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Classical children's choreography is one of the most popular extracurricular activities for children. Adults think about sending a child to ballet when the baby grows up to four or five years old. However, many do not know that it is possible to bring kids to the studio much earlier: already from two to three years.

It would seem that it is too early for two-year-olds to learn ballet steps, but this is not entirely true. Ksenia Belaya, a ballerina and the head of her own choreographic studio, spoke about her experience in the early choreographic development of Letidor.

A few years ago, our studio was the first in Moscow to announce choreography for kids from two years old. This decision was due to a personal situation: my two year old daughter discovered flat feet and valgus, and I decided to correct the problem myself with the help of ballet.

To achieve desired result, I developed special program taking into account the developmental characteristics of children. I got a small group and started training.

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As a result, all my daughter's problems went away in just two months, and her daughter's age disappeared after classes.

Therefore, we have decided to leave in the schedule special class for toddlers, rich in game elements and improvisation.

Since then and to the present, kids groups have been very popular with us. At the same time, we are profile choreographic studio, such classes provide not only fun and interesting leisure time, but also help to create a good ballet base for the future.

Our experience shows that at the age of two you can not only play with a child.

What choreography gives a child at two years old

Being engaged in choreography, our students learn a lot:

  • concentration and the ability to maintain, focus their attention on the teacher, task, exercise;
  • body coordination;
  • imagination and the ability to improvise as they imitate different characters to music.

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Two-year-olds after a year of ballet classes can also boast of the formation of the correct posture - when the shoulder blades are in place and the tummy is tucked up.

Orthopedic problems go away or level out. Separately, it should be said that ballet at any age forms an aesthetic taste.

Finally, another advantage of group dance classes already at the age of two - this is an acquaintance with work in a team, the skill of receiving information from a teacher. And, of course, healthy physical activity, the development of plasticity, familiarity with one's own body and its capabilities - all these pluses from classes can hardly be overestimated.

Besides early classes ballet provide an opportunity to lay a good foundation so that in the future these semi-playful classes will result in a passion for discipline on a more serious level.

What is important to know for parents who send their children to ballet at two years old

How do you know if your baby is ready for training? Everything is very simple. If you have a little fidget growing up who dances in place, barely hearing the music, likes to grimace, portray fairytale heroes, then you can safely take him to a trial lesson.

When starting classes, parents need to remember that a lot also depends on them, especially in the process of adaptation. This means that they need to be prepared for the fact that the child will not immediately experience the delight of new activity. Not everything will turn out right away, sometimes children will be capricious, tired, and refuse the lesson. This situation can be dealt with if you have patience, set up the child, plan the days of classes in such a way that the child has time to rest before the lesson.

It is important for parents to ensure that the child arrives not only ready, but well-fed and cheerful.

It must also be taken into account that even the most lively child can sit out the first few classes in the arms of his mother.

My daughter spent her first four classes in this way, and now she is a soloist on stage with joy and pleasure.

To keep toddlers engaged, I recommend repeating exercise elements at home. For example, you can ask the kid to teach you some simple steps, let him feel that he already understands this better than you.

Finally, you need to be aware that there are also children who have no interest in dancing. Some of them are gradually involved in the process, some are not.

If your child is currently last category and after 8-10 lessons is still not enthusiastic, we advise you to pause and try again in a few months or in the next school year.

Dance classes among children and adolescents are very common today. Kids clubs and sport sections offer a wide variety of dances to choose from - from folk to sports. Svetlana Shayakhmetova, Director kindergarten"Ballerina" prefers ballet to all other types of dance and is sure that this kind of art should be started from a very early age.

Availability dance studios and dance schools are now very large - in any part of the city or village you can dance. But if the girl has the ability to choreography, it makes sense to develop them in serious classes - such as ballet.

But there are not so many ballet schools. I encountered this when I began to take my daughters to classes - now they are almost adults. I remember how difficult it was to travel far in order to give the children real choreographic training. The child gets tired of the road, and if extra classes after kindergarten - there is an overload. I believe that for preschoolers, any additional activities should be located as close as possible, ideally taking place right in the kindergarten. So that the regime with sleep and nutrition is not violated.

Creating my kindergarten, I made it with an emphasis on ballet. You ask: what about the boys - do they also do ballet? But we don't have boys. This is my principled position regarding preschool education: I believe that at this age, children will benefit more if they are engaged and brought up separately, according to gender.

So we have a fertile environment for ballet classes in our kindergarten, which are aimed at the development of only girls of preschool age.

At first glance, it may seem that up to 6 years it is not so important what kind of dances the child is engaged in - all classes are held in a playful way, and about vocational training it's too early to say. Actually it is not. Starting from the age of three, while practicing ballet, girls develop the correct positioning of the foot, the habit of stretching, and physical strength develops. Here are a few more reasons to give a girl 3-4 years old "to the ballet".

Beautiful posture and good physical shape. Ballet is not just gymnastics or choreography, it is quite a serious load. Of course, a girl at her six years old will not do pointe shoes and will not perform complex steps, it is not recommended to do this until a certain age. But a strong, flexible back, a plastic, graceful gait - all these are the consequences of ballet classes.

At preschool age, if there are no strict medical contraindications, the ballet is recommended to everyone. Moreover, choreography lessons correct such problems as flat feet, scoliosis, stoop. Yes, not everyone will dance in Bolshoi Theater. But for general confidence, the development of femininity, physical endurance, ballet is recommended for all girls and girls.

Ideally, you should start from the beginning training course- after all, there is a certain program here, as in any educational process. But if the child is physically developed and there is a desire to learn, then the introduction of a new student in the middle of the school year is quite acceptable.

The habit of taking care of yourself. Ballet for a girl is like a small ball, every lesson she has to look smart. The shape and hairstyle are a mandatory attribute of classes. This organizes and teaches girls to take care of their appearance.

Ballet teaches to monotonous and daily work- undoubtedly, this skill will be needed in life, no matter what path the girl chooses. But when we do ballet with very young children, it is important not to cause rejection in them: children need dynamics, classes must be adapted to their age. And here our teachers use a variety of techniques. For example, they tell Interesting Facts from the life of the composer, whose music is being practiced today. Children especially love stories from their childhood. famous figures culture. Or teachers invite girls to imagine themselves as princesses at a ball when they practice a graceful bow. Listening classical music, the first knowledge of the history of art, the basics of etiquette - so gradually the child receives cultural baggage which puts him on a certain level in society.

Preschool children usually do whatever their parents choose. While the child has not shown his conscious desires, ballet classes will prepare fertile ground for any further classes. Lessons classical dance will be an excellent basis for any choreography. It is important to understand that this is the maximum that parents can give a child at this age. After the ballet school, the child will be able to practice any kind of dance. After ballet, you can easily dance hip-hip, but after hip-hop lessons, you just can’t get into ballet.


Herself most I have been dancing in my life and I can say that classical choreography- this is a kind of alphabet in the world of dance and a good basis for harmony and grace. Giving the girl to so early age V ballet class, parents form beautiful figure in the future and give good physical training, which is always useful not only in sports, but also in life.

Ballet is very beautiful, but what a hard work it is

Comment on the article "What does ballet give a girl? 4 reasons to do ballet"

I only have ballet advice. On new stage I went to the Mariinsky, but for some reason I don't remember my impressions. I definitely won’t go in December, I won’t be able to, probably, plus tickets for right places don't buy it. What does ballet give a girl? 4 reasons to take up ballet.


Now graduates from this year's Vaganovsky are serving at the Mariinsky. Bulanova in Giselle performed Mirta. Khoreva Masha was transferred to the leading soloists.
But in general it is now so everywhere, not only in classical ballet- technology is on top, but emotionally empty.

It's not entirely clear what you want, prl Peter or ballet in St. Petersburg?
From what I actually saw for an adult, I can recommend: with Tereshkina - Raymond, Park; with Novikova - the sleeping beauty Vikharev.
in Mikhailovsky I liked the ballet Romeo and Juliet with Lebedev and his beloved wife, and I didn’t like Cinderella at all (as a production). Liked Laurencia.
Go to Stanislavsky in Moscow for Cinderella, Snegurochka, Stone Flower.

29.11.2018 22:17:12, Alenkinamama 5

What does ballet give a girl? 4 reasons to take up ballet. The child gets tired of the road, and if there are additional classes after kindergarten, there is an overload. I believe that for preschoolers, any additional activities should be located as much as possible ...


We didn't go. Useless occupation. You can say that the child is already attending classes elsewhere. And yes, there is no money, but you hold on.

There is a standard excuse: there is no money for mugs. Well, I don't have. Nobody has the right to demand.
Yes, at the same time, at the request of the educators, we bought detergent consumables for the group, toilet paper and so on (this is the issue of funding). What stood out for the garden was not enough and was Bad quality. For your children, it’s not a pity to buy decent paper and normal dishwashing detergent ..

about ballet. Survey. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. Mine loves ice, doesn't really like SFP, doesn't like choreo much. But even through unloved activities it passes quite calmly, as gradually ...


If you seriously want as a profession, this is only a choreographic school. Videos on youtube. I'm amazed at how motivated kids are. Separated from my parents, the loads are huge + study. I love gymnastics, even though it’s hard, painful and scary sometimes. He endures the choreography with an interference, despite the fact that they have a very good, talented teacher. Lets improvise. I assure you that without choreography, nowhere. Hard. My opinion is that if a child wants to, you need to meet halfway, help, force things.

02/22/2018 22:12:55, Lenusik 128

I can tell from the position of the mother of a figure skater girl.

11 years old, has been training since the age of 6, we have been seriously training for about two years. Seriously, it is also relative, but nevertheless it is 3-4 hours a day, every day, including all weekends. Because the whole week is a section (almost 3 hours of ice + 1 hour of choreo or SFP), on Saturday it’s a ride (an individual SFP lesson for an hour and a half, where the child is rolled up so that he falls and falls asleep on the floor, in literally words, and an hour and a half of ice on an individual basis, after such a training - 3-4 hours of sleep, so the day is over), on Sunday this is a competition (two hours there, two back, three hours for the competition itself, so the day ended again)
I don't force it. It seems to me that this is possible only if the child wants to SAM. And he does not want, but he longs. If we talk just about physical activity, then everything is not so scary. Surprisingly. Firstly, the loads increase gradually, the children have time to get used to it. Secondly, everything around is training, and he is training. Mine loves ice, doesn't really like SFP, doesn't like choreo much. But even through unloved activities, it passes completely calmly, as gradually the children are driven into the head that without SFP there will be no muscles, there will be no muscles - there will be no jump. Without a choreo there will be no stretching, no stretching - there will be no part of the elements on the ice. That is, the causal relationship is obvious, and therefore the child quite calmly shakes both his back and legs, and stretches.
Thirdly, oddly enough, the psyche also adapts to stress. It's kind of an addiction. The child gets used to it and cannot live without this load. Mine, when at home, constantly jumps. She jumps, jumps, jumps ... She even got me, to be honest, with her jumps. But it's just a habit - to load.
How to chat, honestly, I don’t know, not our story. I don't think so. Either the child himself, or not. The loads are really crazy. To be the result, you have to "break" yourself. Break the body, forcing it to move through the limits. And you have to break your head. Because before many jumps, spins there is a block in the head. And you have to break yourself every day. In addition, there are many microtraumas that you need to learn to ignore. Today my knee hurts, tomorrow I pulled a ligament, then my heel hurts, then they rubbed me with new skates to terrible calluses. If a child is thirsty, loves what he does, then training is equal to a cult! Mine never skips. Only if he cannot get out of bed completely from the temperature (TTT). And other kids too. Snot, feeling unwell, a headache - athletes do not even have such a category of excuses in their heads. Ice is sacred, it is not skipped. Now we are planning a trip to Thailand. The first question of the daughter - and ice????? Is there ice???? And there is nothing unique in this. All the kids on the rink live it.
So think a hundred times. And how to try. Just take it and start. Further, either the child will delve into this (as happened with us), or resistance will begin. In this case, I would take it.
About the future. This is just an even more complex topic than everyday work. Exactly our story. The child lives only by this, is sick with ice, has no unique data. There is a good work capacity, good physical data. But we don’t get into the Olympic champions in any way, no matter how much she wants it, and no matter how much I want to give it to her. Well, we don't have any reserves for both of us. This is where I get stuck, yes. I persuade that we reach the level of CCM or MS and turn off the shop. But in the worst case, I already figured out, well, he will work as a coach. They are earning a lot of money on the pitches. Overall, though, I'm disappointed with this. I look forward to and hope that there will be other interests in life.

Ballet lessons. My daughter was accepted into the rhythm ballet group (maybe someone knows this group? At the Central Contemporary Art Center "On Sumy"). We got there in the middle. Before this, we did choreography at the kids club for a year and it was highly praised. To be honest, I don't really like ballet and I've heard a lot about terrible...


IMHO: yes, it's worth it.
1. Posture and the habit of regular physical activities laid down at this age persist for a long time.
2. The daughter is "delirious" - it makes sense to listen to her desires, if you have the opportunity (physical and financial) to take her to classes - this is a good basis for your relationship in the future, she will not remain small forever.
I myself am “terribly far away” from all kinds of dances, ballets, music, which did not prevent my daughter from 3.5 to almost 8 years old to do ballroom dancing and finish music school.
Dancing, under my pressure, was abandoned as soon as she went to first grade and it became clear that it was impossible to leave everything she wanted in the schedule (dancing, music, language, modeling + drawing) without harming her health - by the beginning of October, her daughter came home , sat on the sofa and passed out, not having time to change into home clothes ... I talked with my partner's parents - they have the same song (only instead of drawing some martial arts), my mother was very happy that I raised this topic - she was embarrassed to talk about leaving dancing on the eve of the next competition, but the child obviously did not pull such a load, and neither we nor the partner’s family had any special ambitions in this area - they were engaged for the sake of general development children :)

I love it when a child is passionate about something. if mine is delirious about something from classes, then he usually gets it :)
that is, in your case, it would definitely drive. it's still too early to talk about prof. sports and performance .. she can get sick in a year)))))

If a daughter dreams of ballet ... Girls, what do you think, if a child wants to do ballet for a year, give it away? Serious ballet lessons require a lot of time, effort, natural abilities, a desire to do it, and most importantly, readiness ...

Our classes are not in a neighboring yard, but by Moscow standards they are not very far away - 30 minutes to dances, about the same to ice. classes - how many times a week? I signed up my thematic daughter for gymnastics. Ballet once a week from 3 years old. Garden 3 times a week.


I already know that this is the norm. I also once signed a baby for 1.5 hours 3 times a week. Very quickly, this resulted in 5 times a week for 2-3 hours + competitions on weekends + away competitions for 3-4-5-6 days ... With my daughter, I no longer flattered myself about this, I immediately knew what we were going for. ..

We did the same with the theatre. A month before the performance every day rehearsals. While we walk, but also annoying. I inform the manager about this and together we think about the schedule, we talk about when it is possible to miss it.
At the same time, she is engaged in dancing and chorus two or three times a week + competitions. The teachers there are more experienced and everything is organized more clearly.
How to treat? It's a matter of your priorities. For example, we agree to go to the pool 6 times a week, because this is our priority. But I didn’t plan to drive to other circles more than three times.

If the future of the girl is somehow connected with dancing, the stage, dissuade or look for another team. Naturally, it is necessary to give up these particular dances, especially since the daughter herself gives the option of leaving for some kind of daughter for almost 9 years. We tried ballet, figure skating.


My son has recently quit dancing (ballroom), he has been studying for 6.5 years. He categorically said "No - that's all." Argumentation - tired (in fact - the relationship with the last partner did not work out). After all, it's definitely not for him. future profession. The rest of the additional classes remained, he walks with pleasure. Apparently, he really "burned out" ... Look at your daughter, exercising through force is not a joy.

Mine is 12. I hope to give up another year :) There are so many interesting things around.

And he works, and he works, and individual tasks gives. As a result, she has everything, even I was engaged in choreography. I sat on the twine. Because we have some girls. I would strongly think about ballet. eldest daughter went a few...


Tell me, why would you put your back on a child?

05/25/2017 13:33:48, Alena Aks

I tell, "as a local historian" (the son does a lot of things and does a lot of things).
They tried to go to an art school, they left because of a rather low level (the ambitions of the teacher, show-off - yes, I looked at the result on the report book ... to put it mildly, not very much, and the children who studied much more than us). Those. it was said that the classes were serious (with stretching, I have no problems), but in fact ...
Now I still think the situation was aggravated by the fact that everything became paid for preschoolers and free classes demand has increased.
They went to a paid team, no one tears children, everything is very soft. They performed at the end of the year. D's abilities (even not so much plasticity, but rather diligence and ability to hear) determine his place on the stage (first, second, third line). If re is not ready at all, then they simply do not include him in the number, but no one is expelled from the team.
I would definitely leave a teacher who requires twine in a month, because stretch marks with pain are INCORRECT stretch marks (I myself do bodily practices, I lead children's groups and I know that stretching can be done correctly and without tears)

Children's ballet Nadezhda. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Adult education. Ballet lessons. My daughter was accepted into the rhythm ballet group (maybe someone knows this group? And what are the reviews about this group?


Opinion: a very large stage load, less than the usual exercise. At the same time, on stage, children from an early age dance serious ballet parts on pointe shoes. Having become ill with this, they are trying to make a profession out of ballet. And prof. preparation is weak, and from the "Hope" to enter the school - you have to "relearn". Here's something to think about...
On the other hand - one of the oldest teams, children in business, with good deed. There is still a benefit - both physical and cultural-aesthetic. Their concerts on stage are beautiful, joyful.

Of the ballet companies in Moscow, this is far from the worst.
If something is more specific - write to the podnik.

Girls, what do you think, if a child wants to do ballet for a year already, give it away? It confuses me that her figure is not a ballerina, her toes are not necessary to convince, go to the ballet, I think that for health and figure this is the best view classes.


We are 7 years old, often walks on toes. We have orthopedic problems. In addition to massage, exercise therapy, etc. We were told to walk uphill and downhill, to follow the correct positioning of the foot.

My daughter is 2.9. He also walks on toes. Pulling is also enough for half a minute. :) We did several massage courses, but it didn’t go away, we still have to do it. You also need special shoes that fix the ankle and the sole is rigid. We don't wear shoes yet. Were at the neuropathologist and the orthopedist, they say that there is no tone, everything is fine and most likely this is already the usual position of the foot after hypertonicity, like you still need to do a massage to fix it. Only a massage therapist needs to be found good, preferably one who worked with neuralgia. We just have such a woman in the region, she worked for 20 years with children who have serious neuralgia (I don’t remember the exact diagnoses, and I won’t say, because I don’t understand this much). But the problem is that she likes to drink and often smells of alcohol from her. I kind of feel bad about this. Now I’m thinking where to find a good specialist near Lyubertsy.

If a daughter dreams of ballet .... - gatherings. A child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with you Would you send your child to ballet, knowing that it would be very difficult for her (fingers are not for ballet at all)? Have you taken your child from the ballet...


No need to convince, go to the ballet, I think that for health and figure this is the best type of exercise. Better than gymnastics figure skating And ballroom dancing. Factor of.

Tell me, are the fingers on the same line, is this a requirement for the child?
We have such legs ... thinness with the absence subcutaneous fat(but look healthy :)), love for ballet. Maybe this is an "indication" for ballet classes ?!
As a child, they tried to take me to see it, but the figure was “too heavy” and I myself was inactive.
But the daughter went to dad ... some kind of sophisticated, maybe it’s worth showing her, only she’s already 6 years old. But we don't need to be professional.

you know ballet SERIOUS is very hard. IMHO early at that age. I speak as someone who has done this myself. Dancing gives a lot of good, of course. By the way: against clubfoot: we went to ballet studio, for a year my daughter has a small clubfoot by one ...


you know ballet SERIOUS is very hard. IMHO early at that age. I speak as someone who has done this myself.

NOTHING HARMFUL!!! Maybe this is not yours? We, too, at one time were not taken to a couple of sections (free). Now my daughter goes to a paid studio. SHE LOVE IT!!! Most likely she will not be Anna Pavlova, but she (and we) do not need it. The child goes to classes and is happy ... Everything else is parental ambitions :)

Ballet at 4? - get-togethers. A child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships Do you think it's early to go to the ballet with a child at 4 years old? If not, then which one? BLUE BIRD? THE NUTCRACKER (mine loves it, but will ballet understand)?


We went to 5 - my daughter was delighted :). At 4, from my point of view, it’s somehow too early, or maybe not .... Try it :)

It would be nice to listen to the cassette (disk) with the setting to music beforehand. There are a lot of them now. To get into the music. My Leb lake has already stopped by. And I just let her listen to the Nutcracker on the player on a long journey.

Ballet is a calling and hard, very hard work. She herself was engaged in choreography for 10 years, but when a professional ballet teacher came to us, she immediately realized that I was not engaged, but figuratively speaking, lay on the couch.


What kind of team is this? It’s too early. Enrollment in a choreographic school, which is the basis of this profession at 8-9 years old. And if you have the ability to go there. By this time you will just be able to hear the wishes of your child.

Somehow strange - you yourself understand all the disadvantages PROFESSIONAL TEAM Why go there then? Whether or not there is an ability - the choreographer and the coach can be seen immediately. Bring the child, they will look at it, well, like a month, everything will be clear. And ballet is problems with joints, spine, jumps, knees, etc. Nafig need? Ballet is a calling and hard, very hard work. She herself was engaged in choreography for 10 years, but when a professional ballet teacher came to us, she immediately realized that I was not engaged, but figuratively speaking, lay on the couch. But you won't get fat, of course. :))

Girls .. advise .. my daughter is 7 years old .. she really wants to go to ballet. But a friend dissuades (she studied ballet) - she says that it’s beautiful on stage, and all day at the barre and a ruler on the back. I don’t want my daughter to be a ballerina, I want to have a posture, a figure ... we go to dances, but ...


You know, at first I sent my daughter to "dance", then to the zero class for the classics, then to the ballet studio, and this year she entered the Moscow State Academy of Arts. IN total- the sixth year the hobby does not pass!
I do not know what is in Samara with a choreographic education. Do you have a school? Or a theater school?
Here's the problem. In all amateur groups, ensembles, etc. children are not taught professionally. Although there are loads - God forbid! And when children from groups and studios still decide to go to the real professional ballet they face certain difficulties. These are children who have already danced, with great stage experience (this is a plus), but they have to start from the "basics", and often - to relearn. Because in ensembles and groups the goal is different than in choreographic schools. There, the goal is to get on stage as soon as possible, with a large repertoire, so that it is bright, etc. They don't hone every movement, they don't explain which muscle works where. As a result, children do not memorize movements quite correctly.
If your daughter has desire to go to a real, professional ballet (of course, contrary to your desire, because which of the parents wants this for their children! :)), then you still have to study in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm (maybe even better in Paris) , or even the Voronezh School is not bad. Of all the rest - it is almost impossible to go "into the people". This is what you must understand for yourself and explain to your daughter.
So, I interrupted my answer, went to the website of the Samara ten-year school. I just didn’t understand - there is a 10-year-old school, but there is a choreographic school, right? In general, it seems that everything is not so bad with your ballet, the St. Petersburg orientation is visible. But still, the rating of the school is the same as I wrote above: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Perm, Voronezh.
Just about studying at a ballet school - the devil is not as terrible as he is painted! When a child loves it, he is good there.
If your daughter is 7 years old, why don't you show her to teachers from a 10-year-old or from a school, find out what data, what are the chances? There are probably some preparatory classes where you can at least try.
Of course, many 7 year old girls think that being a ballerina is kind of like being a barbie princess :) but there are those who know very well what they want. Here I came across such an option - now I'm suffering :). Look for the film (it was on TV several times) "Prisoners of Terpsichore", this is about the Perm school. If after this film your daughter still wants to go to ballet - give it away, there's nowhere to go.
With sympathy
ballet mom.

If the child asks, you must give. You can always go back. I have a friend whom her mother forbade to study. She thinks her mother ruined her life. And I think she's right.

about the ballet question. Here I read - the girls are doing ballet, they are starving, they are upset. I don’t understand why everyone was so touched by the question of the girl’s nutrition. It was not about BALLET! 2) Girls are engaged seriously because there is data. There are few of them, but this is the MAIN thing, therefore ...


I don’t understand why everyone is so touched by the question of the girl’s nutrition. It was not about BALLET! And the swans have nothing to do with it. This school provides a multifaceted education. At least we have. Study for 10 years. Classical dance, folk, variety, ballroom, sports, music, art history, staging and much more. Well, is it really bad if the girls are artistic? And dance folk dance With overweight also hard and ugly looking. And the well-fed singer is also not "ah." Very few in such schools reach the 4th grade. We are recruiting 4 1st classes of 25 people, and the 4th class is already one! Because this is not a circle - the requirements are quite high. No one is expelled, but you have to work, and few people have the patience for this. Children dance in ensembles, go to festivals around the country and abroad. This is interesting. And what's with the backing dance? This is just an episode. Believe that "to drive with an iron hand into a bright future" for 10 years is problematic if the child does not want to. Many take the child to English (French, German ...) because the mother believes that this will be useful to the child in the future. Does the child want this? Maybe he wants to take a walk and want to play, watch a cartoon, but they drag him ... If a child does not have abilities, for example, in mathematics, do you need to score on it completely? Why does he need integrals in Everyday life? Rhetorical question.... :))))
As far as I understand, no one is starving girls and is not going to. It's about about a reasonable restriction of sweets and harmfulness. For example, I consider soda and chips to be VERY harmful products and I NEVER buy them, but if someone treats a child, I will not throw a tantrum and tear food out of my mouth.
There are, of course, children who, at the age of 5-6-7, know exactly what they want and are persistently moving in this direction. I envy my parents - they can only support. Mine doesn't know yet. Either he wants to go or he doesn't. And he doesn’t want to when there is a prospect of walking and playing. She worries that there won't be time for fooling around, although I wouldn't call our schedule very busy. Therefore, until the end of the 2nd grade in the choreographer. I decided to take her to school. Further it will be seen. Everything I wrote is IMHO.

I recently talked with my daughter about this, about the prospects, about the 45th swan. And what do you think - she very soberly understands everything in her 10 years. She knows that she has data, but that's not all, that she needs work, that she needs luck, and so on. But she is ready to be 45 swan! She claims that although, of course, she wants to be a soloist, the corps de ballet is better than any other profession.
Now she just gets great pleasure from the exercises, and from dancing, and from performances. I don’t know what kind of joy it is to lie “in a frog” with your booty up, what kind of joy it is to stand in the 5th position - but I see that this is exactly what my daughter is happy about. What now, do not give? And since such a choice has been made, it means that certain hardships are associated with this - not only a diet, but also time, strength, and pain. I think these are just such special people, fanatical - they are the road to ballet!
By the way, physical data, ie. The "ballet" figure is not the main thing at all. Many famous artists(starting with Plisetskaya, Vasiliev, Uvarov) - far from a ballet figure! More important is obstinacy fanatical and natural (or developed, I don't know) artistry and "dancing". Very often girls with perfect figure- not danceable, and nothing special comes out of them. And dance, but with flaws in the figure - they dance.
In addition, it seems to me that ballet is not at all as scary as it is painted. In any case, IMHO, it is more organic and natural for a child to move, run, jump, perform in public than sit hunched over at a desk for several hours, and even than sit at the piano. Ballet children have not only posture, but also breathing, and the vestibular apparatus! So in a way they are healthier. (And how many "long-livers" among the dancers - Igor Moiseev, Semenova, Lepeshinskaya...).

I don’t know which of them is additional, since we have a week of payment division. On Alabyan (if it’s on the corner with Panfilov) there is a good school, but rather an amateur level. On Panfilov there is, but without classics, and rather, for 5-7 year old children, on Svoboda (not quite Sokol, of course :)) there is a real choreographic school with a department and there is an art school on Kurchatov Square. It seems that the art school is praised, but it all depends on what your tasks are. Yes, in Svoboda they take from the age of 8, the school is free, and the preparatory department - 2000 per month.
a good school in Malachite, but rather, a show ballet.

17.05.2004 22:57:05, crab stick

And why is it broken? And how much did you do? I was engaged in choreography for 7 years, I didn’t become a ballerina, but even now I can sit down on the twine. If you do not raise Plisetskaya from a child, then stretching is only for the good, especially for a girl, grace in movements appears, lightness.

Ballet is more than tight clothes, tight tights and wearing a special ballet shoes. It is about developing dance skills through the dedication and perseverance of a person. The article describes the various benefits of ballet for your health.

Improves posture

Ballet - undoubted benefit for posture. It helps you achieve postural alignment. Each movement requires care in its execution. You move yourself from one position to another. Dance techniques contribute to correcting the wrong position of the body, pulling the shoulders back and lengthening the neck.

Inspires confidence

Ballet begins with an innate desire to be a professional dancer and achieve meaningful goals with it. hard way. The study showed that learning dance technique increases the variety of foot placement. You will be amazed at yourself when you get great posture.

Increases flexibility

Flexibility is not prerequisite for ballet. You get it through numerous trainings. Because ballet includes both static and dynamic stretching, doing these types of exercises will help keep your body flexible.

Builds muscle and improves agility

Believe it or not, ballet is a combination of Pilates and endurance training. It also involves breathing coordination. Performing squats and jumps, a person helps to strengthen his body. As the dancer continues to practice more movements, he will maintain the integrity of fine coordination and motor skills.

Burns extra calories

Your body weight affects the number of calories you burn in a 90-minute workout. A person weighing over 120 pounds can burn about 200 calories in just 30 minutes, which is about 600 calories per session.

Provides healthy nutrition

Whether you take ballet as a hobby or a serious activity, you don't want to feel fat. Therefore, being aware of what you are eating will have an enormous impact on you. A well-balanced diet will support your health and appearance.

Improves sensorimotor performance

The ability to balance yourself and respond to external stimuli indicates how developed your sensorimotor skills are. Participation in ballet or dance program increases them, including both hemispheres of the brain.

Boosts Cognitive Function

Mastering dance technique challenges your brain to synchronize your movements. A meta-analysis has shown that ballet and other dance interventions are useful measures to limit age-related nervous system pathology such as dementia.

Relieves stress

Ballet is supposed to be fun and a workout for your body. Learn a few movement mistakes and focus on improving your technique and you will stop worrying about external problems which you cannot change.

Creates social connections

Joining a ballet class and interacting with dance group contributes to more healthy lifestyle life. This is a great opportunity to make friends with new people. Building strong social relationships reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and related diseases.


19.01.2009, 19:58

Good evening!
I have heard a lot about ballet. Many say that it helps the development of the child. In your opinion, is it worth giving it to ballet classes? The child has, in my opinion, some data. ..

20.01.2009, 13:24

I myself am the father of such a child. I have already been sent to ballet, so far to the art school at the music school, but there is talk of a more serious ballet education. Nothing has been decided yet, there is still time to think.

1) Good posture.
2) Health (if you practice without fanaticism) Pfu 3 times.
3) Sense of rhythm and sense of one's own body.
4) Developed flexibility
5) The daughter quickly made friends, unlike the comprehensive school.
6) General musical education is part of the choreography. There is a possibility of flexible adjustment to the wishes of the child. The number of "ballet" hours can be reduced and added more music(choir, orchestra), but my daughter special desire To musical subjects does not show.

1) Take to classes 3 times a week in the middle of the day
2) ...
I don't know of any other cons.

20.01.2009, 14:05

I remembered where the ability to dance helps a lot in adulthood:
For example, they say that adult dancers (as well as circus performers) who start windsurfing have a huge advantage over other beginners due to better control of their bodies.

No one has studied whether the flexibility of the body gives a more developed flexibility of thinking :-), but what can be harmful in it, if training, of course, is not up to injuries


20.01.2009, 18:58

Thanks a lot. could you advise something?

21.01.2009, 13:34

In our country, too, it all started with the fact that the child noticed the ability to dance. We went to look for a dance club near the house. We went to the music school on the street. Karpinsky (Petersburg) to inquire about a dance club, and they tell us: write an application and go to the entrance exams (today is the last day of admission).

The child did not even have time to get scared as her 3 aunts began to test for jumping ability, rim and other parameters. Then it was necessary to dance improvisation to the music.

From the conversations of parents and teachers, it was clear that the budget places were already occupied by those who went to paid preparation for admission, and the selection of those who accidentally went into the self-sufficiency group.

As a result, my daughter was taken to a self-sufficiency group. The cost of training was 3000 rubles / month.
Having studied the first semester for a fee, the daughter from this New Year was transferred to the budget for the places vacated there

At the meeting they said that they are preparing children seriously. After studying at their school, you can try to enter the Vaganova ARB.


21.01.2009, 19:16

Oh! Great! This, as far as I know, is the best school in Russia! And it will be very, very difficult to enter there .. If you go there .... Then accept my congratulations!

22.01.2009, 12:55

unspecified disadvantages of professional training of children in ballet:
b) barracks discipline
c) the cult of physiology over the brain
d) (of course) injury
e) pain as everyday life (hence mental disorders)
f) perspective unrequited love to profession...

And this is "little things" ...

I think ballroom dancing is better...

22.01.2009, 13:41

22.01.2009, 21:48

going to ballet is the same as getting married - you will repent anyway ... I know many who did not go (and were even expelled) - all the same - love is indestructible.
but still, constant rivalry is not for the weak.
in conclusion - a favorite quote from Tsiskaridze:

23.01.2009, 12:13

On the other hand, in a simple life, isn't there a constant rivalry?

During professional training in mathematics, the "skewed consciousness" can be in the other direction, which can lead to illness and, as a result, a deterioration in mental abilities, for which Physical Culture and "sacrifice". I believe that the reverse situation is also not in favor of the ballet, because. in order to effectively develop your body, you still need to be able to think.

If, however, we come to the conclusion that neither mathematics nor ballet is necessary to study professionally in order for the personality to be balanced, then a person in adult life will be uncompetitive in both of these areas.
And if he has a pronounced ability to one thing? Then we condemn the child to regret that he was not taught something professionally. It will be lucky if a grown child will regret in the sense that he did not at one time insist that his parents send him to study in the desired field professionally ...., otherwise they may regret a little differently ... :lol:

23.01.2009, 12:40

in conclusion - a favorite quote from Tsiskaridze:
"A ballerina-ballerina can wish one thing - death!"

Come on, it looks like a cliche (joke) that dancers like to flaunt.

There are similar jokes (stamps) about programmers, for example:
Wife: Go to the store and buy one loaf. If there are eggs, then buy 10.
Programmer in the store: Do you have any eggs?
Seller: Yes!
Programmer: 10 loaves please... :lol:

Any programmer will tell you with great pleasure, but this does not mean that if a person is a programmer, then he is the same "idiot" as in this joke.

23.01.2009, 17:41

Come on, it looks like a cliche (joke) that dancers like to flaunt.

Well, yes, there are those who will pour crushed glass into your shoes, if you please ... :-o

23.01.2009, 17:49

In general, take a risk ... but with musicality, jump, step, rise, turnout, etc., an excess of health and the ability to dominate are also needed. And so - in the process of learning, strict selection also acts - it suddenly grows up to 2 meters or gets fat ...

23.01.2009, 17:54

Well, yes, there are those who will pour crushed glass into your shoes, if you please ... :-o

I also read this at the ballet forum, but I did not see confirmation that this was not an isolated case (but perhaps a "forum duck").

Similarly, in the horrors of a comprehensive school, one can write down putting buttons on a chair with the point up, and other "pranks" of children no less cruel than putting glass in shoes.

With people (not necessarily ballet) you have to be ready for anything. Have a habit of shaking shoes before putting on, watching where you sit down and generally looking around. When ambushed, strike first and quickly carry away legs .... It seemed to me that in regular school did it all go through? :lol:

23.01.2009, 18:02

Well, yes, there are those who will pour crushed glass into your shoes, if you please ...: -O It's okay for you to kindle passions. To pour crushed glass, you must first learn to dance like Tsiskaridze. And promote yourself as well.


26.01.2009, 19:05

27.01.2009, 02:08

You are absolutely right. but it might as well be. that in the end the child will get so tired of it that he will curse everyone and everything ... just like I cursed everyone in my time for sending me to the wrong area of ​​​​knowledge. where I would like...

Of course, the main word for the child. This is just psychological preparation for the fact that the daughter herself wants to do ballet, which is very likely.

All our relatives (technicians) are shocked by the desire of children to engage in any arts. My parents did not help me with music lessons, and I myself did not master this business at such a level as to claim professionalism. In addition, they "cunning" after all, providing some kind of illusion of choice: if you want to be a musician, it's too late to play the piano, you can go to wind instruments ... followed by a description of a bunch of minuses from playing the trumpet (professional illnesses, prospects, or rather their absence, and other negatives)... In addition, it was no secret that I didn’t like copper / iron pipes then, and I don’t like them now, but as a child I didn’t know anything about woodwinds and had no experience of listening to them .. ., now I realize that it was worth going to the woodwinds after all...

As a result, I am now an engineer by education, but having received this education, I felt out of place ... In the end, I became a programmer, which is rather closer to applied arts than to science.
It's not that I "curse" my parents, but still I believe that information is by choice life path the child should be given the most complete and without his addictions ...

28.01.2009, 05:09

Hello forum members!
A very burning topic - pro and contra ballet. I came to the ballet, or, rather, to the ballet, quite late and in a rather adulthood(20+). Of course, I do not dance professionally, but I work very closely in this area. I write critics and PR articles about ballet performances and participate in the organization of children's and youth dance competition. By the way, welcome to our website

Should you teach your child ballet? YES! Should I try to make him, or rather her, a ballerina? Here is a series of "buts".

Classical dance has a lot of advantages:
- A stooped, clumsy, chubby child quickly turns into a graceful, thin creature with a flying gait, excellent coordination and beautiful legs(which in life a woman can very much come in handy, even if she does not become the second Lopatkina)

Ballet children in general are "not of this world", amazing, even among kids, amazing perseverance and diligence. Instead of running around in the yard or hanging around in front of the computer, they sharpen batmans, and even watch TV while lying in the splits, or "breaking" the lifts. The evil influence of the street is excluded!

Ballet is an elitist art, far from being accessible and understandable to everyone. Therefore, in general education school a child keen on ballet (especially a boy! :-o) runs the risk of becoming a black sheep with a characteristic "penguin" gait.

A huge plus is the discipline instilled in children from an early age. Those who come to us for the competition are just little soldiers! It helps a lot in later life. And yet, these children have a PURPOSE. Very specific, tangible. They want to dance. On the stage. The choice of profession is made.

The Russian ballet school is still very much appreciated all over the world. The profession of a dancer does not need words, so employment is possible all over the world. Imagine the space! Ballet people are a special caste, gypsies. A couple of seasons in Hungary, then in Germany, then - Japan, France, the States, Korea ... And on tour - to Spain, Argentina, Brazil ... And everything is paid for. And everywhere - friends, colleagues, classmates, friends of friends. And everyone helps each other, and there is where to stay when you travel.

Professional ballet education requires huge sacrifices, both from children and from their parents. At first, it is incredibly difficult to enter a prestigious educational institution. Wanted preparatory classes, work on physical disabilities, stretching, the choice of teachers - God forbid they spoil it! If the teacher overlooks, and the child "fills up" the feet inside, and this is a sentence to the knees in the future, or put something else wrong, and the path to the same Vaganovka, and the professional future is closed! Because retraining is much more difficult than teaching.

Having arrived, do not relax! This is where the fight against exclusion begins. Ballet children work like galleys! Indeed, in addition to the lessons of classics, duet, fingers (pointe dance), folk-characteristic dances, modern, there is also general education program, music, and near-ballet subjects. And rehearsals, if the school is at the theater (like Vaganovka and MAHU), then participation in performances. By the way, general education subjects suffer, and if suddenly a child is expelled from school, it is difficult for him to go to a normal school. And when the transitional age comes, then the war for the form begins, which is fraught with all sorts of anorexic-bulemic nasty things. To graduate from such an educational institution is happiness! Look at the statistics: the competition for a place is about 200 people (it is much easier for girls, boys - there are few of them!), 30 people are accepted, and 7-15 ballet dancers graduate! And only a couple of people are hired by the theater (for example, the Mariinsky Theater)

The current ballet requires inhuman proportions and exceptional data. The ballerina must now have a very long legs, arms, neck, be tall, pretty, while having the right weight (less than 50 kg.) Look at Zakharova, Lopatkina, Polina Semionova, the same Volochkova (well, there are problems with weight). They even tried to expel Diana Vishneva several times, they said there was no data! Also - absolute eversion, step (anatomical ability to raise the leg high), instep, foot structure, back, etc., etc. And musicality, and acting skills ... And even having all this, there is a risk of all short career stand in the corps de ballet. A career is short!

Only the outstanding can count on creative longevity. For many, about 30 - 35, the question becomes an edge - what to do next? Trauma, prof. diseases make you say goodbye to the stage. And what to do? All life was devoted to this sacred monster - ballet, and now ??? After all, not everyone is given pedagogy, and starting everything from scratch, to put it mildly, is not easy.

The salary of a dancer, if it is not a star, is low. It is incomparable with the physical and emotional costs, as well as with the long period of study. There is practically no free time outside the theater. The working day is often from 10:00 to 22:30. On foot! :lol:

I signed something ... In short - if a child cannot live without dancing, and there is data - give it to ballet! By the way, if you ask ballet dancers if they would send their children to ballet, they say - for nothing! And then you look - the children are dancing ...

Ballerina is a professional dancer who performs classical dances. Ballerinas start dancing at the age of 4-6 years, they use finger technique for work. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physical education, singing, music and world art culture (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description

Ballet dance must be started in early childhood, because at this age the body of the child is very plastic. Future dancers should be distinguished by small stature and low weight, flexibility, narrow ankles. The commission that accepts children to professional ballet schools often pays attention to the physique of the child's parents, because if dad and mom are large, then the parameters of the dancer's figure are adolescence may also change.

The guys who passed the competition begin to actively train, but more than 50% of future ballerinas are weeded out. They can be expelled from the team due to the fact that the ballerina is growing too fast, gaining weight, does not have the necessary flexibility or lightness, is lazy and misses training.

Features of the profession

It should be understood that ballet is hard and exhausting work. Light and fragile dancers are forced to deny themselves literally everything. Girls constantly sit on a strict diet, because the weight of an adult ballerina, whose height is 163 cm, should not exceed 44 kg. If the weight is out of bounds, then the girl may not be allowed to perform or be expelled from the choreographic school.

A ballerina must be very hardy and hardworking, because the path to big stage lies through many hours of training. Classes for children who are just starting their ballet career begin with ground gymnastics, which helps develop flexibility, prepare the body for more complex exercises, and improve coordination. The success of a ballerina depends on the choreographer who works with her. Many choreographers dream of raising a famous prima ballerina, so they try to invest all their knowledge in promising students.

  • high blood pressure;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • flat feet;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • childhood injuries (fractures, torn ligaments, and others that can affect the plasticity and mobility of the joints);
  • obesity.

Ballerinas who graduated from specialized ballet schools immediately begin to perform, working as corps de ballet dancers or soloists. The ballet company is touring home country and often travels abroad, a strict hierarchy reigns in the team. The dancers constantly train, work with the choreographer, study the scenario of the production and the music for it in order to understand the character of their character. Each member of the troupe receives a ballet part, the complexity and importance of which depends on the professionalism of the ballet dancer, natural abilities, artistry.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. Opportunity to perform on the best stages in the world.
  2. Ideal figure.
  3. Excellent posture.
  4. No bad habits.
  5. Strong immunity.
  6. Development of good taste.
  7. Strength of mind.
  8. Increased endurance.
  9. Big fees.
  10. Opportunity to become a teacher after graduation.


  1. Food restrictions.
  2. Strict daily routine.
  3. High competition and envy from other ballerinas.
  4. The development of occupational diseases (diseases of the joints, dislocations and sprains, arthritis and arthrosis, deformity of the feet, and others).
  5. Lots of business trips.

Important Personal Qualities

  1. Diligence.
  2. Perseverance.
  3. Respect.
  4. Endurance.
  5. Purposefulness.
  6. Focus on results.
  7. Artistry.
  8. Charisma.
  9. Discipline.
  10. Obedience.
  11. Leadership.

Children are accepted for preparatory classes from the age of 4, at 9-11 they can enter a professional ballet school, where they need to study for 8 years. During training, future ballerinas face serious physical activity, because their classes can last from 3 to 9 hours, depending on the age of the dancers and their level of training.

If a child under 10-12 years old has not begun to practice ballet, then his path lies in folk or variety dance. It is worth noting that ballerinas must have an excellent figure and excellent technique, but teachers practically do not put forward requirements for knowledge of the school curriculum.

Often talented ballerinas who have been trained in choreographic schools with a degree in "The Art of Ballet" or " choreographic art”, after the final exams, they are invited to enter famous ballet academies and schools. Representatives of such schools attend performances and examination concerts, choosing promising dancers. famous graduates ballet schools invited to work in famous theaters(Mariinsky, Bolshoi, Mikhailovsky and others).

Higher education

  • Academy of Russian Ballet AND I. Vaganova.
  • Moscow state academy choreography.
  • Imperial School of Russian Ballet.
  • Ballet School Nutcracker.
  • Ballet school Ilze Liepa.
  • School of ballet art "Arabesques".

ballet schools

School of ballet "Kasok", St. Petersburg

Work at school professional educators and acting ballet dancers who teach children the art of classical dance. The school has a program for children, teenagers and professional dancers who want to improve their technique and learn how to avoid injury.

Place of work

The career of ballet dancers is short, so until the age of 35-40 they actively tour, performing on the best ballet scenes in the world. They can work in well-known ballet troupes or small groups, but here everything depends on talent.

After retirement, ballerinas work as choreographers and give private lessons. Notable prima ballerinas can retrain as theater or film actresses, star in commercials to open their own schools.


The salary of a ballerina depends on the level of her training, the place she occupies in the troupe, and the qualification category. The competition for a place in the famous metropolitan theaters is very large, because 100-150 ballerinas can apply for 1 vacancy.

Prima ballerina can receive wages, the size of which is 100-150 thousand rubles. The corps de ballet dancers receive up to 50 thousand rubles, but the salary depends on the theater in which the troupe works.

Professional knowledge

  1. Knowledge of the history of ballet.
  2. Ability to work in different dance genres.
  3. Performance of the established choreographic repertoire.
  4. elaboration ballet part with a partner, choreographer and choreographer.
  5. The ability to enter the image and convey it through movement.
  6. The ability to feel music and a good ear for music.
  7. Creation of scenes.
  8. Ability to maintain excellent physical shape.
  9. Proficiency in professional terminology.

Famous representatives of the profession

  1. Plisetskaya, Maya Mikhailovna.
  2. Ulanova, Galina Sergeevna
  3. Pavlova, Anna Pavlovna
  4. Vishneva, Diana Viktorovna
  5. Obraztsova, Evgenia Viktorovna.

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