bahrain, the dancing towers in Dubai and office buildings in Egypt. Due to the circumstances, Zaha cannot yet return to her homeland, but she admits that she built something in Baghdad with pleasure.

“I think that first of all it is necessary to restore not even the city and its infrastructure, although this is also necessary, but civil society. - she says in an interview with Itogi magazine, - What went on for fifteen years just completely destroyed it, I know stories about how people were forced to sell their children to buy food. Of course, one should use the experience of architects in order to think about and understand what to do with the destroyed cities. Baghdad was an amazing city, just like Beirut once…”

However, the situation may change. Recently it became known that the Iraqi government offered Zaha to design a new building for the Central Bank of Iraq. If things turn out well, this project will be the first for her home country.

In May 2010 in Rome opened National Museum arts of the XXI century. The construction cost 150 million euros and at that time was the largest building of all designed by Zaha. In the same year, this museum received the Stirling Prize (UK) for the best architectural design and was named the best building of the year (according to WAF).

In addition to the exhibition halls, the Museum is equipped with a conference room, a library, workshops and event rooms. Two divisions - painting and architecture - collect, study and popularize contemporary art.

The Romans nicknamed the building "macaroni". The spiral concrete structure with an area of ​​27 thousand square meters cost the authorities 150 million euros. The basis for the building was the Montello barracks complex: the main entrance to the museum is located in the classical facade of the barracks.

National Museum of Art of the 21st Century, Rome, Italy (1998 - 2009)

2010 was generally one of the most successful for Zaha Hadid. Her firm is backed by orders for a decade ahead, with about twenty projects around the world already under construction. In 2011, it is planned to open the Opera House in Guangzhou, and by the summer Olympic Games In 2012, the construction of a sports complex for water sports will be completed in London. The days when her buildings were not wanted to be built in the United Kingdom are long gone. Zaha lost the battle of Cardiff, but won the war in the capital of her second homeland - Great Britain.

She works hard and successfully, including in Russia, where she is involved in several projects, including a private house in Barvikha, Zhivopisnaya Tower residential complex and an office building. In 2005, the Capital Group company announced its cooperation with Hadid in the process of designing the Zhivopisnaya Tower residential complex on Zhivopisnaya Street in Moscow.

In 2012, a futuristic mansion designed by Zaha Hadid, commissioned by Russian businessman Vladislav Doronin, was built in the Moscow region, near Rublyovo-Uspenskoye Highway. The house called Capital Hill Residence is made in the form of a spaceship and was built in the village of Barvikha.

Private mansion in Barvikha, Russia

The mansion is made in eco-style - a mixture of modern technologies with natural forms and is located at a distance from neighboring buildings in the middle of a pine forest. Its area is 2650 square meters. In two 22-meter towers there are bedrooms and children's rooms. In the basement there is a Finnish sauna, a hammam, a Russian bath, a fitness room and a guest room.

Interestingly, the master bedrooms will be located at the top of the 22-meter tower, as will the children's rooms. The tower, like the stern of a ship, rises above the house, from which a wonderful view of the pine forest opens.

In 2015, in Moscow, in the Dubrovka district, it is planned to open the Dominion Tower business center, built according to the project of Zaha Hadid Architects in the unchanged architectural style of Zaha - in the avant-garde style (the main construction was completed in 2014).

Dominion Tower Business Center

Zaha herself speaks of her work as follows:

“I'm trying to convey the emotions that a person experiences when he finds himself in the wild, in an unfamiliar, unexplored place. Understanding nature has nothing to do with a linear coordinate system... I'm interested in creating a space where you have a choice of coordinate system. When you're out in the wild, you don't have a set route, and you discover places and things that you didn't seek to discover. Sometimes you feel lost, but this only emphasizes that there are other ways. Many people do not like this approach, because in general people do not like to question their ideas about right and wrong. On the contrary, I like to change my opinions the most. This is exactly the reason why people travel, see the world, experiment. And I am very surprised how people are committed to any one way of existence. It needs to change, and change constantly.”

Now let's look at the most notable projects and facilities of Dame Zaha Hadid. That is, all her best projects that have already been implemented, and those that will soon become a reality.

Guangzhou Opera House, China (2003 - 2010)

Guangzhou Opera House considered one of major theaters in China and is practically in no way inferior to the Beijing National Theater and the Shanghai Grand Theatre. This largest center performing arts in southern China.

The theater in Guangzhou has been in operation for 4 years. It took five years to build it, spending more than $200 million on its construction. The architect is said to have admitted to inspiring her work extraordinary images taken from the field of topography and geology. It is no coincidence that the design has broken lines, which partly resemble river valleys, narrow gorges, impregnable canyons.

The main hall of the theater can accommodate 1800 people. The Guangzhou Opera House also has a small hall for 400 people. The theater with a multifunctional hall covers an area of ​​70,000 m2 and is built of concrete, glass and steel. The structure of the architecture of the building is divided into triangles. Zaha Hadid co-created the project with Patrik Schumacher.

Living Stones (Pierresvives) in Montpellier, France. Knowledge and Sports Center for All

The building, named "Living Stones", houses the archive, library and sports department of the Hérault department, in which Montpellier is located. Hadid planned to create a kind of tree whose branches develop in a horizontal direction. Institutions were also located accordingly: the archive, which requires a minimum number of windows, is on the first floor; library - on the second; and upstairs were the offices of sports officials. A common feature is a long lobby with exhibition space.

Sharp corners are softened and rounded this time; concrete and glass seem to flow along the facades. The shapes of the building are repeated in the outlines of the parking lot.

"Pleated" Eli and Edith Broad Museum of Art. Lansing, USA

The museum is located on the outskirts of the University of Michigan campus. Designing the building, Zaha Hadid was inspired by the central part of the campus, built in the neo-Gothic brick style, as well as the lines passing by highways. The result is an elongated building lined with stainless steel. The metal is collected in deep "folds". Since many people want to touch an unusual building, the steel was treated with special compounds against excessive shine and fingerprints.

The museum covers an area of ​​4273 sq.m. The expositions are located on both ground and underground floors; there was also a place for a shop, a cafe and an educational wing.

Galaxy Soho complex in Beijing, China
The Galaxy Soho shopping and entertainment center has recently opened. Its area is 332,857 sq.m., its height is 67 m. Four egg-shaped buildings are interconnected by numerous “suspension bridges”, all together reminiscent of a frame from a science fiction film. It seems, according to Ms. Hadid, the future has already arrived!

Three above-ground floors and one underground are intended for trade; offices are located on the 12 upper floors. Under the roofs there are bars and restaurants with panoramic views of the city. The two-level underground parking can accommodate 1275 cars. The basis of the building is a standard concrete load-bearing structure with a span of 8.4 m. The height of the lower floors is 5.4 m, in the office part it is 3.5 m.

Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center in Baku, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan has recently built a cultural center designed by Zaha Hadid. It houses a museum, a library, a conference hall, a hall for ceremonial events. In outline, the building resembles waves or folds formed from concrete; numerous windows are hidden in the folds. As conceived by Hadid, such a number of glazed surfaces both inside and on the facades will save on lighting.

Built in 2013, the Heydar Aliyev Center is a modern cultural center that has become a new symbol of Baku and all of Azerbaijan. It is a complex structure that includes an auditorium, a museum, a concert hall, exhibition halls and administrative offices.

The real highlight of the building is concert hall round shape, designed for 2000 seats. The hall is completely made of wood, this material allows you to achieve perfect acoustics.

Sheikh Zayed Bridge in Abu Dhabi, UAE

The fourth bridge, connecting the island emirate of Abu Dhabi with the mainland, was designed by the architectural studio Zaha Hadid. The 842 m long openwork structure is considered one of the most intricate bridges in the world. There is organized multi-lane traffic, there is a footpath and an emergency lane. The asymmetrical arches of the bridge are reminiscent of sand dunes in the desert. The design easily withstands wind gusts up to 160 km/h. The bridge was opened 8 years after the start of its construction, in 2010.

Riverside Transport Museum in Glasgow

The Riverside Transport Museum in Glasgow is an ongoing project. Initially, the museum was planned to open in 2009, but construction was suspended due to the crisis, and seven years passed from the beginning of the laying to the opening. But it was worth it. Football Stadium 2022, Qatar

The stadium in the port city of Al Wakrah will be part of a massive 585,000 square meter development. Its capacity is 40,000 spectators, while the upper tier of the stadium will be removable, which will reduce the capacity by half after the end of the championship.

Golden metro station in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Zaha Mohammad Hadid is an Iraqi-born architect who has lived and worked in the UK. The world's first woman to win the Pritzker Prize.

Zaha was born on October 31, 1950 in the capital of Iraq in the family of Muhammad al-Haj Hussein Hadid, the organizer of the National Democrats. The girl's mother, Wajiha al-Sabunji, was from Mosul and was a painter. Parents led a bourgeois lifestyle.

Zaha has been interested in fine arts and architecture. The girl constantly fantasized and created building projects from paper. By the age of 22, Zaha Hadid graduated from the mathematics department of the American University in Beirut and left for London, where she became a student architectural school Association of Architects. The girl entered the course to the masters Rem Koolhaas and Elia Zenghelis. Studying in the UK, Zaha gets acquainted in detail with the work of Kazimir Malevich and Russian architects of the early 20th century.


Avant-garde becomes Hadid's favorite direction in art, the student begins to implement the ideas of the direction in her work. Rem Koolhaas, a Dutch architect and deconstructivist theorist, highly appreciated Zaha's talent and considered the girl the best student who had ever studied with him. Zaha's first known work was a project for a habitable bridge over the Thames, which she developed in 1976.

In 1977, after graduating educational institution Zaha Hadid becomes an employee of the OMA Koolhaas bureau, from where she leaves after two years. In 1979 appears independent project Zaha Hadid Zaha Hadid Architects. Along with the fulfillment of orders, Zaha begins teaching activities at the Architectural Association, where she worked until 1987. Hadid does not take on the development of standard buildings, she is interested in large iconic objects. Therefore, Zaha mainly creates projects on paper and participates in competitions.

Project sports club Peak, Hong Kong

The first victory of the architect in an international competition was the design of the Peak Club, which Zaha created for a client from Hong Kong, but the construction was not carried out due to the bankruptcy of the client. In 1994, as a result of another victory for Zaha Hadid in the UK at best project At the Opera House in Cardiff, a scandal erupted: the public put a strong pressure on the developer, forcing him to abandon the avant-garde project of a young Arab woman.

Another bright work of this year is the development of an inverted skyscraper for the English city of Leicester, which was also not implemented. The first work to be realized was the Vitra fire department project in Vejle am Rhein. Happened significant event in 1993. But still, many of Hadid's projects remained on paper, which did not stop Zaha. The architect was so passionate about what she loved that she often slept for 4 hours a day.

In 1997 after construction museum complex Guggenheim in Bilbao begins interest in the ideas of Zaha Hadid. In 1998-1999, the architect builds two Arts Centers in the US, Ohio, and Rome. Buildings built according to the designs of an Iraqi architect become landmarks of the area. Zaha Hadid's name finally became known to the international community after participating in the development of the Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art in Cincinnati, USA, the construction of which was completed in 2003.

In addition to working with large forms, Zaha Hadid experiments with interior objects, theatrical scenery, and museum exhibition space. The designer creates a model of shoes for Lacoste and the Brazilian company Melissa. Hadid excels at designing furniture collections. The designer's experimental works are sold under the Sawaya & Moroni brand.

In 2005, Zaha's achievements in design are recognized with the first prize at world exhibition Design Miami. Collections of small forms end up in the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan, the German Museum of Architecture in Frankfurt am Main. Zaha Hadid lectures on architecture and art around the world.

Work in Russia

On May 31, 2004, a significant event took place in the life of Zaha Hadid - the architect was awarded the Pritzker Prize. The award ceremony took place in St. Petersburg, at the Hermitage Theatre. Since that time, Hadid's cooperation with Russia began. She repeatedly came to Moscow with master classes, in 2005 she collaborated with a group of designers of the residential complex "Picturesque Tower" in the capital of Russia.

In 2012, Zaha Hadid created a project for a futuristic house for entrepreneur Vladislav Doronin, and three years later, the Peresvet Plaza business center. In 2012, after the opening of the center in Baku, designed by Zaha Hadid, the architect received the British Design Museum award in the Design of the Year nomination.

Among the works of the master, buildings of various functional purposes are of interest: Science Center in Wolfsburg, the Art Museum in Denmark, the Puerto America Hotel in Spain, the cable car station in Austria, the Aquatics Center in London, the theater project in Morocco, the stadium in Qatar, the high school building in London. A significant project of the 2000s for Hahid was the construction of the MAXXI Museum on the outskirts of Rome.

In 2010 and 2011, Zaha Hadid won the James Sterling Prize from the Royal Institute of British Architects. Photos of the works of the architect and designer are freely available on the Internet, everyone can see them. Over time, buildings designed by Zaha Hadid become streamlined, completely losing corners and straight lines. The designer moves away from deconstructivism, creating his own style.

Personal life

Personal life could not fit into creative biography Zahi Hadid. The architect had no family, Zaha left no heirs.

Hadid considered the projects she constantly worked on as her own children. The designer lived all her life in a London apartment, which was not far from the architectural office.


In March 2016, Zaha Hadid went to the Miami clinic for treatment of bronchitis. But on March 31, the architect died suddenly.

Doctors called the cause of death a heart attack. After her death, Hadid left only the architectural business.

Now the case of Zaha Hadid is being handled by her partner in the firm, Patrick Schumacher, who decided to complete the 36 works of the master that remained unfinished. Among the brand's new orders is the construction of a Business Center in the capital of the Czech Republic and a technopark in the Moscow region.


  • Fire department of Vitra designer furniture company, Weil am Rhein, Germany - 1994
  • Rosenthal Contemporary Art Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - 1998
  • Hoenheim-North station and car park, Strasbourg, France - 2001
  • Springboard Bergisel, Innsbruck, Austria - 2002
  • Science Center "Phæno", Wolfsburg, Germany - 2005
  • Ordrupgaard Museum of Art: new wing, Copenhagen, Denmark - 2005

  • Hotel Puerta America, Madrid, Spain - 2006
  • Funicular station, Austria - 2007
  • National Museum of Art of the 21st Century, Rome, Italy - 2010
  • CMA CGM Tower, Marseille, France - 2011
  • Aquatics Center (London), England - 2011
  • Heydar Aliyev Center, Baku, Azerbaijan - 2012
  • Business center "Peresvet-Plaza", Moscow, Russia - 2015

Zaha Hadid is a famous British architect of Arab origin, whose amazing and incredible work has become famous all over the world. Let's learn a little about her and look at her completed projects and "projects within projects".

Zaha was born on October 31, 1950 in the city of Baghdad (Iraq). Elementary education received during French school at a monastery in Baghdad, then went to Lebanon to study mathematics at one of the American universities, and then moved to London (Great Britain), where in 1972 she entered the Architectural Association.

Zaha's career began at OMA, under the supervision of a teacher, the famous Dutch architect Remment Koolhaas. And already in 1980, Hadid founded her own architectural studio called Zaha Hadid Architects.

Zaha has a weakness for unconventional architecture, distorted perspective, sharp angles and curved shapes. But most of the projects of her studio remain unrealized precisely because of the non-standard approach. And only ten years later, in 1990, Hadid received the first serious order for the development of the Vitra fire station project, after which they began to talk about her as consummate master deconstructivism.

In 1998 Zaha realizes new project– Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art, located in Cincinnati (USA).

5. spaceship for Naomi

Her project of the futuristic tower "", located in Hong Kong, is noteworthy. The tower houses the university's School of Design with a spacious lecture hall, ten classrooms and many design studios and workshops. Among other things, a design museum will appear here, temporary and permanent exhibitions will be held and an overview gallery will open.

7. futuristic tower

2004 - development of the project, the construction of which began in 2009. "Citylife" consists of seven "winding" buildings of different heights, from 5 to 13 floors each. Curved balconies and sloping roofs with wide covered terraces are a distinctive architectural element, giving the penthouses an elegant look.

9. Citylife complex

In 2004, Zaha receives official recognition from the public and becomes the first female architect to receive the Pritzker Prize.

In 2007, Zaha Hadid Architects is designing a new building -. Building made according to last word design, is cultural complex, which includes five functional zones - art gallery, museum, design laboratory, Exhibition Center and a park of history and culture of the city with an area of ​​30,000 square meters. The curved façade is covered with more than forty-five thousand aluminum panels.

11. Dongdaemun design park & ​​plaza

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The ingenious work of the most famous woman architect.

Zaha Hadid is an outstanding architect of our time. In 2004, she became the first woman to receive the Pritzker Prize (an analogue of the Nobel Prize among architects).

The buildings designed by her bureau cannot be confused with anything else. Erected in different points the globe, they remain aliens everywhere, building contact with the environment in different ways.

In memory of the greatest architect website collected for you her best projects.

Heydar Aliyev Center, Baku, Azerbaijan

Built in 2013, the Heydar Aliyev Center is a modern cultural center that has become a new symbol of Baku and all of Azerbaijan. It is a complex structure that includes an auditorium, a museum, a concert hall, exhibition halls and administrative offices.

Riverside Transport Museum in Glasgow

The Riverside Transport Museum in Glasgow is an ongoing project. Initially, the museum was planned to open in 2009, but construction was suspended due to the crisis, and 7 years passed from the beginning of the laying to the opening. But it was worth it.

Football Stadium 2022, Qatar

The stadium in the port city of Al Wakrah will be part of a massive 585,000 sq. m. Its capacity is 40,000 spectators, while the upper tier of the stadium will be removable, which will reduce the capacity by half after the end of the championship.

Golden metro station in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

But in the capital Saudi Arabia build a metro station out of gold. According to Zaha, while working on the project, she was inspired by the dunes of Saudi Arabia, the smooth contours of which she tried to give to the station itself. There will also apply new system passenger passes, which should help avoid crowding during peak hours.

Beko Masterplan multipurpose complex in Belgrade, Serbia

The complex of apartments, offices and recreational spaces, located on the abandoned territory of an old textile factory, is destined to become a new iconic object of Belgrade. In addition to the programs listed above, the proposed complex also includes a five-star hotel, congress center, galleries and shops, as well as underground parking for guests and residents of the city.

Residential building in Manhattan, USA

The house in Manhattan will be in the shape of the letter L, and its inner corner will be built in a zigzag pattern that will delimit the two parts of the building. On the 11th floor there will be 37 apartments with an area of ​​up to 510 square meters and a ceiling height of more than 3 meters. The house will also include a spa, garden and indoor pool.

Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, China

The new university is intended to become an architectural landmark. It will be a complex of educational and research laboratories. The seamless architecture of the building symbolizes the dynamic development of present and future achievements and produces an impressive visual effect.

Beethoven Festival Complex Bonn 2020, Germany

The studio took on the improvement of the existing building by the German architect Siegfried Wolske. Hadid's work contains two transparent facades facing the river. It is planned to build terraces around the building, where outdoor performances will be held.

40-storey hotel in Macau, China

The building consists of two towers connected at the level of the podium and the roof, with several additional bridges in the middle. Hotel with total area 150,000 square meters consists of 780 rooms, suites and penthouses, conference halls, gambling halls, lobby, restaurants, spa and swimming pool under open sky. You can admire the view of Macau from the tower from the panoramic elevators. Construction of the hotel began in 2013 and is scheduled to open in early 2017.

Changsha International Art and Culture Center, China

An ensemble of "big theatre", a museum of modern art and a "small theater" (multifunctional hall) will appear on the shores of Lake Meixihu in Changsha. Three volumes will be located on a spacious "plaza", which will be complemented by a recessed "courtyard" with restaurants and shops.

The female architect, whose name is Zaha Hadid, is considered one of the most original, unusual and most successful contemporary architects in the world. We can say that Zaha Hadid is a modern Gaudí. This author is called a real genius, and her buildings and structures of the most unusual forms are located in many countries of the world and still continue to be built according to the crazy plans of a talented creator.

Zaha Hadid - Arab architect, was born in 1950 in Baghdad. He currently resides in Britain and is considered both an Arab and a British architect. She has the title of Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. The style of her work refers to deconstructivism. Deconstructivism is a striking contrast to the polished and carefully planned constructivism. We can say that deconstructivism is surrealism in architecture. Often these are very complex shapes of objects with broken and irregular lines. Also, this style is characterized by an invasion of the urban area in the most aggressive way, that is, among ordinary residential buildings, a glass building rises, or among even, a low and crooked house suddenly appears, which looks like a wad of crumpled paper, and so on, and it is located in such unexpected places. , which seems to be not the plan of the builders, but the building fell here by accident and completely by accident. Zaha Hadid is a real talent. She became one of the brightest figures in the style described above. Her houses and buildings are so highly valued that in 2004 she received the Pritzker Prize, which is equal in value to the Nobel Prize or the Pulitzer Prize. Zaha Hadid was awarded in St. Petersburg, in the building of the Hermitage.

As already mentioned, its buildings and structures are located in different countries around the world, including in Russia: a futuristic mansion on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway in Moscow, the Dominion Tower business center in Moscow near Dubrovka and others. In addition, her small works are in museums such as the German DAM Museum, etc. Zaha Hadid is engaged in installations, creates theatrical scenery, experimental furniture, shoe design, paints paintings, and is engaged in interior design.

Zaha Hadid

40-storey hotel in Macau, China

Opus Office Tower in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Residential building in Manhattan, USA

Golden metro station in Riyadh

Changsha International Art and Culture Center in China

Beko Masterplan multipurpose complex in Belgrade

Riverside Transport Museum in Glasgow

Skyscrapers Signature Towers in Dubai, UAE

Tokyo Olympic Stadium 2020, Japan

Burnham Pavilions in Chicago, USA

Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, China

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