Pole lessons for children. Pole Dance (Paul Dance, Pole Dance)


Zhukova-Dance for me is a symbol of perseverance, health and victory over my body! The impossible is really possible when you get here! All flaws dissolve within the walls of the studio. After each lesson, I feel a new step, a small victory in this hard work on myself! Thank you for being in my life, Vera Zhukova!💋💃🎉💋💪💪💪

Alina Lesina

This is no longer just a dance studio, where you go for what seems to be your usual business, training! This place is saturated with warmth and love, wild energy that gives strength to move on, learn more and make yourself better and better, day after day. Vera Zhukova, coach from God🙏 Thank you for opening the most positive and incendiary pole dance studio, thank you for your faith, patience and of course, a professional approach to all students from beginners to athletes of various directions💪💪💪!

Tanechka Strantseva

Alena Ivankova

I want to recommend you an excellent pole dance school by Vera Zhukova. There is always a positive and friendly atmosphere in this school, you want to return to it again and again. You come to class after work, the mood is bad, literally in a few minutes, all problems fade into the background. I like Vera's teaching methods and her attitude towards students here, everyone is given enough attention. The results won't keep you waiting.

Irina Ivanova

Vera Zhukova is the best coach. Every time you visit her workouts, you don’t want to part with Pole dance. In this studio, you can not only turn yourself into a candy, but also get the most unforgettable emotions. The whole team is very friendly, always helps and supports you in everything if something doesn’t work out. Vera always does not let you relax, believes and stimulates in everything. Having visited her classes, you understand that there is something to strive for ... Thank you for teaching me how to fly!

Alexandra Gureeva

It is very good that the school is located on Taganka, it is convenient to get there. Walking distance from the metro and there is where to put the car.) The hall is huge, there is enough space for everyone. Large mirrors to the floor, it pleases, not all schools have such. The interior is yellowish - to cheer you up after the gray days at work))). The teacher is the best. I have been to more than one school, all the teachers are good, but Vera is the best that I have found for myself. He will find an approach to everyone and squeeze out all the juices)))) I go to dances with pleasure and I advise everyone to our school!!!)))

Svetlana Kazantseva

Studio VeraZhukova - magnificent, bright, light. Cozy atmosphere, always greeted with a smile, always ready to help. There are also different snacks - sports. And Vera herself is beautiful, wonderful, and generally well done, as a coach and as a person. Thank you so much for creating such an environment and atmosphere. Coming back from another training session, the thought came that I like the feeling of lightness and slight dizziness, as if you are addicted, and by the way, classes relieve all the stress acquired during the day!

Olesya Safina

I want to express my deep gratitude to the studio for the professional approach to each student and the amazing atmosphere!)) Despite the fact that I have to travel to classes from afar, in half a year I was only convinced of how lucky I was to choose THIS school. I think not every coach can inspire a beginner to continue training, no matter how difficult the first steps are, to support him and inspire confidence in own forces. good coach- not only a professional in his field, but also a good psychologist) "Zhukova-Dance" succeeded in both))

Every year, for girls around the world who want to find the desired slender and toned figure, more and more new and modern views dance directions. One of the most progressive trends that is gaining popularity every day is Pole Dance, which combines the best of sports and dance.

Given sports direction represents choreographic dances with a pole, during which a person performs complex tricks, trains the muscles of the arms and legs and performs entire artistic dance performances. Pole dance has replaced fitness and grueling workouts in gym, from which in most girls cramps muscles throughout the body. In addition, not every trainer can choose the optimal training program, which leads not to benefit, but to harm to their own body.

What is Pole Dance

The direction itself comes from striptease, but in it the nakedness of the body is compensated by the beauty of the dance itself and, in some cases, the whole plot setting. No wonder pole dance won such love from simple girls, because you will never meet a dancer suffering from excess weight.

The main goal of the classes is to instill a person's love for his own body. The rich variety of dances, the relative absence of great physical exertion and the very beauty of the performance combined in the intriguing art of handling the pole.

AT modern world developed following directions pole dance sport:

  • pole art, where the main emphasis is on the image of the performer (costumes) and the artistry of performing tricks;
  • pole sports, in which the complexity of the movements performed plays a significant role;
  • pole fitness, combining sportiness and entertainment performance;
  • erotic pole dance. As the name implies, the main point is given to the eroticism of the production, the choreographic component and the sensuality of the movements.

The art of dance from the choreographic studio "AnixDance"

If you decide to take care of your own body and learn the art of Pole Dance, come to our studio - qualified trainers, convenient equipment and the advantageous location of the halls in Moscow guarantee that the classes will be not only effective, but also as comfortable as possible!

Start learning Pole Dance with us

AnixDance dance studio opens new horizons for self-improvement!

More recently, children's dance studios offered a very limited set dance styles. Children could learn either hip-hop, or pop dancing or classical dance. Modern children are more fortunate - now the choice of dance styles is so great that many parents can be dizzy - where to give their child.

On the this moment Pole dance successfully changed public opinion about himself as a "dance for adults". And many children and their parents began to look closely at this type of dance acrobatics.

Benefits of classes
Pole dance has become very popular in sports such as children's acrobatics and gymnastics. And it's not in vain.

  • This sport contributes to the harmonious development of the child's body. In the process of training, the correct posture is formed, the spinal muscles are strengthened, the body becomes more flexible and plastic. Almost all children like sodas, chips and all kinds of unhealthy goodies in restaurants. fast food. Is not in the best way may affect the figure. Pole dance will help to avoid problems with extra pounds and maintain beautiful proportions of the figure.
  • Many children are affected by the problem of poor transport tolerance. Pole dance includes a set of exercises on a rotating pylon and exercises to strengthen the vestibular apparatus. This allows you to make long journeys without unpleasant consequences.
  • Pole dance helps children to better adapt in society. Children are easier to make contact with other children, make friends against the background common interests and have a great time together. Such a rest is much more useful than spending many hours at the computer screen.
  • Along with the development mental abilities, pole dance classes contribute to physical development child.

At what age can classes start?

Workouts from the start early age contribute to the achievement of the most outstanding results. Like many other sports, it is recommended to start pole dance classes from an early age. Abroad in this species sports, parents bring children as early as 3 years old. The most popular age to start is 5 years old. It is at this age that it is easier for children to do stretching and many complex elements.
This direction forms character, teaches children not to stop in front of difficulties and firmly go towards the intended goal. Children are well aware that for excellent results you need to work a lot and work hard. The experience gained in the classroom will be very useful in the future at school.

Pylon for active children

For children with increased activity, acrobatic exercises on the pylon are great. They allow the child to direct their energy in the right direction.
We can say that a pylon for a child is one of the types of exciting attractions. And the rides can delight almost any child. A huge plus of the pylon is its versatility, because it can be placed even in an apartment. It allows you to do a variety of exercises without taking up much space in the room. And what kind of child refuses to spin on the pylon?!

What you need to take with you to the first pole dance lesson in our studio:

  1. Shorts (the shorter, the better) - people often ask if it is possible to take leggings to the first lesson, not shorts. Answer: you can, but you should understand that leggings will severely limit you in the number of exercises performed, as in leggings you will slide strongly along the pole.
  2. A T-shirt is better, take one where there are no sleeves at all, the people call it an “alcoholic”.
  3. Ballet flats, Czech shoes, socks (you can just barefoot)
  4. Replaceable shoes (any, you can flip flops or sneakers) or shoe covers

How to sign up?

    O! It's very simple!
  1. Make a phone call +7 950 862 38 34
  2. Personal message in VK from the administrator -

Pole dance (pole dancing) is becoming more and more popular every year. And this is not surprising, because this sport helps to gain self-confidence, make the figure perfect, maintain good physical shape for many years.

You can start classes at any age, because pole dancing for beginners suggests that the exercises will not be difficult, because you need to strengthen the muscles and learn how to do basic elements. After a few months, if desired, you can start training on professional level, but that doesn't always make sense.

Why you should practice pole dancing

There are many reasons why you should choose Pole Dance for beginners:

  • problems with excess weight disappear;
  • muscles are tightened;
  • develops flexibility and plasticity;
  • joints are developed;
  • the muscular corset is strengthened;
  • metabolism is normalized.

Pole dance is also suitable for beginners because femininity, sexuality and grace develop. After a few beginner pole dancing lessons, you will begin to perceive yourself in a completely different way.

Another undoubted plus is that such training improves well-being and cheers up. Pole dancing for beginners is a great way to fight depression.

Training Features

Starting from scratch, you will learn the elements of gymnastics, choreography and acrobatics. It is important to understand that Pole Dance differs from strip plastic or ordinary striptease, at least in that physical exercise, even if you chose pole dancing for beginners, are quite large. This speeds up metabolism and increases energy consumption.

The pole is an excellent exercise machine for beginners to play sports, as all muscle groups are worked. But it will not only improve physical form. From the very beginning of learning to dance on the pole for beginners, you will begin to move beautifully. Also improve stretching and get rid of complexes. And changes in the body will become noticeable after 2-3 weeks, because energy consumption is colossal.

Anyone can learn to dance in our school. Our coaches are the best in Moscow, they find an approach to each student. Be sure: in just a few lessons you will fall in love with dancing and cannot imagine your life without it. Moreover, there are no contraindications. Even for beginner athletes, dancing is the best choice.

The basic course for beginners is:

* 4 workouts per week (=2 visits per week)
* individual approach to every student
* 1 student per pylon!
* professional trainers for Pole Dance, Exotic Dance, Stretching and Power Drive
* the opportunity to speak after the end of the course at Reporting concert schools

Program cost(1 month, 20 lessons) — 7700 rubles.

SCHEDULE (first stream)
19:00 stretch Diana
20:00 exotic dance Alina
19:00 stretch Diana
20:00 pole sport Nastya

SCHEDULE (second stream)
20:00 exotic dance Alina
21:00 stretching Angelina
20:00 pole sport Nastya
21:00 stretching Angelina

A diploma of completion of the course is issued ONLY upon completion of 80% or more of training!(If the student missed 5 or more classes, the diploma is not issued)

With NO PASSES, the student receives a 10% discount on the purchase of a two-month Pole Dance course Step 2 or 5% on subscriptions of 16 or 20 lessons!!!

It combines choreography, acrobatics and gymnastics.

Letidor asked Alina Sayfutdinova, a Russian pole dancer, silver medalist of the Pole Art World Championship 2017, to sort out information about pole dancing for children. Alina is one of the most famous representatives of pole acrobatics in Russia, in 2016 she participated in the show "Dancing on TNT", she has her own dance school Polet.

Alina, tell us, what is the difference between pole dance and pole acrobatics? What is the correct name for what you do?

There is no generally accepted name for our type of activity yet, everyone rather operates with the names of directions - Pole Sport, Pole Art, Pole Dance ...

The term "pole acrobatics" is also quite applicable - but just as a sport.

When should a child start studying and which direction is most suitable?

I believe that the optimal age for this is from 6 years. All directions are available to children, it all depends on the desire of the child and his parents. But I think it's still worth starting with Pole Sport in order to learn the basics of acrobatic.

In principle, this is more interesting for children - climbing, conquering peaks.

Sounds great! But some parents still believe that there is no place for children on the pylon: the sexual overtones are too strong, reminds erotic shows and so on…

In fact, every time I wonder why, after Olya Trifonova's performances at the Minute of Glory, someone else still has questions and prejudices. But since they remain, it means that people have doubts.

I constantly repeat one thing: the dances in the club are performed for men, they have a special specificity and - no acrobatics.

And, of course, the main emphasis is on undressing and erotica, which is not in our lessons on the pylon.

It must be understood that the goals of these two activities are completely different. A simple example: some clubs also use circus rings, but why don't people associate them with striptease? This is just equipment that you can dispose of as you like. The same with a pylon or, say, with a gymnastic "goat".

If it occurs to some particularly original club owner that a girl who sits on a "goat", undresses and spreads her legs is sexy, will they remove him from school gyms?

People just need to understand that this is a projectile that can be used perfectly in different purposes. And when we use it for sports, there can be no prejudice.

There are groups for children at your Flying school. Tell us how they usually come to you? Our children's groups are quite packed. Many come to us from more "traditional" sports, such as artistic gymnastics. They are interested in trying out a new projectile, climbing, performing various tricks and elements.

Of course, there are also many newcomers. We have, for example, babies who are 3-4 years old, and for them this is the first sport. They are brought by parents who learn about the pylon from friends or see it on TV. At first, just out of interest, try it - and then they like it, and they stay.

Do the boys work with you? It seems that everyone is used to the fact that the pylon is exclusively for girls.

Little boys come to us, but they are very few, unfortunately. Here, apparently, it is more difficult to destroy stereotypes. It's a pity! If in rhythmic gymnastics the male branch looks rather strange and - indeed - feminine, in Pole Sport the differences are much clearer.

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They are given radically different tricks, and if children are properly guided and trained, our sport is more like artistic gymnastics.

A man does masculine gymnastics, a woman does women's, and it's the same in Pole Sport.

** How safe is this? How do you imagine that a child, trying to perform a trick, falls from a pylon ... **

The answer is simple: big, thick, quality mats. We choose them very carefully, they can be put around each pylon - everything is thought out to the maximum. Unfortunately, there cannot be any additional security measures on the pylon - these are only mats and, of course, insurance from the coach. The coach who leads the children's groups at our school will definitely come to each child and insure during the trick.

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