Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin Tyapkin official duties. Lyapkin-Tyapkin: character characteristics


About Judge Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin. Judicial positions in Russia were elective: the nobles elected county judges, as well as assessors for three years. Usually the county court consisted of a judge and two assessors who had the right to deal with relatively minor criminal and civil cases, but here there was complete confusion in matters. It is no coincidence that people reflected this situation in proverbs and sayings. Let us remember: “Where there is judgment, there is untruth”; “If you go to court, you won’t find the truth”; “Do not be afraid of the court - be afraid of the judge”, etc.

What can be said about Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin? Tyapkin-Tyapkin is “a person who has read five or six books, and therefore is somewhat freethinking. He is a great hunter of guesses and therefore gives weight to his every word. Upon learning that the auditor was to arrive, he explains the reason for his appearance in the county town by the fact that “Russia ... yes ... wants to wage war, and the ministry, you see, sent an official to find out if there was treason anywhere.” Such a guess is far from the truth, from the cases that officials are busy with, but the judge is trying to show that he does not feel guilty about himself. This is one of the characteristic techniques of the comic - alogism. Lyapkin-Tyapkin is more busy with hunting than with legal proceedings, which is why he takes bribes with greyhound puppies. For personal purposes, he also uses the quarrels of neighbors-landlords.

* “After all, you heard that Cheptovich and Varkhovinsky started a lawsuit,” he says to the mayor, “and now I have the luxury of engraving hares on the lands of both of them.” And the persecution of hares, as you know, caused great losses, because crops were destroyed.

The court is in disarray. The watchman brought domestic geese in government places (but this is also a hint of the mayor: bribes!), in the presence, that is, where visitors are received, a rapnik hangs - a long belt whip attached to a short stick. It is the property of a hunter, but even here there is a hint that corporal punishment was resorted to in court. The assessor was constantly drunk. Cases were conducted somehow, tyap-blunder (this is also hinted at by the surname of the judge). Despite this, Lyapkin-Tyapkin is not afraid of the auditor.

* “Really,” he admits, “who will go to the county court? And if he looks into some paper, he will not be happy with life. I have been sitting on the judge's chair for fifteen years, and when I look at the memorandum - ah! I just wave my hand. Solomon himself will not decide what is true and what is not true in it.

Thus, we are faced with the type of tsarist official who thought least of all about the defense of legality. Above all for him was his own person, although he is known as a "freethinker". In fact, this is a practical person who wants to live his life both easily and comfortably.

    In The Inspector General, - Gogol later recalled, I decided to collect in one heap everything that was bad in Russia, which I then knew, all the injustices that are done in those places and in those cases where justice is most required of a person, and for one ...

    They stood in the same poses, In a silent strange silence. Do not describe their feelings in lines, Their thoughts are somewhere in the depths. Everyone has their own thoughts. But everyone is afraid of one thing - That their insidious deeds Now do not hide for anything. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky laments: "Swindler...

    Gogol warned more than once: Khlestakov is the most difficult character in the play. Let's see what this hero is. Khlestakov is a petty official, an insignificant person, despised by everyone. Even his own servant Osip does not respect him, he can be dragged away by the whirlwinds ...

    What scene do you consider the climax of the comedy? The culmination of the comedy is the scene of Khlestakov's lies - a phenomenon of the VI act of the third. The action in Phenomenon VI develops with increasing tension. For Khlestakov, the story of life in the capital is “the best ...

Amos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin is the hero of N.V. Gogol's work "The Government Inspector". It's a lying corrupt judge what constitutes collective image city ​​officials N.

Surname Lyapkin-Tyapkin briefly and clearly explains professional quality this character. Ordinary officials are more modest and quiet than Amos Fedorovich, who has the conscience to argue with the mayor himself. And all this is explained quite simply - the position of Lyapkin-Tyapkin has nothing to do with the mayor, since the nobles made him a judge, and he professional activity and life has developed through corruption and useful connections. A small note: he prefers to take bribes not with money, but with cuties.

As mentioned above, judicial vacancies in Russia at that time, described by Gogol, were of an elective nature - the nobility elected not only district judges, but also assessors for several years. As a rule, the court included: a judge and two assessors who could decide small criminal and civil cases. Usually in such courts there was complete lawlessness and absolute confusion. As the saying goes, "If you seek judgment, you will find untruth."

Let us return to Amos Fedorovich. He is a man who considers himself smarter than others, because, as he himself says, he has read several "smart" books. When he learns that an auditor will soon come to their city, he connects this with the fact that Russia supposedly wants to start a war, and therefore the government sent a person to them who would recognize a possible betrayal. Such thoughts, as you might guess, are not true. This is just a corrupt judge with all his appearance wants to show that he is not guilty of anything. Such a technique in the literature is called alogism. Lyapkin-Tyapkin loves to hunt to shiver, instead of going about his business. That is why he is corrupted not by money, but by greyhounds. For personal gain, do not be stingy with embroiling your neighbors.

Chaos and devastation reign in the Lyapkin-Tyapkin court - after all, geese are walking on it! This is a hint that the judge is still a bribe taker. In the place where the jury is received, there is a long whip fixed at the end of a small stick. This is a double image - an image that says that the judge loves hunting, and an image that says that the court did not skimp on inflicting physical damage on the guilty. The assessor usually came to court cases in a state of intoxication. In general, the work proceeded according to the principle of "tap-a-boo and it's done." However, Amos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin is not afraid of the auditor.

It can be concluded that Amos Fedorovich is an image statesman under a king who did not think about keeping the law. In his priorities, in the first place is his own Ego, which he hides behind a mask of freethinking. Lyapkin-Tyapkin is a radically selfish person who sees practicality in everything, who wants to live in such a way that it is easy and convenient only for him. And for others, in general, do not care.

Option 2

Many writers want to show depravity human society and explicit negative traits people, so they wrote stories, novels and comedies. Gogol's comedy The Inspector General shows all the evil in the country, all the injustices, in those places and in those cases where justice is most expected of a person. And, according to the author, laugh at it.

One of the characters in Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector" is a civil servant Lyapkin-Tyapkin. Full name hero - Amos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin. At the very beginning of his work, Gogol describes him as a person holding a high position: a judge of the city of N. The positions of judges were elective: the nobles themselves chose them and appointed assessors. Therefore, Tyapkin-Lyapkin is not afraid of the arrival of the mayor. In his presence, he even allows himself to argue with him.

Served as a judge for 15 years. But he did not know his business so much, which he himself naively admits. Amos Fedorovich does not fully fulfill his duties and works "bluff", as evidenced by his last name. There is real chaos in the court buildings: the watchmen started to keep the geese in the buildings, as in sheds. In the waiting room, a long whip hangs on the wall. This circumstance suggests that Tyapkin-Lyapkin loves hunting more than work. Allows himself to take bribes, only greyhound puppies. Sincerely believing that, in this way, he is presented with gratitude. His career is built only thanks to successful acquaintances and bribes.

Refers to himself exclusively as smart, educated people, because in all my life I read no more than six books. Sometimes, he likes to talk for a long time and “philosophically” about the creation of the world, which is why he was known as the city “Cicero”. Among other officials, he is known as a freethinker. He likes to intervene in other people's conversations, wanting to impose his point of view. But most of his conclusions lie on his own guesses. Which is confirmed by his statements. For example, when he learns about the arrival of the auditor, he convinces others that Russia is going to wage war, therefore, "the ministry, you see, sent an official to find out if there was treason somewhere."

The family is known to have daughters. Also, the hero himself declares that he is related to another official - Strawberries.

Reading the comedy "The Inspector General", we see the image of an ordinary government official who does not strive for justice. The judge is characterized by flattery, admiration for superiors and a willingness to report on his colleagues. And of course, first of all, he worries about his own self.

Composition about Lyapkin-Tyapkin

The comedy "Inspector General" by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol left a huge mark in literature because of its inherent comicality and relevance to this day in some regions of Russia. The action of the work takes place in the bureaucratic city N, where the authorities suppress the people. One of the officials is Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin with a telling surname.

The court should be present in every city, because it is with the help of it that people should decide contentious issues and personal misunderstandings. But the court in the city of N differed from this description.

The chief judge was Lyapkin-Tyapkin, whose work experience had already been fifteen years. During this time, the hero did not do a single sensible thing, and in the court itself there was always complete confusion. All this happened because of the disinterest of the judge in his work, his choice in favor of money, bribes and favorite pastime. His job, it seemed, was not court, but hunting, to which he devoted much more time and attention. He was an avid hunter and even preferred to take greyhound puppies as a bribe.

Like the vast majority, Lyapkin-Tyapkin, with the power he had with him, used it, was satisfied with life without worries. His main qualities were ignorance, lack of spirituality, lack of morality and the ability to please superior personalities for their own benefit. The judge was a stupid man, unable to tell right from wrong, and read "five or six books" in his entire life. But he certainly considered himself smartest person and was proud of the books I read. His work in court for fifteen years continued largely due to his election by the nobles and because of friendly relations with the mayor. The judge was the only one who at times allowed himself to argue with the head of the city. The mayor really liked the long philosophical speeches of Lyapkin-Tyapkin.

With the help of Lyapkin-Tyapkin, Gogol recreates in one person typical representative Russian authorities of that time, most of whom were uneducated and corrupt people. In fact, it is very scary to live in a society in which the authorities do not care, rob the people and only create the appearance of work. The people must be protected and know that the authorities are helping them. But what kind of protection can we talk about while the Lyapkins-Tyapkins are in power?

The characterization of Lyapkin-Tyapkin helps us better understand Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General", one of the characters of which he is. This judge, like all the other officials of the county town, is far from sinless.

judicial device

Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin, whose characteristics are given in this article, served as a judge. It should be noted right away that at the time that Gogol describes, this was an elective position. District judges were elected by local nobles, assessors were appointed for three years. So it turns out that the judges were actually dependent on them, because the decision of those in power depended on who would resolve various disputes. Often the verdicts were issued not in accordance with the letter of the law, but out of personal, most often selfish predilections.

As a rule, the average consisted of a judge and two assessors. They had the right to deal with civil and minor criminal cases. At the same time, it was often difficult to understand their real powers. Folklore is a clear proof of this. Numerous proverbs and sayings clearly reflected the attitude ordinary person to the judiciary. It was widely believed that the truth could not be achieved there, it was advised not to be afraid of the court, but of the judge himself.

Characteristics of Lyapkin-Tyapkin

Characterizing this character in Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General", it is worth emphasizing that he was a poorly educated person. On the pages of the work, it was separately noted that in his entire life he read only five or six books. At the same time, he was free-thinking. He intervened in all conversations, striving to state his own point of view.

The quotes below characterize his personality well. Lyapkin-Tyapkin, when he finds out that an auditor is coming to the city, immediately volunteers to explain this visit to those around him by saying that Russia plans to wage war, so "the ministry, you see, sent an official to find out if there was treason" . On such absurd and unsubstantiated conjectures, most of his conclusions are built.

Obviously, all this is far from the truth, and besides, it has nothing to do with what the petty officials of the county town are doing. But Lyapkin-Tyapkin in "The Inspector General" seeks to demonstrate that he does not feel any guilt behind himself, he has nothing to be afraid of.

comic tricks

Describing this character, Gogol uses an effective comic trick called "allogism". The author constantly demonstrates that in reality the judge is more concerned about issues related to hunting than the cases that have come to court. That is why he takes bribes like greyhound puppies, and makes decisions accordingly. For purely personal purposes, he uses connections and acquaintances with the surrounding landowners.

For example, he tells the mayor that two neighbors started a lawsuit. He also takes the opportunity to get permission to poison hares on the ground, first one, and then another participant in the case.

Disorder in court

In the court, which is headed by Lyapkin-Tyapkin, a complete mess is visible to the naked eye. The watchman is kept as a geese, and in the room where visitors are received, a rapnik hangs, that is, a long whip attached to a short wooden stick. This is a hunting accessory, hinting at the use of corporal punishment in this court.

To characterize Lyapkin-Tyapkin is also helped by the fact that the assessor is almost always drunk, and things are done very badly, just a blunder. This contains a transparent allusion to the "speaking" surname of the judge. But at the same time, the hero himself does not experience any fear or excitement before the upcoming visit of the auditor.

On the example of this official, Gogol paints before us a portrait of a classic tsarist official who is not at all concerned about the protection of legality. First of all, he cares about himself.

About Judge Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin. Judicial positions in Russia were elective: the nobles elected county judges, as well as assessors for three years. Usually the county court consisted of a judge and two assessors who had the right to deal with relatively minor criminal and civil cases, but here there was complete confusion in matters. It is no coincidence that people reflected this situation in proverbs and sayings. Let us remember: “Where there is judgment, there is untruth”; “If you go to court, you won’t find the truth”; “Do not be afraid of the court - be afraid of the judge”, etc. What can be said about the judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin? Tyapkin-Tyapkin is “a person who has read five or six books, and therefore is somewhat freethinking. He is a great hunter of guesses and therefore gives weight to his every word. Having learned that the auditor was to come, he explains the reason for his appearance in the county town by the fact that “Russia ... yes ... wants to wage war, and the ministry, you see, sent an official to find out if there was treason anywhere.”

Such a guess is far from the truth, from the cases that officials are busy with, but the judge is trying to show that he does not feel guilty about himself. This is one of the characteristic techniques of the comic - alogism. Lyapkin-Tyapkin is more busy with hunting than with legal proceedings, which is why he takes bribes with greyhound puppies. For personal purposes, he also uses the quarrels of neighbors-landlords.

“After all, you heard that Cheptovich and Varkhovinsky started a lawsuit,” he says to the mayor, “and now I have the luxury of engraving hares on the lands of both of them.” And the persecution of hares, as you know, caused great losses, because crops were destroyed. Disorder is noticeable in the court. The watchman brought domestic geese in government places (but this is also a hint of the mayor: bribes!), in the presence, that is, where visitors are received, a rapnik hangs - a long belt whip attached to a short stick. It is the property of a hunter, but even here there is a hint that corporal punishment was resorted to in court. The assessor was constantly drunk.

Cases were conducted somehow, tyap-blunder (this is also hinted at by the surname of the judge). Despite this, Lyapkin-Tyapkin is not afraid of the auditor. “Really,” he admits, “who will go to the county court? And if he looks into some paper, he will not be happy with life. I have been sitting on the judge's chair for fifteen years, and when I look at the memorandum - ah! I just wave my hand. Solomon himself will not decide what is true and what is not true in it. Thus, we are faced with the type of royal official who least of all thought about protecting the rule of law. Above all for him was his own person, although he is known as a "freethinker". In fact, this is a practical person who wants to live his life both easily and comfortably.

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Judicial positions in Russia were elective: the nobles elected county judges, as well as assessors for three years. Usually the county court consisted of a judge and two assessors who had the right to deal with relatively minor criminal and civil cases, but here there was complete confusion in matters. It is no coincidence that people reflected this situation in proverbs and sayings. Let us remember: “Where there is judgment, there is untruth”; “If you go to court, you won’t find the truth”; “Do not be afraid of the court - be afraid of the judge”, etc.
What can be said about Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin? Tyapkin-Tyapkin is “a person who has read five or six books, and therefore is somewhat freethinking. He is a great hunter of guesses and therefore gives weight to his every word. Having learned that the auditor was to arrive, he explains the reason for his appearance in the county town by the fact that “Russia ... yes ... wants to wage war, and the ministry, you see, sent an official to find out if where is the betrayal. Such a guess is far from the truth, from the cases that officials are busy with, but the judge is trying to show that he does not feel guilty about himself. This is one of the characteristic techniques of the comic - alogism. Lyapkin-Tyapkin is more busy with hunting than with legal proceedings, which is why he takes bribes with greyhound puppies. For personal purposes, he also uses the quarrels of neighbors-landlords.
“After all, you heard that Cheptovich and Varkhovinsky started a lawsuit,” he says to the mayor, “and now I have the luxury of engraving hares on the lands of both of them.” And the persecution of hares, as you know, caused great losses, because crops were destroyed.
The court is in disarray. The watchman brought domestic geese in government places (but this is also a hint of the mayor: bribes!), in the presence, that is, where visitors are received, a rapnik hangs - a long belt whip attached to a short stick. It is the property of a hunter, but even here there is a hint that corporal punishment was resorted to in court. The assessor was constantly drunk. Cases were conducted somehow, tyap-blunder (this is also hinted at by the surname of the judge). Despite this, Lyapkin-Tyapkin is not afraid of the auditor.
“Really,” he admits, “who will go to the county court? And if he looks into some paper, he will not be happy with life. I have been sitting on the judge's chair for fifteen years, and when I look at the memorandum - ah! I just wave my hand. Solomon himself will not decide what is true and what is not true in it.
Thus, we are faced with the type of tsarist official who thought least of all about the defense of legality. Above all for him was his own person, although he is known as a "freethinker". In fact, this is a practical person who wants to live his life both easily and comfortably.

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