Who is eligible for discounted tickets to museums and exhibition centers? About the theatre.


Fans of theatrical leisure often face various difficulties: either the prices are too high, or there are not enough tickets, and even resellers completely lose their conscience and ask for incredible money for a pass to the Temple of Thalia and Melpomene. It is much easier to get to an unpopular performance with little-known actors and a modern production, but eminent performances are often inaccessible. Where can I get free theater tickets or get discounts?

Theater tickets - preferential categories of citizens

Free tickets and tickets at reduced prices are provided to certain categories of citizens of Russia and Ukraine.

In Russia

According to Decree No. 712 of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 “On the provision of benefits to certain categories of visitors to federal state cultural organizations”, the following categories of citizens have the right to free admission to the theater:

disabled people of I-III groups;
children preschool age;
students cultural institutions;
children from orphanages and orphanages (in order of group visits);
children under three years old (for children's performances);
veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
veterans of the war in Afghanistan;
veterans of the war in Chechnya;
military cadets educational institutions middle and higher education(in order of group visit).

Full-time students, conscripts and children from large families and are eligible to attend performances at a 50% discount.

It is worth noting that different theaters they themselves determine which categories to give the right to free admission, and which to give discounts. Free and discount tickets are usually provided on the day of the performance and are limited in number. This exemption does not apply to premiere screenings.

In Ukraine

Certain categories of Ukrainian citizens can be guided by Order No. 43 of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine dated January 30, 2013 “On the implementation of the right of socially vulnerable segments of the population to visit enterprises, institutions and organizations that belong to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, on preferential terms”.

According to this order, institutions of cities that belong to the sphere of administration of the Ministry, including theaters, are recommended to allocate one day once a month for free admission to performances by citizens of certain categories. These include:

Disabled people of I-II groups;
preschool children;
students of special secondary institutions;
veterans of the Great Patriotic War;

Such entrance tickets are provided upon presentation of a document confirming belonging to one of these categories, as a rule, only on the day of the performance one hour before it starts and subject to availability.

How to go to the theater for free

Theaters can, on their own initiative, organize events for residents. For example, sometimes free tickets or heavily discounted tickets can be purchased at the theater to celebrate the end of the season.

The opportunity to get free tickets to the theater often appears during the period when the celebration of the City Day takes place, and the city authorities promote the provision of cultural preferences local residents.

It is often possible to buy tickets at very low prices on the day of the performance: if not all seats are sold out or someone overdue the reservation and did not buy tickets, then you can be sold a ticket before the start of the show with a big discount, most importantly, contact the theater box office in a timely manner.

Remember that this is an entrance ticket, that is, you can take an empty seat in the hall, and then you will be driven away by a person who bought a ticket for this place and simply did not come on time.

If you are a student, an employee of a public organization, or perhaps you just have acquaintances in the theater, you can get to the performance by receiving a counter-mark - an invitation that involves a free visit to the performance.

It can be tied to a specific place, but it can also be entrance ticket, and then you may not have enough seating. Be prepared also for the fact that you will be offered a counterfeit not for free, but only at a low price - now dishonest theater employees often act like this.

You can visit student theaters absolutely free of charge, for example, the St Petersburg State University Theatre-Studio. The main thing is to sign up for the selected performance in advance - call or send email, - and do not be late, otherwise you will not get into the hall.

After all, tickets can be won! They are often played before the premiere in various television competitions, on radio and on the Internet, so be careful and do not miss your chances.

Opportunities for students

In addition to benefits for students of cultural institutions, there are ways to get into the theater for free for other university students.

In some cases, students from non-core universities can get into the theater at a discount, through the assistance of student trade union committees, for example, students of the St.

At a discounted price, or for free, students of the Moscow state university— if you are one of them, follow the announcements and find out at the box office about additional opportunities for your university. You can also follow the situation on social media.

Please note: usually such offers are very short-term, free tickets and discount tickets appear in stock a few days in advance, or even on the day of the performance, and are issued on a residual basis.

We hope that this information will help you to touch the beautiful through the stage and not go broke.


Order GBUK "MDT them. M.N. Yermolova"

about order preferential visit theater

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation establishes the rules for preferential visits to the State budget institution culture of the city of Moscow "Moscow Theatre of Drama them. M.N. Yermolova "".

1.2. Benefits for visiting performances are provided to socially unprotected segments of the population:

Disabled children aged 10 to 18 (based on a certificate);

Children left without parental care aged 10 to 18 years (if supporting documents are available);

Orphans aged 10 to 18 years (subject to supporting documents);

Veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War and citizens equated to them (on the basis of a certificate);

To the liquidators of the accident Chernobyl nuclear power plant(based on the certificate);

Residents of besieged Leningrad (on the basis of a certificate);

Members of large families (children aged 10 to 18 years and parents indicated in the certificate) (based on the certificate);

Disabled people in wheelchairs and persons accompanying them (upon prior agreement with the theater administration).

1.3. Concepts used in this Regulation:

1.3.1. orphans - persons under the age of 18 whose both or only parent have died;

1.3.2. children left without parental care - persons under the age of 18 who were left without the care of a single or both parents due to the absence of parents or deprivation of their parental rights, restriction of their parental rights, recognition of parents as missing, incapacitated (limited incapacity), being in medical institutions, declaring them dead, serving their sentences in institutions that carry out punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty, being in places of detention suspected and accused of committing crimes; evasion of parents from raising children or from protecting their rights and interests, refusal of parents to take their children from educational, medical institutions, institutions of social protection of the population and other similar institutions and in other cases of recognizing a child left without parental care in the manner prescribed by law;

1.3.3. commercial cultural and entertainment events - events held in the theater by individuals, concerts and other third-party institutions and organizations;

1.4. This Regulation does not apply to visits by the above categories of citizens to commercial cultural and entertainment events. Benefits for such events may be provided by agreement with the organizers of these events.

2. The procedure for granting benefits

2.1. Ticket prices are approved by order artistic director- director of the theatre.

To purchase a ticket at reduced prices, you must present at the theater box office the supporting documents listed in paragraph 1.2. of this Regulation.

2.2. Socially unprotected segments of the population specified in clause 1.2. of these Regulations, are entitled to preferential attendance at performances in accordance with this Regulation.

2.3. Preferential visits to the theater can be carried out by groups and individually in the manner prescribed by this regulation.

2.4. The basis for preferential visits to the theater is a document established by law Russian Federation confirming the right to receive the corresponding benefit;

2.5. On the basis of the presented document, the cashier issues a theater ticket at a reduced cost to the spectator who is entitled to the benefit;

2.6. For each repertoire performance of the theater, both the Main and new scene no more than 10 (ten) tickets are sold at a discounted price.

2.7. A visit to the theater by wheelchair users and persons accompanying them is carried out by appointment. Registration is carried out at the Chief Administrator by phone 8-495-692-44-81.

2.8. Grounds for refusing to issue a preferential theater ticket can serve:

lack of tickets available for sale (all tickets sold out);

holding a commercial event;

sale of all tickets provided for the event at reduced prices;

lack of a document (certificate) confirming the right to receive benefits.





"Integrative Theater as a Means of Socialization and Rehabilitation of Children with Developmental Disabilities"

Aleftina Pavlovna Tikhonova


Project summary

The project is being implemented by MOU DOD CDT "Fakel" r. the village of Koltsovo as part of the work of the integrative theater for children with disabilities "Koltsobinchik". presenter idea project - to make the life of disabled children not survival, but development. aim the same is the social adaptation of children with developmental disabilities by means of integrative theatrical art, the formation of an adequate attitude in society towards people with developmental disabilities.

The idea of ​​this project arose because of the political and social situation that has developed in our society, therefore, the positive results of the implementation of this project may be much more important for society than for children with disabilities themselves. The mission of disabled children on Earth is to make this world kinder, and by implementing this project, the author makes his modest contribution to the great cause of humanizing society. The essence of this project is to prepare disabled children for life in society through their studies in theatrical art, acquaintance of society with the original art of disabled people through the participation of the Koltsobinchik Theater in concert programs and non-disabled-friendly festivals through co-productions. As a result of the implementation of this project, disabled children should not grow up as "social disabled", and society should be ready to accept them.

Formulation of the problem

The problem of inclusion in the microsocial environment of people with special needs, as world experience shows, is universal. Social politics in Russia, focused on the disabled, adults and children, is being built today on the basis of the medical model of disability. Based on this model, disability is considered as an illness, disease, pathology. Such a model voluntarily or involuntarily weakens the social position of a child with a disability, weakens his social significance, separating it from the normal healthy children's community, exacerbates its unequal social status dooming to the recognition of their inequality, lack of competitiveness in comparison with other children. The consequence of the orientation of society and the State to this model is the isolation of a child with disabilities from society in a specialized educational institution, the development of his passive-dependent orientations. However, problems social adaptation and rehabilitation, in view of their relevance, are widely and diversified developed, mainly by defectologists and social workers.

At all times and among all peoples, music, singing, dance, drawing, sculpture, theater and rituals, mysteries and much more have been used as a “means of healing” for various diseases and conditions. Modern psychologists and defectologists are increasingly using art therapy as a natural and gentle method of healing and developing the soul and body through artistic creativity. Many years of experience of the author of the project on working with children with disabilities showed that one of the most effective ways social adaptation is an integrative theater. Integration here refers to the joint creativity of disabled children and healthy children and adults. In addition, the integrative theater turned out to be effective tool rehabilitation, including medical. Howard Buten, writer, physician, psychiatrist, worldwide famous clown Buffo, one of the leaders of the French integrative theater Turbules, said: “The results are so striking that after several years of training disabled children in such a theater, parents generally begin to doubt whether the diagnosis was correctly made, whether the child was sick.”

Joint creativity gives a lot to both healthy schoolchildren and children with developmental disabilities. Integration contributes to the formation in healthy children of tolerance for physical and mental disabilities, a sense of mutual assistance and the desire for cooperation. In children with special needs, joint creativity leads to the formation positive attitude to their peers, adequate social behavior, more fully realizing the potential of development and learning.

In the autumn of 2001 and 2004, the 1st and 2nd All-Russian festivals of the "Special" theaters of Russia were held in Moscow. (“Special” means with the participation of people with special needs). These festivals showed that the movement of "Special" theaters in our country mainly embraces disabled children from boarding schools and specialized schools, and the so-called "home" "unorganized" children with disabilities are in social isolation which is also a pressing issue.

The implementation of the project "Integrative Theater as a Means of Socialization and Rehabilitation of People with Developmental Disabilities" makes it possible to solve such problems. The relevance of such work (organization of an integrative theater) within the framework of locality was due, on the one hand, to the need for it on the part of families with disabled children, on the other hand, the lack of specialized institutions for working with disabled children on the territory of the village. The project is focused mainly on working with children with disabilities who do not attend institutions general education, because children attending schools, as a rule, master the main educational programs with great difficulty. All their efforts are mainly focused on education and treatment, and there is no time or energy left for additional education. For "disorganized" children creative work is the only way to realize yourself.

As distinctive features This project has the following aspects:

· Inclusion theatrical activities(from work experience) to the system of work with disabled children within the Novosibirsk region;

· Orientation of the activity of the integrative theater to work with the public;

The association in the theater group of disabled children with various diagnoses without age restrictions and healthy children and adults (relatives of disabled children, professional and amateur theater groups, dance groups, creative groups, pupils Sunday School and so on.);

· Adaptation theater repertoire for productions of a group of children with disabilities, as well as the author's development of scenarios and the participation of students in the development of scenarios;

In December 2007 - "Koltsobinchik" - the winner in the nomination " acting skills" at the XI Omsk festival of creativity of children with disabilities "Overcoming".

In May 2008 - finalist VII International theater festival"Untrodden Stezhina" Lvov (Ukraine).

In August 2008, the Koltsobinchik Theater represented the Novosibirsk Region at All-Russian festival"Together we can do more", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled (Moscow).

In October 2008, the Koltsobinchik Theater was awarded a diploma "For the feat of serving the theater" of the experimental festival of mini and mono performances "Small Academy - 8" (Novosibirsk).

In November 2008 - laureate district festival children's creativity"Creation of my soul and hands" and laureate of the 15th City festival of children's creativity "We are talented" (Novosibirsk).

In December 2008 - "Koltsobinchik" - laureate of the II degree in the nomination " theatrical art» XII Omsk festival of creativity for children with disabilities "Overcoming".

In 2007, the head of the theater Aleftina Pavlovna Tikhonova was awarded a diploma of III degree VII All-Russian competition teachers additional education children "I give my heart to children."

In 2007, disabled children - artists of the Koltsobinchik Theater Alexei Skvortsov, Mikhail Semenov, Olga Kiryanova, were awarded nominal prizes science city Koltsovo for achievements in the field of culture, Sasha Lityagin was awarded the governor's scholarship for children with disabilities gifted in the field of culture and art, and Dima Tutov was awarded scholarships from the charitable public fund"Our day". In 2008 Dima Tutov was awarded the Governor's scholarship for gifted disabled children.

On average, the Koltsobinchik Theater performs 15 to 20 times a year.

MOSCOW, April 30 - RIA Novosti, Natalia Kurova, Anna Banasyukevich. Only a number of Moscow theaters are equipped with equipment that allows people with disabilities to attend performances. The main reason for the problem is the status of an architectural monument, which many theater buildings in the capital have.

According to a survey conducted by RIA Novosti, one of the most prosperous theaters in terms of conditions for the disabled is "Et cetera", located in a modern, newly built building.

"In our theater there are special lifts for wheelchair users. And at each performance there are 2-4 places where people with disabilities in wheelchairs can accommodate. Of course, there are ramps and toilet rooms especially for the disabled," theater administrator Dmitry Voronin told RIA Novosti.

At the Maly Theatre, according to RIA Novosti CEO Tamara Mikhailova, there are ramps and elevators for the disabled. Several rows in the theater are equipped with special headphones for hard of hearing people.

In "Lenkom", according to the deputy director of the theater Sergei Volter, facilities for the disabled are provided only partially, since the building located on Malaya Dmitrovka is historical.

“At each performance, we have three seats allocated for the disabled: folding seats are removed, and a wheelchair can be accommodated there. In addition, when people with disabilities come to us, the administrator meets everyone and provides them with a service elevator,” Voltaire said. .

The Pushkin Theater currently has only special toilets among the amenities for the disabled - the rest of the equipment will appear after overhaul planned for next year.

"Now there are no special places in the hall for wheelchairs, but this is included in the renovation project, as well as special lifts and elevators. Now we place wheelchairs near the fourteenth, last row stalls. We also put in the side director's boxes, if there is space. However, our theater is visited by wheelchair users, but we ask you to inform us in advance about the visit - this information is written on reverse side ticket. If the attendants can’t cope, then our security and wardrobe staff help to bring in the stroller,” Deputy Director Anna Vysotskaya told RIA Novosti.

The theater named after Vl. Mayakovsky, however, the equipment purchased under the target program of the Department of Culture has already been purchased and brought to the theater.

"I hope to start next season everything will be done. A special wheelchair lift will be installed to bring wheelchair users from the street directly to the lobby. An information monitor for the hearing and visually impaired will be installed in the lobby. Nothing else is foreseen yet, as the building is awaiting a major overhaul. If there is a repair, then it will be possible to make special places in the hall for wheelchairs, and now wheelchairs, one or two, are placed in the aisle. Not much can be done in the conditions of a historical building and an architectural monument," theater director Leonid Osharin told RIA Novosti.

Conditions for visiting performances by people with disabilities are in the Theater of Satire, where there is a convenient entrance and no steps.

"For wheelchair users, we have a very convenient entrance from the street to the foyer and the entrance to the auditorium - we have no steps. There are at least twenty-five wheelchair users at our performances per month, and visiting for them is free, and accompanying people buy the cheapest tickets for 200 rubles We have special toilet and buffet for wheelchair users. In the hall, strollers are placed in the aisles near the first row, "Nina Karpova, head of the literary part of the theater, told RIA Novosti.

The Theater of Nations, which has recently gone through a renovation, has also made it possible for people with disabilities to attend performances.

“Now we have two special lifts, a bathroom and a wardrobe for people with disabilities. These lifts comply with accepted standards and have been checked by a representative of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People. The only thing is that disabled people enter the theater not through the main entrance, but through the side one. This is due to the fact , what do we have Historical building, and the ramp that could be made, observing architectural norms, is not very functional. Carriages are installed in the box, as there are no steps and minor sills. But it is possible to install wheelchairs in the stalls, in the tenth row we remove chairs," RIA Novosti was told in the theater's press service.

Theater n/r O. Tabakov, located in the basement, today, of course, cannot afford special devices. But all this is provided for in the design of the new building, which is currently under construction on Gilyarovskogo Street.

"There will be a special lift from the street to the theater, a special toilet and an elevator to auditoriums, to the buffet and to the toilets. In the meantime, we invite people with disabilities to visiting performances to theaters where there are necessary equipment", - told RIA Novosti in the press service of the theater.

The Theater of the Young Spectator belongs to those who have already taken care of spectators with disabilities.

“We have equipped all staircases and doors with signs for visually impaired and disabled people of the musculoskeletal system, there are ramps at the entrance, a special separate toilet, a fire exit. Four places have been allocated in the hall where chairs are removed and wheelchairs are placed,” the press release said. theater service.

In Moscow, from September 23 to 29, the festival of special theaters "Proteatr" takes place. Among the actors and directors are people with disabilities. 12 adult, school, rural groups from 10 cities of Russia and the Spanish artists of the Danzamobile theater push social boundaries and appeal to a sense of belonging in the soul of the viewer.

Actors with down syndrome from the Moscow Theater of the Innocent are already familiar to many - if not on stage, then from articles in the media. It is much less common to hear about an actor with cerebral palsy or deafness. It is very rare to see a professional actor in a wheelchair. Nevertheless, people who came to the stage or directing, despite limited opportunities, are not so few. Once every three years they gather in Moscow for a festival of special theaters. In the upcoming week of September 23-29, you can get acquainted with them.

"Special art" - the art of people with disabilities - is not "disabled" art. It goes back to the origins of creativity. “Art cannot be special because of the possibilities of the health of its creators - it either exists or it does not. In these theaters - art the highest level”, - says Andrey Raikin, editor-in-chief of the Kultura channel, member of the organizing committee of the festival.

"Special Theater" - the formation of a new aesthetics, and not an imitation of the usual professional theater. In space contemporary theater"special" art fills the niche from which others leave in the direction of performance, postmodernism, non-traditional productions - the niche of sincerity.

12 years in Russia is a long time for a theater festival, - says Natalia Popova, chairman of the organizing committee of the festival. - At first we were told: what kind of festival can there be, how can we talk about cultural significance"special" theater? Such theaters receive subsidies from the state - and enough. But we believe that this theater has its place - it is a cultural resource, a laboratory of culture. Theater in general is an institution of reflection. In the “special” theater the forms of reflection are unique.

The festival gives people with disabilities the opportunity to participate on an equal footing with others in social and cultural event. Participants in performances and master classes are no longer an object of charity, but equal partners in dialogue.

Main the program will take place V cultural center ZIL. Admission to all events is free, but there are only 180 seats in the hall, so pre-registration is required. There are no ramps in the building, so ZIL is waiting for volunteers to lift guests with limited mobility to the third floor. Nevertheless, the organizers hope to see disabled people not only among the participants, but also among the spectators. The opening and closing will take place on the stage of the Taganka Theater - everyone will surely fit here.

The festival program includes evening and children's shows (three teams work for children, and the level of their productions will satisfy the most fastidious viewer). Applications were submitted by 90 teams, of which seven were foreign; three foreign troupes were invited, and only one was able to come - from Seville. At the end of the festival "Danzamobile" will show a plastic painting performance "Give me one more second" at the Taganka. There are a lot of "laboratory shows" in the program - productions that the jury found interesting, but were not included in the number of laureates. First of all, theater critics are invited there: the organizers are sure that the director and the troupe become more confident from their support and enter new venues.

The festival holds an educational program for directors of special theaters (there is no such profession as a university specialty yet).

So far, we have only conducted retraining courses at the Moscow State Pedagogical University for those who carry out rehabilitation by means of the theater. For people with a psychological education, there were subjects such as acting and directing, and for people with an acting education, psychology and others. special disciplines- says Natalia Popova.

Master classes, including with such stars as Yuri Butusov, should fill the gap educational programs for actors and directors of special theaters. Some workshops will last five days: Greek director Oikonomou V, who has actors with disabilities, will talk about time and space in a Greek tragedy. It is possible that today's special theater revives precisely such forms, and therefore the reconstruction of plays with heroes and a choir is a common thing here.

Russian theater and film director Andrey Zhitinkin, a jury member of the festival, says that he was shocked by the work with deaf-mute actors.

Imagine separated Siamese twins: they feel the other person even with their backs and express their emotions much richer. An ordinary actor, who has all the possibilities by nature, often does not appreciate and develop it. I brought professional dramatic actors to deaf-mute performances to show what else could be used as a means of expression. After all, the whole dramatic actor is a tool, and the more finely organized and refined he is, the more interesting it is in the hall, - Andrey Zhitinkin believes.

According to Andrey Zhitinkin, special actors special performances are interesting: the deaf did not respond to the offer to work with the classical repertoire, but they staged several performances by Mrozhek - complex absurdist texts.

For them, the absurdity of being is a paradigm with which they live constantly. At the same time, they make the audience look at them without stopping and prove their right to own their attention, - says Zhitinkin.

Of course, not all actors and employees of "special" theaters are disabled. For example, one of the most memorable participants in the festival is the Optimists Theater. This is the only rural drama theater in the country. Its creator, Mikhail Danilovich Litvinov, dreamed of creating his own theater and received a professional directorial education. Since childhood, he had problems with his legs: at first he walked with a stick, now he moves in a wheelchair. He created a theater right at his home in the village of Staromarievka Stavropol Territory. In the 16-meter room, Mikhail Litvinov placed 30 hand-cut stools and built a stage and a curtain. Rehearsals have begun.

This is not a curiosity village life, and the phenomenon high culture: they have 17 titles in the repertoire, performances every evening and rehearsals every day, - says Andrey Raikin. - Many actors specially went to the city to get an education and returned to Staromaryevka. Then the leadership of the region helped Mikhail Litvinov demolish the barn and build a larger barn on the site, and now it is no longer a barn, but a theater with a foyer, dressing rooms and a hall for 60 seats. All tickets for the villagers are free, the artists do not receive a salary, they work in theaters in Stavropol and run theater studios to earn money.

Actors of the theater of Mikhail Litvinov - ordinary people, only the director here is a wheelchair user. In Moscow, according to all the rules of a professional theater, two cast members. At the festival "Optimists" on September 26, the play "Live and Remember" based on Valentin Rasputin will be shown on the stage of the ZIL Cultural Center. Although the events shown in the performance refer to wartime, which most viewers and actors already know only from stories, the tragic plot turns out to be modern. The leitmotifs of the production are the themes of patriotism, duty, love, moral choice and responsibility for its consequences.

"White on black" folk theater"Gesture", Veliky Novgorod

The dramatic performance is based on two autobiographical novel Gallego "White on Black" and "I'm Sitting on the Shore". Some actors moving on wheelchairs, the same diagnosis as that of the writer. However, this is not a case history or a call for compassion. The performance is full of irony and faith in man. This is a testament to courage and everyday victories in life, even if the result of grandiose efforts is not so grandiose, and the process of achieving the goal is not as technical and debugged as we would like. Actors point to the relativity of any restrictions: one way or another, everyone will have to go through the formation of a personality.

"Intruders", school-studio-theater "Indigo", Tomsk

The action of the play, created based on the stories of Anton Chekhov, unfolds in three time layers: late XIX century, 1937 and today. Playing with color and socio-political circumstances historical eras, in each scene the authors in their own way reveal the topical issues of the relationship between man and power, the relationship between crime and punishment.

Actors with disabilities perform on the professional stage, and the expressive and plastic language of gestures and live speech support and complement each other.

"Joke", theater-studio "Payats", Lipetsk

Staging based on Anton Chekhov's stories "Fish Love" and "Joke". The originality of the genre is based on an interesting ensemble cast, and the conventionality of the director's and stage design leaves room for the viewer's imagination. Energetic action creates a playful mood and charges with optimism.

"Pushkin. Boldin Dramas” (Experience of artistic comprehension of unbelief). “The Theater of the Innocent, Moscow.

Together with the heroes of "Mozart and Salieri" and " of the miserly knight» The viewer and actors reflect on loyalty and betrayal, family and honor.

"Without the right to an angel." theater project"Nedoslov", Moscow

The performance consists of separate sketches based on the romance lyrics by Alexander Vertinsky "The Yellow Angel". Actors raise the eternal questions of the relationship and mutual influence of the individual and the crowd, creative individuality and society.

Children's performances

"That's such nonsense" puppet show"Kotofey" (Moscow), September 25 at 17.00, KC ZIL, 45 min, 3+

"Our Marshak", theater of special people "My Joy" (Syktyvkar), September 25 at 19.30, KC ZIL, 20 min, 6+

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