The life of the people in Chile. Ours in Chile: "It's still unusual that here people take to the streets to openly express their opinion"


How to organize life in the South American country of Chile, citizens who plan to migrate seek to find out. To get acquainted with the local foundations, customs, mores, you can come here on a tourist visit and live without a visa for 30 days. For reference: the republic is located in the southwestern part of the continent, off the Pacific coast.

The standard of living in Chile is quite high. The country has a well developed economy. Budget funding is provided by income from the export of copper, investment injections. The unemployment rate here is insignificant, the payment wages stable. Compared to neighboring countries, food prices are low here, public utilities and essentials.

Living in Chile has another added benefit - not high level crime, the lowest rate on the continent. For Russians, this is a great place to relax and spend the winter. The attitude towards visitors here is friendly. locals speak in Spanish with a Chilean accent, it can be difficult for an unprepared person to understand such an adverb.

How to get a visa?

There are several ways to immigrate for work. The first option is suitable for independent highly qualified specialists. Their diploma must be obtained or validated in the Chilean state. The license is valid for 1 year, it can be extended.

The second way is entry on a contract visa. Before moving, the applicant needs to find a vacancy, conclude an agreement with the employer. A visa is issued for 2 years with the possibility of extension.


Through the eyes of Russians, Chilean education leaves much to be desired. In fact, this is far from the case. Chileans education system funded by the state, supported by private and public educational institutions. Everyone has the opportunity to learn here. Only 5% of the population do not enjoy such privileges, the remaining 95% have a certificate of education.

Education is received in several stages:

  1. Preschool preparation (up to 6 years of age). There are two age groups: nursery - from 3 to 24 months.
  2. A basic level of. This is a mandatory stage, the development of the program in the main subjects. It lasts 8 years. The first four years, children comprehend the first level program, from 10 to 14 years the second stage of training lasts.
  3. Post-basic stage. This is college education, during which children must prepare for entering the university. This is a certain narrow specialization, for which the child has a craving and abilities. This program is also required.
  4. Higher education:
  • Training begins at the Training Center. After graduation, after 2 years of study, you can find a job in the specialty you have received.
  • The second stage is the professional institute. After him, they receive the rank of a highly qualified technician and can continue their education.
  • The third stage is the university. There are three scientific degrees - bachelor, master, doctor of science.

The pre-school-post-basic levels are under the control of the Ministry of Education, the activities of universities are under the jurisdiction of the educational council. Since education in universities is expensive, the authorities have provided for a system of its lending. With good school performance, the student can count on budget form education with scholarships.


Prices in Chile are loyal, if we take into account the American indicator. Chilean peso - National currency. For example, bread costs about 500 pesos = 30 rubles, 1 liter of milk - 600 pesos = 38 rubles, 1 kg of apples - 520 pesos = 33 rubles, a bottle of wine - 3000 pesos or 190 rubles, a pack of cigarettes - 1900 pesos = 110 rubles.

For real estate, the price is formed taking into account the location of the object. The more prestigious the city and area, the higher the cost of rent and purchase. A one-room apartment in Santiago will cost $50,000, the highest in the country. You can rent the 1st apartment here for 400, the 2nd for 450-500, the 3rd for 600-900 dollars.

Pros and cons of staying in the country

The main advantage of life here is a stable economy and a decent level of social security for citizens. The main advantages include:

  • the highest indicators of economic development in South America;
  • favorable climate;
  • loyal migration legislation;
  • affordable housing cost.


  • unfavorable criminogenic situation, high crime rate;
  • bureaucratic essence of the state;
  • increased seismic activity in the region.

About all positive and negative sides life in the Chilean state will be told by the reviews of emigrants who have chosen this place for a long stay.

Work in Chile for Russians

Among immigrants from the CIS countries there are many who want to work in this region. Newly arrived foreigners receive here social support authorities. But it is worth remembering that highly qualified specialists are more in demand here. The level of remuneration depends on the qualifications of the specialist, his work experience.

Most requested here:

  • administration specialists;
  • managers;
  • builders;
  • miners;
  • web designers.

People without qualifications often realize themselves in the agricultural sector. They are also employed in textile industries, mining mines, and woodworking enterprises. There are many builders, couriers, laborers among the visiting men. Women without qualifications may be offered a job as a secretary or waiter. The competition for Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians here is made up of people from Argentina and Peru.

Well, to get a well-paid job, you need qualifications, which can be confirmed by the recommendations of employers, a good portfolio, certificates and certificates. You can increase your chances by learning two languages ​​- Spanish + English. The services of programmers who speak Java, Oracle and Unix are in demand here. The development of the mining industry contributes to the employment of engineers.

You can get a job, both in a personal meeting with a HR manager, HR, and when passing an online interview.

Wage level

The annual income of the average Chilean is $12,000, including all deductions and taxes. The minimum wage here is $ 300, this income is received by employees who do not have a specialty. A qualified specialist can count on three times the minimum salary. Engineers here receive about 2,000 thousand, consultants are paid about 1,500 thousand dollars.


Along with traditional medicine in this country are practiced and are popular unconventional methods treatment. The medical system is well developed. Private and government agencies well funded and developed. The insurance system is provided in both structures, but rates are somewhat lower in public hospitals.

You can get an appointment with a doctor here without an appointment. People can contact the departments at the place of direct residence. About $70 for one session. X-rays cost $20. 2,000 thousand dollars must be paid to go to the hospital. But the patient in this case can count on the advice and help of a doctor, and all the necessary medicines. Pharmacy points operate around the clock and are distributed throughout the area.

Alternative medicine

The services of healers and healers are popular in this area. But in order to help people, you need to have a license for the appropriate type of activity. Pre-candidates are trained in their craft. Most of healers are hereditary healers who adopt experience and knowledge from their predecessors.

People from the CIS countries who plan to migrate to countries with stable economies, good environmental conditions and loyal prices.

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And Ukrainians come to Chile for tourism purposes, the legendary and mysterious Easter Island is interesting, many of the tourists simply fall ill with this country and even think about moving here for permanent place residence, although the standard of living here is slightly lower than in Russia, but this cannot be said about Ukraine.

In addition to high crime in the country, earthquakes are also frequent, for example, on February 27, 2010, the force of tremors reached 8.8 on the Richter scale. Another danger lurks under the cold sun, despite the average summer temperatures on the beach at 15 degrees Celsius, here you can get a severe burn in 15 minutes, by the way, almost no one in Chile knows how to swim. The ocean is very cold and unpleasant for swimming. The capital of Santiago is located at an altitude of over 500 meters above sea level, it is also not recommended to go outside without sunglasses and a hat. Santiago is a more dangerous city than Rio de Janeiro, more than 10% of the capital's residents Last year were attacked.

Spanish in Chile

Everyone in the country speaks Spanish, for the arrangement or tourist trip to Chile, knowledge of this language is necessary. English is well known only to graduates of private schools in Chile, businessmen or professionals employed in tourism.

Chile's economy is based on agriculture, including winemaking, as well as in the mining sector, which breaks all records for salaries. However, the average salary is $900 a month, teachers, doctors, economists and engineers get a little more. The average Chilean can afford to go to restaurants, go to resorts and not only local ones, it is possible to quickly buy a car and slowly save money for large purchases. Chile has excellent conditions for doing business, but competition is also fierce. People who sold their apartment at home and moved here permanently with their business will probably go bankrupt in one year, so there is a specificity here. More chances for a brighter future for specialists with international qualifications, such as programmers with a mind of Spanish and in English However, such specialists can earn several orders of magnitude more in the United States. Young women are also happy to move to Chile, but mostly out of hopelessness, having previously met an estimated man through the Internet.

The period of the 2008 crisis practically did not affect this country, since American capital had not come here before, and the Chileans relied most of all on their strength and labor.

Transport in Chile

The cost of a single trip in public transport is $ 1.5, a liter of gasoline is $ 2, toll roads are also popular in Chile, for example, you can drive from one end of Santiago to the other without traffic jams for $ 13, the population of Santiago is 7 million people.

Cuisine in Chile

Seafood prevails on the table of the Chilean family, including mussels or oysters, Chile is a country of exotic fruits, the unusual taste of Chilean wines is appreciated all over the world. However, the high level of obesity of the population indicates that fast food has made its way to this remote country. Chileans suffer overweight more than Europeans, but they are still far from the inhabitants of Mexico and the United States.

Chilean families, women, shopping and leisure

In Chile, a real cult of the family, people maintain close relationships with distant relatives. Women in Chile have now achieved equality with men, although the employment rate among them is somewhat lower than in Europe, they consider themselves the most independent. Much appreciated bright skin, a slender figure, it can be said that Chilean women are more similar to Europeans than women in neighboring countries. Favorite time escorting the people of Santiago is visiting huge shopping centers and shopping for the latest European clothing collections.

Chile is famous for its nature; in summer, Chileans go on vacation to the ocean, and in winter to the mountains. However, Santiago is sometimes compared to California, but beach holidays are available in the city of Zapallar, this is the local Cote d'Azur.

Chile is a modern country

In the subway in Santiago, free Internet access is available at each station, you can pay for goods and services using your phone, most residents pay for utilities using the Internet, and many can be seen on the street or in transport with an iPhone or tablets.

Chile has a good healthcare system, both private and public, prices in private clinics are far behind the quality.

Chile country for pensioners

It is profitable to move to Chile in old age, the tax system does not impose income tax pensions and social insurance, other owls can come here with their pension without suffering. All other foreign capital income brought to Chile is tax-free for the first 3 years.

Nature of Chile

The country has three climatic zones, you can get a cool and humid climate in the south, Mediterranean in the center and hot desert in the north. A sharp contrast with exotic nature is added by quite comfortable and civilized cities, from which you can escape into the wild during your next vacation.

Working in an international company is always fun and a lot of new acquaintances at once, despite the fact that Spanish is still weak, more like a primitive sign language, but average English and happy hours with colleagues once a week really connect people.
I noticed that many married colleagues are kept by their wives "with a tight rein", controlling their every step with the questions "well, when will you be home?"
But, of course, not everything is so hopeless, and among my colleagues there are very harmonious couples.
The tearful outpourings of my Moscow friend Zhanna came to my whatsapp just at the moment of one of the “gatherings” with colleagues:

Three days was not, - she sobbed into the phone. - And then he came as if nothing had happened, and he also asks why there is such a mess at home. And I'm alone with two children and a dog, with the flu and fever.

We would have the police immediately come for such a husband, - Anna-Maria was indignant.

The others just shook their heads approvingly, “Of course! You need to call the police immediately! How could he not come home! Abandon children for three days with one mother!”
But my colleagues were even more surprised the next day, asking how my suffering friend, who is "married to a monster," was doing.

We reconciled, - Jeanne informed me so happily and serenely that it became clear that it is better to keep all comments to yourself immediately, because "winners are not judged."

She is so cute!

A fan from Argentina invited me to the famous old casino on the coast in Viña del Mar, which is only an hour and a half from the capital, and I unexpectedly easily agreed.
The casino was crowded with people, and the audience was the most diverse: from teenagers a la “boys from bad area” to obese rich Chinese, generously irrigating tables with roulettes with stacks of chips.
Sebastian turned out to be generous, witty, merrily losing at roulette, he joked with might and main, and then with pioneering enthusiasm invited me to go up night club floor above, where, despite his 63, he famously danced under electronic music among African American teenagers.
No wonder I've always liked Latin America with her burning love for music and dance, where main principle: "no whiskey - no vida".
We even have a housekeeper who does nothing without music, and walks around the apartment, dancing, with rags and loud music from the phone.
"Pasito a pasito, despacito"...

"Offensive" gifts

Jose Manuel, a well-known lawyer in Santiago, whom I met at one of the press conferences, invited me and the children to lunch and Lily, who first threw all the buns to the seagulls walking around the terrace of the restaurant on the coast, and then lounging under our table called him face only a smile of tenderness: “she is so cute!”.

I anxiously began to pull her out from under the table “what people say”, but he only waved his hand, “relax, dear.” During our lunch, my young model friend called me and excitedly whispered from the toilet "while he sleeps" last news. She met the man of her dreams, who, having received the answer to the question of what Christina really wants: “An apartment in Moscow”, was not afraid, but waved her hand, like: “Yes, no question, we’ll do it.”
Kristina was concerned about two facts: in which area to take and will Peter, upon waking up, remember what was discussed at all and whether he, as a real kid, will be able to “respond for the market”?
I apologized that I could not talk to her for a long time and, having advised Tverskaya, hung up, briefly telling José Manuel the conversation with my friend.

Can you do that? I playfully asked José Manuel.

He goggled his eyes.

How long have they known each other? Your girlfriend and her boyfriend?

I think this is their second meeting, I suggested.

No, what are you! he got excited. - How can you give real estate to random girls, even if you had great sex?

Well, that's the kind of men we have! - I said proudly, like "know ours." - And you, by the way, what is customary to give girls on dates?

Well, he thought, certainly not apartments.

Rolex, Louis Vuitton - I tried to "test the ground."

José Manuel grew sad.

No, well, some nice little things, perfume there, for example.

I probably looked disappointed, because he added that in general it very much depends on the relationship, of course, how long you have been dating a person and that in general Chilean girls can be offended by expensive gifts, taking it as an attempt to buy them "like a thing."
Here, tell me, who would be offended by a Chanel handbag as a gift?

Tacos and Peppa Pig

Having talked with my Mexican colleague Carlos during our joint lunch, I was horrified by his stories about life in one of the dangerous Mexican states of Tamaulipas, which is located at the crossroads of drug trafficking in Mexico and is one of the epicenters of the cartel war. He said that in his city from shootings dies a large number of bystanders. A friend of his recently had both of his legs blown off by a bomb in a restaurant.

How do you live there, in this horror?

He asked the waiter for a beer and smiled.

There is only one life! Sometimes too short, but we rejoice every day that we are simply alive. But in general, of course, many people want to get out of Ciudad Victoria at the first opportunity. I am here under a contract for a year, and then I will still return to my city, I have children, parents there ...
The day before yesterday, he stopped by our house to cook Mexican tacos with the children and watch Peppa Pig in Spanish with Lily, so when he went home, the children excitedly asked:

Will Uncle Carlos still come?

Blondes in Chile

Being a blonde in Chile is easy and pleasant, you can even easily believe in your “stardom” and feel like a celestial, especially if you still have bright eyes and a slender, ordinary Slavic appearance, in other words. Men in Chile are not intrusive, not aggressive, they will cast admiring glances, but do not seek to get to know each other right on the street, in a supermarket. And women look frowningly, as in the song “what are you, dear, you look askance, tilting your head low.” In general, women in Chile are queens, regardless of the color of their eyes or hair, men do everything to please them, although this is not easy. Chilean women are very demanding and often have their own, from my point of view, such wonderful husbands. They simply have nothing to compare with ... Machismo, if found, is in poor areas and the lowest social strata.
While shopping, I noticed men in the women's departments, even in the lingerie department, and heard a couple of dialogues between them like:

No, she definitely won't like it! She doesn't like that cut! But not to risk, take both dresses!

I like Chile more and more.

First six points

While watching the next series of David Lynch's new masterpiece, there was a series of thumps against the wall, and then the walls somehow strangely stirred and seemed to rush to meet each other.
Honestly, at that moment my palms were sweaty and it seemed that David Lynch himself was walking towards us, along with all his dwarfs and the dead Laura Palmer. And only then, I realized that it was just an earthquake. Remembering that animals usually react sharply to natural disasters, I shifted my gaze to Viva, serenely spread out in my bed. She didn't even wake up. Later, a neighbor explained to me that it was only six points, which for such an active seismic zone is nothing.
So the next couple of similar morning shocks no longer made any impression on me, and the children and the dog still continued to sleep peacefully.
We adapted, in short, here.

one of the most prosperous and economically developed countries, which according to the results of 2017 was included in the rating of the top 10 countries. Everything in this country is wonderful, although there are only 2, but very big problems: frequent earthquakes and an acute shortage of beautiful women. You heard right, even more or less attractive chilean girls are in serious short supply here.

Unfortunately, many Chile women can't brag slender figures and do not claim the title of sultry Latin American beauties. More directly, most of them are simply downright obese. It would seem strange, because the main population of this country is the descendants of European immigrants and native Indians who lived on these lands for hundreds of years. But known fact that very beautiful children are born from incest, at least the same ones clearly demonstrate this. With Chileans, this law of nature does not work.

However, the matter is quite different. Many Chilean girls make themselves unattractive. In this country there is a real cult of meat and junk food. The puzzle in your head will be formed if you see what Chilean girls eat daily: huge hot dogs (here they are called "Completo"), tortillas, french fries, beans with garlic, a lot of stew or fried meat. And all this, of course, is usually washed down with Coca-Cola or other sweet carbonated drinks.

In reproach or justification, but we can say that the thick sides and "poles" do not bother the Chileans at all, they feel great in their body, they would certainly appreciate it. Therefore, to play sports, visit GYM's, follow the figure or moderate their appetite, they do not consider it necessary. Their men probably don't think so, but that's another story.

Chilean women also don't dress very extravagantly. Without even trying to hide their flaws, they like to wear tight clothes. Leggings, with difficulty stretched over a huge ass, are far from uncommon here. And laughter and sin.

beautiful revolutionaries

However, it cannot be said that all the girls of Chile are “not very good”. There are also a lot of real beauties here. Thank God it's not all hopeless.

It is clear that among men such girls are considered real diamonds. They are educated, have a fairly broad outlook, moderately modest, obstinate, shy. In addition, they know how to emphasize and correctly present their sexuality. As a rule, in Chile there is no certain type of local beauties. There are light-skinned blue-eyed blondes and hot brown-eyed dark-skinned women with long black hair.

Photo gallery

Here we have tried to collect real photo beautiful young Chile women, the best representatives of this proud nation. This photo collection contains more than 10 thousand photos. No debauchery - only aesthetics, only the most beautiful women Chile.

Happy viewing!

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For each of your repost - thanks a lot! Gracias!

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