Musical Lounge “Sounds of music around us. Literary and musical living room as one of the forms of extracurricular work with students


Musical and Literary Lounge "MUSIC OF WINTER"

Target: to instill love for classical music, for the work of classical poets through the synthesis of the arts (music, poetry).
Tasks: develop musical and creative abilities of children:
. learn independently, determine the nature and content piece of music, emotionally respond to it; convey the nature of musical works through movement, develop motor qualities, skills; develop singing skills ear for music;
. improve the ability to play in an orchestra, use a variety of techniques for playing children's musical instruments; broaden your musical horizons;
. develop love for Russian artistic word; improve the intonational expressiveness of speech; develop a culture of communication joint activities children and adults.

Leisure course.
Sounds "Waltz" G. Sviridov.
Children enter the hall and sit down.
(slide - winter forest)

Good evening, our dear guests. Today we met in the music room to talk about winter, to hear how music and poetry talk about it.
In winter, nature is unusually beautiful! Everything around is white and sparkling. Trees dress up in fluffy snow-white clothes, everything around is covered with a white veil, and winter draws bizarre patterns on the glass: fabulous birds, crystal flower petals, fantastic castles.
Many poets sang the beauty and magic of winter. Listen to a poem by A.S. Pushkin:
Here is the north, catching up the clouds,
He breathed, howled - and here she is
The magical winter is coming.
Came, crumbled into shreds
Hanging on the branches of oaks,
She lay down with wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills;
A shore with a motionless river
Leveled with a plump veil,
Frost flashed and we are glad
I'll tell mother winter's leprosy.
Let's try to briefly go back 100 years, to the living room where the Russian nobles gathered, and music will help us with this.
(slide - an old living room with a piano)

Sounds "Waltz" by P. I. Tchaikovsky
Yes ... then there were living rooms home music making. In any self-respecting family, there was a guitar or a piano in the living room. And sometimes both.
After dinner, someone picked up a guitar or sat down at the piano and the hall was filled with sounds. Let me present our listeners with the romance “I remember the lovely sound of a waltz ...” by the composer Listov.

Romance sounds “I remember the waltz, the lovely sound”, music and lyrics by N. Listov.

Many artists, poets and composers loved winter for its magical beauty, pure, clear sparkling colors. Let's talk about winter today, listen to music about it.
Only to the most attentive listener will music open its fabulous gates. Listen to wonderful sounds music - and you will hear: either a light breath of the breeze, or the rustle of quietly falling snowflakes or crystal chime drops…
- What kind of music is playing now?
Sounds like a play"December" by P. I. Tchaikovsky
Children. The play "December" by composer P.I. Tchaikovsky from the album "The Seasons" was performed.
Of course, guys, this music is familiar to you.
But what wonderful lines came out from the pen of poets to tell about the winter beauty, about its greatness.
(slide - illustrating the text of Pushkin's excerpt)
Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On firewood updates the path;
His horse, smelling the snow,
Trotting somehow;
Reins fluffy exploding,
A remote wagon flies;
The coachman sits on the irradiation
In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Planting a bug in a sleigh,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The scoundrel already froze his finger:
It hurts and it's funny
And his mother threatens him through the window...
(slide- winter nature)
Guys, we also know songs about winter. Let's sing one of them.
Song "Zimushka-winter", music. Z. Root
Winter, ... what is it like?
Children. Cold, harsh, blizzard, fluffy, soft, beautiful, caring.
Quite right. Listen to the verse. about winter.
Verse by N. A. Nekrasov. "Snowball"
Snow flutters, spins,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In cold glass
Where the finches sang in summer
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
On the branches of snowmen.
The snow is cut by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry,
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.
What sounds can be heard in winter?
Children. The creak of snow, the sound of ice, the sound of the wind, the howl of a blizzard.
(slide - flying snowflakes)

Right. But the flight of light airy snowflakes cannot be heard, but you can come up with music about it.
Konstantin Balmont "Snowflake"
Light fluffy,
snowflake white,
What a pure
How brave!
Dear stormy
Easy to carry
Not in the sky azure,
Asking for the ground.
But here it ends
The road is long
touches the earth,
Crystal star.
lies fluffy,
Snowflake is bold.
What a pure
What a white!
Our dear guests, now we will hear the “Waltz of the Snow Flakes”. What is the name of the composer who composed this work?
Children. P. I. Tchaikovsky. This waltz is from his ballet The Nutcracker.
The wonderful music of Tchaikovsky from his ballets, the album "The Seasons" cannot leave anyone indifferent. And what other composer has the album "Seasons"?
Children. At Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi has 4 concerts: "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Winter".
Now we will hear a fragment of the well-known concert “Winter”.
Sounds excerpt "Winter" A. Vivaldi.
Guys, what is winter in Vivaldi's work? How does the music sound?
Children. The music sounds excited, anxious, the winter is blizzard, restless, cold.
Vivaldi himself wrote about this music:
Frozen under the fresh snows,
Under a sharp wind blowing in the dudu.
Run, stomp your boots
And shivering and shivering in the cold.

Winter gives us the most beloved holidays, the most funny fun Activities: snowball fights, sledding, skiing, skating, troika with bells.

What piece of music is playing now?
Children."On a trio". P.I. Tchaikovsky.
Troika is called in Russia horses harnessed together, under one arc. Bells were often hung from the arc, which played loudly when driving fast.

Song "Sanochki", music. A Filippenko
(winter evening slide)

We have one more picture. What do we see? Quiet winter evening. It is dark around and only the lights in the windows of the houses illuminate the way for the lost traveler. Let's sit down near the fireplace, rest and watch the fire crackle.
"Dance with candles" music. I.S. Bach "Aria from Suite No. 3"
Today we talked about winter, recited poems, sang songs, listened to the music of great composers. This is our Russian winter! We thank everyone who visited our musical winter lounge, and we invite you to sing a wonderful song at the end of our evening. modern song composer E. Krylatov "If there was no winter."
(slide - winter fun)

The song "If there was no winter" muses. E. Krylatovaends the musical evening.

Course program extracurricular activities

"Music Lounge"

music director,

GKOU SO "Novouralsk school No. 1"

Explanatory note

Intellectual and spiritual development Personality, first of all, depends on the education system, and music plays a special role in this process.

The musical education of mentally retarded children is a specially organized pedagogical process, which is an integral part of correctional education, the purpose of which is to form musical culture as a set of qualities of musical consciousness, activities, relationships, correction and prevention of secondary deviations in the development of students.

The relevance of creating a program for the formation and development of the foundations of musical culture among mentally retarded students is due to the need to search active forms extracurricular activities, which involves the inclusion of students in grades 8-9 in the social and educational space, taking into account individual needs for the development and continuation of their musical education.

The program for the formation and development of musical culture among mentally retarded students is based on the organization of extracurricular activities in the form of holding musical lounges that integrate traditional views musical activity and involve informal communication between listeners and performers in a joint dialogue.

The purpose of the extracurricular activities course creation of conditions for an emotional, holistic and harmonious sphere of communication between adults and children through musical and aesthetic activities.

Course objectives:

    To form the need for joint involvement in the musical and aesthetic activities of all participants in the educational space (students, teachers, parents).

    To enrich the aesthetic perception and promote the development of the foundations of musical culture among students through the accumulation of musical experience.

    Develop cognitive interest students to music of different genres, characters, performances using visualization (media presentations, conversations, creating projects, listening to musical works, etc.).

    Awaken the desire to improve students' own musical culture through independent productive activities.

The music room is a flexible form of organized communication that impresses the teenager with their claims to adulthood. The attractiveness of the music room is that it is quite mobile. It can be dedicated to any topic using various forms and attributes.

Carrying out such activities involves work in several directions.

1. Organization of the musical lounge.

choice of topic;

definition of goals and objectives;

determination of the intended purpose;

script writing;

distribution of roles among students - leaders, performers;

individual rehearsals;

consultations (if necessary) of teachers;

preparation of media presentations;

Preparation technical equipment;

selection of musical works;

solution of organizational issues - communication with the participants of the living room (students, teachers, parents, guests, etc.).

Student activities:

selection and search of auxiliary materials (biographies and works of composers, artists; photographs, reproductions, etc.);

writing announcements and invitations to guests;

invitation of guests - participants in the living room;

organization of space for the living room

decoration of the room where the living room will be held.

2. Holding a musical lounge.

Music director activities:

introduction Mistress of the living room;

meeting with the guest of the literary and musical lounge;

showing a media presentation;

speeches creative teams(of necessity).

Student activities:

performance of students - presenters, performers.

3. Generalization and reflection.

creative tasks aimed at tracking the formation of ideas about music, its types, genres, styles, about the life and work of various composers;

assessment by students of their activity (participation) in various activities;

presence/absence of emotional experience of music.

Planned results of mastering the course program by students

extracurricular activities "Musical lounge"

It is assumed that with participation in the organization and conduct of the cycle of musical drawing rooms, mentally retarded students will form:

interest and emotional response;

competencies in the field of musical and aesthetic activities;

ability to work with reference literature and select the necessary information (theoretical, biographical);

the ability to build a coherent statement about a piece of music using key knowledge in the process of live perception of music;

the ability to speak publicly in front of an audience;

the ability to interact in the process of collective creativity and communication during a conversation;

skill collective music making and implementation dance moves, choral singing;

the need to work while mastering the role of a bearer of culture.

The cycle of musical drawing rooms reveals 15 themes, which are divided into 6 sections. Each musical lounge is held within one academic hour.

The program of the extracurricular activities "Musical Lounge" is designed for two years. The implementation of the program provides for the right to independently determine the timing of the musical lounges and the choice of topics that most fully take into account the specific conditions of the extracurricular activities of the educational institution.

Educational and thematic plan

Section, topics of classes

Number of hours

Section 1. Musical genres

I remember the waltz sound lovely

Genres vocal music

This light music called pop

Section total


Section 2. Musical instruments

Piano sounds

What are orchestras

Section total


Section 3 musical folklore

Journey to Folkland

Christmas star light

Come, spring, with joy!

Section total


Section 4. Expressive music

Facilities musical expressiveness

Feelings, moods and characters of people in music

Section total


Section 5. Visual music

A. Vivaldi "Seasons"

Fairy tale in music

Section total


Section 6. Music and other arts

Music and painting

Music in film and animation

Section total


Program Total


The content of the program of the extracurricular activities "Musical Lounge"

The program of the extracurricular activity course on the formation and development of the foundations of musical culture among mentally retarded students includes a range of areas that are necessary for the formation of skills for the perception of musical works and the manifestation creative imagination with independent musical activity.

education of emotional and valuable interested attitude to musical works

formation of the ability to select the necessary information when preparing information about the composer

formation of ideas about musical genre waltz through the introduction of new concepts


Choreographic Ensemble Invitation

Selection of information about the composer I. Strauss.

Song learning.


Showing dance moves. Preparation of equipment for visual activity.

Listening to music. Performing dance moves and rhythmic exercises. Singing. Drawing to music.

Generalization and reflection

Concert is a mystery.

"Genres of vocal music"


developing the ability to analyze a piece of music

formation of ideas about the genres of vocal music


Vocal teacher invitation.

Finding information about musical term"genre". Song learning.


Music director's story. Show media presentation. Showing dance moves.

Listening to music. Singing.

Generalization and reflection

Game-test "Collect the word."

Completing a creative task.

“This music is light ... they call it pop music ...”


fostering a sense of belonging in joint music-making - developing skills to distinguish the nature of a musical work and perform rhythmic exercises on children's musical instruments

formation of ideas about pop music


Selection of musical repertoire. Questioning.

Assistance in conducting surveys. Song learning.


Music director's story. Show media presentation. Demonstration of dance movements and rhythmic exercises to music.

Listening to music. Singing.

Performing dance movements and rhythmic exercises to music.

Generalization and reflection

Rhythmic exercises on children's musical instruments.

Performing exercises on children's musical instruments to the soundtrack.

Section 2. "Musical instruments" (2 hours)

"Piano sounds"


fostering a culture of listening classical music

formation of ideas about keyboard musical instruments


Invitation of a pianist teacher.

Selection of information about the piano.


Music director's story. Show media presentation.

Listening to music. Acquaintance with the musical instrument "piano".

Generalization and reflection

Test tasks using ICT.

"What are orchestras"


fostering a culture of listening to classical music

development of the ability to make a choice when finding the right answer in creative tasks

formation of ideas about the types of orchestras


Selection of musical repertoire.

Search for information about the musical instruments of the brass band.


Music director's story. Show media presentation. Demonstration of marching movements.

Listening to music. Performing movements to the music of the march.

Generalization and reflection

Tasks to test knowledge about the types of orchestras. Concert is a mystery.

Completion of tasks with a choice of answers. Guessing the sound of orchestras.

Section 3. "Musical folklore" (3 hours)

"Journey to Folkland"


development of skills to predict your entry in accordance with the beginning of the music

the formation of ideas about "folklore"


Learning ditties, Russian folk dance


Music director's story. Show media presentation. Preparation of folk Russian folk and children's musical instruments for collective musical creativity.

Listening to music. Singing.

Performing dance moves to music.

Performance of stage numbers. Collective musical creativity

Generalization and reflection

The game "What musical instrument sounds?".

Guessing the sound of Russian folk and children's musical instruments.

"Christmas Star Light"


education of an emotionally-valuable interested attitude towards Russian Christian traditions and customs

formation of ideas about Christian traditions


Selection of attributes, costumes, interior design.

Assistance in the production of attributes.


Music director's story. Show media presentation. Performance of the poem.

Listening to music. Singing. Staged carols.

Playing Russian folk and children's musical instruments. Festive tea.

Generalization and reflection

Musical repertoire for mini essays.

Mini-compositions are musical impressions.

"Come, spring, with joy!"


education of love and respect for native land, folk traditions

development of skills to build one's own public speaking

the formation of ideas about Russian spring folklore holiday


Preparing students for performance.

Learning dramatizations, chants, songs.


Music director's story. Show media presentation. Preparing props for performances.

Listening to music. Singing. Performing dance moves to music. Playing Russian folk and children's musical instruments. Performance of stage numbers. Collective musical creativity. Festive tea.

Generalization and reflection

Mini-survey on the topic "Folk calendar holidays»

They call folk calendar holidays.

Section 4. "Music expressive" (2 hours)

"Means of musical expression"


fostering a sense of belonging in the process of joint performance of dance and rhythmic exercises

development of the ability to make a choice when finding the right answer in creative tasks

formation of ideas about the means of musical expression


Selection musical material

Finding information about special terms denoting the means of musical expression.


Listening to music.

Performing plastic improvisations and rhythmic exercises.

Generalization and reflection

Test tasks for knowledge of special musical terminology using ICT.

Performing test tasks with a choice of answer options.

"Feelings, moods and characters of people in music"


fostering an emotional response when listening to music

formation of skills to analyze the nature of a musical work

formation of ideas about expressive possibilities music


Creation of a media presentation.

The selection of information about the traits of a person.


Music director's story. Show media presentation.

Listening to music. Performing plastic improvisations, dance movements and rhythmic exercises.


Generalization and reflection

Determining the nature of music.

Determining the nature of the music and displaying the mood on emoticons.

Section 5. Visual music "(3 hours)

C. Saint-Saens "Carnival of the Animals"


fostering a culture of listening to classical music

development of the ability to make a choice when finding the right answer in creative tasks


Selection of musical material.

Collection of information about animals.


Leader's story. Show media presentation. Preparation of equipment for visual activity.

Listening to music. Performing dance movements and rhythmic exercises. Music game. Drawing to music.

Generalization and reflection

The concert is a mystery.

Guessing musical works.

A. Vivaldi



education of emotional and valuable interested attitude to listening to musical works

development of imagination when performing plastic improvisations

formation of ideas about the content of a musical work


Interior decoration. Creation of a media presentation.

Search for information about composers who addressed the theme of nature in their work. Learning verses. Selection of pictures on the Internet.


Listening to music. Performing plastic improvisations.

Reading poetry. Drawing to music.

Generalization and reflection

Written blitz-survey on the topic of A. Vivaldi "Seasons"

Perform written work.

"Fairytale in Music"


education of emotional and valuable interested attitude to works folk art

development of the ability to make a choice when finding the right answer in creative tasks

formation of ideas about musical works on fairy tales


Interior decoration. Preparing students for performance.

Reading fairy tales. Assistance in interior design. Preparing dramatizations.


Music director's story. Show media presentation. Preparation of attributes for staging.

Listening to music. Performing dance movements and rhythmic exercises. Staging fragments of fairy tales.

Generalization and reflection

Concert is a mystery.

Guessing musical works.

Section 6. "Music and other arts" (3 hours)

"Music and painting"


education of an emotionally-valuable interested attitude towards creative heritage

development of skills to analyze works of art

formation of ideas about the work of artists and composers


Selection of musical material and reproductions of paintings. teacher's invitation fine arts.

Selection of information about composers and artists.


Music director's story. Show media presentation. Preparation of equipment for visual activity.

Listening to music. Performing dance movements and rhythmic exercises. Drawing to music.

Generalization and reflection

Test tasks for knowledge of composers, artists and their works using ICT.

Performing test tasks with a choice of answer options.

"Music in Film and Animation"


fostering an emotional response during the collective performance of songs

development of the ability to make a choice when finding the right answer in creative tasks

formation of ideas about the role of music in cinema and animation


Preparing students for performance. Selection of musical material.

Learning songs. Making drawings with the image of your favorite cartoon characters.


Music director's story. Show media presentation. Execution musical examples on the piano.

Listening to music. Performing dance movements and rhythmic exercises.


Generalization and reflection

Game "Guess the melody".

Guessing melodies.

Educational, methodological and logistical support of the program

    multimedia equipment.


    Music Center

    Phonograms of children's, pop, Russian folk songs.

    Recordings of works of composers, sounding of orchestras.

    Pencils, erasers, drawing paper, brushes, paints (watercolor and gouache).

    Russian folk and children's musical instruments(drum, rattle, glockenspiel, triangle, tambourine); violin.

    Russian folk costumes.


    Abdullin, E. B. Theory and practice musical training in a secondary school [Text] / E. B. Abdullin - M .: Education, 1983. - 112p.

    Abramova, M. A. Conversations and didactic games in the lessons of fine arts grades 1-4 [Text] / M. A. Abramova. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2002. - 128 p.

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    Dahl, V. I. Large illustrated Dictionary Russian language [Text] / Modern spelling. M.: Astrel, Transitbook, 2006.– 352 p.

    Kabalevsky, D. B. How to tell children about music? [Text] / D.B. Kabalevsky; ed. E.V. Maznina. - 3rd ed., Rev. – M.: Enlightenment, 1989. – 191 p.

    Kolomiets, G.G. Musical and aesthetic education (axiological approach) [Text] / G.G. Kolomiets: monograph. - Orenburg: Publishing House of OOIPKRO, 2001. - 240 p. M.L. Palavandishvili. - Moscow: Academy, 1998. - 240 p.

    Romanenko, A. R. The fairy-tale world and the real world (About TV programs for children and youth)[Text] / A. Romanenko - M .: Art, 1987. - 126 p.

    Telcharova, R. A. Lessons of musical culture [Text] / book. for the teacher: from work experience / R. A. Telcharova. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991. – 158 p.

    Finkelstein, E. I. Music from A to Z: busy reading with pictures and fantasies (for children)[Text] / Emil Finkelstein - L.: Ed. "Owls. composer". - 1991. - 115p.

    Sherstneva, OA Musical and aesthetic education of personality. [Text] / . - 1998 // Bulletin of Moscow State University: Philosophy. – 04/1998 . - No. 4. - pp. 85-99.

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Purpose of the lesson: Engage parents and older children preschool age To musical art by activating creativity and experimenting with sounds.

Lesson progress

The music director meets children and parents at the doors of the music hall.

Musical director: Hello kids, hello adults! You see this door, it is not by chance that it looks like the letter "P". Today we will go to musical Journey, where we are waiting for Performances, Transformations, Adventures.

The doors to the music hall open solemnly, Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" sounds, the music director invites everyone to sit down in the seats prepared in advance.

Musical director: There are two armchairs, I will sit in one, and someone is already sitting in the other. Meet: this is Gudonya, (the teacher takes the life-size puppet and guides it while sitting in a chair), together with her we will make a trip to the music hall.

Once dad took Gudonya to visit the Maestro (music director puts on top hat and bow tie). The maestro was a great connoisseur and lover of music and often arranged at his home musical evenings. Guys, do you know how people listen to music? (Answers.) Dude, how do you listen to music?

Gudonya: I like it loud and not very long.

Musical director: That's it, you need to get to know the music better. Ask!

Lights go out, candles are lit. Sounds "Farewell Symphony" by J. Haydn, an excerpt from the finale.

Musical director:

  • Guys, do you recognize this music?
  • Who composed it?
  • How did you know that music is saying goodbye to you?
  • Gudonya, did you hear when the orchestra played loudly, when it was quiet, when the musicians played all together, in groups? No? It's because you were indifferent to music.

Houdonya, and you, children and adults, close your eyes and listen to the sounds outside the window; in the room behind the wall...

Children and adults list what sounds they heard.

Musical director:

All children in the world know
Sounds are different:
Cranes farewell scream,
Airplane loud rumble,
The rumble of cars in the yard,
Barking dog in a kennel
The sound of wheels and the noise of the machine,
Quiet breeze.
These are sounds - noise ... (E. Koroleva)

Gudonya: Noise, crackle, rustle and hiss ... but this is not music at all!

Musical director: Right! All this noise sounds. Let's remember the sounds of nature! (Sounds to collage of sounds of nature).

These sounds do not depend on the person. But with the help of various devices - noise instruments - you can also depict various sounds of nature. Let's try to read the poem. Go to this (shows) the table and select any item.

Who is knocking outside the window?
- It is raining on the grass (clicks on sheets of paper).
Who rustles outside the window?
- Wind in the wet grass (rustling pistachio beads).
Who is murmuring outside the window?
- Brooks, streams (blowing from a straw into a glass of water).
What is whistling outside the window?
- Nightingale by the river (whistle).
Who is silent outside the window?
- No one is silent there:
There is a horse in a hurry
And knocks with a hoof (castanets).
Here the cow goes to the meadow (bell),
Here I hear the shepherd's horn (recorder),
Only I am silent, I want to listen to everyone. (L. Kudryavskaya)

Musical director: We did beautifully. Now let's move on to the next table. On it you see paper: thin and thick. Take any and listen to how it rustles in different ways. We get "paper music".

rustling autumn bushes,
Leaves rustle on the tree,
The reeds rustle and the rain rustles,
And the mouse, rustling, hurries into the hole,
And there they quietly rustle
Six nimble little mice. (A. Usachev)

But it is better to get acquainted with metallic sounds at this table. These are very noisy people, but you can also talk in a low voice and even in a whisper with metal utensils:

An old man lived in the world
Vertically challenged.
And the old man laughed
Extremely simple:
Ha ha ha (ladle spoons),
Yeah heh heh heh (bowls)
Hee hee hee (circles),
Yeah boo-boo (pan lids)
Boo-boo-boo (ladle spoons),
Yes be-be-be (bowls),
ding ding (cups),
Yes, try-try (covers from pans). (D. Harms)

Musical director: So we came to our little music workshop. Here you guys can make your own noise instruments. And I suggest our guests to consider glass items try to play them.

(Children pour various cereals (rice, peas, millet) into boxes from under kinder surprises, listen to the sound. Fix a bank gum on yogurt jars like a string, adjust the sound pitch by stretching the rubber band. Adults pour water into glass containers, adjust the pitch of the sound, compose the scale.)

Musical director: What tools did we make today? (Answers.) The teacher suggests taking the noise instruments home and decorating them with the parents.

And now it's time for us to return from a journey into the world of music. See you soon!

Children and adults leave the music hall to the music " Farewell Symphony» J. Haydn.


  • A. Klenov "Where music lives", Moscow "Pedagogy-press", 1994
  • T. E. Tyutyunnikova " Elementary music making» Moscow, 2000

Oksana Anatolyevna is fond of singing and arranging, as well as creating video teaching aids for preschoolers. He is a laureate of the city competition of scripts "Graduation of children to school" (Tyumen).

Lilia Diveeva
Musical living room innovative shape musically - artistic development preschoolers

If we try to determine main task musical education in preschool childhood, then it may sound So: make children fall in love with a good music. Intonational nature music, its live process, agitated or calm, intermittent or smooth narration, peculiar questions and answers - all this makes musical and verbal speech . problem solving development of children's musicality ability to perceive emotionally music subordinated to the task of teaching children various types musical and artistic activities and involvement in musical art(listening, singing, songwriting, musically- rhythmic movements musically- gaming and dance creativity, playing for children musical instruments).

Modern preschool pedagogy is aimed at finding innovative methods and forms upbringing and education of children preschool age. In our work, we use such an unconventional form organizations educational activities By development of musical And creativity at preschoolers like« Musical lounge» .

Creative Findings by Organization « Musical living room» , which we use in our work, allow us to create in musical hall atmosphere of some magic, the sacrament inherent in the communication of children with music. An invariable attribute of all meetings is a lit candle. This gives the lesson a special flavor. The same invariable attribute is the portrait of the composer, whose work will be discussed in the lesson. For this in kindergarten created a collection of portraits as classics of Russian and world music and contemporary children's composers. Composer A. Vivaldi, for example, appears before us in the image young man with curled curls and traditional clothes Italian urban dweller of the 18th century. And the composer P. I. Tchaikovsky - in the image of a Russian intellectual of the 19th century.

In addition, when organizing and conducting « Musical living room» there was a need to create a library of biographical data and stages creative way composers.

For a better understanding musical works, we try to select and suitable in terms of semantic structure literary material. If this "Nutcracker" Tchaikovsky, it is impossible to introduce children to music without using fragments of Hoffmann's fairy tale. This - elegant Christmas tree, gifts and, of course, the Nutcracker doll. And acquaintance with music M. I. Glinka means reading excerpts from the poem by A. S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Ludmila".

For example, « Musical lounge» "IN visiting Ak-tirme(white yurt)» takes the form of a quiz. Children respond to questions: What do the colors on the national flag mean?, “What is the name of the capital of our republic?”, "What trees grow in Bashkortostan?", What birds did you hear?, “People of what nationalities live in our republic?”. Naturally, these questions alternate with listening to Bashkir, Russian, Tatar, Mari folk melodies, which allows not only develop musical ability children, but also to attach to folk culture, cultivate moral and patriotic feelings, tolerance for people of different nationalities.

Taking into account the peculiarities of children's perception, we try to create a holistic image piece of music including auditory, visual and motor perception. The costumes of heroes, attributes and decorations created by the hands of educators, children and parents help in this. For example, with musical cycle"Seasons" A. Vivaldi children get acquainted on the basis of a fairy tale "Twelve months". Costumes and attributes for the presentation of this fairy tale were made by parents together with their children. original ideas prompted colorful illustrations books, photographs of magazines and, of course, the imagination of teachers.

But most importantly, the organization « Musical living room» - herself music. In kindergarten, we have created and are constantly replenishing the music library of classical, modern and folk music.

To solve problems musical and creative development preschoolers helps and developed by us new Toolkit « Music calendar» . The manual is a dodecagon, divided into four sectors of different colors, symbolizing the seasons. They, in turn, are divided into sectors-months. Each month of the year corresponds to a calendar, state or folk holidays which are traditionally celebrated in kindergarten. In the middle is an arrow showing the month of the year and the holiday for which preparations are being made in this moment. Photos of holidays reflect the traditions and customs of the celebration. In addition, this manual helps to solve problems artistic and aesthetic, cognitive, moral and patriotic education of children of junior, middle and senior preschool age.

Long-term plan for holding « Musical living room» developed by us on academic year includes classes in junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups kindergarten once a month. Among them: "The image of Salavat Yulaev in music Bashkir composers, "Chittz Rus'", dedicated to creativity poet S. Yesenin, "Clowns and clowns", dedicated to the holiday humor April 1, « Good Wizard» dedicated to the work of the composer V. Ya. Shainsky, "Fabulous music by Rimsky-Korsakov» and others.

Hearing music - a unique kind of musical activity. listening music, the child learns the world in all its diversity. Perception and analysis the child develops music thinking and imagination, arbitrariness and cognitive activity.

In the process of talking about music and its analysis, the preschooler develops speech which becomes meaningful, figurative and expressive.

Hearing music is a universal activity. In the program for preschoolers it is singled out as an independent section, but without listening it is impossible to imagine other types musical activity: before you learn a song, dance, orchestral piece or start working on a dramatization game, you must listen to them.

Organizing classes in « Musical living room» , we solve an important task - to teach children to listen music, form the basis for the development of musical culture.

In this work, close contact between musical leader and educator, as the educator provides continuity between musical classes and other parts of the complex process musical education and development of children. It is the educator who encourages all kinds musical activities outside of class, reinforces the skills and abilities of expressive performance, stimulates creative manifestations in independent activities.

An integral part musical development children is to work with parents. We work we do in form of consultation("Meaning musical activities in the upbringing of children ", « Music V Everyday life DOW ", "How to have a party" and others, joint holidays and entertainment, inviting parents of pupils to « Musical living room» . Of course, not all parents can be actively involved in its preparation and implementation, but this is not necessary. There are always enthusiasts among parents who are happy to respond to the offer to take part in the preparation and holding of such an event.

One more form interactions with parents musical education preschoolers are colorful posters made by hands music directors , with tips and advice to visit art exhibition , a concert or performance by art school students; joint creation of albums with parents about composers, family artistic creative projects . Projects have become a real discovery « Far Far Away kingdom» , "A smile lights a star" in which children and parents of senior and preparatory groups took part.

We are constantly looking for new and interesting methods and methods of work. We try to build our work in such a way that the life of a child in kindergarten is joyful and exciting. If, after listening music Having danced, the child remembers this for a long time, which means that our work was not in vain.

musical education in kindergarten does not imply professional musical, choral or dance education. Our task is much broader, and therefore harder: open the door to the world for the child music, acquaint with the sound of the surrounding world and its inner "I" to enable self-realization through music to feel harmony and beauty.

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