Anna Dostoevskaya. Dostoevsky's women


If you active person and lead healthy lifestyle life, then we can assume that a morning jog is your everyday activity. Of course, it is difficult to overestimate the health benefits of running. A beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems has long been a proven fact. One of the few things that causes a lot of questions from runners and makes running extremely uncomfortable is pain in the right or left side. You can describe the nature of this pain in different ways. In some, it acquires a sharp, stabbing character, the so-called feeling of a “driven knife”. For others, the pain is pressing or pulling. It doesn’t matter what the nature of the pain is, the main thing is that it interferes with enjoying your favorite pastime. Many refuse to go in for sports because of extremely pronounced discomfort, as well as a completely natural fear for their health. In this article, we will try to understand the causes of pain during running, as well as shed light on possible ways its prevention and elimination.

What are the causes of pain in the side while running?

Several large randomized trials have been conducted among runners and other athletes in order to find out the causes of this pain. As a result of the experiments, it was found that the most common trigger for the occurrence of this type of pain is a plentiful meal shortly before a run. Among the products that can be the direct culprits, the main place is occupied by drinks and drinking concentrates, especially those that contain a large number of Sahara. Separately, orange juice is distinguished, which is so popular among fighters for healthy way life.

Can oxygen starvation of the diaphragm cause pain in the side when running?

Now let's look at other common opinions, which, unlike food, are organic in nature (the problem is in the functioning of the internal organs). Traditionally, ischemia (lack of oxygen) due to reduced blood flow to the diaphragm (the muscle that stretches your lungs and allows you to breathe) is thought to be the cause of lactic acid buildup, which is the same reason other muscles ache after exercise, for example. At first glance, this reason seems reasonable enough and at first glance everything falls into place. But several studies refute the “diaphragm theory.” In 2006, two Australian scientists selected and examined respiratory functions (tidal volume, minute ventilation, forced expiratory flow) in 28 athletes who experienced flank pain after exercise. The results of the studies showed that athletes who, after jogging, had pronounced fatigue of the respiratory muscles, did not experience pain. As a result of this, it was concluded that a decrease in blood flow in the diaphragm is not the leading cause of pain.

Tension of the ligamentous apparatus in the abdominal cavity

The following theory attempts to explain the cause of pain as a result of irritation or stretching of the ligaments and membranes that hold and connect the various muscles and organs inside the abdomen (inside the abdomen). The theory states that during exercise, as a result of physical activity, the abdominal organs sink down, while stretching the ligamentous apparatus, which causes pain. This may explain why eating before exercise also causes pain. As you know, organs digestive system during the digestion of food consume a large amount of blood. Thus, blood is deposited in the intestines, pancreas, spleen and liver. By itself, the concentration of blood in these organs causes stretching of their ligaments and capsules. The liver and spleen deserve special attention. These organs have a strong capsule that contains many nerve endings. If we add physical activity, such as running, to the redistribution of blood associated with food, we will get significant shocks and tremors of organs richly filled with blood. Scientists still cannot explain several phenomena.

For example, in 2004, 40 athletes were studied who experienced pain in the hypochondrium during sports. Athletes were divided into several groups. Some drank the usual amount of plain water before and during training, others drank special sports drinks, and still others drank fruit juices. As you understand, first of all, these drinks have a different amount of sugars. Athletes ran a given distance and described their feelings. It was concluded that runners who drank special sports drinks with a medium sugar content were more likely to experience pain. The following phenomenon relates to the theory of stretching of the internal organs. It has been found that 75% of swimmers experience abdominal pain or discomfort during exercise. As you can imagine, swimmers are mostly deprived of training in an upright position.

Spinal irritation

Finally, the last of the main theories that try to explain the origin of pain is irritation. spinal cord. Experiments have been done when people experiencing pain after running were subjected to manual procedures, in particular, pressure on areas along the spine. Some of the subjects experienced pain that was identical to exercise. The researchers also found that kyphosis (curvature of the spine, "round back") is one of the risk factors. But problems with the spine in one form or another is another story, you should consult a doctor and eliminate organic cause pain.

How to prevent side pain while running?

Unfortunately, the causes of this type of pain have not been fully elucidated. From all of the above, the conclusion is that there can be many reasons. Problem solving should be treated individually. Try to get to the bottom of the problem. The following recommendations are considered the most compelling and justified for the prevention of its occurrence and elimination. It should be said that this pain should not interfere with sports. It is believed that it has no consequences and over time, when the body adapts to stress, it will pass on its own. The following recommendations are the most relevant. But it is usually the athlete himself who makes such a decision, but it would be right to visit a doctor and be more attentive to your health !!!

  1. If you experience pain in your side during exercise, pay attention to what you eat before exercising, how much and how long it takes between meals and exercise. Give yourself a little more time after eating before you start exercising. Avoid concentrated drinks that contain other sugars.
  2. Do not forget about a good and high-quality warm-up before training, which will prepare your internal organs for increased blood flow.
  3. Deep breaths, contraction of the abdominal muscles, while bending forward, help to relieve the pain that has already arisen in the side.
  4. If you have chronic side pain, this may be a reason to see a doctor for further evaluation.

Many beginners and even professional runners often wonder why they prick their side while running? First of all, it is necessary to clarify that both the left and right side can hurt, with the most various reasons. For example, if the pain is localized in the left side or hypochondrium, then its causative agent is most likely the spleen. If it pricks in the right side under the ribs, then the matter is in the liver. As mentioned above, the causes of pain can be very different. Here are the most common ones:

recent large meal; Poor stamina; chronic liver disease; Bad workout; Wrong breathing; Excessively intense training; Chronic disease of the pancreas or gallbladder;

However, most often pains in the side appear because during the run, all the blood that fills the human body begins to circulate, while in a calm state, half of its volume is in the so-called "stores". Also, a huge amount of non-circulating blood is in the abdominal and chest cavities. In the process of loading, a special distribution process occurs in favor of the activated muscles. This is where the whole cause of pain lies. Blood through the bloodstream at high speed enters the muscles. Ideally, its amount is controlled by autonomic functions responsible for respiration and blood circulation, but they require certain time to work.

If a warm-up was not done before running, then the vegetative functions do not have time to start, and blood from all the "reserves" enters the respiratory and abdominal organs without permission, it overflows the liver and spleen, creating internal pressure on their pain receptors, which leads to tingling in the side. Naturally, to prevent such incidents, it is imperative to conduct a good warm-up before running. But most importantly, we must not forget that the pace and intensity of training should be increased gradually. It happens that it hurts in the left side, even without much physical exertion. Here the reason may lie in some kind of disease.

If the pain in the side still appeared, despite the fact that all the rules of running were followed, then it must be eliminated. To do this, first of all, you need to reduce the pace of running, and best of all, change it to brisk walking. After that, you should try to restore breathing through deep breaths. They will normalize blood circulation and accelerate the outflow of blood from all internal organs, including the spleen and liver. You can also try several times to draw in the stomach to the limit. Thus, under the pressure of the abdominal muscles, the liver is pressed against the spine and excess blood is squeezed out of it. You can make several tilts to the toes. If the pain does not stop, then you need to press four fingers on the place of its localization and hold until it passes.

First of all, you need to strictly adhere to special rules. You should always start running with a warm-up. Moreover, it must be taken very seriously, carefully performing each exercise. Warming up helps to warm up the muscles before a run. Thus, they can be prepared for a full load. Also very important point is the constant monitoring of loads. For example, if a person has not been engaged for a long time, then fifteen minutes of running on average speed. If you gradually increase the load, then after ten or twenty workouts, the pain in the side will completely disappear. And the most important rule: you can’t run with pain in your side, you need to stop and try to eliminate it. There will be no benefit from such a run, but there is more than enough harm.

Every athlete at least once in his life thought about why he had colitis in his side when running. There are many reasons for this discomfort. Therefore, experienced athletes recommend doing a little warm-up before jogging.

Why do stabbing pains occur in the abdomen? If there are unpleasant sensations in the side when walking or running, then the pain is localized in the liver or spleen. At rest, part of the blood is in place without circulation through the bloodstream. It is located in the reserve of the body. The main part of the circulating blood is located in the abdominal and thoracic cavities.

During sports loads in the human body, a redistribution of blood flow begins to occur in favor of the muscles loaded by physical exertion. In the event that a full physical load falls on the muscles without pre-training, then there is a pain effect. In this case, there is a violation of the autonomic functions that are responsible for the work of breathing and blood circulation. It takes a few minutes to fully complete. With excessive motor activity, the blood flow does not have time to flow from the organs in the abdominal cavity.


Recent large meal

Before training, you must follow the rules of nutrition. Even a small snack before starting a workout will 100% provide the athlete with a short-term or long-term pain syndrome. Therefore, at least two hours before training, it is strictly forbidden to consume any food. It is especially important not to consume high-calorie foods with a lot of fiber and fat. These foods are digested very slowly. They can irritate the mucous walls of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, they negatively affect the human body during physical activity.

Poor stamina

In this case, the rule "Slower you go - you will continue." In order to get good stamina, you need to be patient. Experienced athletes recommend using a long and slow run. It is strictly forbidden to exhaust yourself to the point of exhaustion. It is easier to use long tempo workouts than running a marathon for the maximum short term. Training should be daily. This specificity helps to get the desired endurance. Otherwise, a person may overstrain and no longer start running or other physical activity.

Bad workout

If an athlete has colitis in his right side, then such a manifestation signals a poor-quality warm-up. Warming up before a workout is very important. Before running, a person's muscles are not elastic. Therefore, they need to be warmed up and kneaded. It is important to consider that the warm-up should not be long. If it lasts more than twenty minutes, then a person may not have the strength left for the main run. The recommended duration should be no more than 5-10 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to start the warm-up with stretching. Many athletes begin to lunge and roll from foot to foot. It is generally accepted that such exercises help to warm up as much as possible. But in fact, they increase the likelihood of injury.

Wrong breathing

Properly chosen breathing helps to reduce the load on the cardiovascular system. It increases the access of oxygen to all organs of the body. At the same time, it helps to increase the effectiveness of the training process. It is worth considering that the respiratory process is individual for each person. To date, a large number of universal breathing techniques. It may be different when performing different exercise. While running, you should set the rhythm of breathing. Exhalation should be done at the moment when the position of the body contributes to the compression of the chest. Inhalation is produced at the time of expansion of the chest.

Lack of warm-up or excessively intense training, long running

Excessive physical activity adversely affects human health. Instead of a beneficial effect, the body can cause irreparable harm. Before starting a workout, you need to warm up. This will prevent unwanted injuries, muscle strains, and joint dislocations. Intensive training through strength does not form endurance, but, on the contrary, increases the load on the cardiovascular system. As a result, the athlete quickly gets tired. Long running provokes the occurrence of pain.

Proper preparation for running

You need to set yourself a clear goal. Otherwise, you can not start jogging; Then you need to analyze and evaluate your physical training. If a person is prohibited from any physical activity, then it is not recommended to start jogging; Should buy a special sportswear and running shoes. Shoes with soft soles can prevent shock loads on the joints; best place for running are parks or stadiums. In such places, walking dogs and driving cars is prohibited. In winter, the paths are cleared of snow; Before choosing a route, you must walk it. It should be ensured that the athlete is not in danger anywhere; It is not recommended to run on asphalt. In this case, there is a strong load on the spine and joints; While running, you need to relax and adjust to the rhythm of breathing; The pace of running should gradually increase; While jogging, you need to breathe through your nose. When breathing through the mouth, there is a lack of oxygen and an excessive overload of the body;
after a run, you need to drink a glass of water. This will help restore the body's water balance;

How to relieve pain while running?

The left or right side can stab while running, even if all the necessary rules have been followed. The pain effect must always be eliminated. To eliminate pain, you need:

Change running to fast walking; Restore breathing with deep breaths. Such breathing helps to normalize blood circulation. At the same time, the outflow of blood clots from the internal organs of a person is accelerated. They also include the liver and spleen, in which the pain syndrome is localized; effective method the retraction of the abdomen to its limit is considered. Under generated pressure abdominal muscles presses the liver against the spine. With this procedure, excess blood clots are squeezed out of the organ; To eliminate the pain effect, athletes produce 5-6 tilts to the toes. But if this method does not help and the stabbing syndrome does not go away, then it is necessary to press on the place of pain localization with four fingers. The pressure must be kept until the pain is completely gone.

What can I do to prevent the pain from reoccurring?

Special rules must be followed:

Experienced athletes always start their run with a warm-up. It must be taken seriously, the exercises must be performed consistently. A properly performed warm-up can help warm up your muscles before a workout. With the help of exercises, the muscles are prepared for a full-fledged physical activity. It is necessary to monitor the load control. For example, for beginners, the maximum volume will be a fifteen-minute run at an average speed. Over time, you can increase physical activity. After 10-20 workouts, the pain in the side will go away completely. It is not recommended to run on a full stomach. You need to watch your posture. A straight back is the key to the necessary deep breathing. In this case, the compression of the diaphragm is excluded.

Running with pain in the side is strictly prohibited! It is necessary to stop and eliminate the unpleasant sensation. Otherwise, the run will not bring benefits. This condition will only aggravate the health of the athlete.

Health problems

Incorrect preparation or improper running can lead to health problems. If the left side hurts, then the pain is localized in the spleen, if the right side - in the liver. As a result, the organs overflow with blood and increase in size. Because of the pain receptors in the capsules, an unpleasant sensation begins to arise.

Pain in the left side may indicate congenital diseases of the spleen. After the blood flow enters the organ, a person feels a strong sharp pain in the lower abdomen. These pathologies are most common in female half population. Also, complications can cause abscesses, the formation of cysts, atrophy and an excessive increase in the size of the organ. While running with pain, a heart attack or volvulus of the spleen can occur.

In the right side, the pain syndrome can be localized in people suffering from hepatitis. Such patients have an enlarged liver. Health problems can occur in people with gallstone disease. The gallbladder in such people is enlarged. The stones begin to clog the ducts, and the bile becomes viscous. Running provokes the occurrence of acute pain. Running should be abandoned for people with an inflamed pancreas. Otherwise, running will provoke the occurrence of side effects.

Sports running is very useful for the body. But this sport should be taken very seriously. Improper preparation or conduct of such a procedure can provoke health problems. Before training, it is recommended to warm up to increase muscle elasticity.

How to breathe correctly, running technique:

Do you still think that curing the stomach and intestines is difficult?

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Have you thought about surgery yet? It is understandable, because the stomach is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Frequent pain in the abdomen, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, impaired stool ... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

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The appearance of pain in the side while running is one of the most common problems for beginner athletes. All runners faced with this kind of trouble have questions about why this happens, how it can be avoided, and whether it is worth continuing to run, overcoming the pain that has appeared.

At the same time, pain during running sessions can occur not only in overweight runners or beginners, but also in professional athletes.

About why it occurs during a running workout, what are the symptoms of pain in the side, how to prevent the occurrence of these unpleasant sensations and how to deal with them while running - read in this article.

Causes of pain in the side

The causes of pain in the side can be different. The most frequent ones are the following:

  • poor warm-up, or lack of it,
  • improper breathing while running,
  • a hearty breakfast, or the athlete ate immediately before the run
  • chronic diseases, for example, of the liver or pancreas.

Let's examine each of these reasons in detail.

Poor warm-up and overexertion

One of the causes of pain in the side can be insufficient warm-up before training, or its complete absence. The fact is that when we are at rest, about sixty to seventy percent of the total volume of blood in the body is in circulation in our body. And the remaining thirty to forty percent are in the internal organs (for example, in the spleen).

When the body begins to experience a sharp load, the blood that was in the reserve begins to circulate very quickly.

Therefore, the volume of the liver increases, and this organ presses on the hepatic capsule, which has many nerve endings. Therefore, there may be pain in the side. Its localization is the right hypochondrium. Otherwise, it is called hepatic pain syndrome.

Interestingly, this syndrome appears in healthy, young people who do not abuse bad habits.

But if the pain appears in the left side, this already indicates a significant increase in the volume of blood in the spleen during intensive loads.

Tips for avoiding this

  • Remember: warming up before running is a must. During the warm-up, our body “warms up”, the blood flow increases, the muscles and internal organs are prepared for intense loads. Without a warm-up, the pain will not be slow to manifest itself after the first kilometer of running.
  • Training should start with a small load and gradually increase it. The same applies to the time and distance of the run - start small (for example, 10-15 minutes) and gradually increase the number of minutes and meters spent on the run. The more resilient you become, the less you will be bothered by discomfort in your side while running.
  • If the pain suddenly arose during a run, you should reduce the speed (but in no case stop immediately), and, slowing down, relax your arms and shoulders, make two or three tilts, and take a deep breath. You can also gently press with your fingers several times where the pain was localized.

Irregular (irregular) breathing

The cause of pain can be errors in breathing technique while running. So, if oxygen cannot enter the diaphragmatic muscle in sufficient quantities, a spasm occurs as a result, and pain appears.

Therefore, when running, you should breathe infrequently and not superficially, since in this case the blood flow to the heart worsens, which is forced to stagnate in the liver and increases the volume of the latter, which puts pressure on the liver capsule. Hence - the appearance of pain in the right side.

Tips on what to do in this case.

  • Breathing should be even. It's best to breathe on the count. Two steps - we inhale, two more steps - we exhale, and so on. In this case, the inhalation must be through the nose, and the exit through the mouth.
  • In the case of spasm of the diaphragm, which caused pain, you need to slowly take a slow and deep breath, and then exhale through folded lips. You should also exhale as slowly as possible.

Fairly hearty breakfast

After we have eaten, our body is immediately engaged in the digestion of food. There is an enlarged stomach, dilated vessels of the liver, which is engaged in the neutralization of toxic substances.

And the heavier the food that we ate, the more difficult it is for the body to digest it. And running becomes the cause of a rush of blood, hence the pain that occurs in the right side.

Tips on what to do in such a situation.

  • You should eat breakfast at least forty minutes before your run. At the same time, if there was a lot of food for breakfast, then you should postpone the workout for an hour and a half.
  • Too heavy food - refuse. Such food means fried, salted, smoked, peppered dishes. It is best to have breakfast on the eve of a workout with a light salad, boiled (or steamed) rice, cereals on the water, and dairy products.
  • You should not give all the best in training intensely after a fairly hearty breakfast. Better slow down, hone your running technique on this day. And on the other day, when breakfast is lighter, you can catch up in terms of increasing the intensity of your running sessions.

chronic diseases

The cause of discomfort in the right or left side can be chronic diseases of the internal organs: the liver, gallbladder or pancreas.

  • For example, the liver can be enlarged if a person has hepatitis, including hepatitis B and C.
  • Pain can occur as a result of gallstone disease: stones block the ducts of the gallbladder.
  • If the viscosity of bile is low enough, it does not drain well - inflammation may occur and, as a result, pain.
  • Acute pain appears as a result of inflammation of the pancreas (otherwise - pancreatitis).

At the same time, these unpleasant sensations in sick people can also appear at rest. And with increasing loads, including during a run, they will only intensify.

Tips on what to do in such cases

Patients suffering from such chronic diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder or liver should definitely consult an experienced doctor. It is also necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination of the internal organs in order to exclude possible contraindications for running. But to experiment with self-appointment to oneself medicines not worth it!

In addition, you should follow proper nutrition, eat a large amount of vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals, exclude salty, fatty and fried foods from the diet. It is best to cook dishes for a couple, or bake.

In case pain overtook you during a workout, you should slowly move to a step and take a deep breath several times.

Conditions that contribute to the appearance of pain in the side

So, we found out the reasons that cause discomfort in the right or left side. And what are the symptoms and conditions that indicate that the pain is about to make itself felt?

There are several. Here's what you need to pay attention to:

  • the body is not very hardy, poorly prepared for intense loads,
  • the warm-up was carried out poorly and crumpled,
  • high intensity workout,
  • it is difficult to breathe while running, it is uneven and intermittent,
  • most recently you ate, less than 40 minutes have passed since the last meal,
  • you have chronic diseases that make themselves felt after exercise.

Ways to prevent side pain

Here are some tips to help you minimize the chances of side pain while exercising.

Pre-workout nutrition

  • Between training and the last meal should be at least 40 minutes. Ideally, up to one and a half to two hours. Also, you should not go for a run if you ate quite tightly. Or you should reduce the intensity of training on this day, concentrating on running technique.
  • Before a run, you should not drink a lot of different liquids.

Warm up and pace at the start of a run

  • Before jogging, it is imperative to do a warm-up. With the help of these warming exercises, the blood begins to circulate more actively, and there is no overflow of the volumes of the internal organs.
  • Running for the purpose of losing weight follows from overstrain, at a calm pace. Especially at the very beginning of the workout.

Breath control

It happened to you that when running, it suddenly began to stab in your side, the pain intensified until you stopped training. Let's understand this problem and find ways to help fight side pain when running.

Most often, pain in the side when running appears in beginners, in people who are just starting to run and cannot choose the right load mode. Sometimes pain in the side when running becomes a problem for professional runners, and it does not matter what distances you run: long distances or short races. Naturally, there is no need to talk about the pleasure of running with such discomfort.

It is very important to learn how to prevent the appearance of pain, and when it appears, quickly eliminate discomfort.

Pain in the side when running can be temporary and present as short colic or contractions in the side. Experts call such pain – chart spasms. That is, the muscles that are between the chest and abdomen become the source of pain, the reason is not enough oxygen.

There are times when pain manifests itself with different parties. If the pain is in the left side, then this is due to the spleen overflowing with blood or poorly developed muscles, since rib cage not taking in enough air. If the pain bothers in the right side, then the reason is the liver, which is overflowing with blood.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of pain in the side when running, because, knowing the cause and source, pain can be prevented and cured.

Causes of pain in the side when running

Pain in the side when running can manifest itself both on the left and on the right side.

There are the following causes of pain in the side when running:

  • Pain on the left side - problems with the spleen.
  • Pain on the right side - problems with the liver.

The most common causes of side pain while running are:

A large load, an unprepared body, poor warm-up or lack of it

If the body is in a calm state, there is no need for active blood circulation. Blood in a calm state is a reserve. The main part, which is located in the chest cavity and peritoneum, that is, the liver and spleen.

When we start running, that is, we increase the load on the body, the entire reserve goes into circulation in order to meet the needs of working muscles. The blood overflows the organs that are located in the abdominal cavity, the outflow simply does not keep up with the inflow. In other words, the liver and spleen swell from the constant rush of blood and put pressure on their membranes, which are completely penetrated nerve cells. This is what causes pain in the side when running.

  • Be sure to do a little warm-up before running, so you will help the body adapt, prepare the muscles for the upcoming work and increase blood flow, especially under load.
  • If you are new to running, then start with short distances and a short workout. Gradually increase the load and time of classes.
  • As soon as the pain in the side when running makes itself felt, slowly reduce the pace, switch to a sports step. The only thing you can't do is stop abruptly.
  • Try to relax, you can do a couple of side bends and do not forget to breathe deeply.
  • Press 3 fingers on the area of ​​pain, this will help reduce discomfort.

Rapid, irregular, or irregular breathing

Breathing problems during exercise can cause pain. For example, if the diaphragm does not receive enough oxygen, then spasms begin, and you feel pain in your side.

  • Make it a rule to breathe evenly. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Take a deep breath into all the lungs and slowly exhale.

A heavy meal before a workout.

As soon as you eat, the body gives all its strength to the digestion of food. The stomach is busy fermenting food, and the liver is involved in the neutralization of toxins. Please note that the heavier the food, the harder it is for the body to work. And add to this physical activity in the form of running, the result is pain in the side.

  • If you plan to run in the morning, try to have breakfast an hour before your run. If you had a hearty breakfast, then give the body time to digest the food, at least an hour or two.
  • Before training, you can not eat heavy food: fatty, fried, salty, spicy. Include light snacks in your diet, such as vegetable salad or porridge.
  • Keep track of the load during training, if you know that you ate a lot, you should not run at full strength. Better focus on running technique and proper breathing.

Diseased liver, pancreas or gallbladder.

With an inflamed pancreas, the side is pierced by the surrounding sharp pain. With hepatitis, the liver is enlarged, and with gallbladder disease, stones clog the gallbladder. Such pains can occur even in a calm state, and during a run they only increase.

  • Before you start running, you should consult with your doctor and conduct an examination of the abdominal cavity. If there are no contraindications to active sports, then feel free to start running.
  • stick healthy eating, give up fried and fatty foods.

Knowing the cause of pain in the side when running, you can find a solution or completely eliminate the problem.

Side pain symptoms while running

We have already dealt with the causes of pain in the side when running, now is the time to consider the symptoms of pain in the side, which indicate that the pain is about to manifest itself.

Depending on the nature of the pain during running and the conditions in which it manifests itself, there are several symptoms:

  • Weak endurance of the body, unpreparedness for physical exertion, poor warm-up, high level loads.
  • Breathing problems (you find it difficult to breathe while running, breathing is erratic, uneven).
  • Recent meal.
  • Chronic diseases that manifest themselves during physical exertion.

Pain when running occurs not only in those who have overweight and practices running for weight loss, but also among professional athletes who practice long-term loads.

Side pain after running

After running, pain occurs for the same reasons as during running. The most common cause of pain in the side after running is an abrupt cessation of training, that is, excessive load and a sharp stop. Do not test your body! If you plan to end your workout, then gradually move to a slow pace of running or a fast pace.

If pain in your side after running still occurs, then follow these recommendations:

  1. Take a deep breath, relax your muscles, calm your breath. Try to relax your whole body.
  2. David Balboa, a psychotherapist at the Walking Center in New York, advises you to press your fingers on the area of ​​pain and remain in this position until the pain stops, to eliminate pain in the side after running.
  3. If pressing on the area of ​​pain does not help, then gently massage the side, help the spleen or liver to relax.
  4. Take a deep breath and exhale as long as possible through pursed lips.

Pain in the side after running occurs only in untrained people, so at the beginning of training, replace running with brisk walking. You will prepare your body, and over time, even with intense training, your body will not feel discomfort.

Treating side pain while running

Pain in the side when running, in an untrained body appears after 10-20 minutes of running. In people who are professional runners, pain can occur in case of excessive training, when the body is squeezed out of last strength and spasms and convulsions occur in the body.

Ways to treat pain in the side when running:

  1. If during the run it starts to hurt in the left side, that is, the spleen hurts, it is not recommended to stop. Since after you rest for a couple of minutes, the pain will again make itself felt. The best way treat side pain when running - press your left elbow to your side and slow down a little.
  2. Did the first method help? Take a deep breath, the lungs will take in a lot of air and put pressure on the internal organs. As you inhale, hold your breath for 5-10 seconds and keep running. As soon as you feel that there is no strength to hold your breath, exhale slowly.

For pain treatment to help, it is necessary to carry out 3-5 procedures. If the pain during running manifested itself in the right side, then the above treatment is not so effective, you will have to carry out several cycles of the procedures described below.

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