Conducting a guided tour of a museum. Methodology for preparing and conducting an excursion


The method of conducting excursions is aimed at helping tourists to more easily learn the content of the excursion. This is done with the help of methodological techniques, which are divided into two groups - demonstration techniques and storytelling techniques.

The task of methodological techniques is to ensure the best effectiveness of the excursion method of communicating knowledge to the audience.

All methodological techniques can be subdivided according to their purpose as follows:

Techniques for direct guided tours: showing and telling

Techniques aimed at creating conditions for the effective conduct of the excursion.

1. showing in the tour

Display - the process of implementing the principle of visibility, a visual way to get acquainted with the excursion object or several objects at the same time.

Display on excursions is a multifaceted process of extracting visual information from objects, processes, during which the actions of the tourists are performed in a certain sequence, with a specific goal.

A feature of the show is the ability to detect, reveal this or that quality of the observed object, the ability to make explicit, obvious what is imperceptible at first glance at the object.

The effectiveness of visibility depends on the organization of the display of objects, their correct observation by tourists. A person on an excursion learns to look and see, observe and study correctly. This is the purpose of the show.

The display in the tour is the sum of three elements:

l Self-monitoring of sights by sightseers

ь Familiarization of tourists with the exhibits of the "guide's portfolio"

ь Guided demonstrations of other techniques

The aim of the tour is to:

ь Show sightseeing objects that are in front of sightseers

ь Show objects that no longer exist (only photographs or drawings have been preserved)

ь Show a historical event that took place at a given place

ь Show the actions of a historical figure

ь Show the object as it was during the described event

Conditions required to display the object:

ь Properly selected display points

ь Time more favorable for display

ü The ability to divert the attention of tourists from objects that are far from the topic

l Skills and abilities of a tour guide

An approximate diagram of the sequence of actions of the guide when showing the object

1. the guide determines what kind of object is shown to the tourists


2. the guide explains what the object is


3. the guide talks about the purpose of the object

Purpose of creation

4. the guide examines the individual parts of the object

Excursion analysis, comparison

6. The guide talks about the event associated with the object, its meaning

Evaluation of a historical event

The task of the guide is to help the sightseers find the point from which the best view into the distance opens.

Showing in the tour is a two-way process that combines: the leader's active actions aimed at revealing the essence of sensually perceived objects; vigorous activity sightseers.

Methodological methods of showing

Preliminary inspection. This technique is used at the moment when the tourists are at the location of the monument. It represents the first stage of object observation. There are two ways to use the reception. The first one begins with the words of the guide: "And this is such and such a monument, get acquainted with it." Thus, he invites sightseers to conduct an initial observation of the object, to get acquainted with its appearance, to see some details. After that, the guide directs the group's attention to determining the essence of the object, which gives the excursionists the opportunity to:

to get an idea of ​​the historical area where the events took place

imagine this object in a natural setting

give a certain assessment of the object

get an idea of ​​its natural surroundings

The second option for using the preliminary inspection technique is that the guide begins with a short introductory word, in which he orients the group on what exactly should be seen during the observation of the object, what qualities and specific features it is recommended to identify during the observation.

The reception of the panoramic display enables the sightseers to observe the view of the area. Towers, bell towers, fortress walls, bridges and other high points can be used for a panoramic display, from where a panorama of the city, battlefield, valley, river opens. Another feature of the panoramic display is that many objects fall into the field of view of the tourists. The guide must show those objects that reveal the topic, moving from a general panorama display to a private one.

Reception of visual reconstruction. The essence of this technique lies in the fact that the original appearance is restored verbally. historical building. This technique is widely used when showing memorable places where military battles, popular uprisings, strikes, revolutionary May Day meetings, rallies and other events took place. This also includes places associated with the life and work of statesmen, famous writers, scientists, composers, artists. The task of this technique is to give the sightseers the opportunity to visually restore a memorable place, building, structure in their original form, a historical event that took place at this place.

The technique of visual editing is one of the variants of the methodical method of reconstruction. The guide, using the method of visual editing, composes desired image, summing up the appearance of several monuments. In visual editing, photographs, drawings, drawings can be used.

Reception of localization of events. This technique makes it possible to limit the attention of the excursion participants to certain frames, to fix their eyes in this particular territory on the exact place where the event took place.

The technique of abstraction is a mental process of separating any parts from the whole for the purpose of subsequent deep observation. This technique allows sightseers to consider those features of the subject that serve as the basis for the disclosure of the topic. Abstraction is based on observation.

Visual comparison. The tour method uses different kinds comparisons: visual, verbal, comparison of a visually perceived object with an object mentally reconstructed or shown to tourists earlier. This technique is based on a visual comparison of various objects or parts of one object with another, which is in front of the sightseers' eyes.

The integration technique is based on combining the individual parts of the observed object into a single whole. The action of the methodical method of integration in excursions is associated with the synthesis method - the connection of individual parts, details, generalization of broken facts into a single whole.

The technique of visual analogy is based on the action of one of the general methods scientific knowledge- method of analogy. The analogy is based on comparison:

This object with a photograph or drawing of another similar object

An observed object with those objects that the excursionists observed earlier.

The mechanism of action of this technique is that the guide puts two objects in front of the tourists, and only one of them is in front of their eyes.

Switching attention. After observing the object, the sightseers, at the suggestion of the guide, shift their gaze to another object. The presence of contrast enriches new impressions. Comparison of objects allows a better understanding of the initially observed object.

Methodical reception of movement. Movement in an excursion as a methodological technique is the movement of sightseers near an object in order to better observe it. In some cases, the movement of the group is used in order for the sightseers to get an idea of ​​the steepness of the mountainside, the height of the tower, the depths of the moat, etc. In addition, movement is used as a methodological technique for showing sightseeing objects of individual buildings, structures, streets, architectural ensembles, and squares.

Another variant of movement as a methodical technique is a detour around a building, structure, or monument.

Display of the memorial plaque. If there is a memorial plaque on the excursion object, the guide should begin with an analysis of the object and a story about the events associated with it. Only after that the attention of the tourists is drawn to the memorial plaque, which is installed at this facility. If the memorial plaque is clearly visible to the tourists and they have already read the inscriptions on it, then the guide should not read it aloud.


The story is the name of the oral part of the excursion, conventionally accepted in the excursion business, that is, the messages and explanations that the guide gives to the group. This is figurative information about monuments, historical events and activities of specific historical persons.

The guide's story performs two tasks: comments, explains, complements what he saw; reconstructs, restores what the excursionist cannot see at the moment. The story is sounding individual text guide, performed by him in compliance with the requirements of oral public speech and representing a sample of monologue speech.

The main requirements for the story: thematic, concrete, persuasive, accessible presentation, completeness of judgments, connection with the show, scientific character.

The main features of the story are as follows:

1. The dependence of the story on the speed of movement of the group. The story is subject to the rhythm of the movement of tourists, the route of the excursion.

2. Subordination of the story to the show. The guide's story cannot be abstracted from the display objects that are located on the route. The content of the story is subordinated to the task of observing objects. The story accompanies the display of objects, complements and explains what the tourists see, and is aimed at visually recreating the picture.

3. Use of visual evidence in the story. The peculiarity of the story is that it lacks oral evidence. Their role is played visual range. This is achieved through a figurative story, skillful display of monuments, demonstration of visual materials.

4. Targeting of the story, that is, binding to objects observed by sightseers. The address character of the story lies in the fact that, when telling the guide, he means a specific object - a building, an architectural ensemble, an engineering structure, a natural monument.

5. Concreteness of the excursion story. Concreteness is not only the formulation of the topic, but also the facts themselves, the interpretation. The concretization of the material in the excursion is an expression of thought, a presentation of a certain position in a more precise, concrete form.

6. The affirmative nature of the story. Talking about the historical event, the guide asserts with maximum persuasiveness that it happened exactly in this way, at this very place, that the persons named by them were its participants.

Methodological techniques of the story

The methodological techniques of the story are, as it were, the spring of oral speech, their main task is to present facts, techniques, events so that the sightseers get a figurative idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow it was, they saw most of what was told to them by the guide.

Narrative techniques can be divided into two large groups.

The first group combines the techniques associated with the form of the story. The techniques of this group fulfill the task of conveying the content of the story to the sightseers, contribute to the formation of information, its ordering, memorization, storage and reproduction in the memory of the sightseers.

The second group combines the methods of characterization, explanation, questions and answers, references to eyewitnesses, assignments, verbal montage, participation, induction and deduction. The techniques of this group draw external picture events, actions of specific characters.

The method of excursion information is used in combination with the methods of visual reconstruction, localization, and abstraction. The guide gives brief information about the observed object: the date of construction, the authors of the project, size, purpose. When examining additional objects, this technique is used independently, when, having outlined reference material, the guide ends the acquaintance of the group with the object. In its content and construction, this technique resembles travel information.

The description technique aims to assist in the correct display of the object in the minds of sightseers. The description of the object is characterized by accuracy and concreteness. This technique involves the presentation of the guide characteristic features, signs, features appearance object in a specific order.

The method of characterization is based on determining the distinctive properties and qualities of an object, phenomenon, or person. The excursion is given speech characteristic objects and persons participating in the tour. The reception of a characteristic is an enumeration of properties and features, the totality of which gives the most complete picture of a given object, allows you to better understand its essence. When using the technique of characterization, an assessment is given of the qualitative aspects of the object, such as cognitive value, artistic merit, originality of the author's decision, expressiveness, safety.

The method of explanation is a form of presentation of the material, when in the story, in addition to information about a historical event, the essence and reasons that caused it are revealed. Most often, this technique is used in production, economic and natural history excursions, where the story explains internal communications processes and phenomena.

The method of explanation is typical for excursions with the display of works of fine art. The guide explains the meaning depicted by the artist in the picture, the content of the monument of monumental sculpture.

Acceptance of comments. During the tour, the methodical method of commenting is used by the guide when presenting material that explains the meaning of the event or the intention of the author of the monument of history and culture, which is currently being observed by the tourists.

Reporting reception. In an excursion, a reportage is a short message of the guide about an event, phenomenon, process, eyewitnesses, which are excursionists. This technique is effective only when the object is shown in development, it helps to see how the object changes in the course of observation and something new is born. The difficulty of using this technique lies in the fact that the story is largely not prepared in advance, it is not entirely included in the individual text of the guide, but is in the nature of improvisation, that is, it is compiled by the guide on the go, while observing what is happening.

Citation acceptance. The quotation in the tour is aimed at evoking a visual image in the minds of the tourists, that is, it acts as visually perceived information. In the text of the excursion in the form of quotations, excerpts from works of art. Quoting is especially effective in cases where it is necessary to recreate pictures of life in ancient times, the life and activities of our ancestors.

Reception question-answer. The essence of this technique is that during the story the guide asks various questions to the tourists in order to activate them. Most of these questions are not designed to get any answers from the participants of the tour. They perform the function of methodical reception. They can be divided into several types:

1. questions to which the guide immediately or after some time gives an answer himself, continuing his story on the topic.

2. questions historical character, representing a statement of something in the form of a question. Such questions in lecture propaganda are considered as a method of oratory.

3. The questions of the guide, which are answered by the excursionists, draw the attention of the excursionists to the content of the excursion, bring some relaxation and help to better understand the problem.

The reception of the novelty of the material lies in the fact that in the course of the story on the topic, facts and examples unknown to the excursionists are reported. This technique is used by the guide at the moment when it is necessary to draw the attention of the group to the object, to make the perception of the observed more effective.

Acceptance of verbal montage. Using this method, the guide builds his story on a set of passages from various literary works, documentary materials published in periodicals. The content of these passages reveals the sub-topic of the tour or one of its main issues. This technique makes it possible to recreate a picture of events.

Participation acceptance. The purpose of this technique is to help tourists become participants in the event to which the tour is dedicated. This is done by, for example, addressing the group: “Imagine that you and I are on this field during the onset of enemy troops.” Then, using the technique of visual reconstruction, the picture of the battle is restored.

Reception of the discussion situation. The guide, using this technique, puts forward in his story a situation that causes a debatable situation. This technique makes it possible, in part of the excursion, to replace the monologue form of the material with an open dialogue. Two or three excursionists express their point of view on the proposed position. Then the guide, summing up, draws conclusions.

The technique of colliding contradictory versions is used in the guide's story, for example, when evaluating a certain historical event, approving the date of the emergence of a particular city.

The personification technique is used to mentally create an image specific person. It is recommended to do this with the help of a vivid story about individual episodes from the life of those people with whom the topic of the excursion is connected, or based on a description of some historical event in which these people participated.

The reception of the problem situation is that the guide's story poses a problem related to the topic of the excursion. Putting the problem before the tourists makes them think and compels them to find the right answer to the question posed. A problematic question, skillfully posed to the tourists, arouses interest in the subtopic.

The method of digression is that in the course of the story the guide leaves the topic: he reads poetry, gives examples from his life, tells the content of the movie, a work of art.

The method of induction is used in the story, when it is necessary to make a transition from particular, isolated cases and facts to the overall picture, general conclusions, and in the show, when the guide moves from characterizing one monument to characterizing the whole ensemble or system of engineering structures.

The climatic technique presupposes such a presentation of the excursion material, when at first less interesting and insignificant facts and arguments are reported, then more significant and, finally, the most interesting ones.

The anti-climatic technique is that the presentation of the material in the story begins with the most interesting facts and examples, in the show - from the most significant objects in terms of their content and architecture. Interest in the topic, awakened among the tourists at the beginning of the event, allows them to be more successfully introduced to less interesting material in the future.

Demonstration Reception visual aids

The tour uses visual aids. The most widely used illustrative technique. For example, a guide's story about the flora and fauna of this region is accompanied by a display of photographs of plants and animals.

A contrast technique is used when a photograph is shown in order to convince the sightseers of how the historical site they are currently viewing has changed. The photograph and drawing contrast with the observed object. The technique is based on a comparison of visually perceived information.

An important reserve for increasing the effectiveness of the excursion is the use technical means propaganda - epidiascope, filmoscope, tape recorder, film equipment. With their help, the topic is revealed deeper, the visual range of excursions is enhanced.

Before organizing a tour desk, you should thoroughly study the routes of competitors. Create unique offers, draw up a detailed business plan and start organizing.

Main risks

IN big city with a rich history, the newcomer will face stiff competition. But you should not give up the idea - create an original route that does not coincide with the schedule of your competitors' excursions. Introduce visitors to the city with attractions that are not included in the list of most travel agencies. Offer a more modern and creativity in the method of conducting excursions. Tourists who are hungry for new and vivid impressions will certainly appreciate the originality of the presentation of information.

A tourism business in a small town with a limited choice of attractions and a small flow of tourists is characterized by the problem of a lack of customers. Find out all about the possibilities of interesting and active rest in your area. It can be a nature reserve or just a natural area of ​​rare beauty, an ancient monastery located nearby, the ruins of a castle, a functioning historical museum with an interesting exposition, a ski resort, a village with the opportunity to live in a peasant's hut - at least something from this list you will definitely be able to offer to potential clients.

In recent years, the popularity of green tourism with maximum immersion in the natural world has been growing - organize bicycle or horseback tours. Entrepreneurs from small towns will have to look for clients in large tourist centers, but with proper organization of the process, this can become a real highlight and the start of a successful business.


Most of the work of the tour desk with clients takes place outside the office. But you should not neglect the search for a decent premises - this is the business card of your company. Where is the best place to stay?

The city center is not a requirement, and for a start-up entrepreneur, the rent may be too high. Consider the option of mutually beneficial cooperation with one or more hotels in the city. Hotel administrators can offer the services of your office to guests, booklets with offers will be displayed near the reception desk. Hotel, except availability additional services, you can offer a certain percentage of the income from each attracted client. In the presence of such agreements, the first few months of activity, acquaintance with clients and organizational issues will take place in the lobby of the hotel with which you cooperate, or a cafe located nearby. Office equipment can be located at your home.

In the future, look for accommodation in areas most visited by tourists. This may be a building near a large hotel, bus station or railway station, a large shopping or entertainment center. You do not need a large room, but it should be comfortable. Comfortable furniture, creative design, photos of sights and satisfied customers, convenient access for transport - these are all the requirements for an excursion bureau office.


It is necessary to purchase a computer for the office of the company. Be sure to connect to the Internet, create a business card website with the ability to book excursions online. Telephones for uninterrupted communication with clients, guides, museum administrations and entertainment centers necessary. Also, you will need a set of office equipment for printing tourist memos and contract forms.

You can not save on the purchase of special funds for guides. Audio equipment developers offer modern and high-tech gadgets and software allowing excursions in any conditions.

Electronic tour guide.
The radio guide is a great way to work in open areas.
Audio translator is a set that provides translation into all languages.

The purchase of equipment will be the most expensive item in your business plan. A complete set of office equipment and equipment for the guide will cost about 75 thousand rubles.


Tour guides are everything. It is not necessary to invite graduates. The right to conduct excursions are people who have listened to a course of specialized lectures and received the appropriate certificate. Look for creative, motivated and passionate employees. Perhaps you will invite graduates of the Faculty of History, employees of the local history museum to work, striving to receive additional income and the opportunity to acquaint guests of the city with its history in an exciting, informal way. Excursions should be as informative, original and not boring as possible. In choosing guides, be guided by these criteria. A mandatory requirement for working with tourists is fluency in English.

An important point is the comfortable transportation of customers. If you have enough funds, you can purchase your own transport and hire drivers. At the beginning of activities with a minimum start-up capital, an agreement should be concluded with a transport company.

The question of hiring an accountant for a permanent job should be decided in the presence of a constant flow of clients. On initial stage maintenance of financial and reporting documentation can be entrusted to a company specializing in the provision of accounting services.

A permanent employee is needed to receive applications for excursions, organize the work of the bureau and interact with the administrations of the establishments included in the route. At the initial stage of the company's activity and with a small flow of customers, this part of the work can be taken over by the owner.

Documents and licenses

Russian law does not require a license to conduct excursions. It is mandatory to register a business with the tax office. For this type of activity, IP is suitable.

To carry out activities in the chosen direction, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents:

Contract with a transport company for the transportation of customers.
- Detailed contract for the provision of services. It should be drafted with an experienced lawyer. Indicate all offers for excursions, an action plan, list all your obligations and those points for which your company is not responsible.
- To obtain a business permit, you need to issue job description for staff. The document describes in detail the duties for each position, a plan of action in case of an emergency situation.
- Create a list of places of interest that you can introduce to customers. Also, you need several options for routes.
- Create a memo for clients. In it, briefly and succinctly describe the routes, your offers and opportunities for entertainment.

To avoid problems with regulatory authorities, draw up contracts with each employee. At the initial stage, you can not enter guides into the state and work with them on a contractual basis, but everything must be documented and in full accordance with the law.


The success of a company offering city tours is based on three pillars:

A website with the opportunity to discuss the route and book an excursion in advance is essential for a modern company working with tourists.


The City Tours business can bring success and a decent income even in small towns. Explore everything that is worthy of attention and admiration in your city, draw up a competent business plan, invite enthusiastic and competent employees. An original approach to conducting excursions, a thoughtful approach to the formation of the cost of services will surely bring success to your company.

Many museologists point out that excursion is a form of organization educational process aimed at assimilating educational material held outside the school, or using materials from the school museum.

Note that such excursions are divided into two groups: school and extracurricular. Let's clarify the meaning of these two concepts, and so, school trip is – training form – educational work with a class or group of students, conducted for educational purposes when moving from object to object, at the choice of the teacher and on topics related to programs.

School trips are of two types:

- lesson- held during school hours. Lesson excursions are included in the system of lessons on the topics of academic subjects, so the teacher plans the excursion in advance in his plan. In this regard, the teacher can independently create special conditions, the solution of which requires an excursion to the school museum or beyond. The excursion can also be included in subsequent lessons, following the thematic line.

The topics of lesson excursions can be: patriotic education of students, acquaintance with culture and nature native land, literary and historical past of the settlement, famous countrymen, geographical and biological features of the area, production, etc.

- extracurricular- optional - held before or after classes in the classroom. The material considered on extracurricular excursions can act as an addition to the school course, or it can carry abstract, developing information.

Extracurricular excursions can be organized on the following topics: local history research, the study of everyday life, the peculiarities of holiday preparations, rituals, etc.

As we can see, class and extracurricular excursions have a common feature, their content is somehow connected with curriculum corresponding school class. These excursions are conducted and organized by teachers of educational institutions in accordance with the work plan for their subject. It should be noted that, unlike regular excursions for children, conducting school excursions provides that the teacher, at his discretion, can put an assessment for the knowledge gained on the excursion in a class journal.

Now let's turn to the concept out-of-school excursion. What are its features and specifics.

Out-of-school excursions are aimed at expanding cultural outlook children, raising them in the spirit of patriotism, love and respect for work, give a comprehensive harmonious education.

Objects of extracurricular excursions most often become manufacturing and industrial enterprises, which professionally orients students; exits to open areas to get acquainted with nature to the river, water canal, grove; visiting historical places, architectural ensembles; historically famous buildings, etc.

A feature of the out-of-school excursion we can assume that exits are provided for children to observe each of the objects, the story in such excursions is more concise.

It should not be forgotten that all excursions conducted for students should contain an element of relaxation - games, questions - answers, etc.

A distinctive feature of excursions for children in comparison with excursions for adults is that general educational elements occupy a significant place in them, and for excursions organized for children there should be more cognitive and educational moments.

The teacher should give overview information, while using excerpts from works of fiction, comparisons, poems, interesting facts.

Let's figure out how to properly prepare a tour of your subject, in order to make the most of the materials of the school museum, the specifics of the enterprise, environment, economic development of the territory, etc.

Let's start by looking at all the stages of preparing a school trip.

Let's not forget that the success of the excursion largely depends on the preparation of the teacher and students. At the lesson preceding the excursion, the necessary connection with the content of the upcoming lesson is established, questions are proposed that will need to be solved during the upcoming excursion, tasks for observations and for collecting material can be distributed among its participants.

If the excursion goes beyond the scope of the school museum, you should first familiarize the children with the upcoming excursion route, for better orientation in the area.

The teacher should clearly define the tasks of the upcoming excursion to the students. You can not lead students along a route unknown to the teacher. A day or two before the tour, you should visit the place of the tour, outline the objects of the show, choose the stops, more interesting moments excursions of the museum and other object. This will help the teacher to choose methods of work with the display of objects, explanations of production and natural processes. Also, the teacher should study the literature on the chosen topic in order to be aware of the issues raised. Such preliminary work will help to conduct an excursion to high level and in accordance with the plan.

The tour plan includes:

1. Determining the topic of the tour.

You should carefully think over and justify the topic of the excursion. The theme of the excursion is what is its basis, what the show and the story are based on. The theme of the excursion also acts as a criterion for constructing the entire structure of the excursion.

Tour topics may include: architecture of the settlement; creativity of local writers; the history of the life of famous countrymen; street history; ecology of the area; economic development etc.

The topic that will be revealed during the excursion session should be relevant and consistent with the lesson plan, which will help to better master the subject.

2. After the theme of the excursion is approved, its purpose should be determined. It must be remembered that the main purpose of school excursions is an in-depth study of the school curriculum.

The purposes of the tour can be:

● education of patriotism;

● international education;

● labor education;

aesthetic education;

● environmental education;

● showing the achievement of the settlement in the country's economy;

● showing historical role locality;

● acquaintance with the peculiarities of the region's nature;

● expansion of horizons.

3. Then, after determining the purpose of the excursion, the excursion object is determined, which will be considered during the excursion and carry the main semantic load. The teacher needs to orient the students to the objects of the exposition they have chosen.

The object should have bright, expressive, interesting characteristics for sightseers. What is an excursion object, you should understand this concept. excursion object is an object or a historical (natural, mechanical) phenomenon that has an informational function.

You need to understand that the object in the excursion is not only outer side, but also a specific room where historical events took place, real people acted.

The object of display is first of all a sign, a symbol non-verbal communication that runs between different cultures and social strata of society.

Let's define what can be the objects of the excursion:

memorable places;

● buildings and structures;

● natural objects;

● production and industrial facilities;

● expositions of state museums, art galleries, permanent and temporary exhibitions;

● archeological monuments – settlements, temporary sites, settlements,

burial mounds, etc.

Note that in the excursion business there is a certain classification of excursion objects:

● by functionality: basic (serve to reveal the topic) and additional;

● according to the degree of preservation: fully preserved; survived to this day with significant changes; partially preserved; lost.

It is important to remember that the excursion compiled by the teacher should not be overloaded with display objects, one academic hour excursions should contain no more than 10 main objects of the show.

After determining the topic, task and objects of the excursion, we proceed to compiling the text of the excursion. For correct spelling excursion text you should follow a specific plan, which includes: introduction, body, conclusion.

So, let's move on to the introduction. The tour should begin with an introduction framed in the problem in the form of a story or conversation. Then the purpose of the excursion is explained and its main points are indicated, for the greater interest of the audience. The introduction should take 3-5 minutes.

Turning to the excursion itself, you should make sure that it does not turn into an ordinary lesson or take on a lecture character, this is all a different direction of educational activity.

During the tour, you should show the object or objects that were planned for display, recreate a visual picture of the historical event that took place near these objects or the actions of historical persons associated with the selected objects. You can resort to acceptance of research it consists of students doing simple research assignments, the results of which confirm what the guide said. So, for example, in a botanical excursion, you can practice the following tasks: count the number of internodes on a pine tree, which will allow you to approximately determine its age; Measure the length of the tree's shadow to determine its height. On a geological excursion, you can determine the hardness of minerals using glass pieces taken with you in advance; on a hydrological excursion, you can quickly and easily find out the speed of the river with the help of floats - fragments of branches, etc. On a production and economic excursion, schoolchildren, for example, count with interest how much of a particular type of product is produced in a certain time.

After presenting the main part of the excursion, we proceed to the conclusion. In conclusion, a summary of the new information that the students have learned is made, the teacher forms the main provisions, collects assignments (if they were given).

So, the excursion for schoolchildren should be framed by the teacher in the following form:

Tour name:







Tour results.

Remember that the show on the tour should take precedence over the story. Thus, the display of sightseeing objects is not a simple demonstration, it is the most visual analysis of visual information received by the tourists. A feature of the show is the ability to detect those qualities of the object that are invisible at first glance at the object. It is advisable to start the description of the object with external features and then gradually proceed to the analysis of its internal content.

A number of factors influence the effectiveness of the tour:

● methodology and technique of conducting;

● knowledge of the teacher;

● readiness of participants to master the excursion material;

● conditions for the tour.

The use of excursions in teaching and educational, educational process educational institutions, it is necessary to take into account both the age and psychological characteristics of students. Preparedness of the group for the perception of the excursion material.

B.E. Raykov- a Russian methodologist - biologist, a prominent teacher gave basic advice on preparing an excursion for schoolchildren.

1. Remember that the excursion is not a walk, but an obligatory part of the training sessions.

2. Study the place where you are leading the tour.

3. Keep the topic on a tour, do not be distracted by random questions.

4. Talk on the tour only about what you can show.

5. Avoid long explanations.

6. Do not leave sightseers only listeners, make them work actively.

7. Do not bombard sightseers with many names: they will forget them.

8. Be able to correctly show objects and teach the audience to look correctly, they should be visible to everyone.

9. Do not tire the sightseers too much: they will stop listening to you.

10. Fix the excursion in memory by the subsequent study of the material.

Based on the foregoing, it follows that the excursion can be attributed to one of the most popular pedagogical methods in providing additional knowledge in subjects.

Thank you! Good luck!

I Introduction
After a number of years, when attention to the upbringing of the younger generation has weakened in our country, the question of the youth policy of the state has again arisen, an important part of which is additional education. If children receive school education in the same volume, according to standards, then additional education is diverse, varied and multidirectional. Children choose what is close to their nature, what meets their needs, satisfies their interests. And this is the value additional education: it contributes to the implementation of the knowledge acquired by children at school, helps early self-determination, makes it possible to fully live childhood, realizing oneself, solving socially significant tasks.
An important link in additional education is a modern school museum - the center of museum and pedagogical work, one of the effective means of expanding the general educational horizons and special knowledge of students, the formation of scientific interests and professional inclinations in children, skills of socially useful activity. Only in a school museum can the idea of ​​co-creation of students, teachers and parents be consistently embodied and the principle "a museum for children and children's hands" implemented.
A necessary condition for the successful solution of these problems, ideas and principles is skillful pedagogical leadership, the amateur nature of the organization of the school museum, the creative attitude of the children to business and knowledge of the basics of modern museology is a must. It is the use of special principles that distinguishes the school museum from other forms of extracurricular work. Mastering the basics of museum work is the primary task of the head and asset of the school museum.
This program defines the main range of museology issues and offers them as a subject of special study for the museum asset.
The program proceeds from the position of the unity and interconnection of all types museum activities. Any member of the school museum asset should know the history and theory of museum business, have the skills and abilities to conduct exposition, collecting, accounting and storage and cultural and educational work. The program provides for the study of these issues as necessary condition to deepen and expand both general museum and special excursion training of the asset of the school museum.
II. Target
With the help of museum and pedagogical means, within the framework of this program, create conditions for the formation of a comprehensively developed and socially mobile personality, striving for the development of moral, historical and cultural property of his people.
To achieve this goal, there are tasks:
Through various forms and methods of museum and pedagogical work to form in students such moral humanistic values as love and respect for the Motherland, people, family, team.
To develop students' historical consciousness, including in this concept such positions as awareness of oneself as the successor of the ancestors' work, the keeper of the historical memory of one's people, understanding of life and mentality different eras, the feeling of today as part of history.
Education of museum culture and respect for historical monuments as part of the general human culture.
To help students develop adequate self-esteem in comparing themselves with previous generations.
Improvement of communication, culture of students; at the same time, it is advisable to use verbal and non-verbal ways of transmitting information and influencing the audience by organizing a system for training young guides.
Introducing students to fruitful ways and forms of spending free time, through their involvement in culturally appropriate, leisure activities.

Without the participation of a wide active of students, it is impossible to implement full program. The work of the museum - lectures, excursions, competitions - is of interest to many schoolchildren to one degree or another. But the asset of the museum should consist of those who are interested in the very work in the museum. Some are attracted by research work, others by design, others by search, etc. Therefore, the asset of the school museum is not a strictly limited group. It can increase and decrease during certain periods of the museum's work. On average, the museum asset consists of 35 people and works in different directions: search, design, exposition activities, etc.
In accordance with the type of work, members of the asset divided into groups:
search engine
acquisition and accounting of funds
If desired, children can take part in the work of different groups.
The coordinating center of the work of the entire staff of the school museum is the museum council, which consists of seven to nine people and is elected for a period of 1 year for general meeting museum asset.
Members of the Museum Board:
museum director
museum curator
4 - 6 most active members of the museum's asset - groups of children, mostly of different ages and different levels of training, as students who have already completed the course remain to continue working in the asset of the museum, helping the head of the museum.

The program and thematic plan involve both theoretical and practical classes for 1 year in the amount of 216 hours. The program is designed for classes with students in grades 7-9.
The implementation of the program is expected following directions works of the museum asset:
acquisition and accounting of funds, their storage
exhibition activity
search work
excursion - mass work
scientific and educational activities
great attention the program pays excursion preparation to the asset of the school museum, since the guides make up the most significant group and their activities are closely related to the museum's expositions, search work and other activities.
This program includes material, the development of which contributes to the expansion of general educational horizons and special knowledge of students, the formation of their scientific interests and professional abilities, skills of socially useful activity.
III. Program content
Recruitment to the asset of the school museum. Induction training. Introduction to the museum. Sightseeing tour.
Additional annual enrollment of students in the asset of the museum. Introductory safety briefing for work in the museum: behavior during work, rules of conduct on the street and when crossing the road, rules of conduct in public places and transport.
Tasks and content of the work of museologists, its features. Organization of classes.
Sections and values ​​of the museum, its fund. Sightseeing tour of the museum expositions.
Practical lessons:
1. Preparations for the celebration of September 17, congratulations to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Hike to the Guerrilla glade.
2. Museum history
The beginning of collecting antiquities. Peter I and his Kunstkamera, Hermitage. Creation of large public museums. The emergence of the domestic theory and methodology of museum business. Major museums world, country, city.
Practical lessons: Acquaintance through literature, film materials and during excursions to museums different profile; conversation with an employee of Bryansk Museum of Local Lore about the history of the museum, the formation of its collections; conducting a quiz on the museums of the country.
3. Fundamentals of the theory and organization of museum business
Public - scientific entity museum. Social functions of the museum.
Museum and local history. Monumental basis, objectivity and visibility in the museum. The principle of thematicity in exposition, collecting and mass work. The unity and interconnection of all types of museum activities. Type and profile of the museum. Interaction of state museums with public ones. Regulations on the school museum.
Practical lessons: Acquaintance with the state museums of Bryansk and the State District Power Plant Museum in
settlement B. Coast. Excursions on expositions, meetings with employees of museums.
4. Essence and specific features of the school museum
The school museum is the center of education and upbringing at school. Compliance of the content of the work of the school museum with the program requirements and the local history principle of education. School museum and other forms of extracurricular activities. Direct connection of the work of the museum with the tourist and local history work at the school. The amateur nature of the organization of the school museum. Features of museum forms of work. Objectivity and visibility in the school museum. Diversity and mobility of the exposition. Profiles school museums.
Practical lessons: Acquaintance with the organization and content of tourist and local history work at school, with the organization, themes and the main areas of work of the school museum.
5. Museum funds. Scientific organization of stock work.
Museum object as a source of scientific knowledge. Types and groups of museum items. Museum objects and scientific - auxiliary materials. Composition and structure of the museum funds. Types of stock work. The study of funds as the basis of all areas of museum activity. Organization of stock work in the school museum.
Practical lessons: The study of documents on the museum business and the fund, on the procedure for collecting, accounting and storing museum items; acquaintance with the composition and structure of the funds of the school museum; familiarity with the methods of defining, classifying and systematizing museum objects.
6. Accounting and storage of funds
Inventory book, encryption, receiving and issuing items. Auxiliary files. Scientific definition and description of objects. Organization of storage. General requirements for the features of ensuring the safety of objects in expositions.
Practical lessons: Conducting an inventory, encryption and primary processing of the collected collection.
7. Search work
Tasks of search work, connection with the profile and subject of the museum, with the content
tourist and local history work. Basic forms: campaigns, expeditions, correspondence, current acquisition. Search preparation. The method of collecting and fixing materials. Setting up a task. Requirements for organizing and conducting trips.
Practical lessons: Developing and conducting a search on a specific topic, a two-day trip.
8. exposition work
Ideological concept and thematic structure of the exposition. Thematic-chronological method is the main method of building an exposition. The role and place of authentic and scientific - auxiliary materials. Explanatory texts. The procedure for creating an exposition: study and selection of materials, drawing up a thematic and exposition plan, developing an artistic design project, discussing and approving the plan and project, manufacturing equipment, texts, installation. Permanent exhibition and temporary exhibition. Travel exhibition and its features.
Practical lessons: Analysis of the content, methods of construction, design of the exposition according to separate sections; development and construction of an exhibition on the topic of the search; the creation of an exhibition-movement in parallel.
9. School Museum Collections
Characteristics of the museums of the city's schools, their direction and subject of work, location and origin.
Practical lessons: Excursions to the museums of the city's schools, records.
10. Memorable dates military glory Russia
Study of historical events associated with each date. Detailed
characteristics of each date.
Practical lessons: Issue of the newspaper on each date.
11. Preparing a museum tour
A. Basic principles of preparing and conducting excursions in the school museum.
Excursion as one of the forms of educational and cultural - educational work.
Excursion and lecture. Tour objects.
The principles of the excursion methodology: purposefulness, thematic,
scientific character, logical and chronological sequence, accessibility,
clarity, concreteness. Types and kinds of excursions. Theme development
excursions in accordance with the structure of the exposition. Ways to use
excursions in educational and cultural - educational work at school. Order
preparing and conducting excursions in the school museum.
Practical lessons: Listening to tour topics different types; studying the subject of excursions in the school museum; listening to excursions on various topics; drawing up your standard excursion.
b. Theme and purpose of the tour
Theme and structure of the content, the plan of the excursion. Goal formulation. Cognitive and educational functions of goal setting, its decisive role in the development of excursions.
Practical lessons: Distribution of topics of excursions among new members of the museum's asset and listening to them in the museum; scheduling each trip.
V. Studying the topic of the excursion
Compilation of a bibliography on the topic of the excursion. The order of studying exhibits and literature. Selection and systematization of the necessary information and facts. Work with records of memories, expedition diaries, letters. Validation of this material. Detailed study of exhibits, identification of their history and content.
Practical lessons:(held in libraries, collections and museum expositions). Study, analysis of literature and sources on selected topics of excursions; listening to the stories of members of the asset about individual events and exhibits.
G. Selection of exhibits and route planning
Identification of subtopics and individual issues of the topic, their sequence and interconnection. Selection of exhibits. Selection criteria. Creation and design of excursions.
Practical lessons: Final formulation, recording of the topic and purpose of the tour; drawing up a thematic tour plan; selection of exhibits; recording the route of the excursion, drawing a timetable.
d. Work on the content of the tour
Tour structure. Its content, plan and procedure. The main part of the tour. Route development. Proportionality of individual parts of the content. Time accounting. Logical transitions, their variants. Systems of conclusions and generalizations of the excursion.
Practical lessons: Listening to a thematic tour at the State Museum; preparation of the introductory and final parts of the tour; working out the order of display and story on the exhibits; formulation and recording of conclusions.
e. Excursion methods and techniques
The interaction of the method on excursions. Show method, combination of show with story. Methods of comparison. storytelling method. Guide language requirements. Citation acceptance. conversation method. Motor method and its limitations in excursions.
Practical lessons: Working out at the exposition of the methodology for showing, telling, demonstrating, comparing, quoting, etc.; conducting a thematic excursion during the conversation.
and. Working off and handing over the excursion
Work at the exposition to master the route, content and methodology of excursions. Definition and application of certain techniques. Tour recording.
Practical lessons: Individual and collective development of the route, content, methods and techniques for conducting excursions; preparation of texts of excursions; listening and discussion of excursions.
h. Improvement of excursions and skills of guides
In-depth study of the topic. Listening to other guides - odnotemniki.
School of the young guide. Competitions, reviewing of excursions and their preparation with other guides.
Practical lessons: Acquaintance with the organization of the school of the young guide. Refinement and improvement of excursions, drawing up the conditions and program of the competition of museum guides, questioning.
12. Memorable places of the city and village
The history of the city and the village as a subject of museum study, objects of city excursions (memorable places), their classification. Monuments of history and culture. Features of the methodology for conducting city and village excursions. Route requirements. Methods of display and methods of conducting excursions.
Practical lessons: Listening to 1 - 2 city tours, discussion and analysis; preparation and conduct of excursions around the city and the village.
IV. Main directions and contents of activity
1. Stock work
Pay special attention to the reception, accounting and storage of the museum's funds: the main and scientific - auxiliary. Working with the inventory book.
2. Collection of funds
The acquisition of funds is closely connected with the themes of the departments of our museum and it must be carried out in different directions; work in libraries and archives, meetings and conversations, hikes, excursions and expeditions, cooperation with state museums, collectors and students.
3. Exhibition activity
The main emphasis should be placed on the creation of temporary exhibitions, including those made in the classrooms and corridors of the school. Create short-term projects that various groups of schoolchildren will work on. Regularly arrange exhibitions of temporary receipts and materials collected in search work. In permanent exhibitions, provide for the possibility of replacing the material.
4. Excursion work
In this direction, it is planned to use both traditional forms (excursions and lectures) and new ones - competitions, participation in school-wide and village events, museum holidays.
5. Working with an asset
Without the broad participation of activists, it is impossible to create a museum or develop work in it. The asset activity process includes various forms independent work: research, organization and conduct of trips, establishment of kits with public organizations, production of equipment, registration of the collected material. The meeting of the museum's asset is held once a quarter. They plan a new one and discuss the work done.
6. Activity on relations with state, public organizations and mass media.
This is done by the assistance council created at the school, which includes representatives of the village administration, patronage organizations, the council of veterans, parents and graduates of the school.
The museum is in correspondence with the archives of the country, has a direct connection with the school and village radio.
7. Participation in AShM in Bryansk
AShM is the coordinating center for the work of all school museums in the city of Bryansk.
V. Conditions for the implementation of the program
The implementation of the program is impossible without material and technical security. In recent years, the museum has acquired a TV, video recorder, camera, video camera, audio recorder. Big role methodical and scientific literature, newspapers and magazines, local history material. The main and scientific - auxiliary funds of the museum have sufficient content to provide successful implementation programs, but nevertheless the museum is still experiencing difficulties and needs real help both financial and material, and methodological. To do this, it is necessary to involve the administration of the school and the village, the management of the Bryansk Paper Mill, the Bryansk State District Power Plant, the Bryansk Furniture Factory, as well as the state museums of the city and the AShM, in working with the museum.
There is a need for a special course for museum directors.
VI. Knowledge and skills of students
During the implementation of the program, students acquire knowledge and acquire certain skills.
Students should know:
museum history
Fundamentals of the theory of museum organization
essence and features of the school museum
scientific organization of stock work
accounting and storage of funds
search work
collections of school museums in the city
memorable dates of military glory of Russia
how to prepare a museum tour
how to do a museum and city tour
Students should be able to:
work with literature, film materials, sources
to have a conversation, to interview
classify funds
proper accounting and storage of funds
work with inventory
search properly
create small exhibitions
tour, lecture
VII. Mechanism for evaluating the results obtained
At the end of each term, as well as at the beginning and end school year meetings of the asset and council of the museum are held, where not only the work is planned, but also the results of the work for a certain period are summed up. Every year, newly enrolled members of the asset take part in the city competition "Keepers of Russian Glory". At the end of the academic year, a museum competition "The Best Museum Guide" is held.
The best guide of the museum takes part in the city competition of guides.
The children draw up the newly collected material in the albums “History of the School”, “From School to Science”, “They studied at our school and glorify their Motherland with work”, write essays on selected topics for district, city, regional and all-Russian competitions.
Excursions are constantly held for students of schools and colleges in the village of Belyye Bereg and the city of Bryansk.
Children participate in restoration and search works.
VIII. Literature
For the teacher:
Alexandrov Yu. N. Preparation and conduct of excursions: Method, recommendations - M., Tourist, 1974
Museum science. Textbook for universities. High School, 1988
Duyalsky D. Yu. “Museum collections and object world culture "- M., 1987
Vansalova E. G. Museum universal education: Method of recommendation - M., 1988
For children:
Elkonin D. B. Psychology of the game - M., 1972
State. Hermitage Museum. Method, guide to excursions, 1979
Suslov V. A. Russian Museum - L, Owls. Artist, 1967
Bolshakova L. A. Tretyakov Gallery: Quick guide- M, 1976

The effectiveness of any excursion largely depends on the technique of its conduct, the relationship between the methodology and technique of conducting. A number of requirements are imposed on the technique of conducting an excursion. These include: acquaintances of the guide with the group; correct placement groups at the object; exit of tourists from the bus and return to the bus; the use of a microphone by the excursionist; observance of the time allocated for the excursion as a whole and the disclosure of individual subtopics; answers to the questions of tourists.

Acquaintance of the guide with the group. Tour guides, entering the bus, gets acquainted with the group. He greets those present, calls his last name, first name, patronymic, the excursion institution that he represents, introduces the guides to the bus driver, that is, he begins the tour with an introduction.

It is important that from the very beginning the guide subordinated his actions to the established rules of communication with the group. He doesn't start talking right away. There is a pause that lasts ten to twenty seconds. The first acquaintance takes place, further contacts of the guide with the group largely depend on it. The sightseers gradually fall silent, sit down more comfortably, their attention switches to the guide. Tourists estimate what the guide is capable of, what interesting things he will tell them, and the guide thinks about how to interest these people, how to rive their attention to the topic.

The plot of the excursion must be known to the excursionist in advance. The excursionist must know the topic of the excursion. It is important that advertising activities and the purchase of a tour ticket be separated from the tour by one or two days. This is significant in the sense that during this period of time a certain psychological attitude of the excursionist will occur. He will have time to think and get used to the plot contact.

The exit of tourists from the bus. Tourists need to prepare in advance for the exit. It is recommended to name the number of stops with the exit of the group in the introductory speech, explaining the meaning of such exits, to interest in the exoticism, unusualness of the object.

At stops where the exit of the excursion group is provided, the guide leaves first, showing an example to the group and determining the direction of its movement to the object. In cases where other stops are arranged in the excursions, for example, sanitary or for the purchase of souvenirs, the guide reports the exact time of the bus departure. It is necessary to require tourists to comply with the rules of the tour, which affects the schedule of the bus along the route. If the parking time in a country excursion for some reason is reduced or increased, the guide informs all tourists about it.

Arrangement of the group at the object. When developing an excursion, as a rule, several options for placing a group to observe the excursion object are determined. This is done in the case when the place determined by the methodological development is occupied by another group or when the sun's rays shine into the eyes, making it difficult to inspect the object. There are other reasons that prevent the use of the recommended place. In hot weather, opportunities are used to locate the group in the shade. In case of rain, the option of placing tourists under the roof, under the crown of trees, is provided.

When several groups are located at the same object, a distance must be maintained between them so that one guide does not interfere with the other, so that one group does not obscure the other object of observation.

The movement of sightseers from the bus to the object, from the object to the bus, between the objects is carried out by a group. The guide's place is in the center of the group, a few people go in front, a few are nearby, the rest are behind. It is important that the group does not stretch: the distance between its head and those who go last should not exceed 5-7 meters. The guide must ensure that when the group moves along the route, integrity is not violated. With a long group, not everyone will hear the guide's story, his explanations and logical transitions that are presented along the way. Experienced guides skillfully guide the movement on the route.

The pace of the movement of the group depends on the composition of the group, on the terrain, for example, climbing uphill, poor roads, overcoming ditches.

In a walking tour, the pace of movement of tourists is slow, unhurried, since the display objects are located next to each other.

The return of tourists to the bus. During the movement of the group, it is led by a guide. When a group boards a bus, it stands to the right of the entrance and counts the sightseers who enter the cabin. This is done invisibly. After making sure that all the participants of the excursion have gathered, he enters the bus last and serves symbol driver to start moving.

Tour guide location. The guide on the bus should take a place where he can clearly see those objects about which we are talking on an excursion, but so that all sightseers are in his field of vision. At the same time, tourists should see it. As a rule, this is a dedicated front seat next to the driver. The guide is not allowed to stand while the bus is in motion for safety reasons. On a walking tour, the guide should be half-turned to the object. conducting a display of visually perceived objects requires that they be in front of the eyes of the guide, as he analyzes them based on his visual impressions.

Compliance with the time in the excursion. The methodological development indicates the exact time allotted for the disclosure of each subtopic in minutes. Everything is provided here: showing objects, the guide's story, moving along the route to the next one and the movement of the group around the observed objects.

Often, for reasons beyond the control of the guide, the tour is significantly reduced in time. The reason for this is the protracted gathering of the group, the breakfast not served to the tourists on time, the bus being late. the guide has only one way out - to reduce the time allotted for the disclosure of the topic. This should be done by keeping everything important in the content of the excursion and removing the secondary. To do this, you need to prepare in advance for a possible reduction in the material of the excursion.

Technique for conducting a story while the bus is moving. The story while driving on the bus should be conducted by a guide through a microphone. If the equipment does not function well or there is no microphone at all, then it is useless to tell the story while the bus is moving. In this case, the guide gives materials about the nearest section of the route before the start of the movement, and during the movement he reports only the names of objects or areas. If there are important objects or settlements, it is necessary to stop the bus, turn off the engine, and only then give explanations. This must be agreed in advance with the driver.

Answers to the questions of tourists. In excursion practice, a certain classification of questions has developed. They are divided into 4 groups: the questions of the guide, which are answered by the tourists; questions posed during the story, which the guide answers; rhetorical questions that are posed to enhance the attention of tourists; questions asked by the participants of the tour on the topic.

The main rule for dealing with such questions is that you should not interrupt the story and give an immediate answer to them, and you should not also answer questions at the end of each of the subtopics. This scatters attention and distracts the audience from the perception of the content of the topic being disclosed, since not everyone in the group is concerned about these issues. Therefore, the guide should answer questions not during the tour, but at the end of it. The content of the answers should not contain a discussion character.

Breaks in the tour. The tour guide should not talk continuously. There should be small breaks between the individual parts of the story, the story and the excursion information on the way, the logical transition and the story about the object and the events associated with it.

Pauses pursue the following tasks:

1. semantic - when the time of breaks is used by people to think about what they heard from the guide and saw with their own eyes. For fixing actual material in memory, formulating their conclusions and remembering what they saw. It is important that the sightseers have time free from showing and telling each object for self-examination, preparation for the perception of what will be shown and told at the next stop.

2. give a short rest to the sightseers. She does not carry any semantic load. This is especially important for those who are not yet accustomed to such active form cultural and educational work, as an excursion.

A pause in country excursions is combined with rest, which, in accordance with the existing procedure, is provided to the guide: 15 minutes after each hour of work. This rest can be summarized and used by the guide at the end of the tour. There may also be pauses in excursions - free time used to purchase souvenirs, printed materials, quench thirst, as well as for sanitary stops on long excursions.

The technique of using the "portfolio guide". The content of the guide's portfolio, its significance and role in the use of methodological methods of the show is related to the method of preparing and conducting the tour. Each exhibit - a photograph, a drawing, a reproduction of a painting, a portrait, a drawing, a copy of a document - has its own serial number. This determines the sequence of demonstration of this exhibit to the tourists.

The exhibit can be shown by the guide from his workplace, handed over to the tourists in the rows for a more detailed acquaintance.

Sometimes, in accordance with the methodological development, the guide organizes the playback of tape and video recordings. It is important to check the serviceability of the equipment in advance, the availability of the necessary records, to ensure audibility for all participants in the tour. The guide must be able to use this equipment.

During the tours, elements of the ritual are used. Tourists at burial sites and memorials honor the memory of the dead with a minute of silence, are present at the changing of the guard of honor, participate in processions and rallies. The guide needs to know the procedure for laying flowers, the passage of sightseers at the locations of mass graves and obelisks, participation in the guard of honor, in a minute of silence, the rules of conduct at eternal flame and at the burial places of the heroes of the civil, Great Patriotic War. Before the start of the tour, the guide informs about everything, emphasizing the importance of observing the ritual when visiting historical sites.


The development of the route is the first thing you need to start drawing up an excursion plan. If the tour is planned in one place (palace, museum, etc.), consider a group scheme for this place in accordance with the plan of the building (or area). Write down where it will start, the group will spend near each exhibit, how long the tour will take in total and what time it will end.

If you plan an excursion around with visits to several attractions, plan the excursion as well, having worked out the optimal traffic scheme, taking into account the situation.

The second stage is writing the text of the excursion. The text should not be in conflict with historical facts, so when writing an excursion, make references to those sources from where you get information. After all, if some listener disagrees with you and tries to challenge what was said, you can always tell him where your information comes from and how to check it.

The key to an ideal excursion is a guide who himself knows what he is talking about. In addition, it is worth possessing such qualities as tolerance, attention to the requests of sightseers and the ability to surprise them with details known only to you. You can also tell well-known facts, but present them with unique questions, actively addressing the group, trying to involve them in the study of the proposed area.

IN Lately excursions became popular, the main group for which is young people - this is Moscow at night, night visits to museums. You can borrow the idea and organize such a route in your own, especially since it will be very popular if at the moment there is no such offer on the tourist services market.

The main thing is to start, if you are interested in the topic of promoting your native land, if you like to discover unknown pages of history and you want as many people as possible to know about them, you should organize excursion routes.


Before taking a group or a single visitor, prepare for the tour. It is not enough just to walk through the floors of the building and see what is presented in the expositions. Read the sources, find out the history of each exhibit. This is necessary in order to identify what is most important to tell visitors about. Write a rough text of your story, write it down on sheets of paper or print it on a computer.

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