Ancient Belarusian games


The history of the Belarusian folk games is organically connected with the history of the people, their work, life, beliefs and customs. More than 400 Belarusian folk games are known. In their totality, they synthesize elements of folklore, folk theater, labor and military art. Until now, Belarus has preserved large group games with agricultural and hunting plots, which, taking into account some later changes, can be attributed to the most ancient Slavic games (“Millet”, “Redka”, “Hort”, “Wolf”, “Krumkach”, etc.), as well as preserved games, the plots of which were formed under the influence of religious and everyday rituals (“Zyazyulya”, “Elk”, “Yashchur”, “Mlyn”, “V tour”, “Arrow”, “Poppy”, etc.). A certain imprint on the content of the Belarusian folk games was left by various historical events, echoes of ancient customs and practices, such as panshchina, recruitment, popular uprisings (“Sagittarius”, “To the Cossacks”, “To the Pan”, “Nekrut”, etc.). Some games reflected the performances of buffoons, puppeteers (“Bear”, “Skating rink”, “Running on stilts”, etc.). The development of industry (U Shashu, Zhelezka, Tyagniki, etc.) affected the themes of later games.

Belarusian folk games are dominated by short dashes, throwing at a target and catching objects, power struggle.

The organization of the games is simple, and, as a rule, they do not require special venues. From traditional game equipment and devices for folk games, one can single out sticks for throwing (bats), sticks for beating objects in the form of a spatula, a leather or rag ball (apuka), clubs, chocks, processed animal bones (babki), a chock with pointed ends ( "glue"), wooden circles - saw cuts of wood, metal pegs ("trenziks"), wooden balls.

About half of the republic's population lives in the countryside. Special sociological studies conducted in 1967-1969 showed that in rural areas children of preschool and primary school age, as well as teenagers during the holidays play mainly in folk games(Materials of the 2nd All-Union Conference "GTO, tourism and outdoor games as mass forms physical education of the population. Minsk, 1976).

Comparison of records of Belarusian folk games of the pre-revolutionary period with modern records shows great changes that have taken place in the nature and content of these games.

Games without objects

Grasshoppers (Koniki)

Boys and girls of 9-13 years old play (on a clearing, lawn, area approximately 20 X 50 m in size or in a sports hall). The number of players - from 5 to 20 people.

Description. In the middle of the site, a circle is drawn of such a size that all the “grasshoppers” can freely fit in it. Then, according to a counting rhyme or by agreement, a “starling” (leader) is chosen. "Starling" becomes in a circle, "grasshoppers" - behind the circle. The “starling”, leaving the circle, begins to catch (salt) the “grasshoppers”, chasing them in any way: jumping on one leg, on two crossed legs, walking with a “goose step”, etc. All the “grasshoppers” must move like this just like him.

When the "starling" knocks over the "grasshopper", he leads him into a circle and remains there himself, and the one who is caught becomes a "starling" instead of him. This new "starling" can move in a different way, and the "grasshoppers" should move in the same way as him.

The game ends when all players are in the circle.


  1. The “starling” that has left the circle has no right to change the way of moving until it visits the circle again.
  2. "Grasshoppers" that have gone beyond the boundaries of the site are considered to be caught and stand in a circle.

Shepherd and wolf (Shepherd i wok)

(The game has another name - "Sheep" ("Avechachka"))

This old game It is still widespread (in numerous varieties) in all regions of Belarus.

A playground is chosen in a forest, garden or yard with some kind of shelter. Usually 5-15 children aged 6-10 play.

Description. Children choose "wolf" and "shepherd". The "wolf" hides, and the "shepherd" remains on the site, and the rest of the players, the "sheep", sit around him. "Shepherd" depicts an adult shepherd herding sheep into a flock, then stops and says something like this:

I feed, I feed sheep from morning to evening. The wolf is behind the mountain, and I am behind the other. I'm not afraid of the wolf, I'll defend myself with a stick. I’ll go into the shade for a while and lie down on the barrel. (Steps aside, sits down, turns away and pretends to fall asleep.)

After that, the “wolf” comes stealthily and one by one takes away and hides all the “sheep” somewhere, while he himself remains on the site. The “shepherd”, waking up, asks the “wolf”:

Wolf, wolf, have you seen my sheep?

No, I didn’t see it, - the “wolf” answers. - Go look!

"Shepherd" is looking for "sheep". When he approaches the place where they are hidden, the "sheep" begin to make some kind of noise, for example, they begin to hiss. Then the shepherd asks:

What is it hissing?

This is my wolf frying fat, - the “wolf” answers.

"Sheep" begin to knock.

Wolf, what is that knocking?

These are lumberjacks felling the forest.

The sheep begin to squeak.

Wolf, who is squeaking?

These chickens are looking for grain.

This continues until the "wolf" hesitates with the answer. Then the "sheep" begin to bleat. "Shepherd" refers to "wolf":

Wolf, whose lambs are bleating?

Come on, show me!

The “wolf” runs away after these words, the “sheep” run after him and, if they catch up, lead to the “shepherd”. Otherwise, the "wolf" becomes the winner. This is where the game ends.


  1. Fleeing from the chase, the "wolf" should not run out of the boundaries agreed before the start of the game. Otherwise, he is considered caught.
  2. The “wolf” is also considered to be caught if it is touched (struck) by the hand of any of the “lambs” chasing it.

Millet (Millet)

This game is common among boys and girls aged 8-14. The number of participants is 10-30 people.

Description. By lot or simply by choice, they choose the “owner” (or “hostess”) and stand in one line, holding hands. The “master” passes along the line, stops near someone and says:

Come to me to weed millet.

Don't want!

Do you have porridge?

Right now!

Oh, you loafer! - exclaims the "master" and runs to any end of the line.

"Loafer" also runs to this end of the line, but behind the backs of the players. Whoever of them is the first to grab the hand of the last one in the line, he stands next to him, and the rest changes his role with the "owner".


  1. After the words “Oh, you loafer,” the “owner” has the right to make several deceptive movements and only after that run to either end of the line. The player competing with him must run to the same end without fail.
  2. If the runners grab the hand of the extreme player at the same time, then the former “owner” continues to drive.
  1. Burbots (Myanki)

From 15 to 30-40 boys and girls of primary school age play on a flat, clearly marked area 20-30 m long and 10-15 m wide. This area is a "river".

Description. In the middle of each of the four sides of the site and in the center of it, circles with a diameter of 1.5-2 m are drawn. These are “pits” (Fig. 1). Then, according to the counting rhyme, two "fishermen" are chosen. Holding hands, they catch up with the rest of the players ("fish" - "burbot") and catch, closing their hands around them. Those caught join the "fishermen", holding hands with them, that is, expanding the chain of those who catch - "net". "Fish" can escape in "pits", but only one "fish" can be in the "pit".

The game continues until the "fishermen" catch all the "burbots", except for the five that survived in the "pits".


  1. If the hands of the “fishermen” unhook during the catch, then the “fish” is not considered to be caught and can jump out at the place of the break.
  2. By agreement between the players, "burbots" can slip through the "net" under the hands of those who catch, but without using force.
  3. If a “burbot” fleeing from the “fishermen” runs into a “pit” where another “fish” is already located, then this “fish” must free the “pit”.

Hound (Hort)

Usually boys (sometimes girls) 9-13 years old, 10-20 people participate in the game. A place for the game can be any designated area - a "field" (approximately 50x20 m in size).

Description. A “cage” is drawn on the ground - a circle with a diameter of 3-5 m. Around it are children - “hares”, who, by agreement, choose the “hare king”. He enters the middle of the "cage" and says, pointing at each word in turn to each player:

Hare, hare, where have you been? - In a swamp. - What did you do? - Sorry for the grass. - Where did you hide it? - Under deck. - Who took it? - Hare. - Who catches? - Hort!

At the last word, all players scatter, and the one on whom the word “hort” fell out begins to catch them and takes the caught ones to the “cage”, where they should be until the end of the game. This continues until all the "hares" are caught.


  1. "Hares" do not have the right to run out of the "field".
  2. The "hare" is considered to be caught if the "hort" grabs his hand or touches his shoulder.

Option. Before the start of the game, the participants can agree on how much time (for example, 5 or 10 minutes) the “hort” can catch the “hares”. They calculate how many "hares" will have time to catch the "hort" in the allotted time. The game is repeated several times. At the end, the best "hort" is determined (caught more "hares").

Milk (Malaco)

Boys and girls 5-8 years old, 10-20 children play.

Description. Children choose a “cat” and a “hostess”, then sit down (pressing their knees to their chest and clasping them with their arms) in a circle at a distance of half a meter from each other. These are "jugs of milk" ("smoothies"). The hostess calls "cat":

Kitty Kitty Kitty!

Meow meow! - replies "cat".

Where did you walk?

In the courtyard.

Did you catch a mouse?

Why? - asks the "hostess".

I want milk!

Choose smooth!

The “cat” bypasses the “smooth spots”, touches each and licks its lips. The hostess asks:

Well, did you choose?

The “cat” comes up to the “hostess” and in his ear, so that no one can hear, tells the name of the player he has chosen. "Mistress" says:

If you can, take it! - and turns away.

The “cat” again bypasses the “smooths”, takes each by the shoulders and pushes to the left, saying: “I don’t want, I don’t want, I don’t want ...”

Having reached the chosen “smoothness”, he says: “I want!” - and suddenly pushes the "smooth" to the right. If she “falls down” (i.e., the player, having lost his balance, will be forced to lean on his hand), then he is out of the game and the “cat” starts negotiations with the “hostess” again. If the player chosen by the “cat” has time to react to his movement and does not lose his balance, then the “cat” changes role with him and the game starts all over again.

rule. The “cat” has the right to push to the right only the player whom he previously called the “mistress”.

Kittens (Katsyanyatki)

A place to play - any spacious area. Number of participants - 6-10 people (usually junior schoolchildren).

Description. On the ground (floor) they draw a line - “street”, about six to eight meters in front of it - a circle (“house”). After that, "cat" is selected. She enters the “house”, the playing ones - “kittens” - come up to her for 2 steps, and the “cat” asks: “Kittens-children, where were you?”

The subsequent conversation can go, for example, like this: "Kittens":

And what did they do there?


Flowers tore!

Where are these flowers?

The number of questions and answers depends on the imagination and ingenuity of the players. “Kittens” can give several answers, but “cat” chooses one and, depending on its content, sets new question. As soon as the “kittens” pause when answering, the “cat” shouts: “Oh, you are deceivers!” - and tries to catch one of them. To escape, the "kittens" must run out into the street, that is, stand on the line, holding hands. The one whom the "cat" catches, she takes to the "house". After some time, the rest of the “kittens” approach the “house”, and everything starts all over again.

The game continues until the "cat" takes all the "kittens" to the "house".


  1. A “cat” can start catching “kittens” not only when they hesitate, but also in case of an implausible answer.
  2. If the “cat” does not catch up with anyone, then it takes the one who was last on the line to the “house”.

Forest, swamp, lake (Forest, Balota, Vozera)

Boys and girls of preschool and school age can participate in the game, from 5 to 30 people.

Description. They draw a circle of such a size that all the players can fit in it, and 3 more circles at approximately the same distance from the first (when playing in the hall, these can be three opposite corners of it, limited by lines). The players become in the first circle (or corner), and the remaining circles receive the names: “forest”, “swamp”, “lake”. The host calls the animal, bird, fish or any other animal (you can agree to name plants as well) and quickly counts up to the agreed number. Everyone runs, and everyone stands in the circle that, in his opinion, corresponds to the habitat, named animal or bird, etc. (for example, in a circle meaning a forest, if a wolf is named, in a circle meaning a lake, if a pike). The word "frog" allows you to stand in any circle, since frogs live in the lake, and in the swamp, and in the forest. Those who have never made a mistake for a certain number of horses win.


  1. You cannot change the circle in which you ran.
  2. If the runner steps into the wrong circle with at least one foot, then he receives a penalty point or is eliminated from the game (depending on the agreement).
  3. The one who did not have time to reach the circle or came running last also receives a penalty point or is eliminated from the game.
Beard (Barada)

One of the most popular games among Belarusians is “Kvach” (“Salki”). Its variety "Beard" is typical for the villages of Belarus. It has long been played here not only on spacious grounds, clearings, but also in small rooms, for example, in a hut at evening parties. Usually 5-10 teenagers participated in the game.

Description. So that it would not be too easy for the driver to salute those fleeing in the limited space of the hut, his task was complicated: he could salve only with his hands tied behind his back. At present, hands are often not tied, but simply held behind the back with the wrist of one hand, the wrist of the second and with this (second) hand they salat. The players run around the room. The driver tries to grab or only touch with his free fingers one of the participants in the game. If he succeeds, then the salted one replaces him, i.e., becomes a “beard”. They usually play for 10-15 minutes (until they run in plenty).


  1. If the driver unhooks his hands to make it easier to salt, then this salting is not counted.
  2. The driver is not allowed to chase the same player all the time.
  3. A new driver cannot immediately salute someone who has just been a driver.

Games with objects


(Lighthouse - from the word "mayat")

Mostly girls aged 8-12 play. Place to play - any playground in the air. Inventory - ball. The number of participants is 7-15 people.

Description. The players choose the driver. They draw a circle on the ground with a diameter of 4-6 m, into which the leader becomes, and 3-4 m from it - a semicircle. Then everyone, except the driver, stands on the line of this semicircle (Fig. 2). The driver throws the ball up over the circle and quickly calls the name of one of the players. The named one must run up to the circle, catch the ball and return (pass) it to the driver. The one who does not catch the ball is out of the game. When only 3 players remain on the semicircle, the driver says: “That's it!” This means that all three must catch the ball at the same time. Whoever catches it wins.


  1. The driver can call the same player no more than 3 times in a row.
  2. If the ball tossed by the driver falls outside the circle, then the driver himself is "dazed". In this case, the game is suspended and a new driver is chosen.

What are you doing? (What's robish?)

Girls and boys 5-8 years old play. A place for the game can be a forest glade, a playground, a room. The number of participants is 5-15 people. Inventory - sticks or twigs (for each player).

Description. The players choose a "hostess", then sit in a circle and dig dimples in front of them or draw circles. The “hostess” goes around everyone and assigns everyone some kind of “job”: for example, baking bread, cooking dinner, sawing firewood, mowing hay, mending a chair, fetching water. The players must all the time tap with a stick on their circle and call out loud the “work” given to them.

Having given each task, the “hostess” stands in the middle of the circle and says:

And now we will all ... (Names some activity, for example: sing, hammer nails, saw, plan, etc.) Let's start!

The players are obliged to repeat everything that the "hostess" orders. Having changed the task several times, she, pointing with a twig at one of the players, suddenly asks:

What are you doing?

The one she asked should immediately name the job that was assigned to him at the beginning of the game. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game (or continues to play, having received a penalty point), after which the “hostess” gives everyone new tasks.

The one who has never failed in the game wins. He becomes the "mistress" and the game is repeated.


  1. The one who was asked by the driver must name his work no later than the driver counts to three.
  2. The teller receives a penalty point or is eliminated from the game.


(This Game has another name: "Into the Witch")

Any spacious playground or hall is suitable for the game. The players need a doll (Ivanka) or any other object (for example, a ball, a cube). Play 10-20 children aged 7-12 years.

Description. A circle with a diameter of 5-6 m is drawn on the ground. This is a “forest”. In the middle of it, a square with a side of about 1 m is outlined - the “house of the forester” (“witch”). Ivanka is planted (placed) here (Fig. 3). Then they choose a "forester" (leader). The rest are swans. Flying into the "forest", the "swans" try to grab Ivanka and carry her away. "Lesovik" with a twig (or just with his hand) seeks to touch (stretch) the "swans". Whoever he touches is out of the game. The “swan”, who manages to take Ivanka out of the “forest”, becomes the “forest man” himself, and the game starts all over again. It can be completed (at the request of the participants) when the next shift of the “forest man” is carried out or when the “forest man” removes all the “swans” from the game.


  1. "Lesovik" has no right to leave the "forest" and approach his "home" closer than 1 step.
  2. If the “swan” manages to grab Ivanka, but the driver knocks him down within the “forest”, then the “swan” is out of the game, and Ivanka is returned to its original place - to the “house”.

Whitewash (Pabelka)

(Another name for the game is "Belyak")

They play in the winter, usually teenagers and young men, and on holidays - and men. A place to play - any snow-covered area. The number of players - from 5 to 20 people.

Description. Participants roll a ball with a diameter of about 1 m from the snow and stand around it, holding hands. At a signal, each player, resting his feet, tries to pull his neighbor into the middle so that he touches the snow globe. As soon as someone touches the ball, it will “whiten” (and this is usually clearly visible, since traces of snow will remain on the clothes of the “whitewashed”), whoever notices this shouts: “Whitened!” - and calls the name of "whitewashed". The game stops. "Whitewashed" is out of the game. The rest join hands again, and the game continues. The last two remaining in the game become against each other and, holding hands over the ball, try to pull each other. Whoever "pulls" the opponent onto the ball wins.


  1. Players who open their hands are out of the game.
  2. You can pull into the circle only after everyone joins hands (you can choose the judge who gives the command).

Catch (Catch)

They play in winter, mostly boys 10-15 years old. The place to play is a snow-covered slope. Inventory - sleds, cones or other small items. The number of players is not limited.

Description. Cones are laid out on the slope along the rolled toboggan track. Driving down the mountain in turn, the players on the go collect cones. Whoever collects (“picks up”) the cones more, he wins.


  1. You can not slow down or stop the sled near the lying cones.
  2. If there are few cones left for those who leave last in turn, then they are added.

At the fox (At the fox)

Most often played by teenagers. Participants should be at least 6-7, and preferably 10-15 people. To play, you need a harness made of soft rope about 50 cm long (or from a towel, scarf, belt, etc.).

Description. A leader (“foxes”) is selected (according to a counting rhyme or voluntarily). Everyone stands in a column one at a time, hands down. The driver walks along the column and passes the tourniquet into someone’s hands, unnoticed by the rest (no one in the column should look back). The one who received the tourniquet runs forward and tries to use it on the one standing first in the column. The former "fox" takes the vacant seat. If the one standing first in the column notices someone running up to him with a tourniquet, then he runs from the other side of the column to its end, trying to get behind the last one before he is overtaken and knocked down by the one running with the tourniquet. Whoever of them is less fast becomes a "fox" and starts a new round of the game.


  1. Those who notice that the tourniquet has been passed must not inform other players about this.
  2. If the person standing in the column looks back, then he becomes the leader (this rule is introduced by agreement between the players).
Geese (GuskI)

Children 12-16 years old play in winter. The place for the game is an ice round platform with a diameter of 10-15 m. Inventory - “pegs” (forked at the ends of sticks 1-1.2 m long) and “geese” (chocks 10-12 cm long and 3-4 cm thick). There should be as many “Kolkov” and “guskov” as there are players (4-8 people).

Description. Depending on tactical considerations, each player digs a “nest” anywhere on the edge of the site - a hole with a diameter of 25-40 cm. Then everyone stands near their “nests”, they keep the “geese” with them. Someone puts his "goose" in the middle of the site. The owner of the exhibited "goose" knocks with a "pin" on the ice 3 times. After the third blow, everyone runs to the "goose", and everyone tries to take possession of it and drive it into its "nest" with blows or pushes of the "peg". As soon as the "goose" is driven, the next "goose" is placed in the middle, and everything starts all over again. This continues until all the "geese" are driven into the "nests". In whose "nest" there will be more "geese", he won.


  1. During the game, it is forbidden to grab an opponent with your hands.
  2. You can only move the "goose" with a "pin".
  3. Do you count the “goose” driven into the “nest” ?! the owner of this "nest", regardless of who made the last blow to the "goose".


This old game of teenage shepherds still exists in many regions of Belarus.

The boys are 10-14 years old. The place for the game is a platform in the air, 80-100 m long. Inventory - a stick and a "glue" - a chock pointed on both sides 10-12 cm long and 3-4 cm thick. The number of participants is 2-6 people.

Description. Draw a starting line on the edge of the site. Parallel to it, a second line is drawn at a distance of 2 m. Between them is a swamp. Another similar "swamp" is drawn in the middle of the site. Then the players set the order of blows by lot or counting rhyme.

"Klyok" is placed across the baseline. With a blow of a stick on the end of the “glue”, you need to make it fly up and forward and, as it were, jump over the “swamp”. If this succeeded, then mark the place where the “glue” fell with a dash, with which the same player will beat off the “glue” further when his turn comes again. If the “glue” falls into one of the “swamps”, then it is “bogged down” and the player who threw it there must start the game again from the original line. The game ends when one of the players reaches the end of the court.


  1. Players take one hit in turn, each time moving forward from the place where the "klek" fell after the previous hit.
  2. If the hit was unsuccessful and the "glue" did not fly forward, the player can make two more attempts (this rule is introduced when the players still have a weak command of the hitting technique).

Shoot down potatoes ("ZbI Bulba")

From time immemorial, games-exercises to test strength, dexterity, ingenuity, and the ability to act in the most unusual conditions have long been widespread among the people. Here is one of these gaming tests for teenagers and young men aged 14-18 and older.

Description. On two stumps (indoors they can be replaced by stools, chairs), located at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other, they put a strong round stick. It is advisable to lay straw (or a gymnastic mat) on the ground (floor). It is necessary to sit in the middle of the stick, cross-legged, facing towards one of the stumps (stools), and it is not allowed to lean on the stick with your knees, but you can lean on the ground (floor) with a second stick 1-1.5 m long, holding it right or left hand (Fig. 4 shows one of the possible positions of a person sitting on a stick). Having balanced himself, the player raises this stick and tries to knock down 4 potatoes with it, which are placed in the form of a square with a side of 20-30 cm on each stump (stool). If at the same time he loses his balance, then he can again lean on the ground with a stick, and then continue trying to knock down the potatoes. Whoever does not hold on to a stick and touches the ground with his foot or hand, he gives way to the next. The task of the participants is to knock down all the potatoes with the least number of attempts.


  1. If the participant, having knocked down potatoes, then does not stay on the stick, his result is not counted.
  2. The player is forbidden to move on the stick on which he sits.

Ball in the hole! (ball at the hole)

It's a variety famous game"Boiler". It is interesting because 2 people are enough to play. Usually teenagers play. We need a small platform - enough 7-10 m in diameter. Each player has a stick 100-120 cm long with a curved end (you can take a hockey stick). For the game you need a ball the size of a fist (you can tennis).

Description. The lot determines who drives. Another player stands at the hole with a diameter of about 15 cm. The player at the hole puts the end of his stick into it. The driver tries to drive the ball into the hole with a stick. But as soon as he rolls the ball closer to the hole, the second player hits the ball with a stick as hard as possible, and the ball flies far away. The driver again drives him to the hole. If they drive the ball into the hole or put their stick into it at the moment when the other player has taken out the stick to hit, these players change roles.


  1. If both players put sticks in the hole at the same time, the driver remains the same.
  2. You cannot push someone else's stick out of the hole by hitting it with your stick.
Brave Hare "(" Brave Hare ")

(This game is also known as "In the horn" (i.e. "In hell"))

This game is usually played by younger students and teenagers. The number of players - 5 people. One volleyball is required for the game.

Description. On the ground, draw a square 8X8 m, which is divided into 4 equal parts. In each corner of the square, a circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn - an “ambush”. After that, those playing with the help of lots or counting rhymes choose the driver - the “hare”. The rest of the players are "hunters". They become one in each "ambush", and the "hare" - anywhere in the square.

First option."Hunters", throwing the ball to each other, choose a convenient moment and throw the ball at the "hare". The “hunter”, in the square of which the “hare” was touched by the ball, becomes the “hare” himself or he becomes the “hunter” who did not hit the “hare”. If the “hare” catches the ball on the fly, he has the right to throw it at the “hunter” who threw the ball, and in case of a hit, change places with him.


  1. The "hare" is not allowed to go beyond the boundaries of the square, and the "hunters" are not allowed to enter it from their "ambushes".
  2. If the “hunter” does not catch the ball thrown to him, then the “hare” throws it at this “hunter” from the line of the square farthest from him, after which the “hunter” is obliged to bring the ball and put it into play.

Second option. A player who throws the ball at the "hare" and does not hit it is out of the game and someone else takes his place.

Third option. The player who throws the ball at the "hare" and does not hit it is out of the game and his "ambush" remains empty. In this case, the winner (depending on the agreement) is either the "hare" that remains unfeeded, or the last player who manages to fess the "hare".

A gun

(This game has other names: Skittles, Ruhi, Hut, Soldiers.)

One of its simplest varieties is the "Cannon".

Under various names, it is ubiquitous in Belarus, common to Eastern Slavs Towns game.

Teenagers play. At the same time, only 2 people participate in the game. The game requires one bat (stick) and 5 towns (chocks) for each player.

Description. Two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of 10-15 m from one another. They throw lots, who will start the game and who will be on which line. Each player places one town (“cannon”) in a vertical position on his line. The first in turn throws a bat at the “gun”. If the "gun" is shot down, it is given to the shooter and a new one is put in. The player keeps hitting until he misses. Then the turn to beat goes to the opponent. The game ends when one of the participants captures all the "guns" of the opponent.


  1. If one of the participants has lost all 5 of his towns, he can put on the line the opponent's towns he has won.
  2. You can throw a bat only because of your line, without stepping forward.

House (hut)

Teenage boys play on the street or in a clearing. The number of participants is from 4 to 10 people. The game requires one stick (bat) and 6 towns.

Description. Participants are divided into two equal teams. On earth spend two parallel lines at a distance of 12-15 m from one another. Representatives of the teams cast lots for who starts the game. Team members agree on the order of strikes. Each team sets up figures from 3 towns on its line. The goal of the game is to knock down these figures.

Hits are made in order of priority: hit by the first team, hit by the second team, hit again by the first, etc. The figure is considered to be captured if all 3 towns roll out of the line. If at least one town rolls forward, the piece is not considered captured and the town is knocked out by the next blow or several blows.

The order of installation of the figures: 1) "forest", 2) "road", 3) "cart", 4) "horse", 5) "gate", 6) "hut" (Fig. 5).

The distance between the towns (where they are not installed closely) is equal to the length of one town. Knocking down the first figure means “getting out of the forest”, the second means “walking the road”, the third means “catching up with the cart”, the fourth means “catching up with the horse”, the fifth means “entering the gate”, the sixth means “entering the hut”.

Whose team first "enters the hut" wins.


  1. During the kick, all players of the opposing team step aside.
  2. You can throw a bat at a figure only because of your line, without crossing it.
  3. Captured pieces are set by the players of the team whose piece is captured.
  4. The team that started the game second has the right to the last blow even if all its pieces have already been knocked down.

Two fires (Two fires)

Boys aged 13-15 play more often (on a flat area with hard ground or in a gym). The number of players - from 8 to 20 people. Inventory - a ball (preferably volleyball or basketball).

Description. They choose two drivers (these are “lights”) and are divided into two groups. A “corridor” 8-12 m long and 8-10 m wide is drawn on the ground. right. Those who play with a strong blow to the ground inside the “corridor” throw the ball from group to group, and the “lights” try to catch it. If they succeed, then the player who threw the ball is considered "burned out" and is out of the game.

The game continues until the “lights” either take one of the groups out of the game, or “go out” themselves, that is, refuse to continue the game.


  1. Only drivers are in the "corridor", the rest of the players are not allowed to enter it.
  2. Having caught the ball, the player can throw it 1 time to another player from his group, but the next throw can only be through the "corridor".

Option. The game can be played for a while with the change of "lights" after 10-15 minutes. In this case, the “fires” win, having taken out the greater number of players from the game.

"Belarusian folk games in the system of extracurricular activities

At school"

Why is childhood given to a person? First, biological maturation. Secondly, we need childhood so that we prepare for a complex social life, so that the child begins to feel like a person among other people, acquires social emotions, feelings, and imaginations. And the school and extracurricular work it is designed to facilitate hard way student in the social life of society. Now in Belarusian schools Sufficient experience of activities in the extracurricular life of students in various areas has been gained creative development personality, its leisure, a healthy lifestyle, patriotic and social education. Extra-curricular activities are an integral part of the integral educational work of the school, and its organization should be reflected in all types of planning and meet the main tasks of the school. And one of the tasks of upbringing is the upbringing of national identity, national dignity, joining the Belarusian culture, folk traditions passed down by our ancestors.

Our state gives great attention raising a healthy person, both mentally and physically. And the policy of the Republic of Belarus is aimed at the revival national traditions and values, because it is the generation that is aware of its national dignity, its roots, culture, the solid foundation of the country. This leads to a broad appeal to folk pedagogy, national traditions, folklore, joining the national and universal culture. The treasury of means and methods of education is constantly replenished with new elements. Everything new is the long-forgotten old - a saying that can be attributed to the use of Belarusian folk games in the extracurricular activities of the school.

Folk games - view active rest people, historically formed on the basis of dramatized, conditional or creative actions, in which certain rules and techniques of fun have developed and which are means of physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education. Many folk games originated from rituals and developed from ancient times and are now perceived as a means of recreation and the acquisition of useful skills and preparation for entering the social life society. Folk game - a means of educating a citizen, personality, development of physical strength.

Every nation has its original games. The games of the Belarusian people are closely connected with the life and work of people, the nature that surrounds them. Some of them have certain traditional norms and verbal design, which makes their action dramatic. The second - with a strict distribution of the roles of each participant, in which the word is a signal for some kind of action. There are also round dance games with a combination of melody, words of movements, which contribute to raising interest in folk art, to the native language.

There is a point of view that only small children are interested in playing in kindergarten and it does not have to be folk games, because among them there are many really interesting and active games. But in fact, everyone loves to play and at any age, you just need to choose the right game. It is especially interesting how for children and adults there are joint games. Joint competitions, competitions in line with the folk game reveal, mobilize the power, creative energy of the family and parents have an excellent opportunity to interact more with their children. Games teach to value childhood in all its manifestations, allow parents to see how their child comprehends the world in those forms of activity that are understandable to him, bring satisfaction, and that is indisputable - develop his personality creatively, physically and spiritually, and also adults develop in the process of playing themselves.

Outdoor play is a natural companion of a child's life, a source joyful emotions with great educational power. Folk outdoor games are a traditional means of pedagogy. Folk games are an integral part of the international, artistic and physical education of preschoolers. The joy of movement is combined with the spiritual enrichment of children. They develop a stable, interested, respectful attitude towards culture home country, an emotionally positive basis is created for the development of patriotic feelings: love and devotion to the Motherland. This is reflected in folk songs, legends, in the movements of dance and play. In terms of content, all folk games are classically concise, expressive and accessible to the child. They call active work thoughts, contribute to the expansion of horizons, clarify ideas about the world around us, improve all mental processes, stimulate the transition child's body to a higher level of development. That is why the game is recognized as the leading activity of the preschool child. The game situation captivates and educates the child, and the beginnings and dialogues found in some games directly characterize the characters and their actions, which must be skillfully emphasized in the image, which requires active mental activity from children.

There is a lot of humor, jokes, competitive enthusiasm in folk games; the movements are precise and figurative, often accompanied by unexpected funny moments, tempting and beloved by children, counting rhymes, draws, and nursery rhymes. They retain their artistic charm, aesthetic value and constitute the most valuable, unique game folklore. In addition to counters, there are draw, which also create an emotional mood and captivate the very process of the game. They are used in cases where children need to be divided into teams.

The main condition for the successful introduction of folk games into the life of preschoolers has always been and remains deep knowledge and fluency in an extensive game repertoire, as well as in the methodology of pedagogical guidance. The educator, creatively using the game as an emotional-figurative means of influencing children, awakens their interest, imagination, achieving active performance of game actions.

During the game, the teacher draws the attention of the children to its content, monitors the accuracy of movements that must comply with the rules; for the dosage of physical activity, makes brief instructions, maintains and regulates the emotionally positive mood and relationships of the players, teaches them to deftly and quickly act in the created game situation to provide comradely support, to achieve common purpose and feel joy at the same time. In a word, the task of the teacher is to teach children to play independently and with pleasure.

When explaining a new folk game, in which there is a beginning (counting, waving or toss), an adult should not first learn the text with children, it is desirable | enter the game unexpectedly. Such | reception will deliver to children great pleasure and save them from the boring stencil acquaintance with the game element. The guys, listening to the rhythmic combination of words, when repeating the game, easily remember the beginnings. Explanation new game can take place in different ways, depending on its type and content. So, a non-plot game is explained briefly, concisely, emotionally and expressively. The teacher gives an idea of ​​its content, the sequence of game actions, the location of the players and attributes, the rules of the game. He can ask one or two clarifying questions to make sure that the guys understood him correctly. Most of the time is given to specific play activities of children. At the end of the game, one should positively evaluate the actions of those guys who showed certain qualities: courage, dexterity, endurance, comradely mutual assistance.

The teacher should remember that his main task is to teach children to play actively and independently. Only in this case they learn themselves in any game situation to regulate the degree of attention and muscle tension, to adapt to changing conditions. environment, find a way out of a critical situation, quickly make a decision and enforce it, take the initiative, i.e. preschoolers acquire important qualities they need in the next life.

So, folk games in combination with other educational means are the basis initial stage formation of a harmoniously developed, active personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. When working with children, the teacher must remember that the impressions of childhood are deep and indelible in the memory of an adult. They form the foundation for the development of his moral feelings, consciousness and their further manifestation in socially useful and creative activities.

Games used in the work of the folklore circle. The requirements of the new time - pay attention to native language! We have introduced a day of communication in kindergarten Belarusian language(one per week). On this day, it is convenient to use folk games. In the game, the child quickly comprehends the subtleties of the language. So - keep it up!

InandsToі mouses

All children, together with mouse players, stand in a circle. The hedgehog is in the center of the circle. At the signal, everyone goes to the right, the hedgehog - to the left. Players pronounce the words: Byazhyts leader - stupid-dumb, All kalyuchy, gostra tooth! Leader, leader, where are you? What the hell is a bad boy?

After these words, everyone stops. On a signal, one player approaches the hedgehog and says:

The leader of the legs is stupid, stupid!

The leader of the eyes loop-loop!

Chue leader - usyudy tsish,


The hedgehog imitates movements: walks carefully, listens. Mice at this time run around the circle. The host says:

Byazhy, byazhy, leader,

Don't shake your knife

You love mice for yourself,

Don't love our children!

The mice run in a circle, running out of the circle. The hedgehog catches them (stains).

Players quickly crouch and lower their arms. The mouse is caught: it is in a mousetrap. Thus, the game is repeated several times.

Rules of the game. All act exactly according to the text. The hedgehog stains mice by lightly touching them with his hand. A stained mouse is immediately out of the game.

danceі ya, bastard!

The players are divided into two teams of equal strength - hares and wattle. Two parallel lines are drawn - a corridor 10-15 cm wide. Wattle players, holding hands, stand in the center of the corridor, and hares - at one end of the site. Wattle children read:

Hare, hare is not hadji,

Ў garodze not fornication!

Plyatsen, plyatse,

Hares climb, save yourself!

At the last word, the hares run to the wattle fence and try to break it or slip under the hands of the players. The hares that slipped through gather at the other end of the corridor, and those who were detained are told: “Go back, near the forest, asinka bitch!” And they are out of the game. Wattle children turn to face the hares and read:

In the forest, a paskaka hare,

We are a crowd of uratava.

The game is repeated until all hares are caught. After that, they switch roles.

Rules of the game. The winner is the group that catches all the hares with fewer songs.


The players, by agreement or by drawing lots, choose a fox - the leader and, lining up in a circle with a diameter of 10-20 m, put a fox next to them. The fox approaches one of the players and says:

Dze would?

What evil?

Add a little to May.

For that I do not add.

And for what - tell yourself.

Yak abgonish, so addam.

After that, they run in opposite directions in a circle. The owner of the fox is the one who takes a free place in the circle, the fox is the player who remains.


The players stand in a circle, holding their hands in front of the boat. One leader is chosen. The host has a small shiny object in his hands (it can be a ring, a foil wrapper). The host goes in a circle and seems to put a ring in each hand. At the same time, he says:

I'm going eight on a cruise,

I’ll put the mustache,

Matsney ruchki zatsiskaytse

Look, don't look.

He imperceptibly puts a ring to one of the children, and then leaves the circle and says: “Pyarsenachak, pyarsenachak, come out to the ganachak!” The one who has a ring in his palms runs out, and the children should try to detain him, not to let him out of the circle. Rules of the game. After the words: “Pyarsenachak, parsenachak, go out to the ganachak!” - all players must quickly join hands so as not to let the player out of the circle with a ring in his hand.

At Mazal

The participants in the game choose Mazal. All the rest move away from Mazal and agree that they will show him, after which they go to Mazal and say:

Hello, grandfather Mazal -

Z long white barada,

With black hair, with white hair!

Dzetki, dzetki! Where were you?

Where were you? What did you work?

Where we were, I won't tell you

What works - to the packages!

Everyone makes the movements that have been agreed upon in advance. When grandfather Mazol guesses, the players scatter, and grandfather catches them.

Rules of the game. Grandfather Mazal chooses the fastest, most dexterous player to replace him.


Everyone walks, dancing and singing some song, and leads the blindfolded cat player. When they bring him to the door, they put him on the threshold and tell him to take the handle, and then all together (in chorus) in a singsong voice begin such a conversation with the cat:

Cat, cat! What are you up to?

On oak!

What are you shaking for?

What the fuck?

What ў vullah?

Kamu dy kamu?

I want my son Mayma!

What about us?

Clay on paw!

Then everyone starts to shake the cat and sing a song:

Cat, cat Apanas,

You love us for years!

You love three years of us,

Do not untie the eyes!

As soon as they sing last words, scatter in different sides. And the cat Apanas begins to catch the players. Everyone revolves around the cat, teasing him: either they touch him with a finger, or they pull his clothes.

Rules of the game. You can catch and scatter only after the words: “Without untying your eyes!” Salted is temporarily out of the game.


Pan stands somewhere in the distance, and the owner remains with the radishes. The radishes sit on the grass one by one, clasping the person in front with both hands. They are singing:

We will sit down on the castles,

Let's look at the Sonya!

We are sitting, sitting, sitting!

We look, we look, we look!

And the owner walks around in front of the beds. Suddenly from afar you hear:




This pan on a horse (on a stick) rides. He drives up to the garden bed, goes around it two or three times, then stops and asks: “Is the owner at home?” The owner replies: “At home! And who is there? Pan says: "Sam pan!" The owner asks: “What do you need tabe?” Pan says:

May lady lay on the stoves.

Called from the oven

Pabila shoulders.

Vohae, breathe -

The Redskins are thirsty.

Give me redzki!

The owner replies:

Redzka yashche is small:

Z chicken galoўku.

Jump in tomorrow!

Pan went home. After a while, he again comes to the garden and asks the same thing. The owner looked at the garden and said:

Redzka yashche is small:

Z goose gallows.

Jump tomorrow, then ladies!

Pan galloped back. After a while, he comes back and says the same thing. The owner replies: “The spring of May has grown into a horse’s head!”

Pan asks: “Can you break out the redzka?” The owner says: “You can! Twist yourself, whatever you want!”

Pan goes to the radish and pulls the one that sits last. And the radish sits firmly and laughs at him:

Feet of Pan Tanenkiya,

Hands ў sir weak!

Pan pulls everything, but there is no power to pull it out. And the radishes with the owner laugh at him, uttering the same words.

Finally, the pan pulled himself together, contrived, pulled out a radish and took him to where his horse was standing. Then he comes up to the owner and again asks: “Can I have a yashche redzku?” "You can, chick!" - allows the owner. Pan himself cannot pull out and calls the first radish. They start pulling together. Pulled another one! Then they began to pull out all the radishes in turn. And each radish that he pulls out of the garden becomes a single file behind the previous radishes. This continues until there is nothing left in the garden. Pan mounts a horse and rides off with the radishes.

Rules of the game. You can pull out a radish only with the permission of the owner.


The players hold hands, forming a circle, in the middle of which is a boy or girl. This will be the pear. Everyone walks around the pear in a circle:

We feed a pear -

That's it, that's it!

Sniff our pear

Race, race

Grow up you pear

Eight such heights;

Grow up you pear

Eight such shirny;

Grow up you pear

Grow up at a good hour!

Dance, Marylka,

Wrap yourself up for us!

And we are a getu pear

Mustache shchypats budzem.

Hell is our Marylka

Shut up budzem!

The pear in the middle of the circle should depict everything that is sung in the song: dance, spin. To the words “Eight of such a height”, the children raise their hands up, and to the words “Eight of such a height”, they spread them apart. When they sing: “We’ll spit this pear with a mustache,” everyone approaches the pear to touch it, and quickly runs away, and the pear catches someone.

Rules of the game. All game actions must be clearly consistent with the words.

Elena Vardanyan
Belarusian folk games

Target: development of children's interest in the culture of Belarus, acquaintance with the folk games of the Belarusian people.

Introductory conversation with children.

The teacher turns to the children with the question:

Do you like to play mobile games?

What games do you know?

Do you know that every nation has its own folk games?

You and I know Russian folk games well, and today I want to introduce you to Belarusian games. Belarusians have their own folk games, without which not a single holiday passes. In games, the features of culture and life are played out.

What do you guys think, what vegetable do Belarusians love the most? I'll give you a riddle:

And green and thick in the garden grew a bush.

Dig a little: under a bush ...


Well done! Right! We will now play the Belarusian folk game "Plant the Potato".

"Plant a potato"

Purpose of the game: development of speed, strength endurance.

Rules of the game: Create two teams with the same number of players, choose a team captain. Each captain has a bag of potatoes in his hands (you can use pebbles). Potatoes should be according to the number of players in the team. At a distance of twenty steps from each column, circles are drawn (according to the number of players). On a signal, the captains run to the circles and plant potatoes, one in each circle. Then they return and pass the bag to the next player, who, having taken the bag, runs to collect potatoes, etc. The first team to complete the task wins.


Guys, did you like the game?

And now we will get acquainted with the game that Belarusian children play at home.


Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, attention.

For the game, six pairs of “bast shoes” are placed in a circle (we made slippers from colored cardboard). Seven participants in the game are located around the "bast shoes", dance, and the leader at this time says the words: "You, Mikhasik, don't yawn, don't yawn - put on your shoes, put on your shoes!" After these words, the participants in the game stop and everyone tries to put on the "bast shoes" as quickly as possible. The child left without "bast shoes" is out of the game. One pair of "bast shoes" is removed, and the game continues until one child remains. He is considered the winner.

I suggest you teach your parents and friends in the yard to play Belarusian games.

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