Anna Sedokova: “I am moderately well-fed and constantly either gaining weight or losing weight. Dostoevsky - but in moderation


A man walks into a cafe and sits down at a table. A waiter comes up to him and holds out
menu. The man pushes away the menu and says:

- No, thanks. Bring me just a spoon and a fork.
The waiter is awesome, but brings: the client's desire is the law. Man sniffing a spoon
licks. Then he does the same with the fork and declares:
- So. For the first thing today you have mushroom soup and clam soup. To me - mushroom. A
for the second you have chicken and Kiev cutlets. Me - meatballs. The waiter is freaking out
but the order, of course, fulfills. The next day the same thing is repeated:
a man licks a spoon with a fork and makes an order. And so - all week. Finally
the waiter is fed up with it all. Before carrying a peasant a traditional spoon with
with a fork, he approaches the cook and asks her to put the appliances in one place.
- What are you, ofigel?
- Come on, what are you worth?! For a second...
Well, in general, she did everything as he asked ... The waiter, joyfully rubbing his hands and
imagining how he is now making fun of a peasant, dragging him appliances. man
sniffs the spoon, licks it. Then he does the same with the fork, surprised
looks at the waiter and asks:
- And what, Masha, does it work for you ?!

Dad bought a four-year-old daughter a videotape with the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast" - and in the evening he asks to tell what the cartoon is about. Daughter:
- Well, there the monster says “UUUUUUUUUUU!”, and the beauty screams “Aaaaaaaa ...”
- No, baby - tell me everything in detail, from the very beginning!
The daughter, frowning, sighs:
- Walt Disney Presents...

What time is it now?
- Five to five.
- Excuse me, but without five what?
- I don't know, I don't have a small arrow.

The guy comforts the girl
- Okay, stop crying, what happened?
My parents are against our marriage...
- Don't worry, I'll find myself another bride.

Vacation is dedicated to:
A woman is dragging a drunken man through the Odessa airport:
- Yasha, I wish you would die with your vodka! My brains are still boiling from the thought of how to drag you home ...
- Rose, I want to know where we are?
- In an Aeroport!
- Rose, what are we doing at the airport?
- SHO Sho. We are returning from Egypt!
- That you sho... Well, how is it???

In fact, we love domestic cars very much. And after all, there is a reason. For example, you are standing at a bus stop, voting. And suddenly - a downpour. And no one will stop. No Mercedes, no BMW, no Toyota. And an old "seven" will drive up, you will sit in it - you are warm, comfortable. And, you see, if you go with a girl in a Lexus, then it is not known what she thinks of you. And if a girl rides with you in the "seven", then this is for sure - for love.

Many male radio listeners are concerned about the question "Should I confess to my wife cheating?" Today in live on this topic, two main experts in this matter will speak out - a traumatologist and a pathologist of our city.

The car shop sells car bulbs. A man comes in
- Do you have plasma lamps?
- No.
- A laser?
- Also no.
- And the Zenos?
- Excuse me, but what planet are you from?

One of my friends is very complex because she has small breasts.
I said that she creates problems for herself out of the blue. Offended

In an Odessa restaurant, an overweight woman says:
- Waiter! I don't like where I'm sitting!
- Madam, I think it's the only place that you should be proud of!

Moderately well-fed

adj., number of synonyms: 5

Chubby (4)

Chubby (10)

Fat Belly (26)

Fat (107)

Fat Man (7)

  • - Grandma was strict. Everyone did their best...
  • - kr.f. upi/tan, upi/tanna, -tanno, -tanny...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - in me / ru, adv. and a preposition with genus. Adverb: Be strict...

    merged. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - FAT, th, th; -an, -anna. Full and healthy. U. child. U. cattle. | noun fatness, -i, wives. Medium meat...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - FAT, well-fed, well-fed. 1. . incl. suffering past temp. from nourish. 2. . Thick, full. A well-fed child. A fat man...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - in measure I adv. quality-quantity As much as needs; moderate enough. II offer...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - well-fed adj. Moderately corpulent, indicative of good nutrition...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - in m "...
  • - up "itan; short form of adverbs -an, -ana; short ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - @font-face (font-family: "ChurchArial"; src: url;) span (font-size:17px; font-weight:normal !important; font-family: "ChurchArial",Arial,Serif;)   =  adj. fattened.    ...

    Church Slavonic Dictionary

  • - TO THE MERU. 1. Exactly as much as needed; enough. Vera, despite her strict nature, loved to spin in front of the mirror, remaining alone. admiring slim figure, she noted to herself that she had everything in moderation. 2...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - see the sense of yes in ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

"moderately well-fed" in books

Dostoevsky - but in moderation

by Mann Thomas

Dostoevsky - but in moderation Preface to the American one-volume collection of selected novels and short stories by Dostoevsky Proposal of the Dial Press to write a preface to a collection of novels and short stories by Dostoevsky, to six small items included in the real volume, immediately seemed

Dostoevsky - but in moderation

From the book The Way to the Magic Mountain by Mann Thomas

Dostoevsky - but in moderation S. 242. Dial Press - New York publishing house ... about Friedrich Nietzsche ... - Later Thomas Mann published great article about Nietzsche.S. 243….as I did in the novel… - It's about about Thomas Mann's novel "Lotta in Weimar" (1939) ... and in one of his

Mount Meru

From the book of the Adepts. Esoteric tradition of the East author Hall Manly Palmer

Mount Meru Brahminism, philosophically and religiously reformed by the Buddha and his Arhats, spread throughout the vast Asian continent and neighboring regions. Although Mount Meru, or Sumeru, does not appear in the Rigveda, a brief mention of


From the book Secrets of Ancient Civilizations. Volume 1 [Collection of Articles] author Team of authors

Meru Among the mountain peaks I am Meru, the abode of the gods. Bhagavad Gita According to ancient Indian cosmology, this mountain, the abode of the gods, rises in the middle of the polar paradise, in the very center of the world, and the North Star shines above it. Measure is surrounded by concentric circles, alternating each

"In moderation and in the law"

From book Everyday life Russian tavern from Ivan the Terrible to Boris Yeltsin author Kurukin Igor Vladimirovich

"In moderation and in the law" In the "Tipikon" - the charter of life Orthodox Church- contains a list of food prohibitions during fasts. The consumption of wine on this list is less restricted than fish and vegetable oil, and is allowed even on Saturdays and Sundays Great

7. Structure (Su) Meru

From the book The Secret of St. Petersburg. Sensational discovery of the emergence of the city. To the 300th anniversary of foundation author Kurlyandsky Viktor Vladimirovich

7. Structure (Su) Meru In 1487-1559, in connection with the interest of mankind in geography (and in fact after the fall of Constantinople and the declassification of its secrets), European, Turkish and Arabic geographic Maps- maps of Yehudi ibn-Ben Zara, Piri Reis, Lopo Homem,


From the book Mythological Dictionary author Archer Vadim

Meru (other - ind.) - huge golden mountain, the center of the universe around which the sun, moon, planets and stars revolve. The highest gods, Gandharvas, Rishis and others live on Mount M. mythical creatures and characters. The heavenly Ganga flows first to M., and from there to


From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(ME) author TSB

Know the measure!

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Know the measure! And now we need to present the results of some studies that were carried out in various countries. The fact is that one of the most common reasons for immersion in computer games really is a stress reliever, real life, is clear

Measure for measure

From the book Lectures on Shakespeare author Auden Wistan Hugh

Measure for Measure March 5, 1947 "Measure for Measure" is a play about three concepts: the nature of justice, the nature of power and the nature of forgiveness. Cicero in his treatise "On the Republic" defines society as a group of people united common understanding benefits and rights, jus. Blessed Augustine in "O

Lose weight in moderation

From book Folk remedies in the fight against overweight author Isaeva Elena Lvovna

Lose weight in moderation Now about the speed with which it is recommended to get rid of extra pounds. According to the research of Dr. S.P. Semenov, the optimal timing of weight loss should correspond in time to the process of adipose tissue renewal. Based on this, a month should

Drink, but know when to stop!

From the book Recipes of St. Hildegards author Svitko Elena Vitalievna

Drink, but know when to stop! Yes, wine is indeed healing. But we have already said this, and we will repeat it again - only with its regular and moderate use. That is, to achieve the best result, you need to drink it daily and in an amount of about 200-250 ml for men and women.

22. A plump cocker is the best figure!

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22. A plump cocker is the best figure! Summer has come. Preparations for the French Championship went on as usual: Marina was given a visa, and she was supposed to fly to us four days before the show. This time, Lyon was chosen as the venue for the Championship, to which we need

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From the book The ABC of spearfishing [For beginners... and not so] author Lagutin Andrey

Meru Meru - it is also called the grouper, sea stone perch - a fairly common fish family! Their Latin name- serranids, and in this family there are about a hundred species of fish living in different seas and oceans. Meru is deservedly considered the "royal

Hello young writer! It's good that you decided to read the fairy tale "18. Handsome, smart and moderately well-fed" by Astrid Lindgren in it you will find folk wisdom which are edified for generations. Faced with such strong, strong-willed and good qualities hero, you involuntarily feel the desire to transform yourself into better side. Surprisingly easily and naturally, the text written in the last millennium is combined with our present, its relevance has not diminished at all. The dialogues of the characters often evoke tenderness, they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. Of course, the idea of ​​the superiority of good over evil is not new, of course, many books have been written about it, but every time it is still pleasant to be convinced of this. The entire surrounding space, depicted by vivid visual images, is permeated with kindness, friendship, fidelity and indescribable delight. Each time, reading this or that epic, one feels incredible love with which images are described environment. The fairy tale "18. Handsome, smart and moderately well-fed" by Astrid Lindgren is worth reading for everyone online, here is deep wisdom, philosophy, and simplicity of the plot with a good ending.

In the afternoon, the Kid spent upstairs with Carlson, in his house on the roof. He explained to Carlson why Miss Bok should be left alone.
“You see, she wants to make a whipped cream cake because Mom and Dad and Bosse and Bethan are coming home tomorrow.
Carlson found this convincing.
Yes, if she makes a whipped cream cake, she should be left alone. It is dangerous to bring down the housewife when she whips cream, otherwise she will turn sour, and with her the cream.
That's why last hours in the Svanteson family, Miss Bock spent in complete peace - the way she wanted. The kid and Carlson also sat quietly by the fireplace in the house on the roof. They felt very good and comfortable. Carlson quickly flew to Kheterge Street and bought apples there.
“I honestly paid five øre for them,” he said to the Kid. I don't want to be suspected of stealing. After all, I am the most honest in the world!
“Are these apples only worth five ore?”
“You see, I couldn’t ask their price,” Carlson explained, “because the saleswoman just went to drink coffee.
Having strung apples on a wire, Carlson baked them over the fire.
Guess who's the best baked apple specialist in the world? Carlson asked.
“You, Carlson,” answered the Kid.
And they ate baked apples, and sat by the fire, and the twilight grew darker. “How good it is when logs crackle! thought the Kid. — The days are cold. It looks like autumn has come.”
- I'm still going to fly to the village and buy firewood from some peasant. You know how stingy these peasants are, but, fortunately, they also sometimes go out to drink coffee, ”said Carlson.
He got up and threw two large birch logs on the fire.
“I like to keep it hot,” he said. - To be left without firewood in the winter - no, that's not how I play. And, without hesitation, I will say this to the peasant.
When the fireplace burned out, it became dark in the room, and Carlson lit a kerosene lamp that hung near the ceiling above the workbench. She illuminated the room with a warm, lively light and all those things that were lying on the workbench.
The kid asked if they could exchange something, and Carlson said that he was ready.
“But when you want to take something, you must first ask my permission. Sometimes I will say “yes”, and sometimes “no” ... Although most often I will say “no”, because everything is mine and I don’t want to part with anything, otherwise I don’t play.
And then the Kid began to ask permission in a row for all the things that lay on the workbench, and received only an old broken alarm clock, which Carlson himself took apart and then reassembled. But still, this game was so interesting that the Kid could not even imagine anything more exciting.
But then Carlson got bored with it, and he offered to do some carpentry.
“This is the most fun thing in the world, and you can make so many wonderful things,” said Carlson. “Anyway, I can.
He threw everything that was lying on the workbench right on the floor and pulled out boards and chocks from under the sofa. And both ai - and Carlson and Malysh - began to saw, and plan, and knock together, so that everything buzzed around.
The kid was making a boat. He knocked down two boards, and fitted a round chock on top. The ship turned out really well.
Carlson said that he should make a birdhouse and hang it near his house so that small birds could live there. But what happened to him did not at all resemble either a birdhouse, or, by the way, anything else. It was very difficult to tell what kind of thing he had made.
- What's this? asked the Kid.
Carlson tilted his head to one side and looked at his work.
“Well, one thing,” he said. - Great little thing. Guess who has the most golden hands in the world?
— You, Carlson.
Evening came. It was time for the baby to go home and go to bed. I had to part with Carlson and his little house, where it was so cozy, and with all his things: with his workbench, and with his smoky kerosene lamp, and with his wood-burning shed, and with his fireplace, in which they did not burn out for so long firebrands, warming and illuminating the room. It was difficult to leave all this, but he knew that he would soon return here again. Oh, how wonderful that Carlson's house was on his roof, and not on any other!
They went out. Above them glittered starry sky. Never before has the Kid seen so many stars, so bright, so close! No, of course, not close, they were many thousands of kilometers away, the Kid knew this, and yet ... Oh, a star tent was spread over Carlson's house, and it seemed to be within easy reach, and at the same time so infinitely far away!
— What are you staring at? Carlson asked impatiently. - I'm cold. Well, are you flying or are you thinking?
"I'm flying," answered the Kid. - Thank you.
And the next day… What a day it was! Bosse and Bethan returned first, then dad, and last - but still it was the most important thing! - Mother. The little boy rushed over to her and hugged her tightly. May she never leave him again! All of them - and dad, and Bosse, and Betan, and the Kid, and Miss Bok, and Bimbo - surrounded mom.
“Has your fatigue gone already?” asked the Kid. How could it have passed so quickly?
“It passed as soon as I received your letter,” Mom said. “When I found out that you were all sick and isolated, I felt that I would also become seriously ill if I did not return home immediately.
Miss Bock shook her head.
“You have acted unwisely, Fru Swanteson. But I will come to you from time to time to help a little with the housework,” said Miss Bock. “Now I must leave immediately. I'm on TV tonight.
How surprised everyone was: both mom and dad, and Bosse, and Betan.
- Indeed? We all want to see you. We will definitely look, - said the father. Freken Bok proudly tossed her head.
- Hope. I hope all the Swedish people will look at me.
And she hurried.
“After all, I need to have time to do my hair, and take a bath, and visit a masseuse and a manicurist, and buy new insoles. You need to get yourself in order before speaking on television.
Bethan laughed.
- New insoles? .. But who will see them on TV?
Freken Bock looked at her disapprovingly.
“Did I say that someone would see them?” Anyway, I need new insoles... You feel more confident when you know that everything is in order from head to toe. Although this may not be clear to everyone. But we - the ones who always appear on television - we know this well.
Freken Bock hurriedly said goodbye and left.
“There is no more housekeeper,” said Bosse, when the door slammed shut behind her.
The kid nodded thoughtfully.
“I’m used to it by now,” he said. “And she made a nice whipped cream cake—so big and airy—and garnished it with pineapple chunks.
We will leave the cake for the evening. We will drink coffee, eat cake and watch Miss Bock's performance on TV. So it was. When the time came for the transfer, the Kid called Carlson. He pulled the string hidden behind the curtains once, which meant: "Come soon." And Carlson arrived. The whole family gathered at the TV coffee cups and a cake with whipped cream stood on the table.
“Here we are with Carlson,” said the Kid, when they entered the dining room.
“Yes, here I am,” Carlson repeated, and collapsed in the softest chair. “At last, I see, a cake with cream has appeared here, and, I must say, very opportunely. Can I have a piece immediately... a very large piece?
— Boys get cake in last turn, Mom said. “Besides, this is my place. You and Baby can both sit right on the floor in front of the TV, and then I'll give you a piece.
Carlson turned to the Kid:
— Heard! Does she always treat you like this? Poor child!
Then he smiled, looking pleased.
- It's good that she treats me like that, because it's fair, otherwise I don't play.
And both of them, Malysh and Carlson, sat on the floor in front of the TV and ate cake, waiting for Miss Bock to perform.
“It’s about to start,” Dad said. And in fact, Miss Bok appeared on the screen. And next to her is Mr. Peck. He ran the program.
- The housekeeper is alive! Carlson exclaimed. - Hey, hey! Now let's have some fun!
Freken Bock shuddered. She seemed to have heard Carlson's words. Or maybe she was just very worried, because she stood in front of all the Swedish people and had to tell him how to cook “Hildur Bock sauce”.
“Tell me, please,” Mr. Peck began, “how did you get the idea to make this particular dish?”
“Very simple,” said Miss Bock. When you have a sister who doesn't know anything about cooking...
Then she fell silent, because Carlson stretched out his little plump hand and turned off the TV.
“The housekeeper appears and disappears at my will,” he said. But my mother intervened.
“Turn it back on immediately,” she said. "Don't do that again, or you'll have to leave." Carlson pushed the Kid in the side and whispered:
- What else can not be done in your house?
- Shut up. Let's look at Miss Bok, - said the Kid.
- ... and to make it tasty, it must be properly salted and peppered, and let it boil longer, - Miss Bock finished.
And before everyone's eyes, she salted, and peppered, and boiled to her heart's content, and when the sauce was ready, she looked from the screen with a sly look and asked:
- Maybe you can try?
“Thanks, but not me,” Carlson said. “But so be it, if you give me names and addresses, I will bring to you two or three little fire-eaters you spoke about. They are willing to try!
Then Mr. Peck thanked Miss Bock for agreeing to come and tell how she prepares this sauce, and the program was clearly supposed to end there, but then Miss Bock suddenly asked:
“Tell me, please, can I say hello to my sister?”
Mr. Peck looked confused.
“Well, pass it on, just hurry up!” And then Miss Bock on the screen waved her hand and said:
Hello Frida, can you hear me? I hope you didn't fall off your chair?
“I hope so too,” Carlson said. - Otherwise, an earthquake in Nordland cannot be avoided.
- Well, what are you talking about? asked the Kid. You don't know what Frida is. Maybe she is not at all as huge as Miss Bok.
“Imagine, I know,” said Carlson. “I've been to their house several times, on Freygaten, and played ghost there.
Then Carlson and Malysh ate another piece of cake and watched the juggler on the screen throw five plates into the air at the same time and then catch all five on the fly. It was boring for the Kid to look at the juggler, but Carlson's eyes were shining, and therefore the Kid was also happy.
Everything was very pleasant, and the Kid was so happy that everyone was sitting with him - and mom, and dad, and Bosse, and Betan, and Bimbo ... and even Carlson!
When the cake was finished, Carlson grabbed the dish, licked the cream off it, then threw it up, like a plate juggler on the screen.
“That guy in the box is a real miss,” Carlson said. — How great! Guess who's the best food thrower in the world?
He threw the dish so high that it almost hit the ceiling, and the Kid was frightened:
“That’s enough, Carlson, don’t… well, don’t!
Mom and everyone else were watching TV. A ballerina was dancing there, and no one noticed what Carlson was doing.
And the Kid kept whispering: “Come on, Carlson, don’t,” but it didn’t help, and Carlson calmly continued to throw the dish.
What a beautiful dish you have! Carlson exclaimed and threw him up to the ceiling again. “More precisely, you had a beautiful dish,” he corrected himself and bent down to pick up the pieces. - Well, nothing, it's nothing, a matter of life ...
But mom heard the dish hit the floor and break. She gave Carlson a good spanking and said:
- It was mine favorite dish, but not trifles and not a matter of life.
The kid was unhappy that they were treating the best juggler in the world like that, but he understood that his mother was sorry for the dish, and tried to console her:
I will take money out of my piggy bank and buy you a new dish.
But then Carlson put his hand into his pocket, took out a five-er coin and handed it to his mother.
“I pay for what happened. Here! Please! Buy a new dish and keep the change.
“Thank you, dear Carlson,” said my mother.
“You know what, use the rest of the money to buy some cheap vases and throw them at me when you get angry again.”
The baby hugged his mother
- Mom, you're not angry with Carlson, tell me? Mom patted Carlson's hand first, then Malysh, and said that she was no longer angry with them. Then Carlson began to say goodbye:
“Hi, I have to go home or I’ll be late for dinner.”
- What do you have for dinner tonight? asked the Kid.
“Carlson's sauce that lives on the roof,” said Carlson. “Only I won’t put as much fox poison in it as the housekeeper puts in, you can trust me.” Guess who's the best sauce master in the world?
- You, Carlson. - said the Kid. An hour later, the Kid was already lying in his bed, and next to him was a basket where Bimbo slept. Everyone - both mom and dad, and Bosse, and Betan - came to his room to wish Good night. The baby was already overwhelmed by sleep. But he did not sleep yet, but thought about Carlson. What is he doing now, Carlson? Maybe he’s making something… a birdhouse or something…
“Tomorrow, when I come home from school,” thought the Kid, “I will call Carlson and ask if I can fly to him and also make something else.”
And then the Kid thought: "It's good that Carlson made the call, I'll call him whenever I want." And suddenly he realized that he already wanted to.
He jumped out of bed, ran barefoot to the window and pulled the string. Three times. This signal meant: “What a blessing that there is such a beautiful, smart, moderately well-fed and brave little man in the world like you, the best Carlson in the world!”
The kid still stood a little at the window, not because he was waiting for an answer, but just like that, and suddenly, imagine, Carlson flew in.
“Yes, you are right,” he said. “It is indeed very good.
Carlson said nothing more and immediately flew back to his green house on the roof.

In our traditional rubric about stellar secrets beauty singer Anna Sedokova explains how to hide figure flaws with the help of a tan, shares the recipe for Angelina Jolie's favorite vitamin cocktail and tells how her short-term vegetarianism ended.

- Anna, you are a mother of two children, but you would never guess about it, looking at your chiseled figure ...

Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not perfect! Yesterday, for example, I saw social network a photo from my concert six months ago - it feels like I was five times fatter. And after all, I didn’t worry about it at all, I didn’t even notice! In general, I believe that a woman should have a weight in which she loves herself. If she is plump and quite pleased with herself, why try to change that? By the way, I've never been particularly thin.

- But you are very slim!

I am moderately well-fed, as one well-known fat man used to say. And I keep getting fat and losing weight. I don’t have a scale, so jeans signal extra pounds. I stop getting into them - I immediately drive myself to the gym and do not calm down until I return to the weight in which I am comfortable.

Do you also go on diets?

No, I am categorically against food restrictions. And I went on a diet only once - five years ago. It took me exactly one day. I remember that day I brought home and gave to my daughter little puppy york. Alina asked what we would call. I looked at him with hungry eyes and said: “Come on with a Bun ...” Some kind of madness has already begun, in a word. Now I just try to be mindful of my diet. For example, I definitely won’t eat spaghetti at night, but during the day I can easily afford a small portion. I drink coffee and tea without sugar - my sister taught me this. At first I spat - it was bitter, disgusting, and now I can’t even imagine how it could be otherwise. And I also follow the recommendations of one Indian with whom I once talked about healthy eating. He was over forty, but at the same time he looked amazing, and there was not a wrinkle on his face.

What secrets did he share with you?

Talk about enzymes. These are substances found in raw, unprocessed foods that help digest them. Over time, our skin becomes rough, in part because the body's digestive processes stop working the way they should. Enzymes help solve this problem. I don't know how in Russia (in currently the singer lives in California with her daughters Alina and Monica. - Approx. ed.), but in America they are now wildly popular and are sold in tablets: drank - made up for the lack of necessary substances. However, I prefer to get enzymes from natural products. For example, I don’t boil buckwheat, but just pour boiling water over night - by morning it turns out very healthy porridge. It's the same with oatmeal. And if raw almonds are kept in water for a day, they will turn into a nutritious, vitamin-rich snack. In addition, it is summer now, and it is easy to follow the principles of a raw food diet - all the necessary vegetables and fruits are available on any market.

- Do you eat meat?

Yes. Although once tried to refuse it. Then I just participated in the show " glacial period” and wanted to lose some weight, and someone said that giving up meat is the most the right way. It all ended in fainting due to low hemoglobin. Now I eat white meat of turkey or chicken, only pork is prohibited. By the way, it is meat, not salads and fruits, the best option for dinner. You definitely won't get better from it. But a salad in the afternoon will not bring any benefit - vegetables are poorly digested. Fruit at night is even more harmful - there is glucose, sugar. In general, if you are hungry in the evening, protein is what you need.

- You mentioned that excess weight prefer to drive sports. What exactly are you doing?

First, I run in the morning. Many people think that this is difficult. In fact, the hardest thing is to put on sports suit and running shoes, go outside and take the first step. And then everything somehow works out by itself. It’s even easier in the gym: you immediately succumb to this sporty atmosphere, you begin to physically feel how your muscles are being worked out, your body is improving. If it's boring to walk on the treadmill just like that, I take my tablet with me and watch movies in the process. I almost never go to an instructor because I know everything myself. I do cardio for an hour, then I stretch my muscles. Since I don’t really like “pieces of iron”, I do a set of exercises on the rug. I also work with a boxing coach. He praises me, says, it turns out well. By the way, I advise boxing to all girls - it pumps up hands perfectly. If you still do squats and push-ups during the break, you get such a solid, effective training, after which you come out squeezed like a lemon. But that's not all: when I'm in America, I go to the pool almost every day. From four to five in the evening we have water procedures with our daughters.

- Now I understand why you do without diets ...

Well, yes, miracles do not happen. Sometimes it’s too lazy to go to the gym, and especially for this case, in one social network, I subscribed to the pages sports girls with pumped up priests and thin waist. I see a photo of one of them and I say to myself: “So, this beauty has already pumped up her press, Anya, pay attention. Have you been to the gym today? This is some kind of motivation. By the way, as a child, I was involved in all possible sports. Mom gave me to all sections - from athletics to swimming, and I thank her very much for this. Now, when I see plump children, I understand that this is one hundred percent fault of the parents. If you notice that your son or daughter is overweight or has poor posture, immediately send your child to swimming, dancing, martial arts - there are a lot of options. Between the ages of five and fifteen, the foundation is laid healthy development man, this period cannot be neglected. If you didn’t go in for sports as a child and think that you will come to the gym at the age of 35 and easily make yourself an athlete’s figure, you are mistaken. No, you will, of course, someday, but you will have to make an unmeasured effort.

What sport are your daughters into?

The eldest, Alya, used to go to gymnastics, and now she is professionally engaged in tennis. And Monica is still small for this, she is only three years old. Of course, I teach both to a healthy diet and have already achieved some success. Alya, for example, will always prefer salad over potatoes - without any coercion on my part. She is rare smart. And her figure is amazing. I will note that I do not forbid children either fatty or sweet. I just make sure we don't have it on our table and build a habit of eating the right foods. For example, every morning, before I wake Alya up for school, I make fruit juice for the girls - from apples, carrots or grapes. And on an empty stomach I drink a vitamin cocktail of green products. I just open the refrigerator, take everything green - cucumber, apple, parsley, dill, broccoli, asparagus - and into the juicer. You also need to add a tablespoon of lemon juice, a pinch of ginger and a pinch of red pepper, so that the cocktail burns directly in your mouth. The stomach is cleansed like a brush. Still from time to time I arrange myself a fasting day on a cocktail with lemon juice and cayenne pepper - he has a lot of fans among Hollywood stars.

- Anna, an inevitable question for our column: are you familiar with the problem of cellulite, and if so, how do you fight it?

There is only one way to fight: put on tighter pants - and go to the gym. You almost never notice "orange peel" in athletic girls. You can also connect a massage, but painful - after which bruises remain. And forget about miracle scrubs - practice shows that they do not help. Yes, one more hint: nothing hides minor figure flaws like a tan. On bronze skin, cellulite is a thousand times less noticeable than on pale skin. Therefore, whenever possible, take sunbathing - naturally, after protecting the skin with a cream.

- What kind of face care products do you use?

I really love cosmetics, which are made by cosmetologists themselves. Usually these are little-known brands that can only be purchased in beauty salons. For example, an excellent cosmetologist, Russian by nationality, works in Beverly Hills. Stars such as Kim Kardashian and Jada Smith, Will Smith's wife, go to her. So, I really like her cream with aloe extract, one hundred percent natural. Still, in mass-produced creams, even if they are expensive, there are all kinds of chemical additives, and here - organics, an extract. And the effect is amazing. I also nourish the skin with serums with vitamins, they are applied under the main cream.

- How do you take care of your hair? After all, they are constantly under stress from styling, curling ...

Yes, you have to save. All night today, for example, slept in Japanese mask. Before subjecting my hair to heat treatment with a curling iron, hair dryer or irons, I always protect them with something - a balm or serum. I also drink special vitamins for hair, this is also important. And I usually go to the hairdresser with my treatment mask. There is a climazon in the salon that warms your head, and the mask absorbs better under the influence of heat. At home, you can also arrange such a procedure: you apply a remedy on your hair, put on a plastic cap and blow it all with a hot hairdryer for about 15 minutes. Your hair is perfectly moisturized.

Have you ever wanted to change something in yourself?

And how! After all, I grew up a modest and insecure excellent student, and even curly-haired - my head was like a dandelion. I remember constantly pestering the heavens: “Well, why, God, did you give me such curly hair? Why do other girls have beautiful straight hair, but I have this? Then she grew up, grew wiser, fell in love with herself and immediately got prettier. Now I believe that a woman should be feminine, this is first of all. And femininity is not in shapes and sizes. She's in the head.

Cleansing cocktail from Anna Sedokova

“This recipe is known by heart by many Hollywood stars first magnitude, including Angelina Jolie. And I understand them - the effect of the cocktail is simply amazing. The main difficulty is to endure the whole day only on this drink: you can’t drink and eat something other than it. But as a result, you will kill two birds with one stone: cleanse the body and lose up to one and a half kilograms.

The ingredients are quite simple: water (1.5 l), lemon juice (1 cup), maple syrup (or any other natural syrup, 1 cup), honey (2 tablespoons), ground hot red pepper (1/ 2 tsp). Mix well and cool slightly. The miracle drink is ready!

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